##VIDEO ID:CP5l-Z44aPI## I call this chamber to order everyone please rise if you can receed our pledge of allegiance to our nation remain in order for a moment regarding personal reflection I pledge allegiance to of the United States of America indivisible andice for thank you Dr CL please call roll and read our statement of adequate notice councilman bahall here councilman Wendell here councilwoman Winston absent councilwoman ziki here council president makoy here also presid mayor Brad Cohen here administrator Joseph kulo here and Township attorney Michael Anthony aoka here adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 by specifying the time date location and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy on the bulletin board located in the main lobby of the East Brunswick Municipal Building providing a copy to the home News Tribune and the Asbury Park press newspapers posting a copy on the Township's website and by filing a copy in the office of the Township Clerk which will be entered into the minutes thank you Council you have before you resolution 24 hyphen 251 adopting the meeting minutes from the July 22nd 202 24 motion approve may I have a motion to approve is there a second second is there a need for correction or clarification on these minutes seeing none roll call please councilman ball yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman ziki abstain and council president maoy yeah uh yes Council we have a proclamation from the mayor's office regarding the eight and under East Brunswick Cubs baseball team will the players and their coaches please assemble here in front of the de and will councilman Desh Beal and councilwoman Dana zamii please address the podium thank you might want to turn the podium around guys come on get those medals nice and straight okay so good evening before I start I want to congratulate the entire team and the coaches for their hard work and [Applause] achievement Proclamation H East brunic Cubs whereas the East brunic baseball softball and Buddy ball league offers Recreation and travel League programs for all players and skill levels age-based programs are offered from Age 4 through 16 and focus on Player Development and teaching the great games of baseball and softball to our players the primary focus is fun and encouragement all in a safe and Progressive environment and whereas hu East pun Cubs have played together for two years achieving a 61 wins 14 losses and two ties record while winning eight championships and whereas the Cubs beat a undefeated Berkeley Heights team 7 to4 in the seventh to become the uh 2024 hu Middle Atlantic Regional Champions now therefore be proclaimed that Brad J Cohen mayor of the township of East Brunswick congratulate East Brunswick Cubs ATU and their coaches on their achievements and commend them for exhibiting qualities of hard work dedication and preservance throughout the season given under his hand and Great Seal of Township of East Brunswick on this 12th day of of August in the year 2024 awesome congratulations boys I'll tell you what there's something really special when a group of young men click along with their coaches at this young age I can Envision that you have way more wins in your future as a team so congratulations so we want to hand out we'll start with your head coach Andrew sether thank you so much congratulations and uh John Burke congratulations and Todd laari is not here correct ABS okay and who am I missing Michael Burke you must be wait a minute brother you are brother and the kids play on the same team how special is that that is special wow that's exciting wow all right so I'm going to give you the proclamation and when I call you I want you to tell us what position you play how about that yeah all right so Jack bur where's Jack Jack there we go what position Jack come on in second base second base awesome that's l leavon B what position do you play short stop and pitcher very good Quin qu Quinn oh there you go Quinn um catcher Max hutler Max there you go Outfield very good Adam Garcia go Adam R Field great Ryan leari obviously isn't here all right got that Lincoln Mishi what position Lincoln Catcher And pitcher very good all right excellent Alexandra paradowski center field center field wow okay Liam Pony [Applause] third and picture third and picture awesome Matthew Schmidt Matthew right field great field excellent and Anthony saer first space awesome congratulations to the team excellent wonderful we're going to stay up so everybody can get some pictures okay congratulations guys good job good job congrats congratulations guys we make like two rows you guys walk up take a few steps up back row take a few no everyone take a few steps up guys there you right the mayor in the back row Council Council people in the back feel free to make your way around the room got a good photograph please we got room about right guys come on we do that pose a lot number one let's go guys [Music] grandma like the paparazzi these guys let's have the team move up one step and bring all the parents that [Music] [Music] fine hang on Joe might have to stand on a chair I got a little 6' three so there you good enough one two three bears and cups one two three thank you Mom and Dad come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] take a three minute recess welcome back everyone uh we do not have any ordinances for second reading or public hearing therefore let's move to our report section of the meeting mayor con uh thank you council president I just wanted to be give a public shout out to our finance department that as I know tonight you're going to be looking at and signing off on the annual audit that we have and uh very large Township with lots of different departments five different utilities these uh it it's a complicated uh process as we all know learning the tax codes and rules that we have to follow here and uh and and it's just uh amazing that after doing this much work each year that there's so few findings uh of any significance at the end of the audit period And I give that um really a lot of hard work to our finance department Angel who's our CFO and her entire staff along with our Administration uh that that's why you get these type of reports every single year and it doesn't go unnoticed clearly uh Moody's and the rating agencies look at our Township from a financial standpoint they don't really care whether any of us standing here are Democrats or Republicans they look at numbers they look at fund balance they look at debt ratio they look at how you manage your Township and every single year we get one of the highest ratings that you could possibly get that does not happen by accident and uh and so I uh want to tip my hat off to the department and thank them for all the hard work that they do thank you and and and before we move on you referenced the the year sort of like I'm paraphrasing year after year but I want to make it clear that it's been during your administrations that this financial commitment on the part of you as well as the other members of the staff have created situation where we get such a favorable rating thank you mayor con thank you uh Mr krula our business administrator yes I just want to bring one item up that's on the consent agenda 24245 resolution for a change order to Black Ro Enterprise under our initial contract this is for a change in the scope of work um we are adding uh water lines on Troy and Bennett Court along with Paving there and we got a late request from the uh Board of Education uh to do some uh Paving for them at chitic school so in order to get the school system the the best price uh we agreed to do that so this is not a change in in place this is exactly for added work I also like to give a shout out to the engineering planning DBW Department uh if any of you get a chance uh take a look at new brunck Avenue where we replaced water lines uh we we did some additional curb Cuts uh for the um the mards over there uh some additional striping and uh the latest added bike Lanes uh at one point they do become Shar to Road Lanes um and also a shout out to the DPW staff while everybody was home last week they were out there cleaning those catch basins as the trees branches came down the leaves uh were uh CL starting to clog those basins um they were out with the recreation department and the tree crew and other uh parks employee ensuring that those catch basins were cleared so the water that never seemed to end and uh that's off to them and sorry to anybody that had vacation last week in New Jersey I felt actually bad for them a rough week so thank you to the staff I just wanted to explain that change order it's for an addition um also you see on the agenda there's a chapter 78 to insert the ma uh the grant from the state uh totaling uh $750,000 this was a project where we had a presentation from uh Keith and Mark our engineer um for Landon p park a uh fully handicapped accessible playground uh to re basically redo that whole park so we receive $750,000 from uh Green Acres for an inclusive playground we do have a match of $250,000 but anytime I can get um you know four to one I'll take it so hats off to the the entire team on the submission of that Grant and I'm more than happy to um to take it and build uh what's going to be a great pregrown for our children in our community that's all I have for this evening council president attorney Mr nothing bik off bike's off Township attorney Mr aak coka there's nothing to report this time thank you Township Clerk Miss laul there's nothing to report thank you Council committee or board reports any updates just quick coun Council woman zamii thank you actually we have our um W Parks Advisory board meeting tomorrow and it's going to be at the new Cricket fields that will be opening in September um so I'll have much more to report next meeting but I had the opportunity I was I was at a conference with fellow Educators from all around the state and I can't tell you how many times when people asked where I was from and I said East Brunswick how many people acknowledged our community and the activities that we do the improvements every it was it was so refreshing because I feel like we hear so much negativity it was so refreshing to hear um colleagues from around the state and it was funny because the day that day I happened to be on Facebook and what was going on at the community art center the princess concert on July 31st that attracted hundreds of kids and family members um so it's wonderful there's plenty to take advantage of you just have to choose to take advantage of it right you could sit at home or you could choose to get involved there's something for everybody in East Brunswick um our next activity actually is August 21st it's a s'mores family movie night showing sing to and that's at the community art center thank you you're welcome and thank you I'll now open the meeting to the public will miss lul please read our public comment statement the public common portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-2a and the East Brunswick rules of council the council asked the public to limit their comments to five minutes or less at the conclusion of the statements or questions from a member of the public the council president at his discretion may choose to respond or not respond thank you is there anyone from the public wishing please thank you mayor council my name is Joan sakola and I live at 27 Bernard Road which is in the Lawrence Brook section of East Brunswick I've been uh resident of East Brunswick for over 20 years and I'm here tonight to talk about Community cats um when I first moved to East Brunswick the Animal control officer by his own admission spent 80% of his time rounding up Community cats for euth in Asia I met with the then mayor and Town Administrator and that Animal control officer uh asking them to please stop this inhumane and ineffective treatment for the over to cure the overpopulation of community cats it wasn't until the ACO retired and the impound facility closed that that practice had stopped the reason I'm here is that here we are 20 years later and we're still grappling with the overpopulation of community cats I personally have TNR cats in my yard and have helped my neighbors who were in their 90s uh with cats in their yard the only reason that I was able to do is I'm a volunteer with sami's Hope Animal Welfare and adoption agency in in uh sville so I had you know people who could walk me through it I had access to equipment um but the other residents of East Brunswick don't have that access and as a volunteer I recently got a phone call from a gentleman an older gentleman who lives in East Brunswick asking for sami's Hope help because he had a family of cats he called East Brunswick Animal Control and they told him we're sorry we have no way of helping you that's just not fair um there have been um I know a number of residents who have uh come before uh mayor and counsel to talk about an ordinance a modification to the existing ordinance that would make it easier and more streamlined for organization like East Brunswick TNR to um to to trap and and neuter and vaccinate the animals so that the population over time uh through attrition would be reduced and would reduce the nuisance calls um and it just seems to me to make a lot of sense and I'm not sure why there hasn't been any progress in that regard this is not a question and answer you can make your statement okay all right um so I guess that's my my question and I I feel as a resident and I will add that I pay over $20,000 in taxes every year I I kind of expect a little bit more um so um when cats are uh trapped and neutered and spayed and vaccinated it reduces the spread of rabies and dis um and I just would like to close by saying that I I hope that you will consider um a revision to the ordinance that would allow TNR groups to do what they do best and help the community and help residents um so thank you for listening thank you okay oh can I add one more thing please um there are many surrounding community who have already uh have these uh ordinances in place that help TNR groups so has uh oh I can't ask a question um I would hope that maybe you would reach out to some of our neighbors to see how successful their programs have been like sayerville and Spotswood um North Brunswick and a several other uh communities around that have had they have successful TNR programs in place thank you thank you you're welcome anyone else from the public Please Mr Mayor Town Council Mr President um I you are sir once again oh I'm sorry timing ran dear field ran okay uh I received my um a bill back in March of 25 for 159 $44 for water it was estimated for 15 months I brought that up once before uh now my coverent reading was done on 524 I got my bill July 30th why two months difference for a current bill is it when did they read the bill usually is it a week before two weeks before because now I'm already over uh what they asked me to mail them you know okay that's one thing and then um I'm listening to um reading up on Millstone the deficit is $344,000 for water and their their people may be raised $150 a month to catch up on the deficit how is our standing with the water supply too you know because Stones throw away all right um and then um let's see okay is tonight a mosquito spray night in East Brunswick do you know what are is or it just going to be randomly or no it wasn't random it was all organized right Mr culo the dates the locations the places do you want to make a comment sure last week sprain was advertised in accordance with the law uh Civic alert went out uh was there and then the police did another one on uh Sunday uh because we got the notice late in the day uh for the additional spraying that they're doing this evening so that uh Civic alert uh Lieutenant farma put that out yesterday because I saw tonight they're going to spray from 6:30 to 12 and didn't say the area but that's good course we need it yeah if you click on the message and then click on it it'll bring it to the map and and all the information and the only thing I have a is there are too many airplanes flying overhead helicopters that actually make my house Shake have no control over that Mr well I'm just asking you know I mean it does vibrate the whole house sometimes and it's scary because you don't know if a planes coming down or whatever happens but you know it's just annoying and uh uh was that pole ever looked at on Gordon Street uh that pole that's cracked because it's still there yeah it's OEM went out and looked at it okay it's been looked at thank you okay anyone else wishing to address the council president seeing none I'm going to close the public portion moving on to our consent agenda Miss Lael will you please read our consent agenda statement resolution 24- 242 through resolution 24- 253 the following items are considered routine and non-controversial items by the township Council and will be enacted upon by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member so requests in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda to be discussed and voted on following the approval of the remaining items listed on the consent agenda thank you do we need to separate anything no make a motion for 24-42 through 24- 253 you're going to have a second second and we'll uh roll call on that please councilman ball yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman ziki yes and council president makoy yes and I guess we're moving so quickly we're looking at the good of the cause ordinance sir 2422 I beg your pardon oh I didn't see that's that's the one that's clarified right yes um can you read this ordinance yes ordinance number 24-22 an ordinance of the township of East Brunswick County of middlex state of New Jersey amending section 3-101 Point D six code ethics of the Township Code with regards to the definition of Officer we have a a motion on this motion approve second second roll call please councilman ball yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman ziki yes and council president makoy yes now I don't know I where I missed that one must have been getting a cup of coffee and I was making my notes anything for good of the cause I have a motion to close so move second second all those in favor say I I I good night everyone