yes all right uh this is the Tuesday June 18 2024 meeting of the isan metal planning board um required to ask if there's anyone in the audience or by Zoom who might be recording this meeting and if so please state your name ask again if there's anyone in the audience who is recording this meeting please state your name or anyone on Zoom hearing none the call of the role Bill Fon is here myself Russell Denver and Rob Terell and absent as Cassie CH wo and Pete hundson I'm going to ask that we come do a little re rearranging of the agenda so I would ask for a motion to take out of order the appointment or reappointment of George Kingston to be the town's repres representative to the pioner valley Planning Commission as an alternate so move do I have a second any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I I thank you I probably would like to take the next item if we could take under new business a if you could read that y case an an-224 d05 request for endorsement that approval is not required under the subdivision control law Advocate Gilbert C Roy 124 Lal Street Isam Mass 010 debate the people who might be watching and uh Michael Smith from Smith associate surveyors uh representing Mr Roy they have to sign in while you're doing that if you just let let people know what uh so going on I don't know if you guys got a copy of the plan in front of you I do have one um so basically currently in two lots one of which is a non-conforming lot and they are reconfiguring the lot to make two conforming Lots um both meeting the frontage and square footage in the residence B Zone uh adding the triangular piece out front to get the frontage and the large Square out back to get the area and creating new Lots I can't remember what the lot numbers are on there on the new Parcels uh f and g are the new Parcels any questions from the board no so do I have a motion to um endorse the approval not required for sub subdivision control La for 124 Lal Street East real easy so moved yeah second any further discussion hearing none on the motion all in favor say I I Ione oppose can we just sign them right now I got take them perfect that works full service tonight so actually I'm have to V on St because um I have to submit the sign copy the assessor's office y so come by on Friday Pi them up sounds like a plan I'll be there thank you appr all right no problem I still sign up yeah right you sign both copies guys you only have to file one the reg but doesn't M any the nuns at for Cathedral would be that's the best thing to write on these things Sharpie I know it's still tough while we're at it if we could just take uh under new business C appointment of planning board's fy2 25 representative to the community preservation committee excuse me so I would uh make a motion to appoint their representative Bill fona he's currently the chair of the committee so it would certainly make sense I'll make a motion I'll second that any further discussion I'm good with it all those in favor say I I anyone oppos say nay so that matter passes as well so the approval of the May 21st 2024 Open Session minutes make a motion to approve the May 21st 2024 Open Session minutes do we have a second second a motion made in second any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I anyone oppose n so that matter passes so the setting of the meeting dates for July in August do you want to lead this yes I included a uh little chart in your packet that shows the mean dates that are coming up um so so far to my knowledge I believe we have one on July 2nd then July 16th then we have one meeting in August the reason for that is because in August we matched one night out during one of the plan board meetings so that was canceled so the planing board has to decide which of those two July dates they want to keep and which one they want to cancel um Russell had indicated to me that the board would rather meet once a month the summer because of vacations and stuff like like that so yeah up to you guys I won't be around on the 16th August this is July July July Cham so we're looking to save one of them yeah we can it's good for you oh 16 so choices the 16 16th or this or the second um I'd say the second is better okay we'll do the second all right so you guys um I don't know do you typically vote on something like that or no sounds good to me I will have the second be the meeting in July deleting the 16th yep and what what we gonna do about August August we only have one schedule 20th okay all right it would be helpful if you could go to the community night out they set up a table from the planning department oh yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely okay everything else is y awesome um Mr Clark first item under public hearing uh kzn d2241 proposed zoning bylaw Amendment regarding commercial chamling allowing the use an industrial Zone District by special permit continued from 319 there is a letter in the packet asking that we just continue this until okay yeah um he's should be in attendance yeah okay sir hi good evening there's just a little glitch on the zoom it wouldn't let me in at first but um pleasure to be in front of you guys um yeah I had um been making some some good progress on this I have um met with some managers I had uh spoken to some people that have done the the zoning issues before and bylaw issues before and met with planning departments and I have a couple meetings scheduled coming up with um some local companies um that have been through the process before and that might be able to give me an idea of some conditions uh I did speak to um a couple people that said essentially there's not a heck of a lot in terms of conditions or bylaws that they were asked to do but I was hoping to get the layout of um the kennels get an idea of how their formula works there's one company that's formula I think has worked very well um over the past few years and I I kind of wanted to get a sense of before coming back around so I was hoping to to continue our date to to July uh so July that meeting is in about two weeks do you want to yeah that's that's pretty soon I mean I could probably get it done by then but I I was hoping to get a little bit more time than that just so I August you can go to August August yeah so is August 20 I think I heard you guys talking is August 20 the the date you guys are meeting y okay um I'm fine to go to August 20th if if the board is yeah so I just want you to realize as well that there is a ongoing effort by the town they have a committee which Mr Terell is the representative involving uh potentially rezoning redoing uses that are allowed within the center area of East Long Meadow so I think it would be wise of you to touch Bas with our planning director to uh get a feel for what has taken place so far through this initiative just so that you're not kind of spinning your wheels right okay gotcha who's the who's the contact person over there that I should be reaching out to Roba okay and I believe we spoke before so I will certainly reach out to you again I I appreciate that information anytime all right uh so there's a request to continue to have a motion to allow continuous until August 20th 2024 6 PM yep to say this make a motion to continue so it's a ZN zn1 yep two a second second motion made second any discussion hearing none all in favor say I I oppose say nay okay next item uh Cas thank you guys yep case sp-202 4-05 request for special permit for Little Caesar's Pizza Restaurant 620 6 North 626 North Main Street cessor paral ID 1-1 1749 located in the business zoning District at applicant samberry 1070 St James a Springfield mask 01104 continue from 5212 okay uh welcome hello hiks first of all thank you for all the data that You' have sent us you know my apology is that I didn't have my due diligence ready when I was on Zoom I've never been through this a rookie so um here to great job put information thank you thank you okay so um maybe I can just quickly recap so obviously you had heard a lot of issues related to um and I was on Zoom that night um on parking uh on Ingress and egress to the site in question to potential noise um uh hours of operation um overall kind of process yeah concerns so um we can throw it open to you if you want to specifically address for the people who might be watching on TV sure but you have forwarded and what you have found out okay um I would like to first start off by the uh the map that was submitted by me or um my contractor it was uh off a little bit um so I went ahead and I dug a little bit deeper and actually got this they call it a Geo Force fence we went ahead and pulled those cellphone pings to see how many people are coming into the plaza um I was actually able to capture this picture and look at it and it caught my eye of wait a minute uh this doesn't make sense with the site plan so we created 14 or 15 more extra spots um just by identifying that this was a mistake um so that clarifies the extra parking spots um then I went back and um was also concerned because if if we do have a problem essentially with our customers coming in and out then it will hurt my business essentially as well I don't want to have a cluster trying to get into there nobody would come to me and it'd be a concern so uh we did some more due diligence to see um like how people would um come in my business is is the dinner business so the traffic would be flowing um I have more like down Main Street okay and if you see like on the on the map here um if the dinner if if the side that we're on is a dinner side uh they'd be coming towards Spring from Springfield towards East Long Meadow and I personally would turn either down um that one street here H what's the name Hampton's can't read that side street there Van djk Well van djk is passed by the pride stat Thompson yes Thompson I'm sorry so my cons customers would essentially either go through the main entrance to get to me or through the three entrances on Thompson Street U that's what they would use to probably go in and out more passing the Plaza then going down Van Dyke I noticed when I parked there for a couple nights most of the traffic through the pride are using van djk and I understood right away why that was an issue and then I looked and I said okay well I I I could see that because they're coming in through the main getting their gas and driving right back out and turning that's a big concern so I said well if I split this 33% 33% 33% and say my customers are going to use this equally how much of an effect will it be on this Plaza so I went back to the data that we pulled in the pings saying that okay if I'm bringing in let's say 10 to 12 cars during those peak hours and they were to go equally in here it would be about maybe 3 a half to four vehicles per hour is what I would bring in additionally to this Plaza so then I went ahead and went to the extent to say okay well if my customers did use this equally 33% each or or whatever um H how would it affect the the the customers's um safety well then I sat there in the parking lot and I watched and that's where I said well my customers would not want to go through the gas station because I went through the gas station and you got like you someone said last meeting you know you got people coming back and forth to the pump right but then I said well as me coming to get pizza I would want to be safely parked in front of my spot or if I was a delivery guy I wouldn't want to be parked on the side that's when I went to the landlord and I said look I think I have a Sol solution to this issue while keeping the customers from going to Van djk if they have four other ways to get into the plaza to avoid that traffic why don't we just bring them and have two confined spots to pick up and since our business um if you see most most of our business is pickup okay versus there's one section that says H&R H&R is basically how many pizzas are picked up I'm sorry delivered versus the total transactions so if you took that we get more people to come pick up their business their pizza then have it picked up by like a third party so me and the landlord collaborated and we said okay since there's only three parking spots in front of the plaza I mean front of my site let's try to be fair and say okay we'll give you two of those which you could decorate Little Caesars and put parking whatever for Little Caesars and we'll designate one on the side opposite side of the pride right next to that handicap for your party um and if you look at the third party I'm not going to tell you I'm a Genie but I can almost bet there's not going to be more than you know one one I'm not going to need more than one um do you get to yes I mean can he squeeze in there maybe park next to him until the other guy moves sure but is it going to be consistently a problem I I don't see it uh through the numbers that we're looking at our other locations and then through the numbers there that are coming into the plaza I I don't see the issue of having more than one parking for the uh third party by the way this is new to our company it's only been two and a half years so maybe five years down the road if we grow we're not a delivery business uh we're more split like between pickup and third party delivery we we don't have our own delivery people um like dominoes for example they're 70% delivery and 30% pickup we're probably the opposite 70% pickup 30% deliver so we're just new into this um so that that's the parking part as far as the delivery goes that I'm open to because as I mentioned last time that Little Caesars is the actual owner of Blue Line distribution which brings us our food they're our food supplier we're not allowed to buy anything from anywhere else so we can't go to Cisco we can't go to mlan we can't go to anybody if we run out of food I actually brought my that fixes all my equipment and stuff with me sometimes we have to stay closed until we get our food truck in there because we're not allowed to buy anything from anywhere it happens sometimes so they have the key to our store whether we have to have a uh drop when we're closed or open we could do whatever it takes to accommodate the board and your suggestions to me I also went on and and seen you guys have like a noise um ordinance and I see that so that's why I suggested the those time frames um so I don't not interfering with that however um I would like the board to give me a suggest of when is a good time for a truck delivery and mind you this would be in the back only because I proposed it we don't want it in the front right and then so it's a 30 minute drop um you have flour cheese it's all raw material that we make in the store so it's not like a whole bunch of stuff it's just the raw material and we make the stuff from water and yeah spices and stuff where is this where where is your Hub where is this where is he coming from he's coming here to You song Metford Hartford Connecticut Harford yep now does he have multiple stops on this truck so because of so he'll go to like um chapi first Mo think so so he goes to chapi First Springfield so the schedule is open that's what I'm trying if we don't have a yeah if we don't have a problem in our other locations and here is the concern that I could tell them hey guys um I've been with them for 18 years we need to fix this because I don't want to have an issue with the neighbors or the board or the city right so they would accommodate what I want them to do to be able to make it right what time does he start they start at 4:00 a.m. or no they are probably almost 24 hours because there's times that we get a drop in there like 3:00 in the morning um there's times i' never had it I was sa yeah yeah okay somewhere between 800 a and 5:00 P p.m. yeah 8 AM 8 5 oh that's plenty of time just we're gonna make it a condition of the permit yeah no problem yeah 800 am and 5:00 P pm and the deliveries need this is for Blue Line all deliveries we're yeah I don't have anybody else like I said I mentioned Pepsi Pepsi literally has has 25 cases I could have uh Mike here bring in his truck if I had to yeah I mean I don't sell Pepsi like a Pride Gas Station would that we sell maybe 25 to 30 in my busiest store cases and because you get grab a pep impulse it's impulse it's impulse but yeah but it's not a major part of no no but you walk in Hey Dad we need soda oh 100% but here's what I'm I'm actually thinking that I'm gonna lose a lot of that soda business to the pride because if the Pride's selling it for whatever two bucks I'm always going to be a buck 50 more because they get by volume I don't yeah so let me just this is very important here so blue line delivery deliveries will have to be to the rear of the building yep there's only one that's all we have to worry about put that into a condition as well so you've you've also addressed so hours of operation you said from 11 to 11 to 10 sometimes um in the summer or occasionally if we feel that this specific site is getting foot traffic we'll stay till 11 um 11 to 10 11 to 10 11 to 10 sure 11 and 10 what time is the ice cream shop open because I I think he was open till 11: I don't I don't think so till about 9 okay early it does close um trash collection same thing to the rear of the building um does the building do you have to use the same um I walked it the other day and trash people there is it USA hauling yes yeah yes so when are they getting picked up everybody else okay so yeah I mean um we would have to contact them and tell them to pick me up I mean there's like six other ones so I don't know what the other people are doing by the way I went to all my neighbors um uh and talked to them before I came and we were just I was just getting some information about what time they close so there was one salon that's advertising 7:30 that closes at like 6:30 and then the other one they closed at 7:00 right so so there will be more more parking available more parking available yeah yeah I got it okay um as far as the trash though I can find out just I'll tell them pick me up I guess the same time you pick them up so so unfortunately sometimes petitioners who come in after Pride have to live with the sins of Pride and the former owner of Pride was not a good neighbor and uh so you know it's you know it's kind of imprinted on our brain about them yeah you know among he has a couple locations in town okay and that previous owner was not was not a good neighbor uh so we're we're concerns about that you know my so I've walked this like three or four times times I've driven it four or five times including today um for your neighbors and for you because you are in a butter you know a big concern is and it's not your concern but a big concern is there's a business called Competitive Edge which is across the street on Van djk across from the directly across from Mexican restaurant that's on the other side no the kitty corner if you're looking at Pride if you're staring standing there looking at Pride to left is going to be Competitive Edge ski shop yes yes yes they have like boats or whatever and they they've got stuff within their parking area and so there's next to no parking at all for a retail establishment and it pushes those Parkers into the street which is not something you can be responsible for I I understand that so the other thing I did notice so on wood um so where City Line is um if you go in off of North Main downwood the first house on the left there is a very faded no parking sign there and then the next person put up their own sign that said no parking right there I thought that was hilarious yeah um so so in the plaza can I finish can can I finish so I I think one of the things that could help I think potentially is to have Rob reach out to The Building Commissioner and he and I spoke about this today I mean they may have been in place prior to you know the parking uh parking requirement in the by lot but I think you said that there they should have at least six parking oh sorry 12 12 parking spots they clearly don't no and nothing it's never been lined either it's never been lined never been lined and there are dumpsters there are storage units there and I think that if we went to them the town went to them and said you know this is what should be going on that might take some of the on Street traffic put it where it belongs and then you could also petition either the Town Council or Board of Public Works whoever whoever is the appropriate but to actually put in some no parking at least to the corner and yeah or down a couple pass your house or you know yeah because it it does get in you know again this isn't your concern but they have the bike clubs and the streets are the streets are jammed yeah Monday and Wednesday I have bike clubs there can't even get down the street but again that's not your concern yeah these are the issues that we're dealing with on top of you know bringing your glad you guys are telling me because this might hurt my business right because if you're if you want to avoid uh state or I'm sorry the Main Street then they're going to pass right by me and try to go towards like Big Y and get away from you but anyway nevertheless I think that's a real this is a real a real issue just for that immediately it is it's not it's it's it's more of an issue of I don't want to say non-compliance but just bring them up the speed of what what they should be doing okay the business has been there for a number of years for some reason the lot was never painted so of course cars are going to be everywhere including a street they have I was telling today they have a in in September they right around labor date they have a tent sale for a weekend and they kick everybody out of the parking lot set up tents in the parking lot that's another issue again but all it does is throw that traffic into the street the street yeah which can exasperate your condition right um so to that topic if you walk the site and I'll tell the uh landlord myself that I'll I'll pay for it so he's got a good maybe five to six signs in the parking lot stating that only people that are are part of the pride Plaza can park there so if we can make that bigger and I will um you know why that you know why they're there because the bike club when the previous owner was there the bike club used to park in that parking lot and he kicked them out then they went down to Kelly fet which is down the street Kelly Fett's business exploded so now they're back to parking on my street so are you guys familiar with the hulo yeah okay so you know that's where my chicke location yes so before now it's the oil change okay so before that when we first moved in there I had a problem with the hooko flowing into my business on Friday Saturday nights yeah okay so while I have you know my 8 to 10 that's a little bit busier than my Springfield location because of the traffic there but um my busier times I would always have a problem and um we put a sign all over that says to you know owners would be towed and I towed about 10 to 15 cars before they got to point and I swear to you ever since then before they closed I had no problems after that once you tow they start talking oh if you park there they're going to get tow so I understood why um you guys kind of asked me to see if I can get something done from the landlord and I understand why the landlord is very open to it and he told me Sam you know um I I get it but then I was concerned so that's why I went there during those busy times um I I maybe I didn't go while that tent show was happening and I I was there on a Friday night a Thursday night and I was there on Saturday night and I wanted to see what what was flowing the plaza does get busy um however it it was flowing right and then all those guys that were getting uh by the way that pizza I'm sorry I'm taking you guys off the topic that somebody brought up the pizza topic of why pride is selling pizza they're frozen pizzas yeah we know that we know that oh okay well I thought they were actually like cooking them so they're frozen pizzas and you're cook so anyway they cook it there for you really they'll take you take it over there and I asked the person because I was in regular you you I asked them I said you know you guys sell a lot of this pizza he said no I said why why do you guys have it all plastered up everywhere I wanted to see if they were KN knowing that I was coming into town and they so just a promotion that they tried chicken too and chicken failed and the resident that was talking about I can't stand uh living next to a place that sells fried chicken or fish because it stinks yeah I couldn't say all this on the you know the yeah but it it stinks or you're on TV I don't when they open there's a little trick here they open events at certain times of the day to let it out to let it out so people get hungry you start it's all psychological so we don't fry and we don't have anything fried so this is a public hearring so can I get a motion to open the public hearing make a motion to open second uh any discussion hearing N El open public hearing say I are you all done presenting I I think you've touched everything yeah yes can I interrupt you really AB importance yeah um the reason why I brought up the point earlier that we need four members here is because you can't vote at the fourth member you can still deliberate and do conditions and findings and stuff like that you can't make a decision unless Pete hunson can get here or he can call in to the meeting well let me call him yes pleas oh I turned my phone off when the alarm went off yeah earlier everybody been getting those all afternoon yes is he the one cooking one at Costco right is he said he had an appointment at cost at Costco let's let's just uh Mr Paige do you want to add anything as the only really okay uh there is an individual on zoom on this matter l in okay great okay me try to get Pete and just um you know give him a quick summary if you want to Russ just so he knows I'm gonna put him on speaker your call has forward sorry 1 okay all right so let's make a motion to close the public hearing so moved have a second made second to close the public hearing any discussion hearing none all in favor say I post hearing none that passes so we'll bring it back to the board so conditions so we believe that the hours of operation would be from 11:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. and there's a story behind that as well so I talked about the previous owner of Pride not being the best individual he once had a midnight closing he tried to expand that this board said no and he did it anyway and then the town never enforced it for a year or so and then on another matter involving pride in town the town attorney just felt because the town had not uh enforced it that it was a for us and so he's stayed open longer so very we're very diligent about closing times okay so 11 10 that's doable I mean my business from 10: to 11 is mainly the employees are cleaning and we're selling a few pizzas we don't even do that much so we can do the same thing hours of delivery between 8:00 am and 5:00 p.m location of where delivery drivers May Park their vehicles we're talking to the rear of the building they must all the deliveries must be in the rear of the building is it possible on the apps to designate when the GrubHub door to they they go to this please pick up on the side of no I think we're talking delivery of their prodct I'm sorry they're going to know because we're gonna we're going to put a thing there and whatever and then when when they're we don't to get the same guys so we'll just start telling them they'll know they'll know yeah they'll know they'll figure it out that there there'll be a minimum of three parking spaces on uh signed parking spaces for Little Caesars that's okay yeah pursuant to the plan um that the trash collection be between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm and that all required state and local licenses must be acquired and kept current failure to meet this criteria is grounds for revocation of the special permit by the planning board that we have that in everything true so disclosure um so even though can't Grant the permit tonight we can votee on the conditions which will primarily Go the whole nine yards uh the wholeway so any further discussion we we never figured bre traps or anything there was none there never that was done okay and also that's a local requirement that they can do for health that goes I already took care of it with uh Alex Alex yeah yeah so she's okay I submitted the plans to that um there's a name for that grease trap that's on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember it however it is a under uh the sink grease trap does the same exact job but because of the volume of grease that we'll have be sufficient enough we don't have grease at all that landed from last ones but Rob tells me we also need to do a little better job about identifying the reasons we're we're voting for this so the first I think it would put that we he has met the necessary requirements regarding um onsite and off street parking uh the specific site is an appropriate location for the use structure or condition it's you know it's a restaurant within a business Zone uh it will not adversely affect the neighborhood that specific yeah there will be no nuisances such as noise or safety hazards created with the conditions there are adequate and appropriate facilities will be provided for proper operation and the proposed use appropriate screening by walls fences planting or other devices are indeed in place do we've got the whole fence to the rear of the building um trees back there too and the trees the exterior features or appearance will not be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood it's business with business uh number and design of access drives and traffic features shall be are adequate for the attended use and it must be in harmony with the or it is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning bylaws again business to business and he will have all the required state and local licenses so um with the conditions and with the reasons for granting of the permit what we can all really do is to say we approve of the conditions with the reasons uh common findings findings conditions and findings yeah uh so do I have a motion so moved second okay any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I I so procedurally can you let them know what we now need to do okay so meet again in two weeks meet again in two weeks July 2nd you can always Russell if you want to try Pete one more time you can if he picks up you can technically approve it tonight okay it goes to voicemail we know why yeah because he's avoiding me we do appreciate you making the trip out here though oh you know what guys I mean is my livelihood I I'd love to do business I picked this area for a reason right and I feel that I will do good here hey you can you can you give me all right can you give me two minutes uh no I can't okay all right for this man right here please okay all right bye he can't hear so in two weeks board meets again I see I can't think of a reason why anyone would say no okay so uh Mr chair you closed the public hearing for this right yes yes we did okay so I would say you vote to uh continue the board's deliberation to July 2nd 2024 at 6m motion July second yeah you can do that yeah you should just zoom in all right I'll zoom in um so on the motion that's been second any further discussion hearing none all in favor say I okay thank you for your time gentlemen and again I want to thank you for understanding how we do it here and getting all the information it's greatly appreciated it is it is what it is I appreciate it and thank you guys for your time okay thank you Sam I will be back in the office on Friday okay sure all right I'll be on Zoom that that same link or something it'll be a new link but you'll get a email from you yes okay guys have a good evening take care his hearing all right um Department planning director's report so I don't have an official report created yet because I'm still trying to figure out a nice template for it but uh we had our first so Rob can comment on this so we had our first committee meeting for the center Town District discussions uh it went pretty well we're talking a lot about logistics of summer events um and we I don't know I didn't stay for the part of the end but they started drawing the district boundaries um for the center Town District but that was pretty much it um and then for next meeting we have one anticipated uh special permit for a restaurant Cafe um where forgot where it was again they haven't even filed yet but we're anticipating that's going to be coming soon and then um one other hearing for a Homebase uh landscaping business um forgot the street but they actually have an existing permit now and they're going to have the permit mended so they can change their list of vehicles and so they can um change your site layout slightly and who is it I think you know who it is Landscaping I still want to say it now because it wasn't um advertised yet so I think know yeah so once it's advertised you know you guys will get the copy of the advertisement so you know so Rob I I went in to spend some time with Rob and I did say that it would be really helpful if when something's going to be advertised yeah that at the same time it be emailed to all of us because lots of times I'm out and about and they go hey did what about this I go what are you talking about so got a few of those yeah I got a few of those I don't know just be helpful yeah okay no other business a motion to adjourn I'll move second second any discussion all in favor say hi hi