good evening everyone I'm going to call this city council meeting to order up first is the invocation with Pastor Stevens from first Village Baptist Church Lord we just want to take a minute and stop and thank you and pause for all that you do for us not only for this city but for our nation and Lord there's a lot of turmoil around and Lord we thank you that there's peace here we thank you for all the ones that work here Lord we thank you for it's a great place to raise our children for these youth that to be involved Lord and we just want to give you the praise and honor that you deserve for making this creation so beautiful and allowing us to be a part of it Lord I just pray you give us wisdom and guidance in all that we do in Jesus name amen amen all right Council woman a with the Pledge yes please join me with your hand over your heart I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right thank you as always Pastor Steve all right at this time I will accept a motion for the agenda approval I'll make that motion mayor I have a motion do I hear a second a second motion a second seeing no further discussion call on the vote all right eyes have it all right 1A is our flood awareness week so I will step to the front man they should have you read this you got such a better voice so uh welcome to March everyone we're so excited you guys have been here to join us so this is a city Destin Proclamation flood Awareness Week whereas the city of Destin has experienced severe weather in the past in the form of extreme rainfall or tropical system events resulting in flooding and this flooding has caused damage and flooding losses to homes and buildings in all areas whether they are at high risk special flood hazards or in low to moderate risk flood zones whereas the city of Destin is a volunteer participant in the National flood insurance program that provides residents with the opportunity to protect themselves against flood loss through the purchase of flood insurance at a reduced insurance premium as well as the setting High regulatory standards to reduce the flood risk and potential flood damage to their properties and whereas the reduction of loss of life and property damage can be achieved when appropriately preparing flood control and mitigation measures are taken before a flood and whereas public education and awareness of potential hazards and methods of protection are critical to the health safety and Welfare of our residents the Florida flood plane management association ffma has declared the week of March 4th risk of March 4th 2024 as flood Awareness Week to promote awareness and increase knowledge of flood risk the available the ability of flood insurance flood protection methods and how preparations are engaged now whereas be it resolved that the Council of the city of Dustin Florida do hereby proclaim the week of March 4th 2024 typ oay as flood awareness sorry week in the city of dtin and further announce the citizens of Destin I'm so sorry to increase their knowledge of how to protect themselves and their property from flooding so do so done this fourth day of March 2024 by me you have a word sure thank you Mr Mayor and thank you for this uh like he said to this week is uh National flood awareness week and uh you'll be if you stay tuned to the city of Destin's website we'll have Flood information uh for you each uh day of this week to include natural and beneficial functions of flood planes all about flood insurance protecting your home and while I'm uh got the microphone I will say that if you are interested in having your home uh kind of examined and inspected to see where you have opportunities to alleviate or mitigate flood hazards uh just give us a call at 850 837-6800 First Responders and code department so thank you again all right one B from our neighbors on the other side you want to announce it first oh yes Sor uh we did have one change in the agenda um for 4 e for E the dolphin Point um we can still have public comments on it of course uh they pulled it uh the ambassador of it had a poll for some family emergencies and so we'll be hearing that at a later date however if anyone's here on that topic by all means three minutes of yours when we get to the public comments so I just want to let everyone know on that thank you Kim all right Jennifer welcome thank you Mr mayor council members Jennifer Adams with OK County tourist Development Department today I'm just going to give you a brief tourism update um of some of the activity in 2023 and our direction for 2024 huh that's fine he was playing great music before though great ceremony the other day by the way fantastic was very nice to be part of that yes yes so Jeff for while we're getting our stuff together here do you want questions during or just at the end whenever you want okay because I'm going to ask you a question that we discussed at the strategic planning session about the number of condos in Destin not in the old District or the subdistrict and not in the new District just physically in destined and you probably don't know but I'm seeing the same number that I saw before from y'all and we think we have 7,300 just in the city limits of this town so so was that something that we can talk with Josh Allen about um offline and we can uh and talk to him because he gives me that information um but I'd be more than happy to talk about it because I I would want it to be as accurate again the the beauty is we didn't have this information a year ago you know and now we have it so we should manage it to the best of our okay okay and don't have to answer it tonight I just if you can have somebody send us within the city limits of Destiny not in the unincorporated area not in not on the island just here condos only condos only okay all right all right let me try again so I'm going to give a quick update on um 2023 and some directions that we're going in um 2024 first I want to say we're comparing everything to 2019 at this point because the through the pandemic it it's too it's really difficult so I went back to a base year so the what I'm going to present is uh the growth from 2019 and and 2023 because we leveled back out in 2023 here are the V number of visitors you can see it's flat from 22 to 20 23 but it's a six 6 and a half% growth from 2019 so um that's that's steady and a good Pace we want fewer people spending more money and you can see here um in in 2023 the direct spend was 734 million to the economy that's above and beyond the tourist development tax normally we don't dmos don't really track visitor spend and this is probably even low because this is through Visa view data and with you know it's harder to spend to track spend when people are using venmo and all these other things that we're just not getting the data on here's your countywide breakdown so um we have about 15,500 units it's a 6% growth from a year ago but uh Mr BBY I'll be sure to get you some more information and open up the discussion with Josh you all know that there's a real-time report on the Okaloosa clerk page that you can go it's the it's the horse development tax real time and you can click it and you got to scroll through a couple pages and he's working on the breakdown and updating that system and that's where I get my my dollars from all right so this is this is average daily rate and if you look at this chart look at the blue arrow and you can see the comparison of 2019 and 2023 really across the board it's about 31% growth there but on average the entire um on the entire month we were o um average daily rate was up 31% and 6% on the end with not a big drop same thing with occupancy here you can see that we're still holding our own and on average we have about um a a 12% increase but here's the big thing in the room with the six Penny and the expansion of the tax in District we collected almost $43 Million last year it's a lot of money the sixth penny is separate it's used for uh capital projects and maybe a little bit of Public Safety so I try to operate on my five pennies which is about 3031 million um we're probably going to be doing some budget scenarios that are flat for this year because I'm waiting till we even out we will even out the six pennies the Northern end will collect the six pennies starting March of 2025 but what do we doing with these dollars well we're reinvesting them so if you look at this chart 63% of my this is a budget breakdown in percentage 63% of the budget is going back into the community we're buying land we're buying Fairgrounds um we're cleaning parks and beaches and we're really focusing on those things that also uh help local residents and we'll continue to do that now for me the two most importants are the municipalities so right off the the bat we take 12 and a half% off the of the 31 million okay right off the bat and this is the formula that you all agreed upon so you can see um we're actually meeting next week with the municipalities we have a meeting with Destin on on Wednesday this is this is your money to work with us on uh I got to say I was skeptical at first I didn't know how it would work I really enjoyed this process because we get to talk about projects and issues that not only benefit municipalities but those of us who live here and those of us who visit this one pains me a little bit because this is 10% of the budget this is the public safety it's about 3 million 3.1 million we have a public safety meeting on Monday we all get in a room Jason can attest this and we say this is the this is the dollar amount based on the statute how are we going to divide it up some years the sheriff needs a little bit more some years you know Public Safety needs a little bit more but it's been a very good process you'll hear me say it it's not enough I understand that but that's Bay Walton and Okaloosa County are the only counties that are allowed to fall under um this provision we'll continue with the beach safety if you recall we started this together um two years ago this starts uh March 13th so anybody who hears about it uh you can um text Beach to 44144 we sent over 1.25 million tax last year we'll continue to re reinvest that I consider this part of Public Safety um and we have to the best of our ability a uniform flag system and that's the key to all of this Coastal resources I'm the only DMO that I know of that has a coastal resources team I'm really proud of that because when we have an issue we don't have to wait for consultant we don't have to wait we can get right out of the water and we can um identify the issue and make a difference here are just some of the things they do we continue to invest in our artificial Reef program where we have multiple projects with sand we do water quality testing and most importantly and most fun uh with our lion fish program um we carry those Critters all over the world they were in Toronto last week they've been in New York they've been in Detroit they're going to Dallas and so we're able to Showcase and have our team be out there as experts talking about more than um what a consultant might talk about the convention center there's been people that said the convention center really has no value we did an economic impact study and that's not true uh the impact the economic impact study showed that $4.6 million of annual direct spending go back into the community um aside from jobs aside from yearr round uh employment and business we're growing um we're growing the group business in the convention center and Beyond last year in 2023 after being shut down for an entire year our revenues were 95% of what they were in 2019 and we hope to exceed that uh this year but we're not just selling the convention center many of our partners have um have meeting space and you can see here that when the leads come in we are sending them to all of our partners I'll tell you this fun fact from 2019 to 2023 the sales team increased their leads to Partners by 27% with a booking increase of 200% so it's not just the convention center it's the other places within the destination that we're putting and growing Group business we are the proud owners of a Fairgrounds and we will sell the fairgrounds to the best of our ability as an extension of the convention center the fairgrounds committee will present a plan to the board of County Commissioners on um March 12th and my sales team will be working to sell that space enhance that space and sell that space and of course Sports Ron's been on board for just shy of two years we did a stakeholder analysis last year we are working with a consultant and putting together a plan I spoke to Lisa last week we will be inviting all of the municipalities and anybody who has an interest in sports to come to a workshop that we'll have be having right after spring break and we will will be putting together um a 3 to 5e plan with existing properties and the needs that we have currently also with future properties and future Deeds what can we go after and how can we make this a year- round push okay so the Strategic marketing plan um this is my mission mission doesn't change make time spent here whether visiting working or living here more valuable to all not it's not going to change there's no reason to change it um and this is our promise we get kids outside on the water to give their adventur side room to grow this is evolving this is the picture that we took with this Mission State this brand promise five six years ago now they can be on a sailboat in the bay now they can be in a kayak up up the river system still on the water getting them out outside away from their devices and back to a place where they can be confident again these are our families they're moms Millennial moms couple years ago we honed in that 3 to 10 range well now that 10-year-old's 14 and they have a whole another set of challenges coming out of covid so we're taking the little Adventure message and we're elevating it you'll see in some of our new creative guess what we're not on the beach building sand castles they're on sailboats learning how to sail and they're doing it in a manner that helps them with their confidence and helps them achieve something but here's the problem we looked at Trends okay um we have a we have problems here the it's an election year we all know that there's a lot of noise out there um high energy cost and cost of living is extremely important and then last year we got a little bit of Zapped with with weather when we when our neighbors had had a multiple drownings we took the hit as well so people are constantly calling and asking us about these and we know that there's more than these three but this is what we honed in on but travel is right people are going to travel super competitive you can get your family of five on a cruise for seven nights for less than half the cost of coming to us and we're very aware of that so we need to make the experience better and I I don't subscribe to this but a lot of people let their kids help make the travel decision all right and that's that's important to some of our Millennial moms so we will help give them the tools not only for them but for their kids to help make the decision this is interesting but the decision-making Pro process we sort of missed the boat on this we've always been out there when they're getting ready to book well we missed that planning and inspiration phase this is the planning and inspiration phase and guess what during that phase consumers visit 30 on average 38 websites 38 websites on their tablet on the phone and on their desktop and we all know once you visit one you get served three right so you're constantly looking at it but we weren't in the space so we had to make some decisions so with our paid media we said okay we need to create interest in October November December while they're starting to look while they're being inspired and then hit them again hard when they're ready to book January February March so what do we do well hello Google everybody's in Google Google Google's in this space Google will lead to other things we doubled the quantity of the money that we invested in Google and we started it in November this in October of 2024 will get out there sooner since we started this program November 5th we've had an increase of 873 per visits to the site through end of February so we missed it but we're g we're going to get back out there now we recognize that we need to be there we also need to be an ota's Expedia Trip Advisor because they're using those to plan they're part of the 38 I mean I'm pathetic I use my American Airlines app to plan my stuff but you know that 38 sites we need to have the presence there okay here are our core markets a lot of them are the same but we also made some some decisions here we will not do broadcast in Dallas or DC it's too expensive we have a great presence in DC but with the election the cost for media is through the roof so we add a Nashville and Orlando think about Orlando okay we go to Orlando our visitors go to Orlando Central Floridians travel from Orlando to us and international visitors go to Orlando our message will be out there I don't know if any of you saw it but we have a great media buyer and we had presence in Orlando market during the Super Bowl it's all over people were texting us and oh was that really destined yes that was destined and we we found through research last year that 177% of SE of central Floridians are coming to Destin for Walton Beach a market that we had no no presence in before then this these are our media Outlets through Digital streaming is super important and um through broadcast and we will just we just started our third year I think with our um partnership with the Atlanta Braves and their spring break uh spring training program okay so Des so if we were going to get back into that planning and inspiration space we needed to update Destin Fort Walton Beach you can take your phone out right now if you want to and scan this QR code and you'll go to our mobile site which we spent a lot of time on because moms are on mobile and then they'll put that down they may be on here but primarily we did not have good presence in the in the mobile space the updates are to the homepage to the Little Adventures page to the explore page and to the plan your trip page so we those are key Pages while they're in the inspiration and planning and then we bring them back and get them to our partner s so they can book destination stewardship we will continue on with this program we created this chart years ago when we started our destination stewardship it doesn't change we identified the problem we implement the Innovation find out what we need to move that needle we develop core ideas and then we execute and then the second year problem is erased and it's opportunity and that's what we've done the last couple years with the destination stewardship program you can see as as a scout we've created new products we went from 10 packs to 30 um little Adventure Packs we went from five Scouts to 50 we work with 40 small businesses which is a direct impact to the economy we're paying them to create these experiences here are the classes we've gone from four classes the first year to eight we have 10 local businesses that teach these classes we do so within 12 destinations throughout the destinations North and South we'll be putting the stationary um Outpost back at Crystal Beach soon and we have the two trailers and the Sprinter van so um last year we did 500 classes our goal this summer is 700 classes we interacted with about 2 200 kids and we hope to get closer to 3500 next year so we're really proud of this program this program I will say is getting National recognition so when we are on the road we are speaking about this and people say how can you take tourist development tax dollars and put them back into the economy you got to really work hard you make them pilot programs and you get everybody on board so that money is going into the economy not into an advertising campaign these are our Scouts I will say that um we have about 40 Beach Scouts they're roaming um on the beaches talking with people signing the kids up for classes and 10 online Scouts those are real moms they're not robots it's not AI it's not caned content um they are there to help uh and it's very successful my last thing is I'd like to say uh the board of County Commissioners last month unanimously voted on our third pilot program which is real time it's designed to elevate the fishing fleet and connect uh primarily the the teenager with deep sea fishing we met with the charter captains a couple weeks ago we're developing the program together um but we're really excited and here's if I can fly this flag on every vessel this summer I will we met put the scouts and the captains together so they can start to talk the Scouts can understand their story and start to promote this and next spring we'll be doing a realtime virtual fishing tournament so those are some of the highlights and um I'd be more than happy to answer any questions councilwoman neigh hey thanks Jennifer for being here you know being on the TDC I've watched a lot of this come to fruition over the last four years and it's been pretty exciting um I do want just for those online that are listening when you go into the Fort Walton Beach you know desm the first half of this adventure so how far do they have to go in to understand that this is they're getting like a very inexpensive Adventure we never I have never told a consumer that that's always on the back end to get the interest out there to make that price point For the First Time Adventure and then we haven't had a problem with people rebooking so I've never said that to on the consumer level it's always been something between um the local business and the TDC the price they see is what they're paying they don't realize it's half of what a normal booking would cost got it yep and that that really jump started it added flexibility too it created Not the Same Old Charter it created the different you know like you can take a three of five and a seven-year-old on a charter for X rather than eight hours offshore offshore for y so it gave uh it gave our local businesses the flexibility to price it all right uh cman G yes ma'am um I would just really encourage you to work very closely with Lewis and Kim next week or during your meeting before I speak I have a lot that I was going to bring up today but I'm going to curtail that until after your meeting with them and I would encourage you to really dig in right uh councilman Stevens oh yes I just got two questions um going back to the uh Public Safety where it says 4.7 I mean I understand like uh uh we're having more fees with have possibly having hire more lifeguards and stuff like that how do we get that percent up to that 10% standard or the 10% That was supposed to be going towards Public Safety it has to be changed if I'm not mistaken through the legislative process that is that is language that is written into statute 125 104 now I will say last year we um through the uh through session there was a a population cap that we were able to raise am I speaking right it was we were to the just check yeah the statute ask my question but I'll wait till my question is 225,000 and we're at 2115 probably right but I think it's going up to isn't it go to we made some progress last year and they're still rallying to be sure that we stay under this provision but the language for 10% was adopted uh in 2017 I believe it was so it's it's back it's actually word for word in the statute okay um and then my second quick question um so in in the Gulf I see how we have a lot of artificial reefs how do we get some artificial reefs into our Bay there are a few and I would have to I will follow up with you there are a few that are going to be going into the bay they're part of the FI I think we're three years into the fiveyear plan so I will make a note and I will get back to you and let you know well I'll have Alex get back to you they will be in the bay councilman Bagby yeah I was in a previous year so I will pull up one uh 12514 to see what 23 says but my two quick questions so we're four months into this fiscal year right y five because for y'all well we're five in but you've only reported for four right right correct right so that's the third of the way I I'm I might know what I'm talking about Ken okay the uh he's trying to he's trying to help you out back there uh so where are we 2 because the numbers you gave us were last year's numbers so where are we the first four months a third of the way through the year percentage wise over 2019 or over last year over last year we're basically flat okay we're we're flat through it's March now through J through the last numbers which were January January M so which is why we'll be extremely conservative going into this year I think we I I think there are a lot of factors that are out there um being you know several factors but we're flat we're not down we're flat okay because that's I'm hearing the same thing from bed Tax Collectors is you know we were the only game in town for a couple years and now we're not right and it's either ticking a little bit down or a little bit up but it's pretty flat for the last year and a half and so which is why we switched into that inspiration stage and they'll start booking now so we'll see we'll we'll we'll see through our our research the pre-bookings to see if that's up over the in the next what 60 days Ken yeah 60 days so we'll look at that and then some of those new markets too to see if we can move the needle in those markets okay so and then I'll I'll look up because you're probably got more questions answered but just so you understand the stat statute is not to exceed there is no right to 10% it's not to exceed 10% and there's there were three if I can pull up last year's version uh three municipalities Incorporated uh no more than uh 225,000 people in the county and you have to have revenue of at least 10 million so that it's 275 now 275 okay yeah all right so so essentially it's Bay Walton and Okaloosa counties right this is how it was written um but it's a everybody thinks you have to put 10 it's kind of like people used to think oh well we have to put 40% in marketing no that's not what the statute ever said and it doesn't have to be 10% if they vote on 5% that's what we get so but I do I I take the 10% and the 12 and a half perc right off the bat before I do anything with budgeting and you know I mean clearly it's not enough and one last question how much is in the beach Penny reserves for uh renourishment um I'm going to give you a ballpark because roughly between I think it's about 18 million okay still not enough still dedicated to putting money in there each year we put as much in as we possibly can we also inst uh established last year um a public safety Reserve so should there be a storm and people are coming here and even though we're not collecting we still have enough for Public Safety okay and so there so we continue to grow um I think when we were when we first started in 20 when I first started in 2017 there was maybe 10 million I think so we're building that back up okay about 17 all right thanks councilman Schmidt thank you sir thank you Jennifer I enjoy the annual visit uh on this update just few comments questions the public safety thing Mr Stevens Mr Bagby the 4.7 is the full 10% is that what you were saying That's 10% of five P of five pennies not 40 30 some somewhere around 31 somewhere around there so so when we say up to 10% y'all use a 10% of five pennies right so what is the county doing um you know something different unique to find money El where to use for Public Safety like for example the school district or the whole County we voted on the sales tax the half penny sales tax and um I didn't vote for that but um some people are saying that they take the money and they can do other stuff with it so like we're building schools or doing new things and that frees up our general fund does the county like have the same mindset where we could use general fund money because we have the bed tax money we could maybe find some other monies to help Public Safety I haven't had any discussion like that um Mr Schmid but that's something that I we would talk to um director Maddox about uh he's very resourceful but the all I know for me for my dollars is that 10% okay and again it's it's been a good it's been a good process we all decide how to use that 10% there's no oh I need to take this amount and well my concern is every year we always talk about how it's not enough and I think you said that too so I just hope that the county can find a way to there's a lot of money out there the county gets a lot of money so hopefully they can find ways to maybe increase Public Safety spend because you guys are growing you do amazing marketing campaign I saw you're like in London or somewhere in the UK recently I mean you're you're growing you're pushing you're pushing you're you know better quality spend more money less people um but but what's missing from when I talk to people around here the local people that live here you funnel them here but we can't support it sometimes right um the county puts more hotels and motels and and unincorporated Parts in Destin or other places around the county get them here get them here get them here Target them but then how do we how are we supporting that right and you know Finding money for Public Safety would be amazing um only thing I'll add is yes the partnership with the city hopefully with interim manager here and Kim y'all y'all can communicate and talk um I know it seems like in the past few years there's there's a lack of connection going on and we always react to a lot of things that come up so I'm looking forward to the partnership that's going to be rekindled and formed here with our staff I think we have a plan so I've heard a little bit about it and I look forward to it so thank you again for being here Lis said he was gonna go on a date with ice cream at the park or something was right um so I got no one else here so just my last thing is thank you so much we really appreciate your time that dedication the knowledge you put behind it the stats thank you so much for being a part of the community and helping us thank you for having me appreciate everyone all right with that moving right along to onec the Dustin Little League presentation see if I can figure this out so he'll have to throw it over real quick and then is tonight the first night of games it is oh that's awesome sorry you have to be here oh no that's okay uh my kids first games are tomorrow and oh perfect I think that's how I got here all right well good evening ladies and gentlemen of the Destin city council and esteemed members of the community thank you for granting me the opportunity to address you today on behalf of the Destin Little League my name is Betsy Smith and I stand before you as a proud member of the Dustin Little League an organization deeply woven into the fabric of our community for the past 45 years the Destin Little League a 501c3 organization has been a testament to the power of volunteerism with dedicated individuals shaping the lives of our youth through the joy of baseball our relationship with the city of dtin has been a long-standing one solidified by a lease that allows Destin Little League to utilize the iconic Dalton thread G Park located at 7eleven Hickory Street as well as Morgan Sports Complex we are immensely grateful for the partnership we have shared with the city over the years in the spirit of collaboration the city and Destin Little League have Su have successfully undertaken significant projects together marking milestones in the development of threadgill Park projects such as the installation of new batting cages have transformed the park creating a space where our youth can learn grow and Foster a love for the game this collaboration is a testament to the dedication both organizations have shown towards creating a vibrant and nurturing environment for our community this year we are pleased to highlight the collaborative efforts that have taken place the city has been instrumental in the installation of new hand dryers painting all the foul Poes and supporting field preparation furthermore the city generously donated a John Deere Gator that was soon to be recycled to replace our aging tractor a gesture that speaks volumes about the commitment to the well-being of our little league and its players simultaneously in preparation for the upcoming season Destin little league has invested significant resources in enhancing the city's the facilities buildings have been painted bathrooms now boast new epoxy flooring and the concession stand is equipped with new ice machines and coolers and the entire park has undergone a thorough pressure washing the transformation is pretty significant new bathroom floors uh the park is nice and clean it is pressure washed like I have never seen it and the buildings have now been nicely repainted our Collective efforts have resulted in a park that not only is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing for for all who visit tonight I stand before you with two requests on behalf of Destin Little League we understand that part of the city's vision is to create a comprehensive Park plan for thread go park Dustin little league is ready and eager to contribute a substantial amount of funding towards this Vision one that aims to elevate our park to new heights it's an Endeavor that has not been undertaken most likely since it was built and we believe that with the city's support we can make it a reality we respectfully request that the city council allows us the opportunity to collaborate with the city staff in planning for a large scale upgrade at thread goo Park this includes a comprehensive update to the existing lease agreement for better reflection of Maintenance responsibilities and shared Park usage reflecting the shared commitment to The Continuous Improvement of our beloved Park in conclusion as representatives of the Dustin L Le we express our gratitude for the historic partnership we have shared with the city together we have have created a space where dreams are nurtured and future Generations can flourish let us continue this journey of collaboration as we work towards a brighter future for threadgill Park and the entire Destin Community thank you very much for your time and consideration all right thank you if you want hold for a r okay Council man bear um I would like to do I can I make a motion or can I request okay I'd like to make a motion that the city uh manager and staff work with the little league to incorporate and work together to get the lease re renegotiated and and continue this great tradition of working together is that word word enough close to what she's asking yes so that's my motion I got a motion second okay all right and then anything other no all right up next CM M gal you all did a great job this weekend at the uh parade and the I guess orientation at the park I got to attend it was amazing you guys did a wonderful job out there I do have a question about something that you just said you said that the the Little League paid for the floors in the bathroom is that correct um through sponsorships yes that would P was paid for by Dustin Little League okay because I was under the impression that was one of the the contract issues we had with uh Royal Melvin Park that through ninja Coatings doing illegal Contracting on Royal Melvin so we traded off that bathroom was was that was I misled in that no that was uh that was for the bathrooms at Morgans and ninja did do the uh bathroom floors at all four uh restrooms at Morgan Sports Complex okay well I appreciate that I just want a clarification thank you we got right councilman Bagby yeah a couple of things so you have two ask um and here's is there somebody that uh serves with Dustin Little League that is on our Parks and Rec committee that I do not I don't know leis do you know no not at this that's on the board no okay I'm more of a process guy so the process is we allocated in our budget for this year $200,000 for them to kind of come up with a plan it's not just for threadgill it's also for Morgan uh Sports Park and then the Parks and Recreation committee the staff they'll kind of work it'll go back and forth so but eventually we'll have a request for proposal for once they prioritize you know we want to replace Turf here we want to replace fence there but this year is the year where we kind of get the idea you know on paper and kind of get a plan for the next 5 10 year so that we can budget for all the improvements to all the parks that we want to do so I don't know if anybody had and I don't think I do but I would find out if there's a vacancy on Parks and wck and I would go to that council member and say will you please appoint me because if you really want now the meetings are published and they're open so you can show up and you can provide input to the committee and to the staff and everything but if you have somebody on that committee then you're going to have a seat at the table every time they meet or have the option to have a seat at the table every time they meet every time they bring up okay well we're thinking we're going to spend a million to next year and then you know what are our priorities we're going to take to the council and then we'll change them all but you know at least you'll have a voice uh uh so I I would recommend that you get involved or somebody from your organization get involved in that process because that's where a lot of the nuts and bolts are done we try not to do the nuts and bolts um from up here so if you get involved in that then you'll see the sausage making from the very beginning so that that's on your first ask on your second ask do you is there like a specific section that you you just want the contract because we've got a couple more years is there something that's really sticking in yall's craw that you want fixed in the contract today or I don't have a specific uh line but I know the maintenance responsibilities are very vague um and and that's one of the biggest things is to nail down who is responsible for what um and how the maintenance and everything um is okay and that contract would go through parks and wck before it came us so uh it that's that's not true Mr Bagby so it should be well that's your process but that's not the process well that's how we get citizens input is through the Committees that's why we have committees so a couple of things I've had a couple of conversations with representatives from the Little League I know that um like she just um indicated that we are being asked to look at clarifying the maintenance responsibilities as between the little league and the city in addition to that I think we um are being asked to look at some of the scheduling for the year at the park um I believe right now the Little League gets about six months of usage under the lease and we may um talk about whether to expand that but I would just suggest to you that um if Lewis and I are able to enter into some negotiations with the little league it wouldn't be final anyway we would take the lease back to the council if we need to take it to Parks that's an option we can do but ultimately Ely it will come to council for a final decision so anything that we decide tonight um as far as that initial authorization won't be binding yeah because and I know there's a couple of us up here who believe in the committee because that's how we get citizen input not just individual citizens kind of going VFR direct to us but we get a breadth of input or opinions or whatever and then it's usually a better product when it's going through a committee as opposed to the staff brought it to us and we made a decision and then we figure out oh we consequences you know unforeseen consequences occurred which could have been foreseen if we'd sent it to a committee so um but that's kind of the I don't know and the staff or R do we have any vacancies open on Parks of Rec do you know I believe we have one I'm not sure who's appointing but I'll have to have to check that Parks and Rec committee is full at this time it's full at this time it is full at this time you can still attend everyone of the meetings okay all right seeing no further discussions we do have a motion on the table so I will call the vote all right eyes have it thank you thank you for all right up next consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve consent agenda second Motion in second seeing no discussion call on the vote all right all right so at this time we will do public comments and input um I will start from my left side work my way right anyone who would like to come up here buttons already on name and address and the floor is yours you're going to hear a pro first yeah right Brian Auto 3826 Indian Trail um I was at home watching oh sorry I was at home watching and I just I couldn't get past that the TDC and this isn't to you guys I just wanted to put on the record I heard mom like 28 times when did we say parents and when did we say Dad maybe we're missing something in the marketing I know I got to run back home to take care of my kids I know I'm the one that entertains them I know when I'm talking to my colleagues around the country cuz I work globally it's parents coming down so maybe we're missing something there so I feel like coming up here not to talk about all the crazy stuff that happens here but just that thank you all right well thank you for being here all right anyone else kind of going yes sir in the back and thank you for watching at home yeah watching it and coming up here coming here here is that a little better okay good evening all of you thank you very much for the opportunity to address you this evening I have something near and dear to my heart and that's my property where I live and the ability to have it have an extra parking space whenever we get crowded give us your name and address yes Gary Pavo I'm at uh number five 22 Marino Point Road and on holiday aisle excuse me a little bit nervous so you guys deal with this all the time I don't uh so anyway I wanted to take the moment to time to express so we have a problem that's come up and this problem has uh been addressed many times in the past I have served on numerous boards at Laguna point and uh this was addressed as far as the parking spaces were concerned there are eight parking spaces that are available for use by anyone uh as an excess parking space and one of the other uh properties wishes to change that designation and do away with them uh and I like to say that those sparking spaces have been very very helpful and are important and I don't think that they have represent a danger I have 10 grandchildren and I would not be placing them in danger because it would be allowing certain people that really shouldn't be there to be there uh which is what I've been told has been the reason behind it being addressed again but we did address this many times through the years and it was a judged that we had used this for 40 years in this capacity as excess parking for all the people in the area and that there wasn't any need in our opinion to change it because it was fulfilling its need at at the time and uh we wanted to you know let you know that as far as our concerns is all the people at Laguna point would like it to continue in that uh property use and and that we would have that opportunity to do so and we are uh you know understand that the use that it's being put through right now is what has it has been used for for 40 years and creates a precedence of uh they might say you s ownership or however you would wish the terminology there and we'd like it for it to continue to be that way so that's basically my point there number of points but thank you for the opportunity to speak to you this even yes sir thank you so much all right any anyone else from the left wing right see none y yes sir name and address makes it easier um my name is Ben Wesley my my address is actually in Pensacola 1131 Green Hills Road in Canton actually um I'm the market president for premium parking uh good evening to everyone the council persons mayor um we operate I'm the I operate parking from Bay St Louis Miss Mississippi to Mobile to Pensacola um here in D we have two locations we're adding a third really shortly actually um I have quite a few we're starting we have some in sandest and also out in Panama City which is a new market for me so I have over 80 locations but I love dtin the most I'm a water guy love love it here so I say that to say that um you know Destin fishing fleet is on our list of accounts Heron Harbor and we're your neighbor um you know although I live in cantonement I'm your as as premium parking we are your neighbors and we have a motto of embrace the place and so um I'll get to that a little bit more in a second um recently last season we responded to some requests from the mayor and the code compliance officer to improve some of our operations and we did we're excited about you know listening and and adapting to what the needs are of the community so um recently we were very excited to the about the RFP that came out um I personally responded to it um you know as a parking operator if we we're also a technology company so we have like a large toolbox of um products that we could offer to the city and I believe we checked all checked all the boxes um but um we're also a customer service company and I take that to to heart um and it's not easy to pick a operator and your selection committee did a good job um and I don't think we responded as well as we could have we we read it to be like two-page narrative I noticed some of the other um respondents had you know a couple dozen pages and I think we could have told a better story um but I think they did a great job I will say when uh the public was invited to the bid opening there were nine respondents I was the only one there when there was a parking um selection committee number one with nine respondents I was the only one there and the selection committee number two I was the only one there so I care I do want to work with the city um whatever you decide today won't matter to me as much as just working with you um continuing what we're doing out there in the community and hopefully we get a chance to work together um again um just excited to have a chance to to introduce myself today and hopefully um if you have any parking needs in the city you can reach out to me thank you thank you so much all right anyone back middle side all right we'll close the public comments at this time and move along to 4A Destin youth C oh sorry Louis that's yours doing your job it's all right good evening mayor and uh City Council Members um according to the Des and youth uh Council uh by laws uh the chair of the youth council is required to provide the city council with an yearly report uh that offer that effort is coordinated with the uh city cler's office and uh he's here to can outline the details for you mayor and Council good evening uh if I may I would like to introduce the 10 members of the youth Council you appointed in November some of them are here tonight uh some are unable to make it uh due to a various School functions and uh if you're here if you would stand up to be recognized Palmer Lindley is a junior of full won be high school Stella SCA freshman Destin High School Palmer Robin sore Destin High School Gabriela castanera a senior at Dustin High School Charlie Frankfurt suore Dustin High School Jared Curtis oh I'm sorry Jared Cutz senior Destin High School Kalin Curley sophomore Collegiate High School at Northwest Florida State College in nville Caroline pitchin senior Dustin High School Sophie Cory is the vice chair of the uh Council uh junior at Dustin high school and Brian ramswell the chair of the council senior Dustin High School uh they were appointed in November which is about three months uh later than the usual because at that time we didn't have enough applicants not until after our active mayor and public information director visited the school and talk to the students and before you know it we had two dozen applications uh so uh they meet again later on this month uh to discuss their other initiatives but for now they would like to embark on a couple of them those are outlined in your uh staff report but I'd like to call upon the chair of the youth Council Brian ramswell to discuss them with you and maybe answer some questions Brier um good evening Council my name is Bri ramswell and I'm the chair of the Destin youth Council so today we just want to talk about our beach cleanup that we are hoping to do in April of this year um since we started late we weren't able to do it earlier but um we had a very successful Beach cleanup last year and we are just wanting to do that again so we want to do it around the first week of April um just kind of after all the spring breaks are over just because that's when a lot of the trash is kind of accumulating on the beaches and we want to be able to put our beaches back and make them look nice and beautiful for the rest of the tourist and for summer coming up um so we really want to get your support on that um we have supplies that's going to be provided garbage bags hand sanitizer gloves Etc we're looking for volunteers and everything so we just want your support on that and then also we want to have your support on a recycling system being put in place at um Dustin high school and Dustin Middle School the elementary school already has one but they're looking to make it better and just like have more pickup and everything for it so I have Stella SCA that I want to call upon to kind of talk more about the recycling system good afternoon Council my name is Stella scuma thank you for your time and attention I recently surveyed around 50 staff members from Destin Elementary Middle School and High School and received the following results 84% of individuals said they believe that recycling system would be a valuable investment at their school and 98% stated that they would be in support of the implementation I also met with Destin high school's lunch coordinator who is in charge of our school's vendor provided Lunes she informed me that our high school serves approximately 370 lunches from vendors in plastic paper and cardboard containers weekly if our school had the opportunity to actualize a recycling system I believe it would be utilized greatly the overall end goal of this project is to strengthen our community's environmental conscientious as well as raise our youth to have respect and care for our planet our youth Council hopes to accomplish this Mission with your support all right thank you so much of course thank you ccar um can your chairwoman come up as well first of all thank you both for being here thank you for representing our council at the youth level um I don't think anybody up here is going to say anything except absolutely we want you to do a beach Cleanup in whichever weekend in April I'm sure we can work with the city manager he can help you figure out through the Parks and Recreation what's the best weekend and how to get you all together and the second with the recycling we've had our waste management came to our um en visioning session talking about we here in Okaloosa County we do recycle I don't think that'll be a problem getting a recycling bin of some sort large enough especially since the high school has that kind of qu quantity so I think if um we need to ask the city manager to work with you through Ray um to make this happen I don't think that'll be a problem and I'm pretty sure you're going to find that all of us up here support what you're doing and we appreciate what you're doing so stand by all right uh councilman Bagby okay R Stella thank you'all for coming tonight um you see Michael raise your hand he he's going to give you the name and number of Doug reneer okay who works for Waste Management Doug's awesome and you're going to call him tomorrow and you're going to say I was told you're going to fix the recycling needs at the high school or there's going to be a very angry man giving you a call this afternoon okay because I've known him for eons in a multiple multitude of capacities so Michael will give you his cell phone number don't call him tonight CU I want him to sleep tonight but tomorrow sometime give him a call call and if he doesn't fix it then you give me a call okay and I know R's mom has my cell phone number and if you want it still I can give that to you too and we'll get yall hooked up with recycling tomorrow okay thank you thank you thank you all right Council m g I just want to tell each and one of you thank you so much for showing up here tonight uh just being present is probably the hardest part of this any job and I I truly appreciate your all's dedication and being involved in this right cman Schmidt thank you both and to the whole committee uh guys for being here uh Mr King was very shocked that they allow beards in high school nowadays and tell them you can pretty much do anything you want in schools now uh fishing been a while um 100% support all around in the waste management thing but just for the record I'm glad you're here tonight um have y'all had a chance to go to the public works and Safety Committee or the parks and rec committee to present this information no okay so well just like the little league board is an organization but um there's you know in the future if you ever want to go to another committee to have more input from a bunch of people that's also a good opportunity to get other input but I'm all about what you're wanting to do tonight and I'll support it I'll be out there let me know when the beach cleanup is I'll be there all right right Cosman Bagby yeah don't worry y'all y'all don't have to go to the committee cuz y'all are a committee yes you are a committee and so it's gone through you and that's all it needs to go through is a committee isn't politics fun Stella Stella had reached out to me last week and I put her in touch with Lisa first so they've done they've done a good job connecting all the dots thank you very much am I go ahead Lisa has volunteered to assist uh with a beach cleanup with Supply Supply and everything else that they need awesome awesome my last um comment to you guys is thank you for leading the charge in Florida we're not allowed to make laws on what people can use in the public sector for uh businesses so you guys not only are going to be doing this for your school but I really hope this could be a really good example of our commercial based businesses in Destin Florida we can't make laws for them so you guys are going to do an awesome job leading by example so thank you thank you thank you thank you Council mayor may I have a formal motion to move forward with those I'd like to make a motion to move forward with both of these um requests a second Motion in a second call on the vote this Karma thing thanks all right I just have it so moved suzan uh thank you mayor items 4 B and 4 C are related uh they have to do with our paid parking program uh the city put out a request for proposals to manage our parking uh paid parking facilities um the city received nine proposals from different vendors um our Public Works director is here to give you the results of their review of those vendors uh proposals and also outline the next steps for the city yeah J bag yeah just quick question I asked Lewis this before we got cut off my fault uh during my pre-brief why didn't we do 4C before because in my mind it looks like we're changing the rules you know now we're going to go do a different calculation method for revenues or whatever so it would have been good if everybody was on the same sheet as opposed to now we're going to award it to somebody and oh by the way you got it but we're we're going to start changing everything I think we did the award first that way we would be sure there was a contract before we talked about the details for negotiating it but I but we see your point also yeah one other item is I put a um for the benefit of the public not public but the bid committee kind of a cost comparison based on last year's metrics so the the numbers will basically be the same it'll be a transaction fee this typically will be a flat fee and then there's a percentage typically for like a merchant services fee and there are other ancillary costs but you know the lower the cost we would have paid you know considering if we were operating under the current model where we paid those fees and paid the state taxes and whatnot that would be a lesser amount we would pass on to the user all things being equal we did have a few that had higher uh flat rates for everything uh one of them was actually in the double digits and we had various U vendors and again we had nines submissions and they were all slightly different so it was it was a it was a task to uh have them scored and uh pick one but at the end of the day uh we the bid committee met scored the nine proposals and at this time we recommend that the city engage Park Mobile for a negotiation for a three-year contract all right I got uh Council Schmidt just to understand how we doing so are we doing 4B right now yes okay so Michael was is it concerning that there was so much variety like does that not make you think that people were confused on what to submit it was a request for proposal so what we were doing is soliciting their full catalog of services without more like being an RFB where we were specifically asking for specific items because not all of these nine vendors offer the same catalog of services okay um where some do you know public relations marketing on our behalf others didn't uh where others offered like kiosk based Payment Solutions other had you know a variety of Payment Solutions so it to your point it was tough to select one but we uh just kind of use a fishing expression we just threw the bait out there and we saw what we caught and you know evaluated uh each based on their merits so help me understand on our on our um documents you you listed uh Park Mobile and passport Labs with some numbers so is that kind of like a summary of just those two vendors of what it's going to cost for the city is that what that table means so uh Crystal included that table as a comparison between our existing uh vendor which is passport labs and the recommended vendor being Park Mobile in a cost comparison of the two um item four C I believe would be a consideration for Council to either absorb the costs of transaction fees merchant service fees and the state tax or pass those uh on to the user when they create a session um does it why do you think Park Mobile uh has no cost for signage setup hosting call center like none of that is it just that's just just free I mean not free but it's included in the included in the cost so what they'll what they're able to do is they will collect that transaction fee merchant services fee I'm sure there's some you know profit in there for them but they uh based on our uh transaction quantities which they received as part of that process of preparing their bid right that information was available to him so in comparison to like the gentleman that came up here premium parking the cost for his service when you all did this because you mentioned some type of sheet I don't think we have that sheet right yeah that was just for the B commit so we could kind of compare apples and as for them you you would have been adding up the 14,000 the 73,000 all these onetime fees is that kind of how you would you compared that yeah so after our initial bid committee meeting we went back to the vendors with a just a simple question is based on the 2023 metrics what would our year One cost be and they provided all of them with the exception of one replied uh time on a timely uh fashion and uh we that's I use to base that comparison on okay um the only other question and comment comes from the actual RFP um I know I think Lewis might have mentioned it to you but as I was asking questions um the other day in my meeting is that we've talked um a few times in here about trying to figure out a way to do parking enforcement through the smart scans the cameras the Technologies and all that stuff um and I I saw that in the RFP actually says like 4G you utilize license plate recognition technology for monitoring and enforcement of parking so is this recommended company going to do that yes during dur during the um negotiation process with them we'll make sure to include uh specifically I believe the Marler street parking lot it seems to be the best fitted for that type of uh deployment of equipment some of our Beach parking Gulfshore drive along Scenic 98 I just don't think really lends itself to license plate recognition I agree but maror Street definitely does and if we ever do anything more permanent with the uh Zerby uh facility I think that would be a great candidate as well and this contract would come back to us right contract would come back yes when it's negotiated yes yeah so my my only my only caveat and I just want to make sure we're hopefully on the same page is I fear that that item may be missed from this company because that's going to be a cost Associated and it doesn't I I don't see it in their bid I don't see it mentioning any type of that so I'm worried that when yall negotiate that that might come up and if that's the case I want to make sure that we highlight that when you'all bring it back to us of this cost as I recall Park Mobile has um they don't do enforcement directly but they do have 30 enforcement extension extensions or modules that they can uh deploy for us they uh currently operate in gosh a lot of major cities and to include Pensacola I was there not too long ago and um but no they're they're just like any other company you know sometimes you get a outof the-box solution you know where it's everything in one and you know it has its strength and weaknesses but it would be a great opportunity to kind of pick their brains for you know the most effective parking enforcement solutions that they've deployed and we'll bring that back to you absolutely all right councilwoman NE thanks mayor um I kind of had some of the same questions that Mr Schmidt had um on some of the fees don't look like they were Incorporated and was there something that was specific that this was a two-page submission like the gentleman that said he only submitted two pages but it looked like they were like books of information that other companies submitted was there anything that specified what they needed to provide monetarily or you know page wise for this submission for the bid I'll have to pull that up but but most of the um submissions that we received I would say were at least a quarter of an inch to a half inch thick so they were all pretty beefy um but uh you know their ability to elaborate on the features of their systems and their capabilities I mean that that was all there it was they they had that opportunity and then my other question is why are we doing a three-year contract why don't we go two years because we've seen these other contract sometimes we're not quite happy and then we're stuck for three years are we locking in at three years or can we do a two-year contract or like a one year see how they do through the summer are we going to get the enforcement for these people that are parking are they getting a ticket oh no didn't get a ticket I'm going to park in that lot again and not pay because nobody ever you know caught me so I'm kind of I'm kind of leery of these three-year contracts yeah we were um gosh just part of our process uh starting maybe not too long ago that we were trying to traditionally what we've done is we've created a contract for one year and we've had up to four annual renewals and at those annual renewals sometimes you know CPI and whatever we kind of get burnt each time that we renew one of those but there will always be a termination clause in all of these contracts that we execute okay cuz this we're unhappy with them this company that we're looking at they don't personally their company isn't set up for them to manage ticketing people that aren't paying is that correct through their system it is they don't necessarily install the cameras and and do all that but we can certainly work with them to um and the other thing I did mention to Lewis and this is kind of on a side note but uh the sheriff's office has been interested in obtaining camera feeds Citywide for what is that called Jason our realtime crime Center real time crime Center thank you sir and we were uh once we start this process with the vendor that you all select we'll definitely see if that feed it would be available to the Sheriff's Office as well for their uh purposes okay thank you I'll be looking forward to that contract coming back for clarification with Council okay I just wanted to throw in uh thank you again uh before we we even had an RFP mainly thank you to an extension of the code enforcement uh most of the time when we solve problems it's because the it's an outcry from the citizens uh this was an internal need for just a mundane amount of work so uh before you we even had this opportunity I really appreciate the time you gave and honestly uh to councilman gal's point I think the biggest thing is showing up and I was just happen to Walk The Halls when they're opening the big Committee in the first time I mean he's definitely saying uh the truth he has shown up to everything and uh I really appreciate you sir being out here tonight so thank you coun m I'm sorry coun Bagley yeah so on page 10 of 51 of their brief they don't list Pensacola and I know that we had had the conversation I don't want to speak for Mr Destiny he's not here but I thought it was him that said he really liked what was going on over in Pensacola and having had an office over there I really like uh their system that they were using too but I didn't see them and I just assumed it was one of the other nine uh that was doing Pensacola so can a can you confirm that your your recommended vendor is doing Pensacola yeah Andy if you pull up Park you'll see that it's Park Mobile okay and then they only uh and I'm not I thought I don't if our Pages line up but what you're referring to that's their brief that's why I said page 10 of 51 of their submission so that way I know it's right in the bottom right hand corner and it'll be the same right I'm looking at uh page 17 and it lists their large Market clients NOP go before that to like page 10 of 51 10 of 51 yeah the document I'm looking at 103 Pages yeah I'm sorry Andy if you could pull that back up I'm sorry yeah there it is right there that's uh city of Pensacola's paid parking site right there and if you scroll down a little bit just a little bit more come on I'm sorry but you can do click here for the City of Pensacola down down down it's great maybe the table just hasn't been updated in their package yeah there it Isola there it is right there yeah but yeah the the the page I was looking at lists their large Market clients okay it is about page 170 my button is push man thank you let's see record at this point yeah yeah no it's on their brief on their little green brief page 10 of 51 so anyway it is Page 183 Florida Municipal clients okay at the bottom of the page so my my point being uh a confirm and so if you've confirmed with the City of Pensacola that's fine uh because we'll see DC reefs tomorrow at the Symposium uh and B that it has the same modules that these folks bid on because my my concern when I hear you say oh yeah we can get that module or we can get this module then all of a sudden their their price isn't their price which was my concern about doing 4C after 4B because and I get it we still have to go negotiate but I just I don't want to find out that oh you said it's going to cost you know 62,000 and when you bring that contract back and it's 85,000 then I'm not going to be as sympathetic as I would be uh because then I'm going to make you bring me a spreadsheet which actually I'd like for you to do when you don't have presentations okay only one I us talking to Michael at a time thanks the uh I want when you don't bring like three presenters the top three and I understand the cost is minimal uh but I like to see a spreadsheet not 700 pages of their their bids which was interesting reading not but you know a spreadsheet here's the nine companies here's the their cost of each here was the modules that they they offer here you know just a simple bre one page where I can look at it and go okay I I don't want to check all your work and review the minutes or the video of three bid meetings but I do want to have some not satisfaction confidence that okay this makes sense and I see how they got to where they got from all these pages does that make sense it does okay and if I could add one thing I have asked um Park Mobile to be prepared to present to you all on the 18th okay to kind of give you an introduction to uh the company and their service catalog and uh meet their their point person that'll be dealing with us uh dayto day if you all choose to uh select them to see no I'm I'm fine with that personally but I just want to I just see escalation too many times because they give us the base and then all of a sudden well we asked or we mentioned taking pictures of license plates oh well we can do that but that's an extra $20,000 and we had ask for this well we can do that they can always do you know what we want is the cost of doing what we want so I've made my point K Schmidt yeah I'm I don't mean to harp on it and Michael and Mr Bagby um on on 2251 page on their presentation letter G it says uh in blue utilizes license plate recognition technology for monitoring and enforcement of parking operations including digital chalking and integration with DMV and related platforms the little check box says Park Mobile does not provide a license plate recognition solution however we have over 100 active industry Integrations and are able to integration with the enforcement and license plate recognition provider of the city's choice do you know what that means or do I need to guess what that means I know typically integration they just they just have a they just have a host of companies they work with and if say if we already had a camera provider for some other facility or something they would be able to blend it right but we don't have anything right now not right now no we're starting from one are we going to have to provide something and then they will use that something for us that is exactly what we'll be talking to them about we just needed basically this evening permission to start the conversation so I'm in the resed tech World also and I know typically Integrations do it's usually a separate fee right so I mean like I just feel a little uncomfortable about this and um I feel like there's a lot missing on it from honestly a little confusion because we're W you guys we're wanting to pick somebody that we're not even really sure what they're going to do um and we're we're not going to find out what they're going to do until after y'all negotiate so I don't know if it's like the normal way of doing the contracts um I just feel like it's missing so I'm not going to support um picking this team tonight so because I'm I'm missing pieces and there's you know I mean this gentleman's cost is expensive I guess but it sounds like it it it's the cost to do these services so um i' I'd rather uh table this for the next meeting uh to make sure we have the summary the chart to allow a better presentation of actual services that are being provided and clear cost because I don't want to choose a company that I don't know what's they're going to be doing so I don't know if y'all want to table it uh the staff would direct do that or Council wants to or what what that's okay the next meeting table it I'll table it for the next meeting if want to and I'll second that all right then moving moving along um and now it's official official we we double I know we I know I I was moving on and then I hit it anyways all right we officially tabled and we just voted for fun all right Lewis all right item 4 d uh is about your recommendation from Hub waterways board regarding the my Proclamation got stuck up under the laptop but the um the city pays um a few fees associated with our paid parking program to include a transaction fee a merchant services fee and then the state tax we were just looking for council's direction on whether or not the city would absorb those costs or we would pass those costs in whole or in part to the end user okay with that uh councilman Stevens so uh I'm involved with some resed tech and uh the industry standard is actually to pass the fees and sales tax to the end user so I'm in support of option is option one so I don't know if you want metion I'll make a motion of I move direct City uh manager to utilize option one with a selected contractor during uh contract negotiations I'll second that got a motion and second uh counc anything else Stevens all right Council I was going to make that motion all right all right cman Bagby okay and and when you're negotiating you know I like nice round numbers I mean but I'm just one person so if the taxes and the fees and everything if it comes out to 561 is $6 okay it's like round round because they're they're not going to you know know that we get and then I want that extra 39 cents coming to us how about the park Foundation yeah or the park Foundation well don't you have to like you actually have to specify just to remind everybody the parking fees uh all go to the parking fund and have already been committed by by Council as such so if you want to uh change that we can bring a revised resolution to a future meeting there's always some rule messing up my phone yeah the the taxes don't but the correct the tax state goes to us yeah so the all the other stuff we're collecting here counc do you have anything yep quick if you were to like uh round up don't you'd have to actually specify that in there MH so that's all yeah have the option all right see no further discussions call the vote option for option one man I can't wait to get new voter and a new screen I got you Andy all right um item 4D um is a recommendation from The Hub waterways board regarding the need for the city to develop a standardized uh Fuel and pollutant uh batement plan uh principal plan is here to give you the details of that plan good evening mayor council um you have a before you a request uh to uh use the attached Fuel and pollut abatement plan from the harbor and waterways board um luckily enough tonight we have uh councilman Stevens who was on the board when they made this recommendation and he was also the principal uh um lead on this entire effort um so very knowledgeable if there's any questions um he can also step in um so this all started back in February of last year I know your staff report says 2024 but it's actually 2023 little zealous with that for sometimes um so they hosted the local uh Coast Guard unit uh to explain how they track uh what they facilitate with the fuel spills and abatement plans um they they classify in two Realms um there's the 10,000 gallon or more facility and then the 10,000 gallon or less facility um so from that the harbor waterways board recommended that staff take a look at the 10,000 gallons or less because we do not have any facilities uh that have anywhere near that capacity um and then kind of essentially desize it um and standardize it so um staff brought that uh draft back that that fuel and abatement pollution plan um and worked with the the board to kind of finalize it tweak it and get it to what you see before you um as part of this uh there will be a need to implement um a little bit of Education um as this will be a big change a drastic change from what we require currently if you look at your attachments um it's a current fuel plan number one I believe is what we currently require um and then the second plan that we have that's in your uh in your report um is an example of a of another plan that we receive both are drastically different um and provide no standardized information um so the implementation plan that that staff's recommending and or that the harbor and waterways board recommended is that to get the ball rolling start with the annual Livery registrations um not this year but starting in 2025 um as we've already passed the Livery registration um education piece so we can work on that through this summer um and then so that's one situation the second situation um if adopted would be to have any uh non non-residential multif family uh commercial dock when they come through for for a new facility uh a modification or change to to what they currently have then we would require this as well um with the whole intent to get every single Marina um in Destin a standardized plan that has all the information that is needed for um for us to understand but more importantly for each user um and each operator to actually know what their contingency plan is in the event of a spill um because it does require um education of all the employees of every entity and it also um requires that they notorized this and and attest to that that that was H that actually happened um so it it's a win-win in that we get a single standardized document that has to be filled out has to be submitted um in those one of those two situations and then there's a single point where anyone even outside the city can get information on what the contingency plan is the in the event of a spill it also um there is numbers on there for the appropriate agencies to call in the event of a spill um state federal um and local so um this particular piece or request um implements several comprehensive plan policies and goals um policy for 4142 41 4113 5 1.5 5159 611 and 612 um and it also uh hits your strategic goal or strategic plan um enhanced quality of life and safety effective efficient aesthetically pleasing infrastructure and a green and sustainable environment um so with that um the harbor and waterways board recommends um adoption of this uh Fuel and pollutant abatement plan all right Council woman abar I move city council adopt the fuel and pollutant abatement plan and the implementation plan as presented I have a motion do I hear a second second got a motion in a second starting the discussion starting with uh councilman Stevens All right so I'm actually real excited about this one because I've been working on this for a while and for it to actually get here feel your energy down there right um so uh uh I feel it's close um my only sest my initial suggestion was I wouldn't adopted for all commercial properties um to where ultimately fall on the property owner and property owner kind of um requires their tenants to supply all the all the equipment or or the information um I'd actually like to offer a substitute motion if I may may um so substitute motion is going to be a uh I move uh city council to adopt the fuel and pollutant abatement plan with these modifications One require liery facility starting in 2025 season sending Livery and property owner notifications in September 2024 of the new changes and then two I'd like to have it to all current and future commercial and multi-use um or multi-residential Marine facilities um excluding single residentials to voluntarily um fall under compliance in 2025 and then require them by 2026 to meet the standards I'll second that substitute motion all right councilman Bagby yeah I guess a couple of things and you were involved with it John and and Stephen uh if I unless it was a typo and there were obviously at least one type of was it approved by the board in August of 2023 that is correct it it was recommended for adoption in uh 2023 so now it's March so we're going to lose the entire 2024 season and I'm just trying to figure out why what did we do between August when they approved it and March 4th or whatever the day is certainly yeah so the adoption or the the recommended motion to adopt this in August um came right around the time that code enforcement um was having high turnover uh Troy had just gotten on and staff in Community Development did not have enough time to get code enforce or Code Compliance staff up to speed on this um in in in time to get it out um properly um so it was educational on internally here with with City staff um and then I we're here now okay um I'm not sure I like that answer but that is the answer the is there a any way that you know we're not going to get it done by spring break obviously correct is there any way that we can do the training between spring break in the summer season like the first week of May or whatever you know there and there's a couple of different components and we may not be able to get the whole thing obviously uh but if we get delvery vessels and some of the bigger commercials and get them together and say Here's the standard you know I just think March 4th saying hey you got basically till next March 4th or next March 15th to get all that that that's too much time if we really want to fix the problem and I think we all want to fix the problem so I guess I'm asking is there a solution a partial solution that we can capture some of it this year and then make everybody compliant in you know to the motion instead of everybody in 20126 everybody in 2025 I just you know do do you understand what I'm asking oh absolutely sir um I I don't see a problem with any of that I truly I I think staff would be able to and um educate um Livery operators and and other larger Marine it's it's not like we have thousand of these things in this city um so it it shouldn't be too difficult to at least get the word out and and have some voluntary compliance um over the summer I obviously the voluntary compliance is on the operator um but I I don't see a problem with staff doing um the education piece between uh spring break and this and the the main summer season okay and I would defer to the maker of the motion in the second uh particularly your experience in the the liery area uh I have lots of experience with beach venders but none with you know other than here uh with liy and getting them all together for a meeting we and and we ought to and I would just say if if we can do that we ought to go over and above because in my mind we should have done this last November you know and so if we we have to print more paper or do more effort because of the seven-month gap which is on us then we we should do that to solve the problem this year I just I just don't want to see this can kicked for 12 more months basically so I I you obviously want to talk about I'll say uh I mean I had to hire an engineer to draw mine up so that's definitely a process that's involved with it um I I know some of them what if you can incentiv incentivize some of these Livery guys say hey turn it in early maybe give them a discount on on their application fee I don't know just throwing something out there but um the pay process takes a while to um to get drawn up so um and I mean a lot of the stuff um of course you have to order all the equipment too I mean getting all that boom um and knowing how how many feet you need to go around your your largest vessel I mean so I mean there's there's some steps that they got to do ahead of time um I mean if you get out them to out early I sent it out to them this week and just say hey can you all get start working on it and maybe someone might do it ahead of time I mean you never know yeah I would ask Tamara and the staff if we do the notification you know the save the date card oh by the way May 1st or whatever that's probably a Sunday but you know May May 1st we're going to get together with all the delery vessels here's but here's what we're going to talk to you about you're going to have to order this you're going to here's the plan here it was approved by the council it was approved by Harbor and waterways last August uh so hopefully some of them are already aware of what the city's been working on and we we're going to ask that to the best of your ability uh you have that ready by Memorial Day some of won't you know and maybe the incentive is if you've got it on order if you got the booms on you know you got some of the equipment on order and you can show the invoice or whatever then we're not going to find you we're not going to say you're not in compliance because you've done you know what we've asked you to do but currently the the fuel plan doesn't require any of this so they wouldn't get fined if they didn't turn this in if we make it where it is effective Memorial day of this year then they would be fined under the new plan and so what we would do is say we won't we won't find you as long as you have it on order and so that's the incentive I don't know I just when I read that P August 23rd I was just like well I won't say what I said but I was like what the heck is going on here John I could be wrong and John you can speak up if I'm wrong on this but I don't care if it's deliveries any business I think I think for a seasonal business that's kicking off whether it's a restaurant or anything it' be like going to a restaurant and telling them you got you know three months to do something or you're going to be fine I don't think that's fair right now uh with their season getting started no matter what industry it was so I don't want to go that steep um and they just had a meeting recently so I don't think having another meeting is something that would be uh an option right now so um let's just try to make it happen the best we can right now I agree all right uh Ray correct me if I'm wrong The Substitute requires the 25 September 24th why don't you write it down for me I was trying to take notes with you go ahead yeah re what's the sub or or can I ask stevens Mr step two modifications okay the two modifications modification One require livery facility starting in uh for 2025 season sending Livery and property owner notifications in September of 2024 of the new changes and then um modification two all current and future uh commercial and multi-residential Marine facilities excluding single residential voluntarily in 2025 then required by 2026 sending property owner notifications in September 2024 of new changes okay let's do a V all right call on the vote all right eyes have it I hey all right LS uh got an informational item for you uh about draft minutes uh from the clerk's office uh one announcement from me and then the rest will come from Tam um first of all she put that on yeah I want to take again the opportunity to thank the city council for the visioning session uh appreciate your passion and your dedication uh to the boundless um opportunities that we have in the city and so uh staff and I got together and compile to the best of our abilities what we heard that have provided you um a sheet there listing the issues that we thought we gathered from you all uh the issue for me tonight is to ask you if there's anything that we've missed uh to let us know uh before we finalize this list uh to come back for your action if there any questions I'll take them now can we just get back to you on the Lewis week yeah Tam any uh announcements for us yeah good evening we have three announcements the first is that early voting for the presidential preference primary will start on March 9th at the Dustin Community Center and it'll run from March 9th through the 16th from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day and that does include the Sunday so early voting will occur on that Sunday as well also on March 14th we'll be hosting Destin forwards class for the city day so thanks to all of you for signing up for a slot to talk to the class members and please do make sure to get me if you have a particular item for your slide deck for your PowerPoint presentation just get that to me and I'll do a compilation and then last I get my laptop up here we have from Steve O Conor I'm GNA talk really slow while it comes up we have so the city's Land Development Co the rewrite project the LDC rewrite project continues to progress and we have articles 1 through five published and just recently uploaded the draft of article six which is the general development regulations this article intends to provide a centralized location for regulations regarding the minimum requirements for all development and the supporting facilities such as access parking utilities streets Etc and the drafts and comment form is available on the city's website and everybody's obviously welcome to check that out thank you that's all I have for you man all right thanks so much all right seeing no public hearings moving on to council member Stevens I have nothing councilman G yes sir thank you um I have a couple things one I was assigned as a legislative sponsor for uh the compass sit program that we're working with I am meeting with uh Andy and a group tomorrow 4M so that we can discuss that and and at least give input from an outside perspective as a contractor uh something else during the uh strategic visiting session there was a gentleman that spoke spoke on behalf of Dustin High School since then I've been contacted by several people whose kids are in the the actual baseball program and I believe that there's some misinformation being presented to some of these parents from the school I'm I'm I would respectfully request to be the legislative sponsor for the Dustin High School um in regards to their uh recreational area for their their Sports relating to the parks including Morgan Sports Complex want a motion for motion all right do I hear a second for the motion I'll second that right any further discussions seeing none almost there there we go eyes have it thank you all very much that's all I have right councilman Bagby nothing tonight May okay councilwoman AB thanks mayor I just want everybody to know that Tamara had a wonderful birthday on Saturday and she worked all the way up until the last second and then took her birthday and I just want to make sure everyone realizes that she didn't miss a beach got so much stuff done and then finally took a moment for her celebration with her family and friends and we appreciate all you do so happy belated birthday thank you so much all right councilman King nothing tonight thanks councilman Schmidt thanks Mr Mayor um a few things um we heard a lot of talk and recent meetings at the vision session or maybe last meeting as well about uh getting people to attend the these meetings and to participate um and so I was wanting to see how can we have or can we be presented in the next month or two a plan from either Tamara or somebody of what is the city of Dustin going to do to publicize differently than we have to have better engagement in our city council meetings we might already have that answer if we do great but can we get that brought to us in either April or May sure we take a look at it cool that'd be great um you know I I know we all uh we all have our opinions and we can freely say what we want to say up here and do that um sometimes I feel like though that we we are trying to prove a point that it's only my way and that's the way to do it I think it was a little disrespectful to the lady that was here presenting on behalf of a partner with the city to share information and then the ask of what they are wanting to do with the city to tell her BAS basically H you need to go to the other committees go join a committee go do this go do that I just think that that tone that we take with some presenters sometimes is a little harsh and I'm sure you'll have a response to that and that's perfectly fun but I will say and for for those of you that up here probably know I am a member of the Dustin Little League board I am it's a volunteer organization I know there's some people probably on sta St and up here that might have an issue with that and I believe the attorney has looked into it already and they're going to continue to look at it because this isn't the end of the Dustin Little League board coming to have discussions with the city council that particular lease is so outdated unfortunately we have in my opinion leadership that should have been updating that previously and it wasn't there's probably people up here that have not been into that park within this last year maybe more than that it's okay you don't have to that's why we have a Parks and Recreation commune I guess it's supposed to go and inspect those parks that little league organization is ready to partner with the city to contribute over $100,000 to help upgrade that park for the city of dtin they don't even own so there's things that we have talked about up here for a while now for example a fee schedule for Parks and Recreation we're waiting for a fee schedule for nearly over a year now that was the item on the vision that we talked about again I would like to see the fee schedule be brought here very soon I don't know if we need to make a motion because we've already made the motion so I want to see it I want to see it in the next like two months please we have the park plan we ask for a plan for Morgans and and and for threadgill not just threadgill Morgan and threadgill so this board we are now trying to assist in that they want to work with the city to help engage that and make it happen and do something that hasn't been done over there in a long time and there is a process but telling somebody the process is this and this and this is wrong and I I would I would ask that I hope that we have a little bit more respect for people when they come up here in the future that's all I got yeah I I'll gladly um I don't think I was disrespectful I think I was trying to educate her uh because you know actually I learned it in my first term uh you'll have people in this city uh come up and think well I talk to a city council member and they're going to solve my problem they're going to get in a speed hump or a speed table or whatever we call it or they're going to get me a stop sign or they're going to because I I talked to a city council member and one of the things is when you cut out the staff and when you cut out the Committees uh you have you don't have the type of governance oh I doesn't matter really doesn't uh you cut out the type of governments that we are trying to establish which is a community and I think everybody understands we're trying to build a community so I was just letting her know we've got $200,000 in the budget just for that issue and it's not just threadgill yes it's Morgan Sports Park and the people that are going to start that or you know besides Lisa are the parks and recs committee because they see all the parks and they see the bigger picture not just you know her her interest and I wasn't going to say anything about you being on the uh thread on the Little League thing I was surprised that you voted on it because as are you the president I think you're the president or I know you're on the board you know I would have said I have a specific interest in this issue and I probably would have accused myself but the attorney from City ofus no I'm just saying what I would have done well that it's not just the attorney yeah it's not just the Attorney Kevin we each have an individual responsibility because the attorney is just an advisor and she can say I don't see a problem with it or I do see a problem with it but the person who's responsible is the individual council member that's another emo thing that you know you learn but I would just say uh yeah no I would just say I didn't I just explained to her what the process was how much money there was we are in the process of looking at it we're going to I talked to Lisa today about looking at it uh so you know it but to build a community we need those committees we need the staff we need the council members we need the citizens all working together going the same direction and a lot of the citizens don't understand you know well I talk to so and so and they're going to fix it on the I talk to so and so on the council and they're going to fix it it's it's not that easy it shouldn't be because we've most of the bad decisions we've made in the 12 years I've been doing this is when somebody went directly to a council member and the council member promised them I'm going to fix that for you and then we realize everybody else in the neighborhood didn't want that except that very vocal member so that's that's all I would say thanks Council MCU I think uh I think this isn't this is something we see here on a regular basis and I'm I'm trying to be as respectful as possible and I don't think it's exactly what you say in a lot of situations it's how you say it and I've I've had several conversations with staff on this as well and the way you present yourself it comes out very condenscending demeaning in a lot of situations and I feel that that might be what's giving that impression I think your intentions are good but I just think you come off very Brash very abrasive and uh in some kind kind ofing which is demeaning to other person including staff in some cases uh so I I see exactly what Kevin's saying uh but hopefully this isn't something that creates a wedge we can all grow from this move from this and improve well said all right so I got an Ask presidential elections coming up and I would love to see the referendum of annexation it seemed that we had a pretty good Quorum at the visioning session and that will take staff and uh City attorney to draft some documents so uh my request as a motion for one of you guys if you see it fit is to just direct the city manager and the City attorney uh to gain the documentation for the refer referendum and any Financial legal or any other um I guess High Lev information we might need to know about before we bring other people into the city if they so choose I'll make that motion with the mayor just asked do I have a second I'll second thank you all right any discussions on that councilman Bagby yeah and I think I asked this at the visioning session and I can't remember but we need to survey the different segments of uh the unincorporated area that we're going to anex and the reason is if we find that there's a neighborhood where they're 100% against it that we don't bring them in on the annexation vote we just do the other neighborhoods or the other streets or the other whatever uh when we did the last time we did something similar to this was we did a blue ribbon panel on the municipal Resort tax and that was in like 2005 if dwey were here he'd probably remember may have been 2004 uh where we convinced because our state representative told the mayor at the time allegedly uh at the time that if he got the municipal Resort tax passed which was a tax on us but really on the tourists within this community uh then he would take it to the legislature and provide because it's provided for in leg in the statute but you had so he wanted to do a referendum so we did a referendum and it passed I think with like 86 or 84% which is hard in this you know ruby red City to get people to vote for a tax on themselves uh but they did because they understood the tourists would pay most of it and then the state our state representative pulled the rug out because he didn't think probably that the mayor would get it passed and uh so we might want to look at having a committee or a group uh kind of Shepherd that for us and say go out because you got to go out and you got and I know you're willing to do it and I'm willing to go knock on doors but you got to have somebody out there pitching the benefits of this every day and they go to the Rotary Club and they go to the Lions Club and they go to the Crusty Warriors and they go to the everybody in yeah so uh and you get more people out there which is the whole purpose of committees is it's not one person knocking on doors you got seven people out there who are committed to getting this passed and uh just think about about that because what I would hate to do is for us to get this because I think we're only going to get one shot at this yeah we got four years if it fails we got four years until we have to do it again if if we wanted to yep um my only concern after reading the state statutes is we cannot use public dollars to promote it right so the committee would probably be our best bet if we wanted to go that route my my concern is that you know just as as you were stating earlier we have some very vocal people who have their perspective right or wrong and um you know as long as we can get a fair and balanc panel um because I know with 1100 voters in Kelly Plantation uh I know there's one loud president who is against it and he has his right to do so um but I'm afraid that like you said one person vocally might not be the majority of the people who are going about their lives not even knowing there's a YouTube of us to check out these videos so uh that that's just my concern on that but you know I I agree with getting a group together so any other discussions on that any mayor yeah if I may add something please I spoke with the uh supervisor of elections today knowing that you're going to bring this up the refer referendum language for the November election is due in June and the language specific ordinance format we wouldn't have to be voting on any language they they provide a sentence with two blanks and it's City and location um but as far as Buy in and get making sure we have um you know public appeal and that we're not ostracizing everyone I I agree with that councilman King how does that work exactly and I maybe I'm maybe I missed something I don't think I did but how does that work exactly if we do make a make a re a referendum to do so you know would that referendum just exclude certain uh neighborhoods and streets and I I mean that'd be a long referendum if we had to list every neighborhood and Street no I think it would go under unincorporated Destin and if we were going after everyone which I would highly recommend um that those people almost like a geofence you know those people at the bottom of their list they would get it because the ballot sheet knows that they live here and it's only for them to vote on and it's 50% plus one is what it takes to join the city and all them to join in um anyone else has anything anything but so let's say let's say Indian Bayou for example I realize Indian Bayou isn't the city of desent but if it were not so when they voted being based on where they vote and where they live y it would we would that we would need 51% for to Annex that to Annex Indian value into Des if that was the only one on the ballot yes it's it's the entire pie that we're going to go after yeah that pie that whole entire color sheet all of them now get it I I'm an non uh NPA I'm non-party affiliate so at this primary if I went to vote they'd be like well you don't have anything to vote on we we see your records your ballots nothing for for a Republican or Democratic primary um so that's the gist in my head of how that works but yeah if we identify the area and every voter that shows up that day to vote inside that area they would have that special referendum if 50% plus one say yes uh it comes back to us we we adopt it and uh the county blesses it yeah so it's not individual neighborhoods um if it were to fail I would go back and collect signatures and we need 100% of every individual not to create another Enclave outside of it so we'd have to literally go uh west to east because we couldn't go and grab someone on the far East side of town where without grabbing everyone in between because we can't make these little Islands so that's the only caveat if we wanted to go individual yeah all right did I get that they're enclaves but I like the word Islands Islands as well yeah okay uh to me can connect them all right ready all right cool call the vote thank you so much eyes have it unanimously so moved all right City attorney okay so I have one um some maybe not such a quick thing but I want to give you an update on the beach Acquisitions since the meeting where you asked me to keep talking to both of the um option Property Owners so there's a map up that um might help the public see what we're talking about but you also have one at your seats um one of the things we were talking about is whether we still want to purchase the White House property at the time this um map was prepared by our illustrious city engineer the offer or the asking price from um the property owner there was at 6.7 million he's come down to 6.6 I did ask for their final offer but he has um kind of refused to go lower unless coun Council wants to counter offer somewhere um so that's around 6.6 right now the other um situation we discussed was a potential swap of the properties that are hatched on the picture so the one we own says city property with an arrow and it's hatched in pink and then the one that we could swap it for is not pink but it's also hatched so if we wanted to swap those two um Mr nolles has come up from a $50,000 um cash price with the swap to now $100,000 if you recall the appraisal was about 500,000 apart so um we would get the property with $100,000 under the current offer from Mr nolles and he did say that was their final um ask of us they would not go higher than 100,000 so if you want me to do anything further let me know otherwise we got to okay all right c m King thank you sir yeah I would uh personally just in looking at this um I would personally like to just I would like to pursue the property swap um I just based and I would like to see the numbers and and we talked about this earlier Kim but the I want to see the numbers of what all we have in it what it would cost to tear down um the White House but it just from the numbers that I've put together it makes absolutely no sense to pursue that um I would prefer to uh pursue the property Swap and especially if there's a potential to buy the property on the west side of that property so that would be that's where I'm going with it uh Council M Schmid yeah has anybody talked about um we know if they would sell yeah that property so um actually our finance director has some thoughts on that do you want to talk about what we talked about where we purchase one and sell one for the same and we break even uh yeah so that's another option um if we were to sell uh our property and purchase the other property outright it would um it would result in some net revenue for the city that we could apply back into the park has has that has any any talks with the owner of that swap property if Council not yet because we didn't have Direction on that but we can if council is interested in that potential so I'll make a motion to um um I'll make a motion to engage with that property owner with the option to purchase his property as well as selling uh and selling our property in order to to do that and to stop uh Eng in with the White House property okay and then just for clarity would would I be talking about both options then the one Mr King said and your option or just focusing on the purchase and sale like would I still be able to talk about the Swap and that option and see which one I think a swap is okay but I think financially it's not it's it's it's disadvantage it's it's a disadvantage to the city to just swap because of just the values of those properties so I mean sure it's okay but I I would prefer prer to try to sell and buy and you know make it a better deal for us and then we potentially one day have the blue option but I mean I think you're open to have all that talk really but I can I sure I think I would be curious to hear what um Mr nolles has to say um I mean it's it is for sure I I think personally from a real estate perspective that is advantageous for him and obviously with the $100,000 um I think it's more advantageous for them to do that than it is for us um I don't know I'd be curious to see if they would go for that obviously I think I think that's a better option um but I'd be curious to see what they have to say all right councilman Stevens yeah thank you I was curious if maybe we can approach the county on the White House and see if maybe we can maybe ask them if they would be interested in paying for the amount upfront and then later the city agrees to tear it down build and all the amenities up there I mean doesn't hurt to ask and then if if the county says no Then we choose one of these options that you guys brought up uh councilwoman AB um I agree with what Mr Schmidt and Mr King were saying about find out what the the chances are basically and negotiating all of that like going back to those two um and find out I I'd also be in agreement with you know just asking the question of the county doesn't hurt anything they're going to strangle us councilman BBY yeah I'm in favor of KN in the White House and KN in the property swap at 100,000 and just developing what we have and uh seeing if they want to change their tune because our conversations with Mr nolles uh you know $100,000 and and Crystal correct me if I'm wrong but your assumption is we would sell our parel our orphan parcel for the apprais value and then they would sell their parcel for the appraised value our appraisals and that's how we could but that's probably not going to happen because if that was going to happen he would jump at the $250,000 and you know he would get a bigger parcel he would get one worth 500,000 more and he got it for 250,000 so he's probably not going to agree if we can even get the apprais value on our orphan parcel uh to sell us because he's going to say look I got a comp and y'all just sold that and it's only worth about $100,000 more than my parcel I told you that already and he's and we'll say yeah well we think you were wrong what you told us before and we offered to swap so at some point we just have to say uh okay that's we just are where we are and we'll see where we are in three or four years the to Mr Stevens recommendation um I'm I'm sure the county we could probably convince them to do that but they would be taking our 50% of that so 3.3 million out of our TDC share which means instead of for the next five years or whatever we're paying them for the parcels we've already bought we're just we're just kind of mortgaging our future for another four or five years to pay it's kind of like draft picks you know in the in the NFL we we're going to trade you if you give of us this person right now who may get injured on the first play we're going to trade you our three number one draft picks for the next five years or our our five number one draft picks for the next five years and just I'm not sure that deal works out I mean I'm I'm okay with spending you know 30 more days going let's go talk to Mr noes let's go talk to the county but at some point you know that especially that orphan parcel that thing is the saddest looking piece of property in the city one of the saddest looking pieces of property in the city of Destin and we ought to be getting some use for it you know we ought to open it up and maybe put in some parking and some other things but at some point we we've got to just go with what we've got if if Mr nolles won't come off $100,000 no not not on a property valued at 500,000 more I'm sorry I I I would never vote for that uh that's just giving him a gift and you know the White House that we've been dealing with that guy for years not months years and he's very proud of that property and I think he'll have a different opinion if we put about 500 uh people down there you know this summer about the value of his property because that is public beach in front of that house up to the uh erosion control line but you know if we want to take a month confirm what I think we already know that's fine but at some point this spring Let's Just Fish stop cutting baai and fish all right Council M got I'm pretty much against all of it I think we should sell those three properties and buy the 7.2 Acres where the old Holiday Inn used to be and let that be a local Beach myself but um since we're we're not looking looking at that and we're considering developing Crystal Beach for the smallest population of the destined residents I I'm I wouldn't be in favor of a swap right now or I would have to agree with councilman Bagby to wait it out and see what we can figure out there but again if if we want to reconsider and look at actually buying a beach for the Cs investin it's right behind Bank of America C Mr thank you I just wanted to make sure I'm giving uh Kim what you want I don't really remember what my motion was but do you want do you want a backup option tonight like with this first option or you just want to take this right now honestly I just want to figure out where Council really wants to go I think there's a lot of different opinions and I'm just trying to figure out which road to go down I think I'm clear at this point that we want to see we're the most interested in the swap parcel right now and that you all want to see what that potential purchase price would look like and if they might change their tune on the 100,000 although they've said they won't I'll go down that path um I'm just going to tell the White House that you're more interested in the Swap and if he comes back with a number when he hears that I'll bring it to you if he doesn't then we'll proceed with the swap or nothing all right and and I think that's what the motion was so if not it's let me know um but yeah because if if Mr null says no I'm not going to sell it or no I'm not going to increase more than 100,000 then I guess when you come back to us and tell us that we'll give you the next thing which for me the next thing would be to sell that the orphan child or whatever you called it so but if you only want one I'm I'm good with my original motion Council M King yeah thanks um yeah I and I see what um I see what you're saying Mr Bagby I it does doesn't it never feels good to um it never feels good to feel like you lost to somebody um you know I think at a certain point and I'm not saying that that this is what it is but I think at some point you got to put um not you in particular but I know that I I feel like I have to put my ego away a lot of times when this is when there is something on the table that is wildly more advantageous for the city a Destin it sucks it's not it's not ideal um but it's not it's not the biggest loss I've seen us take since I've been here you know um you know so and I'm not saying that that's an ego thing I think that that's just a in in human nature this is something that we deal with I see it all the time and I know you do too um but yeah I would definitely be be in favor of abandoning the White House and moving on the swap Kim my question Kim uh have we ever are we allowed to purchase their beach front rights and him keeping the property is that is that even a possibility I think we talked about it up here at one point but if the White House keeps his house is there an ability to buy his Beach property as far as if we have this island is there a way to just if he's going to make this a rental forever then would he just I mean if you if you had a Beach rental would you sell the beach park fair enough I figured it was a dumb question but just we can always we can always no no you got plenty enough of plenty of another options that's not my option I was just kind of curious okay all right so I do have the motion everyone good with the Kevin's motion yes all right can you reread it please just so I'm up to date yep Ray do you have it or Kevin it was basically to to get a purchase price for Peter n's property okay I mean and to not deal with the White House and to not deal with the White House yep yes y just talking only that's all we're doing right y yeah everything all right call the vote I know you're almost there I know right there you go eyes haven't so moved all right so with that uh anything else Kim no that's all thank you all right public comments anyone here last bite at the Apple all right just one comment um we would welcome the opportunity every operator and every respon respondent to the parking was different and Park is complicated we would just welcome the opportunity to kind of show what we had compared to the rest as a as as a reflection of what the RFP requested we appre appreciate that all right thanks for being here thank you all right public comments y'all yall know the book already uh my last little uh thing is uh we did pop tops uh against Fort Walton Beach y'all we're 0 for two against Fort Walton that's okay we but the good news is uh they were at 5 my numbers might be a pound off they had 59 pounds of Pop Tops we had 53 pounds so over 100 lb of those little top cans exactly oh see there it is we we to one uh all that's being said uh that equals to I think over 120,000 pop tops in one month for two cities so uh thank you everyone who participated in any way one or 100 they all added up so there you go Community all right meeting adjourned