okay fo me thank you good evening everyone and Welcome to our Township council meeting for April 25th 2024 will everyone please rise if you can and remain standing for a moment for personal reflection stand andice for and thank you Deputy Council clerk orace would you please call roll and read our statement of adquate notice councilman bahal here councilman Wendell here councilwoman Winston here councilwoman zii Council president McAvoy here adequate notice of this meeting has been been provided as required under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 by specifying the time date location and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy on the bulletin board located in the main lobby of the East Brunswick Municipal Building providing a copy to the home News Tribune and to the Asbury Park newspapers posting a copy on the Township's website and by filing a copy in the office of the Township Clerk which will be entered into the minutes thank you Council you have before you resolution 24 hyphen 130 adopting the meeting minutes from our 4 82024 meeting May I have a motion to approve this may I have a second second are there any need for Corrections or clarifications from councel Deputy clerk please call roll Council Bal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman Winston yes council president McAvoy yes Council you have a proclamation from the mayor's office declaring the month of May as National water safety month councilman Beal will you please read this into the record yes sir thank you National water safety month whereas the township of East Brun recognizes the vital role that swimming and Aquatic related activities relate to good physical and mental health and enhance the quality of life for all people and whereas residents understand the essential role that education regarding the topic of water safety plays in preventing drownings and recreational water related injuries and whereas residents are aware of the contribution by the recreational water industry as represented by organizations in the National water safety month Coalition include developing safe swimming facilities aquatic programs home Pools and Spas and related activities providing healthy places to recreate learn and grow build self-esteem confidence and sense of self-worth all which contribute to the quality of life in our community and whereas it is important to recognize the ongoing efforts and commitments to educate the people on pool and spa safety issues and initi I atives by the pool Spa water park recreation and parks Industries end whereas it's vitally important to communicate water safety rules and programs to families and individuals of all ages whether owners of private pools users of public swimming facilities or visitors to water parks now therefore be it proclaimed that mayor Brad jaon mayor of Township of East Brunswick along with Township ship Council and the Township Recreation and Parks Department do hereby declare month of May as National water safety month and do urge the residents of East Brunswick to support and promote its observance given under his hand and the Great Seal of the township of East Brunswick this 25th day of April in the year 2024 mayor Brad Jan thank you thank you councilman any comments from Council we're good mayor con big yeah thank you council president I just want to remind the public that a couple years ago we had a series of unfortunate incidences in the township related to Drowning deaths and uh one was the drowning death at Crystal Springs and then a year later it was followed by a string of three in a row uh one was uh unfortunate loss of somebody in the municipal Pond uh that was followed by a family of three people uh a grandfather a daughter and a granddaughter all perished in a swimming pool because not one of them was able to swim uh and then that was followed by a young kid at a party who by the time they recognized the kid had uh disappeared they found them at the bottom of a pool unable to save him and uh so the town embarked on a and continues to embark on a massive effort to try to make sure that s in lessons are provided to any citizen that wants one here in the township each summer we have a a program that we offer for I think it's called the Great American uh world's largest swimming team that comes out and and offers free lessons that we often get covered by very fortunate to have people donate to cover that um we have had uh water safety classes here in East Brunswick for years um because of our Crystal Springs is well recognized throughout the state and the county just recently announced that they uh are putting out um are offering uh money uh for grants for towns that are willing to also uh improve and offer these type of classes I think it's up to $116,000 per Township um one of our asks this year from the state each year they ask if there's something that the township would on that's how we've gotten grants for things such as the ice rink and for the expansion of the community art center this year our ask is to uh look to enclose one of the pools over at Crystal Springs so that we could make part of that Park a full 12 Monon year uh year round park and allow our swim teams and people to to to to swim but in addition to provide the ability for people to continue to learn how to swim and to do so safely so that we could do whatever we can to prevent what I think in many instances are really preventable deaths so um I'm I'm glad that this came across my desk I'm hoping that you will all approve this Proclamation but I I really can't underscore how important it is and in young people that is unfortunately one of the number one causes of preventable deaths so I think we need to just do our part always on the Cutting Edge May cone and proactive and we appreciate that the community surely does council you have before you resolution 24 hyphen 131 recognizing Jennifer Stetson and Emma Chow's induction to the municipal safety Institute Leadership Academy may I have a motion for approval motion approve second second let let me have a roll call on this please councilman Mahal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman Winston yes council president maoy yes and we'll save comments for after I finished it I was going to ask that you read it into the record Brian is there something you can fix about this we're still getting feedback okay just we missing see her we're good we're good resolution recognizing Jennifer Stetson and Emma Chow's induction to the municipal safety Institute Leadership Academy whereas the township of East Brunswick Prides itself on its Stellar employees and their dedication and desire to grow in the knowledge and experience in order to provide outstanding services to the community beautiful whereas a governing body recognizes the manager of Human Resources Jennifer Stetson and human resource personal assistant emow for their outstanding leadership development and for being inducted into the municipal safety Institute Leadership Academy and whereas this two-year program enhances leadership skills by offering in-depth managerial training to those enrolled and whereas the mayor and the council could not be more proud to have such ambitious employees and applaud them for their hard work dedication and the effort in being inducted into the municipal safety Institute leadership Academy now therefore be resolved by the mayor and the Town Council of the township of East Brunswick that they applaud Jennifer setson and emow for their recent achievements and further recognize their ambition and exemplary characteristics as Township employees through their hard work their work ethic their dedication and their leadership signed Brad Cohen mayor Brad Cohen as well as all of the council thank and the microphone is going to be yours a few words okay please he something no okay I haven't thought about it either just wanted to say thank you um em and I actually thoroughly enjoyed attending all these classes and um we appreciate the recognition so thank you for the opportunity yes thank you so much we really appreciate all the recognition um I was able to learn a lot throughout like these past two years taking all these classes so it was a great opportunity for me thank you Council May if you can wait till after the end of the meeting uh we'd like to take some pictures with you and John with the water Proclamation i' also like to add Emma in this uh she's really only been an employee for two years and we're lucky to get her in the academy uh because of her Advanced College uh her grade in college and her commitment to this uh she she got into the program and at the same time she got a certificate in Human Resources uh at the same time she was doing this program and some of them were nights and weekends and you know she's always open to learn and and help the p uh help the public and our employees and actually a big part of uh being in the GIF is to avoid accidents so i' like to just thank uh both Jennifer and and Emma for their commitment to the safety of our employees in the township and they're always willing to take the classes uh another one we took today so just from me I appreciate it and um Emma also completing the HR certificate I just wanted to make note of that that's great really great hard work move to ordinance 24 hyen 05 Deputy clerk please uh read an ordinance of the township of East Brunswick amending chapter 209 vehicles and traffic of the revised General ordinances of the township of East Brunswick motion adop and second second uh um Mr culo quick comment on this please yes as we discussed two weeks ago we' seen an increased uh as I said two weeks ago we've seen an increased amount of vehicles being parked in various Township properties throughout the township uh including the uh police uh police lot uh and the uh range the training center over at the police area uh Crystal Springs where there's just people all of a sudden you know utilizing them as just their own personal parking areas um the GIF has recognized this in some other communities and the police actually came to me and said you know I think we need to do something about this you know if there's a trip and fall and a lot the liability is on us and certainly the GIF um doesn't want people parking in the Lots unless they have official Township business um and the uh police department came to me with the interested doing this I checked with the GIF and um they were naturally all forward and asked this to happen several years ago and is happy that we're doing this thank you let's I'm going to open this up to the public does anyone from the public have anything to say with regard to ordinance 2405 Joseph Schmid Lo Avenue East Brunswick I just have a question about clarification we mentioned the Crystal Springs Lot May 5th there supposed to have the birding outing and last to go and look at birds around East Brunswick last last year they did in the people parked in a crystal s parking lots we could actually go into the Forest Area there or for example sometimes you go boating on the lake there is that what do you mean when fine yeah so what is the ordinance change affecting in that sense if it's you mentioned Crystal Springs property that's what I'm trying to figure out people just leave even there cars there for days parking overnight when there's not any AC only when there's non-municipal activities that the place people are just parking feeling free to park anywhere they want right so someone can just park there and use the the township areas but then when they're done they pick go and leave you mean right okay thank you anyone else wishing to speak on this issue close the public portion uh roll call please councilman bahal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman Winston yes council president McAvoy yes moving on to a report section of the meeting mayor con thank you council president as um uh our business administrator just mentioned earlier and alluded to we had a uh training today at the police shooting range um where we were all taught as Municipal Employees uh active shooter training and and and how to handle event such as that if it were ever God forbid to occur uh that is a program that our police continue to offer not only to our own employees uh but they offer it to houses of worship they offer it to private organizations in the township and they don't charge for it it is a a free service we want people to be aware of what they need to do in the event that something unforeseen were to happen and there are things that that that people could do and uh the the schools as much as uh we we we place a lot of emphasis on the schools in our Township our school board and the Township's Police Department work together and we have a pretty robust program I will never say that that's a guarantee that nothing can ever happen but they train regularly they get fire drills they get active Shooters they get lockdowns they do that regularly um but what the police did admit to us today was that one of the areas in the townships that they have offered um training and it just seems that no one is taking them up on it and it's the most frequent uh area of concern are houses of worship and all of our houses of worship were given an opportunity to have the police come out and do that risk assessment active suor training which I think is critical um of all of them we've got think over 25 different houses of worship in East Brunswick were're proud of that four took them up on it so I I would encourage each of you um if you have contacts in the houses of worship that either you go to or friends go to please contact them we really want them to take advantage of a service that really is could be critical uh other areas of concern um malls and Open Spaces is a little hard for us to to to do that there but they would do it if asked uh and then of course municipal government uh as the chief was saying today there's just a a lot of political polarization and and anxiety and anxiousness about government we're targets so that's why we've made it a priority to make sure that all of our employees no matter what building they're in have the type of training that they need and their specific needs may be different based on what building they're located in what area of town they're in uh as you know we have buildings that are dotted throughout the township but the training is really something that we want to make sure everybody takes advantage of and um and knowing today how um uh risky it is in some of these houses of worship I think we need to try to do our best to convince them to take advantage of a free service such as the one that our Public Safety officers are offering thank you mayor con our business administrator Mr Chris kulo uh sure just two items uh I just wanted to just make people realize Spring Leaf bed pickup is now complete if you have Leaf Bags they have to be bought to the recycle center so uh that was over the last four weeks we did that uh and in absence of uh councilwoman zamb Becki I feel compelled to mention something that that's going on in our Park system uh we usually get a very good report from her um if you recall uh about four or five months ago uh uh the recreation Department's team put together a grand application for the updating of Washington Heights Park and that was completed this week John or last week and it's a little pocket park over near the U Midstate Mall on a side street heavily used like every time I've seen to go past it there's always children enjoying it um so I was happy to say that's complete and it looks great and so I would invite uh the council and the public to go by there and see what some of the grant monies that we get from the State recreation grants uh how we put it to work that's all sir thank you Mr culo our attorney Mr coka uh there's nothing to report at this time thank you sir and and uh our Deputy clerk for Township reports nothing to report okay Council anything all is quiet okay we'll move on to our public portion of the meeting Deputy clerk you please read our public comment statement the public comment portion of our meeting is to allow the public to bring to the council's attention their concerns or comments in according with njsa 10 colon 4-12 a and the East Brunswick rules of council the council asks the public to limit their comments to 5 minutes or less at the conclusion of the statements or questions from a member of the public the council president at his or her discretion may choose to respond not respond or ask the administration to respond is there anyone wishing to address the council president please John Roach East brunic Recreation and Parks 334 Dunhams Corner Road I just wanted to thank mayor your Administration and the Town Council for declaring May's National water safety month drowning is a leading cause of death amongst young people um I did want to make it known to the public that the township has committed a website page to water safety information for families to be able to access online if you go to East brunswick. org or Slater safety you'll be brought to our web page that has all of this free information for you to use with your family to be able to plan your summer to plan going on vacation Backyard Pools accessing uh recreational water facilities it's just a great opportunity for people to take advantage of that water safety June 20th is a Thursday we will be hosting the world's largest swimming lesson again that's a free 30 minute water safety swim lesson that any and all of the public are invited to attend so thank you for recognizing and for helping us to get that message of water safety out please Council toming ran Deerfield Road um what are the latest rumors about the mall is it being sold or is it sold uh we don't really comment on rumors Mr inini well I heard being soled or was soed same thing with the MTH Mo that was solv uh the other thing I have is um the DMV I went to the uh the truck two weeks ago with my wife she still can't get her real license I went to New York they got the marriage license it says her name on it the birth certificate has Rose instead of Roseanne I mean we went through this in 2001 after 911 and we had no problem getting a license then all of a sudden we have a problem with the license uh I was talking to Stanley sty Stanley his office a few weeks ago and again today he's going to look into it all right and the other thing is um yesterday or no Tuesday I received my water bill uh 1500 1,400 no I'm sorry $1,544 49 so I went down yesterday to the office office over here and what brought to my attention around I think it was March when they came by with the read the meter the woman that read it says something's wrong because you we'd be getting a high Bill like 600 bucks you know whatever it was so she called up the the media department they came down changed the outside box they brought it inside I was around that time now I get a bill for $1,544 and they give me this paper yesterday I was estimating for the past year and a half I mean that's totally absurd uh if you have a question call me up I'll give you a read of meeting then they called me back yesterday afternoon and um they asked me to read the the the number of the white box it wasn't the number that they had a file but what do I do with this $1,500 bill I mean you're still going to have to make those phone calls to where you were making those phone calls to and to the office over here that's okay then you can walk in and she says I have to pay it but I mean to be estimated for for year and a half that's a little absurd please clearly on the water bills is printed that it's an estimated Bill and there's on the right hand column the second paragraph says if this is an estimated bill please go down there and get your numbers and come up and call the number and explain that you got an estimated Bill and they will then schedule somebody to come out uh well they'll adjust the bill first of all if it needs to be adjusted and then they'll schedule somebody in the in the meter division not in the building department but to come out they don't have your telephone number they don't call people because they have estimated bills there's a lot of people that have estimated bills there's a lot of people that still haven't got their meter change yet after sending out six seven letters to people and they just totally ignore it at a case today where there's basically six quarters of a person similar case clearly estimated bills has a built-in pool has a sprinkler system and he was getting build for the minimum but it purely says on the bill e for estimate and on the side it says call us to resolve the problem so Tom on those bills we don't call you we're expecting you to call us when there's an estimate it is clearly on the bill why only did I get an estimate my name is didn't because something happened between the meter all right and the radio that's on your particular house right so your neighbors maybe they they got their meters changed more recently and the me and the radio system was working correctly so each it's a hardware device you you're a technical guy you know wiring as well and the way that works is every time it clicks the Thousand gallons it tick ticks the the radio up by one all you need is for that wire to be disconnected by a little bit when it's told to change and it's not going to implement it so what I found out when she came by I think it was in March March 20th or something like that as she's doing it the wise will loose on the three terminals so I figured that would made a problem but that could also cause it to jump and you know a and everything else no no it's it's ex it it works on kinetic energy there's no electric in that you could come in take a picture of your meter come in and talk to Colleen Leroy or call I'd ask for Colleen Roy M she will look at the account but if you got five meter five months of five quarters of estimates you know you're you are definitely going to be not build enough as my friend D loac would say in the water policy meeting I don't want to over bill you I don't want to under Bill you I want to right bill you and if it's an estimate it's purely an estimate it could be high it could be low and we have no control contr we can't go into everybody's house and check the wires all the time so call Colleen Leroy she'll look at the account I spoke to Shelby I think yesterday and they me back give give the box number and I gave the box it was the wrong number course they replac the Box they didn't know about it they're not even using that National metering service no more so I thought maybe was a problem with the meter whatever call and talk to Colleen she'll verify everything um for you they gave me the whole paper from up to 2002 so I don't understand it either but you know I see estimated that's what she show me now for the past five quarters yeah which was noted on your bill yeah well with this bill not on the last bill this is the estimated Bill she gave from 200 uh 2016 it goes all the way down to 2002 yeah we can go all the way back well and we know which ones were estimated and which ones weren't and we also send a tremendous amount of letters out and we get no response the thing is when I get a bill I just pay it automatically and that's I don't know if it's estimated or not so but it says on the bill it's estimated well they show me but it's very hard to see where it said it es I know what EST meant now I know okay just to let you know I mean this a shock all right just to let you know that was 6 minutes and 16 seconds so I I let you I let you go Mr inini okay he wants a credit for me talking five minutes is five minutes in my book anyone else from the public wishing to address Council Vice council president close the public portion before we uh move into the consent agenda and ask for anything that needs to be separated Mr culo would you comment on 24 hyen 135 and 2 for hyen 140 as they are big dollar numbers and I think the community deserves an explanation because it's all positive yes uh 135 is a resolution authorizing a change with DMR uh for professional architectural services and primly designed for the East bronck Township uh Community Art Center um as we're getting further and further into this process of looking at the community art center which we want to do we're we're making change to that design this this change order uh is coming out of the state grant that we've already received and uh as we you'll see at the next council meeting we'll be getting another Grant from the uh Eda for that facility as well um so that that's coming out of there um one a resolution 24140 similar situation it's for the community art center uh this is for the the design of uh the services of the Community Arts system sewer system now that system is that facility is now on a septic tank so as we're moving this to be a real state-of-the-art facility we need to get that on the township sewer system that two is coming out of the similar Grant so and and uh Keith and I are working on for the next council meeting the parking lot which will also need design and storm water management and everything and permits done to the D uh like this one will need uh that will also be coming out of the grant so you'll see that next Council agenda all Grant funds president I please um as far as the um CME contract for the the sanitary sord design for uh the Community Arts Center are we designing that deep enough to take gravity feed from uh Heavenly Farms so that we could eventually connect Heavenly farms uh and get that off of septic I honestly do not know well if we're not doing that we need to do that okay I'll check into it you know I mean if we can they're close enough in proximity if we can get not really yeah they are there's a streaming part right well let's leave it at yeah we'll look I'll look into it my reasoning for bringing these two resolutions to the attention of the community was the dollar and sense that put those two together you're talking about $300,000 and I want the community to know that's coming out of grant money and not out of your tax dollar and and and and that surely is a credit to Mr Chris kulo and mayor con Therefore I may have a motion to approve resolution oh yes until until we have an answer on on whether we can get gravity feed from Heavenly Farms to um to the Community Arts Center I'd like to pull 140 um because if we're not designing that to to take in to account Heavenly farms in a in a in a you know a gravity feed sanitary system add of there to the pump station that we're in stalling I I just think it's it's poor judgment you know I mean as Heavenly Farms is going to expand as we're putting in a a cricket field now um those bathrooms and and and kitchen facilities are going to get more and more use and as such we need to consider that if we're spending all this money on infrastructure for a pumping station at the Community Arts Center we should be making it available to handle but the adjacent you know he like you just said consider we can't why can't we move forward on this and then consider well because we're we're we're going to then authorize the expense but we're not going to get answers potentially in time you know we're going to we're going to move forward with this move forward but but we shouldn't move forward until we determine whether maybe there's another $20,000 we need to add to this design to you know take into account and can we we can't cross that bridge when that bridge comes before when that Creek comes before us I don't know right I don't know I mean I I I'm of the school listen I'm I'm okay with approving this but before we authorize design on anything we should understand what the additional costs or pitfalls are or or or roadblocks are to design this gra the gravity of of the situ of the of of the water is something that can be dealt in the future I just don't see why not not if the pump station is not deep not designed to be deep enough if the pump station is not designed to be deep enough we won't have we we we also have issues with sewer service areas which heavly Farms is not in the sewer service area so we just added went through the process to add the CAC because of the grant funds coming in right right if you do that now you got to offer it to all the people that live along there H and it not just Heavenly Farms you can't just separate out Heavenly farms and the Community Arts Center not everybody else that lives on there two houses on that road well one there's Clark farms and there's another house just saying I think it's going to be a lot of money well I'd like to know you know I mean if if if we're adding sewer services to I mean the Community Arts Center is in Heavenly f Park if we're adding you know sewer Services you know Sanitation Services sanitary why aren't we designing it for the entire facility you know at least at least understanding what the additional costs would be you know I I think this is I think this is um something that needs to be investigated I mean I've know I've been involved with Heavenly Farm since we built it and and I remember when we put the we put the uh the septic system in there it was only designed for a minimal amount of people um it has problems every now and again and there's no ability to have a grease trap or anything else within that That Snack Shack because we don't have sanitary and the grease trap would then be discharging into the into the the the uh septic system which is isn't isn't available but it could do much better you know I'm not I'm not even saying that we connect it I'm saying that we design for the depth of that that pump station that it could accept it at a certain later date and and that's that's what I'm saying at at a at the later date yeah but the design needs to incorporate that is what I'm getting that's what that's what that's what you're that's what you would like right yeah I'm saying let's move we we have this staring Us staring at us in our faces and we need to move we need to move forward that now becomes a Township expense because that's not reasonable to say that we're going to put the all of heavenly Farms on the sewer system and take it out of a grant that was given to us specifically for the expansion of the Community Arts Center understood but what I'm getting I'm not saying that we connect it all I'm saying that we make sure that the design of this Pump Station can handle a gravity flow from the bathroom could attach at a later dat but that shouldn't stop you from being able to what I'm getting at is I I want assurances that we're going to we're going we ask that and get that number for you but I don't think it should inhibit you from voting on this I don't disagree with that but what I'm getting at is I just don't want to I don't want to miss the opportunity of something that may occur in the future I we' got a lot of land out there at Heavenly Farms there could be an ability in the future that that we need to connect the sanitary over there I think getting that information is a reasonable thing to do with what the cost is going to be but I just don't think that that should you from voting on cost the cost shouldn't be impacted that greatly this is a design only contract this is not an install contract no it's just for this what I'm getting at is we need to direct engineering and everybody else to make certain that we were designing it at a depth because understand this has to come gravity flow from Heavenly Farms yeah it's a pump up we we're going to have well no we're putting in a pump to pump it to somewhere else that pump goes into a pump station what we need to understand is that we have enough that the depth of that pump station is deep enough that we have enough ability to have gravity flow feed from Heavenly farm so that we design it at deep enough depth okay you know that's my only concern okay I think as of right now we're going to be moving forward on on on this on this resolution and then we i' just like to hear something at the next meeting as an update to this fine you know so can I have a motion to approve resolutions 24132 through 24 hyen 14 132 through 142 motion adopt and a second second roll call please Council councilman bahal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman w yes council president McAvoy yes uh ordinance of introduction numbers 24 hy6 Deputy clerk can you please read an ordinance of the township of East Brunswick County of middlex state of New Jersey amending chapter 75 of the Township's uniform construction codes of the revised General ordinances of the township of East Brunswick I'm Mr culo any comment please yes this is just to modify the fees for um for commercial properties is when they come in for their um certificate of occupancy and then when they sold uh that the fee reflect the amount of work that's involved with said uh project thank you may I have a did did I did did I get a motion we'll get a motion on that one motion and second second roll call please councilman bahal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman Winston yes council president mavo yes and we have a second ordinance for introduction 2407 Deputy clerk please read an ordinance of the township of East Brunswick County of middlex state of New Jersey amending chapter 209 section 62 entitled schedule 23 speed limits of the code of the township of East Brunswick to amend the speed limit on New Brunswick Avenue move to adopt and a second second uh Mr Chris gulo quick comment on that one yes we're we're getting uh ready to we're getting ready to uh Start begin work on NE Bruno area with the ttf funds that we're receiving from the state and we also like to put uh potentially put uh share of the lane bicycle Lanes on there and that's the feeling of of reducing the speed limit from the 40 section of it is 40 then it goes to 35 we like it to be 35 the entire L lent for the safety of the people that live there and the bicycle a future sherida road bicycle Lanes great um may I have a motion for this so move and a second second roll call please councilman bahal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman Winston yes council president McAvoy yes for the good of the cause oh we got 2408 what oh the bond ordinance yes yes Bond ordinance 24 hyen 08 uh Deputy clerk would you please read a bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements in and by the township of East Brunswick County of middlex state of New Jersey appropriating 3,371 600 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $3,203 th000 in bonds or to finance part of the cost thereof so move and second second Mr Chris gulo these are all the projects uh and the equipment that uh the mayor and I have been working with the department heads and finance to to um get these capital projects going at this particular time so we'd like to as you know the next meeting we're going to hopefully approve our budget and um go along with this we'll have the bond ordinance so any of the projects that have been approved by the mayor um to improve facilities and vehicles and Equipment uh we can uh get going call for a motion yet we just roll call yeah roll call councilman theal yes councilman Wendell yes councilwoman Winston yes council president McAvoy yes for the good of the C please just a reminder on April 27th East fiek arts colation and United day Seas of New Jersey are celebrating biggest holy event a Festival of Color at Community Arts Center from 12:00 p.m. to 6: p.m. it's a free event with lot of free activities fun activities like Bollywood Zumba session Bollywood dance performances color play area and about lot of food vendors so please join them if possible to celebrate First Holy event in East SP so thank you coun Beal anything else can I hear a motion for close second second all those in favor say I I yeah eyes have it good night good night