##VIDEO ID:SPr_0-1gDe4## good evening and welcome to the select board Board of Health sewer Commissioners meeting of August 7 2024 it's 6:02 p.m. this meeting will be held in a hybrid fashion with the opportunity for both inperson attendance and remote participation please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in any specific item on this agenda should make plans for in-person versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be held in the main uh in person in the main meeting room of Deerfield municipal offices in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 38 anyone intending to record the meeting must identify themselves to the clerk Blake Gilmore and provide their name and address for the record so call the meeting to order and at this time there's an opportunity for 2 minutes of public comment from people who have anything to bring to the select board's attention Mr Bea on up so two things for Y for the people in the audience okay so two things would be uh Eastern Avenue first of all is the status of the sewer replacement I understand the bid is way over yeah and that's kind of stalled right now and the second being my thing from back in the spring about this the ditch thing so what is the status with the sewer and the pavement yep so the sewer we held off that we we just didn't accept any bids cuz it was twice the cost so we hope to go back out to bid this fall um we're hoping it more favorable environment we only had one bid and it was twice what we expected you know was just unaffordable and then um I was going to talk with Chris a bit cuz there are some sections I think that could be a lot of the a lot of this is around Paving too like it's been a mess for too many years so I was going to try and talk with Chris and the engineers to see if anything could be paved before like I know there were some sections that weren't going to get done or maybe we were going to line so even if we can get some of that done before uh winter would be great uh ran into Kevin Scarboro the other day he suggested you guys talk to the engineer cuz he believes that the replacement pieces could probably be put off for a few more years and also the money is there for the pavement project correct so the from Sugarloaf to cross street uh was just going to be lined so Paving those parts wouldn't be an issue wouldn't be an issue and then if you paved the rest of it now from Cross Street up to the end is not that bad right it's just the such a hell hole from Sugarloaf to cross street and absolutely you know there's dozens and dozens of potholes and you know the filled potholes besides that but we still have potholes so the point that residents are now bringing dirt in and filling these potholes themselves which is also going on in other parts of town that just didn't get done this spring right right and so that's that we so if that's a possibility and we can at least get the the lower ends of both streets paved I'll get back to so yeah I appreciate that and then the other part was the how we coming on the so um my understanding is that Chris Miller has it on the uh has the uh digging out of the swes in the the fall um work plan and Casey can correct me if I'm wrong he wants the ground to be firmer possibly like when the first Frost comes so that the soil is easier to to manipulate um I was on eastern AB the other day with um the Conservation Commission chair Pete law because there's been some runoff up there um I don't know if it's significant amounts of silt and everything coming off various properties um the culs up there are like a half full um law and and I in the process of talking to Chris Miller about seeing how we can whether we can blow any of that out um but they are digging along the roadside to recreate the roadside Swale that channels the w water keeping it off the roadside and pushing it into the the culber system so that should alleviate some of the soil that's collecting up up there um I think some residents maybe did some work on the mountain side without asking for authorization and it's caused a great erosion problem um and I'm not sure what we what we have the authority to do about that at this point but we are aware that it's an issue um and so we'll keep monitoring it okay are you still needing me to bring that letter around to residen I think go ahead Casey no please Sor Casey has the answer what I was going to do is use that what you had framed and put it in the context of being provided by the town I think Kevin used to do that when he would notify people um and then we can get it out to people and certainly if you have any questions you're welcome they have any questions you're welcome to come to the board and ask but we're without some framework of a timeline I it doesn't it may not make sense to send a letter out right now because people will have lots of questions we won't be able to answer so um Chris Miller and I had talked about waiting a little while and then making sure it come it came out from the town okay okay does that they knew it was an official communication because it's you you you're talking the fall for this but the water table is coming back up in some of these storms that we've had um evident with me trying to get my my seller floorboard we're seeing water come so we're hoping to get it done a little quicker than that but as long as we can get it done this year and the paving too I would you know say thank you very much so yep that Fred thanks all right so thank you thank Youk keep us honest Fred y somebody has to there you go all right um is there anybody online who has a comment they'd like to make anyone else in the audience um okay so um we're going to take care of uh this opportunity to take care of minutes before we have a Verizon poll petition hearing so how far down are these oh I can make a motion if you want yeah I would you so make a motion to approve the minutes of January 10th 2024 second any further discussion hearing none all those in favor Trevor McDaniel I Blake Yore stain Tim Hil I I'll make a motion to approve the minutes for uh January 24th 2024 which is an MVP select board meeting second um any discussion hearing none all those in favor ch Daniel I Tim LGI Blake Gilmer abstain you I make a motion to approve the uh MVP select board minutes for April 10th 2024 second uh any discussion no hearing none all those in favor Trevor McDaniel I Blake Gilmore Tim hilchie I I'll make a motion to approve the select board minutes for uh July 10th 2024 second any further discussion nope hearing none all those in favor Trevor McDaniel I Blake Gilmore I Tim helch I all right well that's good get those out of the way yep um State primary yeah we can do the state you want to do the state primary T it's two pages next on your motions oh next next item on your motions oh under here yeah look motion that all right everything you want my friend keep going this page seven oh okay great thank you I'm sorry page six page six page six okay so um I move to approve the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 2024 State primary warrant as presented second so do you want to talk to this briefly essentially this is the primary warrant um for the the warrant sorry that has to be posted identifying um who is on the ballot for the primary this coming September 3rd and yes I am sorry we have a very large packet yeah sorry take us a while indicates who's up for reelection so if you read through it um there's a senator in Congress a representative in Congress a counselor in the eighth counselor District senator in the general court for Hampshire Franklin and Worcester District representative in general court for the first Franklin District um the clerk of courts in Franklin County and the register of deeds in Franklin District yep all right and um how many places do we have to sign here just I think just one do you have one there the election is the third day of September from 7: a.m. to 8 p.m. okay and there is a signature there's several copies because we have to post them yep okay so is there any further discussion I'm hearing none all those in favor Trevor McDaniel I Gilmore I tin H ey I'll take the time to sign these things that's that's the next page right yeah okay handwriting gets sloppier as I go along mine is just sloy yeah I'm not saying mine's good just gets worse the more I do it okay sure that's good while while you're signing up um yes what's next the uh these are the um appointments of election officers for the elections coming up um and so there are there are kind of three categories of of um election officers in um in the Democrat Republican and unenrolled uh parties so uh I move to approve the following election officers for a term of office from September 1st 2024 through August 31st 2024 is that 2025 well I was just going to ask that yeah that must be 2025 right yeah thank you y so let me correct that y uh so I move to to approve the following election officers for the term of office from September 1st 2024 through August 31st 2025 pursuant to general laws chapter 54 section 12 as presented second thank you um any discussion hearing none all those in favor uh Trevor McDaniel I Blake Gilmore I Tim hch I and I would just want to extend a thank you to all the people stepping up to uh to serve in this election SE there's a lot going on this year and really really helpful to our Clerk and the town and everybody to um to have your assistance and do we have to sign anything on that Casey or just the motion is good okay thank you um Okay so do we have time to do anything else Casey I think time is it we got five minutes I think we can do that um we could probably do that uh do you think I don't know how long you think they'll take um well have both of you had a chance to look at the yep the two letters about the horse no okay maybe is it in the back guess we'll wait on that is it in the back it is yeah it's back towards the back oh you know what you could do remember John asked for an item unticipated let let's do the appointment so there is if you go all the way to the end of the packet um I actually put a little note in that had item on it anticipated which actually has the language for the motion Mr McDaniel I'm just looking all the way I got to hear keep going it's it's not in there I forgot okay it's in here all right y item unanticipated Chief thear has requested that we appoint Deborah Austin as a part-time administrative assistant at the rate of $31 and 1 cent per hour effective July 1 2024 through June 30 2025 uh and he yes so well yes I'll move is there a second second all right um before we do that I'll read the letter uh honorable select board from John petor Jr annual police appointments August 5th 2024 Dear honorable board one additional reappointment that I inadvertently left off the annual reappointment list Deborah Austin part-time Administrative Assistant back up to Cassie Jerome with the same rate she receives while working for Brenda um Hill in the accountants Department $311 um any discussion hearing none all those in favor she was the uh she worked for John before she was the she was she was she's coming in part time now yeah to fill in for Cassie when she has vacation time and got it y so she's very familiar with the operation and uh happy to have her help yeah exactly um I was shocked to see her in there yeah so all those in favor Trevor McDaniel I Blake Gilmore I Tim Hil I thank you thanks Deb for ageing to do that all right all right all right well I think I can can I read this poll hearing announcement before we start certainly may y okay so pursuant to general laws chapter 166 section 22 and any additions there to or amendments thereof the Deerfield select board will hold a public hearing on August 2024 at 6:20 p.m. in a hybrid fashion both at the Town Offices 8 Conway Street South Deerfield and Via zoom on the petition of Verizon Inc uh Verizon New England Inc to erect a line of poles wires and fixtures upon Upper Road and Stillwater Road in Deerfield as presented in the petition and petition plans this meeting will be held in a hybrid fashion with the opportunity for both in-person attendance and remote participation please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in any specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly the meeting will be held in person in the main meeting room of Deerfield municipal offices uh a zoom connection has been provided and that's noted on the town website so um the hearing open and do we have a motion well yes so the yeah we can talk about uh this so um so I move the uh to Grant permission for Verizon New England Inc and NSTAR Electric Company DBA eversource energy to locate poles wires cables and all Associated fixtures as necessary in the public ways as requested in the petition documents is there a second second so so is there anybody present from Verizon that online oh great very good wonderful come on [Music] up just introduce your name and where you from sure uh don voner with Verizon okay um can you speak a little closer to the mic sure that might be uh we're we're technologically challenged thank you yep that one works so uh I don't want to rehash everything you just had to read so um uh essentially I just went out to visit the site I I was looking for Stakes I was looking to confirm the measurements for you unfortunately there's only two stakes in place right now um I I don't know why um but I check the measurements uh the two stakes that are there they do check out to be approximately where they should be the other ones I think they might not be there because there's polls in place where they probably would be right now and they're probably going to be replacing those poles um and as I'm not sure if you read the reason or not I did okay so I had a question sure so so just for the public there are uh five polls so this is for the work The Still Water Bridge that's going to take place um Mass do is replacing the Still Water Bridge so on the um on the South Side uh there will be five poles right across from the entrance to the bridge and then on the North side on the left side um people know there's a little Pullin area just past that on the left there'll be a pole place there as well my question for the five poles are they going to be temporary during the work and then come down after or will these be permanent forever I believe these are going to be permanent okay um and there's several of them relatively close because in my estimation they want the infrastructure to be in place before anything happens on the work yeah yeah I was just curious why so many in that five right in a row it it looks tight but the measurements are actually pretty pretty spaced out with the exception of of the two at the end of the bridge those are fairly close only about 25 ft apart but I think that's because they need to go in two different directions okay all right and then the other one's pretty self-explanatory across the road I mean across the bridge and heading up the hill there to before lower road takes off to the right it's on the left side of the road so that would be a normal layout for any type of a situation where you've you've got a uh wires going in two different directions you'd have the the two polls close together and then they'd spread out to the other polls yeah to be honest I I I I don't know if it's a normal I I this is the way the engineers drew it up uh and the masot engineers too so don't really have a a a lay on what they were trying to do or what their intention was I'm trying to give you my best estimate from what I've seen in the field okay and again I I probably missed this but um is this work slated to begin or is it is it uh in conjunction with the uh Bridge Project or I imagine it's going to be before the bridge project um so that they can have the infrastructure in place I don't know the timeline but as soon as I get home tonight I will let them know hopefully it's been approved and uh they can send crews out when they need to sounds good one side note question um we usually only have po poll hearings on town of Deerfield stuff I noticed several polls went in on 5 and 10 assume that was state right you'd have poll hearings with the with the state versus the town of Deerfield if it was on the state highways yes clarify I saw those go in just I think it's was a courtesy on I could be that we had uh they considered um some of those polls were on whopping Road or something but yeah there were polls replaced there but we were notified yeah um okay so all the abutters notices went out Casey yes okay we sent we sent out so what what they do is they send us postcards and we put the dates and times of the hearing and we sent those out I have the date it's actually in the folder that he has but I have the date they went out any any questions from the public anybody on uh online have a question I would then if not I would make a motion to close the hearing second all those in favor Trevor McDaniel I Blake Gilmore I Tim LGI and then I would I would make a motion to approve the um to approve the uh polls locations second any further discussion all those in favor Trevor McDaniel I Blake Gilmore I Tim hch I okay thank you very much appreciate it y all right all right so we're early for Chris done he's not on yet either you want to text him get that do you want me to yeah see if okay see if he can come early and um if you can't we'll I think uh okay Denise said she was having trouble hearing us too can't hear you at all all right can you hear me now which is Denise uh Denise yeah oh she's right in the a she is can you can you can't even hear us here did you uh turn it up there's three of them you got to speak up have you checked your hearing aids Denise did you check your hearing aids yeah any of us now now they can I think yeah now they can all right sorry about that who made the motion I made the motion we have to get you guys one of those signs yeah exactly we like I want right here speak into the microphone but uh we obviously don't read well late seconded yes I second yep again um yeah all right there you go I'm just writing a note so Pat hasn't where I have it the this did you text Christoper not yet when oh okay thank you oh wait hold on he texted back [Music] um if you text him yeah I did if now we can have Allison come up and yeah and to right yeah do that if you want let's do that which one you want Alison why don't you come up and this m right yes I [Music] believe hi everyone Alison masley here from treeh house welcome welcome how are you tonight not too bad not too bad it's Wednesday it's not raining I'll take what I get right so um why don't you for the for the people in attendance give us a brief yes understanding of what you'd like to why I'm here all right so um I apologize for the Light reading I sent you all this morning um as you are aware over the last eight months I've been working very closely with Public Safety and different agencies throughout the state to address our emergency action plan and part of that ties into our half marathon event which is happening on September 15th that is a Sunday um one of the missing puzzle pieces to that event is to apply for do permission to use the roads for the purposes of the half marathon along with that dot permission in that application or in tandem with that application we will apply for official approval to use the north curb cut as a temporary emergency ESS if needed we will also have no on-site parking so the main driveway will also be available for an emergency egress um but I figured if we can have both let's have both um we'll put some sort of temporary matting or something along those lines in place for the meantime so that Vehicles can get over it if it's dry enough we won't even need those but just in case we get them monsoon in September they will be available um and so in order to apply for do to get their approval we need approval letters from the select board um as well as approval letters from the chief of police and the chief of fire but you guys and thank you thank you for the email about just kind of where you've been the meetings you've had cuz we haven't been able to it needed something in writing I've had meetings but not necessarily uh great updates for you writing so again I apologize for the Light reading yeah super helpful to have though have it in one spot and be able to see all the things that you've been working on um and I was pleased to hear that there would be no parking not pleased about the no parking but just as far as the number of people and not having to worry about like a bunch of trying to get out of there and and that you've secured your parking in um Hadley and ammer uh for the event and you've got everything else kind of laid down pretty good I know that there's been a um hes hesitancy to approve without that second egress uh and we are working towards that we've had um a survey done we've got an engineer working on it um unfortunately that egress is right over a storm covert so we're treading very carefully there sure yep and I think um and then I think I guess I personally I would be in favor of approving this for this specific event um maybe the hesitancy is oh if we approve it for this then you know any concert can be this well we know that and you know that that this is really specifically for this event yes that um we're still working towards the permanent second means of erass and and uh finalizing the the um the plan so I I think you know based on knowing that all the work and practice you've had with the concerts um and how to manage manage the the thing and all the planning work you've done knowing that there'll be no parking there it'll all be shuttled in I'm okay but I want to hear from so um a couple of things I wanted to First say that I know that um Chief maor feels there's still some deficiencies in the EAP and I believe that you may have had communication with Adam sakoski on these issues I do think this one might address some of those concerns which I don't think Chief has had a chance to review since I did send it this morning okay yeah so um I'm going to ask Casey Warren for some advice before we make any motions on this is this something that we could approve contingent on final signing of EAP um because I I'm not an expert in emergency action plans um and I I know there was some Curr concern and chap pic is not available online at the moment so so I do have one thing to throw out there um to have the half marathon regardless of the occupancy we need this letter right that's why so even if we have a 1500 person Marathon which we are technically permitted to do right we would still need this letter and this letter would specifically be for the half marathon um and it does not necessarily tie into the occupancy that being said I am very eager at this point 40 days out from a a big event to absolutely have that sign off on the AP if there's you know additional concerns about that I'm happy to address that at a yeah so you're they're kind of separate but together at the same time I you're currently permited for500 correct and you're inti ating having you know um 2300 Runners and 2600 guests so that's what do you do if um we give you this letter and and the EAP only allows you to have 1500 participants I mean this is a question uh theoretically 1,500 could drink and then the rest has to hang out on the soccer field not an ideal solution but I don't want to get to that point I do think that there have been a lot of really huge strides that we have made towards this half marathon and if you read the amount of meetings that I just realized I have attended since January I know we've covered a lot of ground um the the EAP is about 78 pages and I did just increase it with as much of an operational portion of the half marathon that I can provide before Mima gets a hold of it so I've given you as much of that as I could without knowing the names of you know the officers that will be doing the details without knowing the names of the mems fire that will be there um additionally I've given the parking and shuttle options basically everything also that the dot is asking of us is in this um in addition to the doors having now gone in to our building which was another delay in sort of getting this finalized because before that before we put in three sets of double doors our occupancy was only a little over 4,000 now we are a little over 5,000 gotcha Y and we have um taken steps with both police and fire to address how to best understand where people need to shelter in place and how to sort of capture who's in there um by way of wristbands so if you have a blue wristband on for example we know you're one of 700 you're going in The Tap Room yep yeah I I'm not but again this is this is not for the EIP um but I do understand your hesitancy yeah and the thing is that are you still in negotiation with the chief and with the fire chief as far as getting the EAP done prior to this we need we need to finalize that absolutely so we need I don't know if it's best to have a a meeting with them here or in private in one-on-one sessions where they can ask all of their questions I do think we've met several times over the last8 months yeah um again some of that was waiting on those doors which just went in a couple weeks ago um so hopefully that's resolved some of the outstanding issues the driveway is really the only one that I can't accomplish before September but we have a temporary one yeah and I don't feel like the driveway is part of this specific I mean I feel like I'm good with this specific event because it's not we don't have any parking there there's nobody on site last time we had the um Marathon there everybody parked there and and other places as well but this time there'll be no parking on the property at all it's all bus shuttle delivery and pickup so I think the egress part of that while we're still working towards that for the EAP um I feel like if we approve this specifically for this one event not for EAP for going forward for any occupancy going forward but for this specific event it feels like they've done most and then uh you know maybe there's a a conversation with with Chief the two chiefs and like you said set up a meeting this week or next well I don't know where it is but next week um to get that finalized done but I think the and you're caught at Catch 22 cuz you can't go forward with any of the stuff with do and Mima until we have at least a letter of support for the event correct this specific event we can't yeah we can't apply for DOT which is a requirement to host the race without the letter right um um that being said I mean we have had conversations with DOT I met with them last Tuesday they are willing to accept sort of all of the paperwork that I've presented you and then in the additional forms for DOT in advance and the letters of support can come a little bit later I don't want to chance it too close right um so if we do need to continue tonight to have this discussion again in the month of August and please don't you know make me will September they will begin review of the paperwork so that they don't have to review the bulk of it when the letters finally come in basically and really if we give the letter of support here we're waiting for chief the two chiefs correct and that's really all we need left uh to do that and it really settles around this one event and they may be looking for the EAP for every event I that's one of the weird caveats that we're in and I don't know I know there's enough wiggle room in the language of the EAP for there to be caveats on the events right so all of our concerts this past summer have only been, 1500 occupancy right um and with that in the EAP if there's a clause that we need to throw in that says there will if there is an event of 5,000 it requires sign off from the select board the chief of police chief of fire or something like that if that would make everybody for this year feel more comfortable and maybe give me a couple less sleepless nights so that I can plan this half marathon right is dot going to accept this without the EAP the EAP will be submitted so basically this letter but has this letter is about the road closures and the use not about the EAP the EAP um actually is related to our liquor license okay right so you're if I'm hearing you right if we were to approve this on the 21st you would be okay I'd be okay I'd be slightly panicking but it would be doable and if we approve this tonight Casey clarification wise so the board knows what we're doing um you still need two other letters two other letters so she still needs letters from Chief suy and chief p and I think they're waiting for us to approve yeah um I have a different understanding but that's okay I have a different understanding on that so um you know we haven't had a motion yet so that's fine um we're just discussion uh my feeling is you know I could push this off to the 21st or knowing that the chief of police and the fire chief have to sign off and provide separate letters I could easily do this tonight too I I I think that the the issues that need to be resolved um can be resolved in the next couple of weeks but um I think we need to work with Casey to schedule a meeting with both the Chiefs and yourself and maybe maybe if you're around Blake you could be sitting in for the board correct um just because you're familiar with these kinds of things um and really push to get the EAP approved because I I know there's some training thoughts that there were concerns about and Staffing stuff that there some concerns about and um we did discuss that at the last meeting um because there was some confusion on the training so that is something I did bring back to leadership team at treehouse um and we have allowed for um an additional half an hour in between the um sort of closure of the regular operating hours and a concert um to allow for a brief period of training and just you know with call outs and concerts being different days of the week different people are sort of plugged in for any given concert um so to allow for a period of training and retraining day of a concert and we also have two sort of outside of concert days trainings for the month of August and an additional one for September now planned okay so for purpose of discussion I'll make a motion to uh approve writing a letter of support for the 2024 Treehouse Brewing Company half marathon scheduled for SE Sunday September 15th 2024 second okay so what's your thought can we can we speak speak into the can we put the um just the uh that if it isn't approved by the Chiefs that this would become null and void that's the only thing I'm concerned concerned about is that if they aren't going to come forward and approve this then it's I mean ours is that but then they can't move for they would the do wouldn't accept it either way anyway but if you if you need to put a clause in there on the letter of support I don't know if if that changes your motion tonight um if you need to put a clause in there it doesn't really matter I'm okay with that if they have to do letters then we're fine then we can do what we're doing here and if they I just if you don't want to give it to me until we get those letters too that's fine right yeah um my feeling is that um you know we've been talking for8 months and we should get this thing resolved and um I see no objection to supporting this contingent on the fact that two other departments have to sign off and they're the more important ones Public Safety is their realm and right um so that's my thought anyway what do you think that's mine too I agree I agree with that I think we can prove this going forward I think I treat them a bit separately the EAP still has to be approved and I think you know we they could always make a motion to exempt this one event as long as all those criteria are met for this one event yeah approve it uh contingent you know but it doesn't affect you know the EAP is no good for any other event in the future until those specific items are addressed as long as they have everything they need for this event I think we could get something moving and get this thing done and then hash out the rest uh cuz they're not holding any other events that size this year anyway so yeah all right so anything else Blake no I'm good all right so um hearing no further discussion all those in favor of issuing a letter of support for this one event chor McDaniel I Blake Gilmore I Tim hilchie I thank you all for your time thank you so much and we need to schedule that meeting for next week so please work with Casey and get it scheduled yeah thanks Alison thank you I'm going to just oh yeah there you go all right well um Trevor is going to go turn the lights on in case it gets dark in here um Christopher's here yeah Christopher Dunn are you ready ready when you are okay so yeah go to Trevor excuse me yes uh why don't you take it away Chris um so first item on my list here is the contract with C riddle Architects for designer services for the 1888 building um we selected them as a preferred designer back in I believe it was May at this point um and you know they've been working with um with Tim myself uh members of the 188 uh building advisory committee RM P3 um to kind of shape how this project will unfold and we've gotten to a point where we feel comfortable with moving to the next step and signing a contract um so this is roughly 125,000 for phase one so you know the work some of the work that they've already completed U plus additional work to bring the design of um you know the 1888 building as municipal offices uh you know further along and then um pending town meeting approval um an additional $500,000 um to actually bring that design to final design and construction Administration um and that would all be funded via uh arpa which I believe the select board already approved I believe him correct me if I'm wrong I think it was last year 2023 2023 yes yeah yeah um so that's uh that's the contract you have before you and and happy to answer any questions before the the board makes a motion on it yeah just some additional information um there is there is also some uh CPC money that was approved for the design phase there it was unexpended because um we didn't move forward with the the the Boston based architecture firm's plan was too expensive and um this one has been scaled back sign significantly to respect uh and and prevent us from getting into a situation where we need to borrow any money uh so we have approximately $8.7 million in federal state and local money that's already in the bank to do the project and um hopefully we can bring it in for less than that um so uh anyway I just wanted to add that um so do you have some question Blake I know you this process this is again is the design on the front end of uh of the project itself then the money obviously has already been approved and when the design comes in um I know Chris you're going to be looking at it is that something that's going to be brought forward and we're going to take a look at it and make sure that it's available to the public yeah so I can kind of sketch out you know what the next steps are so on uh August 14th so next Wednesday um Tim and I will be appearing before the CPC to make a you know the formal request we've already submitted an application for the the additional CPC monies um and then uh we're aiming to hold a public me the first public meeting either late August so late this month for early September and then a second public meeting um you know in late September early October just prior to the special town meeting we of course we'll be asking voters to um you know approve uh that CPA funding um and move forward into the next step with the with the project so and I will say also our advisory committee is meeting intermittently so we uh had a meeting couple Fridays ago we've got another meeting coming up uh later this week um so they're also guiding the process and and providing you know some Community input there you yeah the um the advisory committee is made up of um myself and Christopher uh Vern Harrington of they formerly of they Associates of a respected Builder and Joseph mdty of sheln Associates and architect who's worked in the valley for 45 years um and uh Julie chalant who was sitting in for the town building advisory committee and finance committee so um they were very helpful in throughout the process of interviewing selecting a new architect and um we we've gone through the introductory iterations of what the design should look like and we've welcome I mean people are welcome to attend the CPC meeting and um we're encouraged we we'll notify people uh when these these uh public meetings are for input the first one in particular will be showing uh the conceptual design that we're looking at and looking for input from people to from the community and the follow you know the following will be sort of more to review and discuss what what changes were made as a result of interaction with the residents and um and then um bring it to town meeting and and hopefully uh get approval for the project as I say it's the funding and the money is is available to do the project without borrowing and um and with contingency money built into the the plan so um make a yeah I would you so uh I move um the the contract between the town of Deerfield and C riddle Architects Inc in the amount of $124,700 for phase one analysis and con conceptual design and 500,000 for Phase 2 final design and construction Administration services for the renovations of the 1888 building to house the town Deerfield municipal offices with the am uh total amount of the contract not to exceed 62400 ,700 and further authorize the chair to sign on behalf of the select Board second um yeah and so just further slight discussion before we we go forward um we worked hard with riddle to a lot of times architecture is based on percentages of costs of projects and um I didn't agree with the part dcam I don't know what's the what's the an uh what the dam is a is a yeah this state organization that sets guidelines for proper pricing on these things like more than 15% and uh you know dcam would allow 11% because there's a historic reserv uh restoration component of this project but Kun riddle agreed to reduce their fees by more than $200,000 because they're interested in this project so um you know I've been very conscious about um squeezing where appropriate and uh the OPM also um took $220,000 off of their fee for this first phase so hopefully um we we'll continue to man manage the project this way if it's approved by the voters it was also I think you also had in the contract um the 5,000 500,000 for Phase 2 designs contingent on town meeting approval it says in Fall yes exactly if it doesn't go forward then right it stops at the 124 seven and we can sever the contract in 7 days we hold harmless if it's not funded so I read through all the contract and Town's very well protected yeah and uh Lisa me's uh office and and Casey Warren have developed good Baseline contracts for for the town so we're pretty well protected in the language so we appreciate that so there any further discussion about this one hearing none all those in favor Trevor McDaniel I Blake Gilmore I Tim Hill GI I'll make a motion to uh move uh to approve the contract between the town of Deerfield and uh project planning professionals Inc P3 in the amount of 50,000 for the owner's project manager services for the renovation of the 1888 building to house the town of Deerfield municipal offices and further authorize the chair to sign on behalf of the select Board second uh so discussion so this just a project management right oversight right yeah so this is just to back up real quick because there were two kind of contracts floating around so there what you should have in front of you now is is a contract Amendment for $30,000 for phase one for OPM Services by P3 so we had an existing contract with P3 based on this project starting in 2022 uh they completed you know their work when we had the Boston Architects uh you know in charge of the project since we went back and got a different architect um you know they they essentially redid that RFQ process to procure uh designer services and then they've also been helping us manage the project um and so they're looking for 30,000 for this first phase and then their total fee all in if you know the the uh project was be approved at town meeting would be 248,000 so we're um the the motion do we need to redo that Casey and just to correct the wasn't correct yep so what's yeah so what's that yeah do you want talk oh sorry yeah I mean there is a difference between this one and the Architects um oh that's because I didn't fix this motion so there was one MO we had fixes at the end of the day um I tried to fix all of the Motions um with the amounts but so this is for 30,000 correct or 30,000 yeah it should be 30 not 50 that's what yeah y cuz that's what's in their contract yep that's what's in the contract the amendment to the contract and the second they will if we don't approve this a town meeting they won't be working for us anyway right okay so uh I move to approve the contract between the town of Deerfield and project planning professionals Inc in the amount of 30,000 for owner project manager services for the renovation of the 1888 building to house the town of deerfi municipal offices and further authorize the chair to sign on behalf of the select Board second okay um all those in favor tev McDaniel I Blake Gilmore I Tim Hil I sorry um yeah sorry about that a little confusing and I assume part of this is a meeting to C show like public engagement show the plans that kind of thing exactly the the um the architect and P3 um will be present at both of these public information meetings and um they will be presenting you know their initial plan Concept Designs um talking about how space is being allocated um and issues like having functional Technologic technology installed in the meeting room so that people can hear each other and they can there'll be multiple screens for people in the audience to be able to see what's being discussed and uh you know they'll be screen behind this the board members who are presenting is information so um a lot of the issues that we struggle with in this building will be addressed but uh yeah they're definitely um going to want to take comments from residents did we vote on this we just uh we seconded we just need to vote okay um all those in favor Trevor McDaniel I Blake Gilmore I Tim LG all right um architectural designs for the 1888 then you've got uh rexl Energy Solutions right for the ly lot yes uh so this has been this has been a long time coming so this is the uh distributor for the EV charging stations that the town is purchasing as part of the ly lot so um we've got a level two charging station that is replacing the current charge Point level two station at that parking lot um so this is an upgrade model and I I I believe off the top of my head um that was roughly 40,000 uh for the charge Point charging stations and then um you know the more significant item is the level three charging stations being provided by AEL um so again these are level three charging stations so that means you know they charge about 20 um 20 m a minute um charge so it's really pretty rapid and you know potentially you could have visitors to South Deerfield stopping in plugging their car in and then you know stopping by you know Leo's table or or Johnny figs or one of those places and then popping right back to their car they get back on the my way um so there's some real Economic Development potential there and um this is a really critical First Step because as soon as we actually get those purchases made um we could start moving forward with um eversource commissioning the Transformer that's needed to actually make them go live um so this is something obviously we would love to have these up and running in Fall of 2024 um you know if it ends up that we have to wait until spring that's okay but of course we'd love to you know get the the parking lot done which if any of you have been over there you can see it's making some significant progress um and then be able to have people immediately parking and charging their cars so um so again Rexel uh is the distributor for those charging stations and the contract total is around 418,000 okay yes and this is this money is part of the 2.5 million Federal grant that covers the cost of these things is that correct this is uh either the the eversource funding um which we're still you know talk in talks with eversource um or part of that town match um from arpa funds yeah okay have you have questions for him Blake no I think that um now you said it's going to replace one of the the charges that's already there is there a credit for that I mean I don't I don't know how this works so you know it's a good question um I I think Chris Nolan was managing this procurement so I would have to ask him you know how that worked exactly um but I I I can I can get you some additional details on you know what happened with the level two um because yeah that question did come up oh we' already got level two why don't we just leave it there and I think that unfortunately that wasn't an option right um I mean it still work it still works but it's not an updated version or what I how long has it been there I think all the wiring and stuff is not going to be the same I think it moving the whole the whole wired structure to the other side because of the voltage going through at that point it's a there's a lot of technical issues but um Chris are you saying that the the current level just I don't know if it's a level two or not the one that's next to um the ches parking lot is going to be removed or is that staying in place I think it's I thought it was staying in place oh I I can double check I I thought it was going to end up actually being removed at this point okay um I I was under the it would make sense if it is it would consolidate things it would make more sense um so can you check on that detail but we still need to buy the uh yes the the INF the hardware and then if possible I guess if possible find out if we can just hold that unit and you know I'm sure there'll be another spot to put a charger but um yeah I'm not I'm not sure what the agreements with eversource eversource help pay to install those things are I believe correct Greenfield savings help with some some money towards it to baving bank first one the first one the first one we had it was a combination of eversource giving us money for the infrastructure and the green communities Grant right paying for the actual installation of the unit and then Greenfield Savings bank provided um funds for some of the annual annual fees that's annual fees okay well if you could get an answer for us on what's actually happening with that unit are well the other question that I have because again I'm I I I'm unfamiliar with this sure is as far as when people use it the funding that they pay does it go to eversource does it go to the town who's it go to the town Town yeah we set the we set the we set the actual kilowatt hour rate um for like if it's 30 cents a kilowatt hour um and that money goes to pay for operating and electricity uh electricity and uh fees fees for charge Point yeah um okay so and we can change the fee if we find out that it's you know um not covering the cost we can raise it but 30 cents 25 to 42 cents per kilowatt hour is pretty standard and um you know in in my experience with EVS over the last 5 years um so we have currently set the number at 30 cents I believe I think that and that level three is going to be a huge draw to the town yeah I mean having four of those is going to make a big difference I I'm optimistic that Gary bug off at the BBC is going to get some business from this you know 30 minutes per charge it's just long enough to have one beverage and be okay when you go back on the road um but anyway or restaurants anything resturant exactly plus chz and chz yeah sell a lot of sandwiches I know that when I when I travel um when my wife and I travel we we are happy when we see that there's a charger near a restaurant because you know every 3 or four hours you want to get something to drink or have a coffee or whatever so um so I'll make a motion do you want me to make a motion please so I'll move to approve the contract between the town of Deerfield and Rexel Energy Solutions in the amount of 417,000 $667 for the purchase of two two dual Port level two charging stations and two level 3 dcfc charging stations for installation at the lery municipal parking lot subject to review and approval of Town Council she hasn't been what's that she hasn't there's one detail we're waiting to hear back and then are we uh approving um a motion for the chair to sign no actually this is all you guys are signing this oh all everybody signing all right yeah sounds good um any further discussion hearing none all those in favor Trevor McDaniel I Blake Gilmore I Tim Hil I [Music] point of question point of order there Casey so we have to sign our name and print our name is is that because our signatures are so poor that no it's normally because other people's signatures are like you can't tell my name is my name if you look at my signature it's actually fairly standard on most contracts no I am trying to be slightly humorous all right um how are we doing pretty good you guys are moving along all right Christopher do you have other things um I see just wanted to you know provide a quick update on the lery lot construction so I don't know if everyone's got a chance to stop by there um at this point they've kind of completed all the vegetation removal um they have actually the sidewalk along the driveway on Elm stre is completed um and everything's kind of staked out so you can if you take the site plan can see you know oh that's where the Chargers are going to go that's where the Transformers are going to go that's where the rain Garden will be um so it's really it's coming along um and in the next few weeks we're expecting things to really move forward it's going to be pretty exciting so it's great to see it actually coming together um but I did want to see if the board members had any questions or on that project or or any others that are going on at the moment yes and can um can you uh talk a little bit about um the the notion when we had that meeting site meeting the other day there was talk about um seeing if we could work some scoping of the sewer trains in that area into a project that Trevor's working on yes oh yeah sure so um you know one thing that so Taylor Davis the the the general contractor on it was looking at the relocation of a tree box filter at the entrance of the driveway um just based on how the drainage is working out they were working with Berkshire design the the designer to figure out what the best option there was to mitigate you know excessive storm water um so I know one question that came up from brue design was just whether or not we had good Intel on what's actually under the street there in terms of uh drainage um and so I know you know I've been talking to Trevor about DPC and there Grant to do some cameraing of basically our our drainage system here in town um so potentially There's an opportunity for them to take that chunk out and prioritize it was my understanding from the conversation with Trevor um which would be helpful they they're going to try and address this tree box filter drainage issue kind of towards the end of construction so probably you know September time frame um so there might be an opportunity for those two projects to have some synergies I did uh just to follow up I did speak with after talking with uh Chris um I talked to uh DPC and um the grant that we got to do the um camera work for all the drainage of our sewer and the drainage of our waste waste uh water uh not waste water storm water um is somewhat flexible so we we have that ability to one look at that work and and he um Dave said that he would get in touch and and Chris would get in touch and trying to figure out how to priority certain areas in town with the work that's going on to move that forward to be helpful on that project and then I also discussed with him the ability to camera all the storm water and sewer on Sugarloaf and park so uh and he said that absolutely they can do that so we'll have a good idea of what condition the infrastructure under Sugarloaf is in case we do decide to want to take that over um at some point that was really the thing that was holding us up so good news on that front too okay so you you all set Christopher yeah unless uh does the board have any questions about other projects going on or are we all set all set I think like you AG all set y all right can I can I um rearrange the order on some sure so instead of jumping over to the Sewer thing can we ask Mr bualan to come up oh yes sunny days sure Ken you want to come up and uh talk about about the sunny days HCA hi good evening everyone um I'm I'm the coowner and CEO of sunny days so I can speak uh on behalf of 10 if that's okay sure welcome great great good evening everyone so I just wanted to provide some background here and clarification around the HCA agreement uh and how this ended up on the planning board meeting agenda this evening uh on Monday July 15th the Cannabis Control Commission notified both sunny days and the town clerk of Deerfield via the same email uh that our existing HCA executed in 2021 was non-compliant with current commission regulations contained in article 935 CMR 500-800 and 51- 800 uh in addition to the non-compliant notification the CCC also provided three options to bring the HCA into compliance uh option one was the parties May sub submit a compliant HCA option two was the parties May submit an HCA waiver and option three was the parties May proceed under the model host Community agreement um on July 16th I reached out to various select board members uh in addition to the town General Council Elizabeth lyen via email the three options provided um for remedy were included in that email uh in addition to that the CCC You' let us know that they gave us a 30day notice to resubmit a compliant HCA um so in an effort to finalize ahead of that submittal date which would be August 15th now our suggestion to the committee to feasibly resolve the compliance issue within that alloted 30-day period was to go with option three the model post to community agreement uh at least as the basis for discussions uh that CCC provided model template was included in the aformentioned email um to the select board members and the town general counsel so I believe at that point um it was Tim Hil suggestion that he move the motion to the planning board meeting tonight to discuss it further so my understanding is that since the um the CCC started issuing new regulations um their their retroactivity has been challenged in court exactly and um we have an HCA that's in compliance with the previous law and um I correct me if I'm wrong Casey I would like to see our Council the lead Council rule on whether we need to actually just provide a letter saying that we're in compliance uh that the the HCA is in existence uh that no business is being taken taken place there have been no costs and U that would be my preferred approach uh because uh you know I'm not a lawyer but based on the concrete nature of the ruling against um the people that were the uh plaintiffs in the case uh it's clear that a lot of the things that the CCC is trying to do um violate existing case law about you know retroactivity so um can you talk a little a little bit about that Casey and how we address that in the timeline that will help sunny days meet the August 15 deadline so there and I don't want to go into too much detail about the court cases that are happening but essentially um the question is whether there's a re retroactive look back and that's come into a court room and decisions have been made about it uh there's a case in Essex County right now um but for purposes of of the questions in front of the board is right now the operation is has not commenced correct so the HCA exists so you can keep continue to obtain your annual preliminary licenses you don't have a final license and the way I understand it you can continue to go back to the CCC and with even without a change to the HCA because you don't you your operation has not commenced and this is third hand it's it's a couple of a lot of us talking this through um I think what I'm hearing is it would be useful for the board to have some clarity about that about whether we should Ren neate in light of a the court cases but B the bigger issue of there's nothing to be paid to the town until you commence operations the HCA really exists to fundamentally create the connect between the re the operation that your company will complete and what might be due to the town in terms of community impact funds so right now there's nothing out there so that's the fundamental piece ofation I'm I'm sorry I just want to interject on one point of clarification there so this came up through our renewal process with the CCC for a provisional license so they won't actually approve our provisional license they won't renew it until we submit a compliant HCA so they're not making a distinguishment between operating and nonoperating this The Binding document you know whether we're in provisional status or an operational status did they list um just because I have a million other things going on too um fully fully in favor of this operation and we'll do what we need to to get it through did they list the items that were in non-compliance yes they listen um they didn't specify them I think the suggestion was to reference uh article 935 CMR 500 um which I believe is included in the agenda today y um but that that's all the clarification they gave us they just said generally speaking this document you know there's certain areas of it that are um non-compliant with current commission regulations and the document that the CCC provided to us was the same document provided to the town clerk uh in the email that I mentioned earlier and that's we have we're looking at the same information that you are yeah regardless excuse me can you give me that CMR again sure it's um 935 CMR 500-1 180 and 501 d180 so here's one my thought on this and and um I think we need to have a meeting where Lisa attends and gives us advice about this because the CCC would like nothing better than the town to sign a blanket agreement that takes away all the town's rights um and I'm not sure that's the course we should take we invested a lot of money in three hcas one of which is going to bear fruit sunny days um and we're not going to get any of that money back from the state um and we have we're going to incur more legal expenses if we have to you know make some of these decisions without having legal counsel give us advice um so so I wish we had done this sooner um but I would like um can we put it on the 21st and get these answers in well see the the problem is they they say they need this letter by the 15th well that just why is why is the CCC forcing a 30-day period to make us conform with a new law that has retroactivity issues uh this is going to be litigated for three or five years um and it's going to turn out that the CCC didn't have the authority to do what they did and a lot of the things that they did are probably good ideas because I understand that the hcas vary from Community to community and it's not fair to the Cannabis producers and it's not fair uh for various other reasons yeah some some you know I'm not even going to speculate about all the things that might have gone on behind closed doors it didn't happen here right and um we have an existing document that we negotiated in good faith so is there any way that we can um get Lisa me from MTC our legal council to help us with this in a timely fashion or can we send a letter to the CCC saying we need more time to so that would be a good question for the experts in our Law Firm that handled this particular thing and K we had this meeting a few years ago what we did Tim was we sat down I sat down with our Council Ken sat down with his Council and we hashed it out in in two meetings we weren't up against this kind of a deadline but I I think it would be useful if we could hash that out and then bring something basically back to the board that is acceptable to the CCC because we're with you we need to know you know I do need to speak to council about that because she may have run into this situation with other sure she so before we try to schedule Lisa to come to a meeting let's do some back right what I was saying is let's reach out to Lisa you do what you need to do with her tell her that there's this August 15th deadline that's being arbitrarily imposed on sunny days and what is the net effect of it um I don't know you're not in operation it's not like they're going to stop you from doing anything you're going to build your building and we're going to get an HCA in place well before the time you start operating so um let's look for next week we can meet yeah uh you know maybe we tentatively and then if we have to have a meeting we set the date for Wednesday and that's before August 15th right yeah it is it' be the 14th y um or if we need to do it yeah 15th is probably the the 14th is probably the day I could do um let's make it so you want to do a set a tentative meeting for the 14th well we we get it posted just in case yeah cuz that would be the only topic I guarantee absolutely uh so you wouldn't have to sit and wait um I know it sound you might think being arbitrary about this but it's just you know we we have what was considered a legal document binding for 5 years and uh and now we're being told to let somebody else make legal decisions for the town and I'm prepared to do that did just so do you want I just have one comment so the CCC originally sent both of us um we we sent our application and renewal the CCC sent us the town and Brian and I um each the same letter said you're both not in compliance you need to send us um a compliant um HCA right the town lawyer got back to us and gave us a HCA from another town another cannabis company we have it Brian and I have it she's wanted us to go through it um we immediately compared it um to the template that the C CCC gives you which protects both the town and the you know the operator right right in that like the fourth definition there's like seven or eight really critical definitions it was just left out so it changes the spirit of the actual template that the CCC wants people to use and will approve at this point in time now yeah so that's why we're concerned with a little bit of mixed message coming from the town one is an H from another town with another Opera I mean it's just copy paste um right an example can't start with that we we need Brian and I need to start with a template if it was an exam it was probably an example to r no it was Brian it was it was was it an example for you to review or was it an actual HCA that we wanted you guys to sign that doesn't it was it was an HCA that was previously negotiated with another town that was suggested to be used as the as the basis of as a temp okay so it wasn't like she was saying let's change the name to Deerfield and and sign this yeah so we we we just simply want to use that template to start the negotiation or however we do it right and so you're not going to if if you're saying you want to start that as a template and negotiate you're not going to get August 15th you're not going to meet that deadline anyway no no so it would be useful look if we can manage to change what's in the current HCA to meet the deficiencies that are in there that's a faster way to get it done Ken Y and so template template not withstanding Brian it's faster if we use a document we have that we can make adjustments to to your point about one element that's there that's a comment that can come back and you know right then that can be added um it's just it's simpler not to recreate the wheel let's put it that way I think that's why she sent you that example so you'll reach out do some work and when we'll get back meeting wrot myself two notes I I mean we can obviously Brian and I we've been we've been working with the CCC on multiple projects for other people and on ours too for years now right um we'll be able to continue um as we are good um because we just keep sending them the correspondence with the town and say listen we're corresponding with the town but we can't get an agreement so they let us keep going but we all know that us sitting here we got to Hash this out and just f it out I don't think I don't think Tim I I understand what you're saying but I don't think it's going to fly I don't think we can just keep the old HCA which is different from the new laws that they made I don't I don't we you can try and it's fine you you can write a letter and go about that path y but I just don't think in the long run that will make substantially the issue was wrong with it what what was the deficiencies I don't have them in front of me I just wondered what the issue was like what did they CH I mean other than langu the exact specified deficiencies are not listed in here um got it so yeah this is um and it's addressed to the town of Deerfield and chief executive officer of sunny days it just says there are deficiencies it doesn't actually specify what they are right we all sort of ort of know that it has to revolve around Community impact fees and claimed Community impact fees so it's cifs and ccfs that's basically what every company in this state that's renegotiating or trying to get their a that's what they're dealing with yeah all right we'll hammer it out okay cool figure it out glad to see Foundation was in yeah we're getting there we got one foundation in looks great it looks real great you done a great job there contractor will be back in like 3 weeks to pour the other one so it's just everyone's very busy right now well you've done a great job of managing that site and keeping it just like you said it was I'm going to keep the trees I can I'm going to you know it it's really looking good and I I can't take enough and thank you working well with the concert playing nice with the Conservation Commission I mean Pete's a great guy Pete law is a a really knowledgeable man about these issues so U we're lucky to have them sering Deerfield um and I will uh you know we we're uh just you know hiring a new assistant Town Administrator and Casey's been swamped with uh picking up two jobs but um we will definitely work to get this clarified as quickly as possible great and um you know try to make Headway next week and let's make it a point to communicate weekly and let people know you know here's where we are um and if you don't hear from us by Thursday then send us an email on Friday say what's going on sounds good yeah please in touch thank you everyone we'll keep working towards a you know conclusion on this it's going look if we'll get there one question for you is anybody from the original CCC still working I don't think so I don't think so either that whole board's been replaced yeah along with a lot of the investigators yeah there was a palace coup yeah there's been a quite a change in employees over the um you know multiple years that they've been operating now yep yep good to see you Ken thanks guys thank you thanks Brian thank you thank you Brian um can we let Valerie go too so she can oh yeah sure yeah cuz Trevor has to stay anyway right no do you have anything for valer she want us Valerie wanted to talk about yes Valerie are you you there yes I'm here good to see you good to see you guys too I wanted to talk about the CPR uh training for the high school students in at Frontier and I know is it the principal that is or no the superintendent is still on vacation yes I think he back on the 9th okay so I'm hoping that one of you guys can reach out to him when he comes back I don't know him personally and propos this idea I believe in the past maybe they did do it uh a lot of schools did Massachusetts is one of the states that does not require it some states do require it mhm in their high school so we want to we want to be you know ahead okay so yeah um just so the people in the audience understand um Valerie uh is proposing that um the South County EMS um work with the school to create a CPR class um there are some questions around whether it would be a certification class and which would cost money or a general information training um and um Blake and I were at the South County EMS last week when before when Valerie had presented this idea and we raised it with uh Chief Joshua Sparks he's all in favor of doing it um so I sent that night I sent an email to Darius mow and uh um Valerie and and Joshua and Casey saying hey we want to explore this that's when we found out that Darius is on vacation cuz we got an email back but um we definitely want to move forward with this so so thank you for coming up with the idea valer it's it's a okay fabulous Public Service okay I had one more thing not on that subject is that Richard and I spoke with Casey the other day and we would like to stay on um in our roles in definitely or just stay on um I'll stay on inde definitely Richard will stay on at least till the end of the year okay well we'll consult with Casey about whether we have to do an official reappointment but uh we really appreciate your consideration I know it's hard thank you it's hard to find people with your skills and and professional background um and also a lot of the more more difficult situations have resolved themselves oh good well that's always good to know great all right well thank you again for uh considering Deerfield and holding us in uh you know good regard thank you thanks good night great talking to you have a good night you too well that's good news yeah she I was so happy to talk to her the other day yeah yeah um all right so Trevor over to you South Deerfield wastewater treatment facility aeration upgrades yeah let me uh let me in this book let me find it bear with me a sec no I'll get it I'll get it it's just so much going on right now um so I'm going to talk a little bit about a grant we received and work we did at the South uh the South Deerfield wastewater treatment plant and this is part of the um the grant we we had to have it on an agenda and talk to the public about you know what we did so and we do have it up on our website as well and I think we got another email back uh from D today I don't know if we all responded yet but there was a couple of things he wanted added like is the logo of D save something needed to get up on the website that kind of thing so just to just to update everybody the town of Deerfield completed ation system improvements to the South Deerfield wastewater treatment facility these improvements will make the uh treatment process more efficient a 30% savings in the amount of electricity used for the irration system um process is anticipated so in January 2023 it was announced that the baker PLO Administration through the mass d clean energy results program uh with support from the Department of energy resources in Massachusetts clean energy center awarded 8.1 million in State uh Gap three grants uh to Water and Wastewater facilities for energy efficiencies and Renewable Power uh generation in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts the town of Deerfield was awarded $179,700 in a state Gap uh three Grant which was combined combined with the funding from the town of Deerfield to complete the project as part of the recently completed Phase One South Deerfield wastewater treatment facility uh upgrades project uh the state gaps uh funding three grant program allowed the town to implement Energy Efficiency upgrades to its irration system which is the largest energy consumption Source at the South Deerfield wastewater treatment facility the irration upgrades included the replacement of the facil uh existing aging um influent floating mechan mechanical surface airators those were the big kind of look like a fan that stirred everything up on top make a nice froth for you um uh with new uh we replac those two old ones with new um lower horsepower energy efficient floating mechanical surface airators um the two uh two new floating mixers were also installed to allow the energy efficient operation um through US of of periods of um turning the airator off um so uh kind of just a backtrack what happens is before they would just kind of run constantly for a long time now we we have multiple of them and they run um at different Cycles so they're off for a while then they come back on off for a while come back on and they're a lot you know a lot less horsepower so with the replacement of the 75 horsepower um airators with energy efficient 40 horsepower airators and the 20 horsepower mixers the town is projected to save uh $ 23,7200 uh annually through reduction of approximately [Music] $138,800 % per year uh the total project cost was [Music] $595,000 um the town of deerfield's cost was 46,656 71 um projected annual cost savings is $23,750 and we I already talked about how much energy saving that would be um so this was going to be part of our project anyways of of you know making the plant more efficient through the headworks program to pull out all the rags I don't know if anyone remembers but at once a month or even more than that we had to bring in a crane uh crane off the air Raiders take off bags and bags and bags of Rags um and all the things that got messed up and wrapped up around the the burning out the motors on the Air Raider um now now that we have a headworks program we have not dragged once um so all of that um you know instead of that that motor trying to churn through all that wrapped up rags and trying to stir up the water um we have much more efficient multiple units that we can run off and on they don't get wrapped up in the rags you there's hardly any foam on the top it just it's a really nice system so we were doing this work anyways um so in conjunction with you know DPC noticed that they had these grants come out so we applied for them um the work is done the last thing we had to do was upload this information um on our website have a have a meeting at our select board meeting to talk about it and then um fill out the final information and then we'll get that money back uh to help pay off the the work of the plant so if anybody has any questions I'm always happy to answer that stuff and we are working with um USDA and and a couple others to put together um a fall kind of open house so everybody can walk around and see what we do down there and um uh USDA is excited to help with that with that project so I'm Wai to hear a call back from lynon I think I've got his card here to to work on that to get that going but any question just reach out if anyone has questions now happen so just to reconfirm my understanding of it is and since I'm involved in it if if I'm slightly confused others might be um we were going to spend $595,000 [Music] add a logo we have to request actually do an invoice for reimbursement yep and once that's done the money will get into our coffers excellent so y you just um earned $179,000 for the town that's right less than 20 minutes rightt workey 5 minutes when we get that that's right all right well fast that works when everybody else worked really hard for year for year no yeah no I'm just yeah yep all right um sounds good all right um so now let's talk about uh horse renewal now had you read those letters or you want to delay this one meeting I'm happy to do that if if that's let's uh let's delay it okay so um you can take that for Light reading when you when you're heading to the cape um all right so you want to do it Al first yeah well we're we're going to hold off on the Kell her drive till the next meeting Casey is that do you want to hold off on them yeah just to give Blake has had a lot on his mind and so a lot going on for sure all right okay so let's do je It app yep all right where are we on that oh good grief hold on I'm trying to write myself a note okay do it that so you have in front of you some information mhm about it's essentially the backbone of a request for proposal there's two key things I need the board to think about one is value of the property because that has to be identified and whether you want to structure the RFP to be an RFP that's price only or an RFP that's price that's where a consideration is made on the basis of Price Plus evaluative criteria so to get the most advantage just offer based on those two elements MH um the one of the things I wanted everybody to see was the outline this is not a short process it never is when you dispose of land yeah um second page after the notice is the advertising and critical dates and they basically are based off of two things when you can advertise in the central registry Reg and what your deadline is after that date so it has to be 30 days after and not less than 30 days after your um notice in the central register and that's statute statute so essentially this is actually pushed an extra week so everybody needs to understand in order to get something on the central register you have to publish the week before you basically submit it the week before and it runs the next week I answer my own question here reading this so so the town already approved disposal this is just for everybody understand this is disposal is approved y so the some of the issues around that site were brought to my attention by the adjacent property owned owner which is orful they've been interested in acquiring that Barn like they acquired the Alice property right to rehabilitate it um initially I think and you can correct me if I'm wrong had that conversation I think about taking the barn down um and potentially building the town something that we can use the issue is is we can't sell land and and necessarily do that because we have all these requirements we have to follow so we do need the storage space we do need the storage space so my thought was if we did evaluative criteria plus price mhm then perhaps the price you ask for is lower but maybe that is something that a proposer would consider if the evaluative criteria offered some element of storage replacement storage replacement mhm I mean that was I think the intent all along is that we really needed space I mean yes it's a dilapitated barn um but and it was a lot closer to our town building when we had when you know the building was on that side of the property but now uh you know we do keep a lot of larger stuff that we can't fit in our other building um some of that stuff would end up outside yeah if we just sell the building what you're saying is that they would build us something somewhere else that was the intent that was the first discuss discuss there there was space behind the garage that they that Kevin had identified yeah between between uh the pilot and the garage right I think that's where can't remember over there yeah but fundamentally so the two things I need you guys to think about is what do you want to set the price at and if you want to hold off on that question I do just for a minute to deal with the evaluative criteria y if we did end up having a meeting next week this could be the second item on that meeting because the evaluative criteria are the things that are you know when you do a sale there's various ways you can make something you can look for advantageous um elements of a sale or even a lease they there's an outline in the 30b manual about it but the upshot is is you try to get the best Advantage by crafting those evaluative criteria to meet the town's needs and so there could be an element of that I just don't know what it looks like um I do know that there was a conversation had that I wasn't privy to um about how to structure that now since there are concerns about how the building exists now there's Critters in the building our stuff is in the building and if we tore it all down in a magical world where it didn't cost the town any money and it was torn down it could all be pretty if somebody waved a magic wand um I think that's really what orao would like to see is the building gone and a pretty space that benefits the area created but once they realize that the process is fairly strict I don't know that they were interested in paying a lot of money because they know it's going to cost them a lot of money to beautify that space so and we would sell the building as is if you read through this it it there's some elements to that what's in here and I basically crib this from a friend of mine who did one of these for us many years ago okay um all the required documents are in there it outlines in the instructions that they have to provide a bid deposit um and then you know the places that you see highlights are places for me to look at but also um like I say in the rule for award we can't put this out without a rule for award you know sale of property um offering highest price or sale of property to the most advant advantageous proposer yeah taking into consideration all evaluative criteria and price so yeah okay I'm going to read this a bit more so you want to read it y I gave it a same here what I'd like to be able to do is fill in a lot of the other blanks so that if you guys want to think about it and if we do end up having a meet if there is a meeting the board has a meeting next week that should probably be an item for discussion even if it's a quick one I don't think you guys want to have more than an hour meeting if you're going to do an off we meeting absolutely not um well is there is there a suggested evaluative criteria in here so that was the one I actually wanted to have the conversation with um our Council on this um I had gotten the purchase and sale agreement for this particular sale because that also has to be included and I wanted to and I wasn't able to do that yesterday or today M um to see if they if there were suggestions about evaluative criteria I mean I can pull them together it's just really the framework of what would be helpful for the town if we needed additional storage to house the the equipment that's already in that building MH um this is a totally just an idea that popped into my head I is that we might want to explore with orl I I didn't actually have discussion with them about when I inherited the the discussions over there um there were there had been previous discussion about building a shed and so on so um you know to the extent that I was involved in this you know I was contacted as was Casey by the council for the company and they expressed an interest in buying this and several things were laid out but I wonder if they would um consider some sort of like 99-year lease and um in exchange for building a storage unit at a place designated nearby uh if that's an optional way rather than actually outright selling the land um maybe that's a way that we can work through this so that they can get what they want sooner uh I don't know if it's legal I don't know if it's a good idea we still the value of the property is higher is above a certain threshold it would still require an RFP yeah yeah um you know that's have to do that right but but we might not have to go through legal process of selling the land we just have a lease agreement for an extended period of time and if orl is still operating there 100 years from now you know and they or they sell the property and the the lease agreement lapses or you know I'm just throwing out there an alternate means of having them accomplish their goal um that would allow them to save short-term money um um but um I will read through this document as as we all will um and you know then we can certainly if if we have that meeting next week which we may I'm thinking I'm thinking yeah so um okay I'm thinking so good um we'll take this up at the next available opportunity whether that's next week or the following we yeah I mean it just pushes sort of the the time what you have to do is reframe your your critical dat yep okay all right well I appreciate it what else we got so I don't know if you noticed but there's little box boxes like you would use for check boxes love that we changed that after a convers an internal conversation when we were developing the agenda to indicate to people that there are things we'd like to talk about on these particular subjects and I don't have a great deal to say about yeah a great deal to say about Still Water except that I did reach out um to Lisa to get the name of the P the group that she was thinking about mhm for surveying yes I haven't heard back from her but okay Chris Chris and Tim had a suggestion that I'm trying to follow up on so because keep in mind I there there was this assumption that we would be able to get an article on to town meeting in the fall about yes the to fund the cost to take do whatever emminent domain takings we have to do we got to get that done they um Lisa was concerned about the criteria to do the surveys like what the what exactly do is looking for since we have to do everything to their standards so we got to figure and that's that's what I mean so that's a that's a okay bring it to the top of the list for but I did want to let you know that that is one of those critical items yes so um just a question on that uh assuming that there are econom you know there's probably some economies to be achieved by Lisa working with with somebody who knows the rigs and who she's aware of and who's worked with before I um are we able to say look let's work to I mean appraisals don't involve it's not like engineering if if you hire an engineer and a Project's going to cost more than 300,000 you have to do all these other things right so I'm I'm perfectly happy to work with somebody who knows what the state regulations are um so as soon as we can do this I mean at the next meeting we should yeah plan to have this available to say yes CU I know how appraisers are out several months yep and uh I would like to you know also REM I suggested the appraiser that we're trying to do this for an October 7 special town meeting which may be impossible at this point okay okay um I'm just writing myself a note so Blake just um if there's a box it means we want to talk about it if there's a dot it means we we're having that in case something drives up so like you know permits and review for and approval there's nothing tonight but right if something did come up we could talk about it um whereas the boxes mean we're going to talk about it yep cuz I was getting confused there was too much on here too many placeholders all right speaking of place I didn't check the Keller box I know I delayed y one meeting so is there more on still water or you not on Still Water okay go ahead so special town meeting I've had several requests for articles to be included um open space is requested at least two articles one for one to put land in article 97 which is conservation which is restriction restri and they had talked to you about this before um Christopher me Cassie we've been working with Lisa to try to coordinate that because there's a lot of stuff to dig into one thing that is a problem is there's actually a set of town meeting minutes that are missing that are in the time period we were looking for so we're trying to find an alternative path to get information absence that um we'll have to take another tack are are those the ancient things that are missing or not the ancient it's it's from 1951 I think yeah that's ancient to me yeah there's a there's a block it's like one book and it's been missing for a long time but we can't figure out how to get it back cuz we don't know who had it um so anyone check with Bruce St Peters no but I'm going to check I'm going to check with someone else um so I've received that we are going to have probably a CPC article I'm planning for that um a request to put a disposition of property um for 83 to 85 North Main Street which is the former St James Church has been sent um I had a question about someone mentioned to me a request for funding for the removal of materials um in Old Deerfield as a result to the 2023 storm damage but we have no idea what that's going to look like because a lot it's going to be a lot of money so I don't I'm happy to write put a so placeholder let me back up and just tell Blake what a placeholder means basically people ask for articles to be put on the warrant so what I do is I put a brief synopsis I don't give it language unless I can find it um I just put placeholders this article you can expect this article you can expect so when people when I send a notification out that a meeting has been set and the warrant is opened that's when I start hearing back from people so I've heard back from like six different people and one of those was about this funding to do removal of this material that was related to the storms um but we I guess have to have D tell us what needs to be removed right they did they came through and uh they all walked the property with Chief and and Chief's got a list of all the material that needs to be removed okay I don't we don't know how much agre with it but it's it's a lot okay I do know that the chief had a couple farmers and Deerfield remove some of it because they used it and I'm wondering if there's some way we can reach out to more of the farmers to see it there because that stuff is you know it's it's probably it's probably uh um best so nutrient enrich soil and a lot of them want it so absolutely yeah so yeah that that's the the question of finding a funding source or building it into the next year's budget I think is what so that oh okay yeah I mean I actually would like to look to find a way to pay for it from existing so we don't carry it over but what happened was emergency steps were taken to to create water flow and in digging out the debris was set next to where these were were dug and that land was in Wetland and the D um is requiring the the soil to be moved and placed elsewhere so this was an unanticipated cost of doing the work to mitigate the storm damage um and we we've been working to try and get it done for free DA has taken a little bit of it and Farmers as Blake said I I think and I think one of the problems was is that a lot of them couldn't get out there because the land was too wet I'm thinking that after the fall meeting there might be as the ground firms up they can get out there before it completely freezes and get out there and get get it out of there so again something will be maybe that's something we can bring to the agricultural committee to get back into session um and also the the um D was um willing to work with us about which things needed to be moved and which things didn't need to be moved but there is still a significant amount of soil and yeah uh High anticipated cost if we have to pay for all of this removal work um but boy has it worked well with all these all this rain man it has flowed that water out we have not had that Rose watch out it's been good M yeah yep it worked sorry to interrupt Casey no no no it's fine um so those are some of the things we can expect um I do think you'll probably see oh I would like to add one thing sure so um talking with the schools we've done um there was a warrant article last year to put um continue to do the um Mini Splits and the dees building and then each year they get a rebate back from ever Source or whatever program so they'll be getting a rebate back this year and it should be enough to cover the additional four units that need to get put in then that building is done um so they're going to check with um Brenda and once shelle and darus come back from vacation before school starts they're going to work with uh Brenda hopefully and just get an answer I think because the uh money was funded in one year and happened in another fiscal year the money actually has to go back to the town and then so an article that I would recommend would be um to use free cash in Fall to um to pay for those four additional units and then the rebate money comes back to pay for it so I think it's just kind of moving money depending on years but that would be one but that would be a wash yeah exactly that would be exact using the rebate money to that we've already you know done and then put that towards towards unit so um I talked to Bill hildr about that uh this week but he was going to be back in touch with Darius and Shel when they got back so that might be an article we might have not quite sure I'll put it on the list yeah just as a temporary okay is there anything else the three of you have the the main thing is what we're going to do with that uh funding for the um for the uh outflow you know pipe so we're going to hear in the next I don't I don't know if we'll hear by October 7th uh whether we have gotten uh a loan from srf and what that all entails so maybe just a placeholder at the moment but it may be too late you know by the time that information comes to do anything with it so you mean that we we we might hear back from srf that we're eligible for a loan exactly okay and which loan we're eligible for yeah how much and and how much you know what the parameters of all that and then we' have to into town meeting for approval MH I think even though it probably get funded by um you know sewer user fee but it's still I think we still have to bring it to town meeting I'm not 100% sure but I would I would want to notify everybody anyways right okay we'll have PRI on there just in case when when the river was low I did walk down the other day to just kind of see what was going on it's very much the same uh I couldn't see the head wall in the river even though it's pretty low I know it's high now again but I just didn't see anything sorry to interrupt Qui yeah you're not going to see it for a little while either because we're going to get some serious rain the next couple days serious rain serious rain I know right I'm not going to go away no I think we're going to I've been asked to put a prior year Bill warrant article on there just in case we missed something because I looked at each other the other day and we we went we're pretty sure we missed something yes I think there are a couple so we we do the best we can just so everybody knows to catch all the bills and we send reminders out but often we miss something so from now on I think she wants to see an article like that um so I have a placeholder for that I am just finished I'm just starting to develop the warrant so I haven't gotten really the I haven't removed everything that we you that we had from La I don't recreate the wheel I use an old one and make at work I copy and paste until the cows come home and so that it fits um but I do know that we could hear from other committees uh in the next couple weeks so Kathy Sylvester from CPC will probably have a CPC article um I'll hear from her um I may hear a little bit more from open space and I'm waiting to see if there's anything that comes in um from energy because I don't know where all of their the things they want to do are so those are some of the things I'm just keeping in I keep a list it's a running list once I start putting articles in you'll probably start seeing a draft warrant to look at but I wouldn't expect that until at least the next meeting okay so um when you're done I do have one item I want to talk about sure so are you done or do you have okay so I basically I just wanted to thank um Senator cumerford and and representative bla for their hard work on um getting a state disaster relief and resiliency fund into the budget um it's been approved by Governor Healey so um there are going to be uh conversations that uh we're going to encourage um chief poror and others I'd like us to come up with some ideas about what we'd like to um see brought into the conversation as this thing is formalized and funding sources um set up uh H having been you know a poster child for why we need this um I think you know our comments could be valuable to the state when they're thinking about this but I did want to I know Natalie and Joe really pushed on this and uh um they also p really hard for us to get uh money for the for the relief that we did get last year and we keep talking to them and asking if we can you know we can get some money uh for the 800,000 hole but um fortunately we did have other resources that we could tap I would like to replace them yes and we also have this $2 million issue that uh we might need to help out on for this sewer pipe right um so we're always asking and we're thankful when we receive they've been very helpful to us for sure y rock stars yes um that's it for me next I'm all set are we doing this letter thing or not um which letter is that the horse thing no we're going to hold on okay yeah Blake needs to some to about perire gas is that just I think that's male it's male so you had two it so we don't need to do anything no okay it's just notification yeah why don't you just I did add the dpu so Tim sent me an email it was a late addition MH um to your packet it was an email about um a dpu filing for ever sources Community solar program right Tim right so basic Al I wanted you to be able to see it um Tim's asked members of energy resources to take a look at it um this Falls within the smart program which is often what our Municipal aggregation groups use and it's also available some of the smart program work is what we use or what I guess both residents and governmental entities can use to lower find ways to lower their energy costs so he just he wanted to make sure that he got some more input on it so I thought you guys should read it we can follow up um and see what happens are we still we're still waiting here from um green this green blat right on the yeah so she and I have a she we have a meeting with Lisa um it's been hard to get everybody in the same room we have a meeting next Tuesday I think at 2 okay we set that up yeah because there's some questions about what they've turned around and sent back to us okay um great so that I've been working on that there's a couple of other things let me just go down this MVP reports there's some questions from Andrew Smith that I have to answer but I won't have a chance to do it until tomorrow or Friday yeah um Personnel policies I had a couple conversations there's some things I'd like the board to consider at their next meeting um and I haven't framed them I at least like you guys to look at them um the old derfield sewer lining project and installation of that portion of line Y that is proceeding I think they're starting the installation of the portion of line on the 8th right which is tomorrow yeah this week they hopefully getting that done Ling's done and so they moved really fast they did luckily the water was on the the other side of the road the water line so we figured that out and then yeah they're get they're rocking and rolling through that and then we should see funding from um different Academy who who funded that coming to us to pay the bills so um I sent a message to Jeff G he was looking for a total on that which was came in a whole lot less than we thought so I think they're grateful cuz they have a bunch of other stuff that popped up that they needed some funding for to um you know that they had had approved so it'll help them out and we're very grateful for their help funding what they did for us so no that's good um I think a lot of people saw an email I sent out we had another uh Zoom bombing incident last week yes so so heartbreaking Pat did a great job of of she did trying to contain everything horrifying for her to to be there and to see that disgusting stuff I don't know and it's hard when you're when you're listening and doing in a meeting like I am right now TR to shut it down yeah so what one thing we did do they she and Amy did a lot of work and I give them a lot of credit um because it did it means as soon as something like this happens we have to figure out how to respond so what they did was a lot of research to help us figure out how to suspend meetings kick these people out report them to zoom and bring things back online so that business can continue to be done by committees and I wanted to give a shout out to the both of them um so that we could could better handle this because there were some pretty anxious people after that meeting and that was the reason I sent the email out was to let people know that we've identified ways that we can control it to the extent that we can control it um and there were other people that I got information from so I changed a few of the settings so that we hopefully are in better shape um there's been a lot of questions from residents and um committees one question we had a question for from a resident it was actually not for me I just facilitated um there was a question from a gentleman on North Hillside Road about uh water that was running across the road into his property from another property owner and Chris Miller went up and spoke to both the property owners and nice letter it yes we received a nice letter from Mr Stacy who initially came in and identified it um Chris met with Mr Stacy and he met with Mr Austin and they found path to contain you know some of the issues around that water so I think Mr Austin's actually started the work so I wanted to give shout out to Chris Miller for handling that yeah he did a great job um and so these are the types of things and without a assistant Town Administrator there's things we're trying to keep up with and it's not happening as quickly as we would like but we're doing what we can yeah um there's some legal counil connections that are happening because of conservation stuff litigation this is that landfill solar and some of these contracts it keeps Christopher and I pretty busy um so those are some of the things that are identified I did not have a huge amount of time today to go back through and write my report in a better format because I was trying to deal with a lot of the paper that you see on your table um so I apologize for that did you guys have any questions for me um there was one thing in the um in the signature file that I wanted to follow upon this Zach's barbecue stuff should we should we sign anything or should we okay so um Zach's barbq they did receive approval from the abcc oh great we found out the I think it was Tuesday no Monday we found out so what Pat did was she processed the license so it was ready for you guys to sign the tips training that Mr langy is going to have is next week so he's after the tips training he's going to bring the fee in and he'll pick up the Li so that we'll know that that's done that was a requirement that was discussed before in that first hearing y um so we want to make sure that and and Peter does too wants to make sure that you're aware that he's done that and then he can pay and pick up the license we thought it would since we had a little bit of time we'd have you sign it instead of doing so um we don't have we don't have to do anything on the tips page we' have to sign in two places on the yes two places we keep one original for ourselves and we give the other to the property to the lensey okay well does it get cut yeah yeah we cut it in half finally I understand why it's presented this way nothing else I'll make a motion to adjourn second uh any further discussion all those in favor Tim Hil I mdel I Kilmore I couldn't wait for my turn all right thanks thank you hey Rocky thanks for coming yeah