[Music] flag United [Music] States okay J pleas start requirements of the open public meetings after this meeting have been met by transmitting the notice of the regular meeting to the commissioner's official newspaper on February 1st 2024 posting the notice where required and filing a copy of the notice with the commission card the D commission meeting will be audio video taped and will be shown on APV Optimum 77 and throughout most of County on fos 28 alen here Asbury Park yes Oh asur Park Asbury Park yes you're not coming through Genie I'm not coming through now got here loor here Neptune and ocean here not here oan is here o here everyone deal de to well deal shows up so tonight we have a resolution to approve the minutes of the regular meeting for May 16th 20124 someone please offer all offer second I'll second all in favor I oppos we have a resolution to approve the treasures report and pay bills sure okay balance on hand for the previous month was $298 73 we did receive 10,000 from uh Inter Lake in assessment and we got interest of $483 and $718 for a total of $1,118 48 total available funds was 39,19126 uh we did have Appropriations and the amount of all together of $3,760 78 so our total balance is $ 35,43 43 19,7 5875 in Manis bank and $5,673 68 cents Jersey cash management fund perfect so mov second second Asbury Park alen Hurst yes asry Park yes interl yes yes and ocean yes okay um for the 319 grant that we have from 2016 technically it's it's been painful to say the least Steve knows the pain I've been through um our the checks that we requested u a lot of work went into requesting it and changing the request so we had the had we could get around $93,000 from them and they would keep 10% which was the holding figure for cleaning up the grant um the used to say when it got to the budget and finance people they stopped the payment uh because they needed certificates of insurance which I felt was reasonable initially but became unreasonable down the road just so you know when we enter into contract with d when the commission does Steve and I both give our certificates inurance they are potent misrepresenting what their regulations are at this time they've never done this before and if they're changing the way they're doing it they shouldn't do it in the middle of a grant where we've already paid the contractor a percentage we should charge them interest based on this we should hire hunt to that's a very interesting yeah this is ridiculous absolutely ridiculous now they may have some Merit to what they're asking for but you don't change a policy in the middle of application that's an interesting thought about the interest um and could you yeah we don't enter into a contract without the contractor's insurance and all subcontract maybe the CFO would be a I don't know I think new people are reviewing it they've never done it before and they're misre presting what their regulations are let me talk to that's yeah I I agree with Peter I mean you know I've never experienced anything like this in you know between me and Peter we've probably managed close to 30 don't say how long what's that you just say how many not how long I said how many not how long so here's the bottom line we we we send in documentation for Peters team for from 16 all the way to 23 for um Princeton hyra and we do have precise in our back pocket at least two years but they get what they they don't realize is when we award the contract when we get the contract award from the DP we're not working ready you know you're working fron Hydro or Ste contct but we don't have a contract and they want us to immediately put have we want the d commission to have liability insurance and that liability insurance I think I mentioned last meeting was over 5200 bucks for six months so it was almost you know almost $1,000 and it just seemed unreasonable and I did not push the button on it uh we are asking just to be proactive and be prepared as some of some of us folks are we asked for seef to look into the the GIF The Joint Insurance Fund we believe we can join one um and maybe we get some extra insurance out of it and cheaper so we're looking at to that maybe we can Ure the FL building even though we don't necessarily own it we do maintain the equipment in there so why that's a good investment right because nobody's taking charge of that nobody's taken responsibility for that no town no State no County so right now it's c d at the last meeting you had said that you were going to uh organize a meeting to look into that have you begun what's the status on there Peter yeah Peter's working with it it's going got be Peter myself Steve and Hunt um and we're we're going to do some background stuff we don't need a lot of people um we really need you know the got surve I've contacted the state right already and they're researching it so yeah so there's there's still work to be done behind scene so there's no reason we're meeting yet but the big deal is the insurance and and hopefully next meeting we'll have the insurance we might have to have a special meeting for the insurance that they hold our feet to the fire um we're in discussions at the highest level of d right now I I basically called the Deputy Commissioner who's in charge of our area and I said I'm ready to jump off a bridge you got to help me and she I left the message within five minutes the person in charge of this area and robbert his uh he gave me a call and we had a nice chat he was off that day home deeper and it was great and and I was very positive he called me yesterday and said it's still at the highest level still at the lawyer level and there was a couple of budgetary people so it's a finance office and the lawyers interpreting regulations a not AG it's it's the lawyer within the okay Council for commiss yeah my friend used to be the council hold there's the organization of truck it's a very busy organiz if you go on the the website and look on organization I'll make your head s we're all the way on the right the bottom right that's what our people are but anyway I think it's positive I don't know what's going to happen in a week or so um but we have most of the paperwork we have to deal with um to least get I'm hoping they wave all those warrants and get and cut a check for $93,000 and then we'll talk again I'm basically tell them we're basically shut down in terms of major functions on on the grants until we get the $93,000 check because we can't spend any more time wasting money spinning our Wheels writing paper they're asking us to change documents us the the budget and old Grant because we we bought floating Wetland from our company we bought flowers from another the floors and another nursery and another group of flowers for the W the the rainor so three different vendors not subcontractors we purchase from and they want us they wanted insurance information from them I said well what about Home Dep we bought some bolts from Depot do I need insurance from dep they came back and said well we need to change your budgetary that that I lost it right there so I said we're not going to do anything until we have resolution of where we're going what direction Don I have a question uh when you were applying for this grant there was some help from uh Vin goal wasn't there or at some I don't think V was born yet this this is an old Grant then gopal helped us get money to get the lake L money for the last one um he didn't specifically help us per se he might I don't know I just wondered I I brought that up only because I'm thinking maybe he he can help I don't know I have not used that goal card yet because I think we can work it out with Adam good we're working with him on a couple things and that's it we're I'm not going to push them on this one yet and seon answering calls currently Cor anyway that's the latest of 319 so what I like to do on this one I'd like to get authorization for the CFO to cut a $10,000 check to precise construction um next week he can't it wasn't on his bill list but we have enough money now to at least pay 10,000 of the 20,000 the other site and then I would like to take that check personally delivered and get all the insurance information from them I feel I can't go to them until I get them a check okay this is and you this is not on the bill list not it's a motion I'm making right now to pay precise construction for their work that we own $220,000 it's because you feel it's an emergency I mean the money we own the money we said we're going to pay him we have $35,000 I'm not asked to pay the full amount asby Park's going to be paying shortly I think and that'll put some extra money in there and hopefully the $93,000 check will come from the state and we'll back we'll be back in in good stand youever no that's not it I was just saying it was not on the bill list and it's a lot of money so I would it'll be on the next bill list but this will be a a special payment so we can get he's he's willing as long as we had a Ved on tonight and approved by by us the Commissioners he's willing to write the check so that's the motion do a second and I understand I just I hold on Jess gonna read read okay so we're authorizing $10,000 to pay precise construction partial partial payment to precise construction of $10,000 correct so you're offering Ellen a second as report I'm abstaining I'm sorry [Music] inter we V I vote yes L Harbor yes and ocean yes I didn't you to do that okay next U thank you U our other Grant is on hold we we're not doing anything we don't have the official sign off on that we're close though we're really close so as soon as your insurance information's done we'll be moving up Peters guys we're ready ready to go y ready we have conceptional plans completed already so we're ready to move forward on that and we'll we'll go along with the uh ask the ocean or start the process for for getting bonding we start that as as we get it approved we'll have more next meeting orust show my protection go ahead oh okay so I think you all remember that as part of the DLC education effort I developed the guide to dealate property owners over a couple years ago and a group of volunteers hand delivered them to all the property owners that lived on the lake at that time but since then a number of people have moved in on the lake um and Josh Starner the Asbury Park our alternate he's on I see know that a lot of new lakefront property owners have moved in since that time so Josh and I met to talk about the best way to get these pamphlets to the many new Lake Front residents and Josh did the research and he found out that there were 54 new Lakefront homeowners who have moved in over the past three years so we'd like to send out the guides uh this time um to the new Lakefront home ERS by mail so they know too about the regulations that are particular to Lakefront homeowners and I submitted an email to Don describing the project with the cost attached um that item it's it's a small amount it's only $2.80 I know it's small but since I had not spoken with the commission to receive your approval during a DLC meeting I just want the commission to know what this money is being used for and also hun I wanted wanted to know do we need to vote to approve that expenditure if if it's on the bill list already or should we approve it you approve the bill list you've approved payment of the bill okay is that right I I couldn't tell who you're done that is correct thanks Genie that was good that's EXC um Goose remediation of course I've only seen two small groups of geese baby geese it was an excellent job I'm not sure we don't have the numbers yet um but it was it was a great job by USDA um we managing Pro we have a letter from we manag people and I personally looked at it I didn't see any weeds and that's what they said so they they're ready to treat when the weeds are more evident um but there's no right now there's no reason to treat so treatment we did the last couple years really knocked it down substantially when will the uh the is it rejects it that we're using for the uh Goose no is it and when is that going to happen we're we're not we haven't started any of it we haven't even talked about okay when when are we GNA talk about it um I I don't know I was asked about it that's why uh because I brought up the goose management and how successful that's been and we have not pursued it because we don't have any money okay right now we're we're waiting for that check once we get the check we start thinking about things but that's a phone call and we can kick it back in at the I like to do it more in the winter time before the before the birds actually Nest that'd be better to get rid of them net anyway we'll leave it there is that is that the time we usually did it I thought there was a specific period they they did throughout usually like the growing the grass growing season that's when they like to do it um but right now they we are not I told them it's not authorized we didn't auth reestablish it so right now it's not happen okay again the reestablishment a joint meeting d l we sent the letters outo about a month ago they went out uh your your your town managers should have R managers the town managers of your town should have clerks in some cases administrator head administrator should have gotten as didn't get them Genie hooked up with them today and and handed it off so they have them now did get it I asked came nothing came back to me I sent everything out nothing came back no reject so they got Donna I'll but we're asking we're asking for the things to be back by the 15th of July okay so it's coming up soon we can slip a little bit we like to get them back as soon as possible and I'm not sure did Freda give you something Freda from Mur did she give you something about the the town establishing no I'm sure D told okay okay on the 50 year celebration we're going to leave that for next month I know Carol's had her hands full on that so we're just GNA we did as Stone Pony celebrates 50 years so does the da we rock too right any other old business other than differ yeah air condition just kicked off it's it's much quieter um new business resolution go ahead new business yes a resolution recognizing July 2024 as Lake appreciation month we do this every year and I sent it where do I send it Steve NS yeah [Laughter] yeser uh I'll offer okay second all in favor I oppos I okay um Janie this is for Ken I don't know if Ken's on right now oh ken asked me to speak to it not on right now but he asked me to speak to it and he gave me a written statement but I want to I'd like to bring up on I'm going to share my screen so I can talk about it a little bit um he said that he's aware of the concerns that you have but this is an area that has history since he was assuming Web Master during duties a few years back and there was much discussion on the subject on how and when documents would be provided to him for posting he said I learned that treasurers reports were missing from the website going back to 2011 this is a few years ago this result everybody remembers that um he had to go back well you M Don and I do had to go back and they researched it and it was a real long catch-up period and he said unfortunately though I expressed my concern during meetings and via email and we have reviewed the process as to how when I should receive approved documents they're continu to be inconsistency in my maintaining them when documents are posted they are required to be approved no drafts or being otherwise devoid of the required status of approval I should be receiving you're breaking into that let me just get to the point okay good until 20 October 2023 it's 20 so we're missing documents we just got to get them updated okay that's explanation we however we get them up there up have copies I have copies I think Ken has copies he does that's a problem I will resend them he can't post documents that he doesn't have it is the documents that he needs Treasures reports from um 202 uh October I could bring that up right now on my screen you work with him you get you get every single document that everybody else gets don't get I thought he gets can I explain something please I think this is something that somehow we keep missing this um Ken is the website administrat administrator he has um he owns the the the website uh server and the zoom but he does not I don't take care of documents he takes care of documents I write all of the content pictures videos links anything that goes on the website that's what I do but I do not take care of documents I've been saying this for a long time and so is we we'll make sure he gets all the documents tomorrow and then we'll make sure he's on the I think he's I thought he was on the email list so he should have been getting okay he's on the email list so we'll set I'll s him tomorrow we'll get him up there it be great all right but you you said there were minutes missing and agendas missing and I wanted to show you where they are on the screen can I do that yeah go ahead sure sure sure well you know what let me okay you got here they are if you go up to meetings and you see where it says meetings and then do LC meeting archives so if you're at January 2024 I'm trying to move it over so you can see it there you see the monthly meetings minutes the video everything's there and that is the case for every single one of our meetings there are meetings from 2023 all the way back to you're moving too fast go back to 20 you got 24 there but go back to 23 that's probably the best Ang the other ones are for the month 2023 December there's minutes right I mean which dat minutes minutes all right here I'm gonna go to January 2023 there are minutes there's the agenda there is the video you see it yeah but I don't see the minute the words I see minutes I don't see the minute you click on and then it you click on continue reading that's the same for all of them here's the go go to go to April 24 April 2024 okay so there's the agenda now put this one that was last month right so he doesn't have the minutes for that one no no no that's two months ago he has he hasn't okay but that that was a month ago so maybe that's when he's behind on if he didn't receive it but if you look at March 2024 minutes agendas here's the minutes you click on continue reading and there they are you see want me to do that one more time go on click on the widget DLC meeting we're good Janie we're good got it we're good and but the thing is with the financials the treasurers reports he only has like he keeps saying I can only post what I get so he doesn't have September 2023 and I know Don he will have him tomorrow okay good all right let's I'm gonna continue okay can you stop okay thank I'm gonna stop sharing right now here we go I I see z d on on on live you there I'm gonna I'm GNA open it up to you uh this student of horren man University hor man hor man is college or university high school it's a high school he's a high school guy you're you look like a college grad already look at him okay uh we'll take you off M mute here why don't you go over what you want to do he asked to do it Zaden could you pleas there he goes good hello everyone thank you so much for inviting me to talk with you this evening my name is Zaden Lee I'm a rising Junior at horse man so yeah it's the high school not a college but uh I'm excited to talk about my science research project and I'm very happy to be here tonight um so I'm actually going to start the story a bit back in fifth grade I did a geospatial analysis workshop at the Bronx Community College and every summer since then even after the program ended I've worked with my instructor to do a geospatial analysis project and um we have mainly focused on like researching Coastal lakes in New Jersey he used to be a professor at Monmouth so we have been very active in the monov County area mapping impervious surfaces and drainage basins in Lake KO this year I'm expanding the scope of my research and I'm trying to correlate impervious surface coverage and like water quality of coastal Lakes along the Jersey Shoreline in mou County um I'm currently using uh survey data from the United States Geological Service to figure out the drainage basins of the lakes and satellite imagery to Mark ovious surfaces within those basins and I was going to see if the level of ovious surfaces had a noticeable effect on the water quality of the lake and I was wondering if the D Lake commission had any water quality data for the past few years and if I could access it if there is any uh like if there any table showing like how much nitrates and phosphates were in the like in the lake um and I was also wondering if like you had any maps of the storm water management system which is like inlets pipes and Outlets because um I learned from my instructor that uh the lakes are like very in interconnected with the towns around them and I wanted to wanted to account for that in my research um yeah I've been trying to collect information from like Long Branch Asbury Park Neptune and like uh Lake KO and a bunch of other lakes around on the Monmouth County Shore at and I know it's kind of a big project but I'm really hoping to create a comprehensive map of the area so we could better understand like the dra as I know flooding big concern in the communities near the water I'm gonna let Dr sush and Peter avakian talk to you I think we can help you we have 50 years of information it may be a little overwhelming actually um oh nice but we like to have a a young eyes on it and maybe come up with different ideas and different technology oh dear excuse me we have a herd of deer back nice so shayen um so I'm Steve Seuss I I I've you know I've modeled The Watershed I can send you uh well first off I need to get your email address because what I could do was send you various reports that have been put together for the deal Lake Watershed that actually computed uh nitrogen phosphorous sediment loading you know to the lake and then took it one step further and projected the lake trophic status based on those inputs and there's also some hydrologic modeling too and um so if you um if you can get your email address to me I can forward that you know D you know those I'll connect you tonight tomorrow morning I'll connect you guys okay all right so over really like the next yes next three or four days I'll I'll I'll send you uh these various reports that have been put together um and then Peter had you know Peter you can talk about all of the you know the storm water mapping I think some of the maps are online already uh the watered m is already there and it also has the outfall PIP yeah yeah and we also have the data from Mammoth University too right so that that could be used too so we got a lot of data for you yeah so we we have been participating in the clonet uh program uh through Mammoth University with Dr Jason Adolf and um so there's some upto-date data uh you know pertaining to clarity dissolved oxygen temperature and uh you know various nutrients um so those are all that all that data is available and I think you know probably you know Jeanie you have access to that and and uh can provide that okay I'll make the connections tomorrow and between I'll put AOL on there and I'll put the two doctors and the engineer if you want to I'll give you the information good luck to you and of course we love to see the results when you're done you can make a presentation to D commissioner is that okay all right thank you yeah did you hear what I wasn't sure if you thank you very much mut yeah you were M by the way yes Don also I I will put Jaden in touch with the with Aaron who is involved with clonet and we can give him the website that he can go to and you'd be able to see a lot of water quality sampling from all the coastal Lakes Zen I think you find that interesting you you're welcome thank you for coming thank you we head to number number four guys the plan New Jersey public Lakes of New Jersey uh we had a conference call with the the commissioner uh and his staff it was phenomenal phenomenal conference call uh was just a few representes from various different laks and um we we talked about a lot a lot of discussions I talked about my check our check I said where's our check so it came down you we we we met visually met some folks and and I had the phone number so I made the phone call um and it was nice to get the relationship together on the screen they they were just wonderful people they all we're all trying I I made a talk I said look we're all on the same team we're all trying to do the right thing for the public in the environment and we all got to work together I mean um and hopefully we will they were very good they were very hospitable we talked had a whole bunch of items the lake from fishing to voting uh to Shoreline protection which was big and jie they did tell asked us to go back to the the region Tom's River Region and talk to them about all the violation notices that are out there but I did tell them that their people asked me to tell them they need more help because they're they're short so that was that communication was good going back and forth but they are short they a lot of people retired at DP Steve knows um and and they're filling vacancies right that one chart that that hunt has right now there's tons of vacancies listed on it it's amazing so if you go over there into D New Jersey organizational chart you'll see vacancies from left to right and some seasoned people have left so and they're trying to fill those jobs with young guys like like our high school student here so like it' be excellent to get new faces in anyway that's it and uh that's all I've got a new business any other new business okay I'm GNA open it up for the public session right now I'm G to skip that right now I was asked by a couple of folks not to do that tonight we a motion open up public you want do motion as Park open to the public second I second all in favor I might oppos it because we're opening a report to the public which was very open yesterday was a pack it was packed that anyway we're all good um any public would like to speak just unmute yourself and letter rip letter rip I I see Mrs I see Pat there hello Pat and nobody wants to talk okay do I hear a motion to close the public session second Don before we close our next meeting is not we're not done yet we're not done yet we're not done yet just closing the public session oh I'm sorry sorry very okay um all in favor I oppos okay okay now next meeting next meeting is July 18th 18th that will be that will be Zoom only no not in person um be conducting a meeting from a beautiful spot um why can't we be here you can you want to join boy C America you come on out here Scout camp I'll conduct a meeting from the lak shore only just make sure I put that on the website correctly Zoom [Music] only Zoom only did notif I hear a motion to adjourn Al second I'll second it all in favor I I thank you thank you