start summary okay all right okay good evening this is the dayon historical Commission meeting on July 9th and I'm calling the meeting to order at 6: PM um this is a zoom meeting and it is being recorded and will be shown on the dayon YouTube channel uh the matters the listing of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting not all items listed May in fact be discussed in other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law um I'm Pat gailes the chair Raa delin Vice chair Clerk member Dave Marvel member Pon member okay um join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you and um Spacey spies will be joining us I'm just keeping an eye out um to follow to follow up with things that we um had from our last meeting with her she did send me a checklist of things um that she had put together that she was going to be looking at so just quickly like she's going to contact Ben Haley at um Mass historical commission about the onstead landscape features um she's going to look at the onstead plans and the textile Museum photos to determine the extent of Mount Hope move buildings and I did send her that link oh good okay and here she is good I know um how many buildings are located outside of dayon and do some estimates for the completion of mass historical commission items uh an estimate for the nomination of the historic district for Mount Hope to the National register um she was going to put together a wish list of her items a clarification on the haway cemetery um and also the boundaries for the South titon district and the estimate for a nomination for the Sal Titan District so hi Stacy she muted yes good evening are you there you're muted there it is okay thought I clicked it I double clicked it oh well oh don't you love technology technology so we were just kind of reviewing your little um action item list I don't know you know if you want to talk about that first uh yes I uh I needed to do a little more research um and I'm not quite finished on it uh trying to figure out the extent of um how far because I know um uh Ben Haley the national register guy at uh uh MHC had some questions about you know whether you know was We Know It extended into Taunton I don't know I'm still doing a little research to figure out how far it might be um in any other direction so I'm still working on that and I know we had some conf I well in doing the research it was unclear you know who owned bought um uh Mount Hope owned buildings um we also talked about moving buildings so I'm still sort of sorting that out so I'm hoping definitely by next month's meeting I will have a better picture because I'm just it's like you know the more you you pull it the sweater the more right out more so so with with the Mount Hope buildings Pat has some information about and pictures that actually show some buildings that are on that that um island island that Park Island oh okay um and it does so um show some houses that were there and one house she knows was moved from that spot to Autumn Street oh okay would you like to just jump in and share or um my son worked in North titon for like 20 years and he has a huge collection of North Titan Mount Hope memorabilia and one of the things he has is this 1891 map of the north titon um the north Titan Mill so what he and I brought some other pictures as well what he said to me in case you come across an old map maybe you already know that High Street became School Street right yeah and Main Street became Spring Street and of course Water Street became Lincoln Avenue so on these old Maps it's listed as of course yeah so in this book this is a just a a copy of a book um Fred T lay in company do you come across that name oh yeah absolutely yeah great so he published this is his so it's the Fred Tay and Company general contractors and so what it's good for there's a narrative but what it's good for uh the pictures that are inside and if you look at the Mill in one of them there you go so the archway and you can see the old antique car I think it's from the teens correct me if I'm wrong on the car probably so this picture was taken in the teens because that's the transportation so there's the archway on the side of Spring Street and you can clearly see in the picture houses that were across the street in what is now that's cool I came across one aial that showed the houses I think it was in probably the the the company newsletter that they've got the Historical Society but that's really helpful because it's just trying to match up it was such a big operation trying to figure out where everybody let me pull up a map let me try to zoom that in so she can see it well I don't know how what can you see can I zo a lot this is the middle this is Spring Street oh that's houses here those were houses that was the park that was oh okay okay so those will moves oh okay we'll need to take a photo maybe with a phone or something and and figure that out aiel this was taken by a plane in 1921 so this is what it looked like in 21 good luck with that yeah yeah so and the glare and everything else from actually I think you s in a little bit does that help you at all mm okay I've seen that picture before like on Google so you might be able to find it it probably won't be as as high quality as that is but I've seen that picture before okay even just by searching like old like if you just go to Mount Hope finishing or Titan aial phot Imes check that I can't tell because I do have a lot of Aerials and I know they they used the company used a lot of them in those in the um company newsletter it's just hard for me to tell whether it's to tell whether it's one already seen but that's really helpful that's just it I've seen it in that same format too and then when you brought in that picture that's the biggest picture and the best resolution version of that picture that I've seen before so Pat can we take a picture of it and then we can send it to her okay take a picture whatever you whatever you want and the book if we if you wanted to photocopy the entire book I can scan it and send it that would be great oh that's really interesting now I just pulled up Autumn Street to kind of ref familiarize myself that's one thing that we I didn't since it wasn't on my radar the first time I did find some um Maps probably in the Olstead archives that showed the footprints of all the buildings um and it was hard to tell because that wasn't part of the survey you know what was left but it sounds like you found if that was moved to Autumn Street we might need to I need to look at Autumn Street a little more my son said there were four of them and they were either moved or demolished one of them became someone's garage so somebody in North Tian today has a garage has a very very um old teeny weeny little houses teeny weeny and if you went on Autumn Street what did I say the number was 876 876 Autumn it's the cutest house it looks like a little doll house but that is one of the houses that was moved and they kept it as a house so okay okay but it's teeny weeny you'll go by and you go oh isn't that adorable it's like a little doll house oh it's tiny I just pulled it up on Google Street View oh it's so little it is but it's cute and it's maintained now you know Ray the barber yeah okay ray the barber grew up in that house oh okay okay so his father see these are things that you wouldn't know because it's all would you why would youal history right yeah exactly so Ray the Barbara's father evidently looked like aloop the cartoon character and they call the father Aly oop I remember that okay yeah I did not my son told me that story yeah so whenever you say alyo that's Ray the Barber's father and their last name is cadiro well now I'm going to have to go and match that up again because some of the other buildings are are fairly basic forms and it look like maybe a second story why that's familiar Ali oop is my brother-in-law's step uncle or something okay all town okay okay cadiro now of course Ray the barber is still living so he would be a good candidate for the yeah exactly okay so oh so we have more information on Mount Hope fantastic so [Music] um so we'll work on that again for next month then Stacy yeah I think yeah it's it's kind of the more I keep finding out the more I keep finding out so that's always the hard part and I want to make sure that when I give you know give you a number and the whole scope of what a register nomination would look like that I've I want to make sure that Ben Haley is happy as far as I can so um right is there anything we can do to help you uh no I think I think I just need to keep uh uh go back maybe what I'll do is um I don't think there's anything now um no I think I just need to keep I need to keep putting it all together those um the um uh New Hampshire that you got from the New Hampshire library those uh isometric views of the Mills that's fabulous yeah I used I used those in Groveland and so those were really helpful too that gives me a better idea of what was there how the scope of what was there um because so much has gone of the actual Factory buildings that was really helpful to me that was super thank you yeah yeah that was a that was a cool website to find it was so Random too that's how you find things it's true so yeah I I do think the algorithm just sort of you know gooses it every once in a while the more the more you're searching it it finally comes up with something because that didn't come up at all so that's very cool and sometimes it's how you ask the question you know if you ask it a little differently or type it in the way they type it in if it pops up it's like why didn't this show before yeah so have you tried artificial intelligence like method an artificial intelligence gbt no research I hadn't thought of that yeah one that's with for Microsoft yeah it works pretty well it does so you just put it in and they come up with all kinds of stuff for you very eloquent articulate articulately all right so did you get a chance to talk to um Ben Haley about the sou I didn't because part of that was I wanted to be able to come to him with questions with better answers about how much went into taunting and how much went so I haven't talked to him yet because I okay felt like I didn't have the full question but um now that that other project I was still finishing off that's gone I delivered it okay perfect yeah so um yeah and I did go um so yeah I started I started yeah last week right before the forth to start going through everything so um and of course it came up with more questions and answers so my plan is that um by the end of the week wherever I am I'm going to give Ben a call on Friday okay okay you had some things that you thought um you wanted like a wish list of pictures you wanted us to take when we did our walk which right right did I did I give you one I think no you can you can send that oh that's right because it got yeah because you you now I remember because it got moved to July okay yeah probably will be into August at this point the way things are going um yeah actually um Google street viw does a really good um a good job but I may have you um when you go I don't since uh Autumn Street wasn't in there um there may be some things in there I'll see if there's anything that Google stre view doesn't grab okay sometimes Google Street View has like trees in the way that with yeah the car just drives by and snaps pictures oppos to us we can finagle the angle a little bit more too right and it's very interesting also what your what I learned in survey work is your brain pieces a lot of stuff together but it's but trying to actually take the photo the you know use the camera and get the whole house sometimes is a little tricky um okay okay all right so that's our followup on those items there anything else that we can think of that I'm looking at the last notes I think we're pretty good yeah I think that covers most of it okay how many buildings were there Park Island Homestead four four okay yeah I know there that's the other thing I'm trying to figure out because I know they had questions about the landscape and and that sort of thing so that that is going to be a question for Ben um um because it's hard to it's hard to tease out what was milikin planning and what was um being suggested to him by the Olstead brothers so I um you know I may need to sort that out that may be a Down the Line question but I know that was one of Ben's question was um how much you know how much the land The Hardscape landscape is still because the plants will be gone but The Hardscape you know is still there okay um and then and you'll follow up about haway cemetery and the sou questions yeah I'll double check on that because that was the I know that was the weird um discontiguous contiguous discontiguous thing yeah and then so yes and then and then South dton the only question that we had that I have a note here that Stacey would follow up on was expanding the district to include right I I she addressed the one about of the halfway Cemetery which I had but then we SP in the dist we had talked about um yeah in South Dion one was oh that's we were talking about the one that recently sold because we need because it would need to um uh sort of absorb um you know I didn't resurvey the stuff that was already on the register but Ben wanted was um yeah so I need to go and figure out how much yeah he wanted the like to connect to Quorum and to like kind of to the warf districts and our national register districts which they would and also to include the um the houses that are along Somerset Avenue but those were beyond our age range that we were looking at when we when we designed that particular survey right and I know and there's there's some there's some younger buildings they would just be yeah they would be you know non-contributing features which is something we don't do in in area forms but um yeah I'll pull together that list cuz I know yeah I don't think I think he's just looking bigger picture I think it's probably a tighter District if anything than what he's thinking it is just because he doesn't know it well um because it really expanded like Main Street and then um like from you know 138 all the way down to the water you know we did the corner houses there and the corner were pleasant yeah and he's also there's also a couple of buildings that are well we know of at least two well there's the one on the corner uh the southeast corner of Maine and County that came down while the survey was being done and then there's also in the in Maas still there's the um uh the store the was it red and white yeah the red and white so it's on on paper on the macus screen it looks like there's more there than there is and I certainly think County the rail line is certainly today um a boundary but he he can't see that on on the on paper so he needs to come visit us exactly and he you know what and if as it goes along he will okay okay yeah somebody will come see just to get a feel for it so I'll tighten that up um okay I'll tighten that up a little and just um yeah because I think he thinks it's more than there it is yeah yeah and also like and on sumers that a there are some probably houses from the early 1900s and things and they probably are the meet the 50e mark that they use but because we were doing our oldest houses first at that time for that area um they didn't meet our Benchmark yeah I know it's it's a funny thing to try and match up you know what you're actually surveying and I know there's there was an early one that got that got torn down and replaced early 18th uh 19th century one um yeah and I know he's also not seen it all up close because I know National register is very um picky about vinyl sighting and replacement windows and that sort of thing so we'll I'll bring it in a lot tighter just to give you an idea of you know what I would say to Ben and say well this is what I think you actually have um okay okay all right so um then we'll revisit this again next month yep I think that should be um because I did start to look at um where everything was but I think I think I think it's going to be much it's actually not bad the way it is I'll look at it I think I don't think it would be contiguous with it but okay I want to get be able to give him a more solid answer um yeah it may even just be what I'm looking at now it really I really do think it might just be the corners of Summer set in Maine and then down that first part of pleasant because then it all starts to kind of dissipate right right yeah so okay we'll see all right so yeah by next month that should definitely I'll have that all done um the other thing was I know you were looking trying to decide on the 10 for survey forms I definitely was thinking I know just from my I haven't done West dayon at all so okay all right so I did send you like kind of the beginning list that we looked at quickly last time yes um I actually looked a little today yeah so out of I don't know if you want us to go through it and pick like maybe 20 that we think should be done yeah I think let's see let me pull this up because I definitely remembered I know I did one on Oak so that was but I haven't done anything on where you um West Tian like the the Horton Street and Wellington Street that little village um I know there's more in there and then Smith Street and Williams street um yeah I don't think I did anything west of Williams No Ex for maybe that Oak so um there's definitely a little cluster right right at Horton and Wellington and then kind of Welling where the curve is um yeah you have kind of where that's like um Briggs and Reeds houses and on Smith Street there's like Peter pittson um David Smith house you know um you know I was trying to look at and trying to also group it kind of somewhat there's like on Wellington probably six homes or six buildings there's also some cemeteries within there too um this the fish and Horton Cemetery it's not listed on this but that's like um d817 there's yeah the Briggs burial ground it's on that's on Old Wellington Street oh on that little corner there yeah you can tell where they they uh smooth the corners a bit and there's and there's the fish Schoolhouse and there's it just seemed like there was a cluster and what I was you know what I was thinking of also for example there's still some on Pine Street that didn't get resurveyed I was thinking in terms of history wise you've got I think i' you've got enough from the brick area you've got enough history that if you needed to make a call on you know something was going to happen to one of those houses or something right I think you've got enough history to kind of put it in context yeah um yeah where W yeah we don't have anything on West titon done yeah I was thinking that was kind of the whole um right that if least you can if you can get the history of it then you can kind of even if you don't Encompass everything over there at least you've got enough of a historical context that you could probably make a call right you know right trying to cover everything I know I wish we had we we could you know do it all at once but that's impossible yeah yeah so what we can do is I know you have you know limited time tonight is you know later we can just go through this you know make up our priorities on it list it that way and um okay that would be our preliminary Target list because that leads into the contract and I make the do you want to put the addresses on there or we can just do yeah I think if we attach the because I looked at what we did with the other contracts is we attached the preliminary list right to it oh okay so that's a good idea okay yeah and I did and I already I made the edits to the contract already so I can pop that back I'll sign it and send that back to you yeah um I saw I have a couple of um things on the contract because I saw Our Town Administrator today the interim one and um he suggested adding the list of properties and also okay on the front page as determined by the D historical commission so um you have that that's in red yes and then to add the board of Selectmen in Dion It's been the practice that the board of Selectmen approves all the contracts and accepts the contracts so um the the chair for the board of Selectmen would sign it too and we're on the agenda for July 24th for that okay so yeah what I've done in other towns is you know they just give me the 10 and I just put them at the top of the contract and that way there's you know there's no question um I mean we oh there it is so you put the 10 like right in the in the right on the um under the why can't I find this I moved it made the mistake of moving something um yeah right under the contract for you know the following here it is yeah yeah for the for 10 buildings and those buildings are for 10 buildings are D and mass and then I would just list them um right underneath there we could do it that way too yeah I mean there that way it's right up front nobody has to you know you don't have to worry about a page falling off the back or anything when it's only 10 buildings you can put it right up front so okay okay so um 10 that works for me that makes it easier so do we want to proceed with picking 10 I know you have to you have a dinner date Stacy I do I have a birthday dinner date yes um so yeah um I can give you let's see I'm pulling up I think I wrote a note to myself that the ones the I wrote Wellington Williams Horton and Smith was was my final vote um the Wellington Williams which Smith seemed to be the ones that I I felt like I and when I was going through Maas and clicking on them I'm like I had driven through the area um you know on my way to do survey work a couple of times so I've seen a lot of them and and so many of them are very familiar you know yeah fr gable gable you know gable roof front Gable U more than half stories um but I haven't seen them all as recently as you guys have so I know on last meeting you want us you want us on our own to pick 10 yeah this one of the ones that I personally found was not on one of those four streets but it was on our list so like when when I was narrowing down the ones that I yeah I I also start with some of the oldest ones and like there's the I won't go through all of them her right now but just one that was um the colonel Walker house on Walker Oh I did see that yeah I when I started my focus I went to do the oldest ones to try to save those oh yeah I didn't even that one didn't even show up on my radar let's see yeah you know why it's on Walker Street it's the only one on Walker Street on the list that we have from West Titan so that's probably why it didn't jump out at you yeah it is not necessarily in the immediate area of all the others but it's considered geographically I guess more West Tian than right anything else but uh and that was the address of that one is um 66 Walker Street and then according to our information the date of build was 1750 oh all right so and we have it as diig 400 400 okay I just pulled it up oh that is early okay yeah that one's totally off my radar yeah yeah I was so focused on that West dayon neighborhood so the problem with the fish house and the fish Schoolhouse is they no longer exist oh they're not oh then maybe what I was looking at on Google Street View was not yeah because I looked at um they've been demolished and renov so the address still exists but the building know it's not like oh they renovate a little bit it's not even the same structure anymore I on it I looked at the um 2226 Wellington which is a Schoolhouse and on the gis map it looks like a one room Schoolhouse that's been made into a house but then you go to the street view on Google and it's like oh that's interesting because that's what it looked like a little school converted School interesting on um Zillow it said it was built in 1990 and that's how you know it's definitely not the same yeah that's why that's why I love and I search the I do the Assessors Database too because that's where you get the surprises all right so yeah 66 Walker that definitely works on your right oldest oldest first it's probably one of if not yeah I mean I bet you be hard pressed to find one in any area that's that's the ones on Water Street are the yeah yeah yeah those are the um so that one and then on Smith Street you have the Peter Pitts house is that 17 1750 as well yeah yep that one was on my list too actually I highlighted that one too the house still there yeah Y and I had I had the Benjamin golf house so that's on Wellington so at least that's within those streets but that's 1700 Circa 1700 will3 yeah P you had some on Williams you were interested in but I took them off when you sent the new map oh the Wellington map Wellington so I have new ones yeah new ones okay of course there's no mention of the PO Farm that's right we need to talk about the PO Farm do these guys know we had a for Farm no do we know the address of the for Farm um it's on the same side of the street as Karen Po's house it's like two lanes down she's been to the home the home has no insulation the home looks real but it's I said has it been demolished and rebuilt and she said oh no that's the same place but it looks rough so what still there oh someone's living there I don't want you to oh really oh really oh yeah somebody she was the last person was a school teacher and she he the house by burning wood in the house I didn't say fireplace did I I just said but I know there's no insulation and it I mean it's really wow wough wouldn't you love to go down there yeah yeah kind winter wow go for a f too right now being in that thing but I definitely wanted uh at home I have a ledger of all the expenses for the poor farm for a year yeah and there's some information in the vault too oh good that's really interesting I just did a a a house the house for the West Newbury poor farm that was a really interesting history on how um and they actually have all their records too which was beyond the scope of the um the uh survey but it was very interesting someone had actually matched up Census records and who was there it was very interesting kind of the well that's what I was going to go do is go to the library and find out who was living there oh am because I know a man who grew up at the poron wow so he would say it with his mom and dad and he went on to become a millionaire in Dian just so you know so from very humble beginnings he at the poor farm that's all they could afford and he became a millionaire oh that's a cool story all right you do go girl still alive no he so that's um the only other thing I would say the poor FM sounds really interesting I find that stuff fascinating all that sort of the I love that stuff so I'll support you all the way on that um is I think most of them on Wellington are all very close to the road one thing I think there was one I came across and I wrote myself a note that it was uh accessible because some of them I need to be able to see them from the street or I need to be able to get permission and it's just you know um right because I do not go on private property right I don't even I yeah I don't surprise people that's for sure um but yeah now I'm really interested well after dinner I'll go back and find out where the poor farm was now I now I'm interested you demr TR for the cour um no no okay it's very interesting how it's just the whole way right right um they treat it you know what what they expect expectations were of of uh of you know people who ended up there so right had Al also on my list I highlighted the other two School houses the William Street Schoolhouse and the Flat Rock Schoolhouse according to Google maps on the street view at least one of them looks like it's been converted into a house but it's still the other one I couldn't quite see from the street view is this a school house of the the Flat Rock scho I knew the people who lived there and they called it the Flat Rock school because in the basement is a big Flat Rock and it's still standing when you say maybe that's the one with the he has let his property get so overgrown with trees that's Albert Albert's a bit of a recluse and Albert lives in his grandmother and grandfather's house and that was the Flat Rock school so he has one Christmas light in the window at Christmas time okay but that's okay that's the Flat Rock school and then the William Street Schoolhouse like like almost like the fish one looks like it's it's a house but the front of it you can kind of see okay I see where it could a school house so I don't know if that's one that's worth I my focus was the oldest things the church and then the school houses is the ones that I focused on when I picked I think definitely the West Dian Congregational Church yes definitely so they're easy I think they're probably easy almost cheing to be accepted considering a lot right you know I mean 1796 and it's a church which always helps of course on the list there's the pit store and mail station but that's been so remodeled it's unrecognizable now that's d505 let's see I can't find one oh yeah that's all yeah yeah that's all it would have been a good one to have but yeah it's all replacement windows and doors right I think um you have the Briggs house on Old Wellington Street and then you have the Briggs burial ground that goes with that see here we go yeah see 16 oh so it's it's a little one it's a family yeah yeah that should be that would be fairly easy to that wouldn't require much okay um don't you think it's an era the last item on your list the Elder golf house there was no Windfield Lane there was none and if you Google that address now you'll find the home is beautiful it's there but it was built in 2019 so I think that address is just wrong yes there was an elder Goff yes he lived over there but but the Elder goof isn't that Shel Shel goof wasn't he Elder goof I couldn't yeah I yeah I'm thinking that yeah so I think I figured I think when that was the because there was the golfs were on Oak that was the house Oak yeah I think I think I figured out if I'm remembering it correctly that the Elder might have been right over the line the Town Line Maybe are goffs in raob oh there yeah yeah I think that's what I figured out that it was I or at least on the historic maps by kind of trying to you know overlay them I think it might have been right over the line in rovas all right so that that one we another one I had pet and I don't know if it's even worth bringing it up but the winow Davis house Williams Street considering the current people in charge of that house is it um is it is that going to be not cross to many lines I mean that way but it going to be considering that's that's House of 775 that's going to be one of the old ones that's the Historical Society house the winow Davis house oh right okay yeah which the condition is is certainly yeah because it's been maintained it it's not like it's beyond you know repair or unrecognizable it's certainly stand and it's got a new roof and everything I know we pass on CPC so um we have lots of documentation so if we go along the lines that if something was going to happen to it we have enough information of you know of historic significance for it that's readily available so we wouldn't need it to be included right now yeah I mean there are other houses that we don't have that's right right right I got a question maybe it's not in the right place what about the the old library is that historical in a way we can't do anything with that yet until it's no longer but when it's no longer but that's already been done in the other did that one in the survey oh it has been survey okay good covered yeah that's already done so that's a great building and yes I thought it was eligible yeah yeah that was a good one it was um let's see I mean if you're looking for more I had um the Paul William house sorry William Paul house just it was pre pre 1800 and then I thought a good Focus would be anyone whose last name was important to D like babbit not not saying no last name isn't important but you know like any F prominent families is a better way for me to word it like the babbit house well you have you have um Leonard gooding's house on Tremont Street I mean if you're can do it by names those are on Treemont if we're looking say on Smith Street there's a Briggs H that's old Wellington Peter Pitt's house um I mean is a cal Horton considering I'm sure probably 1900 I'm looking okay if you look at talet Horton um the year you have 1845 on your paper here and if you go to Zillow or any of those you know how nobody agrees on they have 1750 so I mean if it's more 1750 than it is that's a big difference Sho difference yep the first one they the first one was off um paper said 1858 they said 1865 the second one said 1750 the third one said 1785 oh jeez so and and I know my home in the town hall is got the wrong date on it my house has the wrong date on it so just assessors assess I I take assessors I really only trust the cessor dates if it's like 1950 or more Reon when somebody who's still alive laid eyeballs on it when it was going up but yeah sometimes they're just placeholder so so the that's why I do the deed research could be really something yeah so the Talib at Horton house now I know that there are um just from genealogy stuff the Westcott name is a a name that was prominent in town so you have the Josh wescot house and the Lucy westcot house you got the Richard westcot house and the Richard one and they're all on Horton Street right yeah does that make sense to do that oh yes okay the yeah the Horton talbet Horton yes that was one of my the ones I highlighted because it looks unless they've done something recently when I looked at it in Google Street View it's still definitely presents itself in that you know it looks it looks like itself we have so far that is there that we defitely decided Well I've got 11 um houses plus a little circle on the bricks burial ground Briggs on Briggs burial ground um and you got the poor farm right and we got the poor farm so that's like 12 either the church right oh that you I including that the houses yeah that one okay yeah Titan congregation church yeah so we have what I from our conversation we have the um Talbert Horton house y Richard Wescott Josh Wescott the West titon Congregational Church four the Brigg oh Lucy Westcott five the Briggs house six Peter Pitts house seven um Colonel Walker's house eight Benjamin Goff nine the William Street Schoolhouse 10 that one could be kind of iffy but and then the flat Flat Rock Schoolhouse 11 you GNA do Flat Rock we talked that and then the poor farm that would be 12 and the Briggs barrial is a little um family one next to the Briggs that's 13 if if you're doing the one next door or we can just toss that one in for free because I'll be there anyway so okay okay so yeah I had marked the Flat Rock Schoolhouse the one that I'm questioning is the other Schoolhouse the William Street Schoolhouse you're questioning yeah the Williams Street Schoolhouse because that's the one you sh William Street one is in better shape yeah that's that's that's the one that's in better shape I mean it's there been work done to it but that's the one that from the assuming the Google Maps view is accurate updated that's the one that I it kind of looks like there's been some work done to they maybe they expanded it or put up in the back but a good part of the facade in front still like oh yeah I could tell that house yeah so it's not unrecognizable has it work done it looks like it significantly but it looks like it's not like you can't even tell by looking at it anymore assuming that's updated too all right so take the flat Ro Flat Rock Schoolhouse off but that's the one that you said is kind of in shandles okay so then that would put us at so that would um 11 it was 12 one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 I got 12 because they added the Briggs Vari 11 but the Briggs varial ground is going to go with the um brig's house on Old Wellington Street you put those two together which that brought down to 11 right so that's 11 what about Pat the other Briggs house George Briggs just looking at the last name I don't know if it's I don't know much about it or anything but I'm just looking at anything else with that last name Briggs is pretty is a big name so we're at 11 I don't want to take any away more money so we want at 10 right yeah if we get it to 10 tonight then we'll be all set with the contract 8 steps you got drop how about if you lose one of the westcot you got three true it's a good point I know they're close together but which one but that's a good point drop one I would say the Lucy Westcott looks like it's 1895 so drop that one okay I agree all right so now we have Talbert Briggs um Talbert Briggs Talbert Horton yep that's one Richard Wescott two Josh Wescott three West Titan congregational four e Briggs five yep that because that's old Peter pittz six um Colonel Walker seven Benjamin Goff William Street Schoolhouse and the poor farm and the Briggs burial in with their house the Briggs house okay that sound good that sounds good why don't you email me those to me tonight and then I'll just put I'll put them in the right in the um the contract okay we'll do that and then um we'll present it to the Selectmen on the 24th 24 yeah all right and I'll and I'll finish up my part and um the Mount Hope stuff and the South Dion District stuff and I'll talk I'll talk to Ben Haley this week okay and see he's got some you know how strongly he feels about certain things yeah and if he needs to come and visit us we will welcome him yes I think it's it's well worth a visit so yeah that sounds good all right excellent excellent good work is there anything else we need tonight from Stacy so staccia we'll just plan to put you at the top of the agenda again for August so be August 15th all right I'll put it on right now I'll put it on my calendar okay that sounds good all right very good all right good have a good night all right great thank you enjoy dinner thank you okay moving on I wish we could just sit and do all that kind of stuff all night I know I know I know um secretary's report so of course I have some amendments sure oh I got one is your nephew Tim that's I saw that too I saw that too I was like but I kind of but I look back at the conversation like I can figure out where that might have come from yeah I think was that maybe the one when I was asking you about um one of the potential pre the dry run interview candidates yeah yeah yeah in the conversation did get misconstrued as as it her nephew I think I might have said nephew questioning I was about the relation a new family member yeah but the name was not CH I don't know where the name CH came from so anyway yes olad has to be corrected um and it's the half the way not the halfway Cemetery did it put halfway halfway halfway there a typo okay there a typo halfway um so those uh under the preservation planning I just said um you wrote there are 10 to 15 properties in West Titan we need to identify 10 to 15 properties in West Titan for historical significance um then we get to my nephew well excided to meet by the way um Zach suggested to interview his name is cam cam a young young man c c c Camden no Camden oh yeah who is interested in history and then it's not Dave sad that the studio was completed Dave said sad all that is sad it's completed so those are my corrections did anyone it pass were there any other amendments I stopped at your nephew Tim I went I saw that when I was like I didn't WR because I'm like how's going to address that one I'm sure that caught that one all right so do I have a motion to accept the minutes of June 11th as amended I'll make the motion to accept the minutes of June 11th as amended there a second I second out any discussion all in favor I I was I just had to chuckle Rafa cam cam cam cam so next you have a I have nephews but not not atim the nephew may have said I may had said I may have said nephew not sure the relation but I def not say him I knew his name was cam we a summary and that's when you read those they're kind of funny too so um our budget I encumbered the $80 for the historical marker sign because we still don't have it yet and the bills for the conference that Shar and I were submitted and have been paid so um is there any communication with him does he Mak yes yes I have that later on in in the agenda so um so we have our $1,400 to begin this year's budget oh good and so we can start spending money so next I have the accept acceptance of donations um at our last meeting we talked about that we' received the donations but we need to formally accept that we have received that we need to formally accept them um because under Mass General Law chapter 40 um section 8D the commission may accept gifts contributions from individuals and Foundations so so we to make a for for okay yeah we just said oh good oh good you know but we have to do a formal motion okay so does the motion have to include like how detailed is motion have to be well I'll say I'll it's a motion to accept um donations from bos bank for 300 and Heidi Brock for $250 $250 with thanks and appreciation so I'll make the motion that we accept the donation from bos bank for the for the total of $300 and Heidi Brock to of $250 and to send thanks and gratitude yeah is there a second second any discussion all in favor I okay and I will also send a letter to the board of Select them Selectmen notifying them of the donations can we acknowledge these people on our Facebook page um sure yeah yeah heid we'll get to it you get to the walk tour but we're definitely will be a formal way to be acknowledg they might not ever see it but yeah we could say thank you on the Facebook page too tag them yeah um and I did send them formal thank you letters from us oh you did okay yeah okay next preserving memories of dayon and I have have a release from for cam oh he's going to do it yeah do it very good oh I'm so excited so I told him um you know that he was going to be like the first one kind of like um our our guinea pig for trial and era and he was like he was game for it oh good I'm so excited and he'll talk about Mount Hope so if we can you know come up with some questions told him that you know we might have some pictures to help him you know talk about things um for a young man he really knows a lot that's awesome I'm so glad so what's cim like in his 30s no he's how old 15 but he's into history and everything okay yeah all right this a good start yeah excellent I mean I know your email said that guys more training well I'm going to be honest with you I haveed I got a lot of people on vacation I took off last week I went down Sou for a while vur and what we need to do is they gave us a training we took a video of the training but we need to get in ourselves to make sure the equipment's working okay before you guys come in I hate to do it maybe another the two weeks out but meanwhile we'll get Cam the questions I mean if they're not ready then we'll come up with another way basically okay you know but so that's actually we need to get it going I know because I I keeps I keep telling the committee like you know we pay a lot of money for the equipment I know no one's here I'm not here but we have to get this thing rolling but that's actually a good idea though of giving him questions ahead of time or any person that we interview for that matter saying you know we not and we won't ask them to we need you to come prepared with all the written answers but they don't have to prepare anything but it's more for them to least least have not not be blindsided I mean that way but at least like he's like oh they want to know about that I'll as opposed to finding out the moment him saying oh I might have more information on that but it's like oh we need it now not need it now like so at least if this especially we if we're asking just someone general questions about D and their life in D they probably think them more the top of their head but because this is so specific and we want this to be as smooth as possible for the dry run I can I can definitely get questions ahead of time yeah for sure yeah so yeah we can definitely do that yeah because I know Laura's really pushing to get it done and try to get training too so it's like uh it's do for myself and Laura so hopefully we'll get that up and running if not I'll talk to DOL and and say hey the studio is not quite ready yet give me some other options that we have because you know we can basically still take them have a thumb slide up you know memories a d whatever come up with something like that so I guess and then when you maybe as you're getting closer to KN when that's ready we can reach out to his his mom probably via email and try to get some dates that work once that's right once once you have a better I mean I don't I don't want to em him tomorrow and say give me 10 Dates none of them are going to be with the window ready so once you're even if you say you know what maybe by next Friday then at least we can kind of get the Balling on there and so we can at least give some window okay as a PO me I don't want to say he is five days next week and it turns out well we're not ready next week so when you have a better idea okay that sounds good yeah yeah that's an action again check and I'll start to get together question like specifically he he was interested in Mount Hope because his grandfather worked there so that's his connection okay so okay is is Caroline his mom yes yeah and I've been collecting names you know of people who that we can interview so oh good okay how do you know that they're not making up their stories some people have a lot of imagination put a l detect on he's guys how do you know really authentic it's your history is your history however you remember exaggerate the history sometimes whitewash person well come on let's be honest well we that's why some questions and to get into conversations would be good to for some specifics you know and then you can going to have to use Ed I want to turn into Inquisition Poli I'm not going to put a spotlight on you what's use of politicians what they call us when they have to find looking for the term like they'll say something they have to find it there's something to tell you if it's really true or not or they just oh they fact checked it joke yeah so I think it's probably War out all right alter of news all that stuff will come into you know as we come along you know we'll figure that all out so um our pamphlet yes so I don't if you saw you know but MAA got a copy of this and I was slipping through it I wanted to ask you if this bottom picture what exactly that is of and is that something worth putting in brochure that's one of the color oh that's down on um Water Street but is that is that close enough within the vicinity that it's it's worth putting in there not it's not really okay I I couldn't tell exactly where it was all this River seene so that's why I didn't know enough about it because that's where the yacht club is oh so not really even worth it this picture here Pat like that point thing is where the yacht club is I think I think I have that yeah and then yeah these are three pictures that I found a while ago I think during a meeting I tried to find them and I finally could so of these three three are any of these three worth putting in there oh that's the that's the um would you like the Gazebo um for the Eddie House what's the best quality yeah I I just printed those out today I didn't and I didn't print them out on the best resolution just not to waste the just for this purpose but no they're they're good okay yeah definitely because I have both cards they're really good resolution so that it might be better off me borrowing those and standing them into my computer that that will give us the best resolution you have the postcard of did probably yeah because I sent you a picture of the postcard with the guest house right but I I have that you have that one too with the guest house at the aty house no okay I had never seen that picture before Oh So when you put that with the guest house it was like I had never seen yeah so that's one postcard those I don't know if those on that page I don't know if those are postcards and then the back one is a letter maybe yeah that's like a letter but are those anything that's worth putting I would think the only one would be the one with the Gazebo on the dock on the wars because that shows how the wars Through Time had different functions okay and that was part of the one or the other one I like this one the the picture yeah you mean the bottom one here either that one or the front one yeah or But whichever one's the clearest I just like the one with the boat and the people yeah that's Co that's a cool one too I mean yeah I just didn't want to put it in there and find out and that's not even close enough to where what we're talking no that one would be good because it shows people actually participating in the the right and that's that's why they went to the Eddie house was because it was the summer place to go okay and then the last one I had so you sent me a copy of this yep and it said that the second paragraph the disclaimer yeah yeah could you just clarify exactly what obviously I was say put Century 21 right because they not Century 21 because this would be like our Bay bank right you know but here you know because we have to put two disclaimers in I think one is that it's private property right I Hadad that Y and this one is like any user of this brochure shall jointly um and severely hold harmless and indemnify you know the D Historical Society for any which you know we'll have to run this by oh so you I'm saying so that in case anything happens okay I thought you want me to put Bay Coast in there 21 was then I was like that doesn't make sense but now I know you're talking but we have I think if someone takes our brochure goes for a walk with it on their own on their own and falls down I think you're totally right I just didn't know what you meant by it but I think you're absolutely right that's yeah definely so I mean we can clarify the words but I think we need to have something in that okay perfect and the amount of information you're G me that's plenty that's plenty plenty that's that's that's perfect okay so maybe for August we can have like a draft yeah oh without a doubt yep okay okay that's cool moving along oh historical marker so I've been in contact with Paul about the marker um he had he was painting it and then the paint wasn't drying because of the humidity so I said don't rush it because I wanted we were trying to get it done for the end of the year so we wouldn't have to encumber the money but that didn't work so then um I texted him yesterday and the marker now has like six coats of paint on it I guess it's soaking into the wood and he's waiting to put the lettering and the clear coat on it excellent so I will text him again okay I I'm sorry I don't call that excellent so the marker was due at the July meeting and June June meeting I'm sorry marker was due at the June meeting it's July now and it's not excellent that it has coats of paint on it and he's waiting for it to dry wow so what kind of vendor is he yeah so we you will have to evaluate you know is he a Tian resident yeah yeah he was a member of the board ofth he was oh wow you know and then our problem becomes finding a vendor that's going to do it to our specifications you know a professional vendor might have it done when have it done only other suggestion that I would have is reaching out to local towns who've done the same thing well Historical Society the person he recommended when I met him in person one Saturday you know Cal me down right but I mean like I said we so War they all have Mar their houses so we find out who they they use I haven't seen any in any Swansea houses not saying aren't any but I hav I've driven and walked the bristle and seen and worn and seen tons of them so I know for fact they have markers that they put in their houses and definitely and Westport did in with it's part of Warwick but use French but I haven't noticed I'm not saying they don't the did markers um I think they did them for 1976 the same time that dyon did their wooden ones they do have markers and I'm not sure let me follow I can ask I find out about raob Raa give me a good phone number to call you I'll put it in his wife's hands tomorrow and he'll call you you guys Somerset okay all right your number 774 yep 766 2928 2928 yeah okay for the whole diagnose now they all be calm har harassing phone the change I mean again that's sort of like where my sign you know all right um informational letter for D Property Owners read it you make copies of it I make copies you want a copy sure thank you okay looks pretty standard to me I would just uh we're really at um 979 Somerset AB oh yeah that's our mailing address it should [Music] be yeah we put D Town Hall yeah you can put D town all yeah are reference actually going to be served yes no say we discussed that last time I didn't know we usually just provide you know cookies and juice that means you're making the punch oh yeah pun good punch punching cookies be spiked or punching cookies and maybe carrots in the community garden who know flowers you have call me I would have rather have them email where you where you at at the bottom you know if you have any questions email please call just email me you know people bothering you no why not they're all gonna be calling Rafa now that they all know his number that's right on cable you put can't she was smart she so with within the forward Zach within the body of the email and at the yeah at the bottom too just with what signature just email there too did we come up with a date Jeff in this meeting what no email right yeah yeah just m no um I think well we want it to at least be after our walk after Stacy has followed up on more information so we're talking at least probably September right I say September at least at least I I'm not saying yes se but I would say at least before that that's a good month to I would also could be a good for a dry run for our walk by I would say September because by then everyone's you know all done with their vacations sum summering things good point yeah and you probably have it like uh 6:30 6:00 I think 6:30 right you want early enough in September where we haven't started lose daylight because that will have happening pretty soon P oh yeah okay so maybe maybe by by the August meeting we can y down on actual date okay that was easy all right we need any motions to accept the letter or no well I guess we could well I was going to make I saying you should have one I was going to make more work for artificial intelligence summary um no I think when we add the date to it okay okay because right now still draft form so okay right uh CPC report uh we didn't have a meeting in June we should be meeting in July okay um Library building committee I wasn't able to go to their last meeting and their next meeting is July 16th at 2 and the 250th anniversary committee we met last night and we're working up and Firming up the calendar of events and our publicity for that um Robin mcroy is working on identifying Revolutionary War soldiers still so she's making this um Excel sheet and it's from the lives and fortunes some of those in lives and fortunes are like there'll be three Darius Briggs listed they're actually all one person but he sered three different times because what they would do during the Revolutionary War was they would serve with one unit or regimen and then come home and farm for a bit and then they would sign up for another one and they'd serve you know whatever time sometimes it was days sometimes weeks sometimes months then come home again so she's working on that and um trying to focus on which um units are in like um the with Minutemen they reenact as Colonel Timothy Walker's unit and a lot of dians men served in that unit in fact um Kathy Potter just did an article that I helped her with onto of D Dion soldiers so that was kind of interesting now I want to kind of do is did she put it out there or yeah it's through theob with the reporter yeah it's on our Facebook page okay yep yeah so um Karen Potter is working on contacting the school so she'll be doing that in um as school gets started in the end of August beginning of September the reading of the Declaration of Independence is going to happen in 2025 and 2026 in 2025 it'll be on July 4th as it has in the past in 2026 it'll be on August 8 18th because that was the date that across all of colonies all of the ministers had received the Declaration of Independence to read to their churches but at that time church and state were connected so back then does that mean obviously before email so did they have to actually hand write that many no they had printing they had PR they had printing presses so a little slower than our printing presses so they but as many copies each Minister um horses so Karen is is coordinating all that with the Community Church uh we did discuss a tour of the Bristol path and the Bristol path is 138 to pass the police station up Elm Street over Main Street and Beyond into Swansea um taking a part of that and highlighting the homes and the church on there on that that's a good um I don't know is that something we want to take on and organize you know as our contribution or I think it's probably a good idea considering by then we probably would have had our experience in walking tours so I think I think well vered in okay it's not and considering it that we would also even taking that aspect out of it we also probably have the most knowledge of the properties right right so right I think that that's not a bad idea actually okay do we need a motion for maybe just where this involves another board or committee so at least they can have on record that we did officially as opposed to them saying no you didn't and you know saying more official I guess maybe all right so we'll um I'll entertain a motion that the historical commission will I'm making this up as I go along so right fast recording any the historical commission will organize the walking tour with the Bristol path organize and write the brochure for the and conduct organize right and conduct like are we also are we just going to organize it and I'm not trying to this but are we going to organize it prepare and then hand it on to this commission to them do it what they will or are we also taking on the onus of doing it to I'm just one those things um I think we have to talk about how you would conduct it because it's actually be on Elm Street yeah right or if you want to just provide the tour like a self-guided tour right and then maybe any guided tour to be determined and discussed later like we don't want to say now no we're not going to because if we found out a way to do it and it works and we can do it I don't want to make it something we why don't we just say the planning and organizing of uh information and Slash tour of the Bristol path okay so I make the motion that the conserval commission will provide the 250th anniversary committee the information and or and organize and prepare materials for the walking tour of veral path okay is there a second second any further discussion all in favor okay um also Pat you and mentioned Cemetery tours and identifying the graves of the Revolutionary soldiers and all of that that is absolutely on the list of activities for that group to be doing um actually they can use that Excel spreadsheet I gave you years ago y y I think they're marked and everything too on your Exel okay yeah I looked at it for pet pits last week I want to talk about that once we get C up okay um for the cemeteries we want to make sure that those uh graves are identified and are are marked for you know 2026 you want P I can pull them put them on a separate sheet ones I have just a look at yeah yeah I can do that okay um so they are we are one of the activities we are working on is a reenactment um another one is they had uh Community Church had a visitor from um I forget her name Christine something she was from Williams college and she was an associate press professor and she is working um on Ezra Styles and so we're going to Karen's going to reach out to her to see if she would want to do a presentation about Ezra Styles and Dion she came to look at the church and was very excited to be in the place where he preached oh yeah nice very great so some cool things so our next meeting is August 5th so the zoning board meeting did anyone go besides Zach I did I did OB same voting I I stayed on the board and I came up to the meeting in the case I did not I was not a v member on that case just to avoid any kind of conflict interest there was no member for the commission attendance um the board the voard members did approve the uh case that was before us um and unfortunately because the building was condemned it was going to have to come down regard less so it wasn't like you know if we had said no it were not we the void members they had denied the case before us even still that building was going to have to come down so it wasn't like oh if you voted no it could have saved the house unfortunately no and for the building because it was kind then was going to have to come down right so it's unfortunate and even if someone were to do nothing with that property it the building was just beyond so that was basically to approve the demolition of it and what they're doing is they're building a a two family house on that property um it's going to be set farther away from the road um the legal de decision is still being written are just checking it's still being written but um do the architecture of that we do not see the architecture but the the AR the contractor was there and he was saying that it was going to be within the character of the neighborhood it weren't then to keep the colonial style looking structure um everything on that property is coming down the shed the house is it still intact though proper it's still intact not really not really we're taking pictures are really not it's beond that it's really not there are better ones okay already but it's really not no that that has that's what you you don't want a before and after with the way it now it's it's it's it's I hate to make this comparison but kind of like when you have someone you love is is is passing away and you don't want to see them in in the worst days because because you want to keep the memories of them when they were when they were still healthy and with it that's kind of how I feel about the house like it's almost like you don't want some you don't want to remember it that last image being you don't want exactly you don't want to remember it the way it is now I guess if if you want you for your own sake go for it but in terms of for our own records I don't think it's wor it they can't like duplicate that the look or clone the look I'm not they they can't but I don't know but I mean so basically because of where that house is situated in the flooding in the flood plane the they have to put their garages underneath the house so it's going to be like garage door it's going to be like a drive a Shar driveway garage doors and then the Living Spaces speak but and that's good I people kind sometimes don't like the look of that because of you know be very high but they have be a three level four level that no not four four level no so it's garage first floor second floor yes well but we haven't seen anything but based on what they were talking about property you ever go down like to that's always flooded there and you know it's right they already have buildings like that with garage right the first yeah and I know people are going to say we don't want the kind of look in town I understand that I'm sympathetic of it but in that because of where any like any new Construction in that area is going to have to have that it's got nothing to do with a two family aspect it's nothing to do with the condo it's not a condo but it's got nothing to do with that it's just because of the the it's the flood right exactly have to have that no matter what so it is sad that the house it's you know one of the older houses in dayon unfortunately even though it's in a national register District um there's no guidelines as to save it right and it one of those things that like let's say people like well if we vot know maybe someone else can buy and try to restore the house they can't it's it has to come down it has structural issues right so it's kind of like you know why can't we have hope that someone else could buy the property and do something with it they would have they would te it down too so it's going to come down regardless well that's why it never came before us either because it was condemned right same situation that's this house that we had over here right no that one came came in front of us because it wasn't condemned biggest benefit that was arcademic Brick's house the house no the house is with the uh the farm is now yeah yeah that came before us oh yeah yeah um the David Smith house on the corner of 138 and Main Street didn't come before us because that was condemned okay so the the biggest benefit to that that case being improved that it's going to clean up the neighborhood so that's at least in our benefit so to speak and the members of the yach club from across the street were there at the meeting and their biggest concern was parking because they said the current people who who who not current people who have been there was just a messy was a messy situ messy situation with with people who were I don't want to use the term squatting but I apparently that so yeah there was a lot of that um and they were just concerned about whoever's going to be there are they going to be is there going to be enough parking where they're going to be destroying the the properties by parking in the grass and stuff like that so they actually put conditions into the decision which we're allowed to do considering what this case was for um that construction were to not be parking on other people's property the driveways are big enough that because they're going to have two bedrooms at least each one so he were like is the garage going to be enough but the big driveways they're going to have in addition to the garages will be enough parking that they won't have to park on the street it's going to be set farther back off the road compared to any other house on that street literally and it is one of the bigger sized properties so it is at least going to clean up the neighborhood too so okay thank you good thank you all right our next meeting is August 13th at 6 do we want to pick a working committee datee I'm going to be perfectly honest um end of August looks good to me um August end of August more later of August as well yeah the last week of August I I think I can do that all right we want to tentatively say um August 29th and we confirm can confirm that and that's a birthday has a birthday my birthday your birthday no August 29th oh never mind oh no I don't care oh no I don't care that's fine I would to do it on my birthday I I I don't think I've cared about wait I don't think I care about my birthday after I turned after I turned 21 I don't think I really cared you know there's no more goes down yeah pretty much so no I I was just remarking that that day no but yeah that's fine I don't care what it it is your mom's not gonna have a kick for you but well we can we we'll PL some carrots in the community garden with we'll confirm that in in August to be sure okay um reorganization of our commission it's July and we usually have to talk about electing a chairperson a vice chair and a clerk it's been a year since we did that already know right when we we did in August last yearly that's the statement now yeah I thought it was like just like a few months ago that we like yesterday geez so um we can think about it course we want to wait until August and we have a full board or we can do it tonight it's up whatever your pleasure is I personally feel fine doing it tonight I just on behalf of members that aren't there I if I was the chairman of the board we doing this for zoning I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it if there are members who maybe wanted their chance to be chairman and they were I'm not saying you them do I have no idea obviously but it almost wouldn't have been fair to be like well I wanted to go for vice but now I can't now I wasn't there you know what I mean so one of those things that but what I say that was an example that I gave he's got to do CL he's do clerk I don't like clerking um but then it's one of those things that at August well if everyone's not there at August what happen so I mean but that's just how I feel but I don't care you want to be chair you Che now P how many years 2019 right yeah yeah same year I mean as as long as what's on the agenda we're not making any votes on it just as a point of discussion did you still plan on wanting to be chair or were you looking to not I can do it I I'm trying to decide like an end what project I want to end with interesting which project is completely what about 250th anniversary I know year ago we discussed this there was no hesitation on Pat's part we okay cool but now the finally is a now I've been thinking about we like you know um right but for a while and of course if someone wants to step up they're more than welcome to you know for the position but you know I'll continue and there's a couple of projects that I do want to see see through right through you know and then do you feel like you would rather wait like if we had to decide right now and another month is I'm going to change that you know oh I see okay okay I you know um so if the opportunity was there you would be chair for at least one more year oh yeah so hyp on record I'm saying this hypothetically if you were nominated tonight by one of these members you wouldn't say no correct okay I would say if you feel you were GNA say no then I would say then it's better to wait to have a have a have a full board in case you were going to in Cas in case you weren't sure right but at least but there's a couple of things that I want to see like the 50th to for you know to be completed and I'd like to see 10 properties something done with you know open new library moving in the stop giving me lists if the time would come would you just step down from being chair something on the board oh I see okay so it wasn't like you looking to be like I'm just you know which projects are enough to say you know somebody else can take you know what so um and a big one is some of the surveys you know definitely yeah for sure like to see some at least one come to a point of at least being nominated for a national register I think that would be a pretty cool the next so Raa are you Clerk and vice or do we just have do she just do the clerk duties as advice like what exactly no it's supposed to be two separate positions but no one else wanted to be the clerk so Rafa signed volunteer at first to be the temporary I mean I don't mind being relieved in my clerking duties but would you still some wants M would you still want to be Vice not really what projects do you want to see through well I just I'm just GNA keep pushing people to do people maybe Shar would be interested probably so with that being said if you were if you were I'm not mind clerking so if you not as a clerk you would accept as a viice you would rather not I mean Vice haven't really done anything as vice sh because you're always present once of the time right really the I remember reading this about the Rob rules and stuff like that and figuring out looking at the D Community handbook figure out what exactly does the vice do it's not like they have any more power right yeah the the biggest thing that they would they would run the meeting if P wasn't there well yeah it's just a decoration Bic yeah there was one point honorary title yeah it was I think it was only one time where where I took over the meeting and I guess guess and then I guess I guess a vice chair could I could give you more responsibilities as if I share yeah sure but and then also on the flip side too is that like if there are certain people that are taking on certain projects I can make a coffee secar transcribe I know I know but you got to get my nephew's name you go for zoning the way we do it is that like so Greg's Vice chair and Jonathan Gil's clerk okay we have an office manager so the clerk does not take minutes because that's what that's what that's that's what Carrie does the only thing that John does as clerk is assign voting members to cases the only thing that Greg does is if I'm ever not there we don't have to think oh who's gonna run it it's just assumed that Greg as VI shair will run the meeting if I'm not there right and if I'm remember late it's so I would tell Carrie hey have Greg start it but there would be no motions so oh no you have to make a motion to have Greg start know as Vice chair that's what he does right um and then he also would assign voting members if John wasn't there but other than that yeah I think it's very rare for the vice chair anyway to take over and I don't know any all the other boards but and I guess maybe and I you have to May read this into more detail looking at the committee handbook and this is probably something maybe worth thinking about is that if the chairman were to step down does the vice automatic like as if it was a president do does the vice Auto automatically assume the role of chair if the chair gets impeached or if the chair gets in Peach so so I think since it's on the agenda for for tonight for discussion you know like I'm more than willing to take it on somebody else wants it they're welcome to it too that but I'm not wouldn't leave the commission I would always you know because I want to see projects completed um and I don't know if you know Rafa the saying and that gives this way it gives Shara and Irene if they want to step up or if they don't they can voice either way right you know have the opportunity yeah um if they're not at the next meeting then at that point we get then you you know but at least they've had a chance to think about it right okay so all right so we'll put that on for August y I think that's what we ended up doing last year [Music] too Dave you had something else yeah I just wanted to talk and you guys saw the email for left on vacation so basically I took a walk over to the school and I walked the whole thing and looks like all the windows are closed so far some my concern I don't think anything's going to come in but we still probably should try to check it get the door open maybe for the new members and see if anything's coming in but it looked fine I looked at the roof and everything took my time with it and I'm like this looks pretty secure you know it's weather tight I think we're going to be okay with this okay but if we can get a meeting and go inside with the new members that might be kind of nice to do okay uh second thing was Peter Pitts you wanted to know I um Peter Peter Pit has a a grave it's up near the house I can't think of the street right now I think is that briwood or yes because I used to be a grave officer I used to put the flags on on all I did it for a few years with another gentleman at pass away David uh you know what I'm talking about real nice guy too and uh he was funny because he had these uh he had the uh 3x5 cards you know the small cards and that's oh he was yeah I put everything on the C what do you think I said I can put on EX you can put that on Excel like next I know gives me like two big boxes here you go let me know what yeah really nice guy enjoy working he was a World War II B everything you know and uh but going back to Peter Pitts do you want me to check with see it's like you gotta go up this slope in the back right yeah and the properties is like farther back yeah and I don't want to go anymore I feel like G to scare somebody to call is that private property well I always wonder going to bring up to the committee tonight my allow to knock on the door say hey I'm from the commissioner we just want to check on a you know on Peter pitts's grave we can do that okay and U I do have a picture from Elaine barley in some of the papers that I got from her granddaughter that've been going through and it's it's a poor picture but it's that she's marked it as Peter Pit's grave it's so strange that it's up on someone's property I remember that that would have been all of his but that could have been all part of his farm at one point that could have been because they buried people on their Farms the question would then become with the pits um I think that's probably him because his son goes to New York with the D and Land Company oh really yeah all right let me uh by next meeting let let me I'm back from vacation let me find a nice comfortable day I go up the knock on the door maybe you can let me just yeah yeah take my time and see if I can find it I'll take another picture of it too the other one too if you want to bring that uh the other one is Talbert where supposedly he's got U see I gotta go back where were the Germans called back oh the Hans the hessin yeah are buried and we mocked him one time with with David I can't think of his last name we marked the whole thing and I think it was up on uh trying to think of the uh it's down of sou D what's that area called oh broad Cove Hill Hunters Hill yes okay so I know the last time I checked on it the island it was s like everything was bulldozed except for the cemetery where the Hans were buing but I haven't been up there over 10 years so you know how some contractors are they don't realize that there's a you know Cemetery accidentally they could take it out so I don't know we really want to try is it too late already gone I I'm not sure and I don't know how to give permission to get in there too I like to see that do we get involved with that far as the cemeteries or not really they are historic so yeah we haven't um couldn't reach out to the cemetery commission is it Mark Pacho member Mark Mark and oh Tom Ferry's on it and yeah let me talk Mark Ste down when he selectman is on it yeah I don't know him at all we German buried what's that German buried yeah I can talk to Tom because Tom's on it yeah so so supposedly Calvin went out for a ride back then and then the Hans were trying to overtake he killed them all and and he PL he buried them like sort on in that field and uh you can see a a larger headstone and then they have the small smaller one at the foot so it was and uh I guess Dave one time trying to get the news to come out they were going to come out but then all of a sudden they said no something else came up is that near the power lines yeah exactly and I gave those uh coordinates to uh the planning board I said hey you know there's a cemetery down here I'm about ready to retire from this but can you just leas market and protect it so ask har too they have any record of it see if it's okay we can walk that at least you know take some more pictures of it that's all I have thank you okay you're welcome um correspondents we got a report from pal it's the public archaeology Laboratory um a report for our files um their reports are usually confidential not for public distribution so if you care to take a look at it it'll be in our files we just discuss publicly what what it's about it's I just haven't heard of this they're they're AR they do archaeological studies so they don't want it all public because they don't want people going and digging in those areas so that's why like I've seen like in Warick there's a couple of those sites and like they're on the ntional register but there's like no information about it so there are similar types of that in D right oh I know that yeah okay is there anything else were you able to reach lean I have not I have to um work on that that's on my list of things to do but I do want to do that for a number of reasons you know because I knew her mom and my mom she they work together so all right anything else I'll entertain a motion to adjourn is there a second second all in favor and we are adjourned