welcome to the select board Board of Health sewer Commissioners meeting on April 24th 2024 at 6: p.m. 6:01 p.m. this meeting will be held in a hybrid fashion with the opportunity for both in-person attendance in the main meeting room of the dear municipal offices and remote participation please note that while an option for remote attendance and participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in any specific item on this agenda should plan for in-person versus virtual attendance accordingly pursuant to general laws chapter 30A anyone intending to record the meeting must identify themselves to our clerk Trevor McDaniel and provide their name and address for the record thank you so I'm calling a to order is there any public comment okay um so I do have one announcement I just want to say um the 350th met last night we have decided the Time Capsule is going to be over by the bloody Brook Memorial um right by Frontier yeah that's um we're going to have that happening on May 11th followed by a luncheon at Frontier um for anyone that wants to participate and um this they're going to put the bench um you'll see two little Stakes the bench is going to go there and the Time Capsule is going to be buried right behind it uh Peter Thomas had very nicely um volunteered to um do the uh archaeological um hand digging of the where the time capsule is going to go so there's no issues CU it is a historic site and he is of course certified and um to do that kind of stuff he did that for FEMA do you know what time you're going to do that yes and it will be at either 11: or 11:30 we don't yeah I'll put 11 just to have yeah just to have 11 um we we just have to confirm the yes advertised um and then uh there's going to be plantings that tree uh there is of course dead and is dropping big branches so we got to get that taken down but we're going to plant uh sustainable plants native plants around there and Shrubbery hopefully we can work with the Conservation District to come up with some planting money and they're going to um restore that planting the old fountain that has is like a circle flower bed it's going to be uh just fixed up a little so the whole the whole and and friends of Deerfield are going to clean the monument so this is like so exciting so we'll have that bench there and we'll have the monument cleaned and so I feel it was really exciting that'll be nice yep so that was a positive thing so news next item on the agenda is review and approval of the meno to assessors uh requesting abatement for fiscal 24 um for 83 to 85 North Main Street effective for the period of April 22nd through June 30th uh pursuant to general laws chapter 59 section 72a and I assume that's because we now own the property correct we're asking the memo is to request that the assessors Abate the real estate taxes from the date of the taking to the end of the fiscal year okay perfect so if you guys are okay with it I will send it to them good do you want to vote yeah we need them yeah if you want to I make a motion to approve the uh request to the assessors to Abate the property taxes second the motion all those in favor Tim HG I Trevor McDaniel I Carolyn S I thank you very much uh next item on the agenda is the police chief's request for a full-time police officer appointment excited about this one yeah me too um it's Tanner Finch and I'll just read what John has written up y uh it says Dear board honorable board I'm respectfully requesting Tanner Finch to be appointed as a full-time police officer effective May 13 2024 in accordance with the Union contract at $25.9 3 an hourly wage if authorized and voted Tanner will start the full-time Police Academy in Holio on Monday May 13th and graduate on Friday October 18th he will then start a thre monmon field training uh program the goal will be to have Tanner covering shifts by yearend holiday season which will be fabulous we will then need to explore placing a second candidate in the academy in no November December Tanner was born and raised in Deerfield graduated from Frontier Regional High School and is and was attending Springfield Technical Community College Tanner is exceptionally polite proactive and a humble young man I believe his drive and personality will serve the town extremely well for years to come please feel free to reach out if there's any questions at any time respectfully submitted John Port pleas to approve the request to appoint um Tanner fit second it um I just want to say I'm thrilled we have a good candidate CU it's hard hard to find good people really and a young person is wonderful and a local young person so we're really happy and um so all those in favor Tim I Trevor McDaniel i carollyn n i okay and then the item that we let's just take care of the one un anticipated item yes so that we can just now then focus on the um should be towards the end yes what it is is a letter of support for the town of weighty for the MVP action Grant application this is part of our um Franklin Conservation District effort uh to do um the yard by yard lawn conversion program because they have similar issues with water and um they're going to approach this through the MVP Grant and they are looking for us to support um a letter for them oh yeah absolutely so we just letter of support make a motion to approve the letter of support to the town of weight Ley for the MVP second and I will gladly ask for support all those in favor Tim Hil I Trevor McDaniel I Carolyn Ness I and we hope that that they suck up as much water as possible because I takes more from bloody BR can we send them sponges that's right send us sponges across that little line we are very happy to participate want the water yeah um okay it's wild but true and there's just one other thing to sign and that's the um warrant final page of the warrant for the oh okay yep um okay so now let's go over the warrant let's go over motions and talking points okay do you have a black I do yep I want to do it in red um I did yeah purple I know I know I didn't realize I had purple okay it's okay it proves that it's an original signature that's how I look at it okay okay uh article one I don't think that's going to be too much of an issue can certainly talk to that um yeah so it's basically moving a through G but one thing that I received a request for is to slightly change the language in the reference to the annual gift for Eaglebrook um thanks Tim um does the board have an issue with that change because it's just a slight change to the table so what did you change from the last what I changed was underneath Renovations for the temporary Library space um Eagle Brook School annual gift and appreciation of services rendered dedicated to construction was oh yeah if you guys don't have a problem I'd like to replace that fine nope okay that's fine all right and so the rest of this the rest of that article is the same I only have one talking point to that and that is that this combines several annual requests to expedite the business of town meeting um article two and this is Tim's motion and so there's there's going to be some places where you guys can tell me if you want me to change things I did my best to stick to things that I know are your particular Bailey wicks fine um the so article two I have Tim moving it and that's for Reserve fund appropriation which is $100,000 this year um OPB trust appropriation which I do put an explanation down in the explanation section about this just to make sure people remember and then out of District placement is us it's the representation of an estimate of two students plus Transportation um so it's 104,000 and this was what was discussed during the budget review process um but that question that in case that question is something the only thing I would add is um you want to make sure that we um just mention I mean if somebody questions the sum of 100,000 it we're reducing that from 120 M the reserve fund yeah in years prior it was 120 so we are reducing that M okay and that fund is basically in case we have an unanticipated expence it's the reserve fund for the that the finance committee controls in case we have emergency expens it's like the buffer in your checkbook right um and what I'll say in the explanation for Smith voke I'm just going to say two students are anticipated fine I I think I think you should say two students the cost for two students with transportation and the just remember that we reduce free cash in case somebody wants to know why that is different okay um article three I have Trevor making this motion and it's really to vote the maximum spending amounts for the revolving funds again this is an annual vote so I didn't put much explanation in it no worries um article four okay so this is what I wanted to explain to everybody last night at the hearing um and Trevor may have a question about this because he had a question during the meeting um first of all David Sharp was going to make the motion y um they made one small change in the text of the bylaw and that was on in item 355 or section 355 item a after the word Town Administrator about 23s of the way down that paragraph they had me add or their designate because you might have Chris Nolan to attend yeah in other words for instance if I if the Town Administrator couldn't attend a meeting or something that the Town Administrator could designate the assistant Town Administrator which I've done in the past or or any other they could designate somebody else generally it's probably going to be somebody like the assistant Town Administrator but yes so they wanted that flexibility um that makes sense they also chose to make sure that the in this version the elected employee member is a voting member except on the Personnel review relations review board um so most of the language is the same except for that or their designate okay um and the recommendation is carried at the bottom now I did some explanation on this and then I remembered Trevor that so Trevor had a question last night but Trevor made a comment to me and that was keep it simple so I tried um it's it's because this is a lot it isn't as simple as maybe you want it to be and if you want me to pair it back I can it's fine it's fine but basically I'm telling people that we're amending the current language to to allow the town to create an Administration system change the composition of the Personnel Board maintain the responsibility for wage review and classification of positions um clarify the roles of the Personnel Board and the select board in policy development and this is where Trevor's question was so in the text of the bylaw change it does say that recommendations come from the Personnel Board it they can also come from two or more employees um but the town the select board has a has a time frame with which to act on a recommendation once it's transmitted and that's 45 days um do we need either up or down vote on that cuz I thought they said well if the select board doesn't act then it automatically it does it does say that and I said well then we need to really make sure that any changes that come up through we need to act on either yay or nay on them so that we can we don't wind up getting caught flat footed and forgot to talk about something and now all of a sudden it's it becomes you know right and I did tell them that normally I try to not do this in a vacuum I try to include both boards in things that we're talking about yeah um so to the extent that the town administrator's responsibility as the ex official member is to facilitate that timeline needs to be in in on the radar screen but also I think any policy that comes up should be communicated so that you see drafts coming through and that's more of a process thing as opposed to a bylaw thing um so I did want to I did want to bring that up so you can make your comment about it Trevor um so where is this description coming because I had to go to the 350th so I was there for the comp schedule but I I heard you out I didn't I was just doing some other work it's in the Motions after 359 oh good there's an expl under Section D yes that's that's what I'm talking about okay um with the exception of sort of the comment back and forth that Trevor and I just had right that's not there but essentially I'm trying to recap some of the conversation that Personnel Board had so how um when you talk about D how um does that seem like it's I mean that's reasonable I think if they if they come up with something we're usually involved in that but but they will if the Personnel Board comes up with a policy change they would send it to the select board we have 45 days to think about it discuss it we can either vote up or no down but if we don't take any action at all it goes into atically goes into effect okay so and that's a that's not a that's pretty common provision for a lot of different like the Conservation Commission building permits well it's it's our comments it's like when we get asked for comments and stuff yeah it also this also def uh sort of redefines the the review process and hearings and takes out the publication costs okay good because that was one thing that it really has cost a lot of money when we've had to make changes to the class comper and the bylaw it costs a lot of money to do that yeah and what's so silly is nobody reads the newspapers anymore anyway right right and the state still hasn't been able to take that out although fers cross so all right the so the other thing I did just so you know and I explained this to them I took all of our benefits and all of the policies that exist in the bylaw currently and I put it into a draft manual and I gave you a copy in your packet it's not perfect it won't be perfect but to Margaret's question at our last joint budget meeting it gives us a place to start and I will make sure Margaret sees it tomorrow um so they made they recommended this um and I just wanted to give you sort of the brief outline cuz Carolyn came to the beginning of the meeting but she wasn't able to stay cuz she had 350 um are there any questions that you think will come up that maybe a talking point would help I think you should generate one or two for us cuz I have some of it in the explanation yeah um are we still talking about four four yes yes um so not not you don't just think about them you just you should just you could email it to us or something well they'll be in the Motions if there's something if there's something you think of that you think I should address let me know um we've had this conversation a couple of times with the Personnel Board and I think David's prepared to talk to it m um I have not asked him if he has specific comments but often when you guys have specific comments you say them and they aren't necessarily in the text of explanation these comments are like the current bylaw is out of compliance with the state law yes therefore we need to change it yes we also want to um create a bylaw that can be easily adapted as the state changes laws and it doesn't require us to go back to the legislature and wait several months before we know whether the law has been right it allows us to put things in place that come up as they change and so the legal the the fact that we're legally out not compliant is is the main reason and I can make that the main talk that first talking point well I think that should be the first talking point because that's the whole reason we're doing it basically I mean truly okay um all right so Article Five is the class comp and Carolyn was at the meeting for this um David's going to make the motion they had a change to the classification comp compensation and what plan and what they did was they took the position of EMS Chief off the direct section of the plan so it's out of G grade G but referenced all the and and this is consistent with contracts that exist for these types of positions so the town accountant budget director Town Administrator police chief and in this case the idea was my part of my explanation was to continue to be consistent with other jobs but also their rebuttal to me was well we need to make sure that these jobs are recognized as part of as being classified um so they wanted a notation on here that shows the contracts and the positions that are related so you'll see that there's four notations you have the police chief and the EM EMS Chief through GL chapter 41 yeah 41 1080 which is the public safety and then GL 41108 n which is the Town Administrator Town accountants uh contract section so what I did was I just put the notation in like they asked me to and I removed the EMS Chief from the list that was the only change and then I had a brief explanation about it if you think it needs to be paired down send me an email or let me know after the meeting okay I I I just I think speak my comment when I was at the meeting was that it just should be consistent and it appears to be consistent now so that's good so article six and I've got Carolyn doing this motion um and this is the funding for the FY 2024 shortfall for snow and ice removal and I did clarify at Lisa's request so it's 30,000 from vocational Ed um and I talked to Brenda about my explanation point and that was basically money was available in this account to fund the shortfall um because we had few 30,000 is in fact enough for all the bills have the bills come in we it's it's close if we have to make a smaller transfer from um Reserve fund we can but she and I estimated it'll be around there she still knows that she's got two bills outstanding okay um so we made an educated guess all right um article 7 I don't know how much how many questions are going to be around this because we pretty much explain it what each bill is for my concern and Tim if you don't want to do this motion let me know I had you listed as doing this motion the biggest question I think is going to be the cost to pay the various employees at scems for the overtime as required by Fair labor standards act and so what I was trying to do in the explanation is sort of brief it um essentially we became aware in March that overtime hadn't been properly calculated including the differential and so I I struggling with how much detail to put in there and how much not I think I can explain it okay because I want to give something but I don't want to go too far tror it's less than $400 yeah it's it's less than $400 I mean it's really not that much but somebody may ask what the flsa thing was and that's over time includes shift differentials and we just hadn't calculated them correctly um but I did give them the background of what happened in case there's questions because once we figured it out and had a method to fix it we did it in the in the most current payroll and then we did the look back and I want also wanted to make sure that we recognized how much work that Josh and Sarah did by just referencing the position participation in in the whole explanation if you want me to take that part out I just it was a lot of work so other than that I don't know how many questions there will be on the other two bills so I didn't really fill that in that's fine okay um article 8 is opioid St the opioid funds and I struggled to sort of come up with something except to give it background which is those funds rolled into free cash while we waited for the legislature to work with DLS or do um we could only hold those funds in stabilization accounts up to that point and this change creates more flexibility and allows the town to spend the funds for purposes outlined in the article without prior appropriation we don't have it's going to sit there right now right now it's going to sit there and that's probably the thing that um Carolyn I one of the reasons I gave you this article is because I know that you can speak to that in case there's a question y so you can say right now we have no activities or we're working on activities whatever you want to say yeah nothing at the moment but at least there's a small explanation here yep um okay article 9 is the budget okay I have no explanation for the budget and I talked to Brenda about it she's like it's pretty straightforward pretty straightforward yep so the good news was is almost everything was in the warrant so there in terms of the questions you guys could see we did our best to include all the funding yep tables so hopefully that settles people down and they aren't they don't have as many questions um and finance and select board agree on the whole budget so correct we're good there finance and select board on the whole budget um the other reason there's no explanation is Julie does that we will include it in the guide and she's going to do a short presentation that's perfect um article 10 is sewer Enterprise fund so I gave that to you Trevor okay that's fine um and it's pretty self-explanatory so I didn't give it any explanation it's fine it's good um article 11 is scems which I gave to Tim perfect um you're the selectboard rep on scem so I figured you probably would want to talk about that yep um just in case you didn't notice I put Josh I asked Dan to put Josh on the moderator's motion to speak yep um but I had forgotten Cassie so when I send this out tomorrow I will make sure that Dan knows um okay but Josh specifically wanted to be able to speak if he could or if anybody had questions yeah it's good um okay article 12 capital is FY 24 capital for scams mhm um it seems pretty self-explanatory to me so I didn't give it a lot of fine explanation and I gave this one to you Carolyn because a you're on Capital and B yeah um you're also the fiduciary for the town so if you didn't want it let me know now no no no I'm fine I can I think I can explain it to um people fairly simply um and if you want me to give you some explanation I can do that no no I I went to every single I mean one of the reasons that we did the funding source tables is to give people some background um okay Article 13 and you're going to see that there are some places where I haven't accepted changes because I want uh Lisa and Dan to see them before we accept them um Article 13 is the fy2 capital plan so I noticed that I hadn't put some verbiage into the motion that says to fund the capital Improvement plan for the fiscal year beginning July 1st so I fixed that okay um I don't have a lot of explanation because really there isn't much to say right my only question to you as the select board that basically finalized what was in the warrant do you want to include any other background no we'll just explain it if anyone has a question on any of the items yeah okay um article 14 Tim do you feel comfortable cuz I I mean feel I could do that comp Capital if you want do that yeah I gave it I was just sort of flipping through so okay no that's fine they're all straightforward yeah I mean there's there's hardly anything anyway and there's nothing controversial it's it's you know multi-year plan um and the funding sources are really outlined fairly straightforward yeah yeah there's nothing really okay I just if you wanted no I'm fine okay and uh I got if you needed it who's doing 14 you said Caswell Julie Caswell is doing it she's a member yeah so she's Vice chair of community preservation Kathy's not around had a chance to talk to her Monday and I told her I would send her the Motions um it really follows the table so it should be fairly yeah there no projects this year so it's the only explanation I have here and this was after I talked to Brenda is no specific projects were were recommended for approval at this town meeting but at least one project may be presented at a fall town meeting okay which was actually a statement that Tim had made last week I think yep so I just wanted to capture that um because and you know Julie can say whatever else she wants to say but I thought for purposes of people reading this they may want to know that okay um okay Article 15 now this is the quarterly tax yeah one and I that's fun I struggled with who to give it to but I figured that I'm happy to do it I think some of the borrowing like you understand how the cash flow not that we don't but it I just tag you it what I tried to do was pair down some of that explanation and essentially after talking to Brenda she basically said make sure you you give everybody the benefits to them first and I wrote that down Yep this all comes from the information that we got from Sarah yeah um I'm gonna have Sarah take a look at it see if she wants me to pair anything down it looks pretty pretty good um that's fine basically we get essentially the last two elements are the elements that are really the benefit to the town which is provides stable cash flow so we can meet our monthly financial obligations and plan for larger expenditures yeah and it is a significant change so we seek to implement it in July of 2025 for fiscal 26 yep to give adequate time to notify people yep that's fair mhm and so maybe I'll move that one talking point below the property owner thing I'll switch that up a little moment and then satu is going to do the uh Library trustee okay so satu is going to do this I don't really have a lot of explanation but in an email exchange I had with Nancy G Nancy Maynard um we are going to include their letter with explanation in the guide fine so hopefully that helps but I'm sure satu can explain it to um 17 17 is this is community preservation committee um this is to what Julie going to do this one too the members is that that adjusting the members yes it's adjusting the members don't have a regional house think that's easy enough okay yeah this this basically seeks to create the ability for us to have a resident act in a capacity to promote affordable housing um we don't have a and I all I say in the explanation is we don't have a member because we're required to use the Housing Authority yep um and or it we're required to use the hous Regional Housing Authority since we don't have our own Housing Authority um and all the only other thing I said was this not having the seat filled creates quum issues which means they can't do their business which I think is this most simple explanation is there anything else you think I should add to it Carol no but when you when you're talking about um on the the references I mean the only Housing Authority we have because we're a small town is a regional one and no one lives in town right that is on the Regional Housing Authority board I mean that and is willing to serve if if somebody was in town lived in town and was on the board and was willing to serve on the CPC it wouldn't be a problem but we don't have anybody on the Regional Housing board that lives in town so it's very simple yeah simple stuff and and this is how people have fixed it other small communities across Massachusetts had fixed it right and so that I mean I think that's worth saying this is how small communities without their own individual Housing Authority have fixed right the state legis ation no it's good and that's very simple okay so that we can meet cor I mean and again that's a simple explanation yep I'm fine with 18 is easy enough unloading the property um simple I think and we have a picture of the property in the I do actually um we'll put it in the guide yeah we have a we have a a GIS snap of it pi picture of it but we also have a reference from The Unofficial property are we going to have any of this up on the board yes we're going to have to so the guide's going to have to be this is what Chris is going to be doing we have a projector now we can project unless Frontier wants to do it but yeah yeah we and I was going to have Chris do that Chris noan great because this you know we turn the guide into an electronic document anyway so we can just scroll that's great um Article 19 I had you doing this motion Tim if you want to switch it around 18 No 19 I was doing that's just the the getting rid of the oh I'm sorry 18 is is permission to change the use and sell the property y y 19 is I didn't put an explanation in there do you think we need anything no I can explain it all right y um and I have no problem doing 19 yeah okay so 19 plays into 20 and so you'll see that there's a question from Lisa me we need to know the amount not not to confuse the two but they relate to each other um so if Article 19 doesn't pass yeah we have to maintain borrowing authority to pay the bills for the roads correct so lease's commonism we need to know what the amount is or if it's going to be completely uh rescinded the request is going to be to completely resend we won't know that until town meeting so I'm going to talk to her and see how she wants to handle it you mean if if if 600 doesn't pass then we're not going to we're just going to pass over yeah you would either have to pass over it or only allow that 600,000 no we're just going to pass over it and then we'll decide talk about it you guys talk about it this my view is that if if 19 does not pass and we don't have the money from there we will pass over article 20 completely and by the by Fall we'll decide how much we're going to borrow you know cuz we it's sometimes still we to borrow 600,000 you may have to group in some other projects so I think I think it cuz there's a cost there's a cost there is definitely C the smartest plan is to is to fund it out of there but I think that we should pass over this article completely if it doesn't and then decide in the fall once we know all the bills are in and everything's paid up and we're done where we want to go from there and how much we need to resend in the fall but and somebody else has a another point of view that's why we're talking I don't know I mean there are two options right one is you that if if if the voters decide in their wisdom that they would rather not spend money that we on have on hand and retain a borrowing authority of $5 million then that's the decision they're going to make it doesn't make any sense to me but and I don't expect people to do that right but you can never tell what can happen at a meeting y um the other option is to since we can we can this is a legal question for Leisa the borrowing Authority is for 5 million yes would it be considered a reduction in the borrowing Authority or would we be authorized since we already have the borrowing authority to say that for instance we were going to resend 4.4 million of the borrowing Authority those seem to be the two options that's why it says all portion right if so is if we're talking about you know what the finance committee has recommended is that we we use $600,000 of General stabilization General stabilization to make up the gap between the state Grant the money we had from a previous Road issue and um what we had to expend to fix the roads right so I I'm hopeful that this doesn't this is a highly hypothetical thing I think it's a logical thing for people to vote for us to use stabilization money and pay off all these bills um but we will need to explain to them that we need to pay off this road repair expenditure by the end of the fiscal year right we've said it a number of times right so the talking points that's why I'm asking because the talking points on this right we need to be clear about what we're saying so the first thing is is um this this transfer covers the remainder of expenses incurred by the town for the flooding events in July right um and this this secures Our obligation to the state that we will pay off all emergency spending by the end of this fiscal year right and if Article 19 doesn't pass then we have to decide either where we whether we're going to if we pass over article 20 that leaves our borrowing intact and we would have to borrow to fund by the end of fisc year and then and then in the fall we can resend whatever we didn't borrow yeah or we could only retain the 600,000 borrowing Authority and get rid of the rest of it um I'm I think I'm in favor of um resending four 4. 4 million I understand what you're saying but I also feel optimistic that we're going to get some money between now and fall I wouldn't risk it but that's up to you that's fine and I think I leave it up to you guys whatever you want to do I I would pass it over and then do it in the fall when we know everything but if you want to do that that's fine sure the only the only reason why I suggest that I'm suggest that what I'm I am suggesting is that I believe that we're going to be doing bans for other things so you know that that are normal course of business that the accountant does the Banning periodically and I think she's planning to do something for the fall right you need authorization though to ban so well right we'll do bans for the library project right that'll be our first ban in September I think but you won't well here's what happens right so they don't allow us to do this then that's what they they're telling us is that they want us to borrow $600,000 to pay off this debt it has to be paid off by right the end so we have to borrow before June 30th correct right so I'm going to do my best to explain that if you don't approve this what you're doing is telling us to borrow $600,000 to pay off a debt we have to pay off by the end of the fiscal year right um and well I'll explain that before this vote yeah I think I don't think anybody's going to be to do that against doing this but you can never tell I think they're going to my thought is financially it makes a lot more sense to transfer $600,000 to pay our bills with money we have on hand I was just going to say the money sitting there we're not getting very I mean we're getting interest but not a lot of interest and it is for the purpose of the general stabilization fund to pay bills that were unanticipated so that we balance our budget particularly for Capital which our roads are right right and so and then of course if we get money from the state it goes into free cash it gets certified and we can pay it back put it back into stabilization we can pay put it back in at the fall town meeting I mean I just I'm not as optimistic as you are but I would love to take it yeah yeah no I'm I and no matter what I mean Trevor the only thing you got to do is you just got to keep working I know you do and you're good at that you good at that I just feel I mean there's $5 million sitting there that they have to pay out it's not enough for what if if lemon appeal does not happen it's not enough right so they are going to have an additional amount and our amount is still is still outstanding and the reason why it's not 800,000 is because we were overpaid in July of 21 storms right Conway has been overpaid right we have been underpaid correct so Joe and Natalie are more than aware of that which I hope will talk about on Saturday um and so my thought is in the supplemental budget which happens after July 1st unfortunately um we will get a pay payout that will go into free cash we'll get it certified and hopefully we can return it to the stabilization in the fall yeah that would be great but that would be really great we need to kind of replenish that somehow but I mean so do you need us to make a decision about the number um I think what we what I'm probably going to end up doing is having some notation for Town officials y about what we would do that's why I ask the question because usually in past past motions I've seen if something happens then the board will pass this over or if something happens then the board will do this this could be the motion right we've done those types of motions it's just a question that's why I wanted you to talk about it because this is a critical piece of your right right um process and I just guess I'd like to send Lisa me a question about this for myself so I'm clear on it um I think I outlined the two options correctly I mean one is that we pass Article 19 and then we resend the full amount one is that the voters do not pass article six 19 and then we have to have a number because what they're telling us is that they we're not going to have another opportunity to go to the voters and ask them which which account do you want to take this money out of to pay this debt this is really our only choice right so my looking at this as the only choice is to figure out what is the reduced number of what can we resend in borrowing at this meeting because you still have and if they don't W pass that either than what they're telling us is they want us to default on this debt correct we still have you know what if we borrow we have but I want to check that with the lawyer I yes and we have to you know calculate the bond I was just going to say you got Bond Council you have this whole banding cost that's another reason why we need so we need to have that price worked into the 600,000 so people can see that you're actually making us more money by making um okay all right I think we we beat it to death yeah okay it is beaten to death the last article after 20 is the petition citizens petition um and this is going to be a motion from the floor um is Blake's making this motion um is did you get in touch with the petitioner and ask her if she wanted to present this article someone should present well the thing about it is is I actually put she's not a Dearfield resident she's not a Dearfield resident but what I did was I connected her to Dan and they came up with a an explanation that we're going to put in the guide yeah but somebody's going to speak to it from the floor okay but she'll have to be on and I connected to that person and let them know that I can give them the Motions but I can't control what happens from the floor so is somebody from Deerfield going to be on on the floor okay I was going to you'd have to add her name to the front there it's yeah it's a and Jessica had already I'm the person that put the petition and I don't she had already discussed that with Dan okay so she knew that it had to be somebody from Deerfield right she doesn't need to be listed in the front right no and I I I sent a a an email to Dan asking if he could give me a call about this petition because um it's nothing to do with select board and um I want to know if nobody is present to present this to the citizens whether we can pass it over with no action that's actually a legal question for Lisa oh yeah I'll I was going to check with Dan and and I'll send the same email to Lisa or you can send the same email to Lisa I can ask I mean cuz I I you know I believe that we followed what we understood to be the law that citizens was properly requested with the uh the town government and they met all the requirements and so we said yes you can put this petition on here well the petition was written the same in multiple towns right no I'm not worried about the language or anything I'm saying they followed all the rules we we as a select board said okay they followed all the rules it can go to the voters but we're not it's not part of it's nothing that we brought forward it's something that a citizen petition brought forward and so that this is on the citizens who want to bring It Forward yep all right yes and I tried to make that clear by making that connection with Dan good I'm glad you did that appr also you know I I will said these I do believe there is going to be somebody from Deerfield that's going to move this so I don't necessarily think it's an issue um but I do I I did want to make sure that we weren't in a situation where nobody was moving the question question because it is something that came to you as a petition technically you guys I know we're obligated to put it on I mean they hit the number of signatures Lisa told us to put it on so I did um but yeah and we can have Lisa speak to this too yeah she can say um because you know it's a Nuance but it's something that the Citizens need to understand you know the select board doesn't have absolute authority to do things we're not dictators we're responsible to the voters right so you want to know whether this article can be B passed over if if there's no to present it we're not obligated to present it because it wasn't anything that we brought forward and I just want people to understand that we followed the laws we understood it and that if nobody is here to present it then we're not going to take action on it motion to adjourn is there anything else I don't think there have anything else anybody want to hit on is there any topics to discuss yes no I'm good um I just we're waiting on the cabinets right for the church still still waiting on the cabinets to arrive yeah and I uh need to uh ding on the the meeting house just to check to see see if they're on schedule he told me that they were supposed beginning of May supposed to give give me a notice four weeks before because that's when he gets noticed that they're coming but he's very busy I think it's a bus busy time of the year for sure um you know I'll just send him an email tomorrow just to say Hey you know um what else did I see uh I I just I did did get a phone call from Allison at treehouse and she said that um dot did like the um pull off uh bus pull off idea so that's the EAP is still moving forward there to protect oh yeah yeah yeah but when you say bus pull off what do you mean in in instead of instead of having you know like the they they have a bus schedule going around to the parking lots to pick up the people for the race instead of pulling putting into the parking lot and pulling out it's going to just pull off on the North End where there emergency access is anyway right and and it will be like a bus stop people will get off and go to the parking lot and that's where they could pick up if there's Emery sign up and whatever and then if they they presumably they're going to go back to the parking lot where Runners are arriving and parking pick them up and transfer them right but what you've eliminated is you eliminated going into the parking lot coming out but it had it was dependent upon right it was dependent upon mass do approving that and apparently it came through that's good today that's good while they're still working on their oh they're they're working on the egress a permanent egress as well as the emergency egress but the initial the main issue was how do you get people in and out yeah uh with the current situation and the current situation can be um mitigated by having this bus pull up yep and and they agreed to that and of course it if you know it's sort of already there so it's not really an issue I see they paved out here in front of the library out there sign that bill right so that warrant so so where are we on the relish on the church relish so there is I actually had a conversation with John Watney about this I tried to set up a call with the representative from sxo because it's a question about a contract term and I need to ask the guy about it but I talked to John Watney about it and he understands sort of where our position is in terms of protecting the town so I'm going to follow up with Shan Delaney as soon as I get a chance to he hasn't responded to my request so he's probably out in the f so I expect to hear from him tomorrow if I don't hear from him in the morning I'll give him a call okay thanks cuz we I'm I I want to make sure I mean this is emergency repair and we really well the contract piece is a is a different part of it so we need to get it done but I also want to make sure that we protect the town oh yeah absolutely nobody wants to not protect I have a problem with that but I want that church relishes well the other thing is is right now we're at crunch time for town meeting and some of this documentation has to happen absolutely absolutely so casy we understand the pressure you're I know so yeah I mean anything else I'm going to make they they've got the um Chargers here done it looks like they red out and everything so that looks all finished than and then I'm hoping they going to mow out front pretty soon it's looking a little tall yeah the rabbits don't seem to do a good job no they don't eat it evenly they've got the big front teeth you know maybe we need baby goats baby goats there you go at least they're cute we can f that Lor I'm pretty sure my dogs want to visit with baby goats but I'm just saying all right baby goat yoga yes baby goat yoga out front motion to adjourn second all those in favor Tim Hil ey Trevor McDaniel i carollyn n thank you very much