we got Rob uh how soon is Sam all right I'll wait all right this this is this is done did no that's something okay sorry rap but fine okay I'm here calling Tuesday July 2nd 2024 meeting ofing board on in the audience or on meeting we say yes or no and we State the name than everyone the H who might be recording meeting if some please state your name meeting so call a roll call most attendant are go f Rob Terell so the first item is the approval of j24 Open Session minutes anybody have any edit I a motion being approve read second none next item is the reorganization or slection share by share alert I no one wants to step up it's the chair that solid okay yes uh thetion any discussion wow I hear none all favor say I hi hi uh Vice chair I nominate son CH I'll not here whoever's here I'll s your sm all right any discussion all fa say I I aition Clark good Rob does a great job okay Nom and Nomine Rob any discussion you thought I about beat the me happy to do it again me uh reappointed George Kingston as the timate play convention and then we also reappoint to position of board and it was fruitful because he's also sharing it so that made so before I just get into the who represent George G he was and oh wa you yeah do you want to be the person that's I did it last year nomin any discussion n I'm a favor say I I and before I get into the formal agenda so I've had the very good serving on a number of different boards agent moderator Charter commission planning board I've had a really good fortune of being able live with Don Mackey at this it's mying that Don will be in the summer I just want to let people know there is dedicated for open access to government uh and da rest this how great service see what's on on demand almost and I think that not only sporting alls that they do also Pi I thought and thank you very much I appreciate that I think yeah you started aing for great job John Miss thank you but he's also he's also great bird yep thank you thank you all right um item four public hearings don't we should so first bring Sam okay you could um note the date that read the note so this is you say m Rob so this is 2024 actual five the request for special permit for little caar pizza restaurant 6.6 and Street uh we had a hearing about this um Rec the year CL of the and really the purposes ofate is actually vote those of you who are not in attendant just let you know that the very very good presentation Byer it was very clear that he Mark had gone back and worked with property owns so the long short of it is there are set hours for deliveries there are set hours for transic up there are set hours for they uh operation operational stre parking spaces stre parking that on need parking spaces yeah so really the purpose for this evening is to either approve or deny the someone willing to make motion some second motion made second any further discuss UNS at they together sign Park stuff sitting care people the street realize what's going on I'm amaz thanks great and the John Sam hope you can hear all the nice things we're saying about you but I I am hearing it however it's very very low I don't know what's wrong with the mic it's either my end or your end no it's our it's our end it's a my nice things about I hear I hear most of the nice things thank you I think you do it outstanding J okay so appreciate it any further discuss and we're actually happy to be part of the the community good thank you hearing no further discussion all the papor say I day night that I F but all said you're Ence good Lu thank you sir thank you for the whole panel and um do I stay on here or what do I do so uh before you leave Sam uh I'll reach out to you tomorrow I'm gonna file your uh decision top then we can talk about next steps I'm sorry I didn't hear that you'll reach out to me tomorrow I'll talk to you tomorrow uh about next steps so we can get this moving for you okay okay Yes sounds good sounds good congratulations have a good evening you be thanks all right Rob I'll give it a shot um uh sd- d222 d01 requests to extend the happy acre subdivision performance guaranteed one year to expire on August 4th 2025 you think think will be be six but you tell us what want do okay so uh two years ago which seems like El that received endorsement from this board and did two years to complete the work uh which expires August 4th work is very close to completion choule seen it roads are will down waterers in G G comp but it's very close to being completed uh I spoke with theing director which yeah in theing she spread extension di said well why not a year I hope it need it um but I I see for a year s performance guarantee just to get us talk we're very close or at least BL the questions that made with the first and my white working yeah they were they were asphalted I be down really I mean I really bad some all settles down heing further discussion I'll give you a motion to approve dou second any further discussion car none all in favor of the extension through August 4th 2025 scante for happy AC subdivision I I say figure sign on do p folks need the to hey Rob did you want me to sign this document on your behalf sure right sign that and Josh you can take that pile and send copy do you want to follow next it yep uh site uh I get that site 22022 d09 discussion on DPW comments uh the parking lot designed for seven per Street being out of compliance with the approved site plans great thank you everyone take care we turn over to our planning tractor sure uh and Rob do you hear me okay over here to know I it did yeah yeah okay uh okay so this next item was actually something brought up to us by the DPW superintendent Bruce um so uh there was a site later improved in 2022 for a design of a office building with a party lot next to it so we're having issues regarding the Parky lot which had recently been completed made in the P two to three weeks um public Wars department has several issued with the pile the par mod self was constructed and there's reason to believe that they do not conform to specifics that were outlined in the site plants that were Reed by The Plan G so the memo that I test actually details several things that how Finance actually bring one up Which F so G to read the lists once it comes up so some of these items include uh a touch Bas not being designed correctly there're supposed to be a concrete pad underneath the two gum they all have that it's just regular asphalt that's not even mixed properly to hold that much weight uh there's complaints that asol is coming off the pain bit on Ste tires there's concerns that the trash cans are going to seek in the build the Asal spot they have recently um there's also issues with their uh storm water retention so they have all these aets that poting towards the wetlands um and not to mention there other details that are outlined here that I'm may be missed as well that don't match with the cents so what the playboard has to do as I detail some say memo playboard has to take a motion authorize DPW to go ahead and force and work with the contractor in the owner to get that parking lot up to comp and um complying with the plant all the detail and spe ifications that they're not fighting by but just keep in Minds if they keep making this issue but they work you guys do have the authority to suspend their site plan which could affect the use of the until they come back into so brings that back Qui so DB D keep coming to me saying that hey you're not doing anything has to kind of fall in love with so so this is kind of Step One um don't know if there's going to be a step two but if there is that imagine BR back at Pichu meeting soft pic I would say the motion I put in there on page two of the b r is the motion that we should uh read off for the record and B on um this way you can you know tell DPW to go ahead and start working with them to get that parking lot ripped it off they going to have to suppos they have to rip up the parking lot and start that's how bad there is an infiltration based in that uh according to DPW man they consult that requires are been paring lot putting that in redesigning regading everything it's just it's going to be expensive but again that's thetive warrant be It's oddly issues for runoff it's side so that's why you know I recommend making that motion um tonight and that way we can authorize DPW to go and start do he has any questions Rob any questions no I'm good that makes sense just have two things I'd like to edit first is I that we now I always like to next the last fine work with the DPW will res for C make will and that's uh motion me to the any discussion the changes motion has Sor made second any discussion item I'm surprised I yeah bu before V some just read so it yeah authoriz BPW contract stop Street site move site D 2022 death9 outstanding failure result brother action suspension the site play all in favor say I thank you um iation following the planning board meeting on Tuesday July 30th 24 6 PM so um the reason why that's in the agenda is go the Town man office appro me and ask if it be GL there because they felt that July 2nd August 20 long because we have perit applications coming in and people they they express to me that F surface to have such a long Gap uh so they asked if the play board would consider by 30th have a meeting uh and then after that the next meeting always 20 so that's about 20 days yep I'm actually G read yeah I I'm Rob are you available yeah goodbye me that City official account and Community Development charers report right going to read first day go get very quick on this so just give you guys up need dates July 30th uh August 6 is getting canell in the National Night Out up August 20th September 3rd SE 17 and October ver all so you guys want to plan for how many in the future and you know the next stage we get back to normal pun to September that's best thing we do twice a month ver 13th uh terms ofal permits we have two St for applications one for an amendment to existing special permit for a home based trade the other and so I don't want give too much information seeing some subies uh then one for a cafe that's specialized in bu so those are two they fuming next uh want make it announced public that upcoming event the fourth July firewall fireworks eight June 28th to July 3rd 6 7 p.m. and July 4th 4 p.m. Lo at Center fireworks will be July 3rd 93 School great July start school at 10 a.m. ending on Elm Street at B Pars in terms of projects that Mike F's doing you're starting zoning F lot by law to go into the Z RS and the Reas beening trying to deal with lot that's five Lots that's a lot of in the frontage but they have are these lots are shap so the house would be further back and the at fall in our town if were to allow something like that and fire there which is really our so try to make bath so that's what we're working on and then that's it don't like very not when other towns people have done through special permit and that's how we're considering researching G oh see should do somebody squeaks house somebody good okay all righty no F Vis none on favorite hi thank you a good holiday thanks you too