just case you hear that um so um call this meeting of the school building committee for the D Elementary project through the massachusett school building authority to order we could stand for to the flag of the United States of America and to for stands Nation indivisible andice okay like to thank Kevin for doing a great job with our meeting minutes um I'll allow you a minute or so to look them over one last time because I know that you scrupulously prior to today um and then uh desired motion to approve so we have a motion in a second to approve the minutes as amended with the address of 11 Somerset any discussion in favor please say I any oppos exensions okay motion carries all right um last meeting we did have some discussion about trying to get into a reg Cadence try to get into a regular Cadence with um our medum structure um PA reyolds had mentioned that on Mondays this room is used at 6: p.m. but I'm not 100% sure if that was every Monday every fourth Monday and I know that starting in September you can't start any sooner than so to be honest Bas on uh school committee based on um occasionally going to select meetings and having Selectmen on the committee Mondays tend to work better um so you know I would like to see us get into a regular cence on Mondays if at all possible and I think um we can start at 5 and if it's not before fourth Wednesday then I mean if it's not the fourth Monday then you know we could aim to be finished by six but I don't think we we also have the building next door that we can utilize there occas PA would have to leave us what what it's ddic after this right yes yeah so maybe the possibility that scoop rather quickly at the end but he's on that he's on that committee but we'll we use the same set up we need to explore a different option based on the schedule um I I personally don't have a preference of which Monday um you know because that might not be the only recurring some respects you know I don't know how you feel about this but some rather than you know have school committee second and fourth weeks and then have SBC the third week I i' kind of rather have that third week off maybe that is the solution maybe we do the fourth Monday but do it in the prime time building so that we're not concerned with leading over to what did you say this DB D we already we already know the town meeting schedule for the fourth Monday which is that looks like the only recurrent [Music] Mondays so agent does have Bingo on Mondays from 1 to um so I propose that starting with um starting with August the 26th that um we meet the fourth Monday of the month and I suggest it be the prime time building so that um we don't have to be concerned about leing over to D um I'll just confirm that to show theule what's happening there tomorrow I can also do once Kevin gets us a rock solid commitment to that I can send calendar invitations the same way that I've been sending the calendar invitations for the first two games we'll just I'll end up setting up in such a way where it's a recurring me gonna be in um necessarily think we to ENT motion all right um so next thing that we have on the agenda is um to discuss the um educational profile questionnaire the epq so I just wanted to um give the committee an update on um my conversation with the msba which was um last Monday um there were a couple of questions that I had about the enrolment data that they are requesting and that's the next item on the agenda and um I also wanted to get some clarity because I didn't see anything that um required the school committee to vote on the epq or even to have the SBC vote on the epq um so I set up a zoom call with um Rob melany Robin melany who is our contact at the msba and um she was very helpful with the enrollment information which again is the next thing on the agenda um and she said that we don't need school committee approval on the epq she said some towns SL districts do get the SPC to approve the epq and others just you know get kind of a consensus on it what I had said to her is that I feel like um all of you are investing your time in this um and that as often as we can at least put it out there for discussion um and have a have a motion I think it adds credibility to um to the process especially for you know our residents that are you know maybe watching some of these movies I mean movies some of these meetings you know want take delay so um she said she she said it's actually you know it's actually good practice and then she certainly supported that so um so what I'd like to do because I know a couple people mentioned that they had some difficulty accessing the epq online you do have a copy of the epq in your packet um so I'd like for you to take a couple of minutes just to um refresh your memory with it um I want to thank Caitlyn for her assistance and helping me put it together I want to thank Eliza for uh catching something on the very first page about um D El being prek to 5 and Palmer River being pre to 5 we're fixing those to be pre to four um before we submit on July the 30th but take a couple minutes just to refresh your memory with then we'll start to uh take your feedback [Music] okay for for e take about two more minutes for um I think the most efficient way to do this would be to take it section by section um citn and I will do the best we can to answer questions um but we're also open to feedback in terms of massaging the wording um thinking something up um again you know we we really would like for everybody to feel like they had input and buy in on the final product that we're going to by the third so um as far as section one as I've already mentioned Eliza out that this particular version has prek through five um and K through five on the second column so we we will adjust those to reflect K through four um I think that First Column to I don't we didn't have had K back if it's the original design of the school and the grade configuration going way back didn't have 3K and didn't have kindergarten but I don't recall it was at4 originally was it I went so gra originally in column one for D Elementary should read 1 through five um I'll do some checking in terms of trying to get some answers as far as pal River in the second column we know that it needs to reflect 3K through four for both of those boxes I did ask Robin about the year founded column um we know Dayton Middle School was not founded in 1993 um so what she suggested was to um put an asteris there and then put the um put the statement below which indicates that it was founded in the 50s but 1993 represented reu from that's kind of a misleading question like they're talking about the establishment of the building yeah there are aspects of this that are counterintuitive [Music] especially all right section two is um largely a cut and paste from the statement of interest that we submitted back in April of 2023 um one of the things that I will draw your attention to is the um the mention it's almost dead center furthermore the config the current configuration of our parking lots poses a safety issue to students and parents during the morning after to drop off the oneway in and out roadway staff standing in the road to direct parents so on and so forth so um as I mentioned to you in the last meeting my initial submission of the statement of Interest was to try to make it um a campus assessment and they came back to me pretty quickly and said you got to pick one building or the other so um we obviously we pick the elementary school um but I in the statement of Interest I did try to make references to the issues that we have on the campus itself question um section two it says proposed new school will be designed to accommodate 500 students here when I look at the projected enrollment for 28 2028 2029 you sum up prek through four that's 526 and I had 2029 2030 52 I wasn't able to go through the others but is that going to be a significant disconnect or that needs to be sure so where would it be adjusted in the second section there okay so change that 500 to reflect the so I'm going to make the assumption that we would look at the I'm sorry to sorry to interrupt but they will ultimately tell us how big they're willing to BU okay so that I mean this this still this is still a fluid situation so we're not locked into 500 then this would not become a disconnect we're gonna change the 500 before we submit to to match the maximum on the enrollment rection terrific but um you know as they do their own study which is the next portion of the agenda that I'll share some of the building permit information I get you in the second L um the number of births and the building permits and all those types of things um they're they're gonna come back to us as a committee and they're going to say we think it should be 515 instead of 520 or something like that so there'll be some there'll be some horse trading that takes place I just didn't want this to be an issue I didn't realize still very flexible last meeting we talked about K to5 based on the way this discussion is going I to assume that it's off the table no but it's not something that uh it's not something that I feel is advisable to put into this submission because um they made it they made it clear that they wanted us to pick one building or the other and building that we picked is a 3K through four building now I was um I was telling um Mr Perry before we got started um that I was at the mass conference last week which is the superintendent Statewide conference and um as I was kind of working the vendor room um the OPM that we had in adbor was there like the the actual person who was on the attelboro project was there representing scansa and two of the three lead Architects were there um as well as the the building company and so I did you know kind of feel them out from the standpoint of um you know where's the where's the where's the negotiation piece in terms of where does that occur and they said that that comes in feasibility so um once we get into feasibility then we as a committee certainly can suggest them looking at um making it a prek-k through five building I also had a conversation with an architect two years ago who walked that property with me and loved the green space in between the two buildings and actually suggested the possibility of merging them into one prek through eight building so um there's there's going to be ample time to have those discussions but it's it's not in this particular process see one of my concerns knowing that we currently have a fire department feasibility study going on we have people in the background calling out for a new DPW building is that we could end up getting pitted like the library was for many years with a another major project that could compromise what we're trying to do or create a bigger problem down the road at the middle school or even at the high school level which the high school is quite old too timing wise there's there's not much that we can control in terms of how this how these dominoes fall because the feasibility vote has to be before I think it's January 20th of 2025 that's the that's the 275th day of the of the process and you know then once we start and I'm thinking positively here once we start feasibility there are going to be Milestone dates that they expect us to move forward in terms of votes and things like that I mean if there is any flexibility for us to be able to not pit our ourselves against another project then I think that's good fodder for discussion by this group and obviously we're going to keep the Selectmen um informed along the way um but I don't I don't know to the extent that we're going to be able to completely control that um I have two maybe things that we could maybe massage the language but I want to runy you what you think absolutely uh I like how you brought the safety concern of the parking lot um and I know they kind of came back and said um you know pick either the Campers or pick the school we got to pick one but there's a lot of safety concerns in the school can we just bring some of those in like the ceiling tiles or the boing floors like this project would create a safer environment for the students inside the building we can I mean that that was all covered in the statement of interest and we also covered it on the site visit but okay um K if you I know Kevin's taking minutes but since you and I are going to have to this down by l i I think it would be beneficial to keep bring that point home sure again safety issues inside and outside I agree with that yeah because I mean this is a document that you know the SEL gonna look at school committee gon look at theun GNA look at so by all means thank you and my last point was it says the proposed new school will be designed but I know we talked it could be a renovation so just to make it clear for the public whoever could we change that to say something along the lines of the feasibility study should explore and then to go on instead of the proposed new school because it could be a new school could be a renovation that way we not box yeah like the the feasibility study will focus on accommodating right all those things about you know safety right security um educational environment that's it's good point that's all I have thank you I just want to raise I can't find where it is I saw that reference having lid in the PIP it should be redone maybe within that sort of section might be good place to raise you know other I didn't hear the first part of it somebody I can't find it but there's another there's a place in here that talks about the kitchen being renovated take out the lead highl content water it's on page seven so it's um but that might be a good place to add a sentence in there about other health and safety issues such as as Fest Styles and I think back to Mark's Point um I think if it's addressed generically in the section two and then um more specifically specific issues in the next section of sections I just I really feel it's important to keep that front center also I agree so we will we're going to change the 500 students to a number that reflects the enrollment projections from nesda which is a little two-page packet that you have um the section near the end that starts with the proposed new school um we're going to revise that to say the feasibility study will focus on um designing or a design that accommodates 500 plank students and we're going to make um more explicit references to safety well said pH can I just ask one question sort of in line with all of this and you answered it partially when you said that might come during the feasibility study we can tweak things certainly then my question is what's the purpose of this questionnaire you know along the way so that what is in here as I'm reading this and I'm looking at room types and things we want to include um how etched in stone I'll phrase it that way is this not right okay I just want to understand it's a great question because this is why part of this is counterintuitive to me because um and when we get to the next when we get to the section that has the proposed room types you know um I basically just tried to you know ramp up you know like if we have five spaces for grade one now I put six spaces um and it's kind of a list um and I I'll I'll give you for instance so um when we built a new building in adoro um we had to do some horse trading in terms of the enrollment because you know they were sh by their formulaic approach they said we think it should be built for 1700 students we argued that with some potential developments that were going to happen with you know dilapidated buildings downtown being converted into apartments that it should be I was gonna say 18 so they eventually acques to what it was that we wanted um and so then the next layer of it was the number of classrooms and so we started to divide you know based on like the the teachers CBA for like classroom maximums and we were like there are more classrooms here than what we thought it was going to be and they were working off of 24 students per room well in a high school 24 students per room is a luxury um and you know and so we were able to show to them that we were paying overages to teachers who were teaching any anything above 28 in the class so that was able they modifi the the proposed square footage based on the number of classrooms and that saved us some money um so what's again what's kind of counterintuitive to me is that we haven't even been through feasibility we don't know if you know bringing the fifth grade back makes sense we don't know if you know um a renovation makes more sense than than a new construction and they're just they're you know they're asking us to to complete a wish list but right to answer your question nobody's going to wave this in our face and say no way you're not going to have you know um you're not going to have two stem rooms because you only asked for one St room in the first no when I was reading through it I saw it as as you are again coming from that educational background like okay you're asking us to predict some things here that we can't we still have to do the feasibility study yes it did seem somewhat kind I say the feasibility process to goes to a very comprehensive educational programming uh process it's like this on steroids on steroids yeah it's extremely like you part of the funding is to go hire a professional team to come in and go through the they'll talk to you they'll talk to teachers they'll talk to us what our future programming will look like what does require breakout rooms does it require smaller spaces in the classrooms to do smaller group instruction and it goes very deep thank you because that was one of my questions looking at the teaching methodologies and so forth who had input into this you know we're kind of making some bold statements there about what we want to do but yeah there's a lot that goes into that into that process that answers my question is part of the input to that process of feasibility study does it consider um projects or developments housing developments that are currently sitting on for inst the building inspector's desk so that's to Bill's Point like they had a identify and we did as well in my town we have a state one of those State hospitals that we were in the process of selling the first time around we ours failed um and Medfield where I was on the committee um they were not taking that consideration and there's 300 units going in there which will ultimately bring students um this time around because we're back at it again it is being taken in consideration so and maybe bill has more experience to what you're saying is what that division is uh that they say there is some sort of guideline that says what's approve what's approved for construction versus what's in the works yeah and that's and I'll share that information when we get to the next portion of the agenda lny you had a question it's not a question um in regards to development and diet one thing please keep in mind there is currently a moratorium because of the water issues in this town once those water issues are resolved things open up big time and there is a plan that the water district does have the developers haven't because the market is high taking advantage of in the D and water district the agreement is they can build if they put in Wells with the agreement that once the moratorium ends they will have to tie into D and water so if this Market changes interest rates come down you may see more people doing it I know one developer he attends monthly water district meetings wondering when there are people watching it closely and well I'm glad you brought that up because you know section four which again I don't want to put the cart before the horse but section four on community engage engagement is kind of a catchall section um so CN if you could make a note um on your hard copy for somewhere within page nine that we we consult with Lenny you know maybe we can even the three of us could even caucus a little bit like when this meeting's over we can get some suggested terminology um to put it in there okay um just just to Leo brought up the Ed plan so I pulled up my Ed plan from from adelo 77 pages so wow you know so you go from a little over seven to 77 in terms of once the Ed plan has to be written so okay um does anybody have any questions on the table that starts at the bottom of page two and cover carries over to Pages three and four Kaitlyn and outgoing principle worked with me in terms of just populating this in terms of what we currently have I don't have a question but I think it would be nice for us to know just moving forward so we have it in our notes what the enrollment is per classroom class like just in the comments for even just for ourselves the class size the class sizes would be just nice information to know as we're planning moving forward stud per per right like you know how many kids do we have you know in special way and how many kids are enrolling is your schedule done to that extent kayn it is okay all right good answer yeah um that's definitely okay so moving to page four um sections B and C describe how four spaces specially spaces non-traditional spaces described are currently used um and then also using the space below provide information about the current teaching methodology include class siiz policies if applicable one of the things that um we made we wanted to make a conservative effort to emphasize was the cafeteria um basically becoming a catchall space we don't have we don't have the ability to have a full Performing Arts um program um the Teachers Lounge is subpar at best um Chief McGee is consistently reminding Damen and will be consistently reminding Leo and his new role about how we're using that stage for storage um the gymnasium no longer has the capacity to se the entire student body which is difficult for us from a programming standpoint if we want to bring in a great guest speaker or last year we had um a national teacher award we couldn't even get the entire school um student body in there at one time to celebrate that award so another good to emphasize the safety concerns about utilization of the area for storage and fire safy perhaps a note from the fire CH I think what is it now one one classroom one lunch for a grade at a time yeah that's all we can fit in you're run you're running your lunches from early to late right 10:40 to 1:30 a concern as well for students I mean by the time like by the time kindergarten gets out they're already starving because they had lunch at 10 o'clock in the morning they had a snack at two but yeah I'm just GNA make the comment because I have to like special education pull out sessions in the cafeteria is like I think emphasizing the special ucation right because I mean like you think the exact like that's such a distracting space y all this document there call for or ability for fire CHF as the fire chief or you know police chief I'm thinking what we have here in that paragraph specifically the fire chief to say as per that fire chief I mean there I think there's a level of trust from the msda that when the school department is you know saying this that it's going to come out in the wash once we start getting into feasibility anyway yeah you're G have the breakout sections with specific enties okay clearly Define it and these are great questions this is more just an accounting of kind of where we are and where we'd like to be it's not really we're not trying to make a compelling case because they've already granted us the access so now it's you know um we we've got our foot in the door they just they want a more updated status report than what we provided back in April of 2023 okay thank you I just I just had one I'm looking for it section three I wrote my notes see where we talked about at my ahead am my somewhere else what I didn't hear you so where are you section three yes you are I'm ahead okay I'll wait okay that being said um at the top of page five I think one of the things um it's the first full paragraph It's not the first paragraph but it's the first full paragraph um I was so impressed at the um last school committee meeting of the school year we had one more meeting after after school had dismissed but it was the it was a June school committee meeting and one of the things that my administrative team has tried to make a priority is showcasing our schools so um throughout the year we have a High School showcase um where they come to the school committee and for 20 minutes or so they celebrate or they talk about the great things that are going on with high school then we did a separate one for the CTE program and then we did Beck with Palmer River dayon Elementary D middle D Elementary end up being the last one and I was so incredibly impressed with the level of Technology that's being integrated into our prek through four classrooms in that building um and it actually reinforced a decision that I had with my assistant superintendent and with Leo when Leo was the director of it that we could scale back on some of the middle school computer Essentials because those computer Essentials were already being utilized in a lot of our you know second third and fourth grade classrooms um but the project-based learning piece um is something that when we were building a new High School in adoro was something that um we did a lot of emphasis on and now it's actually trickling down to to elementary students and so that's why as we go through the table that's at the bottom of five and Carries over to six you're going to see you know stem spaces a maker space um because the the Project based learning the collaboration the student voice that takes place in those types of um environments is um is hugely important just wanted to mention that before we move on to section three as I mentioned asked the question before in the table at the bottom of page five and at the top of page six you know um I just kind of went with what I felt was a more robust version of what we have so if we had five classrooms for grade one i' put six classrooms for grade one um you know uh I ramped up the you know the special education spaces so that we could have not only the two sub separate rooms that we currently have but also a dedicated sensory space a DED dedicated otpt space um under art I took us from one basically visual art room to not only a visual art room but also a steam room um and that's not like a sauna science technology engineering arts and math um but then as far as the other at the very bottom of that table that's on page six um a Project based learning maker space instead of instead of an old school computer lab um the sh the shift is now you know the devices can go into a cart and the cart can roll anywhere we we want a space that's got 3D printers we want a space that's got you know engineering tools and manipulatives that you know these kids can can actually um get their hands dirty in in designing stuff and then be able to print it out on a 3D printer wow k one change that we need to make on page six and I just noticed it I changed it on the first table but didn't change it on the second table for dining and food service we really should have a two there because we want to be able to have you know a full service kitchen SL area is there any space attached to this building or is it at the middle school for uh like grounds and maintenance like yeah what that's what I mean is for the for the campus what do you what what's happening that's just a little garage store container should we add something there should be at least you know a work a workshop space where like you're keeping essential tools it's an ongoing um friendship with the fire department about our storage there and I've only been here six months even like you said records you guys must have record retention too and I need for place your files and storage for that that digital and then student files get passed on to the next school and then we retain those and we so that's not so much in thiss it's more just the maintenance having a maintenance Spas yeah Pointes I mean you do small things L changes and stuff like that and I I think um this gives me the opportunity to mention something because you know one would think that on the pre-populated tables that the msba gives you you would have something like that on there um and Kevin's question kind of um triggered a memory that I had from from adoro msba is only in the business of reimbursing you for spaces that directly impact students um and so even like even in we had to we wanted to build a maintenance shed so that we could you know pull in the truck and we could pull in the tractors we had a we had a gator for like the fields and things like that and we were able to build it but um we we got zero reimbursement for it so those things will come up in feasibility there's a there's a reason why they don't put it on the table because they don't want you to think that they're going to reimburse you for which is fine I just think it's something overall from a town perspective is we want you to be able I mean I you could make a compelling argument that having an effective maintenance program does enrich the lives of our kids but that's you know I get what you're saying they're not going to see it that way but I think just being mind F of the whole project if even if it can't be reimbursed that we need to have that consideration that's not to say that there is efficiencies by building it in pay for yourself because they're there they're building the building oh definitely big space out of it right yeah can I just ask a question about the the number of classrooms and stuff so is there's an existing number and sort of a sense as to how adequate that number of space that we have and then there's is somewhat uh guesstimate as to how much the account is going to grow so you've increased it sort of from five to six how much is there a circling back on that um number to make sure that it's not five to seven say for example yeah so um when I walk everybody through the the enrollment portal that we also have to have um some Ed by July 30th um you know I'll kind of talk about that a little bit but um you know was like I like I mentioned before in terms of my adoro example they did their computations based on population the number of births the number of building permits and you know potential housing projects and they came back with 1,700 and we said we we don't think you're right we we think we're going to end up with you know 18800 and we were able to show them some documentation that that um that supported that and um so that's why I'm not stressing too much over you know whether any of these should be a six or be a seven yeah because there's time for that to come out know speaks to why I think some of this is counterintuitive like want us to have a dream school and we haven't even gotten to the point where we've entered into feasibility with a project manager or an architect right and I would think some of those things might come up you know as we go on what about a room for a speech pathologist what about I will say from my experience while this document isn't like set in stone have had it held against human questioning had certain ones that we Lo and then things changed and then they came back and they're like well did only ask for two like they wanted more documentation more information about why we numbers for so in terms of it's a negotiations and how I see it and I would rather expand the numbers a little bit rather than just do a small bump because if they do come back you don't want to have to fight additionally more for some of these items was that the epq or was that the okay and then you know we have sterility to bump it up but then those are the hard questions when they come back and you're like yeah why did why you change it yeah change it all to just give 10 of everything that Hur posture so when you guys go back think about you know yeah little ones that like C these now yeah I mean I feel like I'd go to seven flexibility will we take the numbers out of order and talk about them and maybe that will help us give us some context for the number of rooms I don't know what you mean by take them out of order well I know we were going to wait till the end to talk about the enrollment projections could we look at that maybe now instead and and then look at yeah I mean um that's actually what I was kind of um doing a little bit of computation so um there's an aspect of the epq where we talk about the future contract says that worded very strangely in my opinion that should be an average of 23 to 26 an average is a number I don't know why it's averages a range but anyway so you know and you know I have to give El Lia credit as a school Committee Member who's always advocating for lower class sizes um and I said this in the budget process back in in March that we are starting to become perilously close to where I'm concerned about um our class size especially at the elementary level if we um if we went with 23 per class at six rooms it's 138 kids that you could accommodate per grade and if you to Mark's point if you take this um chart that I gave you it's it's got a four it's got page four on the bottom of it if you look at the enrollment projections you're going to see numbers that are like 90 874 we we don't we don't get anything that's above 121 and that's 2027 grade six that being said I have no problem you know based on your experience of rockon I have no I have no problem beefing this up a little bit but I also don't want to you know make it seem like we were just kind of like thr a number but does this have like some of the proposed developments like maybe like forest or the strawberry harest well this was done in this was done in December of 23 and we PID NASDAQ a pretty good piece of change to do this um let me just look very quickly because I have a little bit more of a yeah Mark they don't they don't specify um you know they don't specify that they looked at is that the study specific new development the 2019 study no this is the 2023 this is the December 2023 enoll projection there's a little I'm going back to the one that we did many years go and they projected out a number of years and in that one that was um more comprehensive study they did for us for the school committee and the district and they did talk to um select men and they did all of that so I'm sure they would have gotten some of those but that was back in 2019 I think yeah and that's in the that's in the folder that I Shar with everybody now the resource 2019 that was before arest well he said 23 2023 it says I'm talking he's talking about the one I'm talking right at the bottom it says projections should be updated annually to reflect changes in and out migration of families real estate sales residential construction because it could change I mean any one of these developments could happen like that so you can right you know all you want yeah that was great example it would stand a reason again not all this is reasonable but it would stand a reason that if they if the school committee um had that study done in 2019 which again as you said it's very comprehensive and they talked about new developments at that point that they would be figuring it in when they were doing enrollment projections in December of 2023 but if if if we want to um put some cushion I don't have a problem with that I I don't think that they're gonna laugh us out of the um laugh us out of those what was the number you came up with for uh per per grade 138 what's our current average you know I want to say the highest one is going to be going into fourth grade and that's a little over 100 so if you look at the top chart on page four and you look at 2023 102 yeah that gives you the number Burse that's not this current year so current year is the very top the kids that were born in 2018 71 births so we're projected to have 39 in prek okay 90 is that a three or 98 93 82 855 10579 okay which you know 79 in grade four is it's close to half of what six is yeah I mean so that I mean that adds up so that kind of shows that the the six is probably adequate for I think the other thing that's um extremely important about the mba's philosophy is flexibility of spaces so you know um obviously in many respects a prek classroom is going to look different than a grade four classroom but if you had a little bit of a bubble and you needed seven GR three rooms one year you probably would only need five grade four rooms that particular Year Caitlyn has seen that kind of bubble that's happened the last couple of years um so I mean you know Lyn dessert who's Caitlyn's predecessor um she's had to do that in the time that I've been here the last two years we had to take what was a second grade classroom and convert it to a third grade classroom based on the enrollment members that were I know we talked about at the last meeting potentially do one through five I know we have five at zero here but if we if we moved at one through four and we did seven for each and maybe maybe they agree with our numbers with the feasibility study and the projections and all that I can see two benefits one if down the road when the Project's complete if we did 125 we'd have some some flexibility or if an arbu Crest or someone does come in and it wasn't reflected in here we'd have a flexibility for one through four so I personally just just for flexibility sometimes projects start small and they keep getting bigger and bigger I'd rather start a little bigger and at least we come we can come down instead of keep going up you know so I'd like to see seven that's just me okay anybody finally [Music] oppos it's not in the plans no not yet it's it's happening no no I have a CR all right so um moving on to um Pages seven and eight that's kind of a conclusion of that section this is where you know we have a narrative about Shifting the way that we're currently teaching in the elementary school to um ways that we would like to start teaching which is emphasis on you know Sim education um more Project based learning uh even you know an outdoor classroom space that teachers could sign up for and rotate um prioritizing special ed more than what it was prioritized back in the you know 50s or even in 90s when it was when it was renovated so I got to give Caitlyn a lot of credit um one other one other factor in terms of kayin and I preparing the epq um we used templates from other districts um I reached out to my um OPM from adoro and she was able to get me a couple of Elementary epq and then the msba provided us with some samples as well so um while this is very good work on C Parks some of it's boiler plate too so can I just ask this is the question I had earlier um yeah so under C the third paragraph and you mentioned this just a little while ago talking about the Project based learning I agree that presentation was incredible at our school committee meeting the language there says the school is also exploring the full scale implementation of Project based learning I'm just thinking of this as sort of that preliminary epq where you worked on it together if I'm reading that and these become um public documents when I and the public is looking at this or the teachers are looking at this full scale implementation almost sounds like this is where we're going as opposed to what currently may be happening or not do you know what I'm saying I don't know so the wording yeah unless you disagree with me I mean um we could add across grades prek to four it's it's I think that exploring the full scale implementation piece it almost makes it sound like I'm shifting from one methodology to exploring doing this throughout the school do you know what I'm saying I think we only used full scale because previously because right now it's only on an individual basis with teachers we can't do it you know full scale throughout the school because we don't have the space or the resources so we were thinking in terms of exploring it full scale within the school that all grades will be able to access it whenever they want to access they can access it yeah so we could definitely change adding access to Le what if you just take a yeah like I get what everybody's point that full scale implementation sounds like this big deal how about strike that out exploring schoolwide yeah schoolwide access to project basement yep and in the paragraph above that it also says the school's proposing a team teaching approach just from again a public view explaining the team teaching approach maybe or the difference between what's currently in place to a team teaching approach might be helpful so that keep the same team teaching people there's lots of different ways that people can approach team teaching whether it's having a co- te or a pod type situation maybe just explaining that make helpful as well okay and maybe that's priority yep add that yeah okay um for section four on community engagement um we are going to leave in um Lenny's suggestion about the um restrict the moratorium on water um and the three of us can maybe caucus afterwards so we can get some suggested language um we are backfilling Leo's position as director of it um once we have someone in that position and um we'd like to work up a a shell of a project website to share with this group get some feedback from you in terms of and then we you know like to be able to link it to the website and like to be able to link it to the district website as well I also provided them with some hyperlinks to um you know the um the initial SBC process uh that um Mr Mullen was working on before his departure uh ta and Gazette did a um did a really ni article um and believe it or not raob reporter even though they primarily cover raob stuff they um did give us a nice article back in January I believe um and then I also linked the um press release that we just worked on forc ask we also add to the section to do focus groups um with public teachers um I think even students would be helpful if there can I ask you a question this town website um SBC process or anyone else from the town as well I remember watching a selects meeting where Mike Mullen went through the entire process is that what does anyone know if that's what this is because that was that was excellent um he went through the whole process and he included things like you know um 55% of the feasibility study is reimbursed by msba we talked about the fact that that was socioeconomic factors factored into that and it was done yearly it was just a great presentation and I think that would help towns people if they missed that it was again pretty comprehensive and some good information in that I don't know if that's what this if it's not on there we can have that YouTube linked back to the committee's okay great point then as far as section five is concerned um there isn't really a whole lot um that we have in terms of um a coordinated program review uh ly desert's been there for the better part of seven years um in in her tenure there wasn't a CPR then um we don't really have a master plan or facilities plan and the NASDAQ information um is in your folders um I extrapolated a couple of pages for you and printed those out for you for today um but also the extensive report back from 2019 is is in your folds as well the comment on that bill when we earlier said some people have trouble accessing this document um I couldn't access it by your link but when I went to the resources folder it was there it wasn't in either for you no I I could work on that in so as far as making these edits um would you like for us to put these edits in place and get a revised version to you maybe it's today Monday maybe by Wednesday like 48 hours from now we're not g to have time to meet again but I think on the email thread if you would reply all which I know sometimes people hate reply all but if you reply all and say you know I still think that on page seven in section 4A we should talk a little bit more about safe can't do that that's a violation open meeting we would have to have one like I could send you a comment that's a great right all right so don't rep that's a new thing we like to do in Tian when we send out an email we like do not reply all right true um well I'll send it VI a blind carbon copy so even if somebody does hit reply all by mistake it'll only go back to me anyway okay you have a small group bill just it can't just be the majority that's right so you could have you and two other people five to them that way the three of you are working on it in conjunction I mean I think we can I think we do because this document is not binding I'm perfectly okay with just instilling good faith in I I am to not let's not like bog down on something that's not going to crush us moving forward um so with that being said I'd like to make a motion for us to approve the epq with the Amendments as discussed in today's meeting second so we have a motion in a second to um approve the epq with the suggested um adjustments and we have a second any further discussion I will say that we will send out the final version to you um regardless all those in favor say I I any opposed extensions right motion carries okay um next on the agenda is um to review the enrollment projection data um believe it or not that's not the two um pages that I gave you from ndaq that was stapled together it's actually um this portion which all I all I really wanted to do is just give you a sense of what the msba is looking for from each of the towns um and I do have to give Michelle Blackburn who's my assistant I have to give her credit um she is she's been very diligent with Town Hall in both dayon and in rovin uh to get this information we just I just made a a Cy of a snapshot of what it is that they're looking for but the the process that that msba goes through in terms of um determining what they feel is the enrollment that they're going to come back to us and say we're willing to build it for 515 you want it for 520 you know you want to build it a little bigger then we'll cut down your reimbursement you know again that for trading conversation but this is this is how thorough they are from the standpoint of the number of births um the population the number of building permits um housing sales so on and I realize that there are aspects of the town that you know based on the water moratorium and you know some other uh proposed projects those are things that we we're going to weave into the epq that might not necessarily fit into just these boxes that they're asking I may um on the third page of this documented permit to be issued that address those projects that are on the building building inspector's desk with potential uh [Music] yes yes yes okay because I I going to page two um want to know and again I'm I'm asking not of a position of ignorance in this process but he asked for total number issued in the last 10 years I think instead of putting a number down say 200 I think in the submission if allow might be uh more telling to put it down year by year because I'm I'm willing to bet that it's opposed to be in linear you're going to see a curve that's ramping up okay and if I look at and I see one single number oh no it does say four each of so I think it is indicating that okay okay I I missed that I'm sorry no worries missed that and on page three the housing project description um you know that is where I think we we have a little bit of um have a little bit of License to mention some of the things that could potentially manifest themselves if the moratorium while water gets lifted different things like that Mark do you do you have a couple minutes afterwards that you could that's ideal awesome thank you R for 2023 just really young people were tired try to over I'm thinking you're talking about the I mean they're couched in the 70s and 80s and then it drops down to 46 just sounds like something's missing we got from town hall so 2024 is not over yet so opportunity to catch up we're gonna add onek that a girl add that in scratch that my part so the last the last item on the agenda um is just Milestone dates and the Milestone dates really are July 30th um right now epq is Du July 30th um Michelle and I will continue work on this portal of the births and the building permits and um Lenny and Mark are going to give us some help in terms of the last page but um what I'll do is when we meet in August um I'll get some information from the msba in terms of um like the last date that we can possibly have a vote for feasibility and then even some preliminary feasibility so I'll have that for you when we any other questions Iain a motion to adjourn second we have a motion to adjourn and a second discussion all those in favor say I I thank you that's follow that's not