go ahead mayor all right good evening everyone today is March 13 2024 the time is now 6:08 p.m we are beginning our evening session for the uh March council meeting Madam clerks please call the RO Council Marine poras here councilman Rafa P councilwoman dinal pres vice mayor Oscar boy corve here mayor chrisy Fraga pres may you have please rise for the pledge allegiance led by councilman pedge alance to the flag for the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay agenda order of business is there any additions deletions on this agenda okay being none we'll move on to public comments now opening the public comments portion of this meeting anyone who would like to speak on any item on this agenda or gerain to this Council this is now your opportunity you have three minutes to speak please speak in a respectful Manner and I am going to first call up um Fernanda Gomez hi everyone uh I'm Fernanda Gomez 9874 Northwest 502 terce today I I want to thank each of you because I know that deep down you're all giving your best effort every day by coming to work to this place and I also know that it might not be the best work environment now I understand that you're not perfect I understand that you make mistakes what I do not understand is why many of you are not willing to listen to the community that you represent this is your job that's why you come here every day this has become a political war rather than working for the best of the city honestly no offense to anyone this seems like a circus to me each council meeting has become a war of appearing of seeking everyone own interest fighting to take the power away from another taking away the right of speech that we all have you're not focused I want to remind you something yeah that you are here representing us because we the majority decided it so the least that you could do is your job listen to us Implement actions and stop the power battle that we are seeing here City attorney city manager City attorney can you please ask welcome I know this might not be the best work environment this does not represent the spirit of our city I hope as a resident that you both give your best that you don't become part of this political war and if one day you have to live unjustly just that the people they removed of your positions before please leave the positions like they did with a clear conscience of having given everything for this city and really hope that and I really hope nobody destroys your reputations like they did to them I am very sorry for throwing away one of my votes in the last election but that's life trust is something that is earned and can be also LED and when it is lost it is never forgotten I am also sorry to see today whom I once appreciated and congratulated for his good work since and I know now he cannot even look at my eyes because his actions has spoken for him and I I am not a Democrat I am not a republican I am not a Christian I am a Catholic I don't believe in divisions I do believe in unions I do not divide by political tendency religion or nationality I Faithfully believe that beyond our diverse ways of expressing our opinions we can work for a common well-being it is not easy but we can do it remember something that you may not like who said it but you but could be very useful for all of you it is better to be useful than to be important thank you for your [Music] time thank you Fernanda any other public comments at this time I have really want to get you on that one but we'll let it go for now Rin La repeat earlier today you passed resolution regarding uh the Dural International art fair and I will make clear again that it may seem like a pittance that what we're letting them waver a fees of $9,000 between now and November I'm sure this matter will come up in which more monies will be asked to be donated by the city of Dell and if you do not know and awaken to this these dur these International art fairs are only a um the Dell international art fairs are people that come in and supposedly bring in art in big boxes and when when they open them up you have human beings inside of them and because we have this art this new building designed like an Illuminati triangle so close to a hospital that we don't need so close to a city hall that is a money laundering Center and so close to a library that will soon be built and so close to a charter the people that you are dealing with are not good people particularly since I went during my lunchtime over there to the address of where they're located and it turns out that they are no longer there I don't know why because they just rent the spot just like casimo Global Foundation rents a spot here in Durell these people are your Fly by Night not for profits they are not local they do not live in the city of Dural and you were giving them money to do things unconscionable things to the city of Dural people I'm going to go over to Item B 24554 nope we go to the next one on 24558 regarding comments aren't just to be ignored it is your job and duty to justify your actions and decisions here in the city of Dural and with all of these the last one are you now asking for us to create a code of ordinance of capital asset Reserve fund policy because now you realize your budget is shot you've been giving us numbers that are not real this is a money laundering Center and I'm hoping that each of one of you will be held accountable for everything that you've done for everything that you have failed to do to protect the city of Dural from Invaders and I will also add that southern command needs to be talked to severely by our mayor because they're flying the Israeli flag and the Venezuelan flag for no purpose at all this is Southern command the military to protect the United States we are not here to count out to other countries and if any of you are tied in any way to the Israeli mad Heaven help you thank you thank you any other public comments at this time being none public comments is now closed Madam cler like the rec no one else has chosen to speak at this time and we'll move on to the public hearings I'm sorry we have a discussion item discussion item 21A a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida Waring invitation to bid 20239 vehicle decal striping and ring services to the lowest responsive and responsible bid throughout digital re Graphics Corp and authorizing the city manag tenter to an agreement with set vendor for a period of three years with three one-year renewals authorizing the city manager to expend budget of funds on behalf of the city with respect to the agreement approved herein providing for implementation and an effective date this was deferred from the February 14th Council meeeting thank you madam clerk I'm going to turn this over to our interim city manager M thank you Madame mayor vice mayor members of the council um as the Clark mentioned this was deferred from your February meeting I moved it over to a discussion item because there appeared concern at least from one council member that you know there had not maybe been Clarity um from the council that this was the final design what had been presented them back in October so I have the chief here um I want him to just do a couple of slides to remind you of that design show you the change that was made after the meeting that you had in October um hopefully get direction from you as to with Clarity that whether or not this is a design you want us Pro to proceed with um there there are really three options proceed with this design stay with our our current design or if there is some other design that you want us to work on but regardless of um which direction you give us we do have vehicles that need to be wrapped so if we are going with this design we can then talk about the bid should you desire if we are going back to our existing um design of our vehicles um then we would need to probably put out a new bid for that and if we are still working on design then I need Clarity do we wrap those vehicles that we have on site with the existing wrap so as I mentioned I have the chief here just to give you a few slides on that but then I also have um the procurement um director and the assistant city manager um who oversees budget available if you have any questions on those as well chief good evening Madame mayor Mr vice mayor council members Miss manager deput manager or attorney and Madam clerk like Edgar I almost got it got it right he does it on he's on point every time he says it um so the reason for us today uh to take a few minutes is to go through the uh the highlighted uh vehicle redesign presentation that you have in front of you it's very similar to the one that we presented um bu five months ago in October with some slight input that we received that day from the council in regarding to uh into some of the specifics on the vehicle um major highlights that were that were um extracted that day were for example the D logo the I'm sorry the wording of D that we were able to uh increase it by 15% and other items 2013 this was the vehicle that was established um this is still to this day the one that exists um the current vehicle design transitioned uh the original dpd fleet from the two-ton in 2008 to the current all-white model the vehicle um on the picture here was proudly designed by the collective work group of the Dalal Dalal police officers the ones who drive the vehicle on a daily basis it's a two-tone black and white vehicle here specifically you see where uh the larger Dalal lettering centered on the front of the vehicle doors uh was increased by 15% based on the feedback from uh the console meeting that we um in October um we also Incorporated the uh the Sunburst logo on the rear that was specifically uh requested by our our police and traffic advisory board U led by Pierre that he's here with us today the effort included uh the vehicle redesign workg group led by um I have Captain samika Gibson here that she oversees or oversaw our Fleet for an extended period of time many years during this process and Lieutenant Matt braic as well who was part of the Design Group um also like I mentioned the police and traffic advisory uh group we had a Fleet Management Group from the city as well there uh our procurement uh multiple procurement review meetings uh vehicle displays at multiple Department events and the council meeting presentation this is uh another picture of the proposed vehicle with the markings upgrade the traditional black and white bold white letters I'm sorry bold white doors Sleek block of reflective lettering displaying dout police across the front and the rear doors the traditional city of D police patch position on both sides of the vehicle and the easy to identify D police vehicle numbers on all sides of the vehicles and the top as well as a force multiplier and in line with some of the police agencies that surround us like M Police Department Beach Sweetwater Miami dat schools hiia hia Gardens um the police vehicle will be aligned u in a black and white scheme like those agencies as well um providing a force multi supplier when uh our vehicle is in their cities or when their vehicles are in our city during um moments where we enact in our mutual Aid easily identifiable is one of our main proponents here we had two major objectives here which was one uh crime deterrence and police visibility and the fact that this black and white vehicle stands out from the other City vehicle is one of the main reasons um that the work group started looking into it um it's it's sign Ally different from our Police Service AIDS our park ranger Vehicles Public Work vehicles and Code Compliance Vehicles right now as you see in the circle on the top right all the vehicles have the same scheme um so the police vehicle is not easily identifiable in comparison to some of those Vehicles the transition actually began in 2012 our Motors unit we have about 12 motorcycles transition from blue and white to uh all to black and white so part of our Fleet is already in that mode and this is the final side to side comparison of both vehicles on the left you see the vehicle that was designed in 2013 and the proposed one by the work group comprised of officers from this department of all different ranks uh and all the different stakeholders on the right hand side thank you thank you Chief any other comments from the city manager's office no it would just help for us to get direction on which vehicle you prefer going forward or whether we need to do more work thank you Miss Brooks okay any comments from the council at this time thank you for your presentation I'm fine I voted for it last time this is fine to me are you play placing a motion to approve I place a motion to motion to approve by vice mayor cor second by councilman Beno any other comments yes I have a question who who did the uh the initial wrapping of the other the vehicles like the sample who was the one who who did the wrapping the first on trim line trim line did they also were able to be part of the bid at the time that the application of the bid was open yeah no Finance yes it was sent out to them it was uh several leement hand thank you good evening um mayor vice mayor council members um so yes Trimline did submit a bid um their bid was actually non responsive um so we went with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder yeah so I know that you mentioned at that time so I didn't see their name here I just went wondering what happened at that time yeah so excuse me um so their bid we required for all the biders to provide two references of other government agencies and they failed to provide that so we didn't um we couldn't move forward with them unfortunately and we went with the lowest bidder okay any other questions no okay um great job I think this is uh very nice and I think we had a good discussion about it last time so happy we'll be moving forward hopefully Madam clerk please call the rooll motion to approvement by Vice corve second by Council P Vice corve yes Council P yes councilman yes yes motion passes great thank you welcome to the Free Nation St Miss Garza we will not allow that you will be remove removed from chambers if you cannot keep the Quorum thank you Madame mayor yes I me um if you would like to consider whether or not you also want to proceed with a motion to award the bid that was on the agenda last time and is on the agenda again wasn't it all part of the same item it's the resolution is there as part of the discussion item we can either you know have you make a motion today or we can bring it back for the next agenda in April no I I think I think that that was the motion we made it is on the resolu to include that okay perfect yes it's part of the I think I think there's plenty of clear yes good all right okay we'll move on to the public hearings Madam clerk Madame mayor may please SAR in the witnesses we do have a an item yes ma'am if you'll be presenting testimony in the public hearing items please raise your right hand and repeat after me I do solemnly swear affirm that the information that I'm about to present shall be true about the truth thank you very much item 22A ordinance number 20 2419 text Amendment live local act an ordinance of the May and the city council of the city of D Florida amending chapter 68 land uses and Zoning districts of the city of D code of ordinances to create article a to be entitled of local act to establish the development standards for multif family and mix use qualifying developments authorized pursuant to chapter 20 2317 laws of Florida and procedures for processing the same providing for cability incorporation into the code and an effective date this was approved on first reading on February 14th thank you madam clerk I will now open up the public comments portion for item 24-54 73 anyone who would like to speak on this item please Louis Garza homeless once again you're finding ways to take and um diminish the autonomy that the city of Dell has by intruding and infiltrating upon families and not leaving them alone because you are desperate for money in this money laundering location shame on all of you once again anyone else would like to speak on this item please approach the podium at this time being no one no one would like to speak public comments is now closed Madam clerk at thect no one else has chosen to speak at this time and we'll turn it over to Planning and Zoning or the city attorney's office and I'm to read this I think is my understanding that the protocol okay um an ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city oh no no that that was already read into the record I think what you need to read into the record Mr Geller is the change that you're proposing oh okay for the ordinance we've recommended a small Amendment um in consultation with the uh director of planning zoning Mr press um it's come to our attention that there is some language we think it was clear but that could be subject to misinterpretation and so the amendment uh that we're asking you and someone of course would have to make the Amendment would be to strike the words shall not be permitted and in place of them add the words shall be exempt from this article 8 and governed by the applicable mixed use District regulations the entire sentence with the amendment reads as follows notwithstanding the foregoing qualifying developments in any mixed use zoning districts shall be exempt from this article 8 and governed by the applicable mixed use District regulations as said zoning districts already provide for residential development with corresponding development standards and that would be uh the amendment and that would be what we would request that someone make thank you Mr GA any questions or comments from the council motion to approve with the amendment taken Madam clerk do you need any clarification where you get that from I will get that from the record okay all right if there's no other comments or questions regarding this item Madam clerk please call the RO motion to approve ordinance number 20249 on second reading as amended made by Vice May cor seconded by councilman Pino vice mayor P cor yes councilman Pino yes councilwoman caral yes councilwoman poras yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes okay we move on to Item B next item Item B ordinance number 202 2410 revising agenda vetting procedures an ordinance of the mayor on the city council of the city of draw Florida amending section 2-7 same agenda in Chapter 2 administration of the city of code of ordinances by modifying the procedure for placement of city council initiated items on the agenda for City Council meetings providing for implementation incorporation into the code severability conflicts and an effective date this was approved on first reading on February 14th thank you madam clerk we're not going to open up we're now going to open up comments public comments for item 24- 5508 anyone who would like to speak on this item please approach the podium l a homeless um I would appreciate that if all of you could actually address us and actually answer questions if we've asked I've been doing this for many years over over two decades and um I'm quite certain that by this point each one of you have been told by your handlers that you are to remain stoic and not say a word and uh basically ignore the people here because what you just did in permitting the uh the black and white Masonic to be infiltrating throughout all of Miami date County because all these other little cities um are have decided to jump on the bandwagon of being our Overlord in their black and white police cars taking away our uniqueness taking away the years that we put into designing the car shame on you once again do not interrupt me while I am speaking that is not your role Miss Garza I will remind you that the public comments for these items are directly for these items anyone else who would like to speak at this time on item 24-58 and only on 24-55 8 please approach the podium public comments for the regular scheduled agenda or anything dur remain to this Council has been closed public comments is now closed for item 24-58 Madam clerk the record reflect that no one else has chosen to speak at this time we'll now turn it over to council woman poris this is your item thank you mayor I don't believe there's any changes that have been made right between now and second reading motion to approve second motion to approve by vice mayor PU corvis second by councilman cabal if there is no additional comments on this item Madam clerk please call the role motion to approve ordinance number 202 24-10 on second reading made by Vice cor second by councilwoman cabal VI corve yes councilwoman cabal yes Council Peno yes Council poras yes may FR yes motion passes thank you we move on to item C next item item C ordinance number 20 2411 Capital asset Reserve fund policy and ordinance of the mayor and the city council of the city of D Florida amending Article 4 financial matters of chapter 2 Administration to create section - 253 of the city of rawal code of ordinances entitled Capital asset Reserve fund policy which shall provide for minimum contributions and a minimum fund balance within infrastructure replacement fund with City's budget providing for conflict severability incorporation into the code and an effective date this was approved on first reading on February 12th February 14th I'm sorry thank you madam clerk we will now open up public comments for item 24- 5493 anyone who would like to speak on this item please come up and speak at this time Lou Mor VOR is a homeless again just another case for money laundering and creative language to show everybody that you're completely broke and you know in in this entire debacle that you have have managed to escape a lot of the decisions you've made in particular um with uh the budget of uh Dural you will suffer accordingly good night anyone else would like to come speak on this item please approach the podium at this time being none public comments is now closed Madam cler the work no one else has chosen to speak at this time and we will turn this over to finance good evening mayor city council um there has been no changes between first and second reading so I'm here for any questions you may have um if I make so I believe there was one minor change where the word general fund was added before the minimum reserve requirement um it's it had read the fiveyear average of the annual capital budget and it actually is the fiveyear average of the general fund Capital annual capital budget yes yes any questions motion to approve motion to approve by vice mayor P corve second by councilman Pino Madam clerk please call the rooll motion to approve ordinance number 20241 on second reading made by Vice corve seconded by Council Pino vice mayor corve yes Council Pino yes Council poras yes Council yes mayor FR yes motion passes all right great motion to adjourn is in order motion to adjourn motion to adjourn by vice mayor P corvey second by councilman p on favor say I I this meeting is ajour thank you for joining us --------- the broadcast is now starting all attendees are in listen only mode good morning everyone welcome to deral City Hall to our council meeting for March today is March 13 2024 the time is now 10:06 a.m. Madam clerk please call the rooll councilwoman Mar here Council Rafael Pino councilwoman vice mayor Oscar corve pres mayor Christy froga president may you have thank you please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance led by councilman cabal United States stand God indivisible withy and justice for all thank you very much we now have an invocation by suset Santos Pastor suset thank you for joining us good morning everyone good morning mayor good morning all counseling um um our Father in heaven we thank you for selecting each one of us to be present today gratitude fill our hearts for the opportunity to care for this city to make a positive impact in our generation as we as you stated in Proverbs 29:2 when the righteous are in Authority the people Rejoice but when the wicked birth rule the people mourn we aspire to witness this city Prosper realizing its full potential and extending its influence to other cities therefore guide us to reach agreements establish ordinances make decisions that will genuinely benefit our community grant us the wisdom to discern the real needs of the people empowering us to lead with Integrity honesty and compassion remind us that one day we will all give an account of our mandates humbling us to seek your guidance as the rightful trailer of the universe assist us to in fulfilling our mission with excellence and be productive in this section we also lay before you our personal challenges bringing peace to our hearts knowing that as we care for the need of our fellow citizens you will take care of our own in your holy name we pray and declare today's City counciling session open and blessed amen amen thank you Pastor Santos for joining us today from VA cona all right agenda order of business give me one second sorry my apologies okay agenda order of business Madame manager leave you may have something yes mayor um I'm asking to defer agenda item 6E which is the resolution for the access control and Co closed circuit television systems for Dural centran Park um asking to defer because after discussion with the city attorney we feel it is in the best interest of the city to get a best and final offer from all the vendors involved and we hope to bring that plan to bring that back to you in April okay thank you very much Mr City attorney no ma'am thank you any members of the council yes mayor through the mayor yes C I have thank you I have a lay down item that you all have which is a proclamation and this is for a proclamation to make March 14th Miss univers sheny palaso day um I had the honor of greeting her yesterday she's going to be visiting our city on Thursday tomorrow and I know that we're giving her a recognition I think that being that the city of Durell has the one and only necan American elected official it would be a great honor if we could give her a proclamation making tomorrow um shenise palaso day and so I would ask my uh colleagues to support adding this lay down item for a discussion and I'll make a motion for that thank you second okay do you want to call the RO on that first I have a motion to approve the late down of the Proclamation made by Council seconded by vice mayor corve councilwoman poras yes vice mayor corve yes councilwoman Cal yes councilman Pino no mayor Fraga no motion fails okay so we move on to the next um items to be pulled or to discuss any more items to be pulled or discussed from Council at this time actually yes I have one more I would like to pull sixk for a discussion okay any other items at this time okay I want to theer 6t indefinitely second what item was that okay there's a deferral of six T indefinitely let's bifurcate and take up that vote on its own please so there's a motion in a second on deferring item 16 T indefinitely which is a proclamation for Bill Watts day go ahead and call the role I have a motion to theer item 6 indefinitely made by councilwoman Cal seconded by councilwoman poras councilwoman Cal yes councilwoman poras yes vice mayor P corve yes councilman p no mayor FR no pass okay there's no other deferrals or pull from this agenda we'll go ahead and open up public comments at this time we're now opening a public comments portion of this meeting you have three minutes to come and speak to this Council um please be respectful of uh your time and of your comments address the entire council state your name and address for the record unless it's already in the uh record with the clerk's office we will start with those who have filled out common cards if you did not fill out a common card you can see the clerk or I will ask anyone to speak at the end we are going to start with luar Garza Lou Mora betara homeless how about a proclamation for your Patriot active citizens upon which our children have been sacrificed for your traitorous behavior my son Ka ises passed away three weeks ago and some of you knew him and I leave the blood on your hands and to each of you who are allowing legals in willy-nilly into D I've given you the addresses between Northwest 13th and 15th Street and 82nd Avenue some of you might have noticed if anybody in the audience is paying attention that our commandant Linda Richardson was in uh the House of Representatives DC testifying it's going to hit the fan folks and I look forward to testifying against each one of you resign resign resign to be held accountable and I do not need to say what the Reon the the the the consequences for treason are especially since some of you have dual citizenships I have put in a foer request for a copy all all of your oath your shity bonds and your personal bonds and if they not not of the office as of this day each one of you can be arrested for being traitors and not representing the city of dur we have laws and we know how to use them against every one of you and we shall let's see what else we got here finally I can smell continue to smell the Freemason decay in this place to all the police officers who have one gumption of Integrity make sure that your pathetic police officer chief of police is removed from the city of Dural good luck to all of you thank you thank you Miss caram next week we'll have Miss Richard glad good morning I have a question how did these two um people get up there I I thought you had to have a meeting and three people had to approve them I mean how did you had a meeting February 20th really I didn't I don't I must have been on another planet all all right I was at the meeting on February 20th but I didn't think uh they were approved they were they were approved wow that quick all right I'm going to start with a joke to kind of lighten things up a little bit uh there's this uh border patrol agent you know down on the On the Border in Texas his name is Buford Garcia himim menz Bermudas Cabrera Escobar Jones and uh he was interviewed on TV the other day and he asked him how can you tell the difference between all these immigrants that come through like Cubans Venezuelans nicaraguans or Dominicans he said oh that's easy he said what do you mean it's easy I I can't tell the difference so Beford says oh it's easy the Cuban the one with the boat anyway listen one of your biggest problems here is you don't know Robert's Rules of Order I've seen that uh that's a that's a mark of incompetence and uh in for incompetence you can be recalled by the people the people could start a petition we could say look these people are incompetent they don't even know how to use Robert's Rules of Order and they're up there gagging on each other and and they don't know how to follow procedures so that's that's a bad thing too and then we have the other possibility for recall another issue that could be brought up is called misfeasance there's people on the board here that deliberately throw a monkey wrench into the works to try to screw up the council especially uh attacking on the mayor they don't let the mayor conduct the meeting that's deliberate misfeasance okay so there's two things right there we could throw you all out for not all of you but at least three of you misfeasance and incompetence so Sometimes some of you are up there and you you you think you're prepared but you're really not very prepared I'm going to read some stuff about teamwork today it's from the Bible how good and how pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity if there be therefore any consolation in Christ if any comfort of love if any Fellowship of the spirit if any bowels and mercies fulfill ye my joy that ye be likeminded having the same love being of one Accord and of one mind endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace and let us consider one another to provoke un to love and good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together the last one two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor for if they fall the one will lift up his fellow thank you Mr glut you're welcome next we have Annabella Guzman good morning mayor Fraga council members and staff my name is anaura Gman I am the new governmental and Community Affairs liaison for Miami dat County mayor danielin Cava hello Kathy I've been in contact with the a few of you I'm taking over Tomas Al kala's position I just wanted to come here in person and introduce myself to each and every one of you so if there's anything you need I'm here to help I look forward to working with you in the community thank you good to see you again thank you Mr pabloo my name is Paulo gin last month I got up here and I spoke about the concern we as residents have that the pension plan which this Council already removed during this term is now becoming an issue once again with you as residents we do not necessarily disagree with the pension however the pension was negotiated without the knowledge of the residents in the usual backd door manner which was the usual custom Under Juan Carlo Hermes no one really thinks you guys are going to bring this back up in a council meeting what we believe as residents is you will have another privately coordinated orchestrated backdoor settlement agreement that will cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars the recent Shenanigans the last few months here clearly are an attempt to take the power away from the people and give it back to Bermudas excuse me and have him collect his money his claims that the pension removal has created a direct financial burden on him are clearly stated in his appeal I quote from item 24 of the petition the committee's actions to priz M of living expenses and the ability to continue health insurance coverage and this requires a prompt resolution I ask is the goal of Bermudas to bankrupt the city because he no longer has the power based in the past three months we have clearly returned to the era of chaos that he campaigned so many times against for example for almost a year and a half we had a city manager everyone loved a police chief who has done more to solve the crime problem in Dural than most have in previous years a new City attorney and an and a new IT department director everyone working peacefully and graciously with each other these hirings although you guys may not agree are a mandate by the voters that's why we elected our current mayor today three short months into the new Bermudas chaos we stand with a new City attorney a new city manager and based on the resignation this past Monday we will new we will have soon a new IT department director I want to know who's next in the chopping block is our police chief on Deck as residents we want to know why our city has turned away from a transparent setting and returned to the days where a council member is secretly sworn in in order to benefit the previous mayor's position on an item why does the former mayor sue for a pension instead of letting the voters decide if we want to pay for it or not section 211 benefits label on that petition elected officials contribution I quote once again elected officials shall not be required to make any contributions to the retirement system zero contributions in other words in plain English for the residents the money isn't his to spend it's ours to spend and whether we agree to spend it with him or not thank you thank you Mr Caro this would be the final opportunity for any public comments any additional public comments at this time okay being none public comments is now closed Madam clerk the record no one else has chosen to speak at this time and we will now move on to a vote for the consent agenda Madam clerk would you please approve Madam clerk would you please repeat the items for the consent agenda it'll be all of the items on Section six with the exception of 6E 6K and 6t thank you madam clerk motion to approve motion to approve by vice mayor P corvey second second by councilwoman poras all in favor say I I I any ma that the record reflect that the motion has passed unanimously we now move on item seven approval and minutes yes to item seven approval of the minutes I need a motion for the minutes motion to approve by councilman Beno second by vice mayor wi corvey all in favor say i i i m CL that the motion has passed unanimously we'll now move on to presid presentations item 8 a keep draw beautiful business [Music] award good morning honorable mayor vice mayor members of the city council Madame manager Mr Deputy manager Mr City attorney Madame Clerk and members of the audience Edgar drr co- compliance director this month we are pleased to recognize Bryant electric for their outstand in commitment to keeping D beautiful the property for which they're being recognized for is located at 8817 Northwest 21st terce Bryant electric has been in the city of D for 23 years the property is approximately 78,000 total square feet and has 10 employees Bryant electric is a Premier Electric company for commercial industrial and Retail projects in South Florida some regular upkeep of the property includes pressure cleaning of hard surfaces consistent trash and litter pickup and routine Landscape Maintenance it is with great pleasure that we name Bryant electric for the keep the all beautiful business award for their continued efforts to keeping D beautiful and Madame mayor and Council here to accept the award on behalf of the business is Amari [Applause] Jimenez thank you very okay thank you very much good morning to everybody thank you for the grand opportunity and I'm part of the Grand City and the family for incorporation have a lot in this city and I all you and the police and everybody thank you come for [Applause] photo oops sorry than you okay we move on now to the next item discussion items item 9A discussion Sol bag plastic bag alternative okay uh Council poras this is your item okay thank you mayor just I'll do a very quick recap um as most of you know on January 10th the city council approved my resolution to support the Count's plastic free 305 program and you know directed the city manager to take action s necessary to create and Implement a plant that will Elevate the city's um tier certification in the plastic free 305 program actually starting with replacing some of these for recyclable products and so as part of that and also through the environmental Advisory Board it was recommended that uh the city council essentially explore alternative items to plastic and so what I'm presenting today is something that was recommended through the environmental Advisory Board I believe I saw the chair here um and some other members and what this is is essentially just a recommendation to explore um this alternative to plastic bags which is called uh Sol bag and I think we have um some of the representatives right to do a very quick presentation on what that is would you like to come up [Music] please [Music] I want to show you speak sorry thank you for for this minute to show you the the company and the technology uh this is the bags that we're using this is the material we're working with a lot of cities here in Miami turning uh changing the materials to a nonplastic material you can see look like plastic feels like a plastic okay our biggest change is uh um dogy bags because it's you everyday throw away plastic bags very simple to understand the technology this technology is better than a biodegradable because you can dispose it wherever you want you can throw it in the ocean in a river in a compass facility in a traditional landfill and why because we pick up the jelly cap the tiny capsule the one that you swallow and dissolve in your stomach and we create all these materials okay look like plastic work like plastic bring pce of water and I will show you what happen when this will touch the ocean the landfill the river wherever you dispose this you don't need a process like a composable facility you don't need to compost this you if we check in the r if we have a Compost Facility for residential products or residential plastic there's no look this what happened and this is very important this is a okay look this is hard because accelerate okay go okay this is accelery but let me show you a lot of people is septic I love that because because this one is another material is the same material why I put in hot water to celebrate the process but look this this could be a packaging could be a bag could be a doggy bag would be whatever you want look this I can eat theal have FDA certification that is the capsule SC that you every time eat this is a solution that we create this is a company that is based in Miami we start from here working from Florida with all the cities of Art in Miami and and the idea is to start to supporting this type of Technology because we don't have a Landfield in Miami that will support all the composable materials we don't have we need to start with something this is a solution we're working with kibis Kane Coral Gables um sunny isands bur Harbor now we want to start using this technology in the city thank you thank you so much and so with that presentation um what I will ask my colleagues is to support recommending the city Administration to speak with Hy bag and explore you know using this and or any other alternative to plastic bags thank you okay any discuss on the item any additional discussion okay if there's no discussion then we can move on no more motion motion to motion to approve my recommendation second motion by councilman B second by vice mayor P cor Madam cler please call the RO I have a motion to direct the city's Administration to explore using solub bag as an alternative to plastic black including determin if Financial cost involved and bring back to council May by Council maora second by vice mayor P corve councilman poras yes vice mayor P corve yes councilman Cal yes councilman Pino yes mayor Fraga yes motion passes awesome okay let's move on to Item B Item B a resolution of the mayor and the city council of city of D Florida authorizing the city to partner with Dal International artfare Inc of florid non for-profit Corporation to host a Dalal International art fair 2024 event to be held at the Dalal cultural art center from November nber 7 2024 to November 10 2024 providing for a waiver of rental fee in the amount of $664 and staff cost in the amount of $2,114 authorizing the use of the city logo for set event providing for implementation and providing for an effective date okay this is my item um I won't take too much to uh explain it I know many of you were able to be there last year and participate um in the DF in the D International arts fair I think it was the first time that our Cultural Center was utilized for what its like real intent was was to bring artists from all over the county um actually was International artists as well over 20 of them that came to exhibit and we had people that came from all over to uh enjoy the art center I know that the DF representatives are here um I know downtown dado was also going to be here to come and support because this is what was the envisioned um um use of this facility for these types of things last year um they came in and did it through their own process and the city simply allowed them to use the logo this year um we're looking at more providing a partnership with the city which we do in many other events like we do the flower festival um and and all the other events that are City puts on I think that this is a very very good event to do in partnership with an outside organization that really does the bulk of the work and the city is highlighted for its art and culture and what the cultural Center was uh developed for so that's why I brought it Forward I think that they proved last year their absolute capacity uh um capabilities to be able to um uh to put this event on with no you know with no issues very very well-known recognized artists so this is an opportunity for the city to really partner and um and get more um you know have more of a presence in the art fair um with I'll let leave it open for any questions or um or a motion to move forward with the DF Madame mayor yes I may clarify at the time when we discussed you you remember we did not have the PD cost so yes I have it here okay I just wanted to make if you want to go ahead we can so we went ahead and we looked into the PD cost from last year now last year's application which I included in all the backup um had a much higher number of participants or people that were going to be visiting the fair than what actually uh came by since it was the first year so the estimated cost or what they actually paid for police last year was $4,733 however um I think that it's it's the understanding that there was not as much traffic as they would have anticipated and so therefore there was a little bit more police than what they probably needed to have so we could probably do a little less all right any question may have a question vice mayor well I went to the uh event last year and it was a great event um I really liked it there was many people it represented dout very well it was very professional and um you know the thing that I that I always uh worry is of you know how many times and how many organizations we going to give um you know the some services for free you know uh it cost a city but at the same time this is a nonprofit organization and uh has done a good job I'm willing to to um support it to continue and as I mentioned to to them last year make sure it's open to all communities and own nationalities and art from everywhere so so all the people in dal can enjoy art from the world not just you know specifically whether it's Miami only or such so uh that was my comment and thank you thank you for what you did are you placing a motion I a motion to approve it motion to approve by vice mayor P corvis second by vice mayor I mean by councilman Beno sorry and pardon me mayor that would be including the modification to also wave police fees yes I think it's for the city to be in partnership with as we do with all of our other events just want to make sure because it wasn't in the um res so I want to make sure thank you madam inum city manager any other comments at this time can we how much is the total cost in involved I know that it says I think let me see would you like to um add it up uh inm city manager I could do it as well last year's fees were approximately 14,500 total and that all combined that includes police and that includes police okay okay Madam clerk please call the role I have motion to approve inclusive of waving the fees for the rental fees staff fees and police fees made by Vice corve seconded by councilman Peno Vice May corve yes councilman Peno yes yes Council Bas yes may FR yes motion passes awesome we look forward to having the DF again I think it'll be a great signature event moving forward all right that concludes our discussion items for today we'll move on to the mayor's report Madame mayor we have the item oh that's right sorry item 6K a resolution of the mayor and the city council of city of D Ford authorizing the city manager to increase the contracted amount for the Professional Services agreement with my body social for an additional $6,000 for not to exceed amount of $21,000 authorizing the city manager to execute set agreement and to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for implementation and providing for an effective date this was pull by councilman poras Council poras thank you um I wanted to actually speak to the organizers but I don't believe they're here right yeah so I'm just going to make a motion to defer to the next council meeting uh because I would like to speak with them first so motion to defer motion to defer by councilman P second by vice mayor P corvey do you a roll roll call yeah go ahead motion to the further item to the April 10th council meeting made by Council M seconded by vice mayor P cor councilwoman poras yes vice mayor P corve councilman Pino yes councilwoman Cal yes mayor frag yes motion passes okay now we're go on to the mayor's report yes all right I will be very brief I quickly just wanted to um first wish all the women uh in our community a happy International women's month um we've had some great uh opportunities to celebrate with different uh leaders and entrepreneurs in our community second um I wanted to thank Parks and Recreation Department um for the Miso at the park it was a great success we've gotten nothing but amazing feedback from our community on that event um the unveiling of the little Library uh finally got done I know we had to defer that several times due to complications with and health issues with the person who uh put the um the little library in um and um just inviting everyone to check out the women's History Month Art Exhibit that's there through the month of March in the cultural center um it's spring break coming up so for all the children and families who will be traveling or be out of school there's a lot of great opportunities within our city and making sure everybody stays safe and then just want to wish everybody a very happy Easter that's coming up and the beginning of Ramadan um that's pretty much it I also want to recognize some birthdays that we have this month Mr Edgar estada was March 4th happy birthday Edgar there you are Carlos aroyo which was March 5th happy birthday and Julian Perez which is coming up on the 16th happy birthday that's all for my mayor's report we move on to council comments there the mayor yes um I just want to welcome again um Kathy Brooks and Joseph Geller and thank the rest of the staff as well for all the great work they've done putting this um council meeting together I know it feels like we're always rushing but we made it we made it happen and we' made it through and um again I want to thank everyone for their collaboration and their work and you know their patience so thank you and again welcome and happy International Women's Day Women's month for all the women inspiring women in our lives and in our city and again thank you all for all the great work that you do and contributions any other city council member reports or comments mayor yes councilman padoo thank you mayor I just wanna um I just want to share with my colleagues as every year I think we did it last year during the month of April uh we you know we celebrate autism awareness month and I was wondering through the administration as well if we can go ahead and keep in mind mind if we can actually light up the building in blue for uh the month of April as we did I believe we did it last year I don't recall or we did it towards the end of the month I think we did it the whole month the whole month okay but just just to keep it in mind and it is scheduled to be L up for Autism Awareness Day this year which I believe is what was done last year as well it was only one day I'm going to defer to Frank on yes so it is programmed for one day pre-program schedule if we are able to do it for entire month um it just requires a manual uh process for each day but it is something we we are able to do can we do it for the whole month yes we'll be great is everybody okay with that yep yeah I thought we did it the whole month yeah that would be great thank you thank you okay any other counsil comments oh go ahead ladies that's fine Council that's fine go the vice mayor is referring to you go ahead councilwoman goad no I just want to say a welcome as well to both of you for being part of the team and as councilwoman por us mentioned I know that you came into a rush you know to be able to have our meeting set and thank you for the time that you have dedicated to us to be able to meet with you and answer all the questions and answering all my emails too so I appreciate that and for our directors as well to be able to work with you hand to hand so we can have everything set I the same congratulations to all the women for this month but we celebrate women every day I think that it's a lot that we do and and give to to society and Humanity um also to the kids I know that they're going to spring break to remember to use their helmet so they can be safe and to the families and also for a happy Easter to to everyone and I know that we also celebrating ran so thank you so much to everyone than ma'am oh one thing I also want to thank uh on state level that I was recognized so I want to thank also our Council General from Dominican Republic and to the uh State and also the Senate uh to give me and to honor me uh on that day on Tallahasse so I also wanted to thank them all for taking their time and doing that I feel very honored that they did that to me thank you councilwoman vice mayor yeah I'd like to um welcome to the city manager and U Mr G as an attorney as well I wanted to um share with you the thoughts that I'm having about having our meeting once a month instead of twice a month and of course um I'm saying to think about it so we can come up with uh hours and times that uh will not affect our residents and they can also be involved in in in the parts of the meeting that they need to be involved um so it's just a thought that we can bring it back maybe you know two weeks from now a month from now I think it's important to let our directors also work instead of you know during this times they're all here and spending you know most of the day during this um and and during this meeting and also um I I think it gives us better time to prepare and and um so it's a thought I think uh we could do it so please um think about it and let's come back and bring an item to to change the times and dates you mean to have Council meetings and Zoning meetings together well let's think about it and bring it back one day yeah one day okay thanks okay all right we'll move on to the Advisory board comments um and reports I think we have the commission of status of women first correct Commission on status of women February report Miss Belinda Leon welcome representing the status of women's commission good morning morning good morning Madame mayor City Council City administrators Dr Belinda Leon chair for the commission for the status of women here in the city of Dural you should have two memos one of them is related to the April 6 women in Focus event that the commission is putting on the commission is asking that in May date to be determined we repeat the event but it be done completely in Spanish to service the Spanish-speaking women in city of Dalal and the second memo will be for a date in the month of October also to be determined to hold the legacy of women event it's the award event that's been done uh for many years now but we've we moved it down on the calendar to October so I'm just here to answer any questions you might have about the two events that the commission is asking for your permission to do thank you thank you Miss L any questions for the board member Committee Member sorry no okay says um Administration need direction to work with the uh status of women's requests absolutely mayor okay so do we have a consensus to have them move forward with the two events that they've done in the past yes I think there's consensus all right Madam Insurance city manager good yes yes okay awesome thank you very much let the record reflect that the council has moved to have the status of women's commission's events uh be done thank you thank you very much thank you for your consideration thank you m Leon next we have the military Affairs Advisory Board Mr Watts welcome good morning Madame mayor morning councel uh new appointees here at the city I'd like to also welcome welcome my uh two Advisory Board uh members as well uh you should have two memos in front of you one of the memos is uh has three different items on it uh we would uh like to request that the military advisory uh committee work with other organizations if possible to do a health fair either combined with the city I know the city does a special one for its uh employees but we would like to see if we could either involve the veterans in the military Community or do a separate uh health fair on our own with permission from the city the next item on the agenda is each year the uh advisory members it started out uh as myself I purchased the very first Reef that was placed at Veterans Park several years ago it started with six veterans came to that event along with myself it has since grown uh we would like to see if the city would continue with providing the reef once it has started as well as a budget of $11,000 to provide additional items uh we would like to bring in a bugler as well invite the southern Command Staff as they have expressed interest in attending this the third item on that meno is uh the support of armed forces day in which the military advisory committee along with the city clerk would prepare a letter uh for the council and mayor to uh approve and be sent forward from the council and mayor uh supporting our military veterans that work at Southern command the second memo is a request that was approved by the vote of the military Advisory board members as we've partnered with uh vet info to be able to store a boat that is used in the program that is called castoff 22 the significance of the number 22 is the number of veterans that commit suicide each and every day I stand here before you I was this close personally to being one of those statistics I was a trigger pull away so I know where these veterans sit and stand and the importance of this program currently we're having to use money elsewhere to store this this vessel whereas uh there's other nonprofits currently have their items uh stored at the police training facility so uh in a unanimous vote minus myself as I recused myself since I am the chair of the the committee and involved with ven info as well uh all supported this item to be able to store the boat that is formerly or now known as the castoff 22 at the city of D's police training facility located at the Mau park with uh being able to have access using the keypad to get in and out to take veterans out on a needed basis which we're hoping would be four to 10 times per month um hopefully the uh Council and mayor agree to this uh just want to point out a few facts real quick last year vet info was able to support over 1500 veterans and active military since we've started what is called fishing Fridays at uh Southern command to bring Community and Southern command together the this was a request not only of the staff of Southern command but also of some of the members of this Council and the mayor to bring the city and Southern command together so you have the memo in front of you I hope you support each of these items if you have any questions please let me know thank you Mr Watts okay um any questions individually on any of these um requests or do we want to take it all up as one with consensus to move forward consensus yeah consensus to move forward approved yeah okay we'll move uh move to have it all approved and work with the committee on uh the requests thank you very much Council and mayor have a great day thank you Mr Watts have a great afternoon okay we move on to the city manager's report good morning mayor and council members being fresh in the job I don't have have much to report but I do want to take the opportunity to tell you thank you for putting your trust in me in this position and know that I will more than do my best to make sure that I serve you fairly with integrity and in the best interest of the city with that you also have obviously the regular Department reports and the monthly report on dur Central Park on the agenda thank you Miss Pro thank you okay we move on to the city attorney's report thank you mayor um I'd also like to begin by thanking the mayor the vice mayor and each of the council members uh for the cooperation and help that you've given me in this new position and for putting your trust in me I've worked closely with the new interim manager as well as all the existing staff to try to come up to speed this is an exciting bustling city with a lot going on so it's uh it's been a little bit of a challenge but that's why we're here is to meet challenges and to assist you in serving the citizens of this tremendous City so I thank you for that um other than uh the routine business that we have I have had the opportunity to meet and discuss with each of you uh some ongoing litigation and I've received uh a summary of that from prior Council there are in excess of 15 matters that are currently in litigation and I've talked with each of you U there are some of them that various among you have asked me to take a special look at and to see what we can do to expedite and to get those moving to that end um and pursuant to statute uh I would like at this time to request that we meet in executive session on a number of these items that's an item that is procedure that is authorized under State Statute where the council can meet with the manager and with attorneys handling the matter uh to discuss our litigation posture and just so the record is clear it is a little different than the typical Sunshine procedure we meet so that the people that are litigating against us don't know our entire litigation strategy but a court reporter is present everything that's said at that meeting is taken down verbatim but that transcript is sealed until the case is resolved and once the case is resolved that transcript becomes public and everyone can see whatever was discussed but not in a way that affects our ability to settle the case so there are a few in particular now we have different outside Council uh in most of these cases they're provided by our insurer I believe there's one that is a little different because we're poti um so it's not going to be one big meeting where we talk about six and they may not all they probably will not all take place at once and frankly one or two of them may end up that we don't need to go forward with the executive session but in order to have it it's a a predicate that I ask for it so let me place on the record um that we would I requesting executive sessions um to be held and scheduled again to your convenience on the cases of aasta tractors versus builtmore on the case of Dural 10 versus Dural on the case of Suarez versus Dural on the case of Gomez versus Durell on the case of Cabrera versus Dural and on the case of Pera Diaz versus Dural um if we need any others and if there are any that you're particularly concerned with that I haven't addressed we're happy to talk about those and schedule them if you think that's appropriate and as I said one or two of these might be able to be resolved short of our having an executive session but for the record when the need arises some more quickly than others we're going to request that with the assistance of the clerk and in cooperation with the manager that we schedule executive sessions other than that I just want to say that it's been a pleasure to work with each of you and we look forward for whatever time we're here to be able to cooperate with you in moving the city forward and again thank you for the trust you've reposed to us thank you okay thank you very much Mr City attorney we'll now move on to the city clerk's report I have a lot to say today just kidding I don't my report is attached on the record thank you missas all right that is a conclusion of our morning agenda we will now ask for motion for Recess by vice mayor P corvey second by councilman padoo this meeting is recessed till 6 o'clock