hey feel like I always need a Char it yeah it's like on 11% I swear Char last night hey KOB how are you KOB how are you doing you've got somebody applying for long yeah uh his last name should be Harless just graduated for something here you first on the agenda Cather mer I just found out today that's fine if it was if it was that name at the time she the violations occurred and what we can do is put in parentheses for the for the record put that on it's clear order says I Chang to legal name okay and you'll just make that change on here on the agenda yeah just U um do it on the agenda and then do put it in the record name in the notices in Rosen or in the because that's what was on the proper office and she and that's her responsibility and she's the one that we're be talking to Okay called to order the um code enforcement hearings for the are you ready for me Raphael I'm sorry yes ma'am yes ma'am you're good okay okay uh cut enforcement hearings for the city of Def if you'll please stand for pledge Alle I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you if you will call your first call the halls for your first case oh uh well there's no need to give the Cally because there's nobody swear nobody's U testifying are you testifying Josh okay so I need to swear anybody I do need to swear you in though Chris when you get back you never know dude ra right here you somly swear affirm that the matters that you present to this court or the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do you yes sir for the record the U defendant is not here she's wanting to appear by phone which we're not taking testimony from her only um hey to hear proceedings yes ma'am this this is R I'm city clerk with the exper man I'm put you on speaker for for the special magistrate he yes ma'am absolutely I appreciate I appreciate letting me be present from very good yes ma'am you're on speaker um thank you you go by ro Rosenthal now is that correct that's correct okay all right thank you it's Katherine Merill rosenal Catherine Jennings Rosen okay I'm Renee Ule I'm the magistrate for the city of defc spring so I'll be hearing the case um on your property from officer strong because you're not here and I can't verify who it is that we have on the phone so I can't officially swear you in you won't be allowed to testify however however if if you disagree with my ruling at the end uh be aware that you do have a right of appeal and you know you can you can handle that that way um but I I will start taking testimony from officer St now he is presenting a uh PowerPoint presentation which you cannot see but he does read through the written information that's there okay well thank you I appreciate you letting me listen and um yeah I'm here I might mute my phone in case there's any outside noise over here I appreciate that thank you thank you go ahead Miss finding the fact hearing case number 2022 000000008 violations are chapter 14 section 14-2 nuisances and Hazards or untary conditions General requirements chapter 14 section 14-3 violations enumerated address is at 469 College Avenue partial number is 363 November 1 9 1 9050 0000 0641 property owner is Katherine Rosenthal exhibit one shows of the properties inside the city limits of D Springs and subject to the code of ordinances Exhibit 2 is the inspection on 121 of 22 zic 3 inspection on 32 of 22 four inspection 47 to 22 at Five inspection on 524 22 exic 6 inspection 623 22 exhibit 7 section 84 of 22 the small building if I may interrupt you is that that's just an perance to the property to the main house yes ma'am they actually um so this property is owned by Mr Jenkins the attorney and when the building JS or Jennings Jennings build building that burnt down there at live o in 331 South the furniture that was in there was moved into that little building okay this is the inspection on 8422 on this property there are three structures the twostory structure a mobile home in the little shed is AIT 8 inspection 96 of 22 the um if I mixed stop is the RV that I'm seeing in the background is that part of the property yes ma'am there are at this point in time on the inspections there are three vehicles on the property two um cars are and one um RV okay thank you exhibit 10 inspection on 11722 I know you can't um uh record but the Cars R removed thank you okay thank you Ahad SE on 7 R 12722 section on 113 of 23 12 yes ma'am 13 section 217 of 23 14 Section 320 of 2023 15 SP 424 23 16 inspection 530 of 2023 it's 17 inspection on 630 of 2023 18 ins 81 of 2023 19 911 of 2023 and that is when the vehicles have been removed exhibit 20 inspection on 1012 2023 21 expection 1116 of 2023 exit 22 inspection 13 of 20124 at this point the front the front porch has been removed from the mobile homeit 23 inspection on 28 of 2024 24 inspection on 322 of 2024 exhibit 25 section of 423 2024 exibit 26 on 524 2024 27 spection on 71 in 2024 the day they sent the notice hearings out andit 28 inspection on today's date 718 2024 on January 21st 2022 on inspecting cut enforcement violations I observe a violation at the property on 469 College Avenue I photographed the property I reviewed the case files and confirmed that there was not an ongoing case File I checked the Walton County proper appraisers office website indicated that the property is in the city limit of Def Springs and is owned by the estate of jene jinnings the following will reserve a structure that has green mold Grime covering the sides of the two-story structure section of wood rot lack of painting causing bare wood to be exposed to unprotected elements accumulated screed property construction materials and other materials on the property vehicles on the property do not have current legal tags assigned to the vehicle a secondary structure that has boarded up Windows green molds Grime covering the stocks wood Rock lack of painting causing bare wood to be exposed to unprotected to the elements on January 25th of 2022 a parent sent a warning notice to the parking owner March 2nd 2022 expected the proper violence were still observed C Merl contacted code enforcement and is acting on behalf of the estate the state is in the process of probate 30-day extension was granted for the violations April the 7th 2022 s of the property the license was still observed a 30-day extension was granted for the violations while in Probate May the 24th 2022 expected the property the violation was still observed 30-day extension was Green for the violations while in Probate June the 23rd of 2022 the property violation still observed 30-day extension granted for the violations while in Probate August the 4th 2022 the property the violation still observed the 30-day extension was granted for the violations while in Probate September the 6th 2022 ex of property the violation was still observed 30day exension is granted violations while in Probate October the 6 2022 the property the viol still observed the property has completed probate and has been transferred to Kathleen Merl a 30-day extension was granted for the violations November 7th 2022 the property violation still observed 30 the extenstion was granted for the violations um December the 7th 2022 the property violation still observed December the 8th 2022 a prepared incend a notice violation via certified mail the return receipt to the property owner certified mail was 7021 2720 000000 04951 1257 it was delivered January 13th 2023 the property sold code enforcement has an appointment to beat with the property to beat at at the property on January the 19th to go over the violations in person February 27 2023 expect the property was still observed third the exens was granted for the violations um at that time Miss Merl was going over and and figuring out with her family members what to do with the property yes March 20th 2023 the property violation still observed third day extens was granted for the violations April 24th 2023 AC the property oberved April 25th 2023 a letter was sent requesting an update of the course of action that was discussed on January the 19th of 2023 April the 30th 2023 the violations the violation still observed May the 31st 2023 I pred and S un notice violation certified mail attorney receipt to the property own certify mail was 7021 2720 000000 0495 4807 and it was delivered June the 30th 2023 s the property observe appear and send knows a violation of the property owner August the 1st 2023 expected the violate expected the property the violation was still observed third day was granted for the violations September 11 2023 expected property violation observed vehicles have been removed 30-day extension granted for the violations October the 12 2023 fixed the property violations observed overgrowth removed a 30-day extension was granted for the violations November the 16th of 2023 F the property the violation still observed 30-day extension was granted for the violations January 3rd 2024 the property violation still observed 30-day extension was granted for the violations February 8 2024 expect the property the B observes February the 15th 2024 a letter was sent request an update on the property coming into compliance March 22nd 2024 expected the property the violation still observed April 23rd 20224 expect the property the violation still observed May the 24th the property the violation still observed parent sent a notice violation certified mail to return to seat to the property owner certify mail with 7021 2720 00002 28873 038 it was returned back to City Hall January the 1st 2024 the proper violation still observe appear and S notice of violate notice hearing certified mail with the attorney seat to the property owner the notice hearing was posted at the city hall and the property was posted by code enforcement certify mail was 7021 2720 00002 2887 3052 and it was delivered June um July the 18th 2024 the proper the day of the hearing the property says no improvement and no changeing condition exhibit 30 is the letter of violation exhibit 34 is the letter of violation certified mail tracking show was delivered exibit 33 is a letter requesting an update zit 34 is letter of violation certified mailit 35 letter of tracking showing was delivered zibit 36 a letter of violation zibit 37's a letter showing request an update 38th deliv violation certified mail this one showing is returned back to um to City Hall um liit 40 is notice a hearing certified mail 41's sub tracking showing it was delivered 42 is recommendations please find that the property of 469 College Avenue D Phenix Springs Florida partial number 363 November 1 19 1 1950000 0641 is located within the municipality area of defex Springs of Walton County and is subject to the city of Def spring code of ordinances please find out the violations of the city of Defan Springs code enforcement chapter 14 section 14-2 and chapter 14 section section 14-3 on the property please find that the proper notice of the hearing was given to the respondant respondents to correct the violation within 120 days of the date of this order and the respond further order to contact the city transer cut Enforcement office to arrange for AR inection of the subject property to verify compliance with this order that if the sub if Theon fails to comply with above actions or fails to bring the property into compliance with the cable codes ordinances and regulations according to this order this the special magistrate assesses a fine of $100 a day until the propert mark to compliance that is the end of my testimony accept your testimony and your evidence including all your exhibits 1 through 42 into the record U being that M um Rosenthal is here by phone I can't take testimony from you but I do uh see from the evidence that there is multiple violations um this is kind of a new area for us miss Rosenthal to have somebody on the phone um so normally I would hear your testimony at this time but being that we don't have any I'm going to go ahead and Rule uh I okay I find that the case was bought before me on today's date uh after due notice was sent to the respondent the respondent is um is hearing this on the telephone and I having heard testimony under oath received evidence and heard argument uh hereby issues the following finding of facts conclusions of Law and Order as follows uh the respondent Katherine rosenal whose mailing address is 2690 indoor Road pensaco Florida 32503 is the owner of real property described as and also known as 469 College ad wton County Florida partial ID number 363 November 1 9190 5 00641 the real property listed above is located and existing within the city of defex Springs wton County Florida respondent as owner of the real property is responsible for maintaining the same in accordance with the code of ordinances of the city of defunc Springs Walton County and the State of Florida all required notices have been made in accordance with Florida Statutes chapter 62.1 two and county code conditions presently exist on the property in viol of city code section chapter 14 section 14-2 nances and hazardous or unsanitary condition General requirements and chapter 14 section 14-3 violations enumerated such conditions constituting a nuisance and serious threat to public health safety and Welfare within the meaning of Florida Statutes chapter 16206 sub paragraph 4 conclusion of law it is this is a lawfully constituted code enforcement proceeding convened pursuant to chapter 1 162 part one of Florida Statutes in chapter 18 of the city of eiac Springs Land Development code as special magistrate I have jurisdiction over the subject matter and the respondant based upon the foregoing facts and conclusion of law pursuit to the authority granted to Men chapter 162 Florida Statutes by the special magistrate I find that responded is correct that affer afor said violations honorable for 120 days after this order or a fine of $100 a day shall be be imposed and that the respondent is further ordered to contact the city of defin sprs Code Enforcement office to arrange for a reinspection of the subject property the verify compliance once you have met uh once you've cleaned the property up I also uh Grant the code enforcement authority to extend this compliance Dave 120 on behalf of me upon a showing a good faith effort by you all right thank you thank you we will mail the copy of this to you all right the indoor address yes sir yes ma'am okay all right well I appreciate your time and patience and we will have you taken care of within the amount of time thank you so much okay y'all have a good afternoon you too thank you m thank you here's the rest of that pack call the halls for your next case not but I talked to them earlier they're actually out of state okay fining a fact hearing case number 202200 0083 violations is chapter 14 section 14-2 VI nuisances haard sanary conditions General requirements address is 182 US Highway 90 East partial number is 253 November 1 191 90700 7481 property owner is jna Enterprises llcit one shows the properties inside the city limits and sub to the code ordinances divit two section 524 22 liit 3 is in section on 623 of 22 before section 84 2022 2022 6 inspection 106 2022 zit 7 inspection 125 of 2022 isit 8 inspection 15 of 2023 isit 9 inspection on 26 of 2023 10 inspection on 38 of 2023 exhibit 11 inspection 42413 of 2023 exibit 12 inspection 522 of 2023 bit 13 section 623 2023 bit 14 section 725 of 2023 15 F 829 of 2023 16 on Section 929 of 2023 7 spection 111 of 2023 18 spection on 121 2023 liit 19 in section 22 of 2024 liit 20 in section 38 to 2024 exibit 21 inspection 411 2024 exibit 21 still exhibit 22 exhibit 22 22 expecte 514 of 2024 divit 23 inspection on 71 of 2024 and inspection on today's date 718 of 2024 on May 24th 2022 I spting code enfor violations observe violation of the property of 182 us High County East I photographed the property I review The Case Files confirmed that there was ongoing case File which was 2021 000000 62 um the property was sold to a new owner I checked the Walton County property freezers office website and indicated the property is in city limits and sub to the city the spring C or is owned by Janet Enterprises LLC now the following reserve a building with a large black hole or a large hole knocked through the wall from a vehicle and the carport um section collapsing a 30-day extension was granted to the new um owner on June 23rd of 2022 the property Reserve thir exens AG for the violations I have been in contact with Mrs H during that time frame August 4th 2022 expected the property Val still observe a project work for was um turned into the city planning or City Planning Department to Begin work on the building 30-day extension was granted for the violations December the 6 2022 the property observed the thir the EXT was granted for the violations October 6 of 202 the property B observed October 13th of 2022 prepared and sent a notice warning to the property owner December 5th 2022 the property VI still observed December the 6 2022 appear s not violation to the property owner January the 5th of 2023 expect the property the vi so observe a patch was placed over the whole 30-day extension was granted for the violations um February the 6 2023 expected property the violation still observed further work has been completed regarding the whole 30-day extension was granted for the violations March the 8th 2023 expect the property V still observed further work has been completed regarding the whole 30-day extension was granted for the violations April 13 2023 F the property the vi still observed further work has been completed regarding the whole 30-day extension was 30 30-day extension was granted for the violations May the 22nd 223 expect the propit observe 30 V was granted for the violations June 3rd 2023 the property violation still observed third day extension was granted for the violations July 25th 2023 the property license observes July 28 2023 the a letter was sent requesting an update of the property um becoming compliance August 29th 2023 the property the vi violation still observed September 28th 2023 expect the property the vi observed carport section which was had would R starting was removed 30-day extension was granted from the violations no November the 1st 2023 expected the property VI observed 30-day extension was granted for the violations December the 11th 2023 expected the property the violation still observed December 13th of 20123 appear and S noce violation to the property owner February 20 February the 2nd 2024 speak the property the violation still observe 30day extension granted violations March the 8 2024 of property device observe 30day EXT was granted for the violations April the 11th 2024 the property the to oberved 30-day extension was granted for the violations May the 14th 2022 expected the prop the vi observe third extension was granted for the violations May the 23rd 2024 appear sent a notice violation to the certified mail to the property owner um certified mail was 721 27202 2887 2895 and it was delivered on July 1st 2024 the property Dev oberved appeared in S no viol no hearing certified mail with a return receipt to the property owner the city clerk posted the notice hearing at City Hall property was posted by code enforcement terfy mail was 7022 333001 4986 6895 was delivered J on July 18 2024 Pi the property on the day of the hearing the property is now in compliance between six letter of violation exibit 27 letter of violation exibit 28 letter of requesting update exibit 29 a letter of violation exibit 30 letter of violation certified mail exibit 31 tracking show was delivered isit 32 doti of hearing isit 33 do hearing sh was delivered exib 34 recommendations please find the property of 18 to US Highway 990 East in Phenix Springs Florida partial number 253 November 1 191970 7480 is located within the mpal area of tank Springs of Walton County and sub to the city of Springs C of ordinances please find that the violations of the city of spring code of ordines chapter 14 section 14-2 on the property please find that the proper notes the hearing was given to the respondant if the respondent allows the same violation to occur they will be considered a repeat offender my testimony I accept your testimony into the record along with your exhibits 1 through 35 and your power presentation is there anyone here to speak on behalf of the property owner andana Enterprises hearing none and you have called the hall I will issue my find that on um this case has come before public hearing before me on today's date and after having uh due notice sent to the respondent and having heard testimony under oath received Dev and argument I hereby issue the finding facts conclusion of Law and Orders as follows the respondent Janet Enterprises LLC of Florida LLC whose mailing address is p box 231 Florida 32455 is the honor of real property described and also known as us 182 US Highway 90 East explain parcel ID number 25 through November 1 19197 748 the real property listed above is located and existing within the city of DC Springs won County Florida respondent as the owner of the real property is responsible for maintaining the same in accordance with the code of ordinances of the city of all required notices have been made in accordance with Florida Statutes chapter 16212 and county code conditions did exist on the property subing subjecting the property to violations of the city code section 14-14-2 new and has or unsanitary conditions General requirements such as such conditions conditions constituting a nuisance or Ser public health safety and Welfare within the meaning of Florida statute 16206 sub chapter 4 in a conclusion of law this is a lawfully constituted law en code enforcement proceeding being pursuant to chapter 162 part one of Florida Statutes in chapter 18 of the city of the Springs Land Development code as special magistrate I have jurisdiction of the subject matter and the respond my order is as followed based upon the following foregoing findings of fact and conclusion of Law and pursue it to the authority granted in chapter 162 Florida Statutes I find that the violations did exist on the property but have been remedied no fine in this matter shall be imposed however future violations uh of the same nature as cited in this case will be considered repeat offenses and subject bonds as such so want call the halls for your next case call no one is present you may begin your case finding a fact hearing case number 2023 0000001 91 violations are chapter 14 section 14-2 nuances and hazardous understanding General conditions General requirements chapter 14 section 14-3 violations enumerated chapter 18 section 18- 96 storm water management the address is um off of West Orange Avenue there's no numerics for that one yet partial number is 253 November 1 191970 001 8694 for property Workforce housing vitous Incorporated this is the um village Springs development okay I know which you talk one shows up the properties inside the city limited fix Springs and subject to the code of ordinances section on two zibit two section on 105 of 2023 had vagrance living in there yes ma'am there's yeah B three inspection 118 2023 5 6 424 2024 771 of 2024 day on October 5th 2023 while expecting could enforce violations observe violation on the property of West Orange Avenue I photograph the property I review the case f Case Files confirm that there is not ongoing case File are there was an ongoing case File which was 2020 of 000000 z15 a stopped work order has been placed on the property due to the storm water management it was allowing sediment to um go out into the um Wetlands behind the property I checked the Walton County proper PR's office website and it has indicated that the property is in the city limits of the Phoenix Springs and owned by Workforce housing Ventures Incorporated the following observe structures and stages of being being complete and doors and um Windows broken by individuals accumulated dis disar personal property construction materials and other materials on the property um from the construction and trans the individuals living in incomplete um structures overgrowth of grass and weeds of wild vegetation the height of 12 inches or more from the ground the lack of storm water management is causing the erosion of sediment with allowing the forming of small goalies and sediment to erode further into the wetlands Transit individuals living in the uncomplete structures October the 6 2023 appear sent a Noti of warning to the property owner November the 8th 2023 the property the B still observed um December the 14 2023 expect the property the vi still observe February 2nd 2024 I expected the property violation still observe during that time frame um work the bank was trying to work with the state regarding Grant funds and whatnot because of the Hub housing um Venture they were going on March 8 2024 expect the property Dev observed April 24th expected the the property still observed May 23rd 2024 the property the still observed May the 24th 2024 appear in sent a no violation CER a mail with turn receipt to the property owner certify mail was 7021 2720 00002 2887 3021 it was delivered on July the 1 I expected the property devisor still observed prepared sent a notice of hearing so5 mailed a return seat to the property owner the city clerk posted the notice hearing at City Hall the property was posted by code enforcement certified mail with 721 2720 00002 2887 3069 and it was delivered on July the 10th 2024 staff and the um FAL National Bank Community Bank president had a meeting it was decided that the bank will start if the bank's board agrees with Billy G who's the president um direction for the compliance with clean up of the accumulated discarded items demolition of three structures or that do that do not have the roofs um secure the other structures for the time being stabilize stabilization of the property to stop erosion of the property and stop sediment from washing into the wetlands adjacent to the property on July 18 2024 with the property on the day of the hearing property says no improvement and no change condition ask you something BNB Bank how what is their involvement here they actually have the umage the mortgage or the the capital that goes to the um for the workhouse Ventures financing correct are they in is it in foreclosure so no so they're still working with Mr um sample who's the owner of the property a member of the of the corporation he actually is the owner of Workforce of Workforce Incorporated by sues okay what's what's his name again um sample is his last name believe his first name is Harold if I remember correctly but written sample H sample okay he's the president who you've been dealing with yeah well we we um Mr won has been working with both okay um sample as being the property owner Mr Gan being the um the capital for the um the Venture okay is Gan with the bank he's the president of the bank of the one in nville one quick note yes you um so that's really loud this is City so I spoke with Mr Gan two days ago um after he had met with staff we talked and so the bank is now they were a primary lean holder they are no longer they're the second lean holder the the money they received through the state for this project or they partner with the state now has first priority lean under a low a land use agreement and so the bank is trying to work with the state to get rid of that land use agreement and then the bank would have more leverage on what they could do so that's that and then we'll get into when we get to your go further after that thank you thank you for the 10 is the letter of violation 11's the letter of violation certified mailit 12's a letter of violation tracking show was delivered theit 13 is Noti hearing 15 is notice of violation or notice hearing tracking showing was delivered 15 recommendations please find that the property of West Orange Avenue to Phoenix Florida paral number 253 November 1 919 07001 8694 is located within the missal area of theix Springs of Walton County and is and is subject to the city furance code of ordinances please find out the violations of the city code of ordinances chapter 14 section 14-2 and chapter 14 section 14-3 chapter 14 chapter 18 section 18- 96 on the property please find that the proper notes of the hearing was given to the respondant the respond to CCT is to correct the violation within the 182 days date of this um order and that the respond is further ordered to contact the C strings Code Enforcement office to arrange for reinspection of the subject property to verify compliance with this order that the spondent fails to comply with the above actions or fails to bring the property into compliance with the capable codes ordinances regulations according to this order the special man has to F $250 a day until the property is brought by till the property is brought into um compliance um Mr um Gan has requested six months that's why the 182 days unless anyone thinks that exceptable or do you want that changed when I spoke to Mr Gan he was fine with that um he didn't have a problem with that they were already in contact with a contractor to come in and start doing some work to address the violations correct yes and so um they be doing that and then in the first of September we're going to have a meeting myself planning fire staff to figure out how to fix this issue to fix problem and so they are going to have someone I think he was going to a board meeting within the next couple days next week for them to approve to have the work done to fix the violations and then we'll be coming back around to see how we can't either get rid of this project or finish it one two that is a it's a nuisance and it's attractive nuisance for children I'm very concerned all this 182 days is a little long for my taste yes ma'am um simply because is that mess you up if I make it is that you think it's going to mess up your negotiations with them no because we can always always bring it back and ask just problem giving them six months especially since it's in such condition and they've not really been there's not anybody that's really doing yeah not until we became we started to come here so I'm fine with that um I think that now Mr Gan is aware and is moving forward that will address it soon but I'm I'm perfectly fine whatever you want do like said if we get in moving forward and we see that progression we'll come back to you well I will give you the authority to extend it but I'm I'm going to do 60 days on this simply because I want a fire put to them yes ma'am and it needs to be because this is Aur dangerous and I explained to Mr Gan the just securing the doors and the windows of the buildings truly is a Band-Aid over the situation and that we would when we have a meeting and next meeting we will be L bring that up that can law enforcement even drive their vehicles down into no ma'am they have to walk you have to walk and they had they're put in the same danger when I when I found the people that were Transit sleeping in the um Apartments I was actually walking from building to building searching see there obviously children living there I saw some children's bikes and stuff so that's a big concern and have anybody discussed them fencing that off to secure it by fencing it no no when I talk Mr G I think they were going to come in and move some of the debris out and they were going to be boarding up all the doors and windows that was what the was doing I agree I think we you give them the short amount of time it's and it's going to help the banks board make a decision absolutely um because well I really want to see offence around that simply because of the condition of the property and not our firemen are our firemen are in danger everyone is in Danger trying to go on to that property if they have to rescue somebody so fencing it up with prevent a lot of Vy and further damage to the property not to the to the water damage is something I'm very concerned with because that's affecting go the property as well so you you want to request a a chain link fence going around the whole property I do I want I'm going to put that in the order they may fight me on that but I'm going to put it in the order because of the the danger that is so I'm surprised we haven't had anybody just long we have adequate access there is a lift station to back the property okay well they can yeah they can give uh and I'll I'll put the there to give the city um adequate access to the property for their purp okay that'll give you anything that's on there okay yes ma'am is there anyone here to speak on behalf of of West Workforce housing Ventures Inc I'll render my decision I found that this case has come for public hearing before me on today's date in the city of defc Springs W County Florida after due notice was uh given to the respondent and special and special magist having heard a testimony under oath received evidence and heard argument I hereby issue the finding follow the following finding of fact conclusion of Law and Orders as follows finding of facts the respondent workforce housing Ventures Inc a Florida corporation whose mailing addresses PO Box 498 Dave City Florida 33526 is the owner of the real property also known as West Orange Avenue and with a Florida partial ID number of 253 November 1 191 97001 8694 the real property listed above is located and existing within the city of Def expr Walton County Florida responded as the owner of the property is responsible for maintaining the same in accordance with the code of ordinances of the city of defini Springs and the uh statutes of the State of Florida all requirements and notices have been made in accordance with Florida statute 16212 and county code conditions presently exist on the subject property that are violation of the city code section chapter 14 section 14-2 nuisances hazardous on sanitary conditions General requirements and I do find that this is a severe violation chapter 14 14-3 violations enumerated in chapter 18 1896 storm water management conditions con sting a nuisance serious public threat to the public health safety and Welfare within the meanings of Florida statute sub chapter 4 Florida Statutes this is a lawfully constituted enforcement proceeding convened pursuant to chapter 162 part one Florida Statutes in chapter 18 of the city of pH Springs landel code and I find as follow I find that the respondant is to is in violation and is to correct violations on before 60 days of the day of this order for a fine of a $250 per day shall be imposed and the reason for the hive is because this is numerous buildings and it's such a dangerous uh piece of property and that the respondent is further ordered to contact the city of the func Springs Code Enforcement office to re to arrange for a reinspection of the subject property to verify compliance with this order I also allow code enforcement the authority to extend the compliance State on behalf of the special magistrate upon a showing of good faith and I also find that the owner is to erect a fence around the property to secure the property however they are to allow the city of Defan access to the property as needed good so for all the HS for your next Cas okay I'll s in before you start go call thank and please REM MEK you non-compliance hearing case number 2022 000000 177 violations chapter 14 section 14-2 new nses and hazardous or unsanitary conditions or requirements chapter 14 section 14-3 violations numerated address is at 261 West Le Avenue partial number is 253 November 1 91 9070 001 7110 property under te scoffield liit one shows the properties the city limits and subject to the code of ordinances liit two is the inspection on the date of the hearing of 216 of 2023 exhibit on exhibit 3 section 718 of 202 for during that time frame the house had caught on fire while miss Scofield was inside and it was still erect when but since then has actually completely collapsed down four case presented at the 216 2023 special magistrate hearing where the property was found in violation of chapter 14 section 14-2 in chapter 14 section 14-3 special magistrate required that the property brought into compliance and 20 days which was 616 of 2023 or daily $500 to be assessed until brought into compliance on 71 2024 code enforcement ined the property and the property was not in compliance um prepar and sent a new notice hearing certified mail prepared and posted to the property and city clerk posted a notice hearing at City Hall 718 2024 the property is still not in compliance can you show me so that's it as of today and the picture to the right is actually the structure where it's collaps you'll have the opportunity in just a few minutes Miss SC thank you is um officer strong is that property um is it open does it have a fence around it is no it's open okay well that's not true there is a chain leing fence that you'll see right here that blocks off the section going on to the back of the property is this property easily accessible by children yeah it can beibit five is after of non compliance six the notice of hearing certified mailit seven hearing showing it was delivered please find that the property is not in compliance please find that the proper notice heing was given to the respondant a find accured of $ 39,800 between 616 and 2023 718 2024 and should be assessed and continue at $100 per day until the property is B the compliance conclude your testimony yes ma'am accept your testimony and your PowerPoint presentation and you said it's into evidence U Miss CI if you'd like to come forward please say about that money so ma'am if you can if you wait please I need to swear you okay if you'll come uh what's your name please let's go through all right if you'll raise your right hand you Solly swear affirm that you'll tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth before this court on this matter okay if you will speak your name into the microphone and youri what's your address at 261 Toledo Avenue and what would you like to say about the condition of your proper um well first 39,000 didn't when my House burn down you guys still did that the if you will address yourself to the court please not to not to the witness if you have a question for him then I'm asking all y'all but he's the one that pursues it I know so I don't know how to do this did you notify um may ask you a question Miss go did you notify the city or the code enforcement when your house I was in Alabama okay but you were in the house when it was burning is that correct okay after that did you notify the city of uh the code enforcement that your house had burned down yes man they knew they were there the code enforcement wasn't there fire was there separate we we've we've stayed in contact okay and you said that if we stayed in contact did you did okay let me ask Mr um offic sorry officer strong did she cut when uh the the fine started running did she have contact with you after that to yes we came in and she wanted to put up a tent pole and live in a tent in the back of the property and I both agree that you could not do that would not be allowed especially because it was during the um the summer um I was and then um she had a dumpster dropped off she was trying to save part of the structure which we told her that were there any um any anytime during that when our attempts was there a uh did you put did you grant her an extension at anytime after the cut the the fine started running no I have not the fact that all we were doing was discussing there was at that time was activity no acity I was in the hospital there for a while because I'm I was burnt okay and and then she was living over in crushy for a time being okay and I still it it's just been a year may was was a year and for a year and a half I'm supposed to be outside and I work outside so what is your intent with the property well it's we he's done filled three dumpsters already and um the fourth one they came and got before it was filled they might I guess they needed it I don't know I didn't ask but um I was just going to put the rest of the stuff beside the road because the only thing that it is is the is the road everything else has been picked up everything the the photos show something totally different I saw no that's the roof like just that's only the RO there's still all kinds of things in the yard well yeah there's there's a little bit of this the the wood but I'm talking there's junk in the yard a lot of junk in the yard oh no it's not like that anymore like like that like that I don't know what let show you quick hold on um the the yard is like I can mow my yard right now I just cleaned I've cleaned it up we've clean I've walked around my yard all the time picking up stuff and so that I can mow and when I mow I don't have to I won't be running over no nothing so I've been we I've been doing that because I haven't been able to do no I haven't and my light still breakes open I'm so sorry for what you gone through um what I I see here is an attractive nuisance just like the previous case where children can come in here and get injured you've got Nails you've got all kinds of things where a vagrant could come on your property trying the same thing you as a property owner have a responsibility to keep your property safe and I understand you've had hard hard times um a lot of people have I'm so sorry you went through what you went through what we need though to protect the public is for that property to be cleaned off and to be in a condition if we that's not a ATT tra nuisance Okay so what we have here is you were I've already ordered you this last year but ma'am I know I know let me just finish what I'm saying um we've already you're here on a non-compliance and you have good reason for not being able to comply so what I'm I'm going to do is I'm going to put in my order that you are U that the city manager will have the authority to negotiate a lower a lower fine now they're not going to pour cloes on your property anytime soon you got to but um that's ridiculous though because that should have never even started that $100 a day when my when why did you do that I had because she said not to if I can't stay in contact with you I stay in contact with you if I see actually my down I ma'am I can't even walk ma'am okay during how long were you uh in the hospital I was in the hospital not not even a month days I had to go dad's for three months so because I had to have certain medical stuff that he had from Mom or you have insurance on the property no you have health insurance if I may ask no if you want we can actually clear the slate and start from zero if you want to well I don't necessarily want to do that because I want a I want you to understand that this needs to be fixed because it is not it should be clear really that's not right now so I have to go on what is happening right now and that's what I have to I'm just now being able to come to start cleaning up after they said not to stay outside I go out anyways what I'm goingon to do is I'm gonna reduce I do try to to $9,800 okay that will continue now I will give this the if you show the code enforcement that you are diligently and in good faith make effort he can extend let me speak he will extend your uh the the stopping of the of the daily funds if you are in fact making progress on it but you've got to keep in touch with him I suggest since you're saying that you've been in touch with him but he says you're not you send a text you send a email you pay for yourself to do it uh most every do you have a cell phone yes ma'am okay then you I was in saying he's saying telling I was in contact with him you w never started you weren't doing BT ma'am before the fine started before your house no it didn't no it it did not oh okay actually started okay I'm sorry I I had a wrong conclusion I'm sorry okay so it did start afterwards so basic hearing after hearing human the habitat for but the violation did occur before okay I got you I got you okay go ahead the violation but not this fining then she came in a couple times we had discussions with her and so forth um she pleaded her case Mr Wallace about allowing to have the T pole and living in the tent and we turned her down um then her neighbor was cleaning up a little bit here there for and then after that after a couple months there was no more contact whatsoever and I would hardly ever see any work being done out there I would stop by and I would talk to her neighbor and basically he was he was living with her and not in the tent I I would check make sure and he would just occasionally do what he us to do she was wanting to save the structure as much she could even though um I talk to the fire department and it was complete loss bottom is brand new wood you you one a time miss m I'll let you speak once he's finished okay and um basically we told her that she needed basically demo the little property and so the fire happened after I issued the order and after the compliance date but that was in violation before the F before the fire yes so the fire took place after your order but before the the store okay and do you feel that she's made efforts during that year's time from talking to the the the property owner personally no I think he's been doing most of the work for her well it doesn't matter who here and there um Josh have you been involved with this case may may I I need to ask you a couple questions if you could come on forward and I'll swear you in Phil if you'll have a seat for just a moment I'll I'll come back to you you Solly swear raise your right hand do you Solly swear or affirm that you'll tell the truth matter I will you st your name for the record Josh Irv Erv and you are I'm the executive director of the community redevelopment agency and have you had contact with Miss Scofield involving this piece of property I have coincidentally uh her property was identified as a candidate for our Rock The Block event last year and within I don't know a few weeks of us having that event unfortunately her home caught fire so therefore that changed the dynamic of what we were planning to do I've had some conversations with Miss Scofield U subsequently actually was able to get uh the county to assist her with a dumpster or two um they do offer that uh when they have them available you know with the fines being Levi the CRA has kind of prohibited from moving forward with any type of funding uh in that regard but I have tried to find alternatives for her habitat I know has spoken to her about replacement housing okay um but to to my knowledge there hasn't been anything that's come through that you said that if if there's a a lean issue then that prohibit CRA from getting involved did you have any intention or was your intention for for your to give her assistance yeah so that's kind of how we ended up with the the property being a candidate for the rock the block knowing that that fine was starting to uh acre we were out of the picture so to speak so that's why we felt that habitat would be a great source for that through our volunteer effort then unfortunately the the home C fire if I wave the Lings on this would that put your your agency back in the position to is is there a program for her in your agency so we have a couple of options for her with our site cleanup Grant uh which unfortunately is going to be probably smaller than the containers that she's going to get from the county but it's certainly an option for her uh that would be free use and free disposal uh and then we have a residential site and building Improvement grant that is a 50% match program so if she were to hire someone to help remove that then we would reimburse her up to $5,000 as part of that program possibly more if she wanted to go to the board and and present that case to thank you very much Mr City man ask you what is your opinion on the F in this case if the community redevelopment agency is willing to assist which I think they are I think Josh can find that out um I don't see why the city wouldn't be in favor of waving the lean if such a magistrate felt that would be appropriate um and to help in the situation so B take zero if you 6 days as long as M Scofield reaches out to Josh and start the process of having the property cleanance GOI did you hear all that yes ma' if you'll come forward please are you going to be able to um uh get the dumpsters out there with Mr Josh Mr Irvin's help and is there's a 5050 which means that you would have to pay half up to $5,000 of someone assisting you to clean it up is that something you're capable of doing well um just I I have to find me another part-time job to go with the ones that have because I've also lost some work because my friend has cancer and he had to retire um all right so anything else you like close the um close the evidence huh yes if she goes to the board how much more do you think there's a chance that she can get to help cleaner I know you can't give me% so the the way our guidelines are written it allows the board to provide up to 10,000 as a 50% reimbursable match um unfortunately the way the the program uh guidelines are written it requires her to pay for that up front and then be reimbursed after she performs the activities so that's a little bit of a challenge here I think um but you know certainly have the site cleanup Grant U which is an in kind use of the trailer therefore if the county is unable to provide you with dumpster we at least have the trailer that we can put there um trailer is free of use Josh that's right free ofuse uh and absent that you know I'm hopeful we could maybe find some volunteers to help bridge the gap and start loading some of this uh debris into the Container so CL school what they calling it now community service yeah community service hours anything else C thank you I accept all the testimony into evidence and I appreciate everyone's participation in this case um I'm real hesitant to reduce it down to zero but in this case I think there's exua circumstances to reduce the F to zero we will start over again miss scopi which means there won't be a lean on your property which means that you will qualify for CRA this is contented upon you contacting Mr Irving and St in contact with code enforcement to um to get the grants and to get the dumpsters uh I really want this property uh cleaned up and not in this kind of state as soon as possible because it's summertime kids are out there they step on a nail they get tetas it's not a it's not a good situation okay um that is so ordered and I will give you um 60 or 90 days um to come into compliance and I give him the authority to extend that again keep in contact with text email paper yourself do you not do you text I can give you my WorkOne now then with text or email he's got an email as well and that way you time just get that machine anyway so if I just throw you a text and tell you to call me if I need to talk to you about something something whatever just identify yourself because he gets a lot of calls yes ma'am got to see yeah yeah it's got to be I am I haven't well I really really I have not been able to one way or another hav't a to move too much this this past year well I hope you get better and I hope that uh things start getting better for you we'll have to not worry about an order I'll just go in and wipe all just take notes that's fine all right make notes you've got my you've got what my order my oil order and basically what that means is that uh we we're wiping out the fines so they won't be you're starting at zero however you've got to so show some progress on this and actually give some work keep in contact with Mr Irving keep in contact with strong and you won't be in this position again and I wish you the best and I wish you prayers okay thank you very much thank you officer strong that's the last case and it we are here by a Jour thank you oh oh I want to talk to you for a second Josh if you got a second see that lady I got several for you okay good