[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] new MERS and can everyone thank you I always forget fortunately there's always somebody here to remind me all right the April 10 meeting of the local planning agency of the city of den Eden will now come to order the local planning agency is an Advisory Board of the citizens of the city of of the citizens appointed by the city commission once I'll get through this with just super smoothly no errors that's aspirational this board is comprised of volunteers who represent the thoughts and concerns of the community the purpose of tonight's meeting is to make recommendations to the city commission regarding each item on the agenda tonight we will be conducting public hearings therefore this meeting is open to the public anyone in the audience who wishes to give testimony to any items on the agenda will need to be sworn in by the deputy city clerk this wearing in process will occur after tonight's first agenda item which will be the approval of the minutes from the last local planning a agency meeting Please be aware that the local planning agency is not a quasi judicial board and therefore has no final decisionmaking power our procedures however are structured in a in a quasi judicial manner for the benefit of those who come before it tonight's format will be as follows I will introduce each item on the agenda after which the city representative will present information about it thereafter the members of the local planting agency will respond to the city representative finally anyone from the public may come forward those from the public wishing to give testimony will approach the desas identify themselves then utilize the speaker Lector in order for their comments to be recorded upon the conclusion of each public hearing the local planning agency will consider the evidence before it and will vote on the agenda item that Voice vote is the rendition of the order of the board and there will be no written decision issued by the board the first item on tonight's agenda is approval of the March 13 2024 LPA minutes are there any corrections additions or deletions to the minutes no I'll make a motion I'll second it you make a motion to do what make a motion oh you made the motion yeah I said I have no questions okay so you're making a motion to approve the minutes thank you and I second the motion to approve the minutes it has been moved and seconded to accept the minutes as submitted all in flavor signify by saying I I those opposed by the same sign the minute standard approved as submitted are there any items on the agenda that have been pulled from discussion this evening no thank you the clerk will now swear in any persons wishing to speak or give testimony to any of tonight's agenda items do you swear the testimony you're about this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you super I guess we go to our first agenda item which is this is one of the more complicated ones the ordinance 24-9 is that correct amending sections 103-114 [Applause] 7.2 has anyone on this board had any experte communication regarding this item no no thank you staff it's your turn good evening I'm Joseph deasa on behalf of the Community Development Department and um so I'd like to cover the background um of this ordinance and what the really the intent is is a quite a simple change to our existing uh short-term vacation rental regulations that we have here in the city um back in November the city commission with staff presented a overall uh program summary a presentation to the city Commission on our short-term vacation runal program and overall the program is working well and and um I think the presentation was recept was received um with uh widespread support however there's two things that came out of that where the city commission asked that staff take uh some initiatives to change the ordinance accordingly and so the that's what this ordinance does this evening so really uh they directed staff to do two things which the first was to change the fee for the registration this is an annual registration we collect currently we collect it at $200 per property so if you had multiple units on the property you would still pay the $200 per property or per parcel and we're proposing the change that the Comm City commission supports and we are proposing a change to $200 per unit annually and so the other part that they asked that we put in and codify it in our Land Development code was to have a unique U registration number from the city of denan associated with the short-term vacational rental registration and that has been codified as well and to take that a step further we do have a new online permitting program and as a result each one of these will be issued a you know obviously a a unique number and um the fee will be collected if it's revised you know when this goes into effect and then they'll get that unique number and they would share that with their online postings through websites such as Airbnb VRBO and at booking.com where they've listed it we're going to be we're going to require that they post that Unique city of Denon number so anybody looking at that would hope that they would know that this is a legally registered unit here in the city so that is really the changes to the ordinance there were another there are a handful of housekeeping items just to bring the the agenda excuse me the ordinance to date but other than that those are really the two prime objectives of ordinance 249 so with that I'll be glad to answer any questions the uh LPA may have I just want to clarify I thought a big part of it was that you have responsible person isn't that big part of it that you yeah that's that's oh you heard me um so I thought that was a part of it it is it is and that has not changed yet so when when when any application that's a great question so when any person does apply today or moving forward they would list a um essentially a responsible party who can be contacted basically 24/7 so that's a requirement now and it will continue to be a requirement you know I had one question you have two hours though you can live half far away and then you you've got to respond or be there within two hours if someone calls you is that what the deal I that part hasn't changed so whatever's in there I honestly did not so basically I'm going to greatest than 25 miles 25 miles but you said it I thought it said somewhere that you had up to how long to respond two two hours where did I get that I didn't see that well I guess I was dreaming again could it is in the ordinance section smoking something um it's section five of the ordinance what you're referring to it is part of it I thought it was part part of it but I wondered how they arrived at how long it took you to actually get there and respond I mean 25 miles is not a lot unless you're in Tampa Bay MH you know I mean I had an experience with a bed and breakfast we called them and she said I'm an hour away you know so you can sit there I mean I'm just it's just a question can we clarify if there is or is not a timel limit so I I don't have the entire ordinance the entire section the ordinance is just the areas that are modified um so there's a section here it talks about the responsible party required but it it may not have the entire section because again that was not that was not addressed that was not advertised as part of this ordinance oh that's fine so I can't I can't sitting here today I can't tell you exactly what it says I just don't recall Verbatim what it says but that part has already been considered and is done you you're just worried about the registration price per unit and that's it right and the unique number that needs to be part of the advertisement the certification that they've registered okay thank you any other questions so with the the unique ID that they're going to have and and the the requirement for registration is that going to be posted anywhere by the city so and I'm more thinking about our own residents that if they want to take a a local station that they'd easily be able to find and support our local uh bed and breakfast sure yeah so our um our the online permitting that we we uh we went live February 27th of this year they would be able to look it up uh by simply by address by name of any contact on it um or if they knew the exact number of the unit that number number that's been identified to the registration it would be available by a search through our What's called the uh citizen self-service portal so it' be available 247 online so I guess my question then is too so if I could I search just by BNB airbnbs or short-term rentals what what could give me a listing of everybody without knowing an a specific address or same portal okay yeah you can actually you'd be able to search that portal for any any short-term vacation rental any listing of them if you knew the address or if you didn't if you knew a keyword you can put in a street name it's going to give you results um so you could probably go there with very little knowledge of it you'd probably have to know the street name maybe maybe that would help but uh you'd be able to find it pretty easily we we don't have hundreds upon hundreds of well and that was one of my other questions how many do we have and then how many do we expect to have those individual ID numbers for once we register the the multiples so at the moment we have I believe 82 properties that are actually have short-term vacation rentals the number of units in total I couldn't tell you most properties are are singles but there are probably let's say maybe 25% of those that are going to be more than one so the number is probably going to grow between maybe one and a qu and one maybe 125 and 150 of total units rented on of course less number of properties but but that's just that's really just kind of a little bit of a guess yeah but our goal would be once the if this adop this ordinance is recommended this evening and then ultimately is codified by the City Commissioner after first and second reading is we would have to we would we're going to have all this updated by the time our renewals are mailed which happened in roughly in August mid August where we' let people know that the ordinance has changed and now you would owe if it's one unit you'd ow 200 if it's two units you'd own 400 and so on so um we're we're hopeful that this gets adopted we'll have time to do that and really have a clean record by September 30th when the New Year's cycle okay flips and say you had three of those rentals would that still be one business tax receipt correct okay thank you Joseph what happens if they fail to comply so absent a registration you could they could be cited um under our Under Our Land Development code take it to the code enforcement board okay also civil citations as well are an option so um the the normal code enforcement action or per perhaps a civil citation okay so same as what we're doing for uh illegal short-term rentals basically correct yeah and in fact that's what we do we we identify the ones that are illegal and tell them you need to stop and then we identify the ones that are allowed to do it and let them make sure that they understand they need a BTR as Mr St stanic said and the registration thank you you're welcome anybody else it really doesn't have to do with tonight but are we still policing that you know trying to actively locate yes uh ones that are not registered yes we have a a software program that we monitor on a pretty regular basis try to identify new ones that that either pop up that are again are either prohibited or if they're allowed that they become legal they they do whatever is necessary to become legal yeah thank you that's an ongoing effort anybody else we are open for a public in input does anybody want to speak speak to this issue hearing none we will move on do we have a motion uh I make a motion we approve the changes to ordinance 24-9 as recommended second all in favor say I I I I motion is passed that was very professional it's so easy when it's easy all right let's move on to application a nlu p- zo 24-1 30 1304 New York Avenue uh good evening again again Joseph toas with Community Development uh this is an item for voluntary annexation I'm going to turn the uh the presentation over Kevin ner to Kevin nerger one of our planners he's going to do the uh PowerPoint presentation for you and certainly he'll be available as well as I to answer any questions when he's complete good evening Kevin ner planner one um this application is Lup zo2 4-01 for the property located at 1304 New York Avenue uh the applicant owner Philip poov and La lauan poov wish to voluntarily Annex the property into the city of den Eden the property is currently in pelis County it has a zoning designation of one two and three family residential district R4 and a futur land use designation of residential Urban this application consists of three concurrent ordinances ordinances ordinance 24-6 for annexation of the 0.14 acre property into the city of dedan ordinance 24-7 will designate the property as a residential Urban on the city's future land use map following the annexation in ordinance 24-8 designates the property as a single family residential r6d zoning District following the annexation this voluntary annexation involv olves one parcel of land and is occupied by a single family residence the residence has been under construction and while under construction the Department of Health determined the septic tank needed to be removed is now necessary for the property to be connected to the city of sewer system the owner requested uh the owner requested sanitary sewer service from the city in order to serve the home as a condition of providing the service the property owner was directed by staff to apply for voluntary annexation into the city of denan the property is located within the denan planning area and is contiguous with the city limits on all sides therefore annexation is required this property is located in a cluster of approximately 13 properties along bass Boulevard and New York Avenue that are not under the jurisdiction of the city of denan however the surrounding properties that are in the city have a future use designation of residential Urban which is for single family use uh the land use designation of residential Urban allows for 7.5 dwelling units per acre which is consistent with the surrounding properties and the current use of the subject property the current land area of the property is about 6,098 Square ft which allows for one dwelling it per acre so it's consistent with the future landage designation uh the property is contiguous to to Zone properties within the city limits the property to the north is zoned r60 and the property to the South is zoned MF 7.5 the existing land use is a single family home and the lot depth is greater than 100 square ft of 100 ft and its land area is greater than 6,000 square ft but less than 7,500 Square ft this is consistent with the single family residential 6 r60 zoning District rather than the zoning District of R 7.5 the width of the lot is 50 ft wide this is non-conforming as the minimum interior lot width is 60 ft however the property consists of two previously 24 foot ploted lots of record so the lot width is considered legally non-conforming and permissible the minimum required front setback of 25 ft and the side setbacks of 7.5 ft and a rear setback of 20 ft to the principal building meet or exceed the development standard s oops after today the amendment will be on the city commission agenda for May 2nd 2024 after the first reading of the ordinances by the city commission the land use plan Amendment will be submitted to forward panels for review and approval by penel County as the countywide planning Authority as a tier one Amendment finally all three ordinances will be brought back to the city C uh City commission for a final reading on June 6 2024 staff recommends approval of the application a NL zo 24-1 and the following ordinances ordinance 24- 06 for annexation of the subject property into the city of denen ordinance 24-7 to designate the property as residential Urban on the city's future land use map and ordinance 24-8 to designate this uh subject property as a single family residential R6 the zoning District following the annexation available for any questions that's it there questions for the staff pretty straightforward now we have a uh presentation from Philip and Lan poov ah Come forward um so my name is Callie Alonzo I'm handling the permitting in this whole cycle I think you need to be sworn in yeah okay please raise your right hand do you swear the testimony you were about to give in this proceeding is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes and can you state your full name and home address for the record please yeah it's Cali Alonzo I'm 1457 Temple Street thank you clear water um so I'm just handling the uh this whole paperwork for the cycle so I'm come here instead of them since they're out of town and as you heard from them it's pretty straightforward they were going to do a project the septic tank was not acceptable and so when I called pelis County they said because of how things are they couldn't put a new one in they had to be annexed into dun Eden so here we are thank you yeah questions from anyone you are really being easy tonight that's great all right uh public input thank you thank you anyone from the public have anything they want to add hearing none we will close public input is there a motion from the board here now we're going to break this into three motions for each of the three are and that's exactly what we're going to do do we need to specify the the Lup Z appliation or can we just in the motion specify the specific ordinance no or correct me if I'm wrong but I have that you are recommend if you are recommending approval it would be approval of annexation ordinance 246 the second one would be approval of land use ordinance 247 the third would be approval of zoning ordinance 248 that language is good so let's do 2406 first is there a motion yes I'd like to recommend approval I second thank you all in favor I I all opposed hearing none the motion is passed let's do ordinance 247 do we hear anybody have a motion I'd like to motion that we accept ordance land use 2407 I'll second it all in favor I all oppose hearing none the ordinance is passed let's deal with ordinance 248 I make a motion we approve ordinance 248 is there a second second for zoning Zoning for r60 yes okay all in favor I I any opposed the motion has passed I think we've done everything we need to do for this yes super any comments from uh board members about anything hearing none just a comment nicely John uh job by the staff made it really easy thank you yeah super then this meeting is adjourned thank you [Music] you