[Music] and good evening everyone and welcome Town council meeting for April 8th 2024 councilman Wendell will you please take the pleasure of wel the meeting um if everyone please stand and rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and um I'd like everyone to remain remain standing um for a moment of silence after the pledge for Steve Hughes um who recently passed away has been long time East Punic resident uh graduate of East Punic High School um and a [Music] um a great athlete and teammate of mine through high school and friend to many others and please in your prayers and your thoughts say something or think about his wife that he leaves behind and his two young daughters that that uh are left behind he's a longtime East brunic resident lives around the corner for me and and um you know as I said he was a teammate and a friend so just remain standing for for a moment of silence for Steve but if you would all pledge to the flag I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you please take your seats thank you thank you for giving me the opportunity council president uh Deputy clerk morce please call roll and read our statement of adequate notice sure um councilman bahal here councilman Wendell yes here councilwoman Winston here councilwoman ziki here council president McAvoy yeah adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required ired under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 by specifying the time date location and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy on the bulletin board located in the main lobby of the East Brunswick Municipal Building providing a copy to the home News Tribune and the Asbury Park Press newspapers posting a copy on the Township's website and by filing a copy in the office of the Township Clerk which will be entered into the minutes Council you have before you resolution 24 hyphen 118 adopting the meeting minutes from our March 25th 2024 meeting and I have a motion to approve motion second a second are there any questions with regard to Corrections that may be needed seeing none roll call please councilman bahal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman winon yes councilwoman zii yes council president McAvoy [Music] yes we have a proclamation from the mayor's office recognizing the month of April as child abuse and awareness prevention month councilwoman Winston will you please read this into the record do you want to read read from here or do you want to take the is there anyone in the audience okay why don't you join them Council thank [Music] you this is a proclamation for pin wheels for prevention whereas children are our nation's most vulnerable members as well as our nation's most valuable resources helping to shape the future of East Brunswick and whereas positive childhood experiences Like Loving caregivers and safe stable and nurturing relationships can help mitigate trauma and the negative impact of adverse childhood experiences to promote the social emotional and developmental well-being of children and whereas childhood trauma can have a long-term psychological emotional and physical effects throughout an individual's Lifetime and impact future generations of their family and whereas childhood trauma including abuse and neglect is a serious problem affecting every community in the US and finding Solutions requires input and action from everyone one and whereas children who live in families with access to concrete economic and social supports are less likely to experience abuse and neglect and whereas prevention is possible because of the Partnerships created between families prevention Advocates child welfare professionals Education Health Community and faith-based organizations businesses law enforcement agencies and local state and National governments and whereas we we acknowledge that in order to solve the public health issue of abuse and neglect we must work together to change hearts and mindsets through storytelling and Sharing Center the needs of families break down bias and barriers and Inspire action from expected and unexpected Partners in prevention and whereas we are committed to advancing Equitable responsive and effective systems that ensure all children and families are healthy and thriving and whereas we recognize the need to prioritize kids and invest in more prevention initiatives like home visiting and family strengthening policies economic supports and communitybased Child Abuse Prevention programs at the national state and local levels and whereas the East brunic Women's Club will be displaying pin Wheels around the municipal complex during the month of April to serve as a positive reminder that together we can prevent child abuse and keep children safe now therefore be it proclaims that I Brad Cohen mayor and the township Council of new of East Brunswick to hereby Proclaim April as Child Abuse Prevention and awareness month and urge all citizens to engage in activities that strengthen families and communities to provide the optimal environment for children to learn grow and Thrive so that all children have the benefit of a happy healthy and safe childhood and further urge everyone to work together to eliminate child abuse and neglect from our community thank you thank you thank um I am Laura petar I am vice president of the East Brunswick Women's Club with me is Linda Cary our current president as well as Eva Smo from prevent child abuse New Jersey just wanted to say it's a great honor for us to accept this Proclamation on behalf of our club members thank you Mayor Cohen and members of the East Brunswick Town Council for recognizing the club and the pin wheel Garden we planted in the municipal complex this is actually the fourth year that we have planted the pin wheels for prevention Garden to remind the community that April is Child Abuse Prevention month and that all children are entitled to safe and happy childhoods um and I'm not going to go into anything about our group but I did want to introduce uh Ava smco again who would like to just say a few words okay thank you thank you Laura and thank you Mayor Cohen and Town Council um it is an honor to be standing here as a resident of East Brunswick as well as the Director of Home visiting from prevent child abuse New Jersey we're a Statewide organization that works to promote positive childhood uh experiences through various means and it is an honor to have this Proclamation um be proclaimed by the Town Council by the mayor's office to recognize the importance of children in our society as well as the importance that information and resources plays to support their experiences thank you so much okay thank you thank you again thank you may let's let's get a snaps so that we have that for the records Council will you join us out here please good thank you [Music] good good thank you we do not have any ordinances for a second reading so let's move on to our reports section of the meeting mayor con thank you Council president a couple of items one I'm sure most residents in the township are aware of the change that we've had in the solid waste and recycling um despite what you may read on social media um by and large uh on our end uh we've had mostly positive results and the main objective in moving to this new contract was to avoid and to eliminate the missed pickups which was a problem that was plaguing the township for last two years and I have to say that since um we're we're we're now into a bit of a of a routine now uh we haven't gotten any complaints of missed pickups so pretty happy that people are by and large complying I think the community looks a lot cleaner more uniform and uh and we're we're going to keep tabs on how things are going but so far it looks like the roll out has been uh pretty good and most people seem to be pretty happy so uh we're hoping that that can continues second item I wanted to remind folks is that at the beginning of the spring is when we start rolling out the road repair program that the township uh normally pays for we have several road projects that are going on at any one time and they're not always Town sponsored so you have the route 18 work that's going on that is obviously something that's done by the state department of transportation that has nothing to do with the township other than the fact that the water lines that are being replaced on that are Township lines and the state is paying half of the $16 million for those repairs so that it's in our interest to do that at this time as opposed to doing it at a later time and then not only paying 16 million but digging up all the roads at that time and then paying for it at our expense so all of that is being done through the state there's County projects that will be starting on County Roads uh and then there's all of the township work that done we have transportation trust fund money that this year is being used towards redoing repaving and doing all of the repairs along New Brunswick Avenue and then the township spends anywhere between $2 and $4 million every year on road repaving and we do that in the order and the priority of need not because you want it done not because your road hasn't been done in 40 years if your road has hasn't been done in 40 years but it's still in pretty good shape it's not on top of the list it's done in the order of the priority priorities are given to roads that are far busier so main roads main arterial connector roads uh roads that are very close to houses of worship and schools are given priority and then there's times where we'll do a section of a of the township a community or a section within a community and we'll do a couple of rows at a time as part of a project and and and hit a couple roads each year so that it's not all at one at one time so that work is all beginning now as well and if you don't know which is a state road and which road is a County Road and which road is a Township Road it just seems like you're hitting a bunch of detours uh but that's true our our season is limited and we want to get as much done in that time as possible and so that work is being done now layered on top of that are a lot of light repairs uh traffic light repairs uh one is being done at hardenberg and ARA one is being done at uh Fern and cranberry and then ultimately there's going to be another one done at hardenberg and fresh bonds all for different reasons but that work is all being done at the same time so it seems like a lot and it is um but we need to get these work done for safety reasons and because the roads just generally need it uh we rarely if ever publish early on what the roads are that we're going to do because we bid for that work in the fall and the work doesn't begin until the spring it is possible that with a nasty winter a road that we didn't put on the list or a road that was lower on the list gets beaten and moves to the top of the list just like it would if it was a list of repairs that you need to do in your home so we never want to give that list out too early because it's subject to change and the last thing in the world we would want is to promise somebody that their road is going to be done only later to have to take it back so that's the road projects that are being done and they're starting now uh we're also about a week or two away from putting out the bid for the uh hockey rink that's going to be built right behind Lowe's uh interestingly enough we just found out this weekend that um Union County is putting in a uh hockey rink there they're enclosing one of their outdoor rinks so that uh clearly the sport seems to be picking up in the interest so I think we're doing it at the at the right time and I think a little healthy competition isn't such a bad thing and also wanted to remind folks that at the last council meeting uh presented the budget to the township Council for Municipal Taxes uh uh for 2024 um Municipal Taxes is only 20% of your tax bill as you know uh the tax bill is compr comprised of your school taxes your County taxes your Municipal Taxes your fire district taxes and then some open space money that voters voted on um but the municipal portion is the only portion that we can control and uh we're happy uh to announce that for this coming uh year the tax increase is 0. 56% which over the course of the last six years this being the sixth has averaged tax increase of 0.5% per year which amounts to a little less than $12 per year for the average homeowner here in East Brunswick less than a dollar per month so I think that it's a uh kudos to our accounting and finance department that helps us put these budgets together and gets all the things done that I'm speaking about and yet your tax increase for those Services is is quite minimal uh that's now in the hands of the council it's being looked at and ultimately approved by the uh Department of Community Affairs once it gets that approval then this council's uh in a position to be able to vote on that so I think a lot of good things and I wanted to make sure that everybody uh was aware of all of those and if there's any questions or concerns you're more than welcome to either right to me or call the mayor's office so thank you council president you're welcome our business administrator Mr culo yes uh just some status on some other projects that we have going on uh hopefully by the end of the week the Cricut field at Heavenly Farms will begin construction uh as the mayor said the pavement Management program has started lot of handicap accessible ramps that were in disrepair are on those roadways and curb cuts and sidewalks are are ahead of schedule uh the one road I can promise you that is getting done is Henley because it was paved today so it's in very nice condition uh I agree trash pickup has been uh been very successful uh keep in mind no trash can be outside the can it's not going to get picked up uh no can should be close to a a pole a mailbox the other can the truck needs room to go in and grab the can or else it can't get it if if your car is parked right next to it they're not going to pick up the can and you'll have to wait till your next collection day so it's key that you leave enough space between each of those items so that the truck can pick it up uh one thing that was very nice this we last week on Wednesday I think we had a little storm if you do recall which was a recycle day two weeks prior to that when it was a recycle day and the cans were out there was soda cans milk jugs water bottles all over the place the luxury with these new cans is they have a lid and they get picked up and there's a guard around the truck if it is windy it will dump and you didn't see all that recycle strewn around the community which was actually very nice uh because it's usually our DPW guys that are out there uh clearing the catch basins so it's just another nice part about that bulk pickup still exists right you need to schedule it through DPW you could call them email them with your telephone number they'll get back to you on the day that it's going to be picked up it also should not be put out until you have a scheduled date and put it out the night before around in the evening because they are starting earlier now uh some as early as as 5 a.m. the bag El Leaf program right is April as well last week began the week so whenever your recycle week is that's the same week we pick up your bag leaves so if your recycle date is this Wednesday then you could put out bagged leaves for pickup this week and we will get to them and dispose of them for you otherwise you can bring them to the recycle center so there'll be two uh opportunities collection during the month of April um and all that for 98 cents a month increase so thank you council president Mr culo are the uh the leaf bags can be picked up by the residents where uh at the uh recycle center at the recycle center and is there a limit on the number of bags that a resident can take home with them I believe it's one pack at a time you know but if they certain if they have more they can come back and and get another pack as long as they're utilizing them and if our residents are putting out mattresses do they still need to be bagg bagged and called in as a bulk pickup yes and will they get that bag from the township or do we go to Home Depot and purchase it you go to anywhere most uh stores uh have them nowadays along with Amazon order them online Walmart Lowe's Home Depot uh all of them carry it now cuz uh none of the haulers want to pick up betting that it's not bag they're seriously concerned about bed bugs thank you Mr thank you sir Mr Chris gulo our Township attorney Mr aoka there is nothing to report council president thank you Mr our down our our Deputy clerk M morce nothing to report council members anything to report on just a quick report yes uh councilwoman zamii thank you so I just want to um say the daisy Tricky Tray was such a huge success on Friday night um Mar Cohen was there with me and it was I mean last year they raised $333,000 and this year I can imagine it's going to be as big if not bigger there were about $370 gift baskets at this and um a whole lot of other ways to raise money and I just have to commend our East Brunswick um Parks and Rec staff who work so hard to make this a successful event um to put money into our Daisy program to help our students so it was it was a beautiful event and John yes yeah John K yes okay thank you Council Z Vicki thank you go ahead oh Danny Winston I'm sorry councilwoman Winston please just just a a blip with the the water policy committee um they did give an update on their portion of the work that we um on on Ro 18 and um they're looking at a 16 16 months ETA without any hiccups of course that's that that Clause there because anything can happen but they were surprised at the um when they started pulling things apart that the underground was not as messy as they anticipated ated so there their tiin are running successfully and um they're actually working on drainage now southbound from the pedestrian bridge to tyy Lane so um they're just it's it's kind of remarkable to listen to them and and all they have going on and how they organize everything so um it's good news there our portion the township portion we are far ahead of schedule thank you councilwoman Winston okay open like to open the meeting to the public so as to allow the public to comment Deputy clerk please read our public comment statement public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-2a and the East Bruns rules of council the council asks the public to limit their comments to 5 minutes or less at the conclusion of the statements or questions from a member of the public the council president at his or her discretion may choose to respond respond not respond or ask the administration to respond thank you is there anyone from the public wishing to address the council president sir uh toming ran de field R Mr Mayor councel uh I have a question if if it's possible to get some to Comcast to give discounts to seniors I mean their rates are going up ridiculously high I mean it's Monopoly here basically I've been having this for the past 36 years 37 I'm living here and the rates keep going up I mean if anything could be done yes or no that would help you know um I know a lot of people that can't afford it so they're down to the limit of it you know and um they want to bring up but uh April 18th at 7:21 the community center they're going to be a motor vehicle the what do you call it the trailer there if anybody wants to renew the license you can make appointment online and uh especially if you you need your real license today too so I had a problem with that with my wife and uh it's the mar it's the marriage certificate that is most important just so you know and that's that's all I have to say thank you okay thank you Mr angraini anyone else from the public wishing to address the council president seeing none we'll close the public portion one second please I'm sorry I guess we're going to reopen a public portion hi there I'm Jess laer I'm from EB TNR and rescue and we are a 501c3 could you spell your last name for the record please l a u r i e r thank you thank you so we do TNR in town we're trying to address the community cap population and we are aware that there are some hoarding situations on Dale Road and what we're looking for is to partner with the town um to try to address the issues we know that there's a lot of residents complaining there's been you know urine smells and cats running around in front of the house behind the house we were there we tnar eight cats and we got a couple of kittens into foster care as well we'd like to resume our project there and what we're looking to do is to really change the ordinances here that would define what is considered a pet so when people feed outside they're not pets they're a managed colony and there's been other towns that have enacted ordinances to address the issue and I do have something for everyone here just to take a look can I put it up here you may okay thank you just some information I'll leave it all up here wanted Joe do you want it just pass it along this way okay thank you so I work with Lindsay she's back there she runs our group she's very hardw workking she's very passionate she got me into this a couple years ago we love what we do we love our town we really want to help and we'd love to be included in whatever your plans are to address the issue um we really are an ally and just hoping that we can get some time um with whoever is a decision maker separate from this meeting would be amazing uh we do a lot of great work we've since we started about two years ago we have gotten I would say 200 cats fixed so we're really alleviating a lot of the problem it's a compassionate way to deal with the issue um we just love to be a partner and I hope that we can hear from you and work together thank you you're welcome anyone else wish to address the council president seeing none we will close the public portion there are no resolutions requiring a separate vote at this time Deputy clerk please read our consent agenda statement the following items are considered routine and non-controversial items by the township Council and will be enacted upon by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member so requests in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda to be discussed and voted on following the approval of the remaining items listed on the consent agenda council is there anything that needs to be separated yes can we P 24124 24126 okay sorry 244 and 1264 and 126 I'd like to pull them for further discussion anything else would you like to discuss that now and leave it on consent pull it pull it for a separate vote separate vote thank you sir so I'll need to uh get a motion to [Music] approve 119 through 125 123 123 119 through 123 125 as well and then 127 through 129 motion approve second a second um roll call please councilman bahal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman Winston yes councilwoman Z Vicki yes council president maoy yes um let's move to resolution 24 hyphen 124 yes um let me call let's let's discuss first before we uh motion it that's fine okay um listen the reason I I was looking to prove this uh is for two specific reasons this is a shared service agreement between the schools for us to bond for them which we C we do all the time and I don't have a problem with that um but it's it it defines some shared services that the school will provide to the township but I don't think the definitions are definitive enough I think they're too loose I think we need to Define exactly what we're looking for from the schools to do this it it just mentions busing and access to the buildings and I don't think that that is definitive enough for Mr what is a contract in in addition one one one other thing in addition when you look at the um still 124 Mr still on 124 when you look at the the um the schedule of values per se um under athletic facilities and Equipment it says Sports field goals snow removal and storage now snow removal to me is not a capital expense and should not be listed here unless it was snow removal equipment and as such I think that needs to be defined and the storage as well what is this off-site storage is that's not Capital expenses so if this can't be cleared up then we have to pull this I we don't get it cleared up from Mr Chris Mr Chris I just I just think the document the resolution and the contract need to be tightened up because I think we put ourselves in Jeopardy for allowing for them to do what I could consider annual expenses rather than Capital expenses I me you want to P it I don't have a problem doing it but I just I think the language in the document needs to be tighter great we need to know exactly what we're getting from the school system the money the the the bonding for the money is not a concern for me we are the tax collector we'll get our money mhm yeah we we do get the permitted I'm sorry we do get the permitted use of the school but naturally then we have to pay for the security in those schools um so it's not like they're right there's a cost involved to us as you know with the Buffalo the same way they did that certainly training exercises yes they uh the police department does use the schools at time to conduct training exercises which I think is mutually beneficial on both sides certainly uh so that there God forbid if there's ever an emergency there we also do this with the votch and the mall and some other places but the busing isn't defined as to cost use of school facilities and buses for Township emergency management protocols and as an emergency shelter I think at at some point that if we really needed to they're declared Emergency Shelters now knock knockwood we haven't had to do that for for many years but they are de declared that in Mr kix's OEM plan um and then naturally if there if there's busing but you are 100% correct any program that we run uh at the facility we pay for their extra costs be IT staffing or AV people I would just like to see the language tightened up a little more you know to to to indicate that if we need busing for an oem event or if we need to use the facility for an oem event there's no there's no statement in here that we're going to get charged or not get charged yeah you know and you know in addition to that the the recreation bus there should be you know cuz that's part of this agreement as well Recreation uh busing was approved at the last c meeting yeah and that we pay wholeheartedly for I I would just like to see a little bit tighter language in the contract to Define things it's I just think some of these things are too loose and we don't we don't know we're going to get from the school board they may say oh yeah we're letting you use it but here's the charge okay so what what I will do is I will ask Mr aoka our esteem attorney to reach out to uh Mr mob's office who's the legal counsel for the Board of Education and explain have him explain to Mr jacobe uh the council's concerns and why it was pulled from the agenda and uh we'll proceed from there I will okay I will certainly vote for this at a later meeting if we can get the language tightened up and and I want to understand that snow removal and storage on the schedule of values because I don't believe that that's a capital expense and should be an annual expense in their budget my interpretation that it was snow removal equipment as long it's not stated that way it should be stated correctly Anthony is here I'm sure he's taking some copious notes and I know there's somebody else in his firm here this evening and I'm sure they'll get with Mr job's office and discuss that matter uh to get this resoled we'll we'll do Mr chriso I'll work with you councilman when I'll be glad you know this is normal but there were certain things in this language that just didn't seem tight enough for us I'll circle with you to to just identify all your concerns and then I'll reach out to the board attorney thank you no can can so let's I will I will propose a motion to get to disapprove no to to table table it till maybe it can even be done by the next meeting um Mr can we have it done by the next meeting right absolutely okay and you get a second on this let's table to a meeting date you know the next next specific dat they second a roll call on this please one second just for clarification Robert rules and mrok I don't want to I don't want to table it for a date certain I would rather just table it until Mr C my motion will be to table right for a date not certain second by second right Beal roll call please councilman bahal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman Winston yes councilwoman zii yes council president McAvoy yes uh resolution 24 hyphen 126 um this was a discussion between me and councilman bahal um this could easily be resolved but whereas we we um have done Recreation busing through the town why are we going to a third party and not you not through the town through the Board of Ed why are we going to a third party outside the port of Ed because I'm sorry they can't cover all of the all the routes that we need okay and we verify that through their transportation organization because a lot of the bus drivers take off for the summer or they they they just don't want to do busing in the summer they want to do something different and so so we need to uh hire this doesn't necessarily show any other bids on this that we received did we receive multiple bids on this we we got we see one quote for the summer camp program service for Camp opt with an option of two one-year extensions so it this is not extending this is a new contract right this is a new contract yes but we receive no other bids we receed one no other bid just this one this one okay as a a side that's a problem in general certainly there's no bus companies out there that really want to do this work which is why we've always been um uh working diligently to try to get a contract and an arrangement with the schools because a lot of their bus drivers are are bus drivers and want to work and stay in the the township uh it was just a matter of getting that arranged early enough before they secured work somewhere else for the summer which was the problem two years in a row so this is the first year we've actually been able to get a commitment from the schools early enough so that they didn't have their bus drivers um obligated to work somewhere else by the time we needed them and Mr Ryner and I have been trying wholeheartedly working on this since last year when we weren't able to do all the routes also those buses from the school there are limitations on how far they go so some of these trips that go to a destination in PA or uh out of out of the immediate area uh the school system doesn't want to utilize the bus for that this just is this is beyond Pi I thought this was for pickup of individuals that are attending no this is for for the like Trips Trips some of them go to you Park they go to various other places so this is this is a specific amount based upon a proposal that was sent out for these specific trips yes if nobody else has any further discussion I will move this a motion to move the approval of resolution 126 motion to adopt second second no need for further question roll call please councilman bahal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman Winston yes councilwoman Vicki yes council president makoy yes uh move to ordinance 2 ordinance 2405 Deputy clerk will you please read an ordinance of the township of East Brunswick amending chapter 209 vehicles and traffic of the revised General ordinances of the township of East Brunswick Mr culo will you comment on this please yes uh this request come came from the East brunsick Police Department um there's been an increasing amount of vehicles being left in Township property on Township in Township parking lots including the police parking lot and and there was nothing on the books further forbidding that and the ability for us to tow so there's been you know cars that show up at the police range and they've been there for days or they've been in our parking lot here at the municipal complex not for municipal purposes for days sometimes weeks there's been commercial vehicles parked there without approval now naturally if there's if the vehicle is here for a Township purpose that that doesn't matter this is for when vehicles are here and they're not doing any work for the town but it just happens to be a good place to park uh and use as sometimes as a community par parking lot uh so the police had came to me uh requesting this um and and checking with the GIF it's it's not only acceptable to them it's something they want because regardless of if they're here for a municipal purpose or not if there's a trip and fall in the parking lot when they're parking here and getting it to somebody else's vehicle or or whatnot uh and and we we could be liable so they actually uh agree with the police department to move forward with this and they agree and most towns already have this on the boxs Mr Cula you mentioned the word gif would you please explain to the municipal joint Insurance Fund we're a member of the Central Jersey joint Insurance Fund it's pretty much a organization of towns in central New Jersey that we're a member of uh that we that's how we get our insurance and then there's reinsurers uh at what's known as the Mel level that's the municipal excess liability that's when it goes outside our Reams and the uh actually the resource claim committees and there's an EF that's for electronic um I'm sorry for uh environmental insurance and then naturally one that was created most recently is called the Cyber jef that is Statewide uh to be able for municipalities to go out and purchase s Liber insurance it's a Hot Topic all over the uh all over the world now um I will say I was nominated and appointed by the central CHF to be the member for the Mel the RCF and the environmental CHF and Casey Wagner from Woodbridge handles the Cyber je so we're pretty active in our insurance funds thank you Mr Chris kulo for that comprehensive response appreciate that uh and that goes for all Park that goes for all parking spots so to speak that our Township owned yes sir so that you could possibly have a car in the Great Oak Park and that would be in violation uh yes if it's if it's abandoned there for days or there there's just nobody in the park at all with that car there um you know it's suspicious uh at times I I don't want to elaborate on police investigations but um like I said this came from the uh police uh operations unit thank you can I have a motion to approve this ordinance so move second second any further discussion by Council and a roll call please councilman bahal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman Winston yes councilwoman zii yes council president McAvoy yes is there anything needed for the good of the cause councilman W i' just like to thank you for the opportunity to honor an old friend uh tonight in an East brunic res president so thank you for giving me the opportunity to actually open the meeting and you you're more than welcome that's why I gave you a buzz this morning yes I uh Steve's passing was unexpected and uh as a teacher Jim I as a teacher you remember him from back in the day I I even brought my booklet if we were going to go through some stats I'll be brief I didn't want to go there Steve is Steve is a quarterback of our football team and he's one of the top three quarterbacks in the history of our of of our school who was labeled as great we've had a lot of good high school quarterbacks but Steve arguably and I I push the argument the best better than Dave wall better than Brian Forte uh Mr nurger May disagree but I hope you're watching Frank that's that's my opinion Jim were they leather helmets and no face mask come on it was 1985 anyone else on the good of the course he went to the states twice uh I would like to uh a a hearty thank you to be extended to East BR Police Department as well as our office of emergency management under the direction of Mr John kasic for their response and behavior during and following the earthquake this past Friday uh I never thought I'd be saying up here that we'd be addressing a an earthquake but uh oh my and it just goes to show that that really anything anything can happen with regard to adjournment uh all those in favor say I I anyone opposed good night thank [Music] you