Delano Township committee meeting of March 4th 2024 beginning at 700 p.m at the Delano Township Municipal Building 770 coopertown Road Delano New Jersey you recording Janice we are recording mayor all right good evening everyone welcome to the March 4th 2024 Township committee meeting held at 7:00 at the mun building 770 Cooper Town Road in Delano move a roll call please Mrs Patrick here Mr elette here miss Seuss here Mr Templeton here Mr Bartlett here also present our Township administrator Mr Schwab is Harry here there's Harry Mr Fox our Township engineer Mr heinold our solicitor Mrs lore the municipal clerk Mrs Russell Deputy municipal clerk Mr Fenimore the superintendent of Public Works Adam tild the police chief and that's everybody can we please stand for the flag salute I to of the United States of America and to the na indivisible andice for all the uh Sunshine statement please Janice please be advised that poer uh notice of this meeting has been given in compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the burington county times and Courier Post and published in the January 4th 2024 editions written notice has been posted on the official bulletin board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting of the Delano CH committee may be uh transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as a formal Public Access under the open public meetings act and if the technology is disrupted for any any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting in accord with the official notice thank you mayor thank you Jes all right first item on the agenda is resolution 2024-the Spencer Judy could you please Jo up [Applause] [Music] pleas [Music] 20243 expensive whereas contributions and service given by those will to serve their Community should not go and recognize and whereas during women's history month we wish to celebrate and recognize women achievements build and streng our community open do opportun where first emergency and the first female police officer is Theo Police Department whereas sper has also served this community as the Lang Municipal Court Administrator for several years and whereas this honor is recogntion of Dy Spencer's outstanding professionalism and achievements at a trailer for women to realize the full potential as members of our communi and workplaces now therefore I mayor of the on behal of the members of the P committee and all the citizens of the C ofo to hereby recognize and commend Judy speci for her dedication and outstanding service to our community and for her contributions as all [Applause] much I it [Music] is [Music] smile your present [Music] [Applause] thank you everybody for being here tonight uh fting at the department also mayor said a lot statement work with Judy but I tell I've known her for approximately 25 years now I work with her husband lwood police department and over the years I can tell you the amount of support that Dy shown for police our is dy on of police for I issue the certificate for dedicated years service Dy recogition [Applause] service also have an update [Music] P love the [Music] like the whole room off yes and it's a good thing Sam didn't bring all the kids so we'd run out of room here so I think we need to uh like we did two weeks ago for last week for Dan Martin maybe we'll uh ask for a motion for anyone to uh than everyone for give this award to Judy so moved Fon uh Carolyn all in favor I thank you everybody for coming out tonight thank you okay all right uh next on the agenda is the appeal of the decision of the Delanco shade tree commission for the address of 622 Union Avenue Mr Brown yeah I he evening Mr Brown chair the chry commission yeah close that please thanks sorry John go ahead I um uh so thank you for listening to this I will intro the matter I will turn over my comments he is our shade Tre expert the appeal process as you know is new I think we had one before so I just want to make sure that you are aware that we are looking for the other party to provide documentation such as uh third party evidence photographs surveys authoritative documents um expert reports or other evidence in support of their request I hope that is top on your list okay uh I will say that this is an absolutely view Tree on Union Aden fully Cy um really not causing r at sidewalk yes there have been some roots that have grown under their Hardscape however I think there's alternative methods to deal with that I don't I have not dug down all their Foundation to really see if that is a problem but uh we we hope we can save this tree folks U we can't really afford to lose the good ones you know we do a lot of work for you guys and keeping the Treeline Community as does John we really do a comprehensive study on each tree request uh and trust me there are some trees that are voted to come down and I'm rather surprised but because of the science behind them our expert some of the members who have more experience in things I think we we found a good C so we have our eye on quite a few trees this particular tree we really don't have an eye on because it's absolutely phom and there were some others in town that we were looking at the help of them and they were beautiful and but the roots were an issue with sidewalk and we fix that as you know with our sidewalk faer project so I'd like to turn it over at this time you can ask any questions as far as the uh details of the tri good evening my name is Kevin shilia I'm the licensed tree expert state of New Jersey number 279 and I have looked at the tree at 622 Union Avenue and I noted in my report of May 24th of 20123 that the uh red 22in diameter Red Maple in good condition with no visible [Music] defects um there is no public sidewalk damage raised walk on private property does have some bricks skewed I am uncertain that the roots would have gone under the public sidewalk without uh without heating the walk and then raising up to damage the ra walk possible but uh it's unlikely um and my recommendation was to reset the several bricks that are shifted without damaging the underlying Roots um I did look at the tree again today and I noticed that on that block where the tree is there are six trees one of those trees is slated for removable because it had storm damage uh one is an ash tree that uh is going to die shortly because the anal Ash water is killing all of our ash trees and then one is a newly planted tree that's about that big at chest height so this tree is the nicest Tree on the Block and when the ash tree dies and the uh the bread prepared slate for removal is removed you're not going to have much on this block um Delano in 2005 had a 30% vacancy rate of trees that means that there was a spot um in the rer LA for a tree that wouldn't conflict with a private tree a home tree so one out of every three spots um in 2005 by 2013 that has gone up to 34% from 30% um the new inventory should be done relatively soon and I expect that that vacancy rate continues to climb because we have a lot of death from the enal dash or and also from the bacterial Lea oror to the pins we need every tree we can get in town and uh I can't see any reason for removing this you have any questions yes um I have a question regarding the roots there was there's a lot of roots in the yard that have grown Under The Hardscape and they did replace their sidewalk I think maybe six or seven years ago but there was another Tree in Newton's Landing that had this same root issue where the roots were actually above ground and um they actually went to the woman's Foundation where her front porch let's say wasn't the foundation and John um assisted in getting rid of the roots because once they started digging they realized and how many how many bucket loads were the roots John on 24 Wolverton three three loaded bucket three loads so if you can see these roots and I think this it's not so much the tree that the people were concerned about it's that these roots are growing right to their house and they're concerned about what it's going to do to their foundation and this is just what's above ground so I mean I agree with you that it's a beautiful tree and that the tree looks healthy but at what expense do we keep the tree or will you let the people cut these roots that are growing towards their house because that is a real that's the issue here uh the roots in the yard and the the um when I read the information John if you can correct me if I'm wrong was that they were recommended to mulch over the roots to put mulch over and make a flower bed or something well that that was one of the responses however if I add to your root issue the one in Newton's Landing the one in Newton's Landing we had decided that this was encroaching on their front lawn up to their front walkway and their front porch right okay uh and it was splitting the side this particular Tree on Union is on the side yard okay there there is no backyard Landscaping and I'm going to I have the same issue on my front one where the roots to this pear tree are growing above surface and yes if if I didn't want to be cheap I would get mulch or dirt and fill it with Topo but I've taken my mower right over it raise the wheels what have you sometimes it Nicks the root but I have examined I know there this part of the house is not being used you know by a family or children uh matter of it's beautifully landscaped I mean it's a beautiful house they've done work beautifully through the years but I listen if this was affecting the front walkway like new I might say you it's off to the side but it's not just like mutton's Landing it wasn't affecting her front walkway it was affecting her the side of her driveway it wasn't her front walkway it moves Landing it is the front place it was the front yard and this is their front yard this is their front it's this yeah and rear yeah it's going towards the corner of the house I think we took that into consideration yeah that it's not nobody's going to trip and fall where it's at but as far as putting mul over something John does it all time you do you put mul over those roots balls on those trees which by the way it's too much I don't put the mo on I just do the weeding I don't Mo but there are ways to do it and and you know you know something if if it were my house and I have Roots going to the foundation I would I would take care of it myself because it's my home I don't want want throwing into my basement so that's what I mean like can is there some going to take it down is there a resolution for them to cut the roots that are in her yard they're under the brick the the Brick they have a brick walkway they're raising the brick and and in the yard I mean can they can they do that I mean under the fence too you know they're it's going under the fence it's going I I mean I did see it sure I would hope so because this exactly so I mean so so if you can keep the tree but can they remove the roots that are affecting their property they're affecting their yard they're affecting their uh brick way that they have uh actually I was with my cane and I tripped on their bricks because their bricks are starting to raise so I'm just I'm asking a question do here because when we CCT the disord we never really we really never addressed root structure within the priv right okay I don't think we had jurisdiction over that right away and I don't think we ever gleaned them okay so you know our jurisdiction is RightWay which over there I think is 50 ft from side to side and the sidewalk but you know what happens Onana I don't think we have any just are there any root orines you know I don't know that we've ever gotten that far I would be curious though what the implications are for the long like are we essentially killing the tree if we remove the roots or what's the what does the science say about that well I on that with this I don't know I I have a quick question about the roots I've always thought that the roots go as long or as wide as the tree is tall right don't the roots go just as long as the tree is tall the best way to think of roots is that they're opportunistic and they go where the conditions are best what um they can go farther than the drip line of the tree they can go farther than the tree is tall they can go down 6 10 12 ft um but most of your roots are in the top foot or 18 in of soil and they really are opportunistic they rarely go under the streets because there's no reason for them to go there the oxygen level is terrible they have to go down underneath the curb and then come back up to the pavement and you just don't find very many roots in the street um you know the roots aren't seeking the basement of the house they're seeking nutrients and water and that would caus them to go my experience I've only had five instances where Roots were impacting a foundation and this is over 40 years um it's possible very unlikely that it happens um and in those five instances you cut the root you put a barrier um something along the foundation would be simple as uh putting in crushed stone next to the foundation help the drainage by the foundation and The Roots have no reason to go through the crush Stone to the foundation do we know if it's a stone foundation or center block foundation in their house I don't know it's I think it's Stone the home owner says it's a stone it's Stone Foundation I think it was in here and um so Kevin can they cut the roots at where they're uh where they're starting to um I mean that's that's the real question here the root issue uh I mean it's obvious that the tree is beautiful and all the roots are growing up on the surface on the surface they're not growing down so but they are going at the foundation um I would say by all means cut so can they cut them where they start growing in their yard when they Hardscape in their yard I mean at that point you're going to be impacting the tree but it it's it there's a distance there I mean so what what happens is that you introduce um Decay f c The Roots You know it's an injury and just like if you had your skin rubbed off you know it could get infected same thing happens with the tree the more Roots you cut the closer you cut to the trunk the more likely you have confection that would impact the stability of that Tre so I don't see their yard as being that close to the trunk but I'd be interested to see if somebody would to dig under how how far those roots go because I mean I could see how far they were visible but even with the the woman on Wolverton those roots weren't visible up to her front porch they were visible halfway through her yard the front the front yard that that was Prett that was that was fine yeah they were yeah yeah step to theic right ex exactly that neighborhood are those trees still there Bill we just did I know you did a pilot on one but that's not that close to your house okay which oh in your yard you're talking about in your yard they are Roots that's not true that's Roots I I can't hear what you're saying okay but did you cut the roots that were they up were they raising anything were they yeah now my store that was built in 188 that's also a stone foundation and it has water problems up on the plan you could actually see water coming through but thank God these guys that do uh water proofing in the basement yeah what a difference there's not a drop of water down there not one straight route trying to get in at one point the water was pouring out of these Stones these guys know what they're doing so maybe if they're having water issues and try to follow that I I don't I don't know about that issue but I just think that the roots in the yard Hazard so I think it's a twofold question there like you brought up do we have jurisdiction over that we would I'm guessing you're recommending they don't cut them because they can introduce disease or a fungus but we can't tell them that necessarily we if somebody does something sure so from the sidewalk but even in Pennington Park you go out enjoy Pennington park there trees out there with roots coming up to the surf step up over it okay I've been doing it as a kid running around a ball field and there's there's a tree route you move on you walk up you know we really have to fight a little harder to save these trees there are options for that home owner uh yet just putting down mul is the easy things but how about building it up with how about building your ramp up over those roots I didn't see where it was detrimental if it was tripping people walking in after the front door would been different this is the back it's off to the side it's not the back it's it's the front I mean it's the front of the house the tree is in the front so the roots are in the front area of the house if anybody's outside yesterday that some was free cooking yeah you yeah I understand trees and shade yeah planting a couple in my lot uh because I need some shade and I understand that but this is in their yard it's not the roots are in their yard so if we have no control over their yard then if you can't take the tree down then they should be able to remove those roots because we don't know just like we didn't know on Wolverton that those roots that he would have three bucket loads full of roots well no nobody ever told John with all due respect to take the roots out in new yard that's not our job I know I know I'm that was the sidewalk that was the sidewalk guy that did the sidewalk yeah okay and she told him we usually Let The Roots die yeah well it was the sidewalk guy that did it and that's what he did when he started digging for the sidewalk out was unbelievable the tree was there yeah you but Kevin is right though as far as the soil that's why those trees grew up out there because there's no good soil out there all the soil was to the top and that was that's a perfect example of not having nutrients that just going down in that just skin right across the top and was just going to get worse as the tree got old CU that sandy soil out there right I mean I looked at that that tree and I don't know why they can't cut the roots on the side of it take and watch it and and and but that tree is a nice tree there's no doubt about it right one of the nicest the sidewall are all pretty good you know I mean I I would be I would be hard to take that down just few instances where homeowners have done construction work such as sidewalk replacement without our uh without our blessing or inspection and we are keeping an eye on those trees one is dead on a W Street it's evident that was from the side of construction so um if if we do cut the or if they cut the we won't go in property root and the ret treat guys that's that's on them we can't do anything well so I'm looking right now at uh meur taken so that they're accounting for hopefully the longevity of the tree in addition to addressing the the problems on their property certainly if somebody cut the roots in a way with the intent of or you know putting something in the soil that was intended to be consumed by the tree and harm it that's not acceptable so how old do you think this tree is Kevin how old do you think this tree is um it might be 40 and it may have a few good years left I would say a few good decades um one one thing I wanted to address is that the reason I recommend it mul over the roots Behind The Back Fence because the entire yard is Mulch and you know another couple Square ft of mulch which solve the tripping problem and it's not out of character with the yard the entire literally the entire yard is M the entire yard outside that outside but this the roofs are under the fence and in the backyard where there is grass in the side that much yeah that on on the ordinance of 2384 if they do affect the roots and you know Theory fails then they have to repl that's in the do they have to take it down at their expense at the home owner's expense well they have to plant the tree at their expense but not take it down I don't think they have to take it down at their expense they have to plant it the replacement they have to donate a Tre yeah so it seems like is there a a a way for them to have some review Authority where they can grant certain root removal with necessary precautions made so that they're not you know taking reasonable measures to try and protect the the treaty I'm just going to I'm ask Richard since he's Mr you know the town of many new streets did you run into this problem where the root for the property owners Property Owners took care of without asking but you know the answer is if you cut it X feet from the foundation that's pretty far away from the tree and you know I didn't know about the stone issue but obviously that'll have the minimum effect as opposed to cutting it at sidewalk line so if it's the the concern is the impact on the foundation I never heard of you know some the some of the real old houses that had soil Foundation in effect the roots might have wanted to come in and join it but i' never seen them come into a foundation but if that's a concern yeah you cut it X number feet from your foundation I don't think anyone can stop that no but if the tree then dies shortly afterwards and as Doug points out then just like whether the sidewalk contractor did it then you come and say oh gee why did that die all of a sudden and now if you can tie it in together then you try to make a case like person doesn't like the tree and they hammer in the copper nail stuff you know there had some people I don't like that tree there and next year they're dead you wonder why you find that Nails this is how far those roots have that's not that's not the case here it's the case of how to how to help the H it just seems to me I pulled this up on the on the Google not not aial but the one where you're Street there there's enough distance between the base of the tree into the yard even for that that brick patio area or the brick walkway they that there's probably enough where they could if they were given approval to do root removal seems like there's bounds to be struck there right cuz look how far this is the trick right and the roots are growing under here coming out do it in their yard trees over here so I would propose we keep the tree but allow them to do the necessary root work in conjunction with a specialist to make sure it doesn't cause any damage to the tree but also try to find a happy medium with their foundation on their backyard uh if I may make one more comment about the roots um the recommendations for when you're working around trees doing construction is that you stay away from the tree 1T for every inch of diameter of the tree um which would be 22 ft on on that tree um the 4T sidewalk doesn't it's not that far away you know if they were making cuts at the house foundation I would feel very comfortable with that um and then the closer you get to the tree the more of an impact you're going to have on the tree sure um and then a lot of times when you introduce root Rock Crile there is no indication um only about 6% of trees that are infected with root Rock actually show a ack or a mushroom on the tree 6% so that means that 94% of them are just hiding out there and you never know so you know if you're balancing risk is what you want but if since the roots are really exposed under that fence where her brick work is I mean that's got to be 20 ft Kevin you don't think so oh I think so to the backyard sure sure it's to the fence I think it's it's at least 20 ft or more put a barrier at Foundation concern bushes can put some ever there's the side here I think it is L it's not not unequal and we do run into sometimes where we have to balance out request person T this one here that that's one tree hugger I don't like the roots I feel I feel for the homeowner that has a root issue in their yard um I I think it's something that um they shouldn't have to deal with because we want to save a tree but I think if the roots are in their yard like that and that I mean that obvious that they're there and they're growing underneath too they're not just on board I mean I think I think they should have the authority to to cut those roots we can advise on tree signs but if the tree fails it's not advice tree so I mean that's that's my opinion that's how I feel when it's affecting so if we if we were to remove the tree and uh you grind up the stump there we still have the issue of roots in the backyard and they'll stay out they have to come out they don't die for a they have to come out but then that goes back to the home owner yeah the home owner so either way we're dealing with the roots so we uh if the homeowner were to again at the foundation do some digging and prevent roots from going towards the house or towards the foundation and I don't know how many feet away from the uh the house they would have to do that but put a barrier there and then deal with the surface Roots uh on in their yard on their on the yard side of the fence uh with they could go down what 6 in or how would you determine that rather than cutting I'd rather build up their their mhm is this the only picture of the the roots is this the only picture one Roots I took one today okay see that I mean that little bit of root we worried about the foundation yet I think it's a fear of the unknowns go it goes pretty far I thought how hard it to throw some f over it soil yeah well then they're going to get bigger so and then you have a problem a couple years I mean that little bit of root system I don't know what that's such a big deal I mean did they have a picture going to the foundation where's the foundation we never I mean did you see whether it was going to the foundation and just right on the other side of know that that's the unnown that's underneath the ground how do you know that John you know how do you take a picture of that well no I'm just saying this is the surface claiming that it's growing towards the foundation I didn't read that they said I think they're saying that the bricks their brick walkways being disrupted which indicates that the routs are heading from I don't think they're saying that the foundation itself is actually been imp it will yeah ening their exactly yeah it's um but it's not happening yet they don't want it to happen but you know we on we play these things all the treat you know on their car you know the branch fell we walk in school I mean they we gave everybody an opportunity to take the tree down I don't know we'd have a seash no so we have to fight for it unless you don't want sh commission then it's up to you guys to this I mean thisp this not this you have anything else for no Mike you have any questions for John all right I was well if you'd like I I I don't have any questions I was out there earlier today I looked at this I did see the roots on the other side of the fence um and I saw I think it was just one brick on the walkway outside of the fence that was up a couple inches but looking at the backyard everything you have right on the other side of the fence I don't see anything further back uh when it gets closer to the house by the foundation or by the any the the brick patio that's getting closer any that was Disturbed from my point of view um with what Kevin said about cutting it and he Roots the uh one foot for every diameter of the tree if she cut the roots let's just say call it 22 ft away from there which should be just after the roots start exposing on the other side of the fence I think that would be a fair solution and then cover the roots with soil that are are Expos soil or mulch yep thank I think they should be allowed to remove the roots I think they should be allowed make a motion procedurally uh Richard how since this is our first make a motion say what you want to do whether you want a a motion to require it be removed to say it can't be removed but you can do with the roots say what you want to say I'll make a motion that we approve cutting the root at 22 ft since it's a 22 in diameter tree from we not us not the township we talk we allow they we allow the owner Pro allowing to cut the route at 22 ft from the exterior of the tree into their property as required and cover the remainder if they would like with multure soil I would so your motion is to approve the roof cutting at 22 ft from the tree as recommended by G anyone have a second second second it was micer M who second Mike second what about at the fence I have a discussion like what about at the fence now I don't know how put 22 ft is I think I think 22 ft is before the fence actually um I'm just kind of thinking M has a street view didn't measure it but can you see how far is the sidewalks 4 foot you probably have till it gets to the inside of the fence yeah to the inside of the fence to the after the roots start stop getting exposed inside the fence you're probably about 20t there so I I would say at the fence at their fence their yard it's their yard so it's their yard in their yard they should be able to maintain their yard R by Kevin's recommendation of 20 wherever that 22 ft May lie whether that's in the fence out of the fence but they actually said that we have no control over what they do in their yards so they have the the that was that was John's comment or concern and I read the section of the code that talks about the fact that it's a violation if you cut roots without approval from the shet Tre commission no matter where they are if it's if it's to if it's a route to a Township trade uh any other discussion on the motion I'm sorry um just for record purposes it's a motion to allow property owner to cut the root at 22 feet from I didn't get that the tree the tree trunk yes so if you're cutting the tree trunk is it at the at the end of the tree where all those roots are growing up or is it this diameter of the tree line or from the from the diameter of the tree from from the uh from the center of the the center of center of the tree right roll call J Mrs Patrick I think the person should be able to remove the roots from their yard and hopefully it is 22 ft so I'd like to give them the authority to remove the roots that no on that motion we we need a yes or no orain I guess that's a yes she's been doing it for a long I've been sitting next to her doing it just as long I know we got on together 2002 it's it's really it's really a hard decision to make when it's affecting somebody's yard and I think we need to we need to stop policing people's yards I I I love trees but I think somebody should have the right to do what they want in their yard for heaven's sakes and if tree roots are in it and that's pretty far and I would believe it is 22 ft I could be wrong it may just be 20 but I'm not going to go and inspect if they take a 20 instead of 22 feet I say let them remove the RO so I have to say yes because I don't want them to be denied that so that's that's a yes from it's a yes it's a long yes all right Mr alette yes uh I'm removing the roots of the tree uh at the uh recommended 22 feet Miss Ze yes Mr Templeton I vote to keep the most beautiful tree in the 600 block of Union Avenue and uh as far as the roots hey that's uh that's that's yard maintenance I've got surface roots from Big Trees going across my yard I get a couple of yards of Earth and bury them again and put put grass seed and and move on and mow it uh that's that's nature that's how things go if if the roots heading for uh for the foundation I'd look at the foundation you've got a water leak there you got something as Mr Celia said they're opportunist they're looking for water they're looking for nutrients you got something there that they like then check for leaks you got a broken pipe or something there cut that off and uh let the tree live yes yes okay and Mr Bartlett I'll vote Yes and I'll just caption that was saying you know I don't like policing what people do in their yard we do have something on the books that says they can't cut it without approval by the commission or in this case us under the appeal um but all we could do is go by what the code says at this point so yes to cut it at the 22t from the center of the tree okay thank you Mr Brown thank you K thank you thanks B I would like to make a comment about Shay tree commission it's probably the one of the the the toughest volunteer position volunteer board that we asked our residents to serve on uh It's just tough cases every month I we're going to double your we'll double it but the work you put in the the conscientious effort to the science the biology the community um it's all important stuff and the anguish that you get to go through every every month on so Hey listen one one at a time that's the way we do it one request at a time you know these Tre just gr over night they've been there for a while so thanks for taking care of that sidewalk at the church so quickly joh appreciate that um it was Prett simple it was yeah um you know the sand will get washed away but it's on your radar and I trust you'll put it on that sidewalk plan thanks thank you thank you John thank you for Kev all right all right meeting is now open to the public for any comments or questions this is session number one if you have a comment or question step up to the podium and please give your name and address for the record right nothing nothing right I didn't see him back there even making sure you were awake all right seeing no members of the public will close this session of open comment there'll be another one later on and let's go to comments and reports starting with our professionals uh Harry what are you got for us thank you um on our fire developments we did have a meeting regarding Crossings with Harry can you just move that mic closer to you like literally on your mouth there you [Music] go we'll find out in a second we hel a meeting with the um official and Anders of the to progress that the contractor is making and them certain taken care of before any bonds that um so moving along with that um the off is going to be arguing about some of the items May through the week we are enfor uh not any B until um parking lot and project we met with the contractor to review the this sites and they are scheduled to start construction in the week of April 1st they're going to start on island um then to the town parking lot and done move to roadway and Trail at that point there's been some request have to work for the trails what we have left in contact and we can we can do as much as we can [Music] we may to a little b f to it's going to be the same width all way n existing NS down to 18 ft just past the stand but we'll keep is the fence part of that Paving plan no that would be something different with with County money but do cont but this is where we're doing the path from the parking lot to the softball field as well the handicap yes would I consider the handicap access to and then the path along PR grou correct awesome good good uh the residents will all be notified at least 7 to two hours before construction starts and the the good thing started on Iowa is we really have nailed down when we're going to be affecting CC Park lot um so make sure we coordinate the chief and have access to police station instruction I would just ask that you reach out to daa and um Mr upd's teams and just let them know we they won't be able to access the fields that day and you have soccer going on and softball yeah is there events going on at that time in April yeah sure so if you just want to let me know as Le on I can pass it along to them okay that that perfect yeah it will only be the actual roadway work that they're doing we'll do that probably one day okay basically one day that and then Trail will take a couple more days and we're going to let the resident at the end of the uh road now yes that will probably impact them most out of everybody it will and they've been really great for all we out there and they strugle in the grass they figure it out yeah exactly the 2023 cdig project that's the sidewall project um that we have a preconstruction meeting on the 22nd um they have start work we started on second and Ed gr um then they're going move to thir Edwood then they're going to move over to Western Colgate and then the final will be M the B hdsr uh Grant application still um the state state DP has to review the application give their report recommendation to DCA and DCA will resp DP has reviewed the application but they not going with their letter there were three people doing it for the whole state now two people quit so one person handl for the whole state backg very substantial it's been about a year right it's been just almost exact year yeah um there are some reac like the one year and half [Music] um five person and and we haven't heard so there's not much we can go about free money but um and last maybe I I gave everyone a set of plans small scale so kind of difficult to see but if anybody would like PVS 10 these are 99% complete I my Fina some Pipers and things like that um but this is from our our sub commmittee meeting what we are planning to do we get to page S1 second page in M that's that's that's your so what we're looking at is putting a vicy wall um that's the kind of dark hat Line barber pole looking thing yeah barber pole looking line yes um and that's going to be for the majority of it would be the same material as the sh Dan vinyl corated she the end I call the southern part um of the river to the southern L where we have that angle 45 angle that takes the of the degree coming up the river logs and degree and what not hting it so we wanted to put something stronger there looked at steel steel is about three times the cost um of the V it's also actually does require maintenance and it's a whole Zer profile so it wouldn't match the rest of the sea wall um the for it's 60 ft and the aluminum aluminum has a much stronger stiffness strength um which Cates to from impacts it won't crack as e b um it's not we're not as strong as the B when it comes to moment inertias and things like that but it does it doesn't meet compation speciation there um so it's it's a better product I think in this situation because our main return there is the debr things hitting SE wall with that U we also are proposing a sidewalk 4ot sidewalk behind the seaw wall now seaw wall if you go to any of the CR section with the follow Pages you got as to from this is a cross-section and from the street you're looking at it there's going to be anywhere from 1T to 3 ft of exposure above the ground um what I did actually do so everyone can see it I put some pink marks out there for the head there's a couple string signs at each end of the black and then a couple of trees it's the orange shop that will be the elevation of the top of the wall so it can give you a visual of what we looking at if anyone has any issues questions problems with that let me know that's a it's a set number 10 and as you know the last one8 uh that we had so we're 2 ft above what the height of that highest time we had oh well that's good good how much land are we getting much so you're proposing a sidewalk along the whole length of the SE yes and the reason for that is most the way the the yard is SLS down towards the river right and now we're putting sea blocking that that Dage the DRS has to go somewhere so putting in your drinks there four of the Box dreams yard um that will drain out into the river and each one of those drains has a check out so the water can't back up from the river into the yard going ground with that the way the Sheep P are corated water coming down to get trapped corations so what we have is the sidewalk will building the corations and then come out 4 ft and slope away from the SE wall towards the street then are in Fr drain towards that so it'll be sale ESS at the side of and naturally drains gra get to the now I know on the proposed plans from when they applied for a grant in 2016 or 17 there was a fence proposed as well is that something that you recommend or that might be required for insurance um we did discuss that and at this time what we're doing there there is no law that says you need to have F on a SE no there's no code it's up to everybody's everyone's individual preference and and their F out liability Etc you're sure you'll see most most of them don't have fenses or d a lot of private residents put up fenes at room for reasons the seaw wall like I said will have a reveal of anywhere from 1 to 3 ft so at the 3ot portion you wouldn't even need there we have a 3ot high B um the rest of it we feeling it may or may not be needed not but we what we figure is we wouldn't do it under this contract what we do is we can build a sea wall get it up and then we can decide because this contract is going to just hire some the fence yep as no charges more than fence value right so we get this done then we can take a look at it assess it and inst fence portions that you want we looking at um the wire cable plate V so you only have to be 18 in high so there's things we can do about that that decided that we wait and see how it comes out and added EV especially we can add it to the parking which match kind Mak sense would would the JF require us to have a fence because I know like some areas that are publicly owned they I just wonder if the GIF would require that and how much land are we gaining back how how much actually are we gaining back with this seaw wall any I don't think so from that look I mean it's really going to be where it is now right yeah no elaborate on that at this time is it going to be oh okay it's going to be out further and then we're going to have to fill in it might be yes yeah okay all right that's that I wanted to see yeah I I would be glad to talk to you it's going to be a beautiful thing it's going understood thank you well I would hope so after 10 years of working on it yes I would expect it surprised one I'm sure it's going to be out there okay all right guess it's going to look like this photo that you have up here that's to exactly I also everyone a photo yeah we get the palm trees that are shown on this photo as well is this taken in your yard Harry is that way that pal um that that is what we're going to do on the top rather than what we did on the street end okay do on the top it's C so that c will will run the entire length of the wall it does a lot of it helps struct so it's different than the street end it's not that aluminum you don't have to worry about the cap ends and all that nonsense yeah that still aren't on there quick question on S1 here you have uh slated to be removed one two three like four trees I guess CU they're in five trees because they're in the water actually uh oh where's the shade tree commission joh what about all the the brush the that's is that something we can cut back that's all going to be that's going to be removed it's going to look like this except for you going revealed behind it right right going to be straight lawn a sidewalk and then through the wall no shrubs I think it's going to look good with the uh awesome sidewalk there besides serving the functional um purpose of draining the water away nice place to walk along take some photos along the river yeah check out the sunset it's nice JW it's all all kind of came together it actually acts some some support to the upper part of the pad too correct stru it helps tie the whole P end together Mak strong um I guess uh last is the the union with boat L located going to the brick wall there y we going to go FR back of our wall okay P it go over CH PL out going that CH PL the curve and then we're going to make a 90° angle and come up the curve line 15 ft so all that area well that one SE with still attach all with that being said there are three trees one is defin third one at the wall that they're all bad there checked them out today yeah yeah they so you know so you get confused he P some trees with orange paint same paint that I used to mark your elevation this is yellow oh this is yellow yes oh okay good then look at orange dots that's elevation you see so look at there be a to visualize what you're going to look at and the grandm will be very close to what it is now and and that'ss it up nice job here car we'll give Scot that site planine so he knows now what he's got to design around yes yeah so this is the start then he's got to design around it where to put but he's going to recommend so now we have something to work from so we're meeting with um Mr Taylor and a few other Representatives on the 14th to go over the park plans um the water from Park is kind of back on our radar now that the seall is getting installed and I know things have to change from where we initially had like the propos and stuff so I will give this to Scott and he can kind of design around this and if he has any questions I'll tell him to reach out sure and I and I can PDF in yeah that' be that' be awesome um we talked about it way back yeah um the and and I guess comes in the funding for it I set up but our our estimate for the work now is close to $800,000 oh 793 that's for the installation That's not including all cost we' spent already correct that's just for that's just that's just for the yeah so as I as I wrote to you I'll have on your next agenda what we had in the budget last year the supplemental funding in anticipation so is it just 800 or is it 900 well it'll be the we're going to add 200 so we also we're paying engineering we paid all the preliminary costs right so by doing that we'll make sure we have at least 800,000 at least 800 what else you got Harry I think that's it and lastly as I I haded before work because of the can only be done from July 1st to October August 31st um that is work within basically driving the P okay so once that's done as far as like they can do the concrete cap they can do restoration all that kind of work after that that time but the work has to be done in that time period the other if if things go over or anything happens the um from September 31st 30 30 to November 1st is next week yeah 11 um so we want to make sure that we get this project awarded early and contact get all materials ready get everything ready shovel ready to start on so that's the plan is there is there like a couple contractors that do this or is it usually like one or two there's um well there's four of them that I know directly that that we will call there are other ones that will on so I'm going to guess we're going to get proba sixn all right good it's big project thanks Harry all right perfect thank you Harry does anyone have questions or objection because he going to move we're going to get out to bids before your next meeting I mean this yeah it's kind just lets him go we'll get the funding so that it's available uh we'll as Kate said we'll probably have the 900 so that the hope is that we won't have any any issues uh with making an award if it's not exactly that number but you can make that decision at the time of the bids coming in so we'll have that next week next meeting for the introduction of public hearing uh the April meeting and then uh the next thing harri yet see we're going to the timetable is to um try to receive bids by May 1st and if we can award it the May 6th meeting so we can start construction July 1st that's the hope so we'll keep your posted good one item that we did discuss uh in case the question does come up uh the Zerg Mansion has one possibly two drains that uh have been broken or compromised that drain out through that water from the park and so uh during the excavation uh those pipes when they're found will be restored replaced and they have the same exit through the bulkhead so hopefully that'll alleviate their flooding and the drain problems at the Zer Mansion makes sense do it once they flood right in there is that the street drain right there that come out okay um they're small they're 6 8 in um there is one 12 in steel pipe I'm not really sure where it comes from but connecting that water and what we did was we don't there so much debr so much erosion we don't know what are right so we're we having a contract and allow and number Set Side so that when contractor dgg comes across one we can fix it put it through the sea wall and we have the money in contract to do it terra cotta right there is some Terra there's like say there's D iron um and I I saw a piece of a concrete pipe but I'm not sure it's functional we don't know when we uncover them we research them but we do know without a question there's one that comes from new from their window I from their what from the window well oh the window well okay yeah and weing out we see it came out so we know where that go more one that and Harry I forgot to ask the meeting what about the uh price to do the photographs that the stor state of St people need initially um we um we have someone uh on staff that is actually certified by the state to do this work I was going to have them do it but they in the going KCK to it so I'm getting a price from that's that's another reason why I make sure we have enough funding for these unknowns I I don't know whether that's a $2,000 job or $20,000 I have no idea what we're looking you're probably looking at a couple, yes how much a okay it's not it's not a 20 it's more like a yeah it's just a matter of doing they all the research it's a matter of taking photograph and make skes that's it's not it's not really that all right that very good thank you all right can't believe it okay right Mr heinold Mayor I don't have anything to report on beyond what we discussed in the executive session and uh the other items I've worked on are on the agenda later tonight thank you Doug uh Township administrator Mr Schwab okay just uh to follow up what I reported to you our budget session our next budget session scheduled for the 12th if necessary if I get you uh satisfactory budget information then we won't need the meeting the goal is to introduce the budget one way or another at your meeting of March 18th does have to get sent up to the state for approval and the hope is that we can adopt in April um we had a meeting uh Janice reported to you in exec with the other communities Beverly and edwater park on trash collection contract and we're working on getting out to bids for a new contract for 2026 we got to get out to bids by the end of 2024 actually um we're preparing a shared service agreement with uh Beverly City for them to use the new street sweeper that we're going to purchase uh we have basic understanding of the terms and our solicitors our solicitor will draft that and hopefully have that ready for us uh for the April 1 meeting for example and tomorrow afternoon we're having a meeting at Field of Dreams with the new uh contractor and uh hopefully get started on a fresh way of doing the maintenance to make sure things are improved so that's what's going on all right anyone have any questions for Richard good all right uh department heads Chief good evening thank you uh since our last meeting last week I'm not going to report on our statistics since it's only been a week I'll wait till the next meeting and we'll have a more detailed report um since the last meeting all of our year-end reports have uh been submitted n filed with the New Jersey office attorney general as well as Brown County prosecutor's office they extended our use of force and uh vehicle Pursuit uh reports until the end of March but we or middle of March excuse me uh but we got them done and they're filed and all have been uh placed on our website uh for residents to view um big thing coming up on March 12th is we have a police applicant orientation uh scheduled for that date and I'm happy to report uh we have 33 applicants who are scheduled to be in attendance um we're we're quite happy with the response that we got and it's a a nice pool so uh we're looking forward to that event um we also started communicating with uh the owners of pied out we're looking to do our first ever uh coffee with a cop um it looks like we're going to shoot for the springtime when the weather is a little better to utilize their outside seating area uh so we're looking forward to do that we also purchased this purchased a tent and a uh a table with the tablecloth with our Police Department patched logo uh turned out really good so so we'll probably uh you know utilize that that day for the public to uh to see so um you know was it turned out really nice and I think everybody's going to really like it bring the cornhole too what's that bring the cornhole set yeah that would be the perfect like you said weather permitting uh yeah we we'll make sure that happens um last thing after the report I won't be in attendance to the next meeting but in my absence Lieutenant Warren will be here I'll be traveling with uh my my daughter for a swim swim swim meet Florida so uh I won't be here she's a champion I'll tell you yeah she's doing well she's really doing well very good and uh wish her well for that I can thank you Chief does the tent have a bench with the Handcuff uh thing what's that does the tent you bought have a have the bench with the Handcuff no no this is this demonstration purposes all positive all posi Chief you want to report on what's going on the contractors here for the city uh yes so so today uh or hopefully final uh phase of construction in in the police department side of the building is underway uh they're putting an access panel in our training room uh so once that is done he said it take a couple days we'll finally be able to get everything moved back and put in order and we'll we'll start uh being able to operate uh like we were before the construction so uh a couple days we should be back to normal good I'd like to um I'd like to offer for the school this year the um in October with the township and the police department like like the Women's Club has sponsored in the past to come and view our facilities sure for government so that then they hold an election and run for a Township committee so I'd like to H talk to the school about doing that this year so now I think that CO's over and your construction will be complete and our administrative offices are up and running good that I can introduce them back to that program yeah I agree that was really nice over the years when we did that so uh yeah they love it we'll make sure we make it happen good there's only three Schoolboard members here so just planting that seed yeah yeah talk to them Chief I just wanted to bring up I'm sure you heard there was a group of dirt Blake riders that came through all the riverfront towns and everybody was pretty upset about it anything to shed light on and I'm glad you brought it up because I wanted to make a comment about that uh I continually to so the report came from Palm all the way through the river towns um problem I have is social media is not the place for people to report or complain about things the proper place to do it is called the either non-emergency number or emergency number uh I can't tell you how many times I get the complaints but not we didn't receive one phone call not one phone call about it uh the report my officers received cuz I followed up this morning was that they made a right on Bridge Bar in in Riverside District 70 um shortly thereafter we were notified that they actually came up Cooper town uh and Eder Park was able to stop two of them because they ran out of gas and they impounded the ATVs and so forth but then the other group proceeded into Willingboro um I can't stress enough it does no good when people go on social media and complain uh or go to third parties the proper thing to do call 856 4611 1515 or 911 uh it's hard to do anything when we're getting reports well after the fact yes so I I can't stress enough to the public here as well as anybody watching we do stress that when we see something I know I do have the administrator at that place that you have to call that frustrating to hear hear the negative reports on social media but nobody not one phone call right I wasn't in town I just heard about it um but technically the offic officers can't chase them is that what I understand like they couldn't go after them vehicle but that's not accurate there's strict laws with vehicle Pursuits in state New Jersey most of them are first second degree crimes and you know you have to weigh in the uh threat to the public uh statistics show majority of police Pursuits end up with somebody getting hurt whether the the police innocent resident or the person that that initiated the pursuit being you know the person The Violator so uh New Jersey is very strict on what when you can and cannot uh initiate a pursuit or excuse me they initiate it but Pursuit great okay thank you I appreciate it thank you Chief Mr fenamore yes good evening um we put out the two tons of patch for uh potholes uh we re redid the ball fields the drug the ball fields we reshaped three of them we still have to have the bab Ru field to do yet and the Field of Dreams the edge of the fields we got to do um we put up uh 13 new stop signs we put up two street signs trim Three Trees uh we turned our leaves down at the compost Sint uh I've been having I don't know if anybody has noticed the mound of wood chips that we've been getting and the county is not coming as good as they used to and so but anyway um Del Ran offer to tub grind or wood chips now I have a mountain of mulch okay and it's pretty good mulch and that will fly out of here hopefully so that's one good thing um we we finally uh finished the uh inspecting of the storm drains we had two storm drains um that I had to call the county in to redo the two sides were collapsed so they had to rebuild practically the whole storm drain one on oer in Delaware and Old Creek Road that was the worse that was collapsed all the way in so um County you know is going to charge us but I mean at least it's not going to be you know real expensive if you called somebody in that does that stuff I was wondering what that was taped off at the end of the road there that explains that I I didn't think that they were going to be here that long but when they when I saw the extent of it and they only have two guys working on it they have a special crew that goes around and does it and he was was able to bump bump This Crew up to come here and help us out so I I can't complain um we also um uh I don't know if anybody's been out to the Field of Dreams the the were panicked in in the Field of Dreams that whole Woods seems like that whole Woods is starting to die off now I don't know what happened it's really strange but a lot of this stuff is going on to our property and we've we've cleaned it up so it's not on the field anymore and uh that's all I happen I remember that tree that fell during soccer last year just randomly out of nowhere remember yeah towards the right near the soccer yep John how about that storm drain that's right on Delaware towards the end that where the little house is kind of kind of dips down there remember where what street in in front of the the Stockton's house yeah in front of Stockton the one that was clogged yeah well that's that's the way that was that was but I mean it's only a 6 in pipe there and um I I talked to Harry about it we got to figure something out uh I have to propose something that we can put a different line in there because I mean the pipe's only this big yeah and that's the lowest part of town actually right there so and for whatever reason everything all the dirt and the sand was is up the PIP it it doesn't it's cuz it's all sand from you know the river so right but we'll have to put some kind of the thing on there one of those little duck bills John the uh the Lots across that Delaware there last year or two years ago uh the woods was cleared out by the private home by the property under there there was a lot of exposed Earth and I'm just wondering if a lot of that washed down into that and went into the well I'm sure there is a lot of dirt that gets washed down in there that's property I I've been cleaning this line out for years a lot of years so I we we had problems with it flooding out right we had to find the green platee and we had to I mean they had it buried under you know blocks and uh concrete blocks and we had to dig it out and that's how we found it there's another one on the other side of the comes down Orchard that's a bigger one and we also had to get in there and repair that one time because that um was clouded it just seems unnatural that the output pip is above you know the stream bed of the river that somehow you get he he he rocking sand back he can explain that better than I can yeah I think the big problem is the size of p and it's flat so Dr Dr it just takes one little thing to start up that's just probably the lowest part of town right there and that's why usually it doesn't get too flooded out but lately it has you know all right thank you right thank you John Mrs lore I have nothing to report I just have a couple procedural questions for um for Doug before you get to your consent agend a agenda particularly on ordinance um 20245 I'm uh the ordinance we hadn't had a chance to talk talk about this the ordinance references that has to be referred to the planning board for review and recommendations okay prior to adoption correct this is not a consistency review correct a master plan consistency review it's actually uh similar to a consistency review but it's governed by the Redevelopment law Redevelopment law logistically um the planning board meets tomorrow it's not on their agenda but you have adoption April 1st they don't mean again till April 2nd is that a problem um my recommendation is is that we introduce tonight set second reading and public hearing is April 1st and that if the board uh has not acted on it it will not well if the board has not acted on it before April 1st then we can carry it at the April 1st meeting to a date that works okay April um but well it's not on the agenda for tomorrow understood if it's not on the agenda I can't um I don't control the board so I can't make it go on the agenda but I I do know that there's a fair amount of time between now and then I don't know if they want to have special meeting or not if not we're going to have to address it by carrying the second read but for now I'd ask that it just be listed are there any special notifications uh other than a regular publication as a normal a regular ordinance no no okay because it can be just a regular summary summary publication summary publication yes all right thank you and then um I'll ask Bev to um just go over those dates again for yard sale uh shredding Etc okay so we're going to have on Saturday April 27th Saturday April and foll week be the pre mun building Saturday and also the community day that so sending outes to Residents um thank you B good joh well I'm sorry I forgot one thing we're going to have the spring clean up April 1st to the 14th so that's when you can put your Le back out in the street all right oh okay and uh when are the branch pickup starting the last uh 4 week March last four week of March apparently I notic a lot of residents have been out already from all the stuff that has come down over the storms so all right so that's April 1st through the 14th that's what we say okay and that's nobody follows it and that's leaves basically okay and that's under your normal Leaf optimize leaf pickup schedule right okay Kate and I have a request can we make it a little warmer in here it's freezing in anybody any call look Joan cold it's like cold air blowing on bump it up a couple is that the air conditioner conditioning off thank you b or or bring The Parkers out whatever's easier all right we'll go to Township committee reports start with Mrs Fitzpatrick oh miss Fitz Miss Fitzpatrick didn't mean to marry you no we're not getting married again once was enough okay let's see I I've been P I've been pretty busy and I think most of us have probably attended two meetings since our last report but uh I did meet with daa which is also known as Del Riv I attended their meetings on January 23rd and the 27th uh Carolyn uh presented their actual income and cost for 2023 and introduced their proposed budget for 2024 it was approved as well as the meeting dates and activities for the entire year uh the number of participants for each year was discussed there uh they're hoping to find additional ways to Market their programs uh basketball now has 218 youth active in the program and they are having a banquet for each sport at the end of the season the first is the basketball which is going to be on March 27th at uh Riverside High School registrated for spring Sports which includes baseball t-ball and softball was extended until March 8th opening day for spring Sports is April 13th and will be held in Delano this year at the West Avenue Fields their next meeting is April 23rd at 7:30 here at Town Hall uh the hen Advisory Board met and the members were sworn in uh and they signed their Oaths there were two inquiries that are being addressed uh two members submitted their applications for final approval by the township um there are currently three residents who have chickens and have completed the required test and Coupe visit uh Living Springs uh they had a problem with um there was brought to my attention um regarding the management office there was no one on site and so I did handle that for them and they were U very happy to have someone there on a daily basis I met with a group on January 26 and February 23rd I shared information regarding upcoming trips that the seniors were having in town and also services available to them through the Office of Aging uh there was a question and answer period uh and at one meeting we enjoyed a happy hour or social hour I should say with pizza party and um and then January I had invited the mayor to attend so they could ask him any questions uh I attended the OEM meeting which was very informative regarding the storms we had in January um there was a a discussion regarding the Riverside Delano Bridge uh closing due to the flooding issues and I think Matt is working with u Riverside's mayor to address that issue with the county um the current training programs were uh offered and discussed uh the uh darl Williams from the county OEM was there and he reported on the County's current situation regarding shelters which I believe we now have the school as our designated shelter and uh as Scott Hamlin discussed uh the accidents that occurred in Delano on the River Line and the need for vehicles uh to wait until the red lights are totally off when you're going to cross over the railroad tracks and I know I think Matt's going to report on the the um on the on the uh issue regarding haulk Island um jff I completed the GIF risk management and security awareness training uh they're very helpful in keeping up to date on the various items I also attended the First Amendment Auditors training presented by retired uh police chief uh Hummel and uh these Auditors have a right to come into your building into your public meetings and just video you and they can question you it doesn't I guess you don't necessarily have to answer them but it was really interesting and um I'm glad I attended the that training uh I attended the library event uh they we made a valentine craft and it was really a fun time I enjoyed seeing everyone and uh the different crafts that everyone made was was a lot of fun they're hosting a tea on March the 23rd it's $20 at 11:00 um uh and also uh they're doing a the annual spring tea yes it's March 23rd they're also doing another event with 10 cans I think this is so cool um the caned wi Chim and that's going to be um April 13th and I'd like to give a shout out to Katrina for 20 years of service to the library and uh [Music] she has done a phenomenal job in Delano Katrina we're very lucky to have you thank you for your service uh Recreation they offered a flower show trip this year which is going to be March the 6th uh Wednesday uh they also have agreed to be the leading entity for the Centennial subcommittee so so far we have members uh on the board for the Centennial from Recreation uh Phil mcfaden Steven lure and Al gravo Township committee Carolyn and myself joint luse board Lori Van genderen and Nan Moore history board Peter Fritz and Mary Hill I did reach out to uh Del Riv and I will be reaching out to the school board uh and hopefully the teachers for participation in putting together something really great for Delano Centennial it should be a fun year uh I did decorate the Gaz for Valentine's Day for all the sweethearts in Delano and I just put up the St Patty's Day decorations today for all these Irish people out there Terry I see Terry and yeah so I just did that today um seniors met on February 13th um excuse me they didn't meet it was cancelled so Steve Moritz and members of his band will be entertaining us on March 12th uh I did attend the Board of Ed meeting uh it was nice to see the new board members in action and finally had the opportunity to to meet Dr Fitz uh they appear to be on track to make improvements um to help our students and I'm looking forward to working with them in the future so Authority met on February 13th in person I was unable to attend that meeting I know the trunk line project started out as a real headache at least for me it was but Communications did improve the chief was involved so that he knew what was happening uh so he could have his uh officers um in place if needed and um it the job is complete there's just one area that needs to have some grab put in um I've been attending succession meetings with um Matt and Richard and Janice and um I attended the fireman's banquet on February 24th it was really nice to see the members recognized for their outstanding service to our community and it was a raring 20s uh theme and everyone sort of dressed like the ring 20s it was fun and um I met with the Professionals for the HOA at The Crossings and it looks like we're um just about ready to meet with Dr Horton to let them know what needs to be done before we can release any Bonds on that project and that's enough thank you Miss Fitzpatrick and just remember we're all Irish on St Patrick's Day that's right yes all right thank you let's go to the other side Mr Templeton oh full plate uh a lot of those same events I attend it so I won't get into that I've been doing a lot of work on the uh with Mr Schwab and our construction official and Mr Fox on the revised flood ordinance um we sent that up to D about a week and a half ago and so we'll see if they come back uh we had questions on uh a sentence or a paragraph in the proposed ordinance that's quite ambiguous and so we're waiting for whatever correction or whatever edit uh that the state does for that uh um because that would apply to every ordinance across the state but anyway that'll uh determine uh what added toe that Delano that will add to a buffer to the existing flood elevations uh court session back on February 21st U always interesting because it's it precedes the Schoolboard meeting and I get to uh hear the uh principal of walmut Street and Pearson School U uh with their uh issues with uh truancy uh complaints that are before the court so I usually follow up with them at the school board meeting afterwards uh let's see went to the county OEM training session back on February 22nd uh I think I did this course a couple years ago U kind of talks about the instant command system and the bigger upper level organization and and what's behind it and then the things they tell you all the things that uh when you walk out of the room you kind of think oh my gosh I got to do all this and there's a thousand things to do and how are we ever going to do it so you just kind of have to still put a little reality check on it and move on from there but U it's uh it's always a good refresher uh let's see Township budget sessions we've done a couple of those and more to come uh the seaw wall I won't touch on that but uh been deeply involved in that thing uh a couple correspondents or oneway correspondence with Senator Singleton's office regarding uh his sponsorship of the uh revision or update to the affordable housing law in New Jersey and expressing uh our displeasure with the current proposed uh law that's going through the legislature and uh there was a draft uh resolution that's on our agenda for later tonight and uh uh that's circulated amongst the committee and given the timeline that the legislature in Trenton was moving on this uh I asked the mayor and attorney and Mr Schwab if uh there was any problem with uh sending that draft to Senator Singleton last week so it circulated everyone gave a thumbs up and off had went so uh he knows what we think of this and uh again somehow I got drawn back into working on the hazard mitigation plan I think I think that's that's Mrs Russell's plot to pile more things B and told is that that what we call it so I'm helping out with uh with that revision this year so that's my report and I'm sticking with it thank you Mike burn short and sweet ditto to what they just [Music] said are you serious okay you're good you're good burn said ditto don't don't push it what do you have uh ditto no um all right uh I did attend several of the same events that um Miss Patrick did as well the uh Rec meeting as I'm the K aison dice meeting as I'm the treasurer on the dice boards I was at both of those meetings um we are looking forward to starting spring Sports and working with the kids for softball and baseball and we have a record amount of t-ball registrations this year the um organization was able to put out flyers to the schools actual physical Flyers that were handed out and um that actually helped a lot we got a ton of increased registrations from that so we're excited that finally happened and thanks to Rebecca iser and her business for actually donating the printing for the for those flyers so that was nice yeah for sure um I attended the joint L use board meeting on February 6th it was their actual reorganization meeting as their January meeting was canceled due to uh I think the flooding rains that we had so la Van gin was named the chair again and Tom Lord is actually the vice chair co-chair now took Dan Martin spot that's big shoes to fill for sure so we didn't have any applications um we just went through some you know basic predal things and then tomorrow night we have uh our March meeting we do have one application before us so uh if anybody's interested in attending that um I did understand that the the $250,000 Lake Grant was finally approved in the system so we got that award letter so we'll be moving forward with our uh Engineers to go out for bids for that so we're excited and I know Dace is really looking forward to that and very grateful to the township for that um project to be getting underway there's still some things to iron out but we're excited about it um what else I think that's all I have oh I did attend the fireman's banquet as well and that was a good time um thanks to the fire department for the invitation it was it was a fun night to watch Matt dance indeed today you attempt thank you that was my entertainment thank you Carolyn all right and uh let's see since we last reported on the January 22nd I attended the Fire Commission meeting on January 23rd and February 27th normal business occurred I could not attend the fire company meetings in January and February as they happened to fall on the same night we were doing our Township committee meetings right here uh the as reported at the Fire Commission meeting the fire company has a committee to look at apparatus as a new ladder truck is going to be required uh to be purchased as the current truck is coming up on 20 years old and they're reviewing the best and most cost effective options for this and fire company is also working with the New Jersey forest fire service to cons uh conduct a controlled burn at haulk Island uh sooner than later to get the underbrush taken care of um there were a number of brush fires out at Hulk Island last year and this will help with that method uh the forest fire service did a prescribed burn two weeks ago at Pennington park for the same purpose and as Carolyn mentioned we had the annual awards banquet uh for the fire company on February 24th a unit citation was issued to the following firefighters for the actions taken on the night of December 28th at a large apartment building fire in Edgewater Park so uh we should just want to recognize them at this meeting uh tonight uh the crew for that fire call Chief Scott Hamlin then deputy chief Robert Hubler firefighter Keith then Captain Lester Abrams now deputy chief Abrams uh Lieutenant Chris cave firefighter Joe FOX NOW Lieutenant Fox and uh Lieutenant Nick Huer now Captain Nick hudler and firefighter Dominic manuso also Lieutenant cave received an additional award for the first firefighter off the truck for that particular incident uh grabbing a ground ladder immediately bringing it to the building and going to the second floor and getting uh one resident off that and then Chief Hamlin went up and got the second resident so there were two rescues clearly saving lives from that horrific fire in edgear park that night so uh thank you for a job well done to all those members I attended the office of emergency management meeting on the 29th um as uh when discussed we talked about flooding and speaking of flooding uh Riverside mayor Corey Kimble and myself met via Zoom with Senator Singleton last Monday and explained our concerns with the flooding of the roadway North Pavilion Avenue leading to the bridge and how we can get his support and advocation on this matter and he indicated he was going to speak to the County engineer Joe Brickley and he understood our concerns unfortunately the answer we received from Mr Brickley um late on Friday VI um Senator Singleton and U mayor Kimble uh that getting a one-way valve on the outflow pipe in Riverside is not a feasible engineering solution even though it worked perfectly fine for us of poer Street and there was no reason given he did indicate that the county in the Bridge Commission is looking into the placement of flood sensors with advanced warning signs and I spoke to Harry earlier today and asked him to discuss with Mr Brickley why it wouldn't work as to Harry as an engineer and myself as a lay person who could play an engineer at all seems to work so I don't know if you're were able to make contact with him today yet since we talked later in the day I I have not from reason why not work so unless he come up with something that I don't know about out there then then I don't understand all well I look forward to hearing the uh answer on that I'm glad uh I didn't pay for a PE if I came up with the same same decision you did on that so thank you pay for our overtime every time we have to go out yeah yeah you know if they don't want to do that I mean that that should be an easy fix I I you know not going to stop at all you know when you get heavy flooding but anything they put in there is going to help right you know not have to shut that bridge there it would clearly stop the flooding when the creek is at high tide it's not this will stop the water from going up the outflow it's not going to help when it rains but 95% of the time when that bridge and road is flooded closed it's due to the tide not due to the rain and you know how many times you come across there and you're not thinking and now you got to go way out of your way just one little thing like that just you have to go way out of your way to come and we're more concerned about that from an emergency services standpoint of our police fire trucks anyes can't get through like you said got to go way out of the way so those storm drains are rivers they're not riversides they're the counties yeah they on County County County roadway they've turned us down this is the 30 here in a row now because I applied I asked them for help Mike asked them for help doing something with that and this is the third time they turned turned us down and said that's not going to work I used the same exact language because I sent my email to Matt what I had sent but isn't that the the bridge commission's jurisdiction I I thought that it was I send it to the county and the bridge if the bridge is flooding yeah the bridge isn't flooding though that's the issue Road flooding because the county The Bridge Commission they you know they take I think from the watch case down to the um the Ben on on Bru Avenue I was always told that's well they own that whole Road River Road is all the bridge Conan the county it's a county road yeah I mean did you provide that picture of the outlet at the foot of the bridge yep I guess Joe or yeah that was yeah that was given to the senator okay real quick check going today yeah to give a little back little more background the development in Riverside their original plan was to in fact put a a gate J not a a gate Val on that PO and because they're entrance their main entrance go way past that Inlet problem um since then may bu all the pl years ago they're not affecting that piping any longer they're BR new piping putting a check on in their pip and not do anything this one so it was actually by develop put a the check Val would go where the creek water line is right is the creek where the is yeah that pipe is owned by the county should be yeah storm drain see well camelot's going to have a lot of problems with flooding them getting into their complex well it's interesting um iol on the town but it they they made an emergency entrance because their entrance literally is designed great that those so every time it was no one in that getting nor the road so they made an agreement with the watch case to go behind there come around the back way do emergencies there going to be a lot of going around the back way yes we'll we'll see how fast someone complains when the residents can't get in and Bob Halas owns that property across from me that's still for sale and they want to put a a wedding venue there so that's not going to happen unless they do something with all the floodings for sale yeah I think the 86 that put it back up on the market again years they just changed Realtors oh surely hasn't now yep uh let's see I so I'll wait to hear back from Harry on that once he talks to engineer Brickley I conducted two meet the mayor events on January 25th and February 17th thank you for Katrina and the library for hosting that um I attended a meeting with Miss Fitzpatrick Mr Schwab and Mrs lore regarding Municipal Staffing um and succession planning I attended the joint LAN use reorg meeting on February 6th I'm glad to see we have almost a full board and thank you to those who serve on it like the shry commission that is a board that you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't you know you never make everybody happy uh I attended a meeting with the town's it committee and it consultant on February 15th and there's the technology there's a lot of items that we need updating we're not going to get into specifics here due the security reasons but they're very important and they were incorporated into this year's Municipal budget I attended the second half of the Board of Ed meeting on February 21st after another meeting I had um on the topic of schools I'm incredibly disappointed by the state aid numbers that were released on Friday which lowered what Bano receives by 439,000 or so or 17% of what it received last year meanwhile the governor is touting that his his budget fully funds the schools and uh the Senate is pushing a bill to help solve this and the solution is allowing the districts to exceed the property tax cap by 2% with approval from the state education commissioner and without voter consent so their solution is to take money away from our districts and then allow the districts to take more money from the T the taxpayers so for anyone keeping track this is Senate Bill 2434 uh on a happier note I conducted two wedding ceremonies and another one is going to be scheduled for next week I attended a meeting with the residents of Living Springs with Miss Fitzpatrick on February 23rd and finally I attended our numerous budget work session meetings and I'm happy uh to see what looks to be a solid budget with good fiscal planning and minimal tax impacts and thank you to Mr Schwab for being the wizard behind the budgets The Man Behind the curtain making all the numbers add up and everything balance out and oh and late Friday as Carolyn mentioned I got an email from the DCA which administers all the grants and say dear mayor Bart on behalf of Governor Phil Murphy and New Jersey DCA I am pleased to inform you that Del Lano Township will receed the Creek Road field Improvement Grants for $250,000 uh this award will provide funds to install permanent Sports field liting around the soccer field at Field of Dreams Park so that was a great email to receive last week happy to see that move forward I guess Harry's handing that from now on right yep all right that's all I have and we'll go to consent agenda items consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes is there anything anyone needs pulled from the consent agenda no good uh 54 54 okay all right uh Proclamation for Arbor Day April 26th 2024 ordinance 20 20 24-4 an ordinance authorizing the grant of real property license with respect to 302 Orchard Street at block 1304 Lots 6 through 7 first reading by title only and set public hearing date for April 1st at 7 p.m. ordinance 2024-the plan for Block 2100 lot 11 401 Creek Road Block 2000 lot 13 .01 450 Creek Road and block 2000 lot 13.04 500 Creek Road and block 1900 lot 1.01 740 Creek Road first reading by title only and set public hearing date for April 1st 2024 7 p.m. resolution 2024-the resolution 2024561111 38097 payroll $5,350 3.93 esro trust $1,470 and approval of the consent agenda I have a motion please to move second Kate and Mike uh roll call please J Mrs Patrick yes Mr olette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes uh resolution 2024-the Professional Services for the installation of field writing at the Field of Dreams yeah I just want to you know I've I've made comments about this uh in previous meetings and again disappointed how this has come about over the last year but uh it's this resolution to me is a little bit of a c before the horse and I was just wondering if at any time this community the taxpayers will ever hear what the plan use or utilization of this asset where this uh infrastructure will be we've never heard that the lighting yeah to light the fields M well the sun going down isn't isn't a good isn't a good reason I mean they've got two committee members that are current and past officers of Del rid and Dyson we've never heard anything never heard anything from W on how many hours I mean it'd be nice to know it's not a$ 6,000 or $8,000 snow cloud Mr fenmore is going to buy that sits out in the yard for 36 60 days a year but when you need a snow pile you use it but for field lighting last time I looked $250,000 is a have a lot of money and you know I just ran through some numbers and if you're going to use it 100 hours a year 10 years 1,000 hours that's 250 bucks an hour to flip the light switch if if you can justify it great but we haven't heard anything from anybody about about this and that's not how we spend money Mike I'm not sure if you're aware this is a grant we received we're spending it's still tax ,000 it's still tax dollars it's still tax dollars that are paid by New Jersey taxpayers that people out here and everywhere and you have to be as good a steward for everybody else's tax dolls as you would be for anybody sitting in those seats out there period that's your responsibility that's our responsib I'm pretty sure that there's soccer teams out there four or five nights a week uh using lights uh through April March starting in March going through June okay and that's two organizations that are out there at all times practicing and they also will now have games there they couldn't have games there because the lighting was not um up to par as far as the regulations so they couldn't have games cuz it was unsafe you have plenty of dark spots with these light towers that the organization has to spend $1,000 renting um Mr upake also owns his own and then you have the fuel that goes along with that which is another $1,000 and noise and pollution so um honestly if these field lights were done back when the park was built it wouldn't have been $250,000 would have been half the cost unfortunately well but luckily we got a grant for it information luckily we got a grant for it and all we have to spend the money on now is the you know design the engineering fees which I think $177,000 to invest in beautifying our community and providing something for kids and lights to play these Sports which we all know how important these sports are to socialization getting kids out of the house getting them away from crime I mean it's been proven I don't think we need another study but I mean we didn't ask these organizations to come in and say Hey listen how many hours a week are we just no they're needed they pay for them they they justify spending 11,000 a year on them they're needed and that that cost is just for practices as Carolyn said because they they um those lights don't qualify under the league for them to play a game and even now I missed um when Senator Singleton was out there and actually gave them the check for this grant the big check cuz I was recovering from some surgery but um he actually commented about the lighting for the fields because his daughter plays soccer and has played on our fields and he thought it was a great idea we submitted a letter at the last minute when they asked us and uh I guess we provided him with about seven different items of wishlist items Richard um that different members of the committee just sent Richard he got a nice letter out to uh the senator and told him you know we didn't have a lot of time to put a lot of stuff together the senator chose that particular item because he thinks number one it's a sporting event it's good for kids to have it and he knows that lighting is an issue so and I don't know if you were on committee then Mike but we actually submitted a grant to the for a grant to the county to have lighting at that field I don't know how many years ago the county wasn't issuing grants for lighting fields at that time but they gave us the balance of the grant for something else so it's not like it's the first time the township has discussed lighting the fields where Recreation has discussed it um it didn't come down initially when we got our first loan from from Green Acres which was a $500,000 loan to get started at 2% interest to start the fields all the other items that we've done out there have come through the grant process that was the only loan that we we still have that loan it's about $188,000 a year that we pay on that um but I mean it it um I think it's a value to our Recreational facility to have the lights um and the way they have designed it is that in the event that we want to add additional lighting they'll already have posts for the other fields so it it has been thought out and maybe someone hasn't come and said well we're going to use the field uh five nights a week from five to 10 and this is the I mean the usage is going to be it's it's almost like common sense that if they have the lights available believe me they have the teams that want to play so it's it's it's really it's it's good it's a good thing and we're very lucky that we got the Grant and respectfully we've had the same conversation and literally have said the same thing up at the stas multiple times already and again respectfully mik when Senator Singleton was at the field with us Carolyn Fern myself um Janice was there Phil was there and like Kate said she was out uh recovering from surgery Troy indicated how he knows that this was a good uh place to spend the grant money on this and respectfully you were in the corner of the parking lot and refused to come to the photo opportunity with the senator during this so you may not have heard that due to that no I talked I talked to the senator several times before and after good then you should understand and I don't understand why we're bringing the same thing up over and over I was asking you know the taxpayers it be nice to know what the utilization will be and just the ra of utilization to the cost of this is this the best place to spend this grant money yeah it's it's good fortune that it came down the way it was it went through the system was uh left a lot to be desired as far as a democratic process and consensus by the full committee but um so whenever there's a grant that anyone wants they come to the full committee and explain exactly how it's going to be used like the shade tree Grant right no yeah have a motion please to approve this resolution move second Kate and fern I'm sorry Kate and Carol roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr elette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr chlon no Mr Bartlett yes uh we have any correspondence Janice uh just what you had already read uh regarding the receipt of the uh grant for the um Park lighting the Field of Dreams lighting that was it thank you thank you uh meeting is now open to the public for any comments or questions session number two as indicated before if you have any comments or questions please come to the podium give your name and address for the record meeting is now open Don't Ray come on he was just here last week such a long walk I was in Virginia 5 hours ago boy wow should have car pulled with fill or something all right thank you Ray um being no comments or questions we'll close this portion of uh the meeting to the public I don't believe we have a need for another executive session uh have a motion to adjourn move second Carol and fernal in favor I I thank you have a good night thanks for coming out everybody