all attendees are in listen only mode good morning everyone calling this meeting to order today is Wednesday May 8th the time is now 1011 a.m. and this is our May council meeting Madam cler please call the RO councilwoman Morin poras here councilman Rafael Pino councilwoman Dina Cal pres vice mayor Oscar po corv mayor chrisy frag pres Mary H thank you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by vice mayor p corv flaged stat andice okay we'll now have an invitation led by Pastor David Stalker hi Pastor how are you please join us from heart and soul thank you honorable mayor Christy Fraga thank you for the opportunity and the honor to open this morning's meeting in prayer almighty God we thank you for this beautiful day today is a day of progress a day of vision and I pray that you would give those who have been entrusted to enact laws Institute policies your guidance and wisdom so that they will be conscience of your presence in their lives may every member here today be filled with unity be courageous be bold be Visionary and be humble I pray that you would make every effort that is decided here in this room today successful and I pray that the result of what is discussed in this room today that will bring not only communal but individual good grant our leaders the wisdom to turn adversity into opportunity and to transform the hard challenges that we face today into what we know will be growth for tomorrow may our city of deral serve as a beacon of light to people of all faiths all nations and walks of life life thank you for our leaders thank you for our great mayor and we give you praise today in Jesus name amen amen thank you thank you Pastor for being here okay we will now move on to the agenda order of business Madam city manager good morning mayor council members um we are withdrawing item 20c per the direction of um outside Council Gary Carman as the changes that were anticipated for that ordinance were actually incorporated into 20b okay Council parus have anything yes thank you mayor I'm pulling 6j is that all that let me see I'm trying that's the independent it audits yeah 6G that's all vice mayor do you have any councilman P councilman yes so I went to the first 6 L 6V by Victor any more information um regarding those two items six L and six what L and v like Victor and also Six Double D and that one EV will be um no time certain and then uh 9h which one 9h two 46 L and V and H will be for the next month for to the next month and uh double D will be UNC time okay uh for item Six Double D we have to move that to discussion if you want to vote it down vote it down but it cannot be deferred un uh undin because there's a there's a time date we can vote it there's a date for that so either you guys want to do it or you don't but I need to know because I they're waiting for an answer so if you want move that to discussion Madam uh city clerk please okay we can have a discussion that one and 9h is on discussion you cannot defer my discussion item sorry just to clarify 9h yeah it's discussion it on discussion yeah you can't defer wait no N9 oh nine okay I'm sorry I'm looking six okay nine each nine yeah so only items 6L and 6V will be deferred to the following meeting six Doud will be placed on discussion after 9 k okay okay if that's all we'll move on to public comments all right the public comments portion meeting of this the public comments portion of this meeting is now open you have three minutes to speak on anything on this agenda or anything gerain to this Council I will call your name if you haven't filled out one of these cards you will have an opportunity to speak either way just make sure you fill out the card after you speak please speak in a respectful manner when you approach the podium we're going to start with mayor Omar Nickerson and I should have recognized him mayor Omar Nickerson from elport to is here welcome thank you for joining us please come to the podium hello everybody just wanted to say um it's a pleasure to be here uh Madame mayor Mr vice mayor distinguished Council um Mr attorney Madam manager Mr Deputy manager Madam clerk um I'm here for a couple of reasons first of all I've been doing this um for a little while I will be back also a few times um there's I have an initiative that's called connecting the county uh northsouth East and West so I go to all the meetings of all the municipalities um for Best Practices to learn things to see where we can you know maybe come together and do things um and just kind of learn about what's going on you know in every different municipality all throughout Mammy day County so this is my first time here I will be back but I do have a little surprise and present for you Madame mayor and all of you some much smaller but give me a second thank you mayor so there's one thing that's always going to be true and I know politics um can be strange and you know sometimes people love you sometimes people don't love you you know politics is always just a strange situation but um there's there's one thing that will always remain fat throughout any political sphere anywhere in the world and that is when you are the first of something you're always going to be the first of something being that that's the case Madame mayor I got this for you which I will bring up to wow thank thank you Omar that's beautiful thank you [Laughter] mayor and so it's a crystal gavel that says uh thank you very much it's a crystal gav that says mayor um of the city of theal Christy Fraga as the first female mayor in the history of theal you are a trail Trailblazer and an inspiration you are respected and valued mayor Omar C Nickerson PhD the village of aler toow thank you I understand that when you go somewhere you know you can't go empty-handed if I would have just G gave the mayor something and walked out of here everybody else would looked at me weird so everybody else including the mayor you guys get cookies that are chocolate covered and things like that so I'm going to give you guys this will you come up here for a photo as well I will also but I will be here until the end of the meeting just so I can kind of get a sense of what's going on oh you're a brave man you're a brave man you want to come up for a second for whatever everybody indulge me for a second please with a picture with a mayor I okay sorry breaking a little protocol there but we're we're allow it for our friend from elport to okay next we have Mr Richard gutad [Music] good morning counselor Richard glad 4768 Northwest 114th Avenue I'm going to start with some verses from the King James Bible on humility by humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life for whoever exalteth himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted all right humility means a modest or low view of one's importance and obedience to God humility is freedom from pride and arrogance humility is an attitude of spiritual modesty that comes from understanding our place in the larger Order of Things humility is the ability not to take our desires successes or failings too seriously when we can accurately view our talents and flaws while being void of arrogance that's when we show humility the greatest act of humility is in service to others but when one falsely claims to be serving others with ulterior motives to actually serve themselves then this is wrong here here's some tips on how to be more humble by being aware of your own shortcomings strengths and weaknesses recognize and acknowledge the strengths of others be open to your learning and adapting from your colleagues work towards putting others knees before your own be a good listener and ensure others feel heard and understood around you have you remember last month I said I was going to give you a false a true false test on Robert's Rule of order because you seem to be having problems on your organization skills here at the meeting so I sent everybody a 10 question true and false test on their emails all right on Robert's Rules of Order but the test is really it wasn't a test of Robert's Rules of Order as it was a test of the council's humility remember it was a test of your humility first then second Robert Rules of Order and actually only one person passed the test the four others failed the only one that responded to the test and took it seriously and passed it with a very high score by the way was our humble mayor Christy froga the rest of you didn't even answer as some of you never answer me anyway about anything that seems to be part for the course uh some of you talk to me to my face and you're nice to me but when it comes to answering emails you don't bother I find that a lack of humility and then one person used to talk to me but now she won't even look at my face so I think that mayor Fraga should be given special recognition again and that's why she's our mayor thank you Richard because she has humility Far and Beyond the necessary uh amount needed to be a leader of the city so I urge the other members of the council to look at themselves very carefully who are you and who do you think you are remember being humble means serving people if you're just all wrapped up in yourself all the time with ulterior motives to get power and glory and higher office or money whatever the case may be you're barking up the wrong tree thank you Richard we have to wrap it up thank you so much you're welcome I still have a no we gave you we gave you an additional for oh you gave me an additional few I didn't realize that well thank you so much thank you sir okay well that's it thank you you're welcome okay we have Sora Kash Kashi I always say it wrong but identify okay you can bring it down yeah there you go sorry can you guys hear me yes okay good morning today I stand before you all with a heavy heart burdened with the weight of the Injustice and dehum humanization that plagues our society and though I stand with a heavy heart I also stand in front of you with a vision of hope it's a vision that transcends borders and political beliefs a vision rooted in respect and acceptance a vision that humanizes one another so we can create a world where our children like kayir and Ariel Bas like hind rajab re and tar are known just as children other than children as Darkness or children of light because when a child cries their cry is not in a unique language to be understood just by their Community a child cries in a language Universal to humanity there's a reason why every mother turns to look when she hears the Cry of a child we were not create created to ignore the suffering of one another especially that of a child what kind of world have we created where we mention the name of one child to evoke empathy yet in the same breath we dismiss the name of another casualty of War that's what they are called called but I ask you even those who were killed in a war does this Merit their names not being said or their stories not being told must we dehumanize them is this how sinfully detached we've become from reality in a world deeply divided by political beliefs it is obvious we have forgotten the humanity the fundamental value of human human life our differences should not be a cause for division but rather a reminder of our shared Humanity we must recognize that every life is sacred in deserving a respect and dignity it is our duty irrespective our our political beliefs to protect and preserve the Dignity of every individual yet the very fabric of our society is Tainted by the constant dehumanization of people why are we made to feel that if we grief for an Israeli that we cannot grief for a Palestinian or if we demand safety for Israelis that we cannot demand the same for Palestinians why do we ignore behind every statistic every news headline every act of violence that these are people real people with hopes with families and loved ones they are not just faceless victims of casualties of War they are precious Souls created in the image of God belonging to families whose lives have been torn apart and here we are differentiating the pain of an Israeli mother that from the pain of a Palestinian mother but I ask you how exactly do you measure the pain of a mother who is holding the body of her lifeless child that she had to take over two 200 IVF shots to conceive that with the pain of a mother who is still waiting for her child to R return from a music festival he left for 214 days ago how exactly do you measure the pain of a father whose daughter's last words were please save me they're shooting at us with that of a pain of a father who is watching his daughter take her last breath as he tries to dig her out from under the rubble of what was once their home with his bare hands how do you measure this pain when do you say enough we must recognize that pain Knows No Boundaries that loss and grief are Universal it is not a competition of who suffering is greater but a collective understanding of the immense toll that violence and conflict take on every soul when we empathize with one another when we hold each other's pain in our hearts we create a foundation for genuine dialogue and Recon reconciliation the world suffers a lot not because of the bad and the wrong being done by the god-forsaken people people but because of the Silence of God-fearing people speaking out is not merely an act of defiance it is an act of compassion we cannot achieve true peace if we turn a blind eye to pain and suffering of one another we must acknowledge the suffering of one side as well as the other peace can only be achieved when we embrace the pain of those affected when we hold their stories close to our heart and we strive to create a world where humanizing one another Knows No Boundaries so I stand in front of all of you with a vision of hope that the city of Dural home to many different faiths and backgrounds will live up to its slogan of Dural United by passing the peace resolution which I requested mayor Fraga to sponsor in doing so Dural will be the first city in South Florida to lay down the first brick which will pave the way for a new reality a reality where peace is not just an elusive dream but a tangible reality thank you thank you s would you just state your name and address for the record sorry it's Zora karashi address is 8475 Northwest 34 Drive Dural Florida thank you just a quick reminder that when we want to Applause for everybody we do it silently okay just out of respect for everybody thank you I know there's some new people in the room if there anybody else who would like to speak now would be your time joam public comments anyone who would like to speak okay being none this is your last opportunity public comments is now closed and we move on for a vote to the consent agenda Madam clerk would you please read the items that will be passing consent agenda it will be all of the items on Section six with the exception of 6 L 6V 6j and 6 Doud okay I need a motion on the consent agenda motion motion to approve by vice mayor P corvey second second by councilman p on in favor say I I okay Madam cler the record reflect the vote has passed unanimously and now need approval of the minutes yes item seven a through C motion motion to approve by councilman padoo second second by vice mayor P corvine all in favor say I I I Madam clerk let the rec reflect that the minutes have passed unanimously and we'll now move on to presentations presentations item 8A presentation by Miami day County fire chief on the annual service Chief jadala welcome great to see you Chief it do we have the presentation yes ma'am all right Perfect all right so good morning Madame mayor vice mayor uh members of the great Council to our city clerk city manager City attorney you know and of course to Chief Lopez who we work you know shoulder-to-shoulder with the public safety realm and of course you know equally important is the residents and uh guests of Dural um my name is Ray jadala fire chief of Miami D fire rescue and I'm here with members of my staff to present the 2023 Service delivery report and if you just uh you know allow me to um name a couple of members of my staff that put this uh service Del report together so I've got Erica bonitz my chief of staff Danny cardo who oversees the operations the deputy chief assistant chief Jason Richard who works in the uh the field area every green and gray truck that responds to emergency scenes he oversees those areas Melanie eolo the assistant uh chief for Support Services uh Jenna laga who put together this program and of course htio Rodriguez who's the district chief that oversees the Dural with with uh headquarters just up the block you know we are very much ingrained you know in Dural in the in the heart of Durell um this 2023 uh Service delivery report before we begin I want to kind of present a short video of the services emergency services that we provided Dell in 20 23 [Music] [Music] is that me yes ma'am that was an experience [Applause] [Music] [Music] rightn so uh Mi imidate fire rescue is proud to be your fire department and we bring a complement of resources to Dural you know we are the sixth largest Fire Department in the United States you know encompassing 72 fire stations three of which are in Durell uh we have one over 160 Frontline units eight of those units operating out of Dural including specialty units such as Hazmat technical rescue with uh over 2900 Personnel between professional staff and sworn uh we have over 500 firefighters on duty every day throughout Miami Dade County 27 that serve proudly in Dural you know we respond annually to just under 300,000 emergencies and as you can see here 75 just over 7500 calls in the city of Dural in 2023 um Madame mayor you may have received an email from marava a few weeks ago and regards uh miate fire rescue touting it's ISO class one um we are one of the only one of 123 fire departments out of 38,000 in the United States that holds the iso uh uh class one and the accreditation um and again it just just shows you the the Premier Services that my fire rescue continues to provide not only Miami day County residents but of course derell so in in regards to resources and Dural you know it's we though we have three stations uh specifically in dalal's geographical locations there's an additional 11 stations within four miles of the city of Dural 23 of these Frontline units make up rescues suppressions Battalion Chiefs uh Hazmat units technical rescues as you can see in the geographical map you know there's three stations and you know there's a yellow marker there where I'm going to discuss in a little bit uh that we're looking to expand services within Dural but uh last week if you could look at that bottom left uh area there's a a yellow uh marker there station 68 which sits uh just in the northern end of Sweet Water just below um Dural that station was put into service last week engine 68 um basically providing services not only to Sweet Water but also to Dural so the good thing about miate fire rescue there are no districts when it comes to emergency response when it comes to emergency response we will dispatch the closest unit regardless of the municipality or the boundaries you know we have 77 firefighters on duty daily that do respond if necessary and of course should that we have an incident as we had last year where we brought in almost 80 fire trucks throughout Miami date County we will bring in the resources you know that are necessary to mitigate the incident as you could also see here we have a response time of uh approximately 7 minutes and 32 seconds below the national average and we continue to to you know look for ways to uh reduce those timelines by increasing uh resources and working with technology uh regarding the um traffic light signals so Miami dat uh fire rescue you know building a safe and resilient Dural so so as you could see here in The Last 5 Years Dural has increased in population by 22% and also a increase of 25% in call volume um in the same timeline Mi dat fire rescue has placed new service uh either within Dural or on the outskirts of Dural you know to augment the resources necessary to reduce uh response times and to keep up with the demand for service um our services you know remain on again as you saw 7 minutes and 32 seconds you know they do remain under the industry standard of uh 8 minutes now you know building for a safe and resilient Durell once again you know Durell is experiencing a rapid growth and development as uh you know we had just seen regarding the increase in um population and service for uh or calls for service you know as we also see is just the you know the additional structures that are coming into and you know we keep an eye on these various things of course the permitting that's required you know to ensure that the life safety code is met you know last year Miami dat fire rescue had inspected just over 6,400 businesses in Dural you know with a various proposed new structures that are coming up in Dural you know miate fire rescue you know continues to look for mechanisms to ensure that the resources meet the demand so here as you could see just various residential commercial industrial and of course you know medical uh structures that continue to go up in Dural as I had previously mentioned you know md4 is much uh is very embedded into Dural Into the Heart of Dural and where you see the the actual city name there Dural just below that is where headquarters for M dat fire rescue is located so you know engine 69 which was housed out of um I'm sorry engine 68 which was housed out of Dural was moved to Sweet Water last week at the same time we placed engine 69 into service out of deral which will be permanently stationed there we did send notification and we do hope that you know uh Madame mayor and the council and of course all the residents of Dural will uh join us tomorrow in the ceremonial pushing for station for engine 69 um at 10: a.m. 10 10: a.m. all right perfect so you know with engine 68 going into service you know again just on the Northern end of Sweetwater that unit actually still responds to portions of Dural so again the the great uh um resources that we have they don't meet uh or they don't uh take into consideration boundaries and districts we will dispatch the closest unit necessary to those incidents um in addition to that Miami dat fire rescue has been uh looking at additional resources is to implement uh next to headquarters we began refurbishing a few months ago uh a structure to include engine 87 by hopefully fiscal year 2526 um this station or this uh truck will be an ALS engine um housed uh just next door to headquarters to provide uh resources and and um emergency services to the residents of Durell so you know mdfr you know it's not just about emergency incidents it's uh you know various things mdfr holds you know quite a few training and conferences over at our state-of-the-art facility um you know we also collaborate with numerous Public Safety agencies fire police uh Federal and as you can see here it's just one of the many things and I know mer uh you were part of the nav event that uh we hosted um last year uh you got to see firsthand exactly what many patients unfortunately have to experience when they are in a mangled car that needs to be extricated um in addition to that you know we've been working shoulder-to-shoulder with numerous agencies including you know Chief Lopez and the dado Police Department with you know uh numerous types of MCAT training stop the bleed um and of course you know various ways of incident command unified command um you know it just just again it just shows you the collaboration not just with the various fire departments but also with our local law enforcement so I I do have to tip my hat off or in this case my helmet to Chief Lopez and the Durell Police Department so you again it's not just about you know emergency incidents you know it's also engaging with our residents um Miami dat fire rescue last year participated in 74 community events in Dural and as you can see here just under 14,000 residents receiv received uh Fire and Life Safety educational resources um we taught 28 Health uh or help program classes and our help is the health emergency life uh protection courses which provides you know a stop the bleed CPR choking for infants children and adults and uh stroke awareness uh these classes um you know fill up quickly uh uh fortunately it's sometimes a several month wait but continue to augment the the resources necessary to get these classes in a timely manner these courses are free to the public government facilities businesses and as such and all that's required is to go on Miami day uh. govfire and schedule for a class to come to your area um as you can see here 307 residents alone were trained in our our help program um and we continue to teach more uh of these programs you know during this current year and addition to that you know mdfr also uh initiated a second initiative called Splash which PR uh prevents uh drowning and uh water awareness last year we trained just over a thousand children in uh learning how to swim now again it's not about being a Michael Phelps but it's to ensure that in the event that there's an emergency they can get to a a safe place and prevent from from drowning you know engaging with our residents and you know to ensure the highest level of cares we do solicit you know feedback so you know we do submit uh we send out the res a surveys to our residents uh throughout Miami day County and in this case 51 Dural residents you know received the uh who receiv received Medical Care return their surveys we have a uh service rating of 4.78 out of a five with a 9 6% satisfaction rate and as you can see here these are actually quotes and comments from residents from Dural um you know as you could see here and I know that we presented or we provided a copy of this presentation but just you know to give you one they were amazing it was my first time I got rescued by uh 911 I give my thanks to each and every one of them thank you and again this is just you know a small amount of you know the comments that were provided by Durell residents so Madame mayor again you know this concludes our presentations I just want to thank you for the opportunity to stand here before you with my team and you know should there be any questions I'm uh I'm available thank you Chief any questions to the chief yes thank you so much because at the time that we have the fire of the recycling plant no one got hurt including your team so that says a lot of the T of the type of training uh and Leadership that the department has because there were many days that you guys were there and I'm really thankful for keeping our residents safe um also I I want to thank you for the help um training because I've been uh work in collaboration as well Monica that's been organizing everything where your department and how helpful it is I mean not just the part of the stroke registry that I can tell you that my boss uh who passed away last year and he was the chairman of Neurology for J and Jackson we actually uh seeing when we moved from and came from Columbia University in New York and seeing the need of being able to start the stroke registry so we can keep educating uh the community and also many hospitals and Clinic that didn't really have an sop in place um we're talking 82 hospitals and Clinic uh that are part of it and also I want to thank the state because I know that they've been also supporting the stri the stroke registry that have helped to save life and one of the thing is that I mean I was there when he was doing the present he didn't know you know that I I am part of the stroke registry and um it was amazing the way that he explained I said I mean you did perfectly the way that you explained and so very proud of the way that they are um educating our residents and I I mean thank you so much and God bless you and all your family because I know that uh you risked your life for all of us without knowing any of us and your families are also there supporting all of you so thank you so much thank you and you know on behalf of the entire team thank thank you so much appreciate it thank you Chief any other comments yes councilman B and then councilwoman for thank you mayor Chief well I know 2023 was a busy year yes uh but I wanna I want to thank you as well for for your service thank you to your team it's a it's a blessing to have you guys here in our city and I also want to Echo uh the comment from my colleague it's last year was very fful for for us as as in a community and you guys did a great job and and I also want to thank you for that uh I want to take this time as well to thank you for your involvement this week with the installation of the first rescue Rin in a public park in Miami day County now here in Dado Glades Park so I want to thank you and your team for for collaborating and and being part of that very special ceremony as well and once again 2024 hopefully it's a better year but thank you so much for your service thank you so much for what you guys do for for our community thank you councilman for the support truly appreciate it thank you Chief um for your leadership I know that we've expressed how grateful we are but we have to reiterate it and again I'm reiterating everything that you and your team did for the city last year during the the fire and the incinerator um um we truly appreciate your leadership and you know just seeing all the data that you're presenting us today it's really reassuring it's very impressive and it it really does confirm that we are safe with your you and your team and you know it's great to have you in our backyard and I look forward to being part of the ceremony uh tomorrow thank you thank you councilwoman and look forward to seeing you tomorrow Chief uh thank you for what you do and your department I have to dito everything they said they said everything I could say um but you've been you become a friend of the ra more than just the chief of uh the the the fire department so thank you for that and I also want to uh suggest to my colleagues and the mayor that uh we um um come back next meeting with a proclamation for the chief and the department as a unified body to recognize the job they've done especially during the um the moments that we had during the fire in kanta the resource recovery facility it has become a uh tough issue for the county for the city for our residents but we have to recognize uh the work you guys did and you risk your lives for us so thank you thank you Mr vice mayor truly humbling and it's an honor so thank you and we look forward to it appreciate it thank you Chief great job as always we'll be in contact thank you Erica and everyone okay we move on to item 8 B keep dra beautiful business award good morning honorable mayor vice mayor members of the city council Madame manager Deputy city manager Mr attorney Madam clerk members of the audience Edgar drr co-compliance director this month we are pleased to recognize golden Trust Insurance for their outstanding commitment to keeping dout beautiful the property for which they're being recognized for is located at 8,400 Northwest 30 at teras Golden Trust Insurance has been in the city of D for three years the property is approximately 16,000 total square feet and the business has 54 employees golden trust is one of the top independent insurance agencies in the nation providing worldclass customer service to its clients some of the recent improvements include pay painting of the entire building installation of new wall signs striping of the parking lot and regular Landscape Maintenance it is with great pleasure that we name golden Trust Insurance for the keep D beautiful business award for their continued efforts to keeping D beautiful and Madame mayor and Council uh here to accept the award on behalf of golden trust is isar Herrera anelo Herrera and Jose Gonzalez say a couple all good morning um good morning um we very uh very proud to receive this award uh we moved our headquarter to um to RA in 2021 um we actually open another two locations and within the past 12 months uh and we we plan on keep you know on keep growing um right now uh golden Trust Insurance is um has uh 41 locations covering all from Florida City to Jacksonville um out of 41 three locations are here in Dural and we plan to open another three uh by mid uh 2025 I I really want to thank the the support the welcome that we have been given since we moved from the city of cor gaes um and it's uh it's been a it's been a great journey but I I want to recognize uh special uh person that has been giving us support listening to us and especially accommodating our our needs as a as a business uh it is important that you know um AG uh official that uh that at least listen to to to the needs that us as uh as a I would say U entrepreneurs or that we you know the that we plan to keep growing uh private companies uh and you know I want to recognize Mr vice mayor Oscar pu for the support I really um you know now that we're here and I want to thank you thank you for the support and listening to us on all the Hope thank you very much thank you um thank you um it's a pleasure meeting you um uh mayor chrisy Fraga as um and uh we're here so we we take pride on everything we do uh we always in the pursuit of excellence and keeping oral properties in top notch condition is not less so and uh we take very proud you know we we take a lot of pride in that um so thank you thank you for this opportunity and to to receive the award thanks please please come up for a photo for for we'll go on to the discussion items discussion item 9A a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida approving a second extension of which time City manag service committee has to complete its duties providing for implementation and providing for an effective date okay mad mayor this is my item as you know you all serve as a committee and this is requesting a second extension which will expire on July 10th okay motion to approve motion to approve by vice mayor please second by Council poras CL please call the RO motion to approve by Vice May cor second by Council poras vice mayor yes Council poras Council Peno no council M yes mayor frag no motion passes okay move on to Item B one second mayor item 9B a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida supporting peace and security for all innocent civilians in Israel and Palestine and providing for an effective date okay thank you very much this is my item um I was uh brought forward by a group of residents in our community um that I have met with and just you know want their voices to be heard and listened to and um you know obviously seeing everything that's happening all around the world I think we've all made it very clear where our positions are but understanding that as a mother I know the world I want to leave my son um and I think that that's really what this does is show that as a community we come together and we recognize all human life and humanize what's happening around our world and set an example I don't know if uh there's any questions for Sora I don't see her where she went okay um so I know that um she's really been spearheading this I've been working on it with her and wanted to bring something forward that uh that she wanted to bring something forward that recognized her community but also was sensitive to what was happening in our world so um with that I don't know if anyone else from the group would like to speak do you want to come up and see this right there we go Madam mayor Commissioners thank Council people thank you all for for considering this you know the the last six months have been incredibly difficult for many communities you know and and what we did is Zora spearheaded this idea idea of bringing a resolution that kind of pushes peace and and end hostilities for everyone and you know so we really appreciate the mayor's efforts we appreciate you wanting to to unite the communities in this way and um I'd love to answer and if there's any questions I'd be happy to answer them but we just appreciate the time of the city and all of you in considering this thank you so at this time we will take any comments or we need a motion motion through the mayor there's a yeah there's a motion to approve by uh by councilman be and comment by so thank you thank you all for being here um I think it's very important for the community to get involved and to really see and and be part of the city and and see a city where you want to live and be comfortable in um I know that it was previously mentioned that no other city had passed a ceasefire resolution is that correct is this would so Dural leads in a in a lot of different ways and I think that Dural has made initial um has taken initial steps in different directions and areas and I think that we are a city that can potentially allow others to follow and has done it in the past would this be the first ceasefire resolution from South Florida coming out of South Florida that that's right Council okay and I guess my other question would be just on a technicality I know that we passed a resolution by councilman Pino um you know in support of the of Israel's defense or I guess right to defend itself would this sort of anull it would this be sort of you know an addition to you know we want to make sure that we're recognizing um you know everyone that's involved in this I guess those would be my only questions and I think that you know the city is in a good position to to lead thank you councilwoman it it is the language of the resolution as well as the intentions behind this is not to in any way impact the prior resolution of the city it's not meant to impact that or impact you know the city's commitment to Israel's ability to defend itself but this goes to just ending hostilities for all and and saving human life yeah I just want to clarify this is really not a ceasefire uh or uh resolution actually it was more a resolution of talking about unity and peace and um taking a stand on protecting innocent life um we were very careful in crafting this understanding different positions but wanting to make sure that everybody's voice is heard okay we have a motion on the table is there a second second second by vice mayor bu corve okay Madam clerk thank you so much and thank you to the entire community that came together for this thank you sorry motion to approve made by councilman Peno second by vice mayor corv councilman Peno yes vice mayor po corve yes Council M yes Council poras yes mayor frag yes motion passes thank you thank you I know there's no clapping so I'll do thank you so thank you great job congratulations Sora okay we move on to item C 9 c a resolution of the mayor and the city council of city of Florida adopting updated policies and procedures concerning key to the city proclamations and certificates providing for authorization and providing for an effective date okay this is Council kad's item thank you um so you all uh receive my memorandum and also the changes um the proposed resolution or the Amendments uh proposed to the resolution um that is just a revision of the current policy regarding the um issues of key as City Proclamation and certificates so um what it stipulates is that the certificate should be requested and approved and issued by the office of each individual c council member this change is intend to streamline the submission process for such request and to update the eligibility criteria I just want to ensure that individuals entity organizations or establishments consider for this honor must maintain good standing with both the city and also our Brad Society um the uh the policy aims to adjust the awarding process specifically it shift the protocol from the s from the system where keys to the city and Proclamation are best um exclusively by by the mayor and no one request requesting the approval of council members so um you will be able to see my recommendations um for to approve the uh this resolution I hope that you have consider my uh suggestions and if you have any questions I'm here to to answer any questions that you may have okay any comments through the mayor yes Council and portas thank you thank you um councilman for bringing this up and I just want to um put on the record that this is actually a good um these are some good changes I think that over the last couple months we have experienced several challenges with certificates that we have requested on behalf of individuals and businesses that would like to be recognized um or that we um feel that should be recognized for the contributions to the city and the format and the pro and the procedures and the process that we currently have are extremely inadequate and I'm just going to name some of the things that we've had or my experiences that I've had over the last couple months um certificates are a way for the city to recognize individuals and for the entire city to do this and they are supposed to be a shared experience um with all the council members here and you know there have been some some failures to add the certificates to the calendar adding them in a timely manner sometimes you know they get added the same day we don't have enough notice to attend um sometimes I have experience withholding of my certificates uh sometimes prohibition on being able to speak on certificates that I request whether advertently or not um there's a really a a lack of coordination between the clerk's office and Public's Affairs office um from proclamations I've seen them in without date time location I don't think we're supposed to be approving these um again this is because we're all supposed to be receiving notice right in the opportunity to take part in the celebration and the recognition um you know these are sort of the things that appear to me uh whether they're you know intentional or not are really excluding or limiting the participation of each of us here and it certainly does not promote um you know that Spirit of collegiality that we we truly really need um and so you know I just want to add that we we really should be we really should have a well-rounded wellth thought out well oiled process for the issuance of these certificates where we're not having issues with them I mean and even just late recently I've been asked to recognize people and you know other members of the council have asked for them to remove me as the the requestor and recognition and so I mean this is something that I think can truly fix what's what the the problem really is which is I think everyone wants to really just monopolize these certificates I think having each office have its own so that there is no conflict there is no one you know trying to um rush and really it just I think it'll reduce the quote unquote competition that we have from here so the only thing that I would ask to the changes that are proposed are to state that the certificates have to be sent to the clerk first before they get issued the clerk puts them on the calendar and then public affairs can issue them so that we all have notice and we know when they're being held and also to enforce and I don't think we have that language in here to to enforce that we do not process incomplete certificates meaning they really should have the date time and location of when they're being done so with that said I think it's good policy hopefully it's going to um eliminate or reduce some of the issues that we've been having and I think it's good to have clear and concise policy so that we all know and we're not left wondering you know what what the policy is so again thank you I'm going to make a motion to approve with the changes that I have requested okay we have a motion to approve by councilor second by vice mayor P corvy any other comments yes give me just one second I just want uh one question to the clerk I would like to also mend on the key um on on the first paragraph of the key of the city I want also to be reflected as it is also in the proclamation will also reflect um also the names of the entire body so that's something that I also wanted to add and to amend uh accepting also yours I want that to be reflected as well I can accept your Amendment okay to my Amendment thank you yes VI uh councilman Pino sorry thank you mayor I just have uh a quick question uh I know we're talking about certificate of recognition so just for clarification that means that each office will will sign separately if someone request a certificate to your office to my office to any office it will be separate yes okay so meaning that it's not as similar as the proclamation that everybody signs well Proclamation in the key of the city it's a is a a bigger honor so I think that has to reflect all of us as a body because all of us all of us are are elected official and we are um it should be reflected all of us the certificate it's it is also importance of recognition um but it doesn't um it doesn't have all the different uh requested you know all the the different things I need to accomplish for someone to be honored and receive the honor of the key of the Proclamation so meaning the certificate will not include the mayor signature no it just it's individual where each office each of us are elected official we being elected by the by our residents so we should have also the um the Authority for us to also recognize uh different individuals or uh businesses so that's how isue okay thank you thank you okay um my only comment is um I will not be providing my dig digital signature to the city and I've already expressed that to the city attorney's office um I I don't digitally sign anything like I protect my signature and I think the value is in it being an authentic signature so my dig digital signature will not be on file with the city of Durell okay well just to clarify even the medical records that it's something that is is been much more protected than just a proclamation is also accepted to have digital signatures thank you for your comment councilwoman I put mine on the record as well we can call the rooll thank you I have motion to approve as amended with the following amendments to provide the city clerk the request first and then to public affairs for printing and forcing not to process incomplete requests and to include all Council names in keys to the city May by councilwoman por seconded by vice mayor Port corv councilwoman poras yes vice mayor Port corv yes councilman Pino no Council CAD yes mayor frag no motion passes okay thank you very much move on to the next item next item discussion item 90 Economic Development reports okay Council cabal or I guess City manager's office good morning may mayor and council members we have Manuel Pina here to present on this item Economic Development Division director I requested the um as to have the discussion of uh the report I think that is important for our residents to be able to have them most um update information on how is the economy how is the business the progress of our businesses uh for those ones that are investing here in our city so that's why I requested that instead of us individually just re uh uh uh um I'm sorry uh for us individually receiving the um economic report that we should also share with our residents and so we can have it on record but also we do understand that this is something that anybody can request it any businesses any Resident but I think that it's important that this is um it merits a presentation for the work that is done by the department thank you thank you very much well good morning I'm Manel Pila economic developer for the city of Dural good morning mayor and vice mayor members of the council managers City attorney of course City Clerk and citizens and businesses of the city of Dural thank you for this opportunity to present this brief uh double bill of Economic Development uh data for you today um I will be uh presenting uh really information as the opening act in which I will um talk about some of the data and some of the information we present in our biannual economic report and uh followed by the headliner today which will be uh Dr Ned Murray from fiu's Metropolitan uh Center if you can bring up the biannual report presentation I'll go through that very quickly for you you should have a copy of that the other one it says by annual economic report you don't mind it we'll get to that one very soon for uh for the record the biannual economic uh report is something that The Economic Development Division and the public affairs Department put out every six months we cover a period of time uh of uh two quarters that's the one uh two quarters in this case uh this report is on uh data and information from the third and fourth quarter of 2023 on the right hand side you'll see the actual page from the report and on the leftand side um any information uh to make it a little more uh to clarify and make a little easier to read for you right at the top we talk about the mission of The econom Economic Development Division so that our uh members of our community and our investors and businesses know what we do and of course that is to promote the city of Dural as a business friendly destination for existing and new to Market businesses that are interested in expanding their operations in Dural some of our key functions of course to uh work with and to provide support to uh to local businesses for expansion purposes to help new to Market business attraction happen uh to develop Partnerships Economic Development Partnerships and educational Partnerships for entrepreneurs um to provide business Assistance programs like promotions and grants and of course to work with national International and local and Regional Outreach to businesses um sometimes when we give presentations to people if their eyes glaze over when we say all that we'll also kind of tell them that to simplify things if we we had a theme song it would be taken care of business by Bachman Turner overdrive and I believe that Dr Murray would know that band from from the 70s the goal of the biannual economic report is to provide businesses investors residents and all interested stakeholders with a historic snapshot of dal's evolving economy to promote of course our Economic Development programs that are here to help businesses and to attract new to Market businesses with ongoing uh data that we can provide it offers information on Commercial Real Estate assessments destination Trends employment data and demographic projections we start off with some real estate information very briefly from uh our co-star experts at coar and we started with data on the industrial market right at the top you see some of the main points that the industrial market and sales in the city of Dalal are very robust and we have returned to prepandemic levels but unusual for for the pandemic actually here Industrial Sales actually went up in 2021 and 2022 we actually had a banner year in 2022 with annual volume of 361 million dollar in Industrial Sales we're back now to a more normal uh Market uh close to 200 million worth of assets but that would actually is considered a Slowdown which is kind of remarkable in itself average price per square foot uh is at around $270 at the end of 2023 with a 6% annual increase that is well above the three-year transaction price average of about 210 per square foot and rentals uh we have tremendous demand um with industrial rents uh up to about $23 a square foot at that time among the highest in the Miami area uh great demand in the airport area where rents have increased 59% uh since 2019 with Logistics properties driving that rent growth but it has slowed down somewhat um in in the last couple of years and Trends are continuing to point toward about a 5% 3 to 5% vacancy levels real estate and Commercial uh commercial real estate shows that again the the area around Miami International Airport is very active annual sales volume has been over 141 million over the past five years excuse me I'm an can we I would like to ask for a recess because the mayor is not here and I think that this is important also for her to see the presentations if all of you agree we can have at least 5 10 minutes recess okay is that okay thank Youk you sorry Manny let's just's have a little recess sure thank you