e e e I mean Al you can hear me on my phone you just can't hear me coming through the speaker good good to see you all right good evening everyone today is March 18th I'm going to call this meeting to order of the city council of Dustin up first is the uh invocation by Pastor David Butler Faith Assembly Christian Church thanks for being here would you bow your heads with me please our glorious Heavenly Father tonight we ask you Lord and thank you for being the Lord over our city in obedience to your word we make intercession on behalf of those who are in positions of authority in our city and government we request that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity we pray that the decisions made by our leaders this evening as always will be inspired and directed by you and your Divine guidance may your peace dwell and be recognized in this meeting in jesus' name amen and then the Priestly blessing may the Lord bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace amen am thank you so much Cil woman neighbor with the pledge please join me put your hand over your heart I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of United States of America and to theic to the for which it stands one nation One Nation Under godible with liberty and justice for all okay okay all right we got 7:30 on the clock all right so the uh agenda approval at this time I'll accept the motion make that motion to approve motion seeing no further discussion calling the vote for the agenda all right eyes have it unanimously so moved up first it's going to be the proclamation for government Finance professional week all right so the city of Destin Proclamation Florida government Finance Finance professional week whereas the Florida government finance office Association fgfoa is a a professional association founded in 1937 and services more than 300 3,300 professionals from the state county and City governments school districts college and universities Special Districts and private firms and whereas the fgfoa is dedicated to be being your Professional Resources by providing opportunities through education networking leadership and information and whereas this government Finance professionals week sponsored by the fgf OA and all of its members governmental organizations is a weak long series of activities aimed at recognizing government Finance professionals and the vital services that they provide to our state in our County and in community whereas during this week government Finance professionals throughout the State of Florida will acknowledge for their hard work dedication and Leadership now therefore I Bobby Wagner as mayor and on behalf of the city council do hereby Proclaim March 18th through March 22nd 2024 as Government Finance professional week in the city of dtin and extended our appreciation to all government Finance professionals throughout the state and here in the city of Destin for their hard work dedication and Leadership thank you so much oh yeah anything for the all right no one for the people in the back all right all right up next is the Joe's byou presentation from FD just push that button privil to go first or you just want to get me out uh I'll plead the fifth mess this up but uh I if there's one thing the federal government could do they could make a proclamation at all clickers everywhere including hotel room TV things are all the same but anyway let's see if I can get it right all right this is the Joe BYU last time I was here was the 30% which was the major step that was where you saw the concept of the project what was included in the project we got comments from you the parks and recck commission I mean committee and the general public and we took all those comments along with a survey we made okay a survey we made uh that we put out there for comments from the general public and we' assembled all that together plus the stipulation that said exactly what we could and couldn't do as far as what we're building out there but they're finessing it was what we got out of all the comments and I'm bringing back today basically the project as it is now we've sent this to your staff planning engineering des and water users they're not your staff but they're part of it and got a lot of detail comments back on the plans those were working on right now once we finish that plans will go into the state and federal agencies for permitting hopefully it won't take all that long and next time I see you will'll be 90% And the major thing that you'll see at 90 that you won't haven't seen yet will be the landscape plan but we have pretty good direction from your staff and yourselves as to what you do or do not want in the Landscaping plan so I don't think there'll be any issues but uh that's where I am today so I'm going to run through this pretty quick okay this is what I'm going to cover some of it a little more L but I'm going to try to keep this very fast for you now any questions you have of course I will answer we'll try to we have done everything field investigation wise has been done that was all part of 30% we did the Geotech the surveys the topos the environmental cultural everything else so that's all done and all that's finished we've also done the architectural master plan which is what you saw at the 30% as well as the uh 30% conceptual plans I remember remember in that presentation I had a lot of renderings in there and that and I didn't bring those pretty pictures back with me again but I thought they gave you a good idea of what things were and we got comments from you and we've moved forward you can't read that but though we have a compilation spreadsheet that shows all the comments that we received up to this point it also includes comments that we got from the detail staff review which we addressing right now all right this is the plan as it shows now and I can barely see it myself but the major items I want to cover that we did take from our previous meetings and discussions the shoreline along the bay there has been softened to an extent to allow people to actually access the shoreline if you'll look at the top you'll see these little embayments they're very similar to what you see out at noro point it's the same concept people can go from the Upland areas down into the water I know there was comments about you know some people like that's where they want to take their dogs Etc themselves some people want to access it for fishing from that area so we've done that we're also going to be removing a lot of the existing Hardscape that's out there and replacing it with more natural Hardscape instead of the rip wrap it'll be Rock the structures at the very top of the screen there are uh will be which to make what's called The Living Shoreline portion of the project those are again reef rock structures they will help prevent further erosion that you experience now out there along that Coast another major change that came out of the surveys and our own assessment was the existing fishing pier the I would say the west side of the pier is kind of like a dog leg that's going to be removed and instead the pier will go directly out from Shore there's an extension of the pier that goes toward the some of the deeper water areas you can see which is a dark uh make the yeah those areas there anyway I'll get you crazy looking at that but anyway those are deeper water areas that will allow some some of your fishermen to they want to fish in the deeper water instead of the shallow but the pier is actually going to be a little longer than it used to be but we're taking out the uh the old dog leg section and you'll go directly from shore on out the rectangle structure and the little circle structure are also proposed uh Reef structures the artificial reefs that they're putting out now some of them out I think some of them off Destin even that are out there in the similar to those will be constructed here so we hope fishing will be enhanced U the main pond that's out there now will be used for the storm water system we in the uh on the walkway that we were constructing across the pond there was comments about people wanted those walk those bump outs as we call them to be covered we've done that in the design both for the one that's in the pond and also over on the mty Kelly side we'll be rehabbing that existing walkway and the existing walkway is not going to change the area in which it covers now but we're replacing the bad sections of it and so forth and we're adding two bump outs and they'll both be covered with their pergola style covers not uh fixed roof uh let's see what else um the old restroom is being removed and I think we got that cleared up first time but okay uh that will open up some of the area there that's the existing swimming beach to a more uh available portion to protect that beach the there's a the pier I didn't do that oh does it on okay the pier that comes off of the boat ramp area as you can see has an L section that runs to to the Northwest that will protect the uh swimming beach and to keep out boats or jet ski traffic or so forth I've been out there myself and seen jet skis use that Beach area to land and load people and whatever also we're going to uh request from our sister agency to allow buoys to be put in that opening right there that will not allow powercraft to come in there that is it's off limits the only thing that can be in there now is the and also the new addition to the uh boat ramp area will be the accessible boat ramp I mean a kayak launch and I'll show that to you guys in just a minute what the idea behind that type of kayak launch is you've probably seen them before but just to refresh your memory um those are the major things that are that were brought up and that's what we've we've put into the project so I'll just if there are any questions right now I'll be to answer them I'll show you a few more slides yes sir c m yeah you first up I just curious we you will you explain the the will you explain the dock one more time the fishing pier you said it's going to go out further and it's but it's still going to dog leg off to the West yes if you if you see the old dock is shown on there the old t-section okay from that t-section we're expending extending quite a few feet over towards those deep holes and there also be another section put on there so that an angler can reach those deeper areas casting out there so it's going to be longer than what it appears on the it'll be it'll be longer but not further out so to speak except for that small section at the end that goes towards it we're trying to also keep the old portion a lot of it is in seagrass areas and we're trying to make it so that it's somewhat avoided nice and just one more thing so the existing the little small pond it looks like exting the small one that's being eliminated that filled in and yeah filled in and made use of as green space in this in this Pond the storm with we're going to use for storm water it's going to be it's not going to be dry I mean it's going to be a wet Pond it'll be a wet Pond it be a wet Pond but it can handle the storm we're only treating the storm water that's created from the new development activities okay from Joe's Bayou area and and not so much from Matty Kelly but we're not addressing it's not part of the scope of the project and we'll make sure this is clear again the hydraulic issues you have with overall drainage coming through that neighborhood into M Kelly Park I think yall have already got if you've hired an engineer to start looking at that so all right coun M thank you this may be the exact same question councilman King had because I just can't see that far but um we had a a resident Lee laser at 221 dolphin Estates come speak during the public forums and he mentioned you were eliminating one of those docks and I believe that's that small fishing dock that's on that West Side that you were talking about the pier um on the west side he said there are four and the new plan there's three and what I'm trying to look at is I see three okay we we talking about the boat landing area yes that sounds to me like the boat landing yes the boat ramp out there now are three ramps there's two ramps and then a small what you call a small boat ramp we've eliminated the small boat ramp it's inefficient it's not useful instead we have two ramps two lanes each so that's essentially four lanes and the ramp on the Southeast side of the boat ramp area that is now an ADA Pier none of those peers are intended for fishing now that's that has to be controlled by you guys but that's all strictly for boat use the fishing pier is in the Northwest section of the B of Joe's Bou Park and then there's another Pier that we're adding funds allow it that is off of the left side of of the beach area that is a temporary moing Pier let's say you've got a boat if you're fortunate enough to most of you probably do you have a boat you bring it in from your house you have F you have people going to meet you and they want to load up on your boat you can do that from that Pier sort of a e shaped Pier right in the middle of the property okay so for to answer lead Laser's question then you're eliminating that Pier because right now it's ineffective and inefficient yeah what the the boat peers are all still there there's three of them there there's if you look inside hard for me to see too yeah it's I'm I'm even looking at a drawing right here and I'm I'm having difficulty seeing you're talking it's a that that you want I'll go to the actual boat ramp I brought that slide that actual plan so you can see it a little more you want to go to that yeah I'll go to it that furthest south slip is kind of like a small craft doc yeah and I have no interest in it I just wanted he came up and spoke during his three minutes so I wanted to make sure we answered his question all right this is just a demo plan uh just showing what's being removed from out there now all that Old Mill as that's over there he's trying to call me right now talking about this I can't answer yeah there there it is there's your boat okay so that farthest Southern ramp there on on that picture is being eliminated it's your your further Southern ramp is being replaced oh no that little one at the far bottom I'm sorry that very little one that's not NE no that will not be there anymore okay and the the reasoning to answer Le Laser's concerns is because now it's it's it's ineffective and it's not going to serve the purpose based off the new plan yes okay and I apologize Lee I know you just called me but I can't answer I think we' be R but that that ramp now the the existing new ramp at the southern end of the drawing is an accessible uh Pier so that people with physical disabilities will now be able to easily load into a boat that's that's one of those ramps that the end of it's floating goes up and down with the tides and has a ramp that moves with it well thank you very much I just wanted to answer his question because he took the time to come up here for that 3 minutes so I wanted to make sure at least he got no no that's I hope I did answer it um then you're replacing the middle pier and then the pier at the northernmost part of the boat ramp you're looking at that one as you can see you see the old Pier it's in white the new pier is overlaid on top of it it it goes further out and and also has a temporary moing area so that boats can wait there if they're waiting on you know boats to go in and out of the two and they are designed for what we project is the I I guess I shouldn't say it but the largest boats that you can put in now next year they'll come back with bigger boats on trailers and it'll be but we've also addressed on these peers that the one of the problems you have out there is uh and I think it usually happens with the bigger boats and only one person in the boat they power up on the on yourh trailers when they power up it scours out the area at the end of the ramp and then that begins to undermine the ramp and causes what you have out there now is a breakage and so forth I'll show you a crosssection and what's being done to eliminate that going pass thought I memorize these things all right that's by the way I'll just talk about this for a second that's the Ada accessible kayak facility you can launch from the beach out there the way it's designed most able-bodied people that have kayaks probably will launch from the beach it's just easy easy but for those that don't have that ability this uh manufactured they're actually all pre-manufactured and that may be not the exact type that we end up with but it's very similar it has the ability that someone who is let's say you don't have the use of your legs but you kayak you can come into these ramps and they they float up and down with the tide and you can reach overhead pull yourself up a roller based uh area to contain it and then you can get up then a step you can see the steps in there of the of the U of the seating that you abl you get out and get into these these uh and you can actually on one like that one you can have a kayak coming in being retrieved and one taking off on the other side and I thought IE I sure Pierce you have it you have it like 11 slides back what go backwards like 11 more slides keep going backwards it's right there right that's what I was looking for thank you Ryan this is the profile of the ramp as you can see how the ramp goes down and then at the very end it has a portion of rip wrap or Rock placed at the end of the ramp and these ramps are long enough that the boat should be able to get in at the end of the ramp there's a wheel stop but also there's the rip wrap placed at the end of the ramp to prevent the scouring also another thing is being done to the ramp uh you've got a problem with sand buildup on the ramp I think it's the one that's most West on the ramp that builds up with sand we're having a vinyl sheet pile put in underneath the dock and then surrounded by rock that vinyl sheet pile will hopefully keep the movement of sand out of and off that ramp that was my question Pierce was how are you going to manage to keep that sand from doing the buildup because when we launch our boat that's a you know you can see it whenever it comes you lose a percentage of the ramp that way and the other thing when you go back to the drawing of the ramps over those peers over the current ones if you go back to that one it's the you can see the old Pier I think go back there it is so when you look at this this drawing itself this shows you that the width of both of those ramps are enough for two boats side by side to be launched like it is for three and four right now there each one of the r or Lanes so to speak in the ramps is 17 and 1 12 ft wide right and that's what I was I wanted to make sure it was on record that people understood that they know that there are already one set that is open so it's two ramps within the one it's basically going to be the same thing four ramps but it'll be two in one and two in the other one without it being a small one and then two and then another one that's not really conducive to use so brilliant perfect thank you that was my question yes so you you basically you can handle four boats at one time on the ramps and the other Improvement is you can see on the top you see how the we've added the L shape addition to the dock that's for temporary moing so people aren't just sitting out out there in the boat um and I'll show you the profile of the U of the drawings of the bathroom since that's the major structure other than the boat ramp that's going is a new restroom there's your new restroom uh it's got an area that the city can decide to use however they wish to whether it be an office it will be conditioned space but it can be storage or an office one of the things that was requested and we can't do is turn a section or a portion of that bathroom into a garage okay you're going to have to trailer your Gators and bring them out there oh she's tried she you give her credit this structure also has a viewing area if you look there on the right side of the drawing uh that's that area is has plenty of space for people to have an elevated view if they want to and it is the bathroom is of course accessible this is the typical structures that are going out there they just differ in size there's one large Pavilion or larger it's not really that big then there uh I think three smaller two of them on the Matty Kelly side and one more up on the Joe's Bayou side or these smaller uh facilities they are con pilings with a single metal seam roof this is a small structure that was requested first time around and we're putting it in it also is a uh it's for the caraker or whatever you want to call Doc master or whatever get code enforcement whatever but that there is a we are changing the location the location was originally placed further uh between the parking lot and the restroom facility and staff's request was we try to move it if we could up near the boat ramps so that's your pergas on the bump outs that's an elevated view of the restroom facility and that's just just a that's the electrical plan which just well you may want to look at it we're not increasing or adding more lighting than is currently out there that was one of the comments from the first time around that's it is other than questions yeah I would like to know how soon are you going to come back with 90 we really want to get this done by the end of this year I mean I realized doing it during our high summer season I need the Johnny Carson thing with letter you know and open it and tell you U we hope to come back with 90% And that in a couple of months in springtime now that does mean we'll have the permits by then it depends that's strictly up to the permitting agencies I think we'll have the D permits relatively soon because we work under you know guidelines of time cor of Engineers doesn't have the time constraints so and it's not I'm a really difficult permit kit it's just the time it takes all right Council M King thank you sir um you mentioned the perola for the pump out does that sound is that what did I hear that no we don't have the pump out is not the pump out is still there if the city decides they wants to keep the pump out you realize you have to do that strictly with a septic tank hauler Etc uh we're not putting a new one in or anything else but there's no pergola with the pump out I I I misheard you um and so when you're talking about the pump out we're talking about a you're talking about a lift station correct let me ask you this we had mentioned no let me take that back it's not a lift station you can't lift station into the existing sewer system Destin warri us won't accept chemically treated water and that's what comes out of the boat holes so I don't know where we left this but you know I know that something that a lot of us had requested was uh was a wash down or something like that was that did I did I miss that or we not doing that or some of you did mention it and then others didn't uh and the indecision that we made was that the washtown was it the problems I've seen with them where they've been included is there a there're a nuisance and they also hold up because you can't do but one boat at a time and so we have not included a wash down facility at this at this ramp I I recall I seem to recall having and and you know if I if this didn't get brought up at 30% I apologize but I seem to recall could discussing having it across the street where it wasn't in the ways I remember that was a an issue that we had was that it would slow people down if it was you know in the place where people pull up now and stop and unload all their pool floats and snorkeling gear you know obviously that that poses a you know an issue but if we were to do it across the street and the parking across the street is that not an option to do that I know that and and I'm not it's an option but were you talking about doing it on the M Kelly side where there's an existing gravel lot now yes I thought I seem to recall that was part of the conversation that we had is that am I we didn't all agree on it it was just going to you can but then you're going to have boats traversing across the Street to go into the other parking lot to wash down so I think on paper that's how it seems but if it's you know obviously July 4th weekend I don't I don't recall I don't recall it's not all agreeing on that um but if it's you know October and there's 10 boats a day or whatever it is you know I I I don't remember where we left it exactly but I seem to recall most of us wanting such a thing and I know that every Everybody I've talked to who knows about this has asked about it you know there's a lot of I mean a lot of boat ramps that have it well I I will not to debate with you because I'm not debating what you've said but in the survey that we did that was not an issue that was brought up in the survey but I'll be glad to take it back man I have a meeting tomorrow morning with our design team and I'll just tell them that that you you know requested that we look into a washdown now let me ask you this are you going to say you can't use the washdown during July the 4th and crowded times are we going to this was part of the conversation I mean I remember having this convers and I'm not debating either if I'm the only one up here that wants it then it doesn't matter you know I'm the what what you know it's the consensus of the council and what the council wants it doesn't have anything to do with me I just no well I can tell you this based on your request tonight I will take it back in the morning and just say this is one issue that would like us to look into and we'll bring you back an answer that' be awesome it's our opinion then you can override our opinion yeah and I'm not not trying to be contrary here I just I know it's a need and it would be a really nice amenity to have and if we could shut it off Fourth of July weekend say sorry we're not doing we're not doing washdowns this weekend it just didn't happen anyway I'd like to hear what the what the options are if there are yes sir I'll be glad to but let me show you one thing you just brought something up a second ago one of the things that's added it's not out there now is in the design if you look over here on the east side of the property there's an area for not parking but for longitudinal parking for temporary get boats out of the way then you unload your boat if you're going to take a bunch of stuff out of it I don't know what's a proper term somebody can boat or give me a better term to yeah well that's what it is unloading Zone there's also a loading zone as well when you're coming into the ramp so you don't have somebody get at the ramp that doesn't mean it's going to happen but you get there to the ramp and then you decide to load your boat now if you're waiting that's frustrating so there's an area to pull in it's over here to the it would be uh right left of the r existing ramps that's where you pull in and uh load your boat so to speak take it out of your truck and throw it in the boat before you get to the ramp and that we've done it other I've been involved with it where we've put that in and that's been a great asset for boating facilities but I I will say from personal experience that wash down is not not necessarily so if you're coming from freshw to freshw you all know the problems with the with the algae and the stuff transferred from one place to another coming off salt water is not usually the issue but I will look into it and we will get you an answer thank you sir councilwoman a um just to speak to Mr Kings uh when we were all talking about it it was a matter of you know would Waste Management with the runoff if we had soap you know if we're clearing the engine I thought there was a lot more involved in what could be considered in the wash out of cleaning the boat because I know that we go home we run the motors we clear them that way we you know soap and wash the boat down so when you're setting up a wash out area would there be a certain like would it be like a car wash with a big sprayer that's already preset there and that's all you're going to use you're not going to have a soap um from other places that you've set them up or or had that come up I haven't seen one that's quite that luxurious so to speak like a drive-thru in a car wash it's typically you know if you're going to wash down people get out there and they wash down their boat they got the scrub brush and all that and it's time consuming it takes up also if they're running fresh water through their engines um you know I haven't had a boat in many years but when it was younger and had friends that had them that was something we did at home well and that was I think that was where we were at at that discussion we all thought it would be a great idea but then there was the whole okay how many people can really do a wash when you've got four or five boats waiting to pull out and as they pull out they wait in their turn and then it becomes a cluster because there's three or four people waiting even on a 10 booat pickout you know weekend during the summer so the other the other problem with them nowadays is well when when I had a boat and so forth boats averaged about 18 ft it's rare to see the 18 footer going in there anymore and now these boats are coming in up to 35 ft on a trailer you think about washing that down um that's just the things to think about I mean that's what we found is there there a hold up there a snagle place in in the boat ramp operation but um I will get an answer back to you yeah just look into it while you're at that you know that meeting tomorrow and and let us know you know what it is feasible in that area that you preset up yeah we could do that we could set out some hoses and maybe have a couple 30 foot you know boats be washed down or rolling through quick but I don't want to take it like six more months because we you know we didn't get it in there no we we're not cuz we we're working on like I said we your staff did a very good job of reviewing the 60 complete set of 60% drawings and gave us back very good comments to consider and it's our responsibility now to come back and respond to that and then move forward with the rest of the design because I don't want to be sitting here a year from now uh waiting we I would like to have this thing bid sometime in the near future that because it's it's a 12-month job and some of the difficult things that you're going to have to face it is when the calls come in is you've shut their ramp down we we we cannot it's not right now feasible it cost more if any of you are construction oriented you know what it is you start telling the contractor you got to keep this open you build here there's liability issues turny can say you've got we want to shut it down and we had agreements first time around on this that yes they you knew that it was going to be able to have to be shut down um and go from there all right anything else on your presentation no I mean I skipped around on these but I think you've got the got the idea all right see no more comments on our side thank you so much okay it's been a pleasure guys I hope for mayor mayor I I know mic's coming up all right so at this time I will do public comments mayor oh yeah I'm sorry uh should we do the public comments before we make any kind of motion okay all right so there's uh who wants to make a motion on the table I'll make the motion to approve the 60% all right do I hear a second than motion is second seeing no further discussion call on the vote all right eyes have it all right moving along to public comments at this time we'll start right yep mayor council thank you Mike Buckingham 510 coun Avenue um as most of you all know that I took on a job to help the city out with a Heritage Park to get this project done and it was kind of a little tough job but we got it done but we had a contractor that is not paying one of the subcontractors and I've asked multiple times to try to find out how we can pay a subcontractor that worked for us that lives in the city of D and runs his City out his business out of here works for y'all works for me works for a lot of people good guy he just can't get paid he's on his way to meet me but he's stuck in traffic um he made the comment I asked him why the the contractor won't pay him he says we're not paying you go to the city they can pay you that's the answer he gets so now every time he calls they won't return his phone call and he's owed $6,000 and a man deserves his money without him we would have played heck with that job he's the one that came in and fixed the staircase which is the biggest project we had the biggest problem we had on that entire well one of the biggest problems we had on that on that project um but he saved us on that and he did a a damn good job and he did it for very fair price we just got to pay him so my question to council is can y'all help me out direct the way to get this man paid please all right can we I I don't I'm not seeing anything oh all right then jump in yeah I got his timer yeah I would I would ask staff uh get a copy of a couple of things number one uh the contract the subcontractor has with the contractor number two the contractor's statement I'm sure sure we collected at the end of as part of our wrapup that says I have I agree that I've paid all subcontractors I certify that and then reach out to the contractor and say you know either pay either live up to the documents you said or you're going to force our hand to do something we really don't want to do uh and the subcontractor will have to do something he probably doesn't want to do so that's my motion I'll second that I was make the same motion so we're on the same sheet I'll second that TR got anything sir um has anybody contact the DBP dbpr because there are uh procedures in accordance with Florida Department of Public business regulation when somebody isn't being paid by a legal contractor that they can file against that contractor has that been initiated it was my understanding he had passed a time of being able to put a lean you know to to start the lean process to enter into the the process of what you're talking about well no lean and and this is completely different so there's as far as I know it's a fiveyear statute of limitations on being able to file the complaint with dbpr and gain the money through dbpr so as a contractor we pay in to an association fee basically or a fee for these types of things so that when somebody is treat it unfairly whether it's a citizen or a subcontractor that the uh construction board board can can issue that payment and go after that original contractor so the sub can get paid and the the construction board will go after the licensed contractor that hired them uh through an inquiry but um that's why I'm wondering have we already has anybody filed that cvpr myself personally I I'd love to see that happen no I I mean I'm just saying myself I would love to see him go after the contractor um but in this particular case um I think the man's owed $6,000 if I'm not mistaken and he didn't make a whole bunch of money on the job and in his in his mind I told him which I was told by staff and the previous city manager that in order to close the contract with the contractor he had to sign an affidavit stating that he did pay all subs and he hasn't so with that said it ought to be enough right there for like you just did ask staff to pull it up and find out why the man hadn't been paid because I think they're going to find out that it's real simple yes the man did say he paid everybody he didn't and bottom line he still owes the contractor and I thank you all yeah and that my question was more if this contractor is doing it to him he's probably doing it to other people so that's why I would like to see something go through dbpr to prevent any future it's not necessarily that staff isn't going to figure out a way to resolve this it's more of how do we prevent this from happening in the future if there's anything I can do to get on your team and help you do do that I'm on it because it it gets very old the small guy is the one he gets hurt thank you sir all right thank you so much all right we got a motion on the table any further discussion we have a discussion pH yeah I know that's any further discussions okay there you go no he's got the time I I'm I'm Flying Blind over here I'm going uh more three minutes it get way more okay my my question or my observation is of course when people work on things for the city they need to get paid and uh we need to find out why they haven't I would also suggest that since this is a contract for the public entity using public money it is subject to public records request um great idea hopefully we don't have to go there but the motion is to direct City attorney or staff or staff it's probably going to be the attorney but I I just want to say staff because okay to to look into this issue and find out why yeah but you know hopefully like I said we don't have to get into the public records and start looking to see who said what to who thanks thank you all appreciate it have a great evening all right any other public comments I really consider him public but who is he uh Shane Moody Dustin chamber CEO president CEO um just a real quick thank you from me and from our board uh for giving us this room on Thursday for the Dustin forward class all of you came and spoke to them um they enjoyed it department heads who spent 15 20 minutes each coming in and talking to them with a great overview of the city and a big shout out to Tamara typically I say so and so helped me with this she didn't help me she did it so I sent her the agenda and said what can you do to help me and about two hours later I got the agenda back and said it's all done so we showed up and it's a great day and again thank you for the partnership and I appreciate you all coming to speak to them thank you Tamara again for such a great job of taking care of our folks all right so I'll close public comments at that time and move on to consent agenda I move to approve a consent agenda motion is second by councilman dtin any further discussions seeing none calling the vote Mr dtin just with with the confirm there you go I just have it all right Mr zenu uh thank you mayor and uh good evening council members uh the first item we have for you is uh we're seeking uh city council approval for use of the uh without charge of the Mala parking parking lot uh for the annual blessing of the fleet event motion to wave the parking fees at the merer parking lot for the 2024 blessings of the fleet effective at 2 pm on May 9th 2024 second motion is second any further discussions all right seeing none calling the vote I [Laughter] you there you go I have it okay item 4B is an update um on the pickable courts project which is now at the 60% designed stage and the city engineer will give us an update good evening Council mayor um all right so we were not here too long ago with 30s and now we're back with 60s so let me show you what's happened since okay so um we took 60s to parks and wck and the biggest change that you'll see between 30s and 60s on this is we asked them kind of how do you want to see a complete buildout of the site uh we shuffled some stuff around and got two more pickle ball courts in there and in the 30s there was a pick a tennis court and a basketball court on the south end there um during discussions with the parks and right Comm committee it was determined that it'd be best to have like multi-use courts on the south there to allow the parks and wreck to program it however they see fit um so we put in the biggest footprint between tennis basketball and pickle ball so right now it's showing two tennis courts um but I would recommend for '90s that it's just multi-use courts and then depending on what parks Americans need they can get basketball courts in there or tennis or whatever um so that was changed the other thing that came up was there was a concern in the Parks and R committee so here's the phase one with the Four Courts in the bathroom that once they're open with the pickle ball being used the dog park and the City Hall Annex that there might not be enough parking so it was asked as part of phase one if you notice on the buildout we're redoing the parking lot and extending the parking lot down to the Public Works building um and phase one put that in as as temporary gravel parking lot and that can act as an overflow if needed um so we're showing that in phase one but as we all know the budget is tight so that would probably be one of the first things cut um to try to get back within budget uh those were the two things that were revised after taking it to the parks and rec committee so we're asking for direction from Council tonight to see if you're fine with where we're heading um and then to release uh Mr Jenkins to move forward to 90s and permitting um and he's uh Mr jenkins's here to answer any questions you might have Jump On In uh first up councilman Dustin how many spaces do you get in the Overflow estimate parking Bas um I don't have that top my head's 23 okay thanks all right councilman Bagby I'll make the uh motion to approve the oops move the direct city manager to work with staff and Jenkins engineering to move forward to 90% design documents which include the recommendations from The Parks and Recreation committee I'll second that all right motion is second councilman King further discussion if we were going to so the multi-use courts if obviously you want to use those either basketball tennis or whatever let's say there's the need for 12 more courts how how many pickle ball courts could we squeeze in that if we decided to go that route in the future um I believe you can fit two pickle ball courts on One tennis court is that correct yeah so yeah that'd be four more pickall courts if that was all utilized as pickall so right now there's I think 12 shown so yeah it could be 16 getting close to Regional conferences all right seeing no further discussion got a motion on the table call vot all right I have it you are released thank you item 4 C is the report on the FY 23 annual audit and financial statements uh the finance director will give you a report on that so Andy we're doing a sound check uh we have uh Wade Sansbury he's our partner with Malden and Jenkins and he should be online with a short presentation okay test test okay Wade um we should be able to hear you if you start speaking but everyone's going to have to speak carefully into the mics and there's about a one and a half second delay okay can can you hear me okay and can you see the um our presentation yep we got you okay good good well good evening uh mayor and Council thank you so much for allowing me to uh virtually be with you all here tonight um and also thank you for allowing M and Jenkins to serve the city of dtin um I do have a um very brief uh presentation for you all tonight um I'll fly through it really quickly and then I'll leave plenty of time for any questions at the end um just some some of the same information we provided to you last year um just a little bit of information about molden and Jenkins we are a large Regional firm we were founded in 1918 so we've got a long history of serving governmental entities um we do serve currently over 700 governmental entities here in the Southeast including over 170 that that annually receive the gfoa certificate um of excellence and then we've got just a little another slide with some some of the additional information about our firm um as you all know we were contracted to per form an audit of your financial report this year um it's called an aord the annual comprehensive financial report um this slide just kind of gives you a breakdown of a general breakdown of what is included in that report um we of course our responsibility is to perform an audit and then to express an opinion on that audit um the the statements themselves are the responsibility and the representation of of management in the city um we did um Express an unmodified opinion which is a clean opinion and the type of opinion that you wish to receive each and every year um and in our opinion the the financial statements present fairly in all material respects the financial position of the city as of and for the year ended September 30th of 2023 um there was quite a lot of activity as you all I'm sure are very aware there were a lot of projects and um some significant transactions that took place um Happy to report that we had no findings this year no material weaknesses no significant deficiencies um that's all very very good Crystal and her staff do a really good job of taking care of your books and Records on a day-to-day basis um and they uh certainly do a really good job as well and helping us uh get the job done at the end of the year the actual audit process completed so we really appreciate all of her help and hard work in making that happen um this year the city also received um quite a bit of of State financial assistance almost 3.9 million this year um which required us to perform yet again another single audit a state single audit um and that single audit covered about three and a half million of those expenditures mostly on your trip Grant the transportation enhancement program um and we noted no issues with regard to those funds as well so again very good overall year um your overall net position significantly increased as well um you increase your the Citywide net position by about 22 million um to end the year with about 161.5 million so again very good overall financial report um here I've got a lot of required Communications I'm not going to go over all of those um just would like to point out that the city was required to implement gasby 96 we did that it was not a significant effect on your financials um but just like to point that out um some additional required Communications and all of these are also listed in our adna or Auditors discussion and Analysis not to be mistaken from the the management discussion and Analysis which is the first part of the financial statements if you don't look at anything else within the statements I always recommend that you do read the mdna um lastly I just like to say that we we certainly are independent with regards to the city we take that very very seriously um and want to make sure that you all are aware of that um then we've just got some highlevel general information of the city um for 2023 and then the next slide is the same information as of 2022 um the spending per resident this year came out to be about $2600 uh the general fund fund balance ended the year at 32.4 million that was about a 15% increase over the prior year um your debt per resident about $1,700 uh number of employees is about 93 then you've got some average employee information as well as uh what percentage of your general fund budget is spent on your salaries and benefits same information as of 2022 um obviously the there were there was quite a bit of capital uh expenditure this year so the spending per resident for 2022 is much lower than it was in 2023 um as part of the the large land purchase there was also some debt incurred this year so your debt per resident also went up um from 2022 then just a couple of slides on the general fund this is a breakdown of your overall Revenue new the majority of which um as it was in 2022 were from property taxes as well as some other General taxes this slide shows where those funds then in turn go um and it's kind of interesting that you all have almost a 25 25 25% breakdown between your general government public safety and your culture and recreation then then the other 25% is is spread among some other categories but um very similar to that in the prior year as well here's a five-year history of your general fund fund balance again just some uh again very good solid fund balance as of the end of the year um and ended you know right at 32 million uh like I mentioned we also issued to you all an adna our Auditors discussion and Analysis we list out all of those required Communications if there were any kind of findings and recommendations for improvement those would be listed there we do list out all of the upcoming gasby statements that are are coming down the pipeline and and there gasby is uh not slowing down it doesn't look like so there's plenty of those to be considered in the future um one thing you know I would just like to remind you all I did not actually put this in written format but just make sure that you all are staying on top of your it um systems and make sure everything's being updated um there's still quite a bit of uh of governments out there that are being targeted for cyber security issues and weaknesses and whatnot so certainly do all you can do to stay out of the out of the out of the newspaper for having a loss of some kind so uh we we do have some people that can help you in that regard if you ever need that but but certainly make sure that you're keeping up with that as much as best you can and that's really all that I have for you all tonight do you all have any any questions that I could try and answer I don't see anything um on one of the slides you're talking spend per resident and then there's one called debt per resident is that the difference between what they pay and what we are giving them in value what what is thatb a simple calculation total governmental expenditures divided by the the population at the end of the year okay gotcha that makes sense all right thank you all right I don't anything else I was just going to say thank you for the report and thank you for just reminding us how awesome crystal is and what a great job she does keeping us out of trouble all right councilman Bagby I move to accept the 2023 annual audit and financial statements for the city of dtin and for the city of dtin community redevelopment agency I'll second that motion and then I just want to thank Crystal and her team and really all the staff uh that's our number one priority is fiscal discipline and you know we always have a challenge our challenge coming up is sustaining what we have which we've talked about the RNR fund and uh the I guess going forward probably the lack of a bunch of Grants or harder to get grants because our you know the American Recovery Act and a lot of other things even the state is cutting back on some of their things going to be hard for us to do so we need to do the last step and get a handle on sustainment of our ongoing operations but I think we've got the team in place to do that and I just want to thank all of you thank all right councilman dtin yeah I wanted to repeat uh repeat that praise for Crystal and her team I think let's see eight audits with the school board and 26 with the city I have very seldom seen audits that don't have anything in the management letter that are negative this is one of the few and that that's a very good accomplishment all right see no other Praises calling the vote all right eyes have it so moved okay item 4 d is the proposed FY 25 budget calendar uh for your review and approval um Finance director will give us uh highlights of uh what to look forward it's good evening mayor and council members uh so here we have our uh the calendar to help us adopt the 2025 budg buget which will go into effect in October um a couple I just wanted to point out a couple really important meetings first we've set a a council budget workshop for May 13th to review the operations and then we've set a a a council budget workshop at the end of June to review the capital projects so that'll be actually a an all-encompassing but we'll focus on the the capital project projects and prepare ourselves to adopt a tentative millage rate uh because we only have one meeting in July where we can really adopt that uh and meet the deadline for the um the tax collector and the property appraiser in July uh the property appraiser will certify the taxable values to us and then let's see um I put the date on here I put excuse me um so in in July we will um at the July 15th meeting we will choose the the tentative millage rate so that we can get that information to the property appraiser to go on the trim notices that go out to all of our citizens on August 4th um I also scheduled two optional budget workshops in case we'd like to come together to further refine the uh operating and or capital projects we just won't have the ability to increase our millage rate at that point so we'll be dependent upon um adjusting fees or just uh swapping out one project for another um after that point so uh and then finally and most importantly uh We've set September 5th for our first public hearing and as we adopt this calendar this evening that's the motion that needs to be made is to set that first Cal uh that first public hearing for September 5th uh just a reminder September 2nd is Labor Day and September 3rd that Tuesday is when Okaloosa County is having their budget public hearing we can't have it on the same day as them uh Wednesdays the city tends to have other meetings going on in this venue so we've set this for that Thursday of that week which is September 5th and with that I'm open to any comments or questions all right coun Magby yeah I'll make the motion I move to approve the FY 2025 budget calendar and set budget and millage adoption public hearing number one for September 5th 2024 at 6m in the regular council chambers at 4100 Indian Bayou Trail and then once I get a second I do have a comment I'll second that yeah my my comment is and I discuss with Crystal and the staff uh this afternoon I would like for y'all probably at the next meeting not the special meeting but the next regular meeting if you would come back with your ideas on the catchup on the RNR fund because we know how much as we discussed at the strategic planning session we know what the dollar amount is pretty much what we're unsure about is the five year you know do you want to do it over five years do you want to do it over s years but what's what's our plan uh because that has a major impact on our budget for the next either 5 years seven years because obviously we can't afford to make up all the Deferred maintenance and deferred vehicle purchases and deferred it improvements in one year or two years or three years uh so it's just how long do we want to spread this pain out over but it somewhere between five and seven years probably or four and seven we we got to get back on track to doing what what we used to which was was sustaining every year and and taking care of what we needed to take care of so I I would just ask Lis if you'll put that under my name and next year or next year next meeting first meeting in April we'll have that discussion other than that I think we've got a great plan you know the calendar is good it's it's fairly standard and we've got our strategic plan I think the staff understands so you know it's time to go through it again all right any other discussion seeing none call the vote all right I have it right informational uh item 4E uh is the operations financial report uh this is only information unless you have questions on that and uh our finance director will be able to answer that yeah the the short synopsis this is uh the operational financial report that's in here is through the end of January and we're on time and on target okay item 4f is a report on the status of the city's capital projects um I think we've uh tried as best as we can to uh review where we are and give you a fairly accurate uh status of where things stand again if you get had any questions uh we'll be happy to answer all right uh item 4G is the uh TDC monthly report uh I think Crystal has got a little uh update on that that you share um sure so uh this TDC monthly report these are the collections that were collected through the end of February and um as the TDC will say that this is flat remember this is the time period October through February uh which is not exactly the the peak uh but Year over-year we're 3% above where we were uh from the prior year right councilwoman a so we're not flat is that what we want to specify that we've done an increase some some people would call 3% flat because that's equivalent to uh the average inflation we've had uh for the last 100 years as some people might consider that an increase thank you for the clarification it's nice to see that we're moving up getting a little bit a little bit out of the Flatline thank you uh I announcements uh we have a series of announcements for you the first one is a reminder uh that we have a special meeting of the city council on the on March 25th uh to discuss uh the bids received for the under gring project and that meeting will be here at 6:00 p.m. and the rest of the announcements will be provided by the public information director yeah good evening mayor and Council the library will host an Easter treat Trail for preschoolers on March 27th from 10: to 11:00 a.m. and then Dustin Citywide annual Easter egg hunt will be on Saturday March 30th at the Morgan Sports Center beginning at 9:00 a.m. and that Easter egg hunt is for youth ages 12 and with a special egg hunting zone for crawlers and toddlers tomorrow is of course the presidential preference primary election and there will be voting from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Dustin United Methodist Church and that's for precincts 35 and 44 also at Dustin Community Center for Precinct 20 and then the city hall boardroom which is for precincts 49 and 50 and residents can check their voting registration card to determine where to vote Alex fog provided us with stickers for seagrass awareness so Code Compliance officers are busy out there Distributing those to Livery pontoon vessels and if anyone else would like them we've got a stack here um happy to leave them around town the Destin Community Center will be hosting a community yard sale on Saturday April 6 from 8:00 a.m. to noon to reserve a spot and learn more details and fees for hosting a table you can call the community center we have worked with Greg fiser and the Boating operators coalition to help support uh some some important videos on various topics like the Livery safety video and the Pontoon safety video so we're good with that per councilwoman A's request for us to consider improving upon trash pickup issues Public Works Code Compliance and public information met with Waste Management staff to discuss a number of areas that we can partner on um for improvements so we're going to be making those service Day stickers available for residents at City Hall City NX and the community center and then the mayor and public information office have a welcome letter that we send to all new residents so we'll include those stickers with that welcome packet and both entities waste management and our city departments are going to review the did you know campaign content to see if we can better educate residents we're going to work on closer uh closer communicating issues in real time waste management is going to work on updating and improving curbside tagging and um we all going to work on cleaning up some of those delinquent accounts that are in violation of the city ordinance and we're working on um that multi pronged approach and we'll hopefully see some results within the next few months we sent you an email earlier today but I'm not sure if you may or may not have had time to see it um the it office has now converted most City cell phones to use the new mobile device management solution and Andy is hoping to collect some phones this evening if possible so that we can get everybody up to date if you're unable to provide the phone tonight is not a problem he and his staff can work with you um one-on-one to do that at a different time there will be a public workshop on April 10th at 5:30 p.m. here at the annex for the visioning workshop for the Dustin City Center and city-owned properties in the Town Center CRA and harbor CRA districts two or more members of the city council or other City boards and committees may be in attendance at that workshop and then we do want to say a big thanks to sheriff Eric Aiden for allowing us as part of our City's 40th birthday to participate in the Hall of Fame the captain's Hall of Fame that was very beautiful event I know several of you attended and it was um really really moving um also as part of the 40th birthday um incredibly happy to report our drone show update and you can save the date of August 10th so we will have our City's first drone show then and that is it thanks so much all right seeing no public comment or not public comments public hearings uh we will just four way down the aisle councilman G yes sir I have a couple things that I'd like to do but I'll try to make as quick as possible one thing we did talk about during the U visioning session was implementing registration fees for uh Condominiums so that we can incorporate those or receive some of those costs for the taxpayers um Lewis can can I ask that by May 4th we have a plan or something in place from the city staff on on incorporating or or encompassing uh those fees yeah certainly we can um we won't have every uh detail flushed out but at least we'll give you a sense of where we're headed in terms of a game plan and then we can get some input from you uh we're heading in the right direction or not thank you so much sir also um we we talked a little bit about the emergency draging but from what I understand we might have an update on some dredging operations uh can we get that update for the public please Ryan uh yeah right now we're trying to figure out funding sources and we are in Communications with the county um to see if we can partner uh with them on cost and uh utilizing one of their contractors um to do the work Wonderful um one of the things I want to update on uh I Was Made legislative sponsor for the Dustin High School uh and and part of their uh problems with the softball fields and the or baseball fields and the annexation we met at Dustin Elementary on the 5th of March met with Amy Meyer the Dustin Elementary principal uh Lisa fth and her team with Ryan Reid and uh Brian Keller uh Grant Meyers the director of operational services for ok County School District Bill Smith the director of facilities okusa County School District and dtin high school representative Willie Williams the executive director and Garrett ruple uh a basketball coach and one of the committee leaders uh it was determined that as of May 1st Dustin Elementary will no longer be able to briide fields for uh the high school then we also met on March 11th with ls Z GOI Kim cop Willie Williamson Daniel Frankfurt uh Stephanie larby about possible annexation there's some good things on the Forefront uh it's a little premature to talk about but I at least wanted this Council to understand that we are being very proactive in in the assignment that you gave us um there were there's there's a lot of management change over at the high school so they they did not have the interlocal agreement and they wanted to review that interlocal agreement we forwarded them that interlocal agreement based off the baseball fields they're reviewing that they're going to come back to us with uh at least some of their understandings of what they can and cannot accomplish and at that point I'll everything to this Council and and let you guys be fully aware of what's Happening um also on March 8th I met with Captain fulam which I really appreciate your time Captain I learned quite a bit we did learn that there are 35 uh vehicle accidents with bike crashes at intersections I think that's something this Council needs to look at moving forward especially when we start talking about the electric bike ordinances um and and it's something that's going to be very very crucial moving forward the only final thing I'd like like to add March 26 I'm having neck surgery there may be an issue with the April 1st uh meeting council meeting I'll make every attempt to be here but there might be a chance that I will not be here other than that I'm done man yeah we love you being here jeez in the neck brace yeah do not kill yourself all right C you said March 26 March 26 all right March 26 yes sir all right C dtin nothing tonight mayor M go going back to you c b okay more from yeah more we look quite aike yeah the uh first of all I guess the good news is uh our legislative delegation uh led by uh representative man Senator brockson and Senator Trumble in particular uh did us right did Us justice over in uh Tallahassee this year uh they were able to get us a million dollar for the four prong Lake Project 200,000 for the 98 stalman uh project and 100,000 for the dredging project so I would like to make a motion I'm going actually make two motions one that we uh direct the staff to draft and the mayor to execute a letter of thanks to our legisl Northwest Florida legislative delegation for their hard work in securing uh funding for our priorities three of our priorities which is more than uh we've ever gotten I think uh so that I'll just make that motion first I'll second that further discussions call on the vote all right nice have it and then and then my second motion is we all understand but people in the city won't understand if they read that headline that that's not the end of this uh fight there's actually two more steps the next step is to uh get the governor to agree and sign those pieces of legislation and that could be anywhere uh from two weeks to 3 months because they kind of chain feed him so that they don't overwhelm him so that his staff because I think once he gets he has seven days to actually execute it or veto it or line item veto it so I would uh make a motion to direct the staff to draft a letter and the mayor to execute the letter asking the governor to favorably consider uh the legislation and the monies appropriated by the legislature uh for the city of Destin's projects I'll second that see no further discussion call on the vote all right eyes have it okay and then the last thing I would say is uh for the staff just like we had on the uh path you know we we've done right yall did a great job with uh representative man's appropriation okay and and you know Mr dtin was the the lead the legislative lead on that but now it starts over again it's Groundhog Day over again we have to find the funding to actually allow us to use the 100,000 for the dredging and the 200,000 for the stalman 98 intersection and the million dollars for the for prong Lake outfall Project so uh I would just ask you to put on your green eye shades and I know we've discussed on the for prong Lake and I've already talked with the uh president of the destiny East Homeowner Association I'm trying to get a hold of the destiny Homeowner Association uh because they need to have skin in this game of course we would ask the county uh we'd ask the state D also because of the six laning of 98 and the way they changed the uh outfalls there to all of it feeding into for prong Lake but it's time for us to find the rest of the money and get this project get these projects approved thank you very much mayor hey councilwoman NE thank you mayor um I got the note about the phone Pio gave mine and my computer to Andy um Lisa I'm not really sure how you're um staffed for the Easter egg hunt but I kind of want to ask if you need to put out the public volunteers needed to help you with each of the age levels CU I know that those are huge pods throughout do you have enough volunteers already or do you want the word out there because I know there are some Destin Ford folks that had asked me what could they do to volunteer to be part of the city so I didn't know if you had a way for us to get the word out that you are looking for volunteers to help with any of that um I do have excuse me the leadership from middle school dtin middle school and if anybody wants to volunteer they certainly can give me a call I mean we can I'll let them know if there's nothing for them to do but I will let them know if there is something okay great and I'll be letting you know I've done it before I'd like to help again too this year it's so much fun to watch those children um and then I also want to thank the city um for all of you that are all on the team with Waste Management conversations for getting the stickers for the residents to understand what goes in each can what days of the week they pick up what and I know we kind of discussed switching to have like yard debris on Fridays since it's what most people do instead of bulk you know like the bulk on one day and the you know debris I don't know if that could be something that we either discuss as a council but I think because people do yard work all weekend having Monday being the yard debris pickup because every Monday I see piles of stuff that people have done in yard work sitting on the street so i' didn't know if that was feasible um or we would find out from Waste Management are our trucks on the same routing with another city that it's not feasible to make yard waste a Monday and whatever big debris on Fridays um that was just asking staff just to see if that's doable when you have your next conversation with Waste Management to switch those or if it would be you know too much of a question on where it's at before yeah we we'll make that inquiry report back okay that's all I asked just check on it thank you very much and thank you to code for all you're doing I know that you're chasing down a lot of folks that are putting stuff out that shouldn't and not getting stuff picked up so thank you for your work too you g to admit that okay councilman King thank you sir hey just one thing real quick uh I was curious and looking at the capital Improvement plan um for the cross town connector it says demolition complete need p D any decision from Council to move permitting process forward which will result in a design engineering change order from Atkins what do we need to be doing on that maybe that's a stupid question I don't know who to direct that to exactly but uh yeah we need direction from Council uh which we brought to council October September somewhere in that time frame and it was tabled um we need direction on the options we talked about the options uh do a PDN study again uh have to do at least the E over again because the Water Management District will not allow us to submit for permit through them until we get the IR updated so we're working to get that back to but there is going to be a change order coming as part of that package and we're trying to work with Baskerville because we wanted to combine the pd&e study that they're doing with us with the board walk under the bridge that they already had combine their two contracts try to um recognize any cost savings with those but also this new combined contracts has more scope of work so it's going to come in higher overall uh cuz now there's a seaw wall design along the whole front edge of one Harbor the boardwalk extension along the whole front edge of one Harbor so in the background we're working with Basketville trying to get that contract right and then bring everything back and discuss everything at once you said we tabled that in October is that right somewhere in that time frame yeah that not trying to be jerk but is it normal that it would take five months to have this brought back to us it's been a slow go um we're going back and forth with basketball trying to get the contract right um and then also trying to figure out what did I say basketball oh Atkins sorry um trying to get the contract right um and then uh trying to figure out the best way to present the options again do you have any idea when that's going to come back to us I was hoping for April can I guess can would it be appropriate to make a motion to have that hammered down by April is that something that you think you can get done I mean is that realistic uh yes I just realized I told you guys all about the wrong project yeah I was a little confused yeah sorry I switched from Cross Basketville how that got looped in with the one Harbor de somebody should have stop me well no I didn't I felt like maybe you knew something I didn't know so I was keep it quiet get from one project to the other sorry so so a April 15 I think that's a tget date to bring that issue back yeah do we need a motion um I that's what they're working on but if you want to emphasize that that's up to you if you if if you can commit to be having it to us by April 15 there's no sense in making a motion for it Kyle you got anything thanks for taking it easy on me on my time back here but yeah absolutely I'm trying to pull mine up uh okay yeah because we got a TPO meeting on the 16th and that will to verify that um the cross town gets back on the long range Mobility plan which will ideally uh open us up for some funding Gap uh so that was just why I wanted to make sure that was before that meeting because we can back out until that goes through and then we're just like an appropriation we'll get on the hook and make a lot of people look bad if we can't follow through so all right that's perfect and I don't have anything tonight but that was just to add to your discussion on cross town all right any public comments where is everyone they're all online we sent out a Facebook post talk there's a lot of people online I'm going to go with that there's now less people since all right 25 online all right all 25 you online thank you so much for being here with us all right with that have a wonderful night and meeting adjourned