[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I see a lot of friendly faces in the audience um to our Thursday February 22nd regular City commission meeting we will call this meeting to order and if you are able please rise and join us for the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance Jennifer thank you let us begin this meeting by taking a brief moment of silence and reflect on the practices of understanding and Goodwill amen amen amen the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you Jennifer now we have some presentations our first presentation is the presentation of the new penelas County sheriff's office North District station Personnel for the city of denan Teresa good evening mayor vice mayor commission Teresa Smalling director of HR and risk management for the city as well as the city's liaison to the penel County Sheriff's Office uh you may remember a few weeks ago we uh came to introduce some new members of our Sheriff's Office Administration at the North District station and uh one of them Lieutenant Montgomery was unable to join so he's here tonight with Captain Jackson to say a few words come on down welcome good evening thank you for having us um so last month I introduced uh the one of our newest members uh Corporal wraak um to with us here today is Lieutenant Montgomery Lieutenant Montgomery and I have worked together since about 20 6 so we go back ways um he is no stranger to the city of Denon uh he is my right hand uh in the administration of our North District I'll let him tell you a little bit about himself welcome welcome how are you so uh I've been at the agency for 22 years uh last three years as a lieutenant seven years as a sergeant uh couple years as a Corporal um I was telling the good Captain here that this is the second time I've done this um I think you were back here in 16 or 17 Maybe been here since 06 okay long time a long time so um I had this unit as a sergeant I had Sergeant Green's position back in 16 so I've been in community policing for several years both as a deputy a Corporal Sergeant now I'm running the unit under his command here so I'm happy to be back happy to be back in a city of Eden and I appreciate it and nice to meet everybody well we're happy to have you and you know it's just really important especially our business owners and the various neighborhoods we they like to know our officers by name and face so we just enourage you to get out there and walk around and introduce yourself all right thank you welcome to thank you I'm sorry mayor was that you've been here since 2006 or 1906 okay no it has been a while good one Comm it feels like 1906 for sure go right ahead Rob I won't stop you okay okay uh now we have our Peace Day in Den Eden 2024 I will turn that over to commissioner walker uh thank you mayor can I get uh the rotarians to come up front and center everybody welcome thank you okay well a proud rotarian myself I'm I'm absolutely thrilled and honored to read this Peace Day in denan 2024 whereas the peace pole project initiated in 1955 by Japanese teacher poet and philosopher mahisa in the aftermath of World War II has become a global symbol of peace and whereas the profound message may peace Prevail on Earth which arose from a moment of inspiration for continues to resonate and Inspire in individuals across the world and whereas Rotary International with a steadfast commitment to promoting peace and goodwill throughout the world recognizes the importance of fostering understanding and unity among diverse communities and whereas Rotary International has designated the week of the anniversary of rotary's founding on February 23rd 1905 to be known as World understanding and peace week and whereas rotary clubs around the world will celebrate rotary service reflect upon past achievements and focus on programs of Peace understanding and goodwi and whereas denon's three rotary clubs the Rotary Club of denan denan North and denan Waterside in alignment with the ideals of Rotary International have collectively embraced the vision of a more peaceful world now therefore I Robert James Walker by virtue of the authority vested in Me by the mayor of the city of Denon Florida and on behalf of the entire city commission do hereby Proclaim February 23rd this year and every year is Peace Day in denan and command the rotary clubs of denen denan North and denan Waterside for their collaborative efforts that planted a peace pole at the denan community center in Highlander Park and their continued focus on peace understanding and goodwi let this Proclamation serve as a reminder to all residents to reflect upon the universal values of peace goodwi and understanding and to strive towards creating a more harmonious and compassionate [Applause] community thank you guys thank you oh she wants one more everybody okay James M anybody else from rotary want to come up for this picture thought you got away but you didn't here we go there you go all rotary come forward there you go she on only Sue Sue is the only boss let's a little repositioning here yes thank you commission all right I want to see all the faces it's still there okay all right excellent thank you thank you guys okay now we'll move on to Citizen input anyone wishing to speak on any topic that is not already on the agenda please feel free to come forward give us your name and address for the record and you'll have three minutes on the clock right up there come on down David what you got for us thank you mayor uh David Ballard gettis Jr I live on Georgia Avenue in Palm Harbor the Declaration of Independence states that mankind is more disposed to suffer while Evils are sufferable and as interpreted such Evil under such initial sufferance when in the course of human events is intent to impose its sufferage upon fellow Mankind in pursuit of its happiness assumed at a later date and time such Evil under such initial sufferance as declared seemingly has constituted itself as a peacetime ship of war in Article 1 Section 10 of our current Constitution so my question being does such evil declaring itself to be in such a state of sufferance as declared does this evil consider itself to be a prisoner of such War as constituted in Article 1 Section 10 under such pretention of such sufferance does the p flag flown at every Township have a duplicit or bifurcated meaning reflective of an evil claiming to be imprisoned a evil claiming to be a prisoner of war underneath our current constitutional framework as declared should that be the case as plausi and it very well may be the P flag seems to have a duplicit purpose and serves as a mockery of the men that have served and shed their blood for this nation thank you thank you David anyone else wish to come forward and speak to any item that's not already on the agenda okay we'll move on to our action items our second reading of ordinance 24-5 Historic Landmark design for 611 loud and Avenue Jennifer can you please read ordinance 2405 by title only yes ordinance 24-5 an ordinance of the city of Duneden Florida designating certain real property located at 611 lden Avenue Den Eden Florida 34698 d710 parcel number 34-28 d1520 412- 00- 0070 with designated meet in bounds and totaling approximately 62 acres and the residential structure there on as a local Historic Landmark and providing for an effective date that was ordinance 24-5 read by title only okay I had to remember what you said I had to make sure that I heard that but my brain was moving a little slower than I wanted it to okay um can I have a motion to to approve please so move second okay commissioner gaw and commissioner Walker Francis yes good evening mayor Commissioners I'm Francis Leong sharp planner 2 for the city of denan presenting this evening um for the second reading of the Historic Landmark designation uh at the location of 611 Lowden Avenue also known as the pe's home um I do want to share that this is a very momentous day um Fe 22nd happens to be uh Mrs Karen De gandia Stevens peebles's birthday so um it's a very very uh fortuitous timing that we are presenting the second reading of this ordinance um just to go over um the um presentation very quickly um since um many of you have heard this presentation last month um it was once um home to Frederick Thomas Peebles and Karine day gandas Stevens pebles um who had made significant um contributions uhoh it's not advancing um to the city in itself um just as a brief um overview in 1926 um Frederick Thomas Peebles uh founded Kerr and pees which is denon's Pion uh first um Law Firm as well as that he also served as the City attorney for denan um through a number of years um through that time from 1929 through 1939 and from 1946 to 1949 um in addition to that during World War II um he had served as the US naval Reserve um in the US naval Reserve as a lieutenant and Senior grade and received an honorable discharge as a lieutenant commander in 1945 and then um also he was involved with many development projects with Sam Kelner which another um once again an an interesting fact is that the street named Spalding Street and freder Lane were named after uh Frederick and karine's um um children excuse me and then Karine Peebles um she was heavily involved during during the second world war as well as chair of denon's Red Cross surgical Union um um rallying um women to support for National Defense efforts and one of the things that she had done is that she participated in the night watches from the tower at Edgewater Park um which I believe was known to be used to be the city's library and she was also the former president vice president and member of the Morton F Plant Hospital auxiliary foundation and she was also the head of people's Wallace Day School in Little Red Schoolhouse at the Bellview builtmore hotel and to know uh to get to know a little bit more about the home itself um the peoples had purchased the home back in March of 1930 um the style of the architecture is of the colonial revival architectural style um as evidence in this picture the senator Gable front a the front entry with the pediment support with columns and the cemeter that you see here with the windows um unfortunately we do not know um the architect or the builder of the home um but the home in itself was built in 1926 and then once again um the historic preservation advisory committee had recommended an approval for the designation on November 9th of 2023 as well well as the city commission had approved the first reading last month um once again um staff have recommended uh approval for the second and final reading of this ordinance and then um I guess I'll wait till the presentation of the plaque so I'll leave it there oh and we do have um freder pebles um present in our audience who is the owner and applicant of this uh so why don't you come on down and talk to us please good evening mayor and good evening mayor Commissioners staff um again I would like to thank Kevin and and um an for the extensive research Kevin got it started and and extensive research finding out not only about the house but about my parents and all the contributions they made to Don Eden from 1926 until their death in 20 in 198 2 and 89 respectively um I want to thank Vinnie for including my father and the history comes alive in the cemetery who knew this started out and saving the house and it's blossomed into a wonderful tribute to my dad and I am just I'm so thrilled thrilled thrilled about that as I said earlier or last time my father was a man of great integrity known as the humble and honest business man in town mother in her very quiet way of leadership did things spearheaded things and n Red Cross night watches um also volunteered even after I took the keys away from her our housekeeper would drive her out to Our Lady of Lords to spend one hour or two hours with bonue in the first grade class because she just had to work with the ones you know and she take her name and teach the lesson pees to EAS you know first vow is long second vow is s she had a teacher at heart always and again I'm just so honored you know not only for the house but more so that this is blossomed into something wonderful for my mother and dad so I thank you very much and we thank you for your willingness to do that with your property and preserve a little slice of den Eden so thank you for that yay for trying to keep it [Applause] running okay do we have any questions for um Francis all right this is a public hearing anyone wishing to come forward and speak to this item feel free to do so nothing from you Deb think okay gotcha all right um we'll come back to the maker of the motion commissioner gal you know if you look up the definition of community in the dictionary you would certainly see a picture of this moment in time on how we are represented or how we represent our community so it's just a wonderful night congratulations and commissioner Walker yes ma'am um the uh historical designation program that we have in place is um is is truly the foundation of this community um you know the the homes that we designate they are more than just a home in at any point in time they serve as a monument of passing history in this case almost a century um where the nation went through prohibition depression World War II to Korean conflict Vietnam and a whole host of other stuff over the last 100 years but most importantly to the community of denan it serves as a reminder of the growth and all of the attributes that make de Den needed what it is so I want to thank you again for for sharing your home with us I I just think this is absolutely wonderful and uh I applaud the efforts of the historical preservation advisory committee thank you thank you commissioner vice mayor yeah I mean this is a feel-good night right and um I just uh the need noise amazes me because I think what people want now in their life in this world um is connectivity and and the way that Denine just always kind of does that connecting the past to our future and being proud of it because it's so embedded in who we are and Frederica I think tonight just just shows that like that honoring of your parents honoring the house and how you've kept that alive but the community celebrates it with you so uh yeah I'm proud to be up here and celebrating this moment with you thank you vice mayor commissioner TGA thank you mayor um I think that this is a family that really made a difference here in Den Eden I'm just really happy that we had this chance to celebrate this I just love the history history of course of of of our community and particularly during this time period and somebody gave so much um just really incredible so really happy to celebrate this this evening congratulations thank you commissioner Toro um I Echo everything that everyone else has said but I'm just really proud of the camaraderie that has occurred with that little group right there and Beyond um you know you've all made new friends or reconnected with old friends um as some of my colleagues mentioned uh really making the connectivity and preserving your your home and your family's home and your family's history I think is important but in a day and age where you know Florida has a lot of people floating in and out of here from far away places especially in Last 5 Years and since Co right we always have those new people coming in and telling us how stupid we are for what we do and how we do it um and so I think that this proves that we value the history of this community um we value who we are as as a people and um you might think we're overdeveloping but we're preserving a slice of history at the same time and um it's all about having a balanced community and we thank you very much for your willingness to go through all of this effort and time yeah I I know Miss research Hound back there um she does a great job and Kevin geez Kevin how many properties have you revised revitalized I mean like seven something like seven seven yeah um so we've got a great little group in our community of course we have our his our historical preservation Guru and and uh former vice mayor Deborah Kines who's now chair of our historic preservation committee which is exactly where you should be um so I'm very very very proud of all the steps that you all have taken so let's do a roll call vote commissioner torga hi vice mayor fry hi commissioner Walker hi commissioner gal I mayor Bowski I that motion passes unanimously [Applause] so we have Deborah Kines uh the chair of our uh historic preservation advisor committee to present the plaque come back up thank you so much but I would love an and Kevin and I'm not real good at that come on Kevin Kevin we want you to come up we're asking doesn't matter he do care he's an equal he's an equal opportunity offender anyway so proud to to uh present this to re and don't you know that her mom and dad are smiling down from up there saying on her mother's birthday happy birthday Mom Happy Birthday Mom we get to present this for her beautiful home and years and years of history and service to our city of Ben [Applause] [Applause] yeah very good [Applause] yeah come on up you get to stand right in front come on Deb come on Ann an she'll take the picture come on I saw that the tall one and the short people all right yay I know I love it dab I love your sweatshirt there I don't think I've ever seen you wear one that's a new look for you girl in retirement I didn't think so yeah I saw that of course it has to be unique right of course all right you guys don't have to hang around if you don't want to I got to assume you're going to go out for drinks now Deb you guys can get out now if you want no I'm teasing you can stay if you want to I just I just feel like you guys are going to go out and have a cocktail you don't need us anymore all right enjoy your evening okay we now have the second reading of ordinance 2401 amending yeah section something chapter 78 of the city code of ordinance allow allowing for franchise utility providers with facilities located within City rights of way to not be subjected to an annual gen General permit requirement set forth therein Jennifer would you please read that ordinance 2401 by title only I couldn't get through it ordinance 2401 an ordinance of the city of denen Florida amending section 78- 515 of article 10 chapter 78 of the city's code of ordinances to provide that utility providers possessing a franchise from the city for use and occupation of city city rights of way shall not be subject to the annual General permit requirement set forth therein providing for severability providing for codification and providing for an effective dat that was ordinance 241 read by title only thank you can I have a motion to approve second vice mayor frainy commissioner Toro okay Jorge good evening mayor vice mayor Commissioners um I'm here with Chris row with bmo's Tallahassee office uh Chris CH Chris actually uh drafted uh this ordinance um and the amendment as um the City attorney mentioned is uh a precursor to the next item that you'll have um for consideration which has to do with um franchise utility holders within the city and um it's something that came up during the franchise uh agreement negotiations with with Duke um with respect to an annual General permit requirements that other utilities that work within our RightWay are required to abide by um but franchise utility holders already have those requirements embedded in the franchise utility itself so um the reason that this could not be addressed in the Duke franchise agreement utility um ordinances because it also impacts other franchise holders in this case clearw gas as well so this is um a requirement in order to move forward with the second raing of the franchise utility uh ordinance for Duke but it also impacts Clearwater gas so it amends our code of ordinances uh in order to remove that requirement okay any questions for Jorge or uh Chris questions okay this is a public hearing anybody wishing to come forward please feel free to do so seeing or hearing none we'll come back to the maker of the motion vice mayor frany any final comments uh no commissioner TWA final comments I have nothing gentlemen no no me neither roll call vote please commissioner gal hi commissioner Walker hi Comm TGA I vice mayor frainy I mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimously thank you Jorge thank you Chris all right we're on the second reading of ordinance 2402 granting Duke Energy an electric an electric utility franchise agreement allowing for occupancy of City rights ofo for the purpose of providing electric services within the city of denon's jurisdictional limits Jennifer would you please read ordinance 2402 by title only ordinance 2402 an ordinance granted to Duke Energy Florida LLC doing business as Duke Energy and Electric utilities rights right rights of way utilization franchise prescribing the terms and conditions related to the occupancy of Municipal streets and rights of way in the city of deden Florida providing for I'm I'm sorry for the purpose of providing electric service providing for cability of provisions and providing an effective date that was ordinance 2402 read by title only okay uh can I have a motion to approve so moved vice mayor frany second and commissioner Walker Jorge this is second reading so it can be you know limited brief and Brilliant thank you we that thing is going to go on forever Jennifer so uh yes mayor so uh as you know we came before you on January 25th with the first reading this is the um ordinance uh 2402 which is the Duke franchise agreement renewal um as um was discussed during the first reading um this um has gone on for quite some time we've been negotiating I'd say for about two and a half years um as a point of uh recap the um most recent um franchise ordinance was adopted um on July of uh 2012 uh that was ordinance 123 32 with Florida Power then doing business as progress energy that ordinance had a 10-year term with an option for renewal of a a secondary 10year term prior to that there was ordinance uh 0145 back in December of 2001 uh that was with Florida Power Corp also a 10-year term with a 10-year renewal option the one deviation of with this franchise agreement ordinance renewal is it has that initial 10-year term but then we have two subsequent 5-year uh renewal options embedded in that um I won't go over everything that we discussed during the first um reading the the only thing I I would like to highlight are those things that were brought up during the first reading that were of concern uh the two major items uh that were discussed uh during the first reading uh were concerns that had to do with Aesthetics or visual blight for any equipment that Duke might place within the rideway um and the second one had um it was an inquiry Rel related to a termination of the franchise agreement should uh there be a potential sale or merger of Duke's assets of the utility system so um I'll point out that in in your attachments uh to this agenda item uh specifically uh attachments C2 and uh D address those particular concerns um there if you look on page seven of C2 it's um C2 and C1 are identical the only difference being C to has a red line uh of those edits that were made between now and the first reading to the memorandum of understanding uh that is um as I mentioned attachment C2 uh that addresses those concerns regarding visual blight and then attachment d uh speaks to uh the reasoning and the justification that the Duke provided as to concerns uh related to the merger uh inquiry that was made during the first reading um there was also an inquiry I Believe by uh commissioner gal during the first reading um that asked uh how we compared overhead versus um undergrounding in the city of den Eden and uh in that attachment D there's a response provided by Duke but I I'll just summarize it briefly they they have about 26.2% of overhead primary which results in about 110 mies of uh overhead within the city's boundaries um they have uh about 25% or 10 7 miles let's say of secondary overhead and then with respect to undergrounding they have uh about 25.1% uh underground primary which is about5 Miles and uh they have underground secondary about 23.2% so it's about a 50/50 split between underground versus overhead and I just wanted to highlight that because that was one of the comments that was raised during the first reading so again Chris row is here who uh did a lot of the heavy lifting with me uh in the negotiations with Duke and I will point out to my duke colleagues to the left I don't know if you noticed but he popped the uh the snap on the revolver when when you came up so just keep that in mind as you present and with that I'll defer to Duke uh Chris did you have anything you wanted to add no mayor I did not that was an excellent summm thank thank you I'll turn it over to Duke Energy anything you wanted to add for a second reading well know we just are you know very pleased that although this took you know more time than any of us would have liked we are certainly pleased that we've been able to uh come together better understand each other uh work together more closely understand your needs better uh one of the things that I would like to highlight I know that you know you are all um very focused on renewable energy and things of that nature would just like to add that just since our first reading Duke has you know we have a proposal now before the Florida sub Florida Public Service Commission or we will as of April the 2D to increase you our solar presence in the state by 1,50 uh megawatts and to put put that in perspective that's it's about five acres per megawatt of solar so you're looking at uh you know well over 5,000 Acres of solar pan chanels uh so I know that that is an important criteria for you to help you meet your uh sustainability goals and we look forward to working with you uh on on helping you reach those goals okay anything else from you uh I'll just say that um just want to share my appreciation working with Jorge with Chris and uh Vice May fry uh challenged us all the way through this process and hopefully uh well I know she did she but she uh felt she really represented the city well and uh appreciate the opportunity hopefully we approve that um we met that challenge thank you very much um so are liais on uh to this process somebody that's known our electric system for a long time any other things you wanted to add before we open it up to the public and then questions from our colleagues yeah I'm sorry I'm going to be that person we got an early meeting so I'm just going to reate we had already a couple things um you know when we started 3 years ago it was rough um we had come off some storms that you know Duke hadn't performed well in there were some really chronic areas that were just you know big problems um and I think um I was thinking today like what's the number one thing that got achieved in the three years and I think a lot got achieved but probably number one was you know I look at you Chris I look at you um Jeff I look at I look at Mike and I'm like uh you know shann and and and some of the people out there um you know there was a consistency through the process of trust uh we built trust we went from an explosive explosive first meeting to building trust and and a lot of trust has been gained up to this but again I'm just going to reiterate um as represented you know representing the commission again um as the lays on you know the the different things we focused on number one was reliability and I would Reit at again that the the report the energy report that got done um really two years ago um which was hard to get to because everything you usually get out of Duke is massive and big and you know just all the cities are combined and you don't know what's going on with denen and and and you guys produced a great document and focused on on a lot of things about feeder improvements um and these are things that have happened over the last 3 years improvements to the denan substation addressing The Chronic areas were 84% self healing lines now obviously storm resiliency and Improvement our climate goals which Jeff you reiterated those are really important to us our decorative Street lighting we've got 270 LED lights and new poles going to be put in they still don't have plants hanging on them I I know well we yeah we'll continue to talk about it I did think about that later and I thought you know we probably should at least make sure we look at all the factors there I think we tried but we'll we'll we continue to talk about it and I think the another big thing that you guys have done and I really really appreciate and it got brought up by fellow Commissioners last time is you know you've kind of re-engaged in some of our community initiatives which businesses do right and I think that that had lost some Focus too and and you guys are all over it and I we so appreciate that um as far as the two things that I brought up um last time that I thought could be improved on the one was the visual blight so that whether it's in our neighborhoods or or whether it's by City facilities uh we put a lot of money in being beautiful and and you did strengthen language in theou which very appreciated and um and on the termination Clause issue um yeah I mean I read everything very thorough um but um no I I think um you know there's pros and cons of that and maybe you know maybe there's even a little bit more cons that that if it that if you did have somebody buy you out you know at least we've got the security of of an agreement that we've that we've formed and um and they have to live up to that until we come up to our next agreement and since the Agreements are 10 years 5 years 5 years you know there's not that much time in between like there used to be with 30-year agreements so um I just uh I do I do want to share my appreciation for um Jorge uh for Chris uh Chris on our side um Chris Jeff Mike Kimberly right yeah and um and and then a special shout out to Shannon I gave Mike all the credit for being there for the mobile home park in the tornado last time but Shannon was actually the first guy that I was on the the call with so uh so you tell him I said so I was hoping he'd be here today but anyway bottom line I I think A lot's been accomplished and uh I hope the commission feels good as well and uh and again to me it's all about reliability people want everything to work when it needs to work and during storms and and and we've seen the efforts that have been put in here and I've made the calls for people that would call me all the time and they're they're impressed with the improvements that have been made so let's just keep it up okay are there any questions then from uh Jorge the Duke team Chris or liazon vice mayor fry all right this is a public hearing anyone wishing to come forward and speak to this item come on down David a quick question please again David Ballard gettis Jr I live on Georgia Avenue in Palm Harbor I remember in fifth grade I had this little wristwatch that was solar powered I thought I was the coolest kid you know cheating in math class because it had a little calculator built in on it you know and giving away all your secrets my question being with solar technology being built into a wristwatch that had a calculator built in on on it why has solar technology been suppressed for that was 50 years ago now you're showing your age we should and mine I said you're showing your age and mine I know we went to school together so sorry go ahead the the industry H is displaying a a deliberate delay here in solar technology in my mind um rooftops should have already been laminated with roll roofing of a solar panel we should have had some of this deployed as as pilot programs uh I don't believe that putting solar Fields out in undeveloped areas is ecologically uh friendly to uh go for tortoises and other you know habitats that don't need to be disrupted for this solar technology when our rooftops and a roll roofing solar technology where the homeowner can be somewhat self-sufficient of his own electricity um and I think the industry deliberately delaying on these measures is serving itself um rather than serving the public um or are the residents um I I I think it's time we need to start looking at this in a serious way um and uh thank you again for letting me thank you David appreciate it um I will say that uh just last Tuesday we were talking about doing um a solar analysis on 16 City buildings um to see which buildings we can retrofit and in what order either pre- new roof or post waiting for a new roof those kind of things um the city's committed to do that we also have a solar grant funding for residential um properties uh I think it's up to is 75,000 now 75 something to that effect um so we're you know I can tell you government can't control what people do as far as technology but we're taking it very seriously um but appreciate your comments I'm sure our sustainability coordinator is going to appreciate them too okay anybody else wish to come forward and speak to this item all right I'm going to come back back to the maker of the motion commissioner vice mayor frany kind of given all your comments right I've given all my comments so I'll just say thanks again and look forward to working more together commissioner Walker anything no F coms commissioner gal thank you mayor yeah David if you remember there were actually solar panels on the White House in the 70s so we we we've tried to make progress uh but take a step back two steps forward one step back but we're we're getting better listen I really do need to thank uh Duke I need to thank Jorge and certainly vice mayor Frey um you guys have worked hard and it's greatly appreciated I know that we stand before our residents constantly and we talk about infrastructure and the importance of uh the idea that their toilets flush and when they turn on that the tap in their kitchen that the water flows and when they turn on their lights they get electricity now the city directly controls water Wastewater uh but our commitment to the residents uh with electricity comes to the franchise agreement and so it's important that we manage that franchise agreement uh seriously and with purpose with our residents in mind and we have have done that um I I just I want to challenge Duke and even want to challenge the city that I think undergrounding is important to the resident and it also has a positive impact on our electricity providers uh if we can underground and there's never going to be a Magic Bullet but it it gets us closer and anything that we can do to help uh with uh mediation and and uh protecting ourselves against hurricanes and storm surge and storms we should do that and I can't sit here and tell you that I know the details of the cost for Duke to Underground out I I can't imagine that um but I do challenge you to look for that cuz it at at the price we're charging for Skinner uh in in my mind I it it's almost cost prohibitive to do it anywhere else and so as partners we need to try and figure that problem out because we do need to move forward in that but as far as the franchise agreement itself is concerned uh thank you all for sitting down thank you for being at the table again Jorge thank you vice mayor thank you um and U let's move forward thank you thank you commissioner TWA I have nothing further thank you okay um well I want to thank everybody as uh especially vice mayor because I definitely couldn't been the one sitting at the table everybody knows why um mayor if I may I'd like to take an opportunity again and thank Chris row with and Tallahasse was intergral and helping me through this uh process and um and I'd like to thank uh Chris and and Jeff and Mike and Kimberly and Shannon and all the others I mean I think just the relationships as the vice mayor indicated that we've developed and fostered are critical thank you um I just remember the seventh day of being out of electricity in Irma and didn't know Jeff was our person or maybe I did and I didn't know how to get a hold of you at that time this is in 2017 couldn't get a hold of the other person out who remain nameless um because all the lines were down because there were no electricity and uh took to social media and within 45 minutes I got a text from him I remember memory prob it was not a pleasant exchange um and it really wasn't about me being without electricity it was about you know during herma was just the so social media blitz that none of us could really explain to our residents and it it kind of started with there and then uh Jennifer and I went up to Tallahassee to to rake all electric companies over the coals about not having undergrounding um yeah it was a it was an interesting time so we started working on this and knowing by sme's background with the previous electric audit equipment audit that we you had been a part of I was like and a better temperament was like yep she's the one I do have all their cell phones now I know start changing your numbers now I have je that's all I need I only need Jeffs um but yeah it was a rocky that started in 2017 and we're in 2024 so we've come a long way baby have um so I do thank all of you um for your part in this I know it was long for you Jorge um and thank you Jennifer because I don't even you weren't even barely in your job when Irma you weren't in your job was like like yeah six days nine days yeah nine days and and then it all all started so it's kind of funny that the culmination of this is T you know how many years later I feel a little nostalgic yeah just a little bit little very little you still had you still had your old car that we drove in that should make you really nostalgic I'm very anyway thanks for all the hard work appreciate it greatly roll call vote please commissioner TGA hi commissioner gal I commissioner Walker hi vice mayor frainy I mayor Bowski I and that motion passes unanimous ly now you guys don't have to stick around anymore either so can we you let them go have drink so can we do go go y hither yeah you guys are good apprciate thank you all right and then the final thing is the proposed agenda for March 7th Rebecca you I'm told you have an item to add yes mayor thank you um I was asked to add uh a resolution to adopt to the National Institute of Standards and Technology framework as required by Florida section 28231 185 local government cyber Security Act and so that will go on um as a resolution for that March 7th um who's that for who's asking for that the IT department gotcha Okie do so we'll add that anything else from anybody okay um so move no no I need a okay so commissioner gal sorry it took me a minute second okay VI May fr8 favor signify by saying I I I any any opposed motion um passes unanimously anything on informational items besides the fact that we have spring training excuse me God bless you starting on uh and we have opening day of little league and and opening day of spring training all on the same day yep big day big day okay guys play ball yeah play ball we are Jed celebrate the franchise [Music] we