for order and uh arise for the Pledge of Allegiance so please rise I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy Justice for All second on our agenda is the reading of the sunshine statement and a roll call by our municipal clerk Mrs Lawrence DS this meeting of the denell andboro council is called person to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of January 16th 2024 was included in a list of meetings that was advertised in the CER on January 88 2024 and as a teleconference was noticed on the official denel website on January 9th 2024 and on the public bulon board on North Avenue on January 9th 2024 and have remained continuously posted as for the requirements under the state statute mayor senta present council president Albertson present Mrs Lance present Mr paon here Mrs riio here Mr Sigman here and Mr vanderark okay item number three is the swearing in of uh patrolman Saul Vargas and uh we have a resolution to hire him and um before we do that I'm going to read a short bio on Mr Vargas because I think it' be good for the council to know who we are hiring um Mr Vargas is a 25y old and a resident of Bayville New Jersey born in Queens New York soul is bilingual and speaks fluent Spanish he is a graduate of Ocean County Police Academy and prior to denel served as a seasonal Class 2 officer in SE Seaside Seaside Heights Police Department in addition to his prior law enforcement experim experience Saul has served in the United States Army Reserve since 2018 thank you for your service there so without further Ado can I have a motion and second on our resolution to hire Mr Vargas second Sig Mrs alberon yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Paul John yes Rio yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vandar yes okay Mr Vargas we will do the oath of office uh for your position as patrolman and den Allan do you have anybody who would like to hold the Bible for you okay you come then just I Soul Vargus bonus do solidly swear do Solly swear that I will support the con of the United States and theit of the state of New Jersey that I were there true Fai and Al to the same and the governments established in the United States and in State under the authority of the people so congratulations w AB want goodus you choose it's up to you if you would like to say a few words uh I'm excited to start my new career this town I'm excited to know more about Community as well more personalized with theity residents as well board as well and just bring my uh what I've learned throughout the years in my career for uh in high just to bring it over here I'm excited and to just uh finally kick start thank you so much for the opportunity and excited to get started you're welcome our pleasure be safe out there okay next Ty next up is item number four mayor's appointment to boards commissions and authorities this evening we're appointing uh Mr Robert Rios and Miss Sue Butterworth both have terms expiring on uh December uh 31st both should be that the agenda should be amended uh to December 31st 2026 for three-year term to the denell and Shay Tre commission so um uh both aren't present this evening uh we will inform miss Mr Rios and Miss Butterworth that they can come and take their oath of Allegiance at the clerk's office and sign their form so but thank you to them for stepping up and volunteering and if anybody has any interest in volunteering uh please head to our website on the volunteer application and uh sign up we need more volunteers and you're for welcomed so thank you um item number five is old business do we have any old business I don't see any on the agenda but from council's perspective no okay we'll close that portion item number six is new Business Council discussion nothing's listed but from council's perspective do you have anything new to discuss okay we will move forward from that item and item number two is the approval of our council meeting minutes item number one is the regular meeting of December 18th 2023 um we're going to take this as right yes okay uh can I have a motion and a second to approve the meeting minutes of our regular meeting December 18th 2023 moved it sigment okay any comments additions redactions as the meeting minutes currently stand okay council member Lance on this item you would abstain because you weren't present as a council member during that meeting a roll call Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance obain Mr Paul John yes Mr Rio yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vandar yes okay can I have a motion to second on number two of our of number of our meeting minutes uh the reorganization meeting January 1st 2024 R second Albertson Rios Albertson okay any comments additions redactions from the reorganization meeting as it stands without hearing any can we have a roll call please Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr P yes Mrs riio yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vandar yes okay item number three is the introduction of ordinances we have our first three for the year um uh just as we have a new council member although we've discussed this but for public who may be listening in for the first time the introduction of ordinances our only introductions the ordinance and uh the name of them and purpose is read out and then there's no discussion on them as an introduction uh within 10 days which would be February 5th for our next council meeting regular council meeting um you'll have a public hearing and adoption which the public will have the opportunity to speak on each one as well as mayor and Council have a discussion and then of course a vote um you can obtain these ordinances I believe leave at the clerk's office online and do we still place them at the library sure okay well well I knew we once placed them at the library but let's maybe we get back into that habit um but uh so there'll be plenty enough time for members of the Publican Council to review them and go into a public hearing adoption and February 5th so first up is item number one uh 20241 ordinance of the Bureau of denell and repealing and replacing chapter three of the dellan municipal code to to abolish the den arts and culture commission and create the den Arts inclusion and culture commission move it Sigman second Rios the purpose of this I'll just state is we found that both committees and commission have a similar Mission and um there's a lot of overlap and to consolidate volunteers who also overlap um and also enhance the Arts commission with an inclusion we are merging the two so this is what this ordinance will do do um again this ordinance will be available for public View and council's review before February 5th so can we have a roll call please Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr paulon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes um item number two of the introduced ordinances is 20242 ordinance authorizing additional acceptance of the sewer improvements constructed in connection with the development commonly known as The nelan Station Move it s second okay this item specifically has to deal with a conditional agreement um we have to do this through ordinance on the sewer Force main improvements and Bill and Alex correct me if I'm wrong um in order to assist in the project also finalizing its financing we have to place this ordinance before um all the standards and the inspections remain um this is just an ordinance that has to be done to for them to satisfy their lending opportunity um so uh with this one specifically this ordinance 20242 to meet the deadline we will most likely have well we will have a special meeting on January 29th okay 7 PM okay so that's when this will be publicly heard and adopted am I missing anything specifically on this okay so with further Ado can we have a roll call Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr PCH yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vandar yes okay number three is a 20243 an ordinance to amend and supplement the revised General legislation of the burrow of denell and chapter 269 titled traffic move it re second Sigman this one is specifically related to uh no passing zone on uh North Washington Avenue the entirety as you know Washington Avenue has a dotted yellow line This basically is giving permission to the county from the local level well basically giving them support from the local level to make it a double yellow line and no longer dotted to where people can pass so um so there we are that's what this introduced ordinance is so and this will be publicly heard and adopted hopefully on well adopted hopefully on uh February 5th I'll take a r Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr PA yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vand yes okay next up is item number 10 well item number nine would be adoption of ordinances we have none this evening item number 10 is resolutions um Mrs stats will read them out giving us the opportunity to discuss them before they're voted on resolution number 45 is to pay the bills move it Sigman second Albertson this is Albertson yes Lance yes Mr PA yes Mr yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vandar yes resolution number 46 is to hire Rihanna dandia as administrative support specialist move it Rios second Sigman so I will speak on this matter uh Brian is here this evening um as we are aware Connie we had offered a position to Connie Connie unfortunately is not taking it but the unfortunate becomes a benefit and positive to den because Briana is a very qualified candidate um she is a dellan resident which is great because she's local she's a graduate of denell High School uh having the interest in Den uh National Arts Honor Society team captain for softball and completed a lot of community service so that shows her leadership uh she currently attends Arizona State University with a 3.46 GPA good for you and um she's proficient in Google Docs uh Microsoft Word and is is very eager to learn and grow with the burough of dellan so we're we Alex and Lauren spoke highly of her I just want to give you a little background of her um because I think that she's a great candidate for this this position so I support your your your decision take a r this Albert said yes yes Mr yes R yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vandar yes Rihanna welcome to the team congratulations so we wish you all the best don't be late tomorrow okay next is resolution number 47 is to hire youth basketball coaching staff for the recreation department move it Sigma second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Pon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr Vander yes resolution number 48 is to hire winter flag football coaching staff for the recreation department move it and Mark second Albertson Mrs alberon yes Mrs Lance yes Mr FAL John yes Ros yes Mr Sigman yes Mr V yes resolution number 49 is to hire Dana Downing as yoga instructor for the nelan recreation department Sig second Rios M Albertson yes Lance yes Mr PA John yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vanderark yes resolution number 50 is to hire John Shino to conduct an adult Woodshop class on behalf of the devel culture commission movement sigment second Albertson Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes yes mros yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vandar yes resolution number 51 is to approve a townwide garage sale by Boy Scout Troops 129 moving Rios second sigment m al yes yes Mr F yes Rio yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vandel yes resolution number 52 is authorizing a request to extend the ngot 2022 Transit Village Washington Avenue unification Improvement move second Sigman Mrs Albertson yes Mrs glance yes mron yes Rio yes Mr Sigman yes Mr Vander yes resolution number 53 is to amend resolution 1 2024 number 19 appointing Thomas J Lan Jr as municipal prosecutor mve second Rios Mr Lance has done a great job and uh this will be a second year serving the buau to approve this Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance Tom Lanson so this is Thomas well no Tom has been around for quite a while so John amend their apologize January 1 just add some okay thank you Mr Paul John yes Mrs riio yes Mr Sigman yes Mr V left yes resolution number 54 is to amend resolution 101 224 number 18 appointing John L as municipal prosecutor moving Sigman second Albertson John's been this will be a second year Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr F John yes Rio yes Mr s yes Mr Vander yes Tom I think's been here for near 20 years so a long time there's a two in there some next is resolution number 55 to award a contract to stillo Paving and excavation for an emergency sewer repair on Jackson move it Sigman second Albertson so I just want to say thank you to the DBW and parsa before the repair getting out there and this was right before Christmas and uh they did a a great job solving the problem temporarily until we can get it fully fixed under the emergency but they did a great job I know we're looking at possibly lining full extent and then fix looking at the flat that might okay but in the brook but uh I just want to give kudos to parsa and the gpw because they came out on a holiday weekend and uh really stepped up the game there so good work on you and the team Alberton what you plan yes Mr FJ yeso yes Mr Sigman yes Mr Vander yes resolution number 56 is authorizing the credit of tax appeal judgments pertaining to 627 to 633 bound Road move it Rios second sigment Mrs Albertson yes Lance yes Mr PA John yes Rios yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vandar yes number resolution number 57 is to authorize the hire of David Petzinger for matters related to Information Technology move Albertson second yes Lance yes Mr PA John yes Mr Sigman yes Mr V yes resolution number 58 is approving the Second Amendment to the Redevelopment agreement by and between the bur denell and 150 North urban renewal LLC move it sigment second Rios I'll just speak briefly on this and this is also going to relate to item number 58 um 150 North as you know is being was being built at the corner of Jackson and North uh the other property which is what is that four four 435 North Avenue which is cross street from Bound Brook cross street from Quick Check sorry not Bound Brook um they're the same developer bani Reality Group from across the street um 150 the Redevelopment agreement just noted what the COA standards are um and so there was a mixup in the unit count for affordable what's going to happen in the amendment to the next number 59 um is and this is what we've been doing now moving forward with all Redevelopment agreements we number the amount of affordable units the unit count the unit size the bendr count Etc so there's no confusion the the Redevelopment agreement at that time just noted the the law um so that's why there's a level of confusion getting corrected what's going to happen is is Mr bani now has to meet the affordable housing obligation that he missed at 150 in the new project so we stay standard with what Our obligation to the settlement is with the state so that's what this amendment and the next one is about so Albertson yes M Lance yes yes yes Mr Sigman yes Mr V yes resolution number 59 is approving the First Amendment to the red the agreement between the bur of dellan and 1879 moris AB Associates LLC move Rios second Sigman Mrs Albertson yes Mrs yes Mr PA joh yes Mrs riio yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vand yes item number 11 um is a consent agenda so items number 60 through 60 six will be considered together to vote with uh one motion a second and a vote unless Council otherwise has any individual one they would like to PLL for discussion without hearing any can we have a motion in a second to move forward through item number resolution 60 through 66 move it Rios second sign alberon yes Mrs Lance yes Mr PA John yes yes yes yes okay here's the fun park Council reports right yep we're there it's new agendas we have a new structure so I'm still trying to follow this item number 12 Council reports there we go council president Albertson anything to report this evening yes the fire department is expecting one of its new trucks to be delivered in February or March that's very exciting another step towards uh get getting everything done ddmo is planning uh spring into wellness it's going to be at the Open Air Market on April 21st we worked together last year and it was very successful for both groups um the five murals have been done for the uh South Madison Avenue uh underpass there and the senior Club will be helping painting on two of the others on Friday if anybody would like to join us we'll be painting around 11:15 uh friend inst say in all public library uh Open Air Market is now taking vendor applications check out our Facebook page or email us at Friends of the janalan public library that's it thank you thank you Council just a note on the mural it's very exciting it'll be our first public mural installation underneath one of the railroad trestles we're hopefully getting the other two done I just want to thank everybody that participated on in in helping that get started and uh just a special thank you to council member Trina Rios for her leadership helping get that done so thank you for that um but with further Ado council member riio anything to report this evening yes at denell and Public Library the library was closed today due to extreme weather conditions we plan on reopening tomorrow as usual the team at the jellan public library is planning special programs activities for the new year so please be sure you're on the mailing list or following the library social media page to be among the first to know about upcoming events regular programs of the month of January includes story time for small children afternoon crafts for children aged for school AED children and teens as well as gaming and Anime Club for teens our chunky blanket knitting class with me um for adults has been rescheduled for Tuesday February 6th uh 6: PM uh priority registration will be given to individuals who were registered for the January class that was um I think it was rained out so uh taichi will continue on Monday's indoor in the library meeting room on February 10th the friends of the General Public Library will host a masquerade ball at the American Legions tickets are still available okay Board of aded meeting the next Board of AD meeting will be January 30th as stated on their website all meetings start at 7 pm and go immediately into executive session public sessions will be in approximately will will start in approximately write that right we start at approximately 7:30 unless otherwise specified meetings are held in person in the Lincoln Middle School cafeteria Recreation Department Santa around town on Christmas Eve one of gan's greatest Traditions took place the recreation is always grateful to our fire department our Rescue Squad the police department for this event Santa started on the north side of town at 9:30 thank you to like uh to Mike luthman and everyone involved around uh everyone involved Santa around town it truly does take a team to get this right um basketball tipped off on Saturday sorry uh January 6 this program is for children in grades K through sixth grade and we have 85 children en enrolled including my little guy it is a six- week program each grade level meets on Saturdays our fifth grade and sixth grade meet twice a week Saturday mornings and Monday mornings isn't it Monday evenings yeah okay winter flag football was supposed to start Sunday the 1 the January 7th but the winter weather had other plans this is an eight-week program that will be taking place on Sundays for 90 minutes from 11: to 12:30 at Columbia Park it is a co-ed program and we currently have 29 players registered adult pickle ball program this is the second year and is even more popular pickle ball nights are Tuesday and Wednesday at dellan high school from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. right now we have 109 adults signed up for this program registration is free for DaNell and residents and only $15 for n residents this program lasts until February 28th adult yoga the an adult program offered from January 8th to March 11th from 7 to 8:00 p.m. in the senior center at Columbia Park it is $80 for the eight class session we currently have 15 people registered and the registration deadline is January 22nd the annual senior holiday party on Saturday January 6th the recreation Department hosted its annual senior holiday party despite the wintry weather we had a turnout of 35 seniors the recreation department is very grateful for the support from the ma from mayor sento and all the council members also special thanks to St John's for hosting the party again this year and to Carl gger for his music and entertainment on the piano and sing alongs are always a good time special thanks to Kathy Wilson for her delicious baked goods of for our seniors lastly thank you to everyone who helped make this another successful party mayor Jason sento business administrator Alex Miller Recreation program manager Julie graph and Recreation program coordinator Kelly Cedar Recreation Commission members Kathy Wilson Melissa Paul John and family Tim Howard and family myself and council member um Joe Paul John thank you to all of you for all of your support and lastly senior movie money Mondays we'll resume in February M uh movie time is 10: a.m. $5 gets you a movie two slices of pizza a small soda and a small popcorn can't beat that thank you how old do you have to be 55 55 I I'm G make note I'm G make note of that thank you that is all that's it uh police report then police were busy last month made um 11 arrests issued 30 356 summonses made 274 motor vehicle stopped and enforced 12 bur ordinances along with 59 reports um it's important to note that since it is wind or weather we have to make sure the vehicles are the roads he will be issued a ticket um and congratulations to officer Vargas welcome to the department and also in the future we will be hiring soon and if you know anybody that's looking for a position have them fill out an application no yes I do have some updates from buildings and grounds um the burrow is addressing heating issues in the tax office and the second floor burrow Hall how however the contractor has hit a delay due to the need for an electric upgrade in the meantime temporary Heating units have been put in place to ensure the comfort of employees and visitors to the building necessary steps are being taken to address the heating issue as quickly and efficiently as possible there are also some security enh enhancements um the burrow is making plans to implement a security system for the entrance to burrow Hall and the police station that is all that's a lot to start for your first report good job starting out strong there council member okay council member Sigman yes thank you so the uh the mayor's traffic and pedestrian safety task force will have its first meeting of 2024 this Thursday we will continue to focus on our goals of educating the public in partnership with Municipal and County resources including keep middle sex moving middle sex counties slow down in our town and NJ Do's complete streets model uh this task force does have space for addition volunteers so if you are interested in joining please visit the burrow website or the burrow administrator's office for a volunteer application form I look forward to working with council member Lance to provide more exciting updates about our initiatives this year and you will uh hear me uh I would say frequently point you to the volunteer application form on the website and the burrow administrator's office uh so the Mau house restoration committee uh through various fundraising events including the annual Haunted Trail and seeking new grant opportunities the mous restoration committee will continue its focus on restoring the Mau house without the use of taxpayer funds uh I would also like to welcome council member vandermark to the team and I look forward to another productive year uh the dellan arts and culture commission Dak is packing its schedule for you this year they will host music in the Washington Park in July and August support local bands like colorblind impact Tim McDonald and this old engine and retro Raven uh Washington Park will also be home to an Adams Theater Company production in August Dak is preparing to complete and install the Madison Avenue mural project that we heard about already in April uh an additional planning is ongoing for the Prospect Avenue first responder themed mural uh preparations are underway for another wood shop workshop last year's Workshop sold out within 4 8 hours so please be on the lookout for registration information and I am happy to announce that I uh did not miss registration I actually registered for this one so I'm excited yes uh so yeah thank you and uh summer art camp we'll be back this year and stay tuned for more details um oh sorry I thought you were finished uh one more okay and then I am thrilled to work with council president Terry Albertson this year on building the denell and green team advisory committee Our Miss is to advise the mayor and Council on ways to improve the municipality through green initiatives which are economically and environmentally sound through research and evaluation we'll also be working to complete sustainable Jersey actions and Achieve certification if you would like to be involved please fill out the volunteer application form that can be found on the burrow website or paper copy can be picked up at the burrow Administration office uh we look forward to providing updates to the mayor counsel and public throughout the year okay and that is all thank you yes I just want to give a plug for Mr vanderark over here I hope he'll be consulted on the Patriotic mural yes he's I believe top of our list perfect okay thank you okay council member Paul John okay DPW now that I am the chair of DPW see that weather armagon has started hell high water here we go so what start of 2024 the weather had our gpw Pro running extra busy uh but as the mayor mentioned on December 23rd sewer main break that was on cold watch at the time on 600 block on Jackson so between December 23rd and 27 PW had to Ure that the bypass pump was running correctly just to sure that we would not have any Sewer back up mentioned congrats Al uh you know thanking you and your team and everyone else that came together with to during the holidays no l make sure we didn't have any more issues uh now on to the funds uh weather events January 6 and early again this morning DW crew without plowing and salting the roads safy for the public and services and as there is more snow expected Friday night everyone please remove your cars from the street as we mentioned once twice now three times uh that'll allow for Clear roads and easier path for our to come uh on January 9th DPW crew members came into a syst of flooding why not during the storm the crew assisted our police fire department on the road closures and down wild so following that storm the crew cleared all the catch Bas up Street set with blood on top of all this they still try to perform their daily test which included taking down the Christmas decorations and trying to pick up all Christmas trees that were started off at curbside and ended up brought the across the street and got well hectic and busy start this year but a big b like I mentioned earlier Al getting through all that doing the best they can c oura as we mentioned the SE they part of sewer uh break on December 23rd so that's once the final repair geted out the sewer Jackson Street so Alex the for part's assistance with that is and on the resad the4 and they would like you to be a part of it so please visit their or email them atgmailcom okay great thank you um for my report this evening I just also wanted to note on the dpw's great job on the cleanup today on the snow removal and during the last snow event that we had so good job to them just to follow up and support what you stated um I also want to note the storm on January 9th um I want to recognize the OEM leadership Homer mosy our coordinator and uh Bill Carlson our Deputy uh coordinator as well as all the Emergency Services the police department the fire the rescue um and DPW as well and I also want to extend thanks to psng who worked pretty promptly after we lost some power in town so just want to recognize those efforts from those who really pulled it together that night so thank you to the emergency services and PS and Alex who was also out that evening so job well done by all um I want to recognize tonight is the first regular meeting in which our new denell and Fire Department chief uh William Scott will be attending is attending and we just want to extend our congratulations to you and we look forward to working with you and your team and uh having smooth sailing moving forward so thank you Chief and uh and well yes uh Chief Scott is was Chief uh for many years many years ago how many years chief for 10 years 15 years ago and he's making his comeback so welcome back and uh yeah so congratulations to you and we wish our best wishes to former Chief John Scott um Okay so uh New Jersey American Water we've been advised that the njw um is expected to return uh this week uh weather permitting uh for sidewalk Restoration in the areas in which they did work uh they'll return in the spring for further improvements such as the milling and Paving of North Washington Avenue between North Avenue and First Street um as we noted tonight we introduced the ordinance 202 24-3 to create a no passing zone for the entire length of North Washington Avenue uh basically replacing the dotted yellow lines with double yellow lines that meeting hearing and adoption uh will be February uh 5th client place we are scheduling a pre-construction meeting this month uh later this month I believe it's January 20 okay uh Lincoln Avenue the remaining work has been completed and we're processing the close out with the njdot and contractor I think the remaining voucher on that Grant will be over 400,000 which will be nice for our debt services and some other projects that we have to get done this year so that'll clear some way for us uh the denal station development CME Associates are Engineers uh continues to coordinate with prism relative to completing all work and final Co issues and work with the redeveloper relative to the uh remaining work associated with the off-site sanitary sewage improvements um I was actually there today with the uh new real estate agent that they have and the developer uh uh introducing them to somebody who wants to open an eery there so like a breakfast lunch spot so hopefully that works out um we're working hard at the local level to attract and retain businesses so um we're working in partnership with a lot of the builders so we're hoping that that that works out um 635 boundbrook Road uh which is the new location soon future new location for the rescue squad uh CME Associates is processing the required documents associated with the application for funding through the hdsr program um which is basically through the D if I understand correctly and the funds we place in the improvements of remediation we do there um we'll get a percentage back in a grant form so we can pay down some of the the expenses that we incurred there uh the Washington Avenue street lighting uh CME Associates is addressing the review comments received from NJ doot to advance the project to bidding the lighting lease agreement is being coordinated with PSC G the project will take place as we all know on North Washington Avenue between denell Avenue and First Street and South Washington Avenue between North ab and railroad the railroad uh Bridge um we are looking to also possibly extend the brick along the curve line to so it matches the remainder of the downtown to helps Bruce it up a bit um and they'll also be placing tree cutouts so when we decide to plant trees we won't have to then go in and hurt hurt the not hurt the sidewalk but remove sidewalk that's basically already there um Firehouse rebuild the steel work has been completed to restructure the front of the building which are the columns that you see uh between the garages uh masonary work will continue in the front of the building the contractor is hoping to have doors completed by the end of this week and the plumbers and electricians are still working on the first floor of the building so a lot of progress is being made and uh we're looking forward to the day that we can see the fire department operate out of it um so that's the extent of my report this evening um I'll now open it up to um department heads if anybody wants to speak yes for director January this activation receiv request Police Department addition carriers new road and a resource was fulfilled through the image system has purchased a 40t weather prooof of weather prooof and waterproof container and shelter with stock power emergency supplies and equipment the container is expected to be delivered to DBW yard in the very near future the purchases made with funded from o second IM Grant award o has purchased three handheld amateur radios for its three newly licensed P operators these radios are part of O's building redundancy in this Emer communication infrastructure this person is also made use de grant funding o will be hosting the see official workshop for all Hazard preparation on Saturday February 10 2024 from 8:30 to 12:30 p.m. at the senior center the instructors are flying in from Texas A&M University which is part of the FEMA training Consortium for this reason the course is free to the participants who receive a certificate of successfully completed course a customized tabletop exercise involving a major fire incident at the nail is part of the curriculum it is Essen that we have Municipal council members and other departmental Personnel attend this will be a first for the den uh at notes has been sent out via email about the registration process o cir will host our first virtual safety Saturdays event on January 20th at 10:30 a.m. the information session is part of the monthly series will be hand on the th Saturday each month we will be sharing crucial ersy preparedness tips and strategies this is open to all residents and organizations and will be interactive also of O service would like to congratulate ser and OEM staff member Joe cumins for being recognized by middlex County OEM as a serve member of the Year 2023 for it dedication and active role in the community finally a surch basic class is being held at the Sarahville office of emergency management 1000 Main Street in Sarahville New Jersey 8872 classes be held Wednesday evening for 9 weeks again January 2424 from 7 p.m. to 10. anyone age 18 or older can participate and there are no prere contact service coordinator Jill Carson on 9089 30459 or email a bill at wson that okay thank you Homer chief chief Al to see how Mercy Services all work worked out really well fire department I might have assisted hom Police Department was really function well one I like to like to uh give the Accolade to Alex for putting together the pre storm which included the Board of Education as well yeah complements the communication that level that went out because I I saw the communication between the burrow and the school district it's very important so kudos to the entire team on making sure that occurs yeah well you created the new procedure so that's good to know Alex is doing a great job in his first two weeks as a full-time business administrator it's a lot more to tackle though but you're doing good okay Bill anything from legal no report no thank okay thank you okay without further Ado uh we will open up this portion of the meeting to public comments item number 13 on our agenda uh we just ask that you please state your name and address we have the opportunity online for people to ask questions and make statements or the individuals in council chambers Ryan do we have anybody online asking questions doesn't look like okay so oh we are working by Zoom now which I think is quite the Improvement and this camera if you watch the reorg meeting and probably tonight is phenomenal and the sound system is great um so we did edit the video to we're able to pick up the sound from the Oaths and the original video unfortunately were uh not being picked up and uh we were able to get it to work so but um Ryan the capability still call in is there with the new Zoom link sorry the ability to call in through Zoom is still available y okay just want that on records or public knows you can still call in like uh before because we we support the hybrid version it's posted on the website and it's perfect so okay so no public comments or questions we will close that portion of the meeting um item number 14 is resolution 67 uh to adjourn so can I have a motion and a second because there's no further business of the council move it Sigman second Rios all in favor any n I'm still waiting for that day okay without without further Ado we'll close this meeting and uh thank you for attending and happy and healthy safe New Year okay we're fun bu I