thanks thanks everybody for coming we have audience member just phana and he's here to talk about bugs something's buggy okay um let's all stand for the pleasure Le of the United States of America and Justice the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been met by transmitting the notice for the regular meeting to the commissioner's official newspaper on February 1st 2024 po the notice where required and filing a copy of the notice with the commission cler the daylight commission meeting will be audio and video taped will be shown on APV Optimum 77 and throughout most of MTH County on bios 28 Alan Hurst here Asbury P Genie's here visually here de in lincol here M gber she's there waiting Neptune and ocean here tonight we have a resolution to approve the minutes of the regular meeting from April 18th 2024 someone please Al move second second all in favor I opposed does anybody want to read theas yeah yeah oh okay than okay from the previous month we've had a total on deposit of 17,294 62 cents we've had receips uh T of $19,750 from motion interest is $787 and interest from $675 for a total of$ 37,8 304 our dispersements were $277 9.31 we did get a quality improvement Grant of 5, $970 total dispersements for approval are $874 n31 with balances of $298 73 um 13,47 123 is in manisan bank and 15, 60950 is New Jersey Cash management fund for total on deposit of $2,873 29 29,000 yes someone please offer to approve the treas treasurers report and pay bills I'll makeing off second second alers yes Asbury Park yes inter yes yes and yes [Music] okay our grand update 319 Grand the one that complet we completed months ago it seems like years ago but uh we still haven't been paid back um the amount the $93,000 that they they promised to get from it's been over a month we call I talked to them today they said the one's coming in tomorrow that's going to process the check I said great it's not in my hands next week I'm ping somebody the higher 11 so we got it we got to get moving on this it's it's it's really affect it's going to affect this big time in the next couple weeks so hope for the state pays money and we can end up paying our contract $220,000 we so it's very frustrating but we're hoping to get over that um and that's it for the 39 any questions on that 319 gr that was the one for the uh treatment device on Mor moral and sunset worked on Wesley Lake in Sunset Lake our big treatment device in front of me basically um he get the the sunset shops right in front of Gizzy Gizzy gift shops right there yeah I a question okay hun there hunt there here oh hi hun yeah uh we had the election in Allen Hurst and so we got a new regime in how does how does our appoint how does the Allen Hurst appointment work do we have to get reappointed again or does our appointments last until uh January 1st well if they it's a one-year appointment so if they have a reorganizational meeting come up you would get reappointed at somebody would get reappointed at that meeting okay so as long as they a reorganization meeting we're I'm okay correct okay um the grant the new Grant we're working working along with the D um again a little frustrating we're almost a year into the the grant we don't have the Grant in hand we don't have the signed contract uh we've been dealing with them for months on insurance and turns out um we we're we're we're going with um with the direction we wanted to go originally so to say the least uh we're moving out tomorrow we should have our resolution voting on um is it here M okay and on on new business we're going to be talking about a resolution on the Grant and and then we move that actually we can move that right now um I think we can move that up yeah let's do it right now so resolution number 240000 resending resolution number 24025 is that number system correct well I have to number one okay there'll be another number um and reauthor ation the acceptance of the the grant between deal Lake coniss and the state of New Jersey by and for the Department of Environmental Protection in the amount of $89,400 period you want to explain why we're redoing it we're redoing it because our was there any other words that we're supposed to be put no just that's it the do the I okay it's the percentage of the U in inine match we're lowered ours because they couldn't understand some of the match so we we we took that out and well didn't matter how much match we had we had enough in there so we just lowered that a little bit we may end up with more of a match because of County participation and Town's participation and C Mall participation so at this point in time that's the resolution on the table and do I hear a motion to accept that I have a question from 10.78 in kind match to [Music] 9.86 okay we just want to what changing okay that's it oh what so resending does it mean you're not accepting the the old one and replacing it with this we're talking pennies we're not talking couple thousand dollars here it we we authorizing the acceptance it's a it's a it's really the the inine the you know us volunteering our time deal cleanups it in this case it was dealing with the township and they wanted to know how the the salary guide for our dump truck operators or you know was something crazy so we couldn't figure that out is that correct Steve is that yeah I mean basically the you know the bottom line is that you know if it was going to be some type of activity where an individual would be paid so for instance like Don points points out like a truck driver you know this is a change they've never asked for this before but they required that to be identified as a cash match not as an in kind match and because we do not need to provide any match at all to qualify for these grants we do so just to identify that we are you know active participants in the whole process and we've got you know basically kind of quote unquote skin in the game we just said okay listen that that's too complicated we're just going to remove it as Don pointed out it had inconsequential effect on the total amount of inine match that was being provided and in no way did it affect the total amount of money that is being provided to us through the grant so the total amount of money stays the same thanks dude thank you any other [Music] questions we hear a motion to accept resolution I'll make a motion for resolution second second alen yes no Bruce Bruce is here is he Bruce T Tony can go ahead I didn't know you were GNA be there Tony oh that's all right oh you go ahead I couldn't find the zoom link I finally found it so go ahead you're live you're live on Memorex so I I'll I'll set up Asberry Park yes L yes L Barber yes and ocean yes okay um sh line protection I I I want to compliment Janie Janie did a great job writing the the the state I think she also talked to Mr Clark and it was excellent letter Janie oh good and the um what was it what was his response what did he say well you know I appreciate that he took the time he he spent almost 30 minutes speaking with me about the many changes that have been taking place within his department and I kind of went over some things he he you know wasn't that familiar with the da commissions so we talked about that I explained how the what the makeup of the commission that we represent these towns I listed the towns we spoke about our efforts and our recent accomplishments and working to improve the conditions and I talked about you know we have mutual goals I was stressing that and he wanted to know okay so primarily what are you what what are you looking to discuss with us in this meeting and so I named really compliance issues are one Challenge and I Des that some of the challenge we're having with compliance and the negative impact that non-compliance on these New Jersey D regulations are having on the lake and I also brought up the the dlc's previous request to have a consistent case manager for dlake you remember that was something we asked Tammy Miller and she had had that conversation with him so we now have two case managers assigned to Dake and he gave me the case manager's name with I to mention them but I I saw that now that's better so I suggest let me clarify with the commission folks on the on the video and Commissioners that the state had up to seven on the lake because at at one time because each they had a representative for each town so if there was an issue if somebody was asking for a delineation on Wetlands on the shoreline Shoreline issues they would go to this the state and that be Tom's River who's more Coastal right and but they would they would get an answer from one one guy and maybe another person they get a different answer on the in the same cross location on the lake one be Asbury and the other one would be ocean T inter L deal Allen so it's kind of critical to have consistency which is great sounds better than he's going to try I mean he said he would do the best he could he was talking about other people and then I said you know cuz talking about how busy they are and how disorganized things are and they don't have the Staffing so I suggested that we start small maybe having a zoom meeting with a few DLC members Mr Clark and one or two of the D case managers I hope you don't mind that I but I felt like I may not get an opportunity so we just have to get a joint time right the key thing is I have a list of all the notices not notice violation but violation that we have case numbers on right we haven't heard Boo on we don't know what's going on with this case yeah I I explained some of that too but he anyway he seemed to think that a very small meeting might be manageable so I then you got the follow-up email that after our pH conversation recapping what we discussed I copied to you Don and Steve we'll carry this offline jny but thank you yeah okay so we'll hope that we get a meeting with them him and whoever else we can from compliance yeah hopefully in May time I'll be meeting with the commissioner um with the other laks uh very shortly so um I I like to get that set up before I meet with the commissioner mention that so yeah and that's going to be honest it's a couple days I be honest with you maybe maybe I S I like to get a meeting set up with we don't have to have the meeting but at least have a date set up for the meeting yeah just check my emails real quick um I just got notified today about it um this is the meeting with who again sorry meeting with d commissioner this is through the New Jersey Plan guys um Lake man all the Lakes northern Jersey South Jersey all over the state yeah I think it's the 23rd of May oh thank you thank you Steve so if we get that that be great that out Don when you get the information I'd like to I'd like to try and attend no I it's it's private it's only the L only for a few individuals on the New Jersey Plan it's not it is not meant for the public it's not meant for a lot of people okay we're keeping it very tight and that's Ur PL doing that thank you thank you Jenny Goose management man it's we've been rocking Goose I I haven't seen has anybody seen any little geese around yes just today I was so disappointed right right on wikip peka there were about four little babies in the to deal baring company I think to get some bugs I know that's a shame we're doing so good you know it happens but that's the first one that's the first time I've seen any this year we've seen some we've seen some down at our end too where's that we saw aome we saw a new family down at our end too well that that might be the same ones Genie saw maybe I don't know where'd you see yours Genie uh right up on wipco by the park aha oh by the park yeah right by the park who Mark Bard no wikip Drive Oh you mean Oh you mean by by bimler by bimler there's a little park at Apple be Corner Apple oh that's not what she talking about what what park you talking about Genie the one on wpeka Drive the the one that they've been they did the rain Garden in the at bimbler bimbler Bim s got it got okay so that might be two sets but it's better than five sets so yeah we definitely treated I don't know the exact number yet of Nest but we we everyone I think all the houses that we that we contacted said yes and we're able to treat those nests so it's it's at least seven seven or eight nests I think tra found one on the board of education property May 15th was her last day so we should get a report now from her okay very good it was good it was very good so you can report back to your town we did a fine job on the Boost bager this year um we treatment program it's it's that's ongoing we we got that uh worked out we don't know the exact date of the we treatment we soon F out in the coming weeks uh we got a report today that the weeds aren't growing I haven't been over there looking but the guy said um survey of the water body observe minor growth and Shoreline Aly minor Springs of curly Leaf pondweed um that's interesting no treatment is required at this time treatment will occur at the time um at an Optimum time uh Ms LMS will return for further Mr girl's name um for further Imaging so does that s make sense [Music] Steve um you're you're muted Steve yeah well I I just nodded my head yes but yeah okay it all makes sense I thought you were nodding off I'm sorry no I wasn't nodding off I'm not I'm not in court okay thanks dude um so that means they're not coming back I mean they'll come back but they're not treating anymore [Music] they I got I got this I got that means they looked at it they they're not treating at this point in time there's a point in time where they're going to treat when they see more weeds and it's effective it's if they treat now it's not going to be effective and it's gonna be useless and we're end spend more money we don't want to spend more money right so we want to do it at the optimum time all right um that's set for the Weeks Marine safety rules I haven't heard any more on that other than you know the back reaches of the lake you know it's still 5 miles hour past the road trck you can get a little leeway I mean the state hasn't come back with the official ruling yet uh but technically when you get close you know within 200 feet of the shoreline you're technically supposed to go five miles an hour though which so that's what the main lake is full up Full Speed Ahead you know there's no restrictions east of the Main Street Bridge uh especially for water skiing that's that's the main privileg you can order ski all you want to D east of the main street so get those skis ready um reestablish a joint meeting a DA commission ready to go out tomorrow they're going out tomorrow we had a nice synops of letter drafted up and U we have the the accomplishments Jesse stripped half my wording which was pretty good idea and uh got a little too wory so she took care of that so your your your administrators at each of your towns will be getting this probably Monday or Tuesday it's going out by mail going out by mail so um please encourage your your administrators it's your administrators that get this and I assume it eventually gets to the Town Council for Signature we're hoping to get this done byly 15th July 15th we're trying to get this done what what are you trying to get done approval of reestablishment of The Da commission okay if we don't get it we're out of business one to 31st of December and that means we give the $890,000 back to the state of New Jersey for the senior Mo project and everything else we're doing I hand the keys over to somebody for the flo that's what that means the remote control and the remote control right and and my my my range act my um just go over to March the mar 10 March 10th oil spill that that occurred it happened many many other times but that was the big one we called the DP and that was the Fourth Avenue between Fourth Avenue 5th on Memorial Drive in Asbury that's the old fish's Bakery they they identified the oil tanks they did a great job containing it it's contained it's not no longer going to the lake I don't know any further details at this point in time unless Janie knows Janie you have anything well I spoke with um oh go Greg too who's um you know was Bob bian Chini but Greg Toro is sort of taking over a while so um and he said that they had cleaned out this was a week ago he said that they had cleaned out the mtds of oil at least five times and that was since the time I had spoken with Bob so I don't know what when you're saying there isn't any more going into the lake I I don't know what it's there's no more going into the drains from the location I can tell I can I can see it it doesn't mean groundw is not getting affected I I could smell it over there when I was over restaurant I could smell the oil it was very strong but it's contained on the property um and they have the next step is for mediation right where they have to remove the tanks remove the oil I should say remove the tanks and remediate whatever they have to do with the soil uh that also includes a lake so I asked them a while ago what we don't know what the effects are in the lake yet right we don't so what happens then or they're gonna have to I assume they're going to have to hire someone to figure that out that's my assessment is that correct Steve said yes the state will require them to my head yes again will the state require them to remediate whatever's been done to the lake I mean what we'll have we'll have to wait for yes if there's any damage along the lake if we have oil trapped in in the siment over in Lake which is probably the most logical and maybe over by by the boat ramp area they would have to clean that up yes I mean yeah go that's that's the problem D has to identify responsible party I mean that's a long process it's all that's all done Steve we know that yeah well it's still a long process you know in order to actually you know get the cleanup initiated I mean they're still working didn't they just finish up C gagi from I mean excellent there's there's stuff that drags up this the guy the owner jumped on it right away so I was very very very happy that you know that he did uh but do you know what the process is Steve at from this point on well I think I think that the positive thing in this case is that you have a compliant owner that has taken action on their own to you know initiate cleanup but I mean I I don't know it it's it's it the the process can get very complicated you know you have an lsrp that gets involved to evaluate and that's Steve let me clarify that's already done I I know a little bit more here that that that process is done I believe they're going for permits through the state that's one and they're waiting I assume as we wait for Action by the DDP so that's what I'm assuming I haven't been around for a couple weeks so you know I haven't been able to contact these folks but yeah I do have access to their phone numbers and I I plan to call so next meeting we should have a little bit more information I'm gonna I'm gonna keep on rolling on this guys so don I'd like to hear what he has to say I know it's you know basically it it comes down to de defining like you know how what's clean you know how do they Define it's clean and you know that's not that's never a straightforward thing but you know when you have a compliant owner that's always a positive so at least you know action is being taken uh you know in immediate stages to you know to address it so that's a positive thing okay thanks Steve we're gonna move on guys um status of the gate repair status of gate repair I got a call today from the the gate folks I didn't connect reconnect um but there they have answers for me I'll have next Mee I'll have more answers but the the south gate supposedly is functional we're going to try to minimize the usage but you know that particular gate has a problem with the the bar and the connection point to the actual plate that gets lifted up but they did say we can use it uh but I'm I'm going to minimize that by using this the north gate a little bit more uh until we get it fixed now one solution one comedy made was it may have to get totally replaced that the actual metal gate and the the bar that comes up into the actuator um and that wouldn't be able to be done until the fall because we'd have to lower a l substantially to do that but right now U I think they have other options and one of them is welding the the plate to bar so I like that option A Lot U but he'll hopefully I'll hear more later this week later next week is there a warranty on it Don it was done it was put in in in 1985 or 86 okay so this has our stuff is good all the stuff we the commission recently put in is oh all right this isn't any of the new stuff that com in yeah no that's good that's all that's all working fine um okay that's it for old any bus so who pays for that if if they need to replace how's your credit cards look in there je what that's your credit card what that was good that was good that was good a d commission probably would have to pay for that and get a grant for it I don't know I don't know what the cost would do be honest with I have no idea no I just was wondering who the maintenance but the maintenance on the gate that were we're getting we're going to be getting a bill for which I don't think we got bill for yet uh we're in Pay that's going to come out of our treasury so okay thank you new business uh 50 Years celebration Carol is not here Carol's brother's ill uh in the hospital so she's with him I don't have any further information on that um so we'll have we'll leave that to the next meeting but we are celebrating 50 years 50 years Flo and Dam ownership that's always a question um when we're talking about the the the repair on the dam we've got talking about uh I got talking to the dam folks in the state New Jersey and between that and the insurance questions lot of questions came up on who owns The Flume and who owns the dam so we we we're asking I think hun we were G to do it I think we gave you authorization to do a title search I believe did we do that I don't think we went that far we were supposed to meet with Peter but you guys were dealing with the insurance company so I didn't get in the middle of it think about that and then Peter has the surveys so the surveys are going to show what where it's located and that's a big start on who owns it I found yeah yeah Peter what do you think about this um I'll update you on what I know can you hear me now because my iPad press yeah good good um I several conversations with the city manager in Asbury Park most of them electronically and I advised Asbury Park that I had survey of property of the old Marine Grill site which the older ones of us recall in Asbury Park and of the cassen beach club site used to be the lock Arbor Beach on the North side in lock Arbor uh originally in Ocean Township so I have old surveys both of those survey drawings show a common line between lock Arbor and Asbury Park and The Flume bcts that common line which even makes it more difficult because half of of The Flume is in lock Arbor and half of The Flume is in ASB park it runs cross it's not exactly half but maybe 53% is in Asbury Park and 47% is in lockar or on the lock over side of the line I I don't I don't I prefer to Steve on this one but I wouldn't call this Flom and Dam ownership I would call it Flume and Gate House ownership because I don't agree that it's a dam yeah and we've been asked that over the years and I've given my opinion and at some point in time it appears that Asbury Park filed a dam safety permit which would be incorrect um so so I would put it on them personally yeah so uh at our last meeting too Peter you suggested that we form a subcommittee to look into that do you still feel that that's a worthwhile effort or not very beneficial jeie I really do the the one thing that I left with Asbury Park uh when they said thank you because I didn't really um resolve any ownership issues was that we would like to meet with all the parties I think the da commission wants to know this for goodness sake Jacob asking me the same question and he hasn't been here 20 years so we don't know and we want to it's not I'm gonna take ownership of this computer and I'll try to get an obedi together I might even get I might even get the damn people from the state in to start yeah but that's it that's all I did ask to what to what end that why is this so important to know important because as Park questioned Bruce Asbury Park questioned because they were getting the same insurance issues on their side that we got um because someone claimed their ownership and so they wanted to confirm exact ownership of the structure and the flu structure and the gate house structure I kind of I kind of pointed the insurance company to the state of New Jersey and the insurance company talked to Asbury and lck haror um and try to find out who who had if they had insurance on it and then their insurance agen start talking about it in terms out nobody wants to touch it so that that's really their their hands are thrown no it's not it's not ours so it's no one's right now nobody owns it nobody wants responsibility um and we we technically have some responsibility being the D Commission because we control the maintenance and the flow of the water so it kind of falls on to our lap and Don if I can add one thing uh one of the the only other thing I can recall telling Asbury Park was that we have uh plans for LEF Flume reconstruction projects one was in the 80s right right and the other one you had the dates in your head you knew the dates I don't remember both of them were put out to bid and managed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Coastal Engineering right however they do this in every municipality along the coast and they do not take ownership they take maintenance Rehabilitation responsibility they take 65% funding responsibility or a different funding percent if it's a federal project but they do not take ownership responsibility so we get goate on this I just wanted everyone to be clear that right so just if I could get back because I got a little bit confused as we started talking about other things I asked Peter did you think it was worthwhile forming a subcommittee and also and I told Asbury Park that that we had talked about that or you had made that suggestion and they've asked if if we intend to do that so do we intend to do that that's correct I'm taking ownership of that I'll form the subcommittee with the key people and we we'll we'll meet on Zoom first okay so I I'll take the ownership that I'm not going to talk about it at length tonight but I am going to take the ownership of that and be ahead of that okay okay thank you D do we have Insurance liability insurance for the for a malfunction for The Flume and and the gate do we have that we have director's liability that's what we have right now director's liability correct what's that we have are investigating Bruce we had we had been investigating an urgent Insurance operation right to get the liability insurance I got notified today that our insurance Li for for liability uh what's it what's it called um liability what's that General liab general liability would be $5,200 for6 six months I got news for you that sounds pretty cheap for six months for six months so anyway the problem was that was based on the statement the D said that what we had what we had to do with we had to ensure the million dollar project that's what we had to do and what happened was the DB came back to me and changed that changed that game plan and so I called the insurance company asked them to give a new quote that removes the D's provision and they're going to come back with a new quote so we we should know in a couple days what because Authority we have authority from the last meeting to get insurance up to $4,000 so we're hoping to get it under that and I'll pull the trigger and say go ahead so we have authority to do that from the last meeting because uh the director that director's policy is probably superus not saying you don't get it but it's probably super because I think we have and Hunt probably will know this better but I think all the directors have immunity from suit based by by Statute if I'm not mistaken I also asked our financial guy um if we if we're eligible for the joint Insurance Fund U just yeah we never asked that question before and why not good question jua they call it yeah MJ so I don't know why we want to be in be open for that and pay the premiums for that yeah that's good that's good thinking okay thank you thanks okay let's let's move on thanks everybody for that but yeah The Damp thing is pretty interesting it's a a lot of questions from everybody and insurance company was the number one question so okay um phase three clean ocean action the clean ocean oh we're here clean ocean action um we've been working Steve and I worked had a meeting with cint ocean AC last week um Smur is here and um I'm GNA ask her to to come on we have let me go we'll do the resolution first resol okay oh it was I got to get the author Steven got it down I believe was 22 locations I think it went down to 17 we reduced it by about about five locations um and that that total cost would be $5,100 and it's not going to be paid all once it's going to be sometime this summer probably in two installments is that correct that's correct yes so the resolution recent resolution of I'm sorry authorizing authorizing I'm sorry authorizing phase three of clean ocean actions monitoring of deal Lake to track down potential pathogen sources of pollution at at a cost not to exceed 5100 bucks and and that's the Western sections basically west of wikip pppa um going on all the streams going up up up through the uh the end of the waterers ship so we did a really nice job we had we had a good meeting the other day so anybody for to move that I move it in L second you have a second goad you could second oh okay second okay alen second here we go alen yes yes asy Port yes Lincoln yes yes and oan yes okay we ready to go let's do the dry test first okay that West test is tough and we're gonna have to for the public we're gonna we're going to recruit folks we need folks to help out with the testing um some minor training small training training before we do it um and then we go out to the sites the U the actual pipes going into the lake going into streams and we check we're looking for leaky sewer pipes and we know we got a few so we're trying to make the water better so we have less flies and bugs of mosquitoes flying around the lake do you have a date for when you might begin this doctor um summer is an ideal time da we can actually because it's ambient right so we don't have to wait for that rain event and the qualifying criteria so uh What uh we would do is we will get going with site scoping and actually because when we have to train the community scientist then we need the GPS like how it works you know with all our community monitoring so we will get it started and ideally it could be done in summer so we'll have some set of readings and hopefully something shows up then we are kind of in the late summer early fall if we can capture a white event also then that'll be like War we'll pick a date and we'll do some marketing J newsletter sometime in mid June or beginning of June we can put that date out there and request uh folks to help out and get their names and addresses all that j's got a really a really good list of folks and and maybe we get some other link monitors involved that I have some expertise in it so love all the I will have Kay share all that you know um materials with you and we can just get going then okay thanks okay next NJ Pack uh real rules uh that's been coming up in a couple discussions it's it's dealing with resiliency uh for storm management uh Jeannie identified one they're having a meeting um coming up J you want to talk about that well I just received some information U from the shed Institute encouraging people to comment on the njpac rules when the rules are published so they released a courtesy copy May 10th so not many of us have had a chance to really look over those rules yet but um what they are asking for people to do is that once they the they release the rules once they publish them and they're going to publish them in the New Jersey register on July 1st following the publication they'd like up there's a public comment period so they're asking people to comment when the time comes now I'm not really familiar about this and I think Steve's better to speak to the to what this is about we were talking about it before the meeting so Steve if you want to talk about that then we can start to let people know more about it once uh they publish the rules and and let people know that there's a public comment section com p public comment period for people to give their input right so you know basically this is a wide I'm GNA do like a two-minute synopsis here this is a wide sweeping change to a number of key uh rules uh with the goal being uh making resilient environments and Landscapes basically trying to prepare New Jersey better for climate change induced additional floodings Storm surges Etc so the the just to give you a sense of how complicated this is the rule changes Encompass 1,57 pages okay uh there'll be three public meetings uh July 24th 31st and then August 7th I believe there's 90 days from the point in time from July 1 when the rule when these rule changes are uh you know officially posted but you know essentially it's you know trying to but not only for you know for the coast this is Inland as well so there'll be changes that'll come about to the cafer rules you know njc 7 colon 7 the freshwater Wetland rules 7 colon 7A the storm water rules 7 colon 8 and the flood Hazard rules 713 but there's also going to be trickle down impacts or changes to a whole host of other administrative codes but bottom line what the state's trying to do is get ahead of the game here knowing that you know we're looking at an increase in you know uh uh an increase in sea level rise we've got more rainfall more intense storms greater incidences of you know of of coastal storm surge and the changes with you know with the rules are to really try to ensure for new development and some forms of Redevelopment that you know this is done in a way that doesn't put people in property at risk uh and also protects the environment so that's sort of like the bottom line with it but if you want to read the rules I can send you a PDF of the advanced copy as I said it's 1,5 57 Pages longy St hey Steve there's an easier way there's I I have the letter from the D we can post this on our website yeah but read the dates there's four sessions there's sea level rise inundation risk Zone that's 9:30 11 am. Monday 20th and there's a you click a meeting link on that session two is environmental enhancements that's wednes 10 10 11:30 to 1 p.m. Wednesday May 22nd session three is Coastal climate protection 2 to 3:30 Thursday May 23rd and session four is storm water 10 to 11:30 Wednesday May 29th notice there're only 30 minutes and it's a webinar and you learn and then you can ask questions directly I guess to the but not to be a question answer I don't [Music] believe yeah that's that's a good point Don so those you know those meetings or those hearings they're not really hearings but they're inform they're information sessions and um yeah they're going to try in those sessions to sort of like provide a synopsis of you know these changes um and each of those sessions apply to you know uh these different rules you know freshwater wetlands uh flood Hazard Etc and these things are happening around the world I mean just driving down Parkway today I know you know Cheesequake the op trees a couple places on the parkway they're going to eventually have to build bridges over that Waterway those waterways so um these are the things you're going to rise two feet Fe three you know there's 14 foot ele or 14 inch elevation only in a couple of years um and we know that mqu to Spring Lake even here in Dake we see a little bit extra surge coming in during certain times and people are flooding more often than not um because the seal overage yeah but I mean New Jersey is already leading the nation you know the new storm water rules that came out last year require you know new development to be based on projected rainfall values not existing rainfall and they've added another three feet to the elev to the 100e flood elevation so if it's like a 100 foot it you know you can't build anything within 103 you know it has to be elevation 103 and then the need for green infrastructure that's been mandated you know as a way to combat some of the water quality impacts Etc okay thanks good stuff do you want to put that up on our website send that to me and I'll put those dates up and and the and the link to the Cy copy I I can do that okay okay next is flood survey there there's uh members of our community that had been were flooded on 29th September got letters the state of Jersey about a survey Steve and Peter do you know about those I haven't heard anything about that so individual Property Owners receive yeah I got a letter from from one I won't mention the name but they they got a letter um I think they're working with the town oan C trying to figure out what they're going to do um my recommendation would be what it's a survey fill it out right um I don't think there's any harm in filling out a survey there's you know is there money tied to it I have no idea yeah I don't know Peter did you hear anything on this or not no I did not okay very good okay let's keep we'll keep rolling up we got we got we got Raider on that we we'll see what goes on with that we'll talk about the next meeting resolution did that already uh commissioner's last word um commissioner last word I know Marg Marg doesn't have any words she mentioned that to me um Janie got anything um can I come back to me okay because I'm I was thinking of something else when you asked come back to me please Bruce I have a question instead of a word when are we expecting to get that uh I don't know if this was discussed before I came on some of that reimbursement money that we're expecting I mean we're we're we're we're kind of getting low on on D here yeah yeah we got ni 3,000 they're supposed to be cutting the check next week that's what they told me today okay that's that's good uh last word uh there's a dead tree outside of uh which is right on the bank of where leono house is and I saw four Osprey four Osprey on that tree all Fe all diving and feeding and having a having a good time so the Osprey are flourishing on the lake oh that's great good to hear they probably northern pike that we just put in I learned today there was northern pike this prob last we northern pike were put in I think 1,800 or more it was it was a big number but they were they were putting I think today they were putting him around the lake really it was a bit it might have been 4,400 I forgot what the exact number it was a big number so anyway that'll be party time for the Osprey yeah I know I know and they did put them around the lake which is great they usually just dump them by a boat ramp but they'll have a better chance of survival okay let me see here um Steve got nothing Genie oh oh yeah the I just had a question about number seven on the agenda you said you were going to send out letters is the is the uh the letter that you're talking about is that the recertification agreement for the DLC is that what that is or is it is it something all right thank you they standing assessment as par in interl you guys look into that you guys have to pay for the year we have to we'll have to turn your mics off next meeting I'm going to defer that to Carol I know Genie I think they said what I I didn't hear what you said I'm sorry EZ hasn't paid yet for the year they haven't they have not all right I'll talk to them thank you Steve's Rel okay okay uh that's it let's open public a motion to open the meeting to the public so second second all I we're going to do a post I'm G to turn around we have we have a representative here right now from the public how we doing there he is you're on happing uh so my name is Phil Vilano coming over from D Barn Company in lock Harbor and I uh reached out to Don just about um the trem I don't know if any of you guys have dined at our restaurant outside in the right time um but we are overwhelmed with um not mosquitoes not like right just and it is uh it is as if our if you if you're looking south from our patio the uh East and West there's Bridges between the tracks and the uh the water skiing available area of deal Lake um it I think it's it's mostly because the water just sits I know there's currents in in respect to tides and all that kind of stuff and I'm happy to learn more from the group as I'm no expert at us but it's pretty much a pond instead of a lake and it is uh getting pretty gross and we serve food and beverage it is like swarms and swarms of I know they don't do anything they don't bite they don't like you know it's nothing like dangerous but when you serve food and beverage it's should almost be a health hazard um so uh we've been looking into between um anybody we think you might know something to uh Pest Control to irrigation systems uh those professionals any professionals seems to all F fall back on a rating the uh putting air Raiders in the water um you know for instance I believe you guys might also remember there used to be a fountain out there you know something to move the water and um I don't feel that's necessary I don't you know canoers kayakers no needs Active water above them and I think it just kind of as as much as an Ambiance could be I think it's a little unnecessary um so we we came across uh a solution of putting air Raiders in the in the um you know strategically located by the professionals who manufacturer and sell the sell the equipment um let's call them little pods or whatever the technical word is infusers um the way they mapped it out is I can you know leave leave and get more info but leave the info that I got on the quote um just putting something that is at the bottom of the water would not affect any uh you know Recreational Sports going across the top um the any electric that makes them Pump Air is attached to the the land which we would put on the out outer wall of our patio any tubes that are weighted that will go sink and stay at the bottom of the water um are only filled with air so there's no electrical currents they were trying to do this as safe name it safe economical potentially all we got I think I think Steve has experience in this area yeah I mean i' I've I've designed and installed numerous you know diffuser systems like that so uh who what company did you get your proposal from um Central Turf and irrigation supply and are they talking about like some uh do you know the manufacturer of the of the uh diffuser system there's a whole bunch of them out there but did they quote you a specific manufacturer um I'm going to go with one of the line items which is really it looks like the electric side of it is aqua air not sure if that rings a bell if not you know yeah see what was the on you used in Culver Lake this is just a yeah that's tot that's totally different Culver is like 550 Acres you know that's that's totally different but um you know the these small scale diffusers you know they're they're used quite frequently like in retention basins whatever and uh you know as uh as a gentleman pointed out all of the power is on the on the land they use small compressor maybe one horsepower compressor and uh then they have a you know a number of these diffuser heads uh that are fed compressed air via a a weighted air hose that sits on the bottom and basically just circulates the water column vertically um you know I I mean it it they're used all over the place in recreational Lakes Retention Ponds what have you I I mean I I wouldn't have any objection to something like that being installed I mean there everything sits on the bottom it's not going to impact boating Etc so have to worry about is the fishing people fishing and boating through it you got to have them deep enough because you know the guys fish and and hook one of those lines they're going to pull it out yeah you know know like they're supposed to be waiting to sit on yeah they they they could get they you know they could get hooked I mean the airlines are you know they're pretty much indestructible I mean I've had some of these in Lakes you know High use Recreation Lakes for 30 years you know and the airlines are pretty much indestructible you can hook them yeah they would lift them up off the bottom but um you know the you know the primary thing is you know I mean there's nothing up at the surface you know everything sitting on the bottom of the lake I mean you could I I don't know you know U just maybe forewarn people that there's diffusers out there but I I I I don't see it being an Impe there's no permits that are needed from d for the installation of these devices either that's what I was wondering about okay the spray ones you need you need a permit I believe well the fountain need yeah the fountains are a different story but you know these subsurface diffusers you know they basically just it's like you know sort of boiling a pot of water they just create a vertical uh you know vertical exchange of water mix the water column vertically St Steve do you think do you think this is worth a shot being that you I mean I'm just sitting here as the guy who's gonna pay the bill for somebody to come out and do it you know what I mean like it wasn't a horrible Bill though it's not horrible but it's also you know for nothing I mean it it it could or may not even have any effect it all depends on with you know the um you know those insects are hatching you know and uh I mean they do tend to prefer more quiescent type conditions so by creating a little bit more current and a little bit more disturbance that might decrease you know the um uh you know the the success of a hatch or them even being able to successfully lay eggs that eventually hatch but um you know I I I I hate to ask you I mean are they charging like couple a th bucks yeah it's 4521 okay so that's totally installed correct yes yeah yeah I mean that's about the standard price you know for how big how big of an area about three acres or so or a little bit smaller than that it's that small area between the raar track bridge and they're going on both sides which worries me a little bit because of the boat sh that's oh they're going on the other side of the railroad tracks no no no no they're going on the other side they're on the lock Barber side and a side of that of that pond is that a thing what you say is that yeah right yeah I mean I I mean honestly I couldn't guarantee that it would you know it would have a positive impact I mean they're basically used primarily to maintain oxygen levels at the bottom of you know of lakes or create like this vertical mixing so don't get temperature stratification I mean they do have their benefits um but if you kind of like decrease how much you know calm conditions that are there that that that might because that might decrease the success of those uh of the I mean they're all you know sort of like cids they're blackfly related so I that could help could you could they also in intercorporate fan system with that you know fans blowing out to the lake or away from the area would how you you've called someone about pass control right yeah yeah so we have fans and misters pointing out the Swarms will just sit right above it it's like they're almost taunting us um and then also Pest Control I mean to be honest we used last fight mosquito in our bushes but we wouldn't even try to mess with the lake like we're not we're not having anybody spray anything like yeah I mean that you would definely that you would definitely need a permit for and that done by a c put someu so it's really just trying to move the move the water you know we just have that weird pocket that nothing it's never the wind when the fans are on are the the bugs are they they're not going into the food oh it is it is uh they no yeah the one thing about him is like it's not like a fly that's like seeking out the food it's not like I call it a mosquito seeking out to bite you it's it's like but they're literally like you have like they're like it is I I'll say this indoors indoors on every one of our Eastern Windows all the way to the north side of the building we have to clean dead midges up off the window sills every morning come the season or three weeks ago when we actually got like nice weather it is it is it's like like insane they get in at night and then they just die but it's all night long I mean it is it is H and and then the and the uh the unintended consequence or whatever you want to call it we have to have light outside so if they're looking for the light well so are you when you're trying to eat your they are to to be clear they're all over the lake I mean just not you and they're they're yeah yeah it's just the um I think it's more the bulk you know they're just in like they like you guys yeah they they love yeah they love the beers okay well is that yeah I mean 100% heals I mean if you guys are allowable then we'll definitely I would like to talk more like get the manufacturer involved like really learn we're like putting our money towards something that's not right yes I like the the fish hook thing that Steve said they're thick let me share something with you I did a little asked some question to another friend of mine that had a similar problem and uh look at this Solitude management see um M fly control so this is a website they okay and it was very interesting they talked about um yeah I mean that you know typically it's like you you stock fish I mean you know they' be like in a retention Pond but they do you know like you'll see even on their website they talk about using uh you know airation in that Capac as a way of just mixing the water column yeah we're trying our best we have algae in the water right yeah that's they mentioned house with algae I didn't even know that they were talking introdu you're talking a which is good um M fish probably we're not going to do that with with d they're not going to allow us um Shoreline protection there's a whole section on a shoreline so maybe you can also incorporate things so Steve do you feel that these these air Raiders just sitting on our Shoreline would help and then not not even putting them in the middle would that make any better or worse um I mean yeah I think they're they're I would distribute them because you know basically what's happening is that you know the uh those those midges the nymphs are up at the surface of the water so if you're like mixing the water it'll cause the you know it it will reduce the success of that hatch so I I think you'd be better off if the plan is to distribute them you know along the shoreline and in the you know and at depth I think you're going to get a better result and these things work better in deeper water so it's you know if any of you scuba dive you know like when you exhale you know you get a bubble and it it it creates a cone as it rises to the bottom and so the you know the bigger the cone the more disturbance and you know that's so in deeper water these things are more definitely more efficient there's there's a company Burke environmental the bur construction I me there's a whole bunch that's my middle man bur environmental might be really good in terms of plant piece I think you got to do both because what what I'm reading on the plants is they're going to attract other you know like butterflies and like that that eat eat year your okay you know right and you do Shoreline plantings and things like that but I think the question was would this ation help and it's not going to hurt I can't say it's going to totally do away with the problem but anything that causes the water to be mixed better uh is going to have a you know a positive benefit for the lake itself for the fish and then you know it it could reduce the you know the severity of those hatches great thank you I appreciate that that's great never came up before and I don't know why it has no um if you guys want my super scientific reason I think um along with a lot of things I think Co kept everybody like I think the dis the disruption of the world stopped for a little while and then you know not to mention you know we we did some excavation or things that just like all like during it I think it like it it just it got a chance to like lock in I mean I've been going there since it was Park Hills I don't remember dealing with this as a customer and now all of a sudden the last few years it's just been like like just coming in like crazy I think you have a proposal and drawings from these people Mr V piano yeah uh just like you have drawings and a proposal because I I think whatever you do we should have we should take a look at it yes so I have just I just tell you like quickly but good chart there yeah there's a let see if I could see it up there there so just real even though you can't see it like yeah they like took a picture yeah dropped in like where the where the the the diffusers would go and right you should probably submit them so that Steve can take a look at them yeah I'll take a quick look he approves them and then we can then you can go from there because do those you know those mosquito magnets that you put out that's not the same right those help with these with midges okay because I know they they're pretty effective but not for yeah I mean if you yeah I can take a quick look at it but you know just get it over to me I like I said this is pretty much standard Fair it's used quite frequently as a way like in retention basins around you know in in in HOAs and stuff like that uh but um how many diffusers by the way are they proposing to put in I'm just curious on that they said four um I think they I think they're their experts we're talking three to four so they of course sales wise of course they put four but also we are ourselves so yeah that would that would definitely be enough for an area of that size my guess my guess is you you put you could put four on your side I'm not sure why they would put four on the other side they just spread them I think so much St saying like you know just it can't hurt the try yeah and and I think once in you just pull them around so yeah you can move them around they're easy to move around you could play around with them I mean you're going to pay you're paying mostly for the airlines those Airlines go about like 275 a linear foot I mean so that's where most of the money comes in is with the airlines so when I bring my boat up to the Shoreline am I gonna run over I want Dam by boat now right hey my insurance gu said not to put a dock in want to talk insance thank you for coming thanks no you and sorry for the extra right it's good something new and different well thank you all thank you C let me know anything okay any other public comments John Manning from a park hi everybody hey Janna hey hey all um I'm here uh you know the Green Team wants to stay connected with the various uh late commissions so I'm going to be attending a little more often trying to stay engaged with what you guys are up to and uh as I always say thank you guys for everything you do I'm so impressed when I sit in on these meetings um a couple things that I wanted to um add to the topics um is that um the Green Team uh We've connected with the EPA somehow they got they got my name as a green infrastructure person and um the epa's creating resilient water utilities department has been in touch and they want to do a climate risk assessment for Asbury Park for free and um so um I told them I couldn't accept their offer but I put them into touch now with Michelle Alonzo and eileene Chapman we're going to be having a um a zoom call next week to talk about it but there's going to be um opportunities for engagement of stakeholders to participate in the whole uh assessment that the EPA is going to conduct for us if we accept their offer and uh they'd like to get started I believe it was uh mid to end July so this is on the very near Horizon so I put that out there for you all to let me know if you want to participate in this I think it would be great to have somebody from deal Lake they really want to identify what our greatest um water related climate risk is what their proposals would be for us to address it and they would also would monetize that to help us come up with cost and help us to identify um funding sources for Grants they said there's a lot of Grants out there so uh so it seems like a great opportunity J is is that for is it the you said or EPA EPA Federal Federal okay yeah I guess Genie Genie it's just for Asbury correct it was just for Asbury he um it's through um like uh because I've done that green infrastructure Champions program and got on some um uh some lists uh for meetings with green water I think it's called Uh Jersey Waterworks um and New Jersey future and the EPA was on this and somehow um I I started a dialogue with one person I didn't realize she was an EPA person um and I asked her to just bring me up to speed because there were some topics when they were talking about utilities they kept tossing around the word utilities and I kept wondering is this a formal utility or is this the concept of the storm water utility which we don't have um and I I asked her if she would kind of just get with me and bring me up to speed so I was understanding a lot of what was going on and uh and it turns out that they you know they just said hey would you would Asbury be interested in this because we' we'd like to do it for you and um I think yeah just came from there between Jeanie and Josh Asbury I guess one of them or both of them could represent and help out and listen to the right yeah Jenna you have my email address I believe right I get uh Jeannie I I know I have like your beautiful newsletter email address uh but I don't know that I have your personal one okay so let's J I'll send I'll send an email to her okay Janna send me got mine and I'll send you Josh and Janie's and we'll connect that I sounds excellent would you do that get in touch and we'll see what we can how we can get together on this okay thanks Jenna so a little bit more sorry um uh um I was thinking I don't know exactly where this uh remediation is taking place for that oil spill um Memorial Drive is it is it over by um yep that construction zone that where they were doing H it's between hog building and the uh Sunset Plaza Fourth and Fifth Avenue it's a big spot it's a big right on Memorial is that where construction is taking place on the corner across from ades no stru right now there's just a they KN the building that a couple couple months ago there's some Machinery there is that there's some Machinery there but they are not constructing anything yet but right fourth and the plan is for 126 Apartments I believe that's what the plan is okay I know where that is then um I was going to I was going to say maybe if that uh area is going to get remediated is that an area where we should be thinking about um some significant green infrastructure for um water retention um biofiltration or whatever we can do there um maybe if that soil is going to get messed with and that roadway getting messed with then maybe we put in the right infrastructure underneath to really hold a lot of water and take it away from the L I think that's that's going to be a private discussion because that is a the private discussion with the town and and the owner um he has to meet certain storm water requirements and the new storm water requirements include all those green infrastructure Provisions so um you would have to talk to the planning board on that in Asbury I believe okay um and uh last thing was um um the topic about Mr vilip piano's uh topic um overnight Darkness uh you know encourage the predators of those midges because fireflies ladybugs uh they all need darkness and they'll all eat those things and uh so I think that uh creating a good ecological system over there um where the Predators are also uh you know the fireflies and the the ladybugs and thing that will eat the larvae just having Darkness right y overnight Darkness but uh oh you're saying overnight dark I I got you yep yeah managing the light at the Lakes as well because I know at the East End of deal Lake it's like the CLE lights are on 247 overnight those lights never go out yeah right education we've talked I will discuss that with him in a couple minutes so thank you very much is that it that's it that's a good one by the way excellent thank you thank you any others um I think that's it okay motion to close to public session motion to close second second next month is only Zoom right John no no we're still Hybrid next month it's July it's only oh July okay okay green Fest oce this Sunday check the oceanic website for the details um I believe it might be on our Dake website too it it is so that's it do have motion to adjourn second second second we got a t to all in favor all in favor all right guys thanks for coming e