uh let's all stand for the pledge of Alle please pledge of I know so let me give you a we talk we'll speak before start okay um go now you go first go sure yeah the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been met by transmitting the notice of the regular meeting to the commissioner's official newspaper on February 1st 2024 posting the notice where required and filing a copy of the notice with the commission clerk the dealight commission meeting will be audio and videotaped and will be shown on APV Optimum 77 and throughout most of Mammoth County on FiOS 28 I'm going to take the Roll Call alen Hurst Asbury Park you're muted jeie yes deal inter Len present has arrived alen Hurst inter Len yes G here Neptune and ocean here okay D you want to say something before we begin yeah before we get rolling um let me move so yeah there hybrid zoom we're giving a shot maybe next month we'll give another try get a different camera um we'll give it a shot and see where we go and and down the road the commission could just determine how we want to do it we want to do it every meeting uh every every fourth meeting what that quarterly um or be first 100% so we'll discuss that I guess in next much is March April discuss okay Jesse Jesse do that tonight we have a resolution to approve the minutes of the reor meeting from January 18 2024 someone please offer I'll offer second second I'll second it I got double all in favor oppos okay tonight we have a motion to approve the treasurers report and pay bills but first we'll let Bruce read the report treasur report uh at the beginning of the month the total on deposit was 53,856 we had total receipts of $6,196 total available cash 59,4 380 we had various dispersements uh those dispersements total 34,7 582 uh bringing the total balances to 24,000 28578 before um before the balances in the banks so the total in deposit was $4,285 75 oh I got it okay so total balance is $4,285 78 comprised of uh our accounts in minus One Bank in the New Jersey Cas management fund perfect someone offered the treasures report and pay bills so move second I'll second it thank you alen yes Asbury pork yes inter Len yes L orber yes and ocean yes okay Don full yours okay um to say the least the last two weeks have been stressful to say the least the um we've been dealing with a the state on two programs um the three the close out of the 201718 clean water grant which we're completely done with um Chris who's on the call today um you know worked a lot the last in the last month to get the the final report done and uh we submitted it we're pretty proud and uh email came back within Mill well not milliseconds but I you know put pushed it at night and came up in the morning and found a little note from a girl who was running the whole show from the the state was I'm no longer working for the state of New Jersey G please please email Paul and it wasn't automatically done so we had to do that another day went by we finally Paul came back and then helped us out so we're on the path to recovery we had we have some changes to do based on the new person different different little slightly different opinion of what he wants to see so um we also had to get an extension uh a requested extension until a end of April and we submitted that that was a half a day to do that that was submitted and I believe it was passed forward and who knows how long that's going to take get approved um but the big deal is you know we have money sitting there in the state we put bills in under these quarterly reports and another person handles the quarter reports so we're talking to that person who was very very nice and we eventually got that that going St all the the reports that we submitted are fine we just have to submit another report uh number 21 the 21st report and we should we should be good to go so anyway that that that project is is basically done we have to do we have a few little extra we have one motion to approve resolution 2424 approving change order number two for the rainu RFP um which includes the tree boxes which in includes the tree boxes award construction increase of the contract was $11,800 and that deals with the the improvements at the tree box which is in Allenhurst that's by spear Avenue right by right by the train station where the Gazo is down the street from Bruce rers Allen her commissioner so do I hear a motion to accept that um there can we talk about it for a minute I have let's put on the table first put on we hear a motion to accept it to no to to approve it to approve it so moved second second anybody second anyone second it okay thank you thank you okay now we can talk about it go ahead okay yeah so I just wanted to ask I know we've talked about this but this coming from the N um the Nea Grant the I'm sorry the njaa grant the 39 Grant or is this coming from commission money this $111,000 this is this is this is we we're submitting this bill this is part of a bill for about $44,000 we're going to be submitting to the state of New Jersey that's going to be the the quarter 21 um review so we're going to send a quarter 21 request for funds hopefully we'll do that in the next next week or two to the state of New Jersey so we'll eventually get paid back the question is when right it's part of the grant but that's that's part of the grant it's it's within the within the it's within the scope of the grant and and we still have funds available which we can extract from plus another two3 th000 I guess it's language that confuses me where it says increasing the contract by $11,000 800 that's correct I'll explain that so the contract for precise was for a specific amount and they went over they had to do extra work and our engineer approved that extra work for $11,000 and it was it was issues with the sidewalk uh they had to adjust some things front of in front of that air by the Gazo so that's why that's so the right so that the this in the increase in the contract is still within the scope of the funds coming out of the9 Grant correct correct that's great yeah thank and if it and we be honest if we didn't have it it might have we would probably eat that we wouldn't be talking about it right now so but now we have to make the motion so the state can approve Okay Okay Go Okay alen Hurst yes Asbury Park Interlaken yes luck aror yes and ocean yes thanks over uh Shoreline protection and education I know Jeanie wrote a letter to the state uh we have not she has not gotten back any response and I see J jie did you get anything back haven't heard a word yet but I'll let you know as I do other than that we have no no other further action on that um the the goose program um we do have action on that if you if you look at your your treasury bill we got payments from Allenhurst inter Neptune Allen Hurst everyone's paid except um deal Asbury where's ocean ocean ocean I got the purchase order oh okay okay so going to pay well I don't know exactly when but I did get a a response that it'll be paid okay and I sent you that email did you see that email yet G yes I I did and I responded to it Don but yeah it was just that you know there's been so much going on with the city that um and and also I didn't know that it was going to come out of the D dpw's funds um but everybody on the council and the previous city manager knew about it it had all been talked about but it never got to his desk that's why he was confused but anyway I gave him all the previous correspondents and it will be it's going to be paid from what I the last word okay thanks thank you nothing on courb radiation toight we'll probably talk about next meeting and I talk to the the folks from as Park fishing club and see if we can resume the fishing T um nothing on the lake restoration other than you we see action there's markers out on firan P I haven't heard any specific actions yet um but they they do have survey marks up on the trees if you drive by um all right next big effort that we spent the last two weeks on was the D's storm order management Grant um first thing is we have a motion resolution 24025 authorizing acceptance of a grant between DL Lake commission and the state of New Jersey by and for the Department of protection in the amount of $89,400 do I hear a motion to accept that we got a second who wants a second well it's a lot of money it is a lot and of course we we have they gave us the Grant and I'll tell you more in a minute go ahead alen Hurst yes Asbury Park yes Inter Lake in absolutely yes L Barber yes and ocean yes okay Don go so more storm that you know Peters guys have been working really really hard on that um and it's all dictated by a computer systems called sage he has to put all the information in and you know's he's a busy guy Matt mat Marana mat Marana um and he finally got it in and we were getting getting pay by the state for not sub the information one of the key elements was a special code number we needed from the federal government for this particular Grant because it's Federal money so now we have we are federally registered in the so we have a federal code um I can't think we had a cage code and a uie number UEI UEI number so we were so proud I sent that into the the Jennifer who runs the the Grant and she basically said she didn't say anything like oh congratulations nothing she said don't forget get you got to fill out the paperwork fill in the blanks like so anyway that was done we had one last thing on I believe this that has to be added and there gonna be a resolution that's sent to sent to uh Matt and Matt's gonna extract it and and put it into the computer tomorrow and we should be off and running hopefully we'll have a document that we can sign contract we can sign within the month so next next meeting we should be we should be rocking around that again Peter guys are working hard they have you know Draft plans uh they're doing more surveying out there so we should have more in the coming months we'll have a lot more on the table so but I just want to tell you it's going really really well okay new business we're done with old any other old business guys I ask a question about that um I know that um they're going to do a presentation for the public right about this particular project at some point yeah oh yeah well actually not not only the public but you know we have to sit down with our our our four Partners right we got um the month County ocean Tanta um the Dake War Alliance and and CD Mo they're all our partners I believe on this project so you know we're working together to get this done but it's got basically comprise information you know sections of from 35 all the way through past the old acne which is now the MTH County something MTH County owns that land Social Service Social Services thank and pets that area between there where that stream goes through um that's where we're working so that's it's GNA be it's going to be a big project we're focused right in there we got M storm MCT treatment FES going in which is replacing older ones that are there that aren't working very well um plus we're basically going to hold water back and have them rainard so it's going to be they'll turn out very nice there's some people you we're going to we are going to cut some trees down which is definitely clear I hate cutting trees down but we're going to be putting trees back but we have to get the depth and we have to get the right soils in there so we're gonna have to do some evacua it's gonna be a big construction project for sure and the good thing is I don't think we need any permits Soh keep your fingers crossed okay any any other old business no okay we're going to go to new business 2024 weed Management program I sent everybody uh the request proposal that a draft request proposal that Steve wrote up it's the same as last year no changes so I'm looking for a motion to accept um to to go up for orps to complete the and and to release it to the public a motion to accept the weed Management program proposal okay second second all in favor yes yes opposed thank you okay Flume permit um there ever since the 29th storm which is extremely unusual storm you know we had seven inches of rain one day six of it basically in four or five hours and we all saw the streets fill up with water six8 inches running down to the lake and we physically saw the lake Rising we weren't stopping it and it was 33 inches above the top of the outfall pipe and it filled up a lot of people's homes and business and you know it's a shame but that's what happens when they have that much rain in a short period of time nothing we could do could have stop that and we had PL oh we had 15 inches rain the week before so anyway with that said you know we've been I've been asked to talk to the state and I emailed the state today asking them to to extend the um the maximum right now we can go at one time there was one foot back in 2013 we asked in 2013 to to to decrease that height or lower the height um to one and a half fet and it took a couple years in 2017 they changed it to to one and a half feet 18 one and a half feet which is an extra six inches so it's 18 inches um it's a lot it's hard once you get there it's hard to get lower in my eyes um because incoming tides and various other reasons um but we can do that and we only have 72 hours to do that um a lot of times where there's no Northeast storm or or rain we can get it down relatively quick and you saw that in the last couple storms we got it down the other storm the other day we didn't get it done that much but we didn't need to you know one inch rain is not that severe a two-inch rain even for deal Lake in the winter it's a little more severe but in the spring summer fall it's not a big deal when you get in the 3-inch range we need to lower the lake so and and that's what we do so that's that's a little bit but I did put the requested for the state so I just want to mention that what was request to change it from one foot to no it's from one and a half we're asking for two feet two feet that was the ask that was what the the mayors of asber and ocean asked me to do and I did that okay and we let it's the state as everybody knows or maybe not know the state controls the lake they control the um the water levels and the dam or or permit is controlled by the state and it's on on the website you can go there and look it up it's it's very clear and if we violate it we may not be able to lower it at all so that's what we're trying to prevent um and and they seem flexible but I don't know if they're going to go to t two feet but we did ask and there's other Provisions that we technically can't lower the lake between get get ready for this one one July and 15th of September we're not supposed to lower it either at all spawning spawning and various other but most they're afraid of um the temperature of the water um Aquatic Life dying because lack of oxygen because that's this the hottest the water is during the year so and we've been real good about not not lowering a lot uh but we do lower it I mean I had to say I told the guy we kind of violate the rule once a while depending on the storm and that's something they they don't comply with because they're looking at Lakes of northern Jersey not looking at Shor Lakes so that was part of the discussion today I just would like to add to that um yes it's the permit is on the website but also uh there is a presentation that you can look at Lake lowering um Dr Souza and I did one and on the website if you look on the web web page on the first web page on the far left column go down it says L Lake lowering and um it spells pretty clearly all the reasons for having uh that kind of control over the lake why the uh Department of Fish and Wildlife requires it and then um the permits and what the DLC is allowed to do and not to do it's all pretty clear there so if you'd like to take a look at something person that's that's a good place to look yeah that that's that's good G thanks for bringing it up let me let me show that real quick I'm gonna I'm gonna share my screen real fast so we can see that SP too much time that's and given we've had half a dozen 100 Year storms in the past five years I think that I think yeah if you go to the first page right scroll down on it should be or you can Lake lowering click on that okay age there we go that get going back to 2016 and down it says Lake lowering presentation whoops you just passed it okay back uh I'm looking more go up a little right there presentation you've been asked to do that again I I mean at some point I I think we should do it it's all in this area guys I I'm not gonna open it up the other thing that's in there is also a presentation by um the OEM in construction with us and it's a little video on how this The Flume works and the operation of of the pipe and all that that's right here ocean tach OEM deal Lake Flume operations so that's that's that's pretty good stuff if you you want to look at that and anybody you know one of the days in the summer we'll have an open house at The Flume and we'll show you how it all works so we're going to plan that in the summer time frame okay that's it stop sh okay next let's have a discussion on and we're going to have a discussion among the folks here and and I I encourage the public to write in their comments we have we have two we had two two or three already uh negative comments on jet SKS right ra rather see them banned um and there was you know the thoughts I had in my head were Banning or restriction to the main Lake um so we're looking for comments written comments are preferred on the comment section of the website or you know we get the emails almost instantaneously so uh we we'll see the do we have a jurisdiction um so here here's what's happened the reason the reason I'm bringing it up because I got a email from the state police Marine police and they wanted to sit down and go over the the rules of Dake I said oh that's interesting I didn't know there specific rules and there are um so we're GNA update those and I said can we discuss other restrictions and he said yeah absolutely so I I threw jet skis out there and he said yeah we can talk about that so he go you know obviously public can't we want the public to feed feed in on that because I know people have jet skis on the lake and I know there's people bring them in the big restriction is water SK the only water SK is restricted to just the main Lake from east of Main Street that's the big do we do we have these rules in any specific spot where we look them or is this you said there are rules oh yeah that's nice the rules the rules are jet skiing I'm the rules are are skiing water skiing and rules around that the length of the cord uh jumping okay it's all related to order scheming but it's all state it's all state in other words they can give tickets for that um in the history of the zake commission as I understand before before I was here they put restrictions on on Wake but it's not an official restriction right now and that we'll look into also we'll look into the five miles hour zones um and the state officer said this Sergeant he said he'll he'll look at that he'll come down here and look at that with us uh and show show us where the zones are and just for for edification of the public the da commission is a joint meeting it's created by the surrounding seven surrounding communities so our jurisdiction only goes as far as the jurisdiction of whatever Community creates so from the time you hit the water we really have no jurisdiction it's state it's state run so when it comes to docks when it comes to bulkheading it's all governed by the state we can direct people we can help people where to go but as far as enforement and that sort of thing it's all on the state it's not something we can do unless a town wants to take the bull by the horns and start enforcing but it's not something that we as the commission do and remember we had the sheriff in for the last two years we had the sheriff boats around handing out brochures informing people not not doing any enforcement but educating people as best they can when I was a kid the Marine police used to sit right at the boat ramp and when you came through that bridge they wanted to see your operator's license they checked out the registration on the boat to see if it was current they checked to see if you had a cushion for every every passenger in the boat that's correct I mean they would give you a ticket for anything they could find you know here you are 14 years old driv you on the boat I got it I'm good even those there's certain restrictions for for da certain rules the basic rules of state of New Jersey still apply you have to have a license operator's license you have to pay your boat register and you have to comply with the rules that hunt just mentioned about life reservers and such who is speaking there is that a I'm sorry I hear some voice but I just don't know who is that speaking hun was hunt was talking and now it's done who who was speaking hunt oh hunt was speaking our attorney attorney okay sorry I don't see him on thank you sorry know your voice by now so okay um that's it for that um any other questions from the Commissioners we I'm sure we'll get some inputs when we have the public session in a couple minutes okay yeah I would just can I introduce of a new alternate commissioner at this point no not no not yet not yet not yet not yet let's let's keep rolling um the other thing is one of our main goals this year is is to renew our 2025 20 thou 20 2025 to 2035 agreement for reestablishment a joint meeting known as the delay commission um I plan to uh to give hunt the draft copy the hard copy the word version of this of the old copy and any Commissioners that have any comments I'll send a copy of when I send it to hunt or I'm sorry when hunt gets done with the the the first cut uh I'm gonna ask him to send it around to the Commissioners for review um and then we'll open it up we'll get it on the public web on the website as we did in the past if you'll go there now you'll see it's from 2015 so we're going to do basically the same thing I'll change the wording on that page and folks can make comments on that resolution it's pretty basic it's pretty legal legal e um and confusing kind of that's okay it's the lawyers do right that's why you need a lawyer right got two lawy lawyers right that's right right they don't want anybody to know what they really say that's right that's right interpretation interpretator lawyer for interpret moving we're moving all so that's going to come out soon do we need a motion for that or not no does you need a motion to authorize me to prepare and circulate the proposed document yes do I hear a motion for that Mar so moved Margo said is that Margo Mar I'll second I'll second it okay all in favor okay I oppos okay okay you're you're off the Run Okay spring cleanup spring cleanup guys I I I I batted this around it's I've been struggling with this date for a while the uh March 30th is right right the beginning of the ocean T think guys March 30th is not du we like it around that day but uh we have Easter and Palm Sunday and Palm Sunday is the 2 4 Easter being the 31st plus we have a Jewish holiday I believe on the 23rd so it looks like the 16th of March is the best date I mean basically we're not going in the water for the most part we're going to be on the shoreline there's some brave souls that may want to venture out in the water the ice so not the ice it won be there but how's that date is that what are we looking like that's not yeah well if we go into April then we go into the growing season and we can't get near the shore we have poison ivy growing up and yeah early April yeah poison I is popping up in April okay stuff is popping up now this is this is St Patrick's Day that's what that that's what the problem is it is St patri day yeah at weekend what if it snows Don you know what we'll move it to the six how about snow day the six what you want to do that we have a rain date of the 6th do you want to do that April April six is a backup how about that that's a good idea that sounds like a good idea backup why don't we no idea but why did we start with April 6 no come on it's happened you're right and it was really okay we got that we'll start advertising that um and I'm very excited to uh I see motion to what oh you want to do that yeah so we can spend money to go ahead a motion to authorize the spring cleanup on March 16th with an alter rain date or snow dat advertising and Equipment right not to exceed 800 bucks 400 no 400 you got adding 400 400 bucks okay 400 bucks and an amount not to exceed 400 yes thank you Genie second Allen Hurst yes Asbury Park yes inter L yes black Arbor yes and ocean yes and I see that the principal W aasa who can't talk yet because it's not open to the public um John Bosman we are we had he reached out to me a month ago or so and we're teaming up with the one aassa fourth graders and we're gonna we're g to educate them a little bit I'm going to go to the school and give them a little little talk and then hopefully we'll we'll have their parents and themselves come out to the cleanup um on the 16th bundled up but technically I think John you're gonna advertise that separately and because I think I'm the 18th I believe is my is our the day we're going in so it's gonna be two o'clock to three o'clock at one M of school and uh it's gonna be fun with the kids I haven't been there for a long while I was a fourth grader one time there so I survived School survived me which is pretty good right still standing back in let me back in that's right that's right and I left fourth grade I mean that was the last year I was there back way back then still stand went on my own I was set up River set up Riv very happy this to do that for the fourth graders of w Wy school um I'm also D commission is involved with New Jersey PL public Lakes Association I if you know that or not but we are we kind of formed that with lake of pacan and Greenwood Lakes Group about three or four years ago um it's been a great time talking to them because I'm finding out all the problems the state give gives to other Lakes other than us they give the same problems to them uh they Grant they give out grants and then they don't give permits for certain projects one one Lake I can't remember which lake it was was given they proposed to put special chemicals in the lake for phosphate treatment and it was approved and they were going to get the money but they can't get the permit from another office in the D so it's just it just shows you know talking them re see the bureaucratic mess that sometimes the DP is but in some cases they're good so but we're hoping we can change that so we were teaming up to get additional $17 million for lakes in New Jersey so we we we're we're actually talking to various different State Centers assembly so we're doing round robin and knocking on doors and uh and asking senators and assembly people to to support the bill so that's just want you to know that we're not advertising that but we're we're just doing it behind the scenes so we V goal is fully supporting and and and one of the leaders on the bills in the Su so I thank them for that um now number seven we got clonet thanks and we we have a bunch of what did Genie want to introduce I will I will and we have the clonet folks that been working on Deal Lake testing and Jeanie Jeanie's worked with Jesse make up some beautiful um thank yous and jeie all yours yeah okay thank you well well I'm glad are there I'm looking and I see are there oh well I see Jeff here who has been a water tester but um you know I just one second Jean any water testers here we have three we have three water testers here I don't okay so since I'm not there I yeah thank you Don would you would turn it on and we can see raise your hand there we go okay I is that Patricia I see Patricia I think who okay all right I'm sorry you look really tiny from my perspective but I just want to say that we'd really like to thank our water testers um what they do is really valuable they are out there cont testing once every every other week between November and March and then once a week between April and October so they cont test for conductivity water temperature dissolved oxygen turbidity and um you know I I just thought we wanted to take a minute to thank you guys if this this data that they collect is very important um if I could I'd like to just share the the uh my screen to show you where the water where the sites are that these testers are so let me see if I first I'm GNA say oops I okay so I'm gonna share my screen um and put up here this screenshot it's small I'm sorry but if you can see the um these are the these are the sites you see the lake the blue right and those are the sites that are being tested around the lake and for anybody interested um you can go to the clonet website and there is clonet oh it expired so but the Clone just type in clonet CL NE and then it'll give you the option to go to the data Explorer and in that place you'll be able to put in Deal Lake and you'll be able to see the results of their testing and what they've been doing and over time so let me see if I can can you see that now if I share my screen let me got to share that screen too so hold up a second um yeah so here it is here is the screen and it goes back as far as 20 19 and um this is you can select any Lake you want but you can do an individual Lake I'm gonna type de Lake and then look at the um results over time I'm not that geeky for looking at data but for those of you that are or just want to take a kind of General look at it takes a little while to load but you'd be able to then see the the temperature the um dissolved oxygen and humidity um and what's happening over time on the lake So for anybody who want who's interested in that but this is the work that they've been doing so let me let me tell you the names of some of the people all the people that have been last 20 20223 um so I'm going to take this off and um let me first say Patricia is here Y and Patricia want to thank you I think Jesse has an actual physical um already we handed the M theyed on the well you were speaking Yeah just too quick for me so but um anyway we have certificates for Patricia Hartman Jeffrey gold Jennifer zarone Jennifer's here Jennifer Jennifer you break your ankles doing this work is that broke duck and I got very excit thank goodness it wasn't testing JN a special we should give Jennifer dou that's pretty good else that's dedication and ran Rihanna rihan are you here yes she is she here Dean and long and Dean Brandon Valerie Brandon are they here too no D's not here no they're not here so we'll mail a teacher in the middle school so those two people also mallerie and her daughter I'm sorry deian and her daughter mallerie and Maryanne eels am I saying that last name correct I think so yeah she's she's not here and Erin Conlin who has been working for clonet and training everybody has done such a great job so she I know she's not here but I just really appreciate and want to thank her as well so many of these folks are also you helped the cleanups and thank you for that terrific Lake Advocates so thank you so much to all of you and we'll make sure the people that aren't here tonight and aren't on um Zoom tonight you'll get your um if you if I as soon as I have their addresses I'll make sure that you have um those too it's you very much Jeanie We're not gonna do the commissioner's last word until later I'm gonna try let's open this up to the public did you want to let Genie introduce commissioner alternate commission oh yeah Jeanie this is a good time to introduce to alternate commissioner good time all right so I see Josh is here hot off the plane Josh Starner um actually he just got back from a a surfing trip to Puerto Rico are you all right Josh I'm still here yeah I'm still one piece he left like what seven this morning from Puerto Rico or something my plain touchdown in New York at 4 AM oh you were with Gerald Lee weren't you oh there are a lot of people down there yeah and um you know so I first just to take a second I want to thank um Eddie is I don't think I Eddie wer is here but Eddie was the alternate commissioner for the last two years and I know he's been a great help to Don he's been a great help to the commission so really thank him for his work on the commission and um and now I want to welcome Josh Starner um Josh I'm just going to quickly say something and then I'd like you to tell us a little bit uh Josh is a real estate agent in Asbury Park he's a member of the Asbury Park rent leveling board but he's an Avid surfer and he's a volunteer I think he had something with starting it so you'll have to correct me if that's not correct for the autism surf camp in Island Beach State Park so we're what welcome and grateful to have you on board Josh anything you no thank you so much I've been a resident here since uh 2015 and I serve on the board of advisers for friends of Island Beach State Park been doing that for quite some time uh in addition to running surf contests we are doing uh camps for children with autism to provide free access to the water um for children to to receive kind of water therapy as well as to give the parents some time on the beach knowing that the children are are um you know well taken care of so you look forward to taking my experience with that Environmental Group and bringing it here and and helping out the best way that I can and look forward to all meeting you in person at some point welcome on board buddy yeah and I know that Josh has offered I don't know what's transpired since we spoke but I know that Eddie had said he would help and give Josh information for helping out with The Flume if you'd like that help um Janie can you get can you provide his contact information when he get next time to can yeah I I think I I sent it to Jesse but I'll send it if you need it to his email okay what happened I just here Bo okay and and we did we we did say Jeffrey okay there you are Jeff you got your certificate just we're gonna move on jie okay thanks okay um you guys are together right yeah we're gonna we open up to the public yes a motion to open the meeting to the public so Mo second all fav oos okay any anybody let's we're going to do the public here in the building anybody have any comments on anything yeah go ahead yeah just name and where you're living par um it's kind of also a question and a statement because um when I was sampling I mean I'd there in the summer every weekend by The Flume that's where I was samping at and I would think that would be the prime spot for all these Jet skars and i' I've never seen one doesn't mean they not com part day um but is are these jet years primarily going to other branches of the lake that's they're not they're they're they're in I get the most complaints I have are sumber in terms of speed and commotion is is the back is jet skares on the back of the lake we get lots of C especially the main Lake when some of them are out there they have unrestricted it's unrestricted speed which I don't have a big problem with but it's the noise some of them have loud engines or I don't know what they got but they're they're blowing a lot of noise all over the place so that was you get complains from the Condominiums they it calls all the time um you you repeat the question yeah go ahead I'm sorry you really couldn't hear the question that that well I can't see the person either she mentioned that she was down down by the ocean doing her water testing and she never really saw any jet skiers down there and and and that that could be true but they do come in uh from time to time and when they're here they're very loud they take over the lake um and that's one of the concerns we have you know a lot of regular kayakers boers uh stand up paddle Ford folks and they're in the back Brees the lake but you know and that's I got some comments like that already from other people but that you're you're right you probably didn't see them there's not that many um but when they're here they're loud and and they're they're going all around the lake yeah yeah any others here uh anybody from the public has anything I'm sorry go ahead sure I had a question I'm sor before you hold on hold on hold on pleas let the person step up so we can see them and good good come up toward the camera so we can see you and hear you camera you're making your she broke her leg doing water testing and she was biring go ahead thanks um it was a kind of it's kind of a specific question but um so I do my sampling at Allen Hurst at the park um down by you know the little pier there and um every time I go I pick up so much garbage down there like you know people eat in cigarette butts and it's and I've called Allen Hurst town so many times every time I go I call there I'm like can some of all they need to do is move one of the many garbage bins that are up the top of the hill to the bottom of the hill and I think it would rid us of a lot of there's nowhere to for people you know smoking a cigarette there's nowhere to put it so they just throw it on the ground and step on it and um if if there's someone you know that I can actually ask for by name that maybe I could hi take one of those garbage bins and talking except near the bridge and you're talking about moving it down to that area where or put an addition up there yeah I would put additional picnic table down there so people hang out but there's nowhere to throw any I will make a call about that tomorrow thank you doesn't mean it's going to get done I make tomorrow now the one thing in that area the shoreline in the water that's a lot of trash gets trapped there and then we do the cleanups and get it out but you're talking on the grass yeah it's right I mean you know it's all gonna end up even in the winter time it's um not as much but yeah okay fish and and you know it's all it's you know it's a nice spot there a lot of closer to the boat the boat racks and all that yeah right over there where the pic table is hang out there it's a great spot that's good point would have the sense to pick it up and bring it up okay thank you okay thanks tomorrow I call okay call me that's action anybody from the public any hands raised just jump in nobody no there's Don you hear me yeah go ahead hi good evening everybody John Bosman I'm a resident of Ocean Township and also the principal of wamas elementary school as Don mentioned earlier I just wanted to thank him um for collaborating with us in our PTA project care team this year the fourth graders took on they wanted to do something that was near and dear to their hearts and obviously wanted Master Elementary School with his proximity to the lake and everyone you know going to lock Arbor and Allenhurst during the summer they felt that this was a worthwhile cause and uh I just like to thank him and the commission for allowing our community to be part of this and we greatly look forward to it so thanks Don I go back with him I've known him for a long time working for lock Arbor when I was lifeguard and Beach manager there so I appreciate the collaboration we'll we'll make sure we'll get this little tidbit in the briefing by the way get youring give him a little history lesson but thank you I appreciate everything thanks for every everything you all do okay thank you anybody else I lost my video David hi David um can you hear me first off is it Dave yeah okay Dave you can hear me okay where do you I'm sorry where do you live Dave Asbury Park been there a while I met a few of you cleanup um so question was um hey really you know the closest kayak um you know place where you have tons of kayaks is with the exception of Allen hurz is Belmar so has there been any thought for D commission to have some joint you know very large kayak rowo rack such as what's in Allenhurst but just at a larger level and um that would could promote you know hopefully less Deb skes but more you know been here for a few years now I don't see as many boats on the lake and I wonder why you know does it have to be a Asbury Park thing or Allen Hurst or whatever could it be a joint thing uh administered by the commission yeah would it be administered by the commission we we we we support a lot of those efforts inter Len has put two our three boat racks two locations three boat racks kayaks racks up in in town they they haven't done the official licensing or permitting yet but the residents are going to have opportunities to put it's for residents only and it's by Lottery okay thanks Carol has a um a boat a uh rack for news and kayaks right by the wikip peka bridge most of the time I don't see it filled it's kind of hard to see it but that's that's Ocean Township right that's Ocean Township it might be Ocean Township it's right on the Ocean Township 100% sure it's oce because one of my boy scouts built it so it was then oh right okay so there's that one right yep y the big thing Jeanie and Dave there's people in Asbury that would love to have kayak racks um in Asbury more of them in Asbury they've been professing this they they've had some projects on the board that didn't get funded um so I would talk to the city manager or talk to jeie and and Jeanie could walk you through with some of the Town folks and and see if you could you know knock on some doors and see what asber do they're going to do a renovation project of of the boat ramp Park and maybe you can talk them into using that dock that dock is one of the best ones on the lake it looks terrible right now but that doc was from their previous vendor and and maybe you could work a deal that with the the rowing Association that's it's it's that Rose and deal Lake would like to use that dock also and nobody's moved yet on it but it's a great location to to launch vots from so it just needs some tender loving care so if you could help out with that that'd be great I I would yeah I'd love to I will talk to J that if you could hey Dave you could if you can go to the contact page and just shoot shoot us an email on it and then we'll have your contact information okay and I'll hook I'll connect you with Jeanie I'll get the email send I I'll also connect you with the rowing guys because if you notice the there's at least almost 20 different teams of rowers that use the lake uh two or three times a year they have a big race called the um oh what's the name oh it's the uh I forgot but there's a turkey row there's one one in the summer is one Christmas time so yeah um I forgot the name I can't believe it and anyway we'll move on um anybody else okay motion to close a motion to close the public hearing Mo second second all in favor I oppose okay um let's let's go through the commissioner's last word Margot hi um uh clean ocean action Beach sweep is Saturday April 13th 9 to 12:30 uh registration is open opened yesterday um what else just working hard to get everyone all our residents to realize that all their actions affect the lake and to put that lid on their recycling bin okay thanks um Jeanie any last word uh not no really was focused on these other matters that we Carol um one of my Commissioners last words was going to be to ask about the spring cleanup of course um so we've gotten that answered um the other thing that I've been noticing as I walk around um in or L every day is that at this time of year there's there's a lot of loose water loose or submerged watercraft or docks um and I was wondering if maybe um we would want to think about adding like kind of a lost and found section to the web page where if someone's do we have that I don't we do we do it on Facebook Carol We post them on Facebook and found most of them we find and people find I'm not a facebooker Don yeah yeah it's just the website it's just a little harder on the website but I mean link to it but I think Don's right the Facebook page he's been using that posting pictures of the so so if I if I just let you know Don that there's something there there like there's a water there is an aluminum fishing boat right now up against the shoreline behind deal Barco that's been there for a couple weeks yeah just take a picture of it if you don't mind okay you got it okay thanks um what else Bruce Bruce he's right I'm not even on on the picture not it's okay I don't have anything say except just one thing about the the discussion about the jet skis and the rules on the lake we really should get something cified from the state have a list and put it on the website absolutely and if it's on there and then somebody's breaking the rules we've got somewhere to point and say hey look at that look things are in writing change I was shocked the Marine police called us so I'm really thrilled that they uh they know we're we're a lake that has to be loved so that was good who else we got here Don did you share with everybody the old map of the uh I did not I did not it's a it's here somewhere so there is there is a map that we put together my computer unfortunately I guess about like 15 years ago almost of a no wake zone around the lake and no wake signs that were actually printed and put Steve had blond hair back then where did where did still have long hair where did they come from Steve that map well you know I produced it for the for the commission but it was based on you know essentially water depths and you know what we tried to do is limit wake to you know any place where a wake would be created to areas of the lake that you know obviously the East End uh and then if you got beyond the railroad bridge west of the railroad where it was deep but once you got into any of the shallow arms it was like no wake and nothing within I think about 50 fet of the shoreline if you look at that map none of this came from the state the state didn't give you this stuff did they no no wees is Steve hold on one interesting thing the state did talk about that that the officer he goes I know where we should put wigs I I want to investigate so we should present this map when we meet with them and say you know maybe maybe they could put some signs up too be want yeah I mean the commission the commission actually created the map based on information I'm sure it didn't just throw out a map so that's good I use it okay well who am I miss and have uh do have five mile per hour speed limit signs up but well they're just they're just a ass right now they're they're a friendly reminder um we can't give them a ticket right now so that's problem seems like there's a little bit of a disconnect between um the policy and the enforcement and who the you know whose jurisdiction it is yeah well no it's it's it's very clear it's a state of New Jersey marine police and right now based on the rules if you're your water skiing and west west of the railroad tracks you're GNA get a ticket you could get a ticket um right now if you're speeding 80 miles an hour on the West Side they're going to tell you to slow it down but they're going to just they're not going to give you a ticket we're going to buy uniform for Don this summer it's going to have shorts you know your boy scout uniform you know what I'm do I'm gonna hire a geese I'm gonna hire a geese to fly over the boats that are speeding that's what all right um I have nothing to say other than thanks for coming sorry about the the camera we'll try to get the camera working next month yeah um but it it worked out pretty good I think every on the side on on the computer side what do you how was it for you a little it was it was a little difficult to hear the public comment public we got get closer to the mics okay well and yeah we could barely see them and and barely hear them so yeah I would set up a camera or a computer had the camera would have the mic installed and and we' be it would be out by the public so they would be easier for them to see hear up close flew all the way from Florida for this personal meeting and not everybody else they're five minutes away they can't come I don't get it and we had our water test first to motion to adjourn don't move second second all in favor I I thanks for coming everybody