and good evening everyone and welcome to the East Brunswick Township council meeting for February 26th 2024 well everyone if you can please rise as we salute our nation's flag and remain standing for a moment of personal reflection pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic it stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you C Clark please call roll and read our statement adequate notice councilman Bal here councilman Wendell absent councilwoman Winston here councilwoman ziki here and council president M boy here also present mayor Brad Cohen here administrator Joseph culo here and Township attorney Anthony aoka here adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 by specifying the time date location and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy on the bulletin board located in the main lobby of the East Brunswick Municipal Building providing a copy to the home News Tribune and the Asbury Park Press newspapers posting a copy on the Township's website and by filing a copy in the office of the Township Clerk which will be entered into the minutes thank you Council you have before you resolution 24 hyphen 83 adopting the meeting minutes from February 12th 20124 May I have a motion motion to adop second second is there any need for correction or clarification on these minutes seeing none clerk please call roll councilman Bal yes councilwoman Winston yes councilwoman zimi yes council president maoy yes Council we have a resolution of recogn am I right we're ready for that one right Council we have a resolution of recognition before us resolution 24 hyphen 84 honoring and accepting the retirement of Lieutenant sha Tain I'm going to read into the record resolution honoring and accepting the retirement of Lieutenant sha Tain whereas Lieutenant Shawn Tain submitted written notification to the township of East Brunswick that he will retire from the East Brunswick Police Department effective March 1st 2024 and whereas on March 8th 1999 Lieutenant Tain began his career with the township of East Brunswick as a police officer in the Patrol Division he was later promoted to Sergeant on July 1st 2016 and again promoted to Lieutenant on October 1st 2019 a position from which he retires effective March 1st 2024 and whereas throughout his 25 years of service to the township he demonstrated exemplary characteristics to the township of East Brunswick through his work ethics dedication leadership team spirit and enthusiasm to his duties therefore let it be resolved that the township of East Brunswick that Lieutenant Shan Tain his retirement is hereby accepted on the affected date of March 1st 2024 and be a further resolve by the mayor and the township Council of the township of East Brunswick that they hereby extend their sincere and grateful appreciation for lieutenant and Sean Tain for his 25 years of dedication and outstanding service to the township of East Brunswick congratulate him on his well-earned retirement and wish him the happiness and good health in the years to come signed mayor con and the respective Council people may I have a motion so move second second roll call please councilman Bal yes councilwoman Winston yes councilwoman ziki yes and council president makoy yes Council we have a presentation discussion item regarding the 2024 Community Development block grant this will be delivered to us by Ms Susan fine our East Brunswick housing specialist M fine the podium is yours thank hi everyone thank you for the opportunity to hold a public hearing at this council meeting uh my name is Susan fine and I'm the housing specialist for the township the public hearing is a requirement of the federal Community Development block grant otherwise known as the cdbg program its purpose is to provide information answer questions and solicit suggestions for potential recipients my goal here is to generate involvement in and establish the Township's commitment to propose proposed solutions for our community the Community Development block grant is a federally funded program the annual cdbg appropriation is allocated between the states and local jurisdictions excluding entitlement cities middx County qualifies as an urban County with the population of 200,000 or more for that Federal cdbg funding is allocated directly to Middle sex County for projects in 18 municipalities which includes East Brunswick we expect that this year the East Brunswick cdbg Grant this year will be about $125,000 which can be divided among several worthy projects while there's no guarantee that this program will be continued in 2024 uh in the 2024 federal budget hoping they pass one uh we are operating optimistically the objectives of the Community Development block program are to support community activities that will benefit princip principally low and moderate income individuals and families also the elderly and those with disabilities for instance American with disabilities acts compliance is an improved activity the preservation of historical sites elimination of slums and blight expansion of housing opportunities and uh correction of health and safety code violation through housing Rehabilitation are also eligible activities prior East Brunswick projects under this program include but are not limited to Ada modifications to our municipal buildings programs as well as transportation for the senior center there have been improvements to our historic as well as to affordable housing buildings improvements repairs and Capital Improvements for nonprofits that serve the developmentally disabled seniors as well as our lowincome residents these projects are to be completed within 18 months of the grant allocation otherwise funds may be transferred to other ongoing eligible project the township welcomes comments and suggestions for the spending of the potential cdbg Grant funds from the community I can be reached at the phone number 732 390 6870 or by email at sine that's SF n East brunswick. org submissions for this these Grant funds are due by March 5th 2024 that's it are there any questions or comments well uh it's my pleasure to serve with Miss fine on the the housing Corporation project so sort of a in tune to what's going on just like my my fellow Council people but in a in a more detailed way for myself the only thing I'm looking at is that 18-month period will you will you be able to spend that money during the before that for that exhaust yeah that's yeah there's already a couple of projects that have uh been presented so I think we will and everyone's eager to to spend it on good causes so thank you good luck with that thank you anyone else the days all right thank you thank you thank you I'm going to open this up to the public is anyone from the public wish to address the chair with regard to this issue and this issue alone seeing n we'll close that portion of the meeting and we'll move to ordinance 243 right yes uh Council before we get to I'm sorry yes uh council president uh just to let you know uh the second presentation scheduled for tonight has been rescheduled to our next council meeting the route 18 Court amended Redevelopment plan to be presented by Edward Russo unfortunately he's not able to be present tonight um however this presentation will be move to our next uh council meeting which is scheduled for Thursday March 14th thank you thank you um coun clerk would you please read ordinance 2403 an ordinance providing for various General improvements in and by the township of East Brunswick County of middlex state of New Jersey appropriating 75,000 therefore may I have a motion motion and second second is there any discussion needed on this issue that we have discussed but any last minute thoughts okay roll call please open public hearing we'll open we'll open this resolution 2403 to the general public anyone wishing to address please step forward seeing now we close that portion of the meeting and may have a call councilman bahal yes councilwoman Winston yes councilwoman zigi yes and council president mavo yes thank you now let's move move on to uh our report section of the meeting um mayor con thank you council president uh first I just wanted to um uh remind the council and the public that we are already and have begun working on our 2024 Township budget uh as much as we complain about um local government U we're really ahead of schedule even though from a business standpoint there's no business that would never operate on a budget after the Year is already started but that's how um government works because we have to wait for numbers that come from the state uh so we are expecting tomorrow to hear some numbers from the governor as he uh addresses everybody on the State of the State address scheduled for tomorrow at I believe 1:00 in Trenton the um big number for us that we're always concerned about is what we are going to be getting in energy tax credits which is generally referred to as state aid um which is our money uh and uh each year that is uh subject to um the possibility of being increased the league of municipalities has been working very hard to advocate for townships to make sure that the state makes its full uh contribution to townships which last year was the first year they actually gave us an increase had been pretty much flat for a good decade before that so we're hoping that that number continues to go up because every bit of money that we get from the state helps us to not charge residents in the form of property taxes so that's uh and it's our money anyway so uh that we'll be listening to very keenly the other thing that I had passed out and asked the clerk to pass out to each of you was a letter sent by the uh clerk in West Windsor regarding um a resolution that is going to be brought in front of the State Assembly and the state regarding affordable housing as many of you know the township is almost finished with its third round uh obligation that is uh something that was uh given to the Township in the form of a affordable housing requirement back in 2015 um it was done honestly throughout the state every town was given an affordable housing obligation as the state made a um attempt to try to make sure that we stick with our obligations to fair share housing and they did that by changing and making it a constitutional requirement uh it had always been something that would was done through the legislature and because it had not really been honored there was a lot of of um times when the affordable housing obligation in more affluent States uh townships were uh paid to less affluent towns just to not have to deal with an affordable obligation in more affluent townships that was something that affordable and fair share housing wouldn't tolerate and that's why it was moved to the courts as a constitution change um in 2015 many of you may have been around at the time when the township Council debated how we were going to uh account for the 315 units that East Brunswick was required to build over a 10-year period of time uh as an aside uh because of our housing Corporation and the fact that we have as a rule constantly been working at trying to make room for people who have difficulty affording uh uh housing um our number of 315 at that time considering towns that were similarly sized was much lower than many other towns towns like U South Brunswick um and West Windsor were given numbers closer to 1,00 to 12,00 to build and as many of you know many developers don't make money on affordable housing units so when you have approved a certain number of affordable housing unit units you've essentially given a green light to housing because most of those developers are going to build it for you and set aside a percentage of their um um building for affordable housing but you've given a green light to close to 80% of full price units that may not otherwise have been approved in your Township and that was going on throughout the state the problem is many of you are actually seeing it now because it takes time for developers to come into towns and fill those obligations so as you crisscross the state of New Jersey all I hear people complaining about are apartments and apartments and apartments and apartments well that was an obligation that was ba based on the affordable housing third round settlements that every town got in 2015 you're first seeing that now but guess what happens in 2025 the 10 years are over and now you're going to be talking about a fourth round obligation the resolution that you were being asked to sign on to from West Windsor is asking you to not approve or to write to your uh assemblymen and and your Senators to not approve changes to the affordable housing as it stands right now so keep in mind it is a constitutional requirement that we do this it's not as if we could we could change the Constitution but that's not something that's easy to do so in 2025 we're going to either um act on behalf of our league of municipalities which has worked diligently Mayors such as mayor Janice marof in East Windsor Colleen Mah and Fanwood who have been involved in this affordable housing for decades now um have worked with our assembly representatives to try to bring some changes to that um to the legislation as it stands right now based on the problems that they saw in the third round the resolution that you were asked from West Windsor is asking you to not sign on for that in an assumption that you're going to get a better deal the that is not going to happen if the legislation that we're being asked to consider isn't signed with the changes that are meant to improve things from the third round then it just reverts to what happened happened in the third round nothing changes it's not going to go away we're still going to have to do it and you will get zero changes at all it is a constitutional requirement so I gave it to you because I was asked to give it to all of the council members in every town every mayor was sent this in order for you to consider that uh I I didn't want you to uh think that it was nefariously not put on your agenda but I think it would be foolish person that's Brad's opinion it would be foolish for us to sign on to something that doesn't at least get us better than where we are before because if we do nothing it just reverts to the problems that we had where townships were being sued developers were being sued uh and we ended up having a colossal problem um and for members of the public who don't understand how you got all those apartments as you crisscross the state that's how it how it happened personally I do believe that at some point there's going to be an over supply of full price Apartments I I I don't think that the need for affordable is going to change but I do think that it's messing with the market for full price units but that is not for us to decide it's not the question that we're being asked to consider the question you're being asked to consider is to accept the changes that our legislators are trying to get which will be beneficial or keep it as it was those are your only two options so I wanted to make sure that we spoke on that because again it was something that is going to come out in the next year or two as we wrestle with our new obligation and the public that has pretty much given its opinion about apartments does the does the mayor of West Windsor have a time a timeline for her resolution to be passed by local municipalities uh well it's it's it's there's no timeline to it other than time is of the essence because the state is taking this up very shortly it's in each house differently um but it's being taken up shortly because they want to get through with all of this so that plans could be made and if there's any changes to the law as it stands right now they could be implemented so that they're ready to go in 2025 with the same process that we went through in 2015 at what point do we think we'll know what that change is the legislators are proposing uh I could get that to you what's being proposed uh I don't know if it's all going to be accepted but I can get to all of you what the changes are that are being proposed compared to what it was before and drawing a drawing a blank on his name the the uh the chairman of the the assembly Craig Coughlin does he have a modification well Craig this is Craig coughlin's bill it's it is his bill yes Craig Coughlin and um um who the uh the 71 fromon yon right um it's their bill okay and um again a lot of Mayors who have been involved with the affordable housing issue for years now have been working with them to try to make some modifications uh that would all be improvements to for for towns um compared to as it stands right now many of you recall the lawsuits that that were um uh issued after the last one the uh negotiations and have to say we were very fortunate in our town um despite whining about apartments but 315 for a Township of our size that by the way in in uh middlex county has the lowest percentage of of apartments in compared to any town in in Middle sex you were never you would have never won a a challenge to try to change that to a lower number you would have zero chance of that well didn't South Brunswick challenge it South Brunswick backfired right it backfired and the and the uh courts doubled their number so they agreed the number was wrong so they doubled it so that that the point is the courts are now in charge of this as opposed to the legislature in the individual courts in each County are going to be sitting down with their planners and going to every town and doing the same process that they did 10 years ago figuring out where there's places that you could put um affordable type of uh space in your Township and and but they answer to the Supreme Court so the odds of going to court and expecting that they are going to agree with you when they are being mandated by a court above them to to put this in place you're just wasting taxpayer dollars you have no chance of winning that so um and that's why most towns uh are in the process now of doing this now all we're obligated to do is to make the zoning changes that would allow for those units to be built we're not developers the town is not a developer um if a developer wants to come in and take advantage of those changes and put something in those spaces but as we stand right now there are some places that we had um agreed to in 2015 for which no developer has has actually done or even uh submitted any type of plan to do the township can't be blamed for that they're not going to make us do more because that wasn't filled yet um they will take a fresh look at the township work with our planning department um work with our housing department to make sure that we get the credits that we can for the things that we have been doing to help meet those obligations um but we will have to go through that in 2025 and uh and the public should be aware of that thank you mayor thank you our business administrator Mr Chris kulo no report this evening our Township attorney Mr Roka I have nothing to report Township Clerk is lawful I have nothing to report uh councel any board or committee reports yes Council zi thank you uh so the Township Recreation and Parks put out this amazing annual report pages and pages and pages of accomplishments this year it is one small well not so small but one Department in East Brunswick that really changes the quality of life for our residents and I just want to go over a few of the highlights so there were two awards that were were recently presented from the New Jersey state park and Rex um one goes to John Ro as professional of the year for the state and John you know runs our Crystal Springs amongst other things the other one this one is like so wonderful um it was a social media campaign of the year for the winter wonderland and that was really coordinated by uh Marissa Costco so those were two amazing Awards and then we have another one this one's a national wreck and Parks award and this goes for the 30 um professionals under 30 group and our um own youth Council um director Ashley Falcon won that so how amazing to have three really big awards given um out to us here in East Brunswick and it's just a Testament of the staff that we have here um some of the things coming up in the future the golf outing for our recken Parks will be May 16th at forsgate Country Club we hope people from the community will join us um we are also working very closely with the VFW Post 133 to bring the Vietnam um wall The Traveling Wall to the community art center it will be arriving the Tuesday Before Memorial Day and leaving the Tuesday after Memorial Day so we are looking for events you know to showcase the wall um the staff is working on thinking outside the box and coming up with some creative ideas and um I believe we're also moving the Memorial Day observation um in front of the wall so that's really exciting um summer and spring registration is starting this week so if you're interested in the summer camps and some of our other programs be on the lookout for that they are also developing a very very userfriendly wreck and Parks app that you'll be able to have everything right at your fingertips passes to Crystal Springs registration just everything right there so that will be coming up we also are starting our own pickle ball Club using the six quarts that we have and we're working um with this group to expand come up with ideas for example they're doing an indoor pickle ball right now and they're using the um gym at alers gate so that was that's wonderful um Cricket fields are in the process of um you know being worked on and the Cricket Club for 7 to 17y old boys and girls is now out there so if you're interested go on the website you can register um your son daughter for that Washington Heights playground should be completed in April Beaver Dam Park is on schedule to open again in May May the Office of Aging is thriving absolutely thriving a high number of new members to the point that they actually have to use a lottery in order to have some of our seniors attend events CU we're exploding there and that's a good problem to have but we also have to work on figuring out how we can help that as well um they also are replacing the main doors to the senior center so that they will be automatic which we need to you know that's something we need to focus on and they are doing an indoor pickle ball um Court um on Thursdays and the idea is is to get our seniors exposed to the pickle ball so that we can make them a part of our pickle ball club and go out into our community events so that's a great idea as well um the Arts commission April the ruers Opera will be April 7th and on April 14th the uh fly a kite day will be honored and celebrated along and that will be in the afternoon and in the morning will be the Keller run so please look for information on that of course this Sunday from 8 to 12 at the Hilton is our Daisy breakfast to support our our Daisy folks and um let's see Crystal Springs we're right around the corner believe it or not you could see the days getting longer and the temperatures getting warmer um thankfully we are ahead of where we were last year with um getting future employees so that's awesome um now we just have to make sure they follow through cuz they have to also pass very rigorous test in order to become a lifeguard um so we need to follow through with that and make sure that we get there but it's looking very positive uh let's see March 2nd uh Saturday uh fast break buddy ball is from 12: to 2:30 at Churchill Junior High School we have 93 students participating in it this year so that is so amazing amazing and one last thing something that I did not know and I thought was really interesting our shade tree division of Rex and Parks they're assigned three specific areas of the township to do all snow removal and they did an amazing job so like we our Township we're we're tapping in all areas to keep the cost down and uh this past two snows were you know what rather large and they did an amazing job so that's what I have council president thank you five minutes anything okay I'll uh now open the meeting to the public for comment C clerk will you please read our public comment statement the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments in accordance ordance with njsa 10 col 4-2a and the East Brunswick rules of council the council asks the public to limit their comments to 5 minutes or less at the conclusion of the statements or questions from a member of the public the council president at his discretion may choose to respond not respond or ask the administration to respond thank you would anyone like to address the council president please good evening Council good even good evening to the council president to the mayor thank you for the opportunity to speak before you my name is Judy goldridge I'm a resident of East Brunswick 15 new do Road in East Brunswick um before I begin um the the matter that I'm bringing to the uh attention of the council tonight I just wanted to um express my thanks uh to the council uh for basically it's it's amazing stewardship of this town um all that gets done here unless people are coming to these meetings and actually hearing what takes place on a regular basis um they have no clue and uh just having had the opportunity to hear over the past number of weeks what actually goes on on a regular basis and um the the care and the devotion with which you um attend to the township business is really remarkable so I just want to express my thanks um and the thanks of those that I have spoken with who agree with me on that um so uh the matter that I'd like to bring to your attention tonight um is it actually flows from I think there was a notice that had gone out about the no knock or do not knock registry um that is a Wonder wonderful uh Innovation um what concerns me though is that there is um another companion um ordinance provision which is called the Do not drop registry and um just to um explain what I found out about that by looking at the ordinance which is East Brunswick Township ordinance uh section 135-20 point2 B and it's titled Do not drop registry um that enables East Brunswick residents to sign up uh specifically to opt out of having uh circulars and flyers and so forth thrown onto their driveway uh walkway sidewalk what have you um and I was surprised to find that uh when I contacted the deputy clerk to ask to be placed onto the do not dve drop registry uh I was told that no such registry exists yet in East Brunswick um and basically they were very kind and accommodating and I commend uh the deputy clerk for you know uh working with me on this but basically what um what she had to do was to call some company which is responsible for dropping these circulars all around town and ask them to please not send it to one address in town well there's an 800 number if someone picks up you know good luck and if someone is actually able to talk with you um based on what I've seen on the Better Business um website reviews uh this company is um it's falling short of of what it really should be doing in terms of responsiveness to uh residents of our community Community um and therefore what I would like to ask is that some attention be given to this specific ordinance um this specific uh section 135-20 point2 B Do not drop registry um I'd also like to uh point out some of the um problems that it has caused at least in our neighborhood and I'm assuming it's very similar all throughout East Brunswick for example number one um there have been issues where these flyers are thrown during snowstorms or just prior to the Advent of the snow falling down for example in an early morning the snow covers the circular we get out our snowblower and out we go and before we realize it our snowblowers have jammed because of the circulars chewing up or being chewed up in the ER in the mechanism uh we personally excuse me we personally have had to repair our snowblower twice uh to the tune of several hundred dollars because of this problem so that is one example of a problem that has caused by this activity uh the second one which is not insignificant is if you walk on just about any uh Street in East bronswick you will notice sometimes weeks and weeks and weeks of these circulars in front of homes in the roads by the sewer drains the gutters um getting um you know just mashed up they become pulp they become garbage they become uh pollution and so from an environmental standpoint it doesn't really benefit our community to have these things sitting in front of people's homes week after week uh many of whom you know do not even wish to have them delivered either but as of right now as we've seen because there is no mechanism to get onto the registry which was supposed to have been established um this is an ongoing problem so I would like to request that this matter be looked at and that um uh the implementation of the ordinance actually be carried through and that it do not drop registry be established um and if these businesses do not respond to these requests from our registry in East brunwick then I would like to request that uh the township perhaps look at um other types of interactive mechanisms with these companies perhaps um implementing fines five minute Mark put a wrap on it okay but perhaps for a fine if that doesn't work something that because of what you said with regard to some some attention will be given to this issue and uh how about if you get come back in two weeks for a for our next meeting and we'll see where we're at wonderful thank you very much okay anyone else wish to address council president gentleman the back have her phone number uh Tom inran de field Ro Town Council Mr Mayor I checked into that senior tax free program okay for seniors like me uh you should receive a booklet in the mail by March 15 I already received mine and in 2022 it was $99,000 it's up to 150,000 for income for the family and now you have up to for 2023 there's a filing date by 2013 uh 2023 by October and that was up to 163,000 per family income to get a tax free and uh if you didn't get the book I think you got to call the state department and um it sounds good you could save $2 $3,000 a year on a tax raise uh the other question I had is any the diner opening up ceville Diner or and when is Chick-fil-a opening up anybody have the anwers to that I have a calendar for you Mr ingini you have a calendar I do not have a calendar I just want to know is chickf still going through I mean no there's no buzz that I can share with you and uh open what popy is open oh yeah yeah that anybody know the outcome of the the fire Commissioners thing again that's that's ww. Oh I thought of course it was election right you know soon I was waiting as soon as the evening was over I thought I missed some that's no all right thanks very much okay thank you Mr anr anyone else wishing to address council president seeing our mayor uh just on the topic of the types of things that the state's doing to help seniors with their um taxes the senior freeze isn't new that's been around since Corine and uh that's a program that allows seniors to cap their taxes at whatever they paid at age 65 you can have to be over 65 to apply um the qualifying income as you said changes each year and um and if you qualify you're under that number uh then your taxes will um be capped at that number that you were paying when you applied or 65 whichever is first the um uh you still have to pay your taxes it's a state refunds you the the difference uh and uh so that's program's not new that's been out the only thing that changes is the qualifying income the other program that was approved um and has been now in its second year uh maybe a third year depending upon what the governor says tomorrow is the anchor program and the anchor program is based completely on income and it is a refund from the state on your property taxes renters do count as well uh so you're encouraged to to apply apply and uh and then the third program which will be new I believe starting in 20125 is the stay New Jersey program and that program uh allows seniors you have to be over 65 you have to have a family income under $500,000 a year which is likely most people and uh that will give you half of your property taxes back up to $6,500 uh and again you pay your taxes and the money comes back from the state that doesn't go into effect until next year close the public portion um move on to our cons yes our consent agenda and before I ask you for anything to be removed I just want to make a comment on resolution 24 hyphen 89 the Emergency Management coordinator uh Mr Austin kasic Police Chief Frank lasaka and Lieutenant Jason F have been accepted as our uh Emergency Management coordinating team and they those titles they will retain for the next three years do anyone need anything separated from consent uh Township Clerk would you please read the consent statement ordinance number 24-85 through excuse me resolution number 24-85 through resolution 24- 95 the following items are considered to be routine and non-controversial items by the township Council and will be enacted by one motion there will be no separate discussion on these items unless a council member so requests in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda to be discussed and voted on following the approval of the remaining items list on the consent agenda and once again do anything need to be removed or separated seeing none may have a motion so moved second second roll call please councilman Bal yes councilwoman Winston yes councilwoman ziki yes and council president maoy yes and there are no ordinances for introduction how about um go to the cause I've got a I've got a few um AR sponsor Police Department is now hiring certified police officers go to T slpd jobs for information on that I had to remove maybe about four or five from councilwoman's ambi's list right lot going on I mean as was said there's just a it's a beehive of activity I find myself with a lot of time on my hands because of uh the big word called retirement and I'll I'll watch over at the Edison Town Council meetings I'll watch Woodbridge Town Council meetings and and they don't have this they don't have and they're Twi their population of Edison is twice US population Woodbridge is twice plus now I'm sure they have some programs but they they they they're not they're not informing the community as to what is going on um we just covered the property tax relief stuff so I don't need that one right senior freeze Okay blah blah blah uh Saturday March 9th at the Brunswick Square Mall from 11:00 a.m. there will be a community resource Fair job openings volunteer work registration with the community programs um little league opening day that's a big one parade starts at 8:30 so uh they want the date the date I have is April 13th and they would like to see Council Personnel mayor if you you know same thing maybe we can get down there about 8:00 in the morning and participate in that Friends of the East Brunswick environmental commission and the East brunic sustainability task force has its free cycling day at the community artart center on Saturday April 28th 9:00 am to 1 p.m EB Arts commission um um is having their having their celebration at the Community Arts Center on April 27th from 12: to 6: p.m. free rabies clinic for dogs and cats on May 4th over at the sville uh DPW garage I guess they in cah all middle sex County residents can participate there we go and uh this is another one of the uh that that that mayor con covered so a lot of lot of things going on in our community um adjournment all those in favor say I I I the guys have it good night