##VIDEO ID:FTMapx6jwmU## [Music] call this chamber to order everyone please rise if you are able as we pledge allegiance to our nation let us also remember Mr Anthony rodelli who passed away this past week a man many of us will recall with his holiday lights on Farm Circle Road and his commitment to always looking to make East Brunswick a happier more Jolly Community pledge allegiance to of the United States of America the for it stands one nation indivisible liy and justice for [Music] all thank you Mr lawful please call roll and read our statement of adequate notice councilman Bal here councilman Wendell absent councilwoman Winston here councilwoman zimi here council president McAvoy here also present mayor Brad Cohen here administrator Joseph culo here and Township attorney Anthony ayoka here adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 by specifying the time date location and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy on the bulletin board located in the main lobby of the East Brunswick Municipal Building providing a copy to the home News Tribune and the Asbury Park Press newspapers posting a copy on the Township's website and by filing a copy in the office of the Township Clerk which will be entered into the minutes thank you Council you have before you resolution ition 24- 254 adopting our meeting minutes from August 12th 2024 may I have a motion motion to approve second second is there a need for clarification or correction on these minutes seeing none roll call please councilman Bal yes councilwoman Winston abstained councilwoman ziki yes and council president mavo yes Council we have ordinance 2 4-22 for a second reading and public hearing am I correct on that Mr laul thank you m lawful please read an ordinance of the township of East Brunswick County of middlex state of New Jersey amending section 3-101 Point D6 code of ethics of the Town Township Code with regards to the definition of Officer I have a motion so moved and a second second open this ordinance 24-22 open this to the public is there anyone from the public wishing to address this ordinance seeing none close the public portion is there any discussion from Council none the need please call roll council member Hall yes councilwoman Winston yes councilwoman zii yes and council president McAvoy yes uh let's move move on to our report section mayor con thank you council president I just wanted to point out to uh everybody here today that if you look at your resolutions in the consent agenda virtually half of them uh almost all of them that have to do with money uh are either a money that's coming for an application for a grant it is either accepting a grant or it's use of money that was obtained through a grant and uh so I just wanted to point that out to you and to the public to uh make them aware that a lot of times they see these big numbers and really what it is is just use of funds that we've been able to derive through grants to be able to enhance the things that we need to do in the township without relying on the public and the use of property taxes to cover a lot of those expenses so I think we should be happy about that and the public should be made aware of it so that's really uh the only thing I wanted to point out for everyone tonight thank you council president our business administrator Mr Chris kulo yes in continuing on with clarification on the uh agenda you see a couple items for purchase by D DPW the wheel loader and uh and one other item on um on there those were those funds were appropriated in the budget and we did our uh ordinances for bonding and uh and so on with those so that was part of our normal plan just got around to to getting those out um the one thing I want to mention is once again thank the recreation department for all the wonderful programs that they've done all summer long another concert in the courtyard today uh I had the pleasure of attending um the movie the s'mores in the park with I can't thank the youth Council enough for their volunteerism at that particular night helping the kids with their shmores uh also was a little chilly that night so they had a a banner night selling their East bronswick sweatshirts so there was a lot of people there they didn't realize how cool it was going to get so it was a good event uh for the Youth Council as they learned to be uh getting sales and ordering and it's it's part of the process but the event was wonderful uh I would say c 100 people there uh the movie went off without a hitch the kids were singing along with uh it was something too it was but basically sing along what was that sing too sing to I'm sorry um but the but the children had a wonderful time and and it's always good when we put on programs and people attended and and they thank they're thankful and had a good good time so I know denesh was there I didn't hear him singing but uh was there and uh Robert was there and and some other staff that just came to uh be with the community so I'd like to thank uh the rec department once again thank you our attorney Mr Anthony ioka uh yes I have one item on the agenda I would like to remove the hearing appeal item with regard to the swans Spa this matter has been resolved page five of five you'll find it there that it is on Council on hearing correct page 505 and that's been removed please you got it thank you you're welcome anything else Mr Roka nothing else thank you C clerk M lawful and there is nothing to report Council boards or committee seeing nothing move move on I will now open the meeting uh to the public Township Clerk Miss Lau will you please read our public common statement the public common portion of our meeting is to allow the public public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments in accordance with njsa 10 colon 4-2a and the East Brunswick rules of council the council asked the public to limit their comments to 5 minutes or less at the conclusion of the statements or questions from a member of the public the council president at his discretion may choose to respond or not respond thank you anyone from the public wishing to address the council Mr inini uh Tom inran dear Field Road Mr mayor council Mr President uh just two quick questions does anybody know when Chick-fil-A will be starting to be built on Route 18 they just started right one oh may they just started they did start oh okay uh and uh the other thing is Monday is a holiday next Monday Labor Day when will the garbage pickup be picked up Thursday Thursday and that's it for the week no makeup just one pick up that okay thank you thank you Mr inini anyone else wishing to address the Town Council if not we'll close we close the public portion move on to our consent agenda Miss lawful can you please read our statement on the consent agenda resolution 24- 255 through resolution 24- 272 the following items are considered routine and non-controversial items by the township Council and will be enacted upon by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member so requests in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda to be discussed and voted on following the approval of the remaining items listed on the consent agenda thank you does council need to separate any of the resolutions no okay seeing none and I have a motion for resolution 244-255 through 24- 272 motion to approve and a second second roll call please councilman councilman ball yes councilman when sorry Council councilwoman Winston yes councilwoman zii yes and council president makoy yes Council we have before us ordinance 24-23 for introduction um Miss La will you please read a capital ordinance appropriating 450,000 from the pool utility Capital Improvement fund to provide for various pool utility improvements in and by the township of East Brunswick County of middlex state of New Jersey may I have a motion to move on this so moved and second second thank you Mr Chris gulo can you please comment Andor clarify sure uh we do our did our Capital ordinances for things I'm sorry thank you Capital ordinances for things in a timely fashion uh as you recall we do roads in uh the fall that will be coming up shortly and so on so now that the uh Crystal Springs pool season is is coming to an end within the week um we are gearing up to work on the uh water park to ensure the safe operation in the future so uh the filtration system for the water park needs to be replaced uh this is a capital item also uh replacement imp improvements for the water sides and painting of the pool purchase of improvement to the sound system uh to is also necessary to ensure a safe environment for the people uh that participate there and actually this comes out of the pool utility this does not directly charge back to the taxpayers but the people that uh patronize the water park thank you sir um any discussion from Council on this item roll call please councilman bahal yes councilwoman Winston yes councilwoman zimi yes and council president maoy yes I didn't mean to move a meeting along at record time here I didn't mean to we're okay with it uh anything for the good of the cause I have something 13 out of uh 13 of our East Brunswick JV and varsity cheerleaders have been invited to perform at the Disney World in their holiday parade on November 22nd and November 23rd based on their performance at last week's annual UCA Cheer Camp kudos to all of the student athletes and their coaches and the booster club and as always go Bears that's great right always from the children through the high school kids always looking after them we have a motion to adjourn so move and all those in favor say I I good night now [Music] [Music]