start all actually for welcome and good evening as for president of the delsy Regional High School dist ucat I hereby certify the allision go me 1875 chap 231 have been met of this meeting has been bailed in sou Jersey times to settle the Daily Journal as one of lcep she here here here here Mr here here we have presentations tonight we have a whole bunch so let's start with the two we most excited to speak and C and those to be our teachers of the year so Mr berina wanted you come up first and is your teacher of the year so everyone it's my uh pleasure to introduce uh Christine gady our one of our Math teachers in the seventh grade so St uh I just want to thank the board and the administration and the teacher of the year committee I was shocked and honored to be named Teacher of the Year this year I think I blacked out a little bit in front of everyone but um I'm a former student and a graduate of delce I was also a former administrative assistant in the assistant superintendent office here at dsea and now I'm a seventh grade math teacher here I grew up here I raised a family while working here I graduated from college while working here and to me this is my home I've had so many mentors uh guide me throughout the years I owe so much of My Success to them and I could never thank them enough uh I feel blessed to be able to give back to the school that gave me so much I love coming to work every day I love the staff I love my students it's a true honor to be here thank you and Mr St the high school teacher the year before I introduce her uh she teaches math at the high school um she has been a class advisor done student government she's done just about everything she's been on a lot of senior trips uh last year when we were um you know down a teacher she she agreed and and volunteered to uh come to the middle school and switch back to the high school and has done everything that we could ask of her she's welld deserved to have this honor and that's Miss Laura mcge um good evening I would like to start by thanking the board the administration the teacher of the year committee for this wonderful and surprising honor I'm here today because of my mother not only is she a 1969 dely graduate but more importantly a retired Elementary School teacher who devoted 37 years of her life to education she inspired me to do the same but I told her if she ever wanted grandkids she would allow me to teach high school and not fourth grade in January 2003 I stepped foot in delce high school and met an amazing cooperating teacher David Bradley Dave taught trick pre-cal and honors pre-cal I remember being so nervous cuz all my classmates were teaching Algebra 1 and geometry and I remember saying these kids are going to eat alive that wasn't the case Dave guided me and helped in every possible way along with Wayne King Jane fidu um Kim Kelly John Shaw Dan panalo and so many others 21 years later I am teaching those exact classes that I first started my career with and loving every second of it delsy creates Legends and I can only hope to leave a legacy like so many before me the faculty at the middle school and the high school is second to none I'm a small part of this amazing staff and I'm so honored to be selected as teacher of the year thank you for this tremendous award thank you thank you I appreciate it so s you want to talk about mck Trial sure uh so before I introduce uh Mr Brian and his mock trial gang um I I had the pleasure of watching them compete last year and saw what they were building to uh I also had the pleasure of of going into some of their meetings during dely ju and and I talked to the to the students a lot and to Mr Bron and what they've accomplished this year is truly amazing they've made it through each round and they're now to the state the state finals um I mean it's it's it's awesome so with that with no further Ado Mr Brian and his s good evening uh for those of you that I haven't met my name is Chris Brian I teach freshman and sophomore English over at the high school and it is my profound pleasure to introduce a couple of members of our mock trial team yes this is a nonathletic team I'd like to repeat that that a non-athletic team from dsce high school and we are wiping the floor with the competition this year and it's been a profound Joy uh to be able to watch the hard work and dedication of these students I think I can say with complete confidence that the covid apathy bug is being squashed and these kids are firsthand uh walking talking proof of that uh just again to reiterate we are 7-0 undefeated this year uh we will soundly beat Mainland High School in the Regional Championship on Tuesday uh so your thoughts and prayers are appreciated let me introduce two of these students here so I can stop talking uh I have Skyler grg here who is the longest running tenur member of the mck trial team uh she's going to talk a little bit about what the mck trial means and then I'm introducing Mr Austin brght who is the new ace up Our Sleeve he brings with him not only a great head of hair with all Charisma that you can shake a stick at and he's going to do his opening statement for us uh from the head of the defense so that you get a little F what fight to be in the courthouse with him St take it away for us and so like she said I am the longest member I've been here since my freshman year um mock trial basically uh is where you have two sides prosecution in defense and they create a fake case that would go by the New Jersey laws and then we create sides of that case we create witness questioning opening statements closing statements and we play out that case in a real Courthouse with real judges or lawyers and uh we do everything that they would do in a real trial but it's all fake and made up but it is all the same laws and procedures basically so there's two lawyers on each side three Witnesses two lawyers we do closing statement three questions of direct questioning three uh cross-examination questioning and then an opening and closing statements um so the Witnesses are prepped they act as a character that they create in the mo trial like World it all takes place in this fictional town called Metropolitan which is kind of reminiscent of New York City um and this year's case is about college admissions fraud it's a criminal case and on ausome before you little ad so Sky already laid the ground workor for me um she talked a little bit about what we do with M trial how it follows a real trial and I'm on the defense team you know so we were tasked with defending a dean of admissions this year someone who allegedly committed male fraud I didn't think so so I had a wonderful team of witnesses and my co- count and I think that the best way to demonstrate you know how this will play out is to just read my opening statement and perform it here for you so with no further Ado I'm going to do that ladies and gentlemen of the jury my name is Austin Bren and I'm usually joined by my co-counsel Victoria Tyron I'm speaking to you today on behalf of the defense and you just heard from the prosecution so you might be thinking to yourself why does the prosecution get to go first are they more more important than the defense did they win some coin toss in the back no the prosecution gets to go first because they're the sole ones in this case with something to prove they have to prove that the defendant Ellis Kerwin is guilty of male fraud and they have to prove Beyond a reasonable doubt she's guilty of all three elements of male fraud now you've heard from the judges and the prosecution and they've described these elements in ways that use complex legal definitions I'm going to put them in terms that are a little more simple the first element of male fraud is essentially that the defendant Ellis Kerwin committed a fraudulent scheme and benefited from it the second is that she was aware of this scheme or allowed it to happen and the third is that she used the males to further this scheme now the prosecution doesn't have the evidence they need to prove Miss Kerwin guilty but in their Pursuit they're going to call upon three Witnesses first they're going to call Mr Amari Simpson to the stand Mr Amari Simpson is a lead fraud investigator for the state and he was tasked with investigating Metropolitan University for male fraud Mr Simpson has many reasons to dislike this University because he was rejected from the school a few years ago he also has zero tangible evidence of any fraud in this case furthermore Mr Simpson has failed at his job as an investigator because when he was tasked with looking for male fraud he neglected to investigate the president of the school and the Athletics director who suspiciously retired right before he began his investigation sounds suspicious to me but I guess not to the prosecution the next witness they're going to call is Miss Jean coat she's the current dean of admissions at Metropolitan University and she is no firsthand evidence of anything in this case she didn't even work at the school at the same time as as the defendant finally the prosecution is going to call Mr Devin Morris to the stand Mr Morris is an admitted criminal that would receive a lighter sentence if the defendant is found guilty this entire investigation is prompted solely by Mr Morris's allegations so you might ask yourself what reason does Mr Morris have to provide false allegations and I can give you 999,000 reasons because that's how many dollars his fine would be reduced if the defendant were to be found guilty now when the state rest their case I am confident you will see the defendant is innocent and to help you come to this conclusion the defense is going to call three Witnesses of our own first we're going to call Miss Brighton kersner a student who has many reasons to dislike Ellis Kerwin but despite those reasons is going to attest to her outstanding character next we're going to call miss olang someone with an illustrious career in finance that's going to personally testify to the fact fact that Ellis's finances were nothing but above board and professional and finally we're going to call Miss Ellis Kerwin herself to the stand she's going to pour her heart out and prove her innocence even though she doesn't have to because once again the prosecution is the only one in this case that has anything to prove at all I know we got spring training up so to make things a little more understandable I'm going to put this case into baseball terms the prosecution is in the bottom of the knin and to win this game they don't just need a hit or a double in the gap or even a triple they need a walk-off Grand Slam home run and looking at these Witnesses they simply don't have the testimony required to provide a hit so on behalf of Ellis Kerwin and the defense team I'd like to thank you all for your time and careful attention and one last note I'd like to congratulate both teachers of the year I was lucky enough to be students of both of them and I can't think of two women who are more deserving of the award congratulations D Aus did you write that yourself course yeah collaborative kind of thing yeah so I I did write it myself but um what we did is as a club we workshopped a lot of our ideas right so I was tasked with being a defense attorney but that doesn't mean I was the only one who worked on my content you know we brought all this stuff up because we have a lot of freshmen underclassmen who you know have great minds for this stuff and are going to follow in our footsteps hopefully and take over the roles so we like to get all ideas together when we're working on anything so it was more of a collaborative eff yeah right yeah paralal but it was really a pleasure I mean we have we have such a talented group for this and it was it was really enjoyable to go as far as we have so far and I look forward to uh continuing the winning on Tuesday against Mainland it's going to be going to be a great trial yes if I'm not mistaken Mainland is off our NE I don't think we have any undefeated teams either that would be awesome the guys from the basketball team informed me that I I got to get them back so I look forward to it thank you so much for your thought okay next we have winter sorts update Mr CH and Mr actually Mr BR one second yeah lucky me I get to follow Austin that's that's all right I just want to thank uh thank you for having me report on a tremendous success of the delsa Athletics program for the 2024 winter season the boys basketball team ended their season 1811 losing to the South J quarterfinals to eventual Champion mainland all right the gym was rocking during many of their games games this year and the student section helped to to a few big wins uh you guys should definitely come out check it out next year it's it's fun watching all our our kids in the student section even though it g gives Mr shout some great hairs every now then uh girls basketball team and set season 1114 but hopefully get back a couple players were hurt most of the year will be back next year the boys swimming team uh finished two and four in TR County but the future looks really bright with freshman Lucas Hampton earning all South Jersey second team honors girls swimming team earned a Buy in the first round of the playoffs this year they have multiple first and second Team all Tri County swimmers led by Junior Kylie McMurray who finished third in the state and earned All America status in a 500 meter freestyle McMurray recently committed to swimming power at University of Georgia where she will compete in SEC and from what she told me through an interview in the fall she's currently training with her eyes on the Olympic trials this June right right Fitz that's yeah okay right uh Hannah ner is shoter on shoter on the girls track and field team finished second at the sectionals in third in the state Hannah is currently ranked in number three shop Hooter in the country for the class of 2026 the the boys indoor track and field team continue to dominate uh winning the South Jersey group three Championship the state group three relays championship and the state group three Championship John Harris Greg masso and Julian Conigliaro all placed in the meita Champions and the crusaders had a school record 10 qualifiers for the meita Champions and finally the wrestling team did what the wrestling team does they grabbed their 13th straight South Jersey title and their third straight New Jersey State title they had 11 District Champs Four region Champs and a state place winner and Junior Jamar Dixon assistant coach CJ dealy was named to District 31 and region eight assistant coach of the year I'd like to congratulate all the teams and the coaches for representing delsa in a tremendous way the amount of time in and out of season that these athletes train and that these coaches spend to help the student athletes is mind-blowing they should be acknowledged for their efforts and celebrated by the Franklin elk and delsy communities thank you very much so it's it's funny to have one of your coaches come up and say a lot about what you want to say about your coaches because there's no better example than any of the coaches that we have here than Rob RS uh he's the epitome of what we do here but I want to thank everybody for letting us come to talk this is my favorite subject to talk about any of our sport teams and I could be up here all night and go over individual accomplishments and accomplishments of the team uh Mr browey did an excellent job recapping the season we have what I like to call around here dely problems we have dely problems Mr light foot and I were talking about some of our dely problems at States this weekend um our delsa problems are problems that a lot of schools would love to have a few years ago I decided that I was tired of looking at the white boards inside the gym that had our you know our records on it and our championships on it I wanted to put some banners up with color and red for one thing and white for another thing and then I went even further and I had a huge wall that was open and I decided that that would be perfect for our state championship banners and put gold on it we had plenty of room 3 years ago one of the dely problems is now we have room for one more Banner we had four championships since football in late November so now one of my problems is finding a spot for him and I will gladly find a spot for him another delsy problem that we have is each year at the beginning of my athletic directors meeting we get a box of 30 plaques first team plaques each each year we average about 65 to 70 first team athletes so 30 plaqu is nowhere near good enough this winner alone we had 21 team athletes we had 22nd team athletes right in the fall we had 28 so we're well on our way so one of my problems is I got to beg borrow and steal from all the other schools to get plaques to give to our kids it's a great problem it's a problem that anybody would love to have this year we were talking about we had 11 uh student athletes down at States that's a lot to send the states for wrestling in Atlantic City um what lot Public School it's it's good for anybody but a public school it's a great problem to have um again like I said going back to the 26 I'll count that as part of the winner we had four state championships football two in track and field uh and one in wrestling which was our third state championship in a row for wrestling we had two sectional titles winner track and field and wrestling and that was wrestling's 13th uh sectional title in a row we had two assistant coach uh of the Year Awards and they have not even done winner head coaching of the Year Awards like I mentioned we had 11 wrestlers go to states which means they represented us very well in districts and regions we had two female wrestlers and we only have two female wrestlers in our program do very well at regions one of them made it to States that's the third year in a row we've had a female wrestler in the State uh competition our unified bowling team went into a tournament with 20 schools that Clayton put together they won that and if you ever want to go to a sporting event come to a unified sporting event it'll show you what sports is all about it's we have our track and field one here in the spring best best day of the year um we can talk about some of the individual records that coach BRS talked about John Harris broke his SE uh group three sectional me record with a throw of 58 1.7 Fs in the shop Hut Julian Conigliaro at the fifth fastest time in South Jersey history in the 200 meter and Kyler McMurray like you mentioned allamerican honors she took fifth in the states in the 200 third in the 50 and she broke multiple school records I don't even call it this school uh the swimming and Diving record board anymore it's the McMay record board now every last name is McMurray pretty much on that there's a lot of proud ad moments that I had this year but this winter was special Dr grer and I talked about in one of our last meetings I had so much correspondence this year from other schools one of the hardest things to do as a sports program is to be good and to show great sportsmanship and get accolades like that and we do both Mr cisola got one of the emails coach Freeman and the boys basketball team I received at least four emails this year from schools that we beat up pretty good by over 25 points down to the one in main then where we lost and the first thing I did was get a text message from their ad saying what a Class Act our student athletes were coach Tom Freeman was our fans he has been applauded all year what our kids go to schools what other people see I've had uh I got an email from a parent from another team just saying what great young men they were coach br's basketball team went to a game one of the best feel-good moments one of the young ladies on the other team we were winning by a lot she's a player with special needs she was a senior she got into the game she scored her first Varsity points the email that I got was how well our girls handled themselves the entire time but the fact that they were so excited for this girl to score it was almost like she was on our team tears just applauding giving her hugs it was great uh I've received many emails from our wrestling teammates up or opponents up north how well our teams handle themselves believe it or not how well they clean up after themselves which is a big deal I got a text message from the head of the njsia after the state championship would a uh privilege it was to have them there and how well they always conduct themselves so that is what really makes this a great place and what makes these coaches so special um I thank the coaches and the student athletes for their tireless efforts um I thank Dr graer the board the rest of our upper Administration for all the support that we get Mr lomerson and the crew outside Tamara Evans Danny inside the night crew on both sides we we couldn't do it without them and a big thank you to the families and the parents the community and all the teachers like these two ladies that we have here that do everything for our student athletes it was a great year we're looking for a great spring thank you can't see a nap some good dudes hi for those of you who don't know me I'm Michel bqu I'm the assistant principal at the high school um I'm also the supervisor of CT and find and Performing Arts and I have with me hi I'm Le I'm the vice principal here at the middle school so we don't have SSD yeah so we don't have as an exciting as news as anyone else here um we have an SSD report it's a school safety data systems report um Lisa and I are mandated to uh file all of our discipline of reportable NJ doe offenses we file them in June and then we file them in January and we report to the board about our status which is a legal requirement um per the state in October and then again in March um so if you look at the sheet that you've been is attached into the board report you will see a summary that dates back to 2018 2019 and if you look at it overall we just kind of like to analyze our trend and see where we going we did in the high school and both the middle school last year analyze this data and change some of our policies based on a result um now for those of you who are are new to the board you'll see in the other incidents leading to removals prior to 2021 there are is nothing reported because they did not mandate that we report anything for any student being removed from the classroom for any reason into into internal suspension uh last year put in a new mandate that we have to report any time student is removed from an educational setting and placed into internal for any reason so that's why you see that high jump in numbers there is not some any negative behavior occurring in either of the buildings it's just a jump because of what they asked us to report um and if you are to compare us this year in our first reporting area to last year our offenses are down um in overall incidents leading to removals and in some of our major NJ dooe reportable offenses so we at the high school are very happy with where we currently ly stand and obviously moving forward we want those numbers to keep you know decreasing by increasing um uh Restort of Justice practices in both of the schools um maintaining you know Equitable practices in our classrooms and ensuring that uh we continue to reflect on our disciplinary policies to make sure that students remain in the educational setting which is obviously best for them yeah what she said um at the middle school we're we're also following the restorative practices and really trying to put always way with any kind of disciplinary pieces also to make sure there's that therapeutic piece because Middle School really is such a developmental time that we need to make sure that as they move forward they're able to make those better decisions does anyone have any questions for us about ssds or the data that you see in front of you okay we are free and available for any time if you have any other questions that is not right now all right thank you and that is presentation I haveing the was second with questions all favor all all it patience manif they say like you he that you be heard uh Harry Kennedy 1578 friis Mill Road I just wanted to relate a conversation I had with Dr graer several years ago uh uh my uh two grandchildren uh one of whom you met tonight Austin uh were about to be homeschooled and Dr graer said well they'll have a good teacher which was me and they took basically college courses at Rowan of South Jersey but she said you'll miss a lot of great teachers here and uh I just wanted to say Pier you were at prean you're absolutely right they got a great lot of great teachers here and uh as you probably know I worked at a pretty good High School a mortown high school and I coached honors argumentation and debate and I coached mock trial I coached competitive uh Congressional debates around the country at Harvard Yale Princeton and Penn and I coached the debate team and I I was fortunate that uh my attorney advisers were Nancy Kennedy who's absolutely a brilliant trial attorney but one of the other ones was a man by the name of Brian mcmonagle who was Bill Cosby's attorney the one that got him off the first time as well as the person that does all the trials in Philadelphia of all the criminal convictions well not convictions of all the criminal allegations but what was really interesting is in mortown high school I was Sur surrounded by a demographic in which every one of those kids had a parent that was a professor of pen or a lawyer or a doctor or an Indian chief uh you know delce does really great and there's no bigger sports fan than me uh I'm at the regionals at the districts not at many basketball games but I try to get to as many as I can I get to all the football games it's absolutely amazing to watch and you have an amazing program and it was actually uh Frank's Uncle John that got me involved in delce in the first place is I've told you to come out and boost the Athletics when he was afraid they were going to be cut in a tough budget year now I'm sure there was no extraneous message tonight for any reason whatsoever in a tough budget year but timing is everything in politics and an education and it is important the extracurricular and the activities that these kids have are e existential to their existence and to how well the school functions and you see the best coaching and teaching sometimes and the coaching and teaching in many different areas and it's great to see delce compete in mock trial you were in the top 20 in football you're in the top 20 in wrestling you're in the top 20 in track you're in the last six in the entire state of New Jersey in mock trial it's absolutely unbelievable with the demographics and and the background and where the students in this District come from but my daughter had the best comment of all and I think it applies to the Athletics team she said you know what they might not be quite as sophisticated as some of those other schools but I've never seen a group of kids that are as Scrappy and is willing to mix it up and to fight and to stand up and to do what they have to do so Pier thank you for the excellent teachers and not only excellent teachers excellent administrators uh there have been a couple little glitches as there normally are in a school year and uh to watch Mr C handle them along with Mr berardelli was a pleasure to watch and your guidance director there's can't be a better one in the entire country in terms of what she does the teachers have been outstanding spectacular my grandkids come home and say thank goodness we're back in school they love it and you'll get a chance to see Tori and Austin in the play tomorrow and I'll let Austin be the or in the family but I just wanted to say Pier thank you it's great to be back and congratulations back okay I know like here go ahead I make a motion to approve the following non teing sta tires 2 plan 3 plan4 as second any question on Star yes yes make motions to approve the following retirement as B resignations excuse me as listed we have a secondly questions on this m all in favor yes SP I I make a motion to approve the following sta as credit completion monitors at the previously crew rate 2023 24 school year as listed second there secondly question motion all in favor against abstentions IED I make a motion to approve the following St have summer 2024 Shake positions as previously Pro rate as second we have a second any question on this motion all in favor against IED and make a motion to approve the following staff to 10 cond down of 24 sh workshops training atly approved very rate as glitched the 104 by the title one fun second a second question all favor against abens I it I make a motion to UD the following curricul development assignments to the 2023 20 course school year at a previously approv rate as listed thank there secondly questions all in favor I Mr President m i I must we go back line uh just a quick question for Dr G and made persued science teacher resignation May first F get back the same signs that we're caring for so it's a doubles Wack he oh okay yeah this sorry yeah I sudden what is quickly said we we do have some things coming in that we are exploring sorry that so fines I me Clos approve the board secretary accordin with s Tuesday the month of January the board secretary suris that no line item account has overex violation say and that sufficient fund to financial second question all favor againsts I I make a motion to approve the treasures report according to six AC month of January 2024 Tre report 7 report are in agreement can mon month of January 2024 have a second any questions alled all favor against OB I I make motion C according to say s cation of the board secetary there are no changes in anticipative accounts or sources in second any question all favor yes I approve the bo cation to to we certified that after review of this sary bu Financial reports consultation with the appropriate officials to the best of my knowledge the r account fund has been over spending violation of act and that SP the fs are to District Financial Obligations their maor this year back no secondly question all in favor yesion I I make motion to approve the rept trans for January 2020 okay was second question person question V yes supect yesman yes Lakewood yes Pepsi yesan yes yes yeah sh yes and make a motion to approve the following build as listed secondary questions yes yes yes yes and yes com bye make motion through the following cleaning and workshops as list X second motion both started yes yes yes your white foot yesy yes make a motion to approve safer in stronger connection R second there second any questions on this motion all in favor I yes stions I motion you approve the application for the teach side culture Innovative Innovation Grant now 5000 any questions ony all in favor I farway Rowan University student to clinical placement as was second question motion all in favor against extensions I have first have nothing quick I make a motion to approve the following athletic positions for 2023 2024 school year as list and there a second any question all in favor have against I side buildings and gr make a mo to the following request has list second second any questions on in favor against abens I thank you I make a motion to approve the following heer report for December 202 second any questions all in favor yes much following special education TOS as exter I can have a second question roll call yes yes yes yes de yes question question motion all favor allions ition the board and the city to announce the birth of this daughter about Rend the board by January 274 High School of Court as presented last month secondly question all in favor yes exensions by acknowledge the receipt of the prary tonic reports as presented second second any questions all in favor my S you're on hi I have a couple updates three so my first one is going play cre today and was senors andman can't The Freshman I think well behaves I think crazy it was it was weird but they were really so my teachers that they probably must have been in they were seniors but they were really good and OB might put place tomorrow I recommended to up feel is really good my second thing is that pra is just done eight and the lines are crazy I think a lot of people are looking this year and even is Tangled lantern lights like when comes a movie I love that name but I think a lot people are really excited to go and my last SP is that in our Fit club we have a doctor come in and she just gave a presentation about like H what kind of Journey of being a doctor I tend to be some people that Mar get the flat down it was it was great also had another person coming in with st I read the reminder right I think the doctor's coming in again and but a delay it so yeah here almost done can't thanks him anybody I a question can you expand up upon the girls power me yeah great Club my sister start to what up you should be my sister started the club and I'm question it now so I so in the future we've done slow drives thr like like shelters made all tear kits and the bad feelings but the song's not going be something but basically now with this year it's kind of the kind of advisors and had a social M to like people send the clubs in for Messenger course they kind of all just sit around seees like one about the best domestic bio just like awareness about that and like I think this is last year with him about disorders so we kind just spread cound stuff like that yeah I love it good y like it y thank you much my most I did attend the last month would wait after this one and I'll be honest I mean in the first F to and one of the firstday is St I thought that so it was very informative um there wasn't a lot really going on your PO they you play next one and working s recommend the board approved contract of bloster County Special School District the purchasing of nonpublic technology and non public tech texbooks for 24 25 school year Well S I have a question to all in favor I F that CL report that yeah old business the new business I do have some new business that both the count School Board say ASO family by March 21st our eth graders go yes so uh very to see one of our eth GR in attending e8th grade dialogue we're very excited uh the be uh taking part in this uh she is a great representation of the Middle School uh she's in a lot of different extracurricular activities and she is very up when she sees me middle school so should be dis to offering her inside a gr like the tell they have an email from course and ass start up sport that nice pleas if put help sign for that actually I will I have to sign up you want okay to P High School will about buiness to Bringing presentations forward I think it just enriches the board members on Miss what goes on in our schools uh and and I think tonight was a good example just that BLS it's co-curricular activity really that are educationally sound at co-curricular is very sound out there and I think we've heard it often about dely fan that was just St ref flect dely fam cross the like it I can't saying we're right right want to uh I said bre have a motion and will be thank you