thank you uh one of the things and reason why I interrupted you Jonathan was one of the questions is what do you see as the issues facing the Board of Health okay all right um I think that you know there are a number of things that I think the Board of Health has to think about one is Grants going forward to support projects that the Board of Health wants to do whether it's for blood drives or it's for uh flu vaccinations or it's for you know projects that you want to do on a local basis such as you know drug abuse and Drug support programs that I've worked with Nicole on in the past a bit things like that I think that um if you are looking for someone who can as I said you know look look at some of the things in the weeds you've got the issues you're concerned with for example for trash bags for recycling things like that I don't know a lot about septic I think I mentioned that last time um I'm willing to learn because that's part of what you do when you're on a board um but I think that in terms of a lot of the other are is I think I can bring my knowledge base to it especially when it comes to helping to look at the right people for the other right positions that ultimately will probably have to be hired to back fills currently what is what is not there and as well as I think I can bring a a a responsible party voice to the Board of Health which will help support whatever the Board of Health decides to do and make the public at large feel supported and also listen to at the same time so I think that that's a really important part to be able to bring to this okay thank you as indicated in the job description this position is responsible as a member of a three-person board to provide leadership in policy direction to the board of health staff describe your leadership philosophy and how this philosophy would inform your approach in addressing the issues that face the Board of Health my leadership philosophy first is to learn to listen and to learn learn and to ask question that makes me a better co-leader and maybe a leader someday but certainly a co-leader and I say co-leader because it's a board of three and we're all speaking as one much of the time so my first responsibility is to learn and to listen and to ask questions that's going to educate me it's going to make me a better board member it's going to make me more responsible to the community thank you Jonathan bar I'm sorry I'm sorry um please tell us about yourself your education and your work experience how do you feel this has prepared you for the position as a member of the Board of Health in the town of dayon so my background is um very very quickly bet of my life was spent working for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts um in the Department of Revenue as a as tax examiner and then I switched gears to uh work in the areas that I do now which is public policy and law for persons with disability a lot of the work that I've done in the past oh 18 years or so has centered around not just persons with disability but working with persons in the public sector um I was a legislative lobbyist for several years uh for an organization in Boston I've worked with state agencies and federal agencies on a lot of projects I've organized and ran uh different programs for state and federal agencies I've written grants uh for this for the state government for supporting programs I've written federal grants in the past so I think my background in terms of diversity and what I and what I can bring to it gives an opportunity for the Board of Health to have someone who has some of those backgrounds and is comfortable working with organizations and groups on a local state and in some cases if if need be even Federal level thank you cool um do you have any management or budgeting experience I have um well first of all as I said I I I worked for the Department of Revenue for approximately 20 years teaching our examiners how to do uh Audits and so forth so I think I have a fair amount of budget experience in that respect very familiar with uh budgetary sheets from the public sector and Cherry sheets to um the private sector and corporate corporate responsibility as well um I have my own own business which of course means I have to budget my business every year and um meet the payroll for the staff the two staff that I have and you know be accountable for what I do um and then I've served on different organizations in the past um I was the treasurer of a church for several years in Canton um I have other things that I've done as well for different organizations where I've had to either manage a budget or put a budget together or present A B present a budget to a committee at the end of the year thank thank you can you please describe any past experience you have working with a local Board of Health and or the Massachusetts Department of Health I've worked with with the Dion Board of Health my only experience directly or indirectly really was working for a period of time on the project that Nicole was involved in for um working with persons with disabilities and others who potentially may have some form of drug abuse or alcoholism things like that so that's my only direct role on the local level on the state level and in other venues as I said earlier I have worked with Mima in the past for evacuation routes and procedures and to secure equipment for other communities because that's part of the work that I do and I've also worked with FEMA to do the same thing so I've worked with them separately and I've worked with them collectively great thank you please describe your experience with Title Five and septic system and if you hold or previously held any licenses such as Inspector or installer the answer to the question is mostly no and no um I'm not I don't hold never had held any licenses for anything related to Title 5 at all um I'm familiar only with some of the basic rules and procedures for Title 5 um as I said I think in my last uh interview I found some of what I was learning and listening to and learning and learning about and the requirements and so forth for older versus newer systems to be extremely interesting but beyond that I frankly do not have any direct knowledge of Title 5 that doesn't mean I can't learn and I know that's something that would be required for me to get up to speed to understand thank you Jonathan there are many facets of Public Health that are outlined in the job description that require a basic understanding of fruit protection public health emergency procedure and preparedness I'm sorry Community sanitation minimum housing standards Animal Control storm water landfill management swimming pools and septic systems please describe any experience training or certificates you may now hold or have held in the past I think as far as I don't have any specific certificates to answer your question and that part of it first of all I think as far as my background and training I've done a lot of work in public housing uh um I've worked extensively with the Canton Housing Authority with the Cambridge Housing Authority with the Boston Housing Authority on different projects that regard um the condition of of units and the welfare of its residents as well uh securing programs securing uh equipment that needed to be put into units so that people would have accessible resources or simply making sure that units were kept up to date I've done that through the affordable programs as well through 40b housing programs and different venues in in the state as well um with regard to water mitigation for example and storm water I'm not that familiar with storm water at this point I'm not that familiar with drainage issues otherwise again I I don't have that type of background at this point I know there's a learning curve I know it takes a lot to learn it and to understand it and to ask the right questions and if I'm selected that's something that I'm pledging to do um I don't expect that I will probably have any certificates in those areas if I'm if I'm chosen by the board of selectman and the opportunity comes to get training and certificates in any of these areas I'm certainly going to Avail myself of that the more I can learn the better off I am to the board the better off I am to the board of Selectmen and the better off I am to the community um this position requires fair and unbiased application of Public Health statures regulation policies in town bylaws enforcement may become a problem with some restaurants homeowners businesses Etc what skill skills do you have that would enable you to effectively deal with residents who do not agree with you I think the skills that I have um are pretty deep in that area actually um I regard myself as an extremely good listener as an extremely good negotiator and as a as a person who no matter what the situation is doesn't take a side doesn't try to take a side but wants to wants to show everyone that I'm listening that I care I may not agree with the decision that we as the board have to make or the decision that we have to tell a resident or I may not agree with something that a resident is saying to us but my job is to listen responsibility responsibly and to render a thought process and or a decision that I feel is fair and to be able to back it up and it's one thing to say that you feel a certain way about something and it's another you know or to to say this is what the way it's going to be it's another thing to be able to justify it so that it makes sense and so that it's clear and understandable without hopefully offending anyone or having anyone feel that you're singling that individual or that Resident or that business out great um just let you know you get about three minutes you get two questions left uh although extremely rare individuals appointed as the Board of Health members must make a commitment to be available for emergencies or other circumstances that require their prompt attention do you feel there is enough flexibility in your schedule to be able to meet this commitment the answer to that would be yes and I think as some of you know already from other times when I haven't even been in the area I always make it a point if I can't be in the area to be available even if it means joining by Zoom without video so yes I do okay great as indicated in the job description the position is responsible as a member of a threepers board to the board of health staff describe your leadership philosophy how would this philosophy inform your approach in addressing the issues that fa the board of Heth I think that first of all working with the other members of the Board of Health Andor the staff of the health department first needs to be led by whomever is the chair of the Board of Health that's where we should be taking our direction from if the chairperson is comfortable leading the entire team which means the board and the staff then we need to listen to that person we need to communicate our thoughts that to that person and not circumvent that person um I think that to much of that goes on in too many places too often if the um board of health staff are willing and the chairperson are willing to let me as a member talk to the staff learn from the staff ask questions understand what they do how they do it when and why then I'm gonna ask you know 110 questions until I until I get the answers that make sense to me and until I understand what they're doing but to me the most important thing is to really be able to listen to everyone and I keep saying this over and over to listen and to learn and I don't care if I've been on the board for 10 years there's still a lot to listen and a lot to learn about I will never ever put myself in the position or the board in the position of speaking on behalf of others or speaking on behalf of a chairperson or speaking on behalf of the board of Selectmen I think that that's not appropriate um there's a line drawn between a member and the chair and a line drawn between a member and the staff and you know those lines can be fine sometimes but you have to respect each other's position thank you great Jonathan just one last question do you have any questions for us um I don't have any questions right this minute I guess I would ask are you planning to make your appointment today that would be my first question and my second question uh Mr chairman would be am I allowed to stay on the call and just listen in as I was able to stay in last time and just sit in the room and listen in uh the question first answer is yes we are uh planning on making the decision this afternoon and the second question uh yes you can stay on okay I have no other questions and um I sincerely I know I'm calling from long distance it's 107 degrees outside where I am right now but um I appreciate everybody giving me the time to share my thoughts this afternoon and consider me welcome thanks thank you Jonathan thank you hi Vincent Hi how are you good we're gonna jump right in as soon as you get settled in hi it's nice to meet you Vinnie Peter Vinnie how you doing nice to meet you sit right okay you can't sit there but you can stand are you going to ask questions or you microphone no I movie e e e e e e e e e e e e e about them you know how you have to have you have a container the distribution box and then the leeching field uh even cess pools from what I again what I read uh and researched can be um Title 5 and can compare they inspected for flow they're inspected for um if there's any breakages in the line you take soil samples and you know that type of thing um you know for Title 5 and know if it's new construction you have to adhere to um you know a Title 5 inspection if you're selling a home it has to be Title Five if it's been herited by someone it's Title Five if it's a bankruptcy then it's title five but I know there are some exe exemptions in there like transfers of mortgages and things like that that are involved but as far as um you know total in-depth like if you ask me to go and inspect a septic system I don't think I could be able to do that but um you know I have uh you know I don't have really any certificates but again I I looked online about what would be required uh from the job description and I saw that you know some of those courses were like three or four hours that were on the FEMA website and some of them were maybe a little bit more involved but um I think it's something that I could get up to speed with you know fairly quickly ex said I'm retired so I mean you can have me tomorrow if you want me I I'm going to golf but I can always make arrangements for that so awesome we only have about three or four minutes left uh so we're going to continue with the questions but just keep that in mind as your Aran is sure absolutely this is a long question okay there are many facets of Public Health that are outlined in the job description that require a basic understanding of food protection public health emergency preparedness Community sanitation minimum housing standards Animal Control storm water landfill management swimming pools and septic systems please describe any experience training or certificates you may now or have held in the past yeah I again I don't have any certificates or trainings like that you know as I've reviewed the materials that I downloaded like the Board of Health uh manual and things like that that described those and then gave like hey you have to meet this requirement and here's this number I don't think any human being could possibly remember every single statute that that is there uh but again I uh I've looked at those courses online I'm sure that I could acquire those certificates sorry very quickly thank you so this position requires fair and unbias application of Public Health statutes um regulations policies and town bylaws enforcement may become a problem with some restaurants homeowners businesses Etc what skills do you have that would enable you to effectively deal with residents who do not have work with you well you know I think you'd have to you've got to come to an understanding of them you have to be reasonable with them um you know you I don't think you'd have to be very very forceful but if you're calm um again in my experience is as long as you're calm and you state the reasons why and this is what's happening lower the temperature you know that usually will will work out pretty well um I mean you're always going to have people who are going to not no matter what you say are going to have that but I think if you lay it out for them in a reasonable manner um and stay calm and again treat them the way they want to be treated I think you'd be fine thank you great um although extremely rare individuals appointed as a Board of Health members must make a commitment to be available for emergencies or other circumstances that require their prompt attention do you feel there's enough flexibility in your schedule to be able to meet this commitment yes I'm retired so um from from my understanding too I mean I know that the board meets like every third Tuesday and but you'll be on call all the time you know so uh you know yes I could do that okay great thank you as in indic at in the job description the position is responsible as a member of a threers board to the board of health staff describe your leadership philosophy how would this philosophy inform your approach in addressing the issues that face the Board of Health uh again I think that goes back to the you know the the leadership like I said um where you just treat everyone that they the way that they want to be treated and you got to try to understand them listen listen to what they're saying and um address those issues uh for them and again do it in a quick manner if you can't get right back to them right away I mean some of the hardest words to say is I don't know but it's okay to say I don't know but I'll get back to you and I promise you I'm going to get back to you on this time and as long as you keep that commitment and you're in their respect um and again lead by example that's that's always been my way of doing things great no better than anyone else do you have any questions for us I do I have a few great um so the length of term of this position what I've read is like it's one year two years is it three years what is the length of the term it's one year one year term okay and is that renewable yes well the appoint the um selectman reappoint every year every year of different positions some R2 some R three which what happens the Board of Health is every one year every one year okay all right um when I mentioned like the training classes like for the certificates that would be necess you know for this position um again some of them look very quick for me like three and a half hours I think one those one fale position some of them are a little more uh lengthy and involved um it's something I'm sure like the town is going to reimburse for if there's any costs that are involved as far as that's concerned that I'd have to look into yeah okay like sometimes like board members are able to go this like a one-year training with um like the mass I can't think who they are m o is it m wait till see how many acronyms you're going have fun but they have a training once a year and generally that's paid through the um for the board members but there's additional trainings that you'll do on it's called train and that would be something that you do on your own time that you don't get reur for it's something that you do at home kind of like the theme of training oh yeah I'm not I'm not worried about my time I'm wonder if there was like a a add a course cost so some of the ones that I saw on P I don't think there was a cost you just sign up and you do it online generally not a um cost for the trainings but if there is we do have a grant right now yeah no I'm not asking to paid to take the classes I'm not worried about I just want to make sure no I'm fine with that um so again going back to like maybe the the the shortfall in position I mean I don't think you have an inspector right now is that correct Health agent yes yeah so how are you what are you doing now what is the Board of Health doing what is selecton doing what are you doing now in order to address that are you are you Contracting I mean I'm sure I know that some we have a uh somebody who was had done it in the past is helping us out right now okay you know in the short term right okay all right that's good um the other just again and this is just a general question is like covid-19 um it seems to be making no Resurgence is there other any plans to address anything like that U that that may happen as that comes up we have a system called Maven and it sends us all the communal disease that's what Co goes into right now Co doesn't require any trapping anymore um but if we were to have some other pandemic emic something like that it would be tracked to there and the nurse um does the maven so it would be it would come from the state the state would say hey you need to enforce these policies and yes that's that's generally how it went with Co um first CDC made some then the state would decide to adopt them or not and then it came down to the local level and then for the most part we to adopt them or they Le way depending on okay all right very good and then the last question again I don't want I know you don't know if you have any other interviews but um you're making the decision today I think yes okay make sure that you get notified today either way okay yeah all right I mean if you're going to vote I'll hang around if not I'll welcome yes absolutely great thank you thank you much thanks vinent hi Lenny how are you bu I just want to remind you the interview last about 10 minutes okay so um you've heard these questions before I'm I'm sure but um well just take time answering them and I'll you know if time's getting tight no problem uh Nicole's going to leave us off off um so why do you want to be a member of the Board of Health I come before you today seeking a position on the Board of Health for two reasons over the past several weeks approximately a dozen dayon residents either visited me or called me asking that I go on the board of health to help reorganize my my help the board reorganize um as everyone is aware there are several positions that are down not only on the board but also in regards to the um Health agent and the nurse my work as a school Committee Member selectman and Headmaster of the school have demonstrated my leadership and management skills that demonstrate professionalism transparency and integrity second reason that I'm seeking a position on the board of health is I truly believe that I have the experience and training in the health field to support the professionals who the Board of Health will be hiring to do the job on a day-to-day basis for the past 39 years I have worked for the Department of Public Health and Department of Developmental services for the vendors in both the hospital and group home setting I worked at Bridgewater State Hospital trans transitioning individuals out of that facility back into Community as part of the federal judge Joseph Toro decree I have have worked extensively with individuals with behavior disorders developmental delay and currently supervisor home of five individuals who have acquired brain injuries over those 39 years I have nine years of supervisory experience in both ABI and developmental delayed programs ABI is AC quied brain injury in addition I also served for 10 years as a member of the greater Tau adbor Health and Human Service Coalition on their substance abuse task force as a representative of uh taught in public schools that was it for me okay uh what do you see as the issues facing the Board of Health right now the issues I see with Board of Health fre call and as Mrs Melo mentioned two meetings prior getting a public nurse very important we put a lot of work into that Health Alliance Grant as well as Maven and I'd hate to see that be jeopardized by any delay in in hiring a public nurse also um they do a great and did a great job with the people at prime time that's very important because that not only helps them but it creates an image of the community of good government good service uh the second is hiring a health agent and the Third on on on my list of priorities is improving communication between the stakeholders whether it be the Board of Health storm water or uh Solid Waste great thank you as indicated in the job description this position is responsible as a member of a three-person board to provide leadership and policy direction to the board of health staff describe your leadership philosophy and how this philosophy would inform your approach in addressing the issues that face the Board of [Applause] Health it's very important that communication is such that the people who run Board of Health on a day-to-day basis are not having their hands tied by multiple forces trying to tell them how to do their job that only creates Division and chaos and also as we've witnessed in the past led to some very talented people leaving us the board is a policymaking board they said Direction They oversee the data day today operation through the health agent who I'm not quite sure where the board is wants to go there had been some discussion at some point if the Board of Health agent worked out that would make that a department head until such time that my understanding is that the health agent working through the board would also very much keep the Town Administrator involved since some of that fiscal responsibility will be still in the hands of the board of Selectmen until such time that he that person is a department head um as far as the nurse they will come under the health agent and um also very important that the office manager position be defined as to who their supervisor will be in an ideal world it would be Health agent apartment head but I think that needs to be clarified especially where it is a union position okay Lenny I just want to remind you keep your answers as short as possible because R out of time um so you have about eight seven more questions to go um Barber yep the next one I think you partially answered it please tell us about yourself your education and your work experience how do you feel this has prepared you for the position as a member of the Board of Health in the town of dayon spent 39 years in the public health field I have a master's degree in um educational leadership um I've also served as a member of the board of Selectmen do you have any um management or budgeting experience uh budgeting experience well um working as a member of the board of Selectmen I helped to oversee a budget of at one time $34 million I also was a member of the D H with regional school committee where we oversaw a budget the time I was on the board was about $43 million uh other than that I did run a program through the tarten area school to Korea where we did payroll and I had a budget for a summer school T program can you please describe any past experience you have working with a local Board of Health and or the Massachusetts Department of Public Health in regards to the bo board Board of Health I served as for a short period of time as a lers on to the board ofth and working through um helping to improve Communications with the board of Selectmen as far as with the Department of Public Health um more so directly early on that situation with judge tro decision was pretty intense state of Massachusetts was looking at serious fines if they had a couple individuals who were at Bridgewater illegally and we met constantly on that because it was the federal government that was coming down on the state so I met the woman's name was Elaine Hill on a regular basis thank you please describe your experience with Title 5 in setic systems and if you hold or previously held any licenses such as Inspector or installer that area I'm weak at I I don't have any experience area y there are many facets of Public Health that are outlined in the job description that require basic understanding of food protection public health emergency preparedness Community sanitation minimum housing standards Animal Control storm water landfill management swimming pools and septic systems please describe any experience experienc training or certificates you may have now hold or have held in the past the area of storm water in the area of solid wav spent a great deal of time um negotiating policy and some contracts in the area of foods I'm very much interested in getting my Serve Safe um certification and I I think from what I've read up on it it's something that can be done relatively quickly as compared to um Title Five which will take some time thank you um just want to let the board know that uh and I know it has been said that I might have a lot on my plate and that with that in mind my primary focus is going to be Board of Health and I would agree to step down from conservation and open space if I am appointed to this position um as I said at the beginning I had a lot of I had many residents come to me and and that really I took it a sense of Pride but also as a sense of a job that needs to be done and roll up the sleeves and go to work and I plan on doing that this position requires fair and unbias application of Public Health statures regulations policies and town bylaws enforcement may become a problem with some restaurants homeowners businesses Etc what skills do you have that enable you to effectively deal with residents who do not agree with you having served three years on a board of Selectmen you you learn diplomacy to work with people to comp romise if compromise is permissible but it's a big part of treating people with respect and being transparent and that's been who I've been since I've been involved in government whether it be back in the days of the school committee or when I served as a member of the board of Select thank you though extremely rare individuals appointed as Board of Health memb must make a commitment to be available for emergencies and other circumstances that require their prompt attention do you feel that there is enough flexibility in your schedule to be able to meet this commitment yes I am very fortunate of the job that I have now that I do have that flexibility of working first shift or second shift okay thank you as indicated in the job description the position is responsible as a member of a three-person board to the board of health staff describe your lead leadership philosophy how would this philosophy inform your approach in addressing the issues that face the Board of Health okay I think I answered that earlier but yeah yes [Music] um management has to be team there's no I in team there's no top down this communication this working together to solve problems those problems are people's problems when you work together you create a good image with the community a level of professionalism that builds confidence in the taxpayers and the voters that's really what it's about as far as the Board of Health as a resident said to me the Board of Health in one sense is pretty straightforward There Are Rules there are laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that must be followed there are bylaws that must be followed you work with people but in the in the end laws of the Commonwealth what we go by great thank you Lenny thank you do you have any questions for Len don't I believe I've covered everything thank you thank you thank you hi Tammy hello how are you good Tammy we're going to ask you about 12 questions sure by we're just going to jump right into it and uh if you feel something needs to be repeated or you feel like you're going off on a tangent we could just okay st stop the question all over again uh so Nicole is going to lead us off hi hi why do you want to be a member of the Board of Health well I have a very interesting background I was a police officer for over 20 years uh I worked in the second largest city in Rhode Island I worked for 20 years I worked the streets uh for those 20 years and then the last two years of my career I investigated animal cruelty so I think um judging by the job description I think I've done pretty much uh what's close to the job description as a police officer as a police officer you're the electrician you're the pler you know you're inspecting things uh you work closely with the Board of Health you work closely with the state uh work closely with the town or the city uh administrators or divisions so um being retired I felt as though I wanted to get backed into it but I don't think I could jump back into being being a police officer I'm a little out of shape now um so I thought you know this would be great I you know I I didn't expect it um to apply but I saw it on Facebook and I thought gee you know that might be something that I'd really enjoy and based on my experience my professional experience I think that I would I would have a lot to offer the town so I thought it was a great opportunity great thank you uh what do you see as the issues facing the border of Health well I think since Co um times have changed um and then the Board of Health is involved or intertwined with so many different things um so I think any issues that could come up uh could be potentially um hazardous at times uh depending on what you're dealing with my specialty is animals obviously if I invest you gated the animal abuse so you could potentially have a rabbit animal that could come into town and and say perhaps a kitten everybody loves kittens you have 10,000 people touching the kitten now you really have a problem on your hands uh so it's you know could potentially you could have it something very small blow up into something very large thank you as indicated in the job description this position is responsible as a member of a threepers board to provide leadership and policy direction to the board of health staff describe your leadership philosophy and how this philosophy would inform your approach in addressing the issues that face the Board of Health that's a great question I think uh as far as leadership I always think lead by example um you always want somebody who is not just going to say you have to do this this and this this is what expected and some do something totally different you want that person to to lead you so they're going to abide by the rules uh there's going to be accountability um throughout my career I think about all the great bosses I've had and with that in mind I think somebody who listens I've had some wonderful wonderful bosses some not so great um but judging by the ones who were great if you had a potential uh problem with a case you would approach a supervisor and those supervisors that listen they'd always listen to what you had to say and they'd say to you okay well how do you want to proceed so by them listening you felt as though you were part of it uh they weren't going to ridicule you for making the wrong decision or I say oh that's not how I would do it um you know so somebody who listens um so going with um lead by example somebody who's being reliable um accountability I think is huge because it's like a child it's human nature if there's no accountability people are just going to take that extra step and take the extra steps so I think um a good person who is a leader um is gonna um lead by example um and I always think you know judging a good leader you're not going to really look at a person and judge them by that particular person I always say you're going to look at the group that they lead how are they progressing uh say if you you work for a company how are their sales um you know how are they performing um so you always can judge a good leader by the people that they lead thank you okay than hi Tammy please tell us about yourself education and work experience how do you feel this has prepared you for the position as a member of the Board of Health in town of Titan so as I mentioned I was a police officer for over 20 years um I do miss the profession I'm just not able to uh keep up anymore uh physically wise um I have a bachelor's degree from salv regene University um I have to say I had a wonderful career um the last two years as I had mentioned um it wasn't as fun as I thought it was going to be um you know investigating animal abuse as you can imagine um it it was difficult so as far as my job itself writing search warrants executing search warrants um I found myself in situations I was mostly in Providence Rhode Island um you know by ourselves investigating a particular case um so I did a lot during my career um I've been almost everywhere um I've done so many different things uh as far as investigating crimes um from autopsies to crime scenes to dealing with grieving families um to dealing with the person on third shift who was handicapped and wanted us to come over and turn up as heat um so there was so many different things and it was just so rewarding so I I do I do miss that and I think uh that's why applying for this position it would kind of bring me back into what I'm trained to do do Tammy I just want to remind you we're going to be short on time sure everybody gets 10 minutes just answers to the questions that are asked okay um but we're not going to have that much more time left okay sure get about six more questions okay um do you have any management or budgeting experience yes both okay uh please describe any past experience you have working with a local Board of Health which probably have some yes and or the Massachusetts Department of Public Health in case it maybe it's RH Isen everything was Rhode Island so I've worked with both uh Department of Health in Rhode Island and uh in the city that I worked for okay so it was I mean we did all different things uh you know from going to houses having to deal with um you know public issues where we had to contact or I had to go on calls with um the Department of Health uh or uh Board of Health rather from the city so we were requested to go out with um with individuals working for that agency okay great thank you please describe your experience with Title 5 and septic systems and if you hold or previously held any licenses such as Inspector or installer licenses however when I just bought my home almost three years ago would be three years coming up soon um I went through a nightmare of a Title Five um so I wish it was more pleasurable but that's the only experience I have with Title 5 thank you there are many facets of Public Health that that are outlined in the job description that require a basic understanding of food protection public health emergency preparedness Community sanitation minimum housing standards Animal Control storm water landfill management swimming pools and septic systems please describe any experience training or certificate you now or have held in the past so Animal Control um as I mentioned um Public Health um San some s sanitation um storm water when we had the big floods uh in Rhode Island many many years ago um nothing with really with swimming pools other than I wish I had one today um that's I think mostly my my big background would be would be animals because that's what I did for you the last two years thank you this position requires fair and unbias application of Public Health statures regulations policies and town bylaws enforcement may become a problem with some restaurants homeowners businesses Etc what skills do you have that would enable you to effectively deal with residents who do not agree with you well I did 40 hours of FBI training crisis negotiation I was a hostage negotiator um so I think this would be something I could handle uh although extremely rare individual individuals appointed as Board of Health members must make a commitment to be available for emergencies and other circumstances that require their prompt attention do you feel that there is enough flexibility in your schedule to be able to meet this commitment yes I'm retired okay great thank you as indicated in the job description the position is responsible as a member of a three-person board to the board of health staff describe your leadership philosophy how would this philosophy inform your approach in addressing the issues that the Board of Health as I had mentioned lead by example accountability being reliable uh listening my idea isn't the only idea um so I like to listen to what other people have to say I think that's a good way to learn is by listening um and I think I've done that all of my career that was my best tool was my listening thank you do you have any questions for us no okay all right thank Youk you very much so much okay what happens now is um Barbera as being the soul member of the Board of Health is uh going to make a couple of recommendations for the the the members of the selectman to um either accept or or reject I guess the um that nicely word you want to keep them all I know um but what I suggest Barbara is if you want to go through your notes and think about it we can move on and come back to this before um too long or if you ready to make a uh recommendation now as I said I'd like to keep them all yeah I know so would I they they were all excellent I really have to thank you all and Jonathan too for being here you're all so phenomenal you're really good great we we've been Bing for a couple years here and this is the best interview so far with well-qualified people people um but we have to make a decision and um I really feel Len ho is well-rounded individual experienced in public health statutes who knows the town knows the regulations Town bylaws very experienced in um has been on Plenty of committees uh so I would recommend Leno as one and the second one I would recommend Tammy mow uh with her vast experience dealing with town State rules regulations experiences in the animal field not only in the animal field but in the public field where we as board members well I know I do a lot go out and we have to talk to people that are upset with their neighbors over this or that and try to smooth everything down but yet still hold to our rules and regulations and at times it's very very difficult I feel uh her training would really add to that so my two would be Len Hall and Tammy no okay um I have a professional conflict with one of the candidates sure um so I'm just going to Echo that I think they all interviewed very well and we're lucky with any of them but I going to leave it to my fellow board members to make this decision thank you um so your two recommendations are Mr Ho and Mrs or Miss Melo yes and um I feel that they will really well-round the Board of Health as we need it now and also the three of us would be able to uh coexist work together and work with the future um Health agent which is very very important extremely important okay um I'd have to say I agree on Tammy melow not saying I disagree on um Mr Hall other than I know he has a lot on his plate he said that he would um clear his plate for this which I appreciate it but um he just got on these committees um he just got it started he's working hard I'd hate to see him do that as well as um I'd like to see some new faces and one of the things about um Vincent that really liked was the project management I think that the board could really use project management skills I hear a lot all the time that the department has so much going on we can't do it all blah blah blah um I think some project management skills would really help with that so if I don't know if I need to make a motion in two folds or if I combine them or um we can make a motion uh however you'd like uh individually or I'll do it individually just so there's an opportunity if there's any sure um changes that need to be made um so Mar is reusing himself so this is just going to be between my yourself and myself yes I make a motion to accept Tammy Melo as um Board of Health member okay I will sit down and second that motion any discussion all those in favor I I um I make a motion to accept Vincent Herbert as a board of health member um this is work gets tough we have three qualified candidates um I would prefer to see Mr hall because of his experience uh doing this I understand what you're saying about um being new on two other boards and and leaving them at a at a precious time uh I think if Mrs kabia prefers to have Mr Hull um then then I would abide by her her wishes may I speak well now we're on what just one more thing the thing is um one of the biggest um complaints that I hear is that we recycle people and that so many people are on the same boards and then here we are we're not it doesn't sound nice I don't mean recycling but we're not taking a new face that is highly qualified and that's my biggest concern uh yes she's trying conservation I said he can come to conservation oh yeah are you takeing public input yes sir you are I don't think that's professional oh we're in the middle of a motion I'm sorry yeah okay thank you um oh B can B say something she was yes go ahead B yes and I totally agree um Mr Heber is extremely qualified but Mr Hall has been in town and we're not recycling him we need his experience we need a board that is going to be solid from what's been happening the last two years we need a board that is solid works together and can get it all done there's nothing to say that Mr Herbert wouldn't work oh I'm not saying he isn't but you yourself know that it's a great help to know the people in the town the boards in this town how to get things done and who to contact to get them done I mean just walking off the street it's going to have a learning PL and Mr Hull he knows it he's been there he's been through it and I don't think we're I don't think that's a recycling thing I think he's stepping up to help this board he knows that his expertise his experience would be a great Aid to this board I just think that the town deserves a diverse pool that they were ping no I don't think we need a diverse I think we've got to stay together and I think we have to agree on things I think that we see the same things happen because we continue to go down the same routes I don't know the Board of Health has had very Diversified people over the last four years I've been involved here and not all of the boards got things done and now that the board of selectman is working tightly with us I feel that we can really accomplish a lot I've said my put I think it Vinson um I worked in a health department I know what the board is supposed to do and um I know that it it will still the Departments still run well if it's a new members that are not completely in the line Karen what happens here if uh the board of health committee come to a consensus doesn't come to a consens don't think you have vot for second weing that's what I thought but I think the board of slman if we can show that we can work together that's the best yeah the board can make the decision I think that would go a long way I feel strongly about this okay I do too and I'm the one that's going to have to work there work with the people work with the Selectmen work with town and overcome what's been happening at the Board of Health for the last 18 months okay the Board of Health has been fine the department was fine I mean you stood up at a meeting that was completely inappropriate and spoke bad about the health agent who then in return quick so that was not EXC when was this that was at the police no I did not speak about I spoke about the position can we table this yes that's what I going to suggest I'll motion to table the second position step down and second any discussion all those in favor okay I I'm sorry no you good thank you we'll reverse it if you want a discussion no I think I'll good thank okay then we're going to move on uh to Old Business Review discuss act revote Bristol County Agricultural High School dead exclusion question so this item was right at our last meeting and although it was vetted just reading it out loud I thought there could be some confusion confusion amongst voters because the word new was in there y so I asked our town our interim Town Administrator and Karen and lean to look at it again and just to re reward it which they've done and all they did was simply just rework it to not say new to make it sound like the renovation that it was so I was just hoping if it's okay with the board we can vote just um on this question here which is just very slightly amended sure and I'll I'll read it if you don't mind Bristol County Agricultural High School District suggested form of De exclusion ballot question um shall the town of dayon be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition 2 and2 soal the amounts required to pay for the town's allocable share of the bond issued by the Bristol County Agricultural High School District for the purpose of paying costs of Designing engineering constructing and equipping The District High School to be located at 135 C Street in D Massachusetts including the payment of all costs incidental or related there to I'll second that motion seconded any discussion all those in favor I I excuse me Mr chairman yes the Board of Health is still seated here I think I have to sure whatever I'm not sure what well what's going to happen is I'm going to talk to Jim and to find out um exactly how we proceed okay and and we'll get back to you and the applicants as to what happens thank you thank you thank you for applicants you were very very good good very thank you you thank you um review disc this is uh new business now uh review discuss and act memorandum of understanding for the police officers local 1306 and I believe we just um siging this this this afternoon correct this is nothing has changed since when I'm just sure that uh this wasn't on the open meeting agenda no I know right okay so we just need a motion on the floor then to um approve the uh memorandum of understanding for the police office local 1306 and it will uh there's a motion uh we'll approve it this evening was was this reviewed by Council this labor I was just looking for changes but I don't see any were the recommendations adopted everything from Council lab Council everything's adopted the changes the changes not necessarily um so that's just I'm not fully briefed on what changes labor Council recommended versus what's actually in the okay memo but I guess I deferred you because you were on that um right well just going through it uh on uh the other day when I met with Jim I don't believe there were any changes from label Council other than a couple wording suggestions but Town Administrator didn't feel fa right they were warranted in changing the uh are you comfortable with it that's yes I am and you went over with them those labor Council suggestions and we went over the suggest in I think there were just a couple clerical things right right right okay well so yes I feel comfortable with it okay that's that's what I needed to hear so um I'd make a motion to um accept the memorandum of understanding police officers local 1306 second that motion made in seconded any discussion all those in favor I I we move on to um end of year line item transfers the only question that I have is Serena is what on okay we didn't receive any backup like we were going to the invoices we both talked about whether on THS whether you back we didn't think would I thought maybe if I just came here and explained it to you understand a little bit better sure okay so if you can just come up to the podium if you don't mind I'm sorry it's okay so yeah when did you need me to repeat what I said no it's okay um so we ended up having three of these budget transfer requests I think what was going on was Morin was a little confused and I didn't know what was going on um but what the money was so the money is two that are left here um one of them's RJR properties Horton Street was a 53g and our consultant Marty nover had overbed us by accident and it got paid and then Serena found it Serena correct me if I'm you know Miss speaking but um so it got paid and then we thought you know well we already overpaid her um what are we going to do now so that that was that one right Serena um I don't know if I knew it was an overpayment to Marty but if that's the case is she not able to reimburse us the overage we asked her to or Jim dig just maybe didn't feel comfortable asking her to because she did more work then she on this one they ended up withdrawing the application and they didn't want to pay anything else so I don't I'm missing something we overpaid as the town yeah overpaid the attorney no a wetland consultant Wetland consultant yeah they don't want to reimburse us because they've done additional work which can't happen that's a separate right that's a separate issue separate issue so she has to reimburse this and Jim has to ask okay so so yeah if that's what we need to do we can ask her for it yes okay okay so this is didn't we already ask Serena I'm not sure if your department had already asked um but just to be clear we would have to receive this money by the middle of September for it to not impact residents or free cash okay well we'll request it um but then the other one was the 1500 yep so with that situation um we have of course you guys must know we have a bunch of violations issues this one we um started finding him and we found finded him based on the bylaw on a weekly basis I think Mark was even here when we started finding him so we'd start instead of me mailing you know we had to have a constable do it okay and so we went we didn't have any money because you know everybody Cuts our budget we don't have much money in our accounts so we needed to deal with him and we're still dealing with him and now the lawyers are dealing with him so it was lawyer fees Constable fees from for the county Street violation it it's 1500 yeah that's what Serena says it is that's what it is yeah okay um but I think in hindsight we would have probably used a different fund we have uh what notice of intent filing fees we could have used excuse me Serena asked me to comply you this report and show which budget lines were in the negative oh okay thank you was attached to the original you w see this one I'm good thanks so um you know during the budget process when those departments out were late I made it very clear that that agitated me did it Mark it did yeah um you know we we set policy and we set Direction and yeah I didn't really know understand this was even going on Mark but we were clear that we wanted invoices and then when someone's asking something of me but what we asked of what we asked maybe not of you specifically but you and in the town accountants and just in general we ask for copies of the invoices and we don't have them them and that's that's tough because I we are the decision makers and I don't have all the information and we discovered understandable know reimbursements and you know I remember the board Suman always made a big deal about yearend transfers you know and this doesn't seem like it was managed well so I'm not happy about this and if we're not statutorily required to entertain this I would not support it um the other issue is I just want to kind of defend the department a little bit we have Mor eight hours a week and last week she only was able to do four this week she's only going to be able to do about four or five so I mean that's what I'm running up against and I have my own deadlines of issuing permits within 21 days it's just the list is why is she not able to fulfill her schedule well there um well last week I don't know but we we had a we had to have a sit down to discuss things okay so I really would rather not talk about it yeah that's she's only eight hours a week for us anyway and in and in hindsight to be honest with you we've kind of taken the budget stuff away from her because she's only eight hours a week yeah and giving it to a member a volunteer member to start doing because we realized that this is a mess and some of the stuff is become a mess so I think it's helpful that they realize that this yeah is not favorable and that you are taking steps to do better in the future um thank you I appreciate that okay uh what would you like to do you don't want to do it Mark unless we hear from the town account that says otherwise I would entertain it Serena yes um so regarding the transfer number 14 for, 1500 these trans were due at the beginning of June and at the end of June Morin and dim jits have come into my office with two gay and gay legal bills and I looked at their budget at that moment in time and factored in the amount of those two invoices and it was going to put the budget into a negative 1300 and change so at that point I suggested to round up to, 1500 in case there was anything else out there that nobody knew about and then at year end after all of the payrolls and all of the invoices were inputed I reran everyone's budget again and realized that conservation was still going to be negative after that 1500 transfer and that's where transfer number 16 comes in for an additional 200 to bring that budget as a whole into a positive number um you guys are more than welcome to not approve them um then that would just go as an appropriation deficit on the tax recap when I go to file in the fall um and I apologize I didn't realize that we needed to pull a Year's worth of invoices for this meeting today I know I never would have been able to get it done either I mean not with the time I the little time I have her okay I would recommend that we pay them there's one though that you're going to go back and try to yeah the 90 7 22 um so we can put a formal request in Marty for the well I can ask Mr em and digits request it okay please do yeah uh so that one we won't uh touch and Mark you prefer not to do the other two I don't know because I don't want to affect the tax phase either I guess I just want to make a point that sure when we set Direction you know we didn't even know it was a year worth of invoices we just knew that there was unexpected lawyer right that's all we were told I guess a communication Advance or or something so I I'll make the motion to approve transfer 14 and 16 as presented I guess it was also a communication breakdown I I didn't even know this was happening so okay that happen thank you for coming to thank motion made and seconded any more discussion all those in favor I I thank you thank you um vacation carrier request we still have um fire two of them with 96 hours but with no explanation I did give an updated carryover request for this meeting that added two more columns that shows what's contractually allowed and for the fire department there two weeks is 96 hours it's 96 hours okay so it's just um where would we that Mark um he has 105 hours I started mind didn't realize that had time had time on the boats he was going off of the clerical Union contract and he thought he had to wait six months to start using his time but that in his case his contract is not with that okay well we can let him carry it over if we want to make the exception what are your thoughts Mark does he have a full employment contract that would outline outline it just like any any contract yes we signed it several months back I think it before you were here okay so why would he be going off the clerical that he's own all right so while we think about that for a second also clerical we do have we still have that one employee where it says contractual allowance is 70 but they have the 74 hours who is that exactly Christina she's only allowed 70 and she's carrying over [Music] 74 I didn't realize that one I can look that up right now and then we wanted to we were going to take out the health agent because they're not with us anymore right correct doesn't seem updated other than the column and then just like three weeks off how does she still have S right I don't understand but it might be like I don't yeah that's a good question I think a contract is a contract so I would recommend we have contracts with unions we spend long a lot of time negotiating them and you know uh we have contracts with employees that are negotiated so I would suggest that we follow our contracts that's that's my thoughts I agree so the library can he carry over 80 hours the library two weeks is 70 hours 70 hours so he'd lose 25 hours 35 hours because he could still carry over the 70 and uh Christina you're saying um it should be 70 um 70 is her contractual allowance she has 74 available so 74 must have been the request that came in from that department and I didn't but she's only allowed 70 correct so we'd make her 70 then not the 74 and the health agent I had her resignment resigning today I didn't know she was supposed to be REM from this list I mean personally I'd give it to them but I understand we have contracts she's resigning today when does this go into effect this is a carryover from June 30th into the new fiscal year so technically it's as of June 30th sounds like we still I understanding correctly if we approve this yeah okay that's fine I just want to make sure I understand correctly at this time I'd like to make a motion to um approve the FY 24 vacation carry over request with no exceptions to the contractual allowance I'll second that okay motion made in seconded any more discussion all those in favor I I I thank you thank you thank you um the warrants I think are next okay I'd like to make a motion to pay warrants paid through June 30th 2024 54 a-24 in the amount of$ 13,47 194 54 B-24 and the amount of 220 7, 85467 and 54 c-24 in the amount of $ 29558 I'll second that motion made in seconded any discussion all those yeah oh go ahead um those weren't actually the warrant amounts that were missing is that you yes so just give me one second I believe it's warrant I didn't write down the actual numbers I just have the dollar am so from June 30th is warrant 55 a and 55b okay okay thank no that's fine I'm gonna uh strike that last motion so I'd like to make a new motion for Warrant paid June 30th 2024 55 a-24 in the amount of$ 24,28 n38 and 55 B-24 in the amount of1 14,46 42 I'll second that motion B seconded any discussion all those in favor I I and I'd like to make a motion for warrants paid July 11 2024 2 a-25 in the amount of $3,376 72 and to B-25 and the amount of$ 25,45 66 motion made in second any more discussion all those in favor I I excuse me yeah we need the one from 73 which is war okay okay so somewh highlighted somewhere but that's okay uh warrant paid July 3rd 24 1 B-25 in the amount of 1 million 17,4 7134 o and seconded any discussion do you know what that was that was why it was so much Serena any ideas what the big invoice was in there that is oh the um pouth County Retirement okay thank you sorry Bristol from Bristol County thank you it's awesome you know um no more discussion then all those in favor I I I and then that's a a public input Woody's big moment do you have public input with I'm no pass on that all right and another I say would be nice is it ever well sometimes okay oh I poed the they're all regret it but it's fine the lots of regrets I had to walk over to the podium because I really appreciate it when you ask other people to come to the podium because I'm hot of hearing along with any other veteran I know we're all hot hearing um but now that I'm up here and Jonathan's off so I wanted to comment on him too but he's gone so I don't want to say nothing okay you know seeing he's gone but you know it's time that we get a proper Board of Health it's time that possibly we can put our differences aside I know it's difficult I don't want to get into who said he sh she said but you know what I'm talking about I don't think you know you don't nothing was personal well you said something personal to Barbara about what she said at another meeting we lost right but you said something about her in another meeting that was live on camera too you know so you know this is a job that we're all doing here I work we worked all Saturday together well sure didn't look that way when you said I'm not going to say it on camera okay but she heard what you said fine and other people heard what you said too you know when I I commend you for doing your job I commend bar I I think Peter does a fantastic job as a chairman of the board of Selectmen yeses he has a great demeanor I've seen a lot of chairman come through this board of selectman over the years Peter runs a really nice meeting thank you great Mark is a new man on the board here he hit the ground running he understands mgls okay there was a couple of candidates here today they might not even know what mgl stands for well they interviewed well but you know Leonard Hull knows all this stuff you know and he's not my best friend either and he pissed me off more than once okay you know he threatened me with a lawsuit all right yeah you forget that dayline my wife did not okay and I am on camera saying this in all fairness I don't know who hasn't threatened you with a lawsuit yeah well come on I have an ATT Journey right I got plenty of money so if you want to sue me talk is cheap that's what I got to say thank you okay apprciate it but I'd like to see this board work together for the better of this town right not playing games because how many people have we lost on the board of health because of games Lenny could be a good chairman for that board and that's what they need right now and I can assure you if this man screws up I'm gonna make him pay the price because I've stuck my neck out for him more than once right and he shafted me once and I still stuck my neck up for him and I do the same for you I do the same for you and I do the same for you if you're honest with me I'll be honest with you and that's the way Robert Woods operates we appreciate that thank you thank you thanks thanks for coming up I'm happy you did right on I'm not gonna ask anyone else to come up anybody else for public input no have any comments kind of yeah sure go ahead um I just wanted to say you know we're all subject to public input but um I just want to say I agree with you on your principle that we need new blood there's nothing wrong with folks who are first and mgls and so forth but the town took a chance on me I had no Municipal experience just a few years ago and um now I managed a pretty large department and now I'm on the board of slman so you take a chance on folks sometimes say work hard to prove themselves we're lucky no matter who we get uh but just sticking not it's good to have principles and you have probably the hardest one because we had four excellent candidates we do we have all good candidates um I was asked to make it a five member board which I bringing to you guys now I don't recommend it because it's going to cost us another $10,000 a year um I was asked that as well and um after just getting $21,000 out of the budget I can't see to put in another 10,000 right if I was to put any more money I'd like to see it towards the employees right right um because they're supposed to be the heart of the department the board just oversees it policy um I really like to see our department have a stronger Department like you had said the department head within the department it's generally the health agent in um in this series um so I would like to see that I think that would and that would be where I would be more willing to put money okay right I agree I agree as well and I also like you know in the board of Selectmen you know we're overseeing quite a large uh budget and we can't converse with each other because there's three of us so more than one is a quorum but when you have a five member board two two can converse you know and I like for the spirit of everything to happen in a meeting so I think for you know for transparency as well I like a three member board for that reason I agree as well yeah anybody else no I'll make a motion to second motion second any discussion all those in favor I I I thank you thank you if we [Music] go what would we do just table it B put it on the agenda for next meeting yeah okay then we'll do that I think it's the right thing to do I agree with I I I didn't look at it that way but great and the way the department is I mean if we get MERS that um like Health know don't [Music] need okay so here this is too much thanks K appreciate you we didn't do okay yes [Music] Originals I don't know what the date is live in the future thank you um for mentioning that