uh reappointment on January 1st for a full year okay uh so what we'll do is we'll get the Bible right and then we'll swe you okay you want the Bible right you can say no okay left hand Bible can I do the right okay yeah we good don't worry I got you raise your right hand I can get my okay and we'll just read after here yeah better photos you're right should have been a photographer in his other care right wait a second guys you want your daughter I do need some you want to hold the Bible for oh there we go I'm girl in her okay thank you I don't have many cheaters so just repeat after me okay I Dawn do I Dawn do do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will be bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and in this state in the United States and in the state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me God congratulations welcome to the team you need to make it official your oath of Allegiance okay thank you we'll hand us over to the municipal cler if you like you can keep that copy yes thank you uh we always offer the opportunity you want to say a few words it's up to you I'm gonna be shy today okay thank [Music] you so thank you Don for volunteering and thank you to all our volunteers a lot of what gets done in this town is through our volunteers so thank you for stepping up and thank you to all our volunteers and if anybody is interested in getting involved please visit the website and apply for a volunteer application okay uh item number four is old business do you have any old business to discuss okay new Business Council discussions is item number five is discussion of citizen of the year and lifetime achievement awards um last council meeting we informed mayor and Council uh that we will be just making nominations and discussion of who we think should be citizen of the year and Lifetime Achievement an email was sent out by at the St some names have been brought in um we will start with citizen of the Year first um is there any names that would like to be called to the floor before I refer to the list that's been provided I'd like to nominate Colleen Mendes any um Colleen is very active at St John's Church helping a Saturday new masses each week as well as working on the ministry committee she's a secretary of the D and Senior Club she goes above and beyond to make the club's activities a success she constantly donating items for the parties and activities as well as providing coffee for our week weekly meetings as a longtime member of the American Legion Post 119 women's auxiliary and now president of the organization Colleen and her crew work hard to raise much needed funds for the legion from March to October you can find her at the car show every first and third Wednesdays taking orders for food handing out sodas and filling in at the frying machine if needed you can see her panning on the local residents uh at local stores helping our veterans in any way she can she plans and carries out an annual lunch and movies to the residence of meno par Veterans Home uh Colleen's always happy to help wherever she is needed she will always find the time to help others she's her spirit of helping is a wonderful example of why felan is the miracle M okay thank you council members any other names to bring to the floor for consideration of citizen of the uh yes I have one um it's sort of a a late thought so I don't have a long list uh but Donna loot I know has been very active in keeping the threee little libraries stock uh it is a small thing that I know has uh I would say an outsized impact and um yeah thank you any other members like to recommend something G to go the email list also well I'm letting it go to the floor first before I go through the email list so Cil member I know you did submit one do you want to Yes um James brenon this say I know you nominated for chief citizen citizen yes okay P okay yeah her through years with her being about in town she was a member of the uh recreation department when she was in high school when she was Melissa master and she edicated herself to the recreation department other PTL organizations softball in town so that's my nomination okay thank you and I'd like to nominate Kim okay for all his hear of council chry commission ddmo volunteer VI I don't think so I'll check I think he check wait did I you got my no this was okay um I will I'll read out read out council member Jessica dun's nomination for volunteer the year uh she is recommending Kelly Cedar for reasons related to her association with and I don't have a recommendation for volunteer M anybody uh well the name with Dan was was already mentioned so I'll just say that okay but it's a good group of names yeah I think this is a very good group and was not okay so 10 water is in the running so as of now we have Melissa Paul John colen Mendes Kelly CER Don o lock and Ken B and disco had nominations for a citizen of the year um I don't think we' ever run into this where each council member has had somebody so um the floor is open to the council to discuss I think each one of them stands their own ground on why they would be nominated but we do have to select one this is for citizen of the year right citizen volunteer of the year we'll do Lifetime Achievement but can I wanted to Lifetime I apologize okay for the running take them out no I apologize and I found the email let's get back to business citizen of the year I'm [Music] good like I said stand by my nomination for from Melissa because like I said she's a she's done a lot for the town she you know the Easter egg hunt every year um I get some of the other nominations they do a lot too also Donna with with the live where she goes out and does it um Colleen I love Colleen you know she does a lot for the legion and I think that the legion should actually recognize her more than they do and I think that that's where she should be recognized this year and yeah that's just my opinion uh just a question I have is U I have seen Melissa's work up close and personal as someone who works uh with her on Recreation so I'm just curious how that would affect my ability to actually vote for her I just want to point out that col does a lot more than just for the American Legion and she has been recognized by them um she's very active in as I said the church I know she's there she started with that new ministry board that they're doing and so forth to supporting that do a lot so I that is there anybody that we should consider elimination or do we think we have the numbers I honestly did not hear your question the first part of do we feel we have numbers for one of these individuals who who do you think we could probably remove for this year and consider for another well just to chime in because obviously there's someone that I'm very familiar with on this list um out of all these people they're all well you know they're well deserving of citizens of the year um so if someone is removed knowing a good portion of these individuals they're probably going to continue to do what they do exact so even though they're being removed off of the this year doesn't mean they're removed I think they should be in constant consideration in future years until they do eventually get recognized whether it be from the legion which I has and should definitely be I mean Daryl story who also at the legion there's a lot of important people in the town this group is a very strong group so obviously I'm going to take my myself out of this but all I have to say is within this group I think whoever does not get it this year those three with this Council being should also be brought back up for consideration and on that I would bow out of any future conversation in regards to this system tode how you recommend this do you just vote each C person say the name who they want okay we don't have time [Music] got Melissa that's uh yeah that puts us as a tie that means you get to break a tie I get to break a tie thanks guys years been waiting for I know how many years both are very good options um knowing that Colleen has been recognized by the legion I would like her to be considered for the future but I'm going to go with Melissa okay so the tough choice definitely s good good okay there we go okay um Lifetime Achievement um I'm going to throw my name out on the floor first I'm going to recommend no not me a little I am G to recommend bill youber for the americ um maybe that's why I'm soft not softened a little bit maybe it's a Paul John too because one could be nice one from the wreck and one from Legion that's my personal VI that's why I still it up to it other than let it just work um Phil's been a member of the Legion for many years he's been an immediate past president multiple times um he currently advises the current Commander the legion uh again like Colleen works all the fundraisers um he's been Associated the boy state for many many years I can thank you personally for um giving me the opportunity to go to boy States when I was a junior in high school um many months ago not too many um and uh good guy involved with uh the town overall when his kids were growing up and I I think it's time that uh we give a formal Rec of Mr person so that's my nomination to the bo um without me naming I know council member council president G you would you like to State why um yes because uh his years on Council and um being on ddmo and also for the shade tree commission we have beautiful trees because of shade tree a good point um I know in the past I'm sorry I know in the past we've done where like the rescue squad it was done as a group would we ever consider doing the American leion all it years we do that2 did emergency services but that was citizen of the year not like I'm thinking like for maybe and actually I'll make a recommendation too I think we need to take citizen of the year out of it and make it volunteer of the year because multiple of our volunteers from our committees commissions are also business owners so I think that would make it even a very F just a recommendation so I think also we need to consider how this process is done next year too it's maybe more of a private V shiron did say that prior mayor made the recommendation we'll make we'll have that conversation um but so you said K and disco and um I know Jim Brennan showed up on the list I know by new Council memb I did um but listening to all the other and he's got his recognition this year from the governor um and that was one of the reasons why I put him down you know but see you got the recognition from the Govern I think that Nom I Jimmy but he's already won a volunteer of the year also volunteer for governor's office yeah yeah okay so it sounds like you're also co- nominating Mr uler I'm gonna vote Mr I just for record council member Don also recommended so just it's on record anybody else nominate okay so with hearing that can we just formally take a vote just to have it congratulations to both uh Melissa Paul John and uh Bill uler and uh we'll do what we have to do to reach out to them and invite them to the January 1stc meeting thank you Okie do item number six is uh the approval of our meeting minutes from our regular meeting November 6 2023 I have a motion and a second move second Alberton any comments additions or edits to the meetings as they currently standing any any comments or additions okay without hearing any can we take a roll call please Mrs Albertson yes Mr PA yes Mrs riio yes Mr Sigman yes Mr V yes okay item number seven on the agenda is our resolutions uh we have 11 of them and uh Mrs staff will read them out just give us the opportunity to discuss them before we take a roll call Council Andes resolution number one is to pay the bills yes Mrs yes Mr P yes Mrs Rio yes Mr Sigman yes Mr V yes resolution number two is to hire Dana malwitz as a substitute crossing guard second sigon yes W yes yes Mr Sigman yes yes resolution number three is to issue a tax sale Redemption to FG real second Sig Mr Alon yes Mr pon yes Ros yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vandar yes resolution number four is authorizing a tax Court Judge person to a tax Court tax Mo Mr yes Mr yes yes Mr yes Mr V yes resolution number five is to request adding a minimal amount Andor increase the amount of change kept on hand in the clerk's office and the tax collector's office move it s second Alon alberon yes Mr F yes Mr yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vandar yes resolution number six is to approve dellan American Legion Post 119 for an instant raffle license second g mark Mr robton yes Mr yes yes mrman yes yes resolution number seven is to award a contract to Continental fire and safety for the purchase of a gear washer dryer Through Fire Department M second alberon Mrs alberon yes Mr Pon yes Mrs Rio yes Mr Sigman yes yes resolution number eight is authorizing a memorandum of understanding for the dellan police department to use the South leld Police Department's Firearms range Alberton yes Mr F yes yes Sig yes yes resolution number nine is to transfer Appropriations for the 2023 operating account open just so council's aware this is common practice towards the end of the year funds that are not spent in certain accounts get transfer so other funds that are in other accounts can get covered so noral finan obligation Mrs Albertson yes Mr Fon yes yes Mr s yes Mr yes resolution number 10 is to approved Public Health Services inter local service contract with middlex County second Mrs Albertson yes Mr yes yes Mr Z yes Mr yes resolution number 11 is to authorize a work change order for the denan firehouse rebuild move it [Music] Al mron yes Mr PA joh yes yes yes okay next on our agenda is item number eight consle and mayor report uh council member alberon yes cannabis task force will be hosting a town hall meeting on November 29th this is your final opportunity to express your opinions and learn what the task force has been doing it's on uh at 7 pm at the dellan senior center that's November 29th on fire department Christmas tree sale the trees are in and they'll be getting set up tomorrow on then Thursday and Friday from 6: to 9: Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 6: PM uh please support your local fire department and purchas trade the non American Legion is collecting toys for Tops stop by the legion to drop off gifts and on December 2nd from 10: a. to 2 PM photos with Santa stop in and take a picture of your children with Santa there's no charge bring your own phone and you can take as many pictures as you join the downtown the melon management organization as we support our local businesses on small business Saturday November 25th spend $100 in denell and receive $20 this this small business Saturday so to encourage uh the community to shop local DMO will be getting $2 gift cards from the various businesses and you spend $100 that day it doesn't have to be at one spot it could be anywhere any of the businesses you can get a hair pood you get your nails done what ever and then you will um send take a picture of your receipts email them to the downtown dland management or gmail.com and upon uh verifying the receipt you will get emailed a $20 gift card to Dell and business so that's a really fun way to do this you have to only you have to get them in by November 29 so it's November 25th come and Shop locally in denel thank you it that's it I like that idea great idea I love it council president Rios yes this week Mr Public Library will be closed um sorry will close at 3M on Wednesday November 22nd and remain closed on Thursday and Friday reopening on Saturday November 25th the library will be adding evening taiichi with Library volunteer and certified taiichi instructor Christian Ramos every other Monday at 5:30 p.m starting on November 27th on Sunday December 3rd the friends of Tel Public Library will host their annual holiday party at 3M for more information please visit visit the library in person or online at our website or social media the next Board of AD meeting will be November 28th 7M and schools will be expanding their preschool Services the expansion of preschool will be a gradual process as they seek additional space to serve the universe of students they will be working diligently to provide private providers who are willing to partner with the district Chanel and high school performing arts probably presents into Wonderful Life a live radio play Friday December 8th at 7:30 and Saturday December 9th at 2 o'clock and 7:30 adults are $12 and students and seniors are $10 and I want to wish everyone a hearty and thankful Thanksgiving with loved ones near and far safe travels and good e thank you you council member andark um buildings and grounds have nothing to report tonight but um I'm going to do a report for OEM few members of the OEM team attended PS and g2r has like safety training sessions on November 1st and November 7th training sent in the safe manner in which First Responders and residents should respond to cast leagues and on recognizing different types of gas facilities Lo Emergency Management committee LC meeting with that for Wednesday November 8th will be rescheduled due to an attendance issue this meeting is held twice a year as part of O's emergency Grant requirement o director coordinator and director home Mosley attended the New Jersey League of municipalities conference in Atlantic City on November 14th through 16 direct Mosley reports that the Le has increased session session work regarding emergency presidents and for municipal presidents then this past Saturday November 18th from 10 to 12 seven members of o 1 team attend to radio operations and edate training at D EOC for at homeall the training was conducted by Robert Nano communication manager for suers dispatch and Communication Center and that's my final report council member s yes thank you uh for DPW they uh perform lawn maintenance at all burrow properties and Parks they routinely cleared the catch basins and inspected streams continued the curbside Leaf bag pick up throughout the burrow cleaned up leaves on all burrow properties and Parks ran roll off loads to the dump repaired the manhole at the intersection of Washington and Third Street they perform maintenance on truck five truck 33 and service the pickup and PD Vehicles 504 and 501 uh residents can present their ID to pick up their Leaf bag bundle containing 25 bags from the DPW Yard during regular business hours which are Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday from 7:00 am until 2 pm Wednesday from 7:00 am until 6:00 p.m and Saturday from 8: am until 1 pm that okay thank you okay forel Police Department uh the police department had a very busy month of October there were 16 arrests 330 summonses 298 motor vehicle stops one burrow ordinance a total of 77 reports and 1,790 CAD incidents so thank you to the D Police Department for protecting and keeping our community s uh the rescue squad continue to have some good news there on their continued growth last meeting uh they I announced that they had two new certified EMTs now they have accepted two new probationary officers so as I've mentioned for some time their future does look bright and uh as we are coming up on this Thanksgiving Day uh let let us all take some time to be thankful and count each and every bless that is it for me thanks that thank you um updates on some of our road Improvement projects uh middle 6 County Mill and pay project um project has been completed the mill and pave section um the contractor has painted stop bars and crosswalks at the same striping that there was previously there um at hand striping including the Sher 25 milph and the striping near the intersections that discourage uh drivers from parking near the intersection uh will be added by the end of November New Jersey American water has continued their work as you can see along North Washington Avenue uh this morning they continue to install the final part of the 160 uh foot water main line between Front Street and North Avenue uh and between either Tuesday and Wednesday of this week they will be installing the crossings and new hydrants at the intersections of the nelan Avenue in Front Street following this uh they will fill the main and test it which hopefully goes well uh once it has passed its testing uh they will do the service connections and the final tie-ins uh this should be an additional two weeks or more client BL the notice of award to contract uh books are being prepared for transmittal to the contractor um some very good news too um the NJ doot grant that we apply to Second Street uh we were awarded it so happy to announce that uh we got the municipal aid grant for fiscal year 2024 uh this Project's name is Second Street improvements phase two we got the amount of $496,000 this is in addition to uh being awarded $619,500 Municipal aid grant um so the total amount of the grant funds are 1,168 which um is a good amount 4.5 million since 2020 um in which this project will span uh Scott good timing we got a grand [Laughter] soome this Grand project will be between uh North Washington Avenue to the middle sex border um we do need to talk about how we can include the remainder of Second Street I think that would be nice for them um but specifically the project will include enhanced safety measures for pedestrian traffic safety along this roadway so that'll be nice because I know speeding is a consistent concern over on Second Street um fasy Street culber project uh all new sanitary sewer installations are complete trenches are restored with the HMA minor sanitary sewer removals remain and will be done during uh the Bridge demolition currently waiting on pstg to complete their work installing a bypass main at the bridge to allow demolition the bypass piping is in place awaiting Crews to weld onto existing Main and abandon the aort the portion of crossing the C the contractor plans to work throughout the winter as weather allows so we are looking into the spring until the last the street is completed um which will be nice because it'll most likely help with alleviating some of the flooding problems over that walks in talks with the mayor the next final the next and final walks in talks with the mayor for the year we're going to move to Friday December 1st the evening from usually do Saturday morning um The delling Ting Community Committee uh and I decided to make an evening walk this time just to provide another time frame for residents because morning's becoming a little light right Homer you did you sometimes see an Homer talking back great um and mayoral Town Hall so please join us on Thursday December 14th at 700m for a mayoral town hall meeting on uh Redevelopment in Den Allen we will discuss topics such as our recent well we'll talk about the master plan um updates on ongoing Redevelopment projects affordable housing school age children and Redevelopment projects what payment L of taxes are our shortterm uh tax exemption program and what downtime Improvement districts are and having maybe that could benefit the N moving forward to help the downtown there will be a question and answer period um and I will host I'll moderate the discussion with the municipality's Redevelopment professionals who do it all prob boner they don't charge us just so everyone's aware and just so you know uh we'll also have students from the Ruckers blouse team School of planning and public policy there to discuss uh downtown improvement district information on this will be available on the bur's website in due time and uh my Facebook page under mayor salento I hope you can join us for this important conversation as we continue to revitalize in downtown you were there last year yes you were um so I do want to apologize because I had made the the intention to have another town hall on volunteering inan and I failed to get that done so I'm putting on record I'm apologizing um I hope to have a town hall around volunteering done in November um but dud some scheduling issues and the priority of the Town Hall that took place where it takes a village um we weren't able to just get it done you can only do so much sorry um but we are looking to make it a town hall in April 2024 which now there's no excuse we have plenty enough time um because New Jersey New Jersey the New Jersey League of municipality does New Jersey's local government week so we'll just added in as part of those celebrations and it kind of makes sense because the town hall is going to recognize the VAR committees and Comm missions that we have and what they do and how you can volunteer so I think it actually makes sense at that time frame um that's it for me just wishing everybody a Happy Thanksgiving as council member Joe said count your blessings you know it's there's a lot to be thankful for so Happy Thanksgiving and the uh you got to mention I mean the PBA toy drive yes at sub coach you have the I know it's December 1st on Friday and December 2nd yes so we make a very brisk walk on December 1st just so everyone's aware 30 minutes we get over there and have fried food maybe a beer um that's it for me department heads [Music] anything Library hi how you doing okay we need your library CS they expire every 3 years okay down on the record bance anything okay okie do without the further Ado we will open up the floor to the public that's item number nine on the agenda we just ask you please state your name and address and then ask your question make your statement and we will do our best to address it hello everyone uh my name is Roberto Molina Bon and I live at 247 withe Avenue uh I'm here for well it was one reason but it just made it into two it reminded me of something um the small one a little while back maybe about two weeks ago we had a little accident across well in front of my house I guess uh um driver under the influence hit one of the posts uh the light post and the light post has been replaced however the old one is still standing there or barely standing so it is a safety concern I'm not sure if there is a plan plan to address it because you know Alex will reach out to P Alex is superintendent our public work and business administrator Recreation all and the main reason that I'm here today um well I don't think anybody except for mayor here knows me so once again Roberto Molina I'm a register nurse and in both New Jersey and New York and uh one of the employees that work with jonon University Hospital I don't know if you guys are aware but uh we've been in strike for 110 days now and uh the reason that we are on strike we're trying to fight for safe sta now the reason I'm here is to try to get your support into pushing a bill that has been seting in Congress for about 10 years uh this is two different bills with assembly Bill 4536 and uh Senate Bill 304 I have C this uh here for you guys but uh what is important about this bill and why we're fighting at Robert Wood Johnson we're trying to have a determined set of nurses with patient ratios and I can translate it into however um you know business you're in if you don't have the right amount of people to take care of the job job isn't going to get done properly now here is not just about making me but it's about people's lives on the line if I have more patients that I can physically handle that means that my time is being divided among different people and from a patient perspective you know they're usually wondering where's my nurse and most likely they're trying to take care of the most urgent needs leaving the other people you know kind of left without them services and when it comes to life and death situations if your nurse isn't there if you were not there on time to be able to catch it well unfortunately it may be too late for that and that's why this bill is so important I heard you recently had some sort of procedure and you were in the hospital I hope it was a good one but um and my own you know the nurses missing was a big thing yes it was a big thing and this is a problem not only here in New Jersey but you know across many states uh and you know that's what we're trying to stop I don't know if you're aware but if not Oregon is the only state that has been able to put um efficiently uh safe patient ratios enforceable by the state uh we're trying to do the same thing at our hospital and again across the state so that's why we are looking for your support and I know this is something that I have to present to you to hopefully vote on for the next process can I bring it to you you can and what I'll say is I commend you for doing this and I'm sorry that you guys have not been able to reach some type of understanding um is unfortunate that's my personal belief what I would do and I'm sure Council consent to this is we have to allow legal council to revie this and allow him to see what what we can and I can also if you give me the point of contact I can email you those same documents that way it'll be easier to spr okay so after the meeting I'll take your information we will certainly look into this with legal council and okay I think thank you thank you for what you do thank app yes sir yes Carl Peter Clapper um I'm a in a political Economist where my I live over at 130 Front Street on Front Street Front Street uh and uh there's been a great deal of U turmoil you're not aware in my old neighborhood of Washington Heights and throughout the city on account of the ever Rising rent both uh residential and commercial on account of the mortgage people are not familiar with the effect that mortgage has there's a groundbreaking article in political political science quarterly number five this is 19th century sub uh called the mortgage evil where it laid out the damaging effects of the mortgage upon uh the Midwest and West creating the ghost towns uh and there's uh this gets worse and worse continues as we allow the mortgage to continue uh so I would like to urge uh Council everybody that uh can uh their state and federal officials uh to into legislation that would effectively abolish the mortgage what's uh needed in order to do that is to place permanent moratorium on new mortgages so that the rents do not continue to increase and increase and increase uh and so that people have places to live and have places in order to open up a business again back in my old neighborhood in Washington Heights uh in St down Broadway and you would see uh homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk outside of buildings that were clearly not uh open for for tenants uh and once the morning came around and the homeless moved off and you Ed up with the street venders were sitting in who were setting up their tables in front of that storefronts uh this is a an economic uh absurdity that that in a uh neighborhood where such a need for residences and need for storefronts that homeless people and storefront lless vendors uh so again is created a Calamity that has been uh interwoven with the uh events in the Middle East and with respect to what been refering to as the uh immigration crisis we have more than enough uh places for people to stay but the mortgage just keeps those rents going up so that nobody can afford to be in there the uh the uh land words and what not they feel compelled to force people out because they uh with their pain because it keeps on going up and up as well so again I just want to urge everybody to uh contact uh their legislators about abolishing the mortgage and also on that related note of the uh the Middle East uh there's been uh a great deal of uh of acrimony around uh uh the various people there in the M Middle East uh particular in Palestine and Taza area West Bank uh and also uh where the the people that are living in Israel and uh what's needed is a considered initiative towards peace so again I urge people to uh to contact uh their public officials to promote a an immediate ceasefire and to progress to a an approach of establishing peace enabling people to uh you know to live and to uh and be able to function be able to help their neighbors out about the the sir it's minute limit on comment thank thank you any other members of the public please take you name address question your concern anybody online okay without hearing any we will close that portion of the meeting uh Roberto we will look into that and we will get back to you is it after Thanksgiving aay okay um ADM to stat recording okay um there is no further business from the council so without f further Ado I would ask that we have a motion for adjournment all in favor any need okay thank you Happy Thanksgiving [Music] everyone this conference is no longer being [Music] recorded