item number two on our agenda is the reading of the sunshine statement and roll call call by our municipal clerk Mrs Lawrence stats this meeting this meeting of the denell andboro council is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of February 20th 2024 was included in a list of meetings that was advertised in The Courier on January 8th 2024 and as a teleconference was noticed on the official dellan website on February 16 2024 and on the public bulletin board on North Avenue on February 16th 2024 and has remained continuously posted as required notice under the statue mayor sento noted absent council president Albertson present Mrs Lance here Mr paon here Mrs Rios here Mr Sigman here and Mr vanderark item number three on the agenda is the approval of meeting minutes for February 5th 2024 can I have a motion in a second move it Sigman second Rios any comments redactions or additions to the meeting minutes uh as they currently stand without hearing any we will take a roll call Mrs Albertson yes Mrs L yes Mr F yes Mrs yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vandar yes item number four on the agenda is the introduction of ordinances we have one ordinance to introduce this evening and I will read that to you it is B of dellan ordinance number 2024-the on February 20th 2024 a second reading and public hearing will be held at 7 pm in the denalan burrow Municipal Building 355 North Avenue dellan New Jersey on March 4th 2024 and copies of this ordinance shall be posted on the public bulletin board prior to the date for second reading and final passage and of the ordinance shall be available at the office of the borrow clerk for any interested members of the public okay so the ordinance uh authorizes execution of Rights of way agreement between the burrow of dellan and Comcast of Northwest New Jersey LLC to permit the inst installation use and maintenance of cable televis ision service and Telecommunications facilities within public rights of way for purposes of providing cable television and telecommunication services so now I ask some motion okay may have a motion to move it Sigman second Rios roll call M Albertson yes M yes Mr yes R yes Mr yes yes okay item number five on the agenda is the adoption of ordinances ordinance ordinance number 2024 d04 ordinance to amend chapter 130 clothing bins move it Sigman a second second thank you uh at this time the floor is now open to the public for any comments or questions based solely on we will close that portion of the meeting and I'll open the floor to the mayor and councel for comments and questions hearing none can I please have a roll call yes M Lance yes Mr Bon yes Mrs Rio yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vandar yes right we have resolutions now resolution number okay item number the number six I don't remember where this went the number six on the agenda is our resolutions Mrs stats our municipal clerk will read through them thank you resolution number 76 six is to pay the bills move it Rios second Sigman Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Fon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr Vander yes resolution number 77 is to authorize that the land taxes be removed from the Nell which is 100 South Washington for 2024 except for the portion of the retail components land taxes as per their financial agreement move it Rios second Sigman Alber yes Mrs Lance yes Mr B yes Mrs Rios yes Mr zman yes Mr vandar yes resolution number 78 is approving an agreement with capital benefits LLC as a broker for the burrow of den Allan move it Rios second Sigman Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Pon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 79 is approving an agreement with EB Employee Solutions LLC um the difference card as for the burrow of dellan move it Sigman second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Paul Chan yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vanderark yes resolution number 80 is authorizing the burrow to submit an application for consideration to the middle sex County division of solid waste management for a recycling enhan ment Grant move Rios second Sigman Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Pon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 81 is author authorizing consulting services for the feasibility of a special improvement district in the burrow of dellan move it Sigman second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Paul Chon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 82 is to refund clothing bin licensing fees move it Sigman second Rios and this is where we um refunding them because of the state statute it needs to be brought down to $25 Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Pon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 83 is the resolution to approve the Church of St John's for a casino night license on April 20th 2024 move it Sigman second Rios Mrs Alberton yes Mrs Lance yes Mr paulon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vanderark yes resolution number 84 is to approve St John's for an on premise 5050 raffle on April 20th 202 4 Move It Sigman second Paul Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr pulon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes Mr vanderark yes resolution number 85 is a resolution to accept the resignation of gr Julie gr as program manager move it Sigman second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr paon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 86 is to approve Street Corner fundraising by the dellan American Legion Post 119 move it sign second Rios and then this is just for um for canning for them Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Paul Chong yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes resolution number 87 is to transfer appropriation reserves for the 2023 operating accounts move it Sigman second Rios Mrs Albertson yes Mrs Lance yes Mr Paul johon yes Mrs Rios yes Mr Sigman yes and Mr vanderark yes okay next up on the agenda is Council reports I'll give mine uh fire department the building is moving along be sure to drive by and see how nice it looks uh they're hoping to move in sometime by April the friends of the denalan public library are hosting a women's history Pres presentation on March 14th at 6:30 p.m. in the library it's starring uh Alice Alysa dupe actress and historian she will regail us with stories of women of all Creeds who contributed to the success of our revolutionary war for independence in a firstperson portrayal of Annis vodan Stockton revolutionary era Patriot writer and po poet shade Tre commission meets next week on March 13th at 700 p.m. and the downtown D dellan management organization ddmo will be hosting their annual spring into Wellness event at the grand opening of the friends of the dellan public library Open Air Market on April 21st from 11:00 a. to 3 p.m. for more information contact ddmo or the friends of the denell and Public Library both of are on Facebook Mrs Rios yes uh J and Recreation Department uh the last Saturday morning basketball finished last week thank you to our W coaches and volunteer parents for another successful season we had 89 total players enrolled we have one more Monday night game for our fifth and sixth graders at denan high school the adult jogging Club has started back up and its first run February 11th registration is now open this is a free program the jogging Club meets every other week at Washington Park Sundays at 800 a.m. spring Open soccer we are in need of parent volunteers it is a low commitment program each grade level meets once a week for loose practice Play Hometown hero banners registration is now is open let me see registration to order a banner is March 1st these banners will be hung up in the downtown area from May through November Board of Education all meetings start at 7:00 p.m. and go immediately into executive session public sessions will begin approximately at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise specified board meetings will be held in person at Lincoln Middle School cafeteria and can be streamed live on YouTube and at the time of the meeting there is a board meeting today and the next one will be on March 12th which is their tenative budget presentation meeting there's a calendar change due to the use of the third inclement weather day this year Mar March 8th is now going to be a school day for students the day was originally slatted to be a a staff only professional development so please make note of the change now and they will send a number of reminders as they get closer to March 8 Tuesday March 5th early dismissal for favor only uh dellan Public Library the dellan public library will continue hosting regular popular regular weekly programs for the remainder of the library Lovers Month and Black History Month just a few of the items to highlight would be the storytime programs on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. as well as Tuesday at 5:15 P p.m both are both for children ages five and under and their caregivers their te their teen anime club is starting off a new series this week when they meet on Friday at 3:15 the club is recommended for ages 12 and up this week Saturday movie February 24th starts at noon will be a haunting in Venice following the tals of Agatha Christie next week the J Public Library will be having a pink Drake drink dupe program on Monday say that five times um February 26 at 3:30 participants will be able to create their homemade version of a Starbucks pink drink using supplies readily available at their local grocery store this program is intended for ages 9 and up registration is required as suppli supplies and space are limited please call or email the library for registration the library will be hosting a snowy scenery painting program for ages 6 to 11 and participants will use painting techniques of their choice to create a snowy scene of landscaping um as a quick note the General Public Library will would like to say that tax season tax season approaches they have free form 1040s with instruction booklets very limited quantity of the book booklets uh available for pickup for dellan residents interested in doing their own taxes and as always please check our Facebook and website for information and last please consider volunteering in your community thank you thank you Mr vandemar the police report for um today is uh the finals in final report for uh the totals for 2023 we had 3563 suances 2,467 motor vehicle stops 178 arrests 79 DWI charges and 18,7 162 CAD cat incidents that's my report thank you Mrs Lance the mayor's traffic and pedestrian task force task force has had several productive meetings and is actively engaged in implementing various initiatives aimed at enhancing both driver and pedestrian safety across the nelan acknowledging the community's concerns regarding Traffic Safety we are diligently advising the mayor and Council on the progress of ongoing Road enhancement projects more moreover this week um MTS in collaboration with keep middle sex moving we'll be visiting the local elementary school to discuss the importance of safety measures for pedestrians and the benefits of walking to school as spring approaches our goal is to encourage families to make walking a weekly Habit to reduce morning traffic additionally MTS is developing a community engagement program with more details to come soon we're pleased that MTS is growing in membership and encourage you to join if you are interested as for buildings and ground earlier this month the burrow office was assessed by all risk property damage experts who discovered surface mold in the storage area the mold has been successfully removed with a section of the wall and shelving dismantled for the process but reconstruction is already in progress in a bit to enhance our downtown area we have introduced LED lights beneath the Prospect Avenue Bridge the upcoming phase includes the installation of simar Lights Under the South Washington a bridge followed by the installation plan for the Madison a bridge or portion of it furthermore we are delighted to share that thanks to additional funding from the Community Development block grant program the burrow is moving forward with the installation of a drop ceiling in the senior center this Improvement will boost Energy Efficiency and address Acoustics issues in the space thank you Mr Sigman thank you uh no report tonight other than to further encourage uh parents out there to be a soccer coach and you do not have to be a great soccer player to be a great role model to these kids so please uh volunteer and help me thank you Mr Paul John announcement all right for tonight report T the DPW uh gr has been cleaning the downtown daily as well as our properties and Parks uh and this lovely weather has contined to keep them crazy busy and working long hours so the crew pep pre salted and floud the roads with both snow events on February 13th and February 16th into the 17 reminder again for everyone please move your cars off the street prior to and during the storm especially when the snow is accumulating uh this clear path will allow the blows to operate more efficiently and leave less of those frozen ice that you see all around to car park so please you have time plenty of notification uh move your car to either driveway front yard or what we have the legion the library yes please Ian it does create a little bit of problem once the stuff does freeze left in the street so and plus Chief your team will be out there they're still on the street so yes we've had a couple storms this year I know we were a little lacked probably last year bar had snow but we get in the routine now another one's coming I'm staying at so hopefully it doesn't happen um also this weather creates potholes and the DPW had been busy filling those they serviced and repaired clouds and the equipment in between both storms uh they cleared all Contin to clear all the T B LS throughout the bur at done water ice mil uh tree and Bush trimming when they had sometime a VAR F locations uh they continue to run the multiple Leaf bag loads withw to drop off dump uh contined to monitor it streams to make sure they're blown and there's no new blockages and to top off all this crazyness the senior bus will shut down for he needed some safety repairs so were able to do that as well in that time and they Al keep our seniors uh on to the rest Squad the the rush Squad just had two cast members rejoin the squad I guess they kept hearing about the new building and wanted back in so the squad would like to welcome that former Chief and mayy Veteran Robert R that right sound former deputy Brett M so both of whom will be working on recertifying to become emps by the end of June I believe that will make three news two to two so that is great news the Resurgence of the squad is in full swing now so for more information please visit benen rescue. for all new updates and for ways you can volunteer thank you uh Mr Miller you have uh the mayor's report sure all right so uh just just to go over a couple things that the Orin that you just passed for contast uh mayor May has been working on with sest probably for about six seven months on getting them into the town so first step was today the runways and now they go BPU to uh you know come into town obviously know Char and they give us another internet which would be a big asset one of the most common things you see on Facebook my internet's not working so it's it's a big thing and it'll be really helpful for the community um the other thing uh that was discussed tonight was the capital uh benefits um the new uh health plan that we're going to be uh switching over to this went through with the uh um police the PBA and then DW obviously we had to you know negotiate whatever what's in their contract that has to be equal or better to the the previous insurance that we had we're still going to be in the State uh insurance benefits but with the new plan the bur could save somewhere between 65 and $125,000 a year uh after last year the den Allen and many uh towns and Burrows got hit really hard with the increase I the our increase around $220,000 last year so this this it'll be you know very beneficial for uh for Dell um from CME CLI Place uh looks like we're about a couple weeks away from starting over there uh in our in our uh pre structure meeting that we had uh later in January uh one of the discussions we had was that making sure that original plans had tie-ins going to certain uh residents that had some pumps that were dumping out on the street well uh in the meeting we we you know we we mentioned to CB that we want wal tied into the storm water system because there could be five or six right now that will be tied in then here there'll be more more uh s pumps dumping out on the street so we're trying to avoid that so since it's going to be a whole new storm water system we're g to have uh connections for each each resident whether they have it or not now they'll have that option later on so it it'll be beneficial because one of the biggest problems that we have over on that area I'm sure the test to it is when the water's dumping out on the side of the street there's probably about a 10 foot strip of ice that goes down ins side of both sides of the road extremely dangerous so so with the new storm water system that we're going to be putting in there's be nine CET spaces installed on that street and be all new lines running up and down the street we're going have cleanouts to each resident's house so this way again of if they have some pumps now we'll py in they don't have them and eventually they want it they can just tie right into the storm system so that problem more uh Lin AB final payment was done for that project U so we should be looking in the near future getting the final Grant reimbursement from uh that do project um Washington have Street lighting um that that project is going to start going out the bid at do and that'll be uh getting new street lights uh decorative street lights from Washington Memorial Park to uh dellan and then on the other side of the um nor from North AB to to the railro uh Trestle so that'll be on that project that again that that's going out the bid right now um DM is also uh put it to uh new do on proposed lights more lights decorative lights on North and that'll be probably that that most likely will be going from San for going towards the middle section border we'll see what we can get out of that and W on the C report if if I go on to are we going to department heads now yes we are so now we're going to go to form head um a lot of stuff has been put out the report but uh a lot of progress has been going on recently with the firehouse and I do got to say uh both Chief Scott and jerem louder have been really helpful and I appreciate all you guys just it's really ramping up and you guys have another set of eyes over there to have help okay uh Chief Scott you have anything pretty much covered it we're waiting to reoccupy starting starting to meet interally as officers plan for reoccupy a lot of soon his health as well us speak Monumental task okay yeah thank you Chief Smith you have anything Rescue Squad anybody any um department heads out on on the uh meeting no okay then we're going to move on to public comments if anyone from the public wants to speak uh we ask that you please state your name and address okay seeing hearing none uh can I have a motion and a second for adjournment oh anyone that's on Zoom nobody's on yeah thank you for okay motion second to adjourn move it sigment all in favor hi okay uh um we'd like to thank everyone for uh joining us this evening and remember that our next meeting is on March 4th at 7 pm right here in burrow Hall thank you