okay so um I call the board of assessors meeting to order at 9:44 it looks like um yeah and this is a public meeting being video and audio recorded for cable broadcast and Internet Posting on the dayon massg uh website and YouTube channels I plg to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all I left the um update on the pilot thing there in case you anything okay uh yeah just to let you know um I uh are working on um the Barosa Farm way way down Williams Street former pig farm and we're working on uh clearway um we we talked to Rich he reviewed the number the number meaning the grand total for 20 years yep uh for clearway and you know we tossed it back and forth so we've got that info now it's a matter of plugging that in sending a draft out to you guys to look at it and then if you have any questions get back to me um and if that works we'll put the draft together and send it off to people I'm dealing with um I asked Mike Mullen to put a uh placeholder on the agend on the town meeting warrant hopefully we can get these two done in time so that we can take them to town meeting um what's it when they have to be done by you think no there's no deadline okay no we determine uh when they go on the warrant um and then the other one that's I'm kind of holding is continued is Brook Street solar okay but that's for different reasons okay okay fair enough update okay so that's the update on that okay Town assessor evaluations so I believe we discussed we just going to combine our numbers here is that we're doing yep that that's what we did decide to do correct so uh you have I can do it on the back of this if you want yeah I got a blank here so I'll write them here okay so what do we we just adding the three up and just averaging right one two three each category one two three or you're going to give me your number number number three numbers and then we and we had it right okay so one yeah number one so I kind of did something just to give you guys a little bit of an idea I I did something a little bit different on mine um because you know I felt the the way the scoring is right one through five um some of the categories I thought were in between like there might be a three and a half as opposed to a three or four some might be a two and a half not a three or a two that sort of thing right so I have a couple that are fractional if that's okay with you when you divide it by three it's going to be even more fractional it's gonna be a little more fractional but that's okay and I just anyway there was only a couple that I did that with some of them are difficult to do because we're not in the office right so some of these are asking us to evaluate things what we don't actually see on a daily basis so we have to go by what we see come to meeting I look at it as uh when we do meetings here I mean comes exactly it's the only way we can actually measure it so we don't see her interact necessarily with everybody in the office I don't see her interact with the public but I certainly don't hear any problems there so definitely there's certainly a benefit of a doubt on many of those um anyway all right so what did you have Bill on number one one I gave it five me too you had five okay so wait a number one is five five55 five five all right I got a five there too so so that's a five that's a five number two I give a four I four so those are fours across the board there [Music] consistent um um number three I gave five I gave r five okay I had a four there five five four uh uh number four five I gave for four I gave five number five yeah okay oh I gave five sorry want to do we want to read these through or no not everything but I'm wondering if we should just at least for the camera um mention read what the category is is yeah okay so let's go through them and then I'll just go back and read them real quick yeah actually when you when you summarize them I summize them okay gotcha so we're on number six is that correct correct uh I gave four um I gave her a five okay four four five uh uh number seven number seven I gave her one uh number seven I gave her four okay one four I had two on that one not [Applause] writing 142 142 and then that's it right okay we're add these up right so in the category number one was job Knowledge and Skills which there was FES across the board so we're giving that a five right so we got a five for job Knowledge and Skills for quality of work is category number two do you think I should read each C subcategory no no I don't think so right that's how I figure all right so quality of work number two was fours across the board so we have a four there number three planning and organization we had a five five4 so that is what 4666 4.6 thank you Bill 4.66 repeating repeating okay uh number four is teamwork and attitude we had two fives and a four same 4.66 on the uh let's five is dependability there were five across the board there so that's five on the independent initiative there were two fours and a five which is 4666 right repeating and there is other were two FES and four two fours and a five right so that does change a little bit so that's eight 4.3 yeah it's 4.3 4.3 3 3 33 3 three repeating all right put that little thing over all right so the leadership and managerial Effectiveness so we had seven there seven divided by three what number are we on now we're on number seven the last one which is leadership and manag Effectiveness so what is it 2.3 2.33 repeating okay all right so let's add all these up Bill we got uh start back with 2.33 plus wait a minute do we add these we add these up no we One Summer okay so I'm starting at number seven I'm just going backwards right so number seven was 2.33 yep number six was 4.33 number five was a five number four is a 4.66 number three is a 4.66 number two is a four number one is a five it's an over SC overall score of 29998 i' call 30 okay overall score of 30 super okay this on the blank one I record I'd like to say say know we've all individually gone over what we had to say with Stephanie yes y um I would just like to say for the record I think Stephanie's doing a great job um know any concerns I have I spoke I she very welcome yeah Nancy do you have anything in particular um yeah I think uh I'm not sure what I gave her last year but I think I know I some of my marks were higher which means she's really worked herself into the job as far as um you know stepping out and doing things um I would say there have been some rough bumps not of her making that she's had to deal with uh management of the office in general um when she was shot staffed and now we're looking for some you know a new person now that we've had somebody leave so uh yeah I'm happy with their performance right I would uh I would Echo those two thoughts as well I think uh there was circumstances that came up that were not of your making that were not of your uh it just weren't your fault that they came up and I think there was some adjustments made in the uh management of of procedure I guess somehow in in town hall and I think uh as you get your hands around that then you know the only thing there is I think you'll get your hands around that and move forward in the right direction um but anyway so yeah overall doing a nice job so I I gave a copy to Stephanie of my FL report that we supposed to hand in to each other or where's these no I didn't mine we just handed the one okay we'll just do one so we'll need another blank one so I think yeah I'm filling that out now um I'll fill in the numbers then we can sign it okay right this is the number right yes those are the numbers yeah so you had a okay yes you want to go through them again just look at my one is five I have them all right there yeah two is four yeah three is 4.66 four is [Applause] 4.66 five is five six is 4.33 we'll move the thing over there uh seven was 2.33 dun right okay then just read the the um the number overall was 30 all right all right so so I'll move the rest of the numbers on the summary and I'll put what Stephanie wrote on the summary um so we've all got assignments you want to sign sure can just whever this room good P wasn't it yeah got to take that one back can I just steal a pen from you yeah it's this one oh you can have it back I oh I got youer keeper so that's that all right so now that's done for B time on to new business okay so I will um fill in her numbers um obviously fill in her front page and all that and uh give this to her to turn into um I think Karen gets it okay did you did you want to say anything yourself no I'm fine okay I was a little surprised about number seven but I see your points but I feel were kind of and I had to follow what I was told but I understand as being in charge it all comes back to you because you are the one in charge yeah that's really that's what so that's the circumstance that I think that we were kind of referring to that some of that stuff was not of your making and you had to be in the middle of it and it didn't really necessarily have a full grasp of you know from management perspective of how to handle that I think you know some of it came in with the town just hadn't really had a lot of procedure in place with some of that stuff um but you're right so when you are the leader of the department it really falls on you almost no matter what um like some things that would have if something happened in there that falls on us even if it happened in there it falls on us as elected officials so it ends with us too right so it goes right up the chain and twos so we get ones and so we get ones and twos and I'm ex I'm okay with that if that's what I get that's what I get so I mean really that's what I am however I think it's um plenty of room for improvement and I think that's across the board with a lot of things that go on so uh in the office in the office yeah in the office yeah not just our office I think in town hall and even in the public sector private sector it's just a lot of that stuff happens so okay anyway I don't accept part of the criticism as far as this board goes I one member of this board uh spoke out loudly and clearly uh and if I were to give ones and twos I would send it right back to those in charge because I don't feel um some situations not only not only um Personnel turnover obviously we got to get a new personel that not only that uh area um but I really think that there was another episode early in the year that wasn't handled properly that affected the entire office including the uh uh the person who has now gotten a job somewhere else so um if we could evaluate how that was handled uh I think there'd be a lot of ones but that number would get pushed right up the chain so to your point to you to above you to all the way up it gets pushed right up the chain right so if those were being evaluated there'd probably be some very similar scores in that section because um just trying to get some hands around some things that have never been necessarily dealt with correctly in the past so yeah you're just in that spot and listen it's annual thing so we move forward I think but overall I mean you're doing a real nice job we're all happy with you the office is happy with you people in the town are happy with you so you're not having any problems there it was really just one category with that thing um and that's it so and I don't want I have never heard or seen like on Facebook or anything any complaints about the assessor office nope I haven't either so that speaks louder than any one category that you get a score on any one category that you get a score on that speaks louder okay so might be now because you said something taxes are too high taxes are too high yeah that's not our fault that's not our fault it's ones and twos with other guys right but if you see you know what you know recently happened you can see how angry citizens can turn into a mob and uh that's never happened for us so right I think you know overall the department um it's one thing to be a department that if you totally control the department then you're totally responsible in our organization that's not the case um but what I would say in looking at our department and how it operates and how it interacts with the public quite frankly I'll add uh um fence view as to it we had circumstances come up and although that's not part of her job um she worked with us those were resolved and none of us had experience with doing that and they were difficult situations because there was personalities and neighbors and when you look it across the board uh I think the department uh has run and continues to run smoothly from its what is it supposed to do for the people and I think it's A+ personal opinion so um as I said some of that's not part of the evaluation process I will state that publicly um I did do the reports for the town report and in there I mentioned things that are available to people come in any time if you think you have a u you need to have something looked at an abatement or exemption whatever somebody's going to help [Music] so all right move on to new business no invoices no invoices okay is 24 there's [Music] something yes moved out of state no kidding you'll see I don't know somebody out of state I told you already oh right oh I got you yeah yeah sorry all that time for nothing yep I think it was I motion that we sign the monthly list of apatments for 2024 motor vehicle in the amount of 9,942 74 second oh P motion made second any discussion all those in favor hi hi one place to sign really yeah it's pretty shocking oh good back from weth cometh 23 that news say rental property available we don't have much in to motion that we sign the motor vehicle abatements for 2023 in the amount of $852 second motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I motion we sign the month list of abatements for motor vehicle for 2021 in the amount of $144 126 motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor how do we have one so old the from 21 we can go back three years I think that was I don't know if it was a person or a company oh okay which I'm glad I stick oh I really feel good that's a leasing company you know how I feel about them when they get excise tax we do know how you feel about them I just hope they pass it on half a year Enterprise SE Enterprise pass it on to the person who paid it have me what's that number again I read it um 14426 14426 I'm sorry no problem um motion that we sign the second half 2024 sewer Enterprise commitment the amount of 8,131 126 second motion made a discussion all those in favor I I I don't have any exemptions oh no okay it's slow down we sent out reminders so we might have another batch see this is this highly organized and efficient part we we're talking about yeah I'm not today so just more than I would be um oh you're faking what I got my white out so these already approved I motion that we sign the uh list of abatements for real estate for 2024 in the amount of 1,900 $347 second motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor hi hi different paper um same same same uh for CPA in the amount of $19 34 second is that a second NY yes okay uh motion made and seconded any discussion alls in favor I I same for electric District 2024 in the amount of 73 cents second motion made and seconded any discussion paper all those in favor 73 cents 12 cents or 17 12 or 17 cents fast you so so you're buying different paper from different sources because yeah that paper is very different My Ink looks right through it like I see this whoever gets the bid that's two supplies pay now watch what happens when I sign this um same thing for water district in the amount of 5084 second motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I fast because was that was that one H was that I which one was it um4 that one I didn't iot to put on which one is not on this one this is uh I have a personal property one I missed it when I put this on all right what agenda item are we on well it would District yeah we just did electric right personal property I think we're on H yeah for personal property okay this is real estate I missed putting it on there wait so should be you want me to put it under under F do1 F1 oh we're back at CPA no we we approved the a the G that's 73 cents yeah so what's H H I didn't I haven't given to you yet because I forgot to put this one in with the real estate right so this okay so okay so we're back to real estate which is this is real estate water district yeah so we can say District personal property real estate on I or have to do sign water district as long as we vote the number separately so I'm going to withdraw my second you you withdraw your motion okay okay so now does he have the two papers that he's got to state so in other words bill on this one one motion for both when you make the motion you're going to say um the motion just read plus you're going to say and then read the other one we'll put them together and we'll have two numbers listed so the vote will show that two individual numbers got this is I correct so we either need to hold off or wait a minute where's the H we haven't done H we haven't done H so we either hold off or we take out of or is there no h there is H all right let's do H and then get to let's do H all right then we'll go to I all right so h time stamped and recorded give me that white out all right so this is for personal property tax um a motion that we sign uh 2024 personal property tax abatement in the amount of$ 1, 48848 second motion made and seconded any discussion what is this exactly let me see I um he his inventory changed his inventory changed it was a big U like a $35,000 machine oh do we disc we already signed we already signed off on it yeah good all right so motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor hi hi so now we're on I yeah yes okay okay I motion that sign maintenance 2024 for both real estate and prop personal property in the amounts of $150 184 is that the real estate and that is the real estate yes and $1 12712 personal property second motion made and seconded any discussion all in favor I I so that's the remainder of his other yeah same thing uh for batment personal property electric district for 2024 KY M oh $672 second motion made and second any discussion all another one we should investigate we should all those in favor with that 723 Cent thing all right so that's those uh public input when when a person has multiple uh abatements I put them all on one check I don't know how they handle it you know list list the different ones and write one check I would hate to think three checks got written especially yeah for 70 I would think the yeah the postage would be problematic yeah right SP 50 cents in postage that oh it's more than that I don't think it's 50 cents it's more than that so we spent 66 cents on what was that 73 73 cents yeah we cents we made like8 cents okay uh all right so public right public input no public inut no no public here so correspondents anybody have a correspondence all right no correspondence review minutes if any I'm sorry we have our um budget meeting with the Selectmen and finance committee th next thday Thursday the 28th two Thursdays Thursday the 28th so two weeks from tomorrow two weeks from tomorrow 655 okay 328 I don't know if that's under correspondence hey for minutes I looked at the minutes I had and I've got December 13th and January 10th the 10th the 10th is executive session and the J December 13th is open do I think we signed up to January 10th well I thought so when I saw these I thought I'll ask okay yeah I'm not 100% sure about the executive session I think only February is is uh we've got to do okay okay so we don't have any for today anyhow no okay no minutes so no minutes okay unanticipated anything we didn't anticipate doesn't seem like in that case uh Mr chairman I move that we move to Executive session under General Law chapter 30A section 21 A7 to comply with their act under the authority of special law Federal grant B requirements to review and discuss an act on fiscal year 2024 applications and we will do not be returning to all session all those in favor I I I thank you byebye