okay I would like to call this meeting to order will the secretary please call the role Mrs Becker here Mr Cummings here miss guas here Mrs herck here Mr Hong Mrs Reese here president LAX here we have a quorum please rise to salute the flag that way I allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the East brunwick board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted at the Board of Education offices written notice was also provided to The Sentinel the New York Star Ledger the home News Tribune the alternative press of East Brunswick and the municipal clerk of East Brunswick all Board of Education meetings with the exception of executive session discussions our videotape for later broadcast it is the policy of the Board of Education that videotape meetings are not edited for any purpose individuals who speak at the board's public meeting should be aware of these videotaping rules good evening um and as I see we have a special start to this very special evening we are going to ask Mr Juliana to go to the front of the stage and we are going to be administering the oath of office to our two brand new board members so do you want to call them up one at a time all right Heather James would you like to make your way Mr ghost oh we're doing well you had it just just saying I follow directions oh you did I'm sorry sorry P guys okay mran would you please come up and if you'd like to have your family join you go Swami please raise your right hand and repeat after me I pankaj gas Swami I pankaj goswami do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith that I'll will bear true faar and allegiance to the same allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and this state and the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do solemnly swear and I do solemly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications prescribed prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office of member for the office of member of the Board of Education of the Board of Education and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all duties of that office all duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations sir congratulations you may take your seat sure Dr James a I think that's great that's okay we're going to invite him back you're still here stand this is fine are you ready yes okay Dr James please raise your right hand and repeat after me I Heather James I Heather James do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and this state and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I do solemnly swear and I do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office of member for the office of member of a board of education of the Board of Education and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all duties of that office all duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you [Applause] JY yay now you can have the baby great job girl not so tomorrow after sorry thank you so I don't believe we've ever done two of these in one night which is why we're at hammera for such a special occasion right bigger stage I want to say a quick Welcome to our new members we're excited to have you be here um hanai you want to say a quick hello thank your family we're gon to thank you so I want to express my heartfelt gratitude uh and thank you all the seven board members who selected me and uh um the confidence on me and uh I it will I will do all the right things and take the right decisions for our community I will also would like to thank my wife tapashi Saha and my son akshaj goswami for their unwavering support and uh love I would also like to say that in the past 6 months there has been a lot of turmoil in the community regarding our children's education I want to ensure that I will be accessible to every parent of e brck uh community and I will work with our school board members and the school administration in unity and Harmony to ensure that we make the best decisions for our children I'm committed to work for all East brwi residents and their children so that they can be proud of our schools and our community and it's my Sor obligation to assist everyone in our district and our in in with honor and class I look forward meeting everyone and discussing all the option with an open mind I'm excited to begin this important journey and make meaningful impact to our community and our schools once again thank you so much for granting me this opportunity to serve our community God Bless America thank you and welcome to Dr James hello everyone um I'd also like to thank you for giving me this time to introduce myself I'm Heather James and I'm really grateful to be here uh with all of you thank you for the board to the board for giving me this opportunity and to my wonderful husband Rob down there recording embarrassingly and to my son in absentia and his friends who filled in uh for him today I could not be more proud to volunteer for our community in this way and hopefully to help Inspire the Next Generation to do something like this as well because I do believe that volunteerism is at the heart of everything that we do here uh I moved to East Brunswick with my son for our Blue Ribbon public schools and I'm so glad I did he's 11 um obviously I have another vested interest now in staying in the schools this one is zero uh but more than that I have an interest in all of our children um and just in East Brunswick in general and I really hope that I can be uh a voice for the community I want you to know that I'm always here uh to listen help if I can and you know that you can find me if you need me I'm an educator myself I'm a public college professor um I deal with budgeting and legislation and my work as a legislative representative for the City University of New York and I'm of course first a PTA volunteer um and a parent so I hope to bring uh my expertise here and I just want to close out by saying I know that it's uh faculty staff Appreciation Night teacher appreciation um I think a lot of folks aren't here yet uh but for those that are I just want to say um I've been in many classrooms I know how hard the job is I know that it's a lot more than what people see it's all those little interactions that are thankless that aren't renumerated you know Educators don't do it for the money they do it for that kid who remembers you 15 years down the line even though they never came back and said thank you you change their lives so my utmost respect is for you and I'm so grateful that this is a day of I swearing in congratulations yes you guys picked the right time it wonderful to be here for happy occasions but the first thing you're going to get to do as new board members is you're going to vote on our annual action so I'm going to ask for a motion for the 36 items this evening motion thank you so motion by Mrs herck second by Mrs Becker is any discussion all those in favor I opposed extensions motion carries okay see I had the page I lost it sorry um as we do each meeting we're going to go into Clos session um but when we return we will be here for a fun audience actually said I apologize there are two more items do I have to do another motion then for well for the 37 and number 37 and 38 I'm so sorry see you know it's live um may I please have a motion for items 37 and 38 that I left off so moved moved by Mrs gu second by Mr Cummings is there any discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries and it gave me time to find my close session resolution whereas the Board of Education must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in a public meeting and these subjects are within the exceptions to the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in closed session the board of education intends to discuss matters as follows those items listed on tonight's agenda the length of close session is estimated to be 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene and action will be taken now therefore be it resolved that the East brons Board of Education will recess into Clos session for only the afor said subjects and be it further resolved that the East brunic Board of Education hereby declares that its discussion of the affers said subjects will be made public at a time when the Public's interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental Interest being protected from disclosure in accordance with the open public meetings act second boot by Mrs Becker second by Mrs herck all those in favor I opposed extensions motion carries we shall see you in 30 minutes when the festivities begin of it today and I got myself good okay welcome back back this is more like it um before we get to what we're all here for I'm going to ask Dr veski to tell us what is going on in the district thank you president LAX good evening everyone it's a great night to be together and the video will appear on the side screens as well as the screen right in front of in case you need to turn um Ivy schwam student assistant specialist at Frost Elementary School hosted yoga and mindfulness before school for students taking the njsla testing this was a huge hit with the students on Monday May 13th the community programs Adult School celebrated their citizenship English as a second language and high school equivalency students board member Lori herck mayor Brad Cohen and I spoke at the event to support and celebrate these students as well as several students sharing their own personal stories of their success seven local adult students obtained their citizenship received their certificates of naturalization over the course of the school year and by the way they know the Constitution better than probably any of us students families and friends brought food from various cultures and the night ended in a song led by two of our teachers Brian lavry and Jennifer Beach Everly [Applause] this this free program is run by Community programs headed by anarie Gilbert and funded by title to Grant from the Department of Labor on Tuesday May 14th Hammer shold uper Elementary School hosted a student stem and robotic showcase night it was a dynamic celebration of stem Robotics and coding for fourth fifth and sixth graders students were engaged and inspired by a science fair style event which provided an immersive experience tailored to their interest in Curiosities attendees explored a variety of student projects from remotely controlled student-built Vex robots to playing with student constructed cardboard micro bit pets and hummingbird scenes the collaboration with the East brunic High School coding Club added an extra layer of excitement the Hugh student stem a robotic showcase celebrated the Limitless potential of young minds when provided with the opportunities to immerse themselves in the Realms of stem coding and Robotics I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the annual Unity walk which was held on Monday May 20th at the municipal Pond board member Tim Cummings was the featured speaker and board members Lori herck and Heather James also attended on Wednesday May 22nd I joined the Central Elementary School students and staff as they Line cranbery Road enthusiastically cheering and showing their support as the honor escort welcome the American veterans traveling tribute traveling Vietnam Wall to East br bronck Community Arts Center their presence highlighted the community's respect and gratitude for veterans the wall will be on display from May 23rd through May 27th and that's at the East bronswick Community Arts Center students in the Early Learning Academy preschool program have been loving spring after planting seeds their plants grew so tall that they had to give them a haircut and they welcome caterpillars to their classroom and they're beginning to observe the life cycle of a butterfly and you have to look at the right side of the screen the red uh dish but there was a lot of curiosity and some miggles when students learned how earthworms were vital to our ecosystem it's always interesting to put worms with kids and lastly students also enjoyed exploring Welcome to the Jungle on Ray rouso inspired tiger in the grass the academics department is hosting an AI parent University on Wednesday May 29th from 7: to 8:00 p.m. and that's right here in the JM pack at hamers shold Upper Elementary School Dr Herb Palo our supervisor of educational technology will be updating uh everyone about the district's artificial intelligence initiatives along with training for those interested in learning how to use Genera ative AI tools effective and safely for many tasks just a reminder that the East Brunswick school's outdoor spring art walk at the Township municipal complex will run through June 7th and it's an interactive experience so I encourage you to go and take your uh take your cell phone with you tomorrow Friday May 24th is a single session day for all students and staff lunch will be served for students in grades K through six Monday May 27th schools will be closed and I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend thank you thank you long weekend time means it's our favorite day when we get to thank our wonderful staff our support staff and our teacher Awards this is a great night for all of us it's a great night for you and I am going to let the people that know you best your building principles talk more about each of you and we are going to adjourn if everyone will follow me to the audience so we can watch um and cheer you on from the seats down there for just when you thought you were done listening to me good evening again everyone it is with great pleasure that I stand before you tonight to acknowledge and celebrate the remarkable achievements of our dedicated staff at East Brunswick Public Schools each year we come together to honor those whose exceptional commitment and hard work have made a significant ific impact in our school Community firstly to our teachers who are the backbone of our educational system your Innovative teaching methods on wavering dedication and genuine care for your students do not go unnoticed you inspire curiosity you Foster creativity and you shape the future one student at a time and tonight we recognize those among you who have gone above and beyond setting new standards for excellence in education to our support staff Those Behind the Scenes efforts ensure our schools run smoothly your contributions are invaluable from maintaining our facilities managing our office to supporting our students their diverse needs and keeping us protected you are the unsung heroes of our school system and we are deeply grateful for your hard work and dedication to all of our award recipients tonight including those who have reached Monumental milestones and believe it or not 25 years of service and 40 years of service here in East brunic Public Schools your passion dedication and exceptional service set you apart you embody the spirit of ebps and we are incredibly proud to honor you tonight your achievements Inspire us all to strive for great greatness and remind us of the profound impact one individual can have on the entire School community so thank you for your outstanding contributions and for making East Brunswick Public Schools a place where Excellence is not just a goal but a reality so congratulations to all of our recipients tonight it is now my pleasure to introduce Mrs Lori LAX our president of the Board of Education to say a few words I didn't know that's why I said it up there I'm so sorry so I didn't know I was speaking um but this is actually a very easy thing to talk about because uh the people that were here for 40 years by the way I was one of their students so I get to come and speak to you uh as both an alumni and also a parent in the district or former parent in the district um my daughter just got home from college yay for all the people that were new freshman parents um and I have to tell you the reason I'm telling you that is because my daughter is at a very academically rigorous school and she excelled made Dean list is very proud and she told me it's because of the education she got here and and I felt the same way when I went to school and Dr weski said at best it's not just the teachers that touch our children it's the people behind the scenes you never realize the relationships your children have until you're a PTA mom doing staff appreciation week and they're selling roses or little notes and you sit down with your kids and think you're going to have you know fourth grade two teachers that you have to worry about and your kid has a list of 30 people and it's actually a pretty cool thing because you realize how many people have impacts on our children so I thank you for that from every single person that works in our buildings I hope that you always feel appreciated I apologize sometimes that you don't um but I can tell you that we do truly appreciate all that you guys do um and I hope you really enjoyed tonight because this is all about you so thank you and now Mrs Joan chois president of East principles and supervisors Association we'll make a few [Applause] remarks good evening everybody I'm thrilled to be here tonight on behalf of these Brunswick principes and supervisor Association to recognize tonight's recipients having the opportunity to talk about East Brunswick's finest teachers and support staff members is a treat all of the members of East Brunswick PSA feel fortunate to be surrounded by the Excellence of our teachers and support staff and I personally have been lucky to work in many of our schools and witness this magic firsthand tonight's recipients like their predecessors before them are the heart and soul of this District tonight we're here to recognize the best of the best in the East Brunswick Public Schools a group of individuals who do this work because they love it because they're dedicated to the success of our students and most importantly because they know that the work they do makes a difference on behalf of ebsa it's with deep appreciation and gratitude that we thank you for your work here in East Brunswick as former teachers counselors and certificated professionals the members of ebsa know how hard you all work every day and we're so grateful for each and every one of you as administrators we know how valuable your contributions are to our children's success congratulations now now I would like to invite Dr Dr Dan zii president of East brunwick Education Association to say a few words thank you welcome everyone um I'm here tonight representing the 1400 members of the East bronswick Education Association in honoring these wonderful 23 individuals uh for teacher and support staff of the year so as I prepared for the evening I always try to come up with a theme and I sought inspiration appropriately um to honor this group when I thought about the butterfly and how cool The Early Learning Academy happened to be learning about butterflies right and as we know butterflies go through many stages four stages of a life cycle symbolizing growth and New Beginnings it's a powerful emblem of transformation and the incredible Feats achievable when we trust ourselves and embrace race in the continuous process of learning and growing in education we too experiences experience stages of transformation each stage brings New Joys new challenges and change and these changes are opportunities for development and growth in our educational Journey we nurture the butterflies in our schools the students and we help them to transform to become them their best selves and that's all of us right every every single category of um EA members in in our schools there's no profession this is profound right there's no profession that Embraces change as dynamically as we do in education right everybody that's in education knows that for sure each year brings new classes to teach new initiatives new leadership new students new parents new we Embrace change and that's sort of what the butterfly is all about right embracing growing changing going through those stages so I want to thank all of our butterflies here tonight and I want to congratulate the 22 employees that are getting 25 years service and the three for the 40 years of service that is truly unbelievably almost impossible right 40 years of service did a little research and we only had 16 people in the history of US collecting data which goes back into the 1970s that achieve 40 years of service so that is really an awesome feat so I want to thank you all for coming and celebrating the best of the best here in East Brunswick so thank [Applause] you now to get us to the good stuff I'd like to introduce this Nicole Tibbits Director of Human Resources thank you Dr veski good evening welcome and thank you all for joining us here tonight for our staff award ceremony it's your presence that makes this night extra special tonight we celebrate 49 outstanding East Brunswick Public School staff members these staff members are dedicated to giving our students room Roots helping them to stretch and grow and reach New Heights obviously Dana you and I were thinking the same thing you went with butterfly I went with a tree they tend to their work with extreme care some of these staff members are the Master Gardeners watching over our students daily tending to their every need others are the fence around those new Sprouts keeping them protected from storms others are the sun caring for the students from a distance but serving a vital role regardless of their position in the district each one plays an important part in ensuring the success of the students of East Brunswick tonight we honor and thank each of them for their quiet nurturing their best work is often only ever seen Through The Eyes of a child and that is what matters most to each of them their dedication and commitment to the Excellence of East Brunswick schools is truly appreciated let's begin I'm going to wait for the next slide to pop up there we go now we're ready to begin this evening I'm truly honored to recognize someone whose dedication warmth and tireless commitment have touched the hearts of everyone around them this individual embodies the essence of what it means to be not just a support staff member but a beacon of care positivity and unwavering dedication in every workplace there's that one person who radiates warmth and kindness and who greets you with a smile that brightens even the gloomiest of days for us that person is jod Liberty jod has been with the district in the financial services department for 20 years as a senior bookkeeper she handles cash receipts maintains grants the district receives tracks many extensive construction projects and is responsible for reviewing student Student Activity fund transactions to just name a few of her tasks jod is extremely organized dependable and handles interactions with parents co-workers and administrators with patience and a sincere desire to help as a result people always feel comfortable seeking her support that being said jod is more than just a support staff member she is a Cornerstone of our team the glue that binds us together with her endless positivity and it positivity and infectious enthusiasm from the moment you walk through the door you're greeted by her welcoming presence a reminder that you are valued and cared for it's not just about the warm Greetings or the friendly conversations it's about the countless ways jod goes above and beyond her duties to ensure that everyone feels supported and appreciated whether it's staying late to lend a hand listening attentively to someone in need or offering a word of encouragement when times get tough J never hesitates to go the extra mile perhaps what truly sets jod apart is her genuine compassion and empathy she has an innate ability to connect with others on a deeper level to understand their needs and concerns and to offer support in any way she can it's not just about doing her job it's about making a difference in the lives of those around her one small act of kindness at a time today we honor jod as our support staff member of the Year let let us take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for all that she does her unwavering dedication her boundless compassion and her in infectious positivity inspire all of us to be better to strive for excellence and to never underestimate the power of a Caring Heart thank you jod for being The Shining Light in the finance department for reminding us of the importance of kindness and empathy and for showing us what it truly means to go above Beyond and while jod couldn't be here tonight she's not just the support staff member she's true champion of care and unwavering dedication and we want to wish her a congratulations on this well-deserved [Applause] honor good evening I am Kristen Chistina and I am the proud principal of Bal Monroe Elementary School and I'm honored to tell you about our Bal Monroe teacher of the year Mrs Michelle morrone Michelle is the kind of go ahead she deserves it Michelle is the kind of teacher that every principal wishes to have on their staff she is the Ultimate Team player she brings a positive energy and enthusiasm to our building she has proven that she is always up for a challenge and she never shies away from new learning opportunities Michelle began her career in East Brunswick schools working as an instructional assistant in this role she developed meaningful relationships with East Brunswick staff students and families and she was quickly reminded of how much she loved working in the classroom as she had worked many years before in New York her return to full-time teaching included the unexpected challenge of teaching through covid-19 but that wasn't a deterrent for Mrs Marone she worked tirelessly to meet her students needs while maintaining District expectations as a new teacher and exploring the new technology is necessary during that very difficult time at Bal Monroe Mrs morome began as a fifth grade integrated language arts teacher Michelle recently took on the challenge of teaching fourth grade which included teaching mathematics and science in addition to Reading Writing and social studies and while she was worried about the transition at first Michelle did what she always does she tackled the challenge she dove in head first to learn more about astronomy motion and design and her favorite those frogs crabs and millipedes through hard work and collaboration Michelle also developed exceptional skills as an envision math teacher and in fact she found that she loved teaching math so much that she volunteered to advise the math club at Bal Monroe her Vigor and excitement captivates students during lessons one of her favorite parts of each day is when she reads aloud to her students and in turn her students will tell you it has also become their favorite part of each day Michelle draws her students in with her thoughtful questioning her varying tone volume silly voices and grand gestures Mrs maron's passion for language arts instruction is contagious her colleagues love to observe her in action and her students learn to love reading as well Michelle is the kind of teacher who effortlessly creates a strong rapport with her students and their families her funloving and kind personality demonstrates just how much she truly cares about her students she takes the time to communicate with parents about the students needs and she's willing to guarantee that her students have every opportunity and necessary tool to be successful she sets high expectations for the Learners in her room and celebrates their achievements no matter how big or small and in turn her students become more proud more self- assured and confident having had Mrs Marone as their teacher outside of her teaching duties Michelle is involved in many committees and clubs at Bal Monroe she's always willing to lend a hand with any schoolwide project she's a committed and active member of our school climate and Safety Committee leading the staff in meaningful activities for kindness week and planning diversity night and in addition to the math club this year she served as a cooperating teacher for a student teacher from Sean Hall she runs homework club after school she took over as the adviser of the fourth grade safety Club she tutors and she supports her colleagues as the building representative for the ebea clearly Michelle is deserving of this honor and we are so very proud to call her Bal Monro teacher of the year the Bal Monroe support staff winner for this year is lead school security officer Mr Kevin Pascal Kevin is an essential component of the Bal Monroe staff his attention to detail dependability and trustworthiness are highly respected and appreciated by our entire School community Kevin is often the first person parents and students see each day Kevin welcomes our families each morning whether they come in early for morning care or arriving for school in our car Loop and every afternoon he supports parents with parking as they wait during student dismissal and during these moments Kevin takes the time to speak to our families and build relationships with them he knows every child's parent Guardian grandparent Aunt Uncle neighbor and sibling that comes on to our property to each of our families Kevin is a familiar face a trusted Ally whom they can confidently depend on Kevin has cultivated trust forged Partnerships and fostered a sense of mutual respect that is foundational to our collaborative efforts in supporting Student Success Kevin knows how important school security is he makes sure that the safety and well-being of our students and staff is the top priority whether discussing protocols with teachers on recess Duty or addressing concerns and methods for improvements after drills Kevin has everyone's best interest at the Forefront of his mind he makes sure that each staff member is well versed in what to do to keep all of us safe he welcomes questions and suggestions and scenario discussions without hesitation Kevin is constantly Vig Vigilant and ever alert teachers and students feel safe when they see Mr Kevin walk walking around the building and standing guard during recess they know he is keeping watch over the cameras and constantly checking that our doors are properly closed each day it is evident that Kevin is most deeply invested in ensuring security prioritizing it with the utmost dedication at first glance one may be a little intimidated by Kevin's outward demeanor his tall structure his tall stature his stoic presence his deep and very loud voice yet to only see his sternness would be an incomplete picture of the man that Kevin is behind that tough exterior lies a heart brimming with empathy and genuine care for every member of our school family he's been spotted playing Connect Four and checkers with students who might need a little TLC he often laughs with students in the morning as they tease each other about whether his team won last night's game all staff and select visitors know to expect some playful banter when Mr is around and while his job is quite serious he does find a way to squeeze a little good-natured fun into each work day and for that we are all grateful Kevin is also a leader within his SSO team he has trained several ssos that have moved on to other buildings within the district Kevin handles scheduling and coverage when his colleagues are absent and he often schedules security for our after school events our SSO team looks to Kevin for advice and support among his colleagues he is respected and admired so it's easy to see why Kevin is the winner of this award the Bal Monroe Family truly loves and appreciates the work that Kevin does each day he embodies the spirit of teamwork working tirelessly alongside each of us to uphold the values of our school Community while ensuring a safe nurturing environment for all Kevin is not merely a figure of authority but a beacon of strength compassion and unwavering dedication to the well-being of our students and staff congratulations Kevin this award is so well deserved good evening everyone my name is Mike gal I am the principal at Central Elementary School is there anybody here from Central [Music] tonight how about hammerel oh I'm in the right place good thank you Jenna Klein centrals teacher of the year I'm delighted to express my enthusiastic recognition for Miss Klein as the well-deserved selection for Teacher of the Year award for Central Elementary having known Miss Kleen since she began as a special education teacher in our district I thought she looked like one of my daughters by the way she was that youngl looking and she's still doing a good job with that many of us have witnessed her exceptional dedication to education from her Dynamic presence in the classroom to her leadership on various committees such as the yearbook Club climate leadership bullying prevention Coordinating Committee and read Across America I could go on Miss Klein consistently demonstrates positivity compassion and a love for teaching that resonates with both students and staff Miss Klein's involvement in the Buddy Mentor program where she supports students in need and her role as a mentor for new teachers further shows her commitment to well-being of our school community and everyone she touches Miss clein is not only a reading specialist but a true leader Advocate and caring individual who excels at her job I can personally speak about the support she gives to everyone including me as I transition to my role as the Central School principal during the 2023 24 school year Miss Klein always has a focus on what's best for kids and that's all that matters and should matter right I wholeheartedly congratulate Miss kleene as Central's teacher of the year congratulations [Applause] now I know there was an earlier Kevin who served as SSO we liked Miss Christina's Kevin so much we got another one Kevin Steinbeck support staff of the year at Central Elementary today is a day to honor someone who embodies the SP Spirit of dedication kindness and support that defines the very essence of Central Elementary School Mr Kevin Steinbeck is Central support staff of the year and he has earned this with five stars for nine years Mr Kevin has been our school's heart and soul a steadfast presence whose warmth and generosity touch the lives of each of us from the moment you walk through the doors of in the morning actually before you even get through the doors Mr Kevin is there with a smile a friendly greeting and a reassuring presence that sets the tone for everyone for the day ahead this kind of assurance is the first thing children and parents see when they arrive at Central that kind of impact far outweighs any unsettling feelings someone may arrive at school with calming all of us especially kids Mr Kevin's contributions extend far beyond his role as a security officer at Central he is a Pillar of Strength a comforting adult who watches over us with unrelenting dedication ensuring that our school remains a safe and welcoming environment where every student and adult feels valued and protected it's not just the big things that makes Mr Kevin special it's the little moments of kindness the small gestures that brighten our days and remind us that we are cared for whether it's leaving funny pictures to make us smile or simply saying good morning to each and every one of us Mr Kevin goes above and beyond to make Central Elementary School feel just like home so in celebrating Mr Kevin Steinbeck our support staff of the year we are Beyond grateful for his tireless dedication his boundless compassion and his unrelenting commitment to our school Community con congratulations Mr Kevin and thanks to you for everything you do to keep us safe happy and inspired each and every day at Central here's to you Kevin [Applause] good evening my name is Tatiana McBride and I am the proud principal of chick Elementary School ladies and gentlemen it is with great pleasure that we gather today to honor Miss Sheree upshire for her outstanding dedication and contributions to education Sheree exemplifies the very essence of effective teaching through her EMB ENT of five key attributes first and foremost Sheree upshire is a Visionary cultivator of learning environments her ability to foster a culture where curiosity thrives and students are encouraged to explore question and innovate sets the foundation of lifelong learning what truly sets Sheree apart is her unwavering passion for teaching and learning this infectious enthusiasm ignites a spark in every student fortun enough fortunate enough in her class fostering a love for learning that extends far beyond the confines of the academic setting moreover Sheree possesses exceptional communication skills whether simplifying complex Concepts engaging students in Lively discussions or providing constructive feedback her ability to connect with students on a personal level is truly commendable she extends collaborative convers Sation to families and colleagues alike her commitment to a collaborative working environment is certainly evident to all in the ever evolving landscape of Education adaptability and flexibility are Paramount and Sheree excels in this regard she Embraces change with open arms constantly refining her teaching strategies to meet the div the diverse needs of every student ensuring that no one is Left Behind last but certainly not least Sheree upsher is a master of classroom management her ability to create a nurturing yet disciplined environment sets the stage for optimal learning experiences clear expectations mutual respect and a sense of community are the cornerstones of Sheree's classroom Sheree upshire embodies the very essence of effective teaching her commitment to Excellence coupled with her genuine passion for education has undoubted ly left a mark on the lives of her students and colleagues please join me in congratulating Sheree upshire our esteemed teacher of the year Sheree thank you for keeping it Gucci [Applause] it is also with great pleasure that we gather tonight to honor Mr Harry Hudson as our support staff member of the year in his role as security officer Harry is not a guardian of our school safety but a pillar of support and Trust within our school Community Harry exemplifies consistent vigilance he watches over our school with a steadfast dedication ensuring the Safety and Security of every student staff member and visitor his attention to detail and proactive approach creates a secure environment where learning and growth can flourish moreover Harry is a master of building meaningful meaningful relationships he goes beyond his duties to connect with students greeting them by name offering a friendly smile and providing reassurance during times of uncertainty Harry's genuine care and warmth Fosters a sense of belonging and safety among our students helping them Thrive both academically and emotionally despite the inherent challenges of his role Harry approaches every interaction with warmth empathy and respect whether he's assisting students calming anxious parents during drop off or collaborate collaborating with fellow staff members to address security concerns Harry's friendly demeanor fost ERS a sense of trust and reassurance within our school Community Harry Hudson would do anything for our school our staff and most importantly our students he is a beloved member of our chick Chik family please join me in congratulating Harry Hudson our esteemed support staff member of the year [Applause] [Applause] all right my Mr Cass all right good evening my name is n Delgado and I am the proud principal at Frost Elementary School all right go Frost it is my pleasure to present the educator of the Year award for Frost Elementary School growing up most young girls use their imagination to set their bedrooms up as a classroom with their dolls as the students you create the warmth compassion and love that your teachers have for you and most little girls including myself we're emulating Miss Jamie dercass Miss J Miss dercass has been an educator for the last 15 years and has used her role to impact the lives of so many students she makes sure that makes sure that each child that enters room 123 feels welcomed and loved every time they enter that door she is consistently changing her teaching style to meet the individualized needs of her students as a teacher she is still a student and tries to perfect her craft so that each student is taught and she becomes a resource for colleagues and parents being reflective is not easy to do but when you care enough and want the very best for your students it comes so naturally Mrs Durk has is so reflective in what she does that she knows when to retach a lesson pull a small group or provide supplemental support I have even asked her to share her teaching strategies with staff in many professional development settings to present best practices Miss Durk has has classes filled with some very big personalities and she has handled classroom management with optimism and Grace she takes time out of her lunch to spend time with her students and to build rapport and establish those critical relationships that allow ow her to just a student's Behavior with a raised eyebrow she could quiet a room with a glance and encourage a child to take a risk with her amazing smile and ignite fits of Giggles with one silly face she sees the best in every student it is never what they can't do it is always what they will and what they can do year after year she works her magic and turns more compassionate socially aware and confident seven-year-olds some great teachers are born that way and others are a result of hard work can you imagine the results when those two things become equal parts at Frost we don't have to imagine it we see it whenever we walk into Miss der's classroom the difference between a good teacher and a great teacher is really a large matter it is the difference between a lightning bug and lightning from Mark Twain and we have our lightning and that's Mrs Jamie Durk has a great teacher could you please congratulate Miss Jamie Durk has on her award wo [Applause] okay Mrs SZ I remember meeting Miss SZ the first day when I walked in Frost Elementary School as a new principal I never imagined that it would be the same moment where I met the person who would be my special gift during our new journey together in East Brunswick Public Schools our first conversation was a little strange she asked me how many years have you been principal I said it's my first and I said how long have you been a lead secretary she said it's my first year we looked at each other and said uhoh here we go but we immediately started talking about how we were going to make this the best year we ever had and we did every day I have someone I can count on that has the same love and care for children that I do we meet every morning to debrief and prepare for the day ahead and we get our game plan ready which normally changes the minute we have it finalized and put in place she is not defined by her title as lead secretary because she goes be above and beyond that every day from finding lunch boxes to assisting with recess Duty Mrs SZ is everywhere making sure things are done right and right on time she is the glue that holds everything together with a can do attitude she embodies the value of teamwork integrity and reliability Mrs SZ is always willing to help staff members to make their day easier the front office plays an essential role in the daytoday activities of our school it is the place where our day begins and is the place where our day ends and Mrs sarz is able to create an atmosphere where it feels good to gather and refuel the positive energy required to give our best to the students in which we serve it's not always about what you do it's about how you do it she has a way of answering questions before you ask and she can organize the building substitutes with her eyes closed Mrs SZ adds a component to frost that cannot be duplicated it is not often that you have the chance to thank someone one in open Forum like this nor do you get to tell a friend how much you mean to them and I am lucky enough to get the opportunity to do both kayln you are truly my right hand and I appreciate all that you do for FRS congratulations on being the support staff member of the year [Applause] Dr delado I'm a sympathy crier you should not have done that good evening every my name is Joan chimowitz and I'm the proud principal of Irwin school have you ever met somebody and in the first five minutes of knowing them you knew they were your person that is who I stand here to talk to you about tonight with immense pride and admiration As We Gather to ex celebrate an extraordinary educator Kimmy dumbrowski who has been named Irwin School's teacher of the year in the words of those who know her best Kimmy embodies professionalism kindness and an unwavering dedication to her craft as one testimonial highlights she's very professional kind with everyone caring and listens to everyone these qualities form the foundation of her remarkable contributions to our school Community as one of our school's reading specialist Kim's impact extends far beyond her classroom walls her colleagues commend her hard work knowledge and willingness to go above and beyond for students and teachers she's constantly preparing and sharing resources in ideas on how we can help students succeeded they attest Kimmy's commitment to Student Success is evident and her personalized approach to teaching ensuring that each child receives support the support they need to thrive Kimmy does magic she teaches kids to read moreover Kimmy's leadership and enthusiasm are infectious if we have a committee at Irwin School Kimmy is on it her colleagues recognize her as a true leader who takes the initiative and inspires others with Boundless Energy her enthusiasm is endless one colleague remarks and her students are so excited to go with her to improve their reading skills Kim's dedication to professional growth and her expertise in Reading instruction make her an invaluable resource to both students and staff it's clear from the outpouring of testimonials that Kimmy got that she impacts our school community and it's profound and far-reaching her infectious I lost my place sorry her infectious enthusiasm tireless dedication and unwavering commitment to Excellence make her a truly deserving of the title teacher of the year I'm so grateful to have Kimmy as part of Irwin school's community and leadership team she has tapped into the needs of the building and selfless in her commitment and dedication to all of us most especially to our most atrisk students Kimmy on behalf of the entire Irwin School Community I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you your passion kindness and dedication Inspire us all and we're so grateful for the positive impact you make every day congratulations as Irwin School's teacher of the year [Applause] getting my steps in today We Gather to celebrate Excellence dedication and the embodiment of what it means to be invaluable members of a school community so therefore it is with great pleasure and heartfelt admiration that I stand here to talk to you about Jackie baver Irwin school's support staff member of the year if you have had the privilege of working alongside Jackie consider yourself truly fortunate to collaborate with her is to step into a realm where dreams become reality Jackie's impact extends far beyond the walls of our classrooms the unsung hero who enriches the lives of the teachers and students who work with her Jackie possesses an innate ability to understand and anticipate the needs of our students with unwavering dedication she immerses herself in their world fostering an environment where each individual can Thrive her nominators had this to say about Jackie she knows her students so well that she anticipates the problems or confusion they might have illustrates which illustrates her profound insight and dedication to their success her repertoire of strategies is as diverse as it is effective seamlessly adapting to the needs of the classroom she supports her colleagues also attest she tries many different strategies whether they are the ones she has veloped herself or an idea that's been shared with her this flexibility and willingness to innovate are key pillars of her success but Jackie's influence doesn't stop there she offers all manner of support for both students and colleagues alike she has a great sense of humor and has become an integral part of the culture of the classroom highlighting her ability to foster a positive learning environment Jackie doesn't just work alongside us she Taps into the emotional well-being of those around her students and teachers alike her commitment to building meaningful connections extends beyond the classroom and she takes the time to know each student personally delving into their lives their passions and their aspirations so it is with great joy that we honor Jackie baver as Irwin school's support staff of the year I'm proud to reflect on the impact she's made on our students and I know she will continue to do so as the years go on congratulations Jackie [Applause] [Applause] good evening everyone my name is Rachel Whit andorn and I am the proud interim principal of Lawrence Brook Elementary School Lawrence Brook Elementary School is so proud to recognize Katherine kavari as our teacher of the [Applause] year Mrs karic encapsulates what anyone would hope for in a basic skills instructor for math between her academic knowledge professionalism warm personality and devotion the entire Lawrence Brook School and the East Brunswick School District are fortunate to have her guiding our students she is a ray of sunshine finding the positive and challenging situations she e recently has even been named our njsla Enthusiast because she brought sunshine during our testing process she is always the first person to ask how can I help and the last person to leave when assisting her colleagues and students Mrs kavari is a role model for all she has a dedicated work ethic and a moral compass that is focused on the character education and social emotional learning that our students thrive on not wanting to keep her insights to herself she partners with her colleagues on a variety of projects to further extend her skills to others for example she has partnered with another teacher this year to start monthly voluntary professional development for new teachers helping everyone become acclimated to their new career path what has been most exciting is that many veteran teachers are even stopping by to this program that they are finding great value in from hearing and learning from Mrs kari's mentoring Mrs kavari also brings Innovation to the classroom she has found ways to make curriculum meaningful to teachers so that the instruction will be received by students of all academic levels Mrs kavari instructs the teachers and the students on how to use manipulatives and other colorcoded organizational systems to help students have those aha moments in their learning she is always ready to model what good instruction looks like and help teachers feel comfortable turn keying what they have learned into future lessons as a math specialist Mrs karc lives what she teaches she has utilized data tracking systems to help monitor her students areas of struggle so that she can provide interventions that best support opportunities for growth and learning math performance within the school has trended toward more students demonstrating meeting or exceeding grade level in math which should in part be attributed to the work she does with her teachers and her students in a meeting earlier this year her supervisors commended her and discussed using her Data Tracking System as a model for other teachers and basic skills instructors within the district Mrs kavari is also well- loved by the families of her students she has created toolkits for her students to use while receiving basic skills instruction and those tools are shared with families so that the parents feel less intimidated by math vocabulary she is worked seamlessly in helping to roll out the new math curriculum last year and helped Staff feel confident in entering year two of the program she has partnered with our instructional coach to spend time during each faculty meeting providing real time feedback to teachers as they create lesson plans understand data and use assessments to drive for future instruction this year's focus on small group instruction has led her to shake up pre preconceived notions about what small groups should look like and help teachers develop what small groups look like when students needs are at the Forefront outside of her position as a basic skills instructor she spends her time giving back to her local community Through involvement in voluntary religious leadership as well as collaborating with other school professionals to provide professional development she Prides herself on her strong commitment to her family and friends and each person that encounters Mrs kavari leaves her presence feeling better about him or herself as a interim principal and a dear friend it is an absolute honor to call you up and recognize you as the teacher of the year for Lawrence Brook [Applause] not an hour goes by that we do not here over the radio custodian Jessica custodian Jessica can you please go to room whatever for a cleanup her hard work does not go unnoticed by the staff of Lawrence Brook and that is why we would like to recognize Jessica man Excuse me yes Jessica Manana Lara as our support staff member of the Year her hard work does not go unnoticed by the staff at Lawrence Brook our building's daily functions would not run smoothly without her she makes sure our school is always safe clean and stocked each day with what makes what both the students and staff need whether there is a water spill a bathroom overflow an ill student or something that needs fixing Jessica comes to our rescue in a moment's notice many of our of the tasks she does are behind the scenes but are necessary for our school day to go as planned for example every time it is raining outside Jessica makes it a point before the day even Begins for the students to put out an extra mat by the arrival doors as well as a special air blower to ensure that the floors are dry and not slippery for our students and staff this is something that is prepped and ready to go anticipating the safety needs of all Jessica is also a wonderful individual who supports us and supports our PTA she collaborates with our PTA board and members to set up clean up and prepare for community building events such as the ice cream social International night and family fun nights she is often seen looking very content when she sees the students and families enjoying their time together she is quite humble shying away from any public recognition for her hard work Mrs Mna Lara simply says I am happy to help Jessica has been a wonderful addition to our staff with her warm smile positive attitude and amazing worth ethic which makes her the perfect Award winner for support staff member of the year at laurenbrook congratulations I am sh Jones principal of Memorial Elementary School here to introduce our very special teacher and support staff winners for the 2023 24 school year Gina denado Memorial School teacher of the year Mrs Donado is the epitome of what a teacher should be she never stops thinking of her students she is in constant contact with staff and parents even at night discussing ideas she reflects on what she does constantly and is always looking for ways in which we can enhance the learning for all students furthermore she creates good study tactics for her students so that the lessons of the day can be reinforced appropriately at home Gina is one of the most positive upbeat people in this school she greets each day with a smile and the students are aware that she cares about them she's patient and fun all wrapped into one Mrs Donado creates songs writes poems and even acts out the lessons to help enforce skills with her students when you step into her classroom you can tell how happy she is to be here and how eager she is to help the students learn her excitement to teach is obvious Gina is also a leader in our school she works on multiple committees to ensure a positive School climate Gina is a part of our Sunshine committee which plans events for staff to build a rapport with one another as one of her colleagues said Mrs denado is so deserving of this honor she's a teacher we all wish we had as a child and the teacher we all aspire to be as adults congratulations to Memorial School's teacher of the year Gina denado [Applause] Ellen Leno Memorial School support staff of the Year winner Ellen is truly an amazing instructional assistant Ellen is always first and foremost about her professional duties she is a way of working with the students that put them at ease when a teacher needs to rely on Ellen to monitor the student she was working with they can be sure that Ellen will meet all their needs and with a smile and positive attitude when it comes to baking delicious treats Ellen's yummy Creations are always on the top of our list her rice pudding is the creamiest her chocolate chip cookies are the chewiest and all delivered with the trademark smile and cheery Outlook is Ellen Leno Ellen also loves being involved and will will try to make it to as many school events as possible she loves taking pictures and will even send them to the PTA to use for the yearbook she can brighten up anyone's day and lends a helping hand and strong support to all the students under her care for these reasons and more alen Leno is the mor School support staff of the Year winner congratulations [Applause] [Applause] good evening I'm Joe Atari principal of warnsdorfer Elementary School in our daily lives we all know a person we work with who's a master at their craft another person who's a non-nonsense hard worker who gets even the toughest jobs done someone else with whom we work that everyone wants to work with and still another who has the earn the respect of everyone in the building it's rare however that one person fills all these roles this year warnsdorfer teacher of the year does does exactly that and I have the pleasure to introduce her to you Michelle reebo Michelle is a 27-year veteran warns dorfer teacher she has taught kindergarten second grade special education in multiple grades and she is currently an essential leader on our awesome kindergarten team her students and her colleagues love her I had the pleasure of working very closely with Michelle when she served for six years I believe as warnsdorfer instructional coach as our coach Michelle moved warnsdorfer forward instructionally by Leading PD modeling instruction helping teachers help students meet their goals and being an a solve any problem resource for an at times overwhelmed principal more most importantly she continues to be a standard Bearer for the instructional Excellence that defines our schools with her students she is kind and St soft spoken she never raises her voice but she has that teacher magic that lets students know that she means business Michelle is an artist she brings her creativity into her classroom and we won't pressure her to prove it to you tonight but at last year's faculty party Michelle ruled the karaoke machine and showed off her beautiful singing voice along with our students and staff who are very proud to have her as a teacher and colleague Michelle has a loving family who are also very proud of her in the audience tonight to share in her special night are her sons Logan and Ethan and her daughter Elizabeth and her husband Mitch I thank you all for sharing such a wonderful teacher and wonderful person with us it is with great pride on behalf of our school community that I congratulate her as warnsdorfer Teacher of the Year Michelle rebort [Applause] [Applause] our support person of the year is Mary L chz [Applause] Mary Lou is kind caring and compassionate and she does an incredible job working with an incredible group of students for these reasons and more she is our support staff person of the year Mary L has been a part of the East Brunswick special education department working in our autism classes since 2019 she has worked in three different schools but always with the same Lead Teacher Carrie W braniac Carrie will not let her go because when you find someone as talented as an as effective as Mary Lou you do not let them go as an instructional assistant she is knowledgeable and enthusiatic enthusiastic excuse me and she clearly loves her students Mary Lou knows sign language this skill has proven invaluable as she has made connections with our non-verbal students in ways that would otherwise not be possible Mary Mary Lou knows how to manage and work with a WI range of students and she has proven to be an incredible asset to our building Beyond her work in her assigned classroom and I thank her for that thank you Mary Lou her husband Joe her daughter Emma and her son Colin are here tonight to help us honor her as warnsdorfer support staff of the Year congratulations Mary L chz [Applause] all yours good evening everyone congratulations to all the honores and congratulations to those celebrating milestones in their career this evening I'm Russ patranco principal of hammerel up Elementary School Welcome to our home thank you this evening it's my distinct pleasure to announce staff Awards to two extremely worthy individuals certain Awards stand Above the Rest teachers are notoriously hard on themselves and to be nominated by your peers and then selected in a highly competitive process puts these recipients on a special level as is often the case the letters of recommendation written by fellow staff members for these Award winners have a common theme in the case of our teacher of the year these themes were dedication to her profession and skill as an educator her connection to students was mentioned frequently as was her ability to motivate make students feel valued and her ability to help them reach their full potential finally there was a commonality that described her as an outstanding colleague who through her efforts improves the entire hamers shold School Community for these in a multitude of other reasons I'm thrilled to announce Miss Allison scony is our teacher of the [Applause] year I don't want to em embarrass Miss gronsky further but she thanked me for keeping it brief because the one thing that is common to both of these recipients is they would much rather be working with students than hearing about their accolades in the case of our support staff member of the Year several sentences in one of her recommendation letters stood out which I'd like to read for btim to you the author shared aside from her work ethic she truly loves each of the kids she works with and builds a rapport with each and every one of them she's invested in their lives and takes the time to get to know each of their unique needs and backgrounds she has dedicated her life to bettering the lives of our students these are a small sampling but represent the qualities that make Miss Lauren Kaufman extremely deserving of being named our support staff member of the Year congratulations p [Applause] good evening my name is Matthew Hannis I'm the principal of Churchill Junior High School tonight you will meet two of Churchill Superstars our teacher of the year and support staff member of the year and I also need to call attention to two staff members who are also here tonight receiving award recognition for 40 years of service to the district miss Connie Charleston and Mr Jeff sidley and when Miss tibit shared that small number I just had to give recognition to them too first our 2024 Teacher of the Year Mr Mike Lasher he is a veteran technology education teacher who teaches our seventh grade stem classes media production lab computational thinking and coding with robotics he is a 14-year veteran a remarkable educator who has an indelible impact on both students and colleagues alike and you'll hear a little bit more about his work behind the scenes he's even up in the booth tonight pulling some of the the buttons and the levers to make this presentation possible Mike's dedication to his students is truly exceptional he possesses a uni unique ability to engage and Inspire Learners of all backgrounds and abilities his classes are not just about technology they're about fostering creativity critical thinking and problem solving he encourages his students to explore to experiment nurture their creativity and help them discover the endless possibilities within the world of technology as a colleague Mike is an invaluable asset to the school he generously shares his expertise and resources he's always willing to collaborate and support others he is a true teacher leader I count on Mike frequently to help out newer teachers and to model for new and Veteran teachers alike when needed he's always willing to lend a hand He makes himself available to assist teachers with special projects that require the use of Technology he's the go-to guy in the school when a teacher needs to utilize microphones speakers for presentations and not only does he come to the the classroom to set it up he frequently checks in on the staff member to make sure everything is working okay within the East Bruner Community as explained Mike is often The Man Behind the Scenes both at Churchill and here at hamers shold in the JM pack last month we hosted a seventh grade TGIF seventh and eighth grade TGIF class tonight on on a Friday night in April we had a little hiccup with the DJ with an unforeseen circumstance and about 30 minutes before the event we found that the DJ wasn't going to make it so I was quickly trying to figure out how I could rig a school appropriate 7th and eighth grade playlist that kids would be interested in through our soundboard to play in our cafetorium I called Mike I said I need a little help here there's a lot of levers and he said don't worry I'll be there in 10 minutes not only did he set up the soundboard get a playlist going and get it going to the point where we were taking requests from students better than probably any DJ could do but he also rigged up some multicolor lights on the front of the stage you wouldn't have even known that we were missing the DJ and the students had a great time and that's what he's all about is making sure it's always there for the students so Mike is not just an outstanding technology teacher he's a dedicated and passionate educator a true team player who goes above and beyond to create a supportive Innovative and inspiring learning environment it's difficult to summarize all the ways that Mike positively impacts our students our staff our school community and East Brunswick and his exceptional contributions to our school and his unwavering commitment to his students make him the ideal candidate for Teacher of the Year congratulations to Churchill Junior High School's amazing Teacher of the Year Mr Mike Lasher [Applause] next I'd like you to meet Churchill Junior High School's support staff winner for 2024 Mrs Roda Omar everyone in the building is familiar with Rod's smile her enthusiastic attitude and her endless energy and passion for her students Rodwell started her career in East Brunswick Public Schools at hammerfield element Elementary School in in Middle School rather in January of 2020 and moved to Churchill in September of that year to support students in our special programs classes she is a pillar within the school within our special education department and our community Miss Omar consistently sheds positivity to staff and students as she greets everyone with a smile as they get off the bus as they get out of their cars or as they walk down the hallway in Churchill every single day this welcoming attitude has been cons a constant whereas many students and staff know and love her in the classroom she's a leader and a problem solver by taking initiative and she will do whatever it takes to reach children she is always the first person to provide support and she uses her intuition to provide highquality instruction while still leaving room for students to develop and demonstrate Independence it is clear Mr Omar prioritizes Student Success and she always provides support to our staff by guiding students and teachers like this one myself right up here alike with interventions and little tricks that she has identified that help our students she's always eag eager to learn she is excellent at accepting feedback and is constantly evolving as a trusted educator Rod's first experience was a new was a first assignment was a new experience in our self-contained autism classroom setting being in special programs classes our Educators must always be ready to adapt change all while maintaining a supportive environment Miss Omar quickly became the go-to person within our special programs team and teachers have often described radwa as their right hand in education radwa is flexible her role stepping into different situations that may arise and may also um and may also not be her direct assignment for example she's a natural leader and assists many of our staff with translation needs during meetings she is selfless and has often cut her break short to help out in any possible way whether it's with other staff or with students she undoubtedly deserves this award so please join me in congratulating Miss radwa Omar as The Churchill Junior High School 2024 support staff winner of the [Applause] Year good evening I'm Glenn Peno the interim principal at East Brunswick High School and it's my pleasure to talk about our award recipients this evening our science supervisor Miss Jessica debad describes our teacher of the year for East Bruns high school as a devoted member of our educational community and an exceptional science educator who's consistently demonstrated unparalleled dedication to fostering student growth and success Mrs Barton possesses an extraordinary talent for making the world of science come alive for her students her enthusi her enthusiasm for the subject is infectious and serves as a catalyst for sparking curiosity a genu genuine love for learning among her students through Innovative teaching methods captivating demonstrations and engaging experiments Mrs Barton consistently captures the attention and interest of her students making complex scientific Concepts accessible and enjoyable what truly sets Mrs Barton apart however is her unwavering support for each student's academic and personal growth she goes above and beyond to ensure that every student feels valued and understood telling her approach to suit individual learning styles and needs she takes the time to provide personalized guidance encouraging struggling students to persevere and challenge challenging High Achievers to reach even greater Heights in Mrs Barton's classroom a nurturing and inclusive environment prevails where each student feels supported encouraged and inspired to excel Mrs Barton exemplifies excellence in parent teacher communication consistently maintaining an open and transparent line of dialogue that greatly benefits the students and the overall educational experience she understands the pivotal role parents play in her child's in their child's academic journey and she goes above and beyond to ensure parents are well informed and engaged Partners in the educational process beyond the classroom Mrs Barton dedicates countless hours to extracurricular activities offering additional chemistry support and organizing the science team club she cares about activities happening in the building such as bring your child to workday where she allowed the children of staff to come and participate in a science lab with her students she volunteers to help support science career night and is helping to develop an elementary science night this this school year M Barton is also a leader in this on the science team her willingness to share best practices insights and knowledge with colleagues has elevated the entire science team Miss Barton is always approachable encouraging open dialogue and inspiring a culture of continuous learning and Improvement her membership and guidance have been invaluable to new and Veteran teachers alike instilling a sense of conf confidence and enthusiasm in the pursuit of educational Excellence Miss Barton and her husband are the parents of two daughters who both aspire to to be teachers himself Miss Barton couldn't be here tonight but I ask you to please join me and congratulate East brunic High School's teacher of the year M Morgan Barton East bronz High School support staff employee of the year Sula cfus has been the main Child Nutrition cook at the high school for the past 20 21 years every school day Sula is responsible for preparing delicious meals for a school of of over 2,000 students Sula uses her extraordinary culinary skills to ensure that breakfast and lunch are well stocked with Savory meals at up to four different serving stations Sula is well-known and extremely conscientious and a hard worker who is a pleasure to work with and be around sula's work eth ethic is so strong that on those rare days when she's not at work it takes two of her colleagues to complete her tasks Sula truly is a great employee and an outstanding cook while she couldn't be here tonight she is well-deserving in the honor of support staff employee of the year at East brunic High School congratulations [Applause] Sula good evening everyone my name is Geral skank director of facilities management and is my honor to introduce and present to some Mr Majid estefanos as the support operation facilities 2024 support staff member of the year as one of the Department's valued HVAC or heating ventilation air conditioning technicians Majid is a critical part of maintaining the district's huge inventory of mechanical environmental control equipment and uh which includes 535 unit class classroom unit ventilators 250 rooftop units 30 37 high efficiency condensing boilers and a host of circulation pumps Motors and digital control equipment this year maggot excelled in both in individual and team performance aspects first as an individual technician Majid has been incredibly responsive and reliable specifically on multiple occasions this year maid volunteered personal time to respond troubleshoot problematic hbac systems which affect the units uh which affected events held at the high school's Auditorium and our own performance art art center here Majid in each case Majid was able to quickly evaluate the equipment diagnose the problem restore climate control temperatures to support hundreds of support support uh performers and thousands of Spectators in the team performance aspect uh award submission comments from maid's peers really says it all one submission said all around awesome worker on another said hardworking and very dedicated to his craft and well respected by his peers I think there's a consistent Trend here without a shadow of a doubt mij is deserving of this support staff award and this public and this level of public recognition his his knowledge expertise and willingness to help truly embol the spirit and intent of this award again it's my pleasure to present the award to Mr Majid estefanos [Music] [Applause] you are all so remarkable thank you now I'd like to introduce to you the staff members who have served our district for 25 years please join me in congratulating Margaret Anderson Maggie elementary teacher is Maggie here I think I saw her come on up get your certificate Dr veski has a certificate here for you [Applause] Nicole [Applause] Bartels Tara corkran Clark Danielle denino Carol fry Joyce morones I'm looking at how many of you are from chick and I think boy 25 years ago was a really uh big hiring year for that principal Jonathan [Applause] palowski Kimberly palowski Dorene pulao Lucy Reed Le Lucy's not here oh Kelly Rosa [Applause] Katherine R [Applause] McKenzie Marcel rut [Applause] an [Applause] selli and Edith Weinstein [Applause] and those who couldn't be here tonight Harriet Berg Susan deop Nancy Hoffman Terrence McKibbon Greg Marino Meen Tyler and Kimberly [Applause] valdada it is incredible for me to think about people who have worked worked here in East brunwick public schools for 40 years the stories they have the things they have seen if even if they wanted to write a book nobody would believe it congratulations to Connie Charleston for 40 years of service our two other 40-year recipients were not able to be here tonight but we must recognize them Marcus bordon and Jeffrey Sidi amazing thank you all very much for coming tonight I'm going to turn the meeting back over to Mrs LAX thank you coming back um I just let you just I'm actually going to call a quick recess and we'll be back up on the day in a few minutes congratulations again okay welcome back that was a lot of fun as always um we are up to the good of the cause for the public the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest to protect the privacy of all students and staff concerns regarding individual students and staff members should generally be addressed by first meeting with the appropriate administrative staff we do all 3 minutes comment time it is the Public's time to speak to the board and we always remind you it is not a time to have a dialogue so please do not mistake our silence as not uh caring about the issues being raised we always ask you to have your information left with the women in the back of the room so that we can follow up with anything necessary that being said is there anyone this evening that wishes to speak to the board okay no then I'm going to club uh close the public portion and bringing us to our agenda this evening before you move on with Board of Education um I would ask that we remove items two and three on board of education do you need a motion for that or just no no just uh we won't take a vot on those okay then I am going is there anything else I need separating out then I am going to ask for a motion on this evening's agenda with the exception of Board of Education items two and three moved by Mrs Becker who's whispering second second by Mrs herck is there any discussion on any of the items on this evening's agenda I'm sorry could you repeat that President lack sure so this is the time I'm going to ask for a mo you could have a discussion so because I have the entire agenda together if there's something in a particular portion that you would like to bring up now would be the time to do it oh thank you you're welcome okay Mrs Reese I think this is covered but I had a quick question about The Substitute Staffing this be the right time to ask about that um where's Mrs tibit oh there oh sorry yeah you can ask that question oh thank you so much so just if you could explain the chart for us a little bit yeah you had there's um different ba base pay rates depending upon who's how that works thank you Barbara just for um our reference point what item was that please uh it was Financial Services agenda item one thank you okay so I don't have the chart in front of me but I think that I know what you're referring to so our substitute Services have a rate to pay for the substitute themselves and then the rate that we pay this the company right so the company gets a little bit of that money and the staff member who is the substitute gets a little bit of that money and there's different rates depending on what position that substitute is filling so the chart going down is the different positions and then to the left hand side I'm sorry to the right hand side should be uh what we're paying the actual uh company and are we competitive with other districts would you say in our area we are I mean this is the time where people are continuingly you know districts are continuing raising those rates to be more competitive we did that just recently uh last year maybe I think we raised our substitute rates and it has uh been much more helpful we appreciate it and I I understand that this service also helps us to find which is very hard to find Qualified substitute teachers so that this company does a good excellent job in doing that yes they absolutely do okay thank you so you're [Applause] welcome thank you Mrs re okay I'm going to ask the secretary to please call the role and just for the new board members um if there's you can vote Yes or no and if there's anything you want to abstain on you can just let him know for the record which items you'd like to okay Mrs Becker yes Mr Cummings yes Mr goswami Mrs herck yes Mr Hong yes Dr James yes but I would like to abstain from Financial Services item number four respectfully and uh Board of Education items number two and three please um the the minutes they they were pulled oh you pulled them out already so Financial Services item number four item number four please noted thank you uh Mrs ree yes and president LAX yes carries I'm going to ask for committee reports information items and for the good and cause for the moment um for the board but I just wanted to um say again how much I love this evening even though I was caught off guard um it's okay I forgive you uh because there really is something so special about these Awards and even more so because they are voted on or or nominated by their peers I've always thought that was something amazing that we do in this District because we know they're the best of the best but the fact that their co-workers think that and hearing our principles this evening um it just it moves me you know I I remembered that about staff appreciation which I ran in the elementary and in this building for so many years and I wasn't kidding that was actually a true story about one time when I had to get gifts and I thought I was going to have the teachers and maybe the specials and my kid came up with 30 people in the building and I will tell you we thanked every one of those 30 so um we really do have the best of the best here so I just wanted to thank everybody again and congratulate the people and to the 40-year um staff I was here 40 years ago so hopefully I didn't cause too much trouble for you back then would anyone else have anything we have committee I do we're quiet board tonight but Mrs herck is GNA save me and say something okay so first go okay sorry we're so polite so so first I want to welcome the two new board members this is a very challenging job and it's thanless time consuming emotional training but I really appreciate you come up at this challenging time and uh I'm very positive you will do a good job so I'm watching so thank you and and uh second so in this building there's a lot of good thing happening so as Dr vaski mentioned there uh the uh okay the steem and robotic student showcase I was here that night you know uh I believe more almost 300 students and with many parents show up I was so amazed so many young kid they got observe to stay focus one little girl I don't I didn't ask which grade she is she stays so F focused communic with a robotic looks like nobody is existing only herself so that event is very inspiring to our new CH young children open the door to them that is great program I want to appreciate Dr vaski and uh and the principal here so they are very good job and but this time I believe they only use part parti of the cafeteria so I you know maybe next year the program expand they can utilize the entire cafeteria to to reduce the traffic because it's so crowded and so many students show up with their parents I'm very sure lot next de with more children and more parents will show up so very good very good PR and I I was here for the orchestra for the ham student those young musicians are so good they play so great sounds and I I don't know to I almost know nothing about music but when I heard I enjoyed a lot so this our children are with many many talents so for those things I want to thank Ros pangos he is doing good job I it's my PR privilege here I talk to him you he's working so hard to make this building full of joy and very productive and njsba I had I'm on the executive board for the NJ uh njba and Middle St County School Board Middle St County School Board celebrate two board members for the 30 years surface so one is uh is new Brown uh Edward Spencer he served the board for 30 years another one is Thomas River CIA opck she she served for 30 years when I talk to her how could you do for 30 years and what did you do for the new board members and for me too she said when I vote I asked me three times is this good for students is this good for student is this good for student that is so helpful for me you know uh in New Jersey the longest serf uh board School Board member is a gentleman called K backck he served for 60 years from 1962 to 2022 so I'm believe for 60 years is is what can sacrifice so that inspired me you know I got to work hard for our children you know and only for our children thank you thank you Mr H this is Eric okay thank you um I'm going to read just because I don't want to mess any of this up but um on Thursday April 18th I had the opportunity to attend the unsung heroes student recognition dinner that was held at orridge High School in attendance was fellow board member Mr Hong um as well as high school administrators and for this event administrators were asked to nominate a student who makes your school a better place simply because they are part of it and maybe overlooked under more traditional criteria so two East Brunswick students received Awards they were at the event accompanied by their proud parents uh one student her name was Natalia Andrea tarailo yuria and she's a junior who uh according to administrators goes above and beyond in her classes and is a true leader in the ESL classroom she volunteers to be a buddy for numerous Spanish-speaking students helping them with assignments translations and ensuring that they feel comfortable she is commended by the administration for making a difference in the lives of her peers key D Sienna who is also awarded uh who also received an award is a senior who is part of the Civil Air Patrol where she has gained invaluable leadership and life skills her experience expences have helped her develop her leadership qualities and sense of responsibility she hopes to serve her country in the future as a pilot in the air force it was truly an evening of celebration for these amazing students who have positively contributed to their school communities uh it was really great night and what I really loved was that the students sat with other students so they could network with students from other schools across the county and it was just such a positive event um on and I'm sorry I have a few more just so um on Friday April 19th um as Mr Hannah said before the Churchill PTA hosted TGIF for seventh and eighth graders unfortunately we did run into a small dilemma with the DJ but as Mr Hannah said um Mr Lasher the administrators teachers jumped into action providing music lights taking song requests the kids love the karaoke and the snacks and our evening was not complete and Mr Hannis actually left us out our evening was not complete until Mr Hannis dressed up in his bear costume and came out and took pictures with the students so a great time was had by all who attended thank you to the administrators teachers PTA parents who worked so hard to ensure that all of our PTA events are a success um as Dr veski mentioned earlier on Monday May 13th I attended the year- end celebration for the community programs Adult School Dr weski and mayor Brad Cohen were also in attendance the celebration honored the success of the students but also the program the students were full of praise for their teachers and the overall program uh thank you to Amry Gilbert and her staff for planning a terrific heartfelt evening um in addition thank you to community programs for providing Child Care the night that we held the budget Forum um I also want to acknowledge my colleague Mr Cummings for his speech at the unity walk on Mond day uh the human relations council did an excellent job with the event and to all the teachers and staff that were honored today as well as the entire District your commitment to our school Community is commendable and our successes are truly because of you okay Sor thank you don't be sorry that's wonderful that's what you're supposed to do I have a lot oh Mr H this is good actually because I want to see if we can talk long enough so that Heather has the baby cuz how cool would that be oh my I'm just saying Rob will kill me but I'm just saying that would be really neat so keep going so the uh Anan hero was started 38 years ago by middle six County School Board Association now entire state of New Jersey have this celebration program additionally with njsba started the super andan hero to honor school security off security Personnel bus drivers janitors so I have East BR School District can submit the nomination so our staff can be honored in October uh Atlantic annual in the SBA uh meeting that's a great idea and I'm sure you all noticed that we had three of our security uh staff tonight for the uh support staff which doesn't surprise me because they really are so much more than just security yeah I was going to say real quick um I I wanted to also welcome our new members and and just say how excited I am to work with you and I know that the rest of the team here is as well and uh clearly we have a lot of great challenges ahead of us and which will take a lot of collaborative dialogue and thoughtful you know and patient work and and I look forward to the gifts and expertise that you'll bring to that process um I I'm just so ized and inspired by what we heard tonight uh and I just need to kind of reamplify that message the the the dedication the expertise The Compassion the um just ongoing you know goal of of trying to do what's right for the kids in this district and to do what's right for one another and the recognition that it's hard um is really inspiring and impressive and I'm so touched by that um I'm thinking of three individuals in particular as we kind of uh head into this season of graduation one is Chris who's not here with us tonight Who's you know moving on to Princeton next year another is a young man um who is a part of the human relations Council that I was on who Andrew who is heading to Yale next year uh if I ever got into Princeton or Yale my parents would have been ecstatic uh I I I'm just so impressed by the fact that that these young men you know are are some of many who are just going on to pursue these really exciting initiatives and Endeavors and and and are good people who will continue to do great things uh a final story I just wanted to share yesterday I have the privilege of of doing a lot of my work from home and and so I get to get my second grader off the bus uh most days she got off the bus yesterday and the first thing she did was she held up her hand and she had a nice Band-Aid across her hand and then she pointed to her knee and she had a nice big Band-Aid on her knee and I said Quinn what happened she said she fell right so she fell out on the black top something that is very normal for a young child to do and uh she got some nice cuts and I said well what what happened after that and the nurse took her in and and she went on to tell the story of of the people that cared for her a small event right like no no stitches no no not a lot of blood but uh a little bit and in one particular story stands out is a teacher named Miss Allen who is not Quinn's teacher uh who who you know is part of the school Community as a second grade teacher at Warren stoer and um she said that she kept coming in to check on me and just see how I was doing and I don't know why she felt the need to do that but that is a symbol of what exists here in this community and that is what I find to be so inspiring and we heard that tonight people checking in on one another and taking care of one another and I I just feel honored to be a part of a community that that lives by those rules and and engages in that fashion and I'm so grateful to be raising kids in this District so that's all thank you Tim and just think that in a couple of years you may have You' got three chances for the ivy league my friends so if if it can be done and you see that's two of our students in our graduating class we do always have a nice um a nice representation with the Ivy Leagues okay I'm sorry that the party has to end I'm sorry that the baby was not born on stage um but thankfully we don't have to worry about ratings so um but the good news is that the next board meeting meeting we'll be having a an unveiling of sorts first or that so um I want to say something oh sure from the day the results are declared everyone is telling me that you are going to have a lot of challenges everyone is trying to tell something but I can assure that I am daring it so I want to definitely do best for the schools and for the community for the school board members our team and for the staffs so how much ever I hear every time it is very challenging challenging challenging I'm daring it I will try to try to do it so everyone starts one day right so I am starting today thank you you guys picked the right time to start because this is one of the best nights of the year so all right I am going to ask for a motion whereas the Board of Education must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in a public meeting these subjects are within the exception to the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in Clos session the Board of Education attends to discuss matters as follows those items listed on tonight's agenda the length of Clos session is estimated to be 1 hour after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene and action may be taken now therefore be it resolved that the East brunic Board of Education will recess into close session for only the affers said subjects and be it further resolved that the East brunic Board of Education hereby declares that its discussion of the affers said subjects will be made public at a time when the Public's interest disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental Interest being protected from disclosure in accordance with the open public meetings act second move by Mrs Becker second by Mr hung is there any discussion all those in favor opposed motion carries thank you and good night question