uh welcome to the to of D Board of selectman's regular meeting today is Wednesday June 26 2024 it is 6:00 p.m. this meeting is in person and Via Zoom at Oldtown Hall 1111 SU Avenue this meeting is being recorded the listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law this is revised from the original posted uh posting on June 24th uh 2024 at 4:20 p.m. uh can we please have a call to order Nico Melo pres Mark Pico pres and Peter K uh present and can we please have stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and uh just stay stand standing right after the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America the for it stands na indivisible andice uh we just want to mention that one of our um close neighbors passed on this week in uh Sylvania Pavo and um we just like to give her uh give him her I'm sorry the attention that uh they they deserve thank you getting right on into appointments uh Hilda is endies Hilda hi you can't hear okay okay all right good evening everyone thank you for giving us this moment to recognize this evening Hilda rendes who turned 100 years old this past Monday June 24th tonight we're presenting Hilda with a citation given to her by the state of Massachusetts Speaker of the House ronal Mariano and state representative Patricia Hadad Hilda was born at at home on Pine Street she was born to John and Mary CRA who had a farm and an orchard a fruit Orchard on Pine Street at their residence Hilda worked on the farm with her family most of her life during the winter months she would work in the city of Taunton as a as a sales clerk wherever they were hiring she eventually married and had one son she is a grandmother and a grand great grandmother on behalf of my family family the dayon Council on Aging and the town of dayon congratulations Hilda on this beautiful milestone in your life we wish you the very best on a personal note Hilda was my first daytonian friend when I came to work at the nursing home um many many moths ago and uh she's a a beloved she's really kind of one of our family members also and if it was my adopted daughter I call her my my American grandmother so here is a a oh beautiful thank you this is a let me read it to you hild the Commonwealth of Massachusetts the House of Representatives we be it here be known to all that the Massachusetts House of Representatives offic a sincere congratulations to Hilda rendes in recognition of celebrating 100 years of life the entire membership extends its very best wishes and expresses the hope for Future Good Fortune and continued success in all Endeavors given this 24th day of June 2024 at the State House in Boston Massachusetts signed by Ronald Mariano and Patricia Hadad congratulations Hilda thank you so much all right my friend the show is thank you thank you you thank you for coming I don't know if I'll make another hundred but you can try awesome happy birthday sweet beautiful thank you so I love that okay thank you you want to hang out you're going home now I'm going home hang second the 11 this I'm on my by 11:00 at thank you thank youone a thank you next up is Nicole melow chairman of the commissions on disability um so um we had a meeting a couple weeks ago and we met with Cynthia Bolan um as a new member on the commission um and they had voted to appoint her um to um transparency we did work together at Co-op we do know each other um so Cynthia is here to answer any questions and hopefully be appointed sure um Cynthia Hi how are you do you want um I don't think you have to it's all right thank you though um I guess uh thank you that you want to be a member of the dis on the disability committee um we we have a lot of uh usually have a hard time getting people ble to serve as volunteers so it's always nice when somebody comes forward and wants to uh participate so thank you very much I have no real questions for you unless Mark does I don't okay no thank you well congratulations again thank you um this is a review discussion act we have to make a motion so we have to have a motion on the floor please I'd like to make a motion to appoint Cy Cynthia Boland as a member of a mission on disability I'll second that motion made in discuss I mean uh in uh seconded any discussion all those in favor I I thank you thank you so much Robert gar chairman of the open space committee hi thank you for seeing us sure uh so where would you like me to start um our committee voted unanimously to approach the council y um we're seeking tonight the opportunity to have a Facebook page and tonight we're asking for the right uh still in a ob abeyance until we design and put together a specific content so before we spend the time on that looking for your uh permission so um right now our content as it's still in its infancy we're looking to have an opportunity to um have a different presence in the community um our purpose is to be able to post post positive things as they pertain to the community and what other municipalities do with US Open Space to keep the discussion moving uh we would not intend to place minutes on this page we would intend to place our agenda though uh we would also use we'd like to link the zoom information to that page if possible uh we would like to also link the town's website to that page and then um we would leave commenting on um but moderated uh keeping in mind in reviewing the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights and that we don't violate the comment based content restrictions so that's where we're at with that now great uh Nicole any questions um do we have a policy on our social like a social media policy we do yes all right I haven't been able to review it okay Mark do you have any questions um were you aware that we had a social media policy no no I was not and I can look into that further um it's on the dayon website under selectman tab you'll find it I it's the very first tab there okay and my only other question was sometimes when there turnover in boards the administrator was the only one with the password and then we can lose that page is there a way that you um you guys can share somehow like the password or a way to access it with the town so if we did have turnover the page wouldn't go with that person yeah within social media you can always have an emergency backup contact and that can be defaulted to like the town admin assistant email address if preferred that would be great absolutely um I would only recommend again that you you go to the tab that Mr um Chico just recommended but um is there a motion on the floor to approve or or not um I'd like to make a motion to approve the um open space committee Facebook page I'll second that a motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I good luck thank you thank you Chief you're up Sir hi greetings everybody um please accept this letter as a formal request that Ryan riches be appointed to the rank of deputy chief uh Ryan has been a member of the D police department since 2005 he currently holds the uh the position of De uh detective uh software administrator R's uh had numerous uh involvement with different tasks with his uh career indict on June 13th 2024 the deputy chief interviews were conducted at the dayon police station in the community room uh the interview panel was made up of the D town clerk Mrs Costa Chief dun of Westport Police Department chief Richardson of aush police department and myself uh the interview panel uh members were given packets for each candidate 20 Questions scored for each candidate the maximum score was 100 uh per per candidate tallied up in the process the top candidate with a score of 357 out of 400 was Ryan Richards I truly feel that Ryan will be a great asset to the command staff at theight please com his deputy chief great um we will work with the uh the Town Administrator human resources and Bard San um to present uh the next the uh um board select meeting on July 10th as far as right contract so there'll be the ceremony on that day yes great thank you congratulations Ryan I know you did well on the test I heard so uh I'm sure uh it was difficult to take but um I'm glad you I'm glad you have the position uh Nicole do you have any questions still com no Mark I'm so excited to to see the police department under the great leadership we have and um you got to continue to move us forward so thank you for stepping up and we're we're excited for you and your new role thank you thank [Applause] you uh it says review discuss an act so um yes that right now um at this time I'd like to make a motion to appoint uh Ryan Richards as Deputy Chief of Police I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I [Applause] congratulations bavier yes hi um well I guess you really don't have to I think everybody's aware of what's happening so um I don't know if it's necessary that does anybody have any questions for bber about the position I need to hear about oh you haven't heard oh okay I'm sorry I thought you knew uh yes come on up did you want to question me or do you want me to so it says proposed hiring of a temporary Board of Health clerical support yes um who is this going to be how' we get to this point uh we get to this point basically um as you know we've had a churn overa down at the board of health and our office manager months ago decid she's to taking three weeks vacation Crossing going across country and then coming back with her family um so we're at a little loss for health down down there but we've handled it very good um whenever anybody comes in they can reach Karen Brady along with lean at selectman's office they get the inquiries and calls and either forward them to me or they mail text or phone Elizabeth on the road she actually took a laptop with her so she could be available 247 Elizabeth is our office manager the these uh concerns are dealt with appropriately extremely time consuming for selectman's office to front inquiries then forward them to the person who needs to take care of them uh we really need a person who has some knowledge of Board of Health workings is needed to be in attendance at the health department offices since there is no Health agent to uh assist on site we have dedicated inspectors um until an agent is appointed to which phone we call them and they come out and they do whatever inspections we need Elizabeth is more or less in constant contact so she can advise us um we've we have a very competent person in Joanne Wilson she's a Title 5 inspector she's an installer also she's familiar with food and Beverages and um she she's I don't know how many years Joe have you been here almost six now almost six so she knows the town she knows the office she's a fil familiar where everything is and I think she could cover this position part time right now just to fill in until U Liz gets back so my one concern is um she does have a business in the town as well as her husband is this going to conflict with anything she will have access to different information I all the information she would have access to was open to the public anyway okay cuz it was a conflict when she was on the board so I want to make sure that now she's working in the department that there's not a conflict again and um she won't be inspecting anything no I they act as intermediate and I don't see a problem there at all if anything she knows rules regulations and procedures where if you just hired a part-time person off the street they have no idea what's going on and if she runs into a problem she knows she has these other inspectors she can contact she knows Elizabeth is right there the drop of a hat I mean I I text Elizabeth maybe six times a day and she's right back with everything she's very very good but she's we really need someone there we definitely need someone there at least a few hours a day that was going to be my next question how many hours is this I think um how many hours is yes 18 and this is definitely temporary until Elizabeth gets back when does it expire when would it expire so the 31st of july1 of July or the day that Elizabeth gets back whichever comes first um we're just leaving that extra week just in case something happens on her trip she is across country so we left that week yeah I appreciate her still it sounds like she's still taking calls and stuff she insisted on it we tried to talk her out of it but she insisted on it and you still call her six times a day while she's on vacation I text her a lot call talk to her maybe once a day all right still um that's not fair um but I knew she took the uh computer willingly uh she wanted to do it so okay um Mark do you have any concerns um I just I know the board of health is going through a transition right now so thank you for um you know trying to find a solution that we can have someone customer service facing in in the office and I know you have limited availability and we had to find someone that could um Step Up so thank you for stepping up Joanne and um we're just going to get through the this I also have little outlines on the open seating right now if you'd like to hear that about how the board of health is going uh no we're just going to stick with the agenda right now okay um but certainly we can uh I'd love to go over it because like I'd like everyone to know where we are in this world how we're doing um very confident with getting it all done we've got you have two openings um we have two openings on the board we have a nursing opening and we also have the health agent opening all three all right we'll leave it at that for now thank you okay thank you is there a uh motion on the floor um to app point was is there the uh the salary in here too it's not on your documents but the rate is 2208 an hour for 18 hours per week 2208 okay I'd like to make a motion to appoint Joanne Wilson as a temporary Board of Health clerical support at a rate of $228 not to exceed 18 hours a week for a term up to July 31st 2024 or whenever our office Board of Health office manager returns whichever is sooner I'll second that okay motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I thank you thank you congratulations again thanks yes sir please just be so kind as to contact me tomorrow I'll just let you know thank you very and see the town clerk I'm sure you'll have to get sworn in for that thank you okay moving on to announcements um please be advised that the increases in the transfer station sticker fee in rates take effect on July 1 2024 new fiscal year 2025 stickers are available for a cost of $30 which will be infect from July 1st 2024 to June 30th 2025 residents who have purchased a calendar year 2024 sticker will be assessed an additional $15 for an updated fiscal year 2025 sticker for use of the transfer station after July 1st 2024 a mailing will be going out to current sticker holders in additional um Town Outreach is planned due to significant cost increase being incurred by the town the transfer station will no longer accept trailer loads of trucks um debris as of after July 1st 24 there will be a blood drive sponsored by dayon health department and police department on July 13th 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Oldtown Hall 111 um 1111 Somerset AV in the town of dayon Food Bank distribution will be held next on July 20th 2024 located at Town Hall 979 Somerset Avenue Lower Level thank you Nicole um we're up to public input is there anybody who wants to talk at this time yes Mr Hall the first item earlier Robbie spoke about the Facebook page and about four years ago the board of Selectmen voted to place the administration of that Facebook page in the office of the Town Administrator rather than the board of Selectmen because at the time we had a selectman who was managing the page we chose to go in a different direction so I know Mike was in charge of that but he also had his design which I believe was Leanne and Robbie has agreed to to work with Leanne and turn over the password so that is a good way in case Robbie would to leave or the group breaks up that the page is still being tended to sure and not go Rogue that's important second thing um I attended the school committee meeting last night and I have some updates and some of the information is not so good but most of it is good I don't sure if the board of selectman is fully aware but the town of rth the lawsuit against the school district has entered the deposition phase and is not a dead issue and I mention that because Town Administration Mullen and Matt Costa had followed that closely so I I think Super tenant Rooney is away for a week but you might want to touch base and see where that's at in regards to what role the board of Selectmen and the um Town attorney should take with that um on the positive note uh superintendent Rooney was granted a three-year extension on his contract the evaluation which was generated by the department of Elementary and secondary education rather than the school committee uh had him receiving in four categories two proficient and two exemplary and overall the board of uh the school committee is very happy with his performance so we get them for three more years uh Dr Kelly Hoy uh a Dion Resident was reappointed as the school district physician and lastly you know very fine humanitarian um effort um the board I mean school committee accepted a donation of $500 to the special ed Department from dayon Resident Robert Woods oh very nice thank you thank you Mr wood anybody else want to be heard at public input yes sir I like the shirt Tom evening put my glass um we've been all been very busy uh we haven't met in person yet sure with that fin yet but soon tomorrow morning actually for a short meeting um our office takes in calls once in a while and what not this one can be time sensitive and it requires a the board to consider doing a letter okay so if I may just read the email real quick and you guys can consider and guide me on how to respond it's not a it's not a new topic so it shouldn't be a big surprise as follow up to our conversation over the phone I have a 2-year-old son we live a very a very walkable distance from the playground but I they you're alluding to this playground here by the way but are afraid to walk just over to the playground the cars are flying by and there is no pedestrian crosswalk uh after so many months of trying to reach the state District 5 highway traffic department has asked me to provide a letter from our town to help hopefully expedite my request to make the intersection of Center Street and some have more familyfriendly is there any way we can get a letter summarizing some of these concerns I would greatly appreciate it the first issue is intersection does have a pedestrian crosswalk and street light it is impossible to safely cross with a child in stroller to get to the than Community playground the second issue is there is no reduced speed limit going through the intersection into the downtown area of dyon cars are doing around 40 to 45 and the third issue is there there is no sidewalk to walk on between between the intersection and to the playground it is partially missing from the intersection to the point of the Old Town Hall uh see below the snapshot so she did a good letter presenting this I did direct to The District 5 I believe it was six weeks ago okay and she's getting nowhere sure uh usually a letter from the board of seling gets their attention y uh it's not the first time we had this conversation with M doot but right if they get repetitive letters from us I think it would be a good thing sure we will certainly do that okay great thank you thank you that it that's it this time I can make up more of that's okay anyone else at this time we do have a public input later on okay um we're going to go right into the town administrator's report uh thank you Mr chairman uh I don't have a name plate here yet but uh I'm James brell I'm the interim town uh administrator and I know under selectman's reports the uh the chairman is going to talk about the status of the search for the permanent um a Town Administrator process that's moving along quite well um this is my six working a day Mr chairman I'm I I'm happy to say that um is busy as yearend closeout activities and I and Reporting activities are that um uh we're off to a we're off to a pretty good start we had a um we had selected department heads I I convene you with there Mr chairman and I think on my first day or second day and um and we we establish what the expectations were um about our functional relationship uh I'd already established that with members of the board of Selectmen but uh uh with departmental Personnel uh uh uh we did that and um I think we have a uh I think we have a pretty good understanding I've followed that up with face tof face meetings with uh certainly the same individuals there um you know to get a little bit of background information but to get more specific information about uh project status reports and and the like and um uh I can say that um uh although we're in a transition period you've got uh in almost all of you key places it I I it seems competent Personnel um that need I think limited guidance uh from me um they they're certainly entitled to and will get all of my professional assistants and uh in whatever value my opinions uh are on particular topics but I think we seem to have an understanding and uh this is uh you know but for the audience's benefit this is the 12th time in my retirement that I've done uh uh interim uh uh interim gigs uh I call them um I did tell the board that in the first couple of weeks uh of service that I would be very busy um but producing next to nothing uh because you're establishing these relationships uh Etc uh conversations are twice as long as they uh as they need to be um uh because everyone has to set a foundation for me on this is why I'm talking to you about about this particular topic um I'm getting closer uh with with your office staff uh uh to our finishing each other's sentences so the conversations I hope are getting uh uh I hope are getting shorter and um uh I just think that your core group here um despite the transition is is serving the town uh uh pretty well and I say that from someone who done done this a dozen times or so so all is uh so all is good uh uh so far that could change by 9:00 tomorrow morning as you know in this business but uh but that's how it's going uh uh so what have I uh what have I been up to uh uh besides that Mike Mullen left me a list of um uh of Front Burner issues that I have to uh uh that I have to pay attention to and members of the board of selectman have made very clear what your top three priorities are um excuse me what you expect from me between now and I love this end date of my contract Halloween okay uh I can't wait for that day um but uh among the uh uh the topics uh uh that I've dealt with the Pleasant Street Bridge um uh uh uh uh reconstruction or replacement to a project um I did a site visit myself we had a zoom meeting with the uh project principles um uh the uh uh the DPW director and uh Congressman Ain ca's office on that the congressman I you know is responsible for a $2.75 million Federal earmark to contribute to uh a project that's going to be north of $3 million uh as we know but um uh a great Headway has been made uh there the Consulting Group the so-called beta group uh advised me uh uh that they have a a handful of other projects uh that they're doing for the town and uh we've got a meeting set up at 9:00 am uh uh tomorrow uh to discuss the status of those things and as you know Mr chairman from a conversation we had my orientation meeting before we actually started um um I asked Mike and Mike directed staff to reach out to anyone like that doing business with the town instead of my spping through file folders and all that trying to get up to speed on those things uh make them come to me and that's been I've had at least three meetings that way it's a very efficient use of time and it's really helping us um I get ahead it's part of why I don't know if I said this earlier but I it's part of why I'm feeling like I'm about four or five days ahead of getting traction than I normally long way in um another um uh another meeting uh that we had with project Consultants um I know selectman Pico will talk about under the um uh under the selectman's reports but that's the fire station feasibility study and and we can give you an update uh on that um uh I made for uh on another topic I I made an executive decision and uh uh if I uh overstep my b I was willing to you know uh plead for your forgiveness here tonight on the matter but uh uh rep Hadad called day before yesterday M uh uh the day before yesterday for Mike uh and um uh I ended up with the call the legislature has you've probably read an economic development bill that they're deliberating on now and did I have any earmark request she said Mike often has something in his bag of tricks you know something to to put up there for me um so I asked her for measure of the ask what are we talking about fidelia and um uh and how much time do I have to respond and she gave me about I think three and a half hours or so to uh uh to respond hence the executive nature of the of the decision I did communicate with Mike um uh the goals that I spoke to I spoke of uh just earlier um two of your three goals was to change were um uh Economic Development uh promoting economic development for the town and uh and keeping that Main Street project going so I figured I was on safe ground when I I did make a a formal request to her is is she had requested for $200,000 um for Main Street construction activities okay so between now and the time that project actually gets to its end point or nears its end Point inflation is going to chew up that $200,000 if we get if anach actually actually makes it and can be sustained you know remember some e marks got got cut in half uh you know from prior years uh uh due to the uh uh some economic shortfalls on the states uh on the state's end uh but uh you and I Mr chairman have had the conversation since I did that but I did it okay and okay I I I I thought it would be yeah and um uh wonderful yes but your name is on the ballot not mine so okay so uh so you've got that decision-making Authority um uh talking about selectman goals as selectman Pico uh uh had asked for some information on the uh Bristol Plymouth uh uh vul School uh uh construction project and more particularly the um uh uh the borrowing uh uh for that we have marked that up for discussion at your uh at your July 10th meeting and I just started getting in you know crawling in the Weeds on that yesterday and uh and Mr bico and I will be um working together on that in advance of your July 10th uh of your uh of your July 10th meeting I guess the question is and there was a topping off ceremony for the for the structure a week or two ago um how's the town going to pay for it right um you're on the hook for 8% of the total costs period um and um uh what Manner uh what approach is the town going to take uh on that and so like M Pico wants to kick that discussion off um on um uh a beginning at your uh at your next meeting um we have just you know I I it's a simple thing but you know but people ought to know you know when I said the department and others around here know their jobs um we had a heat wve last week and um uh and I asked uh Karen to make some calls around uh to department heads you know just they boxes I have to check and uh you know predictably I got answers from the uh uh from the fire department and the police department that you know the fire department hosed kids down here for for a couple hours I wish I could have participated in that um in the uh uh police department posted heat advisories on the town web page and I I I guess their link and made the community room available for residents that might have to use it so what was predictable to me was that they didn't need to hear from me but I needed to reach out I I uh to do that and glad and happily uh no one had to Avail themselves of the use of the community room or uh or anything else uh uh except the kids um which was a nice thing uh Mr chairman you had a um uh you had a special joint meeting uh on Monday uh with the um is it the North dayon Water District or the water district the dayon water district which water district the water district we we don't know what we're talking about um there was a um uh I think a well done a a a report uh that the uh um uh uh that the Consulting front at woodwin and Kar right yeah that woodwi and Kar had done I had had an afternoon being unable to attend the meeting myself um Karen and I had an afternoon a zoom meeting with the project principles uh uh on that covering uh uh things that we're going to be discussed that night uh Karen informs me that it was a very fine uh presentation the report itself is uh is really very good um and is currently marked up in dra full um uh uh unless uh uh anyone objects and I have reached out to the water district in the person of Ernie bacon uh Ernie bacon to see if there are any significant issues that members of his board have I have spoken to one or two of uh of you on the same uh topic um I'd like unless someone objects I'm going to direct the consultant to put final uh on the report it's a condition survey there are recommendations it is not an edict okay um uh it's a working document for you um that report needs to be uh uh deemed final because the grantor agency um uh you know the state agent the division of local Services who funded this project I've got a June 30 reporting deadline on that and so I'd like to direct them you know to say take the word draft off and submit it to our grantor agency in wearing compliance um I personally did the speed reading of the uh of the document but did a slow deep read on the uh uh on the recommendation section four of the uh of the report and they got there um I think you've got a good working document and uh uh you know you can you can use that as a spring board toward future discussions and you all but significantly they said you know any merger or any uh uh uh any moves to further like legal ties uh you know there are separate Municipal corporation like you are um is not NE is not necessary and um uh so they talked about capacity issues and you know where you're going in the in the future future so uh so again my plan is tomorrow just to reach out to them and say okay final send it off to the state and by the end of business tomorrow we'll be in compliance with with the terms of that Grant agreement that's an important uh that's that's time sensitive issue you know for us to uh to address I have a question on that if you don't mind is there somewhere on the town website we can put that I don't know if there's health and there's Financial impact somewhere that we could put that that's final that's a function of that's the function of uh the finalization of the of the product I wouldn't recommend it well yeah under certain circumstances I might recommend that a draft I I i' be posted if there's significant public participation and interest in it yeah I would when the final is done in in this instance it's technical um stuff and not the only policy I I've driven considerations that I see in that is you know is some sort of a wedding or formal you know a a formalization of relations between the two municipal corporations uh are there so um I will gladly have it posted uh but let me say final first yes in this instance um that's what I have tonight Mr great thank you and and welcome Jim you um thank you you're a great asset to us and come came highly recommended so we're glad to have you and um I know the uh Town Hall staff is very excited so again thank you we um I have to mentioned again what you just said about the uh police and fire being ready for the uh the heat wave that came through the uh police department told me they had free bottled water uh and we under strict orders only to give it to the um residents and somebody stole one so uh he said he's going to start an investigation D's water again but thank you Chief and uh the fire chief as well but um yes I don't know if they had any ties over here with the fire department did any kids show up yeah yeah there were quite a few there were about 20 25 I don't know if anyone got any pictures I didn't get to go over but I did see them out the window that was so cute oh I'm glad they uh they took advantage of it I can ask my wife Mr were were they oh okay Mr chairman at first I thought it was probably an annual thing uh you folks did like when school get out or or that sort of thing but it was it was strictly attributable to the heat wave right yeah and they they thought of it and and went forward with it I I think that's great yeah pretty cool uh the other thing I want to mention was the uh search for the um for Jim's uh permanent replacement and um we had a zoom meeting on Monday and talked about some things that I'm not at Liberty to say right now um we talked about contracts and um where we were at with the uh search itself it uh it's going forward uh we jumped uh two feet first it uh they're really moving rapidly they um they have what we were looking for they interviewed all three Selectmen to determine what we wanted to see in the next Town Administrator which um we gave them our input they took it and they created a job description and like I said they uh they just took it and ran with it uh I I fully expect to have um them completed by the end of July their um their about their recommendations to us but their the uh the applicants coming in so we should uh we should be writing the same timetable that we had set which was hopefully by the end of September that we have a replacement and um give them time to work with Jim and and be on their own by sometime in October so uh looking forward to that Nicole do you have anything that you want to add tonight yeah I just wanted to make you guys aware um we know that currently the health department is lacking in Staffing as we discussed earlier um I've been working the last three years on this um the public health Excellence Grant um I reached out to Megan she's the sh service coordinator this morning and I requested that I be able to attend those meetings as a selectman um to make sure that this doesn't get any hiccups we put so much work into it she's going to go to dph and get the approval if it is approved I'll bring it before the board for your approval great thank you that's it okay Mark um we had a busy day Monday we had yeah we had the kickoff of uh five station feasibility um we met with the lero group and and our interim Town Administrator Mr pcel was there our fire chief was there our Building Commissioner and we got to tour station one in station two and just basically kind of go over the scope of the work and the condition of both fire stations and really with this feasibility study everything's on the table it's really just to see the best direction for the fire stations as they stand there you know we we it's kind of a fact finding Mission um you know with the growth of the fire station and and the state that they're in so that was a a good um first meeting is there anything you want to add to that well just the um what what was noteworthy was the um uh the fire chief said probably two or three maybe even more times um that you know let the professionals make a dispassionate assessment of uh you know conditioned assessment uh of of of what we have and make a recommendation you know there weren't any attempts to say um you know we'd love you to do the work as long as you come to my conclusions as sort of it wasn't you know he he emphasized that repeatedly that tell us tell us what you see tell us what you find uh we're not going to push we're not going to push you in in one at this stage of the game we're not going to push you in one direction or the other just level this absolutely that was the you do you agree that was the tone I do was the tone in the content that was at least his his stated position so yes which is good it is good um and my only other update is we also had a kickoff meeting on Monday for the msba um Elementary School building committee we had 13 members present uh diverse selection of folks from our community um a lot of it was just to kind of go over you know the actionable items of what's coming up but we did vote for our superintendent Bill Rooney to be the chairman and Alicia Wilson as our vice chair and um Kevin Smith will be our clerk so we had a very good kickoff meeting and um starting with our next SEL meeting we'll have an announcement for each meeting just so the public is aware the district will post information on their website and Link it with ours so there's information for the public to see what's going on with that and I believe that there will be reports at the um school committee side as well that at least the chairman or uh some of the members will give a report too so hopefully anyone watching will know that we're working on this y great did they give a timetable or is there one for completing it I think just we talked about no I don't think we're there yet okay no no great Mr chairman once you're just entering the queue yes it's a long y it's a long process long process thank you uh we're going to move on to Old business then um review discuss an act against the junk dealer's license for Mr Joseph Vado Mr Fado how are you good um you're not here under the best circumstances as you are aware um and be I'm going to be very Frank with you I personally am getting a little tired of it that that um that this keeps happening and uh it's going to stop I I don't know what else yes sir come on up I I don't know what else to tell you we've had a few complaints uh we've received another one uh you are quickly becoming in violation of your license and I'm not saying tonight we're going to to take it away unless um the other selectman want to but you you can only operate in the hours that you're supposed to operate um no holiday work is permitted uh your hours are supposed to be clearly posted no collection of fuel tanks and license is non-transferable or spelled out in your license and I don't know why you can't work from 7 to 7: why is it necessary to spot a truck at 5:30 in the morning my my truck broke down and I go to Boston two three times a week instead of the tail pipe driving down the road making spots and everything I I left the truck three qus in the garage I jack I jacked the tailpipe up and I tied it up on the with wire right and I was only there maybe 5 to 10 minutes the most I apologized I I shouldn't have did it that early but I had to fix it to go to Boston you go to Boston on the weekends I this wasn't on a weekend okay this was the this was during the week and then I ended up fixing it right went to Boston I go to Boston two or three times a week and uh I was there maybe 5 and 10 minutes the most I tied it up with a wire matter of fact I got to make an appointment with Paul exhaust to fix the tail pipe I backed up and I I bent it all all hell so and that's and I don't work Saturdays now last Saturday I was supposed to go to the car show I go out back open the overhead door ready to stop my wife 564 and there's Wayne the page on the other side of the fence making noise and I know he's there so I just shut the door right and I didn't go to the C show I said forget it and I went back in the house this guy is stalking me all the time well you can live your life if you want to go to a car show nobody stopping you from going to a car show and I want to thank the chief for what he did with Mr leage he took all his guns and everything he's going around harassing let's not let's not get into that aspect of it we're here we're here to discuss your license but he's been harassing me for for 40 years okay but we're here to discuss your license and your actions not Mr Mr I don't work ches no more and I don't work holiday but if I go if I walk in the back I make a noise there's miss Page all right and you can hear him on the other side of the fence my wife went outside the other day BR me some ice water and there's with Mr leage swearing and everything in back I had the cops there again and I got a restrain an order on okay I'm only going to tell you one more time we're not here to discuss Mr leage we're here to discuss your license and the violations that you are are committing but I don't work sabage okay if somebody's making a noise it ain't me yeah okay and I don't work holidays and I don't work Sundays okay um I I believe we received the letter and I don't know why the copy is not here I know I don't have it I got if you want no not the license the letter that was a complaint yeah um I I apologize I I don't have it but I I believe it said one morning you were starting your car it was a Sunday morning I think did you guys read it I did but I don't I mean I believe it was Saturday at 5:30 5:30 a.m. I was switching my truck I had to move it I I backed it in the garage and I shut the door 3/4 down so I wouldn't make no noise and then my neighbor she heard me and she was walking dog and I told her I was in the back working on fot of my truck she said Jo you're not supposed to be doing that I said I know I'm sorry I just have to do it you know but why did you have to do it so early well I got to get on 24 I leave the house 4:00 in the morning oh je when you get on 24 it's a mad house Bumper to Bumper doing 90 95 miles an hour they're passing you're on a breakdown Lane passing Lane any so I leave that early there's highly no traffic on the way back the traffic backed up 20 miles that's the reason why and I I go to NM Chinatown braner all FedEx contracts and and then when I get home I don't unload the truck if if it's on a Friday right I I unload it but if I come in if I get home late on a Friday I leave it alone till Monday I didn't got time to unload it okay but again I apologize for doing it that early ni do you have any other comments no okay Mark what are the hours for your license what are the hours for your license 7 to 7 5 days a week no Saturdays Sundays and holidays I'm glad that you know that that's good guess what here it is beautiful okay good um I find going I'm going by it right now I'm not working it was just a mistake and I had to fix the truck it was it was an emergency and when FedEx calls me I got to go there all the metal is inside the building for insurance purposes I got to be there within two or three hours so nobody would trip over and get hurt because of the liability insurance otherwise I'd get it the next day if I I understand that you have an agreement with them but you have an agreement with the town which is going to take over one of your customers going buy that one time I made that mistake fixing my truck but I was stuck I had to okay and I like I said I apologize all right it's going to stop and you you got to follow the license to a te yes it's it's stocked believe me all right thank you um I know there are a couple people here on this issue do you want to be heard at this point anyone no please come up okay thank you Mr Fado Alicia wison 2043 Somerset f um you know I came here tonight to just speak to the items that I've heard um you know seen I do respect Mr pado and Janice very much they've helped us out but there are violations that I have seen I have seen work on Saturdays coming and going with loads of junk up in the yard having my cup of coffee and you know witnessing Joe coming and going and hearing the clattering in the back I did go over and speak to him I told him that you know hey you're not supposed to be doing this and he goes I know but I don't care and that's when I approached the board again because I was upset by that I just wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt I really do respect and you know like my neighbors and I just want everybody in the neighborhood to get along and I know this has been a point of contention not just recently but for many years and it just it continues so I just wanted great thank you I'm sorry about that uh Jim uh can we send him a letter saying that he was in violation of his contract I mean not his contract his um license and that if it happens again he'll be brought before the board uh and one other time if we give him two more chances uh his license will be suspended but somehow it has to be on record and something has to go to him okay I um I I have read you know the process and I of course we I I'll draft something for your sure thank you yeah okay nothing else on that do you think we should have a check-in in three months or six months on on it just to a check in what check with frado or with the residence or I agree instead of waiting until it gets to the point that she has to have it happen so many times that she has to come back here um if we have like a deadline like and we revisit it uh the only thing I I wouldn't want to lose the impact of bringing him before the board if we just bring him in once a month or once every two months just to discuss his are we able to reach out to the resident that has reached out to us and see how things are going absolutely okay I would just can I make 76 caran Mr has no clue how to be a good neighbor he never has been I told the board before I said uh no matter what you say for him to do he'll lie he'll do whatever he wants you will not comply you gave him a junkyard license anyway and now we end up with the same problem I have a very sick wife my bedroom windows line up with his junkyard and some mornings 5:00 he'll just go out with a pipe wrench and just beat on a steel drum just to disturb us I mean it's a constant harassment he said I'm harassing him but whatever um years ago I tried to stop this I had lawyers and tried to stop the whole junkyard business cost me thousands of dollars nothing was ever done I told the board like I said before I said he does not comply to any rules he does not follow any rules uh he has limited understanding of other people's rights and he only cares about himself and uh that's what we have to deal we havve been dealing with for years it's it's living hell and I've also asked many sikman many times would you like to live next door to that and they say no so that's why I was surprised when the board did give him a license in the first place and uh basically that's it you know I'm very unhappy it's very pleasant in that neighborhood because of Mr frado thank you very uh impactful statement thank you um one comment it would be real nice uh to have a police report of something of him acting out side of the posted hours that we have because that would be an official document official Town document that would make it really kind of easy for us to act I I know the police have come and most of the time he's not there or he's not doing anything when they arrive and you can understand everybody's hands are tied at that point yes um and I hate to say this but if you can if they can catch him doing something um like Mark just said it give us a lot more teeth than just to have your word against his uh and uh yes it's his license that's in violation but we're not there the police are not there and is it 5:30 in the morning he fixing a muffler on his truck which he would be entitled to do if it was just taking his wife somewhere um but he's not entitled to fix his truck in in uh fix the muffler on his truck just to go to work uh at 5:30 in the morning that have to wait till 7: but um I know you've done it before you've heard it so many times is is call the police when you see them out in the yard doing something and and that's the only way I can think of it to get it documented me too to uh to go through this lawyer fees and this circle that we're that we seem to be in isn't accomplishing anything uh I have the feeling well no I don't want to say that so yes let's let's do that the only reason I would call the police all the time because I know the police are busy enough out right I understand that it's like you become a pest that but it's the quality of life issue for everyone and um yes do they have more important things to do I don't know whether they're more important or not but it's their responsibilities too so let's give them the the right to to do their job okay so I need a motion on the floor to uh send Mr Fado that uh letter from from the um interm interim um count administrator which I don't have to keep calling you that do we uh we can just call J okay I I guess in a formal setting I don't think I've ever asked anyone to call me Mr prel before but I guess this is the first in this in this setting but call me Jim okay thank you uh so uh so is this under my signature or a draft for the boards for the board to sign for the board to sign thank you okay I I'll make a motion to send Joseph Fado a warning we are we a violation letter for his junk dealer's license and for the board to have a check-in with Neighbors in three months time okay I'll second that motion made seed any more discussion all those in favor I I I so um we will check in with you because we said we would the uh the only other thing I can mention is if we take away his uh dealers license I don't think it's going to stop him I know that was my concern but I yeah um but we'll have to see what happens okay the parameters you're dealing with Mr chairman so operate within them yes uh review discuss an act of police Union related 111f request I'd like to make a motion to approve police Union related 11f request as stated I'll second that uh so no discussion okay so a motion made and seconded there's no discussion all those in favor I I pet cam I thank you chief night we'll work we'll we'll work up the um review discuss an act water district efficiency and re re regionalization assessment Jesus motion to accept water district efficiency regionalization assessment I second that motion remain seconded any discussion all those in favor I I um uh this is new business now review discuss and ethics disclosures from Paul Reynolds Town pleasure cler clerk collector uh Mage good evening everybody hi getting a feeling of deja vu I feel like we just did this yes so um I was asked to participate in um discussions around the Main Street drainage project um truth be told I'm really not sure if I was asked specifically in my capacity as a conservation commissioner or simply because I own a um home on Main Street I live at 725 Main Street uh which is particularly impacted by uh flooding there's a culvert that goes directly under my street um there is a uh Brook that cuts through the property which Mrs gou has informed me is not the muddy Cove Brook but is the Sally Richmond Brook so there's a piece of d trivia for everybody um but truth be told I don't know if I was just asked um to participate because of the location of my parcel and the fact that I am you know more aware than I would like to be of the drainage and storm water runoff conditions on the street um however I wasn't sure if I was asked um it was kind of nebulous whether or not I was just going as a private resident or in a capacity as a conservation commissioner uh I've spoken with the uh State ethics commission who is basically advised me that um there's no harm in over disclosing something okay because truth be told um any a butter to a project is considered to have an intrinsic financial interest um because like as an for example is the value of my property impacted by drainage conditions on Main Street you bet you right um so I just wanted to be completely transparent um as far as I know this discussion and this um this conversation between myself the um the contractor uh Highway superintendent as far as I know it's not any kind of formally Incorporated public body I don't believe that we'll be um voting or making decisions or dispersing funds or you know um you know making decisions so to speak I believe it's strictly in an advisory capacity but just in case I'm asked to give an opinion based on your resource areas or anything that might um come under the purview of the Conservation Commission I just wanted to disclose that I am an abutter to this parcel I live directly in the middle of Main Street basically and um so I just wanted to make sure that um you know any participation that I have is um is fully transparent and I just wanted to completely disclose that under the uh conflict of interest law I would be considered to have a conflict but the nature of that conflict also means that I can give a pretty unique firsthand account into the drainage conditions on the street so great well thank you for doing that thank you thank you Paul thank you very much Paul this is a review discuss act um motion to place on file I'll second that motion being second any discussion all those in favor I I I Megan Curr yep uh conservation uh ethics disclosure Meg currence she's not here motion to I'll second that who it is motion made in second did any discussion all those in favor I I I I um could I amend my motion for the police Union 111f request I just wanted to make the motion to approve without prejudice um and without setting a precedent um I that's why I thought we were going to have discussion but my apologies um okay yeah I have no problem having you change that so what would you New Motion read please to approve police Union 111f request without prejudice and without stting a precedent sorry about that second that okay motion made and seconded amended motion um any discussion all those in favor I I thanks Mark thank you review discussed an act Board of selectman annual appointments in the uh um agenda appendix a is here so I know lean worked very hard on working on the annual appointment I've had a chance to review I made some comments and I know she made those changes so I have no comments other what were the changes that were made um we had a agent of the Board of Health who had resigned well over a year ago that was removed I got removed as a conable because that was something under my capacity as town clerk which I am no longer and I asked to make sure that the police were all checked um you know with the police department you know all those appointments and I believe there was oh um Matthew Tannis I knew was working in a capacity to help the Board of Health so that was added um was bard of Health supposed to be one year or two years appointed it's a onee appointment so it says here two years I wonder if agent are different though because you know AG okay no I apologize I missed the last part of that but is it not I do did you say yeah it members are one was two but an agent I Agent M Bara cabier is down as two oh good catch M should be one that should be one yes can't find her uh halfway third of the way down on the first page oh thank you uh dayon um cultural council member uh glor Vargas hasn't she moved to we go was she back I'm not I'm not sure I believe she's Bor okay we'll check that out I just had a question about one of them and I think Nancy's here um the MMA committee on energy and environment they they decided they that was yeah so we don't okay that one needs to be okay thank you Nancy how do we go about getting you reappointed ncy remember we wrote a letter that we were angry didn't go anywhere yeah well letter went but nothing happened okay is there a motion on the floor to um accept as proposed I'll make a motion to um accept the annual appointments as proposed with the following amendments that the Board of Health member Barbara cabia be amended to a one-year term 62624 to 62625 that we strike the MMA energy and environment appointment for Nancy gouard and that we appoint gorar Vargas to the D cultural Council to follow up with her okay I'll second that motion made and seconded any more discussion all those in favor I I I thank you uh review discuss act end of year transfers for storm water and Town Administrator think this self-explanatory Mr G sir it's commendable that there's only two on this G yes [Applause] absolutely okay um this is again a review discussion act okay motion to accept the end of year transfers for storm water and Town Administrator as presented I'll second that okay motion made and seconded any more discussion or any discussion all those in favor hi hi hi acknowledgements we received a letter from Patrick McGovern resigning from the Board of Health effective immediately and uh we don't typically read them and I'm not going to read this one but it was dated June 24th motion to accept the letter from Patrick McGovern reason resignation from the board of help with thanks and appreciation I'll second that motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I and uh same thing with um Heather she designed as well effective immediately motion to accept the letter of resignation from Heather Berard with thanks and appreciation uh actually I would ad in that she's leaving on July 15th July 15th oh cathic so she's using benefited time okay that's right all right um sorry Mark go ahead please uh motion to accept the letter of resignation from he Gard resignation from Health agent position with thanks and appreciation I'll second that motion made in seconded any discussion I just had one thing to say I just wanted to thank her she came from a different role um she dived head first into this work um what she did was completely in align with what the state is trying to do right now they are trying to take folks and bring them in to Public Health work Workforce um they want to create new Public Health Workforce so um that was great and we were able to use the public health Excellence Grant to train her and all those things so that was excellent thank you um there was a motion made did we vote on it I don't think so um motion made is there a second I'll second that second that um I think we're at a vote okay uh I I and Peter c i uh moveing on to approval of the warrants please um motions to approve warrants paid through June 20th 2024 warrant 52 a-24 in the amount of 12,682 185 and warrant 52 B-24 and the amount of 28855 544 I'll second that motion made and seconded any discussion all those in favor I I I and motion to pay warrants uh through June 13 20 24 warrant 53 a-24 in the amount of $4,620 and 53 B-24 in the amount of 9,134 and3 5 cents is that the 13th or the 27th June 13th 2024 do we have War for the 27th that's what's listed on the agenda I would think those were the 27th uh so would I well the agenda says the 27th that would make sense so I will Mend my motion to pay the 27th as long as the warrant numbers in the motion Mr chairman we can okay all right I'll second that motion being second any discussion all those in favor I I I uh public input anybody anybody at all no okay we move on no no you said I can do this get out um you gave me permission the last time I did it just a reminder to everybody that the PMC bike ride will be coming through dayon on Saturday August the 3 the lunch is at the uh the gathering places at dayon re hobas they are still looking for volunteers we have our nurse who has volunteered so anybody else get in touch with PMC um with this year's ride as I mentioned the last time time the goal is to exceed the 1 billion with a B dollar Mark and based on where they are right now they should well exceed this $1 billion dollar that they have raised uh which is the major funding for the uh research at the Dana FAA Cancer Institute so uh be on the road on the thir August the 3 to wave them on or volunteer or any way you can help it's funny right after you made the announcement uh three weeks ago I think you were up here and um they were on the national news uh talking about the $1 billion doll Mark largest I believe it's it's the largest bik fundraiser definitely in the country it could be in the world for all I know yep but uh it's remarkable sure what what they've done thank you for uh pointing them out well I have a team so I have to I know when do you usually start seeing people um riding their bikes through dayon early in the morning yeah I mean they leave I think some of them leave Sturbridge before the sun comes up to tell you the truth uh 9930 okay wow um so they must be feeding some of them breakfast up there not lunch um but I've my team comes through they surprise me 11130 and now they've driven from uh Sturbridge they've gone to Dion re hobit they've had something to eat and all that and now they headed for the um Maritime Academy where they bup down for the night long it take him to get from Sturbridge to here well I think um I think Eric told me that his team and with no breakdowns or anything I think they leave somewhere around 8 in the morning wow I mean so they're at here at 9:30 no from sturb my team okay my team others they like I said they must head out chickens get up 6: a.m. is it that's the official start so they're they're lining up in the dark yeah yeah yeah so those I mean I don't know how fast they can go but it's fedal power yeah so thank you thank you thanks Nancy yes sir want to I would want to call on the road regular business business meeting but I say my last question at town meeting we voted to amend a No Parking Zone bylaw involving several streets including Williams Street I two questions will no parking signs be posted in the new no parking zones and more importantly was money placed in the budget for these signs uh it is up to the select to approve the signs uh according to Mr Ferry um but as far as the funds go I don't know if we have the signs enough signs uh or he if you have it in your budget to purchase signs but I believe they should be posted I don't know how I two colleagues feel but if we've if we're going to issue um citations uh the least we can do here in dayon is notify them that they're in violation as opposed to J assuming everybody knows the laws uh just especially because you go to Providence and you you're not allowed to par 30 ft of a stop sign or a stoplight and it's not posted anywhere but you're supposed to know that when you get your license we don't have that ability here in D other than posting it on a Facebook to say this is the new change so I think we should put signs up yes especially where people in that area have lived there for decades and this will be a surprise to them if they wake up some morning and see a ticket on their car right thank you so we have a mechanism in my budg signs the actual all those locations to be determined if that's what you would like that in motion I do question though when is is it when the whole warrant's approved from Boston yes it it wouldn't be effective when the signs go up it would it's when we get the warrant back then uh then it would go into effect figure when that is I don't know when's the typically come back Jim it's like 60 to 90 days it all depends on how backed up the Attorney General sorry I got them as town clerk so I don't know when this order was made and so um okay I can make up and answer if You' like uh we're looking September if you can um but it's that long well 60 to 90 days well three months it all depends on the Attorney General too sign that would Happ within a week okay could we have a um a formal recommendation from you and and I would ask the police as well since they would have a hand in it for sign placement talking quantity of sign traffic thank you thanks this was a town meeting article okay no other public off I think B wants to speak I'm sorry understand can I speak on the board of health and what's going on down there okay uh there's been few reserv res yeah yeah resignations so I'd like to just say what we're doing about it the Board of Health Dion Board of Health is open uh there are two open member of Board of Health positions right now we are taking applications until July 8th I believe a joint interview meeting between between Board of Health and selectman is scheduled for July 10th to fill those positions therefore scheduling July 16th for a Board of Health meeting with full Board of with the full board nursing we have to uh fill an opening there we'll be opening the site for application soon for position of dayon nurse we would like a full panel on the board of health before voting and appointing someone to fill the that vacancy I have attended a zoom meeting comprised of town nurses from the area and Megan Russell stepped forward to offer her expertise she is public health senior consultant it is planned to have that meeting very soon Health agent surprised by resignation of our health agent but she has been out for a time now we totally understand and her position has been covered we will be going over job descriptions and we'll post that position as soon as possible any questions I just want to speak on the N nurse portion um Megan won't have anything to do with our town nurse um they are hiring a regional nurse and it cannot be just primarily ours um so we still have to work on Hiring Our Own Town nurse guiding us that's all she's doing I spoke to her today and that is not what she told me oh okay okay that's not what I heard but yeah um and she supplied me with some docents message today okay um for her to respond one way or the other yep yep no we need to go and we need to either look over once you have a full board you look over the job description make whatever changes you and the board feel necessary and post so we can get our own nurse um or we will be in violation of the public health Excellence Grant we need to have our own nurse for them oh no definitely we're getting our own nurse we're not getting any anything through her mhm no I understand that okay any other questions no thank you for uh no I just wanted to bring this up because there's been a lot of scuttlebut around town about how the Board of Health is closed and whatever no we have some some little bumps going over but everybody is helping everybody and we're all covering it um I was down at Swansea today and got a call that someone needed something and I came right back into the office looked it up and called them right back and explained everything thank you but um I told you at the interview 247 I wasn't kidding sometimes you have to take a couple steps backwards just to be able to move forward so uh we're we're just a bump in the road as long as you keep working towards Excellence y that's all we're looking for Karen Lana doing a great job maintaining the office we really really have to uh reach out to Residents and see what they want what they need um I mean I'm willing to put my phone number down there they can call me from the office they didn't want me to but no that's not a no I'm very willing but now that we have Mrs Wilson that's thank you very much for helping us and voting her there that would be a great help because she's so efficient and she's very knowledgeable so it's not a case of somebody coming in then somebody said well wait a minute I've got to call this one or I have to text this one no she can answer a lot of the questions great thank you very much for helping us with that you're welcome great report question mention could you come up to the podium please you mentioned about the grant that we the heal health nurse in place that we would face possibly losing that grant money is there a time frame that they allow for the interim where we can search for no it doesn't matter as long as we're actively looking um as well as not to forget there is a mandate in regards to having a registered nurse for an in case we had any tuberculose in cases so there is a CMR for that as well okay um and the state is aware that we do not have anyone monitoring Maven um they're not thrilled about it um and that's why we want to make sure that we get somebody in there so that they can start monit um looking at Maven again because we have nobody okay thank you Nicole it's amazing the job of a town nurse that nobody knows about um we have to go into executive session so um if there's no more public input we're going to uh go into executive session under Massachusetts general laws chapter 30A section 21 A3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if any open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigation position of the public body in the chair so declares the chair does declare we're going to hear about Dian police officers local 306 Dian 11 local dispatches and clerical Union uh we will not be returning from executive session so is there a motion to go into executive session please I'll make that motion second motion made in second any discussion all those in favor I I I thank you