##VIDEO ID:lKGWH7EWar0## all right good evening everyone welcome to the community preservation committee regular meeting it is Thursday August 15 2024 uh we are live at Prime Time 10:59 Somerset a dayon mass and also available via Zoom um this meeting is being recorded and can be viewed at a later date on the town of dayon YouTube channel I call the meeting to order at 5:35 if we please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you start up Committee Member introductions I'm Kevin Smith chairman and parks and record representative Jonathan Gil Ada coordinator uh Paul Conservation Commission representative col Housing Authority H planning board representative thank you all uh the next thing we have is to review discuss an act to uh approve the prior meeting minutes excuse me I believe those dates were May Elizabeth you those two days now close this so it was May 16th and July 18th and if everybody had a chance to review those so Mr chairman I wasn't here for July 18 doesn't I say that because if you need quum to approve nope no you don't not for me okay it will entertain a motion to approve the meeting minutes from 516 and 718 2024 have a motion to have a second second motion second any discussion on the minutes just late that's okay the weather is so we have a um we just have a motion in a second on the FL to approve the prior meeting minutes from uh May and July I did read the yeah any any comment no okay all right so all those in favor because we have Dan on Zoom we'll do a roll call vote okay uh Jonathan Jonathan g i BR sron I call i j Higgins I Smith is an i um Financial reports I know Dave erson is supposed to be on his way um as far as I know there shouldn't be anything significant in a report we haven't had any um transactions or anything that has changed since our last meeting um but we can always let him kind of interject once he's arrives um but for now we'll just move on to Old business so the first thing we have was to review discuss an act um CPC project updates um I don't have anything I don't have anything to update anyone on I don't think anybody else had any other projects the last project was completed for housing and uh Pat couldn't be with us tonight so I'm not sure where she's at with the histor the latest historical commission survey um I know that they were waiting for an approval from the B of Select they had the updated pricing but um as far as I know so next under old business we have review discussion act the CBC project project signage did everybody get that those proofs anybody have any questions comments um thoughts I think they both beautiful done if I had a favor well so that we had the two things so one two different purposes so the yard sign was going to be for like while like we'll use the library as example while the library is under construction we can post that yard sign the yeah the blue and the yes yeah the blue and the white with the town seal and then once that project is completed then they would get the plaque which would get permanently posted but at least you know cuz even I think of like when the trails committee starts their work we can post one down by the you know West entrance on Broad Co just kind of universal we can pick them up and move them around a little bit easier than our our old sign I think that's how we kind of came up with that oh so we'll talk Dan any comment on design or anything like that no they look fine to me okay I think the only the only other thing that I didn't do right away when I was putting those together is um something I would I almost think kind of use that same color scheme as the yard signs um but do something smaller for like I think of like the north day playground to have that same so obviously we're not going to do a wooden plaque Outdoors it's just going to rot so if we can do something I'll look into for our next meeting I'll look into like a metal version of that yard sign something small like you know 12 by8 or something of that nature I'll look into that for our next meeting so we have something for outdoor projects it's the same thing with BR Co the Trail if and when that gets done it'd be nice to have that at the entrances showing you know where some of the funding came from so just it's good way to attract more attention to BR Cove too yes it's one my favorite places in the whole town so on the yard sign those were uh 24 wide by 18 tall which is kind of typical of like your political yard sign or business advertising yard signs um those were $56.99 um for a six-pack it went up if you wanted to do a 10 pack it was [Music] $82.99 um and then there is uh a shipping CH so I wasn't logged into the prime the town's Prime account when I did um the proofs so that shipping cost should go away but I'm not 100% sure so I think I you know typically when do something like this for parks and wck what I like to do is a like a not to exceed just in case you hit that little like if it's even if it's half of that if it's $6 to ship it I don't want to be like oh well I can't buy this because we approved $56.99 you still pay shipping you don't pay sales tax some things ship for free though I've had a couple things yeah like so if you don't try to do like the prime like the two-day shipping if you do normal shipping some of it does ship for free but not would not to exceed 100 bucks just don't take any chances you might want to well I guess that's that's my other question for everybody is like do we want to just do six do we want to do 10 and you know they're not going to go bad the langu there's no date on them the language isn't going to change it's been the language that CPC has used what are we going to be able to do so that because I assume there's such so lightweight and so forth so that they don't blow away or somebody doesn't just pick it up and throw the trash we're have you stand guard and holding in place until the it sounds silly but I can see in places you know where kids will defame it or somebody will trash it or just you know rip it in half kind of thing I I don't know what you can do about yeah the risk you take all reason to get 10 that's just going to say that that's why I was asking I think we should potenti consider the 10 the only thing that U that I get to could kind of increase the resilience of bit is the uh the wire frames that you put in the ground if you cut those in half so that they sit lower to the ground suceptible to the wind that's really the only thing I can think of though but no I I concur I think 10 would probably be a good uh good number to have because there is going to be some much for of them over time it's just inevitable yeah so even if we went with a 10 pack which was 80299 and then if worst case scenario if it was the 14 in shipping that would put us at 97 um so we can break this up into two parts too that way cuz like I think the yard signs are definite there's a little more compensation to be had around the plaque so um if someone wants to make a motion around the yard signs I propose a motion to purchase 10 yard signs at a cost inclusive of signs Plus delivery not to exceed $15 have a second second any discussion on that hearing none we have a roll call vote Jonathan I ran cedron iers I Higgins ey Smith is an I so on the on the plaqu too I don't know if let me pull up that cost I thought those were relatively inexpensive as well do there the approximate dimensions of the pl uh I think it shows it in that cost let me see I believe I selected 11 by 14 so it's not you know tiny but it's also not huge yeah so yeah so the the plaques themselves were $23 plus you know possibly $6 in shipping I just don't know again they they're not going to go bad especially these and the language isn't going to change so I don't know if we wanted to do something like purchase five of them just to have on hand I know like the library is quite ways out um but it's I think you know we have in our professional and Technical line items we have more than enough uh funding to cover things like this so it's like I don't know if it just makes sense to order you know five or six or whatever everybody thinks and hold on to them and then um just kind of disperse them as things and then you know we can order more as we need M Kevin yeah so it's just like um like there's the slots in the back so like put two screws in the wall and it would hang it's a hanging plaque they're strictly indoors yeah these ones are indoors actually just before you walked in we talked about too I'm going to for our next meeting I'm going to explore like a a metal ver a smaller metal version of the yard signs for outdoor projects like you know the trails playground things like that so we have something posted there but um yeah I mean if anybody has any thoughts on having a certain number just to yeah I think six makes sense you said the $23 a piece yeah so yeah I'm just trying to think of what we what type of projects we have um where that that they would like it probably like you know at Lincoln Village somewhere like in the community room um would be a spot um the library once it's completed um winow Davis Museum oh so there this three right off of the bat that we're going to take out of our our six six isn't that much because go to live for years they could be sitting for a long time nothing's going to change so I would make a motion Mr chairman that we um purchase six of the indoor plaques for cost not to exceed $200 do have a second I'll second that all those in favor oh special sorry no U if we there are $23 a piece yeah so if we were to buy Six that's what $198 so should that's the yeah that's he's thinking if it's roughly $6 for shipping for each that's that's $180 because it's 2 23 + 6 $30 each 144 for the plat themselves and I think that well a lot of times too that that shipping wouldn't be per item it should be it might aaal and these same PL next year will be more money so right right you know but it's kind of as we can get them as we need them any any comment or anything on that Dan no I mean $200 sounds um enough for me okay all right so now roll Jonathan G ion I Bri sedone I I I hiin ey Kevin Smith is an i yeah and then just on that note I'll come up with something for outdoor projects for our next meeting but I'll get that stuff ordered so we have them in the meantime um before we just continue on an old this Dave did you have anything under Financial reports I thought we were pretty level from where we were last time nothing really yeah once we had November once we see matching funds and things like that one more all right so next we have review discuss an act the application of eligibility for the Dayan Housing Authority project that was um we took under advisement last month I don't have an update I did send an email out to Robbie dusa the director and I haven't heard and I did request you know more information inspection reports or any documentation around the condition of the building specifically the windows but I haven't heard the back yet have you talked about all that no we usually have a meeting with Tuesday but now it's at the end of the month okay not talk all right yeah I do have an email out to her so I don't know if you catch her in passing or or anything if you could just let her know if she has that that way we can kind of move that at w come to a final determination on that so next under new business um we have review discuss and act the community preservation coalition annual dues this year is $875 which is the same as it was last year it didn't go up the year before I think it was $800 and then it went up but at state level to last year um those funds support all the work they do to run their website and staff um have that staff come out and do trainings and all those things that have been supportive by us it's something that I think we've always contributed too so in my opinion it would be great if we continue to do so yeah I think a specialist is in previous months where we've begin to discuss the idea of an affordable housing trust and um I think that the more resources that we have access to to learn how to navigate that going forward that would be good absolutely yeah they've been like absolutely invaluable and getting us all to kind of where we are with the knowledge that we do have around CPA so um Mr chairman I will make a motion that we approve $875 toward the cost of the coalition do I have a second second any discussion hearing none roll call V Jonathan g i i BR I and Higgins I de Smith is I does anybody else have any other new business um the only thing that I'll bring up um under new business that it may or may not come up um in a few is a future project from part wck um we are meeting next Tuesday it's the first time we've met in a little bit but one thing that we're going to be discussing on Tuesday is um the possibility of dedicating the South D playground school school Lane in Palmer Street um in memory of longtime Parks and Rec commissioner and CPC member Tim Timothy ryes um that's something that we're going to we're going to discuss but as part of that too um we're also going to discuss um some level of revitalization of that playground in my opinion it' be terrible to name a park after somebody went that so much work um but we do have you know there's a couple different funding sources that we're going to look towards to to make that happen um but there's a possibility that I have something coming down the play for parks for that going to try to keep it simple it's not it's not going to be not playground it's not going to be a huge project but there may be some some Mas there for myself and my fellow Parks Commissioners so SS great anybody else have any of that new business I don't have anybody from the public so there's any public input so that being said I'll entertain a motion to adjourn I we make a motion to return I will second any discussion all those in favor hi hi thank you Dan thank you night have a good night good night yeah