okay all the participants can mute themselves and we're GNA we're going to stand for the fores [Music] [Music] to notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been met by transmitting the notice of the regular meeting to the commissioner's official newspaper on February 1st 2024 posting the notice where required and filing a copy of the notice with commission clerk the D commission meeting will be audio and vide taped and will be shown on APV Optimum 77 and throughout M County on 28 alen Hur pres as the report present [Music] deal I'm here lock Neptune [Music] ocean yes welcome [Music] Melanie tonight we have a resolution to approve the minutes of the regular meeting from February 15 2024 someone please offer so moov second inter thank you all in favor I oppos we have the treasures report to approve the treasures report and pay bill okay we've U balance on hand from previous month was total on deposits $4,285 78 total receipts were total available were $ 27,7 3369 disbursements for appropri ation was $2,774 6 the 319 H was two a dispersement was $2,291 40 um the quality water water quality improvement Grant was $595 total dispersements were $1,974 total balance was $ 16,7 $63 23 $1,298 is in the mquan bank and New Jersey Cash management fund is $15,429 for a total on deposit of $1 6,763 123 thank you someone please offer to pay the bills and the treasur report so move second set you alen yes Asbury Park yes inter yes M Lo Melanie she's there present okay and then ocean yes okay okay the our 319 H Grant from 2018 we're on the Final Phase which is seems to be going on forever um we have a few more details to work out with the state and hopefully within the next three months we'll get that closed out I was going to say next week but I think it's three months important to note that all reports all paperwork all funding reimbursement requests have been filed with the state and we're really just waiting for the state's final approval right yeah and some Logistics yes um sh line protection I see we've had we've had a bunch of discussions amongst ourselves uh a couple things popped up recently um I mean you you name it it's happened in the last two weeks with various different Contracting operations homeowners contractors and homeowners not doing the right thing with with the protection of the siment around their house uh businesses up in up by waging pass waging new develop up there massive amounts of s coming down and there was another property on 35 that had problems water Mony water running into Harvey Brook um I asked hun Perry to uh for an expert lawyer to to uh come on today to talk a little bit about what we can do with these things uh see John Hopkins here John you have the floor um any ideas quick ideas we don't have to get into details right now but um are these things things we can we can go after folks on or not uh I I assume you're talking about the Clean Water Act and the soil erosion going into the Estuary that's correct well yeah the Clean Water Act does does uh cover that uh you work hand in hand in the um in the county uh in the past uh where the jurisdiction reles is with the uh Attorney General's office but what we've done in the past just as in any uh Consumer Fraud act claim you notify the attorney general and ask if they want to act and if they don't act they implicitly give you the right to act for them so basically you're standing in the shoes of the Attorney General's office to prosecute the Clean Water Act for your own purposes um if you win you get to keep the money because you are an organization that benefits the community um so the question is um at this point I'd have to review each one of the sites to see what really is happening whether there is they're violating the Clean Water Act rules and regulations and we have a water expert here we've got an engineer are they are they here today they are okay and there's certain things you can probably expand better than me because I'm just a lowly attorney um like you need gravel at the entrance and the exit of each construction site if you if you dig out you have to cover the pile of soil you can't let the water just drain it into the drainage ditches because it's going to clog up your your uh uh your estuary the the Lakes the rivers the streams um and you know what are the damages what is it going to cost to uh take the water the that soil back out of the streams um you can't do it it it it's cost prohibitive so basically they're just get contributing money towards your efforts to um uh make the water situation better there was out of all the ones there's only one really bad actor uh happened to multiple times we have videos pictures little bit um that I assume various violation notices um is it commercial is it commercial is it private it's a commercial property oh so there's insurance and you've got a commercial uh construction company uh have you have you reviewed the water plans submitted to the county I have not I drove by and saw the massive amount of material coming down and almost lost my mind so I was first the third time so is the pile covered oh they they've been trying they've been trying unsuccessfully unfortun okay maybe you've got a claim I think you you know how how does this work with you how do we how do we go about this with you um um well generally uh if the costs are paid I could work on a contingency something like that I'd gladly work with you I'm not going to charge you full amount because I know that you're a uh a for public benefit organization you are a commission but you know uh I I would definitely work with you if you want to uh talk to me about what I could do for you absolutely I'll cut my rates we'll uh say we'll go offline um in a day or two and and regroup hun can you provide my email address let me back up a little bit sure let me just say here there are municipalities involved that are responsible for these areas and they have number one greater resources than we have and they have their own experts so we you should really press the local municipalities to get over there and evaluate what the situation is because if we have to do it on our own we could end up spending a lot of money that we don't have so I suggest that before we go off in that direction that you press the municipalities first I think I think that they will uh shed it back towards the county and say that the county gave approval for them and that's one thing that you can do you can meet with the county go over the plans if they're not abiding by the plans that they submitted you get a stop work order right away boom so like I said there are other avenues that have to be pursued before you go down taking the lead on this we have to figure out yeah it's not happening overnight we're not deciding tonight we have that there's not something have to happen a different meeting and we'll have to get more facts together well and and as Mr Hopkins just said that the real key is get over to uh the county and and see if what's being done on site matches up with what they're well the count is not in charge of project the actual oversight from in this case ocean tacha with our engineer uh and they were on I mean I know they were on because I called the inspector and they went over and checked on and it was whatever they was done was broken and and and and leaking so so that that was the ISS and it's been done multiple times and it's multiple videos of of the location at different times different storms I'm sure I'll have a video sat of the situation you know what they had done and what they supposedly fixed works so we'll know on Saturday what's going on TR boom done say again if it's if it's broken then we press the county to issue a stop work order it's not the county John it's it's it's a c the county has nothing to do with it the D on a Clean Water Act violation not sure about that maybe we never I never call DP on it that's where it lies okay all right we'll talk more joh okay thanks okay should I sign off uh you stay on for a minute we had at the same time we do ahead one second um no you can log off that's fine I'll touch Bas with you tomorrow or Monday okay excellent thank you good meeting o thank you expert just just for um background purposes uh John represented the John was a former partner of mine but he also represented the um Shark River Coalition back in the day when when they filed suit with the development up there along Jumping Brook Road and uh we successful so he's been through this and we struggled with this with the Norwood Crest in that you know there's a learning curve here that because I've never done one of these cases so I brought John on just to give his input because Don was looking for some quick answers and I you know I don't have quick answers so uh that was the initial reason for bringing John on board here just so the members of the board get an idea where this is coming from yeah just for comparison to the ability Crest Crest was a drop a sand this this this is truckloads of stuff it was disgraceful saw the videos I think I H them on Facebook um they're pretty bad so you get an idea in the case of the buil crest we solve that problem same day it happened so and they they they were they corrected the issue immediately so okay let me move on um next is goose remediation and car carp's another story with another day but Goose everybody paid everybody paid their 2023 bills thank you everyone all the T um so got new year um it's starting soon um the geese are are mating you see them getting fresh with one another um and they'll be mating soon so um we got to keep our eyes out for nest and again you comment anybody sees a nest in their property here or somewhere anywhere along the lake watered they can they can contact the de Lake commission through the contact Section of the of the website um and or contact their their commissioner in out Town um Josh you want to update everybody on it I know Jeanie's not here tonight and Josh is the alt for AF I think he's got a yeah absolutely you know I think just as everybody kind of knows that you know geese will offer about two pounds of droppings a day and it raises nitrogen phosphorus as eoli as well so there's a lot of different reasons why we we don't want them in the lake um I think there's a common misconception amongst people when you say that you're going to be reducing the geese population the first thought goes to some of the other means that other towns have done that have been you know actually killed the geese or um you know did harm to the geese themselves this obviously does not um it is a non-invasive way to reduce the geese population geese live like 20 to 25 years they return in the same spot over and over again to May um so what'll happen is there'll be a spotter out on the lake will spot the nest um we'll get a permission slip from the individuals that live there and I can kind of show you what that looks like let me just share my screen and what'll happen is is once the permission slip is filled out uh a member um somebody will come out to the actual property themselves use kind of an umbrella push the geese off the nest and they'll add all the eggs so the eggs do not hatch this way you are not harming the geese you're not killing the existing geese you are simply keeping the geese from reproducing which over time through natural attrition will in theory reduce the amount of geese that we have so I think that it's just important to make sure that as we're communicating that and then we you know we have permission slips as well as an information letter which will be shared the information letter can be dropped off by Commissioners um to people that live on the lake if a nest is spotted or it can be mailed directly to them and I think it's just really important to reiterate the fact if you're engaging people in those conversations that we are not harming the geese this is simply a means of keeping the population down and reduced in order to benefit other species of of animals and and fish that live in the lake itself does anyone have any questions the public think I recognized that permission slip yeah right and some of the folks they go back to the same area usually so usually it's going to be the same houses that we have records of they do and we have an informational letter that can accompany that and it kind of just talks about where where this is coming from why it's important and the fact that we were we are not killing the geese that are nesting in their yard corre and anybody in boats out there that that's padding around the lake if they do see a two geese or one geese in the water and then you know maybe staying one particular area look on the shoreline you might see a nest so you got identify take a picture of it and try to identify on Google Maps uh and and contact you know delay that be great and it's a public session public place we have no problem we got total Authority for that but it's a private residence we have we have to get to commission for okay thank thanks Josh next one restoration of the Lakes this is the last time we're going to talk about this because ocean Cas is working some of the restoration of Terrace Pond and also I believe the F Pond um lollipop Pond has a separate committee formed uh to help we work that and and and we'll go into the that cleaning of that particular area in a couple minutes but you the the restoration it also includes Sunset so Sunset Lake commission and we're going to try to do over time hopefully down the road with grants grant money we can maybe try to get some siment out of these these areas because overall helps deal there new D stormw management Grant so we are on the verge on the verge one item left to get a signed contract with the bdp on this and it also roles around insurance so we uh they're telling us we don't have the insurance they would like we told them well that's usually our contractor's responsibility they didn't like that answer this time eight or seven years ago they like the answer was fine so uh and years before that was fine I think Steve Steve's probably been through this um but we we're we're still going back to him and and asking questions we're going to Insurance Ag and again quotes just I thought we'd have to make a motion to get yeah so we don't need to do that at this point in time but there's a possibility have to get comprehensive liability insurance beyond the director's Insurance have so that's what they're telling us we're trying to get more clar ification it happened today um so that there was I thought we had I thought we're over the hump and we were not so TBD on that we're close to sign that that agreement the weed Management program Jess you want to discuss I think we can do it if you want to do one if you want to do one application as long as it's under the bid threshold we can do it but the the contract from last year is the yes al already has the permit for doing this year and this pricing does is the same as same as a was what it depends on what [Music] you so are you saying we can award this now or we don't have to vote on this have to vote on we can you can award it and we announ at the next meeting is that you're saying okay okay so the plan is L management did it last year yeah we'll come back uh F permit it's not the permit it's the it's the water lowering permit uh I I wrote that up just correct that it's water lowering permit uh we have a new one it's slightly changed uh we are now allowed to open it up in a summer we're not allowed to open in summer for for decades um we did uh when it was a very very very big storm um but for the most part we we can do it and we just got it the number one rule on the permit is protect the fish life the flu is not a flood control device we can minimize minimize flooding by lowering the lake and we're doing that we just did that actually just about half an hour ago we we open Josh opened up the gates uh for the storm this weekend so it's we'll assess tomorrow if it's a foot and a half down we'll stop the flow and wait for the storm and then reopen it during the storm so that's how we'll manage that and should be fine it's a 3 to four inch storm and we'll have plenty of flow and the right height and to protect the folks along the lake as best we can that's that jet usage again any comments on jet sked usage please go to the comment section of the website and and officially voice your concerns or or support of jetskis um because we're still talking in communication with the Marine State Mar police and the commission that handles both regulations and takes time to go through these things I'm not sure when that's all going to be done my letter went out last week went to a deep dark hole um no respon but they do have meetings during every other month every quarter I believe they have meetings I missed the last meeting out of the way hopefully I can get to the the summertime meeting down down sou Don yeah concering concering V do we speed Li it on technically no no technically no but technically If You by this the voting rules and regulations which is the state marine police pointed out if you're within 200 feet of the shoreline in other words if you're in the main Lake's F and some sections of alur and right out here by inter Lane is fine but when you get when you get further in you're you're within 100 ft of it short so you pretty much have to go no way so that's that's what the exploration to from the state police to me was it's built because the size are Rel okay you have to go slow on the about reaches you can't fast you can't you got certain Bridges you got to go slow under that type thing but they pointed that out so you don't need a regulation I did I'm going to ask them to look at that see if we need to post any more than we already have posted we already have signs posted 5 miles an hour at the B but we want enforcable and right now it's it's it's enforceable on the back reaches of the lake and the main Lakes open up and we never had there was never any discussion uh what what I think the confusion was years ago um this the only regulations that de lake is water ski you got can only water ski east of the Main Street Bridge the main the main body of water and there's a few other regulations along with water ski and we'll eventually post that we have a copy of it fin I never had a copy so we can post those regulations but that's the only regulation officially have but under safe boers regulation and if you why these guys don't have boers registration that's another thing the boats aren't register and they don't have a Bo Drive driver license to drive a m so there's a couple issues and and the state can help us out and also the state said our our officers locally can enforce the rules and regulations so there might there's some education it's needed by to the office so maybe one or two in each police force can help out and and maybe can do a at least give people warnings and and tell them where to go maybe offer voter voter safety of course in the summer offer it somewhere here and they bring police or someone else can come and do that so we can look okay that's the other thing old business is the renew of the agreement of reestablishment meaning known as dealing other words renew our our Charter I believe did everybody get a copy of that yeah yes it's on the website same thing on the website it's it's exactly the same the only the only changes are the the principles the Mayors and Jesse's made that up uh Jesse will be emailing that you email it or mail it I think I'm Gonna Mail it you're gonna mail it okay she's going to mail to each of the the clerks and managers in each Town um and we'll get your copies we'll get copies of the exact information to each of you guys so you know your your administrations are again and we may need you to knock on the door and and have talk if we need to come in and have session with them we can do that but it's basically exactly the same as we had that was our our legal advice was the town set the D commission up so leave it the way it is and don't change it so that's that was pretty good and each time we adopt a resolution they would adopt a resolution to accept it and we got it would be another resolution for another another 10 years right okay back to leads okay sorry but the concept has a problem with it we're gonna we're going to W it it looks like we're awarded to the same guy for the for the the only difference is Ste what was the what was the actual chemical we used Sil RV or Clipper they didn't I I'd have to I'm they did not use pellicore last year I'm almost certain that it was Clipper okay so whatever we used last year we want to reuse it because we had great results right well we gave them options you know the vendors that would bid on the project you know we we shouldn't be the ones that are telling them what chemicals to use but we did provide you know an opportunity for them to identify which herbicide will be utilized and the um you know the cost and the benefit and associated with with any one of those herbicides and I believe they have to come back before they use they have to come back and identify what they're going to use right they just don't don't go and do it they have to come back and tell us what they're gonna use yeah exactly and that'll be you know that's all part of the permit process and then it's also as part of the public notice that goes out in advance of a treatment and then following the treatment the public postings that are done around the lake okay okay thanks so two SE well so two sections is the lake section is not necessary we have it in here but no weeds there so the car taking care of that the colonial Terrace Colonial Terrace and if they get it to holwood I think they did get to holwood last they last year okay thanks J any other old business that I miss new business let's talk oil bubbling crude um we had a major I considered a major spill last Saturday night uh I'm sorry two Saturdays ago um on the 8th of March the n9th of morning so I went out to put G Lake signs up at around the area early morning and would change of time right so my whole body was messed up and said I'm going out watch the sunrise was beautiful unfortunately when I got to the boat R and open the door up I got hit with a waffling smell of oil and turned out we believe it was the heating oil not 100% sure enough most likely is um and it was pouring out of the pipe the Sunset Memorial Avenue pipe um and it was going all up there's no there was no containment there there's no our boom is missing uh I was taken away by the hasmat team so anyway it's around the lake um so I called DP immediately took pictures video uh called DP and they they were quick pretty quick they could have got them out they could have got have Team out there on Sunday but they waited to to I don't know what how it got how it got Del wa but they came out I think they got the call and lend that hand um and the hasback team from All County came out Jonathan he was excellent we went went to the fight and we hardly smelled anything a residual smell um there was no oil clean as a whistle and the first thing I said was let's go to the MTD our MTD is working that's what I saw and sure enough we went down drove down to the the sunset shops where gadly pizza is and G car gizy gifts and our Tre device is litered right in front of car car's so we opened it up we opened up the one he actually stood over it and we spelled the oil and we opened up the chamber that holds the oil and it was full of and I gu water too but it was tons as water saw um so we closed it back up I went back to my car took some notes and made some phone calls and Jonathan was going to walk Downstream and or Upstream I should say and open up couple manhole covers when he went to get a cup of coffee someone walk go Bo he goes back it's like 10 minutes I get on the car I drove up he's waving to me come on over I found it and it was right there right right on the corner of Fifth and Memorial um he noticed he got a whiff of smell before he got car he looked over it was dead grass and the dead grass is the new grass that AZ par just put our contract just put in when they did the road construction Memorial before I guess it was already dead and you couldn't see anything so this was very obvious he walked over and you you can see the the oil basically permeated coming out of the rim um and it was all in that large lot between Fifth and fourth it used to be fish is very big I believe did they do just run I don't know keep moving see so the bottom line is um as we got a letter they obviously knew because and the D sent them a letter which I I got today which was it was quite interesting it was basically my information I gave to and they said he had a problem with this particular site and they jumped out pretty pretty quick and they got the the owner of the property and the owner of the property um has under contract already jsj ver construction uh and ver instruction was given the the authority to do what has to be done to clean up which is great so tomorrow I believe containment booms are going up um to protect the lake a little bit you know a lot more and the area um and experts have been hired to remediate um the situation so things happen fast the D now have hires has the homeowner or the property owner hire a certified cleanout agency um they don't necessarily do that anymore so you don't do emergency stuff they'll come out they see the oil come out they'll contain it but if they don't see it uh they'll put it off to the other I did ask the EP to help her that has my team of off County to to put another Boom Out by our pipe so I did ask an email yesterday I think the two individuals who decided to put the manufactured treatment device at Memorial Drive in Fifth Avenue should be complimented that's great sorry that's me and Don the thec we're going to put it up by high school they were going to put it near the little field but there there's too much under underground utility conf gas lines run through water lines run through so we worked our way south and we decided this would be a great location because it's the intersection where uh Sunset Lake comes in and merges into the storm drain on Memorial Drive that goes to deal lake so that's where we put mtds on Sunset so it kind of all blend the goat and that's exactly where the Flow came so once we smelled it there we knew it was South yes and that was a good s because it was we didn't smell it there that meant it was coming from Sunset Lake area so that would been a different they did job yeah they they did job did job and the good news is the the owner of the property had Burke environmental Burke construction I should say um Evacuate the chamber so it's now clean I can't say it's 100% clean of oil but it's it's it's evacuated of of oils that are easily gotten that flbl that were all wheil up Steve knows but we should probably let D know that this project functioned properly um when it was designed so they're complimented after we get our payment an old oil tank there or something we believe it was an old it was a very active Baker huge Baker really yeah it a huge big so it's and some of the people now working on had their relatives actually working the plan [Music] grandparents but ASP but it's it's good to see that all the everyone's coopera every's cooperating it's really thank God we got the would a lot more all um okay uh oh congrats to our Jesse joose for award from the ocean Chamber of Commerce [Music] it's still an award how many years [Music] service I never give you longest run fastest but congratulations um spring cleaner is awesome I mean we had at least over 120 people we had 71 uh folks from water m school and the area helping that lollipop on and down downst stream of that and they just enjoyed there was a lot of great pictures uh they had fun and they want to come back and so uh it's the next next next topic we come back we talk about school but it was a great day weather coopered we thought we're going to have a rain out um yeah and even with the oil the oil actually I think Carol where's Carol Carol actually spotted o she was actually walking in the oil and Interlink and so I she took pictures that got and I sent them to azri park the key people ear there I couldn't Don I couldn't open those they they Don they couldn't they were they got into some different kind of format that I was unable to open the ones that you sent to me oh okay they must been contaminated it it was like an iew format right I'll check hopefully other people can open that's that's a good question okay but yeah was she was actually Fe you know with the Ducks and the Ducks were swimming in them right is that correct yeah it's something that we have to tell we told we told we told the folks and hopefully that's another thing they have to remediate that's why tomorrow is so important to get to get the remediation done or the containment done because the containment doesn't get done we're going to have more spills so hopefully um fourth graders W mastera adopted deal L this year and under the project CARE program and they they came out to the cleanup and the next on Monday I went to their school and I don't know how many there were 60 some kids four four groups four four classes of fourth graders came into the auditorium which was the old gym it's not a c work SL between and we had an hour session was awesome I talked to had you know had principal's computer up there we had the Google Maps we had an old presentation we had show dtds talked about the Watershed and what a watershed is and what the commission does and they they kept on asking why do you do this why do you do this I kep people said well I started this when I was 8 years old when I was your your age I started claiming the lake so um but they had really good questions about Lake ecology and and the then they found out I was lni w a Massa they asked me a thousand questions on what I liked about one M what I disliked about one school it was just cute it was cute but it turned out really good they had they fishing we talk about fishing one kid was new from Texas he talked about this 15 PB F everything's big in Texas he was he was he was pretty good he asked me final question he asked me goes what year did you graduate when I master and it took me a couple seconds I figured it out 1968 which is pretty good correct anyway it's a fun time and it looks like they're going to do it every year uh they also advertised the poster contest to um the kids are going to participate now oh good for the for the lak group The National L gr so you'll see some you'll see some entrance from entries from one of M School which is great okay that's all I got anything else okay let's uh let's move Commissioners after Public public motion open to the public all in favor I okay opposed okay public anybody i a g Barber anything go on G bar any public I see Mr R Mr R the FL is open by okay motion motion to close the public hearing second second Josh okay thank you Josh all in favor I I [Music] OPP the site oh yes we did thank you you want to yeah absolutely uh the mayor as asked for the uh the current status of the what what the recommendations there was proposals to for stor manager and he asked are they complying with and I asked Peter team to come up with a member which we're going to send sent to the mayor but we'll talk about that Peter you got the FL sure thank you um as planning board engineer in Neptune Township uh our office was responsible for site inspection and development uh the construction development of the site and one of the key issues that Steve worked with us on when we did our planning report was that the applicant Not only would comply with the state and local stormw management rules but would also comply with the uh deal like Watership plan um meaning that c called Bing PL Bing plant site which is now called Eminem at Neptune which has the Aldi going to have a quick check and a retail store and another store on the side again um all drains to the hollow Brook of deal link behind Bri right so you're going to keep an eye on it but what we did was we ensured and the applicant actually agreed to U the levels of compliance that we requested during the planning Board review so I'll just tell you what their what key elements their watered plan includes they have underground um infiltration basins on the site they have manufactured treatment devices on the site all this work was approved before um the storw management rules were change but we incorporated some of the rules and they they agreed to it they're putting rain Gardens on the site they're putting dry Wells and Forest pavement of the site they agreed to break the entirety of the site down into two and half acre watered quadrants which the new rules require uh meaning it's smaller containment areas that are controlled so if they have an issue with one it'll be resolved all that drains into an area that discharges into the wetlands that goes into Hollow Brook and cross Asbury Avenue into Brian's area that great question me Brian all during construction I never saw sediment washing into the lake did you living there did you see any discolored water anything like that no nothing noticeable no we monitored it but but one of the things that's going to happen after construction is um we requested and actually they proposed even before we required it uh removal of all the invasive plant species along the easterly area of construction between the the easterly most Road in which is the one coming on Route 35 North yeah turning in horrible turn in but it's um between that road and the Wetland area a new native species will be installed to further increase um storm water recharge and removal plues onite so all that's going to be done okay one building is St and functioning Aldi um quick check out approval uh to put the building that'll be U south of Aldi so you'll see it before you get duali when you come up for 35 north um another retail site with maybe four or five users in it will be the building next to Ali that's closest to the circle and one other retail space on the site I the only thing I can see is worst worst you know transportation is just see people cutting acoss intersection and hold discussion yeah it's you know just be careful one of the things that a planning board can't do is kind of stop a development because of the way the traffic on a state highway is controlled required a state highway permit they required a MTH County permit for Asbury Avenue I didn't like the traffic we made him change a lot of things we made in put uh I didn't like the fact that you could be driving on Route 35 north and cut through the site and go on Asbury Avenue East to Asbury Park so we made him put some changes in the configuration to preclude that from from happening um but it's hard to stop a development that's allowed to develop uh so we did the best we could right thanks thank you and I get can you give me can I ask two questions about that report yeah sure how long does porest blacktop remain porest it's a function of uh maintenance it remains porest forever but it can be compromised by silt and sediment buildup so we require the applicant to provide a storm waterer management operation and maintenance plan and it's the responsibility of the Neptune Township uh municip engineer in-house engineer to ensure they comply with that on an annual basis so they need to see that it's being complied with and they report it okay and I guess within that same structure they're going to be maintaining those treatment devices who's going to oversee that absolutely yes yeah it's difficult but Neptune does it um some have trouble doing it but Neptune's kept the record of all of their storm War management plans throughout the township and it has to be reported as a condition of the storm management permit has to be recorded to D on a ual basis so you know it's something if you see it if you see something happening on the site you're closer than we are but we were there every day you know but if you see something let us know we'll be glad to we kept the trees around the circle there were certain things that were happening that we didn't want all the coming down and the sidewalk was going in we said SL there you know you're really not going out that far just keep them and give us a sense that you know you know we have a little bit of History it doesn't look as horrible as there was a lot of contamination on that site from the Coca-Cola PL us so it's actually a lot better than used to be although people would say develop better thank you right thanks um any other new business Carol just keeping an eye on that site that you and I talk about commissioner's last word you got the word there Carol go ahead uh my last word is just a big thanks to all the volunteers who turned out for the cleanup it was a great day and um a good effort and uh I also wanted to make um special thanks to the volunteers from l o pong who came down and helped out um they they were the first ones to start and the last ones to finish and they were awesome people I spent some time speaking with them and it was it was delightful um and I also wanted to give a big thank you to the um Interlaken DPW I've um noticed that they've been doing extra good job keeping the storm drains in town clear lately which is uh you know going to be especially important this coming weekend so thanks than lot okay I just like to say I've been on this commission for a while and it seems like every year we improve more we get more to on it seems like we were accomplishment from when we first old when I first started we dropped the age by 10 years getting Josh [Music] out all right let me see Josh what you got what you got anything going on no no I'm good I had fun at the cleanup I look forward to more and um gonna try to bring some more people up for the next one as well yeah I just want to report that Josh survived the clean up he walked the whole length of the football field on I think he walked on the fence one right yeah I walked between the fence in the lake and then my friend Michael who owns Clementine's restaurant over in Avon he and I did um as far up as commock street so he took the entire outside of the field a lot of the water bottles blow off the sports um area and it blows against the fence so he clean on the inside of the fence I clean on the outside of the fence and pulled a lot out it was good good day and Josh made a recommend to me he goes they sent link to Amazon andone he goes we should get magnets to to pick things up and I go I hate magnet people but it's really a good well because they leave stuff I said that's a great idea for the coil cleaner because I have 100 kids from all the college get a team you know get two or three kids on a magnet and let them go on the bridges and have fun so I like that idea so I actually ordered four magnets and they're going to be in they're in the shed waiting next clean up so thank they hold a th000 pounds so I want to see if those kids try to pull a th pound item off the bottom of the lake may need work go get that safe that after money that's all right thanks um El Melanie Melanie's there hello Melanie she froze I'm melan your mic she's not talking you're muted Melanie Melanie M muted all right she's not getting unmuted okay give me thumbs up Mel there we go okay the ospr are okay ospr are back that's my name all spr are back um yep it's great to see him and okay can you hear me now now she is okay go ahead yes I tried to message you before and tell you that I couldn't understand half of what you said for some reason the mic um when you talk or when Jesse talks it's really muffled sorry but I couldn't get the message through I sent it on the chat I tried everything but so I hope I didn't miss anything too important that's no that's a good question did did other people have the same problem by the way you're fading in and out every time you talk it's like in in and out in and out car Carol and Josh you having the same problem or no no I'm I'm not having that I'm not having that problem but when when there's like papers moving or things dropping on the table it's very loud must be the microphone like you I I heard you fine I heard Steve um Steve Su fine um Josh I heard fine but Don and Jesse I I had a real problem with okay side CH side chatter is very disturbed so I had I had no I did I did have to turn the volume way up on my computer okay good enough yeah I I think it has to do with the distance from the microphone you know those that are right in front of their phone or right in front of their computer there's not a lot of dissonance but if you're a little further back or someone's speaking a little as I get farther back it hard toar we're going to try something real quick we got it set up I just feel like you you kept break breaking up and breaking up hold on hold on so how's that that's better now I hear you you hear me can you hear me I hear you now can hear you a little a little late but I hear you now yeah let's start over Okay don't say that we'll have to see where the tape comes out okay that's the key right the tap thank you thanks thanks a lot melie that was good who else that was the best that's it that's it we're done um motion to to adj Al second second Josh so let hand up first first all in favor I oppos you can't vote okay all right thanks for coming everyone and uh we'll see where the link is tomorrow and we'll reassess the situation I'm going down a foot and a half and we'll see where that is