okay I would like to call this meeting to order will the secretary please call the role Mrs Becker here Mr carangelo Mr sisar here Mr Cummings here miss guas Mr Hong here Mrs ree here Mr Winston president LAX here we have a quarum please rise to salute the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the rights of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest interest is discussed and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the East Brunswick board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted at the East brunwick Education offices written notice was also provided to The Sentinel The newor Star Ledger the home News Tribune and the municipal clerk of East Brunswick all Board of Education meetings with the exception of executive session discussions or videotape for a later broadcast it is the policy of the Board of Education that videotape meetings are not edited for any purpose individuals who speak at the W's public meeting should be aware of these videotaping rules good evening and as we generally do for our one fan one fan um we're going to go into close session so whereas the Board of Education must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in a public meeting and these subjects are within the exception to the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in Clos session the Board of Education intends to discuss matters as follows those items listed on tonight's agenda the length of close session is estimated to be 1 hour after which the public meeting of the board shall reconvene and action will be taken now therefore be it resolved that the East brunic Board of Education will recess into close session for only the affet subjects and be it further resolved that the East brunic Board of Education hereby declares that discussions of the affers said subjects will be made public at a time when the Public's interest in disclosure is greater than any privacy or governmental Interest being protected from disclosure in accordance with the open public meetings act moved by Mrs Becker second second by Mr Hong is there any discussion all those in favor opposed extensions motion carries thank you we'll see you and your friends that will be joining you shortly in an hour okay welcome back I always like our after the breaks we have a little bit more of a crowd which makes us very happy and I know that it makes Dr weski happy because he loves to present his report to a very very uh packed house good job Christian made it at the Bell hey Chris thank you president LAX and good evening everyone congratulations to the East brunwick High School model un team for winning outstanding large delegation at the 2023 Ruckers model un competition the students and chaperons work diligently all weekend with their Mind Set On exemplifying EB Excellence the high school math team recently competed in the American mathematics competition at each high school if the top three scores total 300 or greater the three scores earn the school certificate of Merit award and I'm excited to share that with the combined scores of our top three East Brunswick High School performers reaching 315 they qualified for this award the students are Aaron Wong Michael chai and S Patel on Friday November 17th a group from the Beijing National Day School visitor our schools the Beijing National Day School is a competitive public boarding high school with 4,000 students from grades 7 to 12 the school host International teachers from every continent who bring with them not only diversity but High Teaching Standards Dr buy assistant superintendent of academics and their principal tin young took the group to East Brunswick High School in church Junior High School the group met with building principles and supervisors to learn more about our curriculum instructional methodologies and how teacher evaluations are conducted the delegation looks forward to building on the relationship with these Fons of public schools and possibly exploring exchange student programs cultural exchange activities online education for advanced courses and training opportunities for teachers all of which we would certainly share with the board before we initiated anything third grade students at chit Elementary School recently studied narrative non-fiction in Reading as part of this unit students learned about Tony sarg the man who created balloons for the very first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade the third graders created their own balloons to celebrate Mr SAR and Thanksgiving by having a parade a parade throughout school hallways and this was the third year of this ongoing tradition that was very cool thank you to the ebf for funding a mini grant called orchestral audition Workshop which took place on Monday November 27th at Churchill the workshop featured Jonathan berer a long-standing violinist with the Philadelphia Orchestra and Lyn berer a professional chist who has performed with the Philadelphia ballet and Orchestra and opera companies the bers started off our Workshop by sharing their Wiz wisdom with students about preparing for additions auditions they were able to reflect on their long careers as professional musicians and tell students the things they wished they had known along with some tips to help calm nerves next students played their audition material for upcoming Regional auditions and received expert feedback the workshop concluded with a short duet performance from the bers and it was a fantastic day filled with inspiration and so much learning on Tuesday November 28th actually this past Tuesday Dr vanel and I presented the challenges of our current aging high school and options for renovation or replacement that could be considered by the East Brunswick community at a future referendum and that would be most likely sometime later in 2025 the presentation is posted on the homepage of our website and actually the video uh produced by ebtv is up there as well and along there our our QR codes we Ed to capture Community feedback those QR codes will remain active until 4M this coming Monday December 4th so even if you're not able to attend last that that event uh the voice is important to the Board of Education the administrative team so the QR codes is the best way to provide input on the future of the high school and you'll be hosting another I'll be hosting many more of those events and will be uh looking for opportunities to uh take that show on the road uh so we can meet people at their locations uh the East Brunswick Education Foundation will be hosting their annual Barnes and Noble day this Saturday December 2nd there'll be fun activities for students and Community including ebef swag and teacher and uh student Raffles cupcake decorating a bookmark making station Orchestra and coral demonstrations and so much more please come out to support the ebef and their efforts to support our schools as they raise funds to supply our teachers with Innovative grants and materials that enhance our students curriculum throughout the school year this year's High School fall drama production is she kills monsters performances are Friday December 8th and Saturday December 9th at 7 p.m. and then on Sunday December 10th the performance will begin at 300 p.m. and tickets as always can be purchased at ebhs drama. org and that's all I have for tonight thank you are you sure that's all you have that's all I have I have to give time for Chris o to give a presentation about the high school too I just thought that might you might want to mention when you talked about ebf the most recent event of their that you were at you forgot already yeah no I what s to tell what there I'm I'm sorry was there something that I missed you know and I'm upset I I meant to send the picture I apologize I meant to of Mr Cummings two of you yes yes I shouldn't laugh too much I took it from the sidelines but you know it was a great race uh we'll be back next year for a rematch see you on the course no well you beat him I did of course and I said even though he he cut half the distance off the course it's still okay that's right sorry that was well we'll talk about that later on then all right because we do have some exciting presentations this evening um the first one we have Jamie Canard is going to give us an update um oh I'm sorry Dr B you're going to start us off introduce okay my apologies I'm jumping the gun we are going to hear more about the flex program which I really appreciate because I have um been asking to hear for those who are not familiar with it and for those who are just what's going on in your Flex world so we're happy take it away be here this evening uh so good evening you know that the mantra for the Department of academics is meeting the needs of all Learners and the flex program is definitely a big part of that mission the flex program started small in 2018 and Miss Jamie Canard came on board in 2019 and I'd like to say it's a labor of love for her uh Jamie has really built this program into what it is today and she has big plans for the future so I'm really happy and excited that Jamie Canard is with us this evening to share an update and an overview of the East Bruns Flex program with all of you Jamie thank you Dr bully Dr veski president LAX it's a pleasure to see you it's a pleasure to see the entire board tonight and like Dr booy said I'm really excited to talk to you tonight about the flex program so the flex program is actually our our alternative program for our atrisk students and our atrisk students students who are in danger of not graduating so our goal for them is to help them develop the social social emotional and the academic skills that they need to be successful not only back in the traditional environment but out in the world outside of high school we know from experience that students who are not ready to learn don't and so we really focus on giving them the social and emotional skills first followed by the academic skills and we've seen some great success with that to give you a timeline we actually started in 2016 as a fourth marking period recovery course just trying to get students to graduate in 2017 was our first full year if you heard it was the after school program we were there until about 7:30 at night I have to tell you that was a great experience but it was freezing by the time 7:30 rolled around so I'm very grateful for where we moved forward from there in 2018 is when we really realized that students need the social and emotional peace in order to be successful and that's really where Flex as we know it comes to be that's also where we involve our ESS services or effective School Solutions they're a clinician that's specific to the flex program that works with our students therapeutically and finally in 2021 we had the opportunity a little bit thanks to co to come into East Brunswick High School and we've now integrated ourselves fully in the high school we work very closely with Dr vanilla and our students benefit from not only that social environment but all of the supports that the high school offers and I'm very grateful to be there now some of our biggest accomplishments is we have a 90% graduation rate and these are for students who probably would have dropped out they would have dropped out they would have been somewhere else and we get 90% of them out with a high school diploma for the 10% who don't I'm even more proud to tell you that we make sure they either go to the elite program to get their GED or they're in a work program outside of this so we make sure that they're successful in some way outside of East Brun the second is that we make sure that our students have a clear and effective transition plan we learned very quickly that you don't just go from A to B so when we transition them back to the high school or to Churchill we do so in a very calculated man which I'll show you in a little bit and the third is that we use data driven decisions with all of our curriculums to give you an idea of who benefits from the flex program there's really three categories of students and the first are the ones who have an academic need those are the students who are struggling academically and I mean significantly struggling academically and a lot of them could benefit from the one-on-one attention and the supports that we have in the program the second is the social and emotional need we know by now that a lot of these behaviors are born out of trauma whether it's acting out or School avoidance or anxiety all of those things have a root cause and those are the students who also benefit from our ESS and even just our our Wellness block as well and the third and that's a new for one for us is Scythe students and those are students with interrupted formal education those are students who have not been in school for quite a few years A lot of times they move from outside of the country but they could move from anywhere in the United States as well and the biggest issue there is that those students are lacking the skills they're not lacking motivation they're not likeing desire to be successful but we recognize that they need even more support to catch them up and make sure they have a successful life outside and students do have to be in two and of three of those categories in order to be considered for Flex I'm grateful for all of the resources that we have at the high school so any single one of those can be met by what the high school has because it's so robust but when you get start tangling them all together that's where we come in some of the benefits to flex is the onetoone academic support our biggest class CL is 21 in the PE Department our smallest ones are three to four students at a time so there's a lot of teacher interaction there's a lot of small group work as well we also have differentiation and small individualized environment and those are different from each other differentiation allows us to modify the work based on the students levels which we find through specific data whereas the individualized environment we target what it is that the students want to do with their lives or what they're interested in right now so if they're interested in getting a job we work specifically say in their English class to help them write the resume for that and we use our curriculums to our advantage to Target what it is that they need and want like I said we use Data Tracking and one of the biggest areas we use that for is their reading levels because that's a major predictor of success and our Wellness block again another layer of ESS support that I'll talk about in a little bit in terms of our schedule we actually have a differentiated schedule most East Brun High School comes in at 8:00 a.m. and leaves at 2:45 p.m. we recognize that our students with significant trauma probably also have depression and anxiety with which makes it way harder to wake up in the morning and so what we've done is moved them back till 9:45 a.m. it is still entirely possible for a student to graduate from East Bruns high school with this schedule entirely possible to do that but our students come in at 9:45 and we block it off by their subject so you have Science History English all of their cores and there are two teachers in each room so if at any time they're struggling with one teacher they're having a hard time they can rotate teachers or rotate groups I'm also just want to say thank you for a moment because that science block is actually our brand new course the Integrated Science course and I really appreciate you approving that at the last board meeting that Integrated Science is a new course for us and it has been wildly successful it really engages students and we've seen probably the best grades in science we've seen in years so I just want to take a moment to thank you for approving that our Wellness block is something that all Flex students engage with regardless of their level of um involvement with ESS so ESS has a few levels some of our students participate in individ ual counseling and group counseling and some don't depends on what they need depends on their outside involvement uh depends on if they have an interaction with a counselor at school but at the end of the day the wellness block is a curriculum that we developed in conjunction with ESS that focuses on that social emotional and academic piece so during that block if students are in a group where they might talk through a scenario that happens for example something happens at school what would you do about it somebody posts on social media how would you handle it what are your resources we walk our students through real life events and talk them through what they should and should not do it also gives us a moment to do an academic check-in with them as well so you have constant counseling constant academic check-ins a full wraparound for students and it does not matter the level that they're in ESS every student in the flex program gets this and the block is considered to be educational and not therapeutic so some families do struggle with that therapeutic component it's not therapeutic we're just educating you about how to handle your life a little bit better in terms of Data Tracking we use Running Records so as soon as the student comes into Flex regardless of where they're from or what grade level they're in we immediately do a running record on them because we want to know what reading level they're at and you'd be surprised how many students who present themselves very well are actually covering for the fact that they really can't read and so we've actually equipped our students with a lot of different data and a lot of different resources we've also worked with Mr Palo and AI to try to pull in some of those resources to change reading level uh material on the Fly and we've seen a lot of success in getting students to engage with areas they really couldn't read before and we also use math as well we use a lot of local Diagnostics tests exams marking period grades to determine where they're at but the other thing we're really proud of in terms of data tracking like I said is skills so we use a point card to track academic skill development and not just their grades what you see here are four areas that we feel that students need to be successful in in order to be successful in the traditional environment and that's respect language and communication getting started and task completion so while a typical point card might be Behavior right you have to be good this many times a week or show up on time for us we've built all of that into a little bit more of an applicable way yes you have to be respectful you have to put your phone down and look at somebody when they're talking to you just like we do for you you have to do that for us and that's a life skill so is language and communication and being respectful you cannot be you cannot curse every other day I know it's frustrating and I know some days are are harder than others but having a clear guideline for students makes it a lot easier for them to see where they're being successful and for us to Target where they're being successful as well now the way we use this is we actually use it through the point card system and the level system so as students earn points they level up and with each level they get a diff a reward of some kind a choice that they can have a 10-minute walk pass a music pass and eat lunch with a friend pass and so it's a little bit of a motivator they want to do something outside or get something extra but in reality what's happening is that we're seeing their success go up there's 10 levels total that a student can Max add at and that means by the time they get to level seven we know they've mastered those skills that can make them successful back at the high school or Churchill so we know datawise that they're ready to transition back and we have the proof for that [Music] um we also are heavily involved with parents we know know that parents sometimes struggle and have a hard have had a terrible experience with schools in the past whether they're coming from outside or maybe their child's gotten in trouble a lot so it's my role as the administrator to rebd that Gap and to have them trust our schools again we involve them from the very first time and I I have to tell you I talk to our parents the majority of them almost on a daily if not an everyday basis we from like I said from the beginning we involved them in the individual program plan which I'll show you but we also involve them in their attendance plans and their people I feel as an administrator It's My Philosophy that a lot of times we tell people what we think that should be best for them I think that doesn't make any sense I think bringing in students and saying okay what's reasonable for you what can you commit to what's your bar what is your goal and when you get that buy in we've seen a lot more success when we go through the appeal and it's successful that attendance plan is now something we've agreed on I'm not telling you we're agreeing on it and we've seen students come back recover and graduate from that this is the very first thing we showed them the individual program plan just for a sample so this is actually the part of the paper that I sent up to Dr veski to show uh him why we have a student in Flex you know we have the name and the ID and all the good stuff but then I give him a general background information as to why a student's here this particular student was chronically absent and was in danger of losing credit and not graduating because of that but at the very bottom you see already off the bat I'm asking parents what is it that I can do for your child I asked them to fill that out and tell me what is so great about your child what is it that I can do for them and it's not like a classic survey like oh tell me about your kid no I really want to know like is there anything happening outside and once we kind of they tell us that I feel like we've created a bridge and a lot of times they will tell us my kids's great they're struggling thank you for telling me that let's move on to the next step with the transition plan like I said this has taken us a few years to develop but I'm very proud of the fact that we do this slowly and meticulously so when we transition students back to their home school whether that be Churchill or the high school we do it one block at a time so for example I always start by moving into block one and five why because block 1 and five starts at 8:00 a.m. and if students haven't been there at 8: a.m. for a while we should probably practice waking up early and getting somewhere on time in that week it's about a week or two each we do it throughout the whole quarter so about a week or two each per class we need to make sure they have a 70% or higher in their work and that there's no suspensions and their attendance is going well why because if I put them out in the environment and they're failing a class I need to pull them back in because maybe I was wrong we weren't ready and our data didn't show that so if at any point none of this works we pull them right back into Flex with no Consequence the other piece to it after this this is usually our first step but like I said we ask students all along the way what they want to do so a lot of times I'll say okay tell me the order of classes you want to go out and some say I'd like to take the harder classes out some say I'd like to start with my electives some say Miss canar can I just do this for a quarter let me try and I honor all of that because when they're in control they're more successful but typically we recommend that they go out to the tougher classes first because if something goes wrong we can pull them back a little bit faster but again it's up to them I'm also really honored to work with the staff that you see here what's really great about this staff is that while all of our teachers have the skills in working with students these I hand selected specifically because of the level and type of skills that they have in working with that risk students you need far more patience because those students can be Oppositional Defiant they can be difficult they can have a good day and a bad day and so I need you to be patient but I also need you to have a high standard and that's why all of these teachers were selected because they have those two things just because you're having a tough day doesn't mean I can't expect you to do nothing and these teachers push them gently but the work they get out of them is amazing I'm also honored to tell you that this is only a snapshot of the number of teachers who have worked with us over the last 5 years so what's really cool about this is we actually have like a secret Flex group outside we worked with say five or six other English teachers and history teachers as well so now when we make those transitions we typically send them out to a previous Flex teacher who knows our system knows what we're doing has the connection with me I have the connection with them and we've seen again a lot of success with those teachers as well in terms of the development right now uh professional development we're focusing on the cross-curricular lesson development we're focusing on creating sort of a cohesive conversation especially between English and history there's been a lot of crossover so we're very excited to continue that and also of course working with at RIS students that's a constant PD we're always running our faculty meetings that uh I'm lucky enough to have because Dr vanilla provided us with that time we sit down for the first 25 minutes and just talk about students talk about them what are you seeing it's very similar to the old school house model uh that hammerel has and that's really the best way that we talk about students because we can all target what they need at the same time in terms of the future of Flex We next year will be focusing on a community based project relationships are the key to success for any student but especially those who are at risk so coming together and creating a community based project we decide on whether that's one in the school or one that we do outside there's a common goal that we're moving toward and so we're excited to bring that in next year I've also brought up the the idea of an eighth grade after school Intervention Program we know that by the time they get to flex there's been years of why they're in flex and so I'm going to propose the idea of having an intervention program for eighth grade students and trying to catch some of those behaviors early getting them involved getting the counseling and really having a conversation about cutting things off before they get worse I'm also going to continue to expand the flex program as well like I said I bought in Scythe students this year and I've been working with Miss Kim Cruz Garcia um sort some newcomer conversations and how do we integrate these students when we get here like I said Integrated Science and thank you again for approving that curriculum that will be next year's science but we're piloting it this year and during the curriculum committee next week we'll be presenting Pathway to algebra Pathway to algebra quick overview is that we recognize that a lot of our students are struggling with the core academic skills they don't not all of them know how to do math the the basic algebra the systems the equation even the pluses and minuses can be difficult so this Pathway to algebra is is actually an entire course based on getting them the basic algebra and math skills so that they can be confident in math and that when we they go on to the next steps of the pathway can be more successful so again I'd like to thank you again tonight for having me is there any questions that I can address thank you so much we definitely made the right decision putting you there thank you I appreciate that I'm thrilled with this um do any board members have any specific questions Mr Han thank you very good program thank you it's very good uh presentation too we're really not leaving a single student behind so my questions for this uh for your Flex uh stuff those 15 teachers are they teaching outside this program yes or they just focus on this with this uh FL program so they teach outside of it so actually our students remain in the same classroom all day and the teachers come to them but they teach say normal four blocks of their other classes and they come to us for their last period okay thank you thank you Mr Winston thank you uh Mr Gard uh every once in a while I come across somebody who owns a program loves the program I think you're amazing I I think what you build is ridiculously awesome so for that I appreciate it I do have a few questions though uh for clarity how many kids do you have uh rotating at one time collectively through the program on average we to have between 20 and 25 20 and 25 and then on under the uh which uh which student benefits benefit from the flex Program help me with this you said they need to have two of these M what tell me the rationale behind that when I look at a couple of them they seem severe on their own they are and so I'm wondering why two out of the three because we have such high level supports at the high school that any single one can be addressed and isolated so for example the academic neede we have the study skills courses we have great teachers we have IEPs we have the 504 plan there's a lot of targeted academics that counseling and and our supervisors have put in place that just that alone is not enough but then when we start to get and we get into the trauma that alone can be addressed with counseling right you have a student who's may be struggling with anxiety I also run home instruction so a lot of times I see students need a timeout they go out into a facility program they do what they have to do and they come back there's no need for Flex we had to address the mental health for sure and we make those modifications through home instruction but that's not necessarily a key for flex and then the Scythe students you have a very robust um English as a second language program right now and there's a lot of pushing ESL teachers into the core academics like US history so that alone can each be addressed but when you start combining those things we have students shutting down they their parents won't take them into a facility program their parents M themselves are not capable of bringing them where they need to be and their families need help that's where we come in because we have this core sort of care bear hug I guess is the best way to say it or we don't pick up just students we pick up their families too and so typically when we see that back cycle need to break it they have more than one of those things good just the last question then you mentioned thank you for that thank you um about 20 students are you at capacity do you what can the board do if you could ask the board to do something for you because you need it to go to another level what what would it be oh my goodness this is like when I was a kid my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas I I would oh my gosh I don't even know where to start the continued development of our Flex program I think relies on the additional Staffing in order for us to assist so I think not necessarily hiring other teachers but providing other opportunities for teachers perhaps through another sixth period or potentially through an after school program or the expansion of a before school program um so I guess the short answer is the more staff I can get in more creative ways whether that's before school after school or more opportunities in during the block that would be the best way for me to expand it and help more kids absolutely and I that's to be honest with you that is my Ultimate Dream I I would really like to build a school within a school is my ultimate goal thank you so much appreciate appreciate Mrs Reese sir thank you so much for explanation it's a wonderful progr that's helping so many folks I'm just curious if you could just explain a little more about you talked about jobs ibate this you talked about jobs you talked about um preparing them some some of the folks with their resumees is there integration with the co-op program at the high school could you explain that absolutely let me just hit the button uh the electives it's Co-op oh excellent we actually have our own Co-op specific to flex uh so our electives are actually Studio Art Co-op and the world language is Spanish we focus on just so you know um so our Co-op is very robust she works with them every day she actually interviews them pretends to interview them sometimes she'll ask me to do it oh which is pretty cool too like I get this cool opportunity for me to interview them um but it's very robust and we're pretty much she is constantly making phone calls for them to get a job we actually have one young man we've been working with him for about a year and a half to get a job and he was really struggling to get that job I might almost tear up because he not only got the job but ran around to thank everybody who helped him including Co in counselors so it takes a lot of work but the payoff is unbelievable so we do actually have our own Co-op to answer your question so it falls under World languages says World languages and then electives yes that it's I run them all in the same period wonderful all right thank you thank you Mr cumings thank you like Mr Winston and I think my fellow board members just so very impressed with this program the work and the effort um couple quick questions is flex an acronym or is it who thought of that title I'm curious it was here before I got here but but it is flex is flexible oh Dr Ley came up with it I meant to say that very cool I said that right everybody CAU that thank you that's so cool and do we know of other uh districts that are are also um in you know engaged in similar programs and um Miss tiit and I have actually gone to see them very cool yep and we've talked to them I have a pretty good communication link with several of them that's great so it's cool we balance ideas and the other thing that's great is ESS connects us with a lot of them as well that that's a and the piggybacking off that for my next question is you mentioned and I really admire and respect the Data Tracking that you're doing to to you know really evaluate and constantly reevaluate how we are responding to the needs here is ESS also administering uh any evidence-based evaluations to these young uh people you know whether like clinically to evaluate the trauma and their and their you know okay and do we have access to that data is that shared with us or is that they're kind of keeping that some of that does have to do with HIPPA I can definitely look into it I'm not asking for it I was just curious like you know for our own um I could share with you that they do they actually um so we're on a tier three for so there's different tiers to ESS and we're actually on tier three the highest level okay so our students not they um by definition get one in-person session a week for about 30 to 40 minutes and at least one group I can tell you right now that they get like four or five of those a week and at least two to three groups so they're using it nonstop um and actually I'm very lucky that uh her name is Grace hickey she's wonderful and she's worked with with us very well but she'll actually just hang out in the room sometimes all day cuz they just need her and we'll just take my office and we'll just talk what we got to talk to so we're very fluid I'm not here's my office here's what's happening my door is actually always open to the students and sometimes missii brings them in and we got to talk then and there but that's what happens yeah I think that collaboration is going to be so you know it's going to continue to uplift the program as a whole I think it's really wonderful and the final thing because you know I've been in the behavioral health and and mental health space for many many years and one of the things that we've always struggled with is postd discharge data right is following people afterwards and it sounds like you know this young man that you referenced but the more that you can do to kind of you know gather that and celebrate you know the wonderful work that you're doing I think it's just going to continue to enhance the program so congratulations and thank you thank you I appreciate that not everyone on the board was here when Dr veski came to us with this um years ago I think BB's um shaking her head um so uh the school within the school and the flex program um you have done wonders with it but you know we we have to I I did nothing Jamie's done it all but you know what you came up with the idea and you found the right person to to to spearhead your vision well I'll tell you as Jim's presenting tonight I'm thinking back to it's like you have this Deja Vu moments when we we were having the conversation internally about actually getting ready to start flex and we actually hired somebody outside of the district to come in and manage this program at night um and it really took off when Jamie took charge of this because she was an East Brunswick teacher she came with that East Brunswick Mantra of excellence and she developed relationships with students and what she isn't telling you is her relationship with the students is a huge component that's not a slide up here but that's a huge component to success because our students are looking to someone they can trust and Jamie is that person that they can can trust that that is the constant in their lives that they don't have anywhere else so that's why we're seeing success and and Jamie underestimates her contribution to that uh because without that I don't think we would see that 90% of your passion is very evident a lot of people come up and they give us presentations we have this here we're looking on the screen but everything you can tell you're living breathing everything that you know you're you're passionate about it because it means so much to you which is I'm sure why you're always looking to improve prove it MH thank you thank you that's all I could say and I've been very honored to be supported because I have some crazy ideas wild like and I usually go to Dr Bing and she's like crazy genus fine line CRA she let me try it and when I I fail or I succeed I I it works and so I'd like to thank Dr veski for his continued support the board I really appreciate you and Dr bully especially thank you for so far to your hand Mrs B I I am a huge fan a huge fan and I am a huge fan of keep being at risk and behavioral students in District so I love everything about this so here's my list of questions um do we have special ed and 504 students in the flex program yes we do they're about it's like roughly 5050 at any time just the way that it goes through um but we do we service both excellent what's our physical space for the flex program um can I go back to my Christmas list because I'd like that to be Furniture maybe that was my that was my call me in the moment come back next year that's a fair next year I would like um we have one room to us so it is not a very large physical space for us and we do a lot of um creative thinking on things but we actually have rearranged our room to be two different spaces I'm a big proponent of work with what you have I'm honored to have what we have and I'm going to keep it going no matter what but um like even the other day like we had no space down in physical education so my teachers were like forget it they went down to the cafeteria they put a bunch of balls on cones and our kids threw bean bags and had the best time ever and if you actually watch the video Dr Dr vanilla does it too um so if you want to go back and check that out he misses a few times just so you know but physically we only have one room okay that I was thinking while you were talking I did 14 years as a behavioral teacher and I'm like 25 students need space um my other questions let's see do we do any support uh professional development for teachers that are accepting the students back into the General Ed classes in the high school we do not but it's certainly a goal something that I could do and a lot of times that's why I try to use the current Flex students I think that's a that's sort of an overarching goal that's going through the high school right now is working with these students so I sort of piggyback on that but I don't necessarily work with that teacher directly but it is definitely an area that we can approve on do we provide transport I'm assuming because they come in later do we transport everybody yep okay yes we do and I wanted to know are they able to participate in other activities at the school like sports and drama and that's why we moved it till 245 and we actually have a student participating in Key Club right now um another student who wants to participate in orts we're working on that but a lot of our teachers too do the after school or know the after school so a lot of our students struggle like with going to see it so we'll go down we'll check it out and they join it and another one who wants to join the drama club as well so that's awesome my final question is sort of out there have we ever been approached about accepting students from other districts the idea has come up and we've never been approached about it but it's certainly something that Dr bully and I have discussed before excellent thank you so much thank you very much oh Mr SAR all my questions were answered but I I have to say what every other board member said I'm Blown Away thank you you know this stuff you're not looking at note cards you're just like like you know it I think even Lor said like you you live it you breathe it you had answers to everything and to me that's amazing it's not it's not you know I just that's the only thing I had to say it was just like you know somebody stumbling up there I'm sorry I'm going to pick him apart a little bit even if in my own mind but you were just amazing and and I I think we should you know expand this a little bit how we can so Jeff when you brought up about what do you need yeah what do you need maybe two gifts this year instead of one so thank you very much awesome awesome thank you so much I really appreciate it thank you so much it's so great to see you and I'm thrilled thank you so much it was a pleasure to see you as well did you did you did well I have another treat for you guys um couple weeks back at the Dali Festival I met this lovely young woman and her family um pers is a 10th grader at the high school and she is someone who thinks Beyond just what she needs for herself but for the needs of others and so she is going to present to us um her green good Guardians program that she has developed good good evening everybody thank you so much for having me and uh allowing me to talk about my nonprofit green good Guardians uh so over the summer me and my brother started green good Guardians which is an eco-conscious nonprofit dedicated to reducing environmental impact while supporting education through the second verse initiative this second verse initiative aims to collect repurpose and donate we collect underused notebooks uh from various collection boxes that have been placed throughout the township and repurpose these underused notebooks to create second verse notebooks which have been placed uh by you and uh these are then donated to the under uh to families who need them or organizations that work with families who need them uh so far in order to donate I've partnered with ebea and the EB sustainability task force and through the word of mouth other schools and other uh teachers have gained awareness of this um program this initiative and uh they've um asked to uh for me to supply them with the second verse uh notebooks for example the New Brunswick School uh District I've been in contact with New Brunswick teacher been able to supply her with the second verse notebooks and so my goal is to collect as many underused notebooks as possible to create as many second verse notebooks as possible and to donate them to as many families as possible so far this initiative has been acknowledged by the New Jersey sustainability Department uh through they've posted about this initiative through their various social media channels and um the second verse initiative has been able to collect hundreds of notebooks uh from the various collection boxes and we've been able to acquire hundreds and thousands of pages which have been used to create hundreds of second verse notebooks and today I actually had a meeting with the Oldbridge superintendent Mr cadino who you some of you may know him um and he has agreed to place collection boxes in the 15 Old Bridge schools which you know will help in even greater furthering the green good Guardians Mission so while this program is experienced in in steady growth I am here today to seek your guidance and help in cementing the program in East Brunswick uh me and my brother we've grown up here green Guardians the home of this uh nonprofit is East Brunswick and I want East Brunswick to be a model school district for this program uh and that starts with uh putting permanent boxes in some of the schools that haven't really entertained the idea and spreading the word to families uh which has been a real struggle in the development of this program as I'm not able to you know sprad the word to all uh East Fric families but I know you all have significant Outreach on uh the entire uh Township uh my aim is to make the second verse uh box a daily part in students lives I want families to not feel the need to throw away and waste notebooks but rather have the ability to um give them away for repurposing and uh to a better cause as they'll be donated to uh the underprivileged so uh yeah that's that's fine all right so I want you to know and I had the unfair advantage of knowing I brought you a bunch of stuff so a bunch of notebooks yes although I I have one binder in here which you may not want it looks like will you take binders too yes okay so I do have I do have a bunch of stuff um I'm going to give me this and other board members maybe we should have something at the board office when they can bring things as well oh so we have lots of questions for you you did a great job by the way thank you it's not questioned so much as um accolades um and I think I see a very proud parent in uh the audience and you should be you are an amazing young woman you have incredible Poise you're so articulate but what impresses me is um so many people talk the talk and walk the walk about um Echo conscious and sustainability well you are running the walk um you are actually you think about it the concept is actually kind of like why didn't somebody think of this before but you did and you're doing something about it and that that commitment and that passion taking something embracing it and and and turning it into a physical reality is just wonderful and when I think of all the things that are wrong with this world it's young women like you who give me great faith and hope that um you're going to solve so many problems as you go forward thank you and I thank you for this this wonderful wonderful initiative thank you Mrs Grass um this is phenomenal I love this I've been a teacher for 32 years and I'm always horrified at the number of notebooks they get discarded at the end of the year that have like three things written in them or ones that just show up that have two things written in them and you don't even know where they belonged um but separate from having a phenomenal idea and this community-mindedness being able to speak to a whole group of adults at a microphone is an entirely separate skill set and your skill set is impressive so that was so well done I do want to say I love all of your ideas if I can add cuz you said you were asking so I would like to add um not just putting boxes in the schools to collect all year long but maybe doing a very focused drive at the end of the school year during Locker cleanout because that's when the bulk discard happens the amount of waste at Locker clean out and I don't know if our high school does a locker clean out at separate times throughout the year um I should ask you but um if we do Locker cleanouts like if there's a locker cleanout before winter break or if it's just at the end of the year but whenever there's a focused time when recycling is put out the garbage cans and students are told to like Purge down that that is such an opportunity for you to be there and and I would love to take a collection box with me we're g to go down the line cool you rock you rock that's just awesome how are you doing this where are you where are you doing this are you did your did you carve out some space in the garage what's going yeah yeah so uh basically this is literally operating out of my parents bedroom um my nice Dad of the Year AG to put the table in um we've actually gone through at least like three industrialized paper Cutters we've finally gotten like a good one hopefully this will last a while um so basically the notebooks using the paper cutter they're cut the on the used pages are taken out they're discarded recycled and the um underused ones since notebooks come in various different sizes we normally have to um make like standard sizes we have like three different sizes we standardize them we have to print the covers the backs and then using a binding machine we're able to bind them and actually all the notebooks they only contain up to 50 pages cuz you know uh regular composition notebooks they contain 100 pages and half the time kids only use like 20 of them the rest of them are you know thrown away so 50 pages just to ensure that you know all of them are used none of them are wasted that's brilliant definitely and are all of them they're all bound the same way I assume perfect that's awesome um are you familiar with Terra cycle have you heard of that company um they're down I think in Princeton yeah um and a very similar model to this and they're doing a lot they're going to want to hire you probably very soon so just get ready uh to run their company yeah but they do a lot of this great you know this upcycling it's called right so um really really interesting company I love that you're doing this I think it's a great initiative and uh congratulations and thank you for this it's awesome thank you first I want to than thank you again for your thank you beautiful work it's amazing what initiative that you have and even the the promotional material that you have along with it is is so impressive and I was going to ask a similar question about the production so I have an idea for getting help maybe you already uh looked into this the East Brunswick Youth Council which is an excellent organization they can help as well also National Honor Society and some of our honor societies at the high school have to do community service hours so they can help as well um so there's lots of organizations that require through the high school uh Community hours cuz that sounds like a lot of cutting time and a lot of printing time in the house so uh but thank you for what you're doing you're a real example to us all thank you all of that they said um so two thoughts come to mind uh when I get home tonight I'll be having a conversation with my boys who are Juniors and letting know they need to up their game attad so there there's a little bit of lag there what has been the resistance I see you have five schools listed on the bottom of this page and and you're at the high school right yeah that's not on the list yeah what's going on um so I actually have been um I've actually targeted the elementary schools cuz in the high school we're mostly like electron like Electronics like we mostly use the laptops and stuff in the elementary schools is mostly when the kids use the notebooks um now that you brought it up I'm thinking we probably should be placing a box at the high school and um uh while I did reach out to other elementary schools like Lawrence Brook um balro and Irwin uh I didn't really receive any uh support from them so I would but she will tonight is there a motion can we do something I don't think I don't even think the Board needs to take action I'm I'm just going to tell you to put the box there and heard we know a guy yeah and and now you know the guy yeah you know and and honestly I I think that we need to move you out of your parents' bedroom and figure out a space where we could collect some of this stuff and maybe help process it yeah we could use my office that's fine with me uh but I think that's I I think this is really cool and I think that it you can drop those boxes off tomorrow if you want to okay so we have two two other uh board members Mr sayar I don't know if Mr hung does but okay I just have a question it says about sponsoring box whatever you're able to accept monetary donations and how would somebody do that Mon it's yeah like like because I know I mean these these plastic things must cost money is is there a way for people to make monetary donations as well as notebooks yes so this nonprofit green Guardians is in process of applying the for the 50 501c3 uh charity organization so once we have it we'll put it up on the website so that people can come and and donate and can you get word back to us too because then we could push it out too that you're now able to accept monetary as well as notebook donations that would be awesome yeah thank you great job thank you so uh I cannot agree more for with whatever my fellow board members said so uh you know as Miss Baker said you are doing it so many people are talking about as so many Bigg companies for perfect they just waste so many things in my house we have different charger for iPhone iPad you know so everything you each one you buy a new one you got different charges you for every year they produce millions of tons of plastic charges what a waste so you are doing this it mean a lot okay so as your father said you are in the process applying for 501c3 uh uh status if I can help my office can help you if you need so I can help you get that status so this is one my personal contribution and I agree with uh Dr fasi way our school district may spoun this space you know it's we need really move out from his bedroom I I appreciate that we'll look at some options but I think that you know we're just looking and talking about cleaning out lockers and about having that organized and the volume of paper that that probably could involve um you don't want that in your bedroom no probably not since to only she got agreement from the old school so 15 schools so I can imagine the number of notebooks that we going to receive actually uh Mr citadino lives in East brunwick yeah and and you couldve rob it in his garage yeah yeah so he'll be happy that I told you that yeah so at this moment how many volunteers are working with you for this purpose uh yeah so that's like still in its developing stages I've um I'm I still need to uh talk with the my great L administrator about um EB students being uh like given volunteer hours for by working with a green good Guardians and actually uh I have friends in other uh Township townships like uh Livingston and Malboro they've agreed to become ambassadors for this program U my friend actually right now is currently waiting on her box to place in the uh Howell uh high school and I'm waiting on uh a kid in Livingston he's um been asking permission to place a permanent uh box in his school uh as well so that is also yeah something I'm looking for like ambassadors um not only in East brunic but in other School uh districts too cuz it really will involve like the school population cuz I mean that's really who should be uh part of this program because you know we are the future we it's like our job to try and do this so uh yeah and it a certain time you may need recruit some adult volunteer just like m s he has a yeah you will have a lot you you have a lot of driving Market knows it all and the driving around you know you need a safe driver so maybe you Mr s is your right choice you got it there somebody with a farm up here yeah me my wife thank you very much great job thank you thank you I think I think getting her Dres and I think getting hours approved is something we could we could work on because you know she definitely needs volunteers to process all that material at the house and that' be wonderful if they can get a lot of our honor societies need the the students are always looking for hours yes so that be great yeah is there a process that you have to follow to get this nonprofit registered with the school district so that kids can get hours like Community hours I think once you actually receive your your legal identification as a nonprofit then we can talk about how we can relate that to the school in hour we can you know nony oh but you okay okay the IRS has issued a 51 recogniz you as a 501c3 not 501c3 is in process okay okay so once that is completed then you'll be recognized as a nonprofit yeah then I think um give us a call when you get that paperwork and be happy to have you come in and we can start talking about strategizing how we can uh dovetail this with the with East Brunswick to give service hours and to uh you know I'm sure that if you if we put the word out that this is a processing service we would have more paper than you could deal with right now so we would have to make sure that you know we have you have capacity with labor and materials to handle everything thing that once we open the the floodgates cuz I could make one phone call and people be dropping off all kinds of things um but I think we can do this systematically okay I feel a little worried the minute we start to publicize like what happens to your veteran how many have you produced and donated so far I miss that we haven't kept a concrete number but I'm thinking over 250300 second verse notebooks and the notebooks we've collected probably around maybe 400 500 and then the number of pages like a lot of pages nice yeah I'd love to see and you have a website right I'd love to see that that grow stats that' be amazing yeah I like the size too I I I think this is really cool and that that It just fits about in just anything really like your backpack or even even a woman's large bag you know it's just that really is the amount they use yeah yeah and one quick fun fact so on some of the notebooks there on the back side there is a dood so it is also picked up from the the the notebook that we receive sometimes kids draw to it's Anonymous that's very cool that is NE you choose one for the month two month one per month so December is is yet to be out this is so smart are you marketing yes I'm ID ID Consultant so yes I'm handling all that y very cool that was cool thank you so much person thank you so much see I did not disappoint I told you I thought you would be very hard o to follow Miss Canard and you were she was wonderful AB but she was wonderful and one of our own this is what this is what's going which leads us into um um your peer at the high school so let's see you top that Chris I'll try my best um so it's been a very eventful month at East runck High School um I just wanted to go over some of the eventful things that have happened um on November 11th the East runs high school attended the annual Harvard and MIT math tournament Tournament down in Massachusetts which was a great opportunity to visit both campuses and compete against other top schools in the nation um a few of our own um own students at the high school place Top um top positions which is uh a very big accomplishment considering everyone who goes to the competition is very well versed in mathematics and it was just overall great experience to look at um look at different competitions and look at the different programs that they were um promoting um such as um I'm pretty sure Jane Street was there as one of the sponsors it was just great to see all the connections um on top of that on November 20th the East Ric National Honor Society held the Anderson Bowl which supported St jud's re Children's Research Hospital uh the seniors showed their dominance and won against the underclassman this year which was uh great because I'm also a senior um uh and this was a very close game and it was followed by a bonfire and it was an entertaining event with a good cause and in case you guys weren't able to make it this year there's always next year and there's always a great cause that the National Honor Society is supporting uh and as December is approaching many clubs and Performing Arts are well under way um to give a few examples East Brunswick model un is holding trials for their second semester and during their first semester they had a lot of success so I'm hoping for the same in the second semester and mock mock trial team trials are taking place this week as well and a program that I wanted to talk about um was APLE um this week and last week we had a lot of alumni from the program come back to the school and talk to us about the weed of people um Challenge and this was overall really good experience CU a lot of times in class you learn a lot of things but it's kind of difficult to see where you could use it later on in life and a lot of the students that came back have positions at government jobs and or are going into poly sign college and it's just great to see how an education East BRC High School could help you out later on in life and the APLE program um we're competing at the weeded people Challenge and first we have to win States and then later on if we make it past States we could compete in Washington DC which is um something to look forward to and on top of that student council is hosting a winter door decorating contest between home rooms throughout this week and next week and it's interesting to see all the new decorations that are coming up a few of them are really um holiday oriented well ERS are uh a lot more creative I would say and student council is also hosting um a convention partnering with the New Jersey student council Association to look for Future Leaders and future board members um on the State student council currently we have um we have a position for the New Jersey State student council vice president which is Alina Chen um in our student council and we're looking to have more leaders from ebhs um participate in the New Jersey State student council uh and on top of that like Dr vanilla said East brunics drama club is performing sho's monsters on December 8th 9th and 10th and after school I see them all the time in um the theater um putting in long hours of work so I'm pretty sure this will be a very um very nice event and if you guys have the time it would be great to support them and on top of that East bronic chorus band and Orchestra are also performing um over the next two weeks of December and um that's also something to look forward to I'm in the wi and SBO program and it's just nice to see all the winter um winter performances that also going to be taking place really get you an festive spirit and um that's all it's very evident that students at the high school are staying busy and there's a lot of ways you guys can help out um if you guys are music lovers or um fans of the f Arts um there's a lot of ways that you guys could uh help out as well thank you Chris very exciting month and and some AP um ipple alumni end up being Board of Education presidents but somehow my invitation got lost in the mail so I don't know we'll check on that we'll check on that yeah we'll check on that um thank you so much we're g to actually take a quick two-minute [Applause] recess okay welcome back we've had some great presentations this is the kind of board meetings we like um and now we are at the good of the cause for the public the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest to protect the privacy of all students and staff concerns regarding individual students and staff members should generally be addressed addressed by first meeting with the appropriate administrative staff I would like to open the floor for any comments from the public you'll be giving three minutes to speak to the board and as always I like to remind everyone that do not take any silence on this part is not being interested any followup that needs to be done we'll be left with the lovely lady in the second row so that being said is there anyone this evening wishing to speak to the board quiet night it was a tough act to follow those two so um um therefore I'm going to close the public portion and move on to our Board of Education items this evening so may I please have a motion for items 1 through three under Board of Education move by Mr Winston second by Mr Cummings is there any discussion okay will the secretary please call the role Mrs Becker yes Mr sisar yes Mr Cummings yes M guas yes Mr Hong yes but abstention from item number two noted uh Mrs Reese uh yes Mr Winston yes president LAX yes motion carries may I please have a motion for Community programs one item this evening some move by Mrs Becker second by Mr Winston was it okay any discussion all those in favor I I opposed extensions motion carries um we have two items this evening for curriculum instruction Mrs Becker Mrs ree is the second is there any discussion um I turned the page before I looked to see if this was a roll call um this is not all those in favor I I opposed extensions motion carries um before I ask for items 1 through 17 is there anything on financial services that needs to be separated up okay then may I please have a motion for items 1 through 17 move moved by Mrs Becker second by Mr Winston is there any discussion on any of those 17 items uh Mr H so for the uh item number five is about High School uh uh water water pipe uh uh rupture so this pipe broken cost not just the financial loss listed on this report which cause loss about $40,000 to student nutrition and the repair cost was $241,000 so this just is a financial impact think about the interruption to our teaching to our learning and this time very bad for interrupt the SAT exam so this remind us when we think about new high school or remodel the current High School those AG pipe cables and theground just like a time bomb clicking you could Trigg any time and each of this occasion will cost huge amount of time so please put this in your mind when we make the decision should we really do the a remount of old 70 years old high school that will cause huge amount of problem that can happen tomorrow so need let's keep this in mind you could happen any time because we really don't know too much about what really existed under ground so that's is the things uh I hope our fellow board members and future board members when we deal with this construction we need to think about how to spend our money wise how to spend the money for future so that is my comment for this item number five thank you Mr Mr H is there any other discussion okay will the secretary please call the role Mrs Becker yes Mr sisar yes but abstain number three on purchase order p240 3258 noted Mr Cummings yes uh with an exstension on p240 3274 noted Miss guas yes Mr Hong yes Obion item number three sub item P2 43264 noted Mrs ree yes Mr Winston yes president LAX yes with exstension p24 3260 noted motion carries motion carries bringing us to three items evening for human resources Becker second by Mr Winson is there any discussion Mrs Reese yeah I just wanted to compliment the district for this agreement with Rowan University I think you know it's wonderful that we're reaching out to different colleges to have uh internships for student teachers there oh I'm sorry uh if you didn't hear me uh I thank the district for and Dr boy and Dr vesi for reaching out to Rowan and other colleges to bring in student teachers it's a wonderful relationship for both the student and for the district and uh for you know in we're Nationwide there are a lack of of qualified teachers so that we're preparing ahead of time to have those teachers for our students is is very commendable thank [Applause] you thank you Mrs Reese will the secretary please call the RO Mrs Becker yes Mr sisar yes Mr Cummings yes Miss guas yes Mr Hong Mrs Reese yes Mr Winston yes president LAX yes motion carries may I please have a motion for staff developments one item this even so moved oh and Unison Mrs and Mrs Becker I think um is there any discussion on staff development I uh Mrs gu um I wanted first to thank the administration for uh the item number one the center for counseling services about the presentation compassion fatigue what to do and stress overwhelms um for our administrators I just think that mental health for everyone is important to be watching not just our students um we very much keep a a mindful eye to our students but the staff as well but I want is this just for am I reading this correctly this is just for administrators or is this for the staff on as a fullness this is just for administrators this session uh we I've talked to George Stone and and or um George um Scott rather they're not Stone and we are talking about an expansion of this program but this initially is we're turning the administrative meeting into his session with the administrators I think this is fantastic I hope we do put it out to more of the staff as well thank you I think you know we we what we've found is that you know anyone who has gone through uh a loss in their family if you're a caregiver for somebody in your family um you know people will tell you very directly that being a caregiver takes a huge emotional toll on you so you have to make sure you watch out for yourself um and our teachers our staff our administrators are caregivers and they are caring for everyone else accept themselves in some cases so we're we're going to kick it off with this and but we very much hope to expand it and I think uh George is uh is very um excited about the opportunity to part partner with us and he's worked with us before so him yeah this the parent uh parent University it was wonderful yeah so he's a great speaker yeah and he has a just a a huge uh breath of experience and uh background he was an administrator in South Brunswick that's where he initially started uh but he's just a great person I think it'll be a great resource for us terrific thank you all those in favor I opposed exensions motion carries bringing us to Student Services five items this evening so move moveed by Mrs Becker second by Mr Winston um any discussion will the secretary please call the role Mrs Becker yes Mr sisar yes Mr Cummings yes Ms gu yes Mr Hong yes Mrs reee yes Mr Winston yes and president la yes motion carries bringing us to new Andor old business Community Committee reports information items and for the good of the cause for the board Mrs Becker uh so each year the um rpab the recreation park Advisory Board um picks to um a an individual and a uh business to honor for being a friends of the recreation parks and Community Services and there was an award presentation at this past Monday's Town council meeting um in addition to uh Route 18 Lumber being recognized for their Community contributions I want to give a shout out to the individual uh she's one of our own students her name is Diana Weiner and um Diana's Diana is an extraordinary young woman she has overcome so many challenges and obstacles and today after aging out of our recreational program she's an active member and volunteers for Daisy Recreation um she also is currently giving back to the daisy Recreation program now as an employee she participates in buddy baseball basketball she was a St Barts Buffalo Challenger cheerleader and I believe she was also on the East Bruns High School cheerleading team she also participates annually in East Bruns Education Association the Barnes & Noble book fair and um she also took part in the East Brun Education Foundation dance off she is to be commended and to be held up as a shining example of um what our students are capable of and the wonderful support and resources that exist and shout out to her family for providing the kind of support that I wish for every child so I just wanted to mention that that's wonderful and actually um 18 Lumber is also um at East brunic High School alum oh that's right I'm sorry Lindsay D short Change how wonderful they are I just um it's always nice when we hear people that uh graduated from these halls and stayed so thank you right quiet even evening so I have a little oh sorry um I just wanted to say with eyes on our support for the foundation of the ice hockey team and going into its second year I was just speaking actually to some students that were going out for the team and the growth of the team the strength of last year and the support for it they actually had enough students go out for it this year between the three districts that they had to make Cuts wow so the team is growing and thriving and I just thought that was good news worth sharing that is good news all right will entertain a motion to adjourn Mrs Becker and Mr Winston any discussion all those in favor against exensions motion carries thank you so much have a good night that's