broadcast is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good morning call the special meeting to order today is February 20th 20 uh 24 and The Time Is Now 10:08 a.m. Madame clerk please call the role councilwoman Marin poras councilman Rafa Pino pres councilwoman din pres vice mayor Oscar po cor pres mayor chrisy Fraga present mayor you have quum thank you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by vice mayor pre States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you and if you indulge me I'm just going to do a quick invocation although it is not part of our uh agenda today please bow your heads we are thankful for this day that you have given us for its blessings its opportunities and its challenges may we appreciate and use each day that comes to us we pray for strength and guidance may we be challenged to give our best always and may we be assured of your presence O Lord amen amen okay we now move on to the agenda order of business is there any uh changes to the current agenda yes I would like to move um 5 a so after uh [Music] 5f okay um I have an objection to this if anybody else um 5A should be taken up first as if it is not approved then we would move on to other items the order of the agenda is in its proper order so that we can discard of items that do not need to be you disc discussed should other items take precedent I don't agree and I call the question so I I'm also of the opinion that we should move it and I know that I spoke to Frank and I don't think the order necessarily for me matters however I I don't think that we can really approve that one without approving B first or going through b and once we go through b a may change it's like and of course you know I'm in full support of it as I had mentioned um so I'm okay with moving a after B okay so we're moving 5A to after 5B I'm fine with that okay either that or we can move it all the way to after F doesn't really matter to me okay I think that we should keep the inm city manager items together and so again the order do in this age in this case I think have it enough okay um let's take apologies let's take one person speaking at a time okay so we'll go ahead and move item 5 a to after item 5B any other mayor yes councilman Pino have the floor can we combine fi e and fi F yes so I am going to be recommending when the items come up because these are nominations that items 5C and 5D and F I'm sorry items 5B and 5 C and items uh 5e and 5f are taken up together because they are nominations so they're the same item just with different nominations so we will hear them all at once what does that mean exactly so basically we just have the discussion and then nominations will be made but there's no point in having separate items because they are the same item just with different nominations so per Robert's Rules of orders motions relating to nominations the items will be taken up together I don't agree with that I think that it should be separate so each of them have the opportunity to present right but so there again this is the first time we do it in this format and because they are nominations we should be able to hear from all parties at the same time and then nominations will be made but there's no point in taking up an item where we will discuss one you know one particular um recommendation or nomination and then have another item when that nomination may have already been taken up so you hear them both together and then a nomination from this board is made but otherwise then we are we are uh not allowing an opportunity for every council member to make a nomination as it is allowed per the charter in terms of efficiency I don't think that we need to hear every item if one already precludes the other one so I have actually asked the attorneys to make public comments so that they can speak and speak to the entire Council since that's an opportunity for them to speak and for us to hear them and they have already signed up and they can actually do that and you know I can actually um encourage also the uh candidates for interim city manager to do the same but that's what I've asked the uh attorney candidates to do and that's I mean it's essentially the same thing but it's a a little bit more efficient so that that's what I would um propos okay um I'm going to ask that everybody wait to be I'm going to ask that any member of the council would like to speak wait to be recognized before you speak number one and that way we have an orderly meeting number two I disagree with that because we cannot do question and answers in the form of public comments it's not the proper forum for question answers so I think it's unfair for each member of this Council to have an opportunity to question and answer um all nominating being candidates um without it being taken up together I don't see a difference unless this Council does not want certain things to be put on the record um but I think it's important for us to have the opportunity to have a question and answer session for full transparency with the public of each of these nominating candidates the charter allows for members of the council to make nominations for intrum city manager and inim City attorney therefore there have been several nominations put forward and we should hear all presenting nominations equally every council member should have equal opportunity to hear so there should be move to suspend the rules of procedure I'm going to move to suspend the rules of procedures which we can do according to our rules of procedur if there's a second I'm I second the motion and you know I think that for us to be able um uh to see what the council agrees let's just call the call the question and then from there we go excuse me but I am the chair of the meeting and I have not recognized either of you we just suspended the rules of procedure motion you cannot you cannot suspend the rules of procedure without being recognized so with all due respect if we're going to follow the rule of the law we're going to follow the rule of the law Madame attorney could you please clarify this please councilwoman we we are allowed to there is a method to suspend rules of procedure under the code it will require a majority vote okay so let's call to suspend the rules of procedure because I want to make this meeting as efficient as possible we are not going to have the same apologies for everyone here we're not going to go through the same thing that we went through last week this is this is supposed to be a forum for us to do business not a platform for anyone to do political um advertisements any of that I I want to see this meeting as efficient as possible and therefore again I'm motioning to suspend the rules of procedure so that we can move forward with the meeting as we have it here I second mad cler could you please call the question I have a motion to suspend the rules of procedure May by councilwoman second by councilwoman councilwoman poras yes councilman Cal yes councilman Pino no vice mayor Bove yes mayor Fraga no motion passes okay so here's what we'll do next um we'll go ahead and open up public comments and I'm going to allow for us to be able to answer questions at that time so we'll go ahead and open up public comments this is your opportunity to come and speak in public comments you have three minutes to speak in a respectful manner please state your name and address for the record we're going to go ahead and start with those who have filled out common cards if you have not filled out a common card you may still come up and speak um just make sure you visit the clerk after to fill out a Comon card we'll start with Maria gandis Maria gandis no I thought the comments were going to be at the end no comments public comments are now so you can come up and state your comments okay um Carlos bermudes morning Council um Carlos Eduardo bermudes better Carlos Eduardo bermudes um my address is 4716 Norwest 83rd Avenue here in Rell um I will try to be brief because 3 minutes is not enough many things are going through my head right now uh I've been witnessing uh all past three meetings the council has so far and I'm honestly deeply concerned about what's going on in the city I see that most of the energy and time has been used for discussions of reorganizing the administrative body of the council and uh that concerns me the most because last meeting you guys suspended three important items for the finish of the park and gave much more importance to nominate a new city manager having known that the decision before was to get the interim uh city manager uh or Deputy city manager later we see that a nomination of a new City attorney has been made and uh things are for me I see it as an evident fight for power although I think I truly believe that this forum is not for those purposes you guys are here to represent us as Citizen and as I see it you are focusing in the wrong items and I believe your heart should be put on what it is um necessary for the city and use the time and effort you're using to argue about who is going to be the City attorney or who is going to be the city manager use that time on behalf of his citizens and start deciding and putting your efforts in the benefit of the city um that'll be pretty much my comments I appreciate your time and I respect you all thank you thank you Mr bmes where now going to go to Mr Joseph [Music] Geller good morning mayor and Council my name is Joseph Geller I'm a partner at greenspoon martar and we are an applicant I guess we're according to the agenda nominated to be your interim City attorneys um we applied when this was open last year we were the second place finisher in terms of scoring to the neighbors Giblin firm certainly a well-known firm um and we're very anxious and looking forward to the possibility of serving this city um I personally have practiced law for over 40 years uh I've been doing City attorney work for different municipalities since 1995 it's a while um and I've sat in the chair and been the Principal attorney for half a dozen different cities across South Florida and have represented numerous cities in other matters our firm as the application we put in and our proposal that we put in last year would show we're a large firm we have over 200 I think it's about 200 150 attorneys uh we're here in different cities Miami we have an office right over on Bickle um Fort Lauderdale boa rone West Palm Beach or large office in Orlando and Tallahassee we're in I believe it's eight or 10 states now New York New Jersey California Tennessee um number of others Arizona uh and we have attorneys in multiple Specialties so we feel fully capable of fulfilling the job we would expect to do most things inhouse we have a large labor department my partner who I believe is on the zoom um Mr uh Morris skip Miller is a specialist in public finance and bonds and I understand that there are some issues that you have relating to those Mr Miller and I will be working together supported by other attorneys in our firm Mr Ral in our Brickle office Miss suin um and Mr Scott and others for Real Estate I call on our real estate Partners uh we have quite a number of litigators should that prove necessary if the city for some reason on a particular matter chooses to have outside counsel we're certainly fine with that that's your choice but we pretty much can do most things inhouse we are a large firm we do intellectual property I mean all kinds of things I I'll say pension is not one that I think we do a lot of um we would really look forward to this opportunity this is a great City this is a thriving growing city this is you know maybe the most exciting City there is today in South Florida because the city is just rising up and and flexing its muscle and I want to just say in closing I think that's my time um that I've done this for a long time this is a professional obligation we take it very professionally we will treat each of you with dignity and respect we're here to do a job and to do it as best we can for your city thank you so much mayor we'll move on to Mr rul Garcetti thank you good morning I'm rul gastesi I I am uh a partner at gastesi Lopez invester um this is although it's not the firm's biggest area of practice it's my favorite area of practice uh it's the part that I feel is most fulfilling uh to me and to my uh to my partners uh we've been around a long time as well I think Mr Geller made a reference to uh being the most point Getters or something like that the difference in our points was 822 8220 versus 8260 um we've uh been in Miami Lakes since 2013 I can tell you we got a letter of recommendation which is in your packet from every single member of the council including every mayor uh in the town of Miami Lakes except for one and we all know why that is we're in litigation with that gentleman but other than that every single person that I've ever served on has provided us a letter of recommendation uh for for the the council uh we are eight lawyers uh we are a boutique firm uh because we are not an extremely large firm with uh very large offices and extensive overhead uh we can do it for uh a much more reduced rate than what you're uh paying now or what's being offered to you now uh essentially we will be able to do it for half of that we wouldn't exact do it exact EX actly for what we are being paid in Miami Lakes and you are a much larger uh City we provide service 247 uh I was just in uh in Seattle Washington uh celebrating the birth of a grandson and we were on call and we were helping out and dealing with issues in the city uh and preparing for this as well uh I can assure you you will get no better service no higher quality of service than from our firm we will make ourselves available day and night uh if we don't know how to do something we say it if we if we don't have the expertise we tell you that's something that you can always always count on is getting a straightforward answer uh one of the things that to me is very important is that uh you understand that we we act in what's in the best interest of the client not necessarily a certain council person or a certain uh uh faction or group uh within the city that's uh has a lot to say we give you the advice that we believe is true and correct and that is uh we call the balls and strikes a lot of times and that to me is hugely uh important I was just telling someone story the other day where we had an issue right now we're short of council person so we've got 3 three and uh on virtually the same issue both sides were upset with me um and that's my time thank you very much if you have any questions feel free to ask thank you Mr getts any other public comments at this time please approach the podium state your name and address for the record good morning my name is Rosemary Ravenel I live at 3705 estapa Avenue here in derell thank thank you Madame mayor and members of the city council I'm a concerned citizen I believe that you're playing a game of musical chairs to reach an ulterior motive we're not stupid why are you following suit without the cities that are going through turmoil as well it's a maybe open season for firing city managers Coral Gables City of Miami this should be a model City this should be a transparent Professional Organization I want to be proud of all of you sitting up here we are being told something that is really very very phony why fire a city manager for superficial reasons and why appoint interim attorney and city manager when you know there's a lot of latitude to do exactly what the hidden agenda wants to achieve so I urge you please to be a model City to be a model among all the cities in Miami Dade County make us proud thank you thank you ladies and gentlemen if we could please hold Applause and do what we do with the county I would very much agre appreciate it is there any other public comments at this time no Rosemary if you would just see the clerk just need to fill out a card yes please when you get a chance if there are no other public comments at this time we will close the public comments portion of this meeting Madam clerk like the record reflect no one else has chosen to speak at this time and we will move on to the discussion items we will be taking up item 5B first Madame clerk please read it into the record item 5B a resolution of the mayor and the city council of city of D Florida appointing Katie G Brooks as inm city manager and providing for an effective date thank you madam uh city clerk we will now turn this over to councilman boras for the presentation thank you all for being here as you all know um the position for city manager for the city of Dural became open as of February 2 during one of our last Council meetings or during that council meeting we appointed our Deputy city manager as interim city manager Frank riio which who has been doing a really phenomenal job in in getting all this together in such a challenging time and I want to commend him and and thank him for that work as well um at this time I think it is necessary to appoint um a different interim city manager and that way our current interm city manager Frank Rio can go back to his Deputy position and this filling the three roles that we have at the main at the top and the person that I am proposing is here her name is Kathy Brooks she has over 40 years of local government experience in South Florida and most recently in the city of Miami Beach including as city manager an assistant city manager and she brings expert knowledge in the areas of Finance budgeting having served as interim Chief Financial Officer bonds which as you know is extremely important for us Transportation parking strategic planning tourism Economic Development and procurement just to name a few areas notably she has also served as a key member of the convention center renovation and Expansion Project team dealing with bonds and funding for the convention center project which is going to be extremely helpful as we seek to expand our tourist projects if the tourist development tax sharing bills are passed this session which is something that we've been advocating for in Tallahassee and you know deral is actually seeking a portion of these uh of this tax revenue and Miami currently receives it so I think it's very fitting to have someone with her experience with everything I just mentioned including that and as well as again Bond um you you know I've spoken to uh Miss Brooks and she understands the sorry she understands the urgency and the need for us to keep the Ral Central Park on track as promised and committed to Residents and she's going to bring the experience that's needed to make sure that continues to happen and finally and very important Miss Brooks understands the need to work together as a team with all of the members of the council and in a fair and ethical manner which is what I have asked her to do as well um so I thank you uh Miss Brooks for your willingness to assist the city while we find a permanent city manager and with that I ask my colleagues for their support and I'm going to place a motion to appoint Miss Kathy Brooks as interim city manager for the city thank you we have a motion on the table I will second the motion there's a second on the table the motion is now open for debate I'm sorry I I I forgot to mention one thing and something if Valerie can clarify too yes um so there was a proposed agreement that was attached to the agenda so it would be to approve um her appointment as inm city manager and the employment agreement that's attached to the agenda okay thank you um Madam City attorney there's a motion in a second and now the item is open for debate is there a debate would anybody like to be recognized for debate yes councilman you are recognized thank you mayor um well first of all this is exactly why I thought that you know it was going to be better to do the other way around because again we are not giving the opportunity to uh Mr Russo uh which is the other applicant to explain and especially for me since I'm the one uh proposing the appointed of Mr Russo to go over his his background and and and experience as well well uh I think that when we speak about transparency and open process I mean we have to be more clear and more transparent to the resing especially the ones that are here and the ones that are watching um I had the chance to had a great conversation with uh Miss Brooks yesterday I appreciate your your time uh and the same and I'll be transparent since we're not going to be discussing Mr Russo's uh nomination and at the same time we're skiing and moving forward later with uh Mr Rios uh I have to combine everything at once so uh first of all the fact that we're recognizing how great Mr Rios has been doing since we approv except me by the way uh I didn't voted for him to stay as a as an intern city manager because I thought that was uh what took place three weeks ago was an I still believe uh it was without no cause and and for no reason uh but since we're discussing this I think that it's fair for Mr Rios to know if we're saying how great he has been doing for the past two three weeks why he cannot continue as an inance City Manager for example um when I believe he has done an incredible job he has a qualification he has a resume and especially because we're going to go over a process of selecting a nomination a new city manager in the future so um again I know that we're moving forward I know you guys have the vote but I think it's fair for the residents to be clear about what is taking place uh I mean we're preaching an inance city manager which has been here for years because everybody knows the resume of Mr Rios uh yes I'm nominating another person to be considered as an inurance city manager but I just want to leave for the record that Mr Rios should be the first option to stay to continue it as an intern city manager until we figure it out uh who the next city manager is going to be so having said that I just hope that for the residents that are here and the residents that are watching understand what is taking place here it's just my opinion and my perception interpretation whatever name you want to call it is just pure politics that's it there's no other reason and I hope that the same way that I respect everybody's opinion here that you guys respect my opinion as well but that's how I believe and and I just representing the frustration of a lot of residents not only here but the ones who are watching as well also same thing that I mentioned to uh Miss Brooks and and Mr Russo because I do believe in open process and transparency I just going to State it for the record uh we went over what I believe should be the priorities regarding who is appointed and I'm going to be I'm going to be clear about it there's nothing that we can argue as a council that this Administration the prior Administration the prior city manager the current directors everybody that has been working for the city of dado for the past 14 months there's nothing that we can say that they haven't done until this date there's nothing that we can say that they have done something wrong or illegal or or or an ethical for the past 14 months so I just hope that whoever is appointed as the insurance city manager or the future city manager that understand that they're coming in a time where everything has been working fine everything has been about progress everything has been on track until this date and I just hope that everything continues to be on track because otherwise I'm know gonna take the blame I'm gonna come out the same way that I speaking today I'm gonna come out and tell my colleagues you guys are responsible I'm going to come out and tell the administration the new city manager you're responsible because there's nothing that I have heard until today that say something different about the directors the department the direction the city was taking to see something different in the near future so that's where I stand I had the conversation yesterday with Miss Brooks and I also I express that to Mr Rosell because I do believe again we we have to go through this process but there's nothing wrong about how the city is functioning and that's the part that a lot of the people here and watching feel frustrated about it we're taking up unprofessionals like Mr Rios and other director so that uh that we're arguing something that in my opinion yes I mean we need a city intern city manager we already have one we need an we're looking for an intern City attorney we already have one so when we speak about all the Departments from the police department all the way down there's nothing wrong about what they have been doing for the last 14 months so having said that I respect my uh colleagues opinion but I just want to leave on the record that I disagree with the way that we're handling not only this meeting but especially for the past three weeks now we have to come here every week for for a special council meeting in my humble opinion for no reasons no sense no excuses there is a lack of transparency lack of information there's nothing that we can argue I would like to explain and I conclude with this I would like for one of my colleagues to look at Mr riio and explain to him why he cannot stay as an intern city manager I mean that's it it's simple but you guys can you guys have the chance to come forward and say it to his face say it to the resident say leave it on the record again we continued on a path that unfortunately for me is lack of transparency lack of information and again this is not good governance at all thank you councilman Pino any other comments for debates mayor for the record I have spoken to Mr please wait to be recognized and then we will go ahead and and allow you to speak is there anyone else who would like to speak on this item at this time I would like to speak after I I hear the comment from Council woman for okay but everyone has an opportunity to speak once and then we go on second round so we're going to follow the rules of proced the procedures or we actually have decided not to follow the other procedure it's fine coun you can speak I was just going to clarify that was voted don't you remember that I was just going to clarify that I have spoken it's fine I was just going to clarify that I have spoken to Mr R and I've Al and you know and previously I had spoken to a previous city manager and my position and my vote is never a surprise here and therefore you know I I I appreciate councilman Pino for asking me to speak directly to them and I already have previous to this meeting there's a lot of preparation that I do before I come to these meetings and that includes speaking with the individuals who are subject to these meetings um therefore I've had many face-to-face conversations with Mr Rios with Miss Hernandez and that's just how I am I've spoken to them they know my position no my position here is never a surprise to them thank you councilwoman you're now recognized I want to reiterate everything I just mentioned thank you mayor you're welcome would you like to speak now Council yes I just want to say that we already voted not to follow procedure but I guess I don't know if the city clerk want to read within the record that we just have a vote when it comes to that and we actually decided as a majority of the council that we were going not going to follow the procedure just to clarify and to have that on the record so my my opinion and and my um comments when it comes to this is that I had the opportunity to go through both of the resume Mr Russo and also Mr Brooks and Mr Russo um this is wonderful that you have over 30 years of experience and I can see here that uh not just your background but all the places that you have served I compare your resm as well Mrs Brooks that I feel that this point in time she's the one that will be able to fulfill the needs of what we the challenges that we have right now when it comes to the bond when it comes to the part of administration I also have seen Mr RI and I don't think that you get close to 30 years of experiences of managing or am I wrong so based on that I think that we have right now candidates that have much more experience and that's something that we need at this point in our city I just just wanteded to please to ask some of my council members that to be more respectful on taking an account that our residents they don't need to have the intelligence to be insult of trying to mislead them with information that it's not the accurate one we are here as a open book and we're able to meet to anybody that wants to meet with us either some of the ones that are sitting here agree or not but as you can see the majority of the council that is representing you have made decisions individually as professionals as people that are in and out of this Administration so time will tell that's all that I can tell you but right now my support will go to Mrs Brooks due to the best um experience on the many issues that we are right now confronting so um I already have second my motion to approve her as our inance Senor manager councilwoman does that conclude your comments I'm not sure I might have other comments depends on the conversation that we're having okay let me clarify something very quickly you may suspend the rules of procedure that is for purposes of setting the order of the agenda and any motion that may be on the table however that does not preclude order and Rule of business that does not preclude following the rules you may not want to follow the rules but on this day and while I am mayor we will follow the rules and you will not disrespect the residents of the city of dado who are here to listen this talking over each other and not waiting to be recognized will not be allowed or tolerated it is disrespectful and it is unorderly and I will not allow it last meeting it was said that we will follow Robert's Rules of Order we will follow palarian rules and we will follow the rules of the city of D therefore I am using the authority given to me by the residents of the city of D to make sure that we follow the rule of order you may not like it but it is the way we will do it you want to speak over me do you want to argue you can do that the residents will see who is causing the circus up here it will not come from me and we will make sure that we follow the rules so please if you're going to sit up here and Pander and say that you're going to follow the rule of law then follow it your actions speak louder than your words we will now continue debate on this item is there any other debate on the motion on the floor being no more debate I will have some questions at this time I would like Miss Brooks to please approach the podium good morning mayor and council members good morning thank you for being here today Miss Brooks thank you for meeting with me yesterday I appreciate it we had a very great conversation I was very honest with you about my uh concerns with this process today has proven even further my concerns with this process of a lack of transparency and ability to have an open uh debate about different nominating candidates I had the opportunity to also speak to Mr Russo Mr Russo I believe you are in the room as well correct please stand and be recognized please stand and be recognized Mr Russo thank you very much for being here I did have a conversation with Mr Russo on Sunday and I appreciate his time and ability to explain to me his professional background and his ability to take on the position of interim city manager should his nomination be moved forward first let me start by saying I I don't agree with the process that's taken place I was very upfront and honest with Miss uh Miss Brooks about the fact that I do believe that right now the place our city is in um we have the capability of moving forward with the current interim city manager we have so we can go through the process of finding a permanent city manager Miss Brooks are you interested in the permanent city manager position um mayor Fraga at this point in time I've been approached about being the interim manager I need to you know if I'm appointed at the will of the council would need to get into the City and there's a lot I need to learn and understand so I wouldn't be able to answer that question at this time would you think you would be able to make a decision within 30 days I would hope so because I think that's the time frame you're looking or a similar whatever time frame that you are looking to put out for the advertisement of a a a city manager I would need to make the decision within that time frame because that's when you would have it open for application okay are you willing to make a commitment to not make any administrative changes within your time as interim city manager unfortunately as a professional manager that is something I cannot do I don't have any information um intention at this time with regard to either firing or hiring again I have to get involved with the city I have to understand if there are any issues with anyone if there are any areas where may need additional support I just don't know at this time and as a professional manager it wouldn't be appropriate for me to say that as a professional manager do you think that 60 days 90 days is a appropriate amount of a time to evaluate someone on their professional integrity and uh job performance it it it entirely depends on the situation yes that may seem reasonable for you know in general but I would need to there may be something that I find out that say says there's a real problem and then I would have to act accordingly well I think you would have the support of the entire Council if you found something that was inappropriate my question was more on the evaluation of performance and professional Integrity M FR I don't know your staff I just don't know your staff so with that being said I obviously I'm not coming in and the next week I'm going to be firing people with that being said my only purpose I asked this and we had this conversation yesterday very candidly um the purpose I ask this is if that you're not willing to take on the per the permanent position I think making a change of our directors through an intrum position is a very slippery slope and I think unfair to any incoming permanent position and so my request on the de in the public is that no uh major director positions be terminated or changed until it is decided whether a until decided whether you take on the permanent position or a permanent position is brought in I I appreciate your concerns mayor I just can't commit to that I will tell you that when I was interim in City of Miami Beach um you know we were short on assistant city managers and I reshuffled things to hold off on hiring an assistant city manager because I felt it wouldn't be fair to the incoming manager or to the um person I was hiring given that the the the incoming manager might have different opinions so I am very sensitive to your concerns I just can't commit to it I apology during your time as interim city manager in Miami Beach did you uh did you um let go of anybody at the time I am trying to remember because there was someone we let go very close and I can't remember if it was right during my time or right after my time I mean major director position yeah the one I'm thinking of as a major director position I just cannot but but there was a significant issue involved I will tell you that much okay well I think that it is uh just obvious that any of us would be fully supportive of you if you were to find something that would be unethical illegal or immoral um in that case I think that you would have the full support of this body to make a decision my major concern is you know the and forgive the word I have no other word to use the desperation of of putting in an outside manager at this time when we are going through the process of finding a permanent manager I just cannot reconcile I just can't reconcile it and therefore these questions are important to me I have an additional question have you ever ever served as city manager in any City I have not I've served as interim manager but it was for a period of 10 months and it was in City of Miami Beach which as you know has a vast range of issues to deal with on a daily basis but you've never been a permanent city manager in any not have been a permanent city manager okay your current your your your previous your last most recent employment was a Consulting yes I have been doing consulting can you tell us a little bit about that Consulting um I've done a number of different things mainly for Miami Beach um uh two most recent both of which were for the City of Miami Beach was as interim CFO while their CFO had resigned and they hired me to perform the duties of the CFO as well as to make recommendations to the city manager for the permanent CFO after that I have worked with them on some of their strategic planning including providing a status update on their uh 2018 strategic plan and providing um overseeing the hiring of a a consultant to do community satisfaction surveys which will provide insight to the next strategic Plan update okay um your commitment with the the city of D can you tell me what that looks like for us my commitment would be that I would be coming in I would be looking as interim to make sure that your priorities continue moving forward I would place a vast uh import on making sure that each and every member of the council including yourself was informed would have my advice and my recommendations you would make your decision and I would be look forward to implementing those decisions that you make thank you I have a quick question about number 7 7.1 of your employment agreement conflicts of interest um it says here to avoid conflicts of interest and the appearance thereof of Miss Brooks shall not for the term of this agreement represent any private sector entities can we also include PR public sector entities therefore you will take on no additional Consulting responsibilities while you Ser as interm city manager I have no problem with that I have an agreement in place with City of Miami Beach currently as part of this strategic planning initiative I mentioned I already called the city manager yesterday and told her that there's a 14-day termination provision um which I need to provide but I have told her that I would be doing that if I was appointed to the position so you'll be terminating that agreement as appointed to the position um can we please add to section 7.1 of the agreement that also know um private public sector entities will be um will be in addition to this uh or any outside private and public sector entities will go will enter into um contract with Miss Brooks that's fine okay um thank you Miss Brooks as I stated to you uh one last question um we had a conversation also that your husband uh had reached out to me to apply for the position your husband is I I don't want to say the name Alex Ray Alex Ray he will not be seeking the a position as a permanent city manager if you take on this role that is correct we had that discussion and we felt it would not be appropriate that he would apply if I took off this Ro I just want to put full disclosure because he did reach out to me previously to to um to seek a possible opportunity for the permanent position so I want to put put that on the record as well okay um thank you Miss Brooks your welcome to stay there for a couple minutes while I make some comments whichever you prefer thank you I appreciate it let me just state that um once again I am not in agreement with how this process has taken place um I'm not in agreement with the way our city manager was terminated I'm not in agreement with the process we are going through therefore not in a representation of Miss Brook's professionalism I think she is absolutely a professional and can absolutely handle the position I will not be supportive of moving forward in this manner I've had this conversation with Brooks I look forward to being able to work with you in a professional environment I certainly am concerned for the stability of our city we've had this discussion as well um my opinion is you are inheriting a Maserati team you can drive that Maserati off the cliff or you could keep it on the road it's pretty simple this team has been built with an incredible uh curating of professionals Innovation dedication passion and I feel that it's unfair for them to be in a place where they can't move forward because there's so much uncertainty caused by this Council I feel confident that you coming up through the ranks in the same situation will be sensitive to that we had that conversation and I'm very grateful for your candidness in that conversation for me keeping politics out of the Administration has always been my priority and has always been what I believe is right for this city unfortunately for many years politics has just been intertwined into the administration which is why we've had over 10 managers in 20 years with one mayor that served for 16 years that says a lot I don't want to be in that statistic because the city deserves better these employees deserve better we deserve better so I would only hope that you would take on the opportunities to possibly be intrum and then permanent for the stability of this city once again I will not be supportive let me just stay on the record what we are missing out in full transparency for this community Christopher Russo has been the city manager of city city of Sunny Beach from 2012 to 2021 that's TW that's 11 11 years consistency Christopher Russo and Associates sorry then following one he was the city manager for city of Sunny is Beach from 2000 to 2005 it's another five years he was the village administrator in Village of rybrook New York from 1987 to 2000 we're talking talking several years in a permanent position that's consistency I I won't go on there's more assistant to the Village manager from 1980 to 1987 the candidate that was brought forward by councilman B NATO it is an absolutely qualified candidate and has served as city manager in other cities so I think it's unfair for us to not take up this process as I had recommended together and an open Forum to give us the opportunity to allow every candidate that can move can be named and nominated forward the opportunity to present their curriculum both consumate professionals I'm sure both much experience in different sectors but I think that it is unfair that we are being subjected to not being able to openly debate and discuss the candidates for this position since we're rushing it so much so I think it's important to put on the record Mr Russo's vast experience consistency and ability to also perform the position in the role of city manager since he has been a city manager in the past again I was very open and transparent with Miss uh uh with Miss Brooks I wasn't going to vote for any new inim city manager because I don't agree with the process my principles lie higher than what is happening here here today I will not jeopardize my values or my principles for anyone so thank you Miss Brooks thank you for being here for your um uh for your Fearless uh wisdom to come up and and be able to answer questions I I told you every question I was going to ask you there would be no surprises that was not my goal and so I thank you for coming up and being able to answer those uh honestly that's that uh concludes my comments um please make a reflection of the changes to the contract that have been requested and uh if there is no more debate there's a question I mean there's a motion and a second on the table and at this time we will call the rule I have motion to approve the appointment and employment agreement as amended with Kathy G Brooks as interim city manager May Council m second by councilwoman Cal councilwoman poras yes councilwoman Cal yes councilman Pino no vice mayor P corve yes mayor Fraga no motion passes thank you very much we will dispose of item 5B and we will move on to fight item 5 a item 5A resolution of the May in the city council city of D Florida approving an employment agreement with Francisco riio as interim city manager providing for authorization implementation and providing for an effective date this was deferred from the February 14th council meeting thank you um we will go ahead and hand this over to the city manager's office Mr Rios so with this item there's no change from uh what was presented previously and what I was able to discuss with each of you leading into uh the February 14th meeting uh should you have any questions I'm I'm ready to respond okay thank you Mr Rios is there on a motion on the item through the mayor yes Council poras you're recognized so the only change that I would like to see on the the uh contract is I think just to clarify that the Mr Rios was serving as interim city manager until a permanent um city manager was found or um an an additional interm city manager was found or you know some language to that effect and I valer if you can take over sure so I think it's already covered um because in section 4A um it provides that um termination includes when either a permanent city manager is appointed or in the event the city council directs Mr Rios to return to his position as Deputy city manager so based on the last item if he's directed to return to his position as Deputy city manager um then that effectively would terminate the agreement this would cover retroactive from um following the vacancy through today's date um and then there's that 90day period that survives termination of the agreement okay is there a motion motion to approve by councilman porra second by vice mayor P corv the item is open for debate is there any debate on the item okay being no debate I'll just have a quick comment thank you Mr Rios for your service and for your professionalism and ability to um keep this team motivated we will call the question uh at this time there's a motion in a second Madam clerk please call the rooll motion to approve made by Council por second by by cor Council yes vice mayor corve yes Council P yes Council yes mayor FR yes motion passes thank you we'll move on to item a I'm sorry 5 C and I believe that this item will be discarded please read it into the record either way I would like councilman being able to have an opportunity item 5c discussion appointment Christopher J Russo as interim city manager councilman Pino do you have any comments this is your item thank you mayor uh no I believe we we already again we already discussed Mr Russo experience uh thank you Mr Russa for being here I I appreciate the fact that you know you were willing to uh you know to to offer your your experience and services to the city of Dale uh I do encourage you to once we move forward with the uh permanent permanent city manager position to go ahead and and please uh go ahead and submit your your application as well I mean I went over your resume we discuss it uh I think it's very impressive and and again uh he there he there for the record I think that the mayor also went over that as well so I just wanted to thank you for for your time and and for being here today thank you Mr Russo for being here today okay we'll dispose of this item and move on to item D item 5D a resolution of the mayor and the city council of City Florida appointing a search committee for the selection of a city manager pursuant to section 3.03 of the city's Charter providing for selection committee with qualifications duties budgetary information and time frame providing for authorization implementation and an effective date okay this item Council pores this is your item you have the floor so I believe we are selecting who we're going to appoint to the search committee in addition to additional things right me see actually during the last meeting we each selected to appoint ourselves is that correct that was for the selection committee for the City attorney okay okay well I'm going to select myself to be part of the committee and then everyone else here will have to choose someone uh Council I mean vice mayor pu would you like to go next yeah myself councilman uh uh B NATO uh myself Council maal myself okay I will be selecting myself as well cons Bas do you have any anything else to add yes so as part of the search committee we also have to agree on how long and when it's going to convene for the first time I know that I've asked um our our Deputy city manager to recommend some some additional information as to where the position will be posted when I don't know if you have that rank yes so typically for a position city manager there are several things that uh would be required in order to make sure we have the most effective recruitment uh much of that is captured within the charter as far as qualifications and responsibilities of the position uh the other items that are are necessary would be uh whether a satary range is going to be produced how long we want the recruitment posted for uh the where we would want it posted as far as to maximize the number of candidates that that uh will attract to to the recruitment so I do have that information as far as now what we want to do with the salary range uh and the length of the recruitment would be a discussion that either the panel selected for uh the selection committee determine or you as a board could could make a recommendation I would say that we post a position within a week from today is that something that's possible yes as long as we had that information as far as what we want to do with salary and the length of time the rest of that information can can be pulled from the charter um you know there's certain things that sometimes you see with those recruitments as far as the ideal candidate uh and part of that is with discussions with each of the council members or through uh the selection committee to make that determination but if we just want to move something forward based on what the minimum qualifications and requirements are then we could use what the charter language provides so I would recommend using the language from the charter um if anyone has you know additional um information or anything that they they' like to add and I would say post the position within a week I had originally recommended posting it for 30 days I don't you know I'll I'll take whatever you know opinion recommendation from my colleagues as to that time frame that's where I think the I would like to start and that's what I'm proposing now following the language of the charter with the minimum qualifications the salary that we currently have um posting it within a week and post and posting it for 30 days I don't know if anyone has any opinion on that or I need a motion first motion motion is there a second I just wanted to add just in Cas is councilwoman you're not recognized that this I second I second okay you're now recognized for the second we will now open up we will now open up for debate would you like to be recognized for debate yes I'm recognized you're now be recognized for debate so um the only thing is that if it is okay uh um coun woman for us because this is your item if Mr Rios if by not any chance you know within the week you might not be able to meet with any of us so still there's some questions uh would you uh C woman also consider if we have to add a few days if is it is needed for you within that week um if that will be okay for us you know if it is within his recommendation that he might need a little bit more than a week yeah it please yes I haven't had the opportunity to speak to the HR staff which will lead that effort um while I'm I'm pretty confident in 7 days would uh would be sufficient however if a few extra days can be afforded since I haven't had that conversation uh definitely we'll we'll take those extra days okay y thank you very much is there any more debate on this item if if I could add just one other thing as far as for salary being that there's no exact range uh for for that position um I don't know if we want to add their I was I was going to address that next okay thank you Mr city manager um so my comments will be as follows I think that we need to be more specific on where we want to post um in the memo I circulated through my city uh mayor's report in the last meeting there was a description of several websites including icma um that we would post so it's not just the city's website but also an icma search uh there should be a national search um um I think there should be a range with the bottom of the range uh being uh I would say what we're currently paying as the bottom of the range otherwise we're not going to get qualified candidates so maybe uh we can look what the icma is recommending as ranges right now I I believe if I am not incorrect from what I have researched in the last two weeks the range should be within 230,000 to 300,000 that is the range for a city of our typical size that doesn't mean we pay at the top of the range um our former city manager was making 5% less than what our the city manager before that was making um which was about 240,000 so I think that we should post a range so we get a wide array of qualified candidates this the charter is very specific as to the qualifications needed to meet this um to meet this criteria m a master being one of them one of the things I left out in my previous comments our intrm city manager which will start I I believe immediately has a masters in history Mr uh Russo has a masters in public administration so there's differences therefore I think that we should uh make sure we have a wide array of um ranges and qualifications so that we are not limiting ourselves to who can apply by um I think 30 days is too short of a time I was of the mindset that we should do 60 that may be too long therefore I think we should at least post for 45 days so that we have an opportunity to see all the candidates move for um that come forward and then we can um be receive those applications review them the ones with the minimum qualifications we have to arrange for them to come in for uh interviews so we also have to be we have to understand whether we are going to take interviews remotely if someone is from out of state or if we're going to cover uh costs for them to come and be interviewed um I'm of the belief that these decisions should also be made by the committee but we are the committee therefore it really makes no difference um I will also State um that I am not going to be supportive of this item as I do believe it is a violation of our Charter a clear violation of our Charter um the process in which and the manner in which we are moving forward so um those are my comments there's a motion and a second if my comments can be incorporated and we can leave it open for 45 days then we can move forward and just make sure we post on more than just our City website I'm fine with 45 days anyone else and the range we're good with the range range is fine and the different um websites yeah I had spoken to Frank about that already okay we have a motion and a second with the comments Incorporated please call the role Madame mayor clarification no I another question what about the scheduling of the first selection committee meeting would you like to schedule that now or would you like to just send us culate some time that you will available we have 45 days so corre find a date within correct within 45 days in the next week or so to put on our calendars okay I have a moot motion preferably I pr preferably would like the afternoon because I think this is an important item for the public to be able to be present after 6:00 will confirm at the time to send the uh the the schedule okay okay please call the rooll so I have motion to approve and post a position with the language from the charter one week from today for 45 days in the uh in the Avenues that the city manager intern city manager would suggest with the salary range discussed made by vice mayor Peno seconded by Council woman kavan no vice mayor po corve seconded by councilwoman Cal vice mayor po corve yes councilwoman Cal yes Council poras yes Council Peno no mayor Fraga no motion passes okay we move on to item 5e Council oh sorry um Madam clerk please read it into the record item e resolution of the mayor and City Council of city of D Florida appointing green scho martyr llps inim City attorney and providing for an effective date this was deferred from the February 14th counc meeting okay okay so this is my item and as previously mentioned I am proposing the appointment of an interim City attorney and that is greenspoon Martyr and Mr Joe Geller was able to speak to his credentials his experience and I find um greenp martyr very qualified and therefore I'm going to put a motion in to appoint them as interim City attorney okay we have a motion on the table for in City attorney for nomination for an in City attorney second there's a second the item will now be open for debate is there debate on this item I just have a comment okay Council cabal you're now recognized um due to the you were also within the search at the time that we have the committee you were within the second of the choice at that time plus your um experience that's why uh my motion is to approve this item okay mayor yes uh councilman P you are recognized um thank you mayor well again once again I I I disagree with the way that we're doing this U not only for the city manager position but the inter city manager position but for the City attorney as well I do have a question for Mr Geller Mr Geller please approach the pod good morning sir good morning good to see you again yes sir um I just well first of all again I'm not going to question your obviously your your your experience and expertise in the legal field but I do have a question that uh that I just want to leave for the rer uh are you currently running for office I'm currently have papers in to seek a position that's open on the date County school board thank you now my question to you is if you're appointed are you looking to and you're elected in August I wish you luck uh are you looking to the firm to appoint someone else as as a intern City attorney or for the city of D this is a very large city this is as I said a very exciting City there is no contemplation on my part that I'm going to be the sole person representing my firm to help this city accomplish its work one of my partners Morris skip Miller is on the I don't know if it's Zoom or I think it's teams now he certainly will be assisting I'm planning to call on a number of our other uh attorneys uh partners of many years experience in most cases to assist me with this uh it is my intention as long as we're serving as your City attorney to the interim City Attorney At this point that's what's before us and that's what we're contemplating it is my intention to try to be here for all or most of the City Council meetings but people have schedules I want to be sure that whether it's Miss Mr Miller or whether it's um Miss Adler or whether Miss summerin I think now uh or whether it's um Mr Scott that or Mr Ral there's always going to be somebody but it is my intention for that principal person to be me and I would think that based on what you're doing with City attorney with city manager um even if I win then I'm hopeful but I wouldn't take office till November I would suspect that you know you would have a decision on a permanent City attorney before I would take office on the school board now our firm did apply to be permanent attorney less than a year ago um and if this were to move in that direction uh I would you know the firm is certainly still interested we applied originally to be permanent but we understand clearly that's not what before you this is interim you need someone to step in we feel we can step in immediately and as I said if I am fortunate enough to be elected to the school board I would not begin serving until a time that I think would be after you've made a decision about who you want as your permanent City attorney thank you I appreciate your your answer I mean the the reason I'm asking is because U since sometimes lately you know we make decisions based on perception you're a candidate and if you're here uh which by the way and speaking about politics um you know I I'll be concerned about some of the issues that you're in favor as a future School Board member I have to be open and and disclose that as well so based on perception the fact that you are here and you're and potentially you be you will become the next School Board member uh but not again nothing against your your background your legal experience but based on perception I'll be a little bit concerned about issues you that you were promoting as part of your campaign and having you here as a as a inurance City attorney let me just say to you councilman in response I'm sorry I didn't mean to cut you off if you weren't done that I mean I have to be open with the resing and and and again you're you're campaigning you're a candidate there are certain issues that for me as a father I'm concerned about it and and you're in favor of those and and I have to be open with you I disagree with those with what you're promoting and again for me that will be a conflict having you here I don't mind about the firm but again nothing against you I don't take personal and politics together I don't mix it but I think the is a family oriented community and there's certain values that I always going to protect and and I hope that you understand my position as well I certainly do and I respect that Council uh let me say that you may be presuming what my positions are on some issues that I haven't even publicly announced yet so you may be reaching some conclusions about what you think I'm G to be espousing that might not be completely accurate I'm a father as well I have a 17-year-old daughter old guy like me yes uh who's a junior in high school here in day County and so I have some concerns that I think are probably similar to some of your concerns I'm sure there's some differences but I want to assure you uh you may know and it was not part of my initial presentation but I just in November of 22 I concluded 8 years of service four terms as a state representative in Talahassee and during that time I've served as City attorney well my firm has served as City attorney but with me as the principal and the chair in a number of places I can't think of one time in those eight years of service that anything I did as a public servant as as all of you are conflicted with my professional responsibil abilities not once in eight years I was outspoken as a state representative more pertinently and it's in my my papers I previously served two terms as the mayor of North Bay Village okay um second term reelected un opposed and in that time I was also serving cities as City attorney and I again I don't remember ever a conflict coming up between those two not once because I have been an attorney longer than I've served in public office and by a lot of years and I view being City attorney as a professional obligation I'm proud of my reputation for integrity and for good judgment I would like to bring those qualities to your deis I think I would be a con constructive force for this city but I separate what I may choose to do as a citizen activist and someone who aspires to Public Service I separate that from my professional obligation my professional obligation to you to the manager and literally to every one of these residents because the City attorney serves all of the city my professional obligation is based on an oath that I took as an attorney that I take extremely seriously I'm a a hawk on a lot of issues that might surprise people and I would not allow something that I do as a public servant to influence my judgment or my performance as a professional with a sworn obligation to do my best to elevate this de and to elevate this city and to make sure it never runs into any trouble so I understand why you're concerned I understand the perception but I want to assure you not going to happen councilman I I I don't allow that I'm here and my my firm Mr Miller Mr Ral Mr M M ad uh Miss summerson uh Mr Scott all of us Mr um Lynn I mean Mr seagull thank you we're here to do a job and we will do that job to the best of our professional abilities sir thank you Mr Geller coun go yes uh thank you Mr Geller again I look forward to certainly working with your firm and you if that's the case but since you mention it and we're leaving everything on the record Okay the reason of my comment goes back to to your to your comments regarding School Board member Lucia B Bas Geller and I'm going to quote this happened regarding the 7 to1 vote that fell when last year in October the school board was trying to recognize October as the lgbtq History Month the item fell 7 to1 it was proposed by Lucia vas Galer your comment and I quote it said I was proud I was so proud of school board member Lucia vial for leading the effort and it resoled me even more to make sure that we do not suffer a leadership gap on the school board again that's the reason why I make the comment and and for me it's I know it's separate but again you're running for office and and again I I disagree with certainly with School Board member or former School Board member Lucia vas gayer in trying to do that and for me to feel proud of something like that speak different about my my values as well as a as a father thank you thank you councilman Beno any other debate on this item from the board through the mayor I just want to make a comment would you like to be recognized yes is there any other that's why I asked through the mayor yes absolutely is there is there other any other debate on this item yes I am actually debating it as well you're now recognized on the item just so that we're clear I think that some members of the council are really subjecting the city into a path of liability please understand that individuals have constitutional rights and you questioning a candidate to be a City attorney about their personal views and their freedom of speech is very very close to those violations I would suggest that we please refrain from doing that including making defamatory statements which in my opinion have been made on the council you are really opening US Open us up to liability it is not good coming from the city council and I will say this I am going to call the question if this is going to continue so please let's keep our comments about the position about the qualifications and let's not get the city into any path into any sort of liability here for violating people's rights thank you any other debate on this it recognized Madame chair councilwoman you're recognized for debate thank you Mr Galler I'm so sorry I apologize that you have to stand here and to have to disclose your integrity and your ethics based on comments that has nothing to do with what we're discussing right now and what is really the focus of why we're making this decision and we brought this into the agenda your public service is respected and is to the community to make the decision later when it's the time to vote and any other comment that has to do with or without this particular item is irrelevant I just want to say also that uh we're here to make sure there things are done correctly and I want to educate some of my council members and the the res residents our community that the school board is something completely aside for what is run here at the city Al as a government so I hope that these comments were not taking in any form or shape in consideration to what we're discussing right now does that you conclude your comments councilwoman no it all depends on what comments come I'm going to call the question okay you cannot you cannot uh deny debate and I have not had time to speak so I have question this is actually yes I can do I actually this stops discussion I'm sorry that is that you cannot deny I have not had an opportunity to speak so you cannot deny we're going to have the parliamentarian which the attorney to review my motion or my call the vote you cannot deny my opportunity to speak I have questions of the applicant therefore you cannot deny an opportunity for every member of the the council to be heard that is part of our rules you cannot deny actually the rules of procedure say I can call the question and stop all discussion not when no when one member of the council who wants to speak I have not had one opportunity to speak so I do have an opportunity to speak Council woman can I was elected as well and I have an opportunity to we're going to check if calling the question will stop all debates and discuss call the question after debate has been made I have not had an opportunity we're going to check under the city's rules it provides that a question when a question is before the city council are under debate a motion can be made to request a station of debate and a vote are taken um however that does require an actual vote on calling the vote um simply declaring it is not sufficient there would have to be a a motion okay however majority it does state that every member of the board has an opportunity to speak that is a subsequent rule therefore I have not had an opportunity to speak and I will not be muzzled by anyone on this Council because I was elected by the people to be able to speak I have questions of the person that you are asking to be the interim City attorney so I will ask my questions and then you can call the question I have not had an opportunity to speak so I don't understand you are not recognized at this time I just want to ask you're not recognized at this time to ask a question I just want to be educated understood but you have to be recognized to ask a question very clear I call the question and stops debate and stops discussion it is an a secondary motion added to a first motion which my first motion was to appoint the attorneys as inm City attorney and I have second that and I have second that I have second that but I just want see City attorney to educate me could you please educate usy has already spoken we can call the question it stops the discussion stops debate I'm sorry I have afforded all of you the time to demean and insult the people that are here and I'm not going to see it any further so therefore I'm calling the question can you please call the question as for the attorney who said that we can stop discussion and call the vote thank you a woman I have a motion to call the vot we canot excuse me and I this is this is absolutely ridiculous and a complete insult to every member of the public sitting here I have not had an opportunity to ask questions about the contract I understand the rules very clearly say that we are I am calling the question you're not following the rules and we even had the parliamentarian who makes the decisions by the way only as for the rules of of procedure the parliamentarian decides and tells us exactly what the rules say and we just heard from our parliamentarian therefore Connie please call the vote I have motion to call the vote May by Council B by Council and I'm sorry if I just correct something I I interpret as the parliament Arian But ultimately the mayor is the one that makes the determination however the mayor's determination may be appealed by a majority of the council okay so she can make the call and then procedurally there would be an opportunity if the council wishes to appeal her decision of the chair let's do it this way decision of the council in general there is a motion on the table in a second to councilwoman would you please stop being out of order I understand you want notice how you all want to suspend the rules where it is convenient to you want topend the rules when it's convenient to you excuse me but we will not be out of order here please stop speaking out of turn there is a motion on the table and a second and then we can debate the calling of the question okay which is what I'm doing right now that is absolutely wrong we just heard from the attorney that I can call the question and it ends discussion Connie please call the question if you have if you have an issue with it you can come back and you know sue us report us to the Charter whatever ever it is that you need to do I'm asking the clerk to please call the question I have a motion there absolutely a huge lack of respect for the residents of the city of Dural that voted for there to be a five- member Council I have not had an opportunity to ask questions you don't even know what I'm going to ask I have a motion to call the vote made by councilwoman Bas second by councilwoman Cal councilwoman Bas yes councilwoman Cal yes councilman Pino no vice mayor po corve yes mayor Fraga no motion passes I have a motion to approve the appointment of greens for martyr as interim City attorney May by councilwoman por second by councilwoman councilwoman poras Council yes councilman Pino no vice mayor P corve yes mayor Fraga no motion passes okay we move on to item f 5f a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of dra Florida appointing estessi Lopez and master PC as inim City attorney and providing for an effective date thank you since this item is councilman Pat that needs to be disposed of I'm going to take my opportunity to speak now let me tell you I have never in my 12 years been so utterly disrespected this community being disrespected the way we just saw where a member of this board was not allowed to speak and ask questions on an item that heavily impacts us councilman Pino made very good point and I'm so tired of hearing our council members sit here and apologize for those who do not need to be apologized for rather you should be apologizing for yourselves and your actions and apologizing to this community let me be very clear you want to shut us up because you don't want me to put items on the record well I don't need to put items on the record on this forum I will make my comments in the Forum that is necessary we've made decision decisions on perception to fire our city manager to fire the City attorney to make to to take out the the school board member from our building and we just hired a City attorney who's running for school board that's not irant here motion to adjourn second please call the question hold on this is my item this is my item I I can actually call a motion to adjourn this my item I haven't I haven't say anything about again I can call a motion to adjourn this go ahead please call the to by counc here's what I'm going to here's what I'm going to do here here's what I'm going to do I'm going to let you all adjourn this meeting since clearly you have a zero respect for the residents of the ra all of you sitting here I'm going to be right out there and I'm going to tell you exactly what just happened okay there's a motion to adjourn on the table there's a second all in favor say I meeting is adjourned