that makes the most sense see you yes [Music] prot I don't I think it needs to be updated good I got a [Music] notification sometimes thankfully okay we'll get started folks uh this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was transmitted to the Hun in Democrat times of Trenton and Star Ledger on December 29th 2023 posted on the township website the municipal building bulletin board and filed with the Township Clerk as required by everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Al flag of the United States of America the for it stands Nation indivisible with liy and justice for all DAV Chad B here Susan here joei here here okay we're going to uh next move on to the approval of the meeting minutes uh so if I could have a motion and a second for the January 3rd 2024 reorganization meeting minutes great any discussion okay uh all those in favor of approving the meeting minutes say I uh if I can get a motion in second for the January 8th 2024 regular meeting minutes and executive session minutes uh to approve and hold so move second thank you any discussion okay uh all those in favor of approving those meeting minutes I I okay and finally I have a first and a second for January 22nd 2024 special meeting minutes to approve and executive session minutes to approve and hold second any discussion okay all those in favor of approving I I I thank you um we have Mr Kee fer who is our 100 Central Regional High School Board president uh he would like to speak to uh some of the activities that are going on at the high school and some opportunities we may have so sure thank you I get comfortable in my thank you mayor thank you Township committee for welcoming me um and thank you community for supporting me as a representative to the Board of Education Hunton Central um I'll be as brief as I can um but uh mayor Walton and I sat a couple of weeks ago and discussed a tighter relationship between the town committee the the Board of Education Central because that affects so many people in our neighborhood and our taxes which is kind of important um so I I committed to him and and we agreed to have uh updates on a fairly regular basis um for those of you that have watched me grow up in the township you have to laugh at the irony that I'm here in this position um shows how humorous life can be um with that moving along I guess I have to say according to our lawyer I'm here as a Delaware Township representative On The Board of Education it's not my intent to represent the entire board or provide the voice of the board as a whole tonight now that they'll be happy um I wanted to update you on a couple of key positions at Hunton Central over the last couple of months we've had three key retirements that are of note um first and most recent as our head of counseling has just announced her retirement last month so we'll be replacing her um probably most impactful is our superintendent announced his resignation in December um related to that we are working work on an in interim superintendent that search is underway and we should have someone fairly soon because we're working very diligently for that we are starting a permanent superintendent search um I hesitate to say permanent CU Nothing in life is permanent except for change um but we are engaging a consultation service that's going to go out to all the communities and gather input questions that anybody might have as we go through that search because it affects so many people and finally our communications director retired late last year um our Communications committee we're a committee of committees as the board so we have a whole bunch of committees that we get to meet as every single month um the communication committee is looking to restructure some of the communication activities because we have heard feedback from parents and the community um that they'd like Tighter and stronger Communications um a nice Edition this year as of January is we've created and founded a policy Review Committee um we're going to be reviewing and rewriting some of our key District policies um for those of you love numbers March is budget presentation time um so if you ever watch our board meetings on YouTube smash that like button subscribe so you don't miss any of our meetings um and watch the March budget because that talks about tax increases um which obviously we're going to do our best to to manage and mitigate um one thing that does directly affect Delaware Township to a certain degree is 100 Central 29 years ago created a joint joint Transportation committee with Flemington R School District those two schools collaboratively own all of the buses you see every single morning and afternoon to drive off 6,000 plus kids to uh East Amwell Delaware Township hun Central and Flemington rare um we are looking at restructuring that Transportation Commission this year um one of the biggest changes is there's now from the state a mandate of a prek offering in our elementary schools um that's adding a little bit of stress to the entire function um and it's it's showing some of the antiquation that the JTC has from being around for 29 years um so we're looking at restructuring that organization with lington Ron to be a little bit more efficient um but we do not at this point in time I can't promise it but we do not look at that an impact to cost or an impact to taxes and finally um the main reason that mayor wman I talked about me being here is we're looking for a tighter collaboration and engagement with the community um so I'll be here every once in a while when we do we'll make sure that we notify the the the township so that if students and parents would like to come perhaps break off into another room tonight talk about some of the issues again I can't represent the entire board but I'm happy to take them back to the board and our conversations um I feel that's the least I can do as uh as your representative to this Township on the board um and if you do want to ever come to any of the board meetings we actually got feedback in January's board meeting from a deler Township parent that sometimes parents are reluctant to come to our board meetings um I'm a huge advocate of the First Amendment coming to the podium and speaking so please come and do so um the one thing I will say is the board really appreciates suggestions rather than just criticism so if you have suggestions of what you'd like to see rather than just what you don't like to see well we welcome that and we fold that into a lot of our conversations so with that I'll hand it back to you but uh I'll probably be moving downstairs in a couple minutes after I watch this magic so if anybody wants to join and talk we can we can wrap a little bit thank you very much appreciate it okay so uh we're going to move on to uh public comment these uh if you could please keep your comments to the agenda items only and if you could keep your uh comments to under three minutes please yes sir yeah um rer by headquarters Farm but I'm here to talk about the Historic Society uh and the ground that you've been kind enough to make to us over the the last number of years I understand there may be question of you not not approving that this year I'm here to say hope you will okay um we have as you know um took on the responsibility from the committee to maintain the reading school house um just over the last four or five months we spent $6,000 on tree maintenance and so the 3,000 that you give us we sort of you know use private funds as well to help uh maintain that um we noticed also when we preparing for this meeting that the lease has actually expired I wrote to somebody about that so we've been maintaining it on you know just in good faith we should probably renew that $1 lease um which uh we you know you asked us to take on a number of years um has there been a decision made on the $3,000 Grant we we have not met as a finance committee yet to approve the budget but that will definitely be part of the conversation okay well I hope you'll it thank yes thank you any other folks okay seeing KN I guess it's time to close uh public comment uh we'll move on to Township committee leison reports um Joe do you have anything I'll bring it up okay thank you uh Mrs Lockwood um the MUA um had their meeting they um had a uh public hearing and they raised their rates okay um I guess they had not done that she said for at least 5 years so I can't tell you what it is but they did they did raise raise their rates and they are still having some issues um with folks operating the system they're working on that um let's see what else did I have um at some point and again I know you had said um in the future we were settled with the the road department the storm water committee would like to revisit the project down at the um road department um and said maybe we can have a conversation because we we need a plan and we need to I think we have to pay someone to do a plan for us because we can't really even apply for any grant funding but we don't have a plan so we're in a bit of a argument I mean we need funding to you know we need the funding to pay someone for a plan but we need a plan to get the funding so so anyway that as I said that's we would like to see if we could Mo on that this year um also um Diane has provided the um a link so that uh we're going to and I think some people have already taken the training that the um our engineer provided so we can learn about the ti permit so we can um again eventually have a meeting on that but assist as much as we can sure regard um let's see what else I have um I think that's probably about it for now I think I said last time the um you know the green team is meeting again meeting with the green team um they have a lot of good stuff going on down at the school it's always really interesting to hear what they're working on and their biggest event is again the green fair for Earth Day that's on April 24th which I think I said this okay so great thank you uh two things one is I'd like to just congratulate the r committee for their um Chili Bowl um great attendance at the firehouse a number of people from this room were were there and it was packed it was really good see that um I don't think I've seen a packed room like that since before Co so Jess and team nice job really appreciate that and then on the quy they submitted their annual license renewal and uh the clerk is Curr reviewing that and um we'll issue I think a completion thank you Mr Bon no report okay thank you uh I just have one thing to report apparently the federal government has in fact uh signed a lease down at the firehouse for the post office so that's step number one so the uh next step is construction and it's my understanding that they anticipate beginning that this summer so hopefully we'll have a post office back maybe by the end of the year um so things are progressing although extremely slowly but the the good news is that there's actual commitment now so so uh we look forward to getting our our uh post office back and uh so just a little bit more patience there and uh we'll have a new post office so um so I guess we'll move on to uh the administ the administrator's report so I have a few things spoke with the engineer about setting up name with the storm committee and as well as the environmental committee um he referred me to um a memo that he had written in SE about some of the key items that need to be done for the teg um up upgrade um so I'll get that to you um I think it's a great idea um he gave you the PowerPoint presentation and the link which might need to be updated I'm going to check on that it may not work but um I'll make sure you get the updated link on that so that's a good start and so I'll circulate that so you can look at it and see what we need all the help we can get if we can divide it up a little bit um provide a quote for the survey of the Village Green okay and a quote for the required mapping from the storm TR and then also we need to um upgrade our property um mapping so um that's in anticipation of a Ral it's been almost 10 years so he's going to get those numbers to me um budget requests are going to Dr tomorrow they're going to be do in a week um so we start working on that um and the township also remember we've um there was a tree ordinance for the storm water management that we postponed we have to look at that again and I think the deadlines May 1 so may be on next meeting's agenda um the construction department has um like I reported last month there spatial data is R new software they're using it's up and running um residents and contractors can now schedule online an inspection um and uh the new system is email driven so you go on and you request an inspection on Monday and the inspector okays it so you get a confirmation and then when he goes out and inspects he puts his results in and you immediately get an email saying whether you pass or fail with comments um so it seems really different really uh mainstream so we're excited about that uh coming you're going to be able to pay by credit card or E Che um sdl uh software so that's one of the and Del Township police will soon be able to issue uh electronic tickets from mobile computers and and devices um we just signed a contract for that e tickets launched in 2010 um we waited it out so it's perfected um but it does save a lot of time time era um ticket storage um it has like a drop down so they can pick the statue they can write multiple tickets and immediately goes to the state of New Jersey AOL AOC system um so we're excited about that uh and last thing um the OEM under the direction of Chief K and Sergeant Ellis are researching uh purchase of a drone um you have to have a certified officer but it can be very helpful in locating missing persons um you can get an infrared um can also be used to evaluate storm damage that you can't get to as well as an investigative tool so I'm going to look into that and I think that's a great idea um we have a new employee uh Susanna Caris who our board secretary um that's on one of the resolutions and we also have a new cgl operator thank you appreciate that okay we're going to move on to the introduction of two ordinances uh first ordinance of the Year ordinance 2024 -01 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed Municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank uh njsa for 40 a-4 d4.4 um so I'm going to set a hearing date of 31124 at 7:30 at night motion to introduce okay a second okay so we need a motion to introduce in a second second all those in favor I I should these be roll call okay go ahead roll call please D David B yes Chad yes yes Jose yes yes so I will then set the hearing date of 311 uh 2024 at 7:30 p.m. uh we'll move on to ordinance 2024-25 d08 to establish Municipal salary and compensation by ranges um if I could have a first and a second for the introduction of ordinance 2024 d02 I'll move the second pass a question absolutely did we change these or we're just updating updating as in adding things that were missing or um yeah adding positions that were missing just kind of housekeeping things the minimum wage went up okay things like that okay thank you we did the whole enti thank great any other comments or questions in the committee okay hearing none roll call please Chad bow yes Susan L yes Joseph yes mayor yes so I'm going accept the hearing uh date 311 2024 at 7:30 p.m. uh moving on to the consent agenda um I don't know if any of committee members have any particular resolutions that they need to hold from the consent agenda can I uh should I read these out loud you can I mean when the list gets I mean legally you only have to read by number but I would read the title you have a lot of folks here today fair enough okay resolution 2464 amending resolution 2453 appointing Township Kirk test witness resolution 24-65 approval of sville Surgeons Ville Volunteer Fire Company member resolution 2466 authorizing the mayor to sign blue light permit applications for the surgeons Bill Volunteer Fire Company members uh resolution 2467 authorizing the mayor to sign Collective negotiations agreement between the township of Delaware and the Hun County PBA Local 188 uh resolution 2468 uh 2024 Township employees salaries and wages resolution 2469 authorizing hiring part-time snow cloud operator resolution 24-70 authorizing budget transfer resolution 2471 authorizing hiring planning board and Zoning Board of adjustment secretary and finally resolution 24-72 authorizing hiring summer Recreation director can I get a uh first and a second to move the consent agenda please I move the consent agenda I'll second that okay any discussion can I roll call please d Chad B yes Susan yes yes mayor yes Okay resolution 2473 authorizing payment of Municipal obligations to the amount of $556,000 556 $ 335942 so Mo can I roll call please yes yes May yes okay not any old business new business um pending okay we can table this one pending affordable housing legislation uh we're going to table that for this meeting uh we have correspondents from the friends of locktown church uh as indicated previously we're going to be reviewing that request from those folks uh when we're doing our budget uh I have a correspondent from a resident regarding temporary pickle ball on the tennis courts uh I did speak with the recck commission uh members and they have decided that they will uh not put in the temporary pickle ball until we get the uh Park planner here and ultimately determining whether or not any sort of additional sound mitigations required for the uh for the pickle ball um so that is not happening uh we have course respondence regarding uh private prop property concerns and uh we will be able to hear from those particular residents uh when we're open to uh public comment here in a couple minutes uh perola for the Village Green uh the rec commission would like to apply for a grant for a Pergola to be placed on the Village Green however the um the grant that they're going for requires that the project actually be shovel ready in order for it to be shovel ready it would require us to approve them putting a Pergola on the Village Green so essentially that's what I would like to discuss and perhaps see if uh you folks are willing to actually go ahead and and and vote on that particular issue this evening does anyone have any questions or obviously we have to go through the normal channels construction and whatnot but being that it is Township property we have to allow them to do that so I mean so I guess right now we're discussing whether there should be one or there shouldn't be one right exactly and I mean we don't have any we don't know how big we don't know where we don't know any of those things just should we have that's sort of unfortunately where we have to start okay anyone have any issue with allowing them to at least explore and try to get a grant so um I guess we would what would we use it for just it's going to be small so right I guess maybe have some folks playing instruments or something occasionally Community Gatherings right is is uh is there a timeline on when they have to appliation for the I think I believe Jess I don't know if you want to jump in um on this but I think it's it's quarterly right it's April qu Okay the reason I ask is to to Susan's point I mean it might be nice to understand the size and as you reference to have input from zoning as to whether or not whatever is contemplated is is a permitted is a permitted use and all of that because okay okay so when does the application have to be in it's ail it's quarterly so okay so what we could do is go I could go to zoning ask them for the requirements and size and whatnot and then I can provide that feedback to you folks see if you guys want to continue with pursuing it and uh then we can put it on the agenda for for next month do you do you have any concept of like what it's going to look like in terms of size we need a surve before we can do that and so we don't have approval to start surve I would say have a conversation with my first and we're we're we're getting a survey for there already okay okay all right so why don't we why don't we cable this and um I'll go to zoning uh we'll inquire about the um the actual uh the drawings on on the land and whatnot and then I'll provide that feedback to to the wck and see whether we can get some sort of specifications that think folks are looking for you know I don't know I'm just asking some that are and see some that aren't so okay uh okay um the last item on new business is just acknowledgement of retirement of Michael Garis uh from the DPW so thank you Mr Garis for your uh you know long employment at the township and and we wish him all the best in moving on to the next stage of his life um that said I'm going to now open this up for uh uh public comment does not have to be just agenda items only uh as previously said if you could please keep your comments to 3 minutes or less per person that would be great I have um comments about the private residence that you had on the um my name is Karen Scher um I had provided the committee with some background information yes on our concerns I don't know how detailed you want me to get do you want me to go through what what our concerns are what we put in the letter um in general any additional because I know that I I read your letter and I'm but would believe that the rest of the committee did as well okay so um with that being said there are some things that we will be doing in order to try to address your concerns so um in addition to what was on here there have been more animals brought onto this property in the past week and a half um they still don't have a you know a nutrition plan a manure plan they are not currently um under the right to farat which you know is fine but we we were looking for the township to help us or for file a complaint with the cad prior to you know him trying to get any grants or any of these nutrition plans or any of this um were concerned about the the Animal Welfare I mean they're just not in in good shape uh um officer Murphy Sato by my house on on Friday looking for the dogs that we had um filed a complaint about the dogs were removed from the property we have no idea where they are so I had asked if he could reach out to Upper Midfield Township to find out if they had received the vet care okay they were told that their vet their the farmer the people that own the property their vet is in Lancaster which makes it a little bit difficult if some they don't live on the property so if something happens to one of their animals and if their veterinarian is in Lancaster how are how is anything going to happen to make sure um so I had I have a big contingent of my neighbors here it's not just me there's you know we have the block the block of 6 you know block 60 is all well represented here it's not and it's not just those that are adjacent to the property it's others too yes sir I've been following this kind of close since it come to the County Agricultural Development board and we're working on and up there our our attorney has some information and the worst of it is these guys will not cooperate at all just they just don't Co cooperate and uh the only thing they know is keep out and it's very difficult but it'll we got to work not something's going to happen overnight we really got to I mean I'm still on it and uh a lot of things are doing is of course not right right and our attorney up there says If eventually we can get the FBI in there if possible because their number one not letting anybody on the property right that all with itself so no inspector nobody can go on a property right now we're afraid like I am or uh you know they're just not letting anything happen right and it's it's a bad situation and it's getting worse and I'll do all I can been trying and uh we'll see what happens okay and one of the main concerns I'm sorry that there was a fire marshal inspection on December 21st and there were over 26 violations found and they have not been allowed back on the property to inspect okay there no there's no permits that were pulled for any of the work that was done which is also in the fire Marshall's report and you know he's got you know exposed wiring and all of these things that um and he now had now there are chips in there and there are a bunch of heat lamps that you can you know inside the building I mean I I don't yeah I I don't know what the rules are around that I feel like it's just not safe so I understand I don't know if there was anyone else speak thank you yes sir my name is Jack SK I live sir nine lamberville headquarters Road I appreciate that everybody on the board is aware of what's going on on that farm but I think the community also needs to be up to date on what's going on Mr alaro brought bought the property in June of 2023 he immediately started moving animals onto the farm he is a Pennsylvania resident he does not have a residence here within the township and I don't want to be an alarmist but in my opinion in my 62 years of living here this one event could be the biggest change in the character of our Township and our style of life Mr far told me the day I met him uh At The Back Fence that he was going to put in a building for 50,000 chickens his wife corrected me corrected him and said it's going to be 3,000 chickens now before he bought the property I told him that there were water challenges in our area the previous forer was a uh a horse a horse form there and many times they would run out of water and they would take water from my well and put it in a 250 or 500 gallon tank so the horses would have order parent is correct based on the uh Fire Marshal no permits have been issued to date upon inspection there were 62 violations of the fire code in those 62 violations there were multip Sub sub additions that were had to do with the electrical the water the lighting the ventilation he's heating the building heating the area to keep the chickens warm with uh 25 lb protein tanks now I can look out my my yeah my kitchen window and I can see the tanks coming in he brings them into a pickup truck he brings them in 10 or 12 at a time he take the empties out by the law is not allowed to have propane tanks in a building on a temporary basis like that unless there is an individual in attendance there is no individual attendance and those tanks are going all night I have a barn that is 130 ft from his barn I do not need an explosion I do not need a fire another concern that was pointed out in the uh Fire Marshal report it has a Hal Loft which is of course normal for a Horse bar but and I I've lived on that on that property uh for 42 years and of course many times I would go back and help the man that ran the farm and there were open holes in the upstairs that lead down and drop down into ha RX if there was ever a first responder that would come to that situation he would have no idea where those holes are within the floor um Mr Al Faro also brought in by count 34 tractor trailer loads of fill now we had the names of the trucks that they went by we looked them up none of I shouldn't say none 3/4 of them were not permitted to carry uh soil or anything across state lines majorities from Pennsylvania or concern is that he took this fill and by his own admission covered more than half an acre Our concern of course and I was involved in this at another Farm not mine but uh uh and individuals were bringing in um uh um yeah contaminated them trying to think of the right word contaminated grindings in soil and of course as it rains that goes all into well last year he had by his own admission 3700 chickens that were free range now of course when it rains all those droppings come down they go down into the creek and they go down into my pond and the pond below us so and uh Dave bond is right he will not allow anybody on the property When The Fire Marshall came he turned the Fire Marshall away the Fire Marshall showed up with paperwork this guy does everything on a camera he films everything all interactions he films for his own records the after 10minute discussion checking all the paperworks he allowed the fire marshal in I understand he is not going to let the fire marshal in for inspection now of concern um he by violation he gets a $5,000 a day violation for every nonconformance within and on his property this is probably not going to surprise him or worry him because in in the last 3 years he has filed a Chapter 13 and a chapter 11 and in New Jersey if you file a Chapter see It'll be for uh he'll do a chapter 12 which is for farmers and for fishermen in that time New Jersey allows you to be totally absolved from any bills that you have to pay and of course that would Alo include his property tax so it is a serious situation and because the gates are locked no one can go in and he the only people that go in are workers he had a a a tractor trailer from Home Depot that unloaded on that property everything was thr into the barn now he didn't get that Home Depot he's he's building and and working in the barn he has a video on his Facebook uh it's in a residence and the entire floor the entire building of this residence is filled with chicks and there's pictures on the walls of this residence and he's raising those chicks and when the weather gets a little better he'll have all those chicks free rangering on this Delaware Township property I know the board is well aware but I think it was of importance that the citizens of this Township and I use the phrase this is the most important change in our in our community second maybe only to the pipeline so to me that's the type of magnitude that I think we're looking at uh people don't mind having horse farms but they object strenuously to chickens and pigs so I know the township is working and I'm just going to we'll just keep we'll just keep a direction and see which way we're going but absolutely I I I know everybody is aware so uh thank you for your patience I know I went more than 3 minutes thank you and and I know the township will do everything within our power to try to make this gentleman comply with everything but obviously you know sending over our uh zoning officer for example I know they're not going to let him let them on the property yes um so we're just going to have to try to utilize whatever means necessary through uh our Township attorney to see what what sort of U avenues that we can pursue in order to try to rectify the situation so yes what's to from not allowing back on when this happens again and again and again's showing us who he is States I mean I think that's the biggest problem he's been he's been doing this years now they have I mean it's just he's just moved it still has the issues over there he has the dates in Pennsylvania Court for animal cruelty for selling meat that he's not supposed to there's a whole of things and it's just it's now coming over here okay understood I I saw when he did a Facebook post and uh former mayor Herman was made aware of it he showed it to me and it was obviously concerning at that point in time here we are so we are um so like I said we're going to do everything that's in in our power in order to try to help rectify the situation and obviously at the county level they're working on it too so thank you we're going to keep coming back but thank that's okay one other thing is I heard gunshots from that area and very well aware of all the gunshots around and the next thing you know on someone told me on Facebook he had deer meat for sale so if this guy has a gun does he have a license to carry this gun does he have a hunting license know it's like scary he's a scary individual so I just want to put [Music] there I'm sorry thank you thank you anyone else well I just had a question sure sorry my question is if he wants to have 3,000 3 million chickens is that legal I can he do that that's my question I mean is there some legal prohibition or or ordinance that can you know like how can he do that the answer is whatever is permitted in the zone is permitted if it's not specifically per if it's not specifically listed in the zone as a permitted use it is prohibited so you don't you can't interpret it you have to read The Zone whatever it says is permitted if it's not listed it is absolutely not permitted but I don't I I'm listening to that I don't know whereat hard you can't cooperate somebody do well try something like this a long time because you have to go from one problem to another and some of the stuff he's doing is definely most of the stuff he's doing it's not right and it takes a certain type of individual and or I don't I say officer but the group that they're in uh to get on to him such as Department of Agriculture or the uh there's just a lot of issues here I can say I started two or three months ago I didn't get much done but I've been working at it and you know it's just very difficult thing but we will get it one way or the other good David could could could you give you you were very very proactive and and uh even before you got to this position and you did go over and take a look at his facility and is there any way you could give a an evaluation observation of what you saw I don't want to say too much but once you got his other facility you didn't think he was in United States anymore there was not anyone speak in GRE everything was in Spanish and the only words in English were keep out now this is over in Pennsylvania where he sell his stuff and uh that's all I'm going to say about it thank you I just want to say I'm Craig guy 28 c book so from what we see I mean we don't see him slaughtering on the property but it looks like all the animals were coming to the property there for a while next thing you know he's has him for sale on his page on his website right they offers a delivery service which is it can't be La onone he has pictures of anim hanging with cinder block in the background where he's processing me in a KN so environment so if anybody wants to go to his page it's uh what is the it's um Earth's Best organic Earth's Best [Music] organic organic if you go on his Facebook page just look at the page look at his post right you'll see how Stuff being processed it's right it's not Humane it's not legal and he's moving across state lines plus he's BR an from wherever without licing or permitting sure or FDA approval right thank you sir yep anyone else yes on a completely different topic Jan Weber Township resident you mentioned the park planner earlier what are next steps can you give us a timeline and what next steps are with the park planner sure so uh we are going uh Mr Bower and I are going to have a meeting with the park planner and the uh Bond specialist as Financial specialist uh to discuss um you know the overall plan what we can afford uh if we we're interested in going to bond for it um and then once we have that disc goam we were going to probably set up a special meeting in which the town Town people could come and listen to the presentation and the ideas that ultimately we hopeful to implement uh with this particular round of phase one that we're calling it of the the park plan so um be on the lookout uh probably set a meeting date later this evening hopefully and I will obviously communicate that to to the public thank you thank you anyone else yes [Music] ma'am I'm sorry I missed that last part uh so it'll the initial meeting will be here's sort of the concept what we're able to afford and then we're hoping for feedback from you folks whether you like certain aspects of the plan you don't like certain aspects and then we can make adjustments depending upon that feedback uh what ultimately we're going to be spending the money on is isn't our budget up there from last year yes yeah you you could look at our budget our budget from last year is already on the on our website and that's kind of where we start so that's always our you know here's what it is today and then we go from there to figure out you know how we're going to adjust it or you know what's more current what we don't need who's coming and going in terms of personnel so but if you look at the current budget the the next iteration isn't going to be hugely different it'll be somewhat different to reflect I'm sorry um under what section under Finance I think it's just search thank you so so the March 11th meeting is is when you discuss it and then no no so we're going to have a uh a special meeting that will announce simply because I I have a feeling that there's going to be a lot of discussion about the park and we wanted to make that just may I think she's just talking about the budget [Music] en it's introduction at one meeting and then it'll be the adoption with the public hearing at the next meeting so as soon as we can get it to the point that we have an introduction we'll bring it to the just like you saw tonight with the two ordinances that were introduced with a public hearing set the budget's done the same so what's happening in the mar uh we don't have an agenda yet for for for the for the park or for the budget okay after after mhm thank you anyone else yes sir first I want to thank Mr bow Mr Walman for moving quickly on board secretary which we have hired thank you very much for that and the other question I have is at the last meeting I asked about the um Rosemont water concern I understand you had a meeting with one of the residents can tell me how how what's being done so we're I'm going to have uh Tom Matthews who's the engineer the County engineer he's going to be coming down to have a meeting regarding the striping of uh 604 in front of the General Store um I'm also hopeful that I can get him to go over to Rosemont with me so that we can look at that particular issue that uh that particular Resident was was discussing okay and you you'll get a touch with that Resident because he knows exactly he's been there many many yes yes you're welcome thank you anybody else I'm sorry that's okay I just did have one more question for our attorney um have you had a chance to discuss with u Mr gell the um estro I sent him an email on vacation yeah and I I haven't heard from him but I could follow up thank you thank you yes I just wanted to CH to say that the DTs Board of Ed we are announcing that um sorry we just had a meeting and we found out that the state gave us a grant so that there's pre free prek and prechool for that's great um thank you thank you um any any other comments okay hearing none I'm going to close uh the public comment session uh we'll move on to Township committee comments I'll start with you uh Mr Voki I still can't remember what I was going to say actually I remembered something I forgot before okay um the MUA is again asking if there's any office space they could use if you so remember they were in and then we mov them out and right they want to move back in and I but he wanted off space so let's let's see what's going on at DPW first and then if there's some available space down there perhaps we can uh let them move back back in it's basically just pile cabin right that a ton of stuff but well they had asked when you were yeah I know they've been ask for a while and then the other thing and I'm not sure I don't know if maybe Mr Bond if anyone talked to you about this do you know you know there are three trees that we paid good money for sitting up there those those were pled today today today I was there really yeah all right cuz I just went by there wonderful lay down thank you thank you wonderful Mr B nothing well I just want to thank everyone for coming out making us aware of the issue that's going on um in the township and like I mentioned previously we're going to do everything that we can to help help with the situation um so patience and uh keep reporting back to what's going on and uh we'll do everything possible so thank you and thank you for coming we appreciate it thank you thank you um so we're going to go to Executive session now so action action will be action will be [Music] taken --------- that makes the most sense see you yes [Music] prot I don't I think it needs to be updated good I got a [Music] notification sometimes thankfully okay we'll get started folks uh this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was transmitted to the Hun in Democrat times of Trenton and Star Ledger on December 29th 2023 posted on the township website the municipal building bulletin board and filed with the Township Clerk as required by everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Al flag of the United States of America the for it stands Nation indivisible with liy and justice for all DAV Chad B here Susan here joei here here okay we're going to uh next move on to the approval of the meeting minutes uh so if I could have a motion and a second for the January 3rd 2024 reorganization meeting minutes great any discussion okay uh all those in favor of approving the meeting minutes say I uh uh if I can get a motion in second for the January 8th 2024 regular meeting minutes and executive session minutes uh to approve and hold so move second thank you any discussion okay uh all those in favor of approving those meeting minutes I I okay and finally I have a first and a second for January 22nd 2024 special meeting minutes to approve and executive session minutes to approve and hold second any discussion okay all those in favor of approving I I I thank you um we have Mr Kee fer who is our 100 Central Regional High School Board president uh he would like to speak to uh some of the activities that are going on at the high school and some opportunities we may have so sure thank you I get comfortable in my thank you mayor thank you Township committee for welcoming me um and thank you community for supporting me as a representative to the Board of Education Hunton Central um I'll be as brief as I can um but uh mayor Walton and I sat a couple of weeks ago and discussed a tighter relationship between the town committee the the Board of Education Central because that affects so many people in our neighborhood and our taxes which is kind of important um so I I committed to him and and we agreed to have updates on a fairly regular basis um for those of you that have watched me grow up in the township you have to laugh at the irony that I'm here in this position um shows how humorous life can be um with that moving along I guess I have to say according to our lawyer I'm here as a Delware Township representative On The Board of Education it's not my intent to represent the entire board or provide the voice of the board as a whole tonight now that they'll be happy um I wanted to update you on a couple of key positions at Hunton Central over the last couple of months we've had three key retirements that are of note um first and most recent as our head of counseling has just announced her retirement last month so we'll be replacing her um probably most impactful is our superintendent announced his resignation in December um related to that we are working work on an in interim superintendent that search is underway and we should have someone fairly soon because we're working very diligently for that we are starting a permanent superintendent search um I hesitate to say permanent CU Nothing in life is permanent except for change um but we are engaging a consultation service that's going to go out to all the communities and gather input questions that anybody might have as we go through that search because it affects so many people and finally our communications director retired late last year um our Communications committee we're a committee of committees as the board so we have a whole bunch of committees that we get to meet as every single month um the communication committee is looking to restructure some of the communication activities because we have heard feedback from parents and the community um that they'd like Tighter and stronger Communications um a nice Edition this year as of January is we' created and founded a policy Review Committee um we're going to be reviewing and rewriting some of our key District policies um for those of you love numbers March is budget presentation time um so if you ever watch our board meetings on YouTube smash that like button subscribe so you don't miss any of our meetings um and watch the March budget because that talks about tax increases um which obviously we're going to do our best to to manage and mitigate um one thing that does directly affect Delaware Township to a certain degree is 100 Central 29 years ago created a joint joint Transportation committee with Flemington R School District those two schools collaboratively own all of the buses you see every single morning and afternoon to drive off 6,000 plus kids to uh East Amwell Delaware Township hun Central and Flemington rare um we are looking at restructuring that Transportation Commission this year um one of the biggest changes is there's now from the state a mandate of a prek offering in our elementary schools um that's adding a little bit of stress to the entire function um and it's it's showing some of the antiquation that the JTC has from being around for 29 years um so we're looking at restructuring that organization with lington Ron to be a little bit more efficient um but we do not at this point in time I can't promise it but we do not look at that an impact to cost or an impact to taxes and finally um the main reason that mayor wman I talked about me being here is we're looking for a tighter collaboration and engagement with the community um so I'll be here every once in a while when we do we'll make sure that we notify the the the township so that if students and parents would like to come perhaps break off into another room tonight talk about some of the issues again I can't represent the entire board but I'm happy to take them back to the board and our conversations um I feel that's the least I can do as uh as your representative to this Township on the board um and if you do want to ever come to any of the board meetings we actually got feedback in January's board meeting from a deler Township parent that sometimes parents are reluctant to come to our board meetings um I'm a huge advocate of the First Amendment coming to the podium and speaking so please come and do so um the one thing I will say is the board really appreciates suggestions rather than just criticism so if you have suggestions of what you'd like to see rather than just what you don't like to see well we welcome that and we fold that into a lot of our conversations so with that I'll hand it back to you but uh I'll probably be moving downstairs in a couple minutes after I watch this magic so if anybody wants to join and talk we can we can wrap a little bit thank you very much appreciate it okay so uh we're going to move on to uh public comment these uh if you could please keep your comments to the agenda items only and if you could keep your uh comments to under three minutes please yes sir yeah um rer by headquarters Farm but I'm here to talk about the Historic Society uh and the ground that you've been kind enough to make to us over the the last number of years I understand there may be question of you not not approving that this year I'm here to say hope you will okay um we have as you know um took on the responsibility from the committee to maintain the reading school house um just over the last four or five months we spent $6,000 on tree maintenance and so the 3,000 that you give us we sort of you know use private funds as well to help uh maintain that um we noticed also when we preparing for this meeting that the lease has actually expired I wrote to somebody about that so we've been maintaining it on you know just in good faith we should probably renew that $1 lease um which uh we you know you asked us to take on a number of years um has there been a decision made on the $3,000 Grant we we have not met as a finance committee yet to approve the budget but that will definitely be part of the conversation okay well I hope you it thank yes thank you any other folks okay seeing KN I guess it's time to close uh public comment uh we'll move on to Township committee leison reports um Joe do you have anything I'll bring it up okay thank you uh Mrs Lockwood um the MUA um had their meeting they um had a uh public hearing and they raised their rates okay um I guess they had not done that she said for at least 5 years so I can't tell you what it is but they did they did raise raise their rates and they are still having some issues um with folks operating the system they're working on that um let's see what else did I have um at some point and again I know you had said um in the future we were settled with the the road department the storm water committee would like to revisit the project down at the um road department um and said maybe we can have a conversation because we we need a plan and we need to I think we have to pay someone to do a plan for us because we can't really even apply for any grant funding but we don't have a plan so we're in a bit of a argument I mean we need funding to you know we need the funding to pay someone for a plan but we need a plan to get the funding so so anyway that as I said that's we would like to see if we could Mo on that this year um also um Diane has provided the um a link so that uh we're going to and I think some people have already taken the training that the um our engineer provided so we can learn about the ti permit so we can um again eventually have a meeting on that but assist as much as we can sure regard um let's see what else I have um I think that's probably about it for now I think I said last time the um you know the green team is meeting again meeting with the green team um they have a lot of good stuff going on down at the school it's always really interesting to hear what they're working on and their biggest event is again the green fair for Earth Day that's on April 24th which I think I said this okay so great thank you uh two things one is I'd like to just congratulate the r committee for their um Chili Bowl um great attendance at the firehouse a number of people from this room were were there and it was packed it was really good see that um I don't think I've seen a packed room like that since before Co so Jess and team nice job really appreciate that and then on the quy they submitted their annual license renewal and uh the clerk is Curr reviewing that and um we'll issue I think a completion thank you Mr Bon no report okay thank you uh I just have one thing to report apparently the federal government has in fact uh signed a lease down at the firehouse for the post office so that's step number one so the uh next step is construction and it's my understanding that they anticipate beginning that this summer so hopefully we'll have a post office back maybe by the end of the year um so things are progressing although extremely slowly but the the good news is that there's actual commitment now so so uh we look forward to getting our our uh post office back and uh so just a little bit more patience there and uh we'll have a new post office so um so I guess we'll move on to uh the administ the administrator's report so I have a few things spoke with the engineer about setting up name with the storm committee and as well as the environmental committee um he referred me to um a memo that he had written in SE about some of the key items that need to be done for the teg um up upgrade um so I'll get that to you um I think it's a great idea um he gave you the PowerPoint presentation and the link which might need to be updated I'm going to check on that it may not work but um I'll make sure you get the updated link on that so that's a good start and so I'll circulate that so you can look at it and see what we need all the help we can get if we can divide it up a little bit um provide a quote for the survey of the Village Green okay and a quote for the required mapping from the storm TR and then also we need to um upgrade our property um mapping so um that's in anticipation of a Ral it's been almost 10 years so he's going to get those numbers to me um budget requests are going to Dr tomorrow they're going to be do in a week um so we start working on that um and the township also remember we've um there was a tree ordinance for the storm water management that we postponed we have to look at that again and I think the deadlines May 1 so may be on next meeting's agenda um the construction department has um like I reported last month there spatial data is R new software they're using it's up and running um residents and contractors can now schedule online an inspection um and uh the new system is email driven so you go on and you request an inspection on Monday and the inspector okays it so you get a confirmation and then when he goes out and inspects he puts his results in and you immediately get an email saying whether you pass or fail with comments um so it seems really different really uh mainstream so we're excited about that uh coming you're going to be able to pay by credit card or E Che um sdl uh software so that's one of the and Del Township police will soon be able to issue uh electronic tickets from mobile computers and Andro devices um we just signed a contract for that e tickets launched in 2010 um we waited it out so it's perfected um but it does save a lot of time time era um ticket storage um it has like a drop down so they can pick the statue they can write multiple tickets and immediately goes to the state of New Jersey AOL AOC system um so we're excited about that uh and last thing um the OEM under the direction of Chief K and Sergeant Ellis are researching uh purchase of a drone um you have to have a certified officer but it can be very helpful in locating missing persons um you can get an infrared um can also be used to evaluate storm damage that you can't get to as well as an investigative tool so I'm going to look into that and I think that's a great idea um we have a new employee uh Susanna Caris who our board secretary um that's on one of the resolutions and we also have a new cgl operator thank you appreciate that okay we're going to move on to the introduction of two ordinances uh first ordinance of the Year ordinance 2024 d01 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed Municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank uh njsa for 40 a-4 d4.4 um so I'm going to set a hearing date of 31124 at 7:30 at night motion to introduce okay a second okay so we need a motion to introduce in a second second all those in favor I I should these be roll call okay go ahead roll call please D David B yes Chad yes yes Jose yes yes so I will then set the hearing date of 311 uh 2024 at 7:30 p.m. uh we'll move on to ordinance 20242 an ordinance of the township of Delaware County of hun state of New Jersey to amend ordinance 20238 to establish Municipal salary and compensation by ranges um if I could have a first and a second for the introduction of ordinance 2024 d02 I'll move the second pass a question absolutely did we change these or we're just updating updating as in adding things that were missing or um yeah adding positions that were missing just kind of housekeeping things the minimum wage went up okay things like that okay thank you we did the whole enti thank great any other comments or questions in the committee okay hearing none roll call please Chad bow yes Susan L yes Joseph yes mayor yes so I'm going accept the hearing uh date 311 2024 at 7:30 p.m. uh moving on to the consent agenda um I don't know if any of committee members have any particular resolutions that they need to hold from the consent agenda can I uh should I read these out loud you can I mean when the list gets I mean legally you only have to read by number but I would read the title you have a lot of folks here today fair enough okay resolution 2464 amending resolution 2453 appointing Township Kirk test witness resolution 24-65 approval of sville Surgeons Ville Volunteer Fire Company member resolution 2466 authorizing the mayor to sign blue light permit applications for the surgeons Bill Volunteer Fire Company members uh resolution 2467 authorizing the mayor to sign Collective negotiations agreement between the township of Delaware and the Hun County PBA Local 188 uh resolution 2468 uh 2024 Township employees salaries and wages resolution 2469 authorizing hiring part-time snow cloud operator resolution 24-70 authorizing budget transfer resolution 2471 authorizing hiring planning board and Zoning Board of adjustment secretary and finally resolution 24-72 authorizing hiring summer Recreation director can I get a uh first and a second to move the consent agenda please I move the consent agenda I'll second that okay any discussion can I roll call please d Chad bow yes Susan yes yes mayor yes Okay resolution 2473 authorizing payment of Municipal obligations to the amount of $556,000 556 $ 335942 so Mo can I roll call please yes yes May yes okay not any old business new business um pending okay we can table this one pending affordable housing legislation uh we're going to table that for this meeting uh we have correspondents from the friends of locktown church uh as indicated previously we're going to be reviewing that request from those folks uh when we're doing our budget uh I have a correspondent from a resident regarding temporary pickle ball on the tennis courts uh I did speak with the recck commission uh members and they have decided that they will uh not put in the temporary pickle ball until we get the uh Park planner here and ultimately determining whether or not any sort of additional sound mitigations required for the uh for the pickle ball um so that is not happening uh we have course respondence regarding uh private prop property concerns and uh we will be able to hear from those particular residents uh when we're open to uh public comment here in a couple minutes uh perola for the Village Green uh the rec commission would like to apply for a grant for a Pergola to be placed on the Village Green however the um the grant that they're going for requires that the project actually be shovel ready in order for it to be shovel ready it would require us to approve them putting a Pergola on the Village Green so essentially that's what I would like to discuss and perhaps see if uh you folks are willing to actually go ahead and and and vote on that particular issue this evening does anyone have any questions or obviously we have to go through the normal channels construction and whatnot but being that it is Township property we have to allow them to do that so I mean so I guess right now we're discussing whether there should be one or there shouldn't be one right exactly and I mean we don't have any we don't know how big we don't know where we don't know any of those things just should we have that's sort of unfortunately where we have to start okay anyone have any issue with allowing them to at least explore and try to get a grant so um I guess we would what would we use it for just it's going to be small so right I guess maybe have some folks playing instruments or something occasionally Community Gatherings right is is uh is there a timeline on when they have to have application for the I think I believe Jess I don't know if you want to jump in um on this but I think it's it's quarterly right it's April qu Okay the reason I ask is to to Susan's point I mean it might be nice to understand the size and as you reference to have input from zoning as to whether or not whatever is contemplated is is a permitted is a permitted use and all of that because okay okay so when does the application have to be in it's April it's quarterly so okay so what we could do is go I could go to zoning ask them for the requirements and size and whatnot and then I can provide that feedback to you folks see if you guys want to continue with pursuing it and uh then we can put it on the agenda for for next month do you do you have any concept of like what it's going to look like in terms of size we need a survey before we can do that and so we don't have approval to start surve I would say have a conversation with my first and we're we're we're getting a survey for there already okay okay all right so why don't we why don't we cable this and um I'll go to zoning uh we'll inquire about the um the actual uh the drawings on on the land and whatnot and then I'll provide that feedback to to the wck and see whether we can get some sort of specifications that think folks are looking for you know I don't know I'm just asking that are and see some that aren't so okay uh okay um the last item on new business is just acknowledgement of retirement of Michael Garis uh from the DPW so thank you Mr Garis for your uh you know long employment at the township and and we wish him all the best in moving on to the next stage of his life um that said I'm going to now open this up for uh uh public comment does not have to be just agenda items only uh as previously said if you could please keep your comments to 3 minutes or L per person that would be great I have um comments about the private residence that you had on the um my name is Karen scholer um I had provided the committee with some background information yes on our concerns I don't know how detailed you want me to get do you want me to go through what what our concerns are what we put in the letter um in general any additional because I know that I I read your letter and I'm but would believe that the rest of the committee did as well okay so um with that being said there are some things that we will be doing in order to try to address your concerns so um in addition to what was on here there have been more animals brought onto this property in the past week and a half um they still don't have a you know a nutrition plan a manure plan they are not currently um under the right to farat which you know is fine but we we were looking for the township to help us or for file a complaint with the cad prior to you know him trying to get any grants or any of these nutrition plans or any of this um were concerned about the the Animal Welfare I mean they're just not in in good shape uh um officer Murphy Sato by my house on on Friday looking for the dogs that we had um filed a complaint about the dogs were removed from the property we have no idea where they are so I had asked if he could reach out to Upper Midfield Township to find out if they had received the vet care okay they were told that their vet their the farmer the people that own the property their vet is in Lancaster which makes it a little bit difficult if some they don't live on the property so if something happens to one of their animals and if their veterinarian is in Lancaster how are how is anything going to happen to make sure um so I had I have a big contingent of my neighbors here it's not just me there's you know we have the block the block of 6 you know block 60 is all well represented here it's not and it's not just those that are adjacent to the property it's others too yes sir I've been following this kind of close since it come to the County Agricultural Development board and we're working on and up there our our attorney has some information and the worst of it is these guys will not cooperate at all just they just don't Co cooperate and uh the only thing they know is keep out and it's very difficult but it'll we got to work not something's going to happen overnight we really got to I mean I'm still on it and uh a lot of things are doing is of course not right right and our attorney up there says If eventually we can get the FBI in there if possible because their number one not letting anybody on the property right that W with itself so no inspector nobody can go on a property right now we either afraid like I am or uh you know they're just not letting anything happen right and it's it's a bad situation and it's getting worse and I'll do all I can been trying and uh we'll see what happens okay one of the main concerns I'm sorry that there was a fire marshal inspection on December 21st and there were over 26 violations found and they have not been allowed back on the property to inspect okay there no there's no permits that were pulled for any of the work that was done which is also in the fire Marshall's report and you know he's got you know exposed wiring and all of these things that um and he now had now there are chips in there and there are a bunch of heat lamps that you can you know inside the building I mean I I don't yeah I I don't know what the rules are around that I feel like it's just not safe so I understand I don't know if there was anyone else speak thank you yes sir my name is Jack SK I live sir nine lamberville headquarters Road I appreciate that everybody on the board is aware of what's going on on that farm but I think the community also needs to be up to date on what's going on Mr alaro brought bought the property in June of 2023 he immediately started moving animals onto the farm he is a Pennsylvania resident he does not have a residence here within the township and I don't want to be an alarmist but in my opinion in my 62 years of living here this one event could be the biggest change in the character of our Township and our style of life Mr far told me the day I met him uh At The Back Fence that he was going to put in a building for 50,000 chickens his wife corrected me corrected him and said it's going to be 3,000 chickens now before he bought the property I told him that there were water challenges in our area the previous forer was a uh a horse a horse form there and many times they would run out of water and they would take water from my well and put it in a 250 or 500 gallon tank so the horses would have order parent is correct based on the uh Fire Marshal no permits have been issued to date upon inspection there were 62 violations of the fire code in those 62 violations there were multip Sub sub additions that were had to do with the electrical the water the lighting the ventilation he's heating the building heating the area to keep the chickens warm with uh 25 lb protein tanks now I can look out my my yeah my kitchen window and I can see the tanks coming in he brings them in a pickup truck he brings them in 10 or 12 at a time he take the empties out by the law is not allowed to have propane tanks in a building on a temporary basis like that unless there is an individual in attendance there is no individual attendance and those tanks are going all night I have a barn that is 130 ft from his barn I do not need an explosion I do not need a fire another concern that was pointed out in the uh Fire Marshal report it has a Hal Loft which is of course normal for a Horse bar but and I I've lived on that on that property uh for 42 years and of course many times I would go back and help the man that ran the farm and there were open holes in the upstairs that lead down and drop down into ha RX if there was ever a first responder that would come to that situation he would have no idea where those holes are within the floor um Mr alaro also brought in by count 34 tractor trailer loads of fill now we had the names of the trucks that they went by we looked them up none of I shouldn't say none 3/4 of them were not permitted to carry uh soil or anything across state lines majorities from Pennsylvania or concern is that he took this fill and by his own admission covered more than half an acre Our concern of course and I was involved in this at another Farm not mine but uh uh individuals were bringing in um uh um yeah contaminated them trying to think of the right word contaminated grindings and soil and of course as it rains that goes all into well last year he had by his own admission 3700 chickens that were free range now of course when it rains all those droppings come down they go down into the creek and they go down into my pond and the pond below us so and uh Dave bond is right he will not allow anybody on the property When The Fire Marshall came he turned the Fire Marshall away the Fire Marshall showed up with paperwork this guy does everything on a camera he films everything all interactions he films for his own records the after 10minute discussion checking all the paperworks he allowed the fire marshal in I understand he is not going to let the fire marshal in for inspection now of concern um he by violation he gets a $5,000 a day violation for every nonconformance within and on his property this is probably not going to surprise him or worry him because in in the last 3 years he has filed a Chapter 13 and a chapter 11 and in New Jersey if you file a Chapter see It'll be for uh he'll do a chapter 12 which is for farmers and for fishermen in that time New Jersey allows you to be totally absolved from any bills that you have to pay and of course that would Al include his property tax so it is a serious situation and because the gates are locked no one can go in and he the only people that go in are workers he had a a a tractor trailer from Home Depot that unloaded on that property everything was thr into the barn now he didn't get that Home Depot he's he's building and and working in the barn he has a video on his Facebook uh it's in a residence and the entire floor the entire building of this residence is filled with chicks and there's pictures on the walls of this residence and he's raising those chicks and when the weather gets a little better he'll have all those chicks free rangering on this Delaware Township property I know the board is well aware but I think it was of importance that the citizens of this Township and I use the phrase this is the most important change in our in our community second maybe only to the pipeline so to me that's the type of magnitude that I think we're looking at uh people don't mind having horse farms but they object strenuously to chickens and pigs so I know the township is working and I'm just going to we'll just keep we'll just keep a direction and see which way we're going but absolutely I I I know everybody is aware so uh thank you for your patience I know I went more than 3 minutes thank you and and I know the township will do everything within our power to try to make this gentleman comply with everything but obviously you know sending over our uh zoning officer for example I know they're not going to let him let him on the property yes um so we're just going to have to try to utilize whatever means necessary through uh our Township attorney to see what what sort of U avenues that we can pursue in order to try to rectify the situation so yes what's to from not allowing back on when this happens again and again and again's showing us who he is States I mean I think that's the biggest problem like he's been he's been doing this for years now they have I mean it's just he's just moved it still has the issues over there he has the dates in Pennsylvania Court for animal cruelty for selling meat that he's not supposed to there's a whole of things and it's just it's now coming over here okay understood I I saw when he did a Facebook post and uh former mayor Herman was made aware of it he showed it to me and it was obviously conc erning at that point in time here we are so are um so like I said we're going to do everything that's in in our power in order to try to help rectify the situation and obviously at the county level they're working on it too so thank you we're going to keep coming back but thank that's okay one other thing is I heard gunshots from that area and very well aware of all the gunshots around and the next thing you know on someone told me on Facebook he had deer meat for sale so if this guy has a gun does he have a license to carry this gun does he have a hunting license know it's like scary he's a scary individual so I just want to put [Music] there I'm sorry thank you thank you anyone else well I just had a question sure sorry my question is if he wants to have 3,000 3 million chickens is that legal I can he do that that's my question I mean is there some legal prohibition or or ordinance that can you know like how can he do that the answer is whatever is permitted in the zone is permitted if it's not specifically per if it's not specifically listed in the zone as a permitted use it is prohibited so you don't you can't interpret it you have to read The Zone whatever it says is permitted if it's not listed it is absolutely not permitted but I don't I I'm listening to that I don't know whereat hard you can't cooperate somebody do well try something like this a long time because you have to go from one problem to another and some of the stuff he's doing is definely most of the stuff he's doing it's not right and it takes a certain type of individual and or I don't I say officer but the group that they're in uh to get on to him such as Department of Agriculture or the uh there's just a lot of issues here I can say I started two or three months ago I didn't get much done but I've been working at it and you know it's just very difficult thing but we will get it one way or the other good David could could could you give you you were very very proactive and and uh even before you got to this position and you did go over and take a look at his facility and is there any way you could give a an evaluation observation of what you saw I don't want to say too much but once you got his other facility you didn't think he was in United States anymore there was not anyone speak in GRE everything was in Spanish and the only words in English were keep out now this is over in Pennsylvania where he sell his stuff and uh that's all I'm going to say about it thank you I just want to say I'm Craig guy 28 c book so from what we see I mean we don't see him slaughtering on the property but it looks like all the animals were coming to the property there for a while next thing you know he's has him for sale on his page on his website right they offers a delivery service which is it can't be La onone he has pictures of anim hanging with cinder block in the background where he's processing me in a KN so environment so if anybody wants to go to his page it's uh what is the it's um Earth's Best organic Earth's Best [Music] organic organic if you go on his Facebook page just look at the page look at his post right you'll see how Stuff being processed it's right it's not Humane it's not legal and he's moving across state lines plus he's BR an from wherever without licing or permitting sure or FDA approval right thank you sir yep anyone else yes on a completely different topic Jan Weber Township resident you mentioned the park planner earlier what are next steps can you give us a timeline and what next steps are with the park planner sure so uh we are going uh Mr Bower and I are going to have a meeting with the park planner and the uh Bond specialist as Financial specialist uh to discuss um you know the overall plan what we can afford uh if we we're interested in going to bond for it um and then once we have that disc goam we were going to probably set up a special meeting in which the town Town people could come and listen to the presentation and the ideas that ultimately we hopeful to implement uh with this particular round of phase one that we're calling it of the the park plan so um be on the lookout uh probably set a meeting date later this evening hopefully and I will obviously communicate that to to the public thank you thank you anyone else yes [Music] ma'am I'm sorry I missed that last part uh so it'll the initial meeting will be here's sort of the concept what we're able to afford and then we're hoping for feedback from you folks whether you like certain aspects of the plan you don't like certain aspects and then we can make adjustments depending upon that feedback uh what ultimately we're going to be spending the money on is isn't our budget up there from last year yes yeah you you could look at our budget our budget from last year is already on the on our website and that's kind of where we start so that's always our you know here's what it is today and then we go from there to figure out you know how we're going to adjust it or you know what's more current what we don't need who's coming and going in terms of personnel so but if you look at the current budget the the next iteration isn't going to be hugely different it'll be somewhat different to reflect I'm sorry um under what section under Finance I think it's just search thank you so so the March 11th meeting is is when you discuss it and then no no so we're going to have a uh a special meeting that will announce simply because I I have a feeling that there's going to be a lot of discussion about the park and we wanted to make that just may I think she's just talking about the budget [Music] enre it's introduction at one meeting and then it'll be the adoption with the public hearing at the next meeting so as soon as we can get it to the point that we have an introduction we'll bring it to the just like you saw tonight with the two ordinances that were introduced with a public hearing set the budget's done the same so what's happening in the mar uh we don't have an agenda yet for for for the for the park or for the budget okay after after mhm thank you anyone else yes sir first I want to thank Mr bow Mr Walman for moving quickly on board secretary which we have hired thank you very much for that and the other question I have is at the last meeting I asked about the um Rosemont water concern I understand you had a meeting with one of the residents can tell me how how what's being done so we're I'm going to have uh Tom Matthews who's the engineer the County engineer he's going to be coming down to have a meeting regarding the striping of uh 604 in front of the General Store um I'm also hopeful that I can get him to go over to Rosemont with me so that we can look at that particular issue that uh that particular Resident was was discussing okay and you you'll get a touch with that Resident because he knows exactly he's been there many many yes yes you're welcome thank you anybody else I'm sorry that's okay I just did have one more question for our attorney um have you had a chance to discuss with u Mr gell the um estro I sent him an email on vacation yeah and I I haven't heard from him but I could follow up thank you thank you yes I just wanted to CH to say that the DTs Board of Ed we are announcing that um sorry we just had a meeting and we found out that the state gave us a grant so that there's pre free prek and prechool for that's great um thank you thank you um any any other comments okay hearing none I'm going to close uh the public comment session uh we'll move on to Township committee comments I'll start with you uh Mr Voki I still can't remember what I was going to say actually I remembered something I forgot before okay um the MUA is again asking if there's any office space they could use if you so remember they were in and then we mov them out and right they want to move back in and I but he wanted off space so let's let's see what's going on at DPW first and then if there's some available space down there perhaps we can uh let them move back back in it's basically just pile cabin right had a ton of stuff but well they had asked when you were yeah I know they've been asking for a while and then the other thing and I'm not sure I don't know if maybe Mr Bond if anyone talked to you about this do you know you know there are three trees that we paid good money for sitting up there those those were pled today today today I was there really yeah all right cuz I just went by there wonderful lay down thank you thank you wonderful Mr B nothing well I just want to thank everyone for coming out making us aware of the issue that's going on um in the township and like I mentioned previously we're going to do everything that we can to help help with the situation um so patience and uh keep reporting back what's going on and uh we'll do everything possible so thank you and thank you for coming we appreciate it thank you thank you um so we're going to go to Executive session now so action action will be action will be [Music] taken