this is the regular meeting of the dayon development and Industrial Commission this meeting is being recorded for replay on local cable access Channel 9 and on the dton YouTube channel I have uh 6 o'clock to call the meeting to order um if everyone would like to join me in the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for stand one under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all um so we haven't met since April we took a break and because our meeting kind of fell right on Memorial Day and we couldn't figure out a an adjusted time so we just took a a break here um I did send out the uh agenda for tonight um I pretty much listed everything under just new business but I wanted to go over some updates since our left meeting and um get some feedback on what other people might have been working on uh the first one is the proposed home by home business BYO revisions so I am finally on the agenda with the planning board for July um and I'll be presenting that to them with the hope that they'll pick it up with whatever ways they might think they appropriate to tweak it and Carry It Forward hopefully for the special town meeting in November um I was thinking about sending out an email to the businesses in town letting them know that we were meeting the planning board was meeting that they would be hearing this in case some of them have input you know some of them may be affected by this so let them know of the meeting date and I'll also put it out on um our Facebook page uh tonight or tomorrow and just personally put it out there and well just and Facebook also do you think it would be beneficial to do that as a joint meeting or no um I was just going to present it okay I mean if people want to come that's fine I don't think we have to like have an official meeting to present it to them it's just present it to them okay all right um and just as a reminder the last time we reviewed it we did scratch from the original proposal the idea of retail um being done out of the house only because and it was we originally said retail for H produced Goods you know crafts and that sort of thing but it kind of ran up against um the idea that you can only have two people like customers there every time as a way of limiting traffic and with retail it's kind of an open do people just drop in it's kind sorry okay it's kind of hard to enforce that if it's just like people are just stopping in to buy stuff so I'm gonna actually present it uh what we came up with to the planning board and I'm also going to present what we talked about and didn't do so that they have the big picture and then they can you know talk about it themselves and maybe maybe they have a different opinion you know so at least give them idea of like what we've discussed both what we agreed on and what we may have disagreed on and that sort of thing okay um the next item on the agenda was the update on the business Spotlight interview so the last meeting in April um they had actually we had recorded the interview with Stephanie sheer from the board of assessors um it took them a long time to do the editing for it and actually had to uh I reminded them several weeks ago I'm like oh I didn't know you were still waiting on that we'll check on it so anyway they've um have since um completed that I believe it's now been published so I'm gonna um publish that on um the Facebook page and we had also talked about asking the town to put it on Town page and soliciting you know responses from people are there additional questions you have that aren't getting answered do you have other feedback um ideally I would like to like have additional questions called select Board of selectors but I mean Board of assessors but I don't want to like on my authority say call the board of assessors so I'll just say reach out to the ddic or you know govern the the town hall or whatever but um we'll see what kind of um feedback we get from that so yeah it was a fun interview I thought it went well yeah the uh Stephanie I know was um was happy with how it turned out and um did you want me to share an update on our next interview yeah I was GNA ask you about that too yes absolutely so um unfortunately we had a our next one which is scheduled for a local home inspection company um it was scheduled the same day as the Strawberry Festival and even though we had booked the building unbeknownst to us the vendors also needed access to the building to set up so we had to reschedule and um then unfortunately we get later into June between the fiscal year close out and mailing out the tax bills it's just it's been uh it's been five gallons of work and a 10 gallon bucket for the last couple of weeks but the um know we're breaking into the last week of June now so the light at the end of the tunnel is coming and um I'm gonna reach out or um I we can reach out to the U to the resident and hopefully we'll have something for early to mid July um and that'll actually I think be the inauguration for the new Blue Screen green screen cable company has you know they their little office there they won't be recording here anymore yeah be downstairs uh just behind where the children's Library currently is in the temporary location they built a beautiful little Studio down there it's really space efficient and they've got the green screen so so we can we can make it look like we're from anyways next one we become a new live for Paris um and then this came up at our last meeting when we were talking about the interview with Stephanie which is that um and it kind of actually goes hand in hand with the um homebased businesses which is we had brought up to the board of assessors and they had talked about it the fact that there are other towns that do exemptions on personal property tax up to a minimum dollar amount um I believe brova has 5,000 some set is 10,000 where for for business small businesses if your total personal property is less than that threshold they're not going to send you a bill you know and part of it is as we were talking at the last meeting it costs the to money to send bills it's not free so Manpower mailing the occasional collection you know there's a point at which it's just you make the town makes no money on sending the bill because the amount collected is less than that so there's some threshold where it's just not worth it period but then there's also just like we want to encourage business and you know what would be an appropriate amount and by state law it can't be greater than 10,000 10,000 is the maximum um but uh I think Paul you had suggested that if we hadn't heard anything from the board of assessors we maybe send them a letter yes um just saying like you know this is something that we think would be good for the town and for the businesses and is this something you plan to revisit and bring forward to you know town meeting and yeah would you like a motion to that effect uh yes um Mr chairman I'd like to propose a motion for us to send a letter to the board of assessors asking if they were currently considering or willing to consider an exemption for uh for minimum personal property where they wouldn't mail a bill and if we could get a general update and open a dialogue with them about it Ty second I'll second okay all in favor okay so um I don't know if you want me to draft that bring it back here or if you're okay with me just writing something up and sending it to them I trust you words it's with okay all right so I'll do that um what else regarding can I add something about the interview you do just would you like to be featured on the spotl I was just thinking about when I was watching it thinking about Stephanie one yes like as a business owner would I be scared about how much money I was going to have to pay if I'm putting down all of this stuff so I'm thinking if there could be examples of how much the taxes would be the personal property taxes would be does yeah I wouldn't I would feel more comfortable that the board of assessors doing that yeah yeah yeah yeah okay and I yeah I would be happy to do like a conversation little breakdown of an example okay yeah or like after you get feedback from did you send it to us to watch or did I just see that I think you just must have just seen it because Paul and I were talking about it because we had been there and with the cable company I think since then they just published it I just found it so right we could even ask because I wonder I don't know if the if a form a form of list that's the personal property um inventory that they would submit is that right then um I don't know if that's public record or not or what people have submitted in the past like this business submitted what it is yeah something like that we could just do an example you could anonymize it take the name off we could find a business owner who'd like to participate feed um that might be a good kind of real world example of this type of business that has this type of stuff pays this amount in taxes um that might be educational and you know this is completely on the board of assessors but I know that you have said in the past that you often have space in your annual mailings um and I don't think you know an education campaign about just reiterating this is a requirement you're supposed to submit this just like you submit your income taxes every year you're supposed to submit this every year right I just think a lot of people just don't know um or they think it's I'm too small to be you know this not doesn't really affect me um so I think you know whether you I don't I mean I don't want to speak for you know your capacity as treasurer and what you can mail and can't mail but it's just the kind of thing that would be helpful particularly going out at the end of the year right before the bills because um with the permission of the board of Selectmen I have the ability to mail any non-political Municipal information that's how the mgl specifically defines it it has to be non-political Municipal information it needs to be approved by the board of selected as long as it meets those two oh the third criteria is it cannot increase postage um however just one insert won't increase the postage been told it's really it's like between three and four sheets um that you start to increase the postage what is your timing for when you send those out um I send the actual billing files right around Christmas that's my Grinch and then I do the um I did the preliminary bills actually on Friday this week I came in on Friday just to finalize those because um what happens is I create a bill file to do the to do them about mid June or mid mid December I I go through I just spot check a handful to make sure the due dates the issue dates evaluations everything looks how it's supposed to based on what came over from the assessors at that point I mail I um I create a compressed flat file format in our software that I send to the bill printer they create some sample bills and then they send me back the samples that I have to review make sure that everything's correct and that there's no data corruption or anything like that and um once I do that I print the samples mail them back to them and then um I I'm required by the law to have a signed affidavit of mailing stamp by the postmaster prior to the uh issue date for the bills so really their timeline is they're pretty good we work with Kelly and Ryan they're very good B printer as long as you get it to them even just a few business days before it needs to go out they don't have any problems so I'm trying to remember when Stephanie said the form of list was had to be provided I thought she had said like the January that's what I believe so but it sounds like how can you send out bills unless you how wouldn't they have needed that before you sent the bills for for them to be for the pre it's for the following year for the following year okay okay so that would be because what we do now is just this year and I can actually give you a good ballpark price in the cost as well because typically we only mail the senior and um disabled voluntary tax contribution forms traditionally we've only done that with the actual billing and and the actuals are the ones that go out in the winter and um this year I did them in the preliminaries because I had just enough and they it was only $370 to to include those and um so what we could do and that was for real estate for personal property we have far fewer and so what I could probably do for I'm willing to bet probably less than $100 is I could probably if we were to do something to the effect of either an informational thing about the the form a form of lists you know we developed with the assessors or um even something kind of like this um that could go out in the personal property I could leave that off of the real estate component and then have have something like this go to just the personal property recipients that way we've really targeted our business owners okay yeah I mean so I'll include that in the draft letter that I sent to the board of assessors being we'd also like to do this but obviously they need to write it edit it this their their thing well you know we're just like saying this is really a good idea to do but this is for you to do that they can work with you on getting it mailed so yeah okay yeah absolutely I'd be happy to do that yeah okay um what else so the next is an update on the um the trifold so um we had been talking about how the town does use a um a marketing firm and that they have a contracted list number of hours that they do but that it's really the town Town Administrator that says like okay we can use this many hours to do this and um and Mike did say you know we had some hours that we could spare so I did meet with them um some middle of May um they had some feedback they did say that um if I wanted to go beyond just their initial feedback it is not covered by what the town has in terms of hours with them so they would charge us for it so um I don't know that we really could afford to do that however where I work they have a rather large marketing department you know where I work um I've just been picking their brains and they've been giving me great you know suggestions on how to do things and they still have more feedback they're going to give me so I did me mail out I don't know if everybody saw the latest version um so you can see that um still has some blanks in there um one of the things that have been recommended and this was by the um the town firm was that we include testimonials from businesses saying you know just a sentence fragment a full sentence that says you know this is what it's like doing business in Titan this is why I like Titan you know this kind of thing so I reached out to a couple businesses in town and asked them if they'd provide testimonials and they said they would I haven't gotten them back yet but I didn't really give them a timeline when I needed it so um I thought I might also if it's either taking a while or we just need more just send an email again to our business list and say we're putting this together if you'd like to submit something we don't have room to include everybody's but we then we can pick and choose and maybe mix it up whenever we reprint and you know pick somebody else's and quick question would you be able to put little QR codes next to you know each of those where you say hey check this check out our Facebook page check out our AB you know what I mean that way I mean everybody uses those QR codes now and it lets people just zoom right in on them especially on with their phone right if you need help with that let me know and just in general I didn't yeah so the social media and um yeah so yeah definitely do that okay I wanted to eat the other day they gave me a little Placer with a QR code on it for menu yeah yeah yeah um so there's few things in in there that I we said we do which we don't actually do we like to do like um I've never been invited to that exactly so one of them is a uh a quarterly business owner or business representative meeting which means probably providing food and coffee and that kind of stuff which take some money um but I do think it's a good idea you know we haven't really gotten a lot of um feedback from the business community in town so you know maybe incentivizing them in some way that just and if it turns into a purely social event for them all the better you know their networking that's great too so um I did see a grant that was available for economic development for educational purposes only I don't know how broad you can interpret educational purposes but it's possible that it would cover bringing businesses in talking them about the town and feeding them at the same time and we could use the money to cover those costs so I just going to pursue that and see if it's uh it's available that's awesome and and I would also say and suggest or um just if you want offer that if you want like score to be there or something like that because if you think about that as an educational thing that's very true you know I mean you know score maybe seed would come you know the same people that were coming you know minus maybe all banks but you know um but yeah those free resources right for small business bar we brought this up last time actually said because I think she's she joins she has a few Civic groups that she belongs to that are sponsored she said we get a lot of sponsors you need money you should go to some of the banks and insurance companies and that's true ask them if they'll disp to sponsor it for us yeah we have a very good relationship with some of the yeah so I think that's also an opportunity love to contribute okay so you know I'll investigate the grant but I'll also maybe come up with an estimate of a ballpark number if we had X number of people show up what it would cost for food and so forth maybe we can find somebody to um to help sponsor and cover the cost for us but I would like to do it ideally every quarter it's a it's not a one-time thing it's an ongoing thing every three months whether it's here someplace else the people businessmen representatives of business can just come in and so it's wouldn't it be nice to do it in the restaurants that we have I think it would be twoo um I thought about that like what it would cost I mean I haven't talked to them but yeah I think that would be a great place so that's great okay yeah um what else we had also mentions in there it just has a TVD but for a website so I did speak with um the it consultant for the town who manages the the town's website he thought it would be very difficult to have a standalone web page not connected to the platform that the town has now for security reasons for other reasons it's just you know there's a lot you'd have to do that's already covered but we could do a redirect page which is because our concern was you know here's the information and it's at it's 15 characters long with you know hashtags and you know uppercase lowercase letters and blah blah blah um and we just wanted something like you know ww do. Titan business people to na right so it would just and that's something something short that you can advertise that people can remember and it'll just take them directly to our page which we can then just work on you know um keeping it up to date and having you know important information out there and that sort of thing I didn't know if people had suggestions about names you know then you just have to go say and say is this URL available I did check they're generally like $45 for three years to purchase a domain name sort of thing so we I think previously agree that that dollar amount is is you know nominal enough we could do that but I just wanted to get some suggestions for names like the actual domain think about that yeah absolutely okay yeah would be looking like a i thinko is more memorable than people are just how about a bit biz there's a Biz as well right so actually do chops now and everything so yeah yeah yeah so any of those yeah and ddic would be paying for a website as they paying for a domain name yeah just a domain name just and it points to the town of dyon website page which we already have we have a ddic page on the town it's just impossible to navigate through the menu to find it so mention the ddic having to pay web page could you get a sponsor to pay for your page and they get free advertising well that ad if we're looking at 45 for three years we should be I think we coulds a year yeah I I love having sponsors to help with events I'm always a little Leary as a town body having sponsors that we then advertise with it just seems to you may not be crossing a red line but it seems like you're you're approaching one so yeah yeah I mean there's something we said for short sweet dayon the other thing is that page right you could have all of the metadata that you want for Google yes to to find right and that's where that's the big benefit we can start tracking number of hits where people are coming from how they're finding us all that kind of stuff which we can't do today unfortunately on our existing page so yeah cool Biz I like dyon D businesses discover dton oh yeah discover D you go okay so if we want just people want to think about that and we can yeah brainstorm and maybe come up with a short list yeah okay you can just check the what's available and give us like three options that you like we actually have to put in put in what you want to check yeah so I need to check D discover yeah but I might not be thinking something that you have that's you know far superior so I like dating business it's like I do know that um Peter Karen at one point ran a business that was a networking group it was I don't know how he commercialized it but anyway he did um and it wasn't dton specific it was like the surrounding towns but his domain was like Titan business or Titan connects or he had a domain name that was very similar to that so I mean he no longer has that business I don't know they it's defunct res sold it or what but um but yeah that's he operated on the same l so um else um so we talked about the uh the website um we wanted to talk about just additional 2024 plans um so while we're at it um I did want to um talk a little bit about Gotham green which is the Hydroponics company that's looking to possibly relocate in Dayton I say possibly because really it's John went out and found them and started talking to them got an interview with the CEO and got them interested um their interests are long-term not shortterm true statement so they're expanding rapidly across the country um and they would like to expand in this area um but it's probably like this is like they they have like five and 10 year plans for expansion so it's not like tomorrow it's it is so this will take some time to evolve um but I didn't know you know without getting into you know specifics about stuff but um I think we did mention here that we had given them a list of sites around the size you know blot air acor that they were looking for that you know just are out there today in in town so that they could start looking at them but yep I the reason why it's not going to happen immediately is because their growth strategy is for the West Coast so they have a lot of plants or places where they grow on the east coast and they're trying to expand out to the West Coast so um they're doing that uh in the meantime I did send them a bunch of information um in had all printed up a nice glossy paper and sent it to them via FedEx um to get their attention um and I did get his attention because he responded and said looks great we'll dig into this when we start thinking about sighting in back on the East Coast so I don't know exactly when that is but um we've got their attention so excellent well done great initiative so I know you um and you talked to me about it in advance but you went ahead and you sent it out there there was a cost to doing that what was how much did that cost was about $80 $80 yeah so it's already been spent um but I do think it's money well worth spent and you know if were everybody's amenable I like to you know have a motion to cover that cost and basically just reimburse John for the for the cost of the The Mailing and the brochures and with the idea that you know part of the idea the trifold which you know I wanted to do after John started this was but we need to start going out there and like targeting people like sticking your nose in their face and say here you know we're here this is what we can offer this is what you know why you should want to come here so we may have more expenses like that where we actually are like we're marketing to specific people and saying we'd like you to come here and so you know you know we may have additional occasions where we've decided to go the extra smile with printings or whatever and kind of thing you know we're not taking them out to dinner probably because we can't afford that but we can you know do something I do have the receipts here so so what's the amount exact amount of the whe well so I don't know the exact I didn't add it up I will add up now though go you keep talking while I add oh yeah keep talking okay we can Circle back you the one okay the other items were um and I think Paul sure you able to make much progress we've been talking about leasing land the town owns for agricultural purposes which they do today already which is a surprise to many people but they do it in a small amount but it is um I didn't know if you had be able to identify additional Lots I unfortunately haven't okay yet but um my schedule's about to open up quite a bit where we July so I will um I while I'll be on vacation the day of next meeting I'm uh only going camping so I'll be a mile Stander so I'm going to try to zoom in okay and uh I hope to have have a fruitful update that time okay and I think we talked about you know ideally there a difference if you said between dirt and soil you know um so just because we have an acre of dirt doesn't mean we're gonna nobody's going to want to farm it but if some of these turn out to have a good AC or nice soil potential so we'll probably you know you and Barbara you know coming through what ever he's provided and saying good good good not good not good so sounds great um I'll give you a combination of uh parcel IDs in the English translation of parcel IDs um the other was um we have been talking I don't know if you've actually um or had a chance to actually do much with this yet but um both incubator spaces places like open Maine down in warart Island which are on a big scale kind of like the gold standard of in better spaces um but what's involved in terms of health codes and Logistics and issues that towns have for actually making things like that possible to people um it there's I wouldn't say there's any issues it's just you work with the Board of Health and the Board of Health is always happy to tell you what to do yeah yeah they just they look at the space and tell you you know like how many sinks you need to have and the type of um shelving you have to have it's to be aluminum and yeah clean are there like I wouldn't say minimum sizes but to be viable are there like I mean you can't have a viable site that's the size of this building probably and make a go of an incubator space they're generally on the much larger scale that no it doesn't have to be no it doesn't have to be okay no I mean it's depend on how many people you want using it are you familiar with hope and M at all I I've never visited it myself but I'm familiar with it yeah oh okay that I mean they've got Refrigeration right commercial refrigeration and so it's a big operation right and you rent out space in their refrigerator you rent out space in their warehouse you know so they've got a delivery you know delivery door and a re receiving and a shipping door I mean you know so that you can come and stuff can come and go um and they also have classrooms so that you know they teach people not only about the trade you know say you're there to bake or something like that but they also teach them about here's what it's you know takes to be successful in business right you know so yeah it's it's pretty good yeah okay yeah so you know I just thinking like it's one thing to like to go out there and attract somebody like that say please come to town but just on the back end like what would the town new to he and be it be feasible for somebody to come to town are there changes in codes are there issues that the town needs to consider before something like that would even be a possibility but it sounds like not really no it's just finding the right venue and the right investor and and somebody that wants to do it yes that me because you have to I mean you have to organize people renting the spaces and the schedule as to you know who's coming in yes the management right of it there something F here what's it Oh I thought you were gonna have a comat oh he was gonna volunteer he's gonna run it um and the other is and I know particularly Ros does this today which is ecotourism but um I didn't know if you had I I tried to I emailed the uh Town Clark a few times she actually emailed me this today um I guess I didn't word my question correctly she didn't answer my question but um I think I'm just gonna go my next step would just to be to go to um I guess the Board of Health again uh because you said a lot of this things like Farm to Table actually having meals and those there of health issues and yeah any anytime you're gonna have food right it just the if you're making the food there then the Board of Health needs to be involved but if you're just having it catered you don't need to have anybody involved if it's going to be like 100 people and it's going to be affecting like Route 138 of 44 then you need to contact the police department because there might be some type of traffic control okay well it just in making sure there ample parking but for the most part you don't it's we a right to farm community do it yeah now where would this be held any you can do it at any Farm I mean just depending what the farm wants to do but I don't even know all the Farms here I only I know Aros I know Under the Sun me Bayberry I think that's it right Bayberry Bayberry don't they they floral yeah that's that's Farm very few Animal Farms left were none right I mean we do have private Stables that's not it that's not commercial Venture but yeah some of them may offer riding lessons yeah yeah okay um else I think that all covers different things we've been talking about doing for the year um we had mentioned ideas for technical support for the town that they could offer to small businesses I don't know John if you had had a chance to look at that no no okay that's fine bad bad bad that's okay um um I didn't have any correspondents uh we have no public input this evening um I did send out the meeting minutes for April 22nd and March 25th there is a u mistake in the April 22nd meeting minutes I left off um Raphael's attendance that night he had to participated via Zoom so I'll redo that um but I would entertain a motion to approve the minutes for March 25th sure so moved moved I have a second second second all in favor I um we have the before I continue do you have a number for us on go screen we get back 8770 8770 okay if somebody would like to make a motion to approve the cost of $877 for the sending of materials to Gotham greens Titan and have a second second second all in favor right so motion passes can a little bit of public input oh yeah oh sorry um I think I told you about this last year we're doing it again the local South Coast challenge uh trying to support local farms Fisheries ranches okay this is actually business in eating two my favorite things I thought about this the other day but but you brought this because it reminded me so I know that you do um Farm stands correct not Indi you do farm stands in other towns but you're di business so why are we I said why we we shouldn't why shouldn't we be advertising where you're going to be at your D business it might be selling in joh of the cape wherever it is you have to go but you know I think we had talked about on our web page having events that town you know businesses are doing events whether it's the grand opening event or whether it's just a special or whether it's just this is where we're going to be this week week that kind of thing so you know I think you know being able to post things like that like you're going to be in cun next week or whatever it happens to be and with your with your Farm Stand I think you know make sense to be putting out there yeah yeah it's agree okay um it just kind of du tails with this but I didn't mean to oh that's okay go right ahead no I just you uh can register to you get for six weeks um we're having this challenge uh if you can consume food that's within 200 miles of your home and uh you'll get a weekly email telling you how you can eat locally and just giving you some tips about you know like how agriculture actually helps with climate change and talking about food waste and you know stuff like that it's educational can you post this in the um Town Hall oh Town Hall I'm sure we could yeah um if I were to walk into Hannahs tomorrow because I know they buy some L don't enough they' buy anything from D but and say where precisely locally are you buying that information you think they' read be able to like one just as a question to them but two it's kind of a push to them to say like hey I want you to buy local and we have farms in dayon so walking in and saying where do you buy local and are any of them in dayon it's just like uh no but we can start you know um but grocery store should be able to provide that kind of detailed information shouldn't they I would think the produce manager produce manager that but yeah I do that like when I I'm looking at their meat I I only buy meat locally I won't buy meat at the grocery store but I'll just go in there and if I see somebody working there I'll so do you have any local just to you know stir the pot are there any you probably only know from personal experience from your own Farm but are there any local supermarkets that carry your produce or produ Farms we sell not we sell our produce um to a place in Providence Urban greens um and we used to sell like Whole Foods and stuff but Whole Foods would rather us deliver to their warehouse and then they deliver to store but I don't like my vegetables to be old when it arrives at the store so we decided to I see not to work with them anymore but the local you know Taunton rham stoping shops Shaws tord um tuis Tel you know to do any of those that you know will provide local produce trys used to we used to sell to them as well Stop and Shop you sometimes sometimes but again they they like it going to the way house first gotcha okay it's it do it's hard for Little Farms to get into those big places because you have the insurance is crazy and you have to have a huge amount all the time and yeah yeah big ERS right yeah yeah they like to let like a Stop and Shop wants to the huge commercial Farms yeah anything else go ahead so yep um I just want to throw this out there um from my work that I'm doing with the old colony History Museum Berkeley beer is going to do a liberty and Union Brew for taunton's Liberty and Union day oh wow and I was wondering would they do it dyon beer right I mean you know because they're a Berkeley beer but they're in Taun right so they already have a name challenge right I mean so can we get them to do a Dyan beer um I don't know they they did an event for seap and they I forgot what they called it but yeah they did a special Brew oh so I yeah so you know um I um I don't know I think his name is G um who runs it and owns it I don't know him personally um but does anybody because if not I mean and if you think that this might be a something I should go knock on your door and maybe ask if it would be doable um I don't mind doing that so when I did a forap was probably for a one-time event like it's not a it was for the our annual conference that was a onetime event like that came up with a BR and the one you're describing for Taunton is a one time event I think this will probably be event related if it was for titon yeah I I wasn't sure I was just gonna you know like throw something out there and ask him what he you know what he thought about that you know are there any diting events where alcohol is allowed I was say how do you get a license to serve alcohol and town you get one day permit from Board of Selectmen yeah yeah Board of Select but I just didn't know whether historically there have been any that we do allow alcohol I think we should be the first the d i sa at the business mixer we had where they did beer and wine you mean the one at aie yeah the Aggie did that themselves they said they got that license but I was thinking about like I cracker Festival no Santa Claus comes no um Touch a Truck no yes the cow chip CIP Festival no um and maybe we're just not thinking hard enough about if we were to approach them we'd want to like and it's for this event that it it makes sense to do it for you know well one of our quarterly meetings that like if we didn't have it at a restaurant is there any local catering companies that we could be promoting their business have them cat the food and then Berkeley beer could Supply beverages let's get Berkeley to give D and rock back and then we'll have a [Laughter] brew um yeah know I mean if we serve liquor at a quarterly businessman's thing I'm sure people would come so um we just had to we just have to figure out where we could do it and who would sponsored for us because we're not paying for that so um but yeah no I mean it doesn't to ask them and say and they may have ideas about how they've done this for other groups they say like know we did this for you know so and so it worked out well or this are the things that you know work best for us and yeah yeah okay wonderful okay any other information under public input we got p a couple things one in thinking what you're saying um about D Bea wondering if it's not something ddic could help maybe convincing them if they created it to sell it at 1712 would help their business as well as help 1712 and I'm wondering if the Aros have any social events planned where we could have berly beer there as well um the aie does in September and they do serve alcohol there so okay when I talk to them I'll I'll bring up all of these examples and see if they're you know up for doing something that and I'll bring the answers back okay awesome yeah uh the second thing it's a minor point but I think it's appropriate for the record so you don't run a file you know who um just to mention that Rafa dolphin participated in today's meeting via Zoom that needs to be clearly stated for yeah okay I wasn't aware that we had to okay all right yeah thank you and in a beautiful down Manhattan apartment on theur you are really in an upper floor too um have to borrow that for the next Spotlight so I just have one more thing is you know that I am my tenure on the Chamber of Commerce is done at the end of this year we had a board meeting today and they're starting to um prepare for my departure um there's no board meetings at the chamber for July and August so they don't meet again till September okay okay and I don't know how you want to do that um you know I mean I know that you know you had approached the chamber um for a representative and they asked me to participate I don't know if you want to you know get in touch with Chris to okay you know start that ball rolling or um however want to do it yeah I was kind of um um assuming that they would come up when your time with them was done that they would come up with replacement but I should probably talk to them and say like what is your plan as opposed to just thinking that would be better yeah yeah yeah okay okay now the fact that you're on the chamber as the score representative was that one of the reasons you were asked to to also be our representative was the score connection of ke the dayon connection that I'm from D yeah um okay yeah I'll reach out to to Chris on the chamber and ask her what the plans are okay okay um so John will be leaving us at the end of the year no no I understand I'm just wondering if there's any way from their headend that they could vote to make you ex official representative to this board I think John wants to bow out I think John is very overextended right now he's not saying it but he's looking forward not say looking forward to it he's got many hand many IR IR IR in the fire yeah personal reflection John you have been outstanding contributor to dat thanks thanks thank you y thanks um any other items for discussion no um if we stick with the um fourth Monday of the month our next meeting would be Monday July 22nd at 6:m if that works for everybody I will try to zoom in right okay all right um I didn't have any other item so um if somebody wants to make a motion to adjourn so move we have a motion to adjourn at 649 so a second second all in favor all right uh so Mo meeting adjourn thank you everyone thank you thank you bye