##VIDEO ID:qnvvDQuSAwg## good afternoon everyone this is the monthly meeting of the dayon storm water committee it's Wednesday August 14th 2024 I'm going to call this meeting to order at 10:03 p.m. we're meeting in the upper level of the Oldtown Hall 1111 Somerset Avenue Titan this is a public meeting being video and audio recorded for posting on the town agenda site and YouTube please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you attendance roll call David Phillips here Lisa calonia here per here ancy gulad here we have a quorum agenda item 4A review discuss act on Brook Street solar base and modification request which was approved by the um planning board with conditions um Mr R Jim R you there hello Nancy hi Jim and I noticed James is on too um yes hello so would you either of you give us the update on where you are with the planning board work on Brook Street Sola what the next step is sure I I can do that James and then uh if um if specific technical questions come up then uh then James is probably the best person to answer because he's had his heading it a little bit more um incidentally we both joined today because I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to make it on and James was uh going to join in as proxy for me but of course he brings um you know some very specific technical knowledge of uh what's going on with these projects being the one who is the primary reviewer that uh you know he's often in a better um position to answer those kind of questions than I am um but from a general standpoint um we've had uh two phases of uh review that had been approved with the Brook Street solar so far they were the original original review that we did back in December um and then a subsequent review that included going out to the site uh that was done in the late winter and early spring depending on how you like to think of the spring is occurring um we uh we provided a uh peerreview memo reviewing the field conditions um on uh March 15 and and again taking a uh some further look at the existing design out there which it was as I'm sure you all know originally designed as an infiltration system uh what we found was uh that there is a restrictive layer beneath the sand that they had installed as part of that um uh uh intended infiltration system that was blocking flow and causing the back up into the system um it was down I think a good 10 or 12 feet and James can uh confirmed that a bit for me but um following that uh we suggested we recommended that it be redesigned as a Detention Facility um the applicant and owner uh uh decided to maintain it um as a um I guess a I'll call it a sandfill um system that was also essentially functioning as a detension system so they they embraced our comments um and uh then that was brought before the planning board that this was this was essentially the plan uh to do this this redesign we had some comments on that um that uh the planning board agreed with our comments and our recommendations um and then the applicant submitted some additional materials actually just before the planning board meeting so we provided them um a review of the design on July 10th uh the applicant that is and um the town as well of course uh they responded on July 15th and then there was a meeting on July 17th um we had not been approved yet to review the materials from July 15 we submitted a um proposal recently earlier this week to do that review the planning board will meet again on August 21st that's been the first meeting since uh the July 17 meeting um assuming they approve what it is that we you know put forward in that proposal we'd conduct that r View and um and then the next steps would be um probably you know reconfiguring the system in accordance with uh that approved design and um you know determining whether the system was uh acceptable or not once it was constructed or reconstructed James would you have anything you'd want to add to what I just said no Jim I think you said it well so uh Jim what's the next step now that this has been you've sent this proposal in as far as the actual design that was submitted uh or the redesign or the recalculations the last documents that came in from Nick f andola um those are those are all set as far as what was proposed what you requested and what you reviewed of the documentation so we haven't reviewed those yet if the planning board accepts our proposal for review of those materials and I'm assuming you're talking about the U materials that Nick sent in on July 15 um which were essentially response to comment right so um if those get accepted we'll review them assuming they're okay then pardon me then they would uh um assumably get approved to go forward with the um with the Reconstruction of that facility okay uh questions from the committee uh Mr agier Sure hello everyone James a uh Jim I have a question for you I read through your August 9 2024 submitt I just want to be clear and I want the record to show that this does not include actual on-site inspections once the Basin is uh reconfigured um so I presume after this review that you do providing the planning board approves it that information will be forthcoming to us because I would encourage this committee to make sure that you are the person with the boots on the ground who does the inspections yeah you you interpreted that um correctly that's the way we intended it yes questions from the uh yes Amed AZ yes this is Amed H from grasshopper energy uh I'd like to add to Mr ador's comment there uh if we can get now the proposal for the monitoring and any other scope that's required from Weston and Samson until the project is uh is turned on or this Basin work is done that would be helpful because like it it takes four weeks to get a proposal we submitted as Mr Reon said the uh recalculation that was requested on July 15th and we only got the proposal of reviewing that recalculation uh the day before yesterday so after four weeks so if we can get a scope for all the work that needs to be done including the monitoring and anything else that uh Western and Cent will be involved in that would be very helpful so it doesn't take like a month from every step to the other waiting for the planning if you can approve it all at once get it approved by the different boards all at once that would be very help for everyone any other questions I discussion yes why don't you come up here there's a mic over here B A 1680 Pine Street um they had mentioned that they're probably going to be clogging uh take place once this is put together um and I know it's been mentioned about who's going to take care of the clogging and so I'm asking who is taking care of the clogging is there going to be money put aside for the clogging is there is it going to be them is it going to be whoever owns it because they're trying to sell it um who who takes care of the clogging is there money put aside if what is the word you're using clogging the the clogging of the pipes mainten Oh you mean maintenance storm water maintenance yes um one of the things that that is required is that they will have when they finish an up to- dat storm water maintenance program in that outline it's I mean it's it's a volume um that will be the guidelines that they have to meet uh they will be responsible whoever owns the project if grasshopper owns it um and then sells it whoever uh grasshop is responsible for the stormw water maintenance plan if in the meantime they sell it the buyer is responsible for it and will be there it's it's it just carries on uh it will be subject to uh routine maintenance uh there will be inspections done um if everything is working okay storm water basins are usually inspect expected is it once a year is that what we've done on on existing uh but that way if a problem develops then the party responsible for maintenance is going to have to step up and take care of it um the basins obviously are not allowed to grow up into bushes and weeds and this particular Basin is going to have a stone a stone bottom I believe is that correct uh Jim R so I didn't quite catch what you asked there this Basin is going to have a Mrs BOS asked about who's going to be responsible to make sure that the pipes are not clogged and things like that so I was explaining that the uh storm water maintenance plan that will be updated and um uh on file will be followed that there are uh on average routine oneyear inspections of stor lot of basins unless there's a problem in which case uh the owner will be notified that they have to do maintenance uh the basin's not allowed to grow up into trees and that and I'm thinking that's big Basin we talked about it's going to have stone in the bottom isn't it oh I see um my James uh help me out here but my understanding is that it'll have uh sand underneath and that there may be some Stone rip wrap on top yeah they were going to they were going to put a stone layer on top so that's what would be visible at the bottom of the Basin if you standing there looking at it so um this is what we do for all solar Farms this is what's required okay um and I just had a question for Miss calonia if you didn't mind I know you had mentioned that you wanted the erosion control report curious did you have get potion prevention plan report s reports no we never got no we only got one Swip over the course of the whole duration of the project which is absurd yes am do you too yeah the the the swi uh plans the S reports were prepared U on weekly basis throughout the the life of the project and as agreed with Miss calonia they were kept on site in a certain folder and that's what I understand after this the project was stabilized there's no Swift report required unless there is a rain event above the certain level which I don't remember at the moment what that level is uh there was an event and we prepared the s report and sent it to miss calonia but there wasn't any events since then that no rain events not that level not to to the level that requires a swi report if I'm wrong I I apologize but if we missed R event that I can't remember or more we've had a lot of Rand EV EV significant ROM EV EV and they're supposed to be submitted on a weekly basis I believe each project is different and I have to look at the Swip requirements of this one but I think it's weekly but until the project is stabilized right but the Project's not stabilized because it's not final I mean we're we're talking about this because the Project's not stabilized is we're talking about stabil definition of stabilized is 70% or more of the c i I wouldn't use the term stabilized for Brook Street in any context I mean yes last time Mr Ferry and I were down there when I took pictures uh over a year ago uh in June and July uh the difference between June and July there were weeds and other things growing um but I don't think that there's been any inspection or any review of any kind really since the Basin didn't work it's been all this time trying to figure out what to do to get to the stage where at I want to back up at previous meetings Mrs calonia said she did not get copies of Swip and you remarked that they're on site who has access to the place wherever they're stored During the period before the project was stabilized during construction the site was open every day and there was a meeting with Miss calonia on site where she requested the swe reports to be placed at the trailer at some in some area I wasn't there at that meeting but I I knew that all the reports were kept in that area prepared every week but they're supposed to be provided to us on a weekly basis so and after any significant storm event I believe of a quarter inch or more have any been to the best of your knowledge have any inspections been done by anybody they have been weekly reports pred and okay they're written reports or they an electronic well it would seem to me it would be wise to either photocopy them and give them to her even though they're old or some otherwise getting access to this um I think need to be given to the stone waterer committee as well because it's a requirement of the permit exactly but I'm saying give them to you because you're on the committee and they would be available to the committee um and if we can get them uh before you leave dayon get them to you it would be beneficial because you'll have a chance to at least go through and look at some of this stuff um one of the things that we discussed when there was a a Zoom meeting with uh Peter Karen chairman of the board of Selectmen Mike Mullen former Town Administrator Mr Ferry and I and Amit zoomed in we talked about being able to have all the Committees work together so that when one board approved it they wouldn't have to wait for the next committee to set up a meeting so that's why the planning board meetings that were held uh there were storm water committee members there um through the close of the hearing which was the last meeting last planning board meeting I attended um in discussing this item today one of the things that I said in talking to Mrs East today was that the storm water committee can approve the modification reconstruction of basin one as requested by grasshopper from an infiltration Basin to a detention Basin contingent on Final approval by the planning board Weston and Samson and any other Town official having Authority for this project this means everything that's required in order for you to actually start construction will get final approval the storm water committee understands where Weston and Samson is coming from we know they've got to review more information um planning board is waiting for that review from Weston and Samson what I'm asking the committee is would you be willing to approve this uh motion contingent on the conditions that I've set so I planning is going to meet in um the 27th of August hopefully Weston and Samson will have been authorized to uh do the work they need to do to get the information to uh the planning board and when I say uh contention on Final approval by the planning board Weston and Samson and any other Town official any other Town official uh includes but it's not limited to Mr uh Agia in his capacity as Building Commissioner Mr ferry in his position as both the highway superintendent and a member of this committee um so if when if the planning board and Weston and Samson move ahead with us and give them the final okay on August 27th they won't have to wait for us to vote again obviously any conditions that are not met this project isn't going to move ahead without those approvals so I need to know how the committee feels about doing this today meaning taking a contingency vote of approval you looking for a motion uh yeah if I get a motion a second then we'll do discussion I I believe the meeting is the 21st is the is the 21st 21st okay I make a motion so move as present okay to to give it approval uh based on the uh contingency of other boards giving final approval and town officials also that who may be involved second okay we got a motion in a second discussion uh Mr Ren or Mr Pearson your thoughts on the motion that's on the floor um James I'll let you go first you want me to read it again no I I think I understand so you're saying the motion is to approve contingent on uh approval by the planning board uh yes and any other Town official who may be involved again um Yes somewhere along the way Mr agii will be involved but by the same token if he goes on the site and sees something that's a problem uh he would obviously be in touch with planning to let them know there is a problem Weston and Samson um I'm trying to um get this process approved so that if in fact at the next planning board meeting uh they're okay with what's going on and Weston and Samson's okay then the uh grasshopper won't have to wait for stor water to meet again understood yeah and I have no objection with the motion and and I agree I agree with James okay because obviously there's going to be oversight or final approval a final review of of the work that um has to be looked at from Weston and Samson so that we know that when this Basin is constructed uh and it's tested or it Reigns uh we know the Basin is working okay any any questions concerns m suppos to question for Lisa um what is the next I know you said now is not a planting time what's the next planting dat the fall just the fall probably after October 1st right F day yeah yeah okay second third week in October because they did say they were going to plant the trees that all those things that they had to do after they cut the trees that planting board allowed and they cut the trees that planning board a lot and just to let you know and they're also keeping the gates open both gates actually at times the ones to the solar field and the ones going into the driveway of the Sol field and they showed up on Sunday who uh Jason is he still doing is Mr Lan still doing work for you yes is he responsible for keeping the site I'll call it the gate secured if you could speak to him to that effect um just want to mention and on that note um I know Mr chance had submitted one set of s reports to us at one point um is he still doing the Swip inspections who is responsible for doing that that's all supposed to be in the Swip document we're supposed to know who to contact and it's supposed to be done on a weekly basis especially when you guys start working again on the site um can I request James Pearson's input on that as the engineer so the Swip inspections are supposed to be conducted um on a regular basis I don't have the Swip in front of me so I you know I can't comment on how frequently those inspections are supposed to take place uh but some of them are supposed to be done surrounding major rainfall events um ultimately uh since the the contractor is the holder of the the permit under the uh EPA Construction general permit through nipes um you know the contractor is ultimately responsible to make sure those inspections happen and to to prepare those reports so um presumably they been doing so and keeping those on file but you know that's not something that we've been involved in monitoring any more discussion hearing on the vote no no okay any more discussion on the motion okay I'll call the vote all in favor say I I I I the vot's unanimous Rec St pleas are you all set as far as uh anything relative to that project from storm water we brought at the point of trying to get the scope of work all in place funded so the fin be done I'm not sure this is I think the the money he's talking about is not per se storm water right allocation I just want to point is that all thing yes that's on the agenda so I'm sure that can be revised before that meeting yeah yeah um so as far as storm water is concerned right now uh we've given uh grasshopper conditional approval conent on the under the conditions that were cited um the next uh meeting will be the planning board on the 21st [Music] um and then we'll go from there yes yeah my question who can ask question Samson for a scope of work is it the storm water or planning board it's a planning board the we'll be copied on it and so will conservation for informational purposes but really the oversight uh the way that I believe the way planning approved is they were waiting for more information about the the plan that Nick submitted and what's happening there we what we had said as a committee once planning says it's okay it's going to be okay with us we're not going to open it all up again so really I think you're dealing with planning M egg yeah this e today is aware of it I spoke to her yesterday about this issue so if you talk to her she she'll be aware of it okay uh anything else on Brook Street solar comments questions whatever um just to please provide this s of inspection reports on a weekly basis I'm going to go to the site um regularly I need them emailed and I want to document them that they've been emailed to me I know one of our solar Farms the one that um the one I've seen the most of uh not only are they weekly but they contain photographs um that's the one on tree M middle and then the one MCAS that's up at um William Street behind Ajo um they also sent photographs and uh weekly reports uh up until you know they didn't have to do it anymore so I mean if we have three storms in a week then they need to do three inspections in a week so when you're budgeting I think you should consider that your project because when the project is closed out with cons and we don't have all that information we might not be able to close it out anything else on Brook Street Sola okay um I would like a motion to take agenda item 6A update zero Elm Street Eman Plumbing building project out of water yes thank you thank you is there a motion to take 6A out of order please motion to take 6A out of order or second motion to made in second any discussion hearing none all in favor I Perry I okay the vote's unanimous um with uh abstention by Mr Aga okay agenda item 6A um who wants to start um my understanding was from what I saw there was some additional cutting in an area beyond what was on the original plan did you bring plans or a diagram or anything yes have plans y okay if you want to uh just show the area uh if you want if you want to lay them up here and then anybody can come up here and look at them got some space [Music] here what we did this is the location everybody anybody wants to look at location of the original site right down here so this is this is an expanded view it's not the same scale as the U as the actual site view so compare this this is the actual site here okay which is which is actually located down here on the existing plan Okay so the area highlighted in green was the additional clearing so this is where it is originally that's correct okay so the layout includes a 50 foot buffer along Elm Street um to keep the existing tree buffer along Hill Crest and to get no closer than 50 feet off of the 100 foot buffer on the wetlands and then we just did a 20 foot path kind of connecting the site what do you need the additional clearing for um so it's it's the owner asked for it and it's just for a lay down area um he doesn't he doesn't have any building um designs for it or anything like that okay so the building is what up here cor correct right down here yeah okay where's the little driveway um you can kind of see a catch Basin right there it's right pretty much right there so the driveways here comes in here yep so as it was explained to me I spoke with the property owner uh because the building site is small and this is going to be probably a manufactured steel building there's they need an area to lay out the pieces of the building so that they can bring them over and put them in place oh it's a staging area exactly I thought it was for materials so it's not it's not is it going to be maintained and kept clear or is you going to allow this to grow up again uh it's my understanding that it's just going to be be cleared right there you're going to create a temporary staging area just Mo materals they come that's this to is it for ongoing um Plumbing material or for the no building for the building just for the building understand yeah if they decided to use it for anything else other than that they' have to go back to planning for a site plan modification yeah um how much roughly a rough guess square feet I believe that green highlighted area is about two and a half acres okay all right is this relatively flat no this there's pretty well pretty good pitch to it but the intent was to just clear it and clear all the brush but leave all the stumps in place don't disturb any soils so it's not it stays stabilized are there trees there currently yes are take are you going to take trees down that was the plan part of the original plan part of yes part well the original plan was just to do this site but I guess the secondary plan was to clear this site totally with the brush and trees coming okay all right are you bringing in any fill or anything not in that not in the green highlighted area no okay so um there'll be some stumps here and there but the brush will be gone it'll be yeah but after if you're just going to let it or you going to keep continue clearing it I think he's gonna continue to clear it I mean I can confirm that this there no there's nothing going in that area right now as far as I know it's just move the materials when the comes I don't think it's a problem for what you're describing um obviously if you didn't already have a stor water permit you'd be getting one um land is disturbance is described actually as anything even cut and brush even cut and brush cut so um let's say you wanted to plant grass there and it's all brushed right and that wasn't part of the project uh or it was a new project then you'd have to come back again got but what you're describing is almost like a temporary add-on to what we're talking about and as he as Mr Agia said if you intend to uh down the road expand your operation into that area that would have to go to planning to be looked at and so so um just just for further knowledge that the the limit is is an acre if we want to do something like that that's when you have to get the the Swip and and update is at the 35,000 35,000 okay close yeah the only recommendation I would make um is to maintain this buffer which you have said you would yeah um and and this buffer as well the residential area so even though it's just temporary use okay it would be in conformance with the bylaw which then uh would anyone who had any concern about it it's not a violation of any of my current bylaw so okay okay this is just an informational thing this is the EPA okay the EPA RS are one acre or more disturbance you need the permit the town currently has 35,000 square fet okay um however we will be um updating before we sit down our RS and all that and um one of the things under consideration is uh making a change to the 35,000 square ftre I'm not sure it'll depend uh we're actually contracted or will be shortly contracted with won and Samson to do a complete review of the by bylaw regulations um the storm water management plan and uh uh elicit discharge plan so it's the whole entire storm water program that was set up up 2007 uh but yeah but for right now um that that's what you're looking at here so I just had another um question so um as a site you know the facility got cleared and then as you know the access you've had boards over a sale is MBL involved with designing a covert for that or what's going so it was not on a c a new C was not on the original plan right uh temporarily we've put a pipe before we put the just to get access to the site we put a a stone entrance with um with a temporary pipe yeah so not to interrupt the the flow of the soil we there is right now there is not as far to my knowledge there's not a proposed um end designed for that so okay could you take a look at one question um as you know on the corner of on the almost the boundary I believe of um Hillcrest and Elm there is a uh steep Bas in there that's right here y okay so they're not too close to that with what they're proposing okay and this was when this was all a field it was also open what trees are in there grew in my lifetime you know that long not no large no large caliber type trees okay okay back to the cover though um DPW is going to be involved with reviewing whatever cover you put in there absolutely yeah so right now this is the this is obviously the proposed entrance and there's you can't really tell by this plan but there's an existing Swale that runs down MH along the side of the road with um existing drainage structures so what we did not we need to get access to the site but um as part of the design plan there are no there was not a cul design for this so we put a temporary pipe in not to restrict the flow before we put our um construction entrance in right so but as of right now there's not a a permanent design for that have you been there Tom yes okay I was surprised when I drove by where the rip wrap and stuff is I was thinking it was further north I was you know what because that because that plan that plan is deceiving that's why this if you look at the existing plan that's why the lot itself is so big yeah yeah so so it's actually down the uh okay just for the committee and people at home edification um when a building term is issued just bu Highway superintendent signes off the driveway permit so all of this is addressed through the building permit process which we have got to yet okay again I appreciate you being preemptive and proactive with trying not to restrict flow okay but yeah this will all be flushed out depart got do you have anything else for conservation no any any anything from the committee um Mr uh Pearson Mr rid uh you were involved with zero Elm Street earlier on do you have any questions on what's being described um I don't have any specific questions at this point um I know you guys were looking at some materials up front and that would be helpful to see I don't think we have those in our files um but other than that now the the general General nature of what you're talking about sounded pretty clear James I don't know um I know you had to depart uh early I'm not sure if you're still on uh the meeting or not and if you had any comments I think James may have been called away so okay okay I think we're all set there as I said that clearing land uh I noticed it when I drove by the other day um and this was just a matter of uh additional area to be cleared as you heard for staging and it was not clear exactly what was entailed but I think we're I think we're all set we're good to go as far as what's been proposed um not affecting the um existing storm water permit so I think we're all set so so we're we're allowed to clear trees in that in that area now or you're you're allowed to do the work you need to do to create the staging area gotcha okay now as Mr Ferry said the trees that are there are not giant trees right um if you were getting into an area of taking down large trees similar to what we've had at solar farms and those trees were not part of the original proposal then you would be coming back for permission to do that what again what you're proposing is creating a staging area so that's not the same thing is wiping out a lot of big trees because you're going to build the building there or you you've moved the building to an the other part of the site right so uh so the clearing should move ahead M yeah okay gra grabbing right all all the stumps will stay in place yeah that's great y excellent thank you thank you um going back to agenda item 5A which is Blue Wave solar Trea in Middle um Mr R or U pearon are you waiting for anything from Blue Wave yes um my understanding is that from a previous meeting I think it was in May there was a request made consistent with um uh one of our peer review uh memos and discussion uh of this group that the applicant was ordered uh to provide um calculations for the asilt drwings that had been uh had been provided to us for review and I don't believe we've seen those materials yet um so Greg or uh hi how's it going yeah sorry I'm in the car right now so I might be in and out but Alexandra either of you can you address what Mr Ren just said yeah I I I remember getting asked for a check for the peer review I have I do not recall ever being asked for calculations oh the check for the peer review I think that was for cont a that was not for storm water just to clarify there was another check um back in April though we sent for the storm water okay Alexander do you wish to speak yeah I also don't remember seeing any request for calculations I I believe the asts were sent over um but I I don't remember seeing anything that there was anything additional needing needed um unless for some reason I wasn't included on that uh Jim R you wish to clarify again what it is you're waiting for for this Blue Wave project right so we had the as buil drawings but we didn't have calculations that went along with them like the flow calculations the H&H kind of stuff so Alexandria Greg how soon can you get those to Mr Reen um I I think we should be able to get those pretty shortly there were almost no changes to the asilt so I'll reach out to my uh engineer and have him get those updated and I think we can get those out to uh you know the next few days or week here okay anything else Mr Ren on that one no I think that was it on that one okay agenda item 5B Macs ruos um we waiting for anything there was I think you were looking for as builts for that one did they ever arrive this is the big and I apologize I think that that I con I confused in my list the um the two pro so I have Blue Wave uh uh on one and uh the arujo clearway on the other so I very much apologize the um uh the calculations that we needed were for clear way Ario and then as far as uh Blue Wave goes I know that that application was filed with the Conservation Commission for a COC and that we're going to be providing uh storm water review as part of that um and that that's going to include um occur under that Conservation Commission review so I'm sorry for the confusion earlier that was uh that was my fault so for Blue Wave what is needed Blue Wave meaning middle and Tremont streets and you mentioned concom so is this the final review or the final last look or what is it so um so this is uh the review of the application that was um sent in for that COC um and uh that included storm water so you know I believe it would be more or less a final review so is that in the works or are you waiting for something we're not we're not waiting for anything um The Proposal that we sent in is under consideration by the town uh through the Conservation Commission and so we're just waiting for approval to get started on that that was that was a proposal we sent in recently um Lisa there isn't any update on that is there only if you have one did concom approve the proposal or they haven't reviewed it yet we approved the proposal but where the question lies is that there was some disclosures of um ethics disclosures yeah that's the board of Selectmen were asking them to look into a little bit more so we're waiting okay yeah I'm waiting for ethics and Weston and Samson yeah okay is is that the only thing miss aad you have anything you all set okay um all right so now can I just ask a quick clarifying question I know this isn't concom but is that proposal not ready to be reviewed for I was planning on going to the concom meeting tomorrow night but if not I won't show up yeah you you don't need to show up that's that's kind of on hold right now Greg all right um next week and we hope to have an answer after next week's meeting sorry about that oh no problem I appreciate that I'm glad I called in this one at least thanks everyone is anything else needed on our end to move anything along just to make sure that we are uh doing everything we can to close these out sounds like youve got to wait until the select been meet to to um resolve this uh ethics conflict of stress situation and as she said they meet next Wednesday night so uh I would say check back with Lisa sometime after Wednesday night and see if it got resolved at the selectman's level okay thank you okay all right thank you um okay so uh Mr rid moving back to 5B Macs ruos this is the one you're waiting for the calculations for the as as built drawings that's correct okay um so are those coming through Pete Williams or who's supposed to provide them if that's a question to me I'm assuming that would be through the applicant and that they would come to you folks probably first or maybe they would uh be sent to you directly with the CC to us the the final work that Weston and Samson will do at uh the arujo Solon site has that proposal been approved and is it funded and you're just waiting for these calculations to finish up what you have to do um I need to I need to double check on that but I think we're I can't recall whether we'd need to submit it's been a couple of months and I can't recall off the top of my head whether we to submit another proposal um I can check that while while we're in the meeting here and figure it out for you okay um okay so um just for informational purposes we'll put Blue Wave on next month's agenda just to find out what happened with um concom um and assuming the select can get this ethics thing resolved uh the U Macs aru will be there to see if we if the information and calculations have been submitted to you does anyone else have any questions or comments on um the solar farm [Music] atos hearing none okay um agenda item 7A so um Mr R and Mr pearon um I think that covers everything you don't have to stay with us for the rest of this unless you choose to do so there is there is one other item that i' bring up and uh that is uh Hunters Hill um Community Center that uh that is and and Lisa I believe is familiar with this too um and may have additional information but there's a proposal that or excuse me there was an application that came in to the Conservation Commission that um was going to require um I guess I'll just call it an alteration of their existing storm water system that was built but never uh never fully never fully charged I suppose or never fully put online um and that they were they were looking to make some some changes some flow alterations to that that came in through the Conservation Commission we submitted a proposal for that which was approved and we're going to be doing that storm water review um I think that that you folks just needed to be in the loop on that as well okay um so we'll put this on for next month's um agenda to find out what's happening Hun's Hill is not on this agenda so other than providing that update we can't discuss it anyhow so uh storm water will be is in the loop and we will add it to the sep member agenda to find out what happened or where where the work is as far as progress goes is that okay with you Lisa yeah that's okay uh Jim you all set Jim red I think I'm all set there's just that one item with clear way um aruo that do you want me to um just confirm to you whether whether we need to do uh uh an additional proposal or whether we have that covered under our existing work yes okay then I'll do that uh offline okay um whatever you send to me I'll share with the committee um so they know so when we get together in September uh we will we will know ahead of time where what the situation is and uh where the project is as far as wrapping it up or finishing it off whatever has to be done sounds good okay thank you thank you too Nancy agenda item 7A new business Jeff Reed Sunny's way drainage modification Mr [Music] Reed brought my engineer with me that's fine if you want to bring this over and put it on the table so the committee members can uh anybody can get up and look at it and then you can explain it like the other gentleman did with his [Music] plant picture bigger than I thought not a problem we got plenty of space here okay so if you uh you can stand there a mic right there so if you want to explain sure and have your engineer uh just tell us what this is about absolutely um so this is my address is 102 Sunny this is the neighboring property of 100 Suns there's a Swale that goes behind our my property Jags around goes behind his goes down here into a storm water system the problem is storm water system the meaning Town um yes so it's I think the town took it overed Road the the out the outflow is HOA okay so the stone Swale um terms of I can tell there's no interior pipe in the sale um it's obviously not effective um as you can see there um so my proposal is to create a drainage system um I've been working with Tom Perry quite often he's been wonderful um working with the engineer coming up some sort of drainage system to take on majority of that water um there's probably going to be percentages w't we figure out the load of it um this is these basically these water trails and the pump in order to save my property um so IDE I didn't want the whole property go under water CU that's what was going to happen um obviously those were all temporary solutions until I figured out a permanent one um there hasn't been any outside of this drainage plan there's no viable way um of doing this um any other way um the contractor and the site developer were absolutely wonderful and left no easement to the swell so even if I wanted to change this well I don't have legal means to do so um so I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a heart place so I have two questions sure shoot this picture here Y is this the outflow that I'm seeing come here yes okay Y and what's this definition of what this was a garden okay at one point okay so you don't have a picture here so when the water is like this it's against the the lip for his bulkhead also he's got about an inch and a half before it goes over the top of it yeah it's very scary um so this is this water always here or is only when it rains and you end up with this it's it's only when it rains on a heavy um load and it wasn't just a one case occurrence repetitive storms okay and it's taking him a couple days to pump this water down um in the yard so you quite a while so this one came from I put a pump over here before and I ran to hose up and around and what my intention was is I saw this as a function that I pumped it here and it did it what its job was then I said on the next storm I said well you know what I'm going to move the pipe on the other side and see how this storm holds the water so it gave us a real good indication on you know can this hold up volume um I was hoping there was some sort of area here because it would be a little probably easier but there isn't I guess this pipe is in the middle of the road where this one is actually accessible so this depiction here that we're seeing uh where's the outfall going to go into the catch Basin in which catch Basin is that depicted here anywhere that one right there okay this is his house yep so that plan is proposing this Bas that CB right there right now it's going to the stone swell around this house down and it's piped into this Basin and from that stone to here okay and so I understand that you want to collect the water from this swell a Subterranean and then connect directly to the CB yes correct okay and U at that point when we discussed the your communication with the HOA oh yeah they they they basically said we're okay with what you want to do as long as we don't have to pay for it yeah we did we did get a sign on so get a sheet we're after us and HOA no ice in the road I mean that would be us uh the minimal disturbance would be this one sidewalk to get the pipe into that Basin that that's probably the least intrusion there and then um um yeah so conservation so you have you're talking about work in a buffer zone so this this would this require any tree removal is that all on your lawn uh no tree removal Okay so anything from this point forward there is zero trees from this point forward are are you proposing uh the engineer I'm sorry your first name ra Rob yeah I'm sorry are you proposing a specific location for the Basin and reshaping the backyard or you already Des no I I think I I we'll do some you know tighter um survey for points to get the get to get a low squat but we're figuring somewhere in the middle so you know a little bit of further work just get an exact location practical in the low spot in this sale so we won't be outside of buffer well be in the buffer zone but we won't be outside of this property line or anything so I want to mention the tree thing um this is a dated picture before I bought the property this is from the D yeah I only used this because it was clear the next two IM are gone okay well um so I was just going to say from a conservation perspective that it would be something that the commission would want to review so you want I will just have to talk about I think you probably could get away with maybe doing it um as an RDA but you're going to have to file an application with the Conservation Commission for okay in the final B ability yeah on after she's done beating you up that's not beating anybody up ask Dave after Dave's done beating you up well the good news is I am planning and planting trees on this side once I have whatever figured out great some good plant life it's obviously going to get fixed you know so when when it's done who's maintaining this oh this there would be me you're keeping the great clear what's up you're GNA keep the great clear yes and then idea we were actually just discussing that is um the putting like an inlet here so I could put a jedar in if I ever had to a clean out to yeah some ex what size pipe were you thinking using I I I know 10 in or even 8 in would probably work within the elevation change we have but um we're still looking at pipe types and what's more practical based on cover like something self clean if you can yeah there a lot of water that comes out of that yeah no yeah AB I think I think if the propos if a catch BAC in here and a drain manhole here if they have a sump whatever infiltrat should very land in the sump but it's been a while since so with the wrong winter those pip now i' be even worried that the 12 in is not enough but the 12 in would be self cleaning right yeah um so a little bit of frosting ground with six inches of melting snow on top with a rain EV vent just you wouldn't even see this yeah there's a lot of water right so you're just talking about removing the water from your yard but that's actually going to help a few yards frankly yeah they are connected my neighbors sure yeah right yeah so I would be concerned about pipe size make sure to keep your maintenance requirements down um you thank me for that and then um the intake location obviously needs to be in the best location to do its job yeah that's something you'll figure out yep absolutely makes sense y yeah and if there was any doubt I think the key Point what I keep picturing is if it was if the development at first was designed to run his water Jeff's water out around the corner and down into to a double catch Basin at the road then even his isn't functioning properly right so he his yard has no chance until his drains and then you know it's quite the backup okay so the next step is you've got a a file with the Conservation Commission okay okay um and I would say that um if you have new information or additional information you want to provide to storm water we meet the third normally the third Wednesday but just get in touch with me and say hey we got an update we want to give it to you or if you don't have that for September but maybe October just so that we know what's going on as far as what changes are but but um yeah uh conom is your next step okay and I would add the buffer zone to that the 100 foot buffer zone off of that yeah demonstrate that flag it or did you have someone flag it what does that represent a new line or an old line this is just a drain a conceptual drain line this right here that was off the original plan set yeah that's fine it's probably pretty accurate yeah so what do they need from us and just a I think a stor storm water connection permit yeah because this is ours so I sto more a connection permit I think is the only thing we need this pipe is yours essentially that was clean out you're referring to I would put more than one by the way okay any change in direction should have one okay so just just so you don't have any issues with maintenance down the road um so I I that's my opinion Sy on want a connection per it and he outside just keeping us up to date he doesn't need any other else no no uh and to keep us up to date it's mainly so we know what uh kcom is doing if for some reason something develops that what they decide affects what we do we need to know about it but other than that as Miss agie said the connection permit you know um so in the process of the forgive me I haven't been through this particular process for so I file an application [Music] for RDA RDA talk about that after the meeting okay yeah storm water okay okay um and I guess my last question is and I don't know how long that takes that process takes um if it would be done before winter or not be done before winter probably before winter yeah probably before winter yes um is there a way since we are going to do a few of the cleanouts is there a way using the storm water to tap the drain and bring it to a place where it doesn't obstruct into that um con V's Conservation Area um the reason why I asked that may sound silly but I would prefer to if we do get impending water last September was pretty awful I'm sure everybody remembers um I could pump into something that's not into you know the affected area and then permit the small section of it or is that not viable so what Tom is allowing you to do is normally not allowed you're not supposed to pump into storw water infrastructure but obviously this is an extenuating circumstance so I don't think we as a committee would support I'm not speaking for everyone you having an ongoing pumping um it wouldn't be a permanent thing it would just more because right now I have the green pipe that goes over the walking area and that's what I was trying to but I think I can answer you a question you can correct me Lisa in order for you so you're talking about a structure somewhere here outside of the buffer zone well if I had a clean out here I could tap here and stop it at the cleanout and then get all the permitting done and then take the pump hose and just just for a temporary scenario and a sidewalk would be restored before winter too that would be that would be good this is my concern you might be able to put this whole run in up to this Manel yeah and if if we're outside the buffer zone I think that's what he's saying can we this the sidewalk as as during the process of ironing out the RDA I 100 yeah I see I was just concerned about the little kids you know riding their bikes and falling you know that's that's well that makes sense good Halloween prank though other than that Mr Ferry does that work for you so yes so I I do have one more question Tom um who's gonna actually do the connection to the storm water Bas one of them yeah I mean you know I don't know if the town requires bonding or not but well this is a fairly new discussion that's why I'm asking it yeah it hasn't happened yet so it would be yeah normal bonding that the jaul and all that stuff okay I mean if you guys want to do it I'm open just throw it out there we don't want to get in the house we'll inspect the connection certainly yes yeah it work with Mr Ferry yeah uh the main thing is um as Mr a said uh this is the first this is anomally allowed but um also we recognize the problem um someone you have a contractor doing the work yeah so we haven't figured out who that may be yet but it's going to be based off the scope of plan so usually they have insurance that's part of the the application that Jim's alluding to that we would need to allow the road Road opening permit one thing we will require is a Certificate of Insurance MH from the contractor and it should State uh also insured town of dyon okay okay um and that's that's a pretty standard thing yep very familiar with that um trenching permit yeah that's all through my office Road opening in the trch with through my office I'll be responsible making sure that your contractor is has a license so has proper insurance so yeah that'll all be done through me you first first if you decide to do it the way you just describ that's something you can start on right away okay um you would just have to show us the buffer zone on the plan you submit so I can make sure your work is outside of the buffer zone and uh we can we can allow you to do that great with the with the permits right so we have trench Road opening same thing I guess there no two different oh they are two different the trench initiates the road opening so you would come to my office or do it online um trench permit Road opening permit gets submitted to me which is a selectman's permit and then I I give the selectman my trans permit your Road opening permit and then they act on it and the other one was a storm water connection connection so this is my contact M he you okay with the notes kind back you you okay you get the names of the players okay so Tom are you going to take care of a buing the stone water connection permit we have one we do okay so um just to recap you're gonna get in touch with kcom you're going to be working with Mr Agia to get the trench permit and and so forth so on and you're going to be working with Mr Ferry as far as the storm water connection but once you start the work it's assuming everything is okay with concom and concom gives you the okay then Mr Ferry and Mr Agia will be your contact people uh and then as I said um let me know if you get something to tell us an update in September or October or if it moves along quickly you might just want to send in an email that says it's done and whatever I'll keep you a prize the entire way okay okay that works I very much appreciate all time okay thanks je agenda item eight are there any unanticipated items I think you know I do take care please do you have anything unanticipated have a good [Music] night uh any public input uh correspondents I don't have any uh we don't have minutes for approval um the report on expenses the OPA funding uh Mr pcel the Town Administrator told me that the money came in um I had talked to the town accountant and she was checking to see if it's ready to issue the contract or if the contract is has been sent out so as soon as I know that Weston and Sam can start work on this we're going to get him working on it as M I got I did get an email from uh Newton Teta asking me by the way where are you with updating the post construction and I said my understanding is the mone's in it's a matter of either issuing the contract or actually setting up the schedule of work I got to get back to him um on that um our next meeting date is the third Wednesday of September is 18 September the 18th um SE and just before I adjourn um I did mention to you I had sent um I Mr Ferry and I had sent letters to Mr Agia his appointment is coming up for renewal at the select's meeting and the other letter went to Mrs uh cabia from the board of he requesting when they get a full Board of help excuse me me that they appoint somebody to the storm water committee which will give us the uh seven member committee uh that we were we were set up to have uh Mrs cavia when do you when do you anticipate an appointment to the Board of Health Tuesday night oh okay all right thank you okay um is there anything else to come before the board anything anyone can think of there nothing I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn what are you shaking your head for Lisa will you second that oh I'll second sorry we have a motion a second to adour all in favor I I motion uh 219 there was an article in the adoro paper and I just made some copies of this um this just this is just an article that talks about the a firm in Mansfield being fined by the EPA to the tune of $120,000 because they violated stor water discharge rule