right is everyone ready yeah okay uh welcome everyone tonight is June 3rd 2024 um and this is the East Long Meadow Board of Health um and the Board of Health is recording is anyone else recording all right um if no one else is recording um we're going to call the meeting to order and the chair announcements are that we are hosting this meeting um via Zoom webinar pursuant to a 2020 uh order um by former Governor Baker resending certain provisions of the open meeting law which was extended by Governor Healey um so those are the chair announcements for this evening um the first thing on our agenda tonight is to approve the uh minutes from the prior meeting um did you all get a chance to look at those minutes okay um do we have a motion to approve the minutes or any changes that need to be made a motion to approve I second all right so Rebecca's motioning to approve uh Katie is um seconding uh and we will do a roll call vote so to vote to approve the minutes as written um Christine Johnston I Dr Katie jobbins I Rebecca torsa I all right uh the minutes are approved as written um so next thing on our agenda is public comment um is anyone here for public comment tonight um if now there's um there's one person um if you have a public comment would you mind raising your hand okay I think we're good all right um given that nobody is here for or has any uh comments that they wish to add we will move on in our agenda um to business at hand so Tammy I'm going to turn this over to you we're going to talk about waste disposal first okay nothing too different to add um from the last meeting I just kind of wanted to get some um paperwork together to start working on um applications for these fees uh so the one that the one that we def like need to at approve right now which we could approve both of them is the one that is for the site assessment technical fee um and that's the one that will kind of allow them to come into town in the first place and that's the one that's for $500 and how we um came up with that was at least 10 hours of um Town time to be put to it $50 an hour is $500 it's a onetime be um I did send you guys kind of like draft I had sent it by De EP to look over it um that one's pretty much done and that's for the site assignment technical uh site assignment um review and then I started working on one for an annual fee which would be the wayte disposal site permit um I don't think I'm gonna finish that one until we've gone through the site assessment just be just because maybe it'll kind of come up with some questions that we might want to look at for you know every year on an annual basis but just kind of to give it an idea I had put a rough draft together um so um and then I think that you know that could be a good I'd say about a 250 I think would be a it it kind of matches up with a lot of our other permits as well um for an annual fee and I think that for the first year we would wave the for a new site waving the 250 see as they pay the 500 but that is up to you guys to vote on um there's not not there's really not many much newer information from the last meeting but I just wanted to make sure I have everything ducks in a row I'm not adding it to our um our waste regulation because it doesn't really fit kind of the spirit of it and how it's written it's really more on Recycling and um the disposal end not the uh facility end um so if anything in the future once we kind of see how it runs um I might make its own bylaw but for now um this will just be a fee that we would approve and recommend to the Town Council to adopt into the bylaws that rate seems totally appropriate for me based off like you said the other ones we have in town and what we mentioned last time how it's similar to what other people have done too so yeah and the the idea of the fee was not only recommended to me by um our D liaison but also the um the engineer for the firm said you really should have a fee or the engineer for the company coming in um so it wasn't something that we just kind of pulled out of thin air it was recommended and other towns have an annual permit for Wast of bual sites as well actually they're more expensive than ours oh we lost Chris go ahead Katie I was just gonna say so now you said one is completed because I reviewed those and then do we have to motion for both of them to be approved at those rates or do we have to make a kind of a paper for the second one yeah the application is not anything you have to vote on I I just kind of kept push put that along so just just to give you an idea of some of the questions we would be asking ahead of time the application for the site assessment I think I'm going to send it one more time to D and see what they like it and then go with that one um and then the other one I'll probably kind of develop as we go forward and look at the site assessment process in the voting for both would be fine unless you want to wait but um it's probably easier to vote for both of them now because then we can get it on the next Town Council or the next one where they're going to vote on bylaws or um fees to put in the bylaws and I was just going to ask sorry I didn't mean to cut you off um when you do the annual you're going to be able to roll that into your digital system um I think it might be I probably wouldn't I probably wouldn't do it for one for one permit because we only have one okay yeah we have a couple permits like that where we don't get a lot every a year um and it doesn't seem quite worth it for the work that it goes into actually putting putting the online form in but maybe down the line when we would decide that we're going to have 100% online permits we'll kind of add those stragglers in so then one of us needs to make a motion for each thing individually or can we do it combined um we're motioning or the motion needs to be that we are recommending two fees to the Town Council for approval in the bylaws one would be the solid waste disposal facility site assignment application with Associated $500 fee I'm just clarifying before we anybody makes a motion right and the second would be for a solid waste disposal facility annual license fee is that correct Tammy yes okay um so I think I think by like Robert's Rules I can just say so moved as stated by the chairperson I mean I can have I can make the motion because I just said it oh yeah can I'll make the motion um I'll just repeat myself so I motion to recommend uh two fees to the Town Council for approval in the bylaws the first fee would be a $500 fee for a solid waste disposal facility application at the time of application and the second fee would be a $250 fee for a spell waste disposal facility and that would be an annual fee I second okay um and so we will do a roll call vote uh Christine Johnston I Dr Katy jobbins hi Rebecca torsa hi all right so that U motion has passed so Tammy please uh fill send perfect awesome I will write up that motion and send it in to the town clerk to give to the Town Council tomorrow fantastic thank you so much appreciate your guidance on that all right it's still very new cool well next on our agenda is a um update from the town health nurse so I don't know if Chris if you're capable of turning on your camera and or your volume at least um we'd love to hear what you've been up to you hear me you can hear me oh good I don't know why my video on this isn't working I apologize um but I've been um picking up a little bit of speed here I started doing a class on Mondays at the senior center it's the um Advanced chair exercise which I absolutely love doing um the members are wonderful participants and they give me a lot of feedback on whether they want to go a little bit more with weights and less cardio because it's about a 45 minute class um and I've been instructing them in means of you know what body parts we're working anytime they pick up weights um and just kind of like instruct them throughout the whole class which is a lot lot of fun um I seem to be now getting to be more like a I don't want to say counselor but they'll come into my office and ask to speak to me and of course I'm going to be available for them and they're just pretty much opening up to me and letting me know different things that they're concerned about um may it be a medication what they should be looking for so I'll take like whatever time they need um and until they feel like their answer is um whatever questions they had they got the answer for but and I always tell them if I don't have the answer I'll I'll try to find out for you and I'll get back to you but um also we had a health fair last Thursday so I did blood pressure um I did the blood pressure uh like Clinic if you will with them and I gave them a little card um writing down down their blood pressure and if they ever have any concerns they can always refer to that or come to me and I can do another blood pressure so I'm working on that and I go up to um let's see inward Commons I do once a month there a blood pressure Clinic um I also go up to Cory Hill once a month and we kind of stagger it around their coffee hour so sometimes it's around 2:00 sometimes it's lunch hour and um the other complex over there is the Green Village is it Green Village yeah Village Green I'm sorry I got those words mixed up so um I'm trying to keep up with that and which is wonderful I'm actually getting out there in the community more and whatever questions they have I just sit down with them and I enjoy learning about them and finding out what their concerns are um Tammy got me a nice PDR so we'll just sit there and I can show them you know exactly what's in there and side effects to look for because that's often what they look for or ask questions about when should I take it is this kind of a side effect that I'd be getting you know while I take this medication and if any concerns they do have of course I'm going to refer them to their their doctor that prescribed the medication um I also started a walk-in Club on Thursdays and every Thursday so far it's rained we haven't been able I got out there once with a a group of five and they had a blast but since then um it's been raining so I'm gonna try to get out there we're pushing the time up to nine o'clock instead of 10 because once the warmer weather gets here I figured an earlier start would be best um so we're going to try that out hopefully it won't rain this Thursday and I I invite you all to come and join me which would be fun and it's a great walk I mean there's no Hills you just go down the rail trail here and back and it takes about an hour for them and they really enjoy it at least at one time when we went um let's see and I am um working with uh denell she does the senior watch meetings once a month it's usually held on a Friday and we'll go through um individuals in the community that need a little bit more support and um so far nobody really has had a medical issue like a red flag but I did reach out to her and tell her if she ever feels that she needs me to come out with her I'd be more than happy to go out with her um I do have a resident in town that does have a medical issue and I will be following up with her sometime in in the next week and a half I believe and um she's more than happy to have me come out so I think it's just for me it's building those relationships and um I feel like I'm I'm getting there it's slow but I'm one step closer than I was before um the other thing is working with Maven and working through that um we do have a client that came from Pakistan she's um um going to be going through the TP Clinic as soon as we can get her an appointment I think they're really kind of backed up a little bit um so I'm gonna I told her I would you know go with her if she'd like and let's see other than that that's about where I'm at right now um what did you think of the um the public health nurse uh conference oh I forgot about that oh I I loved it I it was a wonderful conference um there it was very engaging um we had pretty much from the nurses in western Mass we had probably the biggest group uh you know from the western Mass region other than other groups throughout the state of Massachusetts um the speakers there happen to be this one particular speaker that kind of really pequ my interest and it had a lot to do with um doing Outreach for moms and babies um I talked to Tammy a little bit about that but it would take a village pretty much to get something like that started from the ground up um the contact person that I have she's from out of pey um she's she's very willing to help me out um so this would be something that would be a huge uh project for me so it's definitely going to take me some time and see if I can get other nurses from our western Mass region to see if they'd be willing to join in um well Chris if you need me I'm sorry I didn't hear oh I said um don't be afraid to utilize me at the office if there's something that I can do to help like research or putting something together but we can talk I just wanted to throw that out there yeah oh thank you I appreciate that okay but I I'm really enjoying my position as a public health nurse so thank you and and you you'll be busy learning a lot of new stuff this summer with the Camp season coming up actually to actually have a public health nurse to help with all the medical pile yeah yeah I actually did open up that um the the link that was sent to me in regards to approvals and I navigated you know I got around it and I read a lot it's very intensive um all the things that these um camps need to be able to get up and running so going through each and every one of them um it's very interesting how they have to get all their uh paperwork in and make sure that their eyes are dotted and their tees are crossed I guess if you will yeah so um but I will look for a little bit of help with that because I'm hoping that I did the right thing but when I go back in tomorrow I'll see if I did it right well it's brand new because this is our first season on with the online permitting and oh well with camps and camps um I think that at a minimum every Camp is going to download 14 attachments yes I saw that yeah 14 separate policies um and there's there there's new ones the newest one for this year because of the um the new Rec Camp code is every Camp has to have a um pandemic infectious disease policy now okay but that being said the state gave very little guidance as to what should be in it so that'll be something that we can help people with over the over the season oh okay okay that's almost as many forms as when you sign your kid up for Camp yeah right oh yeah it's still learning yeah I'm definitely learning there's a big learning curve but I think I'm making my way it's a good job I really enjoy enjoy it and I have great people that I work with and the members over at the senior center are wonderful so um it's a happy place to to be and Chris there's a a lot of the programs that you've been working on you don't have to be a senior to use right correct yeah yes if you wanted to get your blood pressure checked you could stop by those hours any age yeah yeah any time if they want to call me um to make an appointment if they're not able to make it to the blood pressure clinics we hold them um the next one when is the next one I don't really have my calendar out but I'm available on Mondays and Thursdays at the Senor Center um I've been trying to do half days also at the Senor Center on Wednesdays but I'm available pretty much anytime if anybody has any kind of medical concern in regards to blood pressures uh ear checks because I have a um uh oh my gosh I'm losing um the name of it an oscope oh my gosh um to look in ears if anybody would like me to look in their ears um so yeah they can just call me and um I'd be more than happy to even if they're shuttin and they can't come out I can go to your home and um do a blood pressure in the home also a basic assessment I should say a basic nursing assessment were you able to finally get uh get in touch with the um the foot person yes so far we are going to work with Dr Cindy galletti I think I'm saying her last name right she's from out of Long Meadow so she will commit to um once a month at our senior center for Foot Care um so you would have to call the senior center in order to make a half hour reservation with her and it's a $45 fee Co if there's anything else that you feel that I could add in or improve just I like positive feedback please I invite it um anything negative give it to Tammy how's that I like it good we're glad you're here Chris oh thank you I'm glad to be here anything else for Chris any questions questions Ka Rebecca no no okay thank you so much thank Youk I'll hang in here yeah thanks I'm gonna listen some more awesome that's great all right Tammy back over to you for recycling and trash updates okay let's see finally got the Earth Day totals since we had some issues with trying to get the totter picked up from or the totes or the not the totes dumpsters picked up from the uh transfer station um while we had record number of people volunteering uh we didn't pick up as much trash and I think that's because they've been doing a good job which is great but let's see we had about a half a ton of just regular solid waste trash and a quarter of a ton of recycling um which maybe that means people are recycling more which would be really nice to know but a lot of a lot of participation um it was a it was a very good event even if it was a little rainy it wasn't so rainy but we got quite a few people that day and we still have all the uh all the prizes in the health department if you've uh if you won something and you receive a phone call or an email come by because that Maple from Maple coffee from uh Shel Falls coffee roaster that was donated looks really good ready to open it up let's see um we did have a fix Clinic um last Friday I think they about six people signed up um when I was there I saw them fixing a couple lamps like one was a nice antique lamp um so it's kind of neat to see that we can get that still um keep that from going in the lill and keep people uh keep these uh heirlooms at home the next one which I don't have the date yet because I'm not sure if it's set up is going to be a fix it Clinic because we have to do four of them a year but we're going to uh also have an upcycling activity and the activity that Liz decided to pick on pick uh that she has been practicing will be um rug weaving uh use t-shirts and so she's been practicing on how to do that so we can add that to the next uh fix a clinic it sounds pretty neat I can't I can't wait to see it and you're making your own um you make your own kind of weaving loom I think it's out of like a old hoop or something like that and people have been calling and they will be going out soon the the new um the new trash and recycling calendar should be coming out I think that we just kind of finished up on that and that'll get mailed out to all the residents but if you needed extra ones we always keep a ton of them at the health department and this year I believe that we finally got the color combinations right so all types of color blindness we'll be able to read them um any questions about Recycling and trash our contract is not up contrary to what other people are believing and keep asking for copies of contracts thinking that we're going to be up this year we still have we're only in year three so we have a couple more years of that and it seems that um with cassella we really haven't had very little complaints um trash gets picked up I know this weekend was a little hard because of the Saturday but so far so good they will be ours still for a couple more years um just I know last summer as it got really hot um they started early so if folks uh just be aware that that might happen this summer again and that wasn't on them that was on where they were bringing the trash to right um the m and Springfield they actually yeah they keep shorter hours on days where it's hot because the equipment can't operate yes so if you were like my house and your trash gets picked up at 7 um be prepared if it's really hot out yeah and so hopefully we'll be able to kind of get that out information out early instead of sometimes we'll get like a uh nine o'clock at night email by the way tomorrow is you know so trying to get that out through Facebook and through code red kind of gets a little tricky uh but but we kind of talked about that some other things that are on our radar with them is uh people have been putting um lawn waste in regular trash bags and putting them in their trash uh you might start seeing um tickets if you start doing that uh $50 you get yourself a transfer station ticket and you can bring it down to transfer stations on Mondays no on Wednesdays and Saturdays cheaper than a ticket um so that is that how much is a ticket just so people are aware um they could be anywhere from I believe uh $50 to $300 good to know don't put your yard waste in your trash yeah and Cella has the right also to ticket but I don't think they would ever I've never heard of them doing that Republic never did that either let's see so that is that for trash and recycling any questions comments um let's see updates I just have a couple updates I feel like we've been um this is sort of like the busy season of the health department where we're you know we're getting all of the pool paperwork coming in all the camp paperwork and both of those are brand new to the um open goov online uh e- permitting um so on my end I'm keeping busy with kind of processing all of that or not processing Renee processes the paperwork um I review it and then it goes over to um Alex um and now Chris if for the camp stuff too and Camp inspections will start soon I know pool inspections have already started we've been getting tons of um permits for temporary festivals coming up obviously Carnival this week was the farmers market started I guess it had could turnout on that one um very just very kind of busy heavy uh permitting time of year um and especially kind of trying to get people uh acclimated to some of the new regulations like the camp regulations they're not they're not too different but but they're enough to kind of tweak everything a little bit that you know they have to re um visit a lot of their policies we also were able to hold um a food safety manager certification class last month um and it was pretty well attended uh I think we had maybe like 15 or 16 people and of those people at there were at least three different um faith-based organizations in Town Sent uh people to get food safety cert food safety manager certified um which kind of shows that a lot of the faith-based organizations are kind of branching out when it comes to trying to to fundraising and making sure that they kind of are meeting the same food safety goals as our you know regular food service establishments that we have in town um mostly that would mean like things like being able to have events where it's not just um their congregation that's coming but they can open them up to the town too like uh we have the harmony Fest and a couple other things like that in town um and that makes me happy that people more people are getting oh are getting trained with um with that and because we were able to do it um she actually charged significantly less than if you were going to go on your own so hopefully we can make it sort of a regular um a regular thing that we do every year having them come to town uh and I'm also looking into trying to get uh a trainer to do um choke saving uh for the next upcoming year let's see other updates anything else I'm forgetting Renee um no I I was going to talk about the cassella thing uh well um the the heat thing because I I don't know about anybody else but I'm I'm a very delicate flower in the summer so um I think that and did they say something about um making sure that the um that the barrels are as close to the road as possible I think we got an email a little while back saying that um it was back about 5 to 10 feet from from The Edge I think that's the only thing I can think of oh yeah to make it easier and making you know you know double cheing I know everybody's orders on Amazon making sure that all of your uh recycling is broken down to by two two feet by two feet because that's what that's what fits in the hopper um so all cord Bar Boxes have to be broken down by two feet to two feet yep so they can't just be collapsed boxes no oh this so basically the size of the size of the of the blue bin it doesn't have to be in the blue bin necessary like if you want to wrap them up um but they'll need them that size so that they can get in okay um and you know we try to work with them to make sure that if people aren't doing that that they send the that they put a a little notice it's like a it's yellow right Renee it's a yellow sticker that either yellow or blue I think it's blue it's blue I think it's blue well there is a there is a sticker that they that goes on your trash if it's so if it's overweighted or if um if it's if if you have more trash in it then and it can't shut that's another they won't take it that way so you have to make sure you have it in a um uh P you throw bag and I just thought of something and then we started talking about trash again and it just went right back out it [Music] was should have wrote it down that a daily occurrence it'll come back to you after the meeting is over I'll write it down to make sure for the next oh um I didn't write it down but I meant to talk about it um so if you would like we talked about this at the last meeting with the new model um tobacco cells uh regulations that have come out um I have talked to some of the people at um mhb and mhoa and uh they would be willing to come kind of give us a little talk about the new stuff in the regulation um so we can always set that up for our next board meeting um just to get get a better perspective on it from what they um what they see in the reg in the model code so we can do that still feel like I was some about to say something else the only thing I can think of that we ever talk about in the spring going into summer is test control I that is exactly so you read my mind um we've started with um the first round of catch Basin treatments um we're going to do an extra round this year uh another like a September round because usually we do April April let's see April and July the two rounds so this will be April July September to kind of cover that area um and I think that there are starting they haven't hit out here yet but they're starting to um to do the traps and and kind of our our Piner Valley mosquito control district um and kind of do surveillance out here um so when that starts um to pop up you can rest assure that you will be hearing from me about mosquitoes um and you know this is also kind of the beginning of a variety of vector born diseases that we'll see so uh ticks mosquitoes making sure that you're cleaning your yard that you're tipping over all the water that's standing in your yard cutting back brushes further away and that you know making sure that when you're out hiking you're out um in wooded areas doing the tick check super duper important um you know and I will say so with uh with Chris monitoring the uh Maven uh I'm not quite sure what people are starting to see out there and is it quiet in the hospitals it's quiet that's yeah I mean as of right now things are fine so that's a good there's just weird viruses in general like not anything Vector born as of right now so are we just gonna see weird viruses forever well and that's um I don't know if you guys heard about it but they had like tropical mosquito diseases on the northeast like chicken Gia and den that out to us yet yes that was in um where was it goodness this is I can tell I haven't had enough sleep with a sick kid but yeah there's again all these Vector born diseases because it's been we didn't have that bad of a winter um and there was ticks much earlier this year though because of that too that's the only other thing yeah there was um you know we were getting phone calls in the winter time our ground does not freeze in western Mass at least in this portion of Western Mass anymore so all they changed our region did you see that for like flowers they changed our region like our growing region so that's indicative of like the warming of the whole region yeah that's a USDA map or something it's the whole like whole country basically climate change is real well I was kind of hoping because we are um the count is required to work on a project uh for um kind of uh responding to emerging threats and I was really hoping that we would do heat um and heat related diseases but they picked water safety so we'll see how that goes for starting for next fiscal year um but I'm Cur you know that's also curious because we were affected by um we were affected by um the uh the main break from Springfield because a good portion so it does it does it has affected us so it is a little timely but I feel like we're seeing so much more heat related illness that that I you know I think that maybe that'll be like the year after that let's get get even hotter and then we'll start dealing with it as a county um that's my updates it's EAS thanks anything else going on we should talk about Chris yeah I you were talking about global well how things are getting warmer with global warming um when I was at that convention out there um there was a guest speaker his name was Tevin not Kevin he had a twin brother Kevin but this was Kevin Wooten and he is the meteorologist ologist for WCVB 5 he did a lot of talking about uh global warming and um how important it is to you know all we know we all know how important it is to take care of our our Earth but he also concentrated more on the Boston area and how um he brought up a map on how hot that whole area is and how he would kept saying um that Mother Earth has a fever you I'm saying she's got a fever and things are getting hotter and he compared two screens between one year was like year 2000 and I can't remember in the earlier 2000s compared to now and the screen was all red it was just crazy the amount and how much they have to close down some of their lakes and ponds in the summertime because of the you know Airborne or vector diseases that are in those areas so I thought that was really interesting um that he brought this up and um to be honest I'm I'm very concerned about it I'm I'm very concerned about this um global warming and how we can try to help prevent it somehow um but anyway that's my little soapbox speech we oh no we have a lot of seniors living at home and uh while we haven't been impacted that much with you know 911 calls I can foresee that in the future we will probably start seeing a much more significant increase because of heat related stroke other illnesses at home yeah there's very sensitive to that yeah that worries sorry the art the article I was talking about was saying how because of global warming we're seeing mosquitoes that we normally would not see in New England and that there is potential a risk at some point but there's not been any of that yet so that's good news but more reason to kill the mosquitoes yeah oh wow okay thank you more reason someone can find for no just annoy you that's all right more reasons to have bats that would be a fun thing if we could F if we could do like a um for one of the uh upcycling Events maybe do some sort of like a bat box my kid made one at on his field trip we have a bat box I have to figure out where to put it we put ours up we made ours last year they do it with what is it second grade they take all the kids in second grade to make bad houses on a field trip I've been doing it for years I actually went I went on some of those field trips with the kids um in isan Meadow up to um it's a place up in mson they had a ball they had such a good time building those bat uh homes and um they're very effective I feel cool anything else should we we look at a planning or meeting I don't yeah I picked up a citronella plant at the Garden store oh those are supposed to be great yeah figured rather than burning a candle I could just like plant a plant two for one sequester some carbon right kill some mosquitoes very true did we want to take I I know we discussed taking the month of July off sorry my neighbor chose right now to mow their lawn right outside my window um so if you can't hear me just yell um or we're just going to be working around everybody's schedule so whatever shout outs some dates I could do the first week of August any night that week that's fine you talking about the the first full week of August yes like the 5ifth through the 9th I have some plans on the seventh 8th at night so like the fifth would be better I can do the week before or the week after as well I cannot do the week after okay let me look at the email that yeah if we need to invite guests it might behoove us to have like a a date and a backup date I just want to make sure when um safe to say that Mondays and Tuesdays are generally blacked out except for months with a fifth week like that um let's see school committee meets on Mondays planning Council meet the first and third and 2 and fourth Tuesdays so that's every Tuesday except for a fifth Tuesday Sammy you just need to go back and tell it that they need to reup the zoom license that second and fourth Mondays for the Center District steering committee I'm like okay I think we we just come up with dates we throw them at the wall and see what sticks and if they've already Tak yeah so I could do the week of the 29th through the August 2nd and I can do the fifth or the sixth of August the rest of August I'm gone I took a two week vacation this year you want should we keep the fifth and sixth open does that work and then I I'll reach out to the mhoa people to see if they are available for that we give them two days perfect does that work for you Rebecca Y that works that's fine okay I'm gonna put it on both days just in case yeah I did the same thing be on the safe side okay well zto all right getting it done okay do we have a motion to close the meeting so moved all right uh and I can second that motion um So Christine Johnston I Katy jobbins hi Rebecca torsa hi all right uh the meeting of the health the Board of Health is closed thank you all so much enjoy your summer Tammy let us know if anything comes up and you need us just reach out take care everybody thank you guys by night bye