##VIDEO ID:nbLETgcHMLo## good evening and welcome to the select board Board of Health sewer Commissioners meeting of August 21st 2024 it's 6 p.m. this meeting will be held in a hybrid fashion with the opportunity for both in-person attendance and remote participation please note that while an option for remote attendance and/or participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in any specific spefic item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly the meeting will be held in person in the main meeting room of Deerfield municipal offices in accordance with Mass General Law chapter 38 anyone intending to record the meeting must identify themselves to the clerk Blake Gilmore and provide their name and address for the record so call the meeting to order and uh at this time we are will entertain public comment for 2 minutes from anyone in the audience who wants to step up to the mic and say anything other pleas oops Charlene ginsky 342 River Road I've had the opportunity to go to a few meetings um to learn more about the 1888 building and I attended one uh in person and then I had I also have been watching some and I I have a a serious question to ask before consideration was made to even look at that building for the town hall was there a um an I I know the name of the type of person that does this an industrial hygienist looking at the building to say that that bottom floor that has water in it and that was confirmed at both meetings and that Upper Floor that has bat feces and rodent feces um and and that was said at the meetings uh did did a an expert come in to verify that that building was really a building that was viable for town offices and the reason I'm concerned is we hired an industrial uh hygienist to look at The Farmhouse that just burnt and uh received an 18-page report about carcinogens that are now in the house and fungal um debris at Etc and um I looked up this gentleman who came to our Farmhouse he is the one that was involved in the courthouse in Springfield where the employees sued the state because the state was saying the the courthouse was good to go and they were they were going to do some things to it but they the people were still getting sick this gentleman went in there and he found a particular material that showed it uh can cause neurological damage and I understand two of the judges died of ALS in that Courthouse whether it was connected it never said so my concern honestly is for the town employees who are going to be going into that building once it's renovated has there been a thorough uh expert look at that building especially the bottom floor and the top floor so we don't respond to comments as you know so um sometimes you do cuz I did watch a me I'm actually trying to do what we're supposed to do so we there have been many expert um opinions about the building and the and of course the the program anticipates complete renovation and removal of all asbestos containing materials lead paint containing materials um hazardous substances that might be in there water mitigation in the basement so the short answer is it would be like a brand new building except in a 1888 exterior I understand that and I think the concern is that this is an old building that has had these problems over many years um it's hard some of this stuff may be embedded in things CU we learned that there are porous semi-porous and nonporous materials porous and semi-porous are the ones you have to be worried about because that's where this stuff goes and stays and I don't know how you know if that's happen happened in that building if you haven't had we had 10 samples taken throughout the Farmhouse and those 10 samples showed a you know like I said an 18-page report the other okay Charlene we we understand your concern and we'll certainly look into it um I I don't want you to look into it I just would like an answer can somebody send me a letter that says who the experts were and if there was a report I'd like to see the report we'll have research done on it and see what we can provide for you okay and in the interim if it hasn't been done it will be done because there's no interest in making anybody risk their lives working in a municipal building no and that's my concern and I think is the other members of the board of Selectmen we want to hear about it too so y we're we're on the same page with you good thank you thank you any other comments anyone online um okay well since there are no further comments um I'd invite Mr Reno up uh to talk about uh the event yes hello thank you thanks for having me I'm just getting identify yourself and H yes I'm John Reno I uh grew up in South Deerfield I live on gav wonderful so tell us a little bit about the 5K uh it's a 5k 10K it's um it starts at Park Street Center of South Airfield front of the dental office uh proceeds up Hillside um and half and the people that are doing the 5K um get about halfway up the hill turn around and come back and the people that are doing the 10K proceed around the mountain do a little out and back on Crest View and finish at the Town Center so the start finish is on Park Street and this is a fundraiser yes I represent the Massachusetts senior games I don't know if you're familiar with them but they put on um numerous numerous sports activities everything from um you know baseball basketball ice hockey the standards to cornhole shuffle board darts Billiards um and each state has its own um um organization and then every two years they get together for what you might call the Senior Olympics and it's called Nationals um and that's going to be happening next July so this is this race is a qualifying event for people that are 50 and over they can they will qualify to go to Nationals in De Moes Iowa wonderful yeah and I see you have your Massachusetts senior game representing the representing here today well uh well being a senior myself I see that you've checked with uh chap aerk as far as the road goes itself what have you done for any first aid type setups if you have somebody that has a problem on the road on the The Run itself uh if you notified uh South County or do you have people your own that are going to be working to make sure that everybody's makes it through the course and you know anybody's stuck on the side of the road right so I mean I I definitely sweep the course after the event um checking for any problems and trash um I also um you know 911 with the South County the fire department's right less than a mile away from the center of town um so that's that's never really been it's never come up and we hope that it never will of course but but um yeah I'm just thinking it might might be good for you to notify them just so let them know that you're there and you're doing your thing sure I can do that yeah Y and tell them the the date and time and I'm sure they're aware of it but uh just crossing our tee dotting our eyes okay sure yeah anything else Blake I'm good okay I'd like to move to Grant permission for the Run round the mountain Veterans Day road race to be held on November 11th 2024 at 10:00 a.m. as outlined with the course description and additional information provided in the flyer from John Reno second any further discussion no hearing none all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Tim Hil I thanks John great thank you very much and good success for the race all right um is Chris done here no um why don't we move ahead to can we do Valerie y Valerie um bird are you ready to speak about your proposal hi there hi how are you I'm sorry I just had to run downstairs and get my iPad um so well I'm looking at streamlining the Mobile Food application so the way we're doing it now is extremely cumbersome for Pat who does the permitting and all the other town all the other um people the Deerfield [Music] Academy they they have H food trucks Treehouse bir Brewery um Eagle Brook and Yankee Candles they all have food trucks so when a food truck comes in they get one day permit well first of all they pay for an annual so what we've been doing is we've been charging um 150 for Treehouse and bursha Brewery food trucks only the others pay2 200 but then they have to pay another $50 so with the Treehouse and the brocher brewery if you recall we have an agreement with them um Casey do you have a copy of that signed agreement for the board I don't but I did look up there's two agreements there's a treehouse agreement and a BBC agreement right so um the way it was situated was I go and I do the inspection so I write up the reports and then at the end of the month I compile all the reports make copies give them to Pat with an invoice and she sends it off to either Treehouse or burk sh Brewery so that that's very time consuming and then treeh house is supposed to pay in Burg brewery as well so Treehouse has not paid their bill yet as far as I know I didn't check today but I believe it's in in process and they in turn are turning around and charging the food vendors which doesn't make sense at all because that's just adding another step so the the agreement was supposed to do away with the $50 for the food vendor and Treehouse was supposed to pay it not turn around and collect it from the food vendors so what we're looking at doing is eliminating the per event fee the $50 per food truck will just charge them all 200 the annual fee like the other towns and you have a list of what the other towns are charging Which is less way less than that nobody charges a per event fee um only Deerfield and I I understand that the reasoning was that you wanted to or the board wanted to cover our expenses well there really aren't any additional expenses because I do the food trucks and then I do something else in between okay um I think we understand what your position is on this and uh I know that previous previous Board of Health had had had a different mindset about this I think think that you've made a good point about streamlining and uh and making uh removing removing a step that seems somewhat redundant um I know that the fire department has a similar annual fee for inspections of propane tanks um and so um I I myself think this is a good proposal and uh you know defer to Blake to see what he has to say about it well after talking to Val I think it's a good idea too because nobody else charges that $50 fee the vendor comes in he has a bad night he's paying out 50 bucks every time he comes into town and you know and the fire department does charge a fee as well so I think with with us just doing the annual fee would make a difference in in trucks coming into town if they know they've got to do the annual fee they're still going to be inspected and obviously there's violations they will be handled accordingly so I'm in agreement with this that we do the 200 because when you're looking at the other towns the one next to us is Northampton pays they pay 150 annual so we're $50 over them and none of them pay a fee every time a truck comes into town so I'm in agreement with this yeah and um I think that uh as long as we are doing the individual food inspections which you you you work into your regular work schedule um uh by being a good planner of time um there's no impact on uh you know the town no negative impact on the town for this so um I would uh let's see that's you right I would I would like to make that effective September 1st yep hang on is that enough time to to enact this Casey or would you prefer October 1st or some I had asked I had asked Valerie about that Valerie I think we would just want to confirm this is just a thought we would want to confirm that we receive the payments that are outstanding from any of the establishments that have we have an agreement with and this being the case September I think it's reasonable to make the change just because I do know that it's been it's been something that's been questioned for quite some time um from our perspective it will streamline what Pat has to do she won't have to do additional Billings um and then what we would want to do is just make sure I think Valerie that we set the annual permit up the structure up so that it's ready to go when we have new vendors that come into town right right right I left the board a note in their motions to confirm that you and Pat would work through whatever the process is to make sure that in place as of September do you think the two of you can do that I believe we could we could actually work on this on Friday because I know Pat is leaving to go on vacation so I I would get this in in before she leaves okay so the only question I would have about that is um I don't know what food truck activity is in the winter I guess probably with Deerfield Academy and and uh Eagle Brook in session there would be food trucks but um how are you going to manage the if we make it effective September 1 does that mean we're going from SE September 1 to August 31st and then starting over again or would it make more sense September 1st and most of the other most of the food trucks already have their annual the ones that come here they already have their annual so we would start if anybody new comes in town it would be September 1st to December 31st and then we start over again in January and Treehouse does have food trucks throughout throughout the winter we had food trucks Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve Y which is surprising but it dep I guess it depends on how much snow is is out there and how much people want to go outside to eat Valerie is that for an event are they doing it for the people inside there is it for the employees no it's for the public they do they do food trucks for the public okay so Valerie do you think we should make the change in policy reducing the eliminating the inspection fees effective September 1st and maybe change the annual to December 1st DEC January right right what do the annuals for Jan actually January 1st they'll have their new they'll have you know they'll have their new permit as of January 1st so it'll be on the calendar year right so would be sometimes we put regulations in place as as necessary Valerie and I did this with Chris Nolan's help last year when we changed the tobacco regulations right um so eliminate the individual inspection fee as of September 1st and make the new annual fee effective January 1st correct so that means my motion isn't written correctly sorry Tim well no we can we can handle that that um sorry no it's just uh wanted to make sure that uh we didn't create you know a headache for you know if everyone starts on on January 1 even if they get their annual done in March or whatever um we won't be running into a situation of having to track these things I'm sorry I didn't think that one through the same way you you making them okay you making changes to that so no what's no so the individual inspection fees is going to be effective September 1 y that's still that's still there right Y and the annual is January is a January 1 2025 right so right so so so we'll build them on August 31st for August any food trucks they had in August Berkshire Brew Brewery has only had just a few but but they have paid the they paid right away it's just Treehouse oh was question in it why are they paying for the food vendors and I said did send out an email to Casey um that that that was my conversation with uh Ryan last Saturday um he was questioning well actually he was looking to see who else had their annuals because during the half marathon they're expecting to have 10 food trucks great so um you ready to make a motion Blake I hope so do you want here hold on I think I got it y all uh so we're going to uh move to approve the recommendation from Health agent valer bird to increase the annual mobile food service fee to $200 effective January 1st 2025 correct yes okay and eliminate individual inspection fees for each mobile food uh Food Service Fender each time the unit serves in the town of Deerfield and that'll be effective September 1st 2024 correct second any further discussion hearing none all those in favor Blake yilmar I Tim Hil I thank you Valerie for helping us out with this okay so I do have U one more thing um you had asked about the tobacco the tobacco regulations yes and I had written to um Meredith o who was in charge of the tobacco Coalition out of Northampton but she had just responded yesterday on that and she's reviewing our regulations and the changes to see what changes we need to make is that correct Casey yes it is I sent her to assist Valerie with that conversation with Meredith I sent Meredith the um Word document that Chris Nolan had used to develop what was voted on last year by the select board so what Meredith I think is going to do is she's going to address that and make changes and send it back to us right Valerie correct okay and we'll give it to the board then we'll have to hold a hearing to handle it to take care of it and you'll have to tell them when you want it to be effective Valerie when we get there right right so we we'll see what the changes are first yeah um and then go from there if it's if it's very minor changes I think it what I could see there was only two but we'll see what else she comes up with because it it's it's uh not exactly easy reading no um so yeah so we'll wait and hear probably be able to report next week back to the board and find out what Meredith asy um says on that okay okay so so we'll put that on for the agenda uh for the next meeting what in two weeks yeah or or whenever you're ready to present it y okay that'll be good and have you had a chance to drive by 9197 Still Water I personally haven't but neither have I I would encourage you to just do a driveby they're making significant progress wonderful he's gone through 30 dumpsters and two pieces of equipment 7 days a week they're out there working on it wow lot of years of things to work through yes I know there's layer upon layer out there yeah I guess that's all I have unless you have any questions no I think I'm good good thank you Valerie thank you Valerie have a have a good night you too all right yep so um yeah I texted him so all right Christopher you ready to present sure I just have a few updates for the board um so one I think uh we've got a motion uh for the board to make uh so as previously mentioned the MVP action grant for the bloody Brook uh hydrologic and hydrologic I think I've got that right hydraulic and hydrologic study uh was awarded to the town of Deerfield um so that's $170,000 in change um at this point we're just uh signing a grant agreement with the state um and then the actual contracts with uh Consultants will come in a few weeks um so happy to answer any questions on that front uh but I believe Casey has a motion for the board to make to approve that so um this is money that's from a grant Chris it is yeah okay yeah it's a state Grant and it's to study the bloody Brook Watershed to give us information about making decisions about where water enters into the downtown area and and uh anywhere where the bloody root flows and then also give us information about how to make decisions on Culvert Replacements Etc uh and that'll be a public education component I understand and anything else Chris yeah there will be a couple public meetings on this um as well as a meeting targeted specifically at um property owners who are seniors and and Jen rard from our senior center is going to help out with that um and then one other thing I would just mention is that you know part of the end goal here is we're going to get some Concepts for public infrastructure improvements um so those might be Culvert improvements or they might be improvements to sidewalks you know Forest pavement things like that um so that'll be kind of the end goal of project is getting those concepts for different improvements we can make better WEA the the Inland blooding that we're seeing from the bloody Brook any any other questions for Blake no I think we're good now this isn't an engineering thing this is just basically a study that's going to move us toward if we need to an engineer to come in and and uh work on the culs and maybe the uh the way that the the brook flows that type of thing right yep they'll do um basically modeling through that that study um and then you know we'll get Concepts but it probably won't get into the point of actually having something engineered if I mean if it was a culvert there would be so much permitting around that anyway that we probably wouldn't uh be able to fit that into this project um but yeah we'll get Concepts out of this okay thank you so basically there'll be scientists whose work is Hydra hydraulic and hydrological um studies of the way water passes through a geographic region so those are the scientists and then the data that they provide will inform you know physical Engineers who might be involved in designing coverts and so forth and mitigation uh for the for projects based on the data that's gathered by these scientists so um I move to approve the grant agreement between the town of Deerfield and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the amount of $170,300 for the fy2 EA MVP program action grant for the bloody Brook resilience hydrologic hydraulic modeling and authorize the Town Administrator to execute the contract effective August 15 2024 I second any further disc discussion hearing none all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Tim El I uh next Chris you got other things you want to talk about or yeah I just wanted to Pro provide a quick update on the lery lot um so construction is proceeding nicely there um so Tim and I actually were down at the site uh on Tuesday um they've completed you know most of the sidewalks uh at the perimeter of the parking area and now they've kind of dug down they're starting to put in the layers of aggregate that are going to underly that Forest pavement um we were also talking with uh Jeff Squire from Berkshire design about the the placement of one of the tree box filters that's funded by MVP for that that project um and I did want to mention so we got our first payment request uh from Taylor Davis the uh general contractor um so they had a few there was some change orders that were agreed to between um you know the town and the contract factor and it's the overall spread of that is that it's $117,000 in our favor um so you know one thing that was identified was the original design had kind of a duplicative water line going to um Elm Street um and it was determined that really the one connecting to North Main would be sufficient for the project um there was some additional tree removal that was needed that was identified um and then you know we ultimately we also uh found needed a little less of the aggregate um than what was originally identified in the design so ultimately um you know they they've uh submitted um a payment request for $417,000 that's going to be reimbursed out of the CFI Grant from the federal government um and the project is proceeding I do have a field report if if anyone wants to take a look at some photos of the site there's not too many and and Tim I know you probably got some better shots uh when you were on the site Tuesday but I would just say yeah things are moving along nicely there yep they're starting to um also install some of the um rain Garden elements that will help to absorb water from the surrounding area too so all right Chris is there a timeline on this as far as yeah so construction should be wrapped up by October 1st um the the kind of challenge with the timeline has to do with um the actual charging stations so the level two charging stations are easily um delivered within just a couple weeks level three there's more of a lag time um so you know it's possible um that'll have to you know to wait until spring um we're still obviously we'd love to see it in this fall um and we're working with RM Riv more energy to make sure that you know we're we're keeping on our um our distributor as well as the utility and really the utility is the the um the snag here um so but we're going to try to get those installed uh before the snowfly so to speak I know we had a conversation about the Chargers that there there how many over there now two or one that's in the lot yeah there's just a couple of the the level two charging and so what this project would do is install level three um so those was you know just much faster um really could be as low as like a half hour to get your car charged up um and then also some additional level two Chargers um and I think I believe you had brought up last time whether we were going to be able to keep the existing level two and unfortunately it looks like we can't um so that that'll have to be um you know that's we're just going to have new level two charging in there uh instead the story with the charger the old Chargers are going to be what turned in or they're going to go in replace these I can figure out if they're if that's even a possibility at this point or if they're basically um you know no longer no longer serviceable I I'll find out get get back to on that one Blake okay thank you so basically we're going to get four new level two Chargers in the in this phase of it and potentially the four level three Chargers will be delayed because of equipment delays potentially but we're again we're still working to try and make sure we get those uh in time excellent um and then just really quick related uh so on Elm Street you might have seen some surveyors out there um so Northeast surveying has started their work they're subcontracted with Ty and bond to do our complete streets work on Elm Street um so that's really the first step is get an actually good survey of Elm Street from railroad to Main Street um so they I know they were out there last week uh and you may have seen them sub this week as well um so we should have pretty soon a deliverable from Tian Bond that's actually a quality up-to-date survey of that entire Street uh from railroad to Maine um real quick other infrastructure projects uh shared streets you might have seen up on North Main that the the beacons are installed up there I've been told by the contractor that the uh crosswalks are going to be in very shortly um and I know school is coming right up so we definitely want to make sure that happens uh quickly um on the M Village North Main and 5 and 10 intersection I'm not sure if everyone saw it but mot just sent over this week uh a letter confirming that their project Review Committee has approved that project um and so what that means is that intersection project now has a project number and can be publicly tracked um so it it's it's project number 61378 um so if you go to mass Do's um Highway division project web page um you can actually see cost estimates and who the project manager is and what stage the project is in so it's a it's still early days but it's a nice step forward for that uh INF for that intersection Improvement um and then one other thing I want to mention so I've been working with uh diic on one of their wish list items which is an update to our overall economic development plan um furog has some funding from the USA Economic Development Administration that they can use to help us update the plan essentially it would just be doing an inventory of what businesses there are in the industrial park and then beyond that I think including some of those um items that I talked about previously that we're looking to fund uh with a community once stop Grant including the road connection between the Deerfield industrial park and the weightly industrial park um and potentially a sewer connection to uh weightly so basically at this point you know this plan would just be providing an overview of those projects and ultimately if it's going to be an official update to that economic development plan it would have to get approved by town meeting but that would be something to to look at in the future okay so that's that's all I have for the moment any questions on any of those just one quick on on the North Main Street uh mostly the sidewalk infastructure down to Pleasant Street is taken care of but um uh seating and so forth is been done um is is that correct it's basically a completed project at this point or there fewa as far as I can tell the sidewalks are done um there is I think a little area around one of the beacons that um I have to talk to Chris Miller about to make sure that either Taylor Davis or Davenport is going to be um completing a little bit of Paving that has to happen there um so but the the sidewalk project I believe is concluded in terms of work performed yeah great thank you thanks Chris all right thanks everyone all right um so I have a a few um select board notes do you have any on your own blate that you'd like to do yeah it's just um I've just got a couple of comments that I think as a board we need to to look at at some point sure um and one is um the Committees and the uh the different boards I'm trying to make to to get to the meetings and to see what they're going on but I was wondering if we can maybe get them to come in and do a report on a on an occasion to up update us on what they're doing the projects they're up to and that sort of thing only because I can't make every meeting and I'd like to you know at least keep a breast of some of the things that are going on and I didn't know if we could invite them to come into the meetings here to give us an update on on the different things that the boards and the uh committees are doing well one thing that we might do is invite you to the connected Community initiative meetings that they're basically monthly where pretty much every board has a representative um come and discuss it um that's one one Avenue um if you want to do that first and then you know maybe we want to pick selected boards have them come in um I mean we've been doing that for 2 years so you know it's an effective tool for and it's open to the public and and I see people visit that uh meeting regularly um so I don't know I'd have to check my cand calendar I don't know if we scheduled one in September but um certainly we should look into that okay I appreciate that and something else you said uh oh yeah um I've been talking to the chief about some of the other culs in town because I've had people that have come up to complain and I'm going to go out with him and then I'll report back to the board on the findings and those those other culverts and the areas that of concern um the other thing is which is the latest which I know you're going to bring up so it's I I'm just going to say that I want to comment on Treehouse but I'll wait till you go with that and sure comment yeah so um I was going to mention the Mast do approval of some sort of traffic mitigation project at the M Village in the Greenfield Road Route 5 intersection um and uh that's exciting because I know it's been a point of concern I want to thank uh you know Wayne Manley and Patricia Taylor for spearheading a community effort to get Mass Dot's attention on that uh intersection um Treehouse Blake and I went out with the police chief and the fire chief on August 12th to tour the complex uh while there was a concert going on and um we looked at the back of the stage uh we went through the building to look at the EMS and uh safety structure that's in place we don't have official deciel equipment but we walked out toward um the uh property line towards Greenfield Road and we were getting readings and the well you can you can maybe did you have it or I didn't have them we were getting readings in the 80 D to 85 D range at which is under what the allowable um deciel level is there but this is not an official this is like a phone app so um the purpose of the meeting was to you know get a get an assessment of what can what can be done to help um you know address concerns of residents off you know North Main Street Captain laop uh Jackson Street and uh see if there's a way that we can get Treehouse to adjust the way they run their operations so that uh noise was a less of a problem for the residents um Casey I think we spoke a little bit about um a plan that we're also working with um do you want to talk about that at all on the legal front I think we're going to work with possibly the D and see if we can get some assistance from that front but so I did I have reached out to legal counsel um on behalf of the board to sort of help refine my understanding of what is in front of everyone in terms of the noise complaints we've received I have also forwarded those noise complaints to treeh house um they're aware of them but there there's potentially some progress that could be made by addressing having the Board of Health consider addressing noise issues through the D um I don't know it's a regulation but the D level information which is what you just mentioned um and perhaps that would be to gather data using the official measuring tools and I spoke to valer about this a couple weeks ago and she was going to see if we could maybe borrow that from another municipality or another entity um to get to get those get more official data and then perhaps the board could approach it from the perspective of using that data and inviting both Treehouse and the people who are complaining about the noise or people interested in that and hearing about more about what's going on to come to a meeting and discuss that um I think maybe getting the official data would be a good way to start Valerie agreed with me um in particular that D piece of this goes through the board the Board of Health whereas the select board could approach it from a different perspective so but before I do too much in terms of saying what could or couldn't happen I think the board it it behooves the board to think about you know how you would like to approach it you know I'm thinking about it just from The Wheelhouse of the ta's office which is try to protect everybody and get gather as much information as possible personally I don't know how the board feels about that feels about what you want to do right I mean I I actually think that to the extent that it's possible to get independent research from d I don't know if they provide that service that's something you're going to have to investigate I was going to see how I could figure out and that it it it's from an independent source and so that um I think makes probably everyone more comfortable about accepting the the results um I know that we talked with uh The Treehouse concert management team about some possibilities of for the future we didn't they didn't make any commitments but we were looking for things like could we put noise dampening um materials at the back of the concert stage could they potentially build a concert stage rather than renting one that would be more soundproof and would be better able to direct sound one of the things that we did discover and uh we both went our separate Rays at the end of this uh Gathering and I think Blake might have gone to different parts of town than I did just to try to hear what you could hear from different locations is that sound is very dependent on things like base level uh if the base is really you know strong you might hear things in your house differently than someone else um if the humidity level is high the sound might travel farther um so we obviously know we have to do some information gathering and um I definitely want to have a public forum you know and invite Treehouse and want we get some more research about um this so that we can address uh I know that they have their final concert of the year I believe Outdoors is September 14 it's in the school year so um we want people to be aware that this will be the last concert of the year and between now and the the beginning of the next outdoor season we take steps to to help address the situation so Blake you have some things you want wanted to say yeah so I had been out and about in the town different locations where people have been complaining about the noise and when you get there for one concert you can barely hear it you get there for another concert and it is very it's very loud so the other part of it is I just I on my way down tonight I spoke to somebody who was just in their yard they had not complained about it and I said did you hear the music the other night and this is uh on Hillside and he said oh yeah he said uh he said you can hear it and it actually irritates you more in your house than it does outside and when he said that it kind of made s it made sense to me because the noise level will disperse in in an open area whereas if it hits a confined area it's it'll stay concentrated or a little more concentrated so we're learning as we go as to why you know what sound does and how it travels and the rest of it and I think one of the things that I agree with Tim on is the fact that we need deadening curtains that need to be put not only on the stage but maybe even behind the stage so that it deadens The Sound traveling towards North Main Street and then have them do maybe a natural barrier towards 5 and 10 to dead in the sound going across the road there and these are these are just my opinions and just something I was looking at it's the board hasn't even even has hasn't even looked into this but it's something that I'm going to bring bring to the rest of the board so that we can come up with a solution for this because it we have to do something with it relatively quickly yeah and uh the sound deadening that I was referring to was definitely behind the stage to dampen the the sound traveling towards a residential North Main Street is probably the closest resid IAL neighborhood um so if we can make a a big difference there it will go a long way toward um you know making everybody a little more comfortable with the situation um we have uh I think we might have some potential not necessarily discrepancies but areas of unclear language in the entertainment Zone legislation and um the special permit legislation that was approved by the zba ETC so these are all things that Casey's going to be taking to the the legal uh Team to try and get us a clearer picture um the uh final thing I want to talk about is um the uh Valley Health Regional Cooperative that uh Board of Health is involved in uh just wants they're they're going to be issuing some ad advice to uh the superintendent and uh school um principles about the upcoming flu RSV uh season just in just a you know get a uh game plan in place for students as they go back to school and but um Megan tudan is the person the nurse that's uh sort of helping to run that group um deerful president I believe and uh so that's that's moving forward so next thing on the agenda is um discussion about um sunny days Inc which is a it's a marijuana um production and uh sales facility that's being developed on Route 5 um just south of the tree house area uh probably right across from the South County EMS roughly um they the Massachusetts cannabis Control Commission has changed the rules regarding um host Community agreements which is what we're looking at so sunny days is asked us to update our agreement with them um we have had our legal council working on that um this is the only group out of the three licenses that we had at our disposal who has actually moved forward with actually building a facility um so uh based on the recommendations of um our legal team we made changes to conform to the new regulations that the Cannabis Control Commission has put in place and um we are looking to uh they have to go before the Cannabis Control Commission on a yearly basis to renew their license they're not actually anywhere near growing any marijuana or selling any marijuana products at this facility but they have put in the foundations and they they believe that they will have their facility exterior fully buttoned up by winter uh before the snow flies so late October early November and uh so uh we here we've reviewed the documents and I think um you know Blake do you have any thoughts about that I just think this is housekeeping and it's something that we have to address because the CCC has changed hands a few times and I think that they're updating their the cmrs and that sort of thing so I think we have to fall in line with that and uh make sure that we we end up with uh something that's what the CCC is looking for right it's got to conform and um the old the old host Community agreement had a one of the things that the state or initially allowed communities to do was to negotiate a a 3% of Revenue agreement which meant that we could offset any costs that you we might incur because of police necessary police or Public Safety uh or fire or any of that uh response to the locations um but the CC C has pretty much changed that and I'm not a legal expert so I can't explain exactly what it is but uh there there's no advantage to us trying to preserve that element of this because um you know it's a major bookkeeping headache and then you have to provide all kinds of documentation about uh you know whether there was a police call or an EMS call or so forth so um I think it as Blake says it's more of a housekeeping thing it retains a lot of the things that we were concerned about like a water control system because that's the the place uh you know make sure they're not putting water from their grow facility out and pretty much they don't all the water that they use there stays within or evaporates the other major consideration was we wanted to have a an odor control system there so that neighbors thankfully there are not many neighbors right there but that that this wouldn't be a problem for residents so those elements I believe is there anything else in it that we we retained um I don't think so I think basic it was basically it was adding the elements that were pertinent to Deerfield which was Odor Control security Wastewater Wastewater um affluent those were the things that were particular to the town and sunny days was amable to adding that language into the template format itself right and those had been previously included in the original host commity agreement but the the Cannabis Control Commission gave a streamline guideline for what a host Community agreement should be under the new regulations and uh we augmented with the things we thought were pertinent to Deerfield yes so if there's no other I'll make a motion to approve the host Community agreement between the town of Deerfield and sunny days Inc as presented and subject to final amendments by Council and have the members sign at their convenience second any further discussion all those in favor I BL Gilmore I Tim Hil I so what that means is there are a few words that need to be tweaked in this agreement and dates have to be inserted into it but once our legal team is okay with it then um the select board members will sign okay um okay next up is um discussion of the horse burial off of kellerer Drive um we've had several meetings at which this topic came up and I think the horse has been buried for about 3 months now um so our we have done our research with our legal team and with the experts that we were able to consult we've uh written a couple of letters one one of which will go to the person who buried the horse and one of which will go to the neighbors in the area uh and we have two separate letters um I'm going to make a motion to approve a letter for the Deerfield Board of Health to Martha price regarding the lack of adherence to agricultural guidelines for the burial of a horse on her property as presented second any discussion all those in favor Blake gilmar I Tim HGI and I move to approve a letter from the select board detailing the circumstances of the lack of adherence to agricultural guidelines burial of a horse at for kellerer drive as presented second all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Tim Hil ey those uh letters will be available there public record and they're also going to be mailed to the uh as I said the residents yeah we have to sign them and then once that's taken place we can sign them at the end of the meeting okay um all right so do you want to talk about the Weston and Samson I can talk about it yes I so as you know there's been some concern about two spots on River Road where the slope seems to be degrading um particularly since in one spot there was work done just around 10 years ago to um support that area um so what Chris Miller the interim superintendent did was he oh yeah lights I didn't turn the lights on I'm sorry so what Chris Miller did was he reached out to Weston and Samson Engineers which is affectionately now known as wsse and had them come out and look at the area and provide us with a proposal for a scope that would be essentially to evaluate those two spots and provide information on alternative atives that the town could use to deal with the problems it is not engineering design it is simply an evaluation and recommendation to address it um the cost of that contract is 25,700 I believe um and so I have the proposal in front of you I provided you with that so you could see what areas you're looking at and B what the basic scope is um my generally I recommend to the select board and to other entities that we use Draft Town contracts to address these things you only see Weston and Samson's proposal because both Chris Miller and I thought you should see that first before we reach back out to them to see if they were interested in in working on a contract with us so if the board's aable to proceeding and I did give you a motion if the board's meable to that then I would with your direction I would send WSC a town contract and incorporate the proposal into our contract and negotiate that with Town Council so my question on this is that is this is just for this PL the area of beaver drive and further down where the cones and the barrels are it's I believe it's for the spot and well I can't shouldn't say the address I think it's one of the spots is 55 River Road and I don't remember the other one but for anybody that has driven down the road we've seen pretty much where those cones and those barrels are I believe so and uh again with this study is that something that can be used in the future to other areas of not necessarily even River Road but still water if they have something where it looks looks like we've got some sort of a situation going where the the road is undermined or there might be an issue with that um it can necessarily it isn't necessarily A study what it is is it's specific to those two slope degrading those two areas or the slopes degrading on River Road um and it would be particularly to figure out what the town could what resources we might need to proceed with an alternative to fix it that that's really it's really driving driving to the two details in those two areas which as you mentioned are um at the intersection with Beaver drive on River Road and then a little bit further north of that near 51 River Road so there's there was some work done in many years ago and we need to see what what's deg the slope there because it's been significant in the last several years right so as this proposal mentions um there was Road reconstruction done in that roughly in that area in November of 2000 September and November of 2014 um recent storm events and subsidence uh possibly related to the riverbank um you know has occurred so um we can't make a fix unless an engineer tells us what's wrong with it and uh am I correct that this this is money that would be um there's a contract is for what 27 or $225,700 yes and this is uh to be paid for through state chapter 90 correct money this is an allowable expense through chapter 90 and um superintendent inter interim superintendent Miller has explored that option and it's allowable so we can do it through there mhm and um so our our major concern concerns are too well we would approve the contract but we want to put it into a a town contract correct so that we have all of our usual Protections in place and generally with an engineering or architectural firm there there's a back and forth between the town and their their Council to refine those terms but it it does offer some more protections than a a regular proposal mhm for the town I'm good you okay you want to move to approve River Road slope geot Technical Services from Weston and Samson Engineers for $255,700 and incorporate the proposal into a town of Deerfield contract template subject to Town Council adjustments to complete an agreement and have the select board chair signed at his convenience second any further discussion hearing none all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Tim Hil I thank you okay I will let Chris Miller know okay um and it looks like the last action item tonight other than the mail is um something you'll take us through Casey yes so there's a couple of things um I provided on Monday evening I provided the Personnel Board and this is item hold on I don't the packet in front of me but well I don't have that portion of the packet in front of me um this is under the employment and other policies placeholder so on Monday evening with the Personnel Board I provided three draft policies for them to start to consider um the first one was the draft Ada statement there was a draft attendance policy and a draft con conflict of interest policy and I advise them that we could expect some comments from town Council but that these are policies that were recommended during the study of our bylaw and consideration of a manual and we should be placing some type of language around these things into our policy manual now that it's effective so what I've tried to do after hearing concerns from a member of the select board is make sure that whatever policies I send to the Personnel Board I also send to the select board within a reasonably short short period of time so since you had meetings the same week I thought I should give them to you at the same time these aren't I what you see there is the comments that actually came out of the Personnel board meeting so they had some comments around some of the language and I tried to put those in so you can review that it will come back to you after they look at it again at their next meeting so I just this is a sort of first read situation where you see that there's something that's been drafted and you have time to digest it um the second portion of that particular um bullet box is a request for two temporary pay adjustments and a stipend for approval by the select board and essentially we have um we've done this in the past um there's a situation where we've had to work without a couple of people in different departments that have required f in those offices to increase the workload or have had an impact on the workflow for particular positions and I'm requesting two things that the select board approve a temporary pay adjustment for Pat croll in the administration office um until the incoming assistant Town Administrator is fully onboarded into his position which would hopefully be done by October I would think and also approve a temporary pay adjustment for the admin in the public works department um due to this similar situation where her workload has changed due to the retirement of um superintendent Scarboro was it a month ago oh my gosh it was a month ago so in both cases you've had some changes to the the workflow but I think it would be a good idea to recognize that these folks have taken on duties that they didn't anticipate having to do and for a for a reasonable period of time um and then the third thing is a stien towards one of our administrative assistants um furthering her furthering her education um Amy Han has matriculated into the mass Municipal Association suffk university certificate program for local government leadership and management um this wasn't contemplated in the budget but the modules that she will be working through and it's a two semester program so it goes I shouldn't say two semesters it's essentially a nine it's a program that goes through two official semesters that you would see like in a College semester situation um so she'll be going through from September this year to May of next year and it's a it's a program that will help enhance her ability to perform the work that she does particularly supporting a lot of the committee she works with and understanding better how the foundation of legal The Legal Foundation of local government is in relation to what all of us have to do as well as the legal ramifications of some of the decision-making that happens for the committee she supports so I looked through some of the information that she provided to me and I made a recommendation to approve a stipend of a portion of the total um and that was $1,680 but the total cost of the program is $2,800 and she's already paid that herself so it's up to the board how you want to address that part I do have motions for it but if you want to look at it from I look at it from the perspective of management which is you know what's the benefit right this second um based on this particular activity but it's up to the board it's you guys that make the decision I just make sure it gets implemented so those are my requests to help facilitate operations in all of those areas so after what you said my understanding is that uh um with Pat croll and uh with um Diane Cornwell Diane Cornwell that uh this is temporary in other words when the new assistant Town Administrator comes on board then Pat goes back to a regular thing and when we hire a new highway superintendent then she will go back and as well so hopefully there would be that adjustment period would be short um but also keep in mind that they are down other staff in the public works department so there's a different there's a different breadth of work that's happening for Dian got it so just briefly um the Personnel uh policies that uh you referenced there as as people will remember at the town meeting we uh decided to move from a full by law uh where we had no local control over rewriting Personnel guidelines to having a bylaw and then having a a Personnel regulation that we could adjust as we need to to to meet local conditions so these are elements like like American Americans with Disability Act is one of the policies we're talking about so it's a very standard thing and then a policy on employee attendance and a policy on conflict of interest law so so um those are all pretty standard things that should be in a Personnel guideline regulation yes um and with regard to um the uh the things we're talking about the temporary stiens um I fully support the idea of um recognizing people who are doing extra work um when an unforeseen circumstance like uh we lost our assistant Town Administrator at the beginning of July and so a lot of this work has been dispersed among the remaining staff and it's landed more heavily on Pat so um you know as as Casey mentions this is a temporary a temporary adjustment and it would be paid for through um the savings that we're having not having the assistant Town Administrator so it's not um it's it's not going to increase or we won't have to look for transfer because it's within the administrative staff budget right um and the same way way that um the temporary pay increase for Diane Cornwall will be handled through the dpw's administrative staff budget um Kevin Scaro uh was be paid at a higher rate so um there's money to to pay these temporary stiens um and the final part of this is that as you UND explained it to me there are five courses that Amy Han is taking in this in this first session of in the in the entire session itself from September nber through May she will be taking five modules right and three of them have direct applicable uh applicability to her position to her and will help her become a more effective employee so um the other two could be could certainly having contemplated and been been enrolled in that class itself I was enrolled many years ago but I was unable to attend due to a staffing change here in the office um the other two modules won't hurt they will be helpful in her career um it's just as as it stands in the position um it isn't necessarily a part that could that that person could be expected to address okay so for discussion I'll make a motion to approve a temporary pay adjustment for Patricia croll increasing her rate to $31.7 per hour effective July 1 2024 until the incoming assistant Town Administrator is fully onboarded into this position second um so for purposes of discussion we expect um the new the new person Greg snaker will be joining us September 9 September 9th and um he is very familiar with he's a select board member in Gil uh he's worked for furog for a number of years on the council um so we expect him to be up to speed relatively quickly but uh there'll be a lot of interaction between U Pat and himself as he gets all of his duties and and uh assignments in place and under control so any thoughts on that Blake I you you've covered it and that's that's fine okay so um all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Tim h i over to You Blake okay so I move to approve a temporary pay adjustment for Diane Cornwell increasing her rate from $268 per hour uh effective July 1st 2024 until a permanent superintendent is hired um and I'll second that and uh again um I think Kevin was used to handling uh some of the administrative functions and sharing the load with Diane um Chris Miller is in a situation where he doesn't have he doesn't have a replacement for himself at this point so he's doing what Kevin and he used to do on the physical side of this operation and so some of the uh he's had to push down some of the duties that Kevin used to perform to Diane so he he's had to get some help sort of some of that administrative and he's probably probably tapped into Brenda and various other members of staff to to try and we're doing our best to make sure that we support him so that things the operations continue but Diane's taking a good deal of that load and we appreciate all her hard work just like we appreciate what Amy and Pat are doing do you have any thoughts like no I think we're good with that as well I I I watched Kevin when I came on board and watch what he was doing as well and like I said Chris was in and out of the office he was doing some of the paperwork but I don't think he has the time to do as much as what Kevin was doing so I agree that we need to give U Dian a little bit of a boost because she is doing a lot more than she was before okay so if there's no further discussion all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Tim Hill and finally so moved to approve a dipen of $1,680 for amyan to pay a portion of the costs for the mass Municipal Association suffk university certificate in local government leadership and management program second so I think we talked that pretty well through but do you have any further questions I just said Amy is working for all the inspectors and she's also working for what committees she works she's the main support staff for planning zoning and K Kong yeah so she does a huge amount of work she plays a big role in what we're doing here and I think this would give her some guidance further along for um you know as far as the office goes as well as working with the Committees yeah building the knowledge base and certainly a greater understanding of where all these things fit in the greater hole yep and uh yeah she does um an amazing amount of um filings Conservation Commission buildings all of them have copious uh state requirements for filling out forms and triplicate and making sure they get to everybody she's very helpful to the the the local Builder Community because um they're not always familiar with the paperwork that they need to fill out and uh so she helps them and she identifies problems in their paperwork so that they can you know keep their professional livs on track as they try to comply with state and local regulations so um I think um you know public education that will further her ability to serve the public is a good thing all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Tim hel I thank you so um we have I think one set of minutes tonight right we I looked them and we were missing some content and I talked to Pat had done them and I give her a lot of credit it was a lot to waade through um there was some she had made some revisions and so they're not ready to be looked at they yeah they weren't ready and she finished she was able to regurgitate what she is there was sort of some different version she was looking at okay she sent them to me but I didn't have a chance to finish them so that's why you drew a line through that that's why I drew a line through it yeah and I scribbled it you can barely I couldn't remember if that was me or if that was you so okay that makes it clear yeah so the there are a couple of places where I just if I didn't because I was hoping we would have those minutes done but I realized that there was something wrong with them so she and I talked about it but we'll get them to you for the next meeting okay um and she's also working on additional versions We are still struggling to get through these minutes in an effective way because although the AI piece is great for us now that it's on the zoom AI going back and trying to find ways to summarize things very quickly is still a challenge she and I are still working on that Amy's been incredibly helpful too um because Amy started doing the initial research to go through that um so I just have a few things I want to follow up with the board about do you want to do the mail first yeah go through the mail there's that's what I was going to say there's one thing in the mail so there's a several things in the mail but there's one additional thing that isn't on the list and that was a notification I received from Mike Kane at eversource um about vegetation surveying that's going on it and so it's on it's in your packet it's just not in the list so what area is that going to affect do you remember it is the flyovers so that would be the high tension Mars Yeah it's you're the high tension lines um that's something that they do on a regular basically a year Le years it it plays into how their vegetation management management plan happens there's also a letter that I received from a different member of the team at ever Source um they have to do some work near a particular resident's house so they notify the town as well as the resident that this is going to happen so I just included that information for you as well right um yeah cuz that is actual ve vegetation work as opposed to you know future vegetation work so as opposed to evaluating what's necessary so we also have a letter from um furog um Jessica Atwood who's um handling this uh National interest electric transmission Corridor process that uh is going on in place and it's a um proposal to have a 60 or 70 mile uh corridor from the New York border to essentially where the Northfield hydroelectric uh station is and and um The Proposal itself talks about a mile wide Corridor but um I've attended several of the meetings that are involved in this process to give you know a local perspective on this as as well as many select board members and uh from the the region that's affected by this and um eversource also is pushing back saying we don't need a mile wide wide Corridor we need you know a quarter that's wide enough to allow us to to address the needs of you know taking care of the transmission lines a concern that we have is you know a mile wide Corridor could this would this would take away any local input into decisions that would be made in that mile wide Corridor so um the federal government could unilaterally decide to do something there that was related tangentially to you know electric transmission and suddenly you'd have something you'd never contemplated there so um it's a process and uh we appreciate the fog's help on this well and it it looks like there's quite a dist difference between what they have now and what ever source is looking for which is a 200 to 300 ft exactly width as opposed to a mile WID yeah and uh that's quite a quite a bit of acerage to reduction I mean currently it's a standard I in my Conservation Commission days we would go out and basically it was a 2 to 300t in a corridor that you know seems perfectly logical to have um so this is a process that's in I think it's it's in a second phase and it will continue to be reviewed and I'm and comment will be sought from you know our our local legislators as well as that's why I provided that information because we got information separately from eversource information through Jessica's um report and it's essentially two different slide decks really but it's it's going to play out over a period of time and so I think keeping everybody up to date would be useful so when I do get those things I it's just like me sending you dpu information with filings it's just trying to keep everybody up to date with things that they could see coming across their email at some point um and in many cases you know I've mentioned this before in other meetings a lot of times I will share information about what I'm doing um with the board via blind carbon copy so they know that there certain topics that are on my radar screen throughout the week um and so to the extent that you know these things could be of concern or interest to the public there not everything makes it into the mail but these were things I thought should be there yeah thank you I appreciate that um and sorry now you can go on to your no that was a good no it it allowed me to remind myself about why I put those things in there um um so for purposes of what's been happening in the office there's been a lot of work done on some legal questions that were going on um I've been working with on several tasks with some of the department heads and some of the committee chairs there's some work that we need to support um Community preservation and capital on as we get closer towards the closure of a special town meeting warrant um I'm thinking that we had a closure date of the 30th um the board I may ask the board if they can meet briefly next week although I don't anticipate it because you really wouldn't need to see a warrant until it's I've got final sort of a final understanding of what's been requested but we have at least one Capital request right now two actually two Capital requests right now so I've been trying to follow up on those things I've got some questions out to saao about the trust repairs we have a second pay app application that's come forward that's been approved by the engineer um but I was trying to get some more information on sort of what there in the middle of in terms of repairs um I know people are complaining about the clock so I did ask Sean over at saaxo I think they had to disconnect the clock because they're doing the repairs but I asked him to confirm that um and I'm sorry that the clock isn't working I feel really bad uh but we do need to get that truss repaired because that's what's keeping the roof up um so there's been a lot of work around procurement that's going on we've got several things that are going to come across our desks like Christopher mentioned earlier this hydrologic study is going to end up coming across from a procurement perspective um and we're trying to get a handle on what may be upcoming for fall and winter right now as you know earlier a few weeks ago I shouldn't say earlier but a few weeks ago we asked asked if um the select board would approve confirming that the interim superintendent signs contracts for Highway work that the Cog does so he'll be dealing with those things um because you've got they have a schedule of things that they do and they're they're about to hit another really busy point so I'm trying to work with them on a couple of background stuff that some of the Committees need help with um before you slide off um I did I think we spoke about having um uh interim Chief Miller come in and give us an update on um a timeline of work projects He has planned between now and mid you know mid mid-autumn or early uh early November um so just let us know when that can be taken care yeah so I I have I have a meeting with him tomorrow um he was wasn't able to come in and speak to me yesterday or today cuz he was out on job sites yep um so what I'll do is I will ask him if he could if we could set that up would you like to do that for the next meeting if he's if he's available yeah that would be good because I know some residents particularly on Graves and Eastern and cross are interested in that yes and also is interested the Swale um work that we need to do along that Corridor so you know um just want to get the residents a a rough timeline of when that's going to occur and we had initially he and I had talked about that once before but I will ask him um to give me an idea and see if he can come in and talk to the board that might be a good way to just sort of solidify things yes y yes and we can put him early in the meeting so yes cuz like it just like we would do it with Kevin normally when I set those up I try to get you know staff members in and out we can um because they've already worked a pretty long day by the time they get here so one thing that came up um is the townwide tag sale and I thought I asked everybody about this but Pat asked me about it this afternoon so generally the townwide tag sale happens the first Saturday of October and that's the fifth now recall we have special town meeting on the 7th but I don't think that really has an intersect would the board be okay with us just with by confirming that townwide tax sale would be the 5th of of October first Saturday of the month so it's happened for the I don't know probably what 10 years maybe or more um but Pat just has gotten some calls and she'd like to be able to tell people yes it's confirmed so if the board doesn't have a problem with it and if there's consensus I see both your heads nodding I just want to make sure um would it be okay if I let her know that she can confirm that date sure and that's a Saturday right yes it's a Saturday and people usually get usually get permits and she facilitates that she's done a great job working on this for years and years and years so it would be nice if she could just give people the answer and not have to worry about it anymore so if you're both okay with that I'll let her know yeah it's good um it's been a good thing I know the residents look forward to it yeah they look forward to it so you know more power tour for working through it with everybody um all right I just wrote myself a note to talk to Chris Miller there's a few things we'll probably come back and talk to you about him and I but we're still Brenda and I are still working on she does the the leg work but occasionally she bounces questions off of me um end of year work she's hoping to be able to submit that by next week um there's there is some inform information that she's waiting on and that's related to grant funding so I wasn't able to go to the walkth through today for The Gap three Grant over at the um wastewater treatment plant because I had something come up but I'm going to reach out to Justin Skelly at DPC to make sure we're all set for the gentleman at the Commonwealth to say yes give them money because we need that to do the end of year um and then just we're trying Pat I are trying to get into some sort of a rhythm to get re to get ready for Greg to start because Greg won't be able to come in um to pick up paperwork and start doing that until the after Labor Day so he's away on a family he's got a family vacation going on um and he sent me he texted me this morning and said that he would come in the week of Labor Day so we'll see him in in town in the office we'll see him and then he'll be here bright and early on the 9th yeah we met briefly for coffee today to talk about onboarding and and just to have a general chat about how excited we are to have them come on yeah so he is excited he is he is he's got he's got great energy I think it's going to be a good thing um but we've got a workout Pat and Christopher and I are going to talk about sort of where everybody's sitting and think that through um because I want to I sort of want to include Greg in that but he's not here so we'll have to talk to him when he gets here but other than that there's a lot of email that's been going on and a lot of um research I've got some public records requests that are going to take a little bit of time to fill and there's other people that are seeing them as well we come they come in phases where you get lots of public record requests and then nothing and then weird stuff like information that I am glad I don't have to deal with from the treasurer's office so those are some of the things that have been going on I've had questions from residents and you know people pop into the office and sometimes that takes a little time away from what I'd like to be doing but um great we're the main focus is getting through the end of year and preparing for special town meeting oh the early voting um hold on a second I wrote that down so I just got an email Cassie was writing it before she left today around fiveish um early voting is going to start soon early inperson voting is going to start so when folks come in they'll see the um voting booth set up here at the other end of the main meeting room um so those people that want to do that can come in and do that and if they have questions about it they should get in touch with Cassie or look on the website um she's been doing a lot of work trying to facilitate putting more information up there as well as Pat Pat and I have been going through the website at various points sort of working on things that don't seem to be easy to get to so we're trying to make some inroads in that and Amy's been helping us make sure we get the meetings up and posted on the YouTube channel so people can watch them okay great um you guys have any questions for me I think I'm good okay well um appreciate that uh I'll take a motion to adjourn I move that we adjourn second all those in favor Blake Gilmore I Tim HGI thank you everyone for coming