##VIDEO ID:Ifz991GFgkY## school you know what's what's the deal here um and you know I and um it was funny was the in in school and stuff I had black and white friends didn't matter to me of course we didn't have a lot of Hispanics or and when the Vietnamese started you know coming in the ships and stuff uh my brother's best friend was a a Vietnamese kid and we just didn't we were we just didn't care I mean we grew up in the country everybody helped everybody yeah yeah skin color was not relevant abolutely I mean it just wasn't relevant and um my first taste of racism I was in seventh 8th grade and I always I had senior friends friends in Senior High School right and so I always played T Ron Kelly was one of the guys I played um he was a former city councilman I played tennis with him and about three other High School seniors boys right and then one day a black football player came we were play all playing tennis somebody called my mother and threatened her because I was playing tennis with black guy I was like what the hell I just found out thank you well at least I say it do good we're already live yeah go ahead oh okay cool perfect not cool all right we've got one more minute before we get started apologize for the [Music] rant yes it is okay thank you need change the clock up there all right if you'd like to we uh come to order everyone to stand Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible and liberty and justice for all thank you you may be seated since we have no one in the audience I think we can foro um the liturgy on on how this happens but I will need to swear you in U Mr strong if you want to raise your right hand please do you Solly swear or affirm that you'll tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and the matter set before this court I do thank you you may be seated you may bring your first case the Halls have been called and no one's present for the first case okay thank you very much uh you may start the first case of trust of Helen brown finding a fact hearing case number 2022 00124 violations chapter 14 section 14-2 Nu nuisances and hazardous or unsanitary conditions General requirements addresses at 849 US Highway 90 East partial number is 253 November 1 191970 001490 property owner is the cesary trust of Helen L Brown exhibit one shows us inside the city um jurisdiction and subject to the code ordinances to inspection 76 of 2022 exibit three inspection 88 of 2022 exibit four inspection 914 of 2022 isit 5 inspection 1020 of 2022 EIT 6 inspection 127 of 2022 exhibit s inspection 15 of 2023 exibit 8 inspection on 26 of 2023 exibit 9 section 38 of 2023 exibit 10 section 413 of 2023 exhibit 11 inspection on 522 of 2023 exhibit 12 inspection on 623 of 2023 exibit 13 inspection 84 of 2023 exibit 14 inspection 911 of 2023 exhibit 15 ins on 1012 of 2023 exhibit 16 inspection 1116 of 2023 exhibit 17 inspection 116 2024 exibit 18 inspection on 42 of 2024 exibit 19 inspection on 523 of 2024 exhibit 20 inspection 624 2024 exhibit 21 inspection 81 of 2024 22 inspection 8:15 of 2024 today's date is there anyone living there no ma'am okay on July the 6 2022 while inspecting code enforcement cut enforcement violations I observed a violation at the property on 849 US Highway 90 East I photographed the property I reviewed the case files and confirmed that there was not ongoing case File I checked the Walton County property appraisers office website and it indicated the property is inside the city limits Phoenix Springs and it's owned by a testimony Trust of Helen L Brown the following was observed a structure that has wood rot in sections of the porch collapsing August the 8th 2022 I fixed the property the violation still observed repair and sent a warning notice to the property owner exhibit 14 202 or September the 14th of 20122 expected the property still observed paron sent a notice of violation to the property owner on October 20th 2022 the property violation is still observed December the 7th 2022 the property viol still observed January the 5th 2023 expected the property the violation was still observed on February the 6 2023 the property the violation still observed March the 8th 2023 I SP the property the violation still observed March the 13th 2023 expect the property the B observed May the 22nd of 2023 expect the property the V observed June the 23rd um August the 4th September the 11th October the 12th November 16th 2023 expected the property the violations all still observed on January the 16th 2024 of property still oberved the following individuals have ENT in the property according to probate a Julie Brown a Richard Brown a Sharon Brown Valerie cron Sandra folks and a bnch brown mark on April 2nd 2024 SE the property The observed May the 23rd 2024 property observed May the 24th 2024 expected the property observed a certified male with return receipt to the property owners certified male was 7 7021 2720 002 2887 2932 that one still being being returned back to the sender 7021 2720 00002 2887 2949 was delivered 7021 27202 2887 2956 was delivered um 7212 72002 2887 2963 is being returned back to the center Center 7021 2720 00002 2887 2970 is being returned back to the sender and 7021 2720 00002 2887 2987 is being returned back to the cender are these in the same order as you listed the um um the airs in the previous no these are not so um when we get to the letters they're in on the they actually shows those who it is okay good I just want to make sure we could identify who was yes ma'am we can thank you on Jun 24 24 the property still observed on March on August the 1st 2023 expect the property the violation still observed and send a notice of hearing certifi mail to the return receipt to the property owners the notice of hearing was posted at City Hall and the property was posted by by code enforcement so IFI mail was 7022 333001 14986 6970 and that's still being attempted 7022 33301 4986 6987 is being returned back to Cinder 7022 333001 4986 694 94 was delivered 7022 33301 4986 7007 still being tempted 7022 3330 00001 4986 7014 is being attempted and 7022 3330 00001 4986 7021 is being returned back to the CER August the 15 2024 expect the property on the date of the viation or date of the hearing and the property shows no improvement and no change of condition um exhibit 14 is um the first one that was done in 2022 umit 25 is the letter of violation done um in 22 um exhibit 26 is one of the letters that was done April 24 that one's to Valerie this one's to Marks um joh FKS Richard Brown Sharon Brown and Julie Brown so the ones are certified met letter Valerie launch marks FKS Richard Brown Daron brown brown are the um letters of violation by letter on sh hearings Val launch marks s fulks Richard Brown 31 recommendations please find that the property of 849 US Highway 9 e St Springs forward a partial number 253 November 1 91970 001490 is located within the mpal area of Def Springs of Walton County and is subject to the city of Def Springs code of ordinances please find that the violations of the city of hearings code of ordinances chapter 14 section 14-2 on the property please find that the proper notes of the hearing was given to the respondents the respondents is to correct the violation within 90 days the date of this order and the respondent is further ordered to contact the city of Def Springs Code Enforcement office to arrange for a reinspection of the subject property to verify compliance of this order that the compliance fails to comply with the above actions or fails to bring the property into compliance with the capable codes ordinances and regulations according to this order special matate access is the F of $75 a day until the property is brought into compliance that'll be the end of my testimony all right did you um did you go and check that is there a probate filed on this trust yes and it was actually done in 2019 so it's closed yes ma'am okay and those are the all the people that were listed in the probate all right that on probate uh if there's an attorney attached to it we need to notify him as well but once it's closed it's it's no he's no longer obligated to that okay closed um all right thank you for your testimony I accept all your testimony into the record and all of your exhibits and is there anyone here to testify or speak on behalf of the testamentary trust of Helen L Brown seeing none I will is mine not on oh his okay technical difficulties excuse me um I find that the case has come before me uh it's a special magistrate city of defini X Springs Walton County Florida on August uh 15th 2024 a thir Thursday after due notice has been sent to the respondents and special magistrate AV hearding testimony under oath received evidence and heard argument hereby issues this finding of conclusion of law findings of fact and and an order and I'm going to change on the um the order respondents instead of respondant one single the respondents of the testimon trust of Helen L Brown and individuals with interest juel Brown Richard Brown Sharon Brown Valerie cran sander folks and blanch Brown Mark whose a mailing address is 1550 Oregon Street Apartment 18 berley California 94703 and 2340 Gardner Oak Park Michigan 48237 and uh an address of 1333 sanderling Drive Fairfield California um 95 94533 108c Farm Road Pont Leon Florida 3243 5 2350 Kenosha Park Michigan 48237 and 115 West Dearborn pass Parker te Heights Texas are the known own owners and of the real property as described and known as us uh 849 US Highway 90 East IFC Springs Walton County Florida partial ID number 253 north1 1919 07001 0490 I do find that there has is a violation and I order that uh the real property here in is associated and located within the city of Defan Springs Walton County Florida responded as the owner of the real property is responsible for maintaining the same in accordance with the code of ordinances of the city of defun EX Springs all required notices have been made in accordance with Florida Statutes 16212 and Walton County code conditions presently exist on the subject uh property and violation of the city code and have existed for over a year section 14 chapter 14-2 nuisances and hazardous condition or UNS sanitary conditions General requirements such conditions cond constituting a nuisance and a serious threat to public health safety and Welfare within the meaning of Florida Statutes 162.000 6 sub paragraph 4 this has been a lawfully constituted uh code enforcement proceeding convened pursuant to chapter 162 part one of Florida Statutes and chapter 18 of the city of thec Springs Land Development code the special magistrate has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the respondant I find that the uh respondent is to correct the Apen AF said violations on before 90 days of this order or a fine of $75 per day shall be imposed and that the resident respondents are further ordered to contact the city of defini ex spri Code Enforcement office to rearrange for uh a reinspection of the property to verify compliance with this order in order to either stop the fine or the uh imposition position of the fine so ordered and also the um code enforcement has the authority to extend uh the compliance date on behalf of the special magistrate of H showing a good faith by the respondent so ordered a second I don't think I put a X on the second page oh yeah there go see oops thank you very much and you may call your next Cas the HS thank you the hall has been called no one is present okay thank you you may begin your case finding a fact hearing case number two 023 00113 violations chapter 14161 14-2 Nu assist and hazardous or ar sanitary conditions General requirements address is the 81 Graham Avenue parcel number is 253 november9 1 N1 000000000000 z90 Property Owners state of Rosa jamat it one shows the properties inside the city limits and subject to the code of ordinances Exhibit 2 inspection on 620 of 2023 exibit 3 in section 725 of 2023 if you look in the top left picture there's actually a hole in the roof and is that uh those blue stripes is that remnants of of tarp of tarp yes ma'am okay go ahead 4825 of 2023 theit Five inspection 927 2023 exibit 6 expection 111 2023 um give me one second I'll that'll be 1220 of 2023 exhibit 8 inspection on 26 of 2024 exibit 9 section 38 of 2024 exhibit 10 and 411 2024 exhibit 11 in section 523 2024 exhibit 12 inspection 624 2024 zit 13 inspection one or 8 81 of 2024 and inspection exhibit 14 inspection on today's date 8:15 2024 that hole is still there in the roof isn't it yes ma'am okay very good thank you go ahead on June 20th 2023 while inspecting code enforcement violations I observed a violation at the property on 81 Graham Avenue I photographed the property I reviewed the Case Files confirmed there was not ongoing case File I checked the Walton County property appraisers office website and it indicated the property is in City Limited Phoenix Springs and is owned by the estate of Rosa jamont the following reserve a structure has um Grime and mold on sections of the um structure chipping peeling paint allowing wood rots or wood um not to be protected from the elements wood rot in areas and the roof is collapsing overgrowth of grass and weeds and wild vegetation a height of 12 inches or more from the ground and vegetation growing on the structure on June the 22nd 2023 I par warning notice to the property owners June the 25th 2023 expect the property the violation s observed the family is going to take the property through probate 30-day extension was granted for the violations um June the 25th 2023 s the property advis Reserve 30-day extension was granted for the violations 20 September 27 2023 expect the property violations will observe a 30-day extension was granted for the violations November the 1st 2023 to the property violation observed 30-day extension was granted for the violations on June the 12th 2023 the property B observed cannot locate evidence that the probate has even been started I had um talked to one of the family members one that lives here in town and apparently there was one family member that was basically causing a stop to the probate process from my understanding okay but probate has not been formally filed has not I went and checked the um computer system just a couple more days ago and it still has not been filed okay December 13 2023 appearent sent a notice of violation to the property owner February 6 2024 expect the property observed February the 7th 2024 appearent a noce violation certified mail return receipt to the property owner 7021 2720 002 2887 2536 and that was returned back to me on March the 8 2024 to the property the violation was observed April 11th 2024 respect to the property V still observed May the 23rd 2024 the property V still observed May the 24th 2024 appear said a notice here or notice of violation to the property owner June 24th 2024 fix the property The viol observed on August the 1 2024 speak of the property the vi the violation still observed I prepared and sent a notice of hearing certified mail with return receipt to the property owner the notice of hearing was posted at City Hall on the property was posted by code enforcement certified mail 7022 333001 4986 6949 is still being attempted August 15 2024 speak to the property the day of this hearing the property shows no improvement and no change condition um exhibit 16 is a letter of violation exhibit 17 a letter of violation exhibit 18 a letter of violation certified mail exibit 19 is the tracking exhibit 20 letter of violation exhibit 21 notice of hearing certified mail exhibit 22 notice of hearing tracking please find the property of 81 Graham Avenue def Springs fla parcel number 253 November 1 1919 1 00000000 0090 is located within the mpal area of f Springs Walton County and is subject to the city of f Springs Cod of ordinances please please find that the violations of the city of city of defini experience code of ordinances chapter 14 section 14-2 on the property please find that the properness the hearing was given to the respondant the respondent is to correct the violation within 120 days the date of this order and that the respondent is further ordered to contact the city of Spring's Code Enforcement office to arrange for a reinspection of the subject property to verify compliance with this order that if the respondent fails to comply with the above actions or fails to bring the property into compliance with the capable codes ordinances and regulations according this order the magistrate will assess a fine of $100 a day until the property's brought in compliance that'll be my testimony is that how is that home occupied no ma'am do you know when the uh when Miss uh Rosa uh jemth pass no and are all of the aors local I do not know only the only one I can make contact with that responded back to my letter was the one that lives here in Def act who is that um she never G your name well I I I this is a a little bit more dire situation uh with the the hole in the roof and the grime and stuff and I'm just concerned about the property deteriorating further and they have one you know one person who's holding it up that means to the time that you're asking for I think it's a little long well would you would you like to move to 60 or 90 I'm going to I'll Pro let me ask for any argument but I'm going to go yeah unless they can convince me otherwise is there anyone here to speak on behalf of the estate of Rosa Rosa jimat or 81 Graham Avenue hearing none I will issue my order I do find that uh the property that this cause was uh comes before a public hearing before the special magistrate in the city of defc Springs Walton County Florida on August 15 2024 after due notice to the respondent and the the special magistrate having heard testimony under oath received evidence and heard argument hereby issues the find of facts conclusions of Law and Orders as follows the respondent the estate of Rosa jamat j m o t whose mailing address is 965 US Highway 90 East I think that's the wrong address that's actually what was on goes to goes to a different house okay all right so the I was just concerned it was from the last one but that's 849 okay so they're neighbors huh okay um to 965 US Highway 90 East if un Springs Walton County Florida 32433 is the owner of the real property described and also known as 81 Graham Avenue to func Springs Walton County Florida paral number ID 253 November 1 19191 0000000000 000090 the real property list above is located and existing within the city limits of bini X Springs Walton County Florida responded as the owner of the real property is responsible for maintaining the same and ordance with the code of ordinances of the city of thec Springs all required notices have been made in accordance with ch Florida Statutes chapter 16212 and county code uh conditions presently exist on the property in violation of city code section uh 14-42 chapter 14 nuisances a hazardous conditions unsanitary conditions General requirements such conditions constituting a nuisance or serious threat to the public health safety and Welfare within the meaning of Florida statute one 62.0 6 sub chapter 4 this is a lawfully constituted and code uh enforcement proceeding convene according to chapter 162 part one Florida Statutes and chapter 18 of the city of DC Springs Land Development code I the special manager magistrate has jurisdiction over the subject matter and over the respondent and I order as follows the respondent is to correct the Apple said mentioned uh violations before 60 days and I am not taking your recommendation because I think this needs to be expedited uh because of the issues and the fact they have not filed a probate and a fine of $100 per day shall be imposed and that the the respondent is further ordered to contact the city of Def experience Code Enforcement office to arrange for a reinspection of the subject property to verify compliance with this order and I also allow the code enforcement officer to have the authority to extend this compliance date on behalf of of the special magistrate upon a showing a good faith effort by the respondents so order you thank you sir all right you may call your next C go call the homes when you're ready f thank you thank you no one's present' okay thank you for call you may begin your case finding and fact hearing case number 2024 0000000000 Z3 violations for chapter 14 section 14-2 nuisances and and hazardous oring General requirements chapter 18 section 18- 58.1 wck junk abandoned vehicles and other property address is on North 11th Street parcel number is 253 November 1 191 9070 001 6941 property owner is Doris stalker Wilson and Reginal s stalker is this does this not have a mailing address no ma' it's actually just a parcel okay thank you continue exhibit one shows the properties inside the city limit Phoenix Springs subject to the code of ordinances exhibit two inspection on 116 of 2024 is that a an abandoned car yes ma'am it's um abandon car and the structure with the tin and the um basically wood rot and the shed basically roing it fall down and that's not a living uh living space it's a shed no yeah that just a shed that's on the property um vehicle and they actually have a RV parked on the vehicle just for storage no one's living in it okay very good is the RV operational or is it in bad condition as well it has a current tag okay on it and so I do not know though if it's tires are all looks like they're all good so from what I can tell it's it's good to go okay good very good thank you exhibit three inspection on 35 of 2024 exhibit 4 section 44 2024 exhibit 5 Section 523 2024 exhibit six inspection on 624 of 2024 exhibit s inspection 18 of 2024 exhibit 8 inspection 8:15 of 2024 on January 16 2024 coach for receiv received a complaint from Oliver Andrews regarding violations at the property on North 11 Street I to the property to deserve the violations and photograph the property I reviewed the Case Files confirmed there was not ongoing case File I checked the wton county property appraisers office website indicated that the property is in the city limits of Phoenix Springs and owned by a Doris stalker Wilson and original s stalker the following was observed a structure that has wood rot missing walls and the roof is damaged a black disabled vehicle on the property without forward a tag registration on January 30th 2024 sent a warning notice to the property owner Jan or March the 5th 2024 the property V still observed April the 4th 2024 the property the V observe the 30-day extension was granted to the property owners um May thir 23rd 2024 of property V observed the 30-day extension was granted on May the 24th um appear and sent a notice of appear and sent a notice of violation s cied mail return receipt to the property owner certified mail was 7021 27202 28873 0007 and it was delivered on June the 24th respect the property V still observed March the or um August the 1st 2024 the property V still observed parent sent a notice of hearing certified mail to the withorne receipt to the property owner this hearing was posted at City Hall and the property was posted by code enforcement certifi mail was 7022 3330 00149 866949 and it was delivered on August the 15 2024 I expected the property the hearing and the property shows no improvement and no change condition letter of violation is 11 is another letter of violation certified mail exibit 12 letter of violation tracking showing was delivered exib 13 notice of hearing certifi mail 14 notice of hearing tracking showing was delivered please find the property of North 11th Street def Phenix Springs Florida partial number 253 November 1 191 19070 001 6941 is located with the mity area Phoenix Springs of Walton County and is subject to the City of Phoenix Springs code of ordinances please find the violations of the city def Phoenix Springs code of ordinances chapter 14 14 section 14-2 and chapter 18 section 18- 58.1 on the property please find that the properness the hearing was given to the respondent the respondent correct the violation within 90 days the date of this order and that the respondent is further ordered to contact the city of city of Def Springs code of ordinances or excuse me Code Enforcement office to arrange for a reinspection for the subject property to verify compliance with this order that the respondent fails to comply with the above actions or fails to bring the property into compliance with the capable codes ordinances and regulations according to this order that the special magistrate say as a f of $50 a day until the property is brought into compliance that's in my testimony you did say it was not occupied correct it's just AAC lot did you see if there was any uh electricity being run to the RV there's not it's just on there's no Tes um it's just those three items yes ma'am and is there a neighbor next to it or behind it um I saw a house sort of back the backround the indivisual that made the complaint is is the neighbor there I can see a house back on that one is it's so the house actually that's right there is actually right here okay so it actually faces I believe it's the road right here so that and so this is actually in their looking into the backyard oh wow okay and their property line is actually right there where those Ros of trees are okay that the neighbors is correct okay very good I um let me see a photo of that shed a little bit closer real quick if you don't mind there we go that was it exhibit two it actually since this picture they have Ed everything out not fixed it or knocked it down whichever one they're to do okay well so all the items have been okay so have you you've been in contact with them they contacted me once through the process at the beginning and since then I have not heard from them okay but the shed has still got the roof and all the rotted wood so it's it's even more of a danger right now for somebody coming in so yeah everything else is still the same the ttin is still pulled up there's wood Rock through there um I personally don't think it's stable but without actually going over and looking at it up close I couldn't basically give you that full well it's an attractive nuisance is my concern and you know I'm always concerned about the children being injured and and any homeless person trying to seek shelter there uh that's a danger and obviously they probably don't have homeowners insurance as there's no home there no so um you're you're putting somebody in in a lot of danger okay is that the end of your testimony yes ma'am thank you very much I will call and call to see if there's any argument from U either uh Doris stalker Wilson or Reginal C stalker for anyone on behalf of this property hearing none I'll render my my order um I do find this case has come before me uh on in the city of defc Springs Walton County Florida on Thursday August 15 2024 after due notice to the respondents and the special magistrate having heard testimony under oath received evidence and heard argument hereby issues the finding a fact conclusion of Law and Orders as follows finding a fact the respondent Doris stalker Wilson and Reginal s stalker whose mailing address is 2 19 Country Club Road shalomar Florida 32579 is the owner of the real property described as and also known as North 11th Street NEC Springs wton County Florida partial ID number 253 November 1 191970 001 6941 the RO property listed above is located and existing within the city of defini ex Springs Walton County Florida respondent as the owner of the real property is responsible for maintaining the same in accordance with the code of ordinances of the city of defc Springs all required notices have been made in accordance with Florida statute 16212 and county code conditions presently exist on the subject property and have existed on on the property in violation of city code section chapter 14 section 14-2 nuisances and hazardous or unsanitary conditions General requirements and chapter um 18 18- 58-1 wreck junk abandoned vehicles and other properties such conditions cons constituting a nuisance and serious threat to public health safety and Welfare within the meaning of Florida statute 16206 sub chapter 4 conclusions of law this has been a lawfully constituted code enforcement proceeding convened pursuant to chapter 162 part one of Florida Statutes and chapter 18 of the city of the fiac Springs Land Development code special magistrate has jurisdiction over the subject matter and over the respondent I find that the respondent is to correct the a said mentioned on the before 30 days and that's because of the condition of the of the shed or a fine of let me see $50 per day shall be imposed and that the respondents are further ordered to contact the city of Des experience Code Enforcement office to arrange for a reinspection of the subject property to verify compliance with this order and I also uh order that the code enforcement Authority has authority to extend the compliance State on behalf of special magistrate upon a showing a good faith and effort by the respondent very much you may call your next case I Tred steal those from you don't I all all been called and no one's present you may begin your case thank you finding a fact hearing case number 2024 000014 violations chapter 14 section 14-3 violations enumerated the address is at 29 South 1 Street parcel number is 25 3 November 1 91 9560 00200 the property owner is Roland Lane Livingstone lane or land land okay I thought you said lane lane go ahead I'm sorry exhibit one shows that the property inside the city limits and subject to the city spring code of ordinances exhibit two inspection on 223 2024 zibit three inspection on 44 2024 4 inspection 514 of 2024 5624 2024 exibit six inspection 18 of 2024 zibit seven inspection 8:15 of 2024 on March 23rd 2024 why expecting c c enforcement violations I observed a violation of the property on 29 South 1 Street I photographed property I reviewed the Case Files confirmed there was not ongoing case File I checked the Walton County property appraisers office website indicated the property is in C the limits of the Phoenix Springs and is owned by a Roland land Livingston the following Reserve overgrowth of Leeds and wild vegetation of of the height of 12 inches or more from the ground and a dead tree laying on the ground on February 26 2024 par and sent a a warning notice to the property owner April the 4th 2024 I expected the property and the violation still observed April the 5th 2024 appear and sent a notice of violation to the property owner May the 14th of 2024 of the property the violation observed May the 24th 2024 I prep and sent a Noti violation certified male return receipt to the property owner surfi nail was 7 surfi mail was 7021 2720 00002 2887 2918 and it was returned back to me um June 24th 2024 the property the V was still observed August the 1st 2024 I expected the property the V was still observed I paired and sent a notice of hearing certified mail return receipt to the property owner the notice of hearing was posted at City Hall and the property was posted by code enforcement certifi mail was 7022 3330 00149 866932 and the letter was returned back to code enforcement August the 15 2024 expect the property on the day is hearing the property shows no improvement and no change condition exhibit nine letter of violation exhibit 10 a letter of violation a letter of violation exhibit 11 a letter of violation certified maale exhibit 12 letter of violation tracking show it was returned back to code enforcement exhibit 13 notice hearing certified male divit 14 Noti of hearing tracking showing is return back to code enforcement please find that the proper property of 29 South North First Street defix Springs Florida partial number 253 November 1 19956 000000 00200 is located within the municipality area of Def Springs of Walton County and is subject to the city of the Phoenix Springs code of ordinances please find out the violations of the city of the Phoenix Springs code of ordinances chapter 14 section 14-3 on the property please find that the proper um proper notice of the hearing was given to the respondant the respondent is to correct the violation within 30 days the date of this order and that the respondent is further ordered to contact the city of Springs Code Enforcement office to arrange for a reinspection of the subject property to verify compliance with this order um that if the respondent fails to comply with the above actions or fails to bring the property into compliance with the capable codes ordinances and regulations according to this order the special magistrate assesses a f $50 a day until the property is brought into compliance that's the end of my testimony okay can you go back to exhibit one please yes ma'am exhibit one one or Ex two no one uh the with the uh property appraiser sheet there you go what's the address for delivery on that property it should be New York but give me one second I will actually okay thank you don't worry if you can just tell me what it says it's fine oops we go this allow me okay view a box one Bronx okay and that you've been sending that's where you've been sending the certifi okay I just want to make sure and I actually try to do the research for a Mr um Livingston up there but there's there's a couple people with that name but in the Bronx area I cannot tell if he's living or deceased okay um but there was no other connection there's been no change since she started in the property appraisers so they would have they would have been notified if there had been a or should have been notified had there been a debt okay right let I accept your testimony into the record and your evidence uh is accepted into the record as well is there anyone here to testify on behalf of Roland land Livingston or the property La located at 29 South 1st Street to phix Springs Florida hearing and seeing none I will render my decision I find that this case has come before the public hearing um before this special Magistrate on for the city of defin exls wton County Florida on Thursday August 15 2024 after due notice to the respondent and special magistrate having heard testimony under oath received evidence and heard argument hereby issues of finding of facts conclusion of Law and Orders as follows uh the respondent Roland Lan Livingston whose mailing address is p box 110110 excuse me 1010 Bronx New York 10473 is the owner of the real property described and also known as 29 South First Street defc Springs Walton County Florida partial ID number 253 November number 1 191 9560 00200 the real property listed above is located and existing within the city of Def XPR Walton County Florida respondent as the owner of the real property is responsible for maintaining the same in accordance with the code of ordinances of the city of defenc Springs all required notices have been made in accordance with Florida uh statutes uh chapter 16212 and county code conditions presently exist and have existed on the property in violation of city code section chapter 14 section 14-3 violations enumerated such conditions constituting a nuisance and serious threat to the public safety Health and Welfare within the meaning of chapter 162.000 6 sub chapter 4 this has been a lawfully constituted code enforcement proceeding convening pursuant to chapter 162 part one of Florida Statutes in chapter 18 of the city of defia expr Land Development code special magistrate has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the respondent I find that the respondant is to correct the aformentioned violation honor before 30 days from the date of this order or a fine of $50 per day shall be imposed and that the respondent is further ordered to contact the city of defin spring Code Enforcement office to arrange for a reinspection of the subject property to verify compliance with this order uh and I also order that code enforcement has the authority to extend compliance on behalf of the special magistrate upon a showing a good faith after by the respondent so that is the last case okay that is the last case so there's no more business before court we are adjourned at [Music] uh 250 thank you very much that was very good very quick