welcome to the March 20th 2024 select board Board of Health to a commissioner me here in the Deerfield Town Hall at 6 pm on 8 Conway Street South Deerfield Mass this meeting we will be held in a hybrid fashion with the opportunity for both person both in person use the other one try the other one I don't think that there we go all right here okay can hear me now okay I I can hear it works okay this meeting will be held in a hybrid fashion with the opportunity for both in-person attendance and remote participation please note that while an option for remote attendance is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in any specific it item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly the meeting will be held in person in the main meeting room of the Deerfield municipal offices in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 30A anyone intending to record this meeting must identify themselves to the clerk and provide their name and address for the record thank you very much um so we'll call this to order at 6:01 p.m. uh public comment Ally are you for public comment um I in case you get one agenda item um are you here for the um special events the special events I can tell you I'm so sorry I'm gonna tell you right now that Our intention is to just um take them under advisement because um with the budgets and everything else we have had zero time to even review them so um okay if you yes that would be good you wan yes and you know what and you know what you have to identify yourself for the record hi uh my name is Alison masley I am the compliance manager for Tree House Brewing Company um here to just give a very brief update as to where we stand for our plan an event plan for large scale events um we are not quite there yet but we um have made some really great strides um and have coordinated with the head of security for the Big E to sort of get their perspective on larger events and how they run their emergency action plan um we are in the process of getting some construction done so that our interior occupancy can have all of the um attendees if we were to have a 5,000 person event um hopefully less but we are uh currently at 4,220 without any construction there's a couple of doors that I need to figure out in the meantime um and then we are also still working on you know meeting all of the other needs that the um police Board of Health building um that they all have but we've had at least three full meetings and then also several sort of departmental meetings to address each Department's needs um and I think you know I'm hoping to have a more finalized version for the team by the end of March so that way we can have another meeting to discuss any other further revisions that may need to happen perfect well um I can tell you that we'll push off the um you know the discussion probably for till next meeting Casey can you put that on the agenda for next we can yeah yeah um our next meeting is um April April 3 that works yeah oh oh we have a dog hearing that night right yeah so it'll probably be in this place is it a placeholder out yeah and I mean that's why I saw that it was on there I was driving this way anyway so I figured I would at least pop in I think it's a really great so far um you know I think it's going be really helpful for all of us so however I can help um we we hopefully if we um it's it's just been so extremely busy with the budgets but I believe that yeah is the season but um by April 3 we'll have settled out a little bit I think so um I can check in with you guys before then and just see what's going on yeah you can check with Casey but chances are that we could probably do it by the third or um the 17th at the latest okay okay yeah that works just a quick question have you made any progress on a second egress so that is our biggest struggle right now um there is a lot of conservation land that surrounds our property so we are in the process of getting different proposals from civil engineers as to what the best process for that would be um because the the initial identified egress is like probably honestly the hardest one huh so I know um don't know how that was approved back when it was but uh you know we're working through some a few Alternatives and we're going to see what what the best course of action is um that erress in and of itself can be used for emergency purposes with temporary dot permits so at the worst case scenario we have that access but yeah you know hopefully we can figure out some sort of egress right yeah that's the key yeah okay thank you thank you thank you guys you're saving me some daylight I appreciate it all right yeah yeah good to see you too bye bye be safe driving all right um okay uh we have with us Valerie who we want to our health agent and who wonderfully works for us and we want to make sure she gets out of here and driving home safely so Valerie um the first thing you have I think is on my agenda or your agenda is the speaking to the mic a little more sorry you got it I'm the M mic police okay so the first thing on the agenda is the condemnation the board Health needs to ratify the condemnation that I did on 97 Still Water okay okay that was called let me see U Richard was called to that a few days before I condemned it m and he um agreed uh it's conditions that are not habitable so in order to proceed further I condemned it immediately because nobody can live there there's nobody there now the doors were boarded up okay so after that I I posted the the building and that's where we're at and now the the board I think you have pictures as well um there are pictures for the rec record uh it's guess I have not have exterior photos right we don't have an interior photo I don't have interior photos because you weren't in it I wasn't in it and and it was um boarded up fine I am familiar with the property so um if anybody has any questions you can let me know as well I am also familiar with a property from a couple years ago yeah so the next step with this property is I would like to either contact the um Attorney General's office or there's another private receiver uh firm that will put this property in receivership to bring it up to compliance at no cost to the town and that's what really what we want I gave you information on the receivership program as well my first step would be to contact the AG's office although I have a feeling that they may may be quite swamped i' I have done receiverships in the past um in some of the surrounding towns Goan uh Williamsburg there was two in Williamsburg there was one in Whitley and they all have been quite successful so what happens is when you have an owner or an abandoned property as this is now an abandoned property um I would turn it over to the Attorney General's office and she would do she or he whoever the Attorney General is at the time time would do a title search to see if there's any errors see if there's any lean holders and then we would go to court and the the judge has a list of approved vetted uh receivers and they will give it to three or four and let them look at it and to choose one the Attorney General's office would do that see who the best fit is and then they would go and they would start to clean it up but that it all takes time it takes a while it doesn't happen overnight and we would go back to court and do monthly progress reports I wouldn't necessarily have to go I might go to a couple just to um let the judge know that I've been I've been to the site and yes I agree um so this receivership is just to clean up the it's to clean up so at the end of the at the end when everything is compliant and the and the building inspector signs off on it the work's been done I sign off it that it's now compliant then it goes to auction and the minimum price is what the receiver has in time and materials and the taxes the taxes are paid and so that's the minimum price if there's nobody that bids on it then it becomes the receivers and then if somebody bids on it and it goes over the that amount then the money goes back to the estate um you know what I'm concerned about is that but this is truly a 21 e is a cleanup site and how what how do are we going to guarantee that the receiver is going to really clean it up in the way it should be cleaned up he he has to it it's she's followed through by the building department excuse me y yeah yeah okay um so when you say it's a a brown field it's got you know oil and whatever well I we think it might we think it may have and that would be up to a receiver to determine not us we don't have to determine that and if if we don't have a receiver and they walk away well then we'll research other avenues yeah I was going to say I have personal knowledge that there is stuff buried there and I you know just want to make sure that it gets cleaned up right because it does AB but you know the water district property yeah I understand that but I think that this would be a good first step and at least allow somebody to go in and explore that yeah okay I just want to make sure the town is not liable at any time because um I I feel like this is open-ended liability truly so we we have to be I'm I'm so thankful that you are going to shepher this because it it really um I think we could end up having a night it would be a nightmare ready to yes make a decision yes go ahead um I move that we allow um Valerie bird to uh take this property to the Attorney General's office and seek a receivership agreement I have to say um 97 Still Water Road South de witheld Mass it's state of John Williams Romanowski second for discussion I um do we need to uh affirm the condemnation first before we do this motion okay just I didn't know if we had to do one before the other yes so and and you all have a copy of I just need one signed copy I don't know if did Chris give you an extra copy sign well you can have you can have this one so the first the first step is to condemn so I'll withraw my motion okay want I make a motion Trevor sure I'll make a motion to accept the condemnation of uh 9 91 and 97 or is it just 97 it's 91 and 97 91 and 97 Stillwater Road South Deerfield Mass for our Board of Health agent second um all those in favor McDaniel I Carn I okay and then you have sign there okay great and then um and then you're next Tim make that um motion so make a motion to um have the town's Health agents is this it yeah that was the uh yeah that was the signature for you on the condemnation right yes that's a condemnation one make a motion to have the town's Health agent to report this property to the Attorney General's office and uh Institute a receivership process second um all those in favor Tim hch I Trevor McDaniel I carine n i um okay so Valerie on that Valerie yes thank you so much on that um and like I said I think what I'm so nervous about it's you know truly that it gets cleaned up so if you can kind of keep an eye on it and whoever that gets picked for the receivership I will let you know yeah and just I don't whatever you need to do I will support because it it truly seems like an open liability to me it's been a long time coming yeah yes absolutely more than 20 years that's for sure okay um the other the only other I don't know why I had so many copies of this um the only other thing um that I wanted to talk to you about was just um I increase the um we haven't discussed it yet with Finance but for um next year's revenues um I felt like the schools are pretty stable in in the amount of food trucks that they use they use them for the events they use them for the ice ranks you know that kind of stuff and I I didn't add Burk Shire Brew any for Burkshire Brew but I did take the number of Treehouse and I upped it just by 20% okay do you feel like that is reasonable or do you think um we should have a different number no I I think that's reasonable because they've expanded their piz Pizza Kitchen okay so now that they're they're putting out more pizza and speaking with Ally at the meeting she felt that they would be using food trucks primarily when they had big events so we may it may be a nice little balance okay so you so you feel comfortable I do because I want to make sure it's conservative I would rather underestimate our our Revenue than um I understand over estimate okay so so the other thing I wanted to ask was about the budget going forward now um well what I think we're going to do um is at the end of the year if we've used up all the extra we usually have extra um amount of money that we roll over to um free cash from all our little expense lines and stuff generally doesn't add up to a huge amount but if um Brenda's keeping an eye on it and if we use up that little buffer moving forward because all those expense items um are being paid for under the pH Grant okay so if um you know like your training and Y you know the the fees and stuff and we had budgeted them for last year I I cut them out of the budget because we're trying to we have a gap and so I was trying to be as conservative as possible and and give back as much money um towards other things I cut them out of next year's budget so not in next year's budget okay but in this year we had already funded um that stuff that that's being picked up by the pH Grant so there should be hours in there and if we're short what we'll have to go to the finance committee and just you know explain that we have more hours that you're working that's um actually what I wanted to bring up because the amount available we have as of the end of February was 15,25 when I figured out what I was using because I use 20 hours a week and Richard has been using seven which is really not that much but I'm anticipating that he's going to be doing more title 5es because the weather's getting better and hopefully we're not going to have as much rain so I'm anticipating that we're going to be short about 4500 by the end of the year we might be able in our budget lines uh talking with Brenda we might be able to cover it okay so but if we don't that 40 you know of that 4500 that we can't cover I would go to the finance committee and say and Reserve fund transfer do a reserve fund transfer request okay yeah because um you know obviously you're working we need you to work the hours that and you're also generating income when you're working mostly but um not all the time not not every time as we can see but um you know the the hours uh reflect what you are actually doing inspections and stuff like that that do generate fees and and Dick generates fees so um I'm I'm not it it's we we might be it's close but it's not anything serious to be worried about okay okay that's all I have all right thank you thank for all you do really appreciate it Valerie Val you're doing a fantastic job just be very careful driving home could be slippery up there in the hilltowns oh I know it doesn't always last week fooled everyone um thank you Val thank you Val uh select board um reports or announcements uh I can so I I met today with um Christopher Dunn and um dve pricket um at the plant Christopher was looking at um he he was trying to get his head around sewer and what we're working on and was uh curious about um pursuing uh feasibility grants uh to be able to look at more users into the plant so uh was just initial discussion because we've had um you know some entities TR you know wanting from say weightly wanting to come into the plant uh so we're looking at you know what that would cost um obviously we wouldn't lay out any money this would be Grant to kind of study what would it take to do that I think weit's looking at some Rehabilitation and rebuilding off of uh the their exit off 91 and just looking at some ideas on that so we just kind of had a quick discussion of that and then um then we came back and met with um B Lang and um I want to say Katie I can't think of her last name name from dot um so we met on the common today again talking about the common uh the state is looking at um safety around bus stops and so they had on their plan out out Boston they had a a bus stop kind of near ches which is no longer there uh it's over across the road so um they were looking at well you know how do we make those spots safer and can we paint crosswalks and do that kind of stuff so we met there with our plan for the common and their plan and said how do we how do we get this to work and what you know what will the state do what what do we have to do to try and nail down these crosswalks and then I talked to him about the lery lot work we're doing and um what I I saw the plans today when I came back and talked to Chief because one thought we had was to slow down that traffic coming around Park is to pull up to a 90 degree and then turn right so you can't just zip through in front of um Graves yeah Graves and the other um who's the detailer there I can't think Josh's place um you know if he's backing out cars are just flying through there and there's no delineation from sidewalk to Road our thought was to kind of and Dot wants to come up block that off and have a 9 90° stop there so that then you could turn right so people can't just zip through town at 40 mil an hour they would come take a right-hand turn so they're evaluate truck through there yes they would definitely make sure you get a tractor trailer through there explained all of that so and is that before really a tractor trailer should come off of 116 and come straight through the intersection but they you know can't make the turn because they have that Island there well they should remove the island well that's something that do needs to no because actually Denise and I have been talking about that for years yeah so there's U so there's work to be done but they're evaluating that area and how do we do that and you know make sure you can still so the are you talking about that the a turn before you get to the four-way intersection at North Main and Elm uh so you would um let's see so you would come down Sugar Street and instead of well you would still go through park right but instead of uh going straight onto North Main you would kind of pull up kind of facing the lot then turn right and and keep going so you'd have to make a stop you couldn't just zip through park on the North Main you'd come uh Park Street stop facing the lery lot and then turn right or turn left if you want but generally turn right to head north so it would slow that traffic from just shooting through they would have to make a stop there um and then that that might significantly reduce the traffic as well they they say I don't want to deal with that'll stay on the bypass yeah you know you know it kind of you know we don't want to reduce traffic from coming to the center of town but if they're just zipping through and they don't care stop Z through I know stay on the main road they're speeding you know through our school zones and and it was good because they were there when Frontier let out and they're like oh my God what is all this why is there traffic backed up way down the road so every day 2:30 3:00 this is what happens every day Town they're like wow so it's all the kids you know and then they're all zipping one way or the other to try and avert the traffic cut through this parking lot they'll cut through Conway it's good good timing on your part it was good timing on Christopher's part so um so we talked about that they said they're going to take it back and then what I wanted to do though when I came back and talked to Chief about that stop he was in favor that he said anything you can do to slow down that traffic through there um but I I looked at the new plan that Berkshire design did and their crosswalk plan does not match what he drew here so what I wanted Jeff to do if we can get a message to Jeff if Chris you're watching this later he's not here today if he watches this meeting later I want him to have have Jeff Squire match up this plan with the Lil lot plan because he has the crosswalk in a different spot and so I just that's I just want him to be together and planned out fully and that may change again when do comes back and says we'll do this or we won't do this or that kind of thing so I just need you to understand that if we slow this project down our be our ability to use our funds could be eliminated because we have to get I what I'm saying what I'm saying Casey is that you cannot Design This lilot crosswalk that doesn't line up with a town common that you've already spent money engineering they need to align that's that's commentary that we need to hear but what you need to understand is if it slows the project down it puts the project Jeopardy he already has this drawn and he has the other one drawn I'm saying line up the crosswalks okay that's all I'm saying it's not that difficult his plan for crossing across the Conway was not anywhere near the design what he already Drew on this one so I just want them to align as all yeah so know what the difficulty is there he didn't look at both so I just want him to look at both and line them up it's not a huge deal shouldn't slow up anything well um I'm not Jeff so I don't know that I just want you to be aware that slowing things down slows the project it shouldn't slow it down it can't it can't slow it down it just needs to align does hes Chris Nolan got the got the contract for the money for the L lot pardon as as has the documentation from theed that's why I'm saying any changes we make down the ability for us to send out bid documents get the bid back and get it started in this construction season Trevor well he's got the cross there but I don't know how it aligns with what's already there and I'm not arguing that we shouldn't do it all I'm saying is the the more you put on the slower it gets the key the key thing I understood was that we do not have the federal government's contract yet we don't and that's the thing that's slow things down in my mind um and I don't see why we can't get that once that's signed even if the the sidewalks don't align right now make them align later I mean just it we don't have the contract but I will say we did have a meeting um I was there for part of it the other day um to get a a it was a meeting about the CFI Grant so what I would suggest you do Trevor is just shoot Chris a quick email Chris is going to send this to him and say these need to align cuz there was all this infrastructure on this road work is on Jeff's part that's why I'm saying well he should have already had it yeah he thought it in a different project but I don't know what the design looks like right now that might have an be impacted by what you're asking and I don't necessarily think it's the wrong thing to do I just and it may have no no net impact you know right it should have no no net effect it just needs to go where it it's G to line up yeah okay um any other announcements I just um I want to say that uh next week March 28th at 1M um Nick Miller from field geology will be walking along um bloody Brook the length of bloody Brook he is a fluvio geomorphologist I was gon to cue that word yes fluvio geomorphologist everybody at home take a drink I know it means he studies the movement of the of the rivers and um we're gonna get some information part of the little grant that we have is he's going to look at the river for uh bloody Brook for us he's going to speak to and write have a written report for the MVP committee as well as a meeting um two meetings one with the select board as well to talk about what he's observed and what we can do to increase capacity and um potential for flood mitigation projects um we already know from the work that was done by the senior housing group that there is a choke point at the um Culvert here that goes over to the elementary school and we just got noticed that there is a new opportunity for MVP um cul replacement uh and before we've had caps um of very limited amount of money you know usually under a million but right now it's um two to three million so that's a kind of ex uh exciting thing that whatever that covert is going to do we that means we could probably put an open bottom covert in there and have a much more um bigger flow flow and all that kind of stuff but he will recommend that so I I just want people to be aware that when you see um a few people Chris Dunn and Christopher Nolan probably will walk with um Nick up and down the brook and um Megan zinski from the Conservation District will probably walk along too because we have potential for other little grants that will help us with um stabilization uh and training along the brook like the we still have the grant to do the training of the highway crew on invasives that's what Nick also evaluate which you know obviously invasives like not weed we get rid of but there are other things that hopefully he can identify that the highway crew can get rid of we have the grant to plant a buffer that will of native plants that will mitigate flooding as well as be a pollinator Corridor through town so that's kind of exciting um and we also have um tomorrow night is the senior housing open house it's just to look at some of the early early concepts of of senior housing we hope people will come so they can right here yep at 6:30 okay um so I hope people will come and um that's about all oh and for Board of Health announcements if if there's no other announcements um the Naran training is happening next Tuesday at 6: PM um we're giving out Naran we're giving out how to teaching you how to use it you can meet our new nurse we just hired a new nurse um an mroo I'm murdering her name uh for 15 hours a week she's going to work with Cindy masesi um and she we are splitting her with Sunderland she'll have 15 hours in Sunderland and 15 hours here uh this is under the p Grant so this is really really exciting we're we now have access to five Public Health nurses um under the grant so we have are able to do vaccine management if we want to uh set up an U emergency dispensing site all kinds of exciting things um and we're working with the Foothills pH Group which is um weightly Williamsburg Goan we're going to be um incorporating them in our new EDS group so this expands some of the um our ability to handle um vaccine and potential other issues so that's exciting um it's also tick season please watch out for ticks and just is a reminder the town does subsidize tick testing we use the data of what is if the ticks are infected or not so it's it's really great to have the ticks tested but also it's a piece of mind for you to know that you should be on antibiotics or not um or would talk with your primary doctor if there is a disease load detected um is there anything else anyone wants to oh yeah I'm select board not Board of Health oh no that's fine yeah I didn't know when you wanted to talk about 18201 but might as well do it now oh we have we have that down here on the agenda is it a placeholder uh it's the third third item very good I'll wait okay um otherwise moving on road damage updates is Kevin coming on do you know no he he's he's got tied up with something um because he said he was GNA try this morning yeah he has um I I spoke to him on the phone he does um he's Gathering up the numbers for the paving part of hawks Road or the the Milling up the hill which is probably 12 half thousand roughly um and then that was like the grinding they have to go up the road um rough numbers maybe 30,000 if he paves to where it stops 60 uh 64 if we go all the way up to just before the levels off at the swamp um you know that's just a binder um well he's is he going to come and talk to us before he does this H yeah has to okay yeah for sure can you just make sure he does Casey Kevin hson talks to us before he goes and hires a because we need to decide how far up We're Gonna Go Far yeah and what we're going to do so I think the majority of the space would be a binder I I mean I assume up the hill would be paved but then once it gets to the top it would probably be a binder instead of um full Paving yeah I what he was saying to me today was that um one of the things he's looking at is putting a base coat um and then uh applying oil and stone because he said you repave it with the Finish coat be very dangerous and slippery so um but yeah definitely needs to come to us with a budget and a plan yeah um yeah okay thank thanks and you know is this partly is this just regular road maintenance and partly it's well he he was going to he was talking about the paving part using chapter 90 but the grinding part was going to be emergency road repair money okay yeah because I I as we get closer to the money the the limit of what we said we were going to spend yeah we're getting less and less information about what we're spending right and we need to have an update you know yeah I agree with you completely I want to know exactly what we're what I would like to do Casey is put it on the agenda um for a total for April 3 to get a total hold on and then all this stuff up while you managed the meeting yeah and um then also if we need a special I I I feel like we have to have a special meeting to decide how we're gonna with Brenda how we're I think you should discuss that at finance committee meeting and I've I can't tell if that's a hand up for Julie or if it's that's your little I know no it's it's the little drag and drop hand that's me yeah um well Casey I I I feel like we need to as a select board decide what we we don't even have a total so I would like to have an informational meeting with the select board and Brenda First and and if finance committee wants to come that's fine but I want a meeting separate meeting that we talk about money and and how we're going to spend it because I mean the arpa money has to be under contract by December of um this year this year yeah we have two years to spend it but it has to be under contract so if we're gonna I need to we need to know we got a ton of arpa money that we've been you know saving for the L lot and the 1888 building but if we can't use the money in time of that December date we need to be able to use that towards you know we could use towards the emergency repairs and then back fill with other money but we need to have we need to have some discussion of how we're going to use our money and then we can go to the finance committee and say well this is what our proposal is Julie does that sound reasonable to you or do you want um I mean I don't care if you're in on the meeting that we have set up with Brenda yeah that sounds fine um I'd be interested just because I'm interested but I don't think it needs to be part of the finance committee meetings going up to town meeting going through the budget yeah I I we need to Fig just figure out because um what I worry about is that we need to have that arpa money absolutely committed with a contract with a contract at least by by December because we don't want to lo I mean we're not going to be giving back a dime uh we have plenty of ways to spend it so um but I want to make sure it's in the mix because if if we can't use it for what we had planned on um then we have to figure out something else so does that make sense Casey so what date do you want to have do you want to have that discussion on the 3 well we could just the only thing I need to check is we did uh postpone the um dog hearing to an April meeting and I thought it was the third and that was the 615 start so I'm pretty sure it was this if you want to discuss that you should we should think about well what we could do is we could if is everybody available on April 2nd in the evening of April 2nd or you have your well I I don't want to add more meetings we've everybody's got so many meetings we have to have a separate this has to be a separate meeting to Trevor right can can we do it on Monday when we're already meeting you know before this Julie said she didn't want it yeah no Julie she's got her own businesses she's trying to get done um no I'm saying before her meeting April 1 they meet at five o'clock Trevor oh okay yeah yeah and planning um board is right after that so we have to end at 6:30 on the first what about five o' on on on the when third I just don't want to meet meeting after night after night after night driv lot it's a lot for all of us hard it's hard to go out five days a week and I'm you know my day job is just consuming me at the moment so it's really well I can I can meetly I can meet early on the third how about you Tim is Brenda in on Wednesdays she is but she's in later she comes in later 5:30 we're talking about 5 no 4:30 or 5 or on April 3rd we've got a selectboard meeting at 6 right yes the regular meeting to come in at 4:30 or 5 something like that just to get that business done we got to talk about how we W to um are you talking about arper are you talking about Road repairs Road repairs how are we going to pay for the emergency road repairs so what combination of funding are we are we going to come up with to recommend and or do we do something next week because April 3D is also the day I have a training session okay um that I have to be all day at I don't know they usually end by 4:30 um but lately um I don't think Chris can cover meetings on Wednesdays anymore I do not have we have five Mee five nights next week so um so if it's got to be the third um no no no I mean we can I can do the afternoon well next Wednesday the schems meeting isn't till 6 so Tim Tim and I are going to that is it six o'clock yeah I thought it was six what about you Trevor what you what are you talking about what date next next Wednesday Wednesday the 27th thought it was 6:30 let me look they have a scems meeting I'm open if you need well how about do you want to meet at 4:30 on the 27th and then Tim and I can leave for the 6 collect skim meeting that five you said no I think I I don't think an hour is going to be enough I think we need an hour and a half okay I thought we could do 4:30 on the 27th um because we have finance and the 350th on the on Monday Naran trainings on Tuesday skims is Wednesday but we could do earlier Thursday I got senior housing and I'm already going to be here with Nick so um okay can you do that or can't you I mean I know it's a I know it's a lift right it's in okay 4:30 on the 27th here at the Town Hall and we and we'll meet with Brenda can you set it up with Brenda yeah okay and that way we'll have a recommendation for the next week do you want to do it high hybrid or remote just uh hybrid just in case hybrid yeah just in case I guess but we'll we'll meet with Brenda here okay was we meeting with Brenda the select board meeting with Brenda oh so hybrids for other people just yeah we'll publish it as hybrid but other people can come on in case Julie wants to be yeah okay okay um all right then next uh next item on the agenda is the approval and signatures for taking agreement um for the St James property this is the you know you have to um anything that the town takes they have to take have a friendly taking so it's an eminent domain taking that has been approved by the uh current owner so the Board needs to approve they need to approve the document and sign it okay um I'll take a motion we don't have any minutes right what we don't have any minutes to approve in other words are we now into discussion items because we don't have any minutes yes we skipped over the minutes and we went to the road damage estimates and we're now on the St James property sorry no that's okay I just am trying to keep track of things because I can never tell where the heck we are in these meetings well I'm going to I'm going to actually suggest when I'm the chair to to have a screen up there that has the document that we're currently talking about in this meeting is here because then I can keep track of stuff I I I always get lost at least one one time during these meetings okay all right so I will take a motion to approve the taking by imminent domain of the St James property I'll make a motion to approve the friendly imminent domain proceeding for the um St James property is that 85 North Main Street I believe yes second that motion um is there any further discussion hearing none all those in favor m i Trevor McDaniel I carollyn N I thank you um next item on the agenda is the 1821 building um we sign we voted the award on Monday but um because it was a combined meeting I wanted to make sure that we discussed it um further tonight um and also that turo wasn't there although there's little discussion that you need to fix the relish um so Tim this is your opportunity Tim has been doing an amazing job over in the kitchen and the entryway of the church well no so um about the this I mean we we did go through and approve um at the Monday meeting but um I think we have a plan that allows us to pay for this with already adopted money and uh and any M money lit we have the funding sources to sign a contract so we received two bids one from saaxo LLC and one from Yankee Tower right um we had a baseline bid from sxo at $ 23583 with an alternate a add-on of 37,7 and the alt was to was for the footings to support the balcony um so the total for that if it was accepted both Baseline and the adult was $73,500 the second bid we received the Baseline was 250 $55,000 even with the alternate A1 at $96,000 and that reached a total of $351,000 so I had a conversation with John Watney and he recommended that we go with stao we just needed the board to consider a you know the funding sources because this came in a little bit higher than we were expecting and making I went through and made sure we had the funding that we needed to do this because I do think it's important that if we can afford to do the adult that we do that so I recommended that to the board I I the reason why I supported the additional um add-on is because this is you know the stabilization of the balcony and it also reduces the stress on the roof and um you know the pressure on the roof so yeah because that one trust is crushed so it's affecting all the both sides of the roof and um can we could I just could somebody just give me a quick low down because I have not been in involved with this so this is was trying to figure out I I sent you uh so Monday when we talked about it Trevor I called you about it um I sent you the 1821 building emergency repairs project manual yeah essentially what it's asking for the Baseline bid is to repair the trust that's crushed yeah um on the one section of the roof okay that and that that relish they call it relish a relish repair but that trust that's the the Connecting Point is crushed the weight of the balcony and several other factors are pulling on the pulling down on the so inside the room that balcony is pulling on two sections of the trust one side is crushed the other side is heavily affected so the whole roof is affected yeah um and that's affecting the stability of the steeple is that right or it is affecting it not the main pieces fix the cresses so that you can fix so the roof is stable and and then so that that means replacing or repairing that two trusses themselves so yeah um I met when I met with John Watney over there the before he finished this latest design repair there is there's two cords relish is here it's like a mortise and 10 and that's rotted okay then there's a then there's a beam that goes across the top where the those things sit that's all rotted okay um so they have to cut out um sections of wood on either side of the the relish damage joint right and they have to pull back in the um the the re the the cords on the other side because right because this has been slipping all the support things are loosening right and um and then they need to put a metal plate on the outside to tie everything together then reinstall the siding Etc so um I think it got a little more damage I think originally what weren't we talking like 150 perhaps or 125 150,000 it was somewhere between 100 and 150 but the it was really underestimated the amount of damage that's we don't know how much additional damage has happened but it's definitely more damage than what we originally started out with so my concerns are um that's rotted waterers coming in are We addressing the roof oh yeah I mean the repair has to address happen first and then yeah you have to repair you have to do the repair first yeah um because the roof is not that great a shape either it's yeah I mean um I know we're not doing it in this but I'm so and then the other thing you know that's vinyl sided and My worry is like if we ever take off that I I worried about the metal plate on the outside kind of just getting hidden by vinyl siding and do we think um say we at some time heal the vinyl siding off and try and restore back to what it is is that metal plate is there a way to yeah I mean I think the the only thing that I could suggest is that you know we contact John Watney and say we need to be able to in a future a future renovation of the exterior of the building be able to put on you know clabber right going to be right because the clabber is on there now and they might have some insulation and then that viny went over it the vinyl siding event if we're going to keep this building I'd love to see it come back to original you know put original windows in and get get rid of the siding and put the decent you know but we probably put composite clapboards on yeah like a hard hardy hardy or yeah Diamond coat stuff is yeah we would we would and and that you should be able to work around the metal PL well that's what I wanted to make sure it wasn't just this big metal chunk sitting on the side of the building so I just didn't know what that detail looked like yeah I would I haven't looked at that uh plan for what he designed but is it in the is it in the I don't I don't I don't project manual has the that this is interior work um yeah so I sent you said the metal plates outside right the I don't know where the metal plate is I'm that's that was my only concern was what it would it really look like but I'll look through that that's fine I mean we're going to go ahead we need to secure the building I get that we've got to secure the roof that's we already voted it what I would like you to do is reaffirm the vote yeah yeah so I'll make a motion to reaffirm the vote to I'll second the motion is there any further discussion no all those ingi Trevor Mel I I well the reason no no no more talking next next item they don't want me to talk Mar it's all good me they don't want me to but I was worried about um you know Easter week and I wanted to make sure that that there was mobilization as fast as possibly because one is very much damaged could you think about the board I mean approving the contract subject to review of the vendor and councel um and to have the board sign at their convenience the weekend or a the the chair of the select board sign at their convenience I'll make that motion just so we can move this along second that motion all those in favor Tim h i Tor McDaniel I Carolyn N I thank you now we can move it faster I really appreciate it we just you know we want to get them mobilized as much as as soon as possible Casey I'm really sorry no that's fine um okay um next item on the agenda is the heat Grant and this is to um again this would be to authorize me to sign um and but Tim could you just talk about it a little bit because um people need to know remember that what this is for right you have a good yeah so uh in the fall we applied for um a grant from called the hick start Mass grant that was uh offered by a nonprofit known as heat um it's the home Energy Efficiency team and um this was to do a feasibility study of um putting a geothermal exchange field somewhere in the center of town um what we originally applied for was an actual test well in in the Town campus um what uh heat wants us to do is to um using Consultants uh try to assess the interest of the community uh in potentially tying into geothermal um including birkshire Brewing Company which is uh they consider to be a good candidate for um geothermal because they can accept heat and give off Cooling and and uh they would be a good balancing mechanism for how this system works uh there's a $50,000 Grant uh there's a pretty rigid timeline um which Casey can talk to about uh in the contract there's three or four reporting periods between now and September um I've asked Christopher Dunn uh just well he's the planner to he's leading it try to try to coordinate all of this stuff and to to the extent possible um work with Consultants that heat is familiar with so that we can minimize the load on staff while also getting information for a future um potential federal or state Grant to move Sumer all of the the campus area into a geothermal um system and uh there was a possibility that in my mind that we wouldn't accept this grant simply because if we had to do all this work it's a very compressed timeline and it would Swamp People so um I think that has been resolved that we would use Consultants wherever possible and uh who are familiar with Heat's process so anything else any questions is there um is there a match yeah is there a match there's no match and also um heat is trying to work with large utilities or at least they want to they want to think about the large utilities like birkshire gas um which has infrastructure in the ground and one of the possible models that would not have large upfront cost for the public sector would be to work with a company like eversource or birkshire gas that would install infrastructure and then have a similar um business model then instead of getting gas delivered to your house you're going to get Heating and Cooling delivered to your house from an underground geothermal system um so part of this process is to have Community engagement talk to people on North Main Street talk to people businesses on Elm Street um or uh talk to talk to anybody in town actually uh doesn't have to mean that the geothermal campus would uh geothermal field would be put in the campus area although that seems to me the most logical place to do it since it's Central um but this this will explore uh and give us a road map to tell us what are what are the geological conditions under South Deerfield uh and what are the you know the the what are the abilities of the ground um heat sink to provide um heating and cooling for uh large large numbers of homes and businesses and municipal buildings right is it do we have do we have uh land that that's good for this right and and the the really encouraging thing is that as I mentioned previously um I didn't know this until recently but Eaglebrook has at least 70 Wells currently and they're Heating and Cooling a lot of their um their faculty housing um student dorms and the brand new school buildings that were built relatively recently and they're going to put in another 35 Wells um when they do their new uh dining hall yeah uh da I assume has these these systems too so um the reports that heat has referenced in uh don't really mention any of that so we have a local resource even closer than UMass right or um you know ammer college to draw from yeah and what what this will do at the end of the day is give us a a fairly robust [Music] um road map for if we want to go down this path and and it would provide us also with a documentation that if we went to the federal government or the state government to look for Grants to do the actual installation we would have a plan um so we had applied for a grant before right and and that fell through just based on on side yeah basically that we applied for a federal program that was very promising but they only gave out 10 um awards for the whole United States right so um we weren't one of the lucky recipients but uh we but it wasn't because oh hey you this prop this property doesn't doesn't support geothermal was no no and the proximity with Eaglebrook I mean we're so close that right it's it's pretty clear that yeah you know other than you know being in a um 200 foot setback Zone right but these Wells if you build a big field apparently Eagle Brook says it's like 6,000 a well they drill 400 foot well yeah into Bedrock right and then they fill it with um when when I was looking in when we were applying for that Federal Grant I did a lot of research and um Williston has been having Wells for several years and they've um they're Heating and Cooling bill you know because kids leave windows open and all the kinds of stuff um they they he can't the um facilities manager down there couldn't say enough about it and how it's reduced their operating costs tremendously right and um he loves it and they are just putting in Wells even though they are not um GNA hook them up because they want them ready to be hooked up when they when they need them and um so it's really positive Trevor so this grant is to kind of get that feasibility does does our property work for it what could we hook into is yeah if it's a good site um you know s uh and there's no outlay of cash and no outlay of cash and and um I think the first part of this you get 25,000 and then you get a SI second distribution of 25,000 there's some communities who only got 10,000 and um uh we're the only one in Western Massachusetts and we we were awarded at the higher level right okay so now we have to rely on Christopher Dunn to uh yeah keep the horses all you know he's a rockar get it done yeah okay that's great okay so um I will take a motion to have um the chair sign this make that motion second the motion all those in favor Tim hch I Trevor McDaniel I carollyn nessi thank you um next item on the agenda is the budgets and capital requests cool here I go okay so you're going to see two budget changes one is the treasure collector salaries and the other is coner contracted Services the requested change to the treasury collector's salaries would be to reduce one employees hours from 40 hours to 35 for the fiscal year 25 um and the net effect would be a $5,799 reduction if it was approved by the select board um and so that's the that's the consideration what does the board want to do we have been experiencing this and we're still going through it this decoupling of the town clerk treasure collector position from one position to two essentially and so we separated Town Clerk and we've sort of dealt with the town clerk Department um we separated treasure collector into one office and it may be that the work can be accomplished with this reduction in one employees hour so I just am putting that before the board for your consideration because we do have a budget meeting on Monday and if the board wanted to make that change we need to be prepared to give that back to Brenda to send to them um I'll make a motion to approve the change a second for discussion yeah for discussion so go Tim go ahead scor no I I I I talked to Brenda a bit about this today and I I think so my concern is it's um until everything settles out it's always hard to really um give up the funding to make sure that that St that office is funded correctly but um I've been assured that like this this really makes sense and and I think um it may be a long-term thing you know at some point we may have to go back and say hey look we we do need the more time but I I don't think um the only place so I worry about well it's not in this budget so I I I feel like this makes sense and I would move forward with this I'm concerned about accounting and um you know we need to succession plan event you know it's a while down the road but not that far down the road and um and she she really needs an assistant in there and I think that's in the budget right now so talking to her today that's still in there but it is so yeah I'm good with this I'm I'm okay always nervous so when you're saying assistant are you talking about Brenda yeah I was talking about not not this budget but no we have a succession plan we've had several succession plan discussions she and I and we need to she's got some goals and it's in her budget and what we'll what we'll do is we will explain that yeah but we have to start succession planning for the retirements that we're going to see because we're ahead we got ahead of us yeah we've got Kevin and and we could potentially see another one so we need to be prepared to deal with that and so she and I she's been at her accounting conference so we haven't had a chance to talk about it but it is a key piece of dealing with the financial work for the town is where do we best put our resources knowing that if you have a retirement for a particular type of position like the accounting position and I'm not discounting anybody else but that is a very difficult position to fill it's they're not a lot of town accountants out there she was laughed at at the conference this week like hey and anybody want to you know plan for taking everyone laughs like no you can't find anybody you cannot find anybody so she and I have been working on this for several months and she brought it to me because she was concerned so from the perspective of a net effect on the budget you're right we're not necessarily at the point where you're asking everybody to cut budgets what you're seeing is a proposal in the Treasure collector salaries budget to make a financial change that could benefit the town yeah it is up to the board whether they want to endorse it or not no I I agree I do agree with it and I think that uh Sarah knows what she needs and and if she feels like she can do that with the hour she has then um and it frees her up a little bit you know uh then that's great I'm okay with so yeah I mean my thought is um it had been suggested to leave it the way it is that's one option or to accept the you know Sarah's uh offer yeah um and it seems to me that my my personal opinion is we should accept the offer but put a note in that in the accounting software that says you know this was done for you know specific cons ation and um you know so people in the future ask a question well why did it go down to 35 right well it was a temporary thing and it was decoupling of the theing we're still not through all the decoupling there that is a big part of this is trying to to navigate what's needed what's the future and it seems like it's been long enough that she she feels comfortable she does there is a comfort level now that we've been through a good portion of that and I will say were periods of time where the work done in that department was done by one person struggling mightily um and so now that things have calmed down and they're better saff right it's much easier for the planning pieces and the execution to happen right and I think that it's better to take them take the the benefit of this y Financial change CH change rather than let it go into free cash next year right we don't need free cash next year we need we need M help now yeah agreed yeah we have a lot of work to do for next year so are we ready to vote then yep all those in favor timg Trevor McDaniel I carollyn that's I okay thank you the second one and this come there's a twofold thing here so at the capital meeting this past Monday the 18th um Carolyn and the rest of the capital committee we discussing this we have an opportunity for I believe it's an MVP Grant to do work on the bloody Brook cul it's a 25 $225,000 cost um Christopher Dunn had prepared a project request right before the excuse me right before the meeting because I didn't have any of the background and so Carolyn explained it um so we had this going on and go ahead and fill everybody in Caroline because it's you have that application there what what happen is um we got notice um Thursday late in the afternoon so this is really Friday information uh that the MVP um got additional funding from the governor to open up another round of of funding but up to three million and um it was going to be used to um talk about what people want to you know what they need to do to spend on their this basically the MB vp2 2.0 project that we're working on which is campus here and our vulnerable population along the bloody Brook because again the bloody Brook is a major issue here for flooding um and it's our most vulnerable population that we've identified and and we're gearing our engagement plan we're gearing our um mitigation plan and everything else to document how much water we're supposed to get twice as much water the next few years because of climate change and these intense events how we're going to handle that water and so here's an opportunity um it is the it's due on April 24th and so this was kind of a anticipated next year project but we're going to bump it up to this year potentially if we can get it funded um and what we need is to do some engineering uh the actual MVP match will become from our MVP we as a have to vote to recommend to the select board that we have take our 2.0 money and use it towards this um project and so the actual match to this would be covered by um our MVP 2.0 that we already have in hand um but you still have to have some engineering uh to to work on this and and with this $3 million cap um we are able to do this covert out here which is really vantastic so so that came up and it was followed by a conversation so you have project request take a look at it um I think if I recall they approved it capital approved it right yes we approved this because we approved this for um not 2 yeah well because we you know by the time they award the grant it will be fiscal year 25 but it would be like July right of 25 so we could actually do it this summer which is really exciting so the other piece that sort of piggybacked that was this question about the Stillwater Bridge rights of way and easement work we have to do in order to be prepared to ask town meeting to allow us to do takings and that's what brought me to a change in contracted Services because Carolyn brought up a really good point we need to have money in the bank to be able to do the legal work do the um appraisals and surveys and be ready so that we know what the land is and what the cost is and so the little bit of prep work would be we estimated about $10,000 so in your contracted Services you see that change I'm not asking you to approve it right this what uh what number is that 159 159 5410 5410 I gave it to you earlier okay got it um so we had already cut a bunch of things out of that budget like I cut training and and professional development completely out my biggest concern is like we're more than 100,000 in the hole I don't know how we can tackle another MVP project like unless you said we have all the money already we do have the money Trevor everything engineering like isue is is what don't we have that MVP 2.0 money allocated towards other projects no the 2 point no we the 2.0 is you you can pick a project okay because I thought it was allocated to other projects no the 2.0 is you you can decide what you want to do for a project and we would be voting to do and how much money do you have to do that I don't know we got what was I don't know that's hand is 80,000 going to cover that c well that's what I mean I just don't want to tackle another project when we're already 100,000 that's why you have to have a little engineering you have somebody we're gonna have Nick give us a sizing and then we just need a little bit of money for the engineering but we don't have any is what the my only concern is we don't have any money and I'm trying to figure out how to approve another project without having any money if we could if you want to pull it from arpa or if you want to pull it from somewhere else but you can't really pull it out of the Omnibus budget because we're already 100,000 shy so how do you I mean if you if we find another source of money not this omnus budget cuz who what else should we so we add that project what else are we cutting I agree we need to fix this this whole process is is is wrong I mean we need to we need to fund this town correctly and we haven't we every year we keep cutting and cutting and cutting and we still have all these projects that need to happen that's it stops up all the water for all of North Main Street it's a disaster it and we need to we need to do everything you said and we don't have the money so how and we have money and cap stabilization or we have money in you know our we have other bits of money but I don't know how you pull it out of the omous budget because we just we still need another $100,000 what we're doing is getting we're getting uh additional research funding for the Still Water okay and the reason let me just tell I agree with that that needs to happen well the the reason why I'm worried that's a $23 million project that I to be funded before this have been shepherding for years years 20 years yeah well no not 20 years 15 maybe 15 but that's $23 million that the town doesn't have to pay Our obligation is to check is to make sure the right ways are available agree and my concern is DCR owns the property immediately uh AB budding the the south end of the bridge okay that property is under a re conservation restriction yeah and from my understanding and is you can only move remove a conservation restriction um through legislative process okay so that's why I am like we need to have some additional research funding to make sure that that process gets started yeah the other complication is um on the uh on the West Side both North and South is um you know International uh Hydro companies it was TransCanada then you then they great uh River bought them out Hydro brought bought them out and now it's Quebec Hydro bought out Great River did those properties transfer who knows but you got to do the research and then it's an international transaction of some sort so I know that that's going to be hugely delayed so we've got to whether you want to or not Trevor we've got to add some money to this contracted services so we can start immediately on This research right but this covert back here is way less important than Stillwater Road and I'm saying like it where's the other 100,000 we're cutting is my concern like what what else are we cutting Trevor we will figure out this out if we have to do ARA I will be saying arpa this this you are saying it's way more import it's not as important it's not it is this is way more important if you are a homeowner down here in the South Village it's not more important than Still Water Road so let's let's I I just want to understand we're we're having like two different conversations yeah all right so one is we're worried about $10,000 um so we we just got back $5,700 and now we're talking about but we're still in the hole we're talking about 43 we're still in the hole $100,000 we're still in the hole for $100,000 and we're going to work through that through the finance committee yes we'll work with the finance committee cut this number changes frequently first it was 300,000 now it's 100,000 I I'm not included in a lot of these conversations so I come in and I I don't know where we are I don't either we have to have a a a conversation so that all three of us are on the have a gas but we always cover our Gap because we figure out less priority areas that we cut okay I'm saying that it's important if you are a homeowner down here it's important that we address that c we have an opportunity to cover that CT other than we need to have an estimate of how much it's going to cost right so we can't say we can cover it yet well so let me understand the program we talk talking about there's there's additional money from the state to do culbert's that that money is available to MVP 2.0 communities Town what it says is towns um that need to complete the 2.0 process will be notified in the fall you don't need to worry you are an eligible Community already for this so even though we are not completely through our MVP 2.0 process we will still be eligible for this new money but right what I'm asking internally is the question what do we need to do in terms of engineering to be ready to apply for this I mean we're talking about using the $25,000 for our mvp2 um project to fund part of this in other words I need to hear the whole picture okay what what I thought it was clear I'm sorry what we need we have money on the 2.0 process that is not would be a match would be we would could use the match towards that right and we don't know how much that is going to cost but the project is eligible for up to three million we will not use three million example is the open bottom covert over at um kellerer Drive even though we had an awful contractor it still was like six or 700,000 wasn't it Casey it was five something um no it was something wasn't it no no it was over three it was it was more I want to say it was around 350 but don't quote me whatever it is we can put in an adequately sized open bottom covert even given price increases for under three million I don't know what the match is going to be we don't know you know we don't have any engineering on there's no way we could approach $3 million for that c no no but what was has been available in the past is like 50,000 or 75,000 and then we have to make up the difference we we're still in the several $100,000 range over there but we don't know what range of how many hundreds so this is ideal for us we have part of the match we may have all of the match I don't know but we need additional a few dollars of engineering and as the engineering we ended up talking about Still Water Bridge is that because this engineering line item is going to Encompass no the engineering would be different I we need to have feed money in a budget that allows us to do the development process to get to a vote for town meeting so there's notification you have to do so you're talking about two different kinds of two different there two different subjects right but they let me back changing contracted services but what it is is it comes under you're hiring a consultant whether it's an engineering one for the bloody Brook Culvert or uh research for who you know how do we get started on transferring the um right away yep so but it would be under the same line but what line is that no it isn't under the same line the MVP Grant Line is different from Consultants well we weren't hiring Casey it's not going under the MVP consultant because that is a facilitator we are hiring an engineer to give us a under Consultants not MVP it's under Consultants on the page 17,000 I added 10,000 to it it was seven right we can take it back out you guys have I just it's the only thing I'm saying is is if if we want to get to the I understand that the bloody Brook is critical I get that um if we need seed money for it the way I remember it in the capital meeting um we didn't have to come up with the match but you don't you don't at this point what we're talking about is just getting it so the $25,000 for let's just separate these two the $25,000 for bloody Brook is to start the Engineering Process no and we don't need 25,000 that's what's in the schedule Carolyn for bloody Brook it says $25,000 because I wrote the schedule that's that's for the full engineering design we would just need a couple thousand dollars to begin with to get an idea of what the cost is to go so when do you want to do that because I would rather do it now that way we don't have to change anything the the 25,000 is a full engineered design if we get the Grant and what we have in our two 2.0 is enough to cover the this 25,000 for sure I don't know what the match is if you are talking you know is it truly a $550,000 project we don't know I mean Christopher just put down that number we would have we have to get some engineering first before let me talk let me talk to Brenda about that all right let's switch to the Stillwater right away okay still water right away that's a $23 million Bridge Project the town doesn't have to pay for however we do have to pay for the prep work the legal work and the appraisals for the pieces of property we do not have approved plans so we can't do it right now right once the plans are approved we could start that process right the reason you see a change in that consultant line is to give us a little bit of cushion to start that because I don't know what the appraisers appraisals are going to like or the surveys I don't know what that's going to cost it also and Carolyn made a really good point at the meeting it's months out to get um maybe it was Mark one of you did I did because we months out to get these things set up so but we can't start until we have plans so I thought these are plans from from do right right do does not have approved plans yet do they have uh 90% plans or 70% plans they have plans that are being reviewed once those plans are approved then we have a start point and I talked to do about this the gentleman from do about this um when that was the whole reason of me asking you to pull that article off the war we can't go I wanted to pull the Articles off town meeting because the we don't have enough information to talk about you know taking people right but there is a a lot a lot of research that has to happen beforehand and what this does is allow us to go and start that process because what will happen is do will come to us in the fall right and they'll say here's your 90% plans you we are not moving forward and you're going to lose this project and lose your spot yeah if you do not have the right away have to fund that that's given but what that means is we need a little bit of funding in to start this process so we can get ready to jump in and by having the money here in the consultant line Casey can call up the surveyor right and say 100% for that c can we you know we want to get in line because it's like six months out to get surveyor so the thing that I had eliminated in the previous version of that budget was I eliminated all the training and professional development um if we had to we could eliminate the MVP grant writer and see if we there's some special funds we might be able to use to handle that MH it's nobody's asked me to come in and cut my budgets I've already started to do that like you saw the treasure um I've seen other departments start to do that because we know we're in diet St well that's what I do with the of Health budget this is this is really having enough money to start the projects you have to make sense so I know you're upset about it I was upset about it just like prioritize like that more is really a critical thing out on funding that could actually help us get other things the opportunity for funding then we have to balance what we need and I'm open to like other sources of funding but I'm just saying we're we're going to have such a trouble trying to figure out how to close this Omnibus budget that I didn't want to put more into this remove it but the idea is we've got to start this is an opportunity to take care of of a choke point and if we have a storm in the spring and it floods down here I get all that this is personal from somewhere other than this line that's the only thing I'm saying well well all right why don't I take that back and see if I can get some more answers from do I don't know where they are in the review process don't bother do every time you talk to them gives them it's it's not I'm not talking about dot I'm talking about this spot here this has nothing to do with DOT I'm all set with the bridge I'm good to go 177,000 great that'll seed us the money to do the engineering the surveying all that stuff correct it's this covert that I'm nervous about it Fe us what I think will it might be more than that I don't know but it's a number um the only other thing we could do is get that process started in this fiscal year and have contracts signed and if we use money we have now the issue is is I don't know where we are in the process do has to notify me when the plans are approved they're aware the two up you're mixing the two up we don't care about dot we're all done with that we're voting that as a positive okay 1 the only thing that we're talking about is this is bloody Brook Culvert and I am not an engineer enough to say that that's going to cost two or 300,000 we got to have someone look at it I understand and so it's not going to cost a lot of money because we're not asking for complete engineering okay that's where the 25,000 came from is complete engineering plans that we would apply but that also could be covered by our 2.0 money we got like but the project has to be approved by Capital yes and you have to see it since it falls Within and we this we have we had to have some numbers just like the road damage numbers we had to have some numbers so these numbers Christopher just put here and we can you know we don't have to go further on it but we do have an opportunity here to take care of this and if we can cover this under the two different MVP pods because this is our vulnerable population area you can use we can be that can be our seed prodject Project M then why wouldn't we do it just the my only concern is trying to find a way to get to town meeting with a budget we can pass well we can eliminate it Prett sure we'll manage to do that yes you know it's harder and harder every year I'm sitting in this chair oh no I I'm I'm I'm absolutely with you on that Trevor I know I know every year and it's very clear that the state isn't supporting us adequately but there's nothing you can do you got to hustle the money so um what are we actually asking ourselves to do right now we're just passing contracted services that with the extra what 10,000 you put in yep I don't know if it's the right number I'm taking a stab at it's it's no different than any of the other things finance committee could ask you to eliminate it yeah I think there's a couple of opportunities to get four times that money somewhere I hope so um yeah um yeah I have some ideas it does require me to get some more information before I can bring it back to the board okay so are we ready to did we have a motion to this or did so make a motion to approve contracted Services 159 5410 at $287,450 34 yep yep second all those in favor and LGI Trevor McDaniel I Carolyn nessi all right Trevor I totally get it it's just we we things haven't settled out yet just getting nervous about taking on more and more projects without settling them out we have so many things going on right now I know but it's just overwhelming and uh people are running ragged and there's not enough money and it's just just because it's free money it's not always free it's it's not there's right that's one reason why you know I was perfectly willing to give up the heat Grant if it made no sense for us to do it but it gives yeah it's free so that's right it's free but you are assigning a task or a series of task your take right staff staff it's a staff task there is a there is a net impact yeah I did ask I said Christopher this is really since you're I don't know how much planning it since you're you're you're probably the person that's going to take this on if you don't feel that it's worth your time right we shouldn't do it okay it you know it pairs that it's worth his time okay I'm good with that that I trust the staff that they feel like you know they can make it happen yeah it would be nice if um you know culbert is not a complicated thing right it isn't it isn't all the culs we put in I know in in the space of six months yeah and the ridiculous sum of money that gets charged to get a pre-cast right piece of cement put in to let a river go through it yep um it's absurd absurd buy the cement hire Mike moraski three days later it's done yeah um but it doesn't work that way I know um no unfortunately or hire R DPW to do it maybe they don't have the equipment well whatever um okay moving on next one um uh agenda item is the approval of additional house floor amendment to H 4291 and act authorizing town of Deerfield to continue the employment of police department members Michael um helber hbel and uh Robert threr and Mark jaus is that is that every year we we've done this every year right yeah we have to do this every year I think right Casey this is a change to the language they the legislature asked for a change so you guys have to approve it when this goes through town meeting we always ask them to make sure you can do that so what you have to do is just vote to approve their change yeah I'm good with that and we don't really have a have control over what the legislature wants for changing right I'm good with that okay so um what we have to do is you have to do it um um approve motion I'll make a motion to um approve the additional house floor Amendment H2 h42 9191 y second all those in favor Tim El k mcel i Carolyn n i okay um next item on the agenda is uh SE baitman um I talked to Kevin about this this house wasn't hooked up yet he's still building it I I think it makes sense I mean it's a he hasn't had any usage because he wasn't hooked up and he started building he'll be hooked up I think he's probably hooked up now and the house is um moving along but at the time that we did the readings he wasn't in use of the building he wasn't hooked up so I don't see any reason why we couldn't Abate this one he'll be he'll be on you know on the he'll be in the next billing cycle he just wasn't the house wasn't done yet he wasn't using it bill cycle was from May to October right I believe so he's not asking for the for the November to right whatever correct correct still dating the entire thing yes because he wasn't hooked up and uh there was no usage so if he wasn't hooked up I think it makes sense to I mean if he was hooked up then you've got the hookup fee but he wasn't from what I understand I talked to Kevin he said he wasn't hooked up yet so so the question I had you raised it earlier was um if you own a piece of property yep and it's within the the area where you have to be hooked up to Y and there's a base fee y does even owning the owning the acreage mean that you have to pay that fee no no uh I was thinking about that and what I was thinking is a betterments so if you were charging a betterment and that and we were doing some sewer infrastructure or something and it went by the house the property owner would be charged a betterment fee for for whatever upgrades we were doing but um just because the pipe goes through the house if you don't have anything you don't have a hookup charge so it's only once you um like because you wouldn't know how many houses are going on or any of that kind of thing or how many pieces of property could be put on that that piece of land so it's only for better betterments but not um but he pays to hook up yes once yes once he hooks in he pays a hookup charge and he yep exactly so that so I'll make a motion to approve the sewer baitman for David Hayes 53 Eastern Avenue I'll second that motion all those in favor Tim h i CH Daniel I carollyn nessai okay we did this already right yeah um so the next item on the agenda is um permits one day liquor license permit for progression uh Brewing Company for July 27th 2024 it's a private wedding at wman Hill it's from um 4:45 to 9:45 I don't see it they paid their permit and all and I don't see it looks like their all their permit stuff is in order here [Music] okay they have liquor liability um workers C yep I'm good okay just trying to so I I have take a motion yep I'll make a motion to approve um the one day liquor license for progression Brewing Company for 727 2024 second all those in favor Tim Hill GI I Trevor mcdel I sorry and is there another one uh or is this Think Tank Brewery part of progression Brewing Company hold on I only had one oh I see Think Tank breweries DBA progression Brewing okay same same company y got it yep okay um next item is um adoption of re uh letters of support for the adoption of the revised energy reduction plan to incorporate Frontier Regional School into the Baseline for green communities program I have a question about that uh so what is this doing again it's essentially adding Frontier to deerfield's energy Reduction Program they were not contemplated years ago when the plan was developed so does this does this um Force Frontier to District to do something that they don't want to or no I think it allows them the ability to utilize green community's funds through deer Fe but it doesn't force them to um no do anything they would have to do otherwise it's not like that uh other thing the energy Department commission is supporting about super right steroids yeah yeah yep okay I just want to make sure that we weren't saddling Frontier with something that you know we didn't have a right to do there has been communication between Frontier and energy resources and they're open to this um the plan's available they couldn't have done the plan without working with energy resources okay there was a lot of work that the committee went in yeah they've actually been communic with barious pretty well yeah okay yeah it's been because this information came through Alis and Gage and she gave us the information to develop the letter and stuff so it's a two-part thing you would you support them being adopted into the plan because the state has to physically decide to do that but we had to give them a revised plan in order for to be able gotta I see I understand I I don't have the letter to sign Casey here well there I think I think there was already a signature yeah we've signed you sign we had to do that last week so this is a retroactive vote okay date on the letter motion that we approve a letter of support for um inclusion of uh yeah the um Frontier Regional School uh in the green communities program I'll second that motion all those in favor Tim HG I Trav McDaniel I Carolyn nessi thank you I was wondering I could we already did that all right we just wanted you guys to essentially ratify it um no that's fine um next item on the agenda um is there any L lot updates we don't we don't have contct I I you know I didn't ask Chris before he left he gave you his report okay um I do know that we went to the C CFI meeting so they had a kickoff meeting I want to say it was last was it Monday I think it was Monday I went to part of it I had to run away because I had an appointment but he he was going to give some updates in his report on some of that information okay as long we're progressing we're trying to get to the contract phase let's put it that way like like Tim alluded to earlier in the meeting okay that's the choke point that's the choke point thank you Tim um all right next item on the agenda is maxley um the Wastewater um operator is resigning so we accept his letter of resignation yeah I'll make a motion to thank him for his service and I'm glad that he's moving on in the industry and uh was trained well moving on to another another department um so I'll make a motion to accept the resignation of Max lay as a wastewater operator for the town of Deerfield and I'll second that and I would also like to say that I want to thank Eric mels for um taking these youngsters on and and training them appropriately and um and I apparently already have somebody to come in as a trainee so yeah he's hoping to hoping to hire he's looking at a couple interviews he's having some interviews tomorrow hoping to hire yeah um I I you have a question no I was just going to say Eric has been doing so such a good job training people it I mean it's like John pator you train our police officers up and everybody moves on so it's really tough because see your hand was up yeah no you don't have a question I don't have a question I wanted to give a shout out to Eric and to Chris because as soon as we found out about this Eric and I talked and Chris put the um notice the vacancy notice up for the operator and training right later that day and we we received an application which is how we're in a situation where we can do interviews I mean we have a recommendation that's great for you guys to take up tomorrow as early as tomorrow it would be an item and anticipated but we have to fill a spot sure and it's that's a critical need it is yeah and we have to be staffed at a certain level to comply with our um permit for sure MPD permitting so you know I give CR I give Eric so such a huge amount of credit for knowing people that are willing to are interested but also you know Chris deserves a lot of credit for getting the vacancy up that's great y thank you thank you both that's a great point Thank you so um all right all right moving on next um item on the agenda is um our special event regulations and employment employee reimbursement I I'm just I had told Allison earlier that we were going to table this because we've just been so busy stuff um budgets and everything else that I mean I haven't really had a chance to look at this in depth and um so we're going to put it off till next meeting at least okay if that's okay with you guys yeah and which one are we talking about special events okay is the number one and then the second one is the town of Deerfield employee reimbursement policy we haven't really looked at that and discussed it so I would I would say that if you table all three of this we do have to make some changes the reason you see the special Municipal Employee designation there is we've got some incorrect names for committees on there and there's a few committees that are relatively recently created that are not on there so we need to make a change to that but like you said we're in the middle of dealing with budgets and the annual town meeting warrant and those are are critical things that have to get done in the next several weeks so you know I think we could probably put that off for a put those off for a little while okay um and the next item on the if that's okay is that okay with you guys yeah it's fine with me okay um next item on the agenda is the geothermal bylaw I you know I don't know how you all feel about that but I haven't a b yeah we haven't we haven't really disc me to put it on a while ago and I don't have an update on it did you do you have an update did I did I yeah do we need a bylaw well we should we should because I don't think we're prepared to do aw prepared to do anything ask did I was do you want me to do you want me to take it off no I I I think probably you know the planning department you know and maybe Christopher Gunn should think about this but okay yeah there there are reasons for having a geothermal bylaw but I mean if we have a bylaw and we're applying for federal money and uh maybe it's good for us maybe it also give some guidance to Residents who want to do geothermal and uh there are con bort of health concerns and stuff like that too so it's important to have one but no we just haven't had time to look at it so um next item on the agenda is the placeholder for up updates on campus buildings and funding Tim do you want to just um talk about the wonderful job over at Church um well I mean we are we're closing in on having uh the church kitchen area uh operational um I have to um thank Casey for Expediting um you know purchase of goods and appliances and um other items related to that project um the library is been in today um putting tape on the floor for where they're going to locate their um where they're going to locate their tables and um children's department and adult department and computers um and Kevin Scarboro is um organizing the final adjustments to electrical outlets and Wi-Fi service um and the library has selected their moving date April 15 and 16 so cly movers was over there this afternoon as well looking into um you know a plan for moving from the library next door to that space yeah um the uh kitchen floor is done um and just in time for the appliances to arrive from man's so um this guy over here did it yeah so you you did I walked in today I was amazed not because I didn't think you could do it it's just so much work no well yeah I mean it sometimes you know that's my contribution I I saw the $4,200 to install the floor and I just said there can't can't I can't spend that money so anyway it was fun it's great and uh you know I I will uh was it chopa or is it Like a Knife Chopper I use jsaw yeah and compound miter just because yeah you wanted to get a nice cut yeah and yeah so and um you know then we're just waiting on the cabinets and countertops and then we'll we'll be good to go great that's great it's really exciting it's so beautiful yeah everybody who walks into the to the library space and sees the bathrooms and everything so wow this is great yeah yeah yeah it's really it is amazing it's so exciting um okay the only other thing that I want to put on our radar and I know Trevor you're stressed out about having another meeting but I think we need to have a meeting or two on how we're going to reorganize notice how that went from another meeting to a meeting or two right well because I don't think it's going to be a straightforward discussion on um DPW reorganization we have to take advantage of the fact that Kevin is going to retire he's still here we need to talk about how other towns are structured and how we want to move forward in the future given what we've seen with the you know kind of the work that came out of all the storm damage and how we handled it and um just in general how do we want to move forward we there are a couple towns that have already reorganized in different ways that we have examples of um I can reach out to the MMA and try to get some more examples for us to read um the idea is to um look at what we think we're g to where are we going in the next 10 or 15 years 20 years what do we see what do what are the demands on the department and how are we going to meet with them with our resources given the fact that we of course don't have it as many resources moving forward as we would want so how do we manage it and you know I think it's it's worth a meeting or two to talk with Kevin and his observations and and what he thinks and then we look at what other communities are doing for the future that they paid people to do um I find that I am always hesitant to go out and hire a consultant because a consultant doesn't know us doesn't know our community I think we can do our own research I think we can figure out what we want and we want someone to help us move forward okay but we need to do some initial work um and I feel like we can we're to totally capable and and it's a discussion I'd like to start pretty soon obviously not next week dor nope but um I I want to put it on the radar so so Casey can schedule at sometime in the next few weeks okay yep all right Casey you have your report I actually need you guys to go back to the annual town meeting warrant because you need to open it and officially make some changes so I will go article for article almost at the end I'll make a motion to reopen the town warrant he I'll second that motion all those in favori Trevor m Danel I carollyn I okay okay I'll take it away so you're gonna see some changes and comments from Council and what I printed for you I accepted some of her you know uh font changes and stuff but she has notes in the comment sections some of my comments are not removed but I want I'll go I'll go with the first article so article one um you're going to see that the gift table is in there but I took it out for this version because I need to revise it okay um article two there right now we still need to fill in the blanks but that's not going to happen until we review continue review of the budget article three has change Article 4 reflects the reflects it's the Personnel bylaw article change it reflects the discussion points in the composition section regarding the number of members members both ex officio and voting and then the Quorum necessary for Action to be taken so those changes were input by Council um okay Article Five is the classification Compensation Plan and remember Council said if article four is approved right the board can pass this over yeah um article six is the snow and ice shortfall there's no change in that and I talked to Brenda this Mo this afternoon at lunch and she and I want to hold that steady we don't know what the funding source is going to be so just leave do we know what the dollar amount is at the moment no we don't have a dollar amount at this point we may not have a dollar amount until we finish up motions yeah I mean I thought um I thought we weren't too much we aren't were like 10 or something we aren't it's not horrible right now but we're not it's not the end of April either I know I mean it's like 20 or 25,000 tror providing we don't get we can always put the number in the motion yeah so okay I know that we let the snow melt if we have another storm yeah right see nobody drive so artic let's see article seven this is prior year bills Lisa had left a comment for me that if we had the funding sources that we should put those in so I rewrote the article to include those funding sources yeah um earnings and the article eight is transferring the FY 23 opioid funds into the special Revenue fund yeah there was no change in that um article nine is the Omnibus budget article 10 is the sewer Enterprise fund and the tables have been included so that's a final one yeah so that's the article nine is when Don Dan Graves goes through line by line and everybody exactly yes y yes um so article 11 we don't have a complete budget from schem so you won't see a table and if I have it before we can publish that will be great if I don't we Casey we have a meeting next um Wednesday so we're hoping to finalize the budget I know and I've already seen some questions back and forth from Jeff between Jeff and Josh so um but I'm just going over this the warrant mechanics um so what follows that schems funding article is the scam Capital Improvements for fy4 which was requested by the board last week yeah so it's placed there the the language is there I may just have to put in a some I I think we'll have that settled but right now there's a blank Y for the funding okay um fy2 Capital Improvements follows that and there are capital capital has substantially completed review they plan to discuss this with finance and the select board next week and Julie's made some adjustments in the start times and and sort of the framework of the meeting next Monday it would probably be a good idea for youa at least watch it if you can't try to be there attend um which one are we on now 13 so that was Capital Improvement sorry um article 14 this is community preservation what I do have I have the beginnings of a table when we have an approved project or approved project right now all I did was put in the reserve fund balances because even if we don't have a project table or any other information for CPC they always always want to see the reserve fund balances so we started putting those in yeah and Publishing them in the warrant okay um and I have to give Brenda a lot of credit she worked on this on Friday and over the weekend just so we would be more prepared okay um Article 15 is the quarterly tax payment request there has been no change to that but I have received some bullet points and discussion points from Sarah so we can include those my question for you is do you want to include any notations in the warrant or just wait till the guide I think in the guide in the guide okay it just why why complicate the warrant that's fine there's there's only a couple places in the warrant where you see a notation so I just thought I'd ask all right article 16 this is the petition for thees to request changes to the Tilton trust and it does encompass the language that Lisa had provided me before our discussion on the 13th so I think that one's all set yeah um article 17 is the CPC bylaw changes and that language was set you guys discussed that with Lisa last week I have had no change to that um article 18 is the request for permission to dispose of the land with the red barn on it it's that last piece of land yep near the old where the old highway garage was right um we're requesting to dispose of it so what I had I had asked a couple of questions from Lisa and she fixed the article there's only one question there's a there's a notation in there that I want to check with her um maybe in the do we do we have a an appraisal yeah I was going to say in the guide like what what it's valued at do we know I don't have an appraisal I can I reached out to see if I can get FSI to do an appraisal for it you want an appraisal before town meeting well I don't think we'll get one we don't I get but it might be good to I mean if we ever s we're going to need an appraisal right right but we can we don't have to have that for town right no that's fine I mean if if somebody has I already reached out to FSI about that he said do it I just hadn't pulled the trigger with him if you want me to do it now I can try yeah I mean you can start the process if yeah if you have time all right so let me do that um I need to write myself a note he probably won't be able to start before the town meeting anyway right and and if that's the case and they V us down then we can just tell them hey come back in the fall yeah I don't see anyone wanting to hang on to it but but you did make a commitment or as part of your discussion to try to dispose of the land new Pros interested in buying it exactly yeah and if they're going to clean it up and make it prettier I honestly don't think the general public would be adverse to that right yeah and and then we just have to deal with where are we going to store the property that's in the barn exactly and and that's a discussion between us and new Pro Y yeah MH okay so the next one I spoke to our assistant Town Administrator and he assures me that we can take what is now Article 19 out and that was the article to appropriate funds from other sources to provide the match for the weer lot he reviewed the the rule the 2022 rule in the 2023 interim rule after I I made sure that I sent him that information from Lisa when we reviewed this last Wednesday he reviewed it and he's 90% sure that we're okay using our arpa funds because we used the entire allotment it was it was voted as Revenue replacement right that's what I was wondering if you could yeah so he reviewed that Lisa had said she thought that was the case but I had him review it the next day okay um so I removed Article 19 what is currently article 20 is the funding article to pay for the roads yeah the road repairs um and it it says vote and this was the change that Lisa suggested and that was to appropriate transfer or otherwise provide you can settle your funding source in your motion but and that was her recommendation last week so I see the two-thirds was crossed out but if it comes from if we say I mean it's got to be a two-thirds vote if it comes out of General stabilization if it did and we would put that back we can also I see you could outline that in the guide too okay because sometimes those things get outlined in the guide okay um we don't know how we don't know how we can I mean if we're be able to get it out or not yeah um and then the resend right and then you have the know it's paid yeah and you make a if that's the direction you want to take then that's what you take so the reason I asked you to open the warrant officially is this voting rights for 16 and older citizens petition that we received 21 yeah it it now it's article 21 it would turn into article 20 in the next iteration so the required signatures were obtained no wait a minute I mean Article 19 and 20 still be 21 wouldn't it no because we're I'm eliminating Article 19 yeah but you already changed it article 18 you is the transfer the money this is why I hate track changes I truly hate track changes no You' already you've done it Artic your work is done the last article go home so basically I need you guys to formally incorporate this into the warrant the signature requirements have been satisfied Council reviewed the language now this is the language straight from their petition all right um they also this is one of those places where they have a description so this is a description submitted by them so I included it below the language of the warrant article to comply with everything that was sent to me and was certified by the templ all right so nice job it I recommendation from Council was to include it um I also had check my check a couple other things to make sure I I ask a stupid question it says here that this article would authorize the select board to petition the general court for home rule legislation to allow any citizen of town of Deerfield 16 or 17 I thought we set on 16 that's in the description the language could be either age they could be 17 or 16 you got I think you need to label both ages right you could say 16 and above or or the way they have it is this is their article right so we'll just leave article so the description says 16 and 17 year olds and that's true because if you read the article language it's a 16 or older yeah we know at 18 this is no longer an issue so you're really talking about 16 and 17 yeah it just seems like it should be and well I mean the article says 16 or older and the description the description is just sort of an explanation is the Des even gonna be in there well I put it in just because it came in as part of the certific it was part of the language that was sent to be certified by the town clerk I could certainly ask if we need to put that in there but I think that's how they submitted it okay so I just reflected how they submitted it yeah do you need a motion to close the warrant yes please well um I just had a quick question um P races for the select board is that you to do on the Personnel Board um part I reading through this I just want to be absolutely sure that this addresses the overtime issues for holiday pay so we aren't there yet what this does this changes the bylaw takes the benefits out of it and slightly changes the composition the Personnel Board manual would address other those what you do we'll take the benefits out and we'll develop the manual I was working on that over the weekend okay I have a question about one word in our AR Le 19 and maybe maybe we did um I wondered if instead of saying extraordinary Road and sidewalk reconstruction That Sidewalk I don't know did we replace any sidewalks um maybe infrastructure I don't know this was the exact language that we put before town meeting last October it was also the exact language in this the special election question that's the reason reason that was the only reason I used that I know what we did but this was the language that was voted so I thought it prudent to use the same language and what happens if we don't get a two-thirds majority U to resend oh God you know I don't know about hang on to the money so I don't remember if you need a two-thirds majority to receive borrowing no probably not I don't think we do but it's in there and I forgot to ask get a majority I cannot imagine anybody would give us problem oh yeah they're going to vote that they're going to vote that um and then is the last part of this Cassy had given me a correction and the correction was we have a seat um it's a one Deerfield School Committee Member for a two-year term is open yeah that's currently um what Trevor Trevor is is working through he's serving on that until the election but it's on the warrant the election warrant to be filled yeah but I don't think anyone's P papers for I was told by Cassie nobody pulled papers for it so it may be a situation where we're back to square one where you have to appoint somebody again did somebody do a writing am I I thought it was appointed until somebody takes it yeah somebody could do a write in yeah um and if somebody does do a write in there's a process for that where if we get a right in the town clerk contacts the person to see if they're interested in serving if they're not then the position's open and we through same project process we could run somebody in I don't know I mean I felt I felt bad because it's it's it's difficult for the school committee to get their work done what's what's this mdar animal um we have to appoint uh animal inspector every a year appoint that's not ours that's mdar that's mdar I not ours got it in here to let us well I don't know maybe Chris didn't understand it I just haven't filled it out yet no I I want to be the fence guy want to keep you can't because skip is not doing it any longer no he doesn't live in town right so we need a new fence want to be the F no I he was the F walking the fences yeah yeah you basically it's it's well who's going to take care of my tick you know ticks well so Casey you're in a fill us out yeah I usually fill it out my question was and I actually had taken it down to ask dick but he didn't answer me i' like the animal the animal inspector is dick right now yeah and I'm sure he'll do it I'm sure he's willing to do it I just yeah I felt the need to ask in the problem is you need somebody that's halfway capable and it's it's actually a hard position to fill moniku had a hard time filling that yeah yeah there's a lot of work involved back yeah yeah I didn't know that until I went to Ashville yeah I went to the training and are we done um I just have a couple of things I wanted to tell you guys about so I've been working with Chris and the rest of the public safety team on the Treehouse Brewing Company EAP I've also been working on three HR items two investigations and a prop and a bylaw change I've got some information I'm going to send out to you and it's the report from the Colin Center plus a a memo that sort of describes the intent of this because personnel is going to do a review on the 9th and then the hearing is on the 23rd of April so I want you guys to know that and we'll start notifying everybody next week it'll be on we notify everybody in their paychecks there's a sticker on their paychecks and we'll be posting this and Publishing it in the newspaper which is what's required under the current bylaw um so just so you know they'll be that hearing they'll have two hearings actually it's going to be class comp and it's going to be the bylaw change and then I did find out that there's a bit of a hiccup with the police hbac system so it may be delayed a little bit the um engineer is working with the contractor so they can meet that deadline but if there is an extension required we'll probably have to put it through um via the contract hasn't affected the price yet right hasn't affected the price though no it's only affected it's a no change change order it's affected the timeline okay um and I do need to let you know I mentioned it earlier but April 3 is I don't know how this is going to fall out Chris and I are gonna have to talk about it because I have an all day training he has an all day training next week and I have an all day training um on the 3 and I don't know what your meeting is going to look like like I'm I because now I very light meeting yeah maybe we'll just skip it except for you have a hearing that day oh we do okay would you like us to keep it light do you know um do you know already if they didn't negotiate anything I don't know can you check because if if they've negotiated something then maybe we could switch our meeting night good um we don't have to meet next Wednesday Wednesday the 3 if if you have to pick if the hearing has to well no if we have to continue the hear yes but what I'm saying is maybe you know it looked like that they were going to something out maybe they bought those SI for the dog no that's what they should probably do then the dog won't know when to bark at anything um too many long meetings today yeah it's been it's yeah Punchy for sure a motion to adjourn second all those in favor him heli Trevor McDaniel I Carolyn nessi thank you everybody thank you all stop recording