e we're live okay good evening ladies and gentlemen Welcome to our May 6th council meeting our first order of business is a call to order and the Pledge of Allegiance so if we please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Liberty Justice for All item number two on the agenda is a reading of the sunshine statement and roll call by our municipal clerk Mrs Lawrence stats this meeting of the dellan Boro council is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of May 6th 2024 was included in a list of meetings that was advertised in The Courier on January 8th 2024 and as a tele conference was noticed on the official dellan website on May 3rd 2024 and on the public bulletin board on North Avenue on May 3rd 20124 and has remained continuously posted as required under notice of the State statue mayor salento present council president Albertson here Mrs Lance here Mrs Rios here Mr Scott here Mr Sigman here and Mr vanderark uh yeah what was that QuickBooks uh we are not endorsing QuickBooks at this council meeting so just so everyone's aware I guess legal disc claimer right um two points of business before we start our full meeting uh first and foremost council member Hal vanderark we are happy to have you back in our Chambers um the other news is not good you may have noticed the bunts on burough Hall and our flags around town are flying at half mass and there's a notice on the Washington Memorial Park digital sign um former mayor John Gibney passed away over the weekend so before I say a few words about him I'd like us to take a moment of silence thank you um mayor Gibney was a a longtime councilman a mayor of course and a lifelong resident he was a good friend to dellan and he was a good friend to me when I started as mayor uh he became a mentor to me personally and I can always count on his support and words of wisdom and guidance when I needed them if you see the welcome to denell and signs around town all the park signs as well as several of the businesses signs in our downtown you can thank John for that he designed them and manufactured them for dellan his heart was here in this town uh his legacy to dellan will live through his work as a councilman a mayor and of course most importantly his family and his friends he leaves behind so please keep Jean his wife and his children his grandchildren all in your prayers and uh we will find a way to honor him more than just this say so thank you John for your service and may you rest in peace item number three on the agenda is the mayor's appointments to boards commissions and authorities um number one is the appointment of Patricia Kim and Ellen Burns uh to the mar house restoration committee with an exper a term expiration of uh December 31st 2024 uh Mrs K Mrs Burns is not in the audience are not in the audience uh so their swearing in can occur excuse me at the municipal clerk's office and Mrs stat will reach out to them uh the second appointment we have is Lena Mack uh for her term to expire on 1231 20126 uh to the den Arts inclusion and culture commission as uh alternate number one I believe uh so she is also not here this evening and so she can get her swearing at the next meeting or at the municipal clerk's office uh Mrs stat will reach out to her and so we thank uh all three individuals for stepping up in volunteering as we always thank all our volunteers for stepping up and we encourage more people to get involved uh item number four on the agenda is a proclamation uh declaring the month of May as mental health month um so I'll just read it out really quick whereas there is a proven connection between good mental health and overall personal health and whereas mental illness affect almost every family in the world and whereas people with mental illness often recover if given the necessary services and supports in their communities and whereas people with mental illnesses make important contributions to our families and our communities and whereas millions of adults and children are disabled by mental illnesses every year and whereas only one out of two people with a serious form of mental illness seeks treatment for his or her mental illness and whereas stigma and fear of discrimination keep many who would benefit from Mental Health Services from seeking help and whereas research shows that most effective way to reduce stigma is through personal contact with someone with a mental illness and whereas a good mental health is critical to the well-being of our families communities schools and businesses and whereas greater public awareness about mental illnesses can change negative attitudes and behaviors towards people with mental illnesses now therefore I mayor Jason F salento on behalf of the burough of denell New Jersey do hereby declare the month of May 2024 as mental health month as mayor I also comp call upon all deny citizens government agencies public and private institutions businesses and schools to rec recommit our community to increasing awareness and understanding of mental illnesses reducing stigma and discrimination in promoting appropriate and accessible services for all people with mental illness uh daa today May 6 2024 underneath my signature item number five on the agenda is uh the approval of our meeting minutes of our regular meeting April 15 2024 can I have a motion a second please move it Sigman second Rios any comments additions redactions or edits made as the meeting minutes currently stand without hearing any can we have a roll call please Mrs yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark abstain to to ABS okay item number six of our uh agenda is adoption of ordinances first up we have 202 24-11 an ordinance to amend the chapter 168 food handling establishment section 168-pin were that if you're having an event that's seasonal um you can just obtain one food handler's license instead of having to come back every time that there's a a specific date for example like if there's an open air mark in Washington Park uh before they had to get it every single weekend now they only have to get it one time for the entire season so some efficiencies um so if there's any public comments or questions specifically to ordinance 2024-25 without hearing any we'll take a roll call yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes can I have a motion to second on 202 24-12 an ordinance to amend several sections of chapter 227 secondhand goods and precious metals second sigment okay uh just before we open up to the public on this uh basically this is an ordinance that we had on the books that we're cleaning up so we can better enforce and regulate uh secondhand good stores uh precious metals such as cash for gold uh and ensure that they're running a quality institution um so with that we'll open the floor to the public if you have any comments or questions specifically to 202 24-12 without here heing any we'll close that portion to the public and we'll open the floor to the mayor and Council for any discussion on it and with the application process Mrs stats it'll be a more efficient process and okay okay if there's no discussion or questions we'll take a roll call please yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs M Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes okay can I have a motion and second on 2024-the $320,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $320,000 bonds for notes of the burrow to finance the cost thereof move it sigment second Albert okay before we open up to the public uh basically this is an improvement uh for the purpose of financing of which the bonds are to be issued is the burrow share of the public sewer improvements to the Sewer main that connects excuse me denell North Washington Pump Station to the planfield Area Regional sewage Authority Interceptor in Greenbrook related to the development of the denal station R color Redevelopment project including all work and materials necessary therefore and incidental there too uh so basically this was part of our financial agreement with the developer that we would take on partially of this Pump Station uh improvements so this is our part of the bonding for it uh the public has any comments or questions please state your name and address specifically for 2024-the to the public on 202 24-13 and it open up to the mayor and councel for any comments questions and discussion on this okay take a roll call please Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark item number seven on our agenda is related to our budgets item number one is resolution authorizing the calendar year 2024 Municipal budget and the calendar year 2024 sewer budget to be read by title only um and we have resolution uh 506 2024 number 137 can I have a motion and second please by Council move it Sigman second Rios rson you're good with the budget okay we had a presentation last meeting um if everybody want to go look on it look at it online that didn't grammatically makes sense look at it online and uh here what's our goals for this year um so if there's no further discussion by Council we have a roll call please sure Robson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes item number two is the public hearing on calendar year 2024 Municipal and Sewer utility budgets uh resolution 506 2024 number 138 move it Sig second Albertson at this moment in time I would open the floor to the public for any comments and questions specifically to this number resolution 138 we ask that you please state your name and address okay close that portion to the public Council any further discussion on this item no okay without hearing any can we have a roll call please Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes I just would like to note a uh thank you to the finance committee a finance chair Cole Sigman council members Lance and Albertson as well as the administrative team for putting together what I feel is a very responsible budget we're meeting some uh goals in our budget this year and we're doing in a fiscally responsible way that does not impact the taxpayer significantly so thank you for the work that you did on this budget okay item number eight is resolutions Mrs stator municipal clerk will read them out and she'll give a moment each for each resolution to uh have a discussion if mayor and Council so choose resolution number 139 is to pay the bills move it Sigman second Albertson Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 140 is the resolution to acknowledge the appointment of Brianna dandia as Deputy registar for the burrow of dellan move it Sigman second Rios well Rihanna's been doing a great job she passed her test to become a deputy uh registar and uh we're happy to have you on board and uh Council I think myself and the administrative team will endorse this and we hope that you'll follow suit I'll take a roll call Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes Rihanna want to join us are you holding the Bible sure hello Logan are you there we streaming live from the bur Hall okay ready to go okay swear swe I support Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state that I bear true faith and allegiance to the same and the governments established in the United States and in this state the government United States St e Mom Grandpa Grandma the entire family you'd be very proud of her she's doing great work he next up resolution 141 to hire William George as communication coordinator coordinator effective as of May 7th 2024 move it Sigman second Albertson so William George or as Billy as we will come to know him uh has great experience in public information uh as well as Communications he comes to us from raway City uh he's very experienced he will help the town in the areas of how we're communicating outward as well as assisting us administratively on Grant research and um he's I think he's going to do a great job his resume speaks to itself the council members have received it Alex if you want to say anything uh a good thing resume candidates that app and okay great Billy's here hi Billy want to you want to say a few words before uh we get voted on thank you yes we won't have to have Alex crooked photos anymore or blurry ones but we appreciate everything you did Alex so we'll be happy to retire on that too don't worry um so okay good we'll take a roll call Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes okay welcome to the team you'll get to work tomorrow believe me we got a lot for you you learn your key all right okay resolution number 142 is authorizing jurisdictional agreement by and between the bur of den Allen and the New Jersey Department Department of Transportation for 150 North Avenue move it Sigman second Rios so to speak to this really quick um whenever there's a development project uh we we expect through negotiations that the developers uh improve the streetcape on in front of the project so this way enhances the the The Pedestrian experience and streets gave of the downtown uh with 150 North unfortunately as going through site plans and everything the developer did find that there's a sewer line going right through where he would do these improvements um so we negotiate that instead of him doing the improvements he would give back us the cost of what he otherwise would have paid towards in those improvements such as the trees and the decorative lighting and we can use those funds elsewhere in the downtown um and so the recommendation after that would be is we'll consider the transit Village Grant this year um for Jackson to Jefferson to the chairman at dellan to do the the improvements because then we can include moving the sewer line in that Grant application uh so um that would be my recommendation uh but in this at least we'll get otherwise what he would have paid back to the town and we can use it for streetscape in the downtown so that's what this is and also we when when a developer does do it you have to have an jurisdictional agreement with NJ doot that basically says that they're allowing them to do it but the town has taking the responsibility after the Improvement have been made to maintain it Etc so that's also what this is all a part of so there we go I hope that explanation ofes all right I'll take a rooll Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 143 is to hire Amores petraitis as a substitute crossing guard move it second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sig oh sorry Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 144 is to approve a barber shop license for elegant Fades barber shop move it Sigman second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 145 is to amend resolution 03-04 2024 number 95 awarding a contract to Natural green for Columbia Park McCoy Park Washington Memorial Park and morecraft Park field maintenance move it Sigma second Albertson Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 146 is to approve ADP as a thirdparty provider for payroll slh Human Resource Services for 2024 for the burough of dellan move it Rios second Sigman Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 147 is awarding a contract to cafrey tree and landscape for tree replacement in the downtown not to exceed $40,000 move it Sigman second Albertson Mr M Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark okay that concludes our resolutions next up is our Council reports councilman president Albert anything to report this evening yes I do been a busy month for the fire department they had 13 calls eight were false alarms three were hasmat incidents two were good intent and the year to date total was 66 on April 20th they began to move into the Bays with the reported phase one completion unfortunately despite the numerous assurances from the contractor phase one was incomplete and remains incomplete we have attempted to receive accurate updates from the project manager however information provided has been inaccurate they will be meeting with Senior Management and H&S tomorrow uh to review the inaccurate information and missed project deadlines in an effort to determine phase one completion and um Sue Connelly will be giving more uh information about the fire department uh later on Friends is in public library the Open Air Market is open on the 1st and third Sundays through November 3rd join them for food mini golf lovely handcrafted items meet your friends and neighbors for fun afternoon from 11: to 3:00 p.m. this shade Tre commission held a delightful AR Day celebration at Faber Elementary School for the first grade students commission participated in the volunteer town hall and picnic the members of the committee are a dedicated team of volunteers who work tirelessly to care take care of the public trees in dellan and I really want to thank them for what they do the downtown dellan dellan downtown management organization um has been busy as well they had their fourth annual spring into Wellness event and it was very successful they've ordered hanging baskets they've refreshed the ivy on the Planters they participated in the volunteer town hall and picnic and held a grand opening for Latrice skin and Beauty on April 28th the den Island American Legion is hosting Friday night dinners every Friday beginning at 5:00 pm and have car shows every 1 and third Wednesdays 5: to 8:00 pm and that's all I have today okay thank you council president council member Rios yes J Parks and Rec all Recreation spring sports are in action which includes tennis track soccer baseball and softball the recreation department is thankful to all our coaches for all their hard work and dedication and uh it doesn't take much to volunteer you should point out that you're a coach now too yes I am now now I am now coaching volunteer Picnic Day this year we had our first volunteer picnic day it was a great success for this for the first year we would like to thank mayor salento for working towards hosting an event like this recognizing and thaning all of our volunteers we would also like to thank the burough Council for his support we would also like to thank Council persons Terry Albertson chrisol Lance Iris Lance Trina Rios Bill Scott Cole Sigman for joining us that day Hometown hero banners will be hung up in the downtown by May 10th we are up to 100 banners six additional banners were added this season the Memorial Day Parade will be on Memorial Day 2 May 27th at 10:00 a.m. if you are interested in marching in the parade or having a float please contact Recreation program coordinate coordinator Kelly Cedar at kedar DaNell andb burrow.com let's all come together to honor those who served denalan Public Library please visit our Facebook our web page or stop in for our monthly calendar for great programs for all ages B of Ed congratulations to this year's recipients for educator of the year the Janelle in high school was Tatiana Jordan Middle School was Al Allison aen and fav was Christina scolo educational specialist was Janet Caso next Board of Ed meeting will be Tuesday May 7th meeting will include the recognition of our May student of the month the final budget hearing for next year the renewal of our returning non-tenured staff members and a presentation on school safety and Hib data for this year a couple of upcoming dates for the Board of Ed would be Tuesday the board meeting the 24th there's no school the 27th there's no school and then the 28th of May will be that next Board of Ed meeting Municipal Alliance friends Razer friend Razer right okay will be May 14th at 7:30 a.m. yes that's 7:30 a.m. somebody questioned me on the typo no typos it is a breakfast fundraiser at the janalan hotel this year please consider donating to the musicial alliance to continue educating and bringing awareness to our school and this week is Teacher Appreciation Week for Janelle and teachers please take time to say thank you last mayor and council members in your package is a presentation for a free food pantry at the dellan public library I hope you've had the opportunity to look it over I am asking for consensus to continue with this project if you have any questions please feel free to ask yes uh I don't know if this the time to ask the questions yeah absolutely awesome uh well first I do uh looked it over I think it's a great idea and I know this isn't your first initiative to address food insecurity you've been doing it for years and I commend you um so just a couple questions are there any other municipalities that are doing this on Municipal property um middle sex has a free Little Pantry at the at their Library it is run by the Girl Scouts and um how are we managing like the liabilities we're uh all volunteers will sign a hold harmless waiver um and who's going to be monitoring the food I will you will yes and the physical Pantry which is that being purchased or no we have a donation and we are we've asked Mr shimko to build it for us I I would like to join him in the shop to help with that he's wonderful we'll see what we can do um thank you that's all the questions I have and I believe we checked with insurance they're the ones that came in with the waiver y okay and so this is not specifically a Library admin administering it or the library trustees we've all approved it on our end um we're all in a you know we all think that it's a great thing and we already have a small little um food section inside the library that um the food just doesn't last there it's there's a need so we figured if we build something a little bigger so people wouldn't feel in you know embarrassed or you know whatever reasons they don't feel comfortable coming in um so this will be inside not no that this will be outside in the front under the camera okay so it'll be monitored by the camera and it'll be non-p perishable non- perishable um I I'm going to speak with the I did actually I did speak with the health um and I asked her like in the summer if I could put like fruits and vegetables and she said it was fine but I have to throw them out you know check them every day okay because everybody grows a garden you don't know what to do with 200 tomatoes and there'll be a sign on the box yes yes and I'll put a sign on the box that says that it uh if you have any questions uh to call the library and um that it is being maintained who being maintained by great thank you good idea Council any issues with moving forward it so can we just have a general consensus everybody's good yes and if you guys want to volunteer I have the old um harmless waiver okay thank you council member thank you and that's all for me today wait let me double check good work yep that's all for me today thank you council member how going on my friend all right for the month of April the nland police department n police made 14 arrests and issued 254 summons 23 motor vehicle stops were made re baral incident ordinances were enforced and to 45 reports were filed and there were 1664 C insts this time I'd like to thank Chief Smith and mayor sento for the temporary creation of daytime traffic safety unit residents May email traffic safety denel pd.com with details of locations and times of ongoing receive receive violations so they may address the issues please sent emails do not call 911 also this Friday May 10th four of our officers will take for an Unity bike ride to Washington DC police support and wish officers Joe Dudley Marine the RO Ryan Roberts and Michael ladder a safe truck and that's my report for this one I appreciate you saying the thanks to Chief and I but also I think a good thanks goes to the mayor's traffic and pedestrian safety task force who has also brought this issue to the Forefront especially when you were also on a council member how I know the full Council supports this too and I I I sure as hell know the res support as well so uh happy we can all put it together and let's see how it goes so good work on council's part too thank you okay council member cissa IIs Lance so um softball tball baseball season is on its way it's um um awesome to see the families out there um whether they're coaching or just um applauding their children and so our ball fields are are really being used and we're very thankful that um the public works department um continues to maintain them um so that we have them available and clean every weekend um our parks are being maintained daily including weekly Lawn and Landscape Maintenance new mulch was installed at M McCoy Park in preparation of the baseball and softball opening day ceremony and I've observed children enjoying maintained Park so once again thank you because it really does keep our community very vibrant and engaged um so burall is um having new phones installed and so there's internal preparation taking place to prepare for a change over to the new phone service um an update on the Madison a bridge lighting the contractor has met with psng on a new connection of power to the lighting system under the bridge psng will install the new power source followed by the contractor reconnecting the power source to the existing meter box followed by testing the existing electrical system and we're looking forward to having the lights installed as we prepare for the installation of our wonderful murals um and that is all okay thank you uh council member Sigman uh yes thank you uh so I would like to congratulate the newly elected officers of the dellan Arts inclusion and culture commit Mission all officers were voted unanimous unanimously into their positions and I look forward to a productive year with this amazing theme of volunteers uh so just to name them it's Maryann Meers uh as chair shondo wise shrimp as Vice chair Sylvia Switzer as Treasurer and Peg Lockwood as secretary uh and speaking of murals the Madison Avenue mural is complete and ready to be installed we will be uh coordinating with DPW or DPW will be coordinating to have those uh placed and then I will go take pictures under them uh and for the Prospect Avenue mural uh we are reviewing the seven submissions and plan to bring our uh recommendations to the mayor and Council in June uh thank you to all the artists who submitted to us uh in addition to the quality of the art I was amazed at how well D dellan was represented in each panel it was truly amazing work and excited to show it all nice and that's all for today awesome look looking forward to seeing that one go up um but specifically to Madison Avenue if we can coordinate when that's going to be done so we can kind of have a nice little ceremony being it was funded by the county and we can get the maybe some of the Commissioners in and you know get a nice little photo op you know they like that so we have a new photographer I take so that would be wonderful so good work thank you council member Bill SC I'll say I'll say this there's a joke behind that uh Bill's also current chief uh his brother John was the chief before him and at our recent Town Hall I accidentally referred to him as Chief John Scott so there's thanks for the little joke up here humor is needed so thank you so for DPW it's been a busy month the uh DPW proves routinely clean the downtown area and all the burrow Hall parks and properties uh weekly lawn and L landcape maintenance at the burrow parks and properties and Parks uh maintaining the ball fields for the school and Recreation programs uh new multra McCoy Park they power wash the dugouts at McCoy Park uh Road repairs various locations throughout the burrow I don't know if there's many roads left you paved them all uh walked along the Brooks and streams to clear blockages uh assisted in the installation of the trash trap with Greenbrook uh continued curbside leaf pickup curbside leaf pickup will continue through the end of through May uh a reminder the curbside Branch pickup ended on April 30th any Resident can always bring branches to the public yard Public Works Yard all year round street sweeping schedule continues and please do not park on the street the day of the street sweeping schedule uh the schedule is posted on the burrow website and DPW removed and trim borrow trees and assisted psng on tree removal that's all I have oh that's all that's it okay slow week for DPW I'll tell you this DPW busts their ass they're doing a great job so good work to them um so really quick I just want to thank everyone who participated in our uh April 25th town hall on volunteering specifically Chief Bill Scott um as well as those who participate in our inaugural volunteer Picnic Day on Sunday April 28th um just a specific thank you to Kelly Cedar who helped make this idea a reality um without her I don't think it would have happened and U also thank you to Alex Miller for helping with those Logistics too and uh please extend a thanks to Mr Rios Billy Bobs best hot dogs this side of the Mississippi River um and of course all the volunteers who showed up and the public who joined we got uh a decent amount of volunteers to sign up for the various committees and commissions so um we'll be dispersing those names to the Committees uh American Water uh you'll see that uh they're doing work on the wa North Washington Avenue uh for between North Avenue and First Street um the they're milling and Paving it that began today it will take approximately three days depending on weather um after the paving phase uh the contractor will paint a yellow double line right down um North Washington Avenue from North Avenue to uh the Greenbrook border so nobody no longer can drive past you and go around in those double lines um we know there's been a few accidents there because of that and uh well this will allow the police T force that they can't do that so uh clein Place project uh the contractors performed items to prepare for the sewer main installation including pouring of concrete channels in the new sanitary manholes Milling the roadway in the areas where the sanitary main will be replaced and delivering Pipe Stone and soil backfill materials to the site um the contra trctor has also begun installing replacing sewer Mains and lateral connection starting from the West End decline place I will note um as these contractors come in and materials delivered they have to be placed somewhere um we do have easement on properties upward of 10 feet um any damage that is done by them will be replaced and fixed uh this is a temporary inconvenience for uh a long-term uh Improvement uh this road hasn't been paid for for what over 40 some odd years probably and so there's a lot of work that needs to be done here and we just ask for everyone's patience the road will look beautiful once it's done and it'll have less water coming down it because of some of the improvements that we're investing in um so I understand some residents concerns but we ask for your understanding and patience in that the road will be done by the end of the year most likely right by the summer so not even the end of the year um so okay uh Green Brook trash trap on uh Wednesday afternoon on April 17th a significant Milestone was reached as the storm water solutions and the Department of Public Work successfully installed the Bandit trash trap in the Green Brook Brook a testament to our Collective dedication and hard work the US fish and wildlife Grant fully funds the trash trap for a whopping $39,000 this was in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection NOAA lower Ron Watershed project and the burough of dellan uh the Greenbrook trash trap project is a pilot program um in which dellan was the first to receive so we're going to be the model for the state and many organizations will be following our project on uh on their behalf uh the Trap location is 100 yards west of Jefferson Avenue uh the Department of Public Works will maintain the trash trap and the lower R to Watership project will chart all debris uh cleanup data and we'll have a nice little ceremony for this on May 19th on the date of the multi-site cleanup at what 10:30 in the 10:30 in the morning so uh that'll be nice uh speaking the 19th we'll have our cleanup the third year of our our multi- municipality multi- partner initiative uh which will include the lower RIT and Watership partnership mayor Alliance for a clean Greenbrook Waterway and many more uh please join us at McCoy park at 9:30 a.m. to clean up the Green Brook and help keep keep one of our uh our natural resources you know nice it's nice it's nice that we have that uh palaski Street Culver project um the contractor malbo construction has completed pouring the new Bridges Northern and South footings uh abutments and uh Wing walls they've also installed Renault mattresses and gabon gabon right Gabon Rock baskets in the Stream bed and up the banks for stabilization uh they also assisted the water company by installing a sleeve Under The Stream bed from the abutment uh to uh their water M uh they are currently getting ready to set bearings and the new bridge beams and coordinating with the gas and water companies to relocate Services which conflict with the new storm water storm sewer pipes to be installed so uh this project is shaping up I understand that this has caused some traffic delays for school traffic and residents on Walnut and South Avenue I understand this is again a a short-term inconvenience for a long term improvement hopefully with this being done water will flow much better we're coming closer to the South Avenue culbert project becoming a reality and so once all that system has been repaired water should be able to flow much better in this section of town so um again the long-term goal outweighs the these short time shortterm annoyances um and not to mention we're going to be conducting hopefully pass in the bonds in the future uh a truck route study that reach routes all these freaking trucks so more to come on that one [Music] um okay uh from our Engineers uh for Lincoln Avenue they're coordinating the close out with the dot for the overall project so that's good news then we can receive some our last voucher of Grant funds which will be nice for our debt Services uh Washington Avenue street lighting uh CMEs addressing the review comments received from the New Jersey Department of Transportation to advance the project to bidding the lighting lease agreement and po have been forwarded to psng so they can order materials uh the response from the Department of Transportation comments County submission and shpo submissions are being processed uh shpo basically regulates any historical preservation stuff right just so everyone's aware what that is um and the good news is is we're going for LED lights and we're looking at the other lights in the downtown that can be replaced to that so we'll we'll improve Lighting in the downtown too uh which hopefully then approv some of these lights that are out half the time uh Second Street project the phase one uh field surveys are scheduled to commence next week uh again this is from Madison Avenue to the middle sex Border denel Station kavanian project um a punch list for the development has been prepared and transmitted to the developer um C uh this on the recycling tonage Grant application for 2023 has been submitted um uh they're in receipt of comments from the njd regard St ing railroad culbert project um and they're in contact with them with regard to what needs to be done to receive final approval um the uh NJ do88 project as we noted prior Council meetings uh the Department of Transportation is coming through the downtown improving ADA Compliant ramps um we suggested to them that being that we have the money through Redevelopment to do the rapid Beacon lights push buttons at several key locations in the downtown for pedestrian safety they should just basically do the whole thing together instead of doing one project then coming back later on um so that request has been submitted um and they're reviewing it um CME applied to the annual storm water annual report and updates to the stormw water pollution prevention plan has been authorized by the buau uh they're assisting the buau with preparing an update storm water Control Ordinance as required by the state of New Jersey and uh they're proceeding with the remaining remediation work associated with the uh strip joint site which is 635 boundbrook Road um and discussed the recent project meeting uh that they had with uh I believe it was DP right okay um so that's that for my report Council has any questions for me okay [Music] um okay item number 11 on the agenda is public comments oh no number 10 department heads anything to report this evening yes Sue Connelly Deputy fire chief April was a busy month for the fire department with several drills and events April 6th we met at Greenbrook House 2 to assist in the annual removal of the star that is illuminated every holiday season April 8th was our monthly work drill where apparatus and Equipment are tested and inspected April 15th members attended a forcable entry drill April 20th members attended the annual baseball softball parade April 20th and 21st we moved all loose equipment and storage into the firehouse phase in anticipation of phase one completion April 25th members presented at the mayor's volunteer Town Hall April 26th the crew was assigned to provide coverage in middlex Bur while their Department attended their annual firefighters fair at the high school April 28th members and Mar and Council attended the annual Firefighters Memorial service at their monument in Washington Park followed by an annual brunch at the recently reopened dellan Hotel April 28th members attended the first burrow volunteer picnic in Columbia Park apparatus update truck four is well into production with engine three moving quickly to the production line we anticipate a pre- delivery acceptance inspection the week of July 8th to approve the apparatus before it shipped to New Jersey denel and Defender fire company and the denell and fire department are seeking new volunteer members anyone interested in joining can visit us at www.del fd.com or you can email us at join DFD dellan fd.com thank you uh before I open up to other department heads I just want to make note of our noise ordinance because I realize I know now I don't realize I know that is a topic of conversation on social media and God forbid we come to a council meeting um I I've looked at all the calls since uh the new ordinance and yes there have been several calls of course um and so I have spoken with the chief of police and so if there is a noise that is disturbance of the piece at hours that are not appropriate please call the non-emergency line which is 732 968 3000 extension z um the only way the police can actually enforce the noise ordinance is if they are called to the scene they cannot just drive around town and assume that is disturbing the neighbors you have to call the police so the chief is having another conversation with our Police Department I would suggest if you have if you have called and you don't feel it was done appropriately I would email the chief or the lieutenant soon to be captain and express your concerns and they can handle it internally through their departments so again I just reiterate if you have a concern with noise which I can understand please call the police social media is a nice place to event but nobody is looking at it 247 okay and if you can't remember the non-emergency line 911 okay thank you but we prefer not to tie up the emergency line with that so let the cops do their job but you have to call them to do it I'll just say that okay other department heads while yeah a lot of we to um the town hall event to helping out with the I agree so she's been doing great work anything for finance department Okay police we got something Lieutenant Chris D Police Department mayor council good evening everyone so the last uh meeting on the 15th uh was brought to the police department's attention I guess some res residents from Columbia Street had brought up a petition about the speeding uh during that time or since then from 4:16 to 425 um the police department did a traffic study um we had officers stationed between 3 p.m. 7 p.m. on numerous days for traffic enforcement uh This was done as it was reported to be the times were speeding was of the greatest concern uh traffic speed radar signs were also posted during this time to record the speeds for the entire uh 10 days that they were up and post excuse me findings uh 85% of the vehicles were shown to be traveling at 18 miles hour or low uh approximately 133% were traveling 19 miles per hour to 25 miles per hour uh the highest speed that was recorded was 35 miles per hour uh the findings are that 98% of the vehicles were traveling at or under the posted speed of 25 only 2% of the vehicles uh recorded speeding were over 25 uh of the speed limit with the fastest being recorded at 35 miles per hour uh data also showed that the highest volume of vehicles traveled on Columbia Street were between the hours of two and four uh the bulk of the vehicles that were recorded were uh steady during the hours of 6:00 until 8 at night um so I'm not saying that there hasn't been speeding down there but the findings are that everyone's doing what they're supposed to be doing um uh the unity Tour also I like to as a councilman of inar brought up before it's this Friday and Sergeant Robbins along with officers Dudley n rodic and Ladder uh they're going to be participating in this year's Police Unity Tour uh the officers will leave from Frankland Township in route to Washington DC the police un tour is a three-day 300 mile cycling ride where each participant travels in the name of memory of an officer who died in line of Duty Officers from all 50 states and numerous countries come to New Jersey to participate and ride each year uh so I think again it's good to acknowledge that these officers from dland are taking the time to do this for a great event thanks thank you lieutenant okay I don't see another department heads in here Library actually there you are support we have on the inter of library and all different from those and kids school who are spending there a couple of hours snack or a bottle of so thank you for okay thank you Okie do if there's no other department heads we'll open up this meeting to the public for any comments or questions uh we will start with those who are in person and then we'll move to online so this way we don't have a mixup we just ask that you state your name and address I'm Carl Peter Clapper 130 FR Street apartment to well uh a couple of concerns here uh one is with the start of the project on Washington Avenue I've seen uh an increase in the amount of traffic uh uh traversing on Jackson Avenue as the alternative and uh I would hope that there's some uh efforts made to have some uh uh traffic calming features or whatever uh for that because uh it's not really suitable for the traffic for it to Bear the Washington Avenue traffic uh the other thing is uh the status of the sidewalks uh in my uh uh parental move back and forth from my storage space in rebrook uh I've noticed that there are several uh severely uneven sidewalks uh section between the first Street and Second Street uh and then as it get closer to uh uh Mountain View Terrace uh there are some sections there that are uh difficult to navigate especially when you're carrying stuff uh so if people can uh take a look at the status of the sidewalks in terms of their uh whether they're uh you know properly maintained and some of them may need to be replaced uh there are also a number of Hedges that impede the movement of pedestrians on sidewalks uh again uh near First Street uh and on Washington North Washington Avenue uh and uh another instance a couple of blocks up uh if we can you know encourage help some of the land owners to uh trim the hedges so that the sidewalks are clear and you don't have to do a sidewalk Motion in order to get there uh that would be extremely helpful uh and there continue to be cases where uh Motor Vehicles are blocking sidewalks on Front Street I run into this all the time uh some very close to uh to where I live and some further down down the road if there can be some sort of uh announcement to uh residents that it's uh good manners to make sure that your vehicle doesn't block sidewalk that would be helpful thanks a lot fine okay thank you we can talk to Property Maintenance about several of your concerns so Lauren I see is recording it and we'll talk to them for you any other members of the public that are in the chambers please state your name and address nothing Mr Morgan I saw the pie of paper that's why I called him out4 805 Front Street I asked this question once before but at the time it wasn't the price to ask you where doxy and roofs is or doxy doxy yeah Roxy and de and the apartment's up by North Avenue is there going to be some kind of traffic light because I see a lot of traffic you know when when those apartments are finished I don't think anybody's going to be able to cross the road and another thing was um down by where Community cleaners was yeah you know where Community cleaners is down by P uh by Sanford avue yeah the abandoned cleaners uh on the building there's a picture of a guy standing against the wall and relieving himself and I and I was just thinking that's not a kind of thing you want to see coming into the you know what I'm saying understood and that's the only one I I could I see in the area but just wor about I can tell you we have property maintenance on that prop property code enforcements on that property they're looking at it so that's one of the things that I see Alex taking notes he'll uh we took a tour on the fire department we went over Roxy and Duke right we went over took a tour and I can just see that curb where they come out they're not going to be able to see any traffic it's going to be tough I can see the cops the rescue squad even the fire department get involved in accidents which which driveway uh the one that that that they would go in and out where they have the overhang got it okay yeah right there because when you pull out you really can't see well NJ doot has to review all of this and the sight lines and the compliance of it on whether they'd approve it or not if they didn't think it was appropriate they would not have approved it we've had several of these projects actually get uh fixed because the njdot did not ex ex appreciate what they were doing so okay NJ doot approved the project in terms of the Ingress egress okay that's it thank you okay uh pertaining to where lights are going to be at the intersection of warville road and balber road right there at Route 28 there is a traffic light but if you're referring to possibly Sanford and boundbrook road by the dry cleaners that's one of the locations we are working with NJ doot to put uh one of the wrapping Beacon lights at so some when somebody goes to cross they can press it and notifies a driver that they're Crossing um in terms of where 520 uh B North Avenue is which is the uh project coming around the bend um we actually have been in convers ation with a developer uh they're interested in putting they're interested in working with njd to put an intersection there too and they installing a rapid Beacon Light as there as well there to let uh drivers know somebody's crossing the road so I hope that answers your question um anybody else from the public in Chambers please state your name and address okay without hearing any in the chambers here uh we'll open the floor to anybody online if they want to State their name and address and ask their question make their comments known Harriet James oh Mr petito hi Harry you can talk how you doing hi am well yourself M uh Harry can you just state where you live uh I live in Dellon 331 Walnut Street 331 Walnut Street I want to address the issue of the council Bar Council Mr Mayor moving Lieutenant Chris Peters up to Captain I think it's not a good idea I think it's a phenomenal idea it's the only way you're going to keep uh seasoned officers here is to give him a light at the end of the tunnel we've had a big turnover in the department and number of years I've lived here and i' I speak from experience 28 years of law enforcement and I think it's a Phenom phal thing that's well over well earned here we had a great Department here and I I applaud the council and the mayor for bringing this up and doing this well we agree with you so uh thank you for calling in and thank you for your service to in law enforcement you're welcome any other members of the public online please state your name and address no one else no else okay if there's no public comments from anybody um we'll close this portion of the meeting and um item number 12 on our agenda is a resolution to enter an executive sis uh uh session uh we have resolution 506 d202 number 148 um I'm just going to read it out if I can have a motion a second afterwards whereas the open public meetings act NJ njsa 10 uh 4 6 permits the closing of meetings to the public under certain circumstances and whereas there exists such a circumstance and whereas authorizing the burough Council to go into exe executive session to discuss litigation which after after which action may be taken and whereas minutes of the executive session will be kept and be released when the matters under discussion during executive session are no no longer confidential therefore be it resolved that the buau council will enter into executive session uh can I have a motion a second please move it Sigman second Scott all in favor we'll take a roll call just to be safe Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Scott yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark okay at this time we will take a five minute recess uh members of the public we are unfortunately going to have to ask you to leave while we're in executive session you are welcome to join join us after we're just going to have to ask you to step outside and the doors will be locked until we can let you back in e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay can we have a motion in a second to come into uh return from uh executive session into a regular session uh I uh resolution number 149 move it segment second Albertson all in favor I any NS okay uh there are there is no further business of this council meeting so can I have a motion to adjourn please move it Sigman second Rios all in favor I any Nays okay thank you everyone have a good night