[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome everybody a lot of great faces in the audience thank you for being here okay uh we this is our uh Thursday March 7th regular City commission meeting um we will call this meeting to order and if you would join me if you can please stand for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance led by Jennifer let us begin this meeting by taking a brief moment of silence and reflection on our service to this community amen amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation indivisible withy and justice for all thank you Jennifer okay our first presentation is the Florida's you want to get your thing out of the cabinet yes mayor I'll get my thing out of the cabinet I didn't want to give it up it's a surprise my thing okay Florida's bicycle month Proclamation I'll turn it over to commissioner gal all right out of that one good evening everyone this is my thing uh you know if I had it uh Francis George if yall could come up and I'm already thinking next year youall need to ride in on your bicycles that would just be wonderful uh it is March is we're proud to say that uh it's Florida bike month uh while it's National Bike Month in May it's a little warm in May in Florida so we like to celebrate or acknowledge uh in March so anyway without further Ado Florida bicycle month whereas whereas bicycle plays an important an role in the lives of millions of US citizens residents and Visitors by providing a means to travel to work school and parks and his popular form of recreation and exercise whereas bicycling helps encourage ecotourism and historical and environmental preservation through recognizing the importance of our nation's natural resources and whereas bicycling promotes health and wellness and is an important part of encouraging all citizens to velop habits of physical activity to become a to be to become or stay fit avoid obesity and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases and conditions and whereas bicycle and pedestrian safety has been elevated to a critical priority to the US Department of Transportation to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on the nation's roadways and whereas the US Department of Transportation forward panelas and the City of deden have adopted Ed goals objectives and policies to develop a multimodal transportation system that supports Transportation Alternatives including bicycling and whereas the recognition of Florida's bicycle month will raise awareness of bicycling and ultimately promote physical activity and Healthy Lifestyles by elevating bicycling as a more widely accepted choice of Transportation whereas the city of danan residents and visitors encourage bicycling as a viable and environmentally sound form of transportation and an excellent form of physical activity and Recreation and the city plans and recommends Pro projects to make bicycling more accessible and promote comprehensive Community Education efforts aimed at improving bicycle safety now therefore I Jeff gal by the virtue of the authority vested in Me by the mayor of the city of deden and on behalf of the entire city commission to hereby Proclaim March as Florida bicycle month in dun Eden and encourage residents and visitors to celebrate bicycling as a sustainable healthy form of transportation yay just very quickly mayor vice mayor Commissioners George Kenny on behalf of Community Development Department thank you for having us this evening and Francis Leon sharp is uh here to accept the proclamation we certainly appreciate the opportunity to accept this Proclamation on behalf of the of the city and our bik bicycling Community um as you mentioned commissioner gal this is an excellent form of recreation and physical activity that is really unmatched by any other mode of transportation uh in celebration of this month I we did want to point out to those that are uh watching us on television or wherever they might be at that the city will be participating in a forward panel panel targeted and enforcement day that'll be at the penela trail on April 6 2024 uh the event will have tables uh at the trail uh and we will be providing recreational and educational uh literature at that at that event and then very quickly uh if you'll indulge me just for a second I have five questions for the commission to see how to kind of test your bicycle knowledge yeah oh I'm the wrong person for that so currently worldwide what is the estimate of how many bicycles are in use around the world not enough not enough great answer anybody no one billion U most of them are on the panel's trail that's correct mayor uh how many are manufactured worldwide each year two billion 100 million 100 million wow um this is just a quick fact bicycles save upwards of 238 million million gallons ofas gasoline annually um how many bikes can fit into the same area as a single car depends on how thin you slice them it's 15 15 15 oh sorry you had a guess um and last um which do you think is the most popular bike and I'll give you I'll give you uh three to pick from hybrids mountain bikes or electric bikes mountain bikes that's correct 25% are um I got one 25 25% of us cyclists ride mountain bikes while 24% ride hybrid bikes so that's all we have there you go thank you again thank [Applause] you and George you might as well come stay up there oh we have a picture oh picture we go can't put your helmet back on oh you know let him get his helmet yeah I got to have that yeah you ready you ready aren't you glad we made you put that on for that video thank you George you might as well stay up here AR you GL you have a cabinet now where shelves shelves okay our next pres set of presentations um are our service awards for outgoing board and committee members I will turn that over to George thank you mayor uh again George Kenny on behalf Community Development Department um we are the commission is fully aware of the volunteer committees that we have in this city and the contributions they make every day to the city we've been blessed to be the leaz on to several of those committees and we've got some special people here tonight that we really want to recognize um that were instrumental to the Committees that we oversee and I can tell you from a personal perspective how they have mentored me as I've come into the City and not only has the commission helped me uh acclimate the city manager but these committee members have been terrific so very quickly the following individuals are being recognized tonight by the city commission and Community Development for their outstanding service to the city of Duneden each with over 20 years years of service for a cumulative total of 97 years the city has relied on each of these individuals to Mentor others to the respective boards and assist in the transition to new staff personnel with the introduction of term limits it will not be possible for people to serve on one board for so many years in the future but we believe it was important to say thank you to these four particular individuals so I'm going to start uh and I'll ask them to come up uh as I as I call out their names could Mike Bowman please come up [Applause] Mike is the owner of deden refrigeration a company started by his father uh Mike took control of the business in 1987 is still going strong today Mike grew up in deden where he went to school and has raised his family Mike States being part of the community you should serve your City to the best of your ability and feels that he has accomplished that by serving on many different city boards he says that serving on the different boards gave him the opportunity to meet many interesting people make friends and help make our city a place where people want to visit and live Mike is being awarded for his 27 years of service to the code enforcement board thank you thank you up it's behind you everybody else is standing too please well thank you that's very nice very nice I loved every minute of it I like to do this kind of stuff I work and then I like to have these things to do so um that that's pretty much it guys all right Mike you stand you you you sat in this seat whether it's been in this building or the other one for many many decades said that one too um and we've all watched you and you certainly led the committee through a very tumultuous time when we were changing from code enforcement to Code Compliance um so that was a valiant effort on your end and we thank you so much for your service to this community we know we will continue to see you on all the other boards and committees that you serve on but you have done this well thank you thank [Applause] you next is Diane brand is she here y Diane's career was spent with pelis County Schools as a classroom teacher administrator guest teacher and Mentor for 37 years uh Diane says it's her nature to be involved in worthwhile and ever s and was compelled to contribute her knowledge and enthusiasm to the wonderful city of den Eden Diane is honored to have served as chairperson of the local planning Agency for 22 years and was extremely fortunate to have been surrounded by outstanding professionals who also volunteered on the LPA board who conscientiously represented the thoughts and concerns of delightful denen in addition she enjoyed working closely with City staff and admired their decision I'm sorry admired their dedication to their profession and finally it was a blessing to have worked side by side with her Vice chair Dan masaro for 23 years he was the wind beneath her wings Diane is being awarded for her 23 years with the local planning agency very good please it truly was my pleasure and an honor to serve this city thank you all so much for this I really appreciate it well Diane you know whenever you listen to people that live in this community they always say don't spoil it don't overdevelop it don't build it too tall there are a lot of don'ts and you led the way to ensuring that we didn't thank you so thank you very much Diane for your service pleasure thank you so [Applause] much uh next Deborah Bush [Applause] now um Debbie is a lawyer who has practiced in denen for over 40 years Debbie is a longtime resident of den Eden and is proud of the city she believes the charm and small town Ambiance which has characterized the development of denen is due large in large part to the good stewardship of the city administrators and Commissioners as well as the positive and constructive involvement of the city of dun Eden her goal was to assist in promoting the positive Dynamic that is characteristic of dun Eden and makes it a wonderful place to live Debbie has met many highquality good-hearted and well-intentioned people who are involved in various aspects of den Eden many of whom are members of the city staff and officials who not only work in Duneden and serve its citizens but also love the city and take pride in maintaining a high quality of life and services for its residents Debbie is being awarded for 23 years with the board of adjustment an appeal YY debie thank you very much um just remember we're all still here and we're all still watching oh we know that so no funny business well and that that's the interesting thing about you being on the board of adjustment appeal that's always where somebody's trying to get away with some funny business right and um you know all of us have many years on the diet so my 18 years uh Deborah Bushnell makees sure that we get a 10-page letter every time we screw up so you I we know that you will be watching and we thank you for championing um our community the way you do and I thank you all done Eden is quality and that includes you all [Applause] and last tonight but certainly not least uh is Dan masaro yay Dan Dan has served in the National Guard in Illinois uh Dan worked in architecture and as a contractor for over 40 years Dan received the delightful Duneden award from the Chamber of Commerce and the history maker award from the Duneden Museum among many others Dan has been appointed to 11 City boards and committees over the past 40 years but is being honored here tonight for his 24 years with the local planning [Applause] agency I I do have a lot to say oh my god of course he does my wife warn me not to and Diane did too but um I do I do want to say uh one thing want to correct something um for the past 49 years almost 49 years I have been involved and at in the 11 committees and Boards as was I already identified so my span of of uh giving up my time to the city of dun Eden uh has been nearly this this 49-year Mark but I can honestly say that serving on the LPA for the past 24 years was not only an honor but personally the most rewarding I sincerely appreciate all the support from the city staff and all of the other members of the LPA board boards over all of these years and I want to thank Diane brand for her desire and ability for being the chairperson for most of those years thank you very much oh don't go anywhere so Dan you know when you started out a long time ago and I don't know and I have this list of all these committees this is for the benefit of those watching you were a part of creating the downtown CRA and the zoning and how to plan for all of that um and that was 70s early ' 80s well it started in 1975 with the community block grant program and then on yeah so you've been around a long time and seen just how you know denen isn't the great place it is without all the planning and you were one of the planners um and then of course you know everybody in Den Eden just as um as folks don't want things to be tall and big they don't want them to be ugly and we have this architect that um really pushed us at least one of the driving forces for us getting an Architectural Review Committee and someone who was able to advise many of us privately on on how to approach judging a development on their architecture because there is Free Speech you know and people can have what they really want to have but how does it fit into the community and you brought us there so we can't thank you enough for that so thank you Dan thank [Applause] you okay so we want to call all the award recipients forward so that we can take a group picture come on down right here come on Mike all the way back all the way back all the way back that's okay she'll she'll push you where you need to be and I need Walker right there a little bit more that's good that's good get out of my way yeah we made it work made it work okay everyone look at me I'm going to take a few because we're want to make sure all of our eyeses are open I'll just keep it this way all right a few more thank you thank you everybody thank you those are some big shoes to follow I just know that we we'll have other great residents to step up and I know these folks will be good mentors for them all right now for the event of the night um um oh sorry Cien input I can't skip this it's also an event tonight it's citizen input does anyone in the audience have any item to come forward and speak about come on down uh give us your name and address for the agenda for the record and you have three minutes welcome John gdo 1426 Alamo Lane welcome Madam mayor and Commissioners there have been several articles published in the last few weeks confirming that the coke plant is scheduled to close May 31st would you please give us a short update on the status of this property the recent discussions with the property owners the proposed zoning going forward and potential outcomes favored by the city thank you thank you we're going to go through all of our citizen input first and then we'll have you answer anyone else wish to come forward and speak any item that's not on the agenda give us your name and address for the record evening everybody Vinnie Lisi 854 Cambridge Court I wanted just to mention that last week I was at the presentation about the city update I call it the State of the Union Address but it was very well done and I commend everybody that worked on it it was well laid out however I was a little concerned with the fact with all our Redevelopment that's going on in our expansion in the community we should in the future or some somewhere put in about our community being historic preservation minded on that because as we grow uh we still are very concerned about the history of the community and try to preserve our district historic district and continue to do that so as a Committee Member I would recommend somewhere in there that that be put into the programming as well okay thank thank you anyone else come M down name and address for the record Mary skin 590 Walden Court oh uh Mary Skinner nine 590 Walden Court good evening mayor Commissioners and city manager today I want to comment about the impending closure of Coca-Cola's operations here and bring to your attention the possibility of partnering with Coca-Cola by utilizing the live local act or sp102 and other grants available for local Workforce housing this initiative aligns with our shared vision of creating a vibrant inclusive community where all residents can live work and Thrive the success and growth of dun's tourism industry are closely tied to addressing the labor challenges facing this section by leveraging the provisions outlined in the live local act we can work towards creating Sustainable Solutions to our housing crisis especially in rental hous ing workers living in Trinidad spend their money here and are more knowledgeable about the city than those living outside our city we need a robust and local Workforce to support and grow our tourism industry I stress local Workforce because tourists love to interact with workers and learn about our community as a long-standing good corporate citizen in Duneden Coca-Cola has an opportunity to leave a lasting possible positive impact on our community this it can do by donating a a portion of the 27.5 Acres it owns for the purpose of building affordable rental units for our local Workforce we could name the area the Coca-Cola track or Park whatever just give Coca-Cola recognition and a legacy in dun Eden the S sb102 states that local governments are allowed affordable housing developments and commercial industrial and mixed use zoning like in uh cocacola as needed without having to get permitting check changes according to flgov.com there are several way ways that the S sp102 act incentivizes Workforce Housing Development one it creates a new tax donation program that allows corporations like Coca-Cola direct payments toward funding housing programs in which they in return can receive generous tax credits up to $25 million it's a win-win situation it provides up to 5,000 refund on sales tax on building material for units funded through Florida housing and Finance Corporation it expands qualification for the job growth Grant fund to authorize public infrastructure projects supporting this housing I am confident with your leadership and the support of our community we can make meaningful strides to enable our Workforce to live work and Thrive here in denen thank you you made it I have wow good job all right anyone else wishing to come for and speak to any item not on the agenda okay so Jennifer I think I got the questions correct who owns it what is it owned as what are we what are our conversations with Coca-Cola and what do we want to see it as yes absolutely thank you mayor vice mayor um so the the property and uh for those who may be watching don't know where it is it's um um on Martin Luther King and the panel's trail along the panel's trail uh we were informed maybe even up to four years ago I think that the plant would be closing at that point it was imminent actually um and due to covid uh and some supply chain issues their new location which is on the uh Peace River in BTO uh took a much longer time to construct than they thought it would so the plant continued and we were actually Overjoyed they were running they had up to 400 employees at one time and they were running uh shifts uh 24/7 and so um they did announce however uh finally that the plant peace R plant is ready and that they will be closing on the 31st um of this year so that's right around the corner uh the property zoned industrial uh and land use for industrial uh and one thing that that I think is a common uh mistake out there on on you know social media world is that uh what is the city going to do with it the city does not own it as you know Coca-Cola owns it and so um what what we have been doing is we originally when they first announced they were going to close down we reached out to uh Coca-Cola in Atlanta not not local but in Atlanta their real estate division um and we we wanted to get in in in that door as quickly as we could to let them know that they have been wonderful corporate Partners to the city of dedan we in turn have been wonderful to them as well and that we anticipate that when they sell the property that we are going to not participate in the sale but have a pretty good say about what we'd like to see there in the future um it is about uh 27 Acres so there are all sorts of possibilities we did uh contract with something called Urban Land Institute and Urban Land Institute is um is an organization they have uh commercial Realtors uh attorneys planners Engineers all sorts of of of folks with expertise in the market to really look at the property and to to walk we had to walk around it though we could not get into the property it was still under operation and then make recommendations as far as the highest and best use that we could share with Coca-Cola um we didn't want to see a storage facility there we didn't want to see you know all those sorts of things what is the highest and best use that'll be of most uh most impactful and most benefit to the residents and businesses uh within the city of Denon uh and so they they um uh Urban Land instit Institute came back with with some Workforce housing on the property as well as uh um a Light Industry targeted Light Industry which is biomedical pharmaceutical you know those types of uses on the property and so you know the the amount of affordable housing and live local wasn't even in play at that point it hadn't been passed yet and so um you know the amount of affordable House of housing on the property is to be determined uh um the mayor has set in on several meetings with Coca-Cola in Atlanta they are they have committed to us that that they will sell for highest and best use and that we will be um not at the table necessarily because it's a real estate transaction but certainly in the room uh when those things are discussed moving forward so we um um in working with Coca-Cola um you know were concerned about their employees and they have actually been very good to their employees um in terms of of of you know pay up until when they close uh and then severance pay as well um so there are several job fairs going on uh right now it's a good time to be an employee in um in terms of um um the use of the factory we had they let us have the first the first go round meaning the city of denen and we were we did embed ourselves in their lunchroom uh so we could talk to all of their employees as they came as they circulated in and out uh to tell them a little bit about our open positions and and to um talk about some possibilities with them and we got um some applications for our water Wastewater division because they have a you know um uh uh infrastructure on their property as well so we're looking for a continued partnership and then the Chamber of Commerce and and uh Career Source panel uh Career Source are having another job fair um coming up here in March so um things are happening it's it's those wheels are finally turning um and so uh you know we continue to talk to uh Coca-Cola the the both the manager here uh in denen and as well as their real estate division uh and we definitely have their ear and so um and their email addresses and we know we where they live so we're going to we're going to go after them but we are on it and we have been talking to them for for quite a long time about the use of the property uh Mary and and looking at that Workforce housing or housing prospect it's it's um Urban Land Institute recommended it that's continued about upon some other issues or um you know on the property itself so if you just stay tuned and we'll communicate through Sue's uh engage page yes um right on our website and keep you up to date with with where we are with that I think it's really important to say that [Music] um the only control the city has is what the property is zoned does and what that zoning use the use of that zoning is allowed um we can't control who they sell to we have talked to them about donation of land and that's not on the table at this moment um they know that we want a mixture of jobs and not just uh service industry jobs we want higher paying jobs and then maybe housing for those higher paying jobs jobs right there on the property um but they are I just I just want to reiterate again what you already said they are allowed to sell and do whatever they so choose and we have no right to stop them so that's why we've spent a number of years meeting with them monthly and quarterly we don't control totally land juice either no we don't no we don't um so there are opportunities to build affordable housing you're not wrong on that on Industrial land um but I know that our biggest priority is to replace the jobs we're losing with decent paying jobs and so that's that's our goal but we can want all we want it really is up to whoever the next person is that comes in hope that answers all your questions okay um we will move on now to the item of the night and that is the second reading of ordinance 24-4 the Historic Landmark designation for 5501 New York Avenue Jennifer would you please read ordinance 244 by title only ordinance 244 in ordinance of the city of Duneden Florida designating certain real property located at 501 New York Avenue Duneden Florida 346 98- 7825 parcel number 35 - 28-15 D 00000000 -230 d030 with meets and Bounds and totaling approximately 5.23 acres and the residential structure thereon as a local Historic Landmark and providing for an effective date that was ordinance 2404 read by title only thank you uh Jennifer can I have a motion to approve so move second okay commissioner gal and commissioner Walker Francis yes good evening uh mayor Commissioners U Francis Leong sharp planner two for the city presenting our second and final reading of uh the Historic Landmark designation for the property at 501 New York Avenue um it is also known as the Earl family Homestead home of the world renowned oceanographer and ambassador of the ocean Dr Sylvia Earl and just just to uh quickly um Orient everybody um this is the general location of the property and then right there you will see the boundary survey of the property that is approximately 5 acres and within the 5 acre of land um we do have an existing um single family home that is located at that corner um that is as depicted there as well as a uh home that was once stood there but there is a uh fireplace uh chimney um that is still standing there um from a um a previous home that stood there as well as the lake um also known as Lake Earl so one of the criteria for designation is of the historical and cultural significance and um a very good example here is that we do um confirm that this is a child and current home of Dr Earl um who is an oceanographer scuba diver and research scientist um she also founded the organization called Mission blue uh which is also the organization that designated Tampa Bay as one of the approximate 150 Global hope spots as a vital place for protection um Dr Earl's parents Lewis and Alice Earl were also known as the early adapters in environmental stewardship and wildlife conservation and and um The Saga and the Legacy continues on with Dr Earl's uh children uh Richard who is a uh fish and game waterer for the State of California and Elizabeth an Ocean Technology engineer um continuing the commitment to environmental stewardship um another criteria for designation for um this Historic Landmark is the site significance uh once again this is a home to four generations of the earol family um Lewis and Alice Errol purchased the property to establish their home and also instill their passion for love and nature for future generation and the property is also made uh as a model for understanding and conserving the area's unique flora and fauna um as evidenced here uh placing the protections for Native Heritage Oaks uh established the 5 acre landscape with a small pond also known as Lake Earl as a bird s Sanctuary for migratory Birds um last but not least um they have planted native species of plants to support the land's biodiversity and then last but not least for the designation for the landmark is of its architectural and structural significance so Dr Earl's parents um built the home in 1958 and it is of the old Flora midth Century Ranch architectural style as evidenced in the photos here um and one of the unique features of this building is that the materials and used and built are to maximize the passive cooling techniques for the home um one of the things that they have um used is local Stone and then the use of the low impact material for insulation as well as the use of the jousy windows for Passive um ventilation an open floor plan in it self for cross ventilation and whole house is fanned um unfortunately we do not have any records of the um architect or Builder know um known for this and back on July 13 2023 the historic preservation advisory committee did hold a public hearing for this case and they have recommend approval for the local historic designation as well as a first reading of this ordinance was done back on January 12th 202 24 and City commission had unanimously recommended approval of the first reading of the ordinance um so in conclusion um staff finds that the request is consistent with the applicable review criteria and therefore staff recommendation is to appr is to approve ordinance 20 um 24-4 um last but not least we do have Dr Sylvia Earl here present um in our audience so I will um let um Dr ear come on [Applause] down welcome on behalf of Lewis and Alice are all my parents and my brothers and the rest of the family I want to express my profound appreciation to all of you and all of you neighbors for agreeing to accept this proposal I think it is certainly what my parents would have wished to secure an enduring future for it's just a little patch of wild in the midst of the city and I certainly will do my utmost to be good neighbors with all of the neighbors those with wings those with fur and certainly humans I came to Florida myself as a child when my parents moved here had the wisdom to come from New Jersey 1947 and went to Duneden Junior High School Duneden High School didn't exist so I went to Clearwater High School and I say when Clear Water had clear water to St Pete Junior College when it was a junior college Florida State and also spent some time at the University of Florida so I have Deep Roots here personally go Gators but this does Nation I really am thrilled primarily as a tribute to my parents Lewis and Alice Earl who had the vision to acquire a little patch of Florida here in dun Eden was in the county at first and brought into the City and I just want to thank you thank you thank you all of you and look forward to a long and prosperous future for those big old Oaks the cypress trees and all the creatures who also call dun Eden home thank you thank [Applause] you might as well come on down here and let her take a picture for y right the middle here Dr No not loud all right hold that up again like you did before hold it up above your head like you did before there you go okay thank you okay this is a public hearing so I do have to open it up and allow anybody else that would like to come forward and speak to this item please feel free to do so hearing seeing or hearing none uh commissioner gal you were the maker of the motion thank you mayor I was so excited to make the motion I thought oh no I'm going to have to say something and I really don't know what to say other than you know the city has a a a history of historic preservation it's not real long but we've started it and we seem to be going well with it and you heard vennie speak uh earlier on the need to include that in our state of the city so it kind of makes a statement on who we are as a community and when you tie that that need and desire to hold on to our past a as we grow and to acknowledge the environment within that is just a a wonderful web of of who we are as a community and the idea that we have a a piece of Green Peace in our community a green space uh that can act uh as a as a Reit for wildlife uh for bees to pollinate uh Wildlife maybe it's a start of a wildlife Corridor through dun Eden wouldn't that be wonderful how can how can um our furry friends and Our Feathered Friends make it from hammock Park to uh glattus Douglas preserve you know safely uh and so thank you Sylvia for uh donating your home to allow us the ability to label it as a home of preservation and what you're doing there so just thank you very much for tonight it's a wonderful night thank you commissioner commissioner Walker um like my colleagues I'm also having a hard time finding the words and that's very uncharacteristic of me um um Dr Earl uh you have dedicated your life to preserving our oceans preserving our Coastline and so much in between and um it it is only fitting that we that you are essentially donating your house for the cultural and historical preservation of of everything that your family stood for um your uh your impact is is lasting as his Testament to your children going out in the world and and protecting and and maintaining our environment and uh you know I personally um you know one of the reasons I I ran for the commission was is because I do have a passion for the historical and cultural significance of everything that is denan and uh I just uh from the bottom of my heart thank you so very much for for for sharing your home with us thank you vice mayor well that was just almost too good now what am I going to say yeah so the man that's got a loss of words now obviously um you know this this this kind of Rises to two different passions um one of course environmental which has been your passion but the historic preservation which is another D passion but I love that you tipped your hat to to two specific things uh to your parents Lewis and Alice Earl um uh I think last meeting or two meetings ago we had freder Rico peoples here and and she was doing this to to honor her parents and I just think um that's what that's what the value of the historic preservation is not just a structure it's so much more than a structure it's the family that was there and what they're produced and you're a great example of you know the best of what can be produced out of den Eden and you also tipped your hat to the creatures here that also called denen home and sometimes that's forgotten um and it takes somebody of passion to continue to remind us that you know we all share this fragile Earth and we need to respect that so so so thank you for this this is and it's an honor to be on the commission to to to have this happen thank you commissioner Tonga thank you mayor Dr Earl I sat and listened to you and I I have such great expectations because of your reputation but I must say I must applaud a simple statement that you made and I'm going to leave it at that that this was a tribute to your parents and made me really proud and gave me some Goosebumps thank you you beautiful thank you commissioner um Dr Earl you may not know this about me but most people do that I grew up here in denen I went to denen elementary deden junior high school and deden high it was open by the time I got there um but I remember going to um Duneden Elementary which is of course not very far from your house um and dedan Middle School the old one um and I would ride my bike through that neighborhood many many different times um I started riding my bik back then you could ride your bike halfway across the world at in third grade and not think twice about it so and I did I rode my bike everywhere um my parents lived well you know where Save A Lot is now but it was the old Publix's back in the day and U my parents lived across from there and that's where I lived so I went through your neighborhood all the time I rode past uh your house many times and your n one of your neighbors was Mrs honold who owned the Duneden day school which I also went to so I would go visit her and I would go past your your house so for me your house is just it's an institution you know and I I think for a lot of people it is we all just it's been there forever it's been there my entire life and I'm 58 and proud to say it um and I just enjoyed being in your neighborhood and always knowing there was a lake there I mean I always knew I didn't know who lived there or the significance of that but I always knew that there were woods and a lake and I don't know everybody knew it it was just expected and so at 58 now looking back on that there is no way I would wouldn't want to see anything happen to it because I hope that my grandchildren will be riding through that neighborhood someday um and and just have that same experience oh there's a bunch of houses but look at all those woods in that Lake and maybe that's all they think about right that it's that quick but it's something that You' thought about your whole life and I think that's important to have those spots that you always remember when you're a kid and I think there'll be a lot of future kids that will look at that and remember it too so thank you to both you your family and your parents thank you okay roll call vote please commissioner TGA hi vice mayor frainy hi commissioner Walker hi commissioner gal hi mayor balski I in that motion passes unanimously yay all right I know that there is a little gathering happening so if you guys want to get up and go feel free we'll kick you out cuz we still have a little business to do so you don't have to stick around and be polite thank you everybody for being here tonight I of but I didn't want to make it about I made it about me enough but being in the neighborhood I know that's right yeah and so Michael you have to follow that have fun I thought this was the event of the night yeah make it quick Michael I'll try don't feel bad I always say it's a Jorge too so it never works with Jorge either no but for different reasons mayor before Michael starts um you did get a supplement with the PowerPoint um this morning uh instead of handing it out to you on the day is we really wanted to be committed to the public record as well because there's some really good information in there about some of the stuff that we've done regarding cyber security okay all right Michael uh wait a minute uh Jennifer resolution 2505 adopting National Institute of Standards of Technology framework as required by Florida SE 28231 185 local government cyber Security Act would you please read by tattle oing yes resolution 202 24-5 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of denen Florida adopting the National Institute of Standards and Technology cyber security framework as the cyber security standard for the city of denan Florida providing for severability providing for an effective date and that was resolution 20245 read by title only thank you can I have a motion to approve so moved second okay commissioner Tonga and commissioner Walker thank you Michael you're on oh that's approved so no so good evening mayor Commissioners good evening um I'm Michael Nei director of IT services I'm here to present the resolution 245 to adopt the standards the N standards for the city and to provide some insight as to why dedan should adopt this resolution so Flor statute section 282 3185 the local government cyber Security Act establishes cyber security requirements for County and Municipal governments the statute requires that each local government adopt a cyber secur standard that safeguards its data information technology and information technology resources to ensure availability confidentiality and integrity those cyber security standards must be consistent with the generally accepted best practices for cyber security including the National Institute of Standards and Technologies cyber security framework also known as nist CSF so section 2823 3185 subsection 4. C of the statute requires that all municipalities with a population of 25,000 or more adopt such a cyber security standard by January 1st of 2024 uh the statute is not a nist compliant requirement but rather a requirement to adopt a cyber security framework and follow it so what is nist and who is NIS NY is a federal agency within the United States Department of Commerce founded in 1901 their mission is to promote us Innovation and Industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science standards and technology in ways that enhance Economic Security improve our quality of life since 1972 nist has conducted cyber security research and developed cyber security guidance for industry government and Academia the resolution that we are approving today is the adoption of that nist CSF um as a guideline to help the city of dine improve upon our cyber security program and initiatives what is the nist framework we're talking about is based on existing standards guidelines and practices for organizations to better manage and reduce their cyber security risk or threat in addition the n framework was designed to Foster risk and cyber security management Communications amongst both internal and external organizational stakeholders the core of the NIS framework is a set of cyber security activities desired outcomes and applicable references that are common across critical infrastructure sectors the framework consists of five following guidelines identify protect detect respond and recover in the identify framework the city will follow the N guidelines to identify critical Enterprise processes and assets maintain our hardware and software inventory establish policies for cyber security that include roles and responsibilities identify threats vulnerabilities and risk to Assets in the protect framework the city will follow the nist guidelines to manage assets or manage access to our assets and information with unique accounts and passwords protect sensitive data with encryption conduct regular backups protect our devices with firewalls and Annex virus protection manage device vulnerabilities with required software updates and patches and also train our users in the detect framework the city will follow the N guidelines to test and update detection processes for unauthorized entities know the expected data flows of our Enterprise so that we know if data is being moved outside of our outside of our Network maintain and monitor logs to identify anomalies or changes on the network and understand the impact of cyber security events and how to seek help in the respond framework the city will follow this guidelines to ensure response plans are tested ensure response plans are updated and coordinate with internal and external stakeholders and the last one in the recovery framework aspect the city will follow n guidelines to communicate with internal and external stakeholders of course ensure recovery plans are updated and manage public relations and City reputation since the Cyber attack of October 2022 the city's IT services department has been implementing many new cyber security initiatives and Protection Systems those systems to date include these 12 areas of protection and initiatives a cloud-based Erp connection and access cloud-based email redundant data and backup systems cloud-based data storage Advanced antivirus protection a managed detection and response service a comprehensive preparedness service multiactor authentication also referred to as MFA cyber security training n training and a network infrastructure assessment with the cloud-based Erp connection and access the city no longer hosts its core Erp system locally we use a secure encrypted service hosted by our e Erp provider to update and access our Erp data with the cloud-based email the city no longer hosts its core email system locally City emails Loc Microsoft office's 365 secure and encrypted governmental Cloud site email is accessible securely from any internet connection with the Redundant data storage and backup systems we have large scale data storage devices located in two separate City sites for redund redundancy purposes we also back up our data onto two separate devices located in two separate City sites for redundancy purposes as well all of these redundant systems are on non- Windows devices that are not accessible or able to be penetrated by threat actors or have been proven to be not penetr by Third actors with the cloud-based data storage this is a tertiary means of data protection the city stores our users data not only on the two redundant backup sites we also store in a secure AWS Cloud site that is used by Banks the military and federal government agencies this is an added measure in the event the two local redundants storage devices and backup devices are ever compromised or destroyed with the advanced antivirus protection um we had this we are using the same antivirus software protection system recommen recommended by the city's cyber insurance carrier this program was used immediately after the recovery from the Cyber attack and has been protecting the city devices ever since this antivirus system provides deep system analysis and intrusion protection on every computer and laptop it has the capability to detect anomalies on our Network before they happen and reacts accordingly with alerts and thwarts off any issues with the manage detection in a response service we are constantly monitoring detecting and responding to any intrusion or attempt to access or connect to our Data Network it provides real-time alerts regarding breaches and unauthorized changes to any system settings it identifies unique and suspicious activity in the Erp system his the abilities to disable an infected an infected Windows computer it provides 247 critical log reporting on all monitoring activities it provides a monthly threat findings report and provides a secure online portal for our authorized Network staff to view all of our Network traffic 24 hours a day the comprehensive preparedness service that we have provides also provides 247 monitoring for threats intrusions and anomalies on our Erp system it provides external penetration tests and vulnerability scans to see if we have Intruders uh provides internal vulnerability scans on our data and all of our Erp systems it assists the city with incident it also in provides staff that will insist the city with incident response plans creation and exercises for IT staff and end users they will also assist the city with creating security policies and they provide cybercity awareness training and they perform ongoing it risk assessment on our connectivity with the multiactor authentication the MFA it is a three-step process for remote and local users to ensure they are actually the authorized city employees that are trying to gain access to our Network and our email systems MFA is also required in order to access the city's core Erp system to make sure you are an authorized user and we are currently looking to MFA to access our city email from an external Source meaning if you're outside of here and you want to log on your email you're going to have to have a multiactor authentication internally we've already had that in place so you won't need to do that internally but it's an extra step to to know who you are and with the cyber security and N training we've contracted with a third party vendor to provide cyber security training sessions and email fishing campaigns for all city employees and IT staff are currently partaking in the nist related training courses that will improve upon our cybercity knowledge our skills and ability to better protect the city's dat and network from outside threats and with the network infrastructure assessment that we recently had done it provided a comprehensive onsite assessment of the it Data Center and network rooms in the new city hall building this assessment covered room access fire stopping systems comestibles and dust cabling infrastructure our electrical power load balancing in the rooms the uninterruptable power supplies and battery backup systems in the room and are cooling and heat dispersement the assessment report was based on industry accepted best practices standards which included the NIS framework guideline so all of these Services mention I'm sorry yes in summary all of these Services mentioned in this presentation fall under the guidance of the Miss framework and the city's already been implementing protection systems that meet these requirements of the state statute therefore in accordance with the requirements the Florida statute 282 3185 as read we hereby recommend that the commission adopt I'm just messing I know I to you I when we get into these really long winded things it's the only way that I can you know I know it's not often I get to be here so is always usually at the other end of it you just happen to be the guy exactly I I could take it uh my colleagues questions one and maybe you've said this and maybe that's when I nodded I don't know no just check just kidding my bedtime so um I mean obviously this is all critical critical stuff we know that um we learned that the hard way um so from an external audit point of view like what part of this is all internal versus do we have an external audit that's double-checking us saying yeah you're not missing anything so the MDR the manager detection and response and the CPS the comprehensive preparedness service those are doing external penetration tests those are those are constantly looking at the external intruders are are anybody accessing any trying to attempt or has ability to um access anything on our site we get monthly reports or actually daily reports on where the top and if you if you happen to read the city manager update monthly update the new item we have under the it section is the top 10 countries that are um have threats attempt threats against the city of deden M and and and they're in the hundreds of thousands of atts and then there's also a section of um um how many mware attempts and within the last 30 days we had not one mware attempt in the city in the previous month we had like 18,000 none of them went through because these systems protect us so from outside standpoint these systems are looking at anybody trying to uh infiltrate us we recently had some employees visit foreign countries and their email was trying to be uh overtaken and we caught that our systems caught that it wasn't them accessing us they never got access The Intruders never got access but we it detected it found it and stopped it so from an exide standpoint we're we're doing everything we can to protect us you can never fully protect yourself from anything but we're constantly on the Move doing the training and implementing what we can and following the N guidelines is is a big help right thank you thanks Michael sure commissioner Toro uh thank you mayor I'm just going to go ahead and make the comment this all sounded like a lot of a lot of material um but with Florida Le of cities I know that on the administrative side I I was on the administrative committee for them and this was just a really important part throughout the entire uh State of Florida so I I I gathered the word from you required yes uh rather quickly in the very beginning and that is true and uh and so to have this in place the way we have it here I'm I'm really proud of what I've just heard and what I've seen and I'm I I I really applaud that I do recall me reminding the 80 other members of what happened to us and and the importance of this so uh thank you very much for bringing all this up and for making sure that we have this in place did you have any comments vice mayor I'm sorry no I was asking because I I was asking for questions do you have comments and that way I won't have to come back no not really I mean we all know this is really an important thing that we do it's not sexy but it's important questions and comments yeah Michael this afternoon I tried to get on the internet and it kept buffering do you know what that might kidding we'll talk later I got I got a 400 error this morning this afternoon what was that uh um I I know it's kind of like quacko what what we're doing we can never say that we're really protected this was an insane amount of material I am confident that you understand it much better than than I did um but but going forward I mean do you have any concerns that you can talk about publicly I understand that's the challenge with a lot of this is we don't want to talk about uh talk about it um but where where do you see the city in five years well depending what the technology is out there there's always going to be threat actors they're going to find new and better ways to infiltrate you and the city needs to position itself as far as Staffing to have the the resources to constantly Monitor and maintain that we're doing all this with the current Staffing we have and it's limited because we've got so many projects and and this is a lot of this is new to us that the current staff are learning this and have to maintain this while still doing their other jobs so um I see us needing some sort of U organizational structure a little bit of change there to help us with that um it's really hard to tell with not knowing what the threats are out there what's going what technolog is going to change I know AI is a big thing out there I I personally don't see how that's going to really affect city business because the it's more advanced and I think the things that we probably ever need within the next 5 years maybe 10 years down the road things may change um but I I did want to make one last comment one comment about this yes it is required by state that the city adopts something that they want to do they have an initiative to do and in doing so the state statute um said uh they put in place that if this the municipality adopt something their liability for any future cyber attacks is limited or or or I don't know if it's limited or completely done away with if we don't adopt something and we don't practice these things and we have an attack State could find us or make us liable for that so we're putting ourselves in a position that yes we want to follow the guidelines we want to make sure that we're protecting everything we can very good yeah thank you m and I guess my other comments are right we all know what we went through and so just where we have come and what you have done is just Leaps and Bounds so uh especially with the staff that you have so thank you very much for for everything you've done this was a crazy presentation tonight I try to make it somewhat colorful instead of just reading the the step the resolution and that's cute I'm going to show you something tried to make it colorful needed pop ups and crayons maybe I don't know that's all May Scare You commissioner so I'm just going to say that uh I uh I thoroughly enjoyed this I knew you would I uh I no seriously um the not really uh you know I think uh I'm glad you brought up uh future threat actors um because there's there's really two types of threats well there's more than that but the there's the realtime threat of the actual event where we're getting a attacked um there is then the threat that is posed by Future threat actors and uh again as you said these these they're they're going to find ways and new ways and I will I sat in on a a presentation on artificial intelligence and how this will ultimately shape a lot of this because you know that's that you know that's going to really open up Pandora's Box in terms of the vulnerabilities and uh now so with that said I think just this is a question now um in terms of the migration to the cloud and everything we've done in terms of redundant data storages and everything else um my sense is is that um that provides an extra layer of security because you can Implement technological updates and fixes much more efficiently and easier without a tremendous um tremendous load on you know our our employees our resources your it department is that correct that's correct yes yeah that's um that's that's a big advantage in to that because um you you're kind of taking taking away a facet that is very vulnerable um I'll just leave it with one more one comment um the the N standard uh is it's it's exactly that um it's the standard by which we have to uh design Implement and execute all of our information technology and so I I think it is absolutely appropriate that we have some measure of documenting our adoption of this um I the question do we do we need a resolution for this or can is what's the what's the it is a resolution right okay all right um no I know we're we're voting we're going to be voting on a resolution I'm just kind of curious as as to why it's a resolution but um I can answer that yeah so with a resolution it means that it's an official way for the commission to say they adopt a policy got it versus just saying it without a resolution and it's in writing it's just more official okay so we do that with a lot of different things but like for instance I'll give you an example of something I know you've approved is our um you know our our board policies that we do every year in um December yeah it's done by resolution yeah so it's official okay that that totally makes sense and I wasn't sure if we would go down that path did we need to do a resolution but a lot of our sister municipalities out there a lot of them have already adopted and they went this route they wanted to put this put it out there for the public they wanted in writing so it's like well they're doing it yeah and that that's really more personal curiosity but um you know I'm I'm pretty familiar with the the this standard and uh I absolutely this is the right thing to do you got to have a standard yep that's all I got thank you um you look like you wanted to say [Music] something it's fine I was just going to say also because you have a new state law out there that requires that you adopt a policy by adopting it by resolution you've evidence that you've complied with that statute besides a set am minutes right yeah Jennifer are you happy about this I am I am you look thrilled no um sorry I don't mean to be making light of it we went through a really really terrible terrible Cyber attack and really I wouldn't say it was because we did a lot wrong but it's going to happen it's going to happen to everybody they're going to get hacked in some way or another so the more that we can do internally and Michael we appreciate everything that you and your department have done um along with all all of the employees the steps they've taken yes this is a state law but I was glad to hear that you said we're already doing a lot of this um but yeah we got hacked in a big way in a really big way like I don't have any of my contacts anymore any of my email folders that's just me and not that I am like even you know I'm not the day-to-day people here um we actually Drew straws to try to figure out who had to tell you that yeah I was not happy I'm still trying to recover those contacts um yeah I don't react well to those kinds of things devastating it is devastating I mean and it's funny because if I search it in a certain way I can find them but you can't see them they're like stuck underneath some little Invisible Shield somewhere and if I search it the right way I can find it um or if somebody calls me that I don't have in my contacts it'll pop up we think it's X you know anyway neither here to there I'm very happy thank you you know that we're doing this and and appreciate all the efforts that you've made since that Cyber attack um okay uh this is a public meeting anybody wishing to come forward and speak to this item seeing or hearing none roll call vote commissioner gal I vice mayor frainy hi commissioner Walker I commissioner TGA I mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously thank you Michael uh then we have the proposed agenda for March 21st um anybody have any changes a question uhhuh so caution Rogers or Will Rogers yeah just easy um so the broadbanding 2 three and four Jennifer obviously you know I'm I'm big proponent but this collides with our major Capital items you know our four biggies and so I know that we had extensive discussion about what we could do now what we should wait on so I guess my question and you know maybe this will be part of the Staffing how does that fit into it um if we do design and we don't do all of them right away like how is that you know a factor I just want to make sure we're remembering that this is tied into decisions on the money necessary for the top four so okay if I'd like to incorporate that in the Staffing okay and essentially it can it be phased and what can be phased yeah I'm sure the mayor would like you to go into like a 20 minute thing right now about yeah no yeah just kidding no I that's I just wanted to kind of the wall okay um yeah and this is just the Design Services right right and that's coming so sometimes you do the Design Services all at once and then you phase the rest of it is that what you're saying yeah I mean however that fits because that may be right like let's get it designed and then we can figure out we have it as we have when do we actually pull the trigger right and this is arpa funding for um this is the design um and we also we also using arpa funding for the design of the pool right and and we can get into it but as you know the pool won't be you know uh far along to use arpa funding for so that we've already described those funding so we have to use as we know it's all interchangeable therefore timing and amounts and yeah how much we're going to need are critical to just making sure we don't spend money we need for something else so the other part of that as well is that uh Les Tyler and I had a long conversation about um arpa and we're going to bring it to you in a workshop tell exactly where we are with the projects and expenditure so um and how much interest and he's preparing that right now right right exactly he's preparing that night right now good that's great thank you okay any other questions all right can I have a motion in a second to approve the agenda second commissioner Walker vice mayor frainy all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed motion passes unanimously anything informational that must be shared at this very second before I hit my head on the counter and fall asleep I have three items stop I I do have one marage just real quickly just a shout out to my to my wife who's put up with me for 31 years it's our anniversary tonight oh happy very nice Karen you're a good lady yeah no he's this is a dad of girls so you know he's good all right anybody else all right we are ajour thank you guys for coming [Music] --------- the site ready and demolishing the building on the left side is the Old City Hall which has now been uh demoed and of course future plans are to get that under Design This is just kind of a collage of some of the facades that were given throughout the year it it's quite a nice incentive for businesses to take uh you know to look at and utilize to help make some exterior improvements and enhance the street very proud of this project I know we had a nice ribbon cutting there you all were there this is the area kind of in front of GW salon and costanz we widen the sidewalk we put some nice Parks side oak trees in there uh we got some lighting some Landscaping really a nice addition to the downtown and we want to continue that upgrade because a lot of the stuff downtown is gotten old and dated this shows some the Landscaping that went in kind of around the living room we put in some new Landscaping there's nice a palm tree there if you visited that area recently and there on the bottom uh you know is the parking leases we spend over $200,000 a year C for parking leases downtown so pretty significant amount the downtown Market continues to be a huge success supposed to add up I'm sorry add up they don't add up they don't add up we got a little regularity there we'll take a look at it but oh we're missing one element yeah we're Miss thank you John we're missing the monreal Park Garage which should be in there and that would amount to over the 200,000 so over site we'll fix that so thank you that's a a good catch uh this just represents and is that the ocean Optics amount too cuz I thought it was higher than that but uh it's $448,000 it is okay well it's good cuz that's no it's a good we get over 55 almost 60 spaces in the ocean Optics so it's a pretty good that's a key spot for us but we we'll get thank you for picking up on that the Monro Park Garage is is not in there and needs to be uh next one is downtown Market obviously continues to be a success Trevor does a great job coordinating all that uh it's really a nice addition to the downtown brings in a lot of activity and of course people that go to the market then go to the restaurants and shops so it's a really nice feeder for the downtown the Gateway we've talked about that that's in the process we're working with City attorney city manager and Community Development relative to determinating the existing development agreement that's in place so we can go ahead and uh reimagine that site the owner of that property Mr Kaka still wants to do something there he does not want to sell he's excited about restarting the project as the economic climate's getting a little better for development the other one is obviously the ocean Optics uh it's been purchased uh we've had just very very light preliminary talk with the new owner uh nothing really at this point in time other than he was looking at a mixed use project which we kind of knew anyway which I mean some combination of residential commercial and a restaurant but nothing more than that these are just numbers these are numbers that we have to go ahead and share with the county they basically shows some of the revenue stream coming in the bottom one is kind of interesting that pie chart if you will you can see that in the blue is the county funding it's around 55% or there about that's coming into the city so the county has been just a fantastic partner all these years to the city and one of the reasons we can make things happen the next is just the numbers these are una audited but this is what is presented from the auditor that we utilize we have a deadline this has to go to the county by March 31st and so we send them this report and the things that are get finalized with the audit report with Finance take place a little bit later again just just just numbers so I'm G to move through real quickly this is kind of interesting this is Genie puts This Together uh we took the goals that come out of the downtown master plan and we look and say how did we achieve or how did we get to where we needed to be to hit that goal and jeie does a great job with this so the county likes to see it and this is what we show so Genie and I would be happy or I would be happy to answer any questions that you might have on this again this is a yearly that we do this is last year we're in Year we're in and we're already planning for next year so it's always kind of funny you have this kind of triple witching at this at this point in time any questions y um so the sidewalk ISS the new sidewalk sorry yeah the new sidewalk I know there were some drainage issues with that I assume we got that taken care of oh we're thank you yeah we had a situation where there was just a a tremendous rain and it caused a little bit of water to pull in front back in the day and a little bit of GW salon and we're looking at a fix for that so we're looking at some type of grate at the threshold so we're we're in process with that right now and I did just get somebody complimenting about the no curbs that's just easier for them so that was kind of good I appreciate that no I think um just to see people walk now they can walk three and four a breast and it's just a nice situation so it worked out pretty good but we are in process of taking care of that drainage situation Bob the the freebie was done with CRA or no no it was not done okay so that's outside of this yeah yeah I mean it's happening downtown and I know C manager Bramley can probably add but talking to uh George uh they had over 700 Riders I think over the weekend tremendous yes arpa yeah orpa yes was orpa funding in a pilot program which will come back to the commission with performance measures but I can just know that was 700 writers here over the weekend and stuff the Blue Jays bring in a lot of activity too it's it's been a good success and when I talk to other communities uh because I'm still part of the Florida Redevelopment Association other communities are doing it too and they're seeing a pretty good success so it's been a good a good hit good I mean I'm talking to some of the drivers too they seem like the the stadium um Fenway um me me life um it's taking a big time advantage of it okay yeah no I think it's exceeded expectations to be honest with you um let's see um and then any any timeline on The Old City Hall site no uh no no no no timeline I think they just got a consultant on board to give a proposal now um so um I guess efforts will step up here A Team approach to uh look to get it design and play and then take it back to the commission for so the fencing that's there now yeah it's been shrunk though nothing will happen till this the design the fence it's been shrunk we did shrink it down no I KN that and we did talk to hu um but uh currently what's up there needs to stay up for a safety issue because that slab is just kind of very raw it's got so that'll be part of the whatever ends up to be designed okay um yeah and the only last thing I would say been keeping an eye on the grass at Pioneer Park yeah seems like you know I mean definitely way better than it ever used to be well I think uh yeah I think vice mayor I think uh you know we did those concrete radial bands out there when we redid the John Lawrence Pioneer Park and it really helped with foot traffic so uh the grass is staying way better than it did and I know um Vince gizy watches that and wants to make sure it stays up pretty good okay I mean that's that's all I have right now thank you sure commissioner T yeah the Duneden freebie I call it the dun Eden freebie yeah is all over the place it's everywhere as it should be and so it's really been really getting used I it's really appreciate it I I think that's just an outstanding concept so rock and roll um the budget that was set aside I talked to the city manager real quick just to confirm the budget for um for 542 uh Main Street and that seems to be uh in accordance with not only the budget but how we feel about that is that correct I I think it at the moment it's uh it's in pretty good shape I have not talked to Jennifer to be honest with you so I am caught off a little bit here but I think there might need to be some addition if the restrooms or something that's going to happen out there so of course A lot of it depends on inflation and what these contractors get so there could be a situation where something's reup in the budget but frankly I need to get with with Jennifer okay great thank you but uh yeah but it's an exciting project you know I think we all wanted to have this resit East End type place that people could feel comfortable as we had moved to the you know east of Main Street and it's really the restrooms that are kind of driving yeah I mean there we really need those restrooms in that area and there's a cost associated with it and of course you don't want to just uh have uh some type of architecture that's not in keeping with the downtown if I can say it like that commissioner uh no no wrong no no questions I don't know if that's good or bad just I am watching the Pioneer Park as well just okay any uh update on the Stonehouse yeah just just a little bit the uh The Rock House there with the the stake there behind City Hall my understanding is going to start getting in gear it has been slow to materialize I agree with you but uh I'm hearing they're going to start to get mobilized here I spoke with the owner yeah and um his issue is just been finding a contractor that that he can afford yeah to do the development that's what it's all been about he's moving forward it's just finding the right person that can do it for the right price is the plan still to renovate the existing structure or no the structure comes down but they're looking to use some of the stones and different things in the new architecture to represent the Stone House I you probably need to know the the the structure isn't historic those stones were brought in he's saving the stones right to put on the facade the house is riddled with termites it's not his considered historic well I just it's the uniqueness that I right and have the house there and the restaurant there would have been really cool the house if you take the stone off it like everything underneath it just falls off I think that uh yeah they want to keep the theme I Carlson went over and check it all out yeah you can talk to him and get more those those stones came from I believe Crystal River Crystal River river you want to represent that theme yes maybe it's not the the historical but certainly the uniqueness commissioner that you mentioned and kind of want to go ahead and have the ston and stuff in there what was really unfortunate is when they took the tree down but it was rotten I guess uh it was yeah we were all saddened by that I actually was out there with uh Craig Wilson it split right down the middle became a hazard lightning or something didn't it yeah became a hazard for the hanu but uh on the other aspect it's a funny situation you know all municipalities counties whatever have gotten a lot of arpol so trying to get a contractor and a consultant is just unbelievably more challenging than it ever has been I know we struggle even when we're trying to get a consultant it's like wow everybody's so busy so but anyway uh I think the rock house will be a nice addition a steak house would be great for downtown yep just one other question so the uh parking lot there next to the Scottish American society the me material building is there a ever going to be a plan where that gets paved over or is it going to remain that kind of crushed asphalt you know we did the millings here it's very functional uh you know we're waiting for a period of time we've done that a little bit in advance for the Gateway and of course the Gateway did not occur so it's something that we're going to look at in the future but there's some other needs within the CRA that we feel are a little bit more highlighted at the moment which is continuing with some streets get downtown you with some of the things but I think in the future the other thing that's nice about that it kind of fits a resiliency sustainability because the millings are poest the water can go through so there's some advantages there so uh from a sustainability a use and not seeing the Gateway happen it's something that we kind of deferred out into the future there we did just wrap it with some nice decorative fencing which is Scot am Society wanted to see and of course the building's been taken down it opened up the window there so I think it's been a real boost for everybody yeah I seem to recall that the the idea when it was essentially presented to to pave over that parking lot was kind of sequenced with the Gateway so we're kind of I mean you know we're living with it and it's working well it's functional and if I look at all the parking lots downtown we we have uh shell in a heavy heavy used area over there at the Gracie lot next to the ice cream shop we have a dirt parking lot at Scotland so to be honest with the millings are in a higher level than some of the other areas that we have downtown so it's something I think that we can look at toward the future as the Gateway develops thank you thank you um on the the goal page goal number three about the marina um and again I know this isn't you as a CRA right but what I want to be careful about especially if the county commission's going to read this we are working with forward pelis and visit St p clwater in the county to expand the fer service so I feel like we I feel like if they read the clearw ferry added a St in downtown done even 2019 continues today it's on demand it's not a regular scheduled service okay and so I kind of feel like if we could say something that we're working sure that that is an on demand service and we're working with the county and forward panelist and visit St P Clearwater to have a more scheduled service we can do that like it reminds you of the Jolly trol language yes and you could say similar to the you know what we worked out with jolly probably 12 years ago or whatever it was I just feel like we I just don't want them to think oh well they already have service what are they talking about you know cuz it is an on demand kind of a thing yeah we we'll uh yeah it definitely gets funded by we'll we'll edit that though the only the other thing too I was going to mention about that about the marina was cuz you know I was just reading what the go said about attracting that Corridor we host how many special events down there that draws people to the marina mhm right right so I thought that might be something and then I know the freebie is started last year and it's not through the CRA corre but but the freebie is taking people to that Marina yeah it just just remember it's ended September 30th so started out for that got I know mind no yep so I just those were the couple of things that I picked up that I thought were okay just important to mention I know that they're just Snippets of the bigger no uh we can edit it and I'm certainly glad that John picked up on the numbers there that parking will edit that also make sure that that number all right I think we all agree great job we're showing we're showing the county that we're doing what we're supposed to do yeah jeene did a great job with this as always thank you Genie okay and then finally we have uh the community redevelopment agency director's report Bob yeah of course not a lot to add because we went over the a lot of stuff the report but obviously we're continuing to work on Skinner okay there's some things that we're still trying to flesh out there uh Duke we're got a binding cost estimate now that came in lower which is great relative to the undergrounding so we're looking to get all those paperwork and administrator things type uh finalized and signed um we're starting to work on some of the design for the Downtown parking garage and we're also looking at phase two for design of streetscaping which would be on the uh south side of main street from where we stopped with uh GW salon by the trail going toward uh Broadway so we're working on that aspect which should so you know I think you've all heard me say it many times I'm a big believer in incrementalism and we're looking to do this incrementally over a period of time to update it uh Trevor coordinated we got some new picnic tables at the JN Lawrence Blinder Park which is kind of nice so people are out there now with the weather good having lunch so very happy with that and Trevor does a great job with the merchants and also just in making things happen downtown whether it's benches or it's trash recepticles whatever it is so I just want to throw out some kudos to travel there too and the Force main that's been on Virginia that's been through the utility engineering department uh they're going to finish up tomorrow so that's going to be a big relief for like Wild Iris and all those shops they're very happy about that so downtown's in good shape is that Force main is that why that big sort of looks like a pipe piece of a pipe is sitting in a parking spot on the corner of Douglas in Scotland is that part of that project probably I haven't seen it but probably because it is it you cannot see oncoming traffic coming it really is a visibility issue okay we'll uh we'll mention but if the job is going to be done tomorrow then I don't think that pipe should be still s seem like it's related usually there's two things with these contractors and and and Trevor can can talk to engineering tomorrow they get the job done and open but they don't always demobilize everything that's out there in the field so actually it's a good thing to know so especially if it's if you're on Scotland heading east yeah and you're at the corner of Scotland and Douglas you you cannot cross or take a left because you can't see the oncoming traffic unless you nose out and if it's during a Blue Jays game forget it you can't nose out we we'll make them aware because as I say it's a real problem sometimes they rush to another job and they don't take care of clean up the site so Trevor's on that he'll take care of that tomorrow thank you okay any question any any other question yes ma'am Vice may but just it's it's right in front of marinova where you're talking about cuz boy sure doesn't look like they're going to be done tomorrow they're going to be done tomorrow H Trevor that's what you were yeah it's a mess I drove by it today it's a complete mess it is and I kept yeah was that like was that an emergency thing or was it plan uh we were we were told it was emergency situation that because I can't imagine because I we course always try to do our things in summer yeah yeah tough to deal with the ring season um and then you know what's like the seed store what's going to happen with that I I just know that you know unfortunately the the the merchant there had some situations there and that it's closing and he's looking to release it to some other use okay and then the last thing is I noticed go ahead oh i s I ask me about Taco baby but I preed you I'm sorry no but I was going to ask you about the pond VA or whatever's the side of castina where it's got the big boarded up did they have a broken window or something cuz it that look she's Remodeling and opening is she remodeling okay that looks horrible right now so we'd like to we've been pushing her to get that open in conjunction with that streetcape cuz now it's no I know she's been working but I've never seen the big piece of plywood that's literally hu right it's a window I mean I didn't know I asked somebody today and they said somebody broke part of the window and that's why it was up because it really looks like it looks horrible I'm not aware Trevor will look into that tomorrow uh but she is remodeling as the mayor had mentioned so you know we'd like to see themes right because usually people just put brown paper in the window which is what she usually has done but this is different this is like looks like a deserted vacated you know well and we don't want that up there for a long period of time yeah agree agree that's why I just was asking about it so we'll look into that tomorrow anything else commission Tor no I'm I'm uh pleas pleasantly happy about this the obviously the this Force main is the uh storm before the C as opposed to this C before the storm but um I'm happy that that's a I was a bid by someone correct to cor complete that project so correct long as we can get it done as fast as we can absolutely you know a lot of different things downtown have just gotten older aging infrastructure so even when we look to do another phase of streetscape guess what we need to look at the sewer laterals and and water meters and things going these buildings they just gotten old you know some of the stuff is is was old cast iron type stuff so one last thing about the about the pavers that we have in the budget where where do they plan to where do you plan to have them go where are they going to be used which pavers that John the there's pavers in the budget oh oh this is what we're looking at for the second phase of streetcape correct so so we're looking to go from where we stopped there on the uh on the south side of Maine by the trail area to Broadway so it go across the blur uh and um go across you know chickaboom and all CR Bull and black pearl and and up to the chamber so but we are we are looking to uh take some other dollars and reallocate that you would see some type of budget but we originally have in there was not enough to do this project but we have the funds to do it and frankly this is what the county wants to see it's infrastructure type work you know that improves thank you yep question no ma'am no um any status updates on Ocean Optics no no no obviously purchased uh purchased by someone local but no there's no plans there's nothing we've been left with us uh the only thing that we've had very preliminary talk with him both city manager and myself he's just looking at some type of mixed use project that's all we have at this point in time can can we go back at him again I know it's been a little while a certain can call him and and ask him U he certainly hasn't been in any hurry and I will tell you that hotel project that we originally had was beautiful the look of it not talking about the mass size scale the last iteration right but the look of it with the stone in the brick it was stunning very dennes looking it was it was very nice architecture and and part of the reason I ask about it is because Douglas the street is looking bad there's a there's a pothole at Scotland and Douglas those poor little um what do you call it medians that's that have dirt and mulch in it with no plants you know part of that we were originally going to partner with the owner to get rid of those and it's all and I know with construction we don't want to spend a lot of money on Paving a road I get why it is where where it is but you know him taking his time is meaning that we can't take care of a common infrastructure project that we should be able to so I don't know if that helps your argument to him he probably doesn't care one way or another I I would say that's right saying yeah I would say that's right you know all these it's important for if nothing else oh yeah I mean all these developers are dealing with the same things High interest rates financing inflation hard to get contractors so um the other thing is is um I have noticed that on when whenever you're planning for the garage as you're doing the design plan the uh the sidewalk on Scotland that goes all the way to Broadway from Scotland to Broadway the one next to the garage there are so many people that walk on that sidewalk w i it looks very tiny and so in your plans you might want to consider trying to make it wider all the way down if you can because a lot of people are walking dogs they're going to they're going from their Park cars down to Broadway to Shops and and so it's becoming sort of a secondary thorough fair this is all stuff I'm just now seeing as you know and you know why cuz I park over there time down there are you a lot of time so I I'm again I'm not telling you what to do I'm just saying I'm I'm seeing it there's a lot of people walking on that and it's just a tiny little thing it's probably the normal size but yeah I think it's just sharing the info I I think it's just an old concrete sidewalk there that's got some undulation and things like that and uh when there's some more activity traffic there like a garage or other things yeah it certainly needs to be looked at I agree with so it doesn't have to be a fancy one it can still be just a normal concrete sidewalk but it just I it just looks like it needs to be wider okay um that's all I have um have a question sure don't mind uh Bob where do we how is our relationship ship with the institute for Creative Arts in that whole industrial and it's been a while since we talked about it and um yeah certainly uh no timely I have been talking with the city manager uh their lease is up uh September 30th of this year uh any notice would have to go to the owner Mr Davis three months before that um both Jennifer and I have had discussions with uh Dy F Fine Art Center uh we've had a little bit of discussion also with archangels um so we're trying to really figure where we have to go with this we've asked Arch Angels uh written to remember last time we came before the commission uh you asked for three things a succession plan a not for-profit status and to have some art activities there for promotion and at this point in time there is not not for profit uh they I think they're trying to put together a succession plan we have not seen it yet and we're certainly trying to see where the dun Fine Art Center wants to go so this is kind of a working project with the city manager and it certainly defer to Jennifer if I said something that is you got all On Target um but yeah this is on our mind I I will tell you um we continue to put a lot of funds into that property uh we did an air conditioning we just did a white vinyl fence there uh Mr Davis has been good working with us he gave us an easement that we needed to get some of those utilities underground not only on Skinner but a portion of Douglas uh but I think uh this will have to I don't want to speak for Jennifer but I think at some point in time has probably have to come back to you for some type of decision point and um what this commission would like to do well but we've already made it we made a decision we made a call the last time we did this didn't we so was two years ago um you made the we said that this was it yes okay I thought well the it the plan was um the succession plan was the important the critical point and that was how it is that that those you know those tasks if you will would be transferred into the dfac and um we have had conversations with the fac um and with uh Mr Coleman uh to that end and and so far we haven't seen he's also talking to Joe isn't he to I I I don't was involved in some conversations along the way I I I don't know where I remember that from well if I may add and this isn't meant to be in any type of uh formality sarcastic way but everyone goes and talks to Jo whether it's whether it's a theater whether it's art whether it's an office building whatever it is they talk to Jo so everybody tries to have contact with him doesn't necessarily mean that he's in line for something like that no but uh yeah the the commission had made that decision succession plan not for-profit status and looking for other locations well and isn't the lease going to be up any minute end of September SE September but there wasn't all right we're looking at you there was an option for a year if that was well I'm just say I'm looking there's an additional option for a year there is if the if if if the city so desired and the Fine Art Center well that's what makes this complicated you know let's not wait till the last minute well we've we've been talking to them since before since 2023 you know since December of last year so uh we did not wait till the last minute and um the um you the point is though that that it has to come back to all of you um they they want to continue they want to continue there that's what they're working toward um we need to see some some some progress as far as the you know other Avenues what events have they held they were supposed to hold they've had some different they had some different promotional type activities okay but we've never been part of any of it no but I think the most important part if if I may just interject with Jennifer is it was up to archangels to get with the dunen Fine Art Center yeah no I no I understand no I know they were looking to put us into this intermediary standpoint and really it was for them to get something and I think that's what Jennifer and I were trying to encourage them to at least look at and to do nothing has come to fruition at this point in time that I know of and there have been no events that that that have been Citywide events that that I've seen advertised or that we've been included in have you seen anything there have been some events on on that I've seen advertised on Facebook and that type of a thing I I mean has the city been notified by any of those no we had we had something last year I what I don't want is the last minute thing where they're coming I I mean I want us to know what their plan is well way ahead of time well mayor that's what we're trying to get to we've had them right now this has not got when it's I get it I agree it is on them I am not saying you guys have done anything wrong but if history serves as an indication to the Future what I'm saying is they will wait to the last minute if we're if if and then they'll say well we just want to have the one-ear option we haven't had time to do anything and we don't want to do anything and then social media takes a hold of it and we're the bad guys so I I want to know that's coming well before the last minute we've put them on notice okay Jennifer and I have met with the D Fine Art Center with the new Andrea the director we have met with Bill Coen we have done all these things it's up to them to put something together but no we don't want to come to you in the last minute and something know what I'm saying I'm not saying you've done anything in inappropriate it's just it's happened this way every single time and and so you have to change the way we approach it to make it happen differently that's all I'm trying to say and I don't I don't know what that means I don't know the answer no there's there's a tight deadline here it's already in place Mr Davis has to be noticed three months ahead of time so if it's September that means it's going to come somewhere in the July or really June and it's up to them to maybe we should notice now I don't know you see what I'm saying I'm leaving it to you I'm not going to try to solve it here well if I could I mean I think to the Dynamics are already starting a little bit I was in a I don't I don't even remember the I don't even remember the committee meeting where there was a misunderstanding that the city actually owned the property right and so y we were already kind of getting the finger point a little bit and I and I said we don't own the property and that's you know part of the issue we don't own the property and um and they like and they were like oh okay you know so again I think you guys are obviously doing the best you can well I I think how how involved do you want us to get you know do you I mean do you want me to spend time negotiating with the Fine Art Center neg actually no no that's not for me to say yeah that's not for me to say I you see where I'm what I'm saying though I got it I just that's a I just want to because yeah there has been social media fodder yeah I've seen it you know that that this and then I heard the the city is kicking them out yes you know and this is only going to get worse and so whatever we need to do yeah I already said it I don't need to say it 10times I understand you got it and I TR and I trust that you will do it right I have no doubt if I may um the yes I've been approached by number of members of the community with regards to exactly what the mayor is referencing and U um I do agree that there needs to be a decision sooner than later but at the same time we just need to make sure yep sorry we just need to make sure that um we have all of our ducks in a row when we do that because um this you know there's there's there's some things there's some misconceptions um as with regards to who owns the property um there's there's the the optic of what the what what you know they are providing in terms of the visual arts in denan that contribution aspect of it so um you know I think in terms of being proactive Vice reactive um we just need to make sure that we kind of go through the steps here of getting to that decision Point understand commission I I just no I just want you'll work it out with Jennifer I will I just want to make it clear we put them on notice where's the not for-profit where's a succession of plan yeah where's your dealings with the Dy Fine Arts so put on notice with and I'm I know I'm meeting with you guys next week on this very topic so I'm I'm kind of hesitant to really I I want to you know I want the I want the full breadth of kind of where we where we stand well and it's not that it's not that the people there can't stay there I mean they can stay there we're not kicking them out ex we're just not subsidizing a private business yeah yeah and I I that's the that's the thing yeah and I think I I'll tell you of all the points that i' I've heard up to this point that is positively probably the most clearest point with regards to on all sides of the of the equation here the city city subsidizing a private business is just not a sustainable or even smart thing to do um so oh we love them yeah and they we love what they do yeah and we love them to be there and we'd love them to be there we just can't use taxpayers dollars to subsidize it and that's really all it is it isn't about us not loving them and we want them to stay how we named it the Artisan district for this very reason you know so okay anything else from anybody all right uh there is nobody in the audience for me to ask for input from so we are [Music] adjourned