Delano Township committee meeting of July 22nd 2024 beginning at 700 p.m. at the Delano Township Municipal Building 770 coopertown Road Delano New Jersey there he [Music] is oh oh we did how [Music] are thank you we are recording you're recording all right very good good evening uh welcome to the July 22nd 2024 Township committee meeting held at at 7:00 or there so at the municipal building 770 Cooper Town Road in Delano can I have a roll call please Janice Mrs Patrick here Mr elette here miss Seuss here Mr Templeton is absent and Mr Bartlett here also present Mr Schwab our Township administrator Mr Fox our Township engineer Mr Coleman filling in for Mr heinold this Township solicitor Mrs lore our municipal clerk clerk Mrs Russell our Deputy municipal clerk Mr fenamore superintendent of Public Works Lieutenant Warren Police Department and that is everybody can we please rise for a flag I United States of America the stands na under God indivisible liy and justice for all [Music] the sunshine statement please Janice please be advised that proper notice of this meeting has been given to compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the Burton County Times and Courier Post and published in the January 4th 2024 editions notice of the meeting date change for this meeting was published in the July 3rd 2024 editions of the buron County Times and Courier Post and written notice has been posted on the official bull bulletin board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting of the Delano Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as formal Public Access under the open public meetings act and if the technology is dis disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting in accord with the official notice thank you very much Janice uh first item on the agenda for this evening is a presentation from the Burlington County uh joint insurance fund regarding the membership renewal good evening good evening um Steve Walsh with par insurance I serve as the Risk Management Consultant for Del Township Del Township has had their property cash insurance for many years in the Burton County Joint Insurance Fund uh membership in the program requires a three-year commitment your three-year REO terms coming up this year with me tonight is Paul myola with AJ G they are the administrator for the F County Joint Insurance Fund we'll take a few minutes tonight just a update to you on the County Joint Insurance thank you good evening my name is Paul myola I serve as the executive director of the B coip since it formation in 1991 I worked with Rosanne lairez back then to uh to begin to start we did visibility St here in rington County so uh I want to thank thank you for giving me a few minutes on your agenda tonight and each of you should have a copy of my presentation at your places and if we just flip over to page two talking about new exposures and challenges these are things we couldn't even anticipate when we started uh putting our budgets together two or three years ago uh right now we're facing a very difficult reinsurance Market we use reinsurance in joint Insurance Fund to protect us from catastrophic claims uh so that we don't have a run on the bank so to speak uh just watching the property insurance Market right now uh seeing 56% increase in that area uh medical cost inflation you just heard the state health benefits program up 17.2% being driven by medical inflation there uh we've seen about a 95% increase in the past three years and our mical cost for workers comp wage replacement costs have increased also uh 16.7% under workers compensation of the past 3 years and then looking down at the recent statutory regulatory changes covid-19 uh the New Jersey legislature being that uh employees uh First Responders police officers and the lake that contracted Co were deemed to have contracted it on the job therefore eligible for workers compensation benefits that drove workers compensation cost in the gifs around the state $25 million about almost $800,000 here in the bur GIF and then something new workers compensation reopener an employee has up to two years to reopen the workers compensation case after their last medical treatment and U we've seen uh petitioners attorneys really start to work this we've seen a lot of reopener think used to see them to this extent uh that has cost the Statewide just about $145 million here in Burling County alone additional $3 million in cost and then the pension offset where the uh State Pension uh decided that workers compensation on total disabilities to take uh first crack and that's also added another 13 million Statewide and about 1.1 million in the BR so these are things that just put pressure on the BR Jet's budget and then just looking at police departments it's a really tough job today to be a police officer it seems as though it's very difficult to take these cases to trial uh here in New Jersey departments have paid at least $87 million since 2019 to settle allegations claims against their police officers so all of these factors do add up and then flipping over to page three talking about this this is not just the New Jersey situation this is a Worldwide Insurance crisis that's occurring right now it's affecting personal and Commercial Insurance I just saw an article this morning the average Homer has increased Countrywide 35% in some states as much as 60% increases and you know what happening even in your if you own a business your commercial insurance your automobile insurance so this has all been driving and it drives about 46% of our budget uh across all lines of business where it's property liability cber compensation and then flipping over to the next page the property insurance Market you know the wildfires out west the tornadoes the Hurricanes um all of these things really start to put pressure on the worldwide reinsurance Market uh just last year alone there were 28 separate $1 billion property L Man United States uh we've seen the increased cost of labor and material since Co and escalating water repair cost so these are all things that had an impact on our reinsurance if you flip over to page five I just show you here a chart that shows the 46% of our budget about $4.9 million is what's there to protect us from catastrophic losses if that has put some pressure on the budget as well flipping over to the next page this the high chart there and basically what we're very proud of is the fact that we operate the JY less than 10 cents on the I think that's a phenomenal operating ratio other gifs not affiliated with the BRC GI running about 20 cents on the dollar uh insurance companies running from the low 30s 32 33% on the dollar the other thing about the jit not only efficient but we're also taxes up because we're quazite public agency so we do have some built-in advantages in our budget weing over to page seven we've been around since 1991 uh I was involved in oration the jet pack P it's good to know that we have Financial strength as an organization about $5.5 million of surplus uh cash on hand over $14 million uh we released almost $14 million in dividends to our members that's money that would have been insurance company profits if you were insurance company uh this past year we released $729,000 almost $730,000 in dividends and then subreg when somebody injures one of our employees whether there's effective product or somebody damages our equipment we go after them we subate and you can see we're we're getting back on average about $130,000 a year in segregation so uh your total dividend since joining the JF $532,000 just this past year your dividend equal about 7% of your premium going over to page eight um there are other joint Insurance ones out here and you know we like to do is comparison their balance sheet look at their competitors um they include significant excess recoverables that means money that they think they're going to get back from their reinsurers but some of these are 10 and 12 years old and are still carrying them on the fols there's no chance you're going to to cover those they discount the reserves meaning the money they have set aside that P claims they anticipate 5 6 7% investment income which is just not going to happen as well I already mentioned the high administrative fees they don't declare dividends as a matter of fact they often um under budget and come back to the nage for additional money uh each year so there's a something that needs to be examined uh going over to page nine I just talked about the value proposition the broket the safety and risk management training that we offer uh also the New Jersey environmental joint Insurance Fund the Employment Practices liability fund officials liability programs the Employment Practices liing help line the Cyber risk support and the claims management which I'll go into detail on another slide live and then just moving over to page 10 the training I think is so very very important making sure that your manag supervisor um get trained in uh Hospital work environment sexual harassment things of that nature we trained over 700 management supervisors here in count of last year we do a separate training for police Command Staff we had 480 Command Staff officers come to this past year we have specialized training for your rank of pile employees we do the elected officials training early each year and then we also have a special program for your land use boards and then on the other side of the equation safety we do on-site loss control visits we have loss control representativ that come out they don't just count fire extinguishers they meet with your supervisors they talk about safety committee meetings monitoring accidents looking to do accident reviews things of that nature we can D trained right here in BR County we have the M safety Institute for your employees can be trained online so they don't have to leave town to get that training and we seen an increase in training this past year of 9% and if you look at the next page on page 11 U this really is very dramatic it shows a correlation between the trained episodes and the Lost Time accident Frey lost time accidents their employe injured so much that they're out of work for a period of time and so you know I like to say that safety P well this really demonstrates the fact that that training does make a difference and you to participate in those program turnning to page 12 risk management I say like Step Beyond safety uh we have the T program which is very valuable say an outside organization wants to use one of your facilities to hold a sweet 16 part it's an outside organization that wants to hold some kind of a fundraiser uh they need to have their own insurance and often times they don't so they can come in working with Steve Walsh they can go online they get a $1 million liability policy for the event and automatically names your cameras and additional insur you get an insurance it's very inexpensive and it's you don't need to be involved in at all you just get the website and those through uh so we Insurance guideline you want to make sure that people that are coming that we work for the municipality have proper insurance we just updated those guidelines they're online obviously coverage for somebody just coming in the paint building not require as high limit as somebody get project and then the model and simplification contractors their attorneys put the contract together they present it to you and often times they have what's known as a reverse ho par it basically says that anything that happens on the job that goes wrong it's the langage responsibility we want to make sure that we flip those things around and make sure the contract next organization to do the job uh has proper insurance and they empify you and you're fully insuring accidents are what they do flipping over to page 13 uh you are a member of the New Jersey Environmental management fund this provides protection for any pollution liability events that may occur it provides third party liability coverage onsite clean cost coverage detect who public officials also provides to Minimus advant way site coverage also your storage pain systems and we do have Engineers that come out they work with you they the inspect your systems and uh provide regulatory Li so that for example there's a spill on The Works Yard call the 800's number they come right out he comes out they will deal with them they will assist in that process and they have a great website as well and then page four uh 14 the Cyber risk management fund we used to purchase cyber coverage for our members in the commercial Market um that became cost prohibitive uh it was very difficult to purchase that coverage very very expensive so a couple years ago we had the actuaries do a study on our membership and say what if we self funded the Cyber liability program basically U we have three tiers of coverage um actually four tiers of coverage the member really has no protection in place they don't have firewalls they don't have passwords they're going to have $50,000 deductible and they're going to pay $60,000 they have $300,000 claim for a total of $110,000 if they simply put in some basic security measures uh there's only a $35,000 deductible they move up the level to the immediate security it's only a $20,000 deduc and then Advanced security there's no deductible all I'm feeling this is really the way to provide that cover so that the town is doing everything to prevent themselves from being hacked you have no deductible and the premiums of human may very because of that also we have a representative of Technology Services director who was right here County J Russo he comes out works with your it people help them come to compliance with these programs we also do fishing exercises where we try to send emails to your employees and see tricking clicking on a link if they do click on that link they get a 60 second Lessing on hey this is what you should be looking for next time you don't have the EPS package waiting for you and you also do other exercise we try and penetrate your uh your system see if there's any open portals and you have because whole variety of programs there that comeing to your membership and on page 15 try as we made we can't prevent every plan of occurring uh we're not working with machine robots we're working with humans and accidents do sometimes happen transitional Duty has been a great grow I the doctor so no back to work um but with limited duty till I see him again in 3 weeks so no lifting over 25 PBS and that allows the employee to come back in reduces the need for overtime there's always something you can use un employe for and uh we used almost 60% of those days this past year and and uh save about $121,000 in cost by doing that we also use a manage care our own manage Care Network it's a network network where we choose the best possible positions in the area Specialists that know exactly how to treat occupational injuries we feel that spending that money up front States m in the long run because employers can get better more quickly we had a great defense panel right here in Burlington County these are attorneys that are familiar the local attorney bar venu and they specialize in defense of public entities especially in the strong use of on defenses as a matter of fact one of the first things that we did here in deleno when we join the joint Insurance f is have to adopted CH plan notice procedure where somebody who going to Pursuit against the lenid township they have to complete this form it has to be submitted within a certain period of time and we have copies of that on hand and many times defense attorneys have asked a copy that showed the court plur did not comply with t requirements uh page 16 a couple years ago I noticed a sharp rise in our Auto cost and I talked to the individual that go that does our auto body appraises and I said Leo why are you starting to see this and he said well we said a couple of things that happened number one he said um if you got an estimate from a body shop and say it's going to be $8,000 to complete this repair and then when it's all done send you an additional bill for $4,000 and say oh this is a supplemental well they can't do that anymore um they know and they've all signed out of this program that if there's going to be supplemental damage we have to back out the inspect certain um we also want to make sure that that you AG to that that price up front um a couple of other examples let's say your vehicle is damaged why not just store it here in your Public Works Yard as opposed to pay storage Fe in the PO shop uh it's police vehicle you have to do the upfit why don't we buy that through the state plan we're a discount and we don't pay the 25% up charge shops get charge so there's several programs in there they have help to bring down our care C page 17 the wellness program I think is very valuable we know that healthy employees get injure less often they recover more quickly we don't have toate surgery some a smoker diabetic what have you so de Shi out Wellness director who does a great job condu webinars and commends and local Wellness fairs and things of that nature and a great monthly newsletter that share with flipping over to page 18 I started to track this several years ago when we started the wellness program I asked our what compensation PL adust please start to track the difference between employees with to morbidities of smoking diabetes hypertension high cholesterol obesity versus the employees that did not have those comorbidities as you can see just in the upper right hand corner the total cost of work's compensation claim is 82% higher for those employees with cities uh total Indemnity medical cost is over 100% higher and you look at this the Lost Time base from the job 86% volum s Wellness really um it has an impact on work's compensation plus it's the right thing to do previous sta so coming down the home stretch here on page 19 just to let you know we are ible efficient member input is Valu a Inc comes to all of the chany a imprison there um providing input on behalf of of your town um she participates in policy budet discussions safety programs and we always look for feedback from our members and one recent example you know when Co hit we had more meting virtual um as things started to ease up said well let's start meeting in person again and remember said well hybrid you know some meetings in person and some virtually and uh and we do that plus most of our safety and elect official training session for now available online so your employees are not leaving the L and go to their training so as the elected officials as the policy makers here in the lber township uh please continue to support the chip wellness program transitional Duty the Online iners safety training cyber security awareness and even the law enforcement dis management Services where we have um an individual now H police Lieutenant who uh who did certification for um drug flight uh where the police accreditation uh comes out talks to your police chief you know let's make sure we have a good defense make sure the signning sheets are there let's make sure that the policies have been distributed and uh it really does go a along way and protecting our officers impl allegations are made against them so I want to thank you so much for being a charter member the r to jip uh thank you for time tonight to have any questions that you have thank you Paul anyone have any questions no I'm just glad that we've been a member for as long as we have and I can see the benefits that we've had through the years and thank Steve for being our representative there good evening absolutely Paulk thank you Paul thank you Steve all right uh next item on the agenda tonight uh we have another presentation uh traffic study proposal Mr good evening mayor councel have with slack who Transportation gr I'm I I believe in front of you you have oural dated last Revis December 27 2023 and with this is for the town supp traffic study to provide hard data to develop a meaningful circulation element for our master plan um working with Michelle and the land use board uh we're looking to update the master plan and the land use board has been frustrated over the years because the T continues to develop and we're and we're developing at a rapid Pace the region around us is also developing at a rapid Pace but the traffic volumes have increased incrementally so happening is when an application comes before the board we deal with that application on its own merits and each applicant submits a traffic impact SL and they show that their impact is minimal so they might be 1% of the traffic in the area or 10% and so the improvements are only along the frontage so there's also things that are outside of our control that are also changing the township uh and the region um and it includes like um the intersection at route 30 and uh Creek Road that that intersection is out of our towns of out of our control really but there's there it impacts us so we have to take a look at that and the other thing is traffic patterns have changed over time with Co I know dff was talking about Co the impacts people are still T uning and so that's reduced some traffic maybe one or two days a week but online shopping is increased so you have delivery trucks in all the neighborhoods and we've all seen that delivery TR talks through our neighborhoods and on the major roads so the municipal andw La has a specific definition for circulation and it states system structures and physical improvements for movement of people and goods over streets and highways and the handling of people and goods through terminals warehouses and other storage buildings so the circulation plan would address these specific this specific definition so basically that the circulation plan basically uh defines how people and goods are moved throughout the the Lanka and how they use our roads our bikeways or sidewalks or white paths and things like that so understanding how this all works together it really it's it's a critical for our well-being and uh quality of life here in the Lando uh so the land use board recognizes this and and again because we're dealing with one application after another that has traffic impact study that has no impact um they asked us to develop this proposal which um Spencer had come put together so and I'm just going to get into the specifics of The Proposal I'm sorry Hugh do you have a copy of The Proposal because we don't have that in our packets yeah it was I think we got it in 20123 and when I asked to have this put on the agenda I did not include that um but I remember the proposal was for $25,000 if I'm not mistaken corre and I do want to add why I asked asked Hugh and the joint land use board to attend this meeting with this presentation um if you recall a few months ago um the county sent out they they received an award for um a grant actually from dvpc it's a regional Vision uh and they're asking each Township to submit their plan for traffic or problems in the community or what have you and it's a the form that you fill out is actually a document that you would upload for this particular thing a traffic study which would help the Lano show the county that we do have issues and that hopefully they can resolve them and to me this is a very important part of this grant that they're going to have because our study can be a part of their grant that maybe then they'll take us serious instead of saying well wait till all the you know the warehouses are complete and they have occupants and uh and the traffic lights not there's not enough traffic so to me all those issues are an important part of the study that I hope that you do so and take into consideration maybe some of the police uh reports so that we can upload one document to the county to show them that we've done our homework and Delano needs their help in correcting some of these issues because a lot of them are on the county roads that we have no control over so that's that was my hope you that you can help us with and that's why I feel that this study is imperative not just for the joint land use board but for Delano period all of us because we're all affected by it um the residents the businesses the police uh so it's not just a for the joint land use board it's a tool for this Township to submit to the county and say we've done our homework we need your help let's get something done so that's kind of like my little Spiel I think it's important right right and I agree and that that's why this is the the would contribute to the circulation element of the master plan which would be count and I think that's what the board was looking at the landu board is have a townwide study so we would include traffic TOs um the the one the specific thing with the Safe Streets for all that the county look the the uh for information for we would be able to collect crash information that we're looking for fatalities to try to have Zero fatalities um and we would provide that to the county for sure but that would be part of our study and that was one of the scoke tasks we're also going to put counters out for you know four different counters throughout town we get current traffic counts we're going to observe 10 intersections and an intersection can be uh two roads or it can be a driveway in a in a major thorough fair for instance the Federal Express uh driveway coming down on De Creek Road would be a good intersection to look at and look at shift changes how much traffic we generating in a specific time period and then again we would request the traffic crashed at it pass that on to the county D VPC and then also looking at the traffic signal plans to see if there's a timing issue in now that we could possibly work with the county get the traffic lights improved and I know we did have a in our proposal and and I'm sorry Mr Mayor I don't have extra copies I don't people but I might certainly shoot that over better to have a copy to right I can shoot you okay so I I'll shoot it with you but it is it's me yeah okay it's the same one that was in the budget we have it because uh Lori and Ann came and present the budget when we did our budget so we all received a c with the same proposal yes the same okay the same proposal it's just now they're here to present it right but but the but the idea the overall idea would be is that we would prevent I mean present recommendations so that we would have specific remedies so as applicant so not only if I'm the C but as applicants come before the board we would have capital projects intentionally listen maybe it's a widening or left hand turn lane or the dist white way and we could um have the applicants submit their Prat share for that Improvement so if it's an off track Improvement but they are now we can Define and you're contributing so much traffic to that location you would pay X dollar so it's an idea that we would have these uh capital projects possibly for even for the T the fund but also have appli dep how can we enforce that though if these are all count Road well that's what we look forward to see where the problems are and then we would have to go we would have work literally except for our residential roads all of our main roads are County Roads so right but in each one of our um applications I mean you know people come out and they say well we know we have traffic issues I can't get out of my neighborhood can't get out of my driveway so they are the types of things that we would want to look at to see how we could improve overall flow but but we would need County you know even dbpc U but you know potentially for Grants and things like that because I know under that safe roots for all Cel could get some of that as well looking at the internal as well but that that's really geed more toward fatalities we want to eliminate fatalities and we would identify crash any we you know grouping crash crashes injury and I see3 last [Music] [Music] and I'll have I know I'm I'm sure Adam sent some things to me and I had uh followed up with an email today because for some reason it's l in cyber space um that email but but does have reports that when I I would send them to you once this is approved so that you I would imagine you would include that data in your um report I think it would all be included in one yes that's what I would think and we also then have access to the traffic impact studies that were submitted for each application we would equal those you those as part of this St so that that's the board wanted to look at a comprehend to CWI as opposed to this application each application that traffic impa that right H let me ask and this may be part of what you're going to be presenting um how would that help when we have the three vacant warehouses that aren't having any traffic as of yet are you just going to use the same data that they provided also we're not I I don't know about anyone else on this committee but are we hearing anything from resid that they're having trouble getting out of their neighborhoods at this point where you know a traffic study is needed that's my concern with the county with roads that the county has jurisdiction over what happens there and to do the study is probably a good thing on the one hand but where it goes that just sit on the Shelf because the county is doing their study the traffic reports or accidents are going to the county um they're well aware of what happens on the county roads and we only have one traffic light in town and all of our major roads are County Roads roads I mean we can't even get the county to fix stupid issues like the flooding over the bridge which has been we've been dealing with for years so I don't have any faith that they're going to do anything with this report but put it on the Shelf kind of like uh we did with um the other the other plan just sitting on a shelf somewhere at the state I kind of disagree because I think number one this would benefit the joint land use board as Hugh had indicated with each individual application that they have to deal with instead of someone coming in with their traffic study which is always to their benefit as long as I've been on the township committee they always have a traffic study that's always to benefit whoever it is that's coming in with a proposal uh so it would benefit them but to me me this study will also show the county since the county is opening this up to all the municipalities and I don't know how many municipalities you've done traffic studies for if you've done any other municipalities in the area but um this is a document from the Lano saying this is a problem this County Road is a problem to us and this is why um for me I mean I do know correspond with the county Engineers office I meet with them I I've met with them all over many different roads for to find lighting or traffic or entrances mutton Landing is a big example and I just feel that this document is better than me meeting a a representative from the county and walking an area that and show them the lighting or the entrance that I'm hoping that that will cement all the problems we have in town to show them hey these exist and they exist not just on the Ros and Delano they exist on the roads in Delano that the county owns that's what their studies for so we need to show them that these roads are a problem and they can correct it but will they correct it that's the issue well the issue is why would they be doing this survey just to I I can't imagine that if enough people come forward enough Towns come forward and say we did our homework this is this is going to help you with your Grant to see the problems in the county and there's several problems in the county a lot of them could be just Road repair but uh traffic signals traffic lights we could use another l in this town um and I think if you do that survey you'll see that um I I just feel it's a necessity not just for the joint land use board but for the town as a whole to proved to the county that you know we're tired of just submitting complaints and nothing being done let's do it if you're going to get this Grant and go through all the towns then let's do something about it I feel that it's that it's beneficial I could be wrong but um I don't think I am in this particular case let's let one of the things that we could do is um for instance don't on a County Road um suggested we get additional wrting to make it Improvement for potential widening man or if the count is not receptable the RightWay we would take easy because we would have that control over that property and an easement along the frontage for a bike lane or for a road wide or for a Dell Lane so they those are the type of things that we could plan for without necessarily having the county be involved or you know approving that but um The Long County yeah it's a County Road but right but well in other words it's an easement on the property in a but so we would have easement available that that's not buildable it's a planning do we do we know what the width of the RightWay is now that would even benefit if if the RightWay is look at I mean if you look at the tax map I don't need a $25,000 study to say the the right away width of Creek Road is 80 ft wide and they've only have it open to an improved 50ft wide quite but you may you may look to have improved for instance a flight along that along that route so then you would need that addition flight so even though you have that you're right we would start with the tax P but then is there more land if we start to develop some of these properties we would get another 10 15 ft of e for pedestrian for I mean just for a simple one right over here on Cooper Town Road we want put us sidewalk in but we can't acquire an easement from the property owner uh is it uh just between the railroad and uh new Newton's landing and they won't do an easement so how does that help with you know we're going to pursue eminent domain on property owners we could do we have that money but it's the I think it's the county it's a County Road and the county has the eement um could they enlarge the eement would they I I don't know would I don't know how we could actually get access to put a sidewalk there without doing some kind of eminent domain proceeding I'm hearing county road County Road why isn't the county funding this but if somebody's not before the joint language board then we wouldn't we wouldn't be able to get e em but if somebody's before the board and that's the whole point somebody board you can get that easement you can get you know all the surrounding easements and then have whoever the hold out is um you know either either work on that to that property sells so that's what I'm thinking if somebody's going to sell their property and they decide they want to CU there's a couple properties have a significant um land maybe like you a few acres and they sell it and they want to put uh tow houses or something there and they would come before the joint land use board and we could say well guess what we need a sidewalk in front of your property then so they would have to I mean that that in itself would help with three of the properties it's just a couple houses that's really what it is it's not it's not a large think that the traffic studies especially from Creek Road um and on Brunton Avenue I think sometimes in some places depending upon if the bridges if the bridge is closing people can't get out of their driveways on Burlington now it's still County Road but there are issues and there are issues and uh and of course the joke handle out there that's a state I'm trying to deal with the state on that issue I just followed up with an email today but um and the issue is is an issue all up and down a mess and and we've been petitioning theot to do a study in that area I believe they have started a study um then we would want to BR it down this to look at the Jing they've had all these intersections under construction with new traffic lights God the last8 years now and it looks like they're just sitting there the lights are been bagged up the signs been bagged partial work done on sidewalks and curves all up and down around 130 all the way from Burlington City all the way to uh edor Park North End of Burlington City to edor park just sitting there I I do know that there's supply chain issues in a lot of cases there might be something it's been years years have you done this these uh studies for other communities in the area yes yeah we we do um traffic studies for you know individual sites but as well as the the our traffic department and do you have they found them to be um you know beneficial to not just the joint land use board but for any other use Mo mostly it would be joint land use board I guess but well well it's a master plan so it's the master plan that really covers what with this uh Council would be looking for so you know circul circulation element includes the bike ways you know and and that's something that postco more people around on bicycles you know using pedestrial things like that which we don't have a lot of quite frankly so that you would look at that the master plan would link those areas so wherever we can get right away or wherever we can make improvements we would do it based on the master plan so what roadways are we talking about there would be a part of this traffic St well that's what we would sit down and go through uh with with the land news board and counc just we to work out where we want even the the four traffic counters we look at which roadway we really want to focus on we haven't we haven't really designated anything at the moment no it's be coordination toidentify you guys are more familiar with the we are that identify areas you guys and then collect data Bas is four traffic counters enough we thought we have four ATR which going to inflect weeks work day inlec volume speed class so they're going to be primarily on the major roadways we've got 10 intersection of traffic you seem to be 6 hours to cover in a PM period at up to 10 locations you're going to be counts pedestrian activity activity before ATR kind of really you kind of put in the outskirts of the F trying to figure out what the voles are coming from and we do have traffic studies from the applicant presented there are a couple web done last year we use those asement uh just for just for example um I think we know for a fact that a major intersection in town where um we have a lot of traffic incidents and uhen Warren correct me if I'm uh wrong Burlington Avenue and and Union or Burlington and walmut right there we've I tell you in the last 6 months we probably had at least one per month right at that intersection so you know we only because I've been out there and let's just say your traffic study includes that you know what's what would the traffic study recommend I'm not going to tell you I'm not going to tell you to give me the recommendation right now but what's the traffic study going to recommend put a a traffic signal there [Music] orcd warrants for a monthly waste traff you basically the same warrant Bas the the recomendation and present that guess the issue to two would be um for example those four-way stops there's signage already there so again the other issue you brought up as far as the road it's a county road right so they're not going to put a light at Walnut and bton Avenue or wal Union um was already signed is there before we sto um so a lot of it comes to to operator error right and the study is not going to change not but you nor don't put in resal area we try come with ADD sign yeah you cany bring you know enhance the sign stri try you people to but I but again though the issue as mayor Mar mentioned that would be upon the county to facilitate that right they not they're not doing so we we need a willing participant in the county to be able to facilitate that well if we show them a study that indicates that they should be doing something more than they're doing then I don't know how they can just stick their nose up to it excuse me but I mean I think that's I think that's what we're trying to do in addition to the master plan and giving the joint land use board a tool um for I thought the major issue originally was Cooper town now this is for the I mean I I think there several areas in town that need to be addressed and uh oh you mean with the warehouses yeah yeah yeah that's that's a huge concern I am concerned that they're they're vacant and I know you're going to base it on what they were allowed to have essentially what was approved for so I mean I guess we can gauge it off of that but because that the traffic is going to increase and we don't know what else is going to happen with the other businesses uh in our Industrial Area because they could change and it could be more flow or less flow we don't know so it's something that you just anticipate but um I mean I it's probably something that should have been done years ago uh and it wasn't but I mean if we can do it now and it can help us in the future um I don't know I I I think it's a a win-win for Delano Township if we do it right some of the things that we have looked at in the past is do speed Li this so we've actually done studies and we've gotten County uh approval to ruce the speed limit to County we've done um traffic coming when we narrow down the lanes and and create that you know closing feeling where CS actually naturally slow down before stop sign we've done the larger stop sign we've done the solar power linking stop signs so those type of things have been affected in and it's it's a it's a combination of things it could be Cy distance at an intersection with it accidents not only speed or ignoring St sign but it might be a sight issue some didn't see another vehicle and you know they're going to coach through but if they saw a vehicle they wouldn't have Coach they probably stop so they're the type of things that we would try to look at and see why you know for instance you got the crash data why is it happening is it consistent same leg the intersection there is a circumstance issue yeah I I think everything you're saying is great and I think it would it provide valuable data my whole thing is I have I don't want to say I have no faith in Burlington County actually yeah I do want to say that I have zero faith in Burlington County Traffic engineering for going back to my example with the bridge with it being um us having to close the burington avenue bridge over ran cus Creek due to flooding their solution was put up advanced warning signs sounds like a great idea it doesn't fix the problem sounds like a great idea their positioning of advanced warning signs are one right before the bridge at L Deli and the other one right before the bend so all the traffic turns into the residential neighborhood which is exactly what we didn't want them to do we said you need to put one before the intersection of Cooper Street and Burlington Avenue so cars could make a left down Cooper town to get out to around 130 but the Geniuses at Burlington County put them at the bend over by the church and behind a tree over across from L Deli and they did the same thing in rivers side they put it um after you get past the watch case building so that's where my lack of faith in Burlington County comes in and U I did ask them can you put one up the further on each side and Riverside and Del Lano and they said they would have to look into that to see if they could do that with the Telemetry between the different units so I would have thought before spending I'm going to say $50,000 whatever those things cost them they would have actually done a study and figured out what was needed before you put it in that's you with my um uh serial box engineering degree I think that's how you do studies we just well or just ask the people they didn't even communicate with us but this study could help us to have that improved um I I don't know I I don't know what else I can say to I don't know if anybody from the public wants to add any comments but do you have anything else you want to add please you haven't said a word so you have anything you want to answer questions okay um we do have a good report with the County engineer so I mean if that if that helps and and they have uh in in presenting them information we study uh for instance we've done traffic counts that show speeds and got speed reductions have on speed tables where you know that basically Comming measure we got to again so um it is possible but they do look for backup you know the actual study information in order to make some of those changes and the changes that you're suggesting for the signage I me that could be something that we could recommend and that that kind of no put down into specifics the master plan including more Global you know what's coming into town what's leaving town what's generated in town and what is the VAC so but then in the long run if you have all these other issues that's something that [Music] we that's all we had I mean it was just you know men board I'm I'm sure here on behalf of board who asked me to put this proposal together to to to you know curve their frustration on having you approved and they the board has to approve a lot of these applications Toc the impact truly is negligible from a particular subject globally is where the issue is and thetive effect for the issue [Music] is that's all thank you excuse me H you said you're going to send uh electronic to Beverly yes barever make sure I get a copy of that please forward thank you so um procedurally do we want to wait till we all have copies of that proposal then at our next meeting in two weeks uh we could take a vote on that I have to yeah I'm going to ask the county for an extension um but if it's approved Q how long will it take we would we would want to take down it would be U not going to be an overnight study that's no I didn't think so I hope not for 25 but I but I would need to have a um so that I can give the county the information that I would need an extension on our submission realistically this is not the best time yeah because vacations school buses so it so it it wouldn't start till maybe September okay all right what's the due date on the U July 31st but I would ask for an extension until October something and there's no reason why they wouldn't give it because I did ask them and they said they would give an extension if I needed it so um I'm not worried about that actually I would email Dave and ask him about that and I I would say maybe October 31st could we have it by then if it was approved even if we came up with some of the things we wanted to be dress with in that we could P tra some recommendations include still deliver overall report fast right because most of the issues in addition to what you would be doing for the master plan but most of the issues to me that would go to the county or on County Roads right that that really are for their you know um but for them to see that these are the issues Delano has with your roads um but thank thank you and I think maybe Lori or I don't know if Lori wants to add anything to this presentation no I was just going to um talk about the delay of starting the study because of September and going back to school and things like that that need to be included in the overall but but as as Hugh said you know I've been on the joint land use board for many years and what happens when development comes in as anybody who s board meetings they present a traffic study that shows that they're not um they're not detrimental to the level of service in any of the roads and as you said we really have no recourse but to approve their applications when you know cumulatively like you're saying with the warehouses they're not even occupied yet what's that going to look like we're already having problems right so um and we've all I think decided that we should have done this study years ago but we haven't so here we are either we can keep letting these things accumulate and accumulate and accumulate and get worse or we can um establish that Baseline now and then have this tool this document to go to other agencies either get grant money either ask applicants to contribute to improvements or to go to the county and say we really do have issues and and these need to be resolved and they may just put it on the Shelf but it's up up to us then to continue to follow through on these things until things get addressed exactly otherwise nothing's going to get done and it's just going to continue to get worse and worse and worse and I I don't think any of us want that right so I appreciate your consideration thank and Lori my frustration isn't with the county as a whole so your department and department just just County engineer thank your solid waste collection or disposal is okay right you're recycling yes recycl trash great and I've been for almost 40 years and the Commissioners will respond if you hand on a document that says your engineer wrong here is the proof get some press on it and it legitimizes your concerns it's got to go steps otherwise it's just a committ person's word against County engineer certainly has a phenomenal ucation count for projects it gives the document to the county and say and that is enough we have to address this so yes you need thank you man thank you man thank you very much and thank you to the other members of the planning board see Bill and Carl out there this evening as well to we'll look forward to discussing and make a decision on the next meeting which is August 5th fth okay it's August so I will talk to the county and make sure I can have an extension till October 31st very good okay thank you thank you thanks you thanks you're more than welcome to stay you don't have to leave thank you thank you man and Lori for coming down thank you all right uh meeting is now open to the public for any comments or questions this is session number one if you have a comment or question please approach the podium give your name and address for the record and there will be another public comment session later on this evening meetings open to the public looking at you Ray de k y the Phillies are going to win the pennant too jeez all right okay all right anybody else all right we'll close this uh portion of meeting to the public and again there'll be one later on let's go to comments and reports from the professionals let's start with uh to my right Mr Fox thank you um St one our various projects um the 2023 Road program 2023 Road program um that earting s months they come Bunch work um and um another I had work um he also have to rest than that that's we speeds [Music] speeds excuse me Harry with the parking lot here right out front the door we have a hand cap spot and then we have the wheel stop and currently we have an orange cone that's there so people don't trip coming into the building is that going to be a permanent fixture having a cone there or is there another solution I I don't know why cone is there it's I think prevent people from tripping uh coming into the building I think that cone was there before they got the they put the bumpers back yeah I think it's just was just sticking out of the ground I think someone just needs to pick it up yeah yeah that's probably it is yeah and I think Public Works is going to paint the lines on the curves now they had that szy new yes job he's going out there right now welcome [Laughter] you're going to paint the lines outside right after we get all the brush up yeah no brush and that might take to all this yeah assuming we get no more storms Z project SE project um I'm sure everyone has seen progress on that the vinal she files are I thought they finish today didn't finish today have got more the then on the sou put Alum and and that is a little bit more from the from the effect coming up the river that's what do [Music] Hasam supposed to be delived on so that down L start aluminum and were they out there today cuz it looks like it's left at the same place where it was yeah they were out there decided not to to do much they just clean up work um their main operator I don't know said operator not there um so they did some they have we'll give them a break because they did bust their butts in 100 degree weather over the last week and a half working out there nonstop better than I could I I definitely wouldn't be able to do that yeah kind right yeah right yeah I know Harry just a quick question the um the pilings that are not like level are they going to cut them so that they're all one height or okay yeah the round piles yeah just like where they you know there like 6 in higher than the the actual vinyl cut even that's thanks also the Z tring not sure if you all's a dra PL that comes from do Bing from the stairwell right uh runs cuts across [Music] andar the river it's old ter the somebody put keep working when the Expos that in pretty bad shape yeah so I contract place the fight in PVC all the way up to the sidewalk um that 10c fight and on the end put it check it out stop yeah was Direction but we that so future won issu the additional cost was about $5,000 we had the $2,000 built into the contract for specifically this for fin G another so good together good that other PVC pipe that's ground level it's like in is that for the the drainage basins that you're putting there there's a brand new PVC pipe that's what I'm talking about oh okay yeah it's it goes out about 15 ft from the yeah that's going to be cut shorter then put R yeah there and it's it's on the actual dirt it's on the ground of the river bed yep yeah okay great the Del that's tonight a resolution the proposal to construction for9 Delaware that's the stor that there a big piece c in there several other pieces of we can't when they are F that bike um this contract will be to remove thatti P from the street to the so that be and what the issue is that there it's rain water it's not backing up flood ties the flood Tide Is Never Getting that hot one of wasn't that that takes Second Street and Delaware there's several blocks into that PL basically soain does not actually get into above the sidewalk G of the home because the height of C CL so it does almost R I believe um but it's not really D to the house set but it is scheduled if this um I SP with a contractor and by of this week realistically with the rain coming what not I would say more like Monday um be realistic but he be out there next we to play that great and you're going to contact property owner and the sun right yes I will stop stop by tomorrow and speak to property owner and call her son kind immediate and they knew this was coming but they they they had no idea where right umill dream Sports W that's going very well as well um the the transen is all done that's completed from where P going to go to all the lake Pooles um for field two and there's also dis diss service field one in the future so we want to dig anything else except the back portion of fi [Music] one that [Music] chend that and that's only the they are going to cont spoke to the construction department and they being their hes tomorrow will be have let go is there's there concrete here 14 deep the [Music] ground tomorrow they're being delivered on Wednesday must that's cont for oh they're prefa prefa okay y great y so then going set that in place one Wednesday how it works a sodi control that they set these in and around that's going to depend construction department on inspection whether they can start backing after Wednesday if the ladies all be back conrete having eny shield in ready to go and and just waiting for us to [Music] T good so once they dig those holes they're going to put like plywood over them so nobody can fall in yes yes um I mean it's closed off but that doesn't mean anything and I actually directly request control out there for the next okay couple days cuz they're they're pretty big they would cover up but so they are putting something on top of them or no yes they will put something on top of okay they agreed in the meeting that remember they want to put Yep they're going to cover them up y not problem and and I don't going out it's not never know okay yeah never maybe we should keep the parking lot lights on yeah we keep the parking lot lights on maybe we have the capability to do that just to have extra lighting up why we keep the off so yeah it be from tomorrow to Thursday we know that all right okay sounds good the um 2023 grant for the G that contract and do his pun work as well he finished that I had not had a chance to personally look at it looked at it and look at it um so I be out there week to make sure that they didn't they were awesome do we want to hold that check until we get out there personally and look at it well we have enough money on retain retain okay we're okay that and the 200 Street hdsr Grant we received an email Thursday from D indicating that they have information the done review and then going to give us a report on Friday which I so I another email today I meeting tonight can you give me some kind of update and I still have but it's on the Des but she have something oh something yeah at least I have something Emil on writings yeah Signs of [Laughter] Life backl there I and that's all I have all right um the storm water pollution prevention plan there were some emails going back and forth last week um as far as the status that I guess the DP was asking that today yes I had time to that um and I he was at today but they are on top of that to the state do we do we know if it was completed or there was I'm going to say about 90% okay and that also Harry when do we uh decide on the handicap ramps for the next year's Grant so we can get that moving how do you want to Pro proceed on that yeah I I I could meet with whom never would be would like me with that um any time this well um I know if it's possible tomorrow or not that's short this but I can meet this week um if you just you send send out a list of of the potentials I'll do that all right send that out then we can say whether or not anyone you know here's that's what we did last time said this will be what we could afford but here are some Alternatives so we substituted but you have a list of so we know where we're starting from yeah I I'll send you recommendation recommendation and then and then we just drive and look at them and see what we think John everybody that right so the August 5th meeting hopefully we can make final decision y get that going if you get your proposals in like you're going to do from the road stuff all for that meeting the 5th because that's a repetitive kind of thing there's no nothing new with the cdb drant thing so you can get that rolling so we don't run into problems again y okay thank you Jim McHugh had sent an email about the irrigation need need between Fields 3 and four um I think you that about adding The Zone um he's going to take a look at if there's existing wiring that he can tap into and he's going to give us pricing on that um if there's something he can install or not he can do it just what the cost will be if there's existing wiring or not so he's just going to let us know is that something you agree with that there needed there it was never put in because it was between the two fields and was create yeah but if you would make everything consistent yeah it's certainly it's clearly bothering him so there's you should just do it then if yeah that's the brilliant thing that bothers him that's important yeah he sent a couple emails and I saw Carolyn's reply Phil asked him too Phil asked him to you rep you replied directly to Phil and then copy of oh I got the copy I I did get the copy that Phil he's going to get pricing for us that's if he can TR it won't be a big deal change how to run all back yeah that's a big deal it's going to cost a couple thousand well the trencher out there already maybe bot electric could do that for yeah yeah I mean is it worth it if it's going to be you know five six grand no probably not I would say no something right I'll tell you what though that field it looks better than I've ever seen it out sure the guys from RE sitting at the back proba I know it's it's green it's green as it's green on my bottle there i' never fix elri him finding things fixing things and working together and he's available at moment's call yeah and he actually cares like he's taking pride in so that's remember what that looked like one year ago brown and yellow it was dead crop circles from the sprinkler heads don't forget we have a new well there that we didn't have a year we do have a new well and that has helped tremendously all the credit but but Jim has taken take the credit away from you guys spent a lot of money so let's yeah well but Jim's GNA keep it up I he he really cares he's responsible he cares what a difference and he's doing a great job get those trees watered yeah all right thank you very much Harry all right uh Mr Coleman uh thank you mayor um nothing specific I'll I'll defer to Mr heinold um I I do did just want to uh add something with respect to your traffic study I know you kind of discussed that fairly thoroughly I um I I represented the delare Valle Planning Commission for a number of years and I would encourage you to to um get in touch with Tom Stan ainus like immediately yeah he sent the email out um Tom Tom's a wonderful advocate for the county county towns this year are all the Pennsylvania towns and counties that are getting funded through the 10p projects next year is New Jersey so Tom's running around to the county right now and collecting applications there's there's a whole host of money at the dvpc that comes through the state and federal govern that goes unused every year because the Project's gone so he may be a really good Advocate and you may have this money already budgeted but I'd love to see you get reimbursed for your expenditure so I'd love to see that too he on this email that I have to he's he should be the guy you talked okay I will I ask him mayor that's all I have thank thank you thank you thanks Tom that's good yeah all right uh Township administrator Mr thank you um let me just move this other stuff out of the way uh of course you have we've got our assessor has been sending out his the new assessors his report and he and and the co- assessor as you were are working together and they're meeting with uh our former assessor to update the pilot stuff working with uh Doug on the uh new pilot you have new pilot stuff coming through so they're working together uh interestingly the uh GIF rep uh talked about the state health benefits commission increase just showing that things are are going up and he pointed out that uh rate increases for local government active employees will be about 16% increased coming up next year uh so we there's all sorts of other stuff that are being discussed to try to hold that down but we probably need to get our nose back into looking at the uh uh Southern jurors the employee benefit fund as an alternative last time what they gave us was incomplete and we weren't able to really show that there was a a benefit and we were in the middle of negotiating we need to have their people come and prove to our employees at the SE FL better before you start jumping a lot of towns have just did it and their unions associations Let It Go our people were saying well can at least somebody come out and talk to us about it so we'd like to be able to do that so it's something I got to work on this summer to see if we can't uh move on remember it once you move you're done so that's the problem 23% increase last year yep yep so yeah keep going up 17 the other thing is is in addition what I emailed you in addition to what the mayor talked to Harry about with sending the plan the storm water plan to the state uh they reminded us that part of this ms4 permit is the requirement for these ordinances uh those who've been here for a while know that the same thing happened the last time that the state uh had their storm water stuff we had litter Control ordinances and we had don't feed the pigeon ordinances and there's a lot of ordinances that we have that we never used but they were required to do in order to maintain the permits well the two that they're currently telling us we have to do is one dealing with privately owned salt storage which in effect means and and and Janice's going to add that to the U business license applications to ask a business do you store Salt on your site so that if we adopt this ordanance we have to regulate to ensure that they're storing it properly so that the rain doesn't wash the salt Into the Storm source so on so be the state is saying you municipality have to be the enforcement agencies for this stuff and so that's that one piece which probably is is doable the other one and I see my friends out here chry commission this tree removal replacement ordinance uh is a much more complicated and uh difficult to deal with ordinance because as I read it I believe that it's really aimed mostly at development where a developer is coming for the joint land use boort and in order to build a warehouse they want to clear you know 20 acres of trees and how that's done but technically it also applies to any uh live healthy tree that is removed for any purpose by the municipality or by a homeowner uh because they want to put a pool there they want to have more space or it's providing too much shade or not enough shade and it deals with having to enforce replacement trees and so it's a much more complicated kind of thing so I sent that out to you I don't know what the answers are I'm just a process person but theoretically if we don't adopt these ordinances uh to the satisfaction of DP theoretically they will not they will revoke or not continue to give us the ms4 storm water license same thing as if Harry doesn't send in those maps in that plan we just you we're on their s list so where that what happens because of it I don't know and there's 500 and some municipalities that are probably having the same discussion with their governing bodies because I don't think anyone paid much attention to this part of the change in these regulations so I'm bringing to your attention you guys are to figure out who's going to have this discussion and who's going to be involved it'll probably take as long as it took to get the sign ordinance in there and maybe it'll get the same uh traction as the uh uh ordinance dealing with the electric power stuff that uh are these model ordinances these are model ordinances so just Dum no it's not quite so simple it's not quite that just add something oh please Tom um so I I painfully sat through an hour have discussion last Tuesday night and Everton about the same issue Tom just pull that mic a little bit closer to you yeah um so the the um this the state has started to send out reminders hey we we we haven't seen you adopt these ordinances okay um I I don't know how far they'll go to withhold funding or or storm water permits um the the the the Dilemma in the towns that we represent right now is um how can we in good faith tell a homeowner that has a certain caliber of tree that they have to come and get a permit to cut down a tree on their own property so um towns are now adopting taking the model ordinance um I I would encourage it send it off to your shade tree commission let them chew on it and um most towns are adopting a watered down version that is very very liberal uh in letting the homeowner um not putting their feet to the fire when it's a certain caliber size tree um I I haven't seen any towns just verbatim adopt their current orness that the state suggest that you suggest twisting your arm but I I will tell you you got to you got to pick things that respect what else we got rich that's all got oh okay um anyone else have any questions for Rich well I have a question that I guess I guess it has to do with the the grant uh the tree Grant and uh someone had approached me to see that you know they're going to replace all these dead trees and if they do could they put Gator bags on them what would the additional cost be could Shay tree um you know take on that cost but when they replace all these dead trees they still have to be watered and if they had a gator bag it certainly would make more sense it would be a lot easier to water them right bill because we can't have Bill madit carton water out to these trees and of course the contractor said it's cheaper for him to just replace them then to send a water tank here to water them uh even though that's his responsibility so when they replace them next year I mean I think we should look into having Gator bags on them so they're replacing them in the fallaw right um the only issue with the water bags is they have to be refilled like every two weeks so somebody has to be responsible but it's better than watering a tree every two or 3 days right so I mean I think somehow we need to look into that I don't know if I should send an email to shade tree to see if something in the budget how much money is it does the state provide for that but somebody should have thought about that because the watering the watering issue is going to come into effect again next year if we have the same kind of summer because it takes so long for these trees to establish I mean I just put three trees on my property and I have to order them well right now I don't have to order them today at all so but so I mean we need to look into that and I I would hope Shay tree would look into that or somebody contact me Bill maybe you and I can talk about it see what can be done okay all right I just wanted to bring that up since we were talking about trees so I guess a follow-up question they're going to replace the dead trees so do we get another two years on these trees no or this is it I think it's one year whatever's left so these these trees they got to live otherwise we're losing all this money from the state so that's why it's important that we make sure that there's a watering mechanism in effect and if we have these Gator bags it's a lot easier to fill them every so often then um I mean I guess we have an obligation to taxpayers since the township approved this grant we have to take over now Tre isn't so we have to make so we just looking on Amazon here a four pack of those gator bag's 45 bucks we need yeah but I'm sure there's I'm sure like if you got how many 100 200 how many trees to 200 yeah yeah I think they're only replacing like 50 of them so 10 pack4 so they would be the 50 that we would need the ones they're replacing the other ones will be established there's some more that died I'm sure you saw that so I'm uping my count to 50 yeah okay at least all right so we'll look into that and find out what the cost would be um but it's something it's a shame we didn't consider that at the time all right I'll check with Bill thank you Kate all right continuing clockwise around the room Lieutenant Warren hello everyone um we obviously got given a conditional offer to an applicant tangra gumis and he passed all that require testing so Chief tier took him out to get fitted for his Academy uniforms um all uh information with s De cademy so he's scheduled to start August 5th um we have one officer now who uh Chris ORF he scheduled to finish his last phase of f next Thursday so he's done very well um patrol MC Kerns is in his first phase he's doing well also so we're looking pretty good in aard um we also recently we had as did Matt Bar M Bar we received a letter from uh the May May in Pence aen uh Thanking us we sent an officer to respond to a civil arrest they had about a month ago so he sent us a letter just thanking us for um they actually requested uh pretty much any Department in BR count resp um so we had someone yeah pretty much so um so we we sent an officer but he was was thankful when that was nice yeah we got to copy that it was nice so but uh other than that that's pretty much it all okay pretty light thank you Basel Mr fenor you you've been you haven't had much to do the last couple weeks right really quiet don't use the Q word never use the Q words we went from a public works to a tree Department um we've been quite busy um we picked up 132 uh cubic yards chipped up brush that's that's probably our one of our biggest rush stop that we've had since I've been here uh we cut all the township properties four times we took out the soccer benches at the Field of Dreams uh with the tables and all down at the columns uh I got the electrical cabinet door fixed I had the guy that uh he got a special welder to weld that and they fixed that for us which was Dreams yeah um we put up the speed bumps there and they're really a speed bump I'm telling you yep you don't you got to be careful there John they are like going into Liv careful you've going into Living Springs on Park yeah that's what it's like it's I mean you only have to go to like five and under well that's the point try try driving a piece of fire apparatus in there we really the only thing we didn't get there we we put the balard up uh they R had three or four ballards and we brought them instead of going and buying four for the handicap out at the Field of Dreams we got them cleaned them up and they look new so we save some money there we we having a little bit of trouble trying to drive the holes in for the signs because the ground is so poor but it should be good now hopefully so if you don't see two signs there if not it will be after this week rain yeah um we had so many trees I I I you know the last storm we had was out at West Avenue and we had quite a bit of trees that went down across the path well I went up this time and nothing but there was probably 30 out of out of the haulk island Hulk Island yeah and they went both ways along the road across the road I mean from the beginning of the gate all the way to the point they they were down but I got them cleared and um so uh did you see the note from Paul Newman yeah he's what he's on a job I know what you're talking about well he he I think he he wants to be some kind of Communicator so he can go out okay so I don't know how we could ever do that but I think um because they were breaking glass and he was worried about all the kids the fames come there did you see the picture got no he sent an email of all the trash like apparently they're picking up some of the trash and they're leaving others but there was a lot of broken glass and nobody's picking up the broken glass he just sent a picture out I I guess yesterday was it yesterday or today yeah I got it um and I know we're trying to put trash recept out there but I don't know how we can continually do that but apparently they had a cleanup clue out there doing something and they weren't picking up the broken glass I guess for fear that we've been picking trash up there's been some bags out there yeah and then where he um did you see the picture where he wants us to put the cans he drew a little M well I mean he put this little pole in about this high off the ground you know instead of showing it and then put a circle or something you know but I had to look all over and I did find them so did you find them yeah I'm just going to put some old yellow recycling buckets for now okay because if I put new ones out there they'll be going to be going down the hill yeah so um can you yeah I will we replaced two signs at Newton's Landing um started to pile the leaves up um last time I had a guy come in and he went through the leaves with the machine and they're ready they're ready to go now on just uh pile they'll probably about 40 piles just never seems to end on them um we cut two Residential Properties for the zoning department um and also we're getting a price this is last week we started getting the price for the water tank and you can get all kinds of prices all kinds of sizes and I figure between 100 and 200 we'll put it on the back of the pickup where we can take it on and off with four Cliffs or whatever um will'll be able to get and I want to get um a powered one so if we need to go out and uh Supply water to you know one of our pumps that you know for power washing we can do it we can have access to that so that that'll help us we're filling Gator bags any water trees would you be able to water yeah would you be able to fill Gator bags or something absolutely good that's for but I mean you know to get a smaller like you got to get at least a 100 or 200 because you're you're oh yeah right through it real quick yeah it you know and some of these trees really need a good drowning you know they got it because this been just too dry yeah unbelievable dry so and that's all I have all right thank you very much for all the work you and your department have done over the last week I know I've been out there with you and the guys and it's just it's it's a mindboggling how much trees came down I was you know after that storm then there was another little storm right and I I I I've been here a long time and i' I just when I think I see every tree that it it fell some of these trees we Pino's House on Pennsylvania Avenue it's probably the biggest flowering pair that we have well it looked like somebody had just ripped right off at the base of the tree and it if you if you look inside of you you studied a little bit you see how Punky it is and I don't know how it didn't go down any sooner that it did but there was two trees that were like that and um I I it just it just surprised me how long that they can stay up but I mean and this went all the way across the street and went on the railroad property I mean it was a big tra it's probably one of the biggest was the biggest flowering there and some of the ones went down there were those were perfectly healthy just the amount of wind like the one over the one we were out at on Delaware Aven Walnut where you saw that how twisted that tree was and and the one by next to 719 where another one right where all that was rotted all the way up that was right but it was to the back kind of you the problem cutting that we had a little problem cutting that because it was all filled with dirt and people were putting trash in it so hit it with my chainsaw the first time and then I know there's a problem once you hit it and there's something inside you know or grew around metal but it was I mean it was filled up with dirt good good looking soil and it's all from the ants the ants they just devast is that in front of the statue yeah yeah what are we doing with that tree down now the whole tree is gone I took it down oh okay yeah yeah but I I got to get back to do the stuff I just uh was doing other things that day and then try to just get it down and it's not like you have brush pickup or you yeah thanks for coming out on a Sunday night and everything else I tell you what it's nice having two young guys that's good good job Harry and Bri it's very nice to have two young guys and when they come in working and they shake their head then you know they was they were going you Ain you're having fun now thank you John anyone has anything else for John yeah but thank you John we appreciate thank you so much I think the park Clos signs that you guys put up in f one of them blew right out oh it ripped completely off of that post it's too big well you know you know they they weren't made of metal yeah yeah it just needs a different Mount like a metal backing or something like that wind it just treated like a sail yeah this wind's been just terrible I know a tree fell in my house I I've seen the wind and and the one trade that I've been waiting for for about 20 years has not fell down so dead it's dead dur that was hit lightning and 20 ft down it's Hollow on the back side it's 100 ft tall and it still has you just jinxed yourself thank you John Janice nothing at this time thank you all right uh Township committee I'll start to my immediate right Mr elect uh see the history board was out at the farm Fair last week and had display uh set up with Lano and uh what I heard uh the storm that came through some of the materials got blown and blown around in the tent but uh sound like otherwise than that it was a success I wish we could bet on the History Fair always being the hottest week of the year because it literally is the hottest week of the year always yeah I blame them and that's all I have there okay thank you okay okay yes let's see daisa Del Riv um tryouts are continuing for the travel softball team which is called the River Dell Rebels um fall soccer registration is open until August 1 and registration is open for the um upcoming basketball program for 20 24 25 uh they're always in need of someone to work the concession so please check out their web website and sign up um if you want to know what's happening be sure to check their Weekly Newsletter it's very um it's filled with all kinds of things I think saber does a great job and their next meeting is tomorrow night here at 7:30 uh backyard hens Suzanne and I met with a resident on June 29th for final inspection for her installation and for her hens so now we have four um uh she has been officially approved and paperwork has been submitted to the township uh she has three hands uh the board met on July 2nd here to discuss the process required documents and complaints uh it was nice to hear from the members discussing their hens they talk about them like we talk about our cats and dogs so it was really it's interesting for me um it's a lot of work and once they realize when they review our ordinance because we did have somebody who uh was interested and when he we sent them the information and he looked into the course he decided that it was too much work to have them so we really have a good program and people aren't just going to do it for the heck of it um and uh letters are going to be sent out if we receive complaints I only received one complaint so far that we thought was legitimate I sent a letter out and um they said they didn't have any hands so no further action was required on that one uh Sewer Authority we met on July 9th and the trunk line project um uh has has been completed uh the project should be closed out in the next month or two there's still some paperwork to be completed the work at the pump station is progressing the emergency backup pump and the submersible pumps have been delivered uh starting today uh there will be a bypass pump outside the pump station until roughly August 16th while the work's being completed uh the contractor was installing some temporary fence ing around the manhole and pump equipment and barricades traffic drums and Cones will be set up for safety 989 coopertown road is showing activity and erri is waiting for the results of the administrative review to inspect the drains so I'm not sure how far along that is Janice is because you had noticed too that there was activity out there and um did they come in for an administrative review or something CU that was mentioned at our so remaining yes they have been in for administrative review there were a few things missing from that packet so we are waiting for that Ed Rano is waiting for that they um do have to get with sewer I don't know where they're at with their um sewer uh obligations there's a drain in there that we have concerns about Ben wants to get in and inspect that and they have to uh submit a um more complete narrative on their operation for administrative review packet so um we're waiting for that but they they are in they are um you know uh getting things done to get that administrative review packet completed okay good those was for 989 989 yeah yeah 989 and Styx there's no new update the office operator report is on file uh waterfron Historic Park um I just wanted to note this for public record that I was reviewing my paperwork I shared it to Caroline tonight the first uh stabilization um preliminary plans Harry do you remember these they were uh dated in 2008 and the first war front development permit was sent in um in 2009 from Land Development I think you worked with Dave Denton then yeah so I mean that's how long this Township has been working on the waterfront at Zer Brook so I just when I was going through that Pro I was reviewing a lot of stuff to see if I could Purge anything and I said oh my God look at this that long that many years it's incredible but anyway I did want to let you know that uh yeah 16 years later progress has definitely been finally made so government does move slow uh but the township committee we met out there on July 3rd um at 8:00 for a photo shoot to officially uh document the start of the construction that will become a beautiful park hopefully the spring of 2025 and the history board I wanted to mention that the open house was not held this month because they were at the farm Fair um but the next open house will be here August 17th from 1 to three and uh I I wanted to mention again that the display in the cabinet out there is my decoy uh collection from my grandfather who lived in Dango on Del River and a house boat he built so I hope some people come out and take note I have several books that he's been written up in and other members of the township as well so um that's all I have thank you thank you very much Kate Caroline what you been up to not much um Recreation did not meet this month neither did uh joint L News sport so it was a good time for me to take a vacation cuz nothing was really happening so um yeah well welcome back to the uh the states welcome back to the States I'm sure you and Al are very well rested perhaps we did we did lots of European research on how their governments work and uh I brought back all sorts of ideas for it you're not you're not expensing your vacation to us thank you I thank you Carolyn all right um see since last update on June 24th um first and foremost I like the other members of the committee we all attended the fal Mass for ilio Kario otherwise known as Vinnie as everyone calls him and without exaggerating there were well over 500 people there plus many more viewing online from home and this just goes to show how much he was loved by our community and how much he will be terribly missed and our prayers continue to go out uh to his family as they move through their new normal of without him physically being present here but he's always going to be with us all forever right um I attended the Fire Commission meeting on June 25th normal business occurred I had the probability privilege of conducting a wedding ceremony on July 5th I've been doing daily visits to the seaw wall construction site it's just fun watching how fast these guys just work and accurately get the job done and it's they're definitely moving faster than the entire permitting process like Kate government does doesn't move quick these guys do the contractors do especially when they want to get paid so uh they're doing a awesome job out there think I said earlier with with the 100 Dee heat they were they were out there like nothing last week just getting the work done so it's moving on great speed and ahead of schedule which is always nice I um just on that I've been working with Scott Taylor um just to get the fence quote he has received that um for the material and then he's got price out the labor so he is working on that actively um I'm staying on top of him so we can get that fabricated it's going to be about 19 in stainless steel was like over 100 G so we're going to go with the uh the aluminum which about 35 right now just for materials um including the stand from the engineer and all that so um it's being worked on you made those calls from Italy right I worked on my vacations my vacations are always work in vacation Al shaking his head yes yeah so right Show Must Go On absolutely uh I visited the field of dream site this uh weekend to check the progress of the field lighting as Harry talked about uh looks to be moving good as all the conduit is in there and the equipment out there so that's nice uh July 8th I attended our monthly project management uh meeting with Harry and Richard to discuss all of the ongoing projects we have in town uh July 10th I attended the preconstruction meeting here for the Field of Dreams lighting and and like I said I visited the site this weekend and uh July 10th I also interviewed along with Janice and Richard our proposed CFO that is on the agenda this evening to bring on who will be replacing the retired Bob hudnell who left us last month uh as I mentioned I was out with uh Mr Fenimore a lot uh during the last couple weeks with all the storms and also with my hat on uh Emergency Management coordinator uh let's we were busy the uh you know the fire department we were we got 15 uh calls for service during the last storm and we were all over the place we had four pieces of apparatus all throughout Town blocking intersections making things safe and it was uh crazy to say the least and as uh we've seen the majority of it was centered along the Walnut Street Corridor all the way from the river all the way down to the creek within I'd say within a two block radius or two blocks on either side of Walnut Street is where the majority of the storm went and I think by John seen nothing down at West Avenue that's probably a accurate statement so um it again nice job to John and his crew and of course our fire fire department for responding out there and finally I attended the Board of Ed meeting on July 17th the new principal for Pearson School Ramone Santiago was introduced he comes to Delano from hesport where he was the fifth through 8th grade principal and director of curriculum for the district and he sounds like he will be a terrific asset uh for our district that being said I am disappointed that besides the board members and some teachers in the district not one soul from the public uh was present and I get that it's summer I get people are on vacations but it's no really no different really than the rest of the year uh the same people complain about things going on or not going going on in the district are the same people who don't come out to find out exactly what's going on so I really I'd like to see start more people coming out to those meetings and coming out to these meetings but I'll get off my soap box for now on that matter that's all I have to report for this month thank you Matt for keeping the public updated with all the O notifications and storm notifications I think everybody appreciates the communication so quite welcome and some time in between then I slept not much I want to thank you too for the video for the um for the new principal that you posted I thought that was really helpful because I was unable to make the meeting but it was really good and I I think you're right I think he's going to be a great addition to the school system 100% he he has a long history over 20 years in education and just from him talking for those who didn't see the video he he likes to get hand on he said you won't see him in his office unless he's on the phone he'll be going through the school doing yeah whatever principles do in the building interacting with the children that's great which is exactly what we need and it's nice to see the district starting to shape up again hands off to our interance superintendent and of course our Board of Education members thank you all we will now go to the consent agenda consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes does anybody on committee have any questions or need anything pulled from the consent agenda before I read them no no all right good this is a long one ordinance 20248 and ordinance amending chapter 250250 of the C the code of the township of Delano governing streets and sidewalks at article 3 governing driveways this is the first reading by title only and we're going to set the public hearing date for August 5th 2024 ordinance 2024-the at chapter 197 governing governing haulk Island first reading by title only in set public hearing date for August 5th 2024 ordinance 2024-25 chapter 110 of the code of the township of Delano governing zoning at article 3 section 17 governing signs first reading by title only and set public hearing date for August 19th 2024 resolution 2024 d103 resolution of the township of Delano in the county of Burlington state of New Jersey appointing temporary entry level law enforcement officer under the alternative alternate route hiring process resolution 2024-25 resolution appointing Treasurer and chief Municipal finance officer pursuant to njsa 4A col 9-1 14010 and njsa 40a col 9-1 14.13 at seek resolution 2024 105 resolution authorizing the entry the execution of a contract renewing membership in the Burlington County Municipal joint Insurance Fund resolution 202416849 Delaware Avenue resolution 2024 108 authorizing a change order number one for the Field of Dreams field lighting project resolution 2024-25 disposal of out of out of service office equipment resolution 2024 1110 resolution certifying leans against certain properties for the costs occurred by the Township in accordance with chapter uh 135 of the Township Code payment of bills current fund 1, 24638 77 payroll $275,600 $7,810 0 esro trust fund $1 4,624 75 Housing Trust $140 approval of minutes from June 24th 2024 approval of business licenses 202 24-18 2024 D21 and 202 24- 46 can I have a motion please for approval of the consent agenda some move second motion By Carolyn second by Kate to approve the consent agenda roll call please and mayor uh for the record on those three ordinances that were introduced tonight 18 19 and 20 the public hearing is for all of them is 700 p.m. so that minutes will reflect that they will be at on those dates at 700 p.m. thank you and M M Patrick loc yes Mr alette yes Miss Seuss yes and Mr Bartlett yes and approval of minutes June 10th 2024 I imagine somebody was absent that day and can't vote who Iain okay I think that um Miss Patrick I was out on the 10th 10 and mrot you were out and with Mr Templeton out will need to um actually carry these to the August 5th for approval we don't have uh only you and um Miss Seuss can vote on that so we'll need uh to carry that to the fif all right and I must say when our consent agenda is really long and I have a lot of stuff to read it's because we're getting a lot of stuff done same and same thing with all the other ordinances uh we're up to ordinance 20 20 and how many do we normally have Janice because he yelled in the last week about the the publishing cost for the bills because we're getting stuff done we usually average AED uh 15 to 18 ordinances per year I mean some years we've had quite a few particularly when there's land use being revamped and things but it's usually 15 to 18 ordinances and we're in July and you're on 20 already so my publication budget is shot up it for next year keep we're getting lot of activity with this done very good do we have any correspondents Janice I have none thank you right meeting is now open to the public for any comments or questions this is session number two again if you have any comments or questions step up to the podium and give your name and address for the record Mr here it comes couple things uh one of our owners who was happen to be a civil engineer retired he's questioning why the Township's not uh putting any to cracks in the cam because it would save from the water Dr going in he causing it to break up even farther that was my first thing I I know nothing about that sort of thing and Mr Foxy he's right extend Ro life yeah I think we just talked about that recently I'm just bringing up take look the rest of the town we didn't hear just for I'm sorry Ray just for the benefit of the record giving my name is Ray Weber 22 ships I was going to give it for you I thought 20 ships but 22 22 ships all right uh second thing deals with Lieutenant Warren and police this morning sh KY driving school and DMV both of them came down and did urn and and Newton B they're still doing it okay and you're telling me now at 9:04 I was on my way to a do point I didn't have time to call and that kind of thing but that that does nothing I understand that but what happen you you could go to the TMV and complain we've already told them you know that the thing here here's the thing we we we can't be any and everywhere I understand that we Chief and I sat out there last week cuz we got the issue with the speeding yeah we put the digital sign out there yeah and and I sat out there in airpls for three straight days no driving schools came through nobody spread through either guys are in there I can if you want me I can provide you the incident we have officers conducting property checks throughout your development 24 hours a day we make notification on that through Central and we document the same but if telling me now we constantly tell people the same for you put your phone on speaker and call let us know because then we can get them in the app we've told DMV DMV they're not going to necessarily force that because they can't because they can't control the dver they can control the DMV D because DMV guy was one of the gentlemen who did the C who did it it was a DMV employee inside the inside the car he had the yellowish orange Vestor and he had his P there that doesn't mean he was the D&B employee right that means works for a company there was two vehicles shop Jersey was the first one that was just the South Jersey driving school and what was the other one dm it was a homeowner's car with the DMV guy sitting in because the problem what people have been doing we explain this to the council before we have people privately giving lessons so they'll literally take a magnetic sticker put it on their own personal vehicle and they're giv driver test yeah and then they'll go finish their their testing with or just the practice if you will and then they'll go and let them take the driving test at the DMV but again telling me at nine I guess but now obviously we'll tell the guys continue to patrol deer but there not much you can do right now it's not I'm I'm just letting you guys know that I had this conversation with Adam before and he told you the same thing he's told me the same thing I'm just saying it's still happen even though you guys were out there I know you got out there there was two guys out there yesterday afternoon and both of them W sitting at on Newton Landing in Wilson I think it is which is over the townhouses and another one was sitting up on Creek Road waiting for somebody to come by on for and we have the signs there point but I'm just saying this is what I'm seeing myself and so like that we've been trying to do it but not obeying no u-turn signs we let you guys know who it's still not working but we have you guys can't be everywhere every time try but I mean got to look at From perspective as you heard earlier we were talking about the U as far as the Sur with that survey majority of our accidents are people just disobeying signs I understand because they're doing any and everything else but paying attention to the room I know now this year obviously they're willfully cuz there's two signs you know that come in and say there's no u-turns then still they go and give up the urns because it's what people do so if we can get them obviously we're going to site them you know but they're they're in there they're sitting in there but they can't sit in there for the whole D of the shift I understand that's why like I said it's more beneficial when something happens tell us then I can we can send a guy over and now oh South Jersey there's only one South Jersey car commer we're going have a conversation but tomorrow there could be a South Jersey driving car there but may not be the one that was there today so you got you got to let us know when it's that the other thing deal with what uh Tom brought up about the trees and stuff um what happens is in Newton's Landing in fact even it was uh July 10th we had four trees taken down because they were dead the trees are dying were taking them down because they they're Hazard two people and two vehicles those two of them are right next to parking in right next to our parking lot one of them was backed over by I can't um uh t phone call and and wires on the backside behind ship's way and Old Creek Road as I will call it right back in there these trees are dying we're just taking them down because we're we're wor about the liability than goodness we took down the tree on on wton and Landing a little over a year ago cuz that treade would have came down cuz when we cut it down 95% of it was hollow inside and it was dead but people wanted to keep it on the safe side and that's one thing we're always looking at is on the safe side so with the township and with with the state coming up with these ordinances and telling the township they got to do all these in and stuff they got to get their heads out of their wherever that's all I have to say thank you thank you Ray thank you Ray um Lieutenant war on uh race point about the cars going through this going around the u-turns can they make a civil complaint to the police department against that absolutely so so if they're witness they could give you a tag number make a complaint against that absolutely absolutely but like I said the goal would be which like we want to know oh yeah the goal is to active because more than likely they're practicing to go take the test yeah so they're still going to be in the vent right um because lately what they've been doing a lot of their schools actually been using the parking lots next door well as the a little bit um and as well as the uh rank ska parking lot but yeah Chief now we took turns like well you sit out for a little bit I'll set out for a little bit you can see as well as the guys making their you know the normal P but um but yeah now DMV we went to them we spoke to them and they they advised but again they don't oversee the school so they just made notific listen you keep doing that you're going to get sighted by the police so okay I to say what an epic failure by these driving schools having uh their students conducted a legal ter illegal ter I'm pretty sure they'll get a mark on their dve about fail they get a mark on their dve test they did that but then again seeing a lot of the drivers out here they may just pass absolutely completely disregardless of time so do you have the digital sign out there for the speeding right now no the well it's still there now still there okay cuz usually we try to keep it for a week or two depending but because I think when was that last like Wednesday last Wednesday so we had to put out the next day is it your marked for anything else in the next week or two can we put it at that intersection and put no u-turn there there signs I know but maybe the the digital sign will get Morey maybe the digital sign will be flashing in their face whenever it's free it should be back on ran cookus Avenue because the boers that come down there it's amazing how they turn that corner on ran cookus and they are definitely gone 40 by the time they reach Marina we're putting it back it's crazy uh yeah we need a speed you need to feel the dream speed BM now that's where go back to this we're going to mount one of those signs right in front of your house per installed yeah going back there right can we put a temporary speed bump on that way during the summer be great you can put it right in front of my house we need to do anything to do this no you would no cuz then they're stopping and bump you be let's with the boats hear them boats going across that yeah John will you take it out move it about 100t up right put it in front of yeah put it in front of f Burlington have yeah it needs to be right around the turn um like right Beyond stos um a little bit beyond because it's a I don't know how people can get that kind of speed but there is one there's a fell that lives right on that street uh on ran ccus and he gets in his car and I'm telling you he's just like two houses before me and he's gone 40 by the time he reaches the corner and his car makes such a noise it's amazing I was standing out there the other day and I thought how and call the police by the time I call the police he's gone he's already around the corner um he burns rubber going around he does yeah again civil complaint give him the yeah I hate to do that to my neighbor though speed speed bup even if we put it out there put it right in front of his house temporarily for like you know Jun September yeah yeah that you know that might not be a bad thing to look into we could take a look at amending we need do we need an ordinance or resolution or something temporary is long well an engineering written opinion do something tempor would you don't encourage it permanent oh really I wouldn't recommend a permanent because then we're getting into plowing issues right John not winner get we removed yeah intentionally or not yeah uh do we have any other members of the public who want to ask anything while we have this open nothing Cindy you're good sure all right and we will close this uh public session thank you yeah I'm very tired uh discussion items we don't have anything I don't think we need another executive session session I tried to say session yeah and I'm not even six hours behind time like you are uh can I have a motion to adjourn pretty please yes so move second all right all in favor I thank you very much for coming out thank you sir