Delano Township committee meeting of February 26 2024 beginning at 700 p.m. at the Delano Township Municipal Building 770 coopertown Road Delano New Jersey recording oh that's nice yeah really good okay try it again May how about now oh I'm sure I'm sure test one two got try it again there can you hear me now yeah it's very static we are recording okay you sound confident about that very very staty through the through the headset so okay but we are recording very well thank you uh good evening welcome to the February 26th uh 2024 Township committee meeting a roll call please Janice Mrs Patrick here Mr alette here miss Seuss here Mr Templeton here Mr Bartlett here also presid our Township administrator Mr Schwab uh Mrs lore municipal clerk Mrs Russell Deputy municipal clerk and chief Tira the police chief please all rise for the flag solute I to the FL of the United States of America and to the Republic stand One Nation indivisible withy and justice for all thank you can Mo the sunshine statement please janon please be advised that proper notice of this meeting has been given in compliance with the open public meetings act in the following manner written notice has been mailed to the bronton county times and Courier Post and published in the January 4th 2024 editions written notice has been posted on the official Bolton board of the township of Delano at least 48 hours prior to the meeting and Brad new we have a live stream statement this meeting this meeting of the Delan Township committee may be transmitted via live stream on YouTube video The streaming of the meeting is not intended to be relied upon as formal Public Access under opma open public meetings act and if the technology is disrupted for any reason the township meeting will proceed in person as an official meeting in accord with the official notice all right thank you mayor thank you Janice uh first item on the agenda is ordinance 2024-25 model ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank pursuant to njsa 4A col 4- 4514 second reading by title only and public hearing uh hearing is now open to the public for ordinance 2024 D1 seeing no members of the public coming forward the hearing is closed to the public can I ask for a motion for ordinance 2024 D1 please so second all right motion by Miss Seuss second by Miss Fitzpatrick roll call please miss Patrick yes Mr Alat yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes all right ordinance 2024-25 hundred, therefore and authorizing the issuance of $285,000 in bonds or notes of the township for financing such Appropriations and making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foregoing it's the second reading by title only and public hearing uh hearing is now open to the public for ordinance 2024-25 uh the dollars that are being allocated or bonded are for the street sweeper Miss Seuss yes Mr champlon yes Mr Bartlett [Music] yes ordinance 223-3293 D3 Mr Weber Weber 22 ships questions on that for those no urn sign going to be on both sides of those Street talking about only Island Chief yeah I would recommend that yes we'll talk to Public Works cuz it's got to go both ways it's got to go both ways three of them correct correct and has the DM notif uh I'll be in touch with my contact I haven't yet but I will be okay I just want to find out question now absolutely yeah want to thank she sent us the thein in our new great y thank very thank you re does that include the point does your newsletter include the point no it do not they are not part complete different entity have board and everything else any other public comment we'll send send it seeing none we'll close uh this to the public we have a motion please to approve ordinance 20243 the [Music] second please I'll second it second all right motion by Mr allette second by Mr Patrick to adopt ordinance 2024-the reading roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr allette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes resolution up to the podium I want to hear theot you want to hear the so this is a resolution honoring Daniel Martin whereas the contributions and service given by those willing to serve the community should not go un recognized and whereas Daniel Martin has dedicated over 18 years as a member of Bano townships planning and Joint land use board with 14 of those years serving as Vice chair of the board and whereas Daniel Martin has also served his community as the planning board joint land use board by aison to the Delanco history board for six years whereas this honor is in DED in recognition of Daniel Martin's outstanding professionalism and dedication as a leader in Serv service to his community and whereas the leadership knowledge and unselfish devotion brought to the Blan Township planning and Joint land use board and to the entire Township by Daniel Martin will be surely missed now therefore I M Bara mayor of the township of Bano on behalf of the members of the township committee and all the citizens of the township of Bano to hereby recognize and commend Dan Martin for his dedication and outstanding service to the community David today February 26 2024 thank you so [Applause] much down there I think I show [Music] [Music] everybody and like Dan just said we pretty much all served with him on the joint Lanes board at some point I think I spent four years in captivity I mean in the at this day with Dan up here and always great to work with yes definitely yes y are you leaving so soon we we didn't vote for it yet Dan we can we can still take it back take back so we probably should have done this first can we get a motion to approve what we just did for so moved burn and Mike all in favor it's I everyone yes thanks Dan for coming if we don't vote on it so all right um next up we have the fiscal year 2024 local recognition Improvement Grant and Recreation Recreation we got so caught up with Dan and seeing Mr Taylor is not here we will go to isus you have the information I think so think I have it together okay so uh as we are aware uh we have the opportunity to apply for the local Recreation Improvement Grant um for 2024 and uh Recreation has worked worked with the planning uh committee to come up with a design for a playground for ages 5 to 12 at the Field of Dreams um this playground has been part of the master plan since its Inception I believe it's 2004 so the playground equipment is um being proposed to be installed behind the Pavilion um right kind of near where the dirt parking lot is you can see on your schematic here um where the location is so we're proposing to have a path installed from the end of The Pavilion there to the playground the base of the playground equipment is going to be a poured rubber Foundation the playground equipment is ADA Compliant as well so the foundation will also be compliant so we'll chairs can access that shoulders can access that as well very easily right up to that playground equipment we do have I think two benches as well proposed um and we do have the opportunity to have potential future Ada parking spaces as well as additional sidewalks right where the dirt parking lot is there along that fence line um you can see in your schematic here and I I think I showed you guys a better color photo it's kind of confusing if you look at this um what the playground equipment looks like you have two slides some uh climbing apparatus some uh I don't want to say monkey bars but I guess that's kind of kind of what they're called there um some covering as well verus for the sunlight so it's a really nice piece um for what for what we're looking for I guess the goal is to have something for when their siblings are playing soccer the kids can go and do something and climb and and access this it's not a um something that people are going to go to as like a a focus a destination like hey let's go to this PL let's when you're there so it's passive I guess is what the best way to put it is so um we're really excited to to move forward with this and you can see from the predesign estimates kind of what it came in at we're going to apply for the 100,000 the full 100,000 uh the township does have some uh contribution in there as well to cover the design costs um some additional like seeding and Grading that will need to be done afterwards um they will be contributing some funds towards the sidewalk as well so if you take a look at that you'll see kind of what the cost came in at so I than tayor design for getting this to us in time we did have a we did have a tight deadline um Rec had initially thought that the bind Street Park may have been an option but after um you know further review it wasn't something that we can move forward with with this grant so we think this is our best opportunity and um I hope that the committee feels the same way does anybody have any questions no i' just like to make a couple comments um working on the Field of Dreams for all these years that um this is really nice that we're finally doing the tot I I would consider it like a Tot Lot for um for the younger children to have something to do while their parents and siblings are um on the field whether they're playing soccer or softball and um it's kind of like putting the whole package together now so I'm really excited about it and I want to thank Carolyn for putting together this package yeah my pleasure um I think it'll be it'll be really nice we're also I should add the the dirt Access Road there is going to be paved um very soon in the coming weeks uh I think right up to the to the dirt parking lot out there so it's going to be a nice paved Road as well so that'll be a nice function if we do get this grant you'll have some nice paved streets to get there thank you Carn think this great uh again uh the field the dreams it's been in the makings for many many years and we couldn't do everything all at once so doing pieces along the way uh and I think it's a good thing yeah um I'm I'm glad it's the um the direction shifted from Bine Street to this uh the plan the tailer design put out for Vine Street uh seemed a complete change to what the atmosphere of Vine Street Park is including the addition additional property we required year or so ago but uh I like this uh I would make the suggestion that uh that shorter pathway and handicapped or 8 part parking spaces be uh considered a little sooner or as soon as possible it's a it's a long way to push a wheelchair from the existing parking lot by The Pavilion and down that other way so uh having a ADA Compliant parking spot and that shorter much shorter sidewalk would facilitate much easier access for someone that has to deal with a wheelchair there that was my initial plan actually when I talked to Scott about it but um due to the Paving cost we weren't able to do that now so that's why we proposed the path that way so we have the five handicap spots there now um so I definitely would stay on top of that Rec Recreation to to get that one spot paved um there are other reasons why we can't pave that entire thing I'm sure you're aware with the different issues that are surrounding that but yeah it's definitely something that we're going to consider sooner than later with the amount of um parking spaces in the county and the road we'd have to extend the road make a designated turny Lane there yeah and I Echo Mike's comments about uh this being a better option than the Vine Street Park as mentioned this has been in the as Kate mentioned this has been in the works for over 20 years and from having spent many many seasons out there with my son and soccer and seeing all the kids out there who aren't playing but are watching their siblings play it would be nice for them to have something to do instead just Hing around as some nice Recreation amenities for them so nice job by recck on this uh with that being said uh we have a motion to authorize resolution 224-4723 Improvement Grant application move a second Kate and Carolyn can we have a roll call please chance Miss Patrick yes Mr olette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Barlett yes thank you uh meeting is now open to the public for comments and questions this is session number one Mr Weber I just Township know that the association HOA sent a letter to Mr Singleton and he went back to the county and told them to fix between 47 and 49 P the engineer came out this week I was with him along with John Tano who Liv at 49 p he shocked at the condition of it he says he's surprised they haven't been sued so far so they needed to take it to the state because the state would take them a year to get a fix so they decided he decided that putting it on on the agenda on the schedule to come in tear out all of the stones and everything else that are in there put in crushed concrete pack of town put two whiches in the on there 8 ft wide so that police and everybody else can get back into their Bas as well as fire department so forth um and it's going to change the angle of that hill so that it's not going to be 100% K compliant but it's going to be better than what it is and the stones are not going to be rolling down into there we had d person yeah I did see the email from uh Mr taliano over the weekend and I am greatly happy to see that and I'm glad that Senator Singin was able to uh get with the county and get that addressed well John to talk to um someone else up there don't County directly get done right because obviously we did have the county here and they asked absolutely said that they wouldn't be in a position to do that so I'm glad John went to the senator and he put the pressure on and that makes a difference thank you're [Music] welcome you're welcome Ry thank you Ry anyone else all right we will close this session and we'll go to comments and reports from the township administrator Mr Schwab thank you uh uh minor thing well major for the people nearby uh Maranda construction is going to be starting this week on uh doing the curb and sidewalk modifications for handicap curb ramps with our uh cdbg Grant they'll be doing at uh at uh multiple locations in town and we have all that posted uh those nearby are going to uh receive notification also there's several meetings this week that are important we got our budget meeting tomorrow at 3:30 Township committee members uh we have a seaw wall meeting with the engineer at 1:00 uh that Mike and John and I are going to do we have a meeting with Crossings at three uh for that group um Thursday Janice and I will be on a trash collection contract meeting with the other community that we work with and next week now on Tuesday not Wednesday we're having our first meeting with the new contractor at Field of Dreams at 3:00 so that amongst other things are going to keep us busy quiet weak is what you're saying Richard yeah right thank you sir all right uh department head start with the chief uh good evening thank you uh begin with our February statistics to date uh police initiated 12 uh police cases there were 127 motor vehicle stops conducted and 53 motor vehicle violations issued uh they handled 646 calls for service uh they handled seven motor vehicle accidents and there were three adult arrests um since our last meeting uh we hosted the uh County hope one mobile unit on the 20th uh mobile unit provides assistance to um people struggling with addiction and as well as with their families uh we were told that it was a successful event uh this is the third time now we've had him in town uh and it seems to be a good relationship that we've built um our officers attended the First Amendment auditor training uh that the GIF set up Aron provenzano did a nice job bringing uh retired Chief HL uh in and uh he he uh conducted that training uh our officer also attended a well Wellness presentation by Dr Jennifer Kelly uh it's a new program that we're initiating this year it'll provide the the opportunity for officers to speak with Dr Kelly on on uh numerous uh items ranging from mental health to family U support and so forth uh so we're we're scheduling uh the officers to attend that um probably within the next month or two we'll we'll start the uh process um and also our two recruits are are both uh progressing well in bothies gler County Police Academy and the Atlantic County uh police academy uh and uh recruit ORF is on track to graduate in April so we're uh we're looking forward to his uh him joining joining the agency uh and that's all I have tonight anyone have any questions for the chief thank you you're welcome This Is War yes very quickly I attended um bton County uh Community Development meeting last Thursday it was an inperson meeting it was the reorganization and the executive committee um the they have not received their Federal funding allocation from HUD yet so um Any Grant Awards uh that were are slated are temporary B based on funding there may be no money there may be less there could be more I will say that um the um out of 15 municipalities um that applied for cdgb funds this round three are funded um and they are social uh public social programs um based not infrastructure-based of the nonprofits that applied all about one are funded at 100% of their request so there is a definite shift in the funding um scope and focus but the there's another meeting in March and hopefully they'll know more about the um funding from the federal government from HUD and to see if um there might be some more money coming in where they could fund more of the um Municipal infrastructure projects so I will keep you up to date on that um and um bav is going to go over some dates coming up um that we've been requested to uh you know announce tonight couple things coming up um in April we'll have the town guard sale be Saturday April 27th and the following week we'll be haveing event here in the parking lot Saturday May 4th and also the community cleanup day at public works at garage also Saturday May good thank you very much B yes for the U the nonprofits that were funded uh are any of those provide uh services that life residents would be able to take advantage of yes yes and it's everything from um uh Providence he to Senior Services to code blow to um meals and um they are not Municipal specific they are um countywide Regional wide for those services and of the three municipalities that are receiving funding their focus is their um Senior Center meal meal delivery code blue shelter those types of uh public you know uh Social Services uh rather than infrastructure streets roads you know um sidewalks curves even Ada ramps several towns appli for the continuing their Ada handicap barrier uh removal and those were not even funded so but it's not it's not um finished yet there may be more funding coming available she just um the projection was based on previous year five-year projections so there may be less there may be more it it's not done yet so but that's just a preliminary report um on uh the planned funding um given a certain level that would be funded by Hud okay L to wait and see yeah all right thank you J you're welcome all right uh consent agenda items consent agenda items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with a single motion any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes is there anything that anyone needs to remove from the consent agenda no no right uh resolution 2024-the Services resolution 2024-25 resolution requesting permission for the dedication by ryer for the lead Hazard control assistance fund required by njsa 52 col 27 D- 43720 little a and njsa 52 call 27 D- 4377 little be and public law 2021 c.1 182 resolution 20245 to cancel taxes and refund tax overpayment due to Total veteran exemption pursuant to njsa 54 col 4-33 0a and resolution 2024 51 resolution to cancel 2024 property taxes due to Total veteran exemption pursuant to njsa 54 4-33 a payment of bills current fund $241,800 payroll $154,400 79 Capital fund $ 13,124 125 unemployment fund $5.34 escrow trust fund 2026 I'm sorry at $2,627 198 Housing Trust Fund $330 approval of minutes for January 3rd 2024 and January 8th 202 24 and approval of the department reports and Mr shra and Mrs lore are those numbers of the payment of the bills reflected of um no I was going to correct you the current fund one is 24,6 18762 those one for $1,140 that we removed was incorrect yeah there was a bill regarding to the uh Court camera system that they're not using that check has been pulled and will be voided and the minutes will reflect the updated um Bill list amount less that check for that um computer that it services for the court all right great okay thank you Jes uh can we have a motion for approval of the consent agenda second who was the first one that was either Fern or Mike m Mike and Carolyn and can a roll call please Mrs Patrick yes Mr olette yes Miss Seuss yes Mr Templeton yes Mr Bartlett yes any correspondence Janice yes two pieces the first one is from the Burlington County Public Works planning board office 1900 Bri Road Mount Laurel the um New Jersey County planning board um the Burlington County planning board will be having a public hearing on their proposed Burlington County Len development review resolution and that hearing will be on March 12th 2024 at 3 p.m. at the burand county Engineers office at 1900 Briggs Road in Mount Laurel the second piece of Correspondence is from Delano Township Walnut Street Middle School um it's their annual notice of the um grad upcoming graduation this year it will be Tuesday June 18th 2024 um and they are asking if we are going to continue with our two awards for Community Pride and spirit the mayor Brett Harris Memorial award so I want to bring that to your attention and ask if you wanted to continue to support that yes absolutely everyone good yes absolutely okay we don't need an official vote as long as there is a consensus agreement okay we're good very good I will let this uh School know that we will be um the township will be supporting those uh two Awards thank you very much I did take a look online at the um County planning board uh updated ordinance that was part of that letter and yeah it's would be helpful if they sent a Redline version so we could see what was changed from the previous one as opposed to trying to read 134 pages and figure out what they may have and may have not have changed so um we'll have to tune in and find out I guess all right uh meeting is now open to the public for comments and questions this is session number two you have any comments or questions please step to the uh Podium and give your name and address for the record we not move at once seeing no one will'll close this session of comments and questions to the public and now we are going to do the 2024 Municipal budget preparation uh section we're going to come down here and reset the tables and all the various groups and organizations that are in uh attendance tonight we're going to be going over their budget requests for this year so want to take a five minute recess just to let's do that all right short meeting Madam mayor we're once again recording recording all right right uh first group we're going to go to this evening is the Library Association sorry j [Music] we forgot to bring the snacks John [Music] [Applause] sorry oh no yes the only else all right you know the purpose of the meeting is so that at least once a year there's good communication commun groups F by the bud [Applause] and this the information need you're not make few that will discuss we put it all together everythingin and they got there is yours um we have a lot of people tonight we actually have six members of our board in the room and we have our we also have so to answer any questions that you might have thank you um did you have any questions the I can tell you that as always a fabulous job there's something for everyone from read to me to LGE and Sen groups accomodating groups in the township that need to meet um our numbers are Mighty there are 5981 people inorder 981 people came work in23 and we have certainly 12,7 uh 1256 people F and we 72 there also the county hasal cyle for there are also initiative this year one of the things that we work on ly cor for young children so we got PL furniture and it's kind of um Forest themed and it has big books that you can p down looking ahead what we're looking for in 2024 is to reestablish professional work relationship because we share Mission and it be nice to be able to do to the numbers so generally overall uh we're not asking too much more money than from what we had before the biggest increase that you'll see on on um expense side is on the Sal side now that is specifically because of the increase the $15 an hour for mostly our lower wage uh St that R from 12 60 up to 15 um in the middle of last year that brings us up to code in New Jersey two years ahead of schedule for us since we're a organizational six employees on us so we made was brought up uh to the standard right now $15 I know it's 1571 but it's $5 for now um for um parttime staff and the some corresponding adjustments to the existing staff um just as the low people a much larger increase and we try to all set that with a little bit better increase for the staff but still um for your our request in the township is only about $3,000 more than what it was last year from 792 sorry I'm doing this by memory good job so uh the there is a line in the it's down towards the bottom of the revenue line second one up on the bottom it says L P that is what we expect to pay out of our own funds accumulated funds and U so right that about $8,400 $8,700 yeah so that is that is our input into the budget as well from we anticipate we never know what annual FS going to be so we try to I'm very conservative in my estimate for that it's usually about 404,000 to $5,000 estimate uh been lucky and for Generations we've been most of that so and some of them are designated by the donors for something or so they are resered for Mar print books or something like that so they are restricted to all that stuff but we tried to keep our portion pretty good as well to make sure that show what we it's service and H your staff does a super job TR is just the best and I certainly enjoy the programs and for the adults and I go as often as I can as I always have on it's fun to see other people out there and join they do a very exceptional job in doing um maintain or budget doesn't really change that much right really so um it it usually is just our top line of Sal uh but the most part going to good job of ining programs and all that stuff you won't be surprised on the library so anywhere I go the library anywhere in the world I think and we offer what huge libr offer can some C Tom 2023 col you have estimated um P these firm or I can provide you firm ones after that this this was done at November okay when you know this of November 15th 16th I submitted this I've done that before yep the the county funding that's the remain flat for 7 years now iend Mee they I still go does that change to different municipalities based on resid or is it across the board we asked years question almost monthly I ask every time the bud comes around what is the formula [Music] interesting yes and we hold our breath when it's time it keeps getting lower later and later weal about now the state has that they use and there were factors in it but in the pmic they just the and div and moving forward I would expect the number of programs and number of services provide and circulation I question on the uh 72 new library cards any of those come from the new development you have an idea yes yes we have new lottery cards from um that development we have new lottery cards from the development that's in that ERS crossing that's another it's another that's our that's the library where the library is part of Del Range Library folks from Del come here I not off to curious thank you thank you thank you very much shade tree committee commission hey Bill there's plenty of chairs here my te my te Brown [Music] good time of year Wonder well we're not we're not to come in here with for a lot more money I mean last year operated on your budget uh we did well we had a couple surprises since is the tree lifting Landing I don't think we budged for that so you guys made that Happ okay um we have our regular expenses or our secretary and our professional our bill added it to some of that um my big question is side pilot program pilot is supposed to end my feelings is everybody likes it continue but we can't just say infinitive sidewalks because you you know as well as I do there's must be well over a million dollars of repairs so whatever your budget is for do you do you want us to continue with it oh yeah you know I've been around and of course there was a couple little quick hazards that someone may be aware of that they' been corrected and I mean it's just they look great now whether or not they're going to withstand the roots over here time if we don't know that but it looks like they're holding up pretty well oh yeah it'll be much easier to Yeah by repairing one or two or three by either doing it with public works like you know removing it triming it putting it back down or when the contractor comes around you know can do some of the repair yeah we're real happy with it you know stop by the five or six when they look really good yeah thank you um I do think uh you might get a May rush you know there might be a lot of people that want to done right away this year where where do we how many you get us what was was it 10,000 we did five and it was 7250 it it was 1250 P we don't have here [Music] years ago we when we did the ordinance assuming and we had situ we large response that 2,000 down year at this point last year there was 8,000 available you know here want Do's M so on the basis well we do what what we want to do want do every year the equivalent of of course cost up so that means as said 8,000 last [Music] year addition to F are Rems most of the money in isy B the the B projects actually come in less than the removal of the tree oh yeah okay so so the way that we want to handle these requests is um first the crew the staff here goes and investigates the request and first and foremost the health of the tree okay it's a good tree we're saving the lifespan of the tree uh if it's you know it's we're saving and the roots are an issue that it's uh data R but we would like to see the residents bu to the that was the way it was initiated the pilot was supposed to be the example for us to P out of examples such as diversions and ramping and um so we got to be careful you know we can't just give everybody this answer okay yeah we'll take care of it we're still going to do the same investigation on the tree like Kevin or professional determin the health and condition of the tree and uh you know be better everybody else so I figure we don't have to accumulate these requests like we did last year and I know a couple people won't be happy but we only have one right now in in the in the K so I I suppose we're going to just kind of let them build up but that's why it said well we need to know what's going to be fund personally as of of them are very minor I just talked to Ray contractor that grind or lift the pad so by the end of the day we're all get so I would I would budget the same amount unless there's an increase maybe want to talk with the company that did the well we we sent the B out to five six different I don't think any of mom except the one fell and uh you know he's looking forward to doing more but I did explain to him still to go through the process you know and so he you think that's while John to do play the same block that did this year just repeat that game says and get a little more inertia behind the program little more visibility and then a year or two down the road see if they catch let these guys I I don't think we can go oh really work want one you want one because we'll just go with you're that money I still think we need to fight them off and use our best judgment um you know which ones will be most beneficial and uh Hey after 15 years was prob and you know that cddg Grant m i mean I wish you could F that yeah they're not even right now H is inle we admitted they're not doing infrastructure as much they want Social Services more so they haven't come we're trying to finish the rest of the handicap rants right in town and so so far they're only funding um these bigger projects and uh we're not infrastructure so whether or not we're going to get the the grant be submitted to this coming well you guys have done wonders by funding your own Road versus you know the you know so you you have invested in infrastructure we don't vote so we did D and whatever they don't cover we have a capital account that's helping and then we're trying to Pi we going through that plan that we had I believe they have been here we that plan that yeah every other and we're doing it there's always something going on with I mean like repairs which is got got to keep up otherwise you're going to come in for a Big Bill and everything oh yeah did you want to add some know we have to ask for advisor the St right so how much is that 35 so that's 3500 in addition to 72 in addition well whatever 72 is something we're going to do on our 72 is for the yeah we're going to take care of that but the the salary and wages was Wendy and govern so is that Kevin say 3500 for addition to them all yes we're telling you now that's why we're here and how long this for three to years 5 [Music] years estimated amount for the year don't have figures this what [Music] we yeah Consulting 7,000 last year of which of which 5973 spent with 1,26 balance as a and he's been about okay I mean every board has a professional this man I mean what he says he teaches me stuff every month you know and when the resident are wrote it's most to have a certified Tre to oober he says he's paid up 7000 we need to have plan up this is addition to normal consult so he's going to get a proposal of that fix number to do next job which is's saying we'll get 3500 to do that work there's no way to know exactly [Music] what we one said years we SP whatever whatever it's not something evered not like you know we needed to spend 9,000 budg amount based on what you know like anything else Bren put number there engineering take now the the removal amount that of course that is an unknown right we Bud 30,000 last year and I don't think we're done well 3,190 30,50 was bud but I mean joh said there's still a few on the list they wer contct they are you said okay so what happens is when we we when the work get done but from a budget standpoint that list is That's So be a new list for next year one of the key things is there's $7,500 first so if we start need to spend in one shot emergencies are emergency so de tree fall fall get get but as soon as we get [Music] Nows things right now we're spending less 10,000 on the you know the contract piece and so I assume can do with that how long list do we have left three or four the John's email I got can we get a copy of that this well I finally just got a copy yeah and I'm having time figuring it out did you I got did you figure it out no I don't know yellow green few months ago I got a Cofe but is there I started driving around and looking at um I think it [Music] and if you could submit on we would like to pass we'll take care our meeting and I'm also going to sort of denote a couple of the members maybe start following up on this L month that great we can have because it's it's pretty embarrassing when a resident says what's going on with my request you I but if they're what's the average yeah basically uh I think the sidewalk are going to be like it builds up through the spring and summer because right now we're not even seeing the budget the start com and then by fall we kind of have an idea of how many and we one why and then John and Richard they hold their magic num and you know they get the word usually it's the following spring that they're finishing which well the winner too the winner the winner you get the best price you no incre if you issue the first order of December then if you have a has volunteered to get up [Music] Tru now they're probably well they better get one in amers house because I looked at it this morning yeah there's L hanging up there yeah yeah I think the ones that uh when they get flaged is a high priority removal that we need to start seeing them high priority there're some like a year later high priority but still there there but you we're getting a lot of new challenges you know solar panels and they want tree down and um it's quite an interesting science you know but you guys have to be tree lers you do you know don't don't turn your back on our [Music] trees you got that tree down across the street yeah that was a that was a shame I hated to see that tree well hope they reild that house yeah when they redo the house maybe can PL something nice there but one thing on the budget you're not going to have that D SL in tree lifting this year that's that's done it's not going to happen every year now if they're stting you're not going to get bottom branches the bottom branches that do come we should be able to turn themel there yeah I but you know how it is I've been on that side you know you give us the money we don't spend it you move it around so we just want to put back in the yeah back in the surus we just want to keep the residents happy but we want to use good signs so Amber anything you find no didn't know where to looking for no what was remember yeah no no somebody had a stressed interest but I never heard anything we invite I invited her to come to the meeting Wednesday to take a look see if it's something she would I don't know who she is so start started out her come to meeting find out when you go yeah and say do you know I mean did you talking that I know okay but the some of the the Ang residents at 12 with the side favor project because we do have answers we have answers example they you go and take a look and see now I it kind of BL in the side you know outside of my store it's pretty bad I paid him to fix did sink even though it's my neighbor's property while I had him I said I'm you know I'm going to pay you to do this cuz I know the church today is anybody here go to that church they had asked me about fixing theirs and big tree by the when you hire in privy it's not that big you know it's better than government yeah funny how that work oh forage but do you want to continue to call the side you want to call it suggest maybe sidewalk enhancement uh project get rid of I think it's whatever you want you know pilot pilot the pilot Pilots there's some pilots in town that have been 20 years some of them are up now so P don't end after year I mean well they were 20 pil yeah what I'm saying you can have a pilot last longer than a year I think whatever you want to call you want to call it is fine want to change itation project you guys decide that you let us know we will we'll send send us your yeah send us the numbers please sish your numbers just this is very nice John that listen I've been over there I you guys did you're going to change it add [Music] it on funding for for Kevin and the forestry renewal plan right and for the tree removals we're staying with the same number well you have to wait till [Applause] budget should emergency removals be in John's budget I mean he puts his Public Work guys out night know be connect the you look 15 years ago it was $5,000 because that's all it was so that's why there's now $40,000 because okay very you good guys thank you thank you see you next year hi hey J B have a good night hey we are oh Oh's here let him get for work he looks like he's sleeping I got got work this morning 7 go back at 11 that's I yet to be thank you for your service I put the budget [Music] together when I put this together the numbers on the back of the uh em i' just been using myop we put the numbers together um from the budget previous years the monies really weren't say spent fully or mostly at all so Rob and I knew in the role o coordinator Deputy o coordinator uh we did put some things in this year which we don't expect to happen every year um laptops the laptop that's that's one for 20 we took out of the 23 budget and we have the second one yeah for 24 yeah that's why yeah so when we have the emergenc we're able to told operate this logs so on and so forth um the big budget number that's in here was the emergency preparedness conference which is in April April 22nd through the 26th no land yeah that hasn't really haven't gone to that in a number of years very for and I think we both of us in the role new for this year would be important for us to go down there every year at all but I think just to get caught up with all of the latest and greatest things and the other new classes that they have out there it's important putting money for assures and handouts for the community day and need out and just have a miscellaneous budget for 25 and they come up uh throughout the year normally the budget was $1,500 it's it's not percentage wise so really the only increase is to cover the conference correct the only other thing is also we did the budget it's $200 per person for registration fee for the conference that expires this project after this Fray the registration fee does go up another $50 per person so so so you have so you have information for register yeah I guess we just issue a p I'll talk [Music] [Applause] [Music] to I don't have any question thank Youk thanks Serv go get some sleep e welcome back you all have the right up right you do yes okay okay so we're just requesting $1,100 here um just for a couple items um the next track Benish that we got from collecting a plastic we like to place that with some concrete PS so $500 for that um we like to do like a spring time giveaway like birthday or ar day um move in April Tre giveaway $200 for that um last year we started hosting speaking events at the library um different environmentally related topics um so we're just reing $100 for that just for like freshments things like that Community D year we like to do certain giveaways Raffles last year we did a great composter so we're requesting $200 for that sorry didn't match those are great they look great yeah um and then every year we give out um an award for the eighth grade graduation um so $100 for that did you get a quote for the concrete P for the bench we did where where concrete rout 13 okay pouring okay two events make it of them in I know Library are you going to do it in town again are they still harder like pictures and a lot of other stuff to take a picture of the plastic bag yeah time I know how they differentiate anyway thanks great [Music] thank Peter okay uh good you have that we do I do have a uh like a prary statement make we make some things clear and I brought some cop once again now did you all get this simplified copy of the budget that oh okay well this says the same thing as that except that it's only categories uh where this is by activity and you know Etc more detail okay good good all right so let me start with my little thing here um you have the budget proposal in your hands it shows the budget and the actuals for 2023 and a proposed budget for 2024 and the other one that I prepared was simplified to show spending up just by category and you have the itemized report and shows um not just our our uh ordinary budget for uh 2023 and and or have a proposal but it also shows you on the flip side if you have the flip side it has a oh one you didn't the other one I did I I have two pages you have two pages okay if you need the back side that would make some extra copies um we kind of put those around but it also shows the uh CHP Grant budget that we got okay uh it hasj just the the grant budget for last year and uh it shows the budget uh for this year which is not one approved um and it shows a separate budget for Bay Ruth day uh because it's our budget is kind of weird because every other year we have this influx of uh Capital which the bth day and the next year we're sort of aine here because we don't have the extra event so we sort of treat that like a like a separate um budget uh so it doesn't uh confiscate the uh ordinary budget so look like the budget from last year theid papor is the same the uh reest of the allocation that's that's what's on okay um dhp has been very careful in its spending uh we were budgeted for $2,500 in 2023 and we overspent our budget of $18 Peter Peter our CHP P Grant budget came in exactly for our budget of out which was $4,800 uh we've received a great deal of support and our participation from the community and we appreciate the township committee's continued financial support that my both this happen uh our budget request for 2024 was prepared in November and approved by our board in December and it was prepared based on our historical spending patterns and it represents our ordinary activities uh for 2024 it's laid out by category um you have the detail uh and many of these projects uh were carried over from uh 2023 uh note that the largest expense category continues to be print production and uh of historical and educational materials uh 1375 that we spent in 2023 and I requested $1,000 for 2024 put a pin in this 2024 is the Centennial B Ruth exhibition in Delo which uh we'll celebrate on September 7th uh the budget for this event is not included in our ordinary budget we anticipated expenses of $2,080 most most ly in program Printing and $4,000 in $4,400 in ad rant netting 22324 in Revenue put a pin in this uh we have been approved for the chpp grant in 2024 anticipated expenses for the uh project package were $ 7,619 funded by $ 5,629 from the CH PP Grant and $1,900 from anticipated Revenue in the bay Ruth Day ad program that's pin number three back to the pins since we were Pro approved uh and submitting our grant we have lost our longtime printer good impressions in Riverside and before I did the budget let me interject here before I did the budget I went to Kathy price and I got uh prices for all of the I think it's nine Publications that we had and I said what does it cost for each of these things for 100 copies of each of these things and based on that I was able to to put the budget together so uh in um so we lost our prayer because Bob chice died and his daughter decided not to continue the business so um we are currently interviewing local printers and comparing prices to those that we had from good Impressions we've recently learned that good impression prices were far below the current industry standards um I uh I charted the print costs for good Impressions uh against the quotes from Sir Speedy in pensan from Impact printing in Edgewater Park and joy budget print in cinamon and all based on 100 reprints for our nine titles so if you take all of the this is just for some comparison safe this is necessar what we put to print next but for comparison sake that uh if you if we printed 100 copies of everything but um good Impressions would have been $168 and now we have we have uh new uh quotes from U Joy budget print which is now $3,100 Sir Speedy was $3,401 impacct was $ 5,860 now I'm still contacting printers but have at this point I want to check BR press understand they do pretty good work and maybe the prices are better marketting no relation whatsoever I wonder if the college still has well the college does uh they still have something work on if they're capable of printing this kind of thing we have used them for the volunteer Cent County right when we have done programs and Things I Should I should check into that you should also check into um difference in the total amount like 100 versus 500 verus they tell me it doesn't make much difference now it used to be that you you would get a price for 100 then you get a price for 500 and then you get a price for a th000 and you could see a difference but at some point the pr said they don't print things way that they print things they put it on they put it on the machine electronically they they crank out 50 copies of it and they go on to the next job the next job is set up in a matter of moments so they said instead of putting all of the stuff in inventory buying massive bodies and putting in inventory but it's much more um cost effective if you just get what you need and just leave a a little lead time to get it done and then they can do it um and the pric is they don't like to do it one at a time but you know when you're when you get Beyond you know 50 100 copies it's about the same so if I had known about this increase I would definitely have requested a $500 increase in our Township request um which is you saw in there we put it for $2,500 but now because of the crank situation I would like to amend it I would like to recommend that we add $500 to our program request and that we put that directly on the uh print production Modine which will help us out a lot of ways now I did some research and we haven't asked for an increase since 2020 for four years we've asked for the same amount of money and I and this is clearly shortsighted on my part where the prices were going up around us I was asked for the same amount of money year after year and if I had been a little more incremental about this whole thing would been a larger step so that's on me uh given the situation with the pr increases and given that producing and distributing our print materials for free is a major educational Mission now in my opinion we need to be looking for an increase in this year's budgets in in guys I also have concerns about the anticipated net for bab Ruth day considering that it is totally dependent upon ad sales in the printed program ad sales were about um $200 a page the ads were about $200 a page in our last book which was 48 page program and we have been guaranteeing distribution of 500 copies of the program for each Year's Event to date uh with the stipulation that whatever we don't distribute at the event we will distribute during the course of the year and we always have we always run out but we keep 10 the all year for samples but that's they always go so where does that leave us do we double our ad prices I don't think that will work uh do we cut the number of pages well then you also cut your advertising do we cut the number of books that we pray and and not guarantee 500 copies maybe guarantee 400 copies yeah so we're we're depending and I want to remind everybody we're depending on the net revenue from the adbook to supplant the cost of the chpp phase 2 project this year because we have to covery the capital expenses for some of that so know it's only about $1,900 something $2,000 basically that we have to cover but I have to cover that somewhere and in the net of the B Ruth they thing it's fine but if we add book expenses one way up I'm going to have to make some adment so I think that's about where we are um and I don't think I've ever come in and asked for a budget adjustment at this meeting but um I only got the last two of these quotes this afternoon I got one under 430 so um uh I I I really I just Le a hyper ventilate I saw these U uh these price quotes and um I got the paperwork on all it's so I I have it for comparison now that's not to say we're going to print all nine 100 copies of all nine for the year right now there maybe four of them where we're starting to run a little short and and it be done recently but we do know we're going to do the B re day that Happ and so I just want to make sure there's enough money in the budget to um put these materials out and U I it's I did have a conversation with this last printer today that Joy budget print in cinnamon and and we talked about the paper quality that we've been using that if we don't use coding stock or the interior of the booklets as we have for some hor books in the past we get them a little bit cheaper and I will say that that right now Joy print is the cheapest of the comparative quotes that I've got so far if I could beat it well if I can it's higher but it's not like you know gas gasing high so I guess that's where we hard so I'm happy to talk about any of our programs I'm really proud with the new program that we started um at fir suggestion that we do the third Saturday open house here in the township building and thank you to uh m p and for for coming to the first month that we had on the 17th and we see a lot of potential in that but uh you know every expansion we have on the on the program how many how many people came now uh well all allog together there were 14 people there but part of that was because I also called at the committee meeting of the volunteers to plan to participate so that we could do some brainstorming so we had some people that came in from the outside not many uh and the and our own people that were there that kind of got trained up and where the displays are and how they do the presentations and kind of dose of training we did so it was uh good that we did it um it happened to be the day we had 4 Ines of snow um but we did go ahead and do it anyway and the snow pretty much had G Away by the time we got have but uh we're happy about that I think we're happy about all of our programs looking forward to the grant for this year the work we're doing but if anybody has any questions or suggestions have here the question I have the uh with the Babe roof expenses and the increase of the printing cost you considered that when you considered your printing of the uh program uh well what you what you had in your hand there was prepar through the middle of December right we know about the printing problem now that we know about the printing problem that's the one expense that will fly right so I I have to find you know some way of doing something with that particular um thing you know I I've been trying to hold on to I think that program has more value when we have historical material in the program as well as advertising so it doesn't come off up Penny saer correct so uh what I've said is 50% we won't sell over 50% in in ads and maybe we have to let that swing a little bit and and add put in cou cost what are the other cost other than printing the booklet that weighing character back that that sheet the teams the biggest yes that's that's yeah and what we had done was I um we did have this sty hand that we paid for each teams that helps them with travel expenses one of the teams this year is coming from Delaware and the other one was coming from yeah and then I know um D was there sh um yes it was actually deling hot dogs which was which was a wonderful uh project the benefit to us was not U Financial but it was that we had the service there that helped to people to carry over for the second uh game that we had in the double header where they wanted on elsewhere not come back we didn't have that so we were very thankful that that we did it and I've already talked to Caroline about doing that again this year and uh that so that's good for them they make some money to get the service you know but I don't think that is it as income and we have exhibits there from other historical groups and so that's really where our where our expenses are for that gu so you're so you're asking for um PR yes I think I'd like to modify it and if you just scratch out your the budget there instead of $1,000 for printing uh then we would do $1,500 for printing and then the other fer that would change would be from 2500 to 3,000 and other than that I think the rest of we can we can stand and as you know this stuff is sort of fundable so we do our best to figure out how the money is going to be spent but as the year progresses and stuff comes in over the transom and we deal with it we make adjustments and usually come out almost Square by the end of the year so yeah I don't think you've ever B over but then they for that so I mean I've been on there for long enough to know how you spend that money we're sort of squeaky about it so you have any questions other than uh you tie in with the uh the school and uh doing the walking tour those books into the I had a meeting with the new superintendent uh I a letter of uh introduction from um Mr meringer when he was leaving in Thanking us for working with the school and then introducing me to the new superintendent and said that he had already told the new superintendent about things that we were doing and the new superintendent contacted me within a couple of weeks set up a meeting I was there with both principles and and him and somebody else that child services or some I'm not sure uh and um we uh gave them 50 copies of the tour book that has the the U County bug on it indicating that he was paid for by the county and so right so what they said they would do is they would maintain that as a set of books instead of giving them just giving them away they would keep them as a set and when the the history classes were going to be the the section of local history they would use the books they they um have committed to going out and doing the walking tour when the weather gets better and they'll take the books and they'll they'll go around they did ask us to do like a um introductory thing for for the kids before they do the thing and they talk to us about that maybe meeting them at certain locations along the way or something to do a special presentation about that's great so it's it's nice they're thinking that way um my only problem right now is we had already given him a set of 50 books that we had paid for that didn't have the bug on it and and my stipulation Mr mercen would have gave it to him was I I'll give these to you for right now but as soon as we get the ones from the county I want to swap them out and he said that's fine nobody can find them stop so they had the original set and I'm still hoping that hope people are reading them every day well I can't tell you this is very interesting that the triangle project that we did for the the grant last year we have a a lid box and the new bench and uh every Friday I go out and I check that LD box and eight eight or nine books eight nine or 10 books have gone out every week since we started that about 6 weeks ago and one of the things that tells me is we're going to have to do a reprint and what I'm going to try to do is dangle it so that we can swap out some of what we plan to do for the grant swap it out for printing reprinting costs so that we won't have to cost over another and there's some some things that were maybe lower priority yeah I were including aint job with the BR we did for 2023 but we didn't in 2024 okay there was no provision in there for reprint uh we didn't realize that we're going to be going out fast we did a second printing right at the end of the year and that's whenever St R out with those we be on problem to have yeah it's nice it's nice that people like the material and I get phone calls from the township they say oh somebody was here they were looking for thank you Peter than thanks everybody special thanks to Fern for being on the ason this year and um we have nice discussions that this things got big shoes to fill oh yeah have big shoes to fill right I guess I've been on there since the beginning yeah [Music] it's some notes to it well because there's some things that should be added and I know this Quil like they need to know that one more and I retype the other County I Ty it and printed it on scr things so there's some things I'm going to add te very good so when people come there'll be a little bit better explanation and and I hope to be here as well I wouldn't mind helping out very good I think we can use one more person for March 16th right we have two and and our deal with you guys is that we have free so okay well I'll be there I'll probably be there okay okay thank you Peter okay very good thank you have a good night thanks for listening you next up is D said Del come on up sa come on up Haren come on up I'm here hello I don't know if everybody [Music] [Applause] knows doing a great job commissioner ofal and also serves on the Riverside Board of Education I think somewhere you have a fulltime job to so we're very lucky to have Contin you're going to walk down on our yes the little mayor excuse me so I am still the treasurer uh ofing I took over for M last spring I just want to first start off with our um enrollment data so last year in 2023 for our soccer program we had 166 participants um down 10 from the previous year which isn't bad best of all we had this previous year which is still happening right now 218 registrations and there are five six different groups um in 2022 23 we had 23 so we were up 15 um spring Sports which is t-ball baseball B gr and softball um 2023 we had 212 uh down from 227 previous year and the registration is ongoing right now and that will start at the end of March April and then actually we had a fall softball program which is fairly new to the organization um we had three teams last year 36 points against um up on 11 so we tripled that that's good great rck program they were U really excited to have that in the fall asking yeah already and we did have um I think four or five sponsors that actually absorbed the cost of that so it didn't cost the organization anything to uh to participate in that um every year we are lucky to uh have Riverside and Delano contribute 5,000 each to the call it the municipal Grant Line I'm looking on page uh one of our budget verst actuals so we get 5,000 from each town and Delano also um absorbs the cost of the insurance for the organization as well um you can see our our program income there we budget our budget and our numbers came in pretty similar to fall soccer um basketball was actually exceeded by 4,000 um spring Sports were up 5,000 and of course fall softball was a tremendous amount work um our business sponsorships were right on par with what we wanted to do about $ 6700 for 2023 um we got had about $900 in individual donations um our fund Drive which is actually letters that get mailed out to both um Riverside and Delano residents we budgeted for six they came in at50 3 which is great considering the State of Affairs right now in our economy um our concession stand we operate both concession stand at wle field and at West Avenue we uh brought in about $122,000 in Stand sales we were able to run the the stand have that open pretty frequently so we exceeded our $7,000 budget um going down to our expenditures you have your normal government fees leag registration Fe fees accounting fingerprinting um all of our coaches are fingerprinted and these results are sent to the with police and they make sure our coaches are in compliance with the guidelines to be a coach in the organization as well um anything else that really stands out um we have our we have we hope to have a FAL event and another fundraising event major fundraising event this year helps offset the cost of running the organization and keep registration cost down for the residents as well um we have the lowest registration I believe in all the towns that participate in our league so we like to keep it affordable um for the kids so we hope to continue to have those events this year we're looking for someone to run those events and handle our fundraising we have a candidate that might be able to compare that so obviously our concessions and expenses are were up what we budgeted because our revena um we also did a couple events outside of the concession stand we did a con events some other public events as well that we would do um I think we did the police was it police last year out with C out with C last year was really fun event and well received um what else here basically the thing that jumps out of me every year is the cost of these lights and we're excited that is going to move forward with the project to [Music] [Music] havei yeah we go I have to um so you're missing it so I'll just kind of explain to you it's okay Richard we'll keep our our soccer equipment right now for the lights for all the fields we budgeted 8500 came in at 10,200 we uh actually were working with diamond and they decided to Jack our prices up exponentially so we had to go with a different vendor we went with United ball and and that's why it went up that much money um our field of usage fees were up a little bit because I think we put some other expenses in that but um we're looking forward to not having to spend the 10,000 onls every year and we're really grateful to for moving that forward nothing else really on here um uniforms come in where I get to where we budgeted basketball is actually under socc under what was budgeted by KF the coaches and the Commissioners really do a nice job of really keeping tight on on their budgets um the uniforms they really try to be frugal with their with their numbers um yeah so I guess sa can kind of take over here she can kind of give you a state of affairs if you have everything to add her maybe I can talk nothing that um well outside the budget we we've kind of been working on just the organization stuff and we build a whole calendar with different dates there even all the dates for what's going on at Delano what's also going on on Riverside planning to get out in front of people and just be a little bit more um involved in the community outside of just offering Sports and letting in and have and invi parents and KS to come and participate you know just in that Cent uh so you know we want to go to float for the parades this year and like little things that are going to get us a little bit more attention um we can keep our registry ation costs down but also still continue to bring more kids and more families into our program it adds more money to our budget um we did find a a person that's going to help us kind of working on our participation retention and then our how that can directly affect our fundraising uh and hopefully we'll be looking more towards some grants as well something that we really haven't done to the best of my knowledge in the past um to make sure that we are kind of checking all the different things that are happening in the sports just kind of nationally recreationally and just be able to bring in more uh funding so we can have more programs that do like that volleyball um to kind of match up what the schools are offering in the area uh and there's other sports that we would like to be a little bit more inclusive with uh like Unified sports and stuff like that so all that's going to cost we don't want to continue to raise our registration to help those costs uh last year we didn't really do too much fundraising outside of the mailers and sponsors and stuff like that so we were looking at doing a few fundraising um we have Cy sclf outing a mon parlament murder mystery night bag Dingo and maybe possibly dag GRE dingo so those are the ideas that we're having we just got kind of put everything together see which one we'll choose and then um we hope to kind of continue that every year on specifically and have the calendar everything set so on top of just running a sports program we also have to be a marketing team as well because see the registrations continue to decrease every year because kids are more involved with video games and it's tough to get out wanting to play um Sports and we're also competing with the uh travel program progr as well um I think our organization is seen as a lot of times feeder programs for the high school so it's really important to to have that established foundation in order to feed these high school programs and ultimately feed College Programs so it's we have to Market ourselves and really do recruiting essentially right and I think you're really good at that being boed on the ground the monthly letter that you s now is just incredible they done a nice job she's been Pres for just a couple months and she want to they try like try to turn this organization around to be more formal and more not just shoot from kind of thing you know I like organized organiz um it helps everyone else and we we definitely I mean we've been speaking about it and a lot of the people that are still involved in Del R know we really want to continue to reach out and bring more people and families and you know for me my kind of the idea is not to just be about the sports but just the community so Sports and sports and recreation can go a lot of different ways so we really would love to kind of expand and be at some of these things like we want to do like a March Madness um watch night at like Turner so we're trying to really kind of add different things in the community that not just the kids but parents families everyone can participate in keep it very low cost um basketball we do three or four free clinics a year hoping to get um a volleyball Clinic starts so you can see the um the interest in the townships with it we know the adults love the volleyball and there's a lot of the Riverside is considering starting a middle school program as well but a lot of the time I hear from the kids are I can't leave to try volleball in high school so we want to be able to to get out in front of that and give them opportunity to try it you learn how to you know play the game and then when they get to high school the high school team that's an opportunity to be successful um so we're working on trying to make the space as far as with our budget and you know everything else that we're doing gra getting more volunteers um so that we can expand so we're working on the the volunteers and working on our budget on fundies and all that first and [Music] hope if you're able to come up with that answer for volunteers basketball because it's been very uh I got s a week the email from the D organization but the baset also do the same thing and I just been inviting parents so like this year we're doing our first banquet um for for Del R I think they used to do them for D and Bri they have them but but um it's our first basketball banket that we're hosting and I've already had parent two parents tell me they make all the food um so we're working on just the awards that we give and you know we holding at Riverside so we didn't spend any money on the venue as well which is awesome so and you started doing a coach of the week trying to yeah so we're trying to do what we can I also honor our volunteers for basketball at the bank with not just the kids I have a bunch of high schoolers that kind of follow me around all the time for basketball purposes and so they come to the gym every Sunday and they I have two that coach the league the rest s they they R the clock so I never have to worry about you know asking and begging parents to do it the high school kids who stay the whole day we feed them around 12:00 and we've been very it's been very good for us um Riverside reach out about the Clean Up full clean up the which I think you have to think about one is the day of sports um they've reached out about getting involved with helping us I've also spoken with the high school because they have a Sports Marketing and management program that they started and so when we get ourselves kind of a little bit more organized um we would like to be able to offer interships and some job experience kind of helping out in set you know learning from the various people who are in the organization doing things so that connects us a little bit better with Riverside and then again we don't we we still have volunteers but we don't have to rely solely on volunteers that have families work and all the things so I just wanted to point out real quick I also um reached out to Megan Jack from Riverside and once again asked her to help contribute to the insurance of the organization because we have pretty big uh registration from Riverside now it's organization by I didn't hear back from that I don't know where they stand I don't know if you heard anything I kind of just looked at that email and realized we never got a response so I also decided to help out with the rec committee at Riverside a building your fre time yeah um so I was at you know at the meeting but they asked me make a list of what we need and yeah I think that's something that we should put on that that helps us out would be nice dring something yeah but I I think the um the basketball clinics that you did some when I was at the last meeting you could see where the kids are definitely their skill sets are improving from the clinics and that that was a wonderful thing that you started doing really one of the one of the other transs actually commented that we were was too competitive yeah yeah they're really take a lot of pride in it so um and we've also for basketb developing curriculum our coaches are free to use it they want to just use what they know their knowledge that's okay too we're building back in doing the CPR a certification the Ruckers coaching certification um I'm currently in class taking Sports Administration classes so actually started today so um yeah again your so yeah so I mean there's a I have a lot of uh hope and just kind of passion about really building the sports and recreation programs for youth in the community well I think you were AR in the Hall of Fame at Riverside High for basketball sh I think isn't basketball isn't there another sport too yeah yeah I mean she she's quite the athlete she's competed overseas as well yeah I mean we're we're lucky to have you in in this capacity cuz you've doing a wonderful job job and uh it's good yeah change doesn't happen overnight but we're off to start I haven't been on the gr for about a year now but I'm still at every Sunday for basketball you see improv year over year of the students the players and program itself nice job yeah we're looking to add more policy andu you know how the gym yesterday yeah know so there's a lot of things that we are lacking right now but I'm also kind of underneath the cice you know building and we we've uh we did our B and everything we should be able to tomorrow night and uh just you know with our league I think we need to have bylaws just for a the leag with basketball so just doing a bunch of different things like that researching and trying to figure out what's the best way to move forward and keep the program you know in a space where whether it's me or anyone else um there's a way to run it that stuff so that's something get to that space anybody can volunteer for an hour 10 hours and don't know what they're doing and be happy hopefully awesome thanks what are your registration um registration fees for basketball we charge 65 for our third through fifth grade and 83 Le and we charge 45 for our 3K um to second graders and then after specific AG we add a little to $10 um I believe for soccer it was 9 95 yeah um for the ages 8 yes to you 14 and then the minis were 65 65 uh baseball there's so many different prices for that but they're all under1 yeah they're all under $100 except for I think yeah that's expensive like 0 you mentioned something Unified sports yes Unified sports is a combination of athletes who are um uh hand special needs also um just you know regular students or athletes um they work together uh to help each other kind of learn play sport together um so it's something that happens at the High School Riverside just Addy bowling I work at cons have bowling basketball and track and field track and field for specials and you know the Olympics and stuff that's huge so I want to be able to add some a program in there like that to give the younger because at the high school level you can do it but where can the the younger kids do it and so I want to be able to be more inclusive and add them in so that's a process I'm working with um and talking to you know work side man Jack um so I've been like just kind of doing research right now trying to figure out how we can act something like that and I would tracking field first because yes what happens if Riverside does not contribute either the insurance or what you count on 5,000 uh we we'll continue fins I believe they I gu didn't tell us that they already contributed they have contributed past several years the 5,000 like we know that's guaranteed the insurance is even above what they normally give but they do allocate to uh I think the Rams too yeah and even and if they don't I mean our goal really is to un raise um more than we did last year and certainly probably more than we've done in the past as well like we we want to be able to keep our cross low so even with the township contribution you still need to F I was just wondering if the commitment at River Side wasn't there yeah it would just make our job harder as far as yeah we have to come with $ 5,000 more doar so Delo basically supports the sports program or contributes to supporting the sports program for both communities in Riverside while the municipality does not is that what I'm heing no they contri cont they have contributed for the last few years this says we haven't and no we had who has no we we reached out for them to add right because Delano pays the both towns give 5,000 that's guarante Delano pays for the insurance add that has given okay it sounds like they haven't done that yet they haven't PA half they they P the and we Ed their we use their fields yes yeah basketball we play all our games there and again they're giving us the um the cafeteria for our bank and stuff like that and that's a different entity between the township and the school board right or the school there different yeah the school is I mean the school board is responsible for the basketball court yeah and then the township is qu field and any other fields that we we usually have no issu yeah I mean they've always given when it was Riverside sport they've always has given them 5,000 so it's never been an issue that they haven't contributed the goal is just to get the other right to get the [Applause] other thank you thank you have a good night [Applause] Recreation there change your hat change your else there we can get more chairs if you actually he is right there evening everyone like two people from the right uh three we got Carol right there right would like to start okay we've submitted our budget to you guys and actually from here I'm going to have Steve take over to break down everything for you or if you have any questions for him right I'll just start by saying at23 a successful year we're very proud of the programs and the facilities that we offer to the the residents and um we partner a lot of entities in town to make our programs success as well as our facilities and um and one of those entities being of course atten committee who support you know we need that in order to Aller the programs that we did and um very appreciative of the support that the committee has given to us in the past um for 2024 um we're proposing I'll start from the top and just go straight down uh we're not proposing any support uh monetary support the Recreation summer camp um it is self- sustaining um Aon proano and cing have done a really good job with management and coordination of the program um we don't feel that any monetary support from the commission is needed uh this year they have a healthy Surplus and um they're doing a really good job look forward to continuing that program in partnership with the doin Methodist Church which provides the facility at T um bookkeeping software and Service uh Services is $400 keeping that the same it is for bookkeeping software um Administration mislay Administration expenses 1,000 for total Administration budget of $1,400 going right into programming the a will propos $1,200 Memorial Day Parade will be proposing 6500 um summer concert series we're proposing to keep that steady at 10,000 Community Day in Fall Fest we're um asking for a bump there because we are planning some additional things to add to the event to help expand it and grow it um and also attract more residents to feel that over the past several years um you know we've seen a steady decline in that program and we're hoping that this year we can turn that around um the holiday carriage rides which is also very popular event along the Delware River I'm proposing to um cost it on Up carage Rides Personnel you know you know the tent rental cost um you know we also provide Refreshments um also going up to where as grow small increase there budget of $5,000 it's the best decorated House contest um we're keep raising that to be the same it's $700 holiday tree lighting um meet Santa Village um we are asking for an increase there um one of the things we're most proud of in 20203 was the success we had with the tree liting and the Holiday Village um and I have to shout shout out to a Alissa Deen and Al who spearheaded that event it was very successful we're looking forward to continuing that in 2024 gingerbread house building um we're asking for that to be $1,000 that will all be um rolled into the holiday tree loading and H uh Holiday Village event flower show we are bringing that back this year and offering that to our residents at Cost uh nature Junes activities of $2,500 um again we have another event um scavenger HP this year was a very successful event um we're very pleased with that uh the senior activity initiatives um we we like to keep a line in our budget for this because a lot of our program um you know we try to uh reach all groups in town and when somebody has a good idea or some the commission wants to you know do something that is um or our residents you know we would like to have ability to do that um we have we have been discussing amongst ourselves and we will be having someone from the commission reach out to um zerber Mansion residents and also Springs residents to see if there's something there um we could do for our seniors in in town um uh the deline seniors Club activity support we asking that to remain the same of $650 adult volleyball um that's at the school we're asking for $11,000 and the reason why um we're asking um that to be a thousand because um that is still hosted at school and um every once in a while School BEC us support cleaning costs and we like to have that just in case you know if they um if they do the job to ask we can help them cleaning and fail we have the ability to do that as well and we programs um we're asking for a budget of $4,000 that um the 2425 that you see that was spent last year most of that has to do with the moving truck Retreat which but again very successful event and we are looking um to to bring that back we're also looking to add an additional movie night in the spring um again it was it was a lot of potential there and for I would say for our first movie night in trunk Retreat um the turnout was great um I will say got a lot of feedback from the residents and um that we're coming over we actually got a couple of people from grou from Riverside um and I'm not being C I'm just saying I'm just repeating what I heard is they were like you know you guys are a little smaller but much better organized and it was it was they said we love it we're coming here first so um you know so that was a very successful um programs okay so for total programs budget of $50,500 and the commission feels that for 50 $50,000 you know we offer a lot of programs to the residents of the Lego and um you know it it directly affects the quality of in our town and our residents and we're very proud of what we on just looking to continue that and hopefully expand some of the existing programs uh facilities we're requesting our facility budget lines remain the same at $17,500 um this is basically a little budget line that we put in there for our um toilet rentals at the uh at the facilities as needed um probably going to need you know pilet rent the holiday Village um expanding that um and also uh ice machine refriger uh maintenance we have them serviced twice a year cleaned sanitized and then minized um and it's I think it's very important to make sure that those ex machines which you know are clean and sanitized routinely and then of course the equipment RS what I just mentioned is the toilet so for a total facility of $1,500 um total operating $ 69,4 um Less Direct operation balance of $1,634 and we're requesting funds the am of $5 56,86282 I will turn turn it over to Al who can speak on the request for additional funds for a additional staff member for our Park facilities there any questions from the committee when Theos Pro uh yes so on the actual for uh 2023 spent $3,193 and you're asking for uh the proposed budget of $568 2016 this year yes okay that's a yep that's a uh just under 6.9% increase and I a lot I think most of the increase I would say probably belongs to Community Day um like I said we're seeing stady decline participation um in that event and we really want to partner with are um like of fireing M and try to get the word out and maybe offer things cuz you know the like of commun that it's an important I actually do something different than the fire year that's still in discussion in disc yeah that that too um there has been some some talk um um Fire Company CH so we do have to discuss this at but we want to be we want to be able to um you know expand the event or if if that's is the decision of the majority of commiss um and then also the flower sh we are doing book um typic we are purchased and we're offering to Res in addition to the transportation to and from um in that uh this covers the transportation yes right and uh then the residents are buying their own so we're so because we can buy them as a gr discount a lower price $4 but the um but the residents do pay that cost but we'll provide the transport transp to that's every other year we didn't do it two years skip there's been a couple was a factor and then one year there was there no interest people but a lot of Summer it was like super hot time but there was a lot of a lot of people reached out um woman Patrick had a lot of people reach out and said you know hey doing it and he said bring it back this year money are in there to do the s out there was a great job EV we did last year I a join event for them working them and hopefully that jazz I'm have for that that anyone else having question Sten very reasonable um what the recreation committee is asking to consider is having an employee full employee yeah [Applause] heree help now by hiring employee that can be designated towards the recreation committee and the facilities that we have Su facilities they not all Bren motor buildings the fs nature things they Conant every day of the year so with that being said we would want them to work under public works with John Fenimore as well so he would John would be their supervisor but we would need them basically prioritize Recreation Serv this where we can stop upon our facilities we have a lot of people that are coming in doing Oran facilities but sub work so myself and Phil try to go and make sure it's being done right we do it ourselves which is Mone of our pocket time out of our Lives we all full-time jobs so by asking these people to come on I just made a small list of facilities that we're handling here we're handling 12 facilities town has grown substantially 40% in the last 10 15 years so we're having more people come to these events programs facilities so we want to keep them keeping as nice as they can without having to deterioration having them continue to break down um on top of so ha has always been mentioned of something that we would like to take on through the line and through Recreation as well um the events that we handled we handled 10 sanctioned events and one unsanctioned which is this PR pies that we've taken upon ourselves to ask the chief to put up our to bring them out count out them last year and supervise the event and make sure they were safe police were out there as well to make sure nobody got hurt and wasun so with all these facilities these events going on it was really really tough for the community to give as much time as we need to to keep these facilities running the way they are so we do have people come in and pick these things but we do need somebody to really stay on top of them 247 365 uh Al you were saying that it would fall underneath public works or this would fall under Public Works would they have any um work to do with public works you know whether they'd be cutting grass or doing other things uh through the course of the week because if full-time person uh you know I can't you just I not read all oh okay the contct will always take priority so the Contra is take priority of of course our EV so if the township was required to have that employee work whether it be brush pick up snow removal any that of course needs priority of course they would go so John call them in have them do a job test through public works okay so we're adding an employee to public works but we're doing so right an employee that actually has um some certifications that would be required list there's a list I mean there's extensive um job request here any certification thing but right now we have bucket truck is not certified or an operator for the bucket trucks of course we want them to have their certifications as well any certification bucket truck for uh the Christmas tree uh L is a perfect example um they was up there on a 12 or 16t ladder hanging in the tree hanging what the bucket truck it's made that much easier even when we're handing the extension to the ls from the lake get um that's just one sort of pict there are many certifications that have have and our people aren't certified unfortun most the vehicle not the theic not certifi not have Opera so I I I kind of lost whoever want to buy a bucket truck or no you have own we just we need it to be operational and be certified so that we can use it so that would be a budget item to repair the truck and what's required I mean what's we need our if if you have you gone in through the parts and do you see that uh like the Field of Dreams building needs to be painted again uh the fencing that's added the field contract that out I mean that's how things the BS need to be cleaning WR going some numbers which I I'm little more comp with that WR on some numbers by subcontracting comping that could be money that's going towards a full-time employeer which not only work for recreation but it works into public works as well so instead of giving that money to an outsider why keep it in your town and have Public Works just become stronger another Well Public Works handles everything now right and you're saying that's not good enough well it's not it's not good enough so with the facilities that we're handling a lot of the so we need things done almost immediately not immediately next to immediately what's the immediacy so if we can go Facility by facility we' be good forever but we'll just say what so West the going the building panging building the down spouts are installed long the fields need to be turned over the scrap dress out there know maylet has a child with in the program as well if he play The Outfield you have to worry about Tsing that or breaking that because it's just that okay that's stuff that our Public Works buildings and grounds that those are things they they they they don't we have put requests in that have not been answered or taken seriously they been request put in that we've been told they've been P that okay there's a safety issue over at right now with fence where three of the RS are just sticking out somebody going to three the [Music] what do the fence fell down no no each fence is two post then three mons what happens is when the fence was installed it was never taken care of Once Again deteriation Properties so if they were if they were taken care of they seal power need SE they want they're all sun and so as they start to ground above they start to P out the RS one up when they're out people going to walk by get perfectly the splitware offense you talk St the splitware offenses you got to replace them every 68 years any right 6 years the problem is we have to wait 68 years this is happening much quicker than 68 years in what so you buy replacement slabs it loads of Home Depot and you put it in but who's who's doing that the problem is is that understand Public Works they don't do it unless instructed and a lot of times they're not being proactive monitoring as as possible how does the communication flow from Recreation that you need something from the chairman to the superintendent right I asked John to address the Field of Dreams phas when it went back to planning of the trees where they put the mark outs we were out there at the field actually I think stepen was with me we went out there and I said on these fents are bad they need add dress okay not a problem I'll take care of it but not not it's not about public works just we need things we need so we want to work with John we John work with us they just hire two police third well problem with this is with no disrespect they're not hiring skill leers they're not hiring people that are going to know we need to have done with the facilities as far as just the building structures themselves so at that point we're hiring people and we're still going to love that work out in case somebody else so we can pay that person BR minut and have qu of our account only makes our strong not much more desirable to go to these facilities so basically we want to hire a licensed contractor so what so I think I think over I think overall what the commission is looking is for a more structured approach to routine maintenance long-term recreational facilities and having someone within instead of creating a separate parks department and then which would probably be more costly to the town and the taxpayers to create a whole new Department with a whole new Personnel try to have somebody designated within the department all work that kind of is keeping an eye on the recreational facilities and coming up with the routine maintenance plan and the routine facility inspections to give you one example I just want to give you one example um I noticed at at the truck Retreat event that the concession St is that we just put out dat it is showing clear signs of deterioration it needs to be repainted and maybe even resealed and in if we if there was a routine maintenance plan to have that done you know we could you know instead of waiting to where we're at the point where okay routine maintenance is gone now we're talking about replacing the whole structure it's probably going to be a longterm savings to and the TAA if these facilities and like I said this is not a um attack on public works we realize that in the last decade the facilities have expanded and we've added new and we're talking about adding even another Farms property um own recently acquired um so that's what we're we're really looking for is someone to be designated um because at the end of the day the Recreation Commission okay it's all volunteers all fulltime jobs you know and it's a different it's not 1995 and know it's 2024 you know people are now working two jobs just to keep you know their households water so you know to rely the has really reli on volunteer you know labor I think very lucky so we've been very fortunate but look looking long term we're trying to have somebody who kind of is designated for the parts but at the same time in the season when it's snow in the ground know they need to go out in cloud cloud streets absolutely they're AC there and and we recognize that John work half the whole town to care they have the street trees they have the storm DRS you know they have a lot of other duties that they need to do um and at the same time we're building and we're expanding these pars with no real plan on how we maintain them thing do you does Recreation have a maintenance plan for facilities yes somewh we we went over we look at Job test that other towns are doing with their Recreation commes and we trying to mimic CS up um of course every town is different so it will S one way or another the facil that we have that they may not or vice versa do you have a master plan of things that need to be done at every facility correct I remember seeing that there's like a list of you did this last year like part of your master plan process respected every facility longterm goals short-term things that need to addressed immediately so who who Sol that plan it was done with um within the commission as part of our overall Master c l as free public works could see the committee a lot of things on the list from what I have informed up were already communicated to the Department of Health and writing I'm just asking no moving forward we have to start with a work everything that work or that's that's I think a solution and it works you know shade tree has been going through this that there a whisper down the lane this tree that tree and still has a lot of Kinks to work out but a a documentation flow and a record keeping flow of an issue that comes up that it goes to the proper channels and either it's a it's a ask from your end either a seasonal requirement or a life cycle requirement were hey it broke yesterday requirement and that flows through goes to Public Works and they say Okay they've got an Rec has an activity this weekend we need to go out there and do that but but that's not fixing anything it's still up to the volunteers to generate that and figure out a so if we have a full-time employee it be their job to monitor our facilities that instead of having us go out there we're working you can't get out and say there's a safet my or something that and it's ruining so say we'll say there's a out there it's a wood building it's going to be completely going to have that building down 4 building why would we want stand that now getting back to Public Works Public Works is great this they just hired two people in try have why is that because they are overwhelmed as we continue to grow they have more and more work on their so this is not a person that we want to take and P on to box we need working for the town as well but with that being said facilities they things like that and it's a safety issue is what we're talking about more than we so why would Public Works be T the people and be able to handle our stuff if those two people aren't hired it the almost impossible to have came up whole town me speaking turn line the problem this is I think like putting off on Public Works is really a lot of work um I like what you're saying okay but the flow of things if they go through the uh head of Public Works and whether he or she uh delegates one person or a couple of people to oversee that um see the things that come through Recreation uh because we're we've sure changed public works over the years not giving them the staff that they need forever right forever uh and we've taken care we've taken care of uh other departments but works is like yeah they'll take care of it or you know it gets pushed off to the side and if they get to it fine if they don't oh well and so what what you're saying about our facilities is very very important from from safety standpoint and from uh just main maintenance yeah appearance and and maintenance if you come into a facility and it looks good and things are are working well you know you have a good feeling of being in there it's more desirable to be there correct and uh so I agree with that uh in adding a person to public works but I think the management within public works you know whether it's the superintendent of Public Works or an assistant superintendent one of those people should be you know or it should be delegated out we we we fully we fully intended to work with the superintendent partner with the super Public Works and the administrator to work work out exactly how that would be structure we're asking for is someone to be under the department but is really designated for the recreational facilities and he's really the point person you know and we'll engage the contractors and we'll you know yes not on everyone need issue but when an electricians need be called and it won't be 3 or 4 months it will be the elect issue will be dealt with Ely and in time for our that's my next point so mpal PID you have to bid out to three people you have to wait you have to cheapest bit get people so you hire the chief contractors coming with a Rel short or whatever you're not going get to work people want to have now we have to get three bids wait for them to come out throw out their work inves get us put in for bid that's time to a waste this is time done it's over with if Al under the rug we have worry and if it's done right for at that point hopefully W worry about for long per time we have to call somebody back and hope they come back out that's somebody that's on our St that we say you did this wrong to fix it which that is the case so the job titles that are under this maintenance worker this is through what well this is this is this is these are job titles that we pulled from the New Jersey civil service website to give a kind of general idea of what this person would be expected to do um with regards to the facilities um but I I know and I just want to make just one more point is that you know this is we're thinking long term because if if you know let's say there's nobody willing to serve on the Recreation Commission there's going to be no facilities a little little bit of facility inspections that are done now it's not going to get done you won't find out about a gutter falling off the concession s West Avenue until it's falling off I just hope nobody there than it does there's a game down you know we won't find out that there's an electrial issue until you know week before the event when the tent show up and we're you know ready to set up and you know you know that's what trying to think long term and get our a more structured approach to our facilities and Recreation we've invested a lot of money in these facilities taxpayer dollars and we need to make sure it is in Recreation charged under Township Code to ensure that facilities are well maintained and we feel that it is long overdue for someone within the G Township structure to be the point person and doign for the recreational facilities example is the cons cre not from the recreation St down to talk us come C be need so with that being said when Public Works is hiring people with no point will we ask because we're hand on most of the facilities in the town is there something we can do for you would you like to sit down would you like to tell us what we need you know we're not looking to just St a position we're not looking to just hire anybody at the street we're asking for 3 to 5 years of education knowledge uh certifications that they may have of course if they have CDL help I know we need CDLs in the town as well to drive some of our trucks this isn't something your selfishly asking for this is something to the town not Recreation we also like this person have be loan school for their is the applicator license for the field Turf and and fertilization I right now we're professional tell our contractor what they need to apply on theill that's what between 7 and $110,000 right there that we we could bring back in house and put towards this person just $10,000 $2500 we save $7500 I'm sorry what was your request request I'm sorry they have someone to manage the oh it's not our request something done I don't know how to cut know how to cut I'm talking about fation we're paying an outside professional to come and tell who are who has a maintenance contract for f what chemical it's my understand paying to tell the person what chemicals put on the field at what time put the you when when the bran should be watered at what time there's been many times in in the summertime that you know did you see did you see the sprinkler one at 1:00 in yeah I did you know you know there's are all in corre our own there's are half million dollar fields that we can't have cor which these are our Town's assets there our responsibility comme that may our why would we Contin m not that makes no sense might as well just bu and like they're saying we we have you know eventually we're going to have well soon we're going to have Zub bro on our property then we're going to also have where Fisher canas was Ash stre that's going to be another potential part we don't know what the schools going to do if they sell the building say the land behind it is deemed recreational so that could wound up being another part that we're suffering with you know what I mean something we wel them yeah but we suffer with the ability they keep going out we have to do monthly inspections we have to do it's our job to provide for the community go play picnic whatever they want to do um without the volunteers on Recreation that's not going to take place so we are getting our bu go out there on the um you you you me a point as far as you know why can Public Works do this well unfortunately sometimes in public works if say they hire a person Public Works public works over we're still back to the same spot who's going to go out and Facilities that's why we ask for somebody to be hired for facilities but work verus creating a whole separate Department which we feel with it own personnel which we feel is would cost the town even more money long term and in a town of 4600 residents I don't think it's not necessary I think after hearing all this I like to listen to him before I jump in with comments and questions I think it comes down to two words preventive mten hasn't been what it sounds like no I was I was out there last year from a 20 foot roof on an 18t ladder hanging off the gutter trying to screw up if I fall am I going to St you don't want exactly so why would I have that we some be have insurance through town you know so this way they would be they would be responsible for we should not be on we're no re we're not just going to I think it's important to say we're not just going to fill this position F position do we want this person to have a certain level of knowledge be able to address any litigation problems you know how you know certification for be well as to go to school to get certifications soundsense geared towards Recreation fa and with that being said it's not that we're hiring outside the L if someone from public works like to step up to that go certification we welome that we love somebody that's familiar with the town to come in and take care of our facilities because they understand when we know them they understand our community so we're not saying we don't hire outside if somebody from inside wants to take that position absolutely welcome so we're adding a person to public works and then a person if it's one of them one one of the current employees or two of the current employees want to uh be certified in this area and then their direction is still going through the uh superintendent public works or the assistant superintendent Public Works and taking their orders from them so going through the work order process so does someone from the commission or or from the U Recreation Commission uh be that back to them or are we having the uh certified employee from Public Works attending uh Recreation you know who who's that our person would most likely be Aaron Prov right because she's our coordinator for the recreation Comm so if there's anything that's brought to the attention of me Al Sten Amber Marine it would be sended Aaron it would be S and we process the work we try to as a chair myself as the co-chair cont she by the whole Recreation right you if we hire some public we the to be Recreation they would be under the umbrella works but we want your FOC point be Recreation so that the facilities are maintained and also just check on a daily basis or monthly or whatever uh you know like Amber myself shouldn't have to go after for the par and we exactly [Music] future the facilities definitely but also the grounds need to be maintained yes with the in this too since building facilities well that's the part where I I just go back to is you know we want to work with joh we want to work with Rich exactly how you know the Recreation Commission doesn't want to get into you know telling you how the department structured we're telling you that we think that there is a need for someone to beo person for recreational facility maintenance preventative maintenance and um repairs um and you know you think that instead of coming to you saying hey we'd like to start this whole new Department from the top down which is probably going to be a serious F you know we want to partner with the and the Department of Public Works and administration um to to create this position within you know DPW but like I said we're open to suggestions and we're open you know to working with the administrator on how exactly this should be strued give you a couple examples right now um West Avenue um biller dreams the facility there are over mon cuz we're not buing in there's nothing for using we're not going to go in as volunteers and Chase L there's no reason for us to do that we don't own the building to volunteering here so at that point somebody on SI down happy prepare whether it's just going in or weekly making sure there's no leaks water turned off we there's no ring there's no infestation of insects mice whatever that's something well they start or have to put tracks up but then you have to then you have to go and you I mean I have problem it I Mike Hamber whoever just go and get so have to do mon I you want be happy about it but I'm answer so this is something we on drop test so the employee they would have daily or weekly schedule of things Monday you stop by West Avenue and you check this well we would send in our request for what we would want monitored and taken care of right would then be whoever the chief would be be John Public Works it would be for him the delegate that Authority it's not for us to so this is something you just to fun and then all the details will be worked out with you and public works and Richard that who does what he reports to what how things are going to go a new position so there's a lot of things that still need to be worked out like you need us to say great to move forward with it yes this isn't something that's going to happen overnight because we're going to diligently find the right person for the job and we don't want to bring somebody in you guys could say yes today tomorrow at the 2 months from now we might not be able to find anybody so it's still going to go back on public works but we're still going to enforce the work order procedure and all that in the meantime and we want to bet them we want to bet them you know and make sure they know what they're doing I can tell you being in construction I've never had a person come in that said they didn't know how to do everything they come in I what can you do we can do everything I see it was nice to Mee you that's and and I think we also realized that the hiring would be handled and by Richard um as the administrator and um and you we would we would hope that Recreation would have some input you know we're obviously going to communicate what we think the person you know here's the checklist of everything that we're looking for you know on the resume um and the experience that we're looking for you know what we're going School certifications get the knowledge so that we have it here in um but we do realize that end of the day Richard would be the one responsible for this to I'm not blame you we're just we're just just wanted to make that clear you know the scriptions that you account really cover a lot of the things that we need done they AR being done they being done as they can squeeze it in their schedules that's that's how it's not that they don't want to do it John doesn't want to do it he can't do everything his his his staff is just for certain things they some of them can't do so well the state keeps adding things that they're responsible for now what storm of management the streets we keep throwing more things up once again 10 sanctioned events and hand 12 facilities things come up immediately that we need immediate attention to especially when com this season and we're having kids around the fields they being overwhelm sum spring summer and part of fall between South baseball you know they playing 365 their fields are being p on every day you know we don't want to have it we don't want to be responsible if these kids get hurt or adults get hurt that are there um this is something that we have to come back to the committee with public works and say why wasn't this done know we're not here to point fingers we're just ask for we your ask for hand yeah certainly G [Music] us a good explanation yeah I just want to she brought this up these job prescriptions we thought these are from the state we didn't want P off we wanted to also serve as Give an example that you know these positions do exist as well unfortunately small town we understand but as we continue to grow and take on more property has to be done do he can't do it with the the workers he has right now un they're hiring laborers which I understand we all need laborers I need them in my company as well but when I need still workers I need still workers I can't send a labor after on a j same thing here so John is our front man he's our Point guy he's our superintendent there so everything would have to go to John or the assistant whoever it would be but we want to go through the assistant before going to and we don't have a lot of Volunteers in the town anymore who are will to we've lost a lot we have the same volunteers for [Music] everything I like to tell I I I have the priv hold wait minute a minut has fix to that point Amber you know I had the priv talking with former mayor mu we just want to let you know we did tell just we did say that we did so you know priv of meeting dick M and um he called up with me at a recreation event he found out Mission and he is the father of recreation yes and he and he pulled me over to his car it was at was and he popped his Trump and po the Trump was just full of boxes for papers he reaches in he pulls out it's the 1994 volunteer list bab R day theup and had over 80 names on volunteers we can barely get you know three to four Commissioners at each event you know and that's just because because that's just a a symptom of times you know people you know have to make sure that the families are cared for and you know we need to look long term you know we're putting in serious money into these facilities and we need to uh just say again make a take a more structured approach when it comes to the routine and and long-term care and I'll just end the qu at the top of quot no no this is a good CL I just want to say that Recreation is not a secondary concern for a democ it is a primary concern for the kind of recreation that people make for themselves determines the kind of people they become and the kind of society they built thank you very good thank you just me appreciate [Music] you one more all right think we now need [Applause] no what a problem boards here last but not least I C I'm good good I'm good I'm [Music] hire so hi I I think um what we've been asked to come here and talk about is the traffic study yes um it was there was it was my understanding that M was put into the budget last year um in 2023 and uh we never acted upon that so we had kenon um who's our traffic engineer provide us with a proposal to do a traffic study we talked about it the ladies were talked about at our meeting in December and um we had some revisions me to the proposal and that was what was sent on to you guys to review um so we we think that this is necessary um probably overdue and uh a good way for us to be more proactive at our meeting because a lot of times applicants come in they have their own engineer traffic engineer that's done a traffic study and I've never seen a traffic study report that says that it you know the proposed development is going to have any kind of adverse effect on the township but we all drive around on the roads every day and and we know what's been going on with as you know Al said that the town has grown um incredibly over the last just you know 10 15 years um and not a lot of traffic improvements have been done and something like this I think will give us as a board and as a Township um some some uh basis to uh require applicants to uh you know consider um making improvements that's one of the things that's included in the the study is that the engineer will look at at um deficiencies that they see in the town and try to recommend um things that can be done to uh alleviate some of the issues that we're having that maybe we want to take on ourselves or maybe when an applicant comes in we say okay well look here's our traffic study we've identified this you're going to exacerbate that what are you going to do about it so this gives us something this gives us some teeth um when when we're considering applications is RO and it also I think giv some Lage pressuring our legislators and to do something yes I met with the do and um Senator sandleton at the J handle and um I finally marched last here and I followed up and I finally just got an email from them that they're going to do some straightening and painting up there they have no intention of lightening it as they had originally proposed we were going to widen the lane too expensive they aren't going to change the entrance they're only going to put some striking out there and that's that's why I think we need to start building some ammunition to really raise the issue to a higher level because it's getting because we don't have a baseline to start with and to get behind it we need to have something to say you guys are are just ignoring a huge problem well they are there are two accidents out there in the last month uh and I mean that's i i i to put my email I said you know I'm still waiting there were two accident are you going to wait for another fatality so this is what they came back so whether or not your traffic stud would help that is something I don't know I know I talked to the county about different things as well and the county seems to think that we should wait until these warehouses have more Vehicles maybe then they have more substance to put a light up there if they do put a light there we have the township has to incur half cost I did mind that at but um I think this traffic study is as you said we we could used this a long time ago and and whether or not it will help us in the future I don't know but it it's something I I've always thought we needed always and I was just looking through some of the notes I have and they go back to 2019 um some of them um where it was talked about at some of your meetings but I think it was even longer than I think it's been it's been for years now so this is really to have something in their back pocket to approach do to work on Creek Road Jug Handle yeah than that yeah that would be it also will give us an opportunity to say no more warehouses but is it legally defens we already did that our right so so with those zoning changes in the I3 you know that was a first step and that's been executed and I think this is the next logical step is to say okay you know and and and to to your point with uh the County engineer um saying that we should wait until the warehouses are full um you know typically these things are done on projections right same with when a traffic study comes into us says you know any of these warehouses they were built on stack they don't know who their clients are going to be but they have they they're built with the capacity in that capacity right so so you would put build that into the stuff yeah you know you don't you don't wait by the time they come in of course I me that's frankly is just putting out his opinion it's not B right that's well and it's and and his hands are tied anyway could be an but if a if a if a applicant comes in wants to put a warehouse at 401 Creek and they're going to add 30 trucks you know in a 12-hour period does us having that traffic study saying Creek Road the jugs already already clogged you adding does it do anything to change that or well I'm not an expert so I don't but my thought is no because that's a that's a County Road that's a state road we can't have them make improvements to that but okay what can we do can we say you know what if anybody that goes um up to that intersection there at 3:00 when all when Styx lets out and Carana lets out you can see that backs up all the way so you know what then you're not going to be able to make that turn maneuver they're going to have to to take this route um you can designate rootes for things you can say well then you're going to if you're going to operate a ship then don't operate to ship the kids out at 3:00 because that's when we have the most traffic there you know stagger your ships or do this or do that you know we can suggest things these are the things that we've identifi our problems how you are you Mr applicant going to make it so it's not worse you tell but the traffic study in our hand is not going to be able to have any leverage to have that applicant make a smaller Warehouse with less traffic no whatever the zoning permits the zon yes exact and it won't direct traffic like even the trucks shouldn't even be on brington Avenue on my mind the turning down Cooper some of these trucks are double the size that they were years ago and when they make that turn I've almost been hit twice now at the light and I'm surprised one of them didn't get my mirror um I mean and that's a count Road and we can't stop that if a tra a traffic study if we could H have a path for these trucks if somebody did some real good planning years ago when Economic Development they were they actually were selling us on development Economic Development you know Redevelopment plans get get all these businesses in your town Economic Development all along Route 130 what have they done to help us with any of this traffic not a damn thing none of their promises have been kept right they promised they promis yes reconfigure that they promised to different and you know what when they made the change of not doing them they never notified Thea and it was really one of our problems they notified um and the par because edgew Park was against the changes and I found out through wedgew Park about some of the changes not being made but there are like with with the landfill there are as part of our approval for the landfill there is mandator mandatory truck and access to make sure that those trucks are on so there has to be a way there has to be a way to actually to at least re well there's there's ordinances in place and and the local police are the enforcement agent for that so if you know yeah they have to have an ordinance so you can put ordinances in place with regards to traffic on on roadways but think all these roadways were talking about the RO County Road we can have a traffic study that says um you need need we should have two lanes in each Direction on Creek Road wouldn't be a bad idea we can't Implement anything it's all it's all it gives us it still gives us the document that says yes the stud's been done this is what we need and it means we just [Music] County we don't have anything now to say other than what you're and so therefore we cannot the county then say we go get why doesn't the County do it interest interest no interest but we need say here's our study that we can Cas off what saying whenever com in every applicant has always had no detrimental impact that intersection up there is level of service at so you you can't go any lower than f f is the B so they say well we're not making they not making it better and they have no intention of making it better I think a traffic is a great idea I think it's 10 years too late you spending $25,000 for something that should have been done well in advance of any of this development 15 years too late before E Watson was built unbuilt by concern when um well there's still things that can be done and and we can sit here 10 years from now and say we should have done it 10 years ago I mean it's we keep kicking it down the road and never doing it we're not going to have anything did you talk to H at all about reducing the amount of all I have not spoken to H about that um but I certainly can but I know that since they first presented this at the same pricing um we did add some things to the proposal such as um the is it the complete streets designation um yeah that that a couple members of the board felt that that was very important and that would give us um yeah the complete streets that's on the second page under task three the second to last paragraph um that would give us some some teeth uh with the NJ do do um so they expanded the scope a little bit so I I almost feel bad going and asking them to reduce the price um but I certainly can have that discussion if that's what the town estim is this a ma excuse is Max or just a flat right in here it just yeah says an estimated Fe so that need to [Music] Bear usually say here's we expect how many hours so we probably need to refine this to make sure that we need if they [Music] say right I think we had to charge [Music] some we had we set that was just a flat number you guys let's put the number in there so that we come up with something you can move forward he didn't come up with something so first then you just put it back in the money is sitting there has to move from place to place on paper so it's question whether that line add in there [Music] so you're not going to see a increase there right I mean the fact that there things that we spent PL money on that we had anticipated great yeah one okay but you think this would definitely be good it's a start it would be it would be help helpful to you because we do have a lot of warehouses that may turn over someone [Music] new each use of a warehouse has to get uh approval first yes and if you have a warehouse with 50 BS maybe they have 50 trucks that come in in a day but what if they have two or three trucks in each Bay in and out and in and out this study could limit our approval of that type of a warehouse so I think it's a century all the studies just for for their notation [Music] not we're trying to protect the L that's report and they authoriz who superv who do they report to who they back to you know we one of the things I just learned when I spent all this time corre got volunteers who are asking to do Prof work and supervising contractors etc etc going be can't so you got same thing you guys are Happ to be professionals who are being used volunteers but the question is is that is it going to run through the may I think that would be no no when you were saying that I miss thinking we just form a that connection a lot of timeso [Music] and so she'll on she also yeah because they do talk about you know asking the township to provide certain information and stuff like that so there would have to be a coordination dep yeah yeah they different and 6 months later here's doc that Sol problem right process yeah the process of doing study sometimes more Val than the stud itself do zoning decisions are what happens off the site is you can't make that decision s s plan decision has right that's right the you just right so that's how you make the decision as to what the impact is onite maybe that the the documentation need toine that your house to limit the truck trips that [Music] you knowes you the authority the vehicle gives you the authority to you are liced Mr TR truck you only on these road you can say that can't say Mr truck there unless that road is for all reasons because we Rus and all those kind of things maybe that's where hopefully if you if you decide to do this maybe they can be [Music] more you make it safer turn you speed up the truck tra it's always hard difficult FR slow down and said GE I'm going to stay away from long so [Music] have the to we didn't want the county to straighten that out it difficult so traic again so they say hey the problem left the telephone call there I would be interested in seeing this speed broken down we're talking about the work um being done within 3 weeks if they're notic and had the study done four weeks it's $25,000 very short period of time really you're saying per task you want to see it yeah what their expected number of man hours is and what they're building per hour to get up to this estimated [Music] $25,000 now they talk about putting I think think what they did they said this is here's an idea what we can do nowly that there's no point spending time doing that we are to support the idea having a study then sit down don't waste of time figur all that Bas do just like same thingk direct and same if you feel that concept makes sense okay now we work on details but if the concept and funing there was time spinning detail right you know so you got to think about whether concept assuming you're satisfied how they're doing process so is the make any difference the community I think we're we're all very detail oriented like to know the details before we heard [Music] something we have four people who've been on the joint Landing store for a number of years and um we did put this in the budget last year for to wasn't moved on so well we didn't have this document it was like concept made sense let's see if you can make something we got this far and and we ready for that was too late in the year to do so if you but now that you know this you may make different decision this discussion maybe that change your mind on it's pro move forward I detail if get detailed information from every other entity that comes before us why shouldn't we have detailed information on this before we make the decision as how much we'll allocate because maybe we'll allocate a portion of it or I don't you know what I'm just saying that everybody present a detail everything's broken down I mean I I'm an agreement because I trust their judgment that's and I'm not on the joint L news board I don't know LS law I never wanted to learn it I already have enough in my head but I do trust their I trust the value they have for this town and I wanted this study done way back home um I think I even sent L an email sometime ago and it was before 2019 I'm sure um but I don't think it's something we should dismiss if they believe this is going to help them in the future because we have to worry about this town in the future and you know it's not getting the Lori will do a great job negotiating them what they do but then we're going to inrease plan hour cost to this look where we are yeah exactly so I mean I don't know I just I've always felt we needed it and um I realized that a lot of things have happened that maybe might not have happened if we had had it years ago but we still have more to do because some of these businesses are going to change hands and it's just going to happen and I I I think we should I I think it's something to seriously consider I don't know how but I do Tom [Music] well we appreciate your time consideration and just let let me know if I should go back to and get more detail or okay there but the other ones are appr right you you approve they're not right so thank you [Music] good I'm [Music] GL all right I I hope we don't have need from ex I don't know was that you who made the motion to somebody make no one did yet oh have anything else before we leave motion that who made this Carolyn five eyes okay stop