[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] we'll call this meeting to order um if you'll join me in the Pledge of Allegiance Jennifer I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right let's get this party started um we'll start off with presentations we have the government Communications day Proclamation commissioner torga mayor do we have any government communicators in here oh I don't know I see a few come on up here they come normally they're communicating talking and I have to listen but I get to read now that is a strong group of women stand in there all I got to say we know how to chat don't we government Communications day February 24 2024 whereas the role of government communicators professionals is to inform educate and engage their communities and whereas robust Communication in government creates trust and inspires residents to take action and be involved and whereas government Communications creates relationships and calls to action build awareness and understanding through storytelling engage and Foster engagement on Civic issues and use all channels to include people in critical decisions and whereas it is essential to have strong Communications in government because it is a foundational element of living in a democracy where citizens have the freedom to make their voice heard and whereas the city of Duneden is proud and as deep gratitude and recognition for government communicators professionalism dedication hard work commitment and enthusiasm now therefore I John torer by virtue of the authority invested in the mayor of the city of dun Eden Florida and on behalf of the entire city commission to hereby Proclaim February 24 2024 as Government communicators day in dun Eden it underscores the vital role of the communication Department whose dedicated efforts uphold effective communication strategies essential for the city of Eden thank you yay thank you please speech oh mayor vice mayor commission thank you very much um uh subes director of communications for the city of denen and I'm here with my very talented um enthusiastic uh staff and uh we are honored and humbled for this Proclamation and actually humbled is probably the better word because we're the behind the scenes people right we're behind the scenes um supporting our staff supporting our our department supporting all of you but most importantly supporting our community with the vital service of communications and um we do recognize Communications is a a vital City service and you've probably often heard me say that if we're not managing the narrative others are going to manage it for us and in today's world that can be a really slippery slope and we see what's out there already often in the uh the negativity that we see on social media but um we are just very proud and um very honored to be your Communications team and to do what we think is a critical vital essential uh City service a role to provide information education and engagement all right come on up get pictures got get pict look she's trying to place everybody she can't help herself all right y thank you sue you know a really special thing about that department is when they're around during a hurricane Facebook lives every couple hours I mean thank God for you guys okay um now it's time for citizen input anybody wish to come forward and speak to any item that is not already on the agenda please feel free to do so give us your name and address for the record all right um we'll move on to consent agenda so we have the approval of the minutes for January 23rd and 25th uh board and committee appointments the Statewide Mutual Aid agreement with the state of Florida for the division of Emergency Management the approval of a solar feasibility study the city property easements for undergrounding of overhead utilities on Skinner Boulevard the Flanigan Irish Pub St Patrick's Day celebration revocable license agreement the hold harmless and indemnification agreement for the use of the city of tarpa Springs training site and firefighter apparatus as well as the Florida communities trust Grant reconciliation statement any items to be pulled Jeff uh 2D please mayor any other items to be pulled I just had 2D okay um um can I have a motion to approve all items except the solar feasibility study so moved second okay I'm going to go with commissioner Walker and vice mayor frainy any public input on any of these items seeing or hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously do you um commissioner G do you have um question presentation just blow it out no just a summary please okay of what we're doing welcome Jason thanks Jason thanks for being here hey and congrats on the on the uh Port Richie thing good morning welcome Natalie good morning Ma mayor vice mayor commissioner city manager Natalie gas sustainability program manager for the city of denen here before you today is the scope of work and updated cost for the solar feasibility study I can give you a brief summary and answer any questions that you have so this is in alignment with the city's ready for 100 clean energy goals originally $100,000 was budgeted in FY 23 for this item and we created a business plan initiative around it um as City staff developed the scope listed buildings and process for this study it was decided to change the approach to really achieve uh much more cost efficiency and so the scope of services is going to include 16 buildings we'll have a comprehensive solar feasibility study done um I can read off the list of buildings if you need me to and this will include a desktop analysis of the buildings four buildings will be selected for an infield um site visit for electric iCal analysis and mck mccre will leverage their experience to ensure the city of den Eden's Solutions are uh right sized and optimized for each building and really the way that we got down to this reduced cost of $ 51,1 196 is that we were able to look at different approaches for the uh Energy Efficiency part of it so our buildings facility team they're working with Duke Energy and Duke Energy has a program that looks at uh your windows lighting and all this different part of the you know they'll go on the roof they look at the HVAC all of that is done for free at no cost to the city so we are utilizing the Duke Energy program which greatly reduced the cost of the M mccre study um and so it's kind of like this partner project that we're doing an outs scoping do you need me to kind of expand anything besides that or going to the building list are there any buildings excluded from the list so we're not doing every City municipal building um it isn't you know every shed and little parcel out there I can go over the list and if you have any questions I'm happy to answer if it's a short list and this is more for the public yeah I think this is an important issue that moves us forward so the more that the community is aware of what we're doing uh I think it's to everybody's betterment so as long as it's a short list yes it's 16 but I can run through it quickly I have other concerns as well so okay okay but keep telling him the list okay uh we have the Library community center MLK hail Fine Art Center Parks maintenance facility the Golf Course Pro Shop Public Services Wastewater admin water admin Solid Waste admin and the existing covered parking Fleet fire admin and fire station 6061 and 62 thank you there are larger that's it buildings yeah I I I really didn't have any specific questions we'll see how it how it comes out uh in in the details I am very happy that for the cost of this what we're able to achieve uh the idea that we're partnering with Duke and what Duke is able to do for us is just wonderful especially on the price uh standpoint so uh again it goes back to where we are in Alternative forms of of energy what that means to us environmentally what it means to us phys physically I so it's it's important that we go through these steps and move forward so thank you very much thank you commissioner Tonga thank you mayor um yes I had some concerns um that's a lot of money I really it doesn't matter what we budgeted for it before um I like all those free issues that you're talking about that that uh that Duke could provide for us um I brought I have brought this up before to the city manager um in sort of in passing um we have solar lots of us have solar at our at our homes Etc um we didn't go have to go through any of this I I think I think it I would rather spend the $51,000 on on doing a small building uh with solar um and I went through I went through some of the detail of this and having them check out the electrical part of it etc etc I think we can get that done uh relatively inexpensive on on a on a particular building that we that we wanted to choose to do I know we said we wanted to be ready for 100 or 100 in in 20 35 and I and I brought and have brought that up a number of times for all of our buildings um I have no idea what the what the status of of solar is going to be at that point in time that's a long ways away um perhaps it's different or significantly improved I don't know but a lot of this that I read through here they're really checking the electrical panels and things like that um all things that uh I know I didn't have to pay for when I had solar on my house uh that that just happened when someone came in and gave me the quotes and uh so it's a lot of money for us to do something that's going to be happening we may not affect this until 2032 I I think my input would be that I would like to see us perhaps pick on one or two buildings that we that we feel that we can get some solar on now if we wish spend that $51,000 putting that solar on and and perhaps add to it um maybe had maybe use 100,000 to to do that one so I just wanted to bring that up for consideration um I am concerned about about the expense and what we're receiving for and I would much rather see us do something that's that's actually going to do something for us immediately so would you like to you want to make make any comment to that or absolutely so I really appreciate the comment and I think it's a really important thing that you brought up just to really understand why are we doing this why is the city that we're taking on this initiative to look at 16 of our buildings um we have solar on three of our buildings so far so you bring up a really good point why don't we just kind of keep in alignment with what we're doing with the clean energy goals uh what we're trying to do is really look at all of this very in a very comprehensive way way and not just kind of Peace meal building by building it's really about creating um a Citywide energy program and so when we do that we want to look at the whole picture not just piece by piece and a really big thing to learn too which I've had to learn is that residential solar is very very different from commercial solar uh you know everything that's involved with it and so it's a lot simpler to get solar on your own home on a residential property than it is for this building or any of our other municipal buildings um really too it's you know it's not just looking at the electrical panels they're going to be really designing the solar layout and they're going to be looking at the return on investment of all of these projects uh we want to align this with our roof assessments and roof Replacements and so all of this is really this larger program that's going to be built into our city operations uh as we move forward towards these goals and we do have to look at a big picture um in order to really move towards those goals so I I'll would just make the comment again $51,000 is a lot of money we keep spending money in and doing things like this as opposed to actually doing something and and so I I think my position is still still holds but there we go and this was originally budget I mean when we got the first scope it was over $100,000 uh and City staff really wanted to look at how can we leverage other programs and so we leverage Duke Energy we're le leveraging as much City staff time as we can but at the end of the day um you know the lack of time expertise and tools available to us really we have to get that help in order to look at this holistically uh but I feel like this I'm really proud of the city staff for looking at and incorporating programs to reduce this to $51,000 okay vice mayor no I mean I that's what I was going to have you articulate I think you articulated it really well I mean we we all know even as we sit in this building there was a little controversy on how solar should have been laid out on the roof of this building so I think it is an issue to be smart to be holistic to not just do the next let's do one more let's do one more and then find out we could have effectively and efficiently done it better to to Really uh get the maximum benefit so I think it's smart money on the table I think it's smart that you guys did the Duke Energy audit for free the rof assessment a little differently um and again I'm I'm assuming to put it into a question you know obviously you're going to come out of this with strengths and weaknesses of different options and different facilities you're going to come out with a priority list of what should be done first and what makes the most sense for the best use of our money money yeah absolutely there will be a whole uh study built out and a priority list this also allows us to look at you know when our roofs need to be replaced and how we can align that and if there's alignment um being able to buy solar and bulk uh you know and get multiple buildings done which would reduce the price but if we don't have the feasibility study done and the designs ready we can't leverage those reduced pricing of buying solar and bulk um so that's another component it's really looking at this holistically okay okay I think it's a good step for initiative thanks Stanley commissioner Walker thank you mayor um so in addition to that as you know once we're through the feasibility study we start making these Investments um which which I think are are absolutely important um we do get credits from Duke Energy uh with regards to the utilization of solar my understanding so with Duke Energy and net metering um it's really about if you are creating more energy than you're consuming then you're going to be receiving credits at the end of the year through net metering uh it's at a reduced rate but um you know with right sizing solar that credit isn't it's it isn't huge from Duke Energy and so it's actually really more important to right siiz your solar and you're not paying more to make more solar and then not get the credit as you should be um and that's the importance of this the study as well to really look at how much solar we want to be uh really just looking at right sizing so that we're not paying more for panels that we don't need um and that is the reason that we're looking at Energy Efficiency first to how do we reduce our energy costs uh is it the lighting is it the windows to then have the solar on there that will fit and make sense for each building yeah yeah I I think this is absolutely a smart investment because obviously ly it is about Energy Efficiency and um the placement of the solar panels and uh that infrastructure that supports it um that uh you know that has to be carefully analyzed and the the thing that I like what about you just said though is also aligning with you know currently where we at in the timeline for roof Replacements and that sort of thing so I I think this is a critical part of your solar plan going forward because we just can't just arbitrarily say you know we're going to put solar up on building X and you know it's got to be there's got to be a a plan and and each time that we've done this kind of individually we've looked at solar on each building individually we have a different solar contractor uh different manufacturer and different system and so are we going to have 20 different systems to manage and vendors and you know when one panel goes out we want to look at this holistically so that if something happens that we're able to um get things fixed and there's we're just really trying to make this a connected program connected system thank you very much thank you I'm speak it's a generic question um thank you Natalie you know I I totally get where commissioner TGA is coming from you know many of us get rather annoyed with consultant rep reports in government you know we we can talk about that till the cows come home um but the benefit of this particular report is the things that it's looking at um being able to determine like you said the life of the roof the windows the Energy Efficiency of a building and determining is it worth us putting the solar on if we haven't replaced the windows yet is it worth putting the solar on if the roof has to be placed in 5 years um is it worth putting the solar on if the air conditioning system needs to be replaced because it's too old um those are things that have to be looked at on every building you've got 16 did you say m [Music] um we are Jennifer 40 some people in the whole from employee perspective that was about a month ago so I think we're down to like in the 30s yes mhm still so 38 is what your report yeah but so my point is it's not something that our people that we have you know the internal infrastructure to go out and do that ourselves these guys are experts in the field so I think that the public would appreciate the fact that we're looking at it um in a 365 Viewpoint um and so that when we do it and we make our priority lists we're not only going to make the priority of where we put solar but then we're going to make the priority of where we do replace those roofs or where we do replace those air conditioners or or those windows so that we can get there over time when we're doing our Capital Improvement plan so for those reasons um you know I think it's really important to do I also note and you know spoke with Jorge yesterday and agenda review that the golf clubhous and the history museum are not on the list and that's because we are already know that the history museum won't give us enough bang for our buck and the golf clubh house has too much tree coverage so we're not studying those two things those are the two glaring things that I thought were missing so I think the way we're approaching this is systematic and financially reasonable [Music] um and it gives all of us a reason to say why are we doing this building before that building um so yeah um I don't disagree love to see us put more solar up there and do another project so if we come up with some extra money Jennifer let's do that um but anyway I am very supportive of it is there any public comment on this item okay um I have a motion in a second um all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed okay so uh that motion passes for 4 to one thank you Natalie mayor yes ma'am who did you have the motion in a second oh I'm sorry that was a motion in a second from the previous group so move okay commissioner gal second and commissioner Walker all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed okay motion passes 4 to one thank you mayor sorry about that no that's okay I got confused with my own notes all right we're going to move to action items we have the library advisory committee continuance discussion Phyllis and anybody else you want to bring up with you um so Peg our chair um was on her way so I will go ahead and just read um the report that they had um submitted um get that um so the library advisory committee um continued to support the library through 2023 with promotion of Library events meeting to discuss and give feedback on Library Services um they were integral in helping us create our library survey um all of the questions for that um so that we can update our strategic plan um among the many topics they discussed and examine um where our budget um our state report feedback on the library um survey and one of their big items was that they created um this Library secret Services flyer to talk about all the amazing things that the library offers um so that has been promoted it's kind of like a white paper one sheet um that tells all about um Library services so they continue to serve as um a source of ideas feedback and input for me um they all actually utilize the library on a regular basis um and they um bring feedback from other community members um so it's the opinion of the committee members and the library director myself um and that they continue to meet the requirements as listed in the enabling resolution and should be continued thank you okay any questions for um phis okay okay is there a motion to continue so okay commissioner frainy or vice mayor frainy and commissioner Walker anybody from the public wish to speak to this item seeing or hearing none um all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously thank you Phyllis she made it would you like to come forward sure sorry we thought 9:30 was a good bet that's okay you've been very efficient today yes we have that's my job yeah I'm impressed thank you um we just voted in favor to continue your committee so and thank you for all the hard work that you guys do we really appreciate it I'll share that with the other members next Monday and I just want you to know the group that we've got is a great mix between transplants and people who have been on it for a long time it's a really Dynamic mix so and again I'm going to just say this because I have this opportunity Phyllis is the best oh yeah she Ro she's the Rockstar all right thank you um that's okay all righty we'll move on to our next action item which is the award of the 20 24 pipelining project for a m for a million doll over a million dollar and the 24 2024 manhole Rehabilitation project for about $100,000 to Vortex Services Nan good morning mayor vice mayor commission city manager good morning uh Nan Bennett Public Works direct or Public Utilities director I'm sorry um before I get started on the item I would like to um just diverge one moment because you were talking about the many vacancies we have in the city and I'm happy to announce that we filled at least one of those vacancies in engineering and I have with us today Alejandro he goes by Alex Gonzalez Alex he's the new profession a new professional engineer in the engineering department has um many years experience with manate County doing utilities type capital projects and loves Wastewater and we're happy to have them welcome a got to give the man hand a round of applause if loves Wastewater and congratulations Nan yeah yes all right good day for me and as well because she gets a lot more relief as well so um yeah we're thrilled to have Alex here he's already hit the ground running helping out with some projects and stuff and pretty soon you'll see him up here presenting projects but we're letting you meet him today and letting him see how the process goes okay so back to the business at hand regarding the Wastewater collection maintenance um contracts we're considering today I also have Rodney Rainey with me our collections manager and he's here to um back me up give me the specific details I need if you have some hard questions so uh this this agenda item is for Award of its two capital projects under one contract so we've combined them and it's it's a mouthful and it's a long read I'm sorry I I apologize for that um so we own and operate a collection system that covers the city limits and some parts of unincorporated pelis um to protect and preserve that sewer system um to prevent sanitary sewer overflows and to protect the natural environment um we have an annual sewer lining program that uses cured in place um pipe lining technology you want to pull up Rodney has a couple of pictures of some befores and after of what we're talking about here so this technology this is a before picture and if you look to the left lower left corner you can sort of see some water coming in this is before and then after the lining oh we skipped one I think no no the blue the blue pipe is is the liner that there's no longer water rushing into that there's another example here where there was more of a structural failure if you look on the lower edges there's actual portions of the pipe that are failing there and then after after you line it that's what the pipe looks like so needless to say that goes a long way to restoring the pipe all of this is done without Excavating it's done between the two man holes where where you clean and do all this with cameras remote cameras and invert these L liners and cure them in the pipes so so we're able to do this much less expensively than we would if we had to dig these up and actually replace them so um the technology will help to add up to 50 years life on our existing sewer pipes um it will reduce the operational burden by reducing inflow and infiltration which is groundwater or storm water that we would otherwise have to treat at the at the Wastewater Plant and um based upon Rodney's staff operational evaluations CU they're going around the city every day videotaping and evaluating our system um it's been determined that the primary area we're focusing on this year is Basin one for lift station one that is southwest corner of town and there's some maps in the back up here there there are other areas as well that are being done that are priorities but but the big focus is that Bas in one okay um it's approximately 1,800 linear feet that we're going to be able to line uh for it is a little over a million dollar it's uh the lining portion of this project is $1,158 $158,000 $199.50 um so that's that's the first half of the project that's in this contract the second half is that in addition to the pipes there are manholes and we have about 2600 of these sanitary sewer manholes and these are access ways that we can get in for cleaning and maintenance of the sewer system system um these two over time fail U Wastewater is very corrosive and aggressive and so the staff every day every workday are out there inspecting and and evaluating these and lining up what needs to be done and what's the highest priority and they've identified 42 manholes ranging anywhere from 4 foot deep to 18 ft deep and the these are in immediate need of Rehabilitation uh we have an ongoing annual program we keep prioritizing keep fixing things um the it will require temporarily plugging and bypassing the Wastewater around this so that they can work in that manhole um it allows for the injection of of water stop to stop any kind of inflow of water again the inflow and infiltration stopping that and then a coating of it a protective coating on the inside of that um the manholes sometimes are located in roadways and so that would also require traffic control um and it extends the life of these manholes for approximately another 20 25 years when we do this type of a a repair so uh Vortex Services LLC of Tampa Florida um has offered to perform this work on a piggy bat contract with the city of Tallahassee right yeah the city of Tallahasse um the portion for the manholes that portion of the work is 999,000 99556 and combined the two um types of repair under this contract would be 1,258 1956 and um we would apply we would uh follow all the terms and conditions of the city of Tallahassee contract the City attorney has reviewed the agreement and has found that has approved it as to form and staff recommends approval okay any questions yep um so um um this is quite interesting you we we've been following this for quite some time it's it's interesting because on the fact that we don't have to dig out the community I think most commissioner commissioner could you turn your microphone thank you I think it's interesting from the resident side so we don't have to dig up dig up the community but also then obviously saves us a bunch of money you mentioned about 50 years once once we relign it is that a general is that a general number that we can use I think you get that's a general that's what that's what the contractor tells you but it's basically putting a schedule 40 pipe that you use thicker in irrigation schedule 40 that's what you see so it's sliding a 40 pipe that's already been in ground 50 so I think that's easily attainable we've gone and check we we' we've been around and watched some of this as it occurs now you had mentioned you're you're doing investigations consistently and constantly on our on our whole piping system in this particular case you mentioned that we're going to be doing about was it 12 how how many how many feet 1800 1800t 18,000 18 you said 18 1800 I think and said 18,000 I was looking over and saying wow that's so about what is that what is that per um per foot it's about 6 66 bucks or something like that $70 I'm curious how how often are we inspecting all of our pipes the TV truck and the vac truck run every single day five days a week unless they're pulled off for like Lamberts and we had to come up behind them but we try to move Basin to Basin but that those two vehicles work every single day the TV truck the vac truck is basically a week in front of the TV truck and then they come through so it's constantly Monday through Friday those trucks are rolling TV and cleaning thank you although you had mentioned it I wanted to bring it back up for to so that our residents hear that and know that we're doing that because a failure is unbelievably expensive we're talking we're talking one little break can be as much as a million dollars by itself um so I think this is a fantastic lead that we have I've als also wondered since I mean that this is a good business for maybe for one of us to go into I don't know I find a partner out there and go into this business I say that only because it's a very good business and it's a very probably probably quite profitable has the here's my question has the county ever looked for example I know you I know and you've got some good association with the county have we ever looked at at at having having somebody from from the or a county organization or another organization actually have the capacity to do this for the various communities so the bidding is is lessened and and it's just a constant we can probably we could keep we could keep a a unit functioning all the time two things um well let three let me answer your first question you were asking about the cost and for an 8 in pipe the lining itself is $389 a linear foot to line um for a 10-in pipe it's $402 per linear foot to line but that there's other costs mobilization and other things okay moving on to your question about lining and and Rodney can expound on this we do lining inhouse we are one of the few communities that does it inhouse we do the sectional liners one of those which which picture was was ours these are sectional liners that we did ourselves that that our own staff we can do short runs if 10 feet we can do 10t inhouse with our own in-house staff but when we're doing thousands and thousands of Fe we do not have the capacity to do that um and yes a couple of years ago the county put together the um pelis County storm water Wastewater task force and we got together and we talked about a lot of these things the county did bid some contracts that could be anybody could utilize and I'll tell you firsthand that there's so much work that when I tried to utilize them sometimes they would refuse to do it they just couldn't take the work I mean this St Pete is running cruise and cruise and cruise of this type of work multiple companies because of you know the the problems they've had with their sewer and everybody does a certain amount of this every year because it is so coste effective it is the best way to take an older piece of infrastructure and extend its lifetime so um yes we do work cooperatively when there's those opportunities yes we do as much of this as we can in house and I'm not aware of another of another Wastewater system in pelis county that does do you know anybody else that does liners I think the problem with that I think St Pete back in to day when directional drilling started they started three crews and as soon as you learn how to do it they jump Shi bought it themselves and did it for themselves all right I just want to say again about these liners we do them these are 10-ft sections for main line but the laterals going to your house we go all the way across Edgewater Al 19 multiple feet 60 feet we can do laterals 4 in and we do those in house W thank thank thank you for the the answers to my questions thank you PR mayor any questions um I don't have any questions long time initiative I'm big believer in it I do have comments so we're going to have another chance for that I don't any questions okay questions yeah me if you don't mind uh certainly in favor of this um and it's approximately 18,000 ft do you know historically year after year when we budget for this do we do it in measurements of of linear feet or do we do it by dollar amount and how many feet can we get in that dollar amount dollar amount is it is it by the dollar amount yes and so do you ever run into those situations to where this is the amount of money that we have to spend but we actually need a lot more money to get done what we need to get done that's a loaded question I understand why you're asking you know if if it's critical we'll bring it to you we try to you know this is preventative maintenance predictive and predent preventative maintenance and we try to hit the entire collection system so we just try to keep eating this elephant one bite at a time because you know the collection system like I said Wastewater is extremely corrosive it fails over time and so as quick as you're fixing something something else is reaching you know its failure point so it's we're just continuously doing this and I know it's like uh Road M maintenance and asphalt right it's always just it's always there and I know historic Al and I don't know I just the number just kind of stuck in my head but I know historically we talked about uh if we did this at the rate we're doing it would take 81 years to to line the city that's Paul's fault that is Paul's fault Paul to Paul told us that I thought it was 40 some years though I I can check for you on like at at this rate at 18,000 linear feet how long would it take to do the whole city but like like Rodney just said we're we're tackling this instead of jumping around we're trying to tackle entire basins at a time and then then that area is sort of cover you know all up to up to exist maintenance and and ready for the next 50 years or whatever and so that's how we're trying to tackle it now thank you okay and I know this extends the life of of the the pipe and I might have missed it but is the idea that in 25 years or whenever that time comes can we relign it or is just a oneandone type thing The Next Step would be to replace the pipe I'm hoping they come up with something time right mm thick so where we put a liner like this repair one day we will line this whole thing you have to remember drop the tires on the TV truck to get through so hopefully you know they come up with something else but I would imagine yes you could run the smaller tires and maybe you could do it one more time that's all the questions I oh I'm sorry go go the failures I've seen have been a complete reconstruction but they were large failures that I've seen sometimes but in other systems not here thank you commissioner Walker questions yes ma'am just uh just curious what is the material that that lining what is that PVC it's no it's it's felt with resin isn't it felt with resin and it turns into you would think it's PVC when you so it's it's heat sensitive A lot of it is cured some of it's cured with UV and and some of it's actually Alex just did a lot of research on this I may call him up here um it it's felt and it's impregnated with a typically what I'm the the older technology was a heat sensitive resin they bring it in in refrigerated trucks sort of turned inside out like it's like a tube sock with all of the gooey stuff on the inside and that's why they call it inverting and they use hot water and they push it through there that pushes it up against the um pipe wall and use the existing pipe wall as a form if you will and then they hold that pressure in that water or there's an alternate way to do it with UV now for a period of time until it cures and hardens um and and then that becomes the pipe so it's a pipe within a pipe that's why it's called cast in or cured in place pipe well that's uh yeah so you're not really you're not you're not jamming a solid piece of pipe into another less more brittle piece of pipe then you're this is actually a fluid process correct this is a a fabric yeah type thing imagine a tube sock being inverted in with with water pushing it into the pipe and then they hold that pressure and heat and they literally call it cooking they give it a couple hours to cook you want to talk some more anyway you know it's we got it it's it's very inter we got it we could talk all day about waste water if you haven't noticed thank thank thank you for humoring me yeah no he wouldn't I can answer for him no he would but I do wonder how many people really know what a tube sock is oh commissioner Walker that's what we were doing that morning when you see me at the manhole yeah down here we put a point repair in oh cool oh cool thanks now you know now you don't now you know um my question really is um we prioritize these pipes and manholes as you said the the pipes you you're looking at a particular area correct lift station area yes yeah and so but the manholes are you when you prioritize those I I see that you're looking at an area I mean it's Harbor Harbor View I I mean I see the area um but the manhole issue is because if the storm water gets in those pipes the man hole can spill sew raw sewage on a street correct something to that effect when I go when we do the TV truck every time you go in you have to pop the manhole and they look at it and a manhole actually look like it's smiling at you someone bad dentures and you'll see no concrete and what you'll see is water Lally spraying in and when the gaps get too big then he he he'll he'll Market Fair good and different how they are and he tries to keep them in a tight area because once you get them all done there then you comeing in line and that area is and this is so that the water storm water rain water can't get in but it's also so that it could waste water can't get out so it's to prevent both um and I think that's really important we saw I don't know Jennifer what storm was that it wasn't Irma it was before Irma I think maybe her the one we were just writing out on it it was before Irma you might not have been here I just remember there was a whole bu bunch of lift stations failing we had generators everywhere there were manholes that were seeping sewage like I remember that in Fairway Estates and that was kind of when we all sat down and said okay it was an unusual type of storm event and I just don't remember which one it was I believe it was hermine in 2016 and that that was the storm that caused all of the utilities in count right and then that's when the the committee that I've sat on got formed um okay you answer my questions I'll leave my comments for the end um thank you uh anybody from the public wish to come forward and speak to this item okay can I have a motion to approve second okay vice mayor frainy and commissioner gal any final comments vice mayor frany yeah I do um you know obviously this is a longtime Initiative for us um it's really important I do love that we have people that love what they do and get so excited about Wastewater um you know it's not sexy obviously Wastewater is not sexy but um it's clearly one of the most important things that we do um you know out of sight out of mind it's all underground what you don't see you don't see but um you know we've had different crisises over the years I always pound the drum of late 80s 90s with the water Wastewater plants Ono in terms of making sure the pipes are taken care of under the ground um and it's part of what people don't see but it's one of our most important jobs um it's about being effective and efficient with those services but more than anything else it's about being able to get the services to people without destroying the environment and keeping that in mind how important it is what happens underground where we can't see so very supportive I love that we're staying on top of this stuff it's uh again you find out when the storms hit you know and you have spills and you have a lot of damage to the environment you know you find out then what you're not doing and it's important we stay on top of this so very supportive of this thanks for the work you're doing uh commissioner gal uh yes mayor I'm I'm also in support of this it's just it's just the infrastructure work that we do every day that the public doesn't know about and doesn't necessarily care about as long as we're doing it and it doesn't impact them and we find out real quick when it does uh and so it's just you know one of those epic goals it isn't an epic goal because it's just what we do every day uh I'm very much in support of this thank you commissioner walker uh thanks mayor uh yeah our infrastructure is positively our most important resource and I really applaud the fact that you're looking ahead in terms of making sure that we're addressing those issues because um it's it is important you know what we do with our Wastewater system is is absolutely imperative um I did some research on the technology and I find it absolutely fascinating hugely efficient uh $64 a a foot you know that's that's not bad and uh I also support the fact that it is a sustainable um essentially preventative maintenance that you're all doing so anyway love it thank you commissioner Walker commissioner torga I always support infrastructure thank you well I remember back in herine hermine whatever when we had all of that flooding and um I think you know we saw it hit everywhere um all the different cities and it became um real evident that we needed to up our game and we went from I think 4 to 500,000 a year to over a million a year in pipelining um and manhole configuring I'll call it um I think would be important in the future um I know that every couple of years we look at our uh rates water rates and Sewer rates and those kinds of things I think it would be important for you all Jorge Jennifer Les to look at kind of what CHF was alluding to and that is you know we thought it was a big a big number when we doubled it but I don't think we feel the same especially knowing the cost of living and the cost of product I'm sure we're not getting as much of a bang for a buck today as we were three years ago when we were doing this so I think it's important to take a look at where we should be to have a reasonable goal of kind of completion I say completion you know you know where I'm going to do this and be really ahead of the game I used to say with our our road work um and we we talked about this with Road repaving um I always wanted to see us at a great level B for all our roads you know corge laughs at me whenever I've said that in the past because he's like yeah how many millions it would take us to to get there and to maintain that but you know there there are goals and then there are objectives for how to get there and I always think that our goals should be loftier than what we can ever achieve so um you know as you guys go through the budget and look at rates I certainly would like to see what it might take you know to up that game to meet with today's inflation I also understand it's a matter of how many bodies do we have and how much work we can actually accomplish even if we're Contracting out um but again we're dealing with the flooding issues in different neighborhoods from a different mechanism than this um but if we are as committed to preventing flooding and creating a quality of life in our neighborhoods as I think we all are then it's really important to look at all aspects of the possible flooding and um contamination and all of those things so I'd be interested to understand you know do we need to go to 1.5 given where inflation is or whatever the number is and and how long it would take all all right uh we have a motion and a second all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously thank you all right thanks for all your support you're welcome now we have the state of fdot locally funded agreement with three party escrow agreement for construction of Skinner Boulevard complete streets Urban Corridor project the city's cost share is identified yada yada yada and I see we have fourward panelist here with us today I didn't miss you back there wave your hands when you want to come up and say anything okay um Bob I'll turn it over to you buddy certainly Bob irons Smith director of Economic Development and housing and here today really talk about the project that's been started really two years ago with with design this is really the transformation of Skinner Boulevard uh the limits are from Alt 19 to to Bass Boulevard this is a very comprehensive complex uh project with many partners and and in many aspects I do before I start I want to say too that superest or Communications team uh what you see on the board is actually on the web you can just go to uh deden ov.com and you go to a uh project list you'll see Skinner Boulevard and you get a bunch of information out there so if the public is watching and wants to know more they can just go to that web page so I just want to go ahead and kind of start with that the goals for Skinner Boulevard when we initially started this and actually did start with the Ford pelis with a $100,000 Grant and then also we got a million dollar Grant from them but the goals were reduce speeds safety we've had a situation there where speeds on Skinner are quite higher than what we would like uh it's not pedestrian friendly nor is it veicular safety friendly we wanted to make something that was both pedestrian and bike friendly if you of course we know it's connected to the trail and this section of the trail is the busiest part of the trail system in all the county that was another goal we want to connect with downtown currently the way that this four lane higher speed Corridor it bifurcates the downtown we wanted to connect to it the other aspect is we want to remove some unsightly blight we got major overhead Utilities in there so we want to see how we could go ahead and get that underground and then last we want to go ahead and stimulate Economic Development and because of what the commission has approved to date that has already starting we're seeing various properties already start to transform in anticipation of the Skinner complete streets project let me at least talk a little bit about our partners and of course many are here in the audience I'm going to recognize quite a few we we got Ford pelis I know I see Chelsea there this is where it started with the with the grant process uh to get this thing going initially helped us get a consultant to start to say what should the concept be uh do has been a trend this partner they're here in the audience too they're contributing substantial dollars way over $3 million toward this initiative do has been a great partner pelis County of course we get the C funding from them so they're always a partner for us with these major projects uh Duke who's also in the audience uh this obviously with the underground utilities and Street lighting we've been working very closely with with Duke and the private property owners where we need to get easements to go ahead and take these pole mounted Transformers and get them on the ground uh so we thank all the private property owners that have given us easements on it uh we also have joint Partners right with overhead it's not just Duke you got Verizon wow Frontier Spectrum all those also need to be accounted for when you look to go ahead with with the underground let me go ahead and just recognize a few of the people we've been working with that are here in the audience that can answer some questions uh we have Danielle with DOT we have Tracy Hood with DOT we have Chad Stewart with DOT so that's kind of the dot contingent if you will then from the Duke side we have uh Maran Tucker is here um Dave meron is here so that's from the Duke side and of course we have Ford pelis here I think Chelsea maybe Rodney's here um City staff this is such a large initiative that we've crossed over quite a bit with with City staff um the attorney Jen K's been Critical with looking at all the various agreements with it so we thank Jen for all her time Les Tyler with the financing aspects and how everything works out that's been key engineering department because guess what we need to upgrade some of the utilities that are in Skinner theate engineering department is has been awesome uh with that also and Jorge who's worked very hard and I know the vice mayor has too with Duke on the overall franchise agreement that also swung over into getting a binding cost estimate to underground which was much more favorable to us than what it was uh initially and then I want just to take a moment special acknowledgement to Doug Hudsons I could not be here today if it wasn't for Doug working with all these different players all these different partners all the Staffing uh Doug has just uh been tremendous on it so I certainly wanted to take him a moment just to mention that we got four agenda items coming before you today the first one was on consent that was easements on two City properties in order to get go from pole mount a Transformer to a ground Mount I know there already been action on that then we have three items that are coming before you I'm just going to mention quickly and then I'll go into each one of course as as um per per of the agenda the first obviously is the local funding agreement and the third party agreement escrow uh this is where the city places a deposit on it the agreement has uh been reviewed and signed by form by by the City attorney this really starts uh us we need to get dollars to dot by March 1st so today is an important date uh 2.65 five million will need to be wired up as part of our deposit uh for this project and you can see what's up there on the on the board and we also have a local a local board here too if someone wants to seat in the commission Chambers this kind of shows the streetcape uh the two lanes uh some parking the bike Lanes the roundabouts again you can look at this on our web page if you want to see some more more detail but this is what we're here today the first item local funding agreement third party escrow and I'm happy to answer any questions and I have Les taiway here too right next to me relative to any of the financing aspects and we certainly appreciate all the partners with some major grant funding that's come in uh I know the mayor has worked for pelo we got about a 1.2$ 1.3 million grant that came in for carbon emissions because when you have roundabout you go ahead and uh reduce the amount of time that something's idling so that's also been a part way over three million in Grants that have come toward this initiative so I wanted to go ahead and mention that and be happy to answer any questions that you might have okay uh start this side Jeff any questions um commissioner other than the time line certainly I I can go into that commissioner so dollars will get wired up to dot by March 1st uh from there uh the plans are 100% designed they'll go out and we're looking for the bid letting if you will uh toward the end of part of May and then from there uh they'll select a a contractor we're looking for construction to start in the fall of of this year and I I should have said too the initial funding for this project is from the city perspective for the deposit is arpa dollarss and waste water Enterprise funds too and the completion date on this uh we're looking at you know two years hopefully a little bit sooner than that but 18 months to two years the one nice thing about this project is reducing so we're looking at uh you know hopefully not too much impact in the private property owners that are out there okay and how how strong is that timeline what's the impact I think it's pretty good uh I think we're you know we're on we're on our schedule uh today is an important day of course but uh plans are done I expect that schedule will stay pretty good and frankly uh dot has such amount of experience all these road projects and they have a lot of data to pull on they're very good at hitting their timelines so we we're looking pretty good and just let do know that I'm up in 26 okay very very cool to have this done before absolutely uh they're here in the audience uh you know we started with h with Tracy Hood he might have to step out a little bit now we're working with Danielle and Chad and they've been fantastic I can't tell you what great Partners they have been very responsive to us so we we we're pretty optimistic on the deadlines commissioner uh thanks mayor just as clarification on the timeline um did you say in May out forbid or contract award no actually uh I think we're actually they're here do you want to answer that question oh you're right here Danielle why you come to the to the podium Danielle is a one of the project managers that we've worked with so you get a firstand from Danielle start cont contract time will not start okay all right now thanks for the clarification that it vice mayor yeah I just wanted to clarify the dollars less that's probably more you um so basically it's a $10.8 million project overall correct includes everything correct yeah and so and basically about 6 million of that is US 900,000 of the 600 of 6 million is probably a c so that's where the county comes in as a partial partner right Bob yeah yeah yes we we've already I'm sorry the design just real quick uh yeah six $6 million is a city portion uh and that's mainly arpa funds 4.5 million of arpa funds then about 643,000 of water Wastewater funds utility funds that Bob mentioned and then we've got about 91,000 of CRA funds and then in addition to that with our partners that Bob just mentioned we've got 2 uh 2.52 eight million from FOC contribution and then about 1.5 million from for panelo and an additional uh what is it how much 750,000 for landscaping from dot as well yes correct thanks for mentioning that yeah fot in addition to that will be contributing 750,000 for future Landscaping so that brings their contribution to about 3.3 million right and you know I only ask that because we have a lot of Partners in this and um you know 40% of the project is Partner money right actually more if you count CRA and the county and so you know it's important and some people ask well why now for Skinner why is it so important well you got all these things coming together and you know the timing is now if we're going to take advantage of all these things so um that's my only questions thank Youk commissioner Toro uh thank you I was going to ask if you were going to go through those numbers um in any detail we we kind of stopped uh but fortunately for me I I had Jorge yesterday uh who was able to I had all the numbers laid out and he was able to kind of put it together for me and then I did have a quick conversation with you so um I I guess sufficient to say then what you just said is is it that we'll leave it at that for for the numbers or are you going to cover the numbers more specific no that's pretty much the the numbers I can if you want yeah do came up with the dollars for landscaping about 750,000 they're also covering the construction management and inspection so they've continued to step up I think you know I don't want to speak for them but I think they're looking at this as kind of a prot prototype project taking a state Corridor and really tying into the downtown I'm sure this is going to be used as an example so they've been great yeah I love I love their their comments about that in the past and and I also love the fact that they had just done one up up the street um as far as a concept goes different different a little bit different they weren't changing changing lanes or anything but but certainly have the experience right up the street and given the time frame 26 um I spoke with uh with Les about that and and it it all seems like a very viable program and lots of involvement so I think it's pretty SP pretty spectacular thanks I I'm I have I have all the information I think I need um I don't have any questions so uh anybody from the public wish to speak to this item forward pelis any comments from you guys okay all right um can I have a I need two different motions so um can I have a motion to approve the State of Florida Department of Transportation locally funded agreement for constru constuction of Skinner Boulevard complete streets Urban Corridor Improvement second vice mayor fry commissioner Walker any final comments commissioner or vice mayor frany well I mean I think um you already investment happening you already see the investment happening along that Corridor um in anticipation of this you know I think it's going to be kind of a second Main Street almost in terms of how it develops um but more importantly it's going to be a smart Street um where we I think it's going to be safer uh a lot of a lot of multimodal thinking in this and and just making things easier safer for our citizens um so very supportive very thankful for all our partners who are here thanks for all the um investment you know not just investment of time but investment of real money in making this happen I think it's a very exciting project okay uh commissioner Walker yeah I'm I'm also very excited about this project um you know I'm I'm exced about the fact that we bring Skinner into the downtown the core downtown area um and uh to your point Bob the uh the Investments already starting to occur there and uh I I really I'm really excited about this thank you commissioner gal I I agree with everything that's been said this morning uh this isn't just important for D this is really a signature project for for the county if not the region uh uh so it's it's a long time uh coming I would just like to put it out there that if there is some sort of because of the size of the project some sort of ceremonial groundbreaking it would be really cool to have the commission out there or or just me we'll send you we'll send you on our behalf we we we'll certainly look at that commissioner torga thank you mayor um so I was for forunate to start on this from I guess from the very beginning on the first $100,000 with Chelsea um with forward pelis and and in the studying of the complete streets and the whole concept of which was is relatively new within the last 10 years or something and just just watching how this worked in different communities Etc now get to watch it right here as it comes together is pretty exciting so thank you forward pelis and for for all the participants thanks okay um obviously we want to have plenty of notice to the world about this project um you know to the overall Community especially the people that live there or have to access that road every day um I'm sure I'm looking at our Communications Department we'll work with everyone else to figure that out um this is one of the first I think it's the second or third but it's one of the first groupings of the forward pelis um new program of partnering with communities to get things done and to offer grant money to do studies and planning work um we were beat out first by St Pete I think but everybody gets beat out by St Pete so I I don't feel bad about that I think we were might have been the second that's um and I think that was really awesome that a small City like us gets to do such a huge Road reworking Project such as this very proud of it um it is a forward penel Signature Pro um project they are the local Metropolitan planning organization I call them the transportation planning organization because I think people understand that more for pelis County and they will be becoming a regional group at some time in the future in the next couple years so I think it's so important that local communities like us still have a voice um so for those that I'll be leaving behind I I need yall to fight for that because this is this is what we achieve when we do have a local voice um I I do want to thank all of the people here in the city of denen have worked hard on this project it is extremely complicated um and you know we're going to get we're we're going to get slammed on the roundabouts be ready and stand up for it I don't like him any more than anybody else does but I do know the value of their existence and of their existence here this area is going to be a significant economic driver for our community not I mean take the road piece out of it with the road piece it's going to the safety I mean I sit every day at Highland or Douglas trying to cross or turn left um or right depending you know but Crossing traffic and I could sit there for a very very long time there is absolutely no ability to cross on foot and be safe he from place he's not wrong um so the safety issue is so important but the econom IC driver that it also brings um because this is officially part of our community redevelopment area and um you know with the CRA expiring um in 2033 this offers us the ability to Spur continue to Spur our economy and and really that's our job besides flushing the toilets you know is making sure that our community and our piece of penelas County has a strong economy um and I think this is going to help us do that so I'm very proud of that and very proud of the work that we've all done to get there um I think we have anybody from the public wish to speak to this item I think I already said that I didn't have it marked down I was trying to okay so all right so all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously we have a second motion um which we don't need to do comments and questions on it's just approved State of Florida Department of a hint yes I'm not subtle about it approv State of Florida Department of Transportation three-party escrow agreement uh can I have a motion in a second so so moved okay commissioner G and commissioner torga all right um anybody from the public wish to speak to this particular piece of the agreement all right I will say any final comments anybody have the need to say anything I'm scared no I'm scared as well I'm not okay all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously and then we have another piece to this whole thing and that's the Duke Energy underground conversion agreement for Skinner Boulevard complete streets Urban Corridor The Binding cost estimate of a million5 in Change Bob yes and if I if I can just go back just real quick mayor on the other item the roundabout characteristics here are way different than Clear Water we're under 12,000 trips today they're weigh over 40,000 with a dual Access Lane this is a totally different situation so we all going to be prepared but I just want to make that clear this is a way different situation gotcha U yes the item before you is the uh this is the undergrounding you know we came to the commission the commission wanted us to go ahead and review and look and to move forward with uh bringing a presentation or bringing a proposal for undergrounding this is again from Alt 19 to Bass um it's a binding cost estimate about just under just over $ 1.5 million this will get rid of all the unsightly uh overhead utilities and also hardens so any type of storm anything that event that happens these are underground so you're going to obviously be able to withstand anything like that so this is the kind of the second or third part of this overall Skinner program was to look to get the utilities underground remove the blight really make this a featured Urban Corridor and that's what we're here presenting to you today okay any questions for Bob just one if I could ask it sure um just this is included in the 10 million 8 yes it is uh the one item that is that still will come will be the joint users but that's still in that $1.8 million meaning the wow the frontier the Spectrum the Verizon we're certainly we're working on those right now and that'll be brought before you but yes it's all within just under1 million budget thank you any other questions mayor if I may yes yeah certainly the the the optic and the appeal is is wonderful and a great driver in uh the the undergrounding I guess one of the questions I have is uh when we underground what is the impact on Duke as far as maintenance and repair uh as far as increase their costs or decrease their costs you know I I certainly can let you go ahead and feel that but I think it reduces because you're not going to have the impact of the storms and things like that with the overhead aspect of it okay then I would hope that maybe in the future they can take that reduction in price of Maintenance and uh use that in the calculation to lower the cost because the cost is exorbitant and there has to be room to get that down thank you any anything else no questions yes could we could we ask Duke to respond to that sure Dave here or yeah right up here this this is Duke Representatives okay Dave merchon we've working very closely with he's been gring out in the field so he's going to go ahead and take a stab at that question there so the question is about on the maintenance and cost of the underground project so really for us the goal is to make it more reliable and when when Doug reached out to me and Bob and jge we wanted to make it as r as possible so we decided to underground everything and we looped everything so if there's certain outages we're able to loop everything where there's not going to be any issues so cost-wise it's not going to affect us in the much cuz we've we know maintain overhead we maintain underground so in that aspect I feel like it's about the same for us but I think when underground I think you'd have a lot less exposure right to yeah whenever we do underground communities we underground there's definitely less exposure for underground I was the designer who under ground in this city hall project here with Forge working with him last year so there's definitely going to be less exposure for outages more reliable less car hit poles Poles get caught on fire sometimes so there's not going to be less exposure in that aspect I mean just my concern is just the the price of this for the linear linear feet right uh almost makes it cost prohibitive if the idea is in the future to do more undergrounding this price point is insane I'm not saying that it's not a valid price point mhm I'm just saying that it's expensive it's so and there has to be other ways to reduce that because the goal should be to underground everything but we have to get there commissioner um I'm I'm sad to admit that I've learned a lot more about electricity than I ever wanted to going through the Duke franchise agreement renewal process but I I will tell you that having gone through this um Chris teig with with Duke um shared with us that those calculations are currently set by a tariff through the PSC and you guys correct me if I'm wrong but so the way that The Binding cost estimate is developed our calculations and formulas that are set where they project out the future maintenance cost they project out any future hardening overhead projects that they might have uh planned in the area and those costs are then factored into a credit associated with the undergrounding true cost uh to to put their facilities below ground and then that's how the binding cost estimate is developed based on PSC tariff calculations but that is the limit of what I know but it is I might I wanted oh I'm sorry I also do want to acknowledge though that actually this is commissioner corg time that oh well he's the one that posed it and asked it out so I want to all I wanted to say to you is I strongly suggest you ask that question on Thursday night during our second reading of the franchise agreement I think it's a great question and you will have all the experts yeah I I just want to inter we started with Duke 2.1 million and got it to where it is now really because of hry and and negotiations with that franchise agreement thank you for your comment commissioner gal I think it was very proper that you jump in when you did and I had a my question was was sort of twofold because I have a request for non-binding for our community um so really the only differen is on the non-binding or binding is that someone pays for the binding and then that stands and and for me I have to sit and wait and and it's it's non-binding so but nevertheless there's two really important things here number one we have then put if I may in just common vacular we have put the wires under the ground interesting concept about the Transformers because I know we we when we get hit in storms often times someone's jumping up that pole not only to work really not so much even often for the wire but for the Transformer we now have the Transformer on the ground what will the impact be on on any any Community or our community specifically where we put the Transformers down on the ground obviously easier to get to but maybe more impact I don't know maybe more impacted by the water or I don't know accident or something right the biggest thing of putting things underground for us is that we loop everything when we're overhead we kind of have one radial feed one connection but every time we do an underground design underground we underground everything so we would try to that's the biggest thing of underground um people need to understand is that's the biggest benefit it's underground a lot of conduits can get water in it flooded that doesn't affect anything um a lot of our Transformers that we're rep putting underground as well they're all Coastal considered stainless steel Transformers they're all whenever we put Transformers near a water you know they're just made to withstand those kind of things so there's definitely benefit in underground and that's what when Doug and I we Doug and I have walked this project so many times I've gotten to know Doug every week now so um I really enjoy getting to know him especially from the city hall project as well but for my aspect the biggest thing of underground is the looping aspect where people are fed different ways where if one goes bad we can alignment can go out there reconnect the Transformer pretty quickly and get people back energized is it so we've got we've got some some requests that we just handled you you were in here about the Transformers in a couple locations where we had to get easements etc etc what's what's the status of those trans Transformers so we're trying to get two different two em two e at the city parcel land the different city parks is that your question about why we're getting those yeah so what's where where will they be will they be so one is near the basketball court I don't know if you know the exact Road I'm sorry where will they be in relationship to the ground uh it's about 4T by 3 ft and then maybe this tall up ground maybe 3 ft it's one of the small you would see in residential neighborhoods usually see every four or five houses the smaller Transformers those Transformers themselves are not the big three-phase ones where you see for the city hall the huge ones um we also Doug and I kind of tucked it away in a nice spot where it's kind of not impeding anybody um but the reason why we we put them in those City Parcels is because the different customers Doug and I reached out to declined any transfer on their property okay thank you okay that was the reason correct that answers that anwers why it occur that's the last resort is a city otherwise they would have been 100% Doug and I and Trevor we all went talk knock on doors talking to customers and we got a bunch of easements uh the easement list for this road wasn't as bad as other cities projects we've done I think there was only 10 or 12 easements we had to acquire and other work Prints but um it wasn't Doug and I have worked pretty well together trying to looks like you got most of them correct the finish line is almost there so thank you you're welcome all right question anybody any other questions um any public comment all right we've got two motions again um I need a motion to approve the underground conversion agreement based on a binding cost estimate with Duke Energy move still move second commissioner gal and commissioner torga final comments commissioner gal no no comments sounds like it was all real really well worked out really well communicated so that's awesome anybody else yeah I mean my only comment is obviously we talked about this is a big price tag as commissioner GA alluded to and so it's a little hard to swallow but you know we got one time to do it we got one time to do it it's an investment it goes back to investing in that street and the investment that's happening because of our investment in terms of private and and our economy so I think it's again good money on the as included in the $10.8 million price T anybody else uh yeah just um I mean obviously the getting this right the first time should be our number one focus and I think that putting the infrastructure underground is is exact exactly the right thing to do for this project so anyway I am a little concerned about the dollar figure um but uh it it sounds like this has been very well thought out and very well planned okay um all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion sorry did you did you ask for public all in favor signify by saying I I don't know what I said I I any opposed motion passes unanimously we also have the second motion which is to approve utility reimbursement agreement with Duke Energy can I have a motion to approve so moved second vice mayor frainy and commissioner TWA um any public comment on this particular agreement any final comments on this particular agreement okay all in favor signify by saying I I I any opposed motion passes unanimously um and then we have one final piece to this whole thing Duke Energy Street lighting Skinner Boulevard complete streets Urban Corridor Improvement project at a cost of 357,000 and change Bob uh yeah yes mayor when you get the utilities on the ground of course you need to take a look at the street lighting and Street lighting is an important element as far as creating the Ambiance that we want out there you know current lighting is on the poles okay it's more of a you know very very high elevated situation so this now would be cost an aid of construction to work with Duke to put in decorative Street lighting the decorative Street lighting would be very similar to what we have in our city hall parking lot kind of a goose neck black type of decorative lighting so this is the cost to go ahead and do that and then with that rental will be a cost uh annually to uh to rent them which is about uh $26,000 a year but we're also going to go ahead and get some uh contribution from dot on an annual basis so the actual cost to the city to rent these lights would be 11,600 uh each year this is similar to what we do downtown we rent the street lights downtown very similar process and this will add a lot of um look and feel to it they're about 30 foot tall it'll be very close to what you see in City Hall as far as the look in the FI I'd be happy to answer any questions that uh you might have okay any questions yep we rent them yes we rent them the cost would be very prohibitive if we were to purchase them so we rent them similar to what we do downtown we rent the street lights downtown one of the nice benefits is when you rent it they take care of the maintenance if a bull b out if a pole gets hit whatever that's Duke's responsibility we rent them we rent them just like we do downtown I don't know I don't know why that's hard for me this morning but okay yes we rent them it's a user agreement uh the the lights what is the impact of the lights from an energy standpoint from an environmental standpoint from our sea life you know trying to lower our our lighting pollution yeah Dougs work very closely with Marian and Dave and the rest of the team there and also talk quite a bit with Natalie these kind of meet with the dream standard is uh illumination uh they're also um low energy they're they're kind of the U what type of Bowl call Led Led thank you light Amity thank you uh so they're LED uh they're also uh designed in a way that they don't provide a whole bunch of uh light that is not where it's supposed to be yeah light pollution so they've all been configured in that direction and how does the the the timing mechanism work for them on and off is it actually a timer is it set by the sensitivity of of where the sun is I believe show let Enrique is our lighting engineer he can answer the lighting lighting expert very good you'll shed light on this shed light on the subject you can see how many partners and players we've had on this project it's been huge K small army morning could you repeat the question please uh oh just they on and off switch on them is it just a timer is it more sensitive to the light the sun where the sun is it's positioning Sunset sun down yes absolutely so all these lights are smart controls so every time that is a dark it's going to power on every time that it's going light day uh daylight is going to be off so basically so um the design selected by the city is um a SEL type uh 150 watts that meet the criteria for the road for fdot because it's one of the uh most important things in the designed so we have to partnership with FD and FD has to approve for safety reasons so and a new standard so the light will be black type uh installing concrete poles ass set approval pip FD um they are meets dark sky criteria of course um you know it's so I think that is a good asset to your to add to be added to the city on this project so at this moment we got a few lights street light regular one start at the corridor um we are proposing uh few more but it's going to increase the visibility safety um beauty of the corridor of course yes it's 49 decorative street lights just to give you an amount to go from M 19 to Bass to meet the illumination standards that do requires how many 49 49 well remember these are lower height and they're decorative so yeah they I I like more if it's lower lighting I me that's yeah it's going to be uh similar spacing type to what we see downtown you know on Main Street along those lines and you had mentioned that right they're meeting the safety standards of of do yeah okay yeah that plan set or lighting plan set was reviewed and approved by fdot in conjunction with du and so we won't hear from the residents once it's done that they don't feel safe walking on no skner no the these have been designed and and Chad just mentioned they had a consultant has worked very closely with two these were designed to make sure the sidewalk has a light the road has the light but there isn't light pollution and that they energy efficient so is there going to be uh extra Sensitivity I guess or more lighting I'm concerned about the roundabouts at night and is it going to light enough there to where everybody feels safe Crossing and riding little bit higher crer than we put for just arterial soab up tootles the crosswalk pedestrian lighting criteria and the trail Crossing as well so every time there's a pedestrian cross you're going to see we we have a vertical lighting criteria we place the light in advance of the crosswalk so that the driver to the driver's point of view it makes The Pedestrian stand out to the driver at night so that all be that'll be every crosswalk around bottom the trail fantastic thank you thank you thank you sir you any other questions I I do I don't know if he has he's fine I I can ask this of you okay I will it's fairly obvious but would you would you mind uh covering the the two elements here there's 357,000 and then we have these lighting poles that that we're going to that we're going to lease or rent and by the way just so every just so like I say this our community rents lights from duke for our entrance that's correct that's correct yeah you had the clate construction the 357 to put these lights in play then there will be an annual uh Street lighting uh amount that the general fund will go that's about 26,000 but then we're going to get about $14,700 back from dot for lighting this stret a road so uh basically the city's contribution be 11,600 and that's what we do downtown too we we do all the rental a very same process anything wrong maintenance bulb gets hit by car truck whatever that's on due the 357 is allowing us to have Street lighting down there inst for the connections Etc and then we're renting the lights as we do with our other right other lights and we're getting thank you you you just did itk and paying for the actual electricity for the lighting yes yeah very same as what we do downtown commissioner or vice mayor were you done John make sure um would you be able to put Planters on these just kidding or chandeliers just kidding um if we rent them thinking of uh you know white pollution um anyway um no my question really has to do with the decorative Lighting in the main street of downtown versus the decorative Lighting on this street how will that compare yeah they're going to be a little bit different but they're going to be the same style as far as black with a decorative uh gooseneck kind of head to it so the Skinner is kind of removed right from the downtown I mean it's not right up against it in some ways uh there's no way you could go with what we we have more of a fiberglass type issue pole downtown so there's no way you could go up to the heights Bob there are those same style right right by Skinner and Trail right yeah yeah so the trail will have kind of exactly what Main Street has but the the street won't right Skinner will have its own unique uh signature lighting but it'll be within kind of similar feel and look of what we have downtown there's no way you could do it to meet the standards of What DOT needs for the height structure and things of that nature and they will be holiday decorated ready oh they uh we'll have to buy the banner brackets for it but we can we're looking to do that and yes you'll be able to have Banner brackets with some Decor I'm not thinking as much about Banner but you know that's important I'm glad you brought that up but I mean I am thinking about you know obviously that will become a corridor we want to kind of add to our you know twinkle holiday program so I'm just thinking ahead that we've got that squared away I know that's the she she uh yeah she's uh making fun of me about the plants on the pole but she's talking about operation twinkle already so I just want to point that out well the key operation twinkle is thinking ahead is thinking ahead PR here priorities thinking ahead for completion in Fall thinking ahead on the polls they'll be P they'll be ready we to handle it we won't have to retrofit them that's my point no yes yes exactly Hy mentioned these will have the outlets so that you could do whatever you know you'd like to do and we're going to go ahead and buy a banner brackets so yes we'll have that EMP play but we get some time that's all my questions anybody else have any questions I do have a couple um and unfortunately I didn't think of them under the appropriate other three okay but I kind of feel feel like I can get away with it given the fact that we're doing them all together but I talked about operation twinkle you think that opens the door no no okay no I just as you guys were talking it made me think of a couple of things um do we get to I I'm assuming we don't get to see the picture pictures of these lights right uh we don't have a picture they're very similar to city hall though so if you can imagine with City Hall very same is what we have at City Hall parking lot around here yeah okay I don't know what they look like either um I'll have to go out there and look at them um there's quite a bit of thought given to him to be honest with the the tra the light the again this is going back to a different subject not lighting the um traffic light at the trail it is remaining correct I'm going to have Chad here speak relative to do Chad yeah so the Track Trail we're going to replace that with a M arm mounted ha signal so thank wait what do you mean hwk signal traffic signal so it's pedestrian activated it's a basically I think what you about that today now is a pull pedestrian signal but we we modeled the effects of a pulled signal when we looked at this we looked at the design and we looked at a hog signal um a full pedestrian signal it's green uh yellow red right and ped pushes the button could turn solid red you have to wait the entire time you know bless you red light goes off the wave and it's clear the HW signal will be just similar to that except it has the two balls up on top and one below and there's two red balls up on top okay you confused me already just tell me is there a traffic light there will be there is a traffic light it's just going to just going to operate okay I'm sorry you keep saying something I don't understand what I understand is a traffic signal I'm not trying a jerk looks like a traffic signal and it works just like it it just allows whenever the only difference between it and the regular traffic signal is whenever the walk pedestrian gets their walk indication to walk across the road the light is red for a walk after that walk completes you get that flash that countdown walk you're trying to cross the road you'll see that countdown okay again you are taking me down a road that I just want to know because we have told her M armm that maybe I can help just a little bit so it's it's it's uh it's massed arm decorative it's really just the function in order to make traffic flow and give the okay again I I can't see that it you think I can see that okay it's a mast arm which was what my next question was going to be are we making it look a lot better than what it looks now but we have told the community that the traffic light is going to remain at the trail and that's all I want to be able to continue to say thank you it's just G yes okays is okay did is it going to be timed with the Alt 19 then like it is today that's one of the things about a hop signal is it wouldn't be timed it wouldn't be in other words it wouldn't be used all the time it would only be active whenever a pedestrian comes up and actually pushes the button so it wouldn't be timed with the other signal it wouldn't even be functioning unless someone activated the signal well it doesn't function now unless somebody activates the signal so it's not any different I'm saying though today it's timed with Alt 19 it activates now today it's a full signal it or not right no it doesn't not the one at the trail it only activates when somebody pushes it no no uh-uh since when since it went in it's probably tied to that 19 signal it no it does yeah go down there and look at it I've watched it many many times it only turns red when somebody pushes that button well the new will definitely only work that way so huh the new one the the hawk signal will only work when you push the button the right say Whata the they may have had radar on there or something no we yes I know that that I'm saying you're correct they deactivated the right so it only it only operates when somebody pushes the button right but once you push the button right it's connected to it's connected to Alt 19 so that the traffic doesn't back up because it's a short window okay we're not going to solve this today all I'm saying is is there needs to be a traffic light and it needs to be timed with Alt 19 or we're going to have a problem because that's going to be a single Lane Road I'm going to let you Engineers figure it out but I already see the problem coming which is why I thought to ask it that's okay you don't have to answer me now and may I add something to that yes just because I think this was always discussed about how it's going to be to have a traffic light so close to the roundabout and that so that's going to be a work in progress for you guys to analyze to see how you know the car traffic and the pedestrian traffic work and I think we have to be open-minded about that as we you know understood we're going in with the traffic light but but there's going to be a lot we're going to have to learn right as we watch the the pattern I've got an animation of the the signal in action no that's fine you don't have to do it I think U no I think I understand what you're doing yeah I think that the goals you know obviously I'm not traffic right I could defer the engineers here but I think we all wanted the decorative massed arm something that looked really nice we wanted The Pedestrian safety and we want to make sure there wasn't a queuing situation with the roundabout right and so it's up to these gentlemen to figure out but my concern is we have something that works that everybody understands and then we're going now we're talking about changing it to something a little different I'm not saying people won't understand it I'm saying we have found the answer I don't feel very strongly about changing what that answer is at this point because we've literally had people die at that intersection I mayor I understand completely so I I'm just being very strong about that I feel very strongly we've got something I the only reason I was saying it out loud is because I thought you were going to say yes and we're moving on and now I find out it's going to be something different it's not going to be timed with all 19 I'm very concerned about that I just assumed because that's what we've been told is that the light would remain and that we've said to everybody we want the traffic light that it's working and my next question was about the Mast arm so it would be pretty it's going to be pretty only thing I understand exactly what you're saying get it Lane configuration is changing though from 4 to two so today she's so that's I understand we will continue to monitor it man cuz I think part of the challenge was if it's not time to alternate 19 yeah then anybody pushing the light the the driver especially going west is going to look past the trail and look at the light at Alternate 19 as to go noo point and blow through whatever Hawk signal may be there and that's what's happened before many many times especially when the sun's in your eyes I think it's good to hear loud and clear so today so I I think my boss is nodding your head he God forbid I have another Oddball question with really before you leave that I mean all the pieces are changing so we have to leave it in the hands of the experts to analyze it as it really becomes reality I don't disagree with you but I will say that in the hands of the experts it was a certain way before and someone had died we found the answer I I don't want to sway away from the answer that we know works just Road configuration's changing so they have to so I get it I I would rather be wrong and have that there there then take a step in a different direction and H see it happen again that's understand completely there is no room for that the speeds are going to get slower with the round and I mean forward panelists themselves helped us work with fdot and and the uh secretary to make this happen and I think we've all said very clearly we we want to see it remain um my other question um I think uh well it's not really a question but you're going to have um at some point a landscaping plan correct correct that 750 comes later and will you be a part of that yeah I'll be a part of that they're going to hire a a contractor and a consultant uh they're going to come up with the landscaping and we'll certainly uh you know bring it before the commission and get some input on that sure it's an important part to create the Ambiance and arist will be involved as well uh our arbest has been you know when it was Craig Wilson so we're going to have to make that transition he has been involved with that there's many places where you can do some things you can't do other things because the area is smaller similar to what we have downtown okay and so um just something I wanted to point out on the west side of the trail there are those whatever kind of palm trees they are Royal Palms or whatever they are um those might be nice going up the center and especially in the roundabouts continuation you know because you can see around them they have a narrow trunk and we can do uplighting so that makes that area more visible shade is equally as important yeah I knew that was coming I okay understand anybody from the public wish to come forward and speak to this item all right can I have a motion to approve second third okay vice mayor fry and commissioner torga we go all right all right any final comments I think I think we've said enough on this one good this morning no thank you anything from you guys okay you guys are going to work together I mean you kind of you've heard it all yeah I think just to recapture obviously the signal is is a biggie at the trail the Landscaping component is also come up so yeah yeah we'll work towards those okay all in favor signify by saying I any opposed motion passes unanimously thank you guys mayor may I oh that's right sorry um city manager Bramley would like to say a few sit back down Bob no I mean it's obviously February 20th is is a big morning for us this is a huge project it and um I know that that some of you here in the deas have been working on this project for for many many years and and I know that it was underway when I started six and a half years ago uh and and Bob has thanked the the the small army as has the city commission who's sitting in the city commission Chambers right now and I thank all of you as well um and but but um there is one person who led the Army and he can't thank himself and that's that's Bob iron Smith has done a fantastic job he's been very passionate about this project um in a project like this you really need the glue that puts all the pieces together and that has been Bob and um we kind of you know you can hear him coming all over City Hall with plans you know roll plans under his arm unroll them and unfr them and sit with everybody Jorge and you know in engineering um in Community Development most certainly our our uh partner agencies up in the city manager's office we've been talking about this a lot attorney's office so um but without his passion I have no doubt my mind that we wouldn't have gotten this far and so I want to thank you Bob for your very hard work on this project it's it's this is this is some something that we're going to be talking about for a very long time well done Bob thank you so much appreciate thanks Bob all right let's take a break and then we'll come back and dive back in no [Music] [Applause] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to order um we have the award of bid for the Brady Drive Culvert in the amount of $549,000 and change Miss Mary good morning mayor Vice Mayors Commissioners City staff it is so hard to follow some of the dynamic presentations this morning but I'm going to try all right I'm here to talk to you about the award for Brady box covert Crossing which really currently is not actually a box covert it's it's four separated pipes of various sizes and head walls that have reached the end of their useful life and we're going to replace it with a 6x4 box Culvert concrete box and we're going to reconstruct the roadway to the same elevation and the same width during the construction and you can see the the detour map up there on the screen during the construction of Brady Drive the road will be closed at Jerry Branch Creek Crossing which is the creek that the Box Culvert will take over there are four homes that are directly affected and they will have access out by going east on Brady drive and down County Road 97 which really isn't a County Road anymore we've confirmed that it is a Duneden Road and they'll go out to Indian Court Creek and then out to belur we expect this project the actual closure will take about 30 days the project itself will take 90 days the project was advertised in December with three companies submitting bids ranging from between 549,000 379,000 73 to 1, 31,34 66 cents staff has reviewed each of the submittals with a low bid being from Tim group building and general contractor the bid met all of our requirements and Tim has already re the Tim group has already recently successfully completed several projects within the city of Duneden staff therefore recommends the approval of the bid award 24-12 53 Brady Drive box Culvert to Tim group building bu and general contractor of Tarpon Springs in the amount of $549,999 73 thank you Mary questions for Mary I yes I do have a couple um you know obviously we've talked about this area forever so um I'm well aware but couple questions I always say being a slow learn learner on this one so we're considering this a storm water project not a street Access Project that's correct even though it kind of is also a street Access Project I mean because you're you're putting you're building up the road it's a bridge no the the actual roadway will be exactly the same after the Box cul is completed we're not widening it and we're not increasing the elevation okay and so you're really not spending much money on the roadway itself no okay well that that really answers my question since it's unincorporated and I've always felt like there should be a partner in this called pelis County but but but I get it if we're considering it storm water I'm I'm good commissioner tonger questions um so this is in my this is in my backyard um so I'm pretty familiar with this and I did have the conversation about the insuring because it is a it is a water issue and it could be serious but the new pipes that are going in are the really the principal issue yes correct the old pipes are being replaced with a box Culvert which is safer and will carry the water better carry what will carry the water better the water the box cover will the C yes yes yes thank you very much that's where I was going with that that is going to really that's going to be very much more effective than what we had there before correct thank you commissioner go thank you mayor so you just don't want to go with another pipe you have to do this public thing [Laughter] no that's right value engineering down to just add another pipe uh but there are uh residents around that project area and crossing the bridge and so we're going to make sure that those residents have in and outs along the during the project they will and all of the residents have received letters and told them about the meeting today if they wanted to come and speak to it but we've walked the detour and Public Works is working with us to Ump it up a little bit so that the temporary detour will be able to handle the limited amount of traffic that'll be going down it thank you that's all can I just ask a quick question Rob yes what is the temporary detour the temporary detour is shown up on the screen they're going to come down to the left on Brady Drive they're going to go down it's called County Road 97 but it's not really County Road 97 there's currently a little culdesac at the end of Indian Court Creek which we're going to create a little temporary connection to so that people can get out there we're really only expecting a very minimal amount of traffic only the residents that would be leaving to go out to Bela Road okay sorry Rob uh I have no further questions all right anybody from the public wish to speak to this item okay can I have a motion and a second move second second okay fourth commissioner torga and vice mayor fry final comments no I don't I don't have any yeah I I I I think that the the value of this um is significant because of of the flow of water through that area and and the use of that street that street that road sorry that road I it doesn't really need I I I'll just say put it this way the importance is the flow of the water there and and and that we get that the the pipe the piping straightened out so going through the money it seems like a lot of money but it but it's worth it and the value is there for the Culvert comment just just a comment um any other final comments U it's a good day for infrastructure yep good com Jeff wow okay um all in favor signify by saying I any opposed motion passes unanimously thank you Mary and then we have the proposed agenda for March 5th we've got our storm water plan on there um any changes or additions so I'm I'm good with this I just make the comment on the wrapping of the utilities if I want to make sure our art all our art people are on board and Bob irons Smith's on board with what we're doing you know before we bring it to us and we have scheduled a meeting also commissioner I know yeah we do thank you but yeah no I'm I'm in favor of the agenda all righty um anybody else all right can I have a motion to approve so second okay uh commissioner Walker and vice mayor frainy all in favor signify by saying I any opposed motion passes unanimous and then we have the status update related to the Bel Safe Streets for all Grant project welcome mayor were we going to postpone this to another day I'm just kidding stop it sorry I had to do it no but I will say for a status update we got 52 slides we will move through those very very quickly okay because half of them I didn't understand very quickly uh so thank thank you mayor vice mayor members of the commission um so in keeping with this infrastructure theme that we've got going today uh we are very pleased to be here to provide you an update on the beltree state streets Grant project that we have that the commission's uh so graciously authorized through its original uh business plan initiative two years ago um for the public that may be listening uh this is an effort made in partnership with penel County and the consulting firm of fair and peers uh several Representatives who are here and behind me you see Chelsea behind me you see uh Arianne is also here from forward pelis and to my left is um Christof who will be doing the presentation um specifically the project area that we're talking about is Bel trees between Edgewater Drive and Patricia Avenue uh as you all know this effort began again with a commission uh business plan initiative to secure a match for the Safe Streets for all planning Grant which we secured through panel's uh forward panel and there and that and that partnership uh the intent of this work is to gather public input and collect and analyze relevant Transportation data for the corridor recommend multimodal improvements including safe routes to school and bicycle trail connections where possible and to present Concepts intended to improve the safety of the corridor most of the data mining uh has been completed to this point and the purpose today is really present the draft what we're calling concept plan technical report for your consideration uh again Kristoff is here from FIS and PE to do just that he will quickly walk you through the efforts to date regarding data collection and Community engagement he will then introduce some draft short-term and long-term improvements for your consideration and feedback um I would ask as you're considering these improvements uh longterm and shortterm also keep in mind we are already exploring additional grant opportunities for implementation of these of these recommendations and then finally I know Bob kind of mentioned it in his um presentation regarding Skinner um we also uh uh tried our best to do a considerable amount of public engagement uh we do have a working web project web page for this project uh and again I want to just thank Sue and her team for that and of course before I turn it over to Kristoff I have to thank Kathy gader who's been the project manager for this and has been Berg doging this the whole way and she's sitting behind me and we'll come up as part of the presentation so with that I'm going to step aside turn it over to Kristoff and we'll be here at the end to answer any questions you all may have good morning mayor vice mayor city manager good morning um as uh M mcken mentioned I think after putting this I realized that there is such a thing as too much information so I'll try to go through this as quickly as possible so we can get to the to the to the good part uh the recommendations um so the the slides that I've put together are really just to summarize what was already in the existing conditions memo um so there most of the information that's in the existing condition mble is is part of these slide so we'll go through them as quickly as possible and if you have any questions we can just stop me and we can address those question as we go um so as as mentioned before the segment of of uh the study segment goes from patcer Avenue to Edgewater Drive um it's pretty almost a mile segment of of roadway um for this Corridor um there are three sections that we looked at this um the first section was between Patricia Avenue and Milwaukee then Milwaukee to to Douglas and Douglas to Edgewater um what we'll mention in the next three slides is as the as you go from west to east the cross-section gets a little bit wider the speeds the operating speeds get a little wider and the traffic gets a little bit uh uh the traffic volumes go up so just something to mention over the next three slides so we uh analyzed crash data between 2018 and 2022 um over the last 5 years of available data 2023 was not available when we first started doing this and 2023 data is still not complete so that's why 2023 was not um analyzed as part of this project um out of the 5 years of of Crash data about 46% of these crashes were no injury crashes and 54% were injury crashes now I do want to mention that for injury crashes that we're mentioning here these were not serious injury crashes not to minimize the level of injury but these were crashes where um the person that was involved in the crash was able to walk away or be treated at the same not going away in an ambulance so just want to mention that um some of the hot spots that we saw were at Patricia Milwaukee and Douglas and some kind of spars throughout the corridor so um as I mentioned before there were no major injury crashes however these are the focus crash types that we looked at when we're considering the potential for these crashes to be to be serious injury crashes so as you can imagine off-road crashes where somebody ran off the road either hit utility pole or something like that are typically crashes where speed a higher speed is involved um bicycles and pedestrians of course because vulnerable Road users are involved and then the angle and left turn crashes because these those are typically higher injury crashes um a lot on this slide but the the takeaways from these two slides uh were that uh the intersection of Douglas um was where you had the most pedestrians Crossing and the intersection of Milwaukee was where you had most of the bike Crossings and these were um folks Crossing Douglas and Milwaukee so going along Bel trees so a little bit about the level of traffic stress so we wanted to make sure that we were not just looking at this from a car's perspective right we want to understand what's the comfort of folks walking and and and biking along Bel trees so the the metric that we use for this is called the level of traffic stress and it looks at traffic volumes the speed of the the vehicles separation from car traffic to understand how comfortable the experience for people walking and biking is along Bel trees and so it goes from one which is uh the least stressful to four which is the the the higher stress um facility um not to go too much into detail um but so what out of the the the level of traffic stress for pedestrians the segment between the trail and Edgewater um was the higher stress facility because there were sidewalks only on one side of the of the roadway and um east of the the trail was a two which is not the lowest stress level but not extremely stressful for pedestrians for bicycles similarly it was a two all throughout um Bel Al toout Bel trees um although there are no bike facilities but because of the speed of the um when I say speed I mean the speed limit the posted speed of Bel Tree Street it it scored a two um one of the things that I will say is that it probably doesn't doesn't capture the entire experience of people bik biking along B trees and it's really just something that's static based on the infrastructure so um there are a lot of other factors that go into the comfort of of people biking but using the the um the do uh the fdot methodology only captures what What's um uh in the infrastructure so from a community engagement standpoint um we did as as Mr mckin mentioned uh online engagement um where there was an an interactive map and uh a survey that folks did take um and then we also um at during that time also did a two walk audits one with some of the the city staff and and Stak holders and the second one in the afternoon was with some members of the community that live along Bel trees from that uh Comm that online engagement we had 318 respondents that took the survey and responded to this um one thing I'll mention is that out of those that responded about 70% did not have a destination on Bel trees these are folks that actually Ed Bell trees to go through to another destination so that was one of the questions that we asked during the during that engagement out of the ones that did um live or work or travel to Bel trees uh the majority of them um Drive um along long Bel trees bike and walk there was a a to a lesser extent some folks went in golf carts and ebikes and other lowspeed vehicles so um we also asked some of the the respondents what were some of their concerns along Bel trees and um speeding of course came be came as number one as one of their concerns um along Bel along Bel Street um and this this was these were the results from the interactive map um the top five concerns that people listed were speeding not enough crosswalk narrow sidewalks lack of bike bike facilities and poor pavement conditions so I'll go through quickly through these slides these are some of the pictures from the wall audits um we looked at Ada American Disabilities Act how folks that don't um that are in a Mobility uh that have Mobility impairments can navigate the corridor so these were some of the things that we saw that um that might be hard for folks in a wheelchair to to navigate um uh sidewalks was another thing that we looked at some of the size of the sidewalk um some places during the sidewalk are buckling so um some issues with the sidewalks um some overgrown uh vegetation um some encroachment by utility poles in the sidewalk um bicycle facilities there are no dedicated bike facilities along Bel Street um so we did see quite a f a few folks riding um against traffic in what we're considering a shoulder um along Bel Street or within the the the street itself um crosswalks there are no walk at the intersections of Edgewater and and Bell trees um there during our walk when we were met walking with some of the members of the community that was one of the concerns that they had was being able to walk across Edge waterer to get to to to the linear Park on edge water um at Milwaukee there are no crosswalks on the Eastern leg of the even though there are ramps there are more crosswalks for at that intersection and and then lastly pavement conditions which we know there are there is a resurfacing project coming along that will fix the um the the issues with pavement with the pavement um some drainage issues that we we noticed along um Bel Street also so now to the good part um the approach what were we thinking of when we when we looked at this so just want to to to frame the discussion on the approach of what we're thinking about when we think when we talk about safety so there are three aspects of safety that we want to address when we're thinking about this the first one is what's called nominal safety so these are typically the guidelines the standards um that we follow to one meet user expectations well you know you get the stop sign it's red stop means stop green means gold um the second part is what's typically known as substantive safety and that's the uh the safety um performance of the corridor over the last 3 to five years how many crashes have happened was the severity of the crashes and the last one is what's known as perceive safety which is what we typically refer to as comfort right this is how we as regular people make our decisions um the average person may or may not know um if it was designed to standards or if how many crashes happened over the last 3 or five years but they know how they feel when they walk along this Corridor so they know whether they're going to let their child cross the street at a certain location because of how feel so um if we're thinking about safe mobility along Bel street we have to address all three all three aspects of safety um so this particular one is just teeing up um as Mr mcken mentioned that we're trying to to get uh an implementation Grant as a as a followup to this planning um aspect so this is teeing up the the recommendations that we're coming up with um as part of the Safe Streets for all implementation Grant this is this is how the feds are looking at it on um how how we're addressing safety this particular one is called a safe safe system strategy where we're removing severe conflicts managing ve vehicle speeds managing conflicts in time so this is where um we're having uh I think they mentioned earlier a hawk signal or pedestrian signal where each user has a a is aign there right away based on time um increasing awaren attentiveness and and forcing features to slow traffic down so one of the things that I wanted to mention with the level of traffic stress so with pedestrian traffic of course sidewalks and separation from traffic is how we address um the level of traffic stress with bicycles is a little bit different um when you look at all the folks that usually ride bikes there are 30% of the people that we call the no way no how where it doesn't matter what you provide whether it's a comfortable bike facility they won't get on a bike because either because they don't want to or they're not able to um 1% one well about 10% of the population are the more confident um folks um we usually refer to them as a spandex crew those are the ones that can ride and mixed traffic depending on regardless of the traffic conditions they're able to ride on the street and then you have 60% which are the interested but concerns so those are the folks that if they had they were the right facilities would consider getting on the bike so so when we're trying to design or plan a facility for for folks for cyclists the 60% are the ones that we're trying to Target so that we can get more folks on a bicycle and so when you're thinking about these user groups the more separation you have from vehicular traffic the the is is how you're going to Target that 60% um of interested but concerned um as you get um closer to the right where you see the the the spandex folks um are able to ride in a Shar lane or just in a shoulder so talk about some of the starter ideas and it's termed starter ideas specifically because these are just some ideas that we had these are some some initial ideas that we have to um as far as recommendations um these are not these have not been vetted by City staff or any anybody else the only folks that have seen this so far are um the project the I'm sorry the city's project manager and the Ford panel's project manager so just wanted to table that so in terms of short terms uh shortterm improvements one of the things that we were uh we wanted to to implement was some speed feedback signs um to so I'm sorry moving back this is the first segment is between Edge Water Drive and Douglas Avenue so the first one was to provide speed feedback sign between Douglas and Edgewater just to get folks to to to kind of slow down and know what the speed spe they're going um one of the things that we heard um during our walk out it from one of the gentlemen that that lives along this Corridor is that um as people come off of edgew water and and turn on Bell Street B trees they they kind there's a quite a few folks that accelerate because they they have that that gun barrel look as they look down Bell trees and so one of the the the things that we wanted to do to address that was providing um uh a quick build traffic circle at um Broadway so this kind of breaks up the the the field division to make sure that they don't see straight through Bel trees and kind of gives them an the idea to slow down so this is what's called the terminated Vista so that the field of vision is kind of limited so they know that they needs to slow down they can't just speed through um at the trail itself um there were when we were when we were out there during the during our our walk audit um we noticed that looking East um the trail uh signs are not that that visible so we were recommending some maintenance on the bushes around the trail Crossing and doubling up on the signs just to make it more visible that there to expect people crossing um on the trail um another thing on the short-term uh side at Douglas Avenue uh was to provide back plates on the signal just to make the signal more visible so people are aware of the signal when we were looking at some of the the angle crashes the left turn Crashers there were a couple a couple of them that happened at Douglas Avenue um and so so adding a little bit uh more emphasis on the signal so that people are able to see it was one of the things that we were recommending um the next one that you'll see for the school Crossings um we were recommending putting the school flashers at um uh aligned with where the school markings are um currently there's a there's an offset between the two um and when we were out there the the officers that actually did the walk audit with us told us that they're able to to ticket based on the sign and not the markings and so having those aligned um gives them the ability to ticket once they get um past those markings um the next one was to install some speed cushions um just uh west of I'm sorry east of Milwaukee um also with aligning that those School the school uh speed limit signs with the school markings and another speed feedback signs a little bit past that speed cushion um and then lastly on the short term also another speed feedback sign uh about 500 500 600 feet uh west of Patricia on the short term so now we'll go into some of the long-term recommendations so the first one uh in terms of long-term was to provide uh curb extensions and crosswalks at all approaches at at Edgewater um so that people are able to cross Edgewater to get to the park um between Douglas and uh Edgewater we were recommending to make it one way going Westbound and that's to being to to be able to provide some some bike facilities um along along that segment of edge water I'm sorry of bell trees the the temporary roundabout that we had or traffic circle that we had at Broadway is to make that uh into a permanent permanent fixture of course by that time we would have some data back as far as what's the the um how the community has taking it um what has been the effect on speed reduction and those kind of things so um this one of course is is contingent on uh the the performance of the temporary uh traffic circle and then also at the at the um the penel trail the recommendation is to make it a ra Crossing to make pedestrians and and bicycles more visible moving East this is immediate east of Douglas um we were recommending putting a shared use Trail I'm sorry a shared use path on the north side of bell trees so using the the sidewalk and the the buffer area to provide a 10ft to 12T shared use path um there are some utilities there which is why we said 10 to 12 ft because there will be some some some uh uh given given take here in terms of the size of the path so that we're not affecting any anybody's property uh uh property as part of this um immediately east of Highland Avenue we're recommending putting a a crosswalk a mark crosswalk with uh rectangular rapid flashing beacons to to alert folks that people are crossing there so this is to provide more Crossing opportunities AC cross B trees currently the the the the only places that you can cross B trees are at the signalized intersection and so the the the average signal spacing is about a quar mile for people to walk to cross at a mark crosswalk um right at uh pass Highland we're recommending some chicing effect to to get people to slow down also um at Milwaukee itself we're recommending uh switching from a traffic signal to a a roundabout a mini roundabout um this is this this is for a couple of reasons one for from the traffic caling um standpoint and secondly because um to reduce the angle of crashes when an angle does occur um what roundabouts typically do is they reduce the angle of the crash so instead of having a T-bone crash you'll have a crash that happens at a lesser angle so instead of a T-bone you'll have a sideswipe on on the north side of the segment between Milwaukee and Patricia we're recommending uh a two-way bike facility on Street um one of the things we considered was to provide it on the South Side um a shared use path on the South Side um but the utility conflicts were were quite significant on that part and we also had 30t of of pavement um between the curb lines that we had to work with and so with that that uh dedicated bike facility we're also um recommending some some vertical element now the the type of element that we're we're going to have to consider has to be low enough so that it doesn't impact trash pickup so we're recommending either armadillos or something that's a little bit low profile so that the the tra the the the garbage trucks can access the the uh the TR uh the sidewalk for trash pickup um also uh another Crossing uh just west of Milwaukee and that is it in terms of recommendations if you have any questions oh I'm sure you do okay uh Vice May yeah thank you thank you very much for starting with me um yeah it's a lot it is uh it's a lot to think about obviously you know I I looked back to see what a recommendation was today in terms of what action we're taking because obviously I think it's kind of you dip in here and we got to think about some of this too but I do have questions um I'm just trying to think the best way to to ask them um let me start with a question about um the the apparently the bike path between Edgewater and Douglas you going to you're talking about make you recommending One Way correct potentially so you can make way for a bike path yes so I mean I'm always concerned about one ways I'll say that right out um but um but I also have this question about are we guiding bikes to the trail or are we guiding bikes to Edgewater or is that not part of our thought process um we were not so way finding was not part originally part of the of the project we wanted to make sure that we were providing the facilities so that when if folks are riding along Bel Street they have the facilities to do it um so we're not necessarily guiding folks to the trail or to Edgewater it's really just to provide the facilities for them to to be able to access um edge water well I'll certainly be interested to hear what my colleague Jeff says about this because you know for me like I think we're lacking on Edgewater Drive with bikes bikes tend to not go on the road they tend to be on the linear Park sidewalk and that tends to be a conflict already so you know to me it would make sense to not add to that we but you know kind of subtly guide people to the trail and so the bike conflict doesn't get worse um just a thought on that um so on the Milwaukee Avenue so when I read this I thought you were kind of saying you couldn't do a left turn off Milwaukee either way whatever Direction you're coming but actually inherent in that is the roundabout which right I'm sorry I I I I forgot to mention as part of the low the um the short-term uh recommendations um so one thing that we heard while we were out uh during the walk audit was that during school time there are the the traffic backs up trying to make a lift coming from Patricia um backs up all the way into the the throw Lane so um one of the recommendations we had was to provide a blank out sign to to uh restrict left turns during school times um eventually that would turn into a roundabout where all the I mean all the movements are allowed but then you won't have those backups because folks that are making that left turn won't won't have to wait for a gap in the opposing traffic to make that left turn yeah I mean I think a mini roundabouts interesting thought there um in the long term um okay let's see not a big fan of the speed cushion so I'll put that out there um um you know I didn't get a chance to get out Edgewater but if we did The Walking um pedestrian friendly things across Edgewater coming off of Bel trees how how close are we to the next Edgewater um drive one because we put in several along edge water so I was kind of curious is the perspective that do you know or does anybody know I'm not sure if anybody I'm I'm not exactly sure of the spacing but that was kind of the thought process that there are already rfbs and crossings along edgew so let's you know it wouldn't be unprecedented to have another one at B trees um to allow that kind of wondered how close they were it was not close I don't know the exact distance but it wasn't that close I mean I I obviously wanting to be walkable I think that's got a lot of Merit um so other than the Douglas the Edgewater piece it looks like you have you have the space to do the bike pass all the way up to Patricia correct yes okay and and I'm just a clarification you're defining shared use as so that's for pedestrians and bicycles okay that's what I thought I just want to make sure which obviously then that's why you're trying to get more space yes um um that's my questions right now I'll let my colleagues jump in and go from there commissioner TOA thank you mayor I am I'll make this comment if I may I'll make two comments before I ask my questions first of all um I've lived here for I first came here about 33 years ago so I'm very familiar with that road because I would come from my home and start start all from the beginning up uh and go all the way down to to Edgewater eventually because I'd always stop at the VFW and then go down there and I've got to go and look at the boats so I have to go down to the water side and look at the boats it's always been problematic um as far as I'm concerned with the speed the school and and then when we really started working on the trail um second of all I'll make this comment I think your thoughts and planning are exhaustive by by that I only mean complete in a positive note so I'm not going to get into into the some of the detail of that but to say there's three things that that have have hit me since we started this whole concept and I and they continue as I listened today first of all I think I think we as a city and this doesn't necessarily have to apply to you and you're planning or what I think we as a city should certainly uh step up our our our patrols immediately um and and significantly second of all that trail is a problem it's extremely problematic coming from both directions it causes I mean I'm concerned all the time when I go there I stop and wait and wait and because I'm just it's complicated and I have no idea how we've how we've not had the had more problems there than what we've had so that needs we need to correct we need to do something uh immediately there and then the the part from Douglas to Edgewater um is also I I don't know the answer to that but uh it's it's much more complicated than the other part from the standpoint of of of a of an easy solution I don't think directed patrols are necessarily the answer there uh they may be um I see the directed patrols more between Douglas uh and Patricia so that what really has come out for me I'm I'm not going to attempt to to to to jump in and give any comments you guys have really done an exhaustive job and really understand that area but I really think that we as a community uh need to jump on this uh fairly fairly quickly I don't see when I drive on there I don't see the the uh the speeding as much as what I hear about the speeding so the question that I have okay do you concur that that we should do something about some of this as a as a as a as a city while you're in the study I mean it seems like we should we got we got a school there and and we know we got some speeding going on in there it would seem to me like we should that's a question for you I mean shouldn't we do that now yes sir so on the speeding um I'll mention that we collected speeds also as part of this this project um between Milwaukee I'm sorry between Edgewater and Douglas while the majority of the speeds were um in the ballpark of what the posted speed are is there were some egregious Speeders where we were seeing somewhere 40 50 even 60 mes an hour along that segment so um the majority are I mean the majority of the folks that are driving Bell trees along that segment do follow the the the the rules but there are some folks that don't and so trying to to get some some measures there to try to curb that that uh behavior is what we're trying to do hence the the roundabout at Broadway um some again we're not going to be able to catch everything um from an engineering standpoint so you know it's kind of a combination of enforcement and Engineering coming together make that happen um but from our our perspective trying to curb that behavior is from a physical standpoint is as much as we can do and create an environment that encourages safer Behavior do you think we should do do you think we as a city just asking your organization which I'm familiar with um do you think we as a city should correct a couple of these things as quickly as we can yes sir I do thank you thank you commissioner um gal thank you mayor yeah I'm going to step back a little bit and ask you what is we just earlier this morning we talked about a complete Street on Skinner Boulevard so what is the difference between a complete Street and a safe Street there is no difference um a complete street is a safe well safe we want to say a safer Street um there's no complete absolute safety but a safer Street and so the the idea here is to implement some aspects of complete streets um to make it a a safer Street for for Bel trees and by that I mean um when we think about compl streets it's a street that's designed to serve the users of the facility but when we think about users it's not just the mobile users we're going think about the static users also and that's the people that live work and um on Bel trees itself so the schools the residents the the the the jobs all those are static uses that need to be addressed also as part of a complete street so yes and have you communicating with the school that's there about this project yes we have um they were actually invited as part of the Walk audit I don't I think there was a conflict why they couldn't make it but they've been in constant contact with with our with the city and with our the the team about what's going on with this project CU I know that's a hard part of this project is for that school that is mainly commuters into that school as opposed to local Marbles and bubles yeah um on the bicycle level of traffic stress uh the 1 n and the 60% you had made a a mention of the no way no how group and was that the exclusion of this so was it 30% of that is a no way no how correct yes the 30% is no way no how okay and so a majority of Resident and this is a survey correct correct so the the survey is not um specific to Bel trees or they needed itself this is um coming from the the fhwa separated bike facility planning guide and this is kind of a nationwide survey of what the typical user groups are of people that ride bicycles Fant cuz actually that's where I was going to see what was that nationally and so it tells me that at least for a majority of the residents if we want to extrapolate from that are looking for Alternative forms of of Mobility transportation and there even 60% of them are interested they're not concerned but at least they're interested in it and so the idea is if we can build an infrastructure that gets them more interested and I think even of the no way no how people those that won't but those that can't because of some physical uh ability maybe with the right infrastructure that can't turns into and maybe I'm interested maybe we can even get those people out as well um I I really don't have a lot of comments on this in in all honesty I couldn't wrap my head around the whole thing I watch met better have preferred and maybe it's coming but some sort of charette or something to where we can talk about each one separately and get better information uh right I couldn't figure out like the long-term approach of the oneway on on Bel trees I didn't see that anywhere here so I'm hearing that for the first time so it's hard for me to really grasp all that so all any of my comments or or or or questions are kind of in that General framework I like the idea of that roundabout there but I I want to see a little bit more of that um the sidewalk from Edgewater to Douglas or Broadway is there any way that can be expanded at all not for multimodal but just for ease of walking I know that's heavily residential and kind of built out the Landscaping is all there I get that but is there any room for that at all along that do you think I think there is if I'm remembering correctly there was a a little bit of a buffer that we can expand a sidewalk um but again there are there are the idea was not to affect anybody's properties because I know I know that that segment um there were quite a few trees that um some of the residents have had planted themselves or are maintaining themselves so the idea was not to affect anybody's property and and kind of leave it as as be okay and at the Trail um you've acknowledged you want to install I guess there like rapid beacons there and is there any way cuz this is taking not just from here but along the trail in general the traffic management at each intersection is and I get a lot of it is different just because of the volume on on that particular intersection but it also makes it hard for any residents that go throughout the county that what kind of traffic management am I reaching there are two ways stops or fway stops there's rapid beacons there's at Skinner the full stop is there a way to more unify that huh I know I know that we've talked about it many many times at forward pelis and there is such a broad thought process about it I asked for it maybe five years ago and Whit promised me he would do it and still isn't done I think because it's one of those sticky wickets that you can never every area is different it is so I would at least ask if that Contin that conversation continues in that regard um yeah I'm not a big fan of speed humps so if we can somehow work around that the better uh la la la la la that's really about it I do we have a long edge water we do have some roads that are oneway is that not true is that true no we don't have any oneway streets okay we have some no turns you know at a certain time of day four to six I think or something right nothing around nope no okay cuz I I know I I get that oneway streets have their issues yeah but if we can turn turn that one way into because we can allow again Alternative forms of transportation and to encourage people this from my standpoint I know I get abused all the time that I want to force people out of their cars and that's not the truth I just want them the ability to get out of their cars if they want to and I never see the traffic in in pelis County getting below 50% in cars you know we're always going to have them and need them can I ask you a question though sure mind um because you know you're I consider you an expert on this but for me like Chelsea might disagree until we well I'm train wreck but until we until Edgewater is better bicycle friendly would you really want to change infrastructure encouraging more bikes on going to edge water yes okay can you tell me why sure because until we do that edge water will never improve so you mean that'll create pressure right well CU I don't because you had mentioned earlier like channeling bikes where you want them to go one if because if you do that one you're also then CH channeling them where you don't want them to go why don't you want me to go there and we're going to have those routes right now I don't want them to be on the side right cuz that's the problem that we have with the trail anybody who is a car driver says you should be on the trail and so but now you got the pedest is on the trail saying bikes don't belong on the trail and so it's what do you do with that so the idea is to create an infrastructure an environment to where everybody is welcome in most areas acknowledging safety right I'll ask Chelsea to offline but I but you know bicycles on 19 might be problem problematic you don't want them there but so there a big conflict on the linear the linear par sidewalk so that's what that's my so and so that is if you want to talk about the line your Park and that's why I advocate for things like this because if you can get the only reason the bikes are on the trail is because they don't feel safe on the road so if you make the road safer they'll get off the trail some of them right and so it makes it safer for everybody um uh and that I'm sorry that is Jeff's view of the world not that I'm an expert in in any form or fashion other than that I I really don't just because you know by the time I got this I didn't have an opportunity to walk the street I did drive it several times up and down sorry that I drove um but so but it was again I wasn't able to picture some of your suggestions where I was and and so a better form might have been know I'm sorry that's more of a comment than a question but sure if I can answer that commission commissioner is so you will be getting a recommendations report as part of I guess when we come up with the what would be the the interim uh recommendations um this right now is really just an in infancy um we just finished the existing condition this is by far hasn't been vetted by staff and these were just starter ideas um just to to to kind of get the ball rolling on what we were thinking as we're you know coming up with these recommendations and and that makes sense right maybe I'm I'm talking too soon for something like that and so this is just more of a concept and I and I get that I'm just happy that we have a road and you guys are here and we're actually talking about this warms my heart so thank you very much thank you mayor commissioner walker uh yes ma'am thank you um so first and foremost um for uh the the safe Street initiative I think you picked a really good one um I live a block off just south of Bel trees and and um my neighbors on the north side of the street all their backyards all face Bel trees and then of course there's the residents that are on the north side of Bel trees that are are impacted by all of this um I think first question for staff um what are the prohibitions or limitations for large truck traffic down Bel trees because my understanding I just be my understanding um I think there is a limitation and I think that limitation is routinely violated so we get they use Bel trees as a detour for for a whole lot of different reasons um so and if we don't know the answer maybe it's something we look into because that this gets to the enforcement piece that you were talking about um okay second question let him oh sorry I I do not know the answer commissioner but certainly that's something that we can take a look at it's a local road I don't think it's posted uh for no through TR traffic moment but certainly that's uh you know something that we could look at okay yeah that's and I I appreciate that and and no worries that you don't have the answer right now um some of the thing some of the uh the the things proposed shortterm and longterm um you know and I I will also Echo uh commissioner Toro this very exhaustive list and I I think you guys really did take a really good look at things we can do um I am a little concerned though because that is a very narrow Street and I think we are limited with regards to how some of those Concepts would fall into place uh specifically without doing any sort of Street widening is that being implied in some of these recommendations or no sir um we try to as much as possible to stay within the the existing RightWay um now I I will say that we there was no survey or right away right away um done as part of this this effort it was really just conceptual so as this project would progress and it gets to like the engineering part um I'm assuming a survey and and a RightWay search will be done to know exactly what can be done within that uh the um the existing RightWay yeah and I I appreciate that I guess I kind of got lost on roundabouts because I don't know how you do that it's it the street all the way from Edgewater to Patricia is pretty narrow um uh the other part that I'm concerned with is and I'm I'm assuming that as part of some um forward planning is there a point where we're going to do this any resurfacing of the street because I think in in my opinion that might solve you know a good percent percentage of some of the issues we have I I believe there is a plan I don't know the exact schedule but I don't know if somebody still here from Street we can certainly check with engineering when's Bel Tre is going to be repaved Jorge do you know a section okay uh I would say when we first started this project we did coordinate with the city and that was my understanding so that there was going to uh there was a resurfacing um project coming along um we did um try to see if there was a way that we could they could kind of delay it so that we could Implement some of the the the um recommendations at least on the short term but the schedule is already too far gone for us to implement some of our recommendations as part of it okay um and then just to draw on another Point um yeah the the intersection of the pinelis trail and the in Bel trees is is very problematic um and I I think you brought up the vegetation because it's difficult especially if you're going east to look around a segment of vegetation to see if there's any uh pedestrian or bicycling traffic coming south so um I don't I don't well you you mentioned a raised raised something or other across the trail um you know that might that might work but anyway I'm just kind of thinking out loud right now but but uh anyway I just uh you know I this it's a great issue um I do believe that uh there's there's a lot more feedback that's going to have to go into this but I you know it Bel trees is is when we take Bel trees you know three or four times a day and you know there there are significant issues there so um anyway thank you thank you thank you commissioner um so a couple of the I don't know that they questions but some of them might be most of this is from the long-term plan the majority of yes yes ma'am no but I mean most of the things I have com my comments okay got it I noticed that the bike lane is on the north side of the road and the school is on the south side of the road so you're forcing them to cross an intersection um and this is this is to the east of the school I just wondered why we wouldn't put it on the south side of the road so they don't have to you know cross two intersections to get to the school ideal that's that was the thought process was to put it on the south side but the way um the sidewalk is configured right now on the South Side there are there isn't much of a buffer to provide that path it's only on the North side and once you get east of of Milwaukee that buffer that the wider buffer trans um can we create a wi if you're going to put a bike L on the South Side why can't we create a wider buffer instead of putting the onus on the child or the family going to school if they are riding their bike and I get it they're come why can't we create a wider buffer uh we we can it would it would require some reconstruction of the curb so that that was kind of the thought process that went into that I just have that concern and I hope it gets noted because we don't want the kids to be on the north side of the road and they'll what they'll have to do is cross Milwaukee and then cross belri it's two times of Crossing versus being on the south side of the road they're only Crossing one intersection which is Milwaukee so you know their safety if if safety is the biggest thing then then I think the bike lane should be on the south side of the road just my feedback [Music] um I'm I am just going to share concern about the one way from Douglas to edwater the concern isn't that it's one way the concern is the direction it's heading it's heading west Alt 19 is a major road now it might not look like that cuz it's on Edgewater but it's still Alt 19 and it's um people wanting to or not they use Bel trees to get to the stadium the parades um any the school um and coming home from work for that area so I'm just a little concerned about making that a one-way Road in the direction that we're talking about it's not even the one way that bothers me as much as it is the direction but I mean we have any number of parades and any number of major spring training games going on for six weeks at that intersection and a lot of people crossing it a lot of traffic going through there just a lot of things maybe the one way deters it you know this is not my area of expertise um and I am certainly not a fan of taking down the trees but I would like to understand how many trees would we have to take down to put the sidewalks that we need because that's what that RightWay is there for you know is for those things and I get it now if you tell me there's like a 100 trees well obviously I don't want to do that but I also I'm trying to weigh what are we giving up versus what are we adding and who are we inconveniencing you know that road is supposed to provide safety for all people but also access to all people so when we're talking about making it one way permanently I'm you know I need to know what all the options are in order to make that decision I guess and I'm not saying I'm going any other you know either way but I'd like to understand what are we talking about with people's backyards so what one of the things that we looked at when we considered which direction to make it one way and I will say that we with the data collection of course it's only just a snapshot in time we you know it wasn't during any spring training so it was something that was done just fairly recently so I I I get that um when we looking at Edgewater the the I think it's the southbound left turn the maximum amount of traffic was eight left turns and then the Northbound right turn was 28 versus Douglas which is a lot heavier of people going west and so that was kind of one of the thought process on why we we chose to make it wor bound one way yeah I just want to know what the other options are again it doesn't mean I'm going in that direction but I would like to understand what those operate what those you know it's this or this yeah it would definitely I just feel like having choices is good and understanding and for the community understand the choices we're trying to make okay um but I am it's a very busy little area with the VFW the stadium the library the hail Center and the school um it's a very very busy area so taking that road and making it one way I'm just really concerned about it understood um I'm also concerned for safety so it's not an either or [Music] um those were those were the two things that I the rest of it seemed all pretty appropriate except for the side of the road that the school the sidewalk is on thank you ma'am okay I see some people in the audience that might want to come if I can just circle back real quick on you just on the two questions that were left up on the Das here so I think uh the vice mayor asked about Mark Crossings on Alt 19 either north or south of that so quick look on Google Maps you'll sophisticate but the uh there's a mark crosswalk at the Fenway that goes across to the North and then to the South so that's just north of lley and then to the South the next road down Florida Avenue has a mark crosswalk it looks like from aerial images and then quickly regarding the uh Jorge just informed me about gave me a little more information on the on the paving uh aspect of the of the U Bel trees so it looks like two portions of Bel trees will be resurfaced around with subst stantial completion expected around May of this year uh and that would be from Edgewater just pass to the trail and then it picks up at Douglas and then runs till Milwaukee so thank you significant can you just say that one more time areas so it looks like it's going to go from Edgewater to just past the trail and then apparently there's a piece that's already been surfaced and it picks back up again at Douglas and then goes to Milwaukee that's the paving that's getting ready to that's the resurfacing yeah and are these suggested things the short-term suggested things included in that repaving well I think that was the discussion that we this was too far Advan for us to start thinking about incorporating short-term Solutions at this point so the repa the repaving is just going to happen whoa as schedule okay sure yeah okay okay okay anybody from the public wish to come forward and speak feel free come on down give us your name and address for the record and uh we got three minutes on the clock all right and I'll be brief I'm Dale philippy hi Dale how do you do welcome thank you for this opportunity I live uh over here on Wisteria court my access into Bel trees is through Live Oak Lane uh which is one block from Milwaukee so as I come into as I face Bel trees um if I go right it's one block to Milwaukee and then of course the left is the other way all the way down um to Patricia um when I turn left I feel like I'm turning on to the backstretch of the Daytona 500 it's a wide Road um it's uh not landscaped in ways it has a commercial feel to it and I think you drive roads in places uh where it looks like you could drive and it says go for it speed limit is 25 and you and I'll speak personally um you have to pay attention to that that's not a speed in that environment that you typically would say this is a 25m hour road um I feel it could be um some ideas that I have um I think it could be landscaped well let's not get a little bit but let let's get back um narrow the road and I think this came up in yours um um once you once uh when you cross Milwaukee going to Edgewater Bel trees Narrows becomes a very narrow road and if you go on the other side of Milwaukee and turn around and look back down you could see that somewhere in the past if you drew a line you could see that they sliced over uh Bell trees and widened it you can also notice that by looking at the two sides of the street one side is as I'm facing um Patricia on the right hand side people have a wider area in front of their homes on the left hand side the sidewalks are right up against the houses there so somewhere along a way it's my impression that that was was changed regardless um the biggest thing for me is I come to the corner there's a lot of bicycles you really have to pay attention to that and they they come up that way the other item is Walkers uh you mentioned that this is the time of the year for baseball season uh people walking the parking is totally limited so somehow I don't know where they come from but there's plenty of people walking the Marty gr uh in the day and then in the evening carrying chairs lots of children walking up that way later it's nighttime so um there there're could be um you there are things that need to be done I think that's what I'm saying that the situation is such that uh those those things are needed um a couple of ideas I'm I I like roundabouts as a matter of fact I go to Hilton Head and Savannah and if you take that road over between the two cities they've uh redone that with roundabouts and they've done a heck of a good job and if they're design right they're really quite efficient and I know you've got one up here in Palm Harbor now but I'm a Believer in painting um speed limits and other information on the street and and as you come around uh the other way now coming from Patricia turning into Bel trees you you've got a speed limit of 40 m an hour that you can come up I believe it's 40 at least I do 40 on it um and then you turn into Bel Tre suddenly you can only do 25 but the street is just as wide and it's just keep going now the the first speed limit sign is is a certain distance down but it it's sufficient I think that but it wouldn't hurt the paint in the road any of that um let me see if I have anything else on here and then I'll just sit down and and no just make it attractive and and Skinner the Skinner project um you know there's a lot of professionals and and I'm not saying you're not you've done an excellent job here but um the ideas could be taken from that you know are people involved so thank you very much for this opportunity and uh did I stay in my 3 minute well yep you went over that's okay we want we want to hear from you one time in my life so I'm well used to awes don't talk going over okay thank you for your service to our young people anyone else wish to speak come forward give us your name and address for the record and they'll be 3 minutes on the clock uh Debbie trer 709 Bel Tre so I'm right in the middle of the action um um thank you for your time thank you for the information um just a few things I would agree and disagree with um I don't think surface Paving is going to solve most of the issues it's really a safety issue and not only do we have the elementary school um on the corner which my kids went to but we also have the elementary middle school on Patricia uh and Union where there's a lot of kids walking on those sidewalks going in that direction also um as has been mentioned bicycle traffic has terrifically increased just for reference I'm a 20-year resident so I've been there for a long time um and you have bicycles riding in both directions on both sides of the marked areas which I know aren't official bike Lanes but they they can be coming from any direction it's there's a lot going on in that Corridor now um and on and what has been mentioned before is the visibility is that you see um a wide Road you see a clear path and it's very easy to accelerate even as a resident you know I have to be conscious of that um marked significantly marked bike Lanes would be an improvement uh it was mentioned in the original meeting painting them green I like the idea of both bike Lanes on one side I'm concerned about automobiles trying to pass people turning left though I don't know what you would do to if those were on the North side and there has to be somebody westbound turning left and I have cars Tred to pass me all the time on the right side if you just give them a little bit of room so I think you'd have to look at that um access um but feed tables or pedestrian raised walkways I'm definitely a fan of speed bumps not so much being a resident living there having to go over those each time you go in and out of the neighborhood we all know neighborhoods like that for reference I would uh say the the area on Sunset Point um south of sunset point where like the uh they've done the small traffic circles in there and even just the little uh they're not even circles they're just like little bump outs um would be helpful in calming the traffic situation there it really is um the short-term Solutions you mentioned were um speed awareness signs would those be in both directions Eastbound and Westbound I'm sorry we we can't do the back and forth asking questions but we can get that information for you okay so I shouldn't ask questions no I'm sorry we don't it we don't normally if I take questions from you I have to take them from everybody and we don't normally do that during citizen input okay so but if you tell me what you want to know I'll find it out and hopefully somebody can tell you at the end yes the question would be tell us the question that's what I'm doing the question would be are the speed awareness signs both eastbound and Westbound okay okay thank you for your time thank you anyone else wish to speak hi I'm Rosemary O'Hara I live at 250 Bel trees and um that's between Edgewater and Broadway and I um just came here today you know interested to see you know what was going on so you know I just I don't have any strong points to make except give you my first reaction and um my first reaction is to what can be done immediately um I totally agree with commissioner Walker that the Landscaping by the trail is overgrown the stop sign can be uded so you don't some people don't see it and um and obviously the bikers on the trail don't see the stop sign because they just whiz by um indiscriminately you know they don't pay attention so it's really important that drivers out the vehicular traffic pay attention and it's really hard to see it it's it's uh you have to like Bend forward and such so as a as something that could be done immediately if if it could be trimmed and I don't even know if it's public property it looks like it's private property but if the Landscaping could be trimmed I think safety would be immediately improved um my rea ction to the resurfacing is wow that would be great but the other challenge that we have on the street is standing water um especially I'm not sure as much north of Milwaukee but south of um Douglas we have areas of standing water that has um deteriorated the asphalt and I wonder if you resurface you know is there a way to deal with the issues of that standing water because otherwise it'll only recur um the there I do think though that when you resurface it the speeding is going to increase because the because the surface is so deteriorated in spots you have to slow down to go you know to kind of wend your way around it and so um my my fear about the resurfacing which I look forward to is that it will actually increase the speeding on the on the street there's a part near the school where there's like a manhole cover and you almost have to go in the other lane to go around it and I think boy if all that's improved boy then you can you know anyway speeding might increase um the idea of a roundabout at Broad Broadway and um Bel trees I think that's a great idea if it's possible um and I mean in our hous is right there so um so I would be directly affected by the work of that um and just my first reaction to the one way wow that was a that was a surprise and uh but I kind of like it and the reason and I like the D I actually like the direction and one of the reasons why is that when you're coming on edge water and turning onto Bell trees and this I'll just finish this last Point um when you're on edge water turning into Bell trees it's a very sharp 90° turn there's not a there's it's not rounded corners and so um and so making that turn is a little tough and um I wonder if if the if the traffic is just moving West and you come to a stop at Edgewater then you don't deal with that with that cut through I also wonder if you made it westbound only if it wouldn't reduce the traffic on the street um and if that wouldn't make wouldn't improve you know we have a lot of Walkers it's it's amazing to sit on the front porch and walk the par watch the paraded people going and by and it's beautiful Street and a beautiful neighborhood and um but the idea of having a a bike laying a two-way kind of thing just my first reaction is that sounds kind of interesting I I kind of like that so thank you for your attention to it appreciate it anyone else hi hi CCE ASI 405 Edgewater Drive corner of Bel trees so I sort of live there um I just wanted to thank you first of all I was part of the process and it was amazing um and also say the idea of a protected Crossing crosswalk at Bel trees and Edgewater um I just wanted to reiterate that that's come up at other City things um one being Edgewater Drive advisory committee that's a a longstanding recommendation that residents um in the neighborhood have come to us and asked for and asked why if it's at Florida if it's at Orange Wood why isn't it at Bel trees so I just wanted to chime in and say that a lot of people think that would be a great idea I would stare at it and I'm fine I'm happy to stare at it better that than the almost missed car people things that we see a lot of thank you thank you anyone else okay can uh you answer the question are there speed feedback signs going in both directions yes yes they would be in both directions okay so George what are you looking for um today just the feedback we gave you I think the feedback you gave us the general consensus that we're moving in the right direction and we will start to flesh some of these Concepts out and then we will obviously be bringing this back to you in a more finalized version uh at a later date and just remember to uh just keep in mind that we are continuing to look for implementation grants too as it pertains CH to this so we're not we're not dipping into the general fund for this we're actually uh looking to to make these improvements um you know where we can through through grant opportunities okay thank you and thank you guys for all the hard work we really appreciate it good job thank you Chelsea for being here okay uh we have five minutes I didn't see anything on commission discussion city clerk's update no mayor thank you okay city manager update nothing this morning mayor um anybody have any comments or questions for the city manager I do uh Pinehurst and San Christopher potholes maybe hor haken the potholes at Pinehurst and San Christopher what's going on with that well this is on the San Chris piece there's a major pothole there when is that happening we will send you an email this afternoon mayor that's great because there's a whole post about it on social media and I responded I knew I knew we talked about it I just didn't know the timing of it to be able to say that okay uh City attorney update no all right commission comments vice mayor yeah I have two of course opening day is Saturday the 24th and uh you know hey play ball I think it could be not going to be too bad weather I think it's hopefully no rain but a little chillier than I like but it' be a great day and baseball's back and the other thing is I do have my glasses on because I was in Taste Of Love last night I did not get left on the film floor and um so that was kind of exciting but what it was a great movie last night I don't know how many people a lot of a lot of our neighbors were watching it I had people texting and um but you know just great views of dened so I'm sure it'll be replayed many times but that's definitely Wednesday night H Wednesday night oh is it Wednesday night already replaying yeah well we're watching it on YouTube TV on Wednesday okay gotcha there you go okay commissioner Tonga I have nothing thank you commissioner G uh thank you mayor really don't have anything other than just to piggyback uh vice mayor on Taste Of Love was really wonderful a lot of feedback on uh texting and everybody and so I did send Anil to uh Sue earlier this morning on if we can somehow check the analytics on search engines to see what might be out there as far as the number of people that have searching dun Eden um CC Riders if we have if that capability even exists and did you and maybe just track that throughout the year as well as reach out to Hallmark Channel just to get an idea of viewership and and where that is uhoh uhoh Qui just than you an email super Ness director of communications um I actually uh also CC the mayor on my response to you so um I'm hoping that um we we don't have the access to search uh search engines we do for our website but I'm hoping that U visit St p clwater and the film Commission because they do work with a lot of agencies that track data and I'm sure they want to track the ROI on that so we will reach out to them and I did uh tag the mayor because she is um on that board but what we can do what what I already did is I set up a project in Zen City and I sent you the snapshot just from the last week so we can track what people are saying on not just our platforms but also on platforms um all over right so and we track our website we can track searches on our website but um but hopefully we can maybe get some more data from our um partner at uh the film commission and St P clar rer wonderful thank you so much and my my last comment would would be was just my own personal opinion on what a wonderful meeting today was and the entire thing was infrastructure and it was just exciting moving forward making progress doing what's right for the residents and it was just a good day today a I'm walking away feeling good good commissioner Walker I will concur with commissioner gal's assessment of today's meeting it was awesome um I just have a couple of quick things uh first of all den and youth Guild Fashion Show is on the 2nd of March that is a Saturday and I think we pretty much got full commission participation in that um Vince and I will once again be escorts for the event and uh very much looking forward to that um I want to thank the city of denan for their sponsorship for the den and cares Gaya on Sunday March 3rd and uh uh that was greatly appreciated and then for calendar purposes I think it is on all of our calendars that that um that den and car's Gayla uh 4:00 I believe uh Sunday March 3rd that's all I've got okay thank you thank you um my only announcement really is that uh if you go on the visit St p clwater uh website you'll find that their best of the bay nominations are up and so I ask all of you to vote for all our doneen locations um because there are any number of them voting ends February 29th same day as state of the city and that's all I have Jennifer anything nothing further maam okay cool we are [Music] [Music] adjourned