um welcome to the town of Deerfield select board Board of Health sewer Commissioners meeting of April 3rd 2024 at 601 p.m. uh this meeting will be held in a hybrid fashion with the opportunity for both in-person attendance and remote participation please note that while an option for remote attendance or participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in any specific item on this agenda should make plans for in person versus virtual attendance accordingly the meeting will be held in person in the main meeting room of the Deerfield municipal offices in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 30A anyone intending to record the meeting must identify themselves to our clerk Trevor McDaniel and pro provide their name and address for the record thank you some calling meeting to order um we have public comment is there any public comment okay um let's just jop down for selman's announcements uh did anyone have any Selman announcements I I just want to say that um uh we spent a lovely five hours Christopher Dunn and um Megan sus zinski Christopher dun from our office Megan zinski from the Franklin Conservation District and um Nick Miller walked bloody Brook uh last week last Thursday yeah and then uh I drove him around town to all our problematic areas and uh he could not believe the amount of water that we have and the problems that people are having he did talk to some residents like paesi and few other people and um coming down right now yeah and so he's he's going to work on a phased um plan a report he's going to report to us with a probably some phased um activities because you have the bloody Brook area including Eastern ab and Grave Street with cross street I mean cross street was just flooded last week so awful it is again today and then um then there's you know different areas in the north end of town that we visited River Road whopping Road all those issues so anyway he's going to work on his report and get back to us um the other thing I have to say is I had a RPC meeting yesterday and I had invited John um Divine from um who's a fire marshal uh to come and talk about the oan regulation it's just a heads up the comments for the new oan regulations have been for the fire departments have been extended Beyond May so not asking us to do anything right now because we're overwhelmed Casey's overwhelmed but I just want to do a Tickler sometime in May we need to write some comments because if these OSHA requirements go in as written implemented they are going to be devastating more devastating than the police Reform Bill for us as a town um because uh I was concerned when I heard about it um because you know there's if you have 15 if you respond for 15 events like combustible events um you have to have a a new physical you have to have a fitness for Duty physical and then you have to have these other physicals and and right now they're like $1,800 a per person and and um I so that was I was concerned that's why I had to reached out to John um who I had known from Homeland Security um committee you know years before and so he came to our meeting and he went over it and it the turnout gear I mean he went of course he's on top of stuff because he's a fire Marsh State Fire Marshal but he went over a long list of stuff including like turnout gear turnout gear right now you have to fit to the person it's good for 10 years well now it's only going to be good for five years they want it fucer free and they can't even get a price for it so the I mean it would be I don't know it would end our departments yeah and and the cost to the taxpayer to try to have a fire department is huge and then my concern from insurance point of view is if all these little fire departments go away then our insurance rates on our home which are already going up because the climate change losses are going to be even more devastating uh ratewise for those of us that live outside you know um Villages centers that have fire hydrants and stuff so anyway we the comment period has been extended because there has been a lot of push back but we as public officials need to be able to respond and so I have a list of stuff we'll send a letter we'll vote it I just got to remember to do this next month um and then uh I found out we had already voted for to um send a letter of support to the Ways and Means Committee on Joe and Natalie's Bill emergency um so I just want us to make sure that you um would vote again because I I found out on the homeland security meeting that it's sitting in ways and means and we have to address three things we have to address um the M Mima Distributing the money we have to have more money the governor's bill is only 14 million instead of 250 million 14 cover that one storm right it doesn't even cover that one storm and then um it's also the way they're going to distribute it right um through um you know the formula it's it it that needs to be make sure that it is through Mima with their formulas on actual loss so we have the three things to address um I can work this out witha Casey if if you all support that support yep okay thank you I want to say I um I had um wanted to thank the people who came together and did the Narcan training um was it last Monday no last Tuesday was it last Tuesday yeah that was really about that yes we had excellent training I got here late but um but I I was able to um at least get a supply and um I assume there be more supplies at some point uh yes we can we can do the training it's just that we so busy we probably won't do it in April but I will make sure that we do another training in um May because I you know it's really valuable I think and it's really important yeah like other meetings but yeah that's good I um I probably won't take a Naran up to my house on the hill because I don't live near anyone but right but certainly I'd like to learn how to use it yeah and then I do have a couple of short things so go ahead um I just wanted to thank Jenifer rard for arranging to have Congressman Jim McGovern visit the senior center today to talk about uh issues of concern to the membership and I also wanted to mention that U the 1821 uh temporary Library space is um significantly improved all of the chairs and everything that were in the space that the library is going to occupy have been removed their cleaning is underway and the electrician is coming in to do last minute um change orders to allow for new electrical outlets uh near computer stations and uh to get the Wi-Fi up and running so great no looks really you know what I I I really hope um that people will visit the library in this new location because it is so beautiful um what has been done and um we're just waiting on the island uh Tim has made sure that the flooring is beautiful in the kitchen and the entryway and looks great and that we have handicap accessible bathrooms and you know that building is going to be lovely um Casey do we have what's this situation on the relish work on the relish work we're working I got the um noticeable a w back with the documents I sent the contract out they're reviewing it now okay great well hopefully we will not get too much snow and sorry hopefully we'll not get too much snow we'll get the relishes done and we'll move on the sanctuary because that's so exciting I I'm I just love seeing that building emerge it's beautiful it's looking great and I can't thanked him enough for all the effort he did and it just it's just gorgeous and I agree with Trevor that um we ought to get to at some point painting the steeple so it yeah it doesn't degrade in the interim paint's peeling pretty badly up there we definely need to clean once the relish is fixed we'll we'll go on to the next step yep y oh I can't wait um Board of Health um I'm hoping to get a small Grant so that we can um do some extra trapping uh in Deerfield for Asian tiger mosquitoes um been a wet year it's it's going to be bad and and we need to find out how invasive these are last couple years they had been dry but uh no not this year it's going to be a rough spring it's going to be rough so um we have a couple minutes can we do um have you all had a chance to look at the February 21st minutes I have I can make a motion to approve the minutes of February 21st 2024 and I'll second that for discussion is oh I just briefly want to suggest that if if AI is causing us to have five page minutes that we might want to reconsider how much we want to rely on AI um because these are so detailed spend a day admiring them they are pretty good I think they should be a little pag are they hearing pick up a lot of it yeah is it the hearing often a hearing will take that's part of it I'm sure yeah the hearing is significant then there was testimony and and that's good but um if they are not completely accurate and they conflict with the recording then does that create a legal issue for us yeah it could be so all right um but otherwise I'm happy great so second all right all those in favor Tim Hil I Trevor McDaniel i carollyn s i okay um make sure Chris doesn't I mean he's working on this so hard so I don't mean that as a criticism mean that yeah please please that was one one meeting yeah yeah um next item on the agenda is changing the date for the annual town meeting information session I um we you guys talked about this on Monday but this was already on the agenda by the time we got because we had to post the agenda before you guys all right I'm not around the 18th and that's fine but if you keep second that's okay too so they talked about it with Finance on Monday y and the 22nd is a holiday oh gotcha it's oh Passover it's Passover so the board in its entirety does not have to be there correct um skm's meeting won't be there what is the Thursday Thursday Thursday the 18th is the scams meeting so wow it'll be Carol and I could go I mean we can do it it's not what the information session yeah it's up to you guys I mean what's we don't have a lot of um the 23rd is the 350th is already scheduled but we maybe flop we could flop with the 20 we could flop with the the 18 with uh the 350th could go to the 20 to the 2 22nd maybe well no because that's a that's a holiday we're not going to have any meeting that day right well we weren't I mean the finance committee is still going to meet I guess yeah I I really think we need to be respectful if we're not going to have a meeting on Christmas we're not going to have a meeting it's fine it's fine that includes any committee and you know we're in our 351st year at some point those meetings need to take a backseat to the other meetings that are moving forward yep do you want to do the 23rd that's up to you guys I I'm I'm okay with you guys running without me I mean it's a pretty straightforward meeting is the personel Board hearing oh okay I I would suggest the 18th the 18th is the night we have to deal y that's fine and I will try to get scams to you know wrap up move move move with bity okay that's fine that is fine um that's fine Casey and I will manage yeah we can and if I get free I'll come over we'll talked through most of it okay we'll be able to do it um 6:15 okay um continuation yeah okay we have the continuation of the um dog hearing Trevor do you want to read the dog hearing sure this is a old notice but we'll keep going with it um so uh notice of public hearing town of Deerfield in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 140 section 157 in town of Deerfield bylaws chapter 60 section 10 the Deerfield select board will hold a public hearing on February 7th uh 2024 at 6:15 we have continued it uh to today which is um April 3rd at 6:15 uh p.m. in the main meeting room uh Deerfield town office building 8 Conway Street South Deerfield Mass on the complaint of a nuisance dog housed at 477 Greenfield Road parties of direct interest are invited to attend and be heard this hearing will be held in a hybrid fashion with the opportunity for both in-person attendance and remote participation for purposes of in-person attendance the town of Deerfield will host a meeting in the main meeting room the Deerfield municipal offices 8 Street South Field Mass um there is a tollfree number if you'd like to attend um 8335 48 0276 or the um the hearing notice and our select board has a um Zoom link which you can find on online and uh click on that the meeting ID is 911 6041 1580 and the pass code should you need it is 57012 we'll um this hearing is continued thank you Trevor um we'll open it up is there um have we have not received any new complaints is that correct Casey well I uh I want to say that we have I we received that one email okay that came in on March 3D um that also stated it uh had been hours in hours that the dog had been continually barking so um he wanted to make sure or um it it was uh sent by the same uh person who had been also notifying us of the of the nuisance for um for many months well since last April um so uh just wanted to kind of reiterate uh to me that and to us that the um that it was still happening still going on so continuing other than that uh we have checked with uh the police department we did not see any other uh complaints noticed there we also we were going to take time to check with the police and we were going to take time to check with the building uh with the um dog officer the dog officer um spoke with our assistant uh Town Administrator um and and said that there he had no new information other than what was listed in the police reports from from the previous times so that he had no other data to add to it okay um that's kind of where we're at say yeah we also got actual physical printouts of the dog complaints correct the police have received and we also have y um a letter received last November from the complainant I believe yep July 3rd and November 1st and then the one March 3rd um was there any um resolution between the two um persons good evening Madam chair and the select board I'm having trouble with my camera it's attorney Jeremy Cohen uh I'm still working on the video um after our last hearing I reached out to Mr Thomas Adams I just had his email and I did it again on Cen I'm sorry to interrupt uh we're having difficulty hearing you and you're breaking up as well your mic able to turn up a little bit or speak into the mic better uh is this any better much better all right um yeah this is technical difficulty tonight so after the last hearing I reached out to Mr Thomas Adams I only have his email I didn't hear back and I reached out again Monday morning and I didn't hear back are you able to hear that yes okay so you had no response from Mr Thomas Adams uh after reaching out to him twice correct okay okay we did hear that okay and did you make any suggestions about some reasonable um accommodation for Mr Adams's concerns or did you just reach out to talk to him uh I reached out to talk to him we as a group you may recall talked about a few things that maybe could be done last time he I wasn't sure that he was receptive but that's why we're going to take it offline but I didn't in my emails I didn't give a plan or suggestions was just to reach out to call okay so was one of the things you're referencing the idea that you would provide nor noise cancelling headphones um I think we mentioned at the last meeting that that seems rather um an unusual uh request to make to have somebody have to wear noise counseling headphones in their own home so was that one of the things you're referencing as a possible suggestion no okay good thank you um what were you thinking of possible um solutions to well um certainly there the problem here also is that this Valley right he lives at the top of this area where noise comes from the valley upward I believe he said so it's the landscape and I suggested that there's certain landscape barriers sound barriers that that can be put up I don't know the lay of the land of whether it's trees or or a certain type of fence there are sound buffering um products available at the time there wasn't much favorable reception to that by complainant um but are you saying that in front of you you have do you have any any new evidence since the last hearing well I I have a I have a suggestion since you're talking about that um seeing that the dog um tends to notice things and and bark for hours I was thinking uh and as you mentioned fencing um I I think just this is Layman's guest just laying out what I kind of observe and I was thinking what may help tremendously is one either if the dog is kept in the backyard or um I know that there's aritis in the front where the dogs like to lay probably for shade feeling of protection there just you know huddling under that uh maybe in a hot day or whatever um I was think and then there's a a fence in front of that but it it almost seems like this dog tends to be excited by either traffic of the road you know people across the road at the store or something like that and if there was um either you know some sort of bamboo fencing in front of that area or I'm not sure about noise cancelling fencing I'm not sure what you mentioned about that but I almost feel like it's um it's something that the dog kind of just latches onto activity and just incessantly Barks On I I don't see it as being all the dogs I think as one dog in particular that does this and um I wonder if if shading their you know kind of creating a blind spot to what's happening might help reduce the um anxiety or whatever the dog might be feeling or or wanting to just bark um it might it might help uh the situation and it might be an economical way around it you know so one thought is either have the dog out back then then the dog doesn't bark as much um you know at what's going on in the front of the house the noise kind of gets blocked by the house and it's not so much you know echoing up the valley I understand it is it is hard to adjust those Acoustics from across the valley um I'm just trying to think of ways that maybe the dog could not be excited as much and either you know if it was in the back of the house it may still bark at things but it may not be as as obtrusive to to people living on the other side kind of having that noise you know bounce up the hill uh so e either that or you know first trying maybe some fencing in front that were that was kind of like blinding fencing either you know natural bamboo or some some sort of kind of thing that just allows the dog not to see everything that's going on and react to it that that was just a thought of mine it might be an easy economical solution to okay try and you know take a First Step at trying to alleviate the the issue and for that we may have to hear from Kate because if these dogs have a particular function for her they're um or this dog I believe livestock protection so I don't know if moving them or relocating them but she can speak to that but I I just want to follow up on my question since the last hearing do you have any additional information videos proof anything was anything supp I mean I myself stopped on the way home one day just to you know hey is this still happening is this you know I pulled in across the street rolled down my window just randomly one day just popped in and sure enough you know barking and barking and barking so um you know but do I'm not there all the time I just randomly stopped one day just out of the blue um I also got a a letter from you know from the complaint that that again it was on March 3rd after our hearing still happening so yeah it is still happening it's obvious it's happening so it's we're looking at searching ways with you uh to findi to find a way to kind of mitigate that some so um it's it's obvious that it's happening we're not you know we're not looking to find out oh is this still happening or does it happen at all or we're looking for evidence it's clear it happens it's clear it's annoying and a nuisance uh so we're trying to find you know simple ways to try and make make it um okay afford you know affordable for everybody and and just to lessen lessen the I understand that and and I I agreed we could work toward work towards that except at the end of the last hearing it was there were two of you who said wait a second no videos no pictures no recordings no police reports any of the times that the police or the animal control went to the house we have nothing on that so I'm saying at that time you you continued the hearing because you as one quote was I can't make a decision there's no based off the evidence here so what's changed between then and now because if there is any new evidence or reports it hasn't been shared with me and I haven't seen it tonight well I well I can tell you for myself that I I witnessed it so I mean it's it's obvious I mean are you are you suggesting Jeremy uh that that is not happening no but I'm just suggesting um I think more than just I mean at the so the only new thing though as you're telling me is you you witnessed it but we were going to Canvas I thought some of the businesses because he said it happens day and night so I'm just saying if if what did not so there's nothing new it's just you witnessed it I understand that I believe and another letter of a complaint are you offering to let us go and videotape and record near the property is that what you're suggesting we should do I mean because if you're authorizing us to do this we we were trying to respect the owner of the property because she's complained about that so if you're authorizing us to have the police or uh somebody to go sit and record we can do that I was just looking for a continuation of the last hearing which ended with everybody saying okay let's get more information if this is happening that's that's so that my plan tonight was say all right what new information they have but that's fine something's changed something asked for this and yes we did we we have in our hands tonight the complaints that were issued last year and um we also received another email from the complainant okay and Mr McDaniel randomly stopped and heard the dog barking so so can you can you understand though how my job would be a little easier tonight if I had those complaints with me so I could see it because nothing new has come into me so that's why I don't know what you have and so I'm at a little bit of a disadvantage I'll accept what you have in your hands as being complaints about the same is it about the dog boing from Mr the same person Mr Joel Thomas Adams yeah I think okay I think we're here to find a solution right the least obtrusive solution because we want to respect the resident uh and we want to respect the complaint so we're trying to find a way that uh that you'll work with us so that we don't have to do something more dramatic and and and the whole idea is to try try and find some way to work with us you know my thought would be again a blinding fence some something that is not you know I'd love to see the dog in the backyard I'm not moving to that at the moment I'm saying it's fenced in we've asked for that because of the dangerous dog issue but this is all about the nuisance and we we feel like that the um a blinding of the area where they could still have the shade of the trees and and all of that it might that first step of kind of tamping down what the dog sees and gets excited about all the time makes sense one second Kate one second that makes sense especially from a dog behavioral point of view so I appreciate that you're thinking that suggesting that since I don't know the way of the land as well as Kate we'll hear from her okay um so so I I I I appreciate where Mr Adams's window sits looking right down on us and I think to Jeremy's point there is a Beautiful Noise funnel that goes right into his window I do not disagree with anybody here that says you know when my dogs see a stranger or something like that they have something to say they are livestock Guardian dogs I have taken a tremendous amount of efforts over the last months to say what if I change the location of my dogs during the day at night or whatever I have locked my dogs we have a beautiful dog housee that we built that is up on spils that has Windows and sits behind the arivi and I have literally locked my dogs in there and when they bark they bark unfortunately to your suggestion what I understand is is that no matter the massive aride the the wooden walls the all of the efforts the noise that comes off of my property goes right into Mr Adams window we have heard no other complaints from the businesses or any other residents that live on that road right and I have listened to my dogs and I can hear them sometimes when I walk in downtown de old Deerfield a bark in this Valley carries a long long way the reality of it is m Adams would like me to go away and this problem to go away I am in absolute agreement with that I would like to leave this place too to have this person sit there and say oh my God they are barking he can send you a thousand letters right and you have a responsibility to receive those letters and do something about it at the end of the day we are in agreement that he would like me to leave with my dogs I am trying to build a house I don't think that's accurate I cannot I cannot build more AR I'm and and if and if the dog house you're you're missing the point the arbites are not the issue I think they should stay there they should feel comfortable uh they should they are they are the barriers that you were trying to they the barrier that you're trying to suggest can I finish K I'm talking about a visual barrier in the fence that you already have because the dog sit in front of that arbores and right in between the fence and the arbores that's where that's where the I just just from my one time of looking so I can't I can't say this for all the time um but I was thinking um a visual barrier of like you know very thin um bamboo or something in that same area where the dogs hang out like between the arbor and the fence that you've put in for protection before the driver way just that that area kind of to the porch and right around that corner if they were visually obstructed I think it it may not bark as much now I could be completely wrong and nothing would change I just thought that might be a simple inexpensive solution to try to try in the meantime you know to see how this this could work and and so so I appreciate that and I understand that that a visual barrier in front of that might be some somewhat of a solution but the reality is is is that I have put my dogs behind the wood the the the the enclosed upstairs and I can hear them barking yeah I want to pause for a second Kate one second yes I think I understand the board's perspective here we have to do something more whether it works or not we don't know you're suggesting that you can hear them forever but around regardless of what you do but we have to do something because it's putting them in a position and I it's I'm coming around to that that something at least some effort has to be put in here so I think abely I think that the board is suggesting that it's it could be in our hands and in your hands right now as to what next step we could take to show that we're trying to to alleviate this it may never be totally silent but it's so so what so they've suggested what could be the next step to show the the effort in a in a I would I would be I would be happy to put a visually obscuring mesh in front of and in around the fence that would be I would be happy to do that because that might stop the triggers that if if there's a trigger that gets them excited people or sound or cars maybe that let's see if that helps it may not but it might you know it like you said if it's a fabric or something it may absorb the sound a little bit more than you know just the direct you know and maybe maybe the dogs see people at the store or getting out of the car or driving by that might be something like that that triggers and if it was uh a fabric or something like that that that just blocked that view a little bit it wouldn't I mean they may still because they have wonderful hearing there could be all kinds of other reasons why it still May bark but I thought it would be a an initial solution to give it a try yes and I and and I think I think to you point is is that you're pointing the finger at Theo but the reality is is that I have four big dogs and they all box so this is not just a one dog problem this is actually a four dog problem and I will tell you why is because often times I actually take Theo with me K right K you're only allowed to have three dogs in the town of Deerfield okay um by our bylaws so you're already in violation we're asking you to work this solution through um I understand you are here temporarily while you rebuild your house but we have to deal with this we would like you please come up with a solution try it all right I would be happy I would be happy to I would be happy to try and um that that mesh solution around my fence fine um would this board would it be at the pleasure of the board to continue the hearing or close the hearing can I get some advice from uh Matt proventure our Council yes M Matt do you feel like we should close the hearing or continue the hearing depending on the solution um so good evening everyone thanks for having me here I I think what it's been discussed from a housekeeping perspective that makes the most sense is that the board is willing to consider continuing the public hearing to afford Miss Clayton Jones the opportunity to make efforts to remediate the issue on her own initiative thereby not and so the doesn't need to enter an order you know in lie of an order we'll see if voluntary remediation is effective so I I think the board is looking to continue the hearing at the request of Miss Clayton Jones through her Council to another date and time certain at which point in time the board can review what efforts they've made and then at that point in time determine whether an order is necessary to Abate the nuisance caught by the dog barking it sounds okay sounds yeah thank you thank you that's extremely Fair of the board thank you great that'd be great okay so I'll make a motion to um continue the hearing but we have to set a date at this time so um what what amount of time should uh would it do you think it would take to implement the suggested uh voluntary um screening that's a question for uh Kate or or Mr Cohen I should have it up in 30 days yeah okay so should we look to like 45 days or 60 days just to once the screening is up see if it makes a difference oh yeah right does that make sense so we that's good so maybe two months out yeah yeah we looking at the and get my calendar June yeah early June um I think we should do May because this is the beginning of April so I think we have the last last week of May yeah um let's see I will I will not be here the last week of May what's that again Kate I will I will not be here the last week in May oh you won't okay so first week in June um Casey when's our select board meeting in June first the 12th I believe okay let's let's continue it to June 12th then yeah that'll get plenty of time does that work for everyone does here okay be great sure so let me begin again then um I I make a motion to continue the dog hearing until 6:15 p.m. on June 12th you second to yeah to allow to allow the voluntary measures to be put in place thank you I'll second that motion is there any further discussion hearing none all those in favor Tim heli I Trevor McDaniel I Caroline n thank you so much I appreciate your willingness to to look at that and no worries I'm I'm a willing and I'm a willing participant and trying to do my best thank you so much I really appreciate the effort thank you bye thank you all thanks for the suggestion thank you all good night thank you Matt thanks you thank you Matt you're very welcome nice to see all of you um anything else I can be of assistance with this evening all set we're all good right thank you very much yeah I think we could if you could stop the rain I think we would be happy yeah well I'll work on it I'll see what I can do have a good night thanks um okay all right go from there okay next item on the agenda is notice of awards request for proposals South County Senior Center administrative programming space um I believe you have two notices of Y this is for the same administrative space and family and let me just say right off the back just did a great job on this um he when we got the bids we reviewed them he had a team of us do it it was me Jennifer and him okay and the two bids we received the RFP had it was it required certain things and each one of those bids fits the type of the the description in the RFP great that they were going for so his recommendation is that the board award according to the the uh language that he outlined and does the just um a quick question does this um uh is this a specific period of time or can it be until needed or like I didn't know if there was like it had because of the curement you had to do it again in a year and a half periodically periodic but at least for the foreseeable future okay great that's great I'm good with that so it's open-ended well I think when we finally do a lease we will put a number on it but because you'll do a lease and you'll have a lease period fine that makes sense okay that's great all right right sounds so we'll put a lease period on it when we publish the leases we'll send out drafts of the leases for the two vendors okay if if you guys award tonight so okay I'll make a a motion to um authorize the chair authorize the chair to sign the notice of Award with the Holy Family Parish and with the Delta sanding gravel Inc for acquisition of real property via lease her South County Senior Center and I'll second that and then I want to make a couple of discussion comments okay um the Holy Family Parish um lease agreement would be for $1,200 a month yep and um the one for the Delta sand and gravel property in Sunderland would be for $1,890 per month yeah and probably the reason why there's a difference in prices because um the building in Sunderland is at the complete control of the senior center and the other one is for specified hours during a week that's Cori hours absolutely yep um yeah I I think we'd have a better idea once we um in a in a couple weeks whether we can when when the church would be available based on construction yeah and so and this is um something that the that the three town agreement pays for right that's correct that's correct I just wanted to clarify that for any presid watching y for 50% yeah exactly according to our memorandum understanding right all those in favor Tim Hill GI Trevor Daniel I Caroline great thank you very much it'll be good to have a least not have to get kicked out not here to thank but thank Chris you did an excellent job in the minute you'll see it well it's nice that we don't have to worry about a space yet did you skip over this thing here about tablets what did I skip over consideration of tablets oh yes I did I'm sorry I didn't know to do that yes um sorry I did skip it over by accident it's okay you can skip it I don't have an answer um so we were hoping to be able to give you a price difference initially we thought they were going to be around 600 tablets but tablets have gone up in price and what they do too depending on what they do and so we explored tablets that we already owned um we're not sure that those are going to fit the bill so it's probably going to be that we're going to come and ask you again for okay an increase in the allocation for the tablets in arpa through arpa but I don't have have that that difference right now there was previous approval of tablets but the price has gone up is that there was estimate for tablets but the price has gone up okay so and you guys have done this in two other instances where you've had because sometimes prices change um I think one of them was the the HVAC monitoring system that's in the Highway garage um but I'm hoping I can have this information for you for Tuesday okay um see you then you're Tuesday is start the Tuesday meeting starts at 4:15 we already have one procurement that needs to be done so if this is a if this is a quick enough vote would you be willing to take that up yes absolutely meeting so what time does the meeting start on Tuesday 415 and then when does it end it's a joint fin it's a joint budget meeting oh okay what happens is you guys start at 4:15 and then 4:30 The Joint budget meeting I yeah you handle it yep okay great can I ask one one other question I know I think we should continue this and let you get your your cost quotes I didn't want to give you some open-ended number that I was is there a specific tablet or can a tablet from Dell versus a tablet from um some other vendor versus an Apple tablet um are there different choices or is there one specific tablet that works there are different choices what they landed on was Samsung tablets with certain amounts of memory in yeah right to be able to run the program and and connect with their computers obviously obviously had a lot of memory lot of information probably and in one case there the building commissioner's tablet um I was asked if we could get a higher end tablet in the event that we needed to have a little more capability for that tablet I honestly think that's a reasonable idea but having capability doesn't mean we're going to be able to put an air card on there right away you know we may have to wait but that's the person that's going to be doing the most inspections and whatever possible being able to upload the information to the system will be helpful yeah for sure but for now I I honestly think we're not just based on what I spent the hour or so I spent with brendy last night about but or yesterday afternoon about budgets I think having a piece of equipment that's going to work longer term is more important than sure okay all right those are done okay so uh so the next item on the agenda is signing the memorandum of agreement for um food vendors at Berkshire Brewing this is based on the same uh kind of system that we set up with Treehouse Berkshire Brew would would then would we would bill at the end of the month the $50 perspection okay um for inv vendors that be I'm glad he's open to that that's helpful so um I would take a motion to support uh the memorandum of agreement I'll make a motion to support the memor memorandum of agreement um protocol with respect to Mobile Food vendors at berky Brewing Company 12 Railroad Street South Deerfield and uh in between the Board of Health and the town of Deerfield and for Brewing second all those in favor Tim Hil I Trevor McDaniel I Caroline n i oh um I just uh it was really nice that uh Chris did that so I want to make sure that we give him credit he negotiated that yes he did he did excellent job he followed up on that and that removes the responsibility of paperwork in our office by qu consideration okay um arpa projects for review Casey did you want to talk about that I did so I went actually went through and asked some questions with Brenda to go over some of the arpa projects that we have and because I have to do the arpa report relatively soon yeah um it was an email right I think I saw email but it's not is it not in the packet I just think pull it up and I'll just it's okay yeah we don't essentially we've got right now we've got expenditures give me two seconds it's just coming up um so our expenditures 4123 to 33124 um we've had 7,000 actually 9700 sorry 9700 for the permit software we've had I want to say well we'll have additional we will have additional amounts we're still paying those bills but at the close of that particular what's the subject line of this email um it was just today right yeah I just got so many building remember Town Administrator I know there's a lot um hold on oh I see it it's now available Corona virus is that the yeah I think that's that's right okay our expenditure is 4123 to 4 to 33124 okay okay 9330 yep 9730 I think you said 9730 yep yeah yeah because and of course now I can't pleas police I can't see my own email 383 for the police um yes so so those are our our numbers right now so what do we have left though we have a lot a lot the dump body some of it you had with without obligating VI assigned contract you had obligated amounts right so what I was trying to do was start the conversation so that you guys because I was listening to the to to the discussion on the 27th and I was trying to give you guys an idea of okay this is what we spent on these projects about what 82,000 for L lot I still can't find my email 48,000 for for the dump body but so you've got those listed what I was hoping this would do is allow you to think about what we've got and maybe we could schedule another discussion um in the next week or so maybe two weeks so that you could nail down some of the items that you're out that are outstanding because I know Tim's been interested in allocating funds toward the 1888 building but based on the budget conversation on Monday I was I wanted to give you some idea of where we were right um how much was the dump body do we it was 48,2 48,000 412 so we've spent um like [Music] fluctuated because of some of the changes that came up and so he's been working with Jeff to nail that down he's given us a couple of updates on that I didn't ask him for that this morning or this afternoon before he left but it's it was some somewhat inlux so this is why I just wanted you guys to start the conversation what we could do is we could take this back this question back to Chris and see if he's nailed it down more because things have changed I mean they just went through their planning board um secondary review because of the changes that came up with the project um and I think everything went fine based on my conversation with him and Amy okay so there are some changes they they've now gotten blessing for um I just want you guys to have this in your minds because if it comes up again next week you at least know what we have for expenditures and you can think about how you want to approach it because I am guessing that's going to be part of that conversation well yeah so just to be clear the thing that says assistant Town ad administrator there is you because you're running yeah I did change my I forgot to change I was going to ask Chris a question and then I realiz he's not here no that's me I'm sorry no that's fine I just I want to nail down I want us to be solid on how we're going to spend our money um by the end of the summer okay because it has to be appropriated I'm good by December but this is a good way to start the because it's come up more than once I just wanted you guys to have a the church building there's there's a lot to do I mean we certainly have places to use it but yeah well I as well I know there's going to be some um we're going to need some a little bit of money for redoing the floors in the in the sanctuary part of the church and stuff so I I and that's easy for us to just vote and get it done and I would be so excited to have the availability of the church so let's um let's keep that discussion going and but okay don't worry about it Casey I just want you to have this to start that's where I was going I was trying to listen and come up with things that would help you next week what what I want to do if if it's all right with you both is to make sure that we have this nailed down by July okay yep because I don't want us to have any issue that that we're going to give one dime back to anybody yeah I don't think that we have to worry about that and I don't I would say August is a better date because July's just that's yeah early okay so do you when do you think you might have um an estimate on the um flat flat fee architect kind well I don't uh we're we're having our second meeting at the 1888 building one o'clock on Friday um the the proposals are supposed to be back within like week to 10 days okay so then we'll um we'll turn that around as quickly as possible you know authorize Casey to award based on the conversation with our first candidate if they don't accept the terms then we'll go to the second candidate okay but it should be you know so you feel more comfortable I believe our goal is to have a contract awarded by the end of April okay yeah I'm just saying that if we do if we make a decision by August we'll be able to spend every dime of ARA money one way or another okay I am confident to that all right I just I just wanted us to have brought dead date that we can work with so that we don't lose um any any we want to optimize what what we're doing right um so great that's fine um next item on the agenda is State revolving fund Asset Management Grant project I have a question on this Casey yes just reading the um the email that came um that's the one from right Justin from from Justin from DPC Eng enging you know just saying that we did get the grants they are you before we thought we had them but now they're solidified um PID Shak of this application includes guidance on the required local appropriation which should should be reviewed part of annual meeting the local appropriation is required to proceed with the project um and then if you look at page six it says local Appropriations the applicant must demonstrate that sufficient funds are available to cover the total underlined both eligible and ineligible project cost so I don't know if we have to vote the total 200,000 I mean obviously we know we're getting the grants but I just didn't know if language needed to be set that we needed to vote like the whole thing and then get the grand that's the thing the question is tricky it is tricky and so he basically says to us we need to go through this piece but they don't make it clear to us right my thought was we could firm we've talked about it it's actually it was discussed on Monday I think um when we were talking through some Capital um we could confirm that the funding sources is available they are yeah I mean we know they are but I just didn't know if what needed to say um at town meeting we um we appropriate and and that the um state is looking for a vote from annual town meeting that we've appropriated $189,000 or something like that well because they say eligible and ineligible cost because we haven't voted that amount I mean not that they're not going to give it to us they are but I think they want to make sure that we can fund the whole thing kind of like the um we did with the USDA stuff you had to vote the whole project knowing that you were getting all this grant money to cover it but that's just my question I mean I know we have voted and we have secured the funding for our cost but if you read it right doesn't it sound it says exactly that and so the issue for us is it's almost like asking for an appropriation right not that we're going to use it right but we aren't because and so this is my thing is maybe Lisa could help with this or I think we're gonna have to at least get some clarification from Justin right because if this means we have to take it to town meeting well we don't have time right so this came in after the the warrant closed unless I guess I didn't see that originally I I just don't know what's required for a vote I mean town meeting I think would approve it because we already have the money um not that they even need to approve that money because one's coming from the other fund but um but I think they just I don't know it seems weird so I that that was out of the field if that's what they're saying because when it says Bond counsel right I mean they're assuming that we're appropriating but we're not right right and the other thing about this is we can still do this yeah um but we do need clarification do we have to do we have to show that we have 180 whatever thousand it is if so we could say we have we do yeah exactly we don't need to go to town meeting we can pay for it correct but we're going to get that money back correct so we don't want to actually well actually it never it never leaves our right right exactly I'm just saying that but if they need a vote show that or or some some note that we have the financial wherewithal to cover it we do Casey why don't we do it that way why don't we do it that way that it says other designated body just oh if you were like a um a water district or town meeting city council water supply but the designated body so that's the class appropriate what what I would say Casey is just just what Tim and Trevor are talking about we'll we'll vote oura money towards that or the Enterprise fund can pay for it exactly you know we have right temporarily right now money the money never actually gets spent right because if we get we already have the Grant and we've been awarded the grant so we'll talk to Justin this week and figure out that's what I was going to ask you I had trouble reading it yeah let's just talk I didn't know if you had a chance let's not worry about going to town meeting we can either cover it with arper Grant orice fund money or or see what what the requirements of the state whatever they need to see if they need to fun local appropriation yeah it doesn't have to be either way if the money exists and it's already available that's my concern it's a vote of you guys it's either the select board or the SE Commissioners would make the vote we have we have money available either way and so that was my concern is I I had trouble with it and I thought maybe you had talked to Justin I also didn't want to leave it hanging so what we could what I can do is write myself a note to put it on the next agenda that's good would that be good y y thank you um next item on the agenda is secretary of the Commonwealth new chapter update chapter 39 acts of 2024 and act further regulating system of sewers in the town of Deerfield so it seems like they approved it yay and this one um I just wanted to I think I read this before and I saw this but now I'm trying to find it in here it also stipulates the thing about not to exceed 25% right I believe that's in the beginning see um don't quote me but I thought it was in the beginning it should be right in the beginning Tim I have one page here and I know we looked at it a million times yeah yeah but you know what is the whole thing printed I don't know I I have um just I only have one thing too I think I saw it in the uh oh you know what email that let me pull my let me see if I can so that was an injured thing in the town Shell by it's page 14 and 15 here it is Section Five the town shall vote uh the town shall by vote determine what uh proportion of the cost of the system of there it is and SE disposal shall pay not more than 25% but not more than 25% okay yep so that I thought it was there when I no I I I remember reading it and then I just couldn't find it again yep so we're good there that's great do you need anything from us or is this just a noce to make sure you know about it I do need one thing you and I need to Trevor you and I need to work on getting uh regulations yes I've been talking with uh uh with David about that too so we yeah we're working on that okay okay got to get that going um next item on the agenda is um the Burns family run uh and then the Sunday Sunday on May 26 at 9:00 a and then on May 30th is a frontier class of 24 Parade from 5:30 to 550 I think it probably only takes like 10 minutes but right um yeah and the run it was very small last year they just you know they yielded to traffic and use the sidewalks no police details okay okay I'm good with that all right does somebody want to make a motion I'll make a motion to approve both the uh Burns run and the um class of 2024 uh short parade okay I'll second that is there any further discussion hearing none all those in favor con to the class of 2024 Trevor MCD hi Carolyn n yes and congratulations to the 2024 I cannot believe that that's crazy I know we're moving along this is the time I feel old folks yes right letters of support um we talked about we talked about that one earlier right yep we talked about them both earlier one I'm gonna the OSHA fire department ones will just set off until after town meeting Casey's too busy and I'll work with Casey as long as that's okay with you on the um disaster Aid Bill and you've got a not do we think we need to do it faster than that I mean busy or not if we need to get the letter done oh no the fire department want they they extended the um comment period till I think it's like the first week of June but that's why I said the end of May yeah um so not even to worry about that but what we're going to have to do when we do address it we we should get some other people involved because um if if we don't it's it's it's going to be within six month if it everything will be implemented and then within six months you have to comply it's just unreal so I mean the cost and the and the hassle but I got to reach out to our fire department too and you know maybe we can go through the stam list serve or something Casey okay because I I just don't think people are paying attention it's one of those things there's so much stuff coming across your desk that it's hard but this is right but I always when they do changes I always check and it does it's costs a lot of money um we don't have Chris here for Larry lot right we don't he I think he had given you in his report he's got some information okay um do we don't have any appointments or resonation uh did uh you want to talk about the you have the Personnel so yes I can certainly talk about that um I don't have my memo in front of me I can go grab it no here it is if you want I'll give you my copies is this the notice of hearings thing you want this the notice of hearings so the notice of hearing will be published on Friday and essentally and we have to fix it thank you thanks to Chris he caught something that I had wrong um but essentially the outline of the changes there's two changes we're asking for and I had asked you folks to put this on the warrant the first one is the personel bylaw changes and I wrote to be fair Tim there's a lot to get get through so I'm sorry it's three pages that's okay um so basically what I did was I wrote a memo to try to explain this um the bylaws were enacted in 1964 they include the composition of the Personnel committee the duties the it memorializes a classification plan benefits and policies but it isn't up to date and a bylaw is a very difficult way to to run a personnel management system because you only have an opportunity maybe twice or three times a year to make a change so a more effective and efficient way to meet legal requirements now is to have a manual so what this does this request or a proposed change would essentially replace the current bylaw with a different one um one that has very similar elements but that is more succinct and really points in the direction of using a Personnel or human resources manual um so we actually got there through a combination of things and we got a community compact best practice green um and worked with the Edward J Collins Jr Center for Public management to review our bylaws and review all the policies that had been promulgated by the board um and they basically came back and said you're missing a lot of policies the bylaw is topheavy because it's hard to be fluid it's it's hard to change and they suggested that that it changes be sort of couched in a slightly different manner than what you actually see in that bylaw language and one of the things that I thought would be a difficult thing to get past is completely changing the bylaw and adopting language that gives authority to directly to the Town Administrator in the Bible um there is a way to manage that but I worked a little bit closer after I read the report and talked to our labor Council I thought a good way to handle it would be to take the working elements of our bylaw and combine them with the purpose of creating policies through a manual um and so essentially what you see in the language that follows it's an attachment um or the off finish this part but the primary intent is of a bylaw change is to comply with the current state and federal legal requirements um it would allow us the ability to adjust and management being a combination of the administrative folks like myself and the board as the appointing and hiring Authority so the proposed language would also change some of the responsibilities for the Personnel Board it wouldn't eliminate the Personnel Board it wouldn't eliminate the respons the the key responsibilities of the Personnel Board what it would do is it would memorialize a something I see the board the select board and Personnel Board do which is collaborate on change they want to discuss but in some cases the Personnel Board could start the process hand it to the board and then discuss it amongst you through a hearing process if you were going to make changes um it also notably there are two notable things about a change like this um the responsibility to address a wag and classification plan are maintained in other words that is something that has to be in the bylaw or in I'm sorry not in the bylaw in a manual but the responsibility for the Personnel Board and select board to review those things is maintained by virtue of memorializing the fact that that has that those duties continue um the Compensation Plan would become a policy though it would be something that town meeting would not approve um currently they approve two things they approve the class comp and they approve the budgets and the budgets are built based on the classification Compensation Plan um you guys would do that through you would do that through the process you go through now um the membership to the Personnel Board I think is the biggest question um one thing that we've run into to and we meaning me and the rest of the board members because we only have three besides me um and I'm ex official member is we've had a lot of vacancies um but there's also a question I don't know if anybody remembers this from the MMA conference but there's a question of inclusion here so when I was talking this through it occurred to me that maybe having an appointment from the select board an appointment from the moderator and an appointment from the finance committee would be a fairly manageable way to get three the three main resident resident members um but the Town Administrator is ex officio and one of the reasons is I represent management um but we've never had an employee on the Personnel Board and I think I don't know if anybody remembers but one of the key takeaways from the MMA conference was inclusion and finding space at the table for everybody's views and I I've been thinking about that ever since I had always thought it was a decent idea but in this case I think it's an opportunity for us to bring the people who are affected by the bylaws to the table to discuss policy changes um I don't know how everybody's going to feel about that but I do know that it's a much more democratic way to get input from people how how will the employees will the employees vote for a yes they would be elected by bylaw employees would elect a representative to sit okay I I would just want to make sure that there was um four people four people five well five people I don't vote um four people um so that's one element I don't know how Personnel is going to feel about this they have a meeting on the 9th is you we're talking about section A right now yes okay so they have a meeting on the 9th why don't we um put this off until to the next meeting I'm not asking you to approve it I just wanted to go through it the next uh section B um yeah the question is um be approved by both okay Julie has comments in there too both the personnel and the U select board sey uh compensation schedule correct right you would do it make sure that that was still we were still involved in oh yeah absolutely um that's what I mean I'm trying the idea is to maintain the things that are working but the intent is pull the benefits out pull the policies out because those are the least manageable things right just just make sure that um you let us know what the Personnel oh I will so they have a meeting on the 9th to review this and then they have a meeting on the 23rd they have to have a hearing according to the current bylaw they have to have a hearing so they have that on the 23rd and one thing I will say is there is another change well why don't you put it on for the agenda on the TW on the 17th then for you to review it yeah because you you'll have the input I'll have some personnel and then we can have input on the 23rd okay but does that is that you yeah okay sorry with me I just have one observation and I don't know that it's I don't feel it one way or the other about it but having a Personnel having an employee a voting member of something that you know voting on their own compensation I I understand the idea of including them in the discussion about what the policy should be that makes sense to me but I'm just raising a question about number one when you've got four members so you increase the chances of a 2 two tie and the employees voting on something they have direct interest in if it's the comp plan yeah it seems like a comp of Interest right yeah I I'm just raising maybe an ex officio it doesn't get implemented by them though management implements yeah so the it's a good question yeah it's just it's a question and then it doesn't put us in the position of you know overturning something that the employee voted yes for right I get it that's why we're talking yeah yep but I'm glad we're doing this thanks yep well this has been a longall it's been a long haul this has been under discussion for over 10 years it hasn't been and one thing that I have discussed with council is so we can't really have something ready to go go because we don't know what town meeting's going to do what we can do is we can have a framework that we could be able to provide because and a framework would be an outline and that's what basically what personnel is going to want to see us be able to communicate to town meeting that these this is the elements you would see in a manual um when do you want to discuss um the special events but material it's not on the agenda tonight what's it again you know oh just schedule I'm seeing Allison on so she's probably interested in what night we're gonna talk about that I wouldn't be mad do you want to do that for like May 1 because then that's after I just want to see it all and read it thoroughly are we Clos to done with this meeting you want is May 1 okay okay Al Allison we're gonna uh be ready to talk about it on May 1 perfect thank you yeah um I'm sorry that it's it's not like we're we're so inundated before town meeting that no that's fine I I'm just here I was listening I was driving so you're good don't worry about it oh okay then I don't feel so guilty I was feeling guilty not no by all means we just uh not to make an excuse but there's so much going on between now and to meeting and that way we can allocate time for sure on the first in the meantime if need me yeah without having to you know we can we can focus it's basically what I'm talking about is that okay K so put it on for the 21st I mean for May 1 May 1 yeah May 1 um is there anything new on the geothermal bylaw did we want to talk about that anything I don't remember us having anything on that we had it on as a placeholder I think Tim had asked for it but I didn't know where we were with it okay um it's just gives us the opportunity if something comes up to talk about okay well we're moving on because sleep is getting nasty yeah um updates on the campus buildings so I have one request um I as people know I sent out to check myself um the makeup of the Review Committee for the 1880 building process and I had suggested four names and a to be determined from the TC committee and um if you need me to I can run down the names quickly one is Vern Harrington who is the former principal of theer Street Associates yep one is Joseph mattity who's an independent architect who is willing to work outter shelburn who's willing to work both of them free um to participate in this which gives us an architect and a contractor's perspective on what questions we need to ask these potential candidates who qualify during this process than myself as the member who's shepherding the project um and uh Christopher Dunn who's the planner who will need to be involved in this process and then um a fifth person from the from the TAC okay I agree with that I agree with that too do you want us to make yes I want you to vote okay I'll make a motion to approve that list of people that would uh be sitting on the advisory committee I will second that all those in favor Tim I Trevor McDaniel i carollyn n i great and then I just want to mention one thing that I I should have mentioned earlier um our human rights advisory committee process sort of stalled yeah reached out to Kate um Lawless to ask her to just discuss with me what happened from her perspective and see if we can't get that back on track and you know get it in place so we'll we'll try to I think one of the things that caused it to stall is we had some policy suggestions and I'll work with Casey on this too um and whomever she designates as the potential person to do it we didn't actually finalize anything before we ask these volunteers to serve in this committee and that's partly my fault I take ownership of probably jumping the gun um but if we can between Kate myself and and uh Casey and or whomever she designates can bring a a suggested policy manual to the select board for review um and legal counsel for review maybe this would you know once they get there they'll have what we're asking them to do in front of them and and then we go out and look for for volunteers and set up the process it's a good plan Tim thank you all right thank you um Casey is there anything you want to say in particular uh on your report I've read I've read uh you know Chris's and y y we know how busy you are so I had a training session today and I've been working on several things that if you looked at my email you'd try I have I've been seeing a lot of keep up with them I'm to go back and read them one time so you know that I'm working on a lot um I actually had a couple of things so the annual warrant um we're still refining that and I had made some changes there's some comments that are in there I printed another copy up for you guys because I fixed a number that was in there I read through all that is this the new one that was yep the one that was sitting there is the new one and it has not gone back to council because there are a couple questions not the least of which is the personnel bylaw change um that I think when you meet with finance committee next week there'll be some robust discussion um but one thing that I needed to tell you about that is the in the warrant and it's actually in the memo about the bylaw changes uh the classification Compensation Plan does have to be voted because I Council reminded me um the AG's office is going to review any bylaw change and if they aren't done in 90 days we don't have the class comp voted we don't have a place to give every to incorporate the step increases and stuff so that has to be voting okay um and I do have I wanted to also let you know that there is only the words a sum of money for the F flsa Corrections that we have to do um that is I don't have the number yet but we're working on it okay so we're hoping to have that before the 17th at the very least now the 17th you guys really have to approve and be a be ready to sign the warrant because we have to post on the 18 um and then so when will be the final playing around with it so that we can actually vote it on the 17th it's not going to be the 17th is it I think you're probably going to want to vote it on the 17th and sign it yeah by the next day what I meant was when are we going to get to see the final version so that we can read it and discuss I want to be able to send this out okay to council yeah um the the changes that might I yeah it's essentially done one thing I think you guys should look at is the tables that are in there um in the comp plan in the no I can give you the comp plan um the comp plan isn't in there yet but I'll put it in before I said y you you probably have the comp plan yeah in the budget book although if you want me to email it to you I can't no we have I was just I had given it to you in the Personnel menu memo yeah that's that's I was just checking is that it's just I didn't copy and paste it into the warrant yet yeah okay the one thing that if there are questions and changes to the Personnel bylaw then we would see that in motions right we wouldn't necess because the only time I could get Personnel to meet when they had the availability was the 23rd okay um thank you Casey I'm not trying to cut you off items unanticipated I don't have any um this is not to spend time tonight but on the regular upcoming meetings you have November 27th which is Wednesday before Thanksgiving not going to happen I had a feel I put the dates in but I figur we were gonna make some changes and and also um the second meeting in December I was proposing the December 18th because um the following week is Christmas so just just so that you can officially change that Casey so what do you want me to change do you want to cancel the 27 uh yes okay all right and also um December 18th yeah because I gotta cook I mean there's just nothing I need my sticky buns so yeah we got to make sure she's free and then um I was suggesting us to have the 11th and the 18th and then that's it for December because um Christmas is the is would be normally our normal night yep it's that's Hanukkah and Christmas both on the 25th so okay just just so you can change it I can do that on the change it on the our you know the blur on the Bottom Now isn't isn't the 18th the official Grinch holiday oh might be might be I don't know no that this sounds like a good plan one thing I I'm not coming I'm cooking on Thanksgiving I mean know the Wednesday before Thanksgiving forget it you guys got one thing I do have one thing since we are talking and we normally talk about a fall toown meeting um maybe you guys could start thinking about it because we need usually end of October sometime in well one thing that's going to be an issue is we need to and I mentioned it we do have um confirmation that the Stillwater bridge plans have been accepted yeah I saw that so we need to get that colbus process Columbus Day is the 14th so I would suggest either the 21st or the 28th yeah sounds good to me I think the 21st is better but because 28th is too is kind of close to Halloween you know how that is yeah um oh I also just mentioned Casey at uh those um conference things I'm going to hang on to I'm a pack rat so I just I know they were in with telephones to get rid of I just want to hold them for a bit yeah that's fine we'll ditch them if we need but yeah and we you know what if we can use them I had asked Pat if we could use them um she hadn't gotten back to me by the time I she left and I ran in so we have the we have all new phones in here now we have all new phones and they work and they they do work I have to create the outgoing message again so call Casey with any of your concerns all day every day there's no excuse now the work it was funny right after that conversation we started having trouble with the phones again basically walked over to Brenda and said done done we're paying for this yeah no it's great and I saw you guys were all training on it today so y That's great y um I will take a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all those in favor Tim h i TR McDaniel i Kin nessi thank you very much