yes that's it compter Jim y I was tempted to call him back ask him if they're [Music] discriminate you don't come I'm just G shoot all the cats he'll come I think she'd have to plug it into the [Music] okay we all set Lisa you don't know okay we'll assume that it's being recorded yes okay yeah uh meeting opens at 7 3 uh at the Old Town Hall 1111 Somerset Avenue this meeting is Maybe video and audio recorded for cable broadcast and internet uh posting at www.don uh- and YouTube uh would everyone stand please for the Pledge of Allegiance flag of the United States of America to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for [Music] all okay we have uh minutes from the um from our May and June meetings let's do the May meeting first uh uh we have a couple changes that have been made Lisa has the changes if um uh if people are willing to accept what they have with the changes uh please make a motion motion to accept minutes from May 2024 with the um edits that have been made Mr chairman point of order you need to State the specific date of those minutes you said uh mayth May 30th okay said that did he okay is there a second second all in favor hi hi okay next we have um uh the June 20th uh uh minutes I have not red those at all okay so we'll put those aside um okay so we will uh wait until our August meeting to to review the minutes that have been drafted okay uh next on the agenda is we received a letter of resignation from Jason L chance uh from the commission uh is there a motion to accept his uh resignation motion to accept Jason Lance's resignation from the conservation committee second all in favor I okay um now we have the opening of a position of for a new member opening uh what is uh the desire of the commission um I'd like to make a motion to table the new member appointment until the August meeting okay do you have a reason for that um we are missing our Paul Reynolds okay I know he has indicated that he would like to be out of the discussion is there a second to table oh second all in favor I okay uh next on the agenda we have an nrad application by De Dean Smith of new Leaf dton energy storage uh one LLC for maned Lane uh site visit with beta and New Leaf consultant occurred on 5124 beta will be in attendance to present their peer review report issued uh 619 and 712 yes please why don't you stand just stand here I don't know how active that mic is and how it it fits into the TV but uh at least everyone can see you um so my name is Tyler Drew with beta group I'm one of the the permitting team that was on this uh working on this project U so Jonathan Nero was also one of the reviewers who went out with u GZA I believe on July 88th uh to confirm and they made several adjustments to U weon series a uh D and um they found that the um the Wetland still needed in the andr pl to be accurate okay so we have a uh an accurate review from from beta for the wetlands um yes Lisa um so what the comments data made on page five was that the or should docum the presence of the certifiable veral pools so there's certifiable veral pools on the property and I think those should be certified and we should ask them to be certified before we issue the uh if I'm not mistaken they said that they would treat them as certified in in one okay but we can still ask the applicant to certify them all right so we can take their their letter to accept them as certified but make when when you do your your uh review on it or your uh written report you can say we want them certified but I think am I correct and Jonathan's response that they should be certified before we actually issued them U I believe those yeah yeah yep so what it is is it would give natural heritage more information and I think actually quite frankly we should be doing it on all the amrs for thisal pools because their Atlas is going to be coming out soon okay can be more inclusive so how how long would it take them to get their certification done take very long okay I mean there might even be some water still in them and uh there's still a lot of activity I know there is near my house yeah I mean if they took photos right yeah very well documented okay all right so um we can continue it until and request that they certify them before an acceptances is written up okay okay um El no that was all I have okay what I'm looking for then is a motion to continue for the purpose of the applicant certifying the veral pools on site so moved is there a second I'll second all in favor I okay now Lisa you will uh um contact the applicant and right here I will I'll talk to GDA to get them to sub certification paperwork as soon as possible um I would also request copies of De B reports we haven't they haven't been us yeah okay could we could have already started that had yeah that might have been on us um we had a vacation Moran's been out a lot with some family matters so that might have been us okay did you request it from us and we didn't or I had senta okay after I take this with you have yeah yeah that that'll be helpful I can provide it Toc so that they can otherwise on Monday you're welcome okay so so we're all set for now then with you correct yeah okay I I'll let Lisa know as soon as it's complete so that we know if we can come back next yeah yeah our next meeting is August 15 yes hopefully we can just wrap it up think if they think like Tyler said it's just just submitting the paperwork okay thank you next on the agenda is an abbreviated notice of resource area delineation another enrad from K bell bell uh Farms estate seeking confirmation of wetland resources at zero Milk Street uh that's map 17 Lots 109 135 and 208 file number 17- 489 uh site visit between applicant and Weston and Samson uh uh uh being conducted was conducted on 510 scope of peer review Services U for phase three um what do we have on that Lisa so the money was received um and we are just gonna be scheduling that at some point so the applicant requests that it continuous okay um continu but but yes okay is there a motion to continue motion to continue the enrad for K rebello belf Farm estates continue to 8:15 is there a second second all in favor all uh next we have a notice from from ammed Haz or grasshopper okay um this has been continued several times uh they wanted to do work clearing 28 trees within the buffer zone um Lisa what's uh what's happening with this is are you having any confirmation of anything with them requested it uh what I do know is last night we had a joint storm water I should um days um a joint storm water and cywood meeting with the applicant because they were having problems with their basins and they need to Reign them so they move working with West and Samson to figure out what needs to be done and um so I think this por of the project is just on hold but we haven't received anything more and it hasn't been two years so we really can't take it okay motion to continue then is there so moved is there a second second all in favor I okay next we have an abbreviated notice of intent and enrad filed by David E Butler seeking confirmation of wetland resources at 83 3 William Street map 8 lot 20 file number 17- 499 499 um peer review Services received from Weston and Samson uh in the amount of $ 4,720 and contract was signed um okay the Lisa we have is there someone here from that address no they they submitted a they actually responded to W and I think Megan in the middle ofal for us so we still have one response to their coms left from our original proposal so we'll have that okay they want to continue it yeah okay uh David we G to have a motion motion to continue is there a second I second all in favor hi David hi okay thank you boy it's tough getting older speak speak for yourself I haven't left yet all okay is that to a later dat or the next month when that continues next month email's asking me what the amount she needs to pay back 97 22 right I don't know but I know 97 and change you got the paper at home no I had given you the papers I have't the office okay I'll tell them one day okay all right trying to get rid of one okay okay next on the agenda is is an ed application from Antonio ala TNA realy trust seeking confirmation of wetland resources at zero William Street map 21 lot 20 uh plan prepared by riverhawk environmental D file number 17-5 site visit conducted by uh Weston and uh Samson and peerreview Report issued 613 is there someone here representing Lisa have you heard anything on this um yes so there schedule to do uh next phase the U site visit next week next week we receive this one okay uh is there a motion to continue motion to continue to 815 second all in favor I okay we have another nrad application by Tyler Ry seeking confirmation of wetland resources at zero Oak Street map 6 lot 9 133 and 14a file number 17-52 proposal receive for peer review from Weston and Samson at 7150 uh proposal sign site visit conducted 78 do we have representation so I just find that one correction East Point is actually the applicant as well and that wasn't um noted on here but for the record it's e pointy East Point yeah hi good evening my name's Mark berson how you doing Mark good how you doing I'm a senior Wetland scientist with Epsilon associ here this evening on behalf of East Point uh made a presentation last time the commission voted to send it the peer review as as was indicated we had a site visit Wes and Samson did Issue a report um essentially I can go through their comments one of their comments was our table of contents had some errors in the anrad we fixed that submitted a uh a revised attachment a narrative corrected that uh our second comment was that the uh the narrative noted that we have five Ral pools located on the site uh as per our INR application we did document that all of these areas do contain enough evidence to certify them so they're treated as certifiable you know under your local bylaw you your bylaw is more stringent than the well protection act obviously provides these areas more protection in that from the edge of the boundary of the pool you establish a 100 foot um area to include that as the veral resource then you establish your your disturbance zones no disturbance Zone off of that uh so the comment was they wanted to know if we plan to certify these pools we uh our response was that we did not because uh East Point Energy is leasing this land they're not the land owner um didn't believe we have the authority to do so but given the discussion on the last anrad I mean we would consider we've discussed we would consider certifying them if that was the if the commission issued that in in order um you know in part of the orad if the commission suggestion would be to put that as a condition that we do certify them within 30 days we submit the paperwork we provide copies to the to staff um we're we're willing to do that I think that doesn't really change the jurisdiction of the protection that's to these areas but if that's something certified does uh up at a notch uh for the town and and for what national natural heritage sure put some on the map we understand okay are we all set then with this yes so it would be 30 days from the date of issuance because I mean it might even be 21 days before we issue the over so and I comfortable do you think something you should do put it in the I think if it's in the that's fine a condition we will start preparing the packages now so as soon as we get the oide we'll probably be within the 30 days we'll submit them the natural heritage and okay as you know they take copy you guys we submit them to them and then as you know they take typically 30 days to certify and the town ends up holding the records once they're certified okay and if it and if it takes longer you guys W if they say they want you to go back in the fall or anything like that you guys are willing to do that what do you mean go back in the I mean if any if they come back and say it's too dry for us to look at it right now I mean we did our field yeah we' we've got our so there's actually two years of documentation um VHB um identified these Wetlands originally on this project say back in 2022 um and then East Point contracted us to come in this year so we had bhb's Wetland report so we actually have two years worth of data and photos on these areas so I think we have more than enough documentation to to certify these pools with natural heritage great okay so yeah that's good a motion to um I a couple more samon a couple more comments okay sure sure can sir and uh third comment number three was um we had provided Wetland donation data forms for eight of the nine Wetlands um it was suggested that we should fill out another data form for the ninth um you we did we did provide we didn't think it was necessary to do another documentation form for ninth Wetland is the criteria that we used to flag that was very similar to three or four of the others we did describe a narrative and the regulations don't require that we that we submit a form for each I mean we could if the commission really wants us to but Weston and Samson did review the Wetland lines they didn't there's no flag was moved they've agreed with all of our lines we didn't move one flag so they've just in essence reviewed all all of our lines and agreed that everything is accurately delineated okay transition it's yeah nine was sorry nine was that is isolated area right in the middle of of the transmission line Corridor um and it's right next to another area the same exact looking area criteria they're both isolated they're both run the pools they both have Button Bush in them and essentially just isolated depressions right away a lot of the on were exactly the same so makes sense I'm comfortable with that okay are you have any more I got two more okay don't forget to ask yes I will okay uh one of our Wetland donation forms didn't check off the hydric soil indicator we we did that we corrected that form to check the right box and resubmitted that form a chance to look at it I have not um and and the last comment was something that we talked about last time it was just a note that based upon massgis data the site is in an area mapped as an outstanding resource water a watershed for outstanding resource water um that that is correct I mean we did note that and talk about that last time so um basically from a well protection act perspective out stating resource water uh they're defined by 314 CMR uh four which is the the qu surface water quality standards and so class a outstanding waters are actually listed um each Watershed has a listing of waters that are class A Waters um none of the stream on site there's only one stream it's an intermittent stream um that stream is couple orders of magnitude up gradient of any of the water bodies in that wed that are list as Class A Waters so um again regardless it's really not an inrat issue we know that's an issue it's so noted um if we do proceed with any development on this parcel and we do file an noi we'll have to you know have that discussion later on and go through that discussion at that time so really nothing to do there we're aware um that's kind of the issue on outstanding resource Waters and that again uh no Flags removed W and Samson agreed with all of our flags um and we appreciate the the thorough review get out there on a hot day and uh had an early start of it but that's that's it so I I think that you know with that there's no additional information that we we ow the peer reviewer and happy to answer any questions first of all anybody on the commission have questions anyone in the audience have questions St committee uh what is the intent use of this property and how uh right now there's so the the intent use of this project is being investigated trying to determine you know what a future project could look like on this site right now the purpose is just to set jurisdiction and work with these Point Energy to to determine what they want to do on this property PE point energy as in like solar boms or something like that they're Renewable Energy company so some form of renewable energy is being potentially considered how many are you looking at in least property well the entire project site is Le roughly 37 Acres okay um so at this current time important step is to set these jurisdictional boundaries to see you know what is usable or what we can could potentially do with a this project site so I I don't know you know out of the 37 um some of it's unavailable because it's wet ones we have no disturb zones so I don't know whether have you come to the planning board yet or too soon too soon okay okay thank you is there anyone else in the audience okay ma'am my name is ier Street um couple questions I saw a lot of discuss pools there is aook on site how you doing Mr f the stone head wall going right through the stone wall that's there so it back those mes look yeah let me see it no okay [Music] the 71 okay I can't answer that still doing things old school um right and actually you know thank you for pointing that out because that was actually a comment that I missed in in the letter I was trying to scan through the letter so one of the comments was that there is an intermittent stream I was anticipating that West samon was gonna make a a big presentation so but there is an intimate stream channel within board system two which is up at the front of the does have an intermittent stream system that comes through somewhere through here one of the comments was um you know we should assess the stream it's an intermittent stream it uh you know in some instances it does have a very defined Bank there wasn't any flow in it at time of our site visit um and then the other places it just sort of has braided flow or sheet flow through the Wetland where it then re channelizes so we do know it's there I do recognize that land under I mean intermittent streams do have a bank and land underwater we're not asking the commission to uh include that as part of their inrad determination so I guess you'll have to note that the commission didn't didn't make a jurisdiction or determination on the location of the stream channel itself if we do have a noce of1 filing down the road we would have to then locate Center Lina stream so that we can identify where bank and land underwater is and identify any potential impacts or performance with standards then and then at that point I would assume your peer reviewer could also review that we've accurately depicted the extent of of the stream channel within that system and bank and land underwater really our main our main focus here on the inrad is to identify the edge of vegetated wetlands and the and the other setbacks so we can um determine what we have for usable area and see if we even have a viable project site for for a project for renewable energy project so having walked out there for a bit also and it'sit there um the extent of wetlands it's so we're the large property on the top right hand corner of this presentation um is and again obviously about by having that identified anyway like that but I think it's it's a little underestimated I took lots of pictures out there of Swamp Cabbage and blueberries and all different stuff out there so it's just concerned because if the project goes forward where is the storm water going to go and that's going to I'm dowr at that so I'm a little concerned is how that that happens and the vertical that is number one which is on sheet number nine in your ke plan um that is we live there 35 years it's never been dry I don't know if it's Springfed it is certainly in a in a basin but it is dry and we have a small fish pond on our property frogs up here from no in that pool so I'm guessing they're coming from that again whe splittings it's street so that picture is a little hard to capture but the W is flowing and it's about 12 in deep I agre that it is more PL old than in bment but nonetheless and then we have some old property information that also shows an EAS for bran and I didn't PL it out exactly there's a call here but if they ploted it then it's it's been of a concern for a while even sure and I don't know who's if that eement it's just on paper or ever was enacted on but clearly is for the concern has anyone l in to see if the drainage is on the the property a drain adment I I don't know I don't we so we we're having an ALT survey done now we'll have some more features later like I said our main focus on the interat application was just to set the edges of of these vegetative Wetland resource areas to also you know sort of qualify these as as veral pools so we know what the correct offsets and jurisdictional statuses of them I mean again if if the commission want really wanted us to add the stream in and that was something of concern at this point um you know we we would continue and go ahead and go locate that and do that as part of this process however you know if you noted that in the oad that you didn't certify that or you know set that jurisdiction we'd have to do that at a later date if we did propose a project I mean this this stream this stream's not going to have any additional setbacks and again like I said we're just trying to identify edge of vegetated wetlands then subsequent no disturb zones and and 100 foot zones and established Ral pool zone so we could understand um what we have for Upland area here um and potential for to look at some different site design options very early in the design process okay could you give a copy to the commission of that e of that easement would I hand us some DRS should be they should be able to do this when they do the survey but I do have a concern say this project doesn't forward and we approve an R right an Old Rad I want I would want to make sure that it's inclusive because who knows who the next yes Ona yeah I mean even doing this you guys know Jack you know what I'm getting at so okay also suggestions in this drawing so it's showing heavy green coloring on the wet LS which is fine no no issue about that but what it does is obliviate below that color and in that area where that Brook is there's like four or five nearly larger rabits you need heavy there's no like pushing them out the way they are good landmarks for benchmarking anybody going out there it's I don't knowbe 200 ft away from the corner Cy corner so I mean it's one of those things that that Brook was right there uh in that area there's some really large pine trees that have flipped over those are obviously subject to going away but the water table even with smaller rocks in the area the water table was right below surface you can see it just in the way soil P back from Rock a lot of the trees are elevated yeah so um we still Megan here presentation anyway right okay I mean Mark did a great job going through most of my comments the only one I would add to it is just that we did observe an Eastern Box Turtle while we were out there there's a photo of that in the letter report it's not in concern um but that's just something it could be reported yeah okay you could specifically request that W Samson is reviewing site when they revie sites they can report any spe said so this we have to ask you guys if you were okay with that I'm at this point I don't know if what you got I kind of feel like maybe we need a little more information but we an explanation of little more information before we approve the what is just specifically what information I mean I think dra do the drainage really Wetland or is it drainage you know there so all all of the from a drainage perspective all of the areas that are shown here are n natural BBWs um you bard of vegetated wetlands um you know I I didn't recognize any drainage easement there again it's it's an inrad to set Wetlands related jurisdiction um if and when we have a notice of intent filing we'll have to consider full storm waterer design that considers drainage at that point in time we'll have full surveyed plans um I I do understand your point on the stream and again that's something that we will have to consider also during design so I think that you know as we're talking about it it it's worth the extra effort to go ahead and locate C line of that stream and include land underwater and Bank as part of the as part of the inrat application and then again we can start working on the certification forms to get that get those packages going so have that all cleaned up and in for the August meeting perfect okay any other okay now so we have to approve the request that they've already uh given the money yeah okay because the Weston and Samson um gave their proposed budget uh even prior to this so they could get going we need an approval of uh 7150 at $7,150 for peer review by Weston and Samson uh and a formal vote because the contracts were already signed yeah and we we got to go back in the other ones we already went through I okay is there a motion on that so move is there a second no second all in favor I okay now is there a motion to uh close the hearing you want to continue yes pleas agree yeah okay we agree to continue Mr chair sorry to interrupt but I just also want to follow in uh Lisa had asked me a question about the observation form and so on behalf of East Point Energy we have no no objections to West and Samson a species observation form okay motion it was it was as we were approaching to review the boundary here of this Wetland 2 area it was this in this area right in here this this quadrant site okay so we need a motion to continue motion to continue to 8:15 second all in favor all right okay you have good evening thank you m you back and go back open I know we had a continu for the last one Williams Oh that's 1920 yeah okay um okay on the previous um so we have to reopen well we we never closed it it was just um continued um okay is there a mo okay going back one item is there a motion to request or peer review $1,920 um to the ined application from Antonio almea so moved is there a second second all in favor all okay so that was okay so that's peer review okay moving on uh to the B very bottom of the to Butler I'm sorry you got go to Butler and to mil Street minute okay all those uh we got we got a head on them then um okay I'm going up one more to um an in Red by David D Butler from David D Butler and that was peer review for $472 well that contract already signed but yeah you guys might have already voted on but go ahead so move noton second all second all in favor I okay are we all set with all those Ian I mean we were very maybe extremely efficient [Music] gr so that one is we just don't have an exact money amount just yes we do on the agenda just monies now which one is this this is B Farms this would be the May 21st 2024 [Music] um contract with West Samson so just so everybody knows we're not spending Town tax money on this this is the consult the consultant is working for us the T riew consultant but the applicant putting up the money for the so it's called process um is $4,300 how much it's phase C for Milk Street and it's [Music] $4,300 okay um under the N red uh INR for Bell farmer States peer review uh fees of $4,300 is there a motion so moved second all in favor iorry all right moving on okay uh notice of intent application by Lee Castanet LBH Hunters Hill LLC to construct the community center with Associated Mbox parking lot pool and sports sport how we doing along with Associated clearing inating doating at Hunters Hill map 21 lot 66a 78 12 uh 23 3746 and map 22 Lots 5 uh 6-2 map 23 Lot 8 a portion of the work Falls within jurisdictional Wetland resources uh uh I do you have a file number that came in one not yet [Music] okay can make okay I don't know if you okay Jack I don't know if You' seen these hey thank you very much Brian pinch hitting for Evan Watson W engineering uh today Lee cassm from homes is also with me the proposed project involves the construction of a clubhouse Center to for the uh Reserve at hter Hill subdivision which I'm think you guys are all familiar with yes we had a few uh months that's right um so the proposed Clubhouse Center which consists of a community center uh small parking area a mail center uh a pool some sports sports and surrounding Landscaping has been designed so it's greater than 100 ft away from the bordering vegetated Wetland systems within the surrounding area in addition to greater than 200 ft away from pools the surrounding area RDA for the sport um proposed work activity is proposing to alter approximately a 4,000 square foot isolated vegetated Wetland that's protected under the bylaw only it's not a state jurisdiction Wetland that wetland is immediately adjacent to Clubhouse Drive which just recently got paved um so it's immediately adjacent to the existing roadway uh it's a lowquality wetland and what is being proposed as mitigation to offset those is a pretty extensive restoration plan um sorry I don't have a large board but um that that's the area I've highlighted in green here um about an 8,000 square foot replication area to the see uh okay here's the roadway so you got that okay this is the the area lined in green uh no no no this is your building all right here it is the restoration is over here okay so the um in the restoration of the 8,000 s fot Wetland replication area uh occurs at the souly Terminus identified a small pocket of burl pool type habitat where there were some wood frog egg masses breeding in this specific location uh this area and you can see on the old tree line here was was previously Disturbed as part of that original uh start of the project uh back in the mid 2000s uh and this area was incidentally excavated out and reverted to being in Wetland um and where we're proposing the Wetland replication area is currently the uh former access road that cut through this area uh if you recall the central portion of the site had a number of house Lots proposed that were ultimately abandoned given the presence of the wetlands and vernal pools within the area and so the intent is also because this is just a small little ver pool pocket that was incidentally created uh created larger more purposeful veral pool habitat that's that uh Contour 147 uh in addition to additional wet appliation that's going to replace the existing dirt roadway in that footprint the vegetated sale that you see here was previously permitted as part of the overall drainage system for the subdivision um it flows down to a kind of like a steing basin and a catch Basin that um connects to the larger drainage system and the pre-existing storm water basins um storm water from the clubhouse Center uh is going to at least the souths side run off directly to that vegetated sale otherwise it's being redirected to catch Basin within the roadway connecting to that previously constructed storm water basin um the in comparison to the reconfiguration of the subdivision there's been a significant net decrease in the prvious surfaces of what was formally approved originally as uh roadway Andor house Lots I think Evan had listed in the narrative it was on the order of 114,000 square feet plus reduction um so it's just kind of basically a retrofit of the storm water management uh less impervious surface less runoff and what the location of the community center effectively allows is it's been cited immediately adjacent to the Clubhouse Drive roadway uh that allows for greater uh contiguous open space areas directly to the West it's the central open space areas and provides more habitat connectivity and protection for the Wetland system surrounding buffer zones Upland areas and vernal pools that we previously have noted in that area uh again that this isolated Wetland is low quality imately adjacent to the roadway it's got infrastructure right up against the edge of it fire hydrants water lines Etc um you want to add anything but I I'll turn over to questions if there are any any uh I don't have any questions at this time no not at this time we uh you your file number has to be coming in on this and um uh we'll have maybe more questions coming up at our next meeting yes and do you mind if we ask yeah I ahead what administr comment I asked if we could have Mitch review because nich was involved to begin with and he said it's been he thinks it's been too long period at this point and West is on Prime contacts unless NCH is gonna go as a sub under West time on our part n n to do to have somebody come in new and start a drainage evaluation on a project of this magnitude from scor just to interrupt you the other thought is that because W's going to review it for planning board so any time we have a project that involves more than one um board or committee now it's always going to be less than because that's what the contract it seems grossly unfair and unreasonable both cost-wise and TimeWise particularly on the drainage side of things we've got a continuity with ecos yeah ecosystem solutions that did ecosystem Solutions and Niche that did all this uh all PR all these Services have all this data done on the drainage analysis for the entire project that this is just supplemental to and I again it I Sam you want to have your own conversation with the Town Administrator or I don't know you want to about I like the town administrat what planning the other but for for these continuity and not that having to duplicate for the planning board do you uh need a peer review I don't [Music] know committee when I hear uh I'm familiar with site because we've been there but um when I hear retrofit the original stor water system automatically it's telling me it's going to have to be reviewed uh for storm water and it is west the Samson working in conjunction with the planning board and Hong they're going to be doing work for you I will tell you this when West Samson comes into an existing project they don't start from day one they're going to ask for the data that is currently on file and they will look at that file and then from there they will look at the site and the new plants we've gone through this with storm water uh project solar farms and they don't stop from forget everything that happen they're going to ask you for records and that's where we stop so there should not be duplication by the same token when they get through doing their report or reports because there are at least potentially three different committees commission boards involved they will cover all of the areas that we need information on so that when that report gets issued planning is going to have their info storm water's going to have theirs and you won't have to bounce around in place place okay 're going to we have to continue it because of file lack of file number that's number one and so if we do a uh request a peer review uh we we'll have to check in and um for you to also contact planning and the risks so everything is done at once well it they didn't file with planning yet but the point is Weston and Samson will already be familiar because of it's an inter Department review in some sense we're not asking for delation riew I told them we don't need that no we already have the order conditions for the entire site correct yeah okay so we would need a review for storm water of course and and you don't have a town engineer I'm not an engineer I'm not comfortable with the calculations and all that okay all right so our portion of the review then would be what our question of you is to the notice of intent the storm water rep the drainage calculations okay so so if if we if if storm water is in our report that's going to take care of your committee as well so that's going to be two right out of the way and then planning board you're going to have to go to them and see what they need so we'll get it all covered at once okay now I don't know how you would come up with a fee since I think that you know I again I I don't know how you know the fee would be divided uh how that would work or if the fees is all held in one committee one commission no it's not all okay so we would do our separate one yeah and they would do theirs yeah and you would accept ours no what will happen is there will be W will put together a proposal and they will indicate to each committee board commission what the cost will be to provide the info you need the info planning needs and what the info is storm water needs it may all come come out in one report but they will focus on the needs of each committee but again they are not going to go back to before the ground was even broken in the case of star water they're going to look to see what was there and what was approved and what the modifications are that they're planning okay same thing with planning board uh the project un approv but there's going to be some changes so West and Samson will be looking to see what has changed from the original approved plan and in your case it's it's what differen may have may occur because of what they're proposing and not as again they don't duplicate work by the same token when this when these three components come out they will be cost associated with each one because we have to keep the fund separate planting storm water conservation and they will build it that way so that work they do for storm water will be paid out of that but it's a simple when it's as simple as one person coming one time or one visit doing everything no I I wouldn't say it's that simple what they're going to give you is an outline of field work they have to do site visits if they have to do them meetings if they have to attend them and they'll break them down and come up with a cost so that the the uh person owning the project will know ahead of time what's going to be provided and when that proposal comes in we're all obligated we the town we're obligated to look at it to see if our own specific areas are going to be covered sufficiently like if I want to come to a storm water meeting or you need them to do a presentation and it can be by Zoom but that will all be in there and it will clear okay I will say we may share some of this last night um uh I was at uh uh not last night uh planning board meeting because they were acting yeah it was last night we were acting on a change in the Brook Street Sol and drainage system and St want had a joint meeting because we wanted to see what happened as the turned out planning did approve it now we have to go through the day period and all that storm water based on what happened last night will approve it so we were all together in that we all shared information on that particular project so I'll I see this happening on this too okay there will be sharing yeah so I do have the proposal that came in um so but the only thing I would say is um and aan had mentioned this to me so we should send over what n already did for review and then but the proposal amount for review of the application package preparation of the memo and attendance at a meeting um including review of the project site plan um based on notice of int is see 6140 no 645 6,415 but if you guys end up providing the itch information to them we reduce it right we'll provide that tomorrow as I have contact information well I'm yeah Town Hall's not open tomorrow but if I'll give maybe my car she can contact me I'll give her Evans contact information they they can correspond with each other yeah that would be a good and Cofe wanted it as well yeah but he didn't send it directly to her he had actually that's why the number wasn't assigned he sent that to DP she reached out to him and asked him for that yesterday and he sent her the storm water and drainage reports and um she had just had to have proof that they were in existence okay and then she indicated the number will be assigned on Monday yeah so it might very well be that like their estimate doesn't change from the 64 15 but if at the end of it there's money left over obviously you get it back you can you can motion to approve that yeah pleas that's okay I'll provide you with that check on yeah we don't want to forget to do that okay so we're g to put this to a peer review question I'm sorry I said I have a question go ahead a butter and I don't understand exactly where you're petitioning it on so I would like see the diagram to understand where you're putting the PO and the stuff sure I just couldn't quite figure that out so I that was my question before you vote on anything I just in case I have more questions well it's going to be voted to continue that's so it'll be next month as well okay okay all right um okay so we're going to put it [Music] to can I make a motion now uh let's let's wait till in case we have because we're going to need Weston and Samson and then a continuation so this is going to be mainly scrum water and okay uh Lisa so what we're going to need is is a a motion to have Weston and Samson do peer review correct but Megan just gave me some more information too yes our original proposal was based off of the information that was provided which for water report calculations were not provided so once we get that we can take another closer look and give a more um more exact proposal if that makes sense to okay okay so we need a motion to to contact Weston and Samson for peer review price well they already provided one so a motion to um yes that's fine okay is there such a motion so moved second all in favor now a motion to continue the hearing until 8:15 motion to continue hearing to 8:15 second all in favor all right all right okay thanks so much all right see you next month have a good night Lee thanks okay we have a notice of intent from Robert and Carol uh nlet of uh zero Maple Swamp Road to construct a proposed bar and yard a portion of the work Falls within the jurisdictional Wetland resource uh file number uh 17500 that seems like a that number F number no that that's a wrong file number has to be okay because alme has that one on um William Street okay hold on oh 507 you're right 507 good catch chairman good catch uh peer review was needed and W's Samson proposal was received uh in the amount of $6,100 uh the we received the money on 7 uh 15 now do we have to vote on on that uh um um I did not I don't believe because for dou the accounting department waiting for dou which just came in yesterday but yes you need to vote on it okay a vote to have Weston and Samson to um to do a peer review in the amount of $6,100 so moved second all in favor I okay and that will be uh no one's here on there right so we'll be continued until 8:15 a motion to continue motion to continue to 8:15 we did have a lot of just so you guys know we had a lot of others calling questions but I told them all continue yeah but no one's here that's okay we can't discuss it if they requested it continue okay um on the floor a certificate of compliance request motion on the floor I thought we already did the motion no wait until a second not to continue I second as to continue vote call the vote uh you made the motion seconded all in favor I okay request for a certificate of compliance from BWC Greenbrook LLC 903 Treemont Street and 624 Middle Street Western Samson has been contacting and provide us with peerreview Services um $5,750 was requested for peer review on 7324 Lisa can you we're waiting the I'm here for that great is in the mail we be here Monday sounds good okay and um now we have to vote on that amount to to accept that amount of money um yep okay a motion is needed to accept uh Weston and Samson's peer review contract in the amount of $5,750 so moved I second all in favor I okay um you're not here to deal with anything on it or to talk so I just kind of here that ask a called so once the checks received and the uh review is complete is that going to have to then we'll have to come back for another meeting vote for the acceptance of the COC yeah all right and then and then then it will be um certificate compliance after that just I'm new to Massachusetts I'm just getting familiar with the process this here okay all right and our accent all right perfect okay do we have a motion to uh continue motion to continue to 8:15 second all in favor hi um so Megan and I both have disclosures that we submitted based on ethics um disclosures form 23 B3 right yep so um I as a consultant had worked for I the yeah I'm not with that but yes yep um so just disclosing that um our our company works for them they are clients however I was not involved in this project should be able to right um mine's a little more complicated um so you guys know here [Music] when the to for the you know approval of the notice of intent um but now you know they are asking for a certificate of compliance and in fact ironically I've been working in secon as the interim agent as of recently um and Weston and Samson is the representative for Blue Wave or should I say clear what they called over there oh is it some sort of LLC C oh have another name greenbook BWC green book yeah no it's a different in in C blue wav is calling it a different company in any case won and Samson is the applicant's representative and I've been asked by the D conservation sorry the C Conservation Commission to to um to be involved with the review of it they will also have a consulting firm reviewing it as well but as the interim conservation agent over there I've been asked to be involved so I called the state ethics commission and they told me exactly what I needed to do and I'm in the process of filing the form 20 3b3 a disclosure of appearance of conflict of interest to you're not going to vote on this project right no but anyways I'm submitting it today and I'm submitting it to C so that if anyone had any concerns or anything that's what's [Music] going sounds fun yeah okay Pap work okay and you you're doing what you have to do work okay all right so um we are continued till the 15th all right see you guys later okay thanks Greg okay we have the draft of the uh conservation bylaw changes um anything uh okay we don't have anything on that now table till 815 okay uh second on the table did anyone have anything more to add to that to that or no I mean I don't think so me did I give each of you last meeting a copy of so these are the exemptions that are in the wetlands protection act and we were talk about adding those as exemptions on our local bylaw um another item that we should add um in talking s water committee is they would like also like a copy of applications when they get submitted to us so we'll add them to the list of people you have to submit an application to or Department we just need to be notified what's coming down so if we have to follow up to find out if they need a stor water permit because if I don't come to a meeting or something I don't really know what's happen okay um Lisa the the letter we we have here a draft for the um Town permitting authorities didn't we already deal with that um to the selectman no Oh I thought they had to checked the box when they was going for permit wait you're skipping over we're not talking about the B anymore uh no that's just one so okay so can we get something uh all typed up with with the changes in different color ink I'm hoping but the morning has been here very limited hours so I don't know okay hopefully because we want to vote on that next meeting to submit to September right yeah yeah okay I'm I'm going on to the um we did submit uh form to the selectman and to Jim on this on the uh Town permitting or or is this something a little bit different now okay coordination between Town per we took that other item off the list because we did submit it and we're going to put it on the board select um this is different so we'll talk about that what you're talking about on the public input okay all right this is this is the the issue of town permitting authorities and project basically coordination between boards based on current B um there was a draft that came out by the planning board and Mike Mullen and we're supposed to be discussing it but so far the only one that's provided any input after reviewing it was Paul at a meeting remember no a couple months ago so did we take that off the agenda yeah this was discussed last night at planning board and it was taken off their agenda was taken off yeah jef cavalo wasn't y really he got there late so they took it off the agenda okay well I mean um okay so we'll remove it from uh I think until maybe we have another Town Administrator maybe the issue just kind of lays okay well then we'll just remove it for the next month then from the agenda okay okay uh request for a laptop purchase yeah so did a little research with the IT person the town uses so Chris sent me a um a link and he said um Del updates their deal section regularly so the link may only be available for a few days but the laptop is somewhere around $430 plus taxes delivery well we wouldn't have taxes okay so plus deliveries and we'll need Microsoft Office for 105 and then we hour of set up and updates for install for V antiviral and um wait wait this this isn't just tie in uh with with a I mean I get a computer at home I just uh push a button and and it remotely ties in no he's a consultant and he needs to make sure we have all the Mal wear and firewall protection and but now okay is this is this a town employee Chris no he's a consultant with the town he's from nrpc he does all the it work so is he under contract with the town yes yes so then we if we buy the uh uh computer then then the town should take care of the setup rather than us paying for it oh each individual board and committee get judged so anyways I that's what I was getting at you have an IT budget it would come out of that we have a what budget it we got it okay should a lot more we got so many budgets that uh I need to talk to the TA then uh okay so Lisa how much are we going to have to spend um approximately [Music] $910 okay and this would come out of what account if we need a laptop uh to be frank I can continue to keep using my phone or and my iPad um I don't have a problem with that but when Megan that she was using her personal laptop coming to meeting I don't think that should be I don't think she should have to do that but she may not have to keep doing the minutes after tonight anyway so should we uh put this on hold then put it on hold okay uh motion to uh table so moved so I can in favor I I okay uh we have payable uh bills payable okay all right so now we're under um updates have to do those next meeting she wasn't around to that stuff for okay right all right um all you're on as far as the um okay yes so 237 one County Street I'll give you guys an update um Mr sent an email today I'm going to read it for the [Music] record John Z Jack the attorney he said good morning Lisa on behalf of my client I request to continue tonight from tonight's heing we this is under 2371 count yep to August hearing I will be emailing you the revised afternoon and this will give the commission time to review the let me know if you any questions thank you John okay so so the revised plan is coming in and I responded I'm just reading it for the record okay yeah thank you John the next meeting is Thursday August 15th at 7M level town hall 11 Somers du to the request for continu it would make more sense if you if you for you to present the revise plan at the August 15th meeting when I receive the revised plan I will review it and send out to the commission members the individual reviews but they will review as a commission and discuss at the next meeting August 15 and possibly act on it as well assuming are satisfied I look forward to seeing the amended plan based on our discussion with commissioner Dave Phillips Jr associate member Abel Mariano yourself and I at our June 17th plan review meeting hope you're spending more time inside and outside in this we Lisa so I also got an email from Mr ZJ I also represent Mr wh sorry that yeah M the list um yeah so I think it hasn't come in hasn't okay not yet okay well if he said you might get it to might come in tomorrow then or whatever all right so let's continue that until 8:15 y motion needed do we need a mo no we don't really don't need a motion okay all right on on Horton Street um we've had some ups and downs on that and uh I want to make sure that I have the right zero Horton Street um this is uh up by the church right Lisa make sure I got the right one okay I I received a phone call that the that the sale has gone through but he was uh busy uh doing um uh fairs and uh he wasn't able to come for this meeting I I don't know if he's in New Hampshire or Vermont but he was very excited and I was excited for him as well we all that's uh Mr Buffington and uh uh so I I know that when when he comes back we'll see him in either August or September and uh we will have his plan because I know the plan is is ready to go we don't have it yet but it will be forthcoming okay um 1420 William Street um we can probably take that off I haven't heard anything maybe they're up there draging fan I don't know if next time you're at you can ask him if he's decided to dredge it or not um but we did send a letter out to him on May 2 regarding clarification of agricultural exemption requirement okay all right so we can take that one off okay uh 1033 Oak Street yeah so that one we did receive and I surprised here to discuss it but we did receive a mitigation plan which I have not had time to look at but um if anybody wants to look at it can certainly look at it I wouldn't do right now um you want to take a home look at it I'm assuming will come to the next meeting okay so that's um oh does anybody want a copy to bring home yes I do okay please thank you 15 all right we're on okay can we continue to Wheeler stre yeah uh no update on that the building permit is just sitting in the cube okay uh that one too or w i mean maybe we should keep that one probably keep it okay let's go to 1334 tront okay um so we had asked him to be in attendance at the last meeting and I guess he checked out on this um this is uh the new house on the uh okay I mean I go by there often and uh uh um he's he's putting something way in the back out of the new owner yeah the new owner outside but the area is all grass in in the front and grass looks good very good yeah so the concern is really just is the veral pool gonna come back yeah so I think we should leave it on the agenda because we did ask him to come back and he has not okay 2470 Pleasant Street we did a we did a site visit it sounds like um the owner has contacted outat to prepare restoration plan which is good news yeah he was very very accommodating and he was yeah and uh um I'm sure that we'll be hearing from him with with with this plan very shortly right okay um 710 Center Street I did leave him a couple of messages I have not heard that um so I think it's just kind of confused us so we got to go um I'll try to call again next week what tomorrow okay uh 880 hot Street and let's back up though has anyone seen any activity there it still looks the same still looks the same I drove by the um I was by there the other day um you know you know his nice old truck that was in the driveway that I mentioned it's actually popped on the the other side that is the only difference that I saw just letting you know 10 1070 Smith Street yeah so they did get our consultant List It looks like they reached out to Zenith they asked if delineation would be sufficient and I said um well it depends seems like you probably need some sort of restoration as well so did they go into the wetlands or just in the buffer they're definitely in they definitely pay to be in the 25 foot no touch the clearing well they can just have to re replant that area with something yeah so I said I'm not sure if you're gonna need a plan but the Wetland scientist can help you figure that out okay so they'll get back to us y did we skip 880 hot no yes yeah no we didn't you were the one who just made a comment on it no no it was um 710 right oh um so actually we do have an update for that one as well um the owner has rained Mr Z and I responded to him em me today I least I also represent Mr Whitmore I am on board with the continu as well please confirm that there is no need to appear this evening than hi John receive please advise him to attend next month on 8:15 at 7.m level Old Town Hall SU app also be advised of the enforcement requires just a restoration plan by so okay so so that that's for next uh meeting okay thank you Lisa I will let them know you responded okay are we all set we're ready for public input y public input bill I guess you're here yes Bill hi Bill hey how you doing guys good uh oh how about the Celtics how about what the Celtics oh what about they won well I know that but I I need get some information from the commission yeah on the on the sign down at the turn around at the the conservation property that we own okay near Somerset down line Somerset near Somerset yes the sign the tap like right in the middle the sign that's there yeah uh how did that how is that possible how can people put a sign uh conservation um is that is that a um is that the lion club yes yeah no uh little words on the top of the sign says we support the Lions Club I support the Lions Club Nancy supports the Lions Club but these people are advertising their uh the business oh yeah yeah there one on the island right AC one boulard I saw the one in the boulevard because I go by there I haven't been by that one down there only difference is that different sponsors Club is involved and the flowers that they pled different I think it's the same idea as bridge where the like that there and the company that their name out I don't know I don't know donate something to the Lions and I think the Lions okay but now his his I guess what bill is saying is that's on conservation land actually it's in it's in the buffer I'm sorry it's in the buffer that whole that whole turn around now Somerset to the best of my knowledge bill has um uh aided right for a bus turn around they do um you think they brought in Phil for that bill is that concrete footings or anything with that no they they they they've built a nice little block with with with uh paving stones um and filled it with dirt put some flowers in it but uh the first week that the sign was up it was uh arjo's Farm the second week was Paul's custom exhaust uh and now it's an electrical outfitter who's advertising on both sides of the sign nobody had a ke to us I support the Lions Club I always have uh and I have a business I maybe I'd like to put up a sign at the West entrance yeah uh of the of the of the of the new trails you know the one Tom made uh is you know I I I understand what you're saying which which is uh um it's conservation land it's it's h they did not ask permission to do this they didn't no no they didn't we I don't know anything about it back that up one step it belongs to the town of D it does it's assigned to the classication commission the question to the board of selectman is okay was permission given to whether it's the lion I think it's would have been the lion CL did they get permission from the town of D meeting the board of Selectmen to put those boxes there one and the case of the one in Somerset Somerset line yeah Not only would they have needed the board of Select they would have needed the Conservation Commission okay so you got to find out where it started all right uh Lisa could this be a a letter to the selectman and uh in such a a method that can you just send an email can I send an email yeah um yeah okay that would have to now who would that we would send it to they could just put that up yeah okay I I don't know if I have her I must have her email address whater oh Peter Karen okay yeah it I get him somewhere yeah it was brought to our attention it was brought to our attention that that uh private signs have been posted on Town property uh which is also conservation land commercial sign what commercial sign commercial sign okay I I will do that bill I will send it to the selectman requesting if they gave permission because we have we knew nothing about it well if they're going to put a sign on conservation land would you think they would contact hey they they could get they could give us some money I don't I don't think anybody I don't think anybody's paying a fee but I think they are it's a donation kind of thing probably to the probably to the lion I don't know but I think Mr has something to do with all this we took a drive down there and he pointed it out to me recently oh I haven't seen it well I don't want Billboards all the way up the road from the from the no I I hear you through the woods uh and this is a this is a mini billboard I I don't think it's got any place on the commission okay wait minut okay I'm just going to jot down something bill um can you leave that picture with us I can't hear you I never could can you leave the photo can you leave the photo it's his phone what's happening oh that's on his phone can I take a picture of it we said over there know I want it got a good point there yeah wait minute Bill I'm bill before you go I'm going to read you what I'm going to send them good I'll sit right here it's a it's a select man is at that at this point [Music] they you know Tommy probably cover this I hope so like the idea what you gotta do with [Music] the um all right where we at correspondence oh no he's still writing how we doing sir good thank you did you have anything on the one I spoke to you about on S way yet okay here it is a concerned citizen has questioned the advertising mini billboard on Town property near the somerset line the commission had no knowledge of it and we are wondering if the selectman approved it good and just let it go it's at I uh you need to add to that yeah if the select approved it it should come before the Conservation Commission or put a statement in there that that is conservation land yeah okay yeah okay this is why I read it out it carries a conservation restriction and you can't put signs on it yeah both put that and and by the way no one can't come to us for okay if if if approved by if approved by you you're right it's a de restriction where when it said if approved by you meaning the select men okay you you ask them if they approved it so not if you approv by you just stay this is conservation land and it is restrict this land has a conservation restri and cannot have signs placed on now the oneou sign just on the island not okay uh a concerned citizen has questioned the advertising mini billboard on Town property near the somerset line the commission had no knowledge of it and we were wondering if the selectman approved it this land has a conservation restriction and no signage is permitted awesome how's that deal bill I will send it out tomorrow do it thank you for your input take care okay I think we're all done motion to adj uh is there a motion to adjourn so moved okay motion to adjourn is at 8:42 is there a second a second all in favor hi okay I got him did you one fly you attacked me three times I know you