for okay welcome everybody uh today is our regular meeting of the board of Selectmen today is Wednesday July 24th at 6 o'clock uh we are meeting in person in Via Zoom at Oldtown Hall 1111 sumerset AV day and Mass uh you may join the zoom meeting um with the meeting ID 849 4857 2174 and the passcode 228 911 uh and the phone number to call in is 1646 931 3860 public input may be provided us using the following methods contact our office at Board of Select at D- to provide input prior to the meeting um you can also join us via Zoom uh this meeting will be played on dayon Channel 9 and on toown ofon this meeting is being recorded the listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law could I have a call to order Nicole Melo present okay Mark Pico present so next we're going to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and if we could continue standing for a moment of silence after Al to the flag the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay so if we could remain standing we're going to have a moment of silence for Armen card and Mr Timothy Rin okay thank you all right so first for appointments we have six o'clock Benjamin Corville uh certificate of recognition uh would the chief like to speak or okay if we have anyone that like to speak thank youti lien he runs the junior program here in Department awesome thank you for coming thank you for having us um I was notified on uh June 30th then um that Benjamin and his mother were out for dinner at the 99 Restaurant in Fall r River and that he had noticed um young girl choking um Ben's mom didn't know what was going on Ben witnessed it saw it got right up and asked her if she was choking and she nodded her head yes and he performed the him maneuver and dislodge the item um so I didn't realize it was going to blow up and go viral as it did um um but it did and I I'm very proud of him um Junior Firefighters have been indicted for well over 15 years and we've had so many great successes and just being one of them um the American hot Association had sent me sent me a certificate for Benjamin it's the hero award certificate Benjamin koville in recognition of advancing the mission of American hot Association in emergency cardiovascular care through a dangerous act in an effort to Save a Life we present through this certificate from in a letter from um the director of the American hot Association on behalf of the dayon fire department of the D Junior Firefighters I'm going to present you with this Award presented to titon Junior firefighter Benjamin Corville your fast fast thinking and Swift professionals actions on June 30th 2024 leading to the saving of another human being thank you for going above and beyond [Applause] congratulations I also want to thank Chief McGee um for um sponsoring our program again we've been been uh doing this for over 15 years not just me I have a wonderful team of helpers that helped me run this program so thank you guys thank you fantastic uh we have a proclamation as well so I'd like to read it um and some uh read the story on Sunday June 30th 2024 at approximately 3:30 in the afternoon Benjamin Corville went to a local restaurant with his mother they were sitting at their table when Ben looked up jumped out of his seat SE and ran to a young woman asking are you choking she nodded her head yes without hesitation Ben turned the young woman around and started the heck maneuver he was successful in dislodging the object she was choking on the young woman then thanked him for saving her life Benjamin explained that he was just doing what he was trained to do Benjamin's mother then explains to the family that Benjamin is a member of the Junior firefighter program andan as a direct result of Benjamin Corville selfless and heroic acts a young life was saved your actions reflect highly not only upon yourself but on the credibility and reputation of the town of Dion's fire department and the dayon junior 5 F program on behalf of our grateful Community we extend our sincere appreciation and witness whereof we have here onto set our hands and caused a great seal of the town of dayon to be a fixed on this 24th day of June 2024 the board of Selectmen of the town of dayon it signed Peter D Karen chairman Mark Pico clerk Nicole Melo member and Christopher McGee fire chief thank you thank you so much we're very proud of you thank you good [Laughter] job is there anyone else here who would like to say a few words no all right if you'd like to take a picture we'd love to come up front thank you anyone else like to come up anyone no oh yeah dep Mr first come on come on [Music] that's my baby very good oh man thank you thank you to the day and fire department and Ben and family for coming out tonight we appreciate you thank you so much absolutely all right all right so next on our agenda is Elliot bu Eagle Scout presentation come on up oh right here to this Podium hi Elliot how are you I'm doing all right how about you very good I have a presentation on uh PowerPoint I have a flash drive for it oh perfect is that something that we can put on the screen maybe I've never done it let me uh it's also on Google's slides I shared it with um Miss kwin um if you don't mind I think you can plug it in you can plug it into that I plugged it in I plugged it in somewhere before let me think for a second yeah I think the TV is a figure out I think we can handle it I did it somewhere I I had young man show us the's said let the young man show us the way does anything look like in here we do have we do have it in our meeting packages also oh okay here compter all right the professionals handle you can do that on your side over there got power point right there you should just be able to share your screen beautiful and now on the zoom side Just sh your screen and then now they're looking at it now all right thank you thank you so much thank you for bringing that all right Le can you just minimize the whatever that is yeah and maybe you just want to let Le know when to change the slides too so if you want you can get started all right um for first of all I want to thank everyone for having me here tonight at Oldtown Hall uh this is my Eagle Scout project proposal my name is Elliot P from Troop 45 Dian so before uh I start on the proposal I just want to say a few words about myself uh my name is Elliot and I'm a life Scout of tro 45 I'm 15 and I'm mentoring sophomore year in September at Dr uh some other extracurricular activities I participated in include marching band and Jazz Band um I'm also on staff for National youth leadership training or nylt which is basically a course um that is involved with scouting that teaches younger uh Scouts leadership roles like communication and servant leadership I'm als I've also been involved in scouting since around 2016 when I joined as a Cub Scout and the last thing I must do to achieve my goal of Eagle Scout is to present and Lead an Eagle Scout project do benefit the community so assuming many of you don't know what a GaGa ball pit is it's essentially a very popular game in scouting that is played in this octagon shaped pit called uh gagle ball pit in the walls about about 3 ft high and it's about 20 ft across and it's usually filled with sand or gravel or clay uh each side of the oct octagon is around 8 ft long and is also a gate for easy entry the sport of GaGa ball is a very high action dodgeball like game that lasts until one player is left standing this Gaga pit show in the picture um is actually from beckwood middle school which was built from another Eagle Scout project um from a scout in troop 3 johnley wendowski so the spot in town that would make most sense to build this structure would to be uh near town hall where we are now the Memorial Field uh I've discussed my plan with Mr Kevin Smith who was the chairman of parks and wreck um we have came to the conclusion at the best spot to put this uh pit would was to be behind the back stop of the baseball field um Mr Smith and Parks and Rec um has had this idea bounced around their Department a little bit uh before I came to them for this proposal uh and this is we believe this is the best spot to put this because if you've ever played the game the ball is hit out of the hit a lot so in case it did get hit out then it would go into the parking lot with the asphalt with where cars are so showing leadership while constructing and spit if it gets approved uh is an essential part of the Eagle Scout project and with nyt experience having taken the course in 2022 as well well as well as having staed it for the last two years I've learned the ne necessary leadership qualities uh for leading others to the common goal and I can also demonstrate by guiding everyone through the building of the pit also it is also worth noting that I've also taken notes on the exact dimensions and amount of lumber required for this I took a trip to the Beck with Middle School's Gaga Pall pit with my uncle who was a carpenter uh and then we took the exact dimensions on how much Lumber we'll need and took very uh uh constructive photos of it so when we actually start to build the pit we will know exactly what to do so the benefit to the community I believe uh would be very high because Gaga pit is a GaGa ball is a very like sport in scouting and I would believe it would also be very popular in the town among youth as well and as a wood structure that's not built too far into the ground it would be able to stand a test of time unlike smaller uh temporary pits but it also wouldn't be a pain to take out if it was obstructing Z something uh Youth and adults of all ages would be able to participate and engage in this physical sport as well as build bonds and make memorable experiences overall along with the field the track the playground the gym the library uh library and garden I think a goaga ball pit would be an excellent addition to the park so before I um conclude the presentation I want to ask if anyone has any questions or comments or concerns of this project aome all right uh thank you everyone for having me here tonight I hope you were able to approve this thank you thank you good good job very good great job yes um so I think what you're doing is awesome and having this GaGa ball pit that's what it's called it's good anything to get children out out in front of the TV and outside and playing I think that will be a great benefit to the community and um I know Eagle Scouts have done so many great projects for dayon and this will definitely be one of them my only question is are we totally set in stone on behind the the cage I I was thinking the best spot might be maybe more in the back of town hall campus towards where the um where folks kind of work out over here green gym yeah yes um my only concern with that is I've heard that there is a new trail head that might built there in the future the idea has been bounced around uh so if that is possible then that would be Absol that would be fine but just I believe that part might be used for also a parking lot as well so I wasn't completely sure that was actually my first idea for the location but after hearing that it might have a little uh conflict with other areas I decided the back stop would be a better spot but anything Works awesome uh s what what are your comments I like that spot just cuz right now it's kind of like dead space I mean there's a good amount of grass there but there's nothing really to go on there so I think that's a good space I did I mean I like where you mentioned but I know that that trail head's going on in there um and then I just had one question you mentioned Lumber like how how do you purchase the lumber how does this work so this would be getting donations from a company um like um the GaGa ball pit from Beck with had donations from another uh lumber company and then you can put a plaque or a sign on the side of the GaGa ball pit with their name on it saying all donate donations from this Lumber Company so that then they would get a sponsor from this project all right that's my idea fantastic uh Tom I have a question for you if you don't mind yes sir thanks so just back to the I just know folks stand behind the cage and watch games you know uh having worked in town hall I see we have kind of a lot of there's a lot of overflow there in that spot and uh I've seen other events held kind of right there and I you know In fairness I'm aware that there is that trail head going on is there a way we could be creative and kind of have both the GaGa ball pit and room for a parking lot over over that spot of town hall campus so um you and I had casual about this earlier that's also within a resource area mhm so that's probably a challenge area already Disturbed so that's not as big a challenge but um we could all talk about it so be behind the back stop it wouldn't be against the back stop so the the normal people that hang out behind the back stop unsafely can still do that right right there' still be space between the GaGa ball pit and the back stop itself for people to stand there and watch the baseball or softball games absolutely no I think that's great to have it on campus it makes sense where we have all different ages you know frequent Camp the town hall and um you know it's there's enough foot traffic where folks um you know it's they'll be well taken care of here uh so that makes sense I just if we could find a spot other than right behind that that spot behind the back stops minimal lighting for early evenings already too so it's already illuminated right right Kevin so I kind of steered Ellie in that direction cuz that like he said that was his original spot but one it is it is kind of wet and two it's like I feel like even though the the state has pumped the brakes on the trail head like he'll get it finished and they'll be like hey guess what we're getting aail definely um and then two as a you know a person who grew up playing baseball my entire you know entire childhood any way to deter the parents from being behind their back stop is a great thing I think the Bristol Aggie um softball players will thank you for detering their parents were standing be on the back stop um the other thing too was just like a good nice flat spot too was another reason why we kind of wanted to steer him in that direction and then just safety too cuz even that you kind of on on that side too if the balls are leaving I'm thinking like ball walls are going in the woods um I know select mows you know takes a strong stance against ticks I know that's the first thing I got we sit in the woods I was like don't go there um but I mean we certainly can be I I think if the board is amenable to have an Elliot work with myself and superintendent Ferry if we can come up with an alternative spot but if we can't determine it if he would like leave it up to us to have that as a final resting place with project to move forward I I agree with everything but yeah I would love to just if we could give it one more look around campus to find um some solution to that yes that would be great I yeah that way we can move forward and um but if we could just give it one last look on campus and maybe just some sort of communication through the Town Administrator to the board that would be great very good all right awesome thank you thank you um my last question Mr pcel building permit do you think we need a building permit for this or um insurance any concerns about that well I I wouldn't substitute my word for the uh uh for the building Commissioners on that uh Mr chairman but I if so the town does have the ability to wave fees too definitely so um I imagine I imagine our offices would be very Cooperative Mr Chim okay are you willing to um work with Eliot on the insurance part if there is any or check with insurance to make sure we don't need okay absolutely all right awesome just quick again on that so I think once the project is completed I mean because we're going to treat this like a play structure um we would accept the donation as far as you know to accept the donation of the Gaga pulpit and then it should be blanketed for insurance coverage for use so I just want to be are you asking as far as well theur construction right will they'll be working all right I just wanted to ask that I was Perfect all right thank you I'll entertain a motion um I'd like to make a motion that um we accept um Elliot's Eagle Scout presentation plan would you be willing to amend it to add that we um um I would like to add that um Mr Ferry and um Kevin will look to see if there's um another space and if not um we'll use the one that was presented tonight I'll step down and second that all in favor I hi thank you so much good job thank you thank you so much for coming you had a great presentation you really did oh oh yeah yeah feel free to grab that LE I think you have to inject inject The Flash drag before he takes it out oh dear God how no is he good never mind he said he's good sorry to make you nervous you did a good job going through the slides and everything all right next we have review discuss and act signs to access no parking bylaw Tom evening so as you know we um we accepted a new bylaw we amended it um part of the challenge uh currently is the William Street intersections with the through side streets um not the not the dead end ones with the culde sacks and whatnot so the signs with the through dead end streets and to sign it after speaking with the the police chief to to sign it correctly it's 100 signs for all the for all of William Street so with with that and uh speaking shortly with the U Mr parcel administrator on the procurement uh because this was not part of the Daniel budget um right now I have two Quotes come in I'm still waiting for the third uh that project just with 100 signs poles Hardware is $99,000 um as far as how to pay it I currently have a line for buying signs it's not that much though uh speaking with uh Serena at Town accountant uh there three ways to approach it uh we use that line and uh we consider uh one option would be to transfer it now now from the through the finance committee uh second would be fall tell meeting to replenish that or third hit the fall T meeting first and then if we still need to further fund it go through the finance committee after that uh it sounds like uh speaking with Serena the third option is the way to go um but before I actually make an order um we need to do understand understand what your desires are with this and if you wanted to wait we can always wait but uh I think we can still move forward and town meeting that that was the third option was go to the fall town meeting yeah hit the fall town meeting and then and then hit the transfer if needed through the finance committee okay so it hasn't been approved yet by the Attorney General right correct so I would think we wouldn't purchase anything until it's approved even though we anticipate it well it's pretty straightforward how do you feel about a 100 different signs that sounds like a lot je yeah how do you feel about I mean what was can you just remind me because I forgot what was the the the main reason for the no parking bylaw what was the what was the reason that we needed to step up our there several of those intersections already have um some Collision aspects to it okay and there is some parking violations that adhere to it but there's no way to enforce it without the parking bylaw so so it's usually as you're approaching intersection combination with the run and stop sign or you're looking left and right and your uh vision is obscured by Park Vehicles so that's why we're doing that so it's only 200 ft from all the intersections up the side roads and then also on William Street you hit all my questions okay so it's safety so we need signs but really it's 100 100 signs yes wow that's only the ones that's only the ones with through traffic yep okay yep and that's 100 ft of we're posting 200 feet away from the intersection and that's only the signs are 100 feet away from each other okay comes out to 100 signs okay well I would defer to if the town accountant's recommendation was uh fall town meeting and then a transfer after if needed I would definitely take their recommendation would you be amendable to sometime coming up you and I could you could show me so I can uh see this area because just where these signs are going yes that's okay all right it's hard to piure it's easy to do with like the assesses map it's easy to do all right awesome that's probably the best way to do or the near map that we use yes okay I'll entertain a motion um I'd like to make a motion um in I'm G to add the wait for the approval um for the purchasing of these signs to accommodate the no parking by law um after approval um from the was it the Attorney General the attorney general and it would be through meth method three yeah go to um fall town meeting first and then um finance committee need be I'll step down and second that all in favor I I thank thank you Tom very good thank you all right uh next we have George Nichols chief of police appointment of part-time public dispatcher Lexi Catz good evening um so as um we've previously discussed before um trying to build up our part-time Workforce um Lexi um came in a good recommend Foundation she currently Works in Berkeley and rham um all certified uh you've been currently working for 3 years now about 3 years um lives in lives in Berkeley um so she's local knows the area familiar with um people and she came highly recommended for a part-time position with us excellent other than thanks and appreciation I don't have any questions I don't have any questions either um can you can you take a motion um I'd make a motion to appoint part-time public dispatcher Lexi cats step down and second and then all in favor I awesome congratulations welcome for coming tonight thank you and if you can see the treasurer for uh new hire paperwork great awesome and the town clerk to be swed congratulations Lex welcome congratulations okay next we have appointment of special police officer Adam Crook and Steven McKenna hello evening um to my right is U Mr Steven McKenna um he he's currently uh uh retired from the East Providence Police East provin East Province police uh been working with Steve uh many many years on details on the road um he's uh he's been asking to come over for a short time now so uh he's very very highly recommended and known to all the guys and and well I should say all the members in the department um Mr Adam crook retired from the mass State Police um put application in a couple months ago and I told him once I got around again to putting on more specials to add to the uh the the special uh officers list uh I would so um they come Rec both gentlemen come highly recommended from uh neighboring communities that they work in Berkeley I believe um his chief out worked call me I don't know about a month ago so uh asking I was putting on any specials over there cuz he's currently over there right now but looking to just come to uh D so I'm looking to put these two gentlemen on thank you for your interest both of you thank you thank you for willing to serve and uh we appreciate it I'll entertain a motion I'll make a motion to appoint special police officer Adam Kook and Stephan um Stephen um McKenna I will step down in second all in favor hi hi thank you so much thank you so much thank you for coming up than all the cords we a dangerous place thank you Jim and they look like they came out of Central Casting doesn't it I know right thank you Chief welcome thank you very you sir welcome thank you thanks thank you thank you very much I appreciate it y see you around see tomor all right now we're on announcements um the town of Dayton Food Bank um will be held next on August 17th 2024 located at Town Hall 979 Somerset Avenue in the Lev lower level the friends of dayon Public Library are sponsoring their second annual golf tournament on Sunday September 15th at Hazelton Golf Club Summer Street raob beginning at 11:00 a.m. for more information to sign up visit the friends of the dayon library web page and that's too long to read I agree they have excellent food F though if I can say it went last year very good absolutely all right uh I will ENT uh public input any anyone on Zoom no right man we really cleared out the room Nicole I know all right Town administrator's report uh thank you Mr chairman um in your books or in your uh meeting package uh there is a um an email from Chris ronner uh from nrpc he's the towns um uh it uh uh consultant uh uh with an explanation for the following uh the town has been awarded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts a cyber security uh uh Grant award in the amount of $ 35,940 cyber security grant program this grant is to facilitate the implementation of two-factor authentication for all users in all PCS in the town currently all VPN remote access users have a two-factor authentication this grant will cover the licenses and setup costs to implement two-factor login for all PCS at Town Police and Fire locations two Factor authentication will be required to access any Municipal PC two active VPN will be required for any remote or mobile device looking to access email or remote uh I guess the I It's the Grant application package was put together by Mr Mullen and um uh as presumably with the help of Mr roner and who is very excited at the uh uh with the award so uh congratulations to them and more on that as we get Grant agreements and uh uh in the project started uh Mr chairman at prior meetings uh uh the board voted uh uh contract Awards and uh in three areas and I just want to make it a um a habit uh because uh you know to inform you of um you know the contracts that actually go out the door following your votes um uh your protocols dictate that once you uh once the board approves the contracts that the Town Administrator is a signatory um and uh and handles the paperwork I just like it on the record that you know that there was followup and in the like especially as an in um uh so the cleaning services contract with with M&S a company of secon I think um remember that was a uh that was a one-year renewal of the contract at the same price that's out the door that's done um the um uh Town Administrator recruitment uh a firm community Paradigm um you'd okayed their uh proposal their ideal candidate profile and looking ahead the town account said you know if they ever want to get paid I need a contract uh uh uh in house you you took care of that at your last meeting that's out the door uh in Granite City uh uh for the work the scale down uh work that they'll be doing for us on on Main Street um for the uh for the storm water portion of the um of the project in fact Mr chairman tomorrow uh we have a zoom meeting with um with Holly roach Robinson at you know Holly well uh at at Tom Ferry um to work out in Tom Ferry to work out um at the logistics of securing procuring the materials um we've got options to pull off of our cers um uh a contract list and but we'll be going out you know forbid for the entire uh um for the entire inventory that we need and we'll cherry pick um you know best prices uh uh you know our bid versus um our CED bid um I invited um uh uh someone from jgp uh our uh uh media relations firm uh to sit in on that Zoom meeting I figured I had the two project project experts um there you would ask Mr chairman uh to get some word out to the public uh on the status of the Main Street project the board concurred and so I figured that was an efficient way of getting uh everybody together in the same uh in the same spaces so to speak uh uh uh to achieve that so that's that's tomorrow at one um we've got a student transportation bid out to bid uh uh a um that uh uh that Leanne is um uh with a little bit of a um with just a little bit of direction from me is handled single-handedly in the uh uh in the bids of do on the 30th uh that's next Tuesday um we've got um on the matter of the uh uh the town in D and water district study um we're processing the uh uh the final accounts payables and I'm putting a certificate of project completion together uh to send to the division of local services and that will close that whole uh that'll close that whole program out um I've been working on debt exclusion questions immersing myself in what happened here uh uh beginning in 20 uh uh 2022 and um uh you know we'll try and give you an informative presentation at your I I it's your next meeting awesome um on that matter um uh a warning letter to the uh cobs Lane uh junk dealer uh has gone out under the Chairman's uh uh signature a chairman Karen signature and um we've got our calendars marked up for three-month visitation fall of visitation which the board asked I I I asked to do and uh oh yes um uh the board of uh uh sewer commissioners uh asked my uh uh help in um uh in securing engineering Contracting Services for the Opera funed power plant Pump Station uh uh uh upgrade um it was a matter of throwing an elbow in the direction of the vendor that they've been talking to to get uh uh uh uh to respond and get started we are after all on timelines with uh uh with the Opera projects so that's my report Mr chairman thank you just a couple comments on you report the cyber security Grant is very timely with everything going on in the news right now yeah if you fly Delta especially right ESP yeah it's amazing what how much we rely on technology so I think having two Factor authentification for our police and fire and our town hall will be of huge benefit to the taxpayers and the security of um you know everything we do at Town Hall so that's great thank you for keeping us informed on that I did notice a lot of our neighbors were not beneficiaries of of that Grant so kudos to I'm going to go out of limit say it was our prior Town Administrator Mr Mullen who applied for that Grant so I would say and it was Chris as well and Chris work together so we're so lucky to have such a great it and uh Mike's hard work for us so that's a sizable Grant yeah yeah um thank you for your work on the dead exclusion as well that we look forward to that um updates don't don't thank me till you next meeting and maybe you won't feel like it and I also just want to say I think it's great to hear that um there's work progressing on getting some news out for the folks on Main Street I think that will be welcome so thank you for keeping it on the radar okay thanks awesome all right any any comments no okay selectman's reports I don't have anything to okay I have very basic uh the msba school building committee met on Monday it's um um seems to be a very engaged group um we basically talked to we reviewed a document I can't think of what the name is right now so I apologize but it really talked about the intent of the project and the scope of the work um and it really was a lot of brainstorming and strategy on what the new school or renovation of the school could look like um just to give the msba and um whoever does the feasibility study kind of a foundation of what we're looking for so uh we're moving along all right uh old business we um take a motion to table all right I'll St down in second all in favor I I all right we're tbling the appointment of the Board of Health member so new business review discuss act job description and posting Town nurse we have the most qualified person to talk about that to my left so um so I don't have I don't have a ton to change um I was my hardest thing about stepping down was that um I was afraid that all that I worked to implement in the town was going to be lost because prior to my taking this position it was really just a maven position because it was it's such little hours um it was just pretty much going over Maven so I was afraid everything I did was going to be lost and this was excellent um this took everything that I've done and pretty much put it into a document um this I had nothing to do with this this was all them they did a great job on it um so there's only some bullets that I want to go over if that's okay yes um so under essential duties and responsibilities bullet 1 two three um number three um provides public clinics for flu and pneumonia vaccines I would just change that to provides public Immunization Clinics so that we're not um kind of boxing ourselves in um the next the next two bullets I would take those completely out um we don't have um a vaccine fridge we don't maintain our own vac sces um we usually um have a partnership with um some kind of um organization in the community and we use them it's just better for dayon dayon is not a um community that is um huge on vaccines I maybe get 12 people at my clinics so for some um bigger places like Taunton and stuff like that it's great they do vaccines they can have a revolving fund and make money but we wouldn't make money and we'd probably just spend more money on having um paying for the vaccines and getting the refrigerators and all that stuff so um the maintaining vaccine usage records I would take that out as well as the picking up and dropping off vaccines to the Department of Health that would come out as well um the next one that I would remove was it um assist Dion Public Safety workers um with vaccines just because that's another um vaccine one okay other than that that it's all great um down where it says maintain doctor's orders for vaccines I would keep that and just change it to maintain doctor's orders as needed because there are doctor's orders that you're still going to have even though um you're not keeping vaccines on site um and then for the next page lost my notes on the next page and I think that it was kind of covered I saw a job posting um I don't know if this is a cover letter they did mention bachelor's de grade I didn't see that on um the minimum qualifications just because you can be a registered nurse and not have a bachelor's degree and the only reason I'm saying that we would want somebody that did is because the state put out um the blueprints for health departments and that's one of their requirements and somewhere daring down the line they're going to ask that we all follow these so we want to make sure that we're already where the state wants us to be yes um let me see other than that it was fine except I have one other thing um just there was no mention in there about Maven like under necessary skills or anything like how long before they have to get on to Maven like how many months because um I do know nurses that have not been able to pass the tests for Maven and they haven't been able to get on Maven right and that's like one of the big things that we need them for if they can't get on Maven we can't this we can't keep them we need some that needs access to that so I don't know how we want to put that in there how long we want to give them to be able to take the training and pass um let me see if the blueprint says anything about it I can't remember it the blueprint said U Maven trained within 6 months that's seems a little too long for me um just because of where we're at um the training only takes about two weeks if if not less um so I was hoping that the board was here going to be here so we could discuss how long they think um it's just I think six months is too long since we've already gone all these months without somebody through you Mr chairman the um um is training available readily or do people have to wait to get okay so there's there's really no delays and it's self paced okay so you could do it even quicker um and you can test as soon as you're done um and then the results are pretty fast as well so there's no so that supports your argument for yeah there's no on the timeline yeah sometimes in in other fields it takes a long time for a class to even no you you make it especially in let me tell you in the health department they don't it's hard it's usually hard but this this one's not okay great um so I didn't know what we would think is a good amount of time to say um for somebody I would cut that in half within three months of being hired okay that sounds fine yeah okay yep just somewhere I don't know where we'd like to stick that in the job description it doesn't matter but as long as they have some idea that they need to pass this um because it's one of the core responsibilities I think the language would be must yes must must contingent unemployment and there was just one other oh sorry there was two other things um another thing that they have to complete is the foundations course um and that's within a year of higher and the last is I would take up updated and maintain um personal immunizations um anyone that's gone to nursing school has all their childhood immunizations and we're not requiring anyone to get the yearly flu shot right and that's all I had for that one do you have that that you can forward to land and yes I can I can um make it look better more more understandable yes I can send that to you tomorrow again that'd be great we're so lucky to have uh your skills and knowledge that well let me I don't want to take any credit for this because they really did they did the the hard work it was really easy to work with um and it was like it was step a way step up from the one we had before so um they did a great job absolutely well thank you to all involved I'll entertain a motion um I'll make a motion to accept the um Town nurse job description um as a as amend as amend thank you beautiful I will step down in second all in favor I I okay so next we have job description and posting of Health agents I only had one thing there okay um cuz they did they did a good job um and this is mostly for you um because I think they already had a good understanding of it they put a Bachelor's of science so once again going back to the blueprint that the state is going to start um wanting everyone to be um to have your um it's called your RS it's um a certification they want you to have to have that you have to have a bachelor's degree to take that test um so it is important that somebody has a bachelor's degree or has the possibility to move up to a bachelor's degree um so that they eventually can take that test so just to add in the part and I'll send this to lean as well is when they talk about um being licensed with their RS or their certified Health officer um it says preferred but not required um I would put in that um something in regards to within 18 months of being hired because that is like um Jim said that is a test that comes up at a certain amount of time and they might not be able to do it right away right um and then another one is the fundamentals that the nurse takes um they take as well and um for the blueprint within 18 months of higher okay oh I'm sorry one more thing and then there's something called Web EOC this is something that I can't fully tell you um what it does though I monitored it like for the last three years um but it's it's a site that we have to use for one of our grants that's like an emergency preparedness gr grant that we have it really is something that the health agent should do but the prior Health agent um gave it to me because they didn't like it and nobody likes it um and it's just something that occasionally you have to sign in and do like test um different things so that's something that I would I'll stick in here somewhere something that really the health agent should be doing um but other than that this was also excellent awesome my only request is uh that we make it full-time so 35 hours a week it was we had a health director and it was to 25 and 10 but I'd like to see it go to to 35 uh there a lot going on with solid waste down the line and I know there so many grants get and um and I can't begin to speak about the health department you're so much more knowledgeable than me but I just thought it would be nice to have them kind of work and lock step with our office manager for the full um four days of work that we have I don't disagree but where where the funds can come from I actually I looked at what's available right now like what the town's people appro appropriated and I feel that what we appropriated is already generous at 35 if you broke it down to you know from 25 to 35 it um it is now that I noticed we don't have a dollar amount to this do we it's not so it's negotiable I know we have some Savings in other lines already this year okay um but I don't know if you want me to say what we have appropriated or if not we can just it doesn't matter to me it so what we've appropriated to out line is $ 53,55 that seems like a really good salary for 35 hours a week to me so I think it I think the the funds are there and you said 35 35 chairman what if you said I if I may um uh minimum 25 hours per week and that gives you a flexibility to grow it to 35 if if you find that the funds and and stuff are available I like it that 35 just period we have most of our employees I don't know I I think it's the the goal presented to people was eventually if it's the right person and they prove themselves it will be a department head level position so this would be the first step can I say something I'm sorry I did start four and a half years ago at 20 hours and then my hours went to 24 and then they went to 35 A lot's changed in four years I like it at 35 y could you do your job now in 20 hours a week no no so everything's got more complicated and we have so so many pressing issues ahead of the town and one of the biggest ones is solid waste so I we could put that in the hands of let's say a Town Administrator who has so many things on their um their plates and a solid waste committee meets once a month but we could have this person for 35 hours a week that could really focus and this person could bring in Grants and money and really prove themselves they may not but if we had the right person that they could certainly make it worthwhile and me like you just mentioned meetings were always an issue um before this for the agent going to the Board of Health meeting or going to um the solid waste meeting they'd have to move around their schedule and then potentially they weren't um getting other stuff done if they were and I'm hoping that whoever comes into this position um makes it more of a health position other than just septic systems and stuff like that and there's so much more to the health department than that um and we've kind of been a little bit tunnel visioned on that so I'm hoping um and that will bring more work need to do absolutely I'm not sure if it says anything in here actually about working on grants or bringing in Grants because I feel when we talked about our Town Administrator we delegated so much to the Town Administrator but if the person is given 35 hours if they worked on I know I could have sworn I saw something but that would be nice if they at least explored them and um I think every Department should have should come time to time see what is available for external funds mhm could we just add into to this if it doesn't say anything about grants putting some language in about um explores and sure works with the town to work on grants you know those lines are you okay with that Y no I think that's definitely um definitely needed okay um so are you ready for a motion I'll make a motion to approve the job description for the health agent um at 35 hours and then as amended I will step down and second all in favor I I okay the eyes have it we're going to move on to sick time donation we have a SI time donation from Michael Bary who would like to donate 40 hours of Si time towards Richard mandona thank you so much to uh Mr Bary I'd like to entertain a motion I'll make a motion um to um take that six time donation for Mr madaka I'll St down in second all in favor I uh and I am an i motion passes so next we have review discuss act conservation ethics disclosure Megan CN Weston and Samson I see Lisa I don't know if you want to speak to it well I don't know if Megan's here but um the reason why Megan is um on there is because she works Weston and Samson and Weston and Samson of course you know is our peerreview consultant right um but I brought to her attention that um another coworker or co-workers of hers um are presenting um as an applicant in C comp for Blue Wave solar and ironically we the commission asked them that meeting Weston and Samson to review um asilt plans and storm water um stuff for compliance the certificate of compliance that the wave on tont Street had requested so I suggested she fill out the disclosure um so that's why she's on thank you y slman mow I don't have any wait a minute sorry I'm very I'm a mess I don't think I have any questions okay so I did review this and uh I do unfortunately think she's just a little too close to the situation so she's as part of the particular matter I am tasked of reviewing Conservation Commission application submitted by Blue Wave solar who is a client of Wesson and Samson who is my employer no problem but then it goes on to say I have personally worked on Blue Wave solar projects at Weston and Samson however I'm not working on this particular project that is going in front of the Conservation Commission so my thoughts are Weston and Samson is are such a large company and there's so many um I'm sure there's many folks who have worked on solar projects but haven't worked for solar projects for Blue Wave solar and they just seem a little close to to the Blue Wave solar for me to feel comfortable and it goes on to say um I request the determination from my appointing authority about how I should proceed so if that is us I would say I would respectfully ask they find someone else and with okay I would think Wesson and Samson could find somebody else that could review it oh yeah she's she's not reviewing it the engineer that they work with is but um so he should probably do the same thing it was just I contacted her maybe I should contact Jim rarden or maybe um that's Jim pel's maybe Jim pcel could contact Jim R and let him know the situation he might not realize it so anyone is a project manager and then Jim um J James Peterson is the engineer at Weston I don't think they real real because the company's so big that this is happening but maybe they do I don't I don't know yeah so anyone who's working on this I just ask that they they can work on solar projects that's what we want I mean that's what we need but just they shouldn't have done work specifically for Blue Wave solar no no so let's back up they are working for Blue Wave in another Community okay but they are contracted with us to do the peer review they are our only peer review consultant y right I know I don't have a problem with the consult consulting firm just again I go back to the so many different types of the so many solo projects they have must have someone who hasn't worked on a Blue Wave solar project for another community yeah and so I think that my my suggestion is I don't know if Jim pcel could follow up with Jim Ren over at Weston and have a conversation about who the staff's going to be and make sure that they're obviously different staff and if they need more disclosures or whatever you guys want to do is that something that you can do as a cons conservation agent it it it really it's not up to me I mean I'm not so I don't have the cont it's more you guys you guys have the contract of Weston and Samson right the town does I mean this is going through the Conservation Commission that right no the D I am appear on behalf of the Dion Conservation Commission chairman happens we'll we'll do it together okay the conservation agent and I will do it together okay respectfully our prior Town Administrator some of the feedback we got is for the Departments they helped he helped a little too much I think put things back on the Departments you're are an interim Town Administrator and you have plenty on your plate your Town Administrator Port was very long it's not hard for Lisa to pick up and talk to these folks I I think you can handle it oh okay but Mark the other situation is this because Weston and Samson is our peerreview consultant for all departments this situation is going to come up with planning as well when they go to sign off as well the only thing that's before us is I am a peerreview consultant on behalf of the dayon Conservation Commission that's the only thing before us if it's said on behalf of the D Conservation Commission the planning board I would say that's perfect for the Town Administrator cuz that's bre of multiple depart it's only the conservation you're the conservation agent it's it's only affecting your department according to this um okay disclosure right yeah that's fine Mark I mean right now it's just I'm not going to take responsibility for whether or not Weston and Samson had any conflict of interest you know what I mean that's not my job no I would never ask you to at the end of the day conflict of interest falls on the individual of course so I appreciate them bringing it Forward I just still think they are too close to the situation um so you willing to go back to them and follow up with us on that just for the conservation piece not for any planning board or just for what's before the board Conservation Commission sure but I I would actually I don't actually I've been having Jim digits sign the contracts too so he might want to have a conversation with Jim P he might not understand all of this but um but yeah I will go to Jim Ren and let him know the situation I'm sure if Weston and Samson works with Blue Wave in one other town they may work with Blue Wave in other towns too and I don't know if it's come up in any other situation but um I thought they should know so that they could disclose and I didn't know it was just going to be Megan the Wetland scientist that disclosed I actually thought um she would have all the staff disclosed she she said specifically at our conservation meeting she is not going to participate in reviewing this project yeah so I don't know who it it says here I am tasked with reviewing this the application but that's fine I that's no problem sorry like my mow is there anything you'd like to ask no no no do you want to a motion um I'm not even sure where we are right now um so I know that um we want Lisa um and Jim to reach out to them um are we motioning that we're accepting this I wouldn't I would motion the table until I'm going a motion to table this disclosure um until more conversation occurs between um the Town Administrator um and the conservation agent with the um organization I'll second for discussion I prefer that most of the discussion happens with Lisa to free up Our Town Administrator but I will step down and second that all in favor I I okay next we have thank you Lisa uh you're welcome conservation ethics disclosure Lisa calonia conservation agent oh never mind almost here anything you want to add for that or we'll just no okay entertain the motion no I did get well I will say one thing I did call the ethics commission directly and she helped me with the disclosure so that it was filled out properly so I don't know if you guys have any questions but I don't I don't um I'll make a motion to accept um the E ethics disclosure for Lisa calonia um conservation agent I'll step down and second all in favor I I motion carries thank you you're welcome okay acknowledgements letters from Pat gills two donations to the dayon historical commission find it Contra Stacy spies oh contract yes pretty important um review discuss act historical commission contract with Stacy spies historical preservation consultant would you like to speak to it um just basically figured you're here if you want to come up basically it's a contract with stac used on our other surveys to do 10 more properties um we're doing it in a smaller chunks this time um so she's going to do 10 properties um on Horton Street old Wellington Smith Street Walker Street and Williams street um she'll do all of the inventories like she did before the for bees if the area form is needed might not um such a small survey and give us all of the information as she has in the past um and the total package is going to cost this um $2,500 she had quoted $3,500 but she is also uh working with us on answering questions on some of our other survey forms that we've had in particular the South titon form and um Mount Hope so she wanted to reserve some funding in case we need to do some other work with those um she's really quite interested in dayon has learned a lot about dayon um and has been doing a good job so unless you have any questions any questions nope I don't have any questions no thank you for your hard work would you ever come to a selectman meeting and give us a couple of findings with her prior work oh yeah that would be pretty cool to hear about what we've learned and what we've gotten from her yeah we can do that definitely maybe like September sometime yeah that'd be great when it's not too busy oh yeah September's the time yeah all right I'll entertain a motion I'll make a motion to um accept the contract with um Stacy spies I will step down and second all in favor I I the motion carries thank you that's a real value Mr chairman it is yes 10 form bees for $2,500 is that is it's a good deal yeah it is bargained hard do you want to read your letter to us on the donations I can yeah here I think let's hear from you okay dear selectman um the D historical commission has received and accepted two donations under the provisions of Massachusetts General Law chapter 40 section h8 8D which states that the commission quote May accept gifts contributions and requests of funds from individuals foundations end quote BOS bank has awarded the commission $300 through its charitable Community giving program this donation is earmarked to cover the cost of printing brochures for walking tours of Dayton's two his National registered districts the cor corm Shipyard historic district and the dayon warf's historic district the dayon historical commissioner received a donation of $250 from Miss Heidi Brock to support the historical commission's mission of identifying protecting and preserving Dion's historical Heritage and resources these donations are sincerely appreciated by the dayon historical commission members best tra Gail's chair very very good yeah good now will this go do you have a revolving fund or do you we have an account set up oh you do oh perfect yeah very good I'll entertain a motion to accept I'll make a motion to accept um the two donations to the dayon historical commission okay I'll step down and second all in favor I I motion carries thanks Pat thank you thank you have a great time Mark before we move on can I I forgot to mention something that that was important in regards to both the health agent and the nurse can I go back to that real quick yes it was in regards to where we'll be posting that other than our own um Facebook and online and stuff I I do think that it's very important that we post um to mhoa it's a Massachusetts Health Officers Association um because I know we really want qualified candidates and that's where qualified candidates are looking for jobs on there um the reason I don't say for the nurse is mapn is because um I feel like where um the health agents go um also the nurses go and if a health agency is a nursing job they might tell I feel like they'll have a broader um viewing pool I don't know how much this costs um so I know we have to take that in consideration but I really think it's important if we're looking for qualified candidates this is where they they're going to be looking for jobs absolutely um could we also do the MMA too because so many folks look there too would you be a I wouldn't be against it just depending on the cost like if I had to look at costs and I had to pick a place I would put um mhaa okay um I think up to $300 is reasonable I mean we've had must have savings with their salaries and with um the other members do you think that's reasonable I I got to tell you I've never I have no idea I've never m is 100 bucks a post I'm pretty sure so I imagine I'm not sure how much they are yeah so what if we did what's the name of that one that you just said um HOA M HOA yeah so if we did M HOA first and if we have any anything left over mhoa we do MMA for for these positions and that could come out of do you know if we have the authority like we must have savings out of the the Board of Health salary stiens because there's been vacant IES like can we do we have the authority to to pay it out of those lines you know not until May 1st well oh no until if they have expense items they have expenses if they have uh uh if they can carry like um uh uh Mr Ferry earlier uh talked about all right um uh once the sign bylaw gets certified um he's got enough float we call it uh this early in the fiscal year you know to carry the expenses at least until the fall town meeting uh and um uh perhaps the uh uh the health board has similar float in the expense portion of there uh uh of their budgets maybe they but but in the salary portions it's it's only uh you know May and June right you know that you can do that I I I'm willing I feel the Board of Health May pay bill for us because I'm sure they also want the best people that they for the job is that something that could be discussed with them we can we can work that out we'll get the um uh we'll get the job descriptions um uh squared away first and then we'll discuss we'll go on a step-by-step basis about uh about advertising okay um I think the mass health Officers Association you know that's a very active yeah a group and if you had to choose one I think you just said it yourself Mr Jim and know that you know if if you're going to choose one take Mass health Officers Association for sure but uh we'll talk about uh affordability and how we can find the money uh on you know on the next step all right thank you thank you for letting me revisit that item no thank you that's you know that's a really good point we do need to reach out to as many folks as we can and you know we want the best candidate for us right for dayon okay um so resignation from the dayon Conservation Commission dear concom and selectman I regret to inform you that I we don't read them anymore I'll entertain the motion um I'll make a motion that we accept um Jason Lance's resignation from the conservation committee okay I'll step down second all in favor I I uh motion carries okay approval of the warrants um I'd like to make a motion to approve the warrants paid through July 18 2024 through 3 a-25 in the amount of$ 17,33 382 and 3 B-25 in the amount of 8,975 I'll second that okay motion made seconded all in favor I and I motion carries U I'd like to make a motion to pay the warrants uh through July 25th 2024 4 a-25 and the amount of 129,90 $842 and 4 B-25 in the amount of$ 38464 23 I'll second that okay motion made second and all in favor I I motion carries okay public input okay I'd like to um entertain motions for the minutes I'll make a motion to approve the board of selectman regular meeting minutes of May 28 2024 okay I'll St down and second all in favor I I motion carries I'll make a motion to approve the board of selectman special meeting minutes of June 5th 2024 I step down second um and then I all in favor I I'm sorry um I'd like to make a motion to approve the board of selectman regular meeting minutes of June 12th 2024 I'll step down in second all in favor I I motion carries lastly I'd like to make a motion to approve um of the board of selectman regular meeting minutes of June 26 2024 I'll step down second all in favor I I motion carries okay I'd like to make a motion that we enter into executive session under Mass General Law chapter 3A section 21 A2 to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union Personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or conduct negotiations with non-union personnels administrative assistant to the board of selectman and Town Administrator executive assistant human resource coordinator I'd like to step down and second all in favor I uh I motion carries so at this point we're going to enter into executive session thank you everybody we will will not be returning to open session