a I said I said for e e de in 2012 2013 then they realized their mistakes so I'm back alive in 2014 contacted them they said okay you're alive in 2012 but I'm still dead in 2013 board 2012 but I'm still acre interest and penalties and they won't fix so I hope so yeah but I don't get uh tax refunds because of it because I'm deceased think government wonderful I'm sorry I'm encroaching that that I had to call um I couldn't hear you you weren't using your uh mic I was though I will make sure I speak more projected more loudly maybe it just wasn't close enough she finally C down hi Sue okay right May are we good on Ryan's then we good Ryan yeah we're good to go we're good to go okay is this thing on good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the denel Bur council meeting uh 7 PM April 15 2024 the first uh item on the agenda is a call to order and Pledge of Allegiance so please rise for the pledge the United States of America stand indivisible and jusice for all item number two on the agenda is a reading of the sunshine statement and roll call by our municipal clerk Mrs Laurence Statz this meeting of the denell and bur council is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of April 15 2024 was included in a list of meetings that was advertised on The Courier on January 8 2024 and as the teleconference was noticed on the official denel website on April 10th 2024 and on the public bulletin board on North Avenue on April 10th 2024 and has remained continuously posted as required notice under the state statute mayor sento pres council president Albertson here Mrs Lance here Mrs Rios here Mr Sigman here and Mr vanderark noted absent item number three on the agenda is uh resolution 124 to nominate a candidate to replace Joseph Paul John and the dellan Bur councel uh so I'm just going to read the resolution out and then I will ask for a nomination a second and we'll take a roll call if there's not sufficient votes we'll go and ask for another nomination second you get the callone uh so whoever wins by the name as by majority vote is GNA spill a seat so resolution number 124 resolution to nominate a candidate to replace Joseph Paul John on the denbo council whereas Joseph Paul John resigned his position as a council member for the bur burough of dellan on April 1st 2024 and whereas the Republican Municipal committee has presented to the burrow Council the names of three eligible persons to fill the vacancy and whereas the three person's names are Teresa Ratner Jeremy rig and William Scott clerical matter is the name need to be spelled correct okay um and whereas by motion and second blank well so has been presented for the council nomination Council vote so um out of the three names Pres Ed uh does the council have a nomination to fill the vacant seat once held by Joseph Paul John i' nominate William Scott do we have a second I thought yeah I second okay Albertson Sigman uh can we have a roll call please Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and then Mr Vander m is abs so resolution passes uh William Scott will be uh seated so at this time we'll have a swearing it right okay okay refer to it I state your name I William Scott do solemly swear Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constit of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith in allegiance to the Saint I will bear true faith in allegiance to the Saint and to the government governments established in the United States the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially and justly perform impartially and justly perform all duties of the office of council person according to the best of my ability so helping God all duties in the office of council person according to the best of my abilities so help congratulations thank you you got the photo congratulations uh council member Scott you have some big shoes to fill over there from uh councilman Coach Joe Paul John um we're happy to have you as part of the team uh if anybody doesn't know uh council member Scott now which will get you the name plate for next council meeting um also serves as the Fire Department chief and he's served this community for how many years in emergency services 33 33 uh he works at Ruckers as chgen services so this is a gentleman who is well qualified for the position and he will be an advocate for emergency services as all members of the council in my office are so again we wish you the best best congratulations and we look forward to working with you you're welcome okay next up is the approval of our meeting minutes item number four uh can I have a motion a second to um move forward regular meetings of April 1st 2024 move Rios second Sigman are there any comments additions or redactions okay uh council member Scott this would be an item you would abstain from Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott obain Mr Sigman yes item number five in our agenda is a proclamation honoring the arc middle sex County and celebrating 75 years of outstanding support and caregiving I have asked council president Terry Albertson uh to read the proclamation as she has served um members of this community throughout her career as an educator um so it's close to her heart and then uh Mrs stats once this has been signed we can send it over to them that we did sign and Proclaim sure whereas Developmental and intellectual disabilities manifest during the formative years of life before the age of 22 and are lifelong in duration resulting in the continuing need for a variety of services designed to support full inclusion in community life whereas it is estimated that approximately 2% of the United States population has an intellectual or development developmental disability which translates to approximately 178,000 children and adults in New Jersey and the arc middlex County alone serves 333 individuals and their families and whereas the ark middlex county has has worked collaboratively with individuals with developmental Andor intellectual disabilities their families organizations coalitions state and local agencies and whereas the arc middlex county has valued and promoted effective Partnerships between Community Partners volunteers staff and Leadership at all levels and whereas the ark middle sex county is guided in the belief that all people with intellectual and or developmental disabilities are defined by their own strengths abilities and inherent value not by their disability and are entitled to the respect dignity Safety and Security accorded to other members of society and are equal before the law whereas the arc middlex county has articulated a positive vision for the future of people with the developmental Andor intellectual disabilities and has catalyzed public and private support to the realization of that Vision by its unwavering commitment to its individuals families Community leadership staff and volunteers and whereas in 75 years the arc middle sex county has led in the area of providing support care and opportunity with integrity and accountability that reflects quality and excellence in all its work now therefore be it resolved that mayor Jason F salento and the burn burrow Council of denalan New Jersey do hereby recognize the arc middlex County in celebrating 75 years of outstanding and dedicated contributions in caregiving and support to empower individuals with developmental Andor intellectual disabilities and their families to live their lives in the fullest thank you council president item number six on our agenda is the introduction of ordinances um first up is ordinance 2024-25 D2 license required feed expiration can I have a motion and a second move it second Rios okay um as this is introduced we don't discuss it we'll see it at the next meeting for a public hearing and adoption you can pick up any ordinances for review at the municipal clerk's office or online so roll call please yes yes yes yes yes okay can I have a motion and second on item 2024-25 secondhand goods and precious metals move it Sigman second Rios okay can I have a roll call please yes yes yes yes yes can I have a motion in second item uh introduce ordinance 24-13 a bond ordinance providing for sewer improvements in and by the burrow of denal appropriating $320,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 320,000 bonds of notes to the Bur of the burrow to finance the cost of thereof move Rios second Sigman roll call please yes yes yes yes yes okay do okay item number uh seven on our agenda is the public hearing and adoption hi Lieutenant uh of ordinances uh first up is 202 24-7 in ordinance amending chapter 208 peace and good order of the code of the burough Den Allen to add a new section two 2018-4 entitled resident protection I have a motion and a second move it Rios second Sigman uh before we open up to the public I'll just summarize really quick we added this section for additional um opportunity for uh violations to be issued to anybody who trespasses on individual's properties um without you know want the resident wanting them to be there and provides uh Beyond just what the municipal court I mean the county court would do we can also issue fines and community service through the municipal court is that correct okay um so without further Ado we will open ordin solely ordinance 20244 to the public we ask that you please state your name and address without hearing any we will close that portion we'll open the floor to the council and mayor for any comments uh and discussion okay without hearing any uh if approved we'll send this over in memo form to the police department and uh we'll start enfor okay yes uh council member Scott's able to vote correct correct okay um we have a motion we have a second can we have a roll call yes yes yes yes Mr SC yes Mr yes can I have a motion and second on 2014-08 an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a c bank for the calendar year of 2024 move it Sigman second Rios Mr Olson our CFO would you like to just briefly touch on this before we open up to the public sord creates a uh sord creates a it's called a cap Bank uh which is basically an insurance policy against costs that that are increasing to make sure that we have um enough room in the budget to accommodate such an such an increase it's not an actual bank where there's any money um it's just it creates Headroom in our in our budget that's the most important part of it uh it's also followed by being able to carry these funds forward for two successive years um and that's the important part because if we run into budget trouble down the road then this will allow us to overcome that so it's a budget tool really mayor okay thank you with hearing that summarization any members of the public that would like to ask any questions or make any comments solely on hearing any we will close that portion to the public uh Council any discussions or questions pertaining to 202 24-8 okay without hearing any we'll take a roll call Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes um item can I have a second yes okay can I have a motion to second on 20249 a bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements in and by the burough of denel and appropriating $1,125,000 thereof and authorizing the issuance of 443,000 fonds to the notes of the burrow to finance parts of the cost thereof second sigment R Sigman um Jus public knowledge um this is funding Second Street improvements as well as a Sit assessment Second Street improvements between Madison and middle sex border uh will be reimbursed through grants that we receive from the state uh but we have to upfront the money um so but there is a cleric ma clerical matter we do have to uh do with this ordinance because um the ordinance reflected that the payments would be in the would be coming from the capital Improvement fund and not will be coming from the capital Improvement fund and not the capital Surplus as previously stated so in doing this would we motion second on that with that Amendment motion to amend the ordinance to mod and it's been published in this fashion it's non substantive change that so any adoption would include the amendment at page three paragraph and it just corrects the error to reflect payment is coming the capital approvement F you a motion on that motion second okay uh also just to note that it also includes way finding signed project along North a North Avenue uh which also will be offset by uh a grant received from uh the New Jersey Department of Transportation okay so with that we will open the floor to the public for any comments and questions solely to 20249 please state your name and address without hearing any we'll close that to the uh public any comments or questions from the council okay closing that can we have a roll call please Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr sigment yes item number eight on the agenda is resolutions Mrs St municipal clerk will read them through but we'll give us the opportunity to uh discuss or ask any questions before we take a final vote all right resolution number 125 is to pay the bills move it Albertson second Sigman Mr M Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes resolution number 126 is to hire Christopher beers as captain of the dellan police department effective September 1st 2024 move it Rios second Albertson uh before we vote I would just like to note Lieutenant we are happy that if approved tonight you would be accepting of this um Lieutenant has served the burough for over 20 years 25 28 28 more than what I thought exactly and he has served the town uh honorably and with integrity and so um I fully endorse this this evening I know uh the business administrator does so does the chief of police Daniel Smith and the police committee um to me there's no better candidate for this position as we create it um and by creating this role we're creating opportunity for the denell police department for the ranks to move up uh because this position was not there it was there but then over the years has not been there we're bringing it back and so this creates Career Development and the individual to help uh now build out this role uh we're looking forward to it and he's highly qualified so let's take a vote on this Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes and Mr Sigman yes congratulations and on September second we'll have a nice ceremony here SAR you okay resolution number 127 is to issue Tri Stone capital a tax sale Redemption move it Sigman second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes resolution number 128 is authorizing the municipal clerk to administer All Temporary retail food establishment permits for the Open Air Market from April 21st 2024 to October 20th 2024 move it Sigman second Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes and Mr Sigman yes resolution number 129 is approving a First Amendment to the Redevelopment agreement buying between the burough of dellan and Chelsea Builders move it Sigman second Rios uh speaking to this this is uh property number 44 440 North a right next to quickcheck uh this is a development project that was approved probably about a year and a half to two years now I think two years both by Redevelopment agency was mayor and Council and the planning board um from time to time we do have to amend the Redevelopment agreements uh specifically as it relates to the schedule in which they were supposed to start the project sometimes when that happens it's due to uh supply chain issues inflation matters that would hold up a construction project so uh this amendment specifically uh amends the schedule so it's updated and they plan to start work uh within the next month so that's what this resol this is what this resolution is all right I'll take a roll Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes and Mr Sigman yes resolution 130 is authorizing the purchase in and installation of a burrow phone system under State contract move it Sigman second Albertson very much looking forward to this be nice to have an updated system and one in which will cost us less money Mr Miller do you want to address this for Council yes uh so the new system will be replacing a 20y old system that we have right now obviously over time techology change and it'll be much improved through all our departments the system there's a lot of ads to it that will help out we're expected to have a cost savings yes we should save around $10,000 year music to our years might be a little bit more said estimated cost and that's over the first five years and then after that we'll save you for more because okay more awesome sounds good I do have one question uh will this also help us uh with our occasional hybrid meetings here in the office yes like Star Tre that's fantastic thank you good question that was good Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes resolution number 131 is deter determining that the property identified as block 85 lot three be designated as non-c condemnation area in need of red Redevelopment Mo Rios second Sigman so if the council and as Redevelopment agency remembers um and for the new members this is I guess an education um um last year we directed The planning board to look at the properties behind what is now the denel station which is nothing but Bacon Land and uh old broken down warehouses to see if they are areas that should be brought into our Redevelopment plan so we can actually bring life over there um so the planning board did their study they brought it back to us uh saying it is an area that could be brought in and so this resolution recognizes that this this parcel will be brought into a Redevelopment plan as an area that could be red developed that's what this is Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott abstained Mr Sigman yes resolution number 132 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a rights of way agreement between the burough of dellan and Comcast business Communications to permit the installation use and maintenance of telecommunication facilities within public rights of way for purposes of providing telecommunication Services move it sigment second Albertson so as you'll remember uh Comcast came to our prior Council meetings to present that they're going to seek through the BPU uh the Board of Public Utilities um the opportunity to bring their internet and cable and telephone services to denel give Optimum and Altis a little run for their money as the article said um but um so that's for residential and business but in doing so um this resolution allows them to speed up the opportunity for them to start offering those services to the businesses uh statutorily through the state they are able to do this they need a resolution by us um we did have the the the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities did have their public hearing um here what was the date last week I believe last Monday there was a 4 P p.m. and 5 P p.m I did make a state statement um we're unaware of the direction they're going to go I think we can be optimistic um but at the very least we can start now with the with our downtown and the businesses and the community getting services and then once the New Jersey BPU approves if they approve we can then start implementing it to the residents and uh we can give competition the way it should be okay so that's what this is Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs re yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes oh there okay item number nine on the agenda are is our Council reports council president Albertson anything to report yes the fire department um the Baye for the fire truck should be ready for them to move in by this weekend uh they have a TCO inspection this week and hope to open up will be turned over to them by Friday shade tree committee met on Wednesday April 10th at 7.m in the senior center they will be doing an Arbor Day ceremony at favor school on April 26th a new tree which was donated by cafrey landscape will be planted the day before the friends of denalan public library and the downtown Den Allan Merchants Association are excited for Sunday's Open Air Market grand opening of the 2024 season once again this year we'll be featuring downtown dellan management organizations spring into Wellness event come join the fund there'll be Zumba yoga martial arts music and dance presentations meet our awesome vendors taste some great food uh all vendor fees go to support the denalan public library and the denalan municipal Alliance will be at the spring into Wellness event on the 21st stop by the table and meet the suds team the S under drinking students participate in a game show and get to know about our commitment to educate the community about substance abuse disorders and prevention thank you okay thank you looking forward to Arbor Day it's one of my favorite events throughout the year uh council member Rios anything to report yes uh Jan Parks and Rec Department spring tennis youth spring tennis opened up this past Saturday we have over 40 kids registered for the program grades three through eight spring Open soccer is set to start this week we are still looking for volunteer parent coaches for each grade level opening day our opening day par parade parade is this Saturday April 20th teams will be meeting at Washington Park at 9:45 a.m. am ceremony to follow to McCoy uh General Public Library on behalf of the trustees and staff thank you to the borrow for Arion for the repairs of the library roof the dellan public library special programs this month include an openhouse for families of Spanish-speaking English language Learners from the dellan school district on Wednesday April 17th from 5:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. a salt dough craft for toddlers and young children at 4:15 on Tuesday April 23rd and a Dungeons and Dragons campaign for students fifth grade and up starting on April 30th at 3:30 Dell and Board of Ed all meetings start at 7 and go immediately into executive session public sessions will begin approximately at 7:30 unless otherwise specified Board of meetings sorry board of aded meetings will help uh or are held in person at LMS cafeteria and can be streamed online on YouTube next Board of Ed meeting will be April 16th if you have any comments questions or concerns about the budget sko lunches or any other subjects any other subjects I suggest you attend this meeting the public budget hearing Personnel is scheduled for May 7th now that the weather is finally getting warm I ask that you drive down the street oh sorry I asked that as you drive down the street of janalan you are careful with bike riders bouncing balls that run free and children Crossing let's start the warm weather off on a positive note that's all for me today okay thank you council member and I think for opening day I'm gonna have bambay wants to volunteer to help me warm up my uh my my pitch arm I was never a pitcher I was only ever at second base so um yeah there we go I might need help this week before the 20th um council member how's absent this evening um but we're thinking of him uh council member uh Lance um for buildings and grounds over the last few weeks 32 trees were planted in the Parks uh the school district received a grant from mayor Cento Alex Miller and Ken Boden distl from the shade tree commission who were with the school in 2023 and mayor Cento will have more details on that Grant um we are glad the new phone system has been approved by the burrow we will replace a 20-year-old system that will help all our departments with upgraded technology and save the burrow around $10,000 a year and the ball fields um continue to be maintained um for dellan high school and Lincoln Middle School baseball and softball in preparation for this spring Recreation season that's all okay thank you uh council member Sigman sorry sorry uh mic was off no report other than to uh remind residents out there that you don't have to be a great athlete to be a great role model and uh we are still looking for Soccer Coaches so please volunteer so uh my children can play soccer and uh as we are preparing for the spring Sports uh please please volunteer thank you okay thank you council member um I'm assuming you have no reports this evening but you want to say a few words yeah I just want to thank everybody for the opportunity I look forward to working with everybody I don't know if I can keep up the comedy show we had before I got some pretty pretty big shoes to fill uh but again just to appreciate everything and all the help so far okay well again welcome to the team we're looking forward to working with you um uh so the New Jersey American Water Project along uh was Washington Avenue uh between north and First Street um they told us the Project's Mill and pave phase expected to occur in May so we will uh send out those notices um the palaski street uh culbert project um the South uh abundant and the wing walls are completed uh the northern footing is poured in the first of the two uh abutments uh pores scheduled for tomorrow uh so by the end of this month the northern abutments and Wing walls will be complete and may have the bridge beams in place so at that point the gas company uh will need to come in and run their new Main and hang it from the bridge uh water company will also need to uh permanently reinstall its water main uh so we're looking at a completion around June uh depending upon the speed of gas and water companies say a prayer for that uh re reinstalling their permanent Mains uh July 4th should be a safe Target date with a little cushion for utilities to do their installs uh regarding the Klein Place project again another road Improvement through New Jersey Department of Transportation Municipal aid grant funds um this past week our engineering firm CME Associates uh had a representative drop off letters uh from the town and their office to the residents at Klein Place Kennedy Court jok place and pearl place to let everyone know that the project will be starting excuse me within the next two weeks uh the letter also informed the residents that if there are any issues or concerns they can contact uh their Foreman uh well the project supervisor from CME again May 19th is the multi sight cleanup of the Greenbrook uh this our third year of the multi municipality and multi partner initiative which includes the lower RAR and Watershed partnership the mayor's Alliance for clean Green Brook Waterway and many more so please join us at McCoy park at 9:30 a.m. to clean up the Greenbrook um council member Rios you've helped us get Boy Scouts in the past and Girl Scouts you help us again thank you um and anybody else who's Associated the programs and uh youth groups we'd love to have them part of it um the Greenbrook uh trash trap um we're expecting to hear from the contractor soon again about the delivery date beautiful so the amounts for that are going to be going up and it's been a project long in the waiting but when you get the federal government state government involved it's nothing but a bureaucratic red tape nightmare but we got it for free so I guess you can't complain uh denell and volunteer picnic and events please join us for the Den's First Volunteer Picnic Day on Sunday April 28th 12:00 p.m. at Columbia Park uh this will also give committees commission boards and authorities the opportunity to showcase their agencies and explain to the public about their missions and goals and hopefully encourage more people to sign up and volunteer as council member Sigman said um I'm also planning a mayal town hall called volunteering in dellan for Thursday April 25th at 700 p.m. at the denell senior center Columbia Park so please join us uh and find I just want to say thank you to Kelly Cedar for helping get the social media campaign for the week of April 7th to the 13th uh together uh which showcased our public employees and various volunteer committees and commissions I will state this Kelly went well and above and beyond what her role is in town she always does but specifically here um she did not it's not part of her job description but she stepped in in place of someone who unfortunately resigned um and in other areas too she's been pitching in so I just want to you know when people do good you want to recognize that so Kelly's been going well above and beyond so we're very happy with uh Miss Cedar uh the tree project with the school as council member Lance referred to uh this year the burrow um uh worked along with the school district and the Sha tree Commission on a tree Grant through sustainable Jersey trees for school um I just want to thank uh the school business administrator Rich Pepe um and the facility groundskeeper Matt olivy as well as the superintendent um and Sandy Hoy who led this project and put a lot of time and effort into the grant um also extended thanks to Ken Bal and distl from the Sha tree commission who advised the team on which tree selection should be placed uh our Parks have 32 new trees um I'll provide the breakdown in the meeting minutes I'm not going to go through it but I can tell you Washington Memorial Park has 10 trees new trees morecraft has four new trees goric park has four new trees Columbia Park has 14 new trees um so um making denell and green again so that' be very nice okay uh that's it from my report any reports from the department heads no okay um we will open the floor to item number 11 to the public comments we ask that you please state your name and address for purposes related between in-person and virtual we will start with those in person um if you would like to state your name and address and then once we feel that we're completed in person we'll go to Virtual this way there's just no mix up in communication so uh in person members of the public any other comments or questions please state your name and address use which is actually located on the corner of Columbia and uh South Washington uh here tonight because uh we're having a lot of issues on Columbia with uh reckless driving and excessive speed um in the last three three weeks alone my son who is six I literally had to push out of the way while kids swerve towards us in a car uh and I know of two other instances where people were almost ran down uh here is a petition from every resident on the street um that has witnessed or experienced this in one way or the other um I don't know if we can get some extra patrols or different type of Patrol uh you know parked happily something's got to be done it's it's a matter of when not if um you know everybody on the street is concerned uh every 20 minutes to a half hour if somebody's going down the street 40 50 miles an hour and again there's a lot of kids on that street and it's dead end where you going you know um so I'm really hoping you know um that's why I came to talk to the council in public uh I know a few officers that I've spoke with on a postp personal level but they tell me this is the way to go about it so I would appreciate anything you know that the town can do to help us out over there we appreciate you bringing it to our attention uh Lieutenant beers is here uh I know officer condis is the is signed up to be the traffic safety am I understanding that correctly so he will work with him through Chief Smith about addressing your concern and possibly well hopefully having Patrol in the area um do you have a general idea time of day when this happens and during the week it's between 3:00 and say 8:00 p.m. um doesn't usually starts around 4: we everybody seems to notice it seems to be a majority of younger kids um you know but there are I personally had a confrontation with someone that deliberately looked me in the face and gave me the finger and put it to the floor going down the street okay um obviously he underestimated the old guy he won't do it again but um you know we really need some help over there because somebody's going to get hurt we understand so uh before you leave for the evening if we can address Lieutenant he he you know he always talks to residents on their way out who have these concerns and uh he will handle the mat I I do appreciate your time guys I really do I'm Gonna Leave This For You yep with Alex leave with Alex and Alex has got a copy also and again anything you guys can do to help me would appreciate absolutely thank you any other members of the public in person please state your name and address you took the words right out of your mouth well thank you for being the representative perfect perfect and I know you have concerns about cars parking directly near the intersection we'll handle that too uh we can still enforce locally yeah well we'll talk to Lieutenant afterwards okay okay it appears that there's no no no Miss Conley okay there's no uh members of the public in person that have any more additional uh public comments can we open it to the virtual world we just ask that you please state your name and address nobody okay we will close that portion of the meeting of public comments um so item number s Roman numerals so uh item number 12 H I do this every meeting I just had a brain fart sorry uh item number 12 um I am human you know item number 12 um we have a resolution to go into executive session I will read the resolution out but I will note that uh once we come back into public session uh from resolution 134 we will have no um business to conclude so just so the public is aware of that we're going into executive but there will be no action or business taking oh there could be sorry thank you there could be action taken so can I have a motion and second on on resolution number 133 um to enter into executive session whereas the open public meetings Act njsa 10 uh 4-6 permits the closing of meetings to the public under certain circumstances and whereas there exists such a circumstance and whereas authorizing the buau council to go into executive session to discuss litigation after which action may be taken I should have just read the resolution and whereas minutes of the executive session will be kept and will be released when the matter is under discussion during the executive session are no longer confidential therefore be it resolved the bur Council into an executive session can so can I have a motion a second please move it Rios second Sigman okay roll call yes yes yes Mr Scott yes Mr yes okay so at this time we're g to take a f minute recess before we go into executive uh Dale we'll we'll go talk to Lieutenant um Ryan you know what to do in terms of e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay uh welcome back we are now in regular session after the executive session and there is action to take uh Mr William Rob Robertson our our burough attorney will'll read the resolution and then we'll ask for a motion and a second yes there would be a motion to authorize payment of a supplemental assessment in the amount of $44,988 to the middle six County Joint Insurance Fund on a six-year payment schedule uh specifically subject to acceptance of such Satisfaction by the fund and Confirmation uh by the fund of coverage during the assessment period uh with the an actual resolution to be reduced to uh uh writing uh tomorrow can I have a motion a second move it second Albertson okay roll call please yes yes yes Mr yes yes okay uh no further business to do so at that time at this time item number 14 is adjournment um item which is on the agenda as 135 but it'll be 136 resolution uh to adjourn can I have a motion a second please move it Sigman second Scott okay there you go all in favor say I I any nay without hearing any we are going to close this uh council meeting thank you